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Page 1: Building a b2 b inbound marketing strategy that works for you

Building a B2B Inbound Marketing Plan that Works for You

B2B inbound marketing has gained importance over the past few

years. The basic idea behind inbound marketing is to make people come to you rather than

going out to the people as is the case with outbound marketing. With blogs, podcasts,

eBooks, SEO, sales copies and social media marketing, you bring the visitors to you in

comparison to outbound marketing techniques like TV advertisements and paper mails where

you reach out to the people.

Before starting B2B inbound marketing, it is important that you have a plan in place for it.

Without a solid and executable plan, you will lose sight of the things that need to be done and

the frequency with which they need to be done. By laying out a plan at first, you will know

just what needs to be done to achieve good results with B2B inbound marketing.

Frequency of Blogging

You must have a schedule in place for the blog posts that you

will create each month. Fresh content is a must to keep visitors interested in what you have to

say so you must blog at least 15 times each month...that’s around four times a week only.

You would see the difference with consistent blogging as sites that blog this many times

usually attract 5 times the visitors who blog once or twice a month. The more you will blog,

the more you will attract leads too. According to a research, companies who have more than

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50 blog posts see a 77% increase in the number of leads they generate. So, the more the

merrier! Do remember though that you must optimize your blog posts with specific geo-

targeted long tail keywords as that would help you out with your SEO campaign as well.

Social Media Selection

With so many social media mediums out there, it’s important

that you don’t try and market everywhere. You would be better off with selecting mediums

where your target audience can be best targeted. It’s best to select two to three mediums and

concentrate your efforts on those sites.

You shouldn’t only select a couple of sites best suited for your business; you must also decide

the frequency with which you will market on these social media channels. Too much of

marketing would put off your fans and too little of it won’t be able to capture their interest.

So, it’s best that you strike a balance between the two to get the best results.

Leads Conversion Plan

Any solid B2B inbound marketing plan would generate strong leads. When you will blog

frequently and market yourself strongly on social media, you would also improve your SEO

ranking and increase your visibility. The combined result of all three would be increased

exposure of your content to your target audience.

This would result it generation of great qualified leads. However, you must also have a plan

in place to convert these leads. Having around 15-20 conversion pages help in this regard and

with A/B testing you would see which type of conversion pages would work with the kind of

leads you generate. So, while making your plan, do make sure to have a plan in place for

closing out the leads too.

And when the talk comes about closing out leads, you can’t forget about the cash and check

processing system either. Businesses lose out so many leads because of poor payment

processing systems. You can put all your worries regarding such systems at rest with the help

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of Wesley Yuhn & Their revolutionary check and credit card processing

systems would ensure that once you have gotten your lead to the last hurdle, you would close

out the deal 100 times out of 100.

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