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    JUNE 2016 

    Why not come and enjoy the Garden on

    the Queen’s birthday? 

    We’ll be out there having a cup of tea and a piece of


    Sunday June 12th 3—5pm 



    Live music spot starts 3.30pm 

    Light refreshments 

    Bring your own picnic. 

    Bring your family. 

    Join your neighbours. 

    Come and see the Roses. It’s the best time of year! 

    Find us at Tolye Road, off Chapel Break Road, Three Score, NR5 9PR orwalk 2 minutes from Roys car park, past the ruins of St Michael’s and

     All Angels Church, at the end of Rubytail Way, next to the entrance to

    Banana Moon Nursery.

  • 8/16/2019 Bowthorpe News June 2016


    Clover Hill Community Association 

     Annual General Meeting 

    Thursday 9th June 2016 


    New committee members welcome - either residents ofClover Hill, Chapel Break or Three Score or

    representatives of regular, volunteer led groups using the venue. Nomination sheet will be in foyer 14 days beforehand. 

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    “InspirationalLearning”- children’s

    nursery receivesOutstanding

    Ofsted rating 

     A nursery inBowthorpe, Nor-wich has beengraded Outstand-ing by Ofsted forthe excellence ofits teaching andfocused support to

    ensure children and their families have a happy, secure and safe environ-ment to learn in. 

    The Footsteps Nursery at the Sure Start Children’s Centre onHumbleyard, Bowthorpe is run by Norfolk Community Health andCare NHS Trust (NCH&C) and was inspected by Ofsted on 4th April 2016. 

    The Ofsted inspector's report also highlights “inspirational” staff,“children’s eagerness to learn”, and “exceptional partnerships” with par-ents and external agencies. 

    The Ofsted inspector’s report rated Footsteps as Outstanding in allcategories: 

    Effectiveness of leadership and management - Outstanding 

    Quality of teaching, learning and assessment - Outstanding 

    Personal development, behaviour and welfare - Outstanding 

    Outcomes for children - Outstanding 

    The report said:

    “Staff have an excellent knowledge and understanding of how children learn.”  

    “All staff are highly skilled and sensitive in helping children form secure emotionalattachments”. 

    “Children make very good progress in their learning and are very well prepared forschool”. 

    Nursery manager Rachel Sandells said: “We're absolutely delighted with the re-port. To be rated outstanding is a real credit to the staff. I am very proud of theteam for the work they put in with the children and families.” 

    NCH&C runs four Sure Start Children’s Centres in Norfolk at Thetford, King’sLynn, Norwich and Cromer. In September, Ofsted also rated NCH&C's TreetopsNursery in Thetford, as Outstanding. 

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    HELP TO DELIVER THIS MONTHLY MAGAZINEwhich goes free to every home in Bowthorpe thanks to over100 local volunteers. 

    MORE help is neededWhen? One Friday or Saturday a month OR as occasionalstand-in.What time will it take? Shortest job = 20 minutes; longest job = 2 hours; and everything in-between. Who? If you are a



    or WALKER 

     you could be just who we are looking for! 

    Contact: E: [email protected] T: 01603 745698 (Please speak clearly if leaving your

    contact details on voicemail.) 

    Notice board

    Norwich South MP Clive Lewis signing a Tile 

    A huge thank you to everyone

    who came to the `Sign a Tile’ event on 8-9

     April. Together we raised over £2000! It was fantastic to

    see so many of you support your local Church and give so generous-

    ly. Your generosity has helped us start the work on the roof already.

    Thank you! It’s amazing what we can do together!

    We will be having a celebration service andblessing with a celebratory tea once the roof is

    completed. This special event will

    probably take place in the autumn.Further details will be in the

    Bowthorpe News.

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    Greeting from our newly re-elected councillor for theBowthorpe Ward 

    I would like to say a sincere thank you to the people of Bowthorpe

    for re electing me to office on May 5th. 

    I look forward to the next four years continuing to fight for all theresidents of Bowthorpe. I will continue to get fly tipping and graffitiremoved, and assist where I can with housing and benefitenquiries. My aim is to make Bowthorpe a clean and pleasantplace to live.. I look forward to meeting with as many of you as Iam able during my work alongside such groups as Friends ofWest Earlham Woods, Clover Hill Community Centre, The Four-ways, Mow and Grow and of course The Church. 

    I can be contacted by phone on either 01603 948212 or 07410946715 or alternatively via e-mail, [email protected] .uk /[email protected]

    Please feel free to contact me at any of the above. 

    Councillor Sally Button. 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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  • 8/16/2019 Bowthorpe News June 2016


    Main Service—

     10 : 30 am SundaysShort Daily Prayer Monday to Friday 7.15 am & 7 pm 

    Sunday Evening Service— Usually 6 : 30 pm Check on website

    Wednesday 10 am Service of Holy Communion and Healing

    For Catholic Mass please contact Rev. Bill Dimelow Tel. 743476

    or Fr. David Ward, The Presbytery, Townhouse Rd, Costessey Tel. 742812

     A huge THANK YOU  to all those of

    you who came to the Sign a Tile event

    in April, raising over £2000 for the

    Church roof. The total cost to upgrade

    the insulation and make the roof leak-

    proof will be about £70K. We have now received a major grant from Biffa

     Award, and some smaller grants from the Geoffrey Watling Charity, the

    Bishop of Norwich’s Fabric Fund and the John Jarrold Trust. But what has

    impressed me is the almost £16K raised locally. Through the generosity of

    local people, including Ronnie and Heather and the customers at the Norkie,

    the generosity of people in the Church, and your generosity, we have raised

    what we needed, and the work has begun. This is an amazing achievement!

    My thanks go also to the team of local people who have been working with

    me for two years to secure the grants mentioned. You know, it’s amazing

    what we can achieve when we work together. My thanks also go to the

    dedicated prayer team, who have been meeting weekly for the past two

    years to pray for the whole venture. Working together is important, but

    asking for God’s help is vital. In the first book of the Bible there is a story

    about a group of people who wanted to make aname for themselves, and so they built a tower

    reaching to the heavens (Genesis 11). This tower

    was called the Tower of Babel, and is a story of

    people who sought to achieve great things but left

    God out of their thinking. The result was God con-

    fused their language and the people were scat-

    tered across the world.

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    Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 (NIV Bible):

    “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” 

    ‘OPEN DOOR’ 



    WEDNESDAYS 1.30PM—2.30PM 



    Rafal-Laurynas Trofimov

    (aged 6months)

    on 15th May

    We may only be sorting out a roof here in Bowthorpe and not building a

    great tower, but all along we have sought to include our community and at

    the same time listen carefully to God. A major building project can easily

    drain people’s energy and vision, but I was determined that this roof pro-

     ject would have the opposite effect, energising people and inspiring themwith a vision of what God wants to achieve in and through us, and how we

    might use the church building to serve God and the people of Bowthorpe

    that God loves so much.

    Working together and having a shared vision which doesn’t cut God out of

    our thinking is vital. As we come to vote about whether or not to stay in theEU, let us remember that to build a genuine union between people takesgrace, forgiveness and commitment, where the hearts, minds and wills of

    people are changed from insularity to neighbourliness. History teaches usthat human attempts to cut God out never end well, but those who seekGod’s vision for humanity have a real hope and a long-lasting future.

    Rev’d Mark Elvin 

    Thank You to

    everyone who

    gave and to all

    who collected. The total will be

    given in the next issue. 

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    Mondays 2.30 Bowthorpe Church 

    June 13th speaker from Marie Curie 

    June 27th Time for Tea 

    FREE LED Light Bulbs

    For Home Owners and Tenants

    Would you like to replace all your light bulbs in your home with the latest

    energy efficient LED light bulbs, completely FREE of charge, fitted

    FREE and with lifetime guarantee ? To find out how you can

    Contact Gerry on Telephone : 01603 742266 

    Mobile : 07796673238

    E-mail : [email protected] 

    LED light bulbs will reduce electricity bills by around 11%

  • 8/16/2019 Bowthorpe News June 2016



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    Bowthorpe WI I wrote in April about a stainedglass workshop we were lookingforward too, most people man-aged three or four small items, see

    photo, it was a really good daythat was enjoyed by all. As a WImember there's so much that youcan do that several members whowanted to join us were busy doingother things, including a workshoplearning how to build and maintaina web site. We'll just have to bookanother date for later in the year! 

    The meeting in May concentratedon the structure and business ofthe WI and was very informativefor the many new members thathave joined over the past coupleof years. 

    On 6th June we'll be celebratingour Birthday and our speakerwill be telling us about Bolly-wood style dancing. The moreenergetic of us will be joining inand providing the entertainmentfor the other members and guests!there will also be our usualscrumptious buffet. The committeewill be organizing a refreshingpunch and we'll raise our glassesto wish the Queen, another Nor-folk WI member, our best wishes

    on her 90th birthday. 

    We meet on the first Monday ofthe month at 7.30pm at theBowthorpe Church Centre andwelcome new members, do comealong and visit. If you would like togive me a ring or drop me anemail I'll be happy to meet you atthe door. 

    Pam Bugg 

    746073 [email protected] 

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    Beech 2. Hazel 3. Elder

    4. Wild Cherry 5. Lime 6. Elm

    7. Scots Pine 8. Spindle




    5 67


    All of these leaves are from trees

    found in the survey of Twenty

    Acre and Bunkers Hill woods.

    How many can you identify?


  • 8/16/2019 Bowthorpe News June 2016



    Mow & Grow Top Gardening Tips 

    Here comes Summer and the countdown to the longest day of the year - June 21st.While plants are thriving so are the weeds – remember to hoe regularly and leave theweeds on the surface to wither and die in the sun. 

    Fruits... Strawberries aren’t actually a fruit but a member of the rosefamily. An excellent source of essential vitamins and fibre, they can helpwith digestive ailments, teeth whitening and skin irritations. Their fibreand fructose content may help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing digestion andthe leaves can be eaten raw, cooked or used to make tea. 

    Vegetables.... in the greenhouse sow Cucumber, Runner beans and Frenchbeans. Plan ahead for winter and sow Kale seeds now as they require along growing season.

    Outdoors sow Carrots in rows and cover with a fine mesh to protect fromcarrot fly attack. Chicory (adds colour to stir fries), Salad (Lambs Lettuceyou can harvest in summer and winter) and for extra energy and an abun-dance of vitamins don’t forget Spinach. 

    Something unusual? Try Kohl Rabi, easy to grow and quick to mature in less than 8weeks.. It’s a rich source of provitamin A, Vitamins C and K and Folate. Grow thesewith Nasturtiums to draw cabbage white butterflies away and plant mint to deter fleabeetles. Remember Nasturtium is edible so you can use leaves, seed pods andflowers.

    Pests and Disease... Birds are your friends in the campaign againstslugs and snails. Aphid and caterpillar infestations can be dealt with by

    hand if caught early enough but if they’re out of control you will need to

    resort to insecticides.

    If it’s dry, paint systemic weed killer onto the leaves of ground elder, lords and ladies

    and the like. Add a little in a jam jar and pop the tips of bindweed in. Be warned

    systemic weed killers are indiscriminate and will kill anything they contact! 

    Water... a precious commodity! Collect rainwater and use kitchen

    and bath water (if not too dirty, soapy or greasy). Water thoroughly

    once or twice a week rather than little and often except for hanging

    baskets and containers – water these every day.

    Lawn care...  June is the last month to apply lawn-sand or hor-mone weed killer. Mow once a week, raise the blade and leave thecuttings on the lawn to act as a mulch and prevent it drying out. If

    your lawn goes brown spike it out before watering thoroughly.

    If you would like a FREE quote for garden clearance and garden

    maintenance services please call the office on 01603 740107

    or visit our website for more information 

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    With apple and cherry blossom blooming outside our windows and the glo-rious sunshine (not to mention hayfever!) it was obvious that summer has at

    last arrived. We had lovely hot weather for a couple of days in May but thenthat horrible cold wind returned.  However apparently hot weath-er is just around the corner.

    We at Ashwell Court are enjoying our summer programme ofevents and have already had a visit to Bury St Edmunds.   Thisis always a very enjoyable visit whatever the weather.  Ifsunny there are lovely gardens to sit in and enjoy and if raining there is al-ways shopping and Wetherspoons! 

    Our evening entertainment is also varied.  We have had an enjoyable even-ing with songs, laughter and dancing with Pat James.

     It is always enjoya-

    ble when he and his wife visit, and of course we had our usual deliciousbuffet prepared by our entertainments team, who put in a lot of hard work tomake these evenings so enjoyable.  The team has our heartfelt thanks.  Weare looking forward to our strawberry tea followed by entertainment by DickHigh. 

    We are delighted to welcome our new cook, Sue, and wish her a happytime at Ashwell Court.  We thank Caroline, Maggie and helpers for so ablyholding the fort and cooking and serving such delicious meals while wewere looking for our new cook.

     Please all come and enjoy our Tuesday

    and Thursday lunches. 

    We send our very best wishes to Barbara, one of our residents, who hasbeen in hospital for a while.  We hope she will soon be fully recovered andback with us.   Also best wishes to Mary who has had a brief spell inhospital. We look forward to seeing you both home soon. 

    Best wishes to all our friends and neighbours from Ashwell Court.Bye for now. Best wishes. Margaret 

     A special occasion. Want a party! Need to hold a meeting!

    Chapel Break Village Hall  Harpsfield, Chapel Break

     Large or small room for hire( Very Competi tive rates )

     Bar available for extra charge. For detailsemail [email protected] or call 01603 442059.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Hello Everybody I am so sorry I missedthe May BowthorpeNews. 

    It was enjoyable to seethe trees dressed intheir gowns of shinygreen leaves, the

    blossoms and all oftheir flowers raisingtheir beautiful heads;the Blackbirds withtheir sweet sounds.We saw amazing Gold-finch visiting ourgarden. Sadly, only oneStarling this time. 

    I have not met all of ournew neighbours atBradecroft yet, but wemet Violet and Chris.It was so good to knowthey are happily settlingdown. Hoping all new-comers are happy. To all those not in good

    health we wish you well 

    Very sad news. (Annie wrote this in early May.) Roy has died suddenly. Alovely quiet man who enjoyed outings last Summer and came to socialevenings.He will be sadly missed by friends and neighbours. God bless Roy. 

     A special wish for a lovely friend Corina who is in con-stant pain. So too Alan who deserves a medal for all ofhis kindness to others. Time passes so quickly so may Iwish you a Very Special Summer and enjoy the longer

    days of sunlight. 

     Annie Clode 

    Coming soon ! Book the dates !BRADECROFT

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    Society Alive invites you to… 

    Norwich Inter -Community

    Summer Fete 

    This promises to be the biggest fete of all time in



    Face painting 

    Jewellery Craft stalls 

    Ice cream 

    Major raffles 

    Lucky dips 

    Demonstration dance 

    BBQ, tea, coffee and cake 

    Card and book stall 

    Many many more 

    Venue: Clover Hill Village Hall 

    Date: 30th July 2016 

    Time: 11am – 4pm 

    The only place where business mixes with pleasure nicely.

    Lots of stalls both indoor and outdoor. Don’t miss this. 

    Stalls available. Contact below for stall detail.

    [email protected] , text or call 07832972166 

    This lovely picture was taken by Bob White , aresident of Bradecroft, in the Bowthorpe Community

    Garden. Bob appreciates the raised flower beds, asthe flowers are high enough for him to get close tothem in his mobility scooter. 

    Coming soon ! Book the dates !

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    The Willows Community Group meets every Fri-day morning from 10-12noon (except Bank Holidays) inthe Bowthorpe Community Hub, behind BowthorpeChurch. 

    It started in March and regularly welcomes new peopleto join in friendship and activities, and coffee and bis-cuits of course! 

    We celebrated the Queen's 90thBirthday with a special lunch

    and cake. 

    On May 27th, we had a special team to talkabout the advantages of  'going on-line'. Theteam will bring equipment for people to use or

    people can bringtheir own i pads andsmart phones etc. 

     Also we are planningDementia FriendlySessions for anyoneinterested in learningmore about Demen-

    tia and how to sup-port those who haveDementia. 

    We are also lookingfor more volunteersto help support us inthis new venture. 

    For moreinformation, contactLois [email protected] 07766396430. 

    Lois Wiltshire 

    'Dementia Champion'  

     Are you a DementiaFriend?  Would liketo know more? 

    Just emailme.  Thanks. 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Notices fromNeighbours


    ORGAN & KEY-


    Drayton Village Hall,7.30pm-10pm. £6.00

    at the door . 

    Tuesday June 28th - 

    Bill King Bill is a new face to usand a fairly newcomeron the organ club cir-cuit, although he hasbeen playing part-timesince 1972 and as aprofessional musiciansince 1992. He plays

    Yamaha Tyros withpedals, so we wel-come him and lookforward to what hehas to offer.

    Do come and join usfor an evening of goodmusical entertainment

    with like-mindedfriendly people, you

    will be very welcome.Martin Drake –

    Chairman 01603745544


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    If you or your family or yourgroup would like to take care ofpart of the Garden and choosehow to plant it, please contact

    either Jill Wragg

    07762079477 Or 

    Madge 016703734767 


    *At last we got a litter binplaced just outside the

    Garden, in Rubytail Way. 

    *Norwich Norse now cut thegrass strips in front of thepergola (It is still down tovolunteers to do the rest.

    Can anyone commit tostrimming just three times a

    Sunday volunteeringJune 26th 2—5



    June 12th see front page 

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    !I can’t believe

    what they’re say-ing about me on


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  • 8/16/2019 Bowthorpe News June 2016



    N ews from C lover H ill V Infant and N ursery


    Eco Council

    Our Eco Council havehelped with the organisationof a very successful ‘Walk toSchool Week’. Well done toall of our pupils and theirfamilies who walked or rodetheir bikes or scooters toschool. Walking to schoolwill benefit children’s health,our environment and willhelp to make Rawley Road

    less congested and safer forour children.

    News from Key Stage 1

    Our children in Years 1 and 2are really enthused about their

     Africa topic. They have beenvisited by Adrian Hall, an expert

    traveller who has visited Africamany times. They have become‘African street artists’ who willsell their wonderful paintings toraise money for charity. Theyhave even received letters fromthe WWF asking for their help insaving endangered animals!

    African Animal Poem

    Giraffes have tall, spotty necks,Monkeys are clever at climbing,Zebras are stripy and run reallyfast,

     And elephants are all grey andwrinkly!

    By Summer W, Year 1

    Race for Life

    Well done to our ‘All Angels’staff team who entered theRace for Life and raised

    over £1000 for charity. Also, we would like tocongratulate our childrenwho were involved in ourRace for Life day on 13th May. You raised £251 forcharity and made the day areally fun one!

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    Hi there again Oz’s page. I was a bit stuckfor the subject for the wordsearch this monthand as I sat at my desk I heard the singing

    of the birds. So I have made a wordsearch withBritish birds as the topic. Give it a go!

    d w o r r a p s s t

     g r a o o u c k t s

    t o i d k b e t a e

    w n l b k c i o r r

    s o a d k c u n l c

    w i l s f c a c i d

    i n g l a i a j n l

     f a d k a e n l g o

    t t a r l w h c b g

    k r a l y k s p h o






     Well that’s all for this month. Hope you managed tofinish the puzzle. Enjoy the longer days and the

     warmer weather Stay safe until next time. 

    Bye Oz 

  • 8/16/2019 Bowthorpe News June 2016



    2a Saint Michaels Cottages, Bowthorpe Hall Rd, Bowthorpe, NR5 9AAor email: [email protected] 

    Editor: Sally Simpson Tel. 01603 745698  Printer: Pride Press Ltd. 

    Typing: Mary Cubitt 

    Treasurer: Barrie Slater  Childrens page: Oz [email protected]

    Advertising: [email protected] t: 01603 748531Distribution:M.Tailford, C.Newman, L.Butt, M.Cubitt, M.Roberts, L.Wiltshire, J.Stewart,B.Osborne 

    . July/August issue published on July 1st. September issue on Sept. 2nd

    “Carers Informaon Day” At Norwich Forum Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1TF 

    Monday 13th

     June 10.00am till 3.00pm 

    Opened by Mrs. Jeanette Brighton 

    Come along and meet the people who will oer, Help, Informaon and

    advice for Carers, Ex-Carers, Older People and the Lonely  


    Diabetes UK - Mencap 

    AGE UK Norwich - Ausm Anglia 

    Norwich Access Group-

     Musical Keys 

    Arthris Care - Alzheimer’s Society - Marie Curie

    Benjamin Foundaon - Demena Services - Equal Lives

    Carers Agency Partnership - Acon for Blind People - Break 

    Parkinson's UK - Wellbeing Services - Carers Trust 

    Plus many more 

    * * * * * 

    For more informaon call:Care for Carers – 0300 777 8880 

    Or Email: [email protected] www careforcarers org uk

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]