Please tick the box to continue:

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BOPA: 1/27/141. What is the iron curtain?

2. How did the Truman Doctrine lead to the Marshall Plan?

3. What is containment?

4. Why was the Berlin airlift necessary?

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World Bank:

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Read: The Korean War (pg 856-859)1. Why was Korea divided?2. Why did North Korea invade South Korea and what happened as a result?

3. Who is Douglas McArthur and what did he do?4. Why did China enter the war?5. What happened to the war in 1951?6. Why did Truman and McArthur disagree?7. What happened to McArthur?8. How did the conflict end?

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BOPA: 1/29/141. Why did the United States get involved in Korea? Use at least two vocabulary words.

2. Hypothesize: What might have happened had the United Nations not gotten involved in Korea?

3. Why did China get involved in Korea?

4. Hypothesize: What might have happened had China not gotten involved in the war?

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United Nations: international organization formed in 1945 to maintain world peace and encourage cooperation

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ): a region where no military forces or weapons are permitted

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Korean War Article 1/31/14Read the Korean War article.1. Why are the US and South Korea on high alert?

2. Why is it difficult for South Korea to have a relationship with North Korea?

3. What are two reasons North Korea is having financial trouble?

4. How have South Korea, Japan, and the US responded to North Korea’s threats?

5. Make connections between the Korean War and this article.

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Red Scare Propaganda

For Each Slide, think of the first couple of words that come to mind.

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Red ScareLearning Target: I can explain important events and people from the Red Scare.


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Using pages 848-849 in American Journey, define the following in your notebook:

GIVE DETAILS!!! (Who/What, When, Why, How?)

• Espionage• House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)• Blacklists• Alger Hiss• Julius & Ethel Rosenberg• Joseph McCarthy• McCarthyism

Page Title- “The Red Scare”

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Pete SeegerMR. SEEGER: I feel that in my whole life I have never done anything of any conspiratorial nature and I resent very much and very deeply the implication of being called before this Committee that in some way because my opinions may be different from yours, or yours, Mr. Willis, or yours, Mr. Scherer, that I am any less of an American than anybody else. I love my country very deeply, sir.

CHAIRMAN WALTER: Why don’t you make a little contribution toward preserving its institutions?

MR. SEEGER: I feel that my whole life is a contribution. That is why I would like to tell you about it.

CHAIRMAN WALTER: I don’t want to hear about it.

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BOPA: 2/4/141.) How were Americans at home reacting to Communism and the Cold War?

2.) What was HUAC’s job?

3.)Who were the “Hollywood 10”?

4.) What was McCarthyism?

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The Domino Theory

• Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh took over with a Communist Govt.

• Hungary- Student Riots revolting against communism, but they got shot down by the Soviet Union

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Problems in Cuba• 1959- Cuban Revolution ousts American-backed Cuban


• New Cuban Leader- Fidel Castro

• President Eisenhower makes plans to invade Cuba to oust Castro in theBay of Pigs Invasion

• 1960- New President Kennedy approves invasion plan

• 1,500 CIA trained Cuban exiles

• 1961- Bay of Pigs invasion is a complete failure

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The Cuban Missile Crisis

Essential Question:Why did Russians pull their missiles out of Cuba?

We will be using a variety of Primary Source documents to answer this question for the duration of the class period.

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So What Happened?Exit Card: Answer each question on one side of your index card. Put your name on it!

• FRONT: Why did the Russians take their missiles out of Cuba?

• BACK: Did learning this lesson by analyzing primary sources help or hurt your learning, WHY?

• Then write down your homework!

Page 26: BOPA: 1/27/14

BOPA: 2/5/141. What is the domino theory?

2. What countries fell to communism after WWII?

3. Describe the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

4. Why did the Russians pull their missiles out of Cuba?

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Cold War Arms Race:

LT: I can describe how nuclear weapons affected the US/USSR relationship.

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NATO & The Warsaw Pact

• NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization

● Warsaw Pact

Mutual Defense Treaty

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Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)Nuclear Deterrence:



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Describe how nuclear weapons affected the US/USSR relationship.

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BOPA: 2/10/141. What and who was in NATO?

2. What and who was in the Warsaw Pact?

3. What is mutually assured destruction?

4. How did both sides having nuclear weapons actually prevent war?

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USA/USSR Tensions

LT: I can explain key people and events that caused rising tensions between the USA and Soviet Union.

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Military Industrial Complex

As you watch, what is President Eisenhower worried about?

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The Space Race

1957- Sputnik- Russian Satellite is first man-made object to orbit the earth in space.

Fear Level?

(End video @ 2:40 mark)

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Space Race ctd.

1960- Kennedy is elected President

April 1961- Yuri Gagarin (USSR) is the first human in Space

February 1962- John Glenn becomes 1st American in Space

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Space Race ctd.

Sept.1962 - Kennedy pledges that US will land

on moon by end of the decade

Questions to think about during the clip.

Why does Kennedy say we are going to the moon?

Why do YOU think we were going to the moon?

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Space Race ctd.

July 20th, 1969- - United States lands Apollo 11 on the moon.-Neil Armstrong- first man to walk on the moon

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