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Tuesday, 20th August 2019 at 3.00pm at

Seminar Room - Business Solutions Centre, Wolverhampton Science Park, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton



No Item Presenter Report Apps.

3.00 1 Apologies and welcome to new Members Chair None None

2 Declarations of Interests (relating to this meeting and notification of any changes that require the Declaration of Interest form to be revised.) Gift Register - to notify the Company Secretary of any gifts or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50 which you receive in your role as a member of the LEP.

Chair None None

3.05 3 Public Minutes of the LEP Board held on 22nd July 2019

Chair Yes None




2019-20 – Mid-Year Review






Black Country Social Enterprise Forum







LEP Core and Strategic Funding Report – up to 31st March 2019

SM Yes None

3.25 7 Risk Registers

LC/IC To follow None


8 Local Growth Fund – a) Year End 2018/19 b) Project Approval – Ultra Low EV Transport

Development Funding c) PTP Training Project

Chair of FSG



3.40 9 Local Programmes – Dashboards

• In Flight Current Financial Year

• Future Years

• Pipeline

• Land and Property Investment Fund

LC/IC Yes None

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• Growing Places

• Enterprise Zones

• Transport

3.45 10

Public Minutes of the Funding Sub-Group meeting held on 7th August 2019

Chair FSG to move

Yes None

11 Date of Next Meeting – 23rd September 2019 – Walsall College

Chair None None

12 Exclusion of the Press and Public: - ‘That the public and press be excluded from the rest of the meeting to avoid the possible disclosure of exempt information under Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 for the reasons stated on the agenda’.

Agenda (Not Open to Public and Press)

Exempt Information Paragraph 3 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Chair None None

3.50 13 Private Minutes of the LEP Board held on 22nd July 2019

Chair Yes None

3.55 14

Private Minutes of the Funding Sub-Group meeting held on 7th August 2019

Chair FSG to move

Yes None

4.00 15 Growing Places/Enterprise Zones – a) Very Light Rail Main Scheme

Chair of FSG

To follow


4.05 16 Land & Property Investment Fund a) Change Request - Phoenix 10

Chair of FSG



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Minutes of a Meeting of the Black Country Local

Enterprise Partnership

22nd July 2019 at 3.00 pm

PB019, Business Solutions Centre, Wolverhampton Science Park, Glaisher Drive, Wolverhampton

Present: Stewart Towe Hadleys; Chris Handy Accord; Cllr. Adrian Andrew Walsall MBC; Cllr. Ian Brookfield City of Wolverhampton; Paul Brown EY; Cllr. Yvonne Davies Sandwell MBC; Ninder Johal Nachural Communications; Prof Geoff Layer University of Wolverhampton; Cllr. Angus Lees Dudley MBC; and

Tom Westley Westley Group.

In Attendance: Cllr. Harman Banger City of Wolverhampton; Cllr. Ian Kettle Dudley MBC; Cllr. Brian Edwards South Staffordshire BC; Sarah Middleton Black Country Consortium Ltd; Lara Cragg Black Country Consortium Ltd; Ian Cribbes Black Country Consortium Ltd; Delma Dwight Black Country Consortium Ltd; Richard Lawrence City of Wolverhampton; Helen Martin Dudley MBC; Aaron Toussaint BEIS; Gareth Wilson BEIS;

Hywel Ruddick Black Country Consortium Ltd. Apologies: Councillors Mike Bird and Patrick Harley and Prof

Jackie Dunne, Simon Eastwood, Lindsey Flynn, Jatinder Sharma and Deborah Williams.

Public - 0

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101/19 Declarations of Interest Agreed that the following Declarations be noted: - Chris Handy declared his pecuniary interest in Minute No. 112/19 – Local Growth Fund Woods Lane Phase 2, left the room during consideration of the item and took no part in the voting or consideration thereon. Tom Westley declared his interest in any items pertaining to Dudley College and the Elite Centre for Manufacturing if any matter arose in connection with these. Prof Geoff Layer declared his interest in any items pertaining to the University of Wolverhampton, if any arose in connection with University. There were no declarations for the Gift Register.

102/19 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2019 were submitted.

Agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2019 be received and confirmed as a correct record.

103/19 Notes and Outcome of the LEP Away Day – 1st July 2019

The Notes of the LEP Away Day held on 1st July 2019 were submitted. Sarah Middleton highlighted the recommendations that had arose from the discussion groups. The Climate Emergency

The LEP Board was recommended to:

➢ Exploit the concentration of automotive businesses and expertise in

the area to pilot a new diesel scrappage scheme to encourage the use of electric and hybrid vehicles;

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➢ Work with councils, schools, businesses and other partners to raise

awareness about the climate emergency and action that can be taken individually and collectively to address it;

➢ Promote the adoption of good practice across the Black Country on

the contribution of planning guidelines and policies;

➢ Use its contacts in Whitehall to secure government action to support

this approach. She advised that the Agenda contained the Climate Change Evidence pack for the Black Country to commence the conversation and that further reports would follow. Confidence The LEP Board was recommended to: ➢ Improve the way in which the strengths and successes of the Black

Country economy are communicated in order to encourage: ➢ Inward investment, new starts and indigenous growth; ➢ More deployment of capital spend within existing businesses; ➢ People to see the area as a great place to live and work. ➢ A one-page narrative which everybody could use as a core script; ➢ The production of more industry case studies; ➢ Mobilising the private sector voice more effectively. She advised that reports would be submitted to future meetings. The next big thing The LEP Board was recommended to convene a commission of national (and potentially international) experts to help shape a programme of activity to establish the Black Country as an investable location using a focus on improved health and wellbeing to grow the business base and revitalise the area’s town centres with technological and digital innovation at the core. She advised that reports would be submitted to future meetings. Social Mobility The LEP Board was recommended to:

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➢ Encourage the pooling of data and networks to identify gaps and

opportunities – for example lack of BAME participation in apprenticeships, parental perceptions of the value of apprenticeships (compared with degrees) and the needs of children in care and offenders;

➢ Work with employers, employees and schools to maximise

opportunities – for example, enabling and incentivising small businesses to participate, lobbying for more flexible use of the apprenticeship levy.

The WMCA The business board members agreed to work with the four Black Country Councils to ensure that a strong, coherent and compelling Black Country voice was articulated in WMCA discussions and decision-making. The LEP board was recommended to communicate to the WMCA its expectation that the authority will: ➢ Make better use of the expertise available in the LEPs and

constituent councils; ➢ Integrate its activities more closely with the those of the LEPs and

councils working in the spirit of principles such as “one team” and “no surprises”.

Agreed that the Notes of the LEP Away Day held on 1st July 2019 be received and confirmed as a correct record

104/19 Policy Update

➢ Public Accounts Committee Report The meeting was advised that the focus of the Public Accounts Committee was primarily related to the Department and how they captured each LEPs’ performance. It was noted that as well as extensive dashboards on funding streams to include Local Growth Fund, Enterprise Zones and Land and Property Investment Fund, that the LEP attended all four local authority scrutiny committees, at least once during each municipal year. The issue of overlapping boundaries still required to be resolved.

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➢ LEP Network The LEP Network had an evolving approach and was establishing formal peer reviews, with the Black Country paired with Cheshire and Warrington LEP and updates on this approach would be submitted to future meetings. The Chair advised that there was a meeting of WM LEP Chairs on 23rd July 2019 and he would report back to the next meeting. ➢ LEP Women Leaders

Cllr. Yvonne Davies referenced the 150 senior women business

leaders and entrepreneurs and asked what the ethnicity breakdown of

the attendees was. It was agreed to provide this.

➢ Black Country EIU Statistics

• Experimental Statistics: Sub-Regional Fuel Poverty in England, 2019 (2017 data) The meeting was advised that 66,000 people across the Black Country were living in fuel poverty, which was higher than the national average. There were a number of actions seeking to address this, one of which was the work being undertaken on Energy Capital. Chris Handy highlighted the incidence of excess winter deaths and that some people, whilst “asset rich” as a homeowner were “savings poor”. Tom Westley highlighted that within the Energy Capital work stream consideration was being given to tackle fuel poverty. Councillor Yvonne Davies highlighted the issues of insufficient finances and inadequate homes, and there was potential to reduce fuel costs by addressing issues with the home. The Chair suggested that the local authorities should share information of what was working, as it appeared that Dudley MBC were having some success. There was then the question of what the LEP could do to support a shared approach. Sarah Middleton highlighted that through the Garden City

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approach, consideration was given to retro-fitting existing housing, although this would require a bigger investment.

• Homes England Housing Statistics: 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019 The report detailed the number of housing starts and housing completions during 2018 -19.

• Enterprise Research Centre Benchmarking Local Innovation 2019 Reference was made to the Innovation Index and it was noted that the Black Country had improved its ranking across most of the innovation indicators utilised in the study and now was in the top 10 of all LEPs in five categories: product/service innovation, process innovation, collaboration, marketing innovation and new methods of work organisation. For the latter, the study ranked the Black Country as ranked number 1 of all LEPs. Ninder Johal asked what factors had led to improvements and what factors had had a negative impact. Cllr Yvonne Davies asked for a breakdown on the size of employers.

• Black Country Mid-Year Population Estimates It was noted that the Black Country population was growing and in 2018 was 1.19m residents, an increase of 0.6% from 2017. The Black Country LEP also had one of the youngest populations with 21.2% being between 0-15 years of age. Sarah Middleton advised the LEP that work was being done to feed in views of young people into the Board.

• Black Country CO2 Emissions Estimates – 2017 It was noted that there was a more detailed report on Climate Change later on the agenda.

• State of the Region 2019 The Black Country Economic Intelligence Unit had produced the State of the Region on behalf of the West Midlands Combined Authority, using statistics centred around the

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performance of economic growth, business competitiveness and productivity, skills, people and place.


1) that the LEP Board note the respective policy updates; and

2) that the actions contained therein relating to additional information to be provided be actioned.


105/19 Black Country LEP Board - tenure The meeting was advised of the remaining tenures of Board Members.

Board Member Term (1st,2nd, 3rd or 4th (final))

Current Term of office Ends

Stewart Towe (Chair)

4th September 2020

Paul Brown 4th September 2020 Kevin Davis * 1st June 2022 Jackie Dunne N/A Appointed as Chair

of the Employment & Skills Advisory Board (January 2019)

Simon Eastwood 4th September 2020 Lindsey Flynn 1st September 2020 Dr Chris Handy (Deputy Chair)

4th September 2020

Ninder Johal 4th September 2020 Tom Westley 4th May 2021 Prof Geoff Layer N/A Higher Education

representative Jatinder Sharma N/A Appointed by Black

Country Colleges (review – May 2020)

Deborah Williams N/A Appointed as Chair of the Active Black Country Partnership

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Councillor Patrick Harley

N/A Leader – Dudley MBC

Councillor Yvonne Davies

N/A Leader – Sandwell MBC

Councillor Mike Bird N/A Leader – Walsall MBC

Councillor Ian Brookfield

N/A Leader – City of Wolverhampton

* Post January 2019 appointment – new term of office Assurance Framework rules apply Sarah Middleton advised that the next paper to come back to the Board would detail the programme of succession, especially in relation to the role of the Chair, and would consider the potential impact of the LEP Review. The Chair advised that the terms of office going forward could be synchronised with the local government elections and thus if some members wished to end their term of office earlier this would provide some transition for incoming members. Paul Brown commented that whilst the main board may require change there were various sub-groups on which members were active participants, to include as Chairs, which could provide continuity in those work areas. It was commented that a lot of people and associated experience would be going at once and Cllr. Adrian Andrew stated that mitigation should be undertaken to try and alleviate the impact, as this would be better for the LEP and for the business community. The Chair stated that whilst not minimising the impact, if a staged recruitment was undertaken going forward, this would make the transition easier over time.

Agreed that the LEP Board: -

1) Note the remaining term of offices of private sector Board Members; and

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2) Note that these terms of offices do not apply to elected Members; Higher Education and Further Education appointees; the Chair of the Active Black Country Board and the Chair of the Employment and Skills (People) Theme Advisory Board, which are appointed under different processes.

106/19 Black Country LEP Board Recruitment Update The Board received an update on the latest recruitment campaign in line with the National Assurance Framework (NAF) (V3 – January 2019), which states: ‘Improve the gender balance and representation of those with protected characteristics on boards with an aim that women make up at least one third of Local Enterprise Partnership boards by 2020 with an expectation for equal representation by 2023, and ensuring all Local Enterprise Partnership boards are representative of the businesses and communities they serve’. It was noted that steps would be taken in relation to succession planning for the BC LEP Board Chair, whose term of office expires in September 2020. The meeting was advised that Kevin Davis of The Vine Trust had joined the Board and that a positive recruitment campaign had been undertaken to improve the gender balance of the Board, with 12 applications having been received. This would necessitate the establishment of meetings of the Nominations Committee with the aim to undertaking recruitment in September/October 2019. The meeting was advised that following discussions Cllr. Yvonne Davies had agreed to be the Board’s Diversity Champion and that a further report would be submitted in September on measures to be taken to enhance the LEP’s engagement with young people. Delma Dwight advised of the statistics on Black Country Strategic Companies and the public sector. It was noted that across England 35% of local councillors were women, however in both Sandwell MBC and City of Wolverhampton the split of female and male councillors was 50/50.

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Sarah Middleton advised that the report provided some useful context for members and stated that the statistics would be regularly reported through.

Agreed that the LEP Board:

1) Notes the Nomination Process and positive action campaign;

2) Notes the Leadership Diversity in the Black Country: Evidence Review findings in the context of the existing Board and future recruitment campaigns.

3) Confirm Councillor Yvonne Davies, Leader Sandwell MBC, as the Board Lead Member on diversity issues.

4) Note that a report on enhancing engagement with young people will be submitted to the September board meeting.

107/19 Joint Committee Advisory Board - appointments

The meeting was advised that Black Country authorities Joint Committee Advisory Board were seeking four nominations to the Board and the meeting was advised that traditionally this had been the Funding Sub-Group (FSG) members. It was agreed to continue this practise with the four longest serving members of the FSG being nominated.

Agreed that the LEP Board confirm that: - 1) That the 4 longest serving Members of the Funding Sub-Group

be appointed to the Joint Committee Advisory Board: Simon Eastwood, Chris Handy, Ninder Johal and Tom Westley; and

2) That Lindsey Flynn be appointed as the named alternate.

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108/19 Black Country Climate Change Evidence Report

It was noted that carbon reduction efforts needed to be increased in order to meet the 2050 target of zero emissions. The breakdown of emissions was reported with approximately 1/3 from industry and the commercial sector; 1/3 from domestic use; and 1/3 from transport. Cllr. Yvonne Davies advised of the impact on Sandwell residents with the M6 and drivers actively avoiding the M6 Toll motorway. She suggested that either the M6 Toll be removed or tolls should be introduced elsewhere to manage and ease the situation. Tom Westley welcomed the statistics and suggested that they be monitored more regularly. Cllr. Harman Banger stated that the LEP and local authorities should look to access funds for additional trees. Chris Handy advised that the Woodland Trust provided funds and Sarah Middleton advised that meetings had been held with Natural England regarding strategic planting schemes. Chris Handy also advised of the sustainability of timber framed houses and it was agreed that in these matters could be reported through the Place Making and Land Theme Advisory Board for more detailed consideration. Agreed that the LEP Board receive the report and arising from the discussion confirm the following actions for the future work programme of the LEP, at Board and Advisory Board level: -

a) Through the BC local authorities lobby for the review of tolls in relation to the M6 Toll motorway and other routes through the Black Country;

b) Receive climate change information on a regular basis to enable variations to be tracked;

c) With the BC local authorities, investigate available funding sources and sites for increasing tree planting in the Black Country.

d) Consider how to influence businesses to meet environmental targets set nationally; and

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e) Consider actions to support the retrofit of existing houses to improve their “carbon footprint.”

109/19 West Midland Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) Implementation –

Construction Sector Action Plan The meeting was advised that the Black Country remained fully

engaged with the LIS process to ensure that the delivery of the WM LIS benefitted the Black Country businesses and communities through increased productivity and inclusive growth.

Ninder Johal commented on the creative sector and stated that this

should not only be screen but link into the wider creative industry.

Tom Westley highlighted increased digitisation processes and highlighted that opportunities existed across other industries. Councillor Ian Brookfield advised that there was the 5G testbed in the region and the creative sector based at the Wolverhampton Science Park.

Agreed that the LEP Board receive the report and: -

1) the developing implementation process for the WM LIS was discussed and it was agreed that the next steps would be to obtain further assurances from the WMCA that: a) Black Country LEP colleagues be included in high-level

discussions between WMCA and Government departments, notably the Cities & Local Growth Unit, to ensure greater Black Country representation on all aspects LIS implementation.

b) the WMCA define the criteria for prioritising actions within the LIS pipeline to ensure the final actions put forward reflect the whole region.

c) Key Black Country priorities needed to be reflected more clearly in the key LIS proposals.

2) Note that the Black Country LEP would lead as an enabler on the creative, content, techniques and technologies, as a new strategic opportunity within the WM LIS.

3) Note the production of a construction sector action plan summary for the WM LIS, and the linkages with Black Country priorities and pipeline programmes; and

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4) Agree that next steps be undertaken to produce similar summaries for all sectors, aligning with sector priorities in the Black Country including noting the Black Country lead on behalf of the WMCA for the sectors of construction, rail, aerospace and metals.

110/19 Measuring Impact 2019/20

The meeting was advised that monitoring and evaluation were critical elements in the development and the delivery of the Black Country Strategic Economic Plan. The Black Country approach was the development of an effective M&E plan:

a) The vision lead strategy (the BCSEP) sets out the strategic objectives for the area and a set of indicators to measure these form the basis of the Performance Management Framework.

b) The Black Country Performance Management Framework (PMF), provides a clear framework to monitor progress and the economic changes required to achieve our 30-year vision and the ambitions across the twelve programmes in our Strategic Economic Plan. The PMF is composed of a selection of strategic headline indicators, which measure the impact of the various programme’s areas of the BC SEP. These indicators cover a range of theme areas including economic, fiscal, social and environmental impacts. The PMF will provide a framework against which BC success can be measured, both across strategic programmes and in individual projects. The ambitions are based on an agreed vision led economic future for the area underpinned by extensive modelling work undertaken using the Oxford Economic model.

c) The Assurance Framework is aligned to the strategic objectives and the business case templates will show the links to the objectives and quantify the related outputs.

d) Logic Chains Pathways will be used to evaluate the impact of the investment from outputs to outcomes and the impact on the strategic objectives for the area.

e) Robust, proportional evaluation of all activity. Evaluation will be proportionate and targeted with a robust and systematic approach across the Black Country. Evaluation will take place at project level and at overall programme level.

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Members were advised that they were being asked to agree the full evaluation plan and approach across all programme areas including working with the academic sector, the What Works Centre for local economic growth and the WMCA Office of Data Analytics to ensure peer validation. It was highlighted that reports to future meetings would include an evaluation of the Growing Priority Sectors programme, Wolverhampton Civic Centre and Wolverhampton Interchange. Through the Employment & Skills (People) Theme Advisory Board there was activity on apprenticeships and garden city was undertaken through the Place Making and Land Theme Advisory Board. Members were asked to identify other areas they would wish to be evaluated. Agreed that the LEP Board: -

1) Note and approve the work programme for evaluation of activity as reported to clearly demonstrate the impact of the LEP’s key programmes on the local economy; and

2) Note that further evaluation reports would be submitted to the Board as outlined in the report.


111/19 BC LEP Programme Risk Management Lara Cragg and Ian Cribbes provided the Risk Programme being

monitored through the PMO, which were centred around the three main funding streams. These would be developed and presented to Board meetings going forward.

Agreed that the LEP Board

1) That the LEP Board note the on-going risk management undertaken by the PMO to the BC LEP, and the following Risk Registers provided for consideration: - Local Growth Deal; Land & Property Investment Fund; and the Growing Places Fund; and

2) Note that a risk analysis exercise would commence in August 2019 for the Black Country Enterprise Zone and be reported through to the Board in due course.

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112/19 Local Growth Fund – Change Request – Woods Lane Phase 2 (It was noted that, as Chris Handy had declared a pecuniary interest

and left the meeting, there were only 5 private sector Board Members in the meeting thus the meeting was no longer quorate. Therefore Members, if minded would recommend action to be approved at the next quorate meeting).

Ninder Johal advised that the project was seeking to re-profile the funding from 2018/19 to 2019/20, as there had been delays in finalising contract negotiations. He advised that it was still anticipated that the new housing units would be completed by December 2021.

Recommended that the LEP Board approve the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to amend the Grant Agreement with Galliford Try Partnerships Ltd to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Woods Lane Phase 2 project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

(Chris Handy declared his pecuniary interest in Minute No. 112/19 – Local Growth Fund Woods Lane Phase 2, left the room during consideration of the item and took no part in the voting or consideration thereon.)

113/19 Growing Places - YMCA The meeting was advised that due to a delay in receiving the Due

Diligence appraisal, the report would now go through to the August meetings of the Funding Sub-Group and LEP Board.

Agreed that the LEP Board note this item had been withdrawn and would be resubmitted in August.

114/19 Local Property and Investment Fund – Change Request Goscote Lane

Ninder Johal advised that the change request was seeking to reduce

the incorrectly reported figure to the LEP board and the Joint Committee in 2018, which was 17.6ha and to record the actual and completed figure of 8.8ha. It was noted that the correct amount of 8.8ha was reflected in the signed and completed Grant Agreement.

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Agreed that the LEP Board approves the Accountable Body for the Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund (Walsall Council) to proceed to amend the existing Grant Agreement with the St Francis Group to deliver the Land and Property Investment Fund (LPIF) funded elements of the Goscote Lane Residential Scheme project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

115/19 Local Programmes – Dashboard Lara Cragg presented the dashboards. Agreed that the updates on the following dashboards be noted: -

• In flight Current Financial Year

• Future Years

• Pipeline

• LPIF (Public)

• Growing Priority Sectors

• Growing Places

• Enterprise Zones

• Transport

116/19 Minutes of the Funding Sub-Group held on 3rd July 2019 Ninder Johal presented the Minutes of the Funding Sub-Group held on

3rd July 2019.

Agreed that the LEP Board to confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2019.

Advisory Board Minutes and BCJC Decisions

117/19 Black Country Joint Committee - Decisions The Decisions of the Black Country Joint Committee held on 26th June

2019 were submitted.

Agreed that the LEP Board note the Decisions of the Black Country

Joint Committee held on 26th June 2019.

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118/19 PR and Communications Report Ninder Johal presented the report and highlighted the success of social media campaigns. Agreed that the update on the PR and Communications be noted.

119/19 Date of Next meeting

Agreed that the LEP Board note that the next meetings would be held on Tuesday, 20th August 2019 and Monday, 23rd September 2019.

120/19 Exclusion of Press and Public

Agreed that the public and press be excluded from the rest of the meeting to avoid the possible disclosure of exempt information under Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Paragraph 3 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


121/19 Private Minutes of the LEP Board held on 20th May 2019

Agreed that the Private Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2019 be received and confirmed as a correct record.

Delivery – Local Growth Fund

122/19 Very Light Rail Main Scheme An extensive discussion was undertaken on the status of the project

following which a vote was taken and all were in favour of the agreed action, except Councillor Angus Lees who voted against.

Agreed that the LEP Board: -

1) Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to terminate the existing Grant Agreement with Dudley Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF)

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funded elements of the Hub to Home Transport Innovation Centre and Test Track Project: Very Light Rail and Autonomous Technologies project and instructs the Accountable Body (Walsall Council) to inform Dudley Council of the decision;

2) Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to enter into the appropriate Grant Agreement with Dudley Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Hub to Home Transport Innovation Centre and Test Track Project: Very Light Rail and Autonomous Technologies project - Development Phase, totaling £1,145,747, for works carried out during the 2017/18 and 2018/19 LGF programme periods;

3) Notes that BC LEP and Dudley MBC will work to confirm the blend of funding to deliver this project to programme as already presented to the Combined Authority, Department for Transport, Network Rail and European Regional Development Fund, with a report on the main scheme, the delivery of the innovation centre, to be submitted to the Funding Sub-Group, to be held on 7th August 2019 and to the following LEP Board, to be held on 20th August 2019; and

4) Notes that further Change control requests will be submitted through to Funding Sub-Group Members as and when required.

123/19 Sandwell Aquatic Centre Ninder Johal advised that further to the BC LEP programme funding

proposals, it was recommended to transfer the Sandwell Aquatic Centre project from the Land & Property Investment Fund (LPIF), to be funded through the Local Growth Deal Programme.

The change request would enable the LPIF programme to deliver all of the committed projects within the first tranche of funding.

Agreed that the LEP Board: -

1) Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Agreement with Sandwell Council, to the value detailed in the report, to deliver the Local Growth

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Fund (LGF), funded elements of the Sandwell Aquatic Centre project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

2) Notes the withdrawal of the Sandwell Aquatic Centre project, to the value detailed in the report, from within the Land and Property Investment Fund.

124/19 Birchley Island Main Scheme

Ninder Johal advised that in order to continue to support Sandwell Council with the CPO process and placing of the statutory orders, a change request has been developed and proposed to split the already approved Birchley Island Main Scheme into two phases. He advised that this element of the proposed change would:

• Separate the funding currently allocated to the Main Scheme as detailed in the report.

• Reduce the current Grant Agreement for the delivery of Birchley Island in 2019/20, as detailed in the report.

• Remove the 3-month Grant Agreement Sign Off condition.

Agreed that the LEP Board: -

1) Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to amending the Grant Agreement with Sandwell Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Birchley Island Main Scheme project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

2) This change includes a reduction in the funding from the original Grant Funding request.

125/19 Birchley Island Development Phase

Ninder Johal advised that in order to continue to support Sandwell Council with the CPO process and placing of the statutory orders, a change request has been developed and proposed to split the already approved Birchley Island Main Scheme into two phases. He advised that this element of the proposed change would:

• Separate the funding currently allocated to the Main Scheme as detailed in the report.

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Agenda Item 3


• Reduce the current Grant Agreement for the delivery of Birchley Island in 2019/20, as detailed in the report.

• Remove the 3-month Grant Agreement Sign Off condition.

Agreed that the LEP Board: -

1) Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Agreement with Sandwell Council, to the value detailed in the report, to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF), funded elements of the Birchley Island Development Phase Project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

2) This request details a creation of a new development phase Grant Agreement for the scheme.

126/19 LEP Review Update Sarah Middleton advised that no outcome had been received.

Agreed that the LEP Board note the update. (The meeting closed at 5.00pm)

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2019-20 Mid-Year Review

Guidance Version 1.0 –July 2019

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Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3

Mid-Year Review meeting ............................................................................................. 4

Freedom of Information ................................................................................................. 5

Forward Look ................................................................................................................. 5

Indicative Timeline ......................................................................................................... 5

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1. Following the publication of Strengthened Local Enterprise Partnerships (the

Review) Cities and Local Growth Unit (CLGU) are introducing a Mid-Year

Review session with each LEP. As outlined in the Review, the aim is to

enhance the existing annual assurance process. Following consultation, it has

been agreed that this meeting will focus on delivery and strategic impact

whilst still discussing governance. It also provides a forum for CLGU to

highlight any concerns with senior LEP officials.

2. The Mid-Year Review will act as a key milestone in the annual assurance

process, and a formal way by which CLGU and each LEP meets during the

year to discuss achievements and progress. It should also allow for full and

frank discussion on how the LEP and CLGU can ensure they are in the best

place ahead of Annual Performance Reviews.

3. The Mid-Year review will provide the opportunity to:

a) Reflect on progress from the Annual Performance Review meeting

from 2018-19;

b) Discuss progress on Delivery Plans and Improvement Plans (where


c) Allow for a more timely discussion on delivery data from the preceding


d) Showcase the progress to-date on delivery of strategic economic

objectives and programmes;

e) Reflect on the LEP’s current position and highlight to Government any

barriers they are encountering, and

f) Look forward to the major milestones, projects and challenges

expected in 2020-21.

4. The Mid-Year Review takes place in the context of on-going and trusted

dialogue between CLGU and LEPs. Performance issues ought to be surfaced

and dealt with in real time, so that the Mid-Year Review and Annual

Performance Review does not include any surprises for either LEPs or the

Cities and Local Growth Unit.

5. It is intended that the introduction of a Mid-Year Review will improve the

Annual Review Process, by enabling more consistent messaging and

expectations through early discussion between CLGU and the LEP.

6. This guidance sets out the process for the 2019-20 LEP Mid-Year Review.

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Mid-Year Review meeting

7. The Mid-Year Review meetings should take place between mid-August and

the end of September 2019.

8. The review should cover the themes of governance, delivery and strategic


9. The governance theme should include discussions on LEP Review

Implementation, including the establishment (if applicable) and operation of

scrutiny arrangements and what scrutiny the LEP has undergone, as well as

the outcome of compliance checks. Further any related milestones from the

Improvement Plan/deep dive (if applicable) should be discussed.

10. The delivery theme should discuss as a minimum the 2018-19 LGF delivery

data returns focusing on LGF spend and forecast for the programme and any

high-risk projects and the LEP’s Delivery Plan. Further any related milestones

from the Improvement Plan/deep dive (if applicable) should be discussed.

11. The strategic impact theme should discuss Local Industrial Strategy (LIS)

development and implementation as well as stakeholder engagement. Further

any related milestones from the Improvement Plan/deep dive (if applicable)

should be discussed.

12. This year, LEPs are not expected to prepare any additional evidence for their

Mid-Year Review, however; they should come prepared to discuss progress

towards achieving milestones and/or actions of any Improvement Plan, as

well as the three themes.

13. The review will be led by CLGU, it will consist of a formal meeting chaired by

a representative of CLGU. It is expected that as a minimum the Chief

Executive and Programme Manager from the LEP would be present. It is also

suggested that the appropriate person from the Accountable Body with the

day-to-day working relationship with the LEP is present, this may not

necessarily be the S.151 officer.

14. The agenda for the meeting will be set locally by the CLGU Area Lead in

discussion with the LEP.

15. Information that will be discussed at the Mid-Year Review will include:

a) 2018-19 Annual Performance Review letter and minutes;

b) 2019-20 LEP Delivery Plans;

c) Local Growth Fund delivery data;

d) LEP progress on implementing the LEP review requirements;

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e) Compliance check outcomes;

f) LEP progress towards achieving publication of or progress on

implementing and delivering their Local Industrial Strategy; and

g) Improvement Plans & deep dive reports (where applicable).

16. The Mid-Year Review meeting will be the formal review point for all

Improvement Plans.

17. Following the Mid-Year Review a formal note will be agreed, this should be

circulated and discussed at the LEP Board.

18. For the avoidance of doubt, matters that develop between the Mid-Year

Review and the Annual Performance Review will be taken into consideration

at the Annual Performance Review.

Freedom of Information

19. Please note that the Cities and Local Growth Unit is bound by the Freedom of

Information Act and may have to disclose contents of this document on


Forward Look

20. As mentioned above the Mid-Year review forms part of the Annual Assurance

Process. The next milestone in this process will be the Annual Performance

Review Meetings. These meetings are expected to be held between

December 2019 and January 2020. Further guidance on these meetings will

be published over the coming months.

Indicative Timeline

Month Action

12 August – 30 September 2019 Mid-Year review meetings

December – January 2020 Annual Performance Review Meetings

February 2020 Cities and Local Growth Unit Moderation

28 February 2020 S.151 Officer letter to MHCLG Accounting Officer

February – April 2020 Completion of the Annual Performance Review process and payments to LEPs.

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Agenda Item 5

Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Board

20th August 2019

Social Mobility and Inclusive growth

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 The Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership at the LEP Away Day considered the theme of

social mobility and inclusive growth. With a focus on social innovation, and social enterprise and

their contribution to inclusive growth, and mobility, consequently this paper seeks to respond in

headline to the partnership’s ambition for the region’s economic growth to be inclusive for all its

population. 2. Recommendations

That the LEP Board: -

2.1. Nominate Kevin Davis as the Lead BCLEP Member on social mobility, and inclusive growth. 2.2. In support of the Member, establish a social mobility, and inclusive growth forum to facilitate lead

agency outcomes towards a more inclusive economy across the region.

2.3. In support of the partnership’s ambition, encourage specifically, the growth of the social economy through the work of a BCLEP Social Enterprise Task Force. Note proposed approach to establishing a Social Enterprise Taskforce.

2.4. Support the draft next steps set out in the paper;

3. Report Detail

3.1. The BC LEP’s Social Mobility and Inclusion Growth (SMIG) Forum’s agenda is cross-cutting, and will link into the West Midlands Combined Authority social inclusion agenda, which is committed to driving a model of inclusive growth for the region that benefits all of its residents. This means being bold about the scope and pace of growth, enshrined in our commitment to an uptick of GVA per head of 5% above the national average by 2030. They have asked that other public bodies across the West Midlands adopt this approach and this report represents the first steps for the BC LEP to commit to the model.

3.2. Ambitious social metrics (such as a closing of the healthy life expectancy gap) are embedded

within our Strategic Economic Plan, and the BC LEP is committed to producing a Implementation Plan for the WM Local Industrial Strategy. SMIG will support this ambition.

SMIG is therefore about exploring areas where the LEP can generate a better social and economic value that would be of mutual benefit. We will also ensure that the Taskforce is identifying areas where the LEP adds value to the work that is already happening.

We will seek to ensure this balance through appropriate public sector representation on the SMIG, as well as incorporating any steer the LEP board is minded to give.

The Vine Trust has a wealth of experience in the social enterprise sector and it would be appropriate for Kevin Davis, Board Member to lead on this agenda.

3.3. Through SMIG, The BCLEP recognises the role that social enterprise will play in advancing social

mobility and inclusive growth. The “social economy” covers different types of organisations united

by a clear social purpose – including the voluntary and community sector, social enterprises

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and charities. The BCLEP will therefore support the creation and sustainability of social enterprise

right across our area of operation. We will do this through the creation of a number of strategic

Social Enterprise Zones in each local authority.

3.4. BCLEP Social Enterprise Taskforce (SET). The outcome of the WMCA’s Social Economy

Taskforce have established that there is scope with strategic support, for the size of the social

enterprise sector to grow. The WMCA have adopted the following recommendations;

1. Boost the collective identity of social enterprise by strengthening and growing its


2. Develop a collaborative, ten-year business case for social enterprise business support

3. WMCA Office of Data & Analytics to develop and disseminate a consistent approach for

data collection on social enterprises.

4. WMCA will use its convening role to encourage all regional public sector bodies and

publicly-funded projects to spend at least 5% of their commissioning and procurement

budget with social enterprise.

5. WMCA to support a campaign to encourage closer links between social enterprises and

the wider private sector.

6. Work with social finance and investment partners to assess gaps, barriers, and improvements that could boost the impact of social investment, as well as increasing demand. The BCLEP will establish SET to explore the implementation of the adopted recommendations in our region.

3.5. The agenda is cross-cutting, and there will be a need to work with our social enterprise

partners to make sure we are aligning with their views on the appropriate role and purpose

of social economy organisations.

3.8 Work will be undertaken to recruit to SMIG and SET from partners – local authorities, social enterprise organisations, government etc

3.9 A further report will be submitted once the SMIG and SET are established. 4. Financial Implications

4.1. At present there are no financial implications arising from this report although it is

acknowledged that some support will be required, whether this is directly through the LEP or via partner organisations and this will be reported to a future meeting.

5. Legal Implications

5.1. There are no legal implications within this report.

6. Risk Management

6.1. There are no Key risks identified.

7. Equality Implications

7.1. There are no Equality implications identified. Sarah Middleton

Chief Executive

Black Country Consortium Ltd

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Contact Officer

Hywel Ruddick

Democratic Support Officer

Tel: 01384 471142

Email: [email protected]

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Agenda Item 6

Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Board

20th August 2019

LEP Core and Strategic Funding Report

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To present to the board the LEP funding and expenditure for the year to 31st March 2019.

1.2 The LEP board is asked to approve the expenditure allocated against the LEP Core and Strategic funding budget, and the LEP Implementation Review Budget, in line with accountable body internal audit procedures.

1.3 To report on the Programme Office LGF & LPIF Grant funding and the SEP Proposition

fund as at 31st March 2019.

1.4 To agree the final carry forward figures as required by Walsall MBC audit procedures.

1.5 To confirm the decision of the Chair and Walsall MBC S151 officer to approve the Local Enterprise Partnership Funding budget for 2019-20 in order to meet the application deadline

1.6 To agree that Walsall MBC continue to operate as the Accountable Body for the Local

Enterprise Partnership Funding.

2. Recommendations That the LEP Board: -

2.1. Approve the LEP funding and expenditure position as at 31st March 2019.

2.2. Approve the Programme Office and SEP Proposition Funding expenditure at 31st March 2019.

2.3. Agree the 2019/20 expenditure and carry forward figures (Core £112,640 and Strategic


2.4. Confirm the approval of the Local Enterprise Partnership Application budget for 2019-20

2.5. Agree that Walsall MBC continue to operate as Accountable Body.

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3. Report Detail

Core Funding

3.1. Core funding awarded to the Black Country LEP is as follows:

3.2 The table below details the 2018/19 budget for LEP core funding (as approved by the LEP Board and incorporated into the 2018/19 Business Plan) and the associated actual expenditure.

Strategic Funding

3.3 Strategic funding awarded to the Black Country LEP is as follows:

Core Funding (to build capacity)

Award Claimed Balance

2012/13 125,000 125,000 0

2013/14 250,000 250,000 0

2014/15 253,000 236,978 16,022

2015/16 250,000 119,912 130,088

2016/17 250,000 252,204 -2,204

2017/18 250,000 235,778 14,222

2018/19 250,000 295,488 -45,488

2019/20 250,000 0 250,000

Total 1,878,000 1,515,360 362,640

2018/19 Core Budget agreed by LEP Board Annual

Budget £ Actual £ Variance £

Capacity 186,500 231,216 -44,716

Comms/Board Development 10,000 6,634 3,366

Buildings/Room Hire/Refreshments 22,000 6,742 15,258

Premises and Office Cost Recharge 0 24,225 -24,225

Sponsorship of LEP Network 2018/19 6,000 6,000 0

IT 5,500 10,534 -5,034

Travel & Other Staff Expenses 20,000 10,136 9,864

2018/19 Budget Total 250,000 295,488 -45,488

Contingency – funds b/fwd 158,128 0 0

Total 408,128 295,488 -45,488

Strategic Funding Award BCC Claimed W’Ton cc Claimed


2013/14 250,000 250,000 0 0

2014/15 250,000 115,441 23,574 110,985

2015/16 250,000 125,506 32,500 91,994

2016/17 250,000 257,252 0 -7,252

2017/18 250,000 329,555 0 -79,555

2018/19 250,000 271,563 0 -21,563

2019/20 250,000 0 0 250,000

Total 1,750,000 1,349,317 56,074 344,609

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3.4 The table below details the 2018/19 budget for LEP Strategic funding and the associated actual expenditure.

*Proposition Fund (unallocated) Expenditure £

LEP contribution to WMCA for 18-19 25,000

BC LEP transfer to Energy Strategy 18-19 20,000

BC LEP transfer to WM Innovation Alliance 18-19 25,000

Professional Fees:

SEP Refresh 6,061

Brownfield Centre of Excellence 5,700

Black Country LIS 10,150

LEP Board Away Days 7,050

Extended Audit Review 6,000

Economic Intelligence Unit Subscriptions 17,040

Black Country Energy Steering Group Support 25,584

Programme Management Office Software Support/Training 6,140

Legal Fees 2,096

Sundry Items 707


2. Expenditure taken from balance brought forward from previous years

BCLEP contribution to Ch4 regional bid (Market in B'Ham) 30,000


4. LEP Implementation Review Funding

4.1 For the year of 2018-19 MHCLG made available £200,000 to fund the implementation of the LEP Review and the development of the BC Local Industrial Strategy. The funding was awarded in December 2018, and expenditure will continue into the 2019-20 financial year.

4.2 The table below details the 2018/19 budget for LEP Implantation Review Funding

and the associated actual expenditure.

2018/19 Strategic Budget agreed by LEP Board

Budget £ Actual

£ Varianc

e £

Marketing Communications & PR 50,000 42,653 7,347

LEP Proposition Fund (unallocated)*




Walsall MBC Technical Assistant Post 40,808 42,382 -1,574

MIPIM 2019 25,000 0 25,000

2018/19 Budget Total 250,000 241,563 8,437

Unallocated funds b/fwd 195,727 30,000 165,727

Total 445,727 271,563 174,164

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LEP Implantation Review Funding Budget Expenditure Carried forward

Capacity 76,718 0 76,718

Legal Expenses 15,000 0 15,000

LEP Board Recruitment Campaign 12,640 4,200 8,440

Intelligence 60,000 0 60,000

Business Engagement Campaign 35,642 12,000 23,642

Total 200,000 16,200 183,800

5. SEP Proposition Fund

5.1 In July 2015 the four local authorities of the Black Country committed £25,000 each towards and expenditure necessitated by the Strategic Economic Plan.

5.2 The table below details the expenditure aligned to that fund.

6. LGF/LPIF Programme Office Funding and Expenditure 6.1 During 2018/19 Programme Office costs were funded by grants from LGF (£181,000

Walsall MBC accountable body) and LPIF (£191,000 City of Wolverhampton accountable body) totaling £372,000

6.2 The table below shows how the 2018/19 LGF grant allocation of £372,000 was utilised.

2018/19 Programme Office Budget Budget £

LGF Actual


LPIF Actual


Variance (under spend)

Programme Office Delivery Consultant 164,894 33,469 132,428 -1,003

Capacity 202,506 98,169 70,417 33,920

Staff Other Expenses 2,000 1,081 228 691

Printing Stationary 2,600 2,520 2,820 -2,740

Total 372,000 135,239 205,893 30,868

6.3 Funding for the 2019/20 Programme Office has been agreed by the Black Country Joint Committee at a level of £191,000 LPIF funding and £181,000 Growth Deal funding.

SEP Proposition Fund Funding £ Expenditure £ Balance £

Brownfield Feasibility Study (15/16)


Garden City Project (16/17) 20,880

Garden City Project (17/18) 25,743

Garden City Project (18/19) 6,865

Local Authorities 4 x £25k 100,000 70,264 29,736

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7. Local Enterprise Partnership Budget 2019-20

7.1 To meet the application deadline for Local Enterprise Funding 2019-20 the Chair and the Walsall S.151 officer approved and signed the budget on 8th March 2019.

7.2 Total funding for 2019-20 was £700,000 (£250,000 ‘Core’, £250,000 ‘Strategic’ and

£200,000 to fund the implementation of the LEP review and the development of the LIS)

7.3 The funding application (with further clarification) is appended to this report for the

board’s approval.

8. Financial Implications

8.1 The report is for information and does not contain any financial implications.

9. Legal Implications

9.1 The report is for information and does not contain any legal implications

10. Risk Management

10.1 The report is for information.

11. Equality Implications

11.1 There are no Equality implications. Sarah Middleton

Chief Executive

Black Country Consortium Ltd

Contact Officer

Gloria Bates

Company Accountant

Tel: 01384 471108

Email: [email protected]

Source Documents: None

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LEP Budget 2019/20 LEP Core




Review Total


Funds b/fwd 112,640 94,609 0 207,249

2019/20 Grants (per application) 250,000 250,000 200,000 700,000

362,640 344,609 200,000 907,249



Capacity from Current year funding 165,748 76,718 242,466

Capacity from carry forwards 110,458 110,458


Staff Other Expenses 10,000 10,000

Rent Rates Insurance etc (recharge) 31,866 31,866

Printing, IT, Stationery & Miscellaneous

(recharge PO & LEP) 13,886 13,886

Audit, Professional and legal 8,500 8,500

Direct Expenditure

Sundry Room Hire and Refreshments 10,000 10,000

Corporate Board Development (Away days) 10,000 10,000

Website and App Development contingency 10,000 10,000

Stakeholders Conference March 2020 20,000 20,000

Marketing 30,000 30,000

Walsall Technical assistance match funding 36,946 36,946

LEP contribution to Midlands Engine initiative 19/20 20,000 20,000

LEP contribution to Midlands Engine initiative 18/19 20,000 20,000

LEP contribution to Midlands Engine initiative 17/18 20,000 20,000

LEP Contribution to WMCA 19/20 25,000 25,000

BC LEP Contribution to Innovation Alliance 25,000 25,000

BC LEP Contribution to 'Ladders for the BC' 10,000 10,000

BC LEP Support for BC Energy Steering Group 30,000 30,000

Strategic Employment Sites Study 25,000 25,000

BC SEP & LIS development 40,000 40,000

Annual s'ship of LEP Network 2019/20 6,000 6,000

Local Nature P'ship SLA 2019/20 8,400 8,400

Local Nature P'ship SLA 2018/19 8,400 8,400

Legal Expenses 15,000 15,000

LEP Board Recruitment Campaign 12,640 12,640

Intelligence 60,000 60,000

Business Engagement Campaign 35,642 35,642

Proposition Fund (unallocated) 2,182 9,863 0 12,045

362,640 344,609 200,000 907,249

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Agenda Item 8a

Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Board

20th August 2019

Black Country Strategic Economic Plan – Local Growth Deal

Changes to the Growth Deal Programme – Approval of the 2018/19 Year End


1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To request that the LEP Board approve the expenditure and output profiles for the Growth

Deal projects in line with 2018/19 year-end project claims and proposed change requests.

2. Recommendations

2.1. That the LEP Board:

2.2. Approves of the current position of the Growth Deal Projects, reflecting all changes to the

Programme (Funding and Outputs) throughout the year and, to maximise the 2018/19

Growth Deal allocation expenditure, requests approval for various changes detailed in

attachment 1 of the report.

3. Report Detail

3.1. The report details the current position of all Growth Deal Projects, reflecting all changes to

the Programme (Funding and Outputs) which have been considered and approved by the

LEP Board and Joint Committee throughout the year, plus some additional changes that

have been reported since the last LEP Board meeting (22nd July 2019).

3.2. Following the closure of the 2018-19 financial year a number of change requests have

submitted for LEP and Joint Committee approval. These include slippage of funding into

2019-20 and in some cases, a reduction in the overall funding amount due to project cost

savings, see attachment 1. The project expenditure and output profiles have been closely

monitored by the PMO and the Accountable Body over the course of the programme. This

has informed the PMO’s Growth Deal Dashboards as well as the Accountable Body’s claims

and committed expenditure forecasts which have continued to be presented to monthly

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board meetings, to inform the latest forecast as well as the over/under utilisation of Grant


3.3. The final year position for LEP Board and Joint Committee approved projects is profiled

below. The spend target for 2018/19 has been achieved with the final figure being finalised

at £19,53m.

15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

£29,950,000 £45,951,957 £31,384,296 £19,527,429 £41,578,507 £39,313,965 £208,056,154

*It is to be noted that this figure is based on the project claims paid out by the Accountable Body.

3.4. As the programme is approaching its final 18 months, the Accountable Body and the PMO,

with guidance from BEIS, have undertaken a thorough risk analysis exercise of all projects

which has resulted in a number of actions taken to ensure the programme is fully committed

and able to achieve spend and output targets. A list of criteria was agreed and applied to

assess all projects, such criteria included state aid eligibility and Black Country Joint

Committee approval. In addition to this, any ear marked funding has now been removed

from the programme.

3.5. Transport remains the largest risk within the programme, with the spend vs allocated

funding closely monitored to date. A number of development and access projects are

nearing completion and are expected to close in the coming months. Any unallocated

transport funds have been reduced and assigned to a number of smaller schemes. It is

expected that any unallocated transport funding will be fully committed in 2019/20. Major

schemes such as M6 Junction 10 are expected to start late 2019/20.

3.6. Output targets are tabled below with the current forecast and actual figures delivered to

date. Jobs Created and Learner Assist numbers continue to exceed the projected target,

with the Apprenticeship figures having been included in the Jobs Created total. Delivery of

high quality Commercial Floorspace has been very successful to date through the Local

Growth deal fund, again targets are expected to be over-achieved. Business Assist

numbers are relatively low compared to other outputs; work is on-going to drive forward

improvement on these figures.

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Jobs Created Housing completed Business Assists Learner Assists Commercial Floorspace

Target 6,384 2,536 3,200 8,984 39,244

Direct Forecast Outputs (see attachment)

7,647 1,664 2,401 12,730 216,646

Indirect Forecast Outputs

886 1,180 11 274 53,054

Total Forecast Outputs

8,533 2,844 2,412 13,004 269,700

Actual 4,327 704 407 78,324

*Includes direct and indirect outputs as well as outputs until 2025

*Outputs are subject to validation by the Accountable body

3.7. Delivery of residential schemes, to meet ambitious housing targets, has been a challenge

for the LEP, however recent discussions with BEIS and knowledge sharing with other LEPs

have provided valuable insight into how Housing outcomes can be captured. All initiatives

led by the BC LEP such as Site Investigation funding and the Garden City panel have

provided Housing and residential led type outcomes that can be included and counted

towards the targets for the Local Growth Deal, this is to be confirmed in writing by BEIS


3.8. The BC LEP has been supportive of private and public sector applicants coming forward for

Site Investigation funding and it is expected that all funded Site Investigations will complete

before the end of the year. Analysis of all site investigations and development funding is

underway, with the Accountable Body assessing all contingent liabilities. There is potential

that should any funding not be capitalised before the end of the programme, there may be

clawback for a number of projects.

3.9. A number of skills capital projects have been funded through the Local Growth Fund and

have been successful in their project delivery as well providing a high-quality educational

offering to the region. The Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills (EMCS) has been

completed, launching four successful locations including the Springfield Hub, with the final

project snagging to be completed before the end of 2019. Dudley College completed the

CABtech project in 2017-18 and continue to deliver skilled apprenticeships with the funds

awarded and drawn down. It has been agreed to remove the revenue match funding for

Dudley College from the project as an output but keeping all the original outputs such as

apprenticeships and learner assists.

4. Financial Implications

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4.1. The costs associated with this development work and the delivery of projects that form part

of the Local Growth Deal are covered by allocations from government associated with this


5. Legal Implications

5.1. The Grant Agreements are being prepared by the Accountable Body (Walsall Council) and

will include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together with all terms,

conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the approvals/conditions

received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee. Where

Grant Agreements have been completed by the Council and the Grantee, these will be

varied using the agreed change process – that Grant Agreement Schedules are revised

and re-issued to Grantees at the beginning of the new financial year, with all changes from

this year-end report, and those approved throughout the year but not formalised by a

separate Deed of Variation, included.

6. Risk Management

6.1. Risk is being managed through the on-going assessment of individual projects and their

ability to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required

or agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board or the Joint Committee.

7. Equality Implications

7.1. None at time of drafting.

Sarah Middleton

Chief Executive

Black Country Consortium Ltd

Contact Officer

Lara Cragg

Tel: +44 (0)1384 471166

Email: [email protected]

Source Documents:

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• Individual Project Change Requests Attachments:

1. Growth Deal Project Outputs and Grant Allocations

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Attachment 1



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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL


Accessing Growth - Bilston Urban Village Reported 726,627 2,168,661 2,895,288

Accessing Growth - Junction & Highway Improvements (Canal Side) Reported 630,000 630,000

Accessing Growth - J10 Resilience Package Reported 94,519 1,235,176 1,329,695

Accessing Growth - Coach Station Reported 387,673 90,000 477,673

Accessing Growth - Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro Reported 400,000 130,000 100,000 630,000

Accessing Growth -Compton Park Improved Connectivity Reported 149,352 149,352

Accessing Growth - Springfield Campus InterChange Connectivity Reported 600,000 600,000

Accessing Growth - A454 Willenhall Road Reported 158,800 26,517 185,317

Accessing Growth - A449 Stafford Road Reported 101,011 13,336 114,347

Accessing Growth - A459 Dudley Rd/Coombs Rd Halesowen Reported 259,291 280,709 540,000

Accessing Growth -Pinfold Bridge, Wednesfield Road Reported 674,568 674,568

Accessing Growth - Himley Road Reported 78,500 78,500

Reported 768,340 619,230 1,387,570

Change 768,340 618,604 1,386,944

Accessing Growth M6 J10 Reported 218,835 218,835

Accessing Growth - Westlink Development Reported 54,461 100,539 155,000

Reported 550,000 550,000

Change 396,863 153,137 550,000

Reported 200,000 220,000 0 420,000

Change 200,000 214,510 5,490 420,000

Reported 918,000 0 918,000

Change 912,652 5,348 918,000

Reported 845,856 845,856

Change 846,482 846,482

Advance Science, Engineering & Technology Centre Reported 20 530 155 965 1,059,000 1,059,000

Bilston Urban Village Reported 22 498 771 2,750,000 2,087,599 4,837,599

Dudley Advance Construction (CABTech) Reported 315 725 1,170 2,600 200 2,028,108 5,851,892 7,880,000

Elite Centre Feasibility Study Reported 170,000 170,000

Reported 67 412 365 0 1,751,940 5,972,164 822,296 8,546,400

Change 67 412 365 1,751,940 5,972,164 773,832 48,464 8,546,400

Reported 8 605 345 1,336 60 316,088 316,088

Change 8 685 345 1336 60 316,088 316,088

Goscote Lane Corridor Development Programme Reported 12 848 0 0 1,700,000 2,808,000 4,312,000 8,820,000

Reported 800 45 48 14 13041 1,493,383 1,335,344 1,669,415 4,128,858 0 8,627,000

Change 800 45 48 14 13041 1,493,383 1,335,344 1,669,415 3,155,351 574,771 8,228,264

Growing the City Centre Cultural and Business Event Offer Reported 67 13 85 2,730 1,876,699 2,301,021 1,234,681 5,412,401

M6 Junction 10 LGF & Dft funds Reported 650,000 350,000 120,000 0 13,936,742 14,593,258 29,650,000

Major Transport Scheme Reported 690,409 6,929,591 7,620,000

Managing Short Trips Reported 2,430,009 3,860,836 6,290,845

Science, Technology & Prototyping Centre Reported 122 1,296,594 3,583,406 4,880,000

Wolverhampton InterChange - Commercial Gateway Phase 2 (LGF) Reported 408 36684 4,500,000 3,500,000 8,000,000

Reported 0 1 548,991 2,528,718 984,621 346,670 360,000 4,769,000

Change 1 2,528,718 984,621 268,341 24,401 3,806,081

Ruskin Mill Glasshouse Phase 3 Reported 12 0 15 201 274 160,026 160,026

Walsall Waterfront Reported 31,638 100,771 14,965 147,374

Dudley Town Centre - Buildings & Sites Improvements Programme Reported 6 5 9 330 169,558 285,442 455,000

Woods Lane

Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills

FAB Kit Programme

Growing Priority Sectors

Outputs Expenditure

Accessing Growth - Salters Road

Accessing Growth - Unallocated

Acessing Growth - Springfield Campus Ph 2

Accessing Growth - City North & East Gateway - Major Scheme Dev

Accessing Growth - Walsall Economic Growth & Infrastructure Package

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

Outputs Expenditure

City of Wolverhampton College Relocation - Development Funding Reported 310,000 310,000

Walsall College - Improving Engineering Capacity Reported 247 759 207,128 207,128

Reported 355,600 355,600

Change 0 0

UoW Apprenticeship Hub Reported 715 150,000 50,000 200,000

Music Institute Development Study Reported 80,000 69,997 149,997

Very Light Rail Development Study Reported 150,000 150,000 300,000

Walsall College IT Academy Reported 500 147,767 147,767

Airfield Drive Reported 5119 370,993 370,993

Halesowen College - Access Centre for HE Reported 10 0 515 700,000 700,000

Dudley College - Specialist Equipment for HVM Sector Reported 215 0 104,400 104,400

Reported 204 986,748 716,464 726,779 0 2,429,991

Change 204 986,748 716,464 414,977 311,802 2,429,991

Pensnett Estate Extension Development Reported 20061.5 1,477,368 1,477,368

Walsall College - Additional Engineering Equipment Reported 200 365 149,250 149,250

Dudley College - Construction Apprenticeship Training Centre Reported 0 200 415 507,247 92,753 600,000

VLR - Test Track and Innovation Centre - SEED funding Reported 637,814 198,914 836,728

Reported 2,024,655 2,230,195 0 4,254,850

Change 2,024,655 2,161,122 653 4,186,429

203/204 Wolverhampton Street Reported 342 145,947 145,947

City North Gateway Phase 1 M54 Jct 2 to Springfield Lane Reported 2,319,080 1,031,920 3,351,000

Reported 45 340 0 205 5784 838,826 10,991,699 6,663,718 18,494,243

Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre Reported 19 390 70 1000 929 722,999 722,999

Walsall College Digital, Constuction & Engineering Expansion Reported 532 442 500,832 483,168 984,000

Reported 4436 954,812 3,037,351 5,504 3,997,667

Change 4436 3,992,163 5,504 3,997,667

Reported 105 1,698,000 0 1,698,000

Change 105 0 1,698,000 1,698,000

Church Square Appartments Reported 4 123,121 123,121

I54 Western Extension - Access Package (LTB & Accessing Growth) Reported 238,305 4,261,695 500,000 5,000,000

Reported 275 10 325 830,939 2,881,161 2,222,000 5,934,100

Change 275 10 325 176,565 3,535,535 2,220,000 5,932,100

Hatherton Street Phase 2 Reported 1526 799,819 799,819

The Leather Industry Reported 9 450,000 450,000

Reported 328,000 1,212,000 8,703,000 10,243,000

Change 0 0 8,084,612 8,084,612

Reported 1,944,722 0 1,944,722

Change 1,222,042 722,680 1,944,722

Home to Hub & Test Innovation Development funding Reported 838,826 306,921 1,145,747

Reported 28 175 128 255 7981 3,520,000 0 3,520,000

Change 28 175 128 255 7981 731,470 2,788,530 3,520,000

Reported 3,493,043 926,957 4,420,000

Change 3,485,412 934,588 4,420,000

Reported 132,307 367,693 500,000

Change 0 500,000 500,000

Black Country Living Museum Forging Ahead Programme Reported 58 308 124891 2,630,000 6,370,000 9,000,000

Birchley Island Development Scheme Reported 2,008,388 2,008,388

Dudley Brownfield Land Ph 1

Managing Short Trips Tranche 2

Woods Lane Phase 2

Birchley Island Main Scheme

Chances Glassworks

Home to Hub Test Track & Innovation Centre

Halesowen College - Business & Construction Management Centre

i9 (BLOCK 9) Wolverhampton

Springfield Phase 1

National Brownfield Institute

Phoenix 10

SOABE (School of Architech & Built Environment)

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

Outputs Expenditure


Popes Lane - Site Investigation Reported 54,290 54,290

Pensett Estate Extension - Site Investigation Reported 41,165 41,165

Parkrose industrial Estate - Site Investigation Reported 53,994 19,170 73,164

Challenge Block - Site Investigation Reported 0 21,092 19,908 41,000

Moxley Tip - Site Investigation Reported 88,600 23,298 111,898

Reported 990 115,729 0 116,719

Change 990 77,528 38,201 116,719

Bourne Street - Site Investigation Reported 63,565 63,565

Wharf Aprroach - Site Investigation Reported 25,898 25,898

Bull Street - Site Investigation Reported 34,761 0 34,761

Black Country Living Museum Forging Ahead Programme - Site Inv Reported 20,148 3,821 23,969

Former Reedswood Golf Course - Site Investigation Reported 9,330 9,330

Music Institute and Student Accommodation - Site investigation Reported 32,579 32,579

City Learning Quarter - Site Investigation Reported 120,000 120,000

Reported 43,278 96,479 139,757

Change 43,278 56,980 100,258

Springfield Campus Remediation - Site Investigation Reported 83,195 83,195

Reported 64,400 0 64,400

Change 38,931 23,160 62,091

Sandwell Residential - Site investigation Reported 44,808 44,808

Holloway Street, Gornal - Site investigation Reported 43,235 43,235

Reported 69,059 69,059

Change 58,225 58,225


M6 Junction 10 Reported 99,863 200,000 299,863

Wolverhampton InterChange - Commercial Gateway Phase 2 Reported 4,367,751 4,632,249 9,000,000

Birchley Island M5 J2 Reported 100,000 100,000

A4104 Pensnett High Street Reported 0 2,348,432 1,451,569 3,800,001

Reported 30,000 66,228 53,772 0 150,000

Change 30,000 66,228 15,888 37,884 150,000

Dudley Bus Station Reported 157,677 42,323 200,000

Reported 120,000 107,500 70,000 297,500

Change 120,000 95,750 81,750 297,500

Wolverhampton to Willenhall Metro Extension - Dev funding Reported 150,000 10,550 160,550

West Coast Mainline HS2 Study - Sandwell Reported 40,000 40,000

West Coast Mainline HS2 Study - Walsall Reported 40,000 40,000

Reported 63,877 26,123 90,000

Change 63,877 19,787 83,664

Bloxwich Mitigation Package Reported 100,000 100,000

Birchley Island Transport Development Funding Reported 150,000 150,000

Reported 74,334 75,666 150,000

Change 62,948 87,052 150,000

Reported 37,500 37,500

Change 17,300 20,200 37,500

Reported 69,000 69,000

Change 63,213 63,213

Black Country Train Stations - Walsall

University College Dudley

Bilston Urban Village East - Site investigation

A4123 Development Works

Mill Lane Bridge GRIP Study & Aldridge Line Aqueduct GRIP 3 Study

A461 Corridor Improvements Phase 2 & 3

I54 Western Extension Transport Development Funding

Dudley Town Centre Infrastructure Improvements - Development Funding

Shidas Lagoon - Site Investigation

Former Willenhall ST Works - Site Investigation

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

Outputs Expenditure

Sustainable Transport Scheme Development Funding Reported 40,000 40,000

Major Road Network Reported 250,000 250,000

Reported 875,450 875,450

Change 637,572 637,572


Reported 263,049 300,572 196,110 219,595 181,000 181,000 1,341,326

Change 263,049 300,572 196,110 135,239 181,000 181,000 1,256,970

LA Programme Work & Development - Dudley Reported 142,889 249,866 248,754 641,509

LA Programme Work & Development - Sandwell Reported 25,364 5,707 6,500 37,571

Joint Committee Expenditure - Walsall Reported 126,223 195,661 175,000 230,372 175,000 175,000 1,077,256

LA Programme Work & Development - Walsall Reported 69,995 250,000 250,000 569,995

LA Programme Work & Development - Wolverhampton Reported 179,215 250,000 250,000 679,215

Black Country Transport expenditure - Wolverhampton Reported 213,042 214,715 250,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 977,757

Programme Technical Advice - Property Reported 42,955 21,303 40,216 135,000 120,000 359,474

Programme Technical Advice - Legal Reported 14,388 7,765 33,000 35,000 90,153

TOTAL Reported 2,006 5,641 1,664 2,401 12,935 222,430 £29,950,000 £46,301,957 £32,223,122 £40,098,541 £41,826,496 £39,934,353 £230,334,469

TOTAL Change 1,961 5,381 1,664 2,401 12,730 216,646 £29,950,000 £46,301,957 £31,384,296 £19,527,429 £41,578,507 £39,313,965 £208,056,154

Growth Deal Commitment 2,536 3,200 8,984 39,244

Variance to Contracted Outputs +Over/-Under -872 -799 3,746 177,402


Reported = Position previously Reported to the BCJC

Change = to be approved by Joint Committee


LTB Unallocated Funds (Aldridge Station)

LEP Programme Management


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Agenda Item 8b Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Board

20th August 2019

Black Country Strategic Economic Plan – Growth Deal

Project Approval Recommendation: Ultra-Low EV Transport Development

Funding (SEPPL143)

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To request that the LEP Board approve the Ultra-low EV Transport Development project

from within the Growth Deal Programme.

2. Recommendation

2.1. That the LEP Board:

2.2. Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant

Agreement with Wolverhampton City Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF)

funded elements of the Ultra-low EV Transport Development Funding – with delivery to

commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

3. Report Detail

3.1. A summary of the proposed project is detailed below:

Ultra-low EV Transport Development Funding Project - £130,000 in 2019/20

Funding Breakdown 2019/20 2020/21 Total

LEP Funding £130,000 £0 £130,000

Applicants own funds £30,000 £0 £30,000

TOTAL £160,000 £0 £160,000

3.2. The UK’s transportation sector is responsible for 27% of the nation’s carbon emissions, 90%

of which come from road transport. Since the introduction of the 2008 climate change act

which binds the UK to 80% reduction in carbon emissions based on pre-1990 levels,

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transportation carbon emissions have increased, whilst other sectors have made significant


3.3. Public health impacts have economic costs associated through increased health care costs

and loss of productivity which, left unaddressed, will continue to grow as the national

population increases, further exacerbating the problem. EU directives as well as national

law, require that the government addresses the air pollution in urban centres, and ensure

levels are kept in compliance with the law.

3.4. Ultra-low emissions vehicles (ULEV) are at the heart of the government’s ambitions to

decarbonise the economy and form a major part within the industrial strategy linking clean

growth and future mobility objectives together. ULEVs are considered as a cornerstone by

which significant progress in carbon reduction and air quality improvements can be made,

in line with decarbonisation of the UK’s energy mix.

3.5. The West Midlands strategic transport document, Movement for Growth, indicates the need

to decarbonise transport by promoting the use of ULEV’s to deliver on two key

environmental policies:

• ENV1 - To significantly improve the quality of the local environment in the West

Midlands Metropolitan Area.

• ENV2 - To help tackle climate change by ensuring large decreases in greenhouse

gas emissions from the West Midlands Metropolitan Area.

3.6. Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) are working closely with the West Midlands Combined

Authority (WMCA) and constituent local authorities to develop a West Midlands ULEV

strategy. The wider West Midlands region is a centre for research and manufacturing in the

automotive industry and promotion of ULEV’s has significant potential to contribute to the

local economy.

3.7. In order to address these constraints and meet national policy objectives around climate

change and local air pollution, City of Wolverhampton Council are working in collaboration

across the Black Country to deliver a sub-regional wide Ultra Low emission vehicle

programme that supports locally aligned objectives as established in the Black Country

Core Strategy and individual council plans. The programme’s overarching focus is to

support the accelerated carbon reduction across the Black Country faster than the nationally

defined targets and maximise the air quality potential of the area to achieve optimum public

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health benefits. Thus, the primary output of the programme is to accelerate the uptake of

Ultra low emission vehicles across the area and across all sectors.

3.8. This bid will help to support the development costs for the initial phases of the programme

as well support the full business case development to support an application for larger

funding opportunities via other funding bodies, such as central government, the WMCA and

through European Grants. These larger bids will be instrumental in delivering physical

capital assets in the form of charging and energy infrastructure as well as smart innovation

projects that will help to strengthen local economies.

4. Financial Implications

4.1. There All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will

be covered by allocations from the government with this programme. This includes use of

any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery

of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on 29th October


5. Legal Implications

5.1. The appropriate Grant Agreements are in place and will be utilised by the Accountable Body

(Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together

with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the

approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint


6. Risk Management

6.1. Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability

to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or

agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.

7. Equality Implications

7.1. None at the time of drafting

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Sarah Middleton

Chief Executive

Black Country Consortium Ltd

Contact Officer

Lara Cragg

Tel: +44 (0)1384 471166

Email: [email protected]

Source Documents:

i. Ultra-low EV Transport Development Funding Initial Proposal

ii. August 2019 Funding Sub Group Paper

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Agenda 8c Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Board

20th August 2019

Black Country Strategic Economic Plan – Growth Deal

Project Approval Recommendation: IT Digital Skills and Innovation (SEPP34)

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To request that the LEP Board approve the IT Digital Skills and Innovation project from

within the Growth Deal Programme.

2. Recommendation

2.1. That the LEP Board:

2.2. Approves the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant

Agreement with PTP Training Ltd to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements

of the IT Digital Skills and Innovation project – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20

financial year.

3. Report Detail

3.1. A summary of the proposed project is detailed below:

IT Digital Skills and Innovation Project - £68,162.50 in 2019/20

Funding Breakdown 2019/20 2020/21 Total

LEP Funding £68,162.50 £0 £68,162.50

Applicants own funds £68,162.50 £0 £68,162.50

TOTAL £136,325 £0 £136,325

3.2. Performance Through People (PTP) Training Ltd are a private training provider based in

Walsall Town centre who have an excellent track record of providing high quality training to

companies throughout the Midlands for over forty years. They have a strong track record of

working with employers across a range of industries and are graded as ‘Outstanding’ by

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Ofsted for their partnership engagement. Building upon the success of previous Local

Growth Deal funded projects (Fab Kit and the IT Academy) there is a need for further

investment in their IT and Digital skills offering.

3.3. The recent apprenticeship reforms are having a negative impact on apprenticeship starts

nationally, especially with SME’s and large employers struggling to spend their levy funds,

the IT and Digital programme at PTP will offer the flexibility and confidence to customers

that training programmes can be customised to their needs and requirements. Over 50 levy

companies will be supported, as a result of the project investment, and encouraged to

engage more and utilise more of their funds more efficiently. The investment will allow the

applicant to increase the amount of digital skills that they offer to the Black Country and

recruit additional staff to deliver a high-quality range of bite size courses.

3.4. BEIS have previously allowed apprenticeships to be included in the ‘jobs created’ output

category, which would ensure that the output target is met. However, should the national

downturn in apprenticeship figures have a negative impact on the Black Country, it would

be considered prudent to support the private training providers who are ‘bucking the trend’

and still delivering the much-needed apprenticeship figures required by the programme.

The full impact of the change in appetite for apprenticeships is to be evaluated by the BC

LEP and reported to board members however feedback from the colleges and the

universities (including Coventry and Warwickshire institutions) indicates that the impact will

be significant.

3.5. Outputs to be delivered from this project:

3.6. Business Assists have been a challenging output for the programme to achieve with various

applicants advising that the criteria set out by government have been difficult to meet. PTP

Training Ltd are one of the few applicants who have been delivering this output consistently

via previously funded projects. Supporting this project will ensure that this output is achieved

before the Growth Deal is due to close and would contribute towards a successful evaluation

of the overall programme.

Output Total

Businesses Assisted 1250

Learner Assists 180

Apprenticeships 1600

Jobs Created 5

Jobs Safeguarded 20

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3.7. Any funding awarded will be subject to State Aid compliance and standard due diligence

requirements, as per the Assurance Framework and the Single Accountable Body

contracting process.

4. Financial Implications

4.1. There All the costs associated with this proposal form part of the LGF Programme and will

be covered by allocations from the government with this programme. This includes use of

any interest accrued by the Accountable Body to cover costs associated with the delivery

of Accountable Body functions, as approved by its (Walsall Council) Cabinet on 29th October


5. Legal Implications

5.1. The appropriate Grant Agreements are in place and will be utilised by the Accountable Body

(Walsall Council), and include all conditions passed onto the LEP by Government, together

with all terms, conditions, performance measures and sanctions as required by the

approvals/conditions received from Government or approved by the LEP Board or the Joint


6. Risk Management

6.1. Risk will be managed through the on-going monitoring of individual projects and their ability

to deliver the required spending profiles and outcomes for the programme as required or

agreed with Government and set into place by the LEP Board and the Joint Committee.

7. Equality Implications

7.1. None at the time of drafting

Sarah Middleton

Chief Executive

Black Country Consortium Ltd

Contact Officer

Lara Cragg

Tel: +44 (0)1384 471166

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Email: [email protected]

Source Documents:

i. IT Digital Skills and Innovation Initial Proposal

ii. August 2019 Funding Sub Group Paper

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1 2 3 4

Baseline expenditure compared to latest forecast for 2018/19

Total LGF Programme Funding Baseline 18/19 Latest Forecast 18/19



Black Country LEP Growth Deal Dashboard as at 1st August 2019 v1.0Summary - IN FLIGHT 18/19 FINANCIAL YEAR


The PMO and the Accountable Body are working together tofinalise 2018/19 year end spend.

2018/19 Growth Deal Projects are in a mixture ofdevelopment and implementation.

A number of projects have closed in the 2018/19 financialyear.

Outputs are being delivered by projects which havecompleted their Grant Funding as well as projects yet todraw down all their allocated funding.

Growth Deal 1,2 & 3 Funding Profile

Issue Impact Description RAG Action

Growth Deal 3 – Funding Profile & Outputs

The £55.05m GD3 profile was radically reprofiled during March 2017 resulting in £26.52m of the award being profiled into 20/21. This presents a range of challenges for the programme, not only with managing the Cashflow to the new profile but delivering the target Outputs consistent with the new funding profile.

BEIS have now confirmed that outputs can be counted until 2024/25. Funding profiles discussion currently on-going.

Limited capacity to support Pipeline Development & delivery of Transport Schemes

Currently, there is insufficient resource to develop and deliver all of the schemes listed within the programme over a 10 year period.

Transport Director is re-directing Growth Deal funds to support development of major schemes.


Programme Outputs – Direct & Indirect

*tail funding for DarlastonNB: Excludes £6m awarded for DMBC Housing Revenue Account

NB: Growth Deal Programme Funding includes LGF Competitive, LGF/LTB and DfT funding for M6 J10

Outputs Commentary

Programme Office emphasise to scheme bidders the needfor eligible outputs and schemes with little or no outputsare unlikely to receive grant support

Delays experienced by some schemes has resulted inoutputs for 2021 delivery, slipping into 2021/22. Detailscaptured in table above. Some schemes scheduled toreach peak delivery in 2022

PMO undertaking Outputs analysis to identify any areas ofunderperformance within the in-flight projects.

NB: The above are subject to validation by the Accountable Body.*Apprenticeships included as ‘Jobs Created’ as per approval by BEIS.

*Committed as per Project Status Report Updates to PMO

BCC Programme Office – LGF Programme Dashboard Summary 18/19 – In Flight v1.0 Contact Officer: Shannon Nicklin Source Data: LGF Project Status Reports (Confidential – not for public review)

18/19 Grant Claimed YTD (£m)

Submitted July YTD Paid July YTD

Growth Deal Claim Value (£m) £15.33m £11.23m

Risk Impact Description RAG Action

High proportion of Revenue Funding approved against capital programme.

Risk that revenue funding awarded will not result in capital scheme. Funding cannot be capitalised resulting in under-utilisation of grant.

PMO and Accountable Body to monitor use of revenue funding and periodically report risk impact to board.

£19.53m committed* as of 31st July 2019

2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 TotalLGF Competitive £23.70 £33.25 £11.94 £4.44 £7.13 £0.03 £80.49

LGF DfT Retained (M6 J10) £0.65 £0.35 £0.12 £1.12

LGF DfT Competitive (M6 J10) £13.93 £14.60 £28.53LGF Expansion £3.90 £3.60 £3.60 £6.40 £6.40 £23.90GD 3 £12.82 £10.39 £5.32 £26.52 £55.05

Total LGF Commitment £24.35 £37.50 £28.48 £18.43 £32.78 £47.55 £189.09

LTB pre-allocated £5.60 £8.80 £2.90 £1.10 £0.20 £18.60

Existing DfT transport major* £3.60 £3.60

Total Other £9.20 £8.80 £2.90 £1.10 £0.20 £0.00 £22.20

Total Growth Deal £33.55 £46.30 £31.38 £19.53 £32.98 £47.55 £211.29

At 31st July 2019, claims to value of £15,325,863 for LGF and LTBcombined have been submitted to Walsall Accountable Body

£14,588,611 LGF £737,252 LTB

To date £11,227,764 has been paid £10,832,278 LGF £395,486 LTB



Jobs Created Housing Units Completed Business Assists Learner


Commercial Floorspace (sqm)

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Direct IndirectLocal Growth Deal

Target 6,384 2,536 3,200 8,984 39,244

Planned forecast to 2021 8,733 886 1,292 1,180 2,338 11 14,866 89,001 53,054

Planned forecast to 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 274 0 0

Combined Forecast 8,733 886 1,292 1,180 2,338 11 15,140 89,001 53,054

Actual 4,326 1 704 0 398 9 5,647 52,312 26,012












2018/19 Project Spend (£m)£19.53m Grant Funding

Allocated2018/19 Quarterly Spend Profile (Cumulative £m)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

Total LGF Programme Funding £4.88 £9.77 £14.65 £19.53 £19.53

Baseline 18/19 £5.22 £10.43 £15.65 £20.86 £20.86

Latest Forecast 18/19 £0.42 £3.10 £5.76 £19.53 £19.53

Under/Over Utilisation of Grant Funding £0.00












0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Jobs Created

Housing Units Completed

Business Assists

Learner Assists

Commercial Floorspace (sqm)

Core Outputs Achievement against Output Targets 2015-16 to 2021+

Actual Target








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* Includes projects that have been approved by the Black Country Joint Committee 2

PROJECT NAME Borough2018/19

Last Period This Period CommentaryQ1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL

Accessing Growth - City North City East Major Development W'hampton £0.00 £0.07 £0.02 £0.12 £0.21

Development work has resulted in an OBC for City East Gateway Phase 1&2 and a MRN bid being submitted which has been ranked top 7 schemes for potential delivery in the first tranche. LEP funding to be claimed and finalised early 2019/20. New bid submitted to continue with MRN development.

Accessing Growth - Springfield Campus Ph2 W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.39 £0.40Works onsite are now completed aside from snagging. Post scheme evaluation to be completed by October 2019.

Accessing Growth - Wednesbury to Brierly Hill Metro Extension Dudley £0.04 £0.03 £0.03 £0.00 £0.10Project now closed and LEP funding fully claimed. Continuation of development for the Metro is ongoing.

Bilston Urban Village W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

Project continues to perform well and is on course to deliver on outputs. Countryside have bow complete piling activities and have built homes to dpc level across all three tenures. All estate roads are now installed to base course. Installation of gabion retaining structures has commenced.

Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills BC Wide £0.00 £0.21 £0.55 £0.02 £0.77Training equipment has been installed at Incomm and is awaiting commissioning. ECMS to apply for its own SFA Sub Contract due by August 2019.

Goscote Lane Corridor Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00The S106 on Phase 3 is due to be finalised in August 2019. Homes are completed on Phase 2 but the site is not yet complete due to remaining infrastructure works.

Growing Priority Sectors BC Wide £0.00 £0.30 £0.47 £2.38 £3.16Programme is now fully committed. All applicants contracted. Change request to be submitted to extend claim deadline to September 2019.

Wolverhampton Civic Hall W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00Growth Deal funding allocation has now been spent and fully claimed. Project to be monitored on progress for the remainder of the programme.

M6 Junction 10 Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00Continuing to work through required actions regarding land acquisition and orders. Overall decision from SoS due by August 2019.

Woods Lane Sandwell £0.00 £0.00 £0.09 £0.18 £0.27Invoice has been raised for MacArthur Road relocation and compensation following on from ongoing tenant difficulties. This was reflected in the recent change request, which is currently going through the necessary approval process.

Chances Glassworks Site Assembly Sandwell £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00The anticipated actions which would result in spend of grant has not been achieved by the due date. Discussions are currently ongoing on a resolution to this between the LEP and the applicant.

Dudley Brownfield Land - Ph 1 Dudley £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.41 £0.41Contract agreed for Stewarts Road and works on site are due to commence. Cost negotiations for Portway Close are still ongoing therefore exact dates are yet to be agreed.

Managing Short Trips Tranche 2 BC Wide £0.07 £1.18 £0.78 £0.14 £2.16All 7 towpaths now complete. Canal River Trust to provide a quotation for the supply of signages along the routes for the 2017/19 project delivered to enable a meaningful discussion around utilising underspend. Still awaiting CRT to provide signage cost.

City North Gateway Phase 1 W'hampton £0.29 £0.26 £0.00 £0.48 £1.03 Water connection to be made to a new café unit. Awaiting financial transaction with suppliers to be processed. Works will be undertaken by nominated statutory undertaker. LGF funding fully claimed.

i9 Wolverhampton W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Severn Trent foul water diversion order placed. Grant agreement to be concluded.

The Leather Industry Expansion Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.45 £0.45Interview booked for potential employee to replace staff member who left business. Spoga Trade Show (Germany) booked, will share platform/exhibition stand with Abbey England Ltd. Indian Agent approved by board.

Hatherton Street Phase 2 Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00Foundations and install ground floors now completed. Brickwork superstructure to first floor level to commence.

Birchley Island Main Scheme Sandwell £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00Highways England / SMBC main Section 6 agreement ready for engrossment and sealing by respective solicitors. Pavement investigations to be undertaken. Scheme costs to be refined.

Church Square Apartments Sandwell £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12 £0.12Ongoing meetings with building control. Roof repairs 75% completed. Room partitioning ongoing - internal plastering. First fix plumbing and electrics on second floor. Windows ordered in compliance with listed building status.

Halesowen College - Business & Construction Management Centre Dudley £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.18 £0.18Contractor has been appointed and works on site have commenced. All planned activities are progressing well.

Woods Lane Phase 2 Sandwell £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00Re-programmed site activities to take into consideration hotspots and remediation stage 2 works. Piling 100% stage 1 complete. Continue groundwork - drainage and foundations.

Phoenix 10 Phase 1 Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.22 £1.22Meeting with the Accountable Body to discuss the detail of the grant agreement and draft agreement then issued for review.

Very Light Rail Development Funding Dudley £0.00 £0.11 £0.08 £0.12 £0.31 Decision to be approved at July's Joint Committee.

Site Investigation Approved Funding

Challenge Block (SI) Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.01 £0.01 £0.02Deliverables completed and final grant claim submitted to the Accountable Body for processing. Site investigation works are now complete.

Shidas Lagoon (SI) Sandwell £0.02 £0.00 £0.04 £0.02 £0.08Coal Authority have been contacted and meeting held to discuss shaft findings and treatment, further dialogue is required including the provision of further technical data.

Wharf Approach, Aldridge (SI) Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.03 £0.03 Site investigation now complete and LEP funding claimed.

Former Willenhall ST Works (SI) Walsall £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.04 £0.06 Work on detailed programme for carrying out the survey works to be agreed.

City Learning Quarter (SI) W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12 £0.12Majority of site investigations have been completed. Some surveys will be carried out in 2019/20 due to delay of demolition works. Final reports due September 2019.

University College Dudley (UCD) SI W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.04Site investigation report is now produced but has shown that further investgation of the limestone workings is reqyuired to confirm their presence or not. Final invoices still awaited for recently complete site investigation work.

Bilston Urban Village East SI W'hampton £0.00 £0.03 £0.02 £0.01 £0.06 All interpretive reports have now been delivered. Final claims to be made.

PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENTJC Programme expenditure BC Wide £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.23 £0.23LA Programme work and development Sandwell £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00LA Programme work and development Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00LA Programme - Transport W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.10 £0.10LA Programme work and development W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

Total Committed / Forecast Spend £0.42 £2.68 £2.63 £12.35 £18.08

LTB PROJECTSM6 Junction 10 (LTB) Walsall £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 As per 'M6 Junction 10' Commentary above.i54 Western Extension Access Package W'hampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.24 £0.24 Site works commenced 24th June.

LTB Development Funding Total BC Wide £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.50 £0.52Funding awarded to a range of transport schemes to undertake required studies to support development of full business cases.

Total Committed / Forecast Spend LTB £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.73 £0.75

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Black Country LEP Growth Deal Dashboard as at 1st August 2019 v1.0Summary 2 of 2 – FUTURE YEARS


Programme Funding vs Spend (Cumulative £m)

BCC Programme Office – LGF Programme Dashboard Summary 2 of 2 – Future Years v1.0 Contact Officer: Shannon Nicklin Source Data: LGF Project Status Reports (Confidential – not for public review)

Growth Deal 1, 2 & 3 Funding Profile

*tail funding for Darlaston

Competitive LGF Funding (£m)

*Inc. GD 1, 2 & 3 Competitive, LTB Pre-Committed Funds & DfT for M6 J10

PMO and Accountable Body are working closely together to finalise the final two years of the Programme.

See reverse for breakdown by project

Includes Direct outputs only, subject to validation by Walsall Accountable Body

15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Total

Total LGF Grant Award* £29.95 £46.30 £31.38 £19.53 £32.98 £47.55 £207.69

Baseline £28.33 £39.97 £39.89 £20.86 £8.81 £26.88 £164.73

Latest Committed / Forecast Spend £29.87 £46.30 £31.38 £19.53 £43.02 £38.78 £208.88

Over/Under-utilisation of Grant Funding £0.08 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10.04 -£8.77 £1.19

Outputs Forecast by Year Forecast to


Forecast Actual to

Date2015-2017 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021+

Jobs Jobs Created 520 533 577 707 1,651 43 3,988 4,031 629Jobs Safeguarded 121 9 547 254 270 0 1,201 1,201 224

Houses Homes Started 557 464 702 131 98 0 1,952 1,952 740Homes Completed 341 296 108 149 162 0 1,056 1,056 704

Business Assists

# new enterprises receiving non financial support 0 5 4 16 6 0 31 31 6

# of enterprises receiving non financial support 112 139 791 460 483 120 1,985 2,105 247# of enterprises receiving grant support 16 15 7 0 0 0 38 38 39# of enterprises receiving financial support other than Grant 53 0 0 25 28 0 106 106 0

# of potential entrepreneurs assisted to be enterprise ready 73 63 55 60 69 0 320 320 112

Total Business Assists 254 222 857 561 586 115 2,480 2,595 398

Learner AssistsLearner Assists 2,287 2,378 4,106 3,515 3,651 524 15,937 16,461 5,647Apprenticeships Started 622 1,105 1,234 1,372 1,211 467 5,544 6,011 3,697Apprenticeships Completed 203 259 638 796 883 224 2,779 3,003 840

Land and Property

New build / refurbished training/ learning space (sqm) 3,903 4,327 802 0 0 5,008 9,032 14,040 8,030

Commercial floorspace constructed / Refurbished Gross (sqm) 20,042 30,939 16,264 19,697 22,107 0 109,049 109,049 52,312

Area of site reclaimed, (re)developed or assembled (ha) 27 8 12 8 22 0 77 77 13

Visitor Economy Visitor Numbers 63,925 68,195 65,217 100,250 170,268 180,000 467,855 647,855 63,984

InfrastructureTotal Length of Resurfaced Roads (Km) 13 1 5 0 0 0 18.45 18.45 13.58Total Length of Newly Built Roads (Km) 6 0 2 0 0 0 7.82 7.82 5.99Total Length of New Cycleway (km) 37 7 9 0 0 0 52.66 52.66 45.58


2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Total

LGF Competitive £23.70 £33.25 £11.94 £4.44 £7.13 £0.03 £80.49

LGF DfT Retained (M6 J10) £0.65 £0.35 £0.12 £1.12

LGF DfT Competitive (M6 J10) £13.93 £14.60 £28.53

LGF Expansion £3.90 £3.60 £3.60 £6.40 £6.40 £23.90

GD 3 £12.82 £10.39 £5.32 £26.52 £55.05

Total LGF Commitment £24.35 £37.50 £28.48 £18.43 £32.78 £47.55 £189.09

LTB pre-allocated £5.60 £8.80 £2.90 £1.10 £0.20 £18.60

Existing DfT transport major* £3.60 £3.60

Total Other £9.20 £8.80 £2.90 £1.10 £0.20 £0.00 £22.20

Total Growth Deal £33.55 £46.30 £31.38 £19.53 £32.98 £47.55 £211.29







2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/2020 2020/2021

Total LGF Grant Award* Baseline Latest Committed / Forecast Spend

























Jobs Created

Jobs Safeguarded

Homes Completed

Total Business Assists

Learner Assists

Apprenticeships Started

New build / refurbished training/ learning…

Commercial floorspace constructed /…

Area of site reclaimed, (re)developed or…

Total Length of Resurfaced Roads (Km)

Total Length of Newly Built Roads (Km)

Total Length of New Cycleway (km)

Achievement against Direct Output Forecast 2015/16 - 2020/21 +

Actual to Date Total Programme Forecast

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PROJECT NAME2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21

Total LGF Leverage Total Project InvestmentTOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL

Garden CityCompleted Projects £0.00 £0.06 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.06 £0.00 £0.06Bilston Urban Village £2.75 £2.09 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £4.84 £81.25 £86.09Goscote Lane Corridor £1.70 £2.81 £4.31 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8.82 £78.59 £87.41Woods Lane £0.55 £2.53 £0.98 £0.27 £0.02 £0.00 £4.36 £43.79 £48.14Walsall Waterfront £0.03 £0.10 £0.01 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.15 £0.31 £0.45Dudley Brownfield Land - Ph 1 £0.00 £0.99 £0.72 £0.41 £0.31 £0.00 £2.43 £27.61 £30.04Holloway Street, Gornal (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.00 £0.05Reedswood (former) Golf Course (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.01Sandwell Residential Programme SI £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.02 £0.06Woods Lane Phase 2 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.70 £0.00 £1.70 £13.20 £14.90HVM CityCompleted Projects £0.30 £1.74 £0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.06 £14.87 £16.93Growing Priority Sectors £1.49 £1.34 £1.67 £3.16 £0.57 £0.00 £8.23 £18.00 £26.23Airfield Drive £0.00 £0.00 £0.37 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.37 £4.71 £5.08Very Light Rail SEED Funding £0.00 £0.64 £0.20 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.84 £0.00 £0.84Wharf Approach, Aldridge (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.03 £0.00 £0.00 £0.03 £0.00 £0.03Shidas Lagoon (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.08 £0.04 £0.00 £0.12 £0.00 £0.12Former Willenhall ST Works (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.06 £0.00 £0.00 £0.10 £0.00 £0.10Bilston Urban Village East SI £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.06 £0.00 £0.00 £0.06 £0.04 £0.10Phoenix 10 Phase 1 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.22 £0.72 £0.00 £1.94 £0.00 £1.94The Leather Industry Expansion £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.45 £0.00 £0.00 £0.45 £1.05 £1.50Economic CapitalCompleted Projects £0.17 £0.32 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.49Wolverhampton Civic Hall £1.88 £2.30 £1.23 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5.41 £5.43 £10.84Chances Glassworks Site Assembly £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.06 £0.06Refurbishment of 203/204 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley £0.00 £0.00 £0.15 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.15 £0.46 £0.61Challenge Block (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.00 £0.04Black Country Living Museum (SI) £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.02Church Square Apartments £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12 £0.31 £0.43Hatherton Street Phase 2 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.80 £0.00 £0.80 £2.03 £2.83i9 Wolverhampton £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.99 £0.01 £4.00 £12.90 £16.90Black Country Living Museum - Forging Ahead £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.63 £6.37 £9.00 £14.69 £23.69Very Light Rail Development Funding £0.00 £0.00 £0.84 £0.31 £0.00 £0.00 £1.15 £0.00 £1.15Skills CapitalCompleted Projects £5.92 £11.05 £1.40 £0.48 £0.00 £0.00 £18.86 £6.35 £10.66Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills £0.00 £1.75 £5.97 £0.77 £0.05 £0.00 £8.55 £4.15 £12.70City Learning Quarter (SI) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12University College Dudley (UCD) SI £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.04 £0.02 £0.00 £0.06 £0.03 £0.09

Halesowen College - Business & Construction Management Centre £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.18 £3.54 £2.22 £5.93 £2.54 £8.47

School of Architecture and Built Environment £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.73 £2.79 £0.00 £3.52 £37.35 £40.87Springfield Phase 1 Infrastructure and Remediation £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.49 £0.93 £0.00 £4.42 £2.08 £6.50National Brownfield Institute SEED Funding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.50 £0.00 £0.50 £0.00 £0.50Local Transport SolutionsCompleted Projects £2.43 £3.86 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £6.29 £0.21 £6.51Accessing Growth Programme £1.99 £5.69 £1.77 £2.34 £3.01 £0.00 £14.80 £1.88 £16.68

Wolverhampton Interchange Commercial Gateway Phase 2 £4.50 £0.00 £3.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8.00 £105.20 £113.20

M6 Junction 10 £0.65 £0.35 £0.12 £0.00 £13.94 £14.06 £29.12 £34.55 £63.67Major Transport Scheme £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.69 £0.00 £6.93 £7.62 £34.55 £42.17Managing Short Trips Tranche 2 £0.00 £0.00 £2.02 £2.16 £0.00 £0.00 £4.19 £0.16 £4.35City North Gateway Phase 1 £0.00 £0.00 £2.32 £1.03 £0.00 £0.00 £3.35 £0.75 £4.10Birchley Island Main Scheme £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8.08 £8.08 £9.49 £17.58Birchley Island Development Scheme £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.01 £0.00 £2.01 £0.00 £0.00I54 Western Extension Access Package £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.24 £3.76 £0.50 £4.50 £38.70 £43.20


JC Programme expenditure £0.13 £0.20 £0.18 £0.23 £0.18 £0.18 £1.08 £0.00 £1.08JC Technical Advice - Property £0.00 £0.04 £0.02 £0.04 £0.14 £0.12 £0.36JC Technical Advice - Legal £0.00 £0.00 £0.01 £0.01 £0.03 £0.04 £0.09LEP Programme Management £0.26 £0.30 £0.20 £0.14 £0.18 £0.18 £1.26LA Programme - Transport £0.21 £0.21 £0.25 £0.10 £0.10 £0.10 £0.98LA Programme Work and Development £0.34 £0.51 £0.51 £1.36

Total Committed / Forecast Spend LGF £25.30 £38.89 £28.91 £19.01 £41.96 £38.78 £192.85 £597.31 £768.95

LTB PROJECTSLocal Transport Solutions - LTBM6 Junction 10 (LTB) £0.10 £0.00 £0.20 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.30 As Above £0.30

Wolverhampton Interchange Commercial Gateway Phase 2 (LTB) £4.37 £4.63 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £9.00 As Above £9.00

Birchley Island M5 J2 £0.10 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.10 £0.00 £0.10

A4101 Pensnett Strategic Access Improvement Scheme £0.00 £2.35 £1.45 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.80 £2.50 £6.30

LTB Development Funding Total £0.00 £0.19 £0.58 £0.52 £0.48 £0.00 £1.76 £0.00 £1.76LTB Unallocated Funds (Aldridge Station) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.58 £0.00 £0.58 TBC £0.58

Total Committed / Forecast Spend LTB £4.57 £7.17 £2.23 £0.52 £1.06 £0.00 £15.54 £2.50 £18.04

Grand Total £29.87 £46.06 £31.14 £19.53 £43.02 £38.78 £208.40 £599.81 £787.00

2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/2020 2020/2021 Total

Total LGF Grant Award (LGF/LTB/M6 J10) £29.95 £46.30 £31.38 £19.53 £32.98 £47.55 £207.70Utilisation of Grant Funding £29.87 £46.30 £31.38 £19.53 £43.02 £38.78 £208.40Variance £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10.04 -£8.77 £0.70

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*Projects in output monitoring have spent all Growth Deal Grant funding awarded, initial physical delivery is completed and contracted outputs are to be delivered over an agreed period of time. (monitored until March 2021)


*It is expected that a Capital Scheme will follow on from Transport Development funding.

PROJECT NAME Borough2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21


Advanced Science, Engineering & Technology Centre (Halesowen College) Dudley £1,059,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £1,059,000

Dudley Advance Construction Centre Dudley £2,028,108 £5,851,892 £0 £0 £0 £0 £7,880,000

Fab Kit - Fab Lab (Sandwell College) Sandwell £36,300 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £36,300

Fab Kit - In-Comm Walsall £141,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £141,000

Fab Kit - PTP Walsall £98,787 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £98,787

Science, Technology & Prototyping Centre W'hampton £1,296,594 £3,583,406 £0 £0 £0 £0 £4,880,000

Ruskin Mill Glasshouse - Phase 3 Dudley £160,026 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £160,026

Dudley Town Centre - Sites & Buildings Improvements Dudley £169,558 £285,442 £0 £0 £0 £0 £455,000

Walsall College - Improving Engineering Capacity Walsall £207,128 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £207,128

University of Wolverhampton Apprenticeship Hub W'hampton £150,000 £50,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £200,000

Walsall College - Microsoft IT Academy Walsall £147,768 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £147,768

PTP IT Academy Walsall £40,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £40,000

Airfield Drive Walsall £0 £0 £370,993 £0 £0 £0 £370,993

Halesowen College - Access Centre for HE Dudley £0 £699,795 £0 £0 £0 £0 £699,795

Dudley College - Advanced Engineering Equipment Dudley £0 £104,400 £0 £0 £0 £0 £104,400

Walsall College – Additional Engineering Equipment Walsall £0 £149,250 £0 £0 £0 £0 £149,250

Dudley College - Construction Apprenticeship Training Centre Dudley £0 £507,247 £92,753 £0 £0 £0 £600,000

Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre Walsall £0 £0 £722,999 £0 £0 £0 £722,999

Refurbishment of 203/204 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley Dudley £0 £0 £145,947 £0 £0 £0 £145,947

Walsall Waterfront Walsall £31,638 £100,771 £14,965 £0 £0 £0 £147,374


PROJECT NAME Borough2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21


Dudley Bus Station Dudley £0 £157,677 £42,323 £0 £0 £0 £200,000

Bloxwich Mitigation Package Walsall £0 £0 £100,000 £0 £0 £0 £100,000

Birchley Island M5 J2 Sandwell £100,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £100,000

West Coast Mainline HS2 Study Walsall / Sandwell £0 £0 £40,000 £40,000 £0 £0 £80,000

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*It is expected that a Capital Scheme will follow on from Site Investigation funding. Sufficient underwriting or clawback is agreed at time of Grant Award for Site Investigations

*Closed projects have spent all Growth Deal Grant Funding, practical completion and contracted Outputs delivered.

PROJECT NAME Borough2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21


Accessing Growth - Bilston Urban Village Access Package W'hampton £726,627 £2,168,661 £0 £0 £0 £0 £2,895,288

Accessing Growth - Junction & Highway Improvements (Canal Side) Sandwell £630,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £630,000

Managing Short Trips BC Wide £2,430,009 £3,860,836 £0 £0 £0 £0 £6,290,845

Accessing Growth - WCC Coach Station W'hampton £387,673 £90,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £477,673

Accessing Growth - M6 J10 Resilience Package Walsall £94,519 £1,235,176 £0 £0 £0 £0 £1,329,695

Accessing Growth - Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro Dudley £0 £400,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £400,000

Accessing Growth - Compton Park Improved Connectivity W'hampton £149,352 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £149,352

Accessing Growth - Springfield Campus Interchange Connectivity W'hampton £0 £600,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £600,000

Accessing Growth - A459 Dudley Road/Coombs Road Halesowen Dudley £0 £259,291 £280,709 £0 £0 £0 £540,000

Accessing Growth - Pinfold Bridge, Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton W'hampton £0 £674,568 £0 £0 £0 £0 £674,568

Accessing Growth - City East Gateway - A454 Willenhall Road Corridor W'hampton £0 £158,800 £26,517 £0 £0 £0 £185,317

Accessing Growth - City North Gateway - A449 Stafford Road Corridor W'hampton £0 £101,011 £13,336 £0 £0 £0 £114,347

Accessing Growth - B4176 Himley Rd Junction Improvements Dudley £0 £0 £78,500 £0 £0 £0 £78,500

Accessing Growth - M6 J10 (Major) Walsall £0 £0 £218,834 £0 £0 £0 £218,834

Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills - Feasibility Study W'hampton £170,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £170,000

Accessing Growth - North Smethwick Canalside Access Sandwell £630,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £630,000

CWC Relocation - Campus Realignment - Feasibility Study W'hampton £310,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £310,000

Music Institute - Feasibility Study Dudley £80,000 £70,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £150,000

Very Light Rail Innovation Centre - Feasibility Study Dudley £150,000 £150,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £300,000

Birchley Island Development Funding Sandwell £100,000 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £100,000

Very Light Rail Innovation Centre - SEED Funding Dudley £0 £637,814 £198,914 £0 £0 £0 £836,728

A4101 Pensnett High Street Dudley £0 £2,348,432 £1,451,569 £0 £0 £0 £3,800,001


PROJECT NAME Borough 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Commentary

Bourne St, Coseley (SI) Dudley £0 £63,565 £0 £0 £0 £0 Main scheme is awaiting planning permission

Pope's Lane (SI) Sandwell £54,301 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Capital Scheme completed 17/18

Pensnett (SI) Dudley £41,165 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 Capital Scheme completed 17/18

Reedswood (former) Golf Course (SI) Walsall £0 £0 £9,330 £0 £0 £0 SI completed, awaiting a capital scheme to come forward

Holloway Street, Gornal (SI) Dudley £0 £0 £43,100 £0 £0 £0 SI completed, awaiting a capital scheme to come forward

Parkrose Industrial Estate (SI) Sandwell £53,994 £19,170 £0 £0 £0 £0 Capital Scheme underway without LEP Funding

Moxley Business Park (SI) Walsall £0 £88,600 £0 £0 £0 £0 Main scheme progressing through LPIF

Bull Street (SI) Sandwell £0 £34,761 £0 £0 £0 £0 SI completed, awaiting a capital scheme to come forward

Black Country Living Museum (SI) Dudley £0 £20,148 £3,821 £0 £0 £0 Main scheme progressing through LPIF

Music Institute (SI) Dudley £0 £32,579 £0 £0 £0 £0 Main scheme progressing through LPIF

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Black Country Wide LEP Priority Pipeline Dashboard 1st August 2019 v1.0




➢ The pipeline is now consolidated listing of all the priority bids for Black Country Wide support and will tap into a range of funding opportunities;

➢ Land and Property Investment Funds 17/18 +➢ Growth Deal 3 17/18 +➢ Transport Majors➢ Other opportunities as they arise

➢ The PMO continue to update the pipeline; working collaboratively with each of the councils, the colleges and the University to further refine thetimeline of when Grant support will be needed for Strategic Priority schemes.

➢ This profile of potential Grant bids linked to LEP Funded SI and Development activity presently being undertaken with potential Delivery timeframes identified as working towards is shown overleaf

➢ This will facilitate the development of a schedule of Grant funding requirements, specific to prioritised schemes, that can be supported as Growth Deal 3 and Land and Property Investment Fund and any other Grant Funding opportunities become available.

➢ Councils are now developing Business Cases for their strategic priority schemes.

(See Appendix 1 for full detail)

BCC Programme Office – BC Pipeline Dashboard Summary v1.0 Contact Officer: PMO BCLEP Source Data: PMO Project Initial proposal data

Issue Impact Description RAG Resolution

Limited capacity to support Pipeline Development & delivery of Projects

Limited resources in Local Authorities to support project development and subsequent project delivery will impact Black Country economic growth in future years.

Black Country Joint Committee approval has been awarded to capitalise proposition development work - £8.9m to 2021. Each Local Authority will be requested to identify, for the 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial years, any revenue funding that could become available as a result of this capital allocation to form a Black Country Proposition Funding Pot that can be used to underwrite speculative capital expenditure.

Limited capacity to support Pipeline Development & delivery of Transport Schemes

Limited transport resources in Local Authorities to support project development and subsequent project delivery would impact Black Country ability to take advantage of emerging transport scheme funding opportunities.

Black Country Transport Director is urgently developing a range of innovative responses to help secure funding for priority Black Country transport schemes.


Summary - Projects Bids by LEP Priority Proposition (Excluding Transport bids)

Note: Initial Proposals have been received for all projects listed on reverse. Full Business Cases are under development for priority schemes.


LEP Proposition Total Investment

Funding Bid (£m) Core Outputs

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Sub Total 2021 + Total Jobs HousingBusiness Assists

Learner Assists ApprenticeshipsLand

RemediatedCommerial Floorspace

Learning Flrspace


Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £536.01 £0.00 £7.36 £40.69 £30.85 £13.33 £92.23 £1.50 £93.73 2,655 2,615 35 23 11 111.46 189,357 -

Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £569.22 £0.00 £7.54 £36.14 £45.42 £1.00 £90.09 £0.00 £90.09 5,311 1,105 - 1,593 877 58.84 203,586 11,000

West Bromwich Triangle £333.41 £0.00 £4.08 £16.24 £35.16 £7.60 £63.07 £26.16 £89.23 546 2,168 200 900 115 58.54 40,676 1,300

Wednesbury to Brierly Hill £128.61 £0.00 £1.36 £10.51 £19.87 £22.51 £54.25 £3.20 £57.45 37 239 25 1,080 256 29.81 65,355 -

Outside and Serving £210.04 £0.00 £0.21 £10.45 £12.77 £2.43 £25.85 £4.00 £29.85 168 1,358 42 - 84 78.50 380 -

Programme and Development & Delivery £8.90 £1.78 £1.78 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.56 £0.00 £3.56 - - - - - - - -

GRAND TOTAL £1,786.19 £1.78 £22.32 £114.03 £144.06 £46.86 £329.05 £34.86 £363.91 8,717 7,485 302 3,596 1,343 337.15 499,354 12,300

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Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Super Corridor - Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall TownDevelopment will be delivered without any great difficulty

Development faces barriers to delivery but likely to succeed

Not Likely to succees due to significant barriersVia






SEP Proposition Scheme Name Land Ownership Stage

Total Investmen


Funding Grant Requested(£m)

Other Funding Status

Viability (RAG)Barriers to development

descriptionBCR Rating

Core Outputs

Delivery Timeline

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20






CommentsPrivate Public













r A
























e (





g Fl






) Q1/







Q1 /


Q3 /


Q1 /


Q3 / Q4



n C


Heath Town Estate Regeneration City of WolverhamptonDue

Diligence£100.00 £5.00

Strong Developer Interest WV Living CWC + Market (repackaged)

c£30m - confirmedsite is unlikely to

generate any meaningful return

0.5 0 217 0 5 9 9 0 0


Initial Proposal received and is in appraisal

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Former Caparo and Reedswood Golf Course, WalsallWalsall Council and Dalriada Trustees Limited (separate

adjoining land parcels, not joint owners)Feasibility £60.13 £10.03

Established relationship with land owner / land owner funding site investigations & other surveys

WMBC currently reviewing delivery options

Abnormals 0.6 0 510 0 0 0 11 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Willenhall Garden City Phase 1 Private Concept £18.00 £9.00

Sites to be considered are in private ownership. Engagement has taken place with the majority landowner,

further engagement required

Walsall Council is currently reviewing delivery options with

the assistance of external consultants

Land Contamination 1.1 0 836 0 0 0 24 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Stafford Works and William House Currently within two separate land ownerships Concept £19.75 £1.75Walsall Council is in discussions with

potential developer for a schemeTBC Land Contamination 1.0 0 150 0 0 0 1 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development




Bilston Urban Village East City of Wolverhampton Council Feasibility £10.08 £5.05Market report completed. Strong

developer interest.CWC match Land Contamination 16.6 370 0 0 0 0 4 12,000 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Phoenix 10 Walsall MBC and HCA Due

Diligence£92.96 £35.21

Development partner procurement exercise undertaken. Process ongoing

to appoint preferred bidder.

WMBC site acquisition to support project delivery c£775k max

Heavily contaiminated land

14.8 0 0 0 0 0 18 57,575 0


Full Business Case received, Been through appraisal and has been approved by the boards for upto £35.2m

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Willenhall ST Works (Anson Road) Midland Land Portfolio Ltd (Severn Trent) Feasibility £32.48 £3.46Working closely with landowner to

address issues and bring forward site TBC subject to outcome of site

investigationsLand Contamination 37.7 575 0 6 0 0 10 31,500 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Parallel 9-10 St Francis Group Feasibility £8.30 £2.00Established relationship with land

owner / site actively marketedTBC Contaminated Land 11.3 100 0 1 0 0 5 9,500 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Former Gasholders Site, Darlaston Rd Walsall Council and Holman Properties Feasibility £22.63 £5.40WMBC reviewing delivery & funding options / known developer interest

WMBC site acquisitions £2.6m Access constraints 16.8 400 0 6 0 0 8 26,022 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Aspect 2000, Bentley Mill Way Bulstrode Investments Ltd Feasibility £9.00 £1.70

Established relationship with land owner / known developer interest

subject to land owner ceasing current low quality employment uses on-site

TBC Abnormals 18.7 140 0 5 0 0 3 9,402 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Economic Capital

Regeneration of Former Jabez Cliff Private landowner Concept £12.98 £3.89Walsall Council is in discussions with a potential applicant for a development


Derelict LandFunding

2.8 47 15 4 18 2 0 24,000 0


Awaiting revised information from applicant

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Regeneration of Bilston CentreIn muliple ownerships, public realm under the control of the

Council as Local AuthorityConcept £3.18 £3.00 TBC CWC match no realised asset value 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Station Street 0 Feasibility £19.38 £2.55Site is in private ownership ( 7

landowners) - landowners have been engaged and working with the Council

Walsall Council is currently reviewing delivery options with

the assistance of external consultants

Land Contamination 6.1 55 250 3 0 0 1 1,100 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Challenge Block walsall Council private ownership Feasibility £37.24 £1.54WMBC undertaking site preparation

and in discussion with potential developer

TBC subject to outcome of site investigations

Land Contamination 14.7 100 0 5 0 0 1 23,800 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

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Feasibility/PlanningSite InvestigationSite Assembly / RemediationMain Scheme Development

Super Corridor - Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway

Super Corridor - West Bromwich Triangle

Development will be delivered without any great difficulty

Development faces barriers to delivery but likely to succeed

Not Likely to succees due to significant barriersVia






SEP Proposition Scheme Name Land Ownership Stage

Total Investmen


Funding Grant Requested(£m)

Funding status

Viability (RAG)Barriers to development

descriptionBCR Rating

Core Outputs

Delivery Timeline

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20






CommentsPrivate Public














r A





























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) Q1/







Q1 /


Q3 /


Q1 /


Q3 /




n C


Royal Wolverhampton(Cleveland Corridor)

HCA Feasibility £33.80 £1.20 Strong Developer InterestCoW and HCA contribution for

wider scheme TBCListed Building on site 3.6 0 370 0 0 0 0 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development




i54 Western Extension Wolverhampton City Council & Severn Trent / MarstonsDue

Diligence£40.00 £5.00 £600m - not secure

Contributions from existing Partners inc Staffs LEP.

Land Remodelling 77.2 1,700 0 0 0 50 24 100,000 0


Full business case has been recevied and is in appraisal

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development






Steam Mill Council/ interchange partnership owned - vacant possession Feasibility £7.50 £2.80 Developer secured - Neptune CWC matchdemolishing the

dangerous structure21.1 261 0 0 0 0 1 3,128 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Wolverhampton Interchange I9 The City of Wolverhampton Council

Implementation - Main

scheme developme


£16.45 £3.83 Developer secured - Neptune CWC match 10.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,436 0


Full business case has been recevied and is in appraisal

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Canalside South Mixed inc CRT and UoW Feasibility £131.00 £11.00 Strong Developer Interest CWC match and othersDerelcit Buildings /

abnormals33.3 0 340 0 0 0 16 40,000 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

St Georges City of Wolverhampton Council Concept £16.80 £16.80 £13.2m - NOT secure CoW contribution TBC None other than funding 3.8 280 0 0 0 0 2 5,600 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development


s C



City Learning Quarter (inc Wolverhampton College)

City of Wolverhampton Council Feasibility £39.25 £15.22 Strong Developer InterestSignificant match funding contribution - acquisitions

through CWC

Derelict Buildings in poor condition

1.6 20 0 0 1,593 827 5 0 11,000


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

SEP Proposition Scheme Name Land Ownership Stage

Total Investmen


Funding Grant Requested(£m)

Funding status

Viability (RAG)Barriers to development

descriptionBCR Rating

Core Outputs

Delivery Timeline

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20






CommentsPrivate Public














r A





























g Fl





m) Q1







Q1 /


Q3 /


Q1 /


Q3 /




n C


The Lyng Mixed Private Sector Feasibility £123.07 £40.06 Draft Masterplan TBCFragmented Ownership.

Contaminated Land0.1 0 494 0 0 0 10 0 0


Multiple Landowners with actibe business users. May be difficult to bring forward as resi as indsutrial

busniess now occupying site

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Eastern Gateway Phase 4 JK Builders Feasibility £7.15 £0.00 Potential partner identified NoDemolition of existing

buidlings. Potential land contamination

0.0 0 60 0 0 0 2 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Lye Garden City Mixed Private Sector Feasibility £18.50 £5.20Awaiting completion of feasibility

studies prior to partner engagementPrivate sector match funding

under review

fragmented land ownerships, Land

contamination2.0 0 900 20 0 0 30 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Grove Lane Intervention Area, Smethwick Private Concept £26.82 £12.53 Not secured HCA support in place HIFFragmented Ownership -over 30 registered titles.

Contaminated Land1.1 40 450 0 0 0 4 600 0


Housing Zone Status from HCA - HIF Funding £15.3m Targeted. FBC under development ready Feb 18 will

undergo Gap. Decision March 18

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development






Bull Street West Bromwich Sandwell MBC / Private sector Feasibility £1.47 £1.45 Soft market testing completed NoDemolition of existing

buidlings. Potential land contamination

0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14,772 0


Amended scheme name to Phase 1 - FBC under development SMBC contribution cannot be considered

as "Match" going to cabinet Dec 17

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

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Super Corridor - Wednesbury to Brierley Hill

Super Corridor - Outside and Serving

Development will be delivered without any great difficulty

Development faces barriers to delivery but likely to succeed

Not Likely to succees due to significant barriersVia





Feasibility/PlanningSite InvestigationSite Assembly / RemediationMain Scheme Development


SEP Proposition Scheme Name Land Ownership Stage

Total Investmen


Funding Grant Requested(£m)

Funding status

Viability (RAG)Barriers to development

descriptionBCR Rating

Core Outputs

Delivery Timeline

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20






CommentsPrivate Public














r A





























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) Q1/







Q1 /


Q3 /


Q1 /


Q3 /




n C


Dudley Brownfield Land Improvement Programme Phase 2 Dudley MBC/ Private Secotr

Implementation - Main

scheme developme


£15.88 £2.72 Developer interest secured DMBC match Land Contamination 0.0 0 320 0 0 0 6 0 0


Full business case received, been through appraisal, been approved by boards, awating grant agreement to

be signed, applicant started on site and is delivering

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development






DY5 Brierley Hill Package - DY5 and Strategic Centre Dudley MBC / Private Sector Feasibility £12.00 £11.00EZ Approved by Gvt, first schemes to

be submitted summer 2017.Private sector match funding

under reviewNone other than funding 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

The Black Country Living Museum: Forging Ahead BCLM

Implementation - Main

scheme developme


£23.69 £9.00 None. Charity funding.HLF fully engaged & design stage

progressing.None other than funding 1.8 58 0 0 308 19 2 12,491 2,530


Full business case received, been through appraisal, been approved by boards, awating grant agreement to

be signed

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Dudley Zoological Gardens Investment Package Dudley and West Midlands Zoological Society Feasibility £6.00 £3.49 None other than funding 1.3 20 0 0 0 5 0 1,250 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Dudley Town Centre Town Heritage Scheme Building and Site Programme

Mixed Feasibility £0.58 £0.12 Private Sector HLF, ERDF,DMBC Land Assembly/Funding 22.3 10 35 5 0 0 1 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Portersfield Retail Scheme DMBC/PrivateDue

DiligenceTBC TBC

Initial scheme prepared, first IPs to be submitted summer 2017.

Private sector match funding under review

None other than funding 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.00


Full business case received, been through appraisal, curretly awaiting board approval

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / RemediationMain Scheme Development

SEP Proposition Scheme Name Land Ownership Stage

Total Investmen


Funding Grant Requested(£m)

Funding status

Viability (RAG)Barriers to development

descriptionBCR Rating

Core Outputs

Delivery Timeline

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20






CommentsPrivate Public














r A





























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) Q1/







Q1 /


Q3 /


Q1 /


Q3 /




n C


Brownhills Residential Masterplan Phase 3 Walsall Council / Walsall Housing Group Feasibility £14.62 £2.20WMBC majority land owner and working in partnership with whg

WMBC currently reviewing delivery options for Phase 3b; whg

commencing Phase 3a through SOAHP funding

Land Contamination 2.1 0 90 0 0 0 2 380 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Friar Park, Wednesbury Sandwell MBC / Midland Land Portolio 50/50 Seven Trent Feasibility £103.03 £10.06Neogiations with co-owner

progressingHCA support in place HIF

Heavily contaiminated land

0.7 0 600 0 0 0 27 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Goscote Lane Residential Development Scheme St Francis Group

Implementation - Main

scheme developme


£35.82 £3.59Options agreement being finalised

between land owner and public sector purchaser

Business Case for site remediation being prepared by land owner

Land Contamination 0.8 0 233 0 0 0 9 0 0


Full business case received, been through appraisal, been approved by boards, awating grant agreement to

be signed

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Garden City - Holloway Street, Gornal Dudley MBC / Private Sector Feasibility £29.60 £4.00Awaiting completion of feasibility

studies prior to partner engagementPrivate sector match funding

under reviewFunding and land

contamination0.6 0 200 0 0 0 11 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

Brookside (Wednesbury) Private/Mix Feasibility £0.00 £0.00 Strong developer interest No

Contamination, ground conditions, expensive

remediation and demolition of factory

premises due to decommissioning of


0.0 0 100 0 0 0 32 0 0


Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development




Ironpark Moxley Tip Top Private and PublicDue

Diligence£54.50 £14.70

Working closely with landowner to address issues and bring forward site

TBC subject to outcome of site investigations

Land Contamination 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0


Full business case has been recevied and is in appraisal

Site Investigation

Site Assembly / Remediation

Main Scheme Development

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Project Bid Name / Site Borough Corridor Super CorridorTotal


Funding Bid (£m)

Total Leverage

% Leverage

Core Outputs

BCR RatingJobs Housing

Business Assists

Learner Assists


Land Remediated

Commercial Floorspace

Learning Flrspace (sqm)

Total Learners and Apprenticeships16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21

Sub Total

2021 +Total 17/18 -


Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town






East Park Gateway Wolverhampton RC4 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £17.11 £0.00 £0.16 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.16 £0.00 £0.16 £0.16 £16.95 73% 60 0 0 0 0 11.80 1,280 0 087.8

Station Street, Walsall Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £19.38 £0.00 £0.00 £0.55 £1.25 £0.75 £2.55 £0.00 £2.55 £2.55 £16.83 87% 55 250 3 0 0 0.70 1,100 0 06.1

Heath Town Estate Regeneration Wolverhampton RC4 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.50 £2.50 £0.00 £5.00 £0.00 £5.00 £5.00 £95.00 50% 0 217 0 5 9 9.00 0 0 140.5

Willenhall Garden City Phase 1 Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £18.00 £0.00 £0.30 £0.45 £2.50 £5.75 £9.00 £0.00 £9.00 £9.00 £9.00 46% 0 836 0 0 0 23.88 0 0 01.1

Cable Street Wolverhampton RC4 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £39.77 £0.00 £0.04 £5.16 £0.00 £0.00 £5.20 £0.00 £5.20 £5.20 £34.57 87% 0 276 0 0 0 7.30 0 0 00.6

Livingstone Road, Bilston Wolverhampton RC4 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £7.07 £0.00 £0.89 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.89 £0.00 £0.89 £0.89 £6.18 87% 0 54 0 0 0 2.00 0 0 00.7

Saddlers Quay, Walsall Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £43.44 £0.00 £0.00 £0.82 £6.38 £4.63 £11.82 £0.00 £11.82 £11.82 £31.62 73% 0 237 0 0 0 0.46 0 0 00.2

Former Caparo & Reedswood Golf Course, Walsall Walsall RC7 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £60.13 £0.00 £0.13 £4.50 £5.40 £0.00 £10.03 £0.00 £10.03 £10.03 £50.10 83% 0 510 0 0 0 11.40 0 0 00.6





Anson Road, Willenhall Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £32.48 £0.00 £0.12 £0.14 £3.20 £0.00 £3.46 £0.00 £3.46 £3.46 £29.02 89% 575 0 6 0 0 10.00 31,500 0 037.7

Showcase Cinema, Bentley Mill Way Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £8.32 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £6.82 82% 180 0 2 0 0 2.53 10,150 0 027.2

Former Deeley's Castings Walsall RC7 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £8.10 £0.00 £0.50 £1.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £6.60 81% 154 0 1 0 0 2.54 10,000 0 023.3

Tempus Ten Onyx & opal Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £10.43 £0.00 £0.50 £3.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.50 £0.00 £3.50 £3.50 £6.93 66% 300 0 2 0 0 3.46 10,500 0 019.4

Aspect 2000, Bentley Mill Way Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £9.00 £0.00 £0.20 £0.50 £1.00 £0.00 £1.70 £0.00 £1.70 £1.70 £7.30 81% 140 0 5 0 0 3.30 9,402 0 018.7

Former Gasholders Site, Darlaston Rd Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £22.63 £0.00 £0.00 £5.40 £0.00 £0.00 £5.40 £0.00 £5.40 £5.40 £17.23 76% 400 0 6 0 0 8.30 26,022 0 016.8

Bilston Urban Village East Wolverhampton RC4 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £10.08 £0.00 £1.05 £4.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5.05 £0.00 £5.05 £5.05 £5.03 50% 370 0 0 0 0 4.40 12,000 0 016.6

Challenge Block Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £37.24 £0.00 £0.04 £0.50 £1.00 £0.00 £1.54 £0.00 £1.54 £1.54 £35.70 96% 100 0 5 0 0 1.26 23,800 0 014.7

Parallel 9-10 Walsall RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £8.30 £0.00 £0.00 £2.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.00 £0.00 £2.00 £2.00 £6.30 76% 100 0 1 0 0 4.59 9,500 0 011.3

Hills Scrap Yard, Wolverhampton Road Walsall RC7 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £7.19 £0.00 £0.00 £2.00 £0.90 £0.00 £2.90 £0.00 £2.90 £2.90 £4.29 60% 120 0 0 0 0 1.62 6,500 0 09.4

Pantheon Park, Wednesfield Way Wolverhampton RC6 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £26.09 £0.00 £2.50 £2.50 £0.00 £0.00 £5.00 £0.00 £5.00 £5.00 £21.09 81% 54 0 0 0 0 0.00 12,077 0 02.4






Regeneration of Former Jabez Cliff Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £12.98 £0.00 £0.56 £2.22 £1.11 £0.00 £3.89 £0.00 £3.89 £3.89 £9.08 55% 47 15 4 18 2 0.42 24,000 0 202.8

Regeneration of Bilston Centre Wolverhampton RC7 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £3.18 £0.00 £0.00 £1.25 £1.75 £0.00 £3.00 £0.00 £3.00 £3.00 £0.18 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0

Walsall Waterfront Lex Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0% 0 70 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0

Hatherton Street Phase 2 Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £2.96 £0.00 £0.00 £0.45 £0.44 £0.00 £0.89 £0.00 £0.89 £0.89 £2.07 70% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1,526 0 015.6

Walsall town centre public realm improvements Walsall Walsall Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £12.40 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £1.50 £4.50 £1.50 £6.00 £6.00 £6.40 0% 0 0 0 0 0 2.00 0 0 00.0

Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town Total £516.26 £0.00 £6.99 £40.44 £30.43 £12.63 £90.48 £1.50 £91.98 £91.98 £424.28 £15.48 2,655 2,465 35 23 11 110.96 189,357 0 £34.00

Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway



n C

ity Royal Wolverhampton Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £33.80 £0.00 £0.00 £0.80 £0.40 £0.00 £1.20 £0.00 £1.20 £1.20 £32.60 96% 0 370 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0


Daisy Bank (SI) Wolverhampton RC4 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.02 £0.02 £0.00 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0

Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £13.35 £0.00 £1.97 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.97 £0.00 £1.97 £1.97 £11.39 85% 0 95 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.6




i54 Western Extension Wolverhampton RC1 Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £30.40 £0.00 £0.00 £2.00 £2.00 £1.00 £5.00 £0.00 £5.00 £5.00 £25.40 3% 1,700 0 0 0 50 24.20 100,000 0 5077.2

St Georges Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £16.80 £0.00 £0.00 £6.80 £10.00 £0.00 £16.80 £0.00 £16.80 £16.80 £0.00 0% 280 0 0 0 0 2.20 5,600 0 03.8

IronPark Moxley Tip Top Walsall RC5 Wolverhampton City East Gateway to Walsall Town £54.50 £0.00 £0.00 £6.87 £7.83 £0.00 £14.70 £0.00 £14.70 £14.70 £39.80 58% 0 0 0 0 0 11.26 0 0 00.0

Lupus Park Wolverhampton RC1 Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £55.50 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £54.00 97% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0






Strategic Centre – Wolverhampton Public Service Hub Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £55.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £0.00 £3.00 £0.00 £3.00 £3.00 £52.00 95% 1,500 50 0 0 0 0.00 20,000 0 0113.6

Southside Infrastructure works Wolverhampton RC3 Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £54.10 £0.00 £0.50 £3.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.50 £0.00 £3.50 £3.50 £50.60 92% 1,000 0 0 0 0 0.00 20,000 0 064.8

Building 48 Pensnett Estate Dudley RC10 Outside and Serving £2.24 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.63 £0.00 £0.63 £0.00 £0.63 £0.63 £1.61 72% 0 0 0 0 0 0.10 1,858 0 0 33.7

Canalside Quarter Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £131.00 £0.00 £3.00 £3.00 £5.00 £0.00 £11.00 £0.00 £11.00 £11.00 £120.00 0% 0 340 0 0 0 15.50 40,000 0 033.3

Wolverhampton Westside Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £57.50 £0.00 £0.00 £4.00 £1.50 £0.00 £5.50 £0.00 £5.50 £5.50 £52.00 87% 550 250 0 0 0 0.00 13,000 0 023.2

Wolverhampton Interchange: Steam Mill and Sack Works Site Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £7.50 £0.00 £0.40 £2.40 £0.00 £0.00 £2.80 £0.00 £2.80 £2.80 £4.70 63% 261 0 0 0 0 0.58 3,128 0 021.1

Connected Places – Commercial Centre Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £3.25 £0.00 £0.00 £1.00 £1.25 £0.00 £2.25 £0.00 £2.25 £2.25 £1.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0


s C


al City Learning Quarter Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £39.25 £0.00 £0.17 £4.77 £10.28 £0.00 £15.22 £0.00 £15.22 £15.22 £24.03 43% 20 0 0 1,593 827 5.00 0 11,000 2,4201.6

City Learning Quarter Phase 2 Paget Road Wolverhampton Wolves Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5.00 £0.00 £5.00 £0.00 £5.00 £5.00 £10.00 67% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0

Wolverhampton City Centre & North Gateway Total £569.22 £0.00 £7.54 £36.14 £45.42 £1.00 £90.09 £0.00 £90.09 £90.09 £479.13 £9.58 £5,311.00 £1,105.00 £0.00 £1,593.00 £877.00 £58.84 £203,586.00 £11,000.00 £2,470.00

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Project Bid Name / SiteTotal


Funding Bid (£m)Total

Leverage% Leverage

Core Outputs

BCR RatingJobs Housing

Business Assists

Learner AssistsApprenticeship


RemediatedCommerial Floorspace

Learning Flrspace (sqm)

Total Learners and

Apprenticeships16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Sub Total 2021 +

Total 17/18 -2021+


West Bromwich Triangle






Lye Garden City £18.50 £0.00 £0.45 £0.95 £1.90 £1.90 £5.20 £0.00 £5.20 £5.20 £13.30 70% 0 900 20 0 0 30.00 0 0 0 2.0

Grove Lane Intervention Area, Smethwick £26.82 £0.00 £0.00 £0.30 £9.44 £2.80 £12.53 £0.00 £12.53 £12.53 £14.29 53% 40 450 0 0 0 3.87 600 0 0 1.1

Eastern Gateway South (West Brom Town Centre) £7.15 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £7.15 99% 0 60 0 0 0 2.26 0 0 0 0.0

Mill Lane £15.45 £0.00 £0.07 £0.98 £0.98 £0.00 £2.03 £0.00 £2.03 £2.03 £13.43 86% 0 90 0 0 0 2.30 0 0 0 0.5

Woods Lane Phase 2 (Developer Bid) £13.36 £0.00 £1.00 £0.60 £0.00 £0.00 £1.60 £0.00 £1.60 £1.60 £11.76 0% 0 130 0 0 0 3.62 0 0 0 1.0

Church Square Apartments (17 Church Square) £0.46 £0.00 £0.00 £0.15 £0.00 £0.00 £0.15 £0.00 £0.15 £0.15 £0.31 0% 0 4 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0.3

The Lyng £123.07 £0.00 £0.08 £6.28 £8.24 £0.00 £14.60 £25.47 £40.06 £40.06 £83.00 67% 0 494 0 0 0 9.88 0 0 0 0.1




y Shidas Lagoon £11.69 £0.00 £0.02 £1.75 £0.00 £0.00 £1.77 £0.00 £1.77 £1.77 £9.92 85% 216 0 0 0 0 2.80 10,684 0 0 27.7

Chances Glassworks Main Scheme £35.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10.50 £0.00 £10.50 £0.00 £10.50 £10.50 £24.50 0% 200 0 0 0 0 2.20 0 0 0 4.3







Bull Street Multi Storey Phase 1 £1.47 £0.00 £0.08 £1.11 £0.26 £0.00 £1.45 £0.00 £1.45 £1.45 £0.02 0% 0 0 0 0 0 1.40 14,772 0 0 0.0

St Michaels Square, West Bromwich £6.91 £0.00 £0.06 £0.21 £0.76 £0.40 £1.43 £0.69 £2.12 £2.12 £4.80 68% 40 40 0 0 0 0.19 620 0 0 4.5

Commonwealth Aquatic Centre £60.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.50 £2.50 £5.00 £0.00 £5.00 £5.00 £55.00 0% 20 0 80 0 15 0.00 14,000 0 15 1.0

West Brom Public Realm £1.98 £0.00 £0.00 £1.21 £0.58 £0.00 £1.79 £0.00 £1.79 £1.79 £0.19 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0


s C


al Sandwell College - New Talent Studio £9.32 £0.00 £0.25 £2.55 £0.00 £0.00 £2.80 £0.00 £2.80 £2.80 £6.52 0% 30 0 100 900 100 0.00 0 1,300 1,000 4.2

Bangladeshi Islamic Centre £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

Sandwell College - Health & Social Care Innovation Hub £2.24 £0.00 £2.08 £0.16 £0.00 £0.00 £2.24 £0.00 £2.24 £2.24 £0.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

West Bromwich Triangle Total £333.41 £0.00 £4.08 £16.24 £35.16 £7.60 £63.07 £26.16 £89.23 £89.23 £244.18 £5.29 546 2,168 200 900 115 58.54 40,676 1,300 1,015

Wednesbury to Brierly Hill



n C


Mounts Road, Stanhope Road & King Street (Sandwell Gap Funding) £12.05 £0.00 £0.00 £2.31 £0.00 £0.00 £2.31 £0.00 £2.31 £2.31 £9.75 0% 0 66 0 0 0 2.46 0 0 0 0.3

Swan Lane £13.90 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.70 £0.00 £3.70 £0.00 £3.70 £3.70 £10.20 73% 0 138 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.4

Stourbridge Law Courts £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

Phoenix Street £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

Dudley Brownfield Land Improvement Programme, Phases 3 - Redevelopment of Arley Court and Compton Court

£9.92 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.54 £0.00 £2.54 £0.00 £2.54 £2.54 £7.38 74% 0 0 0 0 0 1.10 0 0 00.0

Dudley Brownfield Land Improvement Programme, Phases 4 - Redevelopment of Wells Court and Manor Court

£5.72 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2.21 £0.00 £2.21 £0.00 £2.21 £2.21 £3.51 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.65 0 0 00.0

Bradleys Lane Site Acquisition £2.30 £0.00 £0.00 £0.80 £1.50 £0.00 £2.30 £0.00 £2.30 £2.30 £0.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 5.80 0 0 0 0.0




y Brierley Hill Brownfield Land Programme £4.00 £0.00 £0.14 £1.50 £1.20 £1.16 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 £4.00 £0.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 10.00 45,000 0 0 102.0

DY5 EZ – Investment Programme – Phase 1 £19.00 £0.00 £0.10 £0.70 £3.00 £3.00 £6.80 £2.20 £9.00 £9.00 £10.00 0% 0 0 18 0 0 5.80 17,945 0 0 0.0







Dudley Zoological Gardens Investment Package £6.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.25 £0.99 £1.25 £2.49 £1.00 £3.49 £3.49 £2.51 0% 20 0 0 0 5 0.00 1,250 0 5 1.3

Dudley Town Centre Town Heritage Scheme Building and Site Programme £0.58 £0.00 £0.12 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.12 £0.00 £0.12 £0.12 £0.46 0% 10 35 5 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 22.3

VLR - Fast Track to Future Competitiveness £3.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.75 £0.75 £0.00 £1.50 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £1.50 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

DY5 Brierley Hill Package - DY5 and Strategic Centre £12.00 £0.00 £1.00 £2.25 £2.25 £5.50 £11.00 £0.00 £11.00 £11.00 £1.00 0% 0 0 0 0 0 2.00 0 0 0 0.0


s C


al Halesowen College Student Hub and Business Centre £7.67 £0.00 £0.00 £1.95 £1.34 £2.07 £5.37 £0.00 £5.37 £5.37 £2.30 30% 5 0 0 0 250 0.00 0 0 0 0.1

Ellowes Hall Sports College £0.83 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.39 £0.00 £0.39 £0.00 £0.39 £0.39 £0.44 27% 2 0 2 1,080 1 1.00 1,160 0 0 0.0

University College Dudley (Main Scheme) £31.63 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £9.53 £9.53 £0.00 £9.53 £9.53 £22.10 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 00.0

Wednesbury to Brierly Hill Total £128.61 £0.00 £1.36 £10.51 £19.87 £22.51 £54.25 £3.20 £57.45 £57.45 £71.16 £2.04 £37.00 £239.00 £25.00 £1,080.00 £256.00 £29.81 £65,355.00 £0.00 £5.00

Outside and Serving





Bourne Street, Coseley £14.40 £0.00 £0.10 £0.40 £0.00 £0.00 £0.50 £0.00 £0.50 £0.50 £13.90 97% 0 118 0 0 0 2.60 0 0 0 2.8

Brownhills Residential Masterplan Plan - Phase 3 £14.62 £0.00 £0.00 £0.30 £1.05 £0.85 £2.20 £0.00 £2.20 £2.20 £12.42 82% 0 90 0 0 0 2.00 380 0 0 2.1

Parkfields Wolverhampton (Former School) £5.28 £0.00 £0.00 £0.75 £0.45 £0.08 £1.27 £4.00 £5.28 £5.28 £0.00 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

Wolverhampton Environment Centre (SI) £0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.02 £0.00 £0.02 £0.02 £0.00 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.0

Heathfield Lane West £17.30 £0.00 £0.05 £1.00 £2.25 £0.00 £3.30 £0.00 £3.30 £3.30 £14.00 81% 0 250 0 0 0 4.60 0 0 0 0.9

Friar Park, Wednesbury £103.03 £0.00 £0.06 £5.00 £5.00 £0.00 £10.06 £0.00 £10.06 £10.06 £92.97 90% 0 600 0 0 0 27.00 0 0 0 0.7

Garden City - Holloway Street, Gornal £29.60 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £2.50 £0.00 £4.00 £0.00 £4.00 £4.00 £25.60 84% 0 200 0 0 0 10.50 0 0 0 0.6

Brookside (Wednesbury) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0% 0 100 0 0 0 31.80 0 0 0 0.0







Black Country Innovation Fund £25.80 £0.00 £0.00 £1.50 £1.50 £1.50 £4.50 £0.00 £4.50 £4.50 £21.30 83% 168 0 42 0 84 0.00 0 0 84


Outside and Serving Total £210.04 £0.00 £0.21 £10.45 £12.77 £2.43 £25.85 £4.00 £29.85 £29.85 £180.19 £7.17 168 1,358 42 0 84 78.50 380 0 84

Programme Development & Delivery £8.9 £1.8 £1.8 £0.0 £0.0 £0.0 £3.6 £0.0 £1.8 £3.6 £0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL £1,786.19 £1.78 £22.32 £114.03 £144.06 £46.86 £329.05 £34.86 £362.13 £363.91 8,717 7,485 302 3,596 1,343 337.15 499,354 12,300 3,608

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Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund Dashboard at 1st August 2019 v1.0



➢ The first tranche of the funding £53 Million Facility is available up toMarch 2021.

➢ The second tranche £97 Million facility to become available oncethe £53M tranche is fully utilised.

➢ 7 Schemes have been through Joint Committee and are nowprogressing through Grant Award .

➢ A range of project bids are currently under technical appraisal, withthe expectation that these projects will progress through theapproval process in the summer.

➢ Residential schemes and Site Investigations are progressing well onsite.


Issue Impact Description RAG Action

Major Scheme may not deliver all Outputs by March 2021

Committed Grant Funding may be claimed by March 2021 and Direct outputs will be delivered post March 2021

PMO to work with applicants on the timescales for delivery of committed outputs.



BCC Programme Office – LPIF Programme Dashboard Summary – In Flight v1.0 Contact Officer: Gurjit Virdi Source Data: LPIF Project Status Reports (Confidential – not for public review)





Project Committed Spend (£m)

*Based on forecasts submitted by project managers

• This includes Outcomes post 2021• Apprenticeships have been included in the Jobs created forecast• Includes projects that have approved derogation of outputs


*Based on claims verified by the Accountable Body

Project Claims (£m)



Risk Impact Description RAG Action

The initial facility of £53m is fully committed

Some schemes may need to await release of the second tranche of £97m

Discussions continue with the WMCA regarding early access to the £97m,. This is required to protect projects currently in the pipeline.

Potential GVA Impact: £m

Original Baseline £53m: £891

Current £53m: £926

Potential Business Rate Impact: £m per annum

Original Baseline £53m: £18.90

Current £53m: £20.16

Potential Council Tax Impact: £m per annumOriginal Baseline £53m: £2.15

Current £53m: £2.16

2017-2021 2022-2026 Total

Total LPIF Commitment (m)

£53 £97 £150

Leverage (m) £207.93 £0 £207.93

Outputs Outcomes to follow from Land Remediation

Land Remediated (ha)

Housing Units Completed

Jobs Created Construction Jobs Floorspace (sqm) Business Assists

Target 46 1,600 1,800 0 126,000 11

Forecast 63.68 1605 1871 1376 134,388 13

Actual 10.38 72 0 0 0 0

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Housing Units Completed

Jobs Created

Construction Jobs

Floorspace (sqm)

Land Remediated (ha)

Business Assists

Key Outputs Achievement against Output Target

Actual Forecast

Spend Profile (£m)

18/19 19/20 20/21 2021 + Total

Latest Projects Forecast £6.62 £19.38 £21.42 £3.62 £51.04

Porgramme Management Costs

£0.57 £0.50 £0.50 £0.50 £2.07

Total Committed LPIF funds £7.19 £19.88 £21.92 £4.11 £53.11

Investment Leverage Forecast

£0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £207.93













Grant Claimed YTD (£m)

Submitted YTD Paid YTD

LPIF Claim Value (£m) £10,147,749 £10,147,749













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Black Country Land & Property Investment Fund v1.0 Contact Officer: Gurjit Virdi

Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund Dashboard

Baseline Schemes

The below table outlines the original schemes put forward for the Land and Property Investment Fund. These are schemes that are of strategic importance within the Black Country. Included are assumptions based on the level of funding required and the amount of outputs they may potentially deliver. Key to delivery of outputs is the level of land remediation required, there is an indicative level of land remediation costs associated with each project.


Project Bid Name / Site Sub - Programme

Homes England Priority



Start DateGrant £m

Total Leverage

Total Project Investment


% Total Leverage

Pure Land Remediation

Costs £m 16/17-20/21

Total Outputs 17/18 20/21 +

CommentaryLand Remediated

(ha)Housing Jobs Created

Commercial Flrspace (sqm)

Business Assists Apprenticeships

Establishing High Value Manufacturing City

Middlemore LaneCommercial - Land

RemediationWalsall 2017/18 £4.24 £16.75 £20.99 79.78% £0.41 5.77 0 503 22,703 5 0 Awaiting Full Business Case submission, discussions ongoing with applicant

Phoenix 10 Walsall 2017/18 £11.70 £36.30 £48.00 75.63% £10.13 16.50 0 900 55,000 6 0 Approved by the BCJC for LPIF funding, project is in delivery

Delivering Black Country Garden City

Bourne Street, CoseleyHousing - Land Remediation

Y Dudley 2017/18 £0.50 £13.90 £14.40 96.53% £0.50 2.60 118 0 0 0 0Planning permission approved for main scheme, awaiting full business case


Cable Street Mixed Use

Development - Land Remediation

Y W'hampton 2017/18 £5.20 £34.57 £39.77 86.92% £5.20 4.20 200 0 0 0 0 Alternative WMCA funding is being sought for this scheme

Heath Town Estate Regeneration

Housing Development

Y W'hampton 2017/18 £4.00 £39.00 £43.00 90.70% £2.00 0.00 400 0 0 0 22 Full Business Case under technical appraisal

Strategic Population Centres

The Black Country Living Museum: Forging Ahead

Visitor Economy Dudley 2017/18 £8.00 £10.60 £18.60 56.99% £0.03 0.00 0 60 5,575 0 29 Approved by the BCJC for LPIF funding, project is in delivery

Canalside Public Realm W'hampton 2017/18 £11.00 £120.00 £131.00 91.60% £4.00 15.50 340 0 40,000 0 0 Alternative WMCA funding is being sought for this scheme

Wolverhampton Interchange: Steam Mill and Sack Works Site

Public Realm W'hampton 2017/18 £2.80 £4.70 £7.50 62.67% £0.40 0.58 0 261 3,128 0 0 Alternative WMCA funding is being sought for this scheme

Music Institute Cable Plaza Public Realm Dudley 2017/18 £7.16 £41.29 £48.45 85.22% £1.10 1.00 600 138 0 0 0 Approved by the BCJC for LPIF funding, project is in delivery

Bull Street Public Realm Sandwell 2018/19 £1.37 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBc TBC Alternative WMCA funding is being sought for this scheme

Total £54.60 £317.11 £371.71 £23.77 46.15 1,658 1,862 126,406 11 51

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Black Country Land & Property Investment Fund v1.0 Contact Officer: Gurjit Virdi

Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund Dashboard

In flight Projects

Outputs table include both Direct and Indirect Outputs3

Programme Management Costs

Accountable Body Expenditure

LEP Programme Manangement

Financial Appraisals & Due Diligence

Programme Legal Advisors

Professional Property Advisors


Total Programme Management & Development Spend

Total Programme Spend

Spend Profile2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021 + TotalActual








Spend Profile Outputs Outcomes

2018/19 2019/202020/2

1 2021 + Total Rag StatusLand Remediated

(ha)Housing Jobs

Construction Jobs

Floorspace (sqm)

Apprenticeships Business Assists

Project Name Theme/Proposition Grant£m



e %

Total Project













s Current

ForecastActual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual




t ActualForecas

t Actual Commentary

Resonance - Music Institute Economic Capital £7.16 £2.00 21.84% £9.16 £3.86 £3.30 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.30 £3.86 1 0 500 0 138 0 0 0 4,800 0 0 0 0 0

Contractors are onsite and building works are progressing well. First valuation has now been completed and the first QS certificate has also been issued.

Dudley Brownfield Land Phase 2 Garden City £2.72 £13.16 82.87% £15.88 £0.00 £2.11 £2.11 £0.60 £0.00 £2.71 £2.11 3.19 1.583 158 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 sites have been completed to date, 72 houses completed and handed over to new ownership.

Goscote Lane Residential Development Scheme Garden City £3.60 £4.70 56.63% £8.30 £2.76 £0.83 £0.82 £0.00 £0.00 £0.83 £3.58 8.8 8.8 263 0 0 0 1,126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0The site has now been fully remediated, a cut and fill exercise has been completed and is now ready for handover to Homes England.

Tibbington Open Space ( The Cracker) Site Investigation Garden City £0.02 £0.01 25.63% £0.03 £0.00 £0.02 £0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.02 £0.02 3.4 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Work is now fully completed and the final SI report has been received for review

Narrowboat Way Site Investigation Economic Capital £0.05 £0.00 2.51% £0.05 £0.00 £0.05 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.05 £0.00 1.48 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 6 0Sit investigation has been completed; site and technical reports have been received for review.

Phoenix 10High Value

Manufacturing City£32.26 £60.64 65.27% £92.90 £0.00 £7.83 £0.00 £20.82 £3.62 £32.26 £0.00 18 0 0 0 1,100 0 0 0 57,575 0 0 0 7 0 Grant Agreement negotiations are underway.

Portersfield Phase 1 (Cavendish House) Economic Capital £0.66 £0.00 0.00% £0.66 £0.00 £0.66 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.66 £0.00 0.81 0 189 0 324 0 0 0 7,013 0 0 0 0 0 Grant Agreement negotiations are underway.

Heath Town Garden City £3.58 £96.42 96.42% £100.00 £0.00 £3.58 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.58 £0.00 3 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0Full business case under appraisal with Thomas Lister, updated cost reports have been submitted.

i54 Western ExtensionHigh Value

Manufacturing City£1.00 £33.00 23.00% £43.00 £0.00 £1.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.00 £0.00 24 0 0 0 0 0 250 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 Grant Agreement negotiations are underway.

Total £51.05 £207.93 £269.98 £6.62 £19.38 £2.95 £21.42 £3.62 £44.42 £9.57 63.68 10.38 1,605 72 1,862 0 1,376 0 134,388 0 9 0 13 0

£0.57 £0.18 £0.58 £0.18 £0.18 £0.53 £1.15

£0.23 £0.19 £0.00 £0.19 £0.19 £0.57 £0.23

£0.03 £0.01 £0.00 £0.01 £0.01 £0.03 £0.03

£0.07 £0.06 £0.00 £0.06 £0.06 £0.18 £0.07

£0.08 £0.05 £0.00 £0.05 £0.05 £0.15 £0.08

£0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.01 £0.01 £0.04 £0.00

£0.99 £0.50 £0.58 £0.50 £0.50 £1.50 £1.57

£7.61 £19.88 £3.53 £21.92 £4.11 £45.91 £11.14

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Black Country Land & Property Investment Fund Pipeline v1.0 Contact Officer: Gurjit Virdi

Black Country Land and Property Investment Fund Dashboard at 1st August 2019 v1.0



Project Bid Name / Site Propostion Location Status

Grant £m

LeverageTotal Project

Investment £m

Total Outputs 17/18 20/21 +

Total Outcomes 2018/19 to 2020/21 +

19/20 20/21 2021+ TotalLand

Remediated (ha)

Housing Jobs CreatedCommercial

Flrspace (sqm)

Learning Flrspace



Business Assists

Establishing High Value Manufacturing City

IronPark (Moxley Tip)Establishing High Value Manufacturing

CityWalsall Approved by LEP Board £6.87 £7.83 £0.00 £14.70 £39.80 £54.50 11.26 0 900 43,664 0 0 2

Middlemore LaneEstablishing High Value Manufacturing


Invited to Submit an Initial Proposal

£3.12 £1.01 £0.11 £4.24 £16.74 £20.98 5.77 0 503 22,703 0 0 5

Delivering Black Country Garden City

Saddlers Quay, Walsall Delivering Black Country Garden City Walsall FBC in Appraisal £0.82 £6.38 £4.63 £11.82 £31.62 £43.44 0.46 237 0 0 0 0 0

Parkfields Wolverhampton Delivering Black Country Garden City Wolverhampton Invited to Submit FBC £0.75 £0.53 £4.00 £5.28 £0.00 £5.28 2.69 106 0 0 0 0 0

Dudley Brownfield Land Improvement Programme, Phase 3 -Redevelopment of Arley Court and Compton Court

Delivering Black Country Garden City Dudley FBC in Appraisal £2.54 £0.00 £0.00 £2.54 £7.38 £9.92 1.10 70 0 0 0 0 0

Dudley Brownfield Land Improvement Programme, Phase 4 -Redevelopment of Wells Court and Manor Court

Delivering Black Country Garden City Dudley FBC in Appraisal £2.21 £0.00 £0.00 £2.21 £3.51 £5.72 0.65 36 0 0 0 0 0

Dudley Brownfield Land Improvement Programme, Phase 5 Delivering Black Country Garden City Dudley FBC in Appraisal £0.11 £0.63 £0.10 £0.84 £2.56 £3.40 1.13 30 0 0 0 0 0

Sandwell Gap Funding Housing sites Delivering Black Country Garden City Sandwell FBC in Appraisal £2.30 £0.00 £0.00 £2.30 £9.75 £12.05 2.46 66 0 0 0 0 0

Mill Lane Oldbury Delivering Black Country Garden City Sandwell FBC in Appraisal £2.40 £0.00 £0.00 £2.40 £12.20 £14.60 2.40 88 0 0 0 0 0

Wynchbury Homes Delivering Black Country Garden City Sandwell FBC in Appraisal £0.25 £0.00 £0.00 £0.25 £4.83 £5.08 1.00 45 0 0 0 0 0

Bourne Street, Coseley Delivering Black Country Garden City Dudley Invited to Submit FBC £0.06 £0.44 £0.00 £0.50 £13.90 £14.40 2.60 100 0 0 0 0 0

Economic Capital

Regeneration of Former Jabez Cliff Economic Capital Walsall Invited to Submit FBC £3.89 £0.00 £0.00 £3.89 £9.08 £12.98 0.42 15 47 24,000 0 2 4

Very Light Rail Main Scheme Economic Capital Dudley Awaiting project redesign £9.90 £7.50 £0.00 £17.40 £6.50 £23.90 6.00 0 341 5,784 0 610 84

Skills Capital

City Learning Quarter Skills Capital Wolverhampton FBC in Appraisal £5.00 £15.00 £10.00 £30.00 £10.00 £40.00 2.00 100 20 10,700 0 2,500

University College Dudley - IOT Skills Capital Dudley Approved by LEP Board £0.00 £9.53 £0.00 £9.53 £22.10 £31.63 0.00 0 105 0 4,650 80 37

Total £40.21 £48.85 £18.84 £107.89 £189.97 £297.87 40 893 1,916 106,851 4,650 3,192 132

Proposition Grant Funding LeverageTotal Project Investment

£m% Split by Proposition

Establishing High Value Manufacturing City £18.94 £56.54 £75.48 17.56%

Delivering Black Country Garden City £28.13 £85.75 £113.88 26.07%

Economic Capital £21.29 £15.58 £36.88 19.73%

Skills Capital £39.53 £32.10 £71.63 36.64%

Total £107.89 £189.97 £297.87 100.00%

Potential GVA Impact (£m)

Future Pipeline funding £2,523

Potential Business Rate Impact £m per annum

Future Pipeline funding £16.03

Potential Council Tax Impact £m per annum

Future Pipeline funding £1.02

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Black Country LEP Board: Growing Places Programme Summary as at 1st August 2019 v1.0


AllocationInterest Accrued on


Capital £13,530,564 £198,904 £13,729,468

Revenue £1,098,439 £18,504 £1,116,943

Total £14,629,003 £217,408 £14,846,411

CAPITAL➢ £13.83m allocated to 13 projects to date, this includes £300k over-programming as

previously approved by LEP Sub Group➢ Includes allocation of Loan, Grant and combination of both. Loan allocation totals

£5.15m. Grant allocation totals £8.67m➢ £9.4m has been drawn down to date (£4.4m remains)

➢ Nine projects have fully drawn down – Darlaston EZ , Dudley Canal Trust, YMCAWestern Gateway, YMCA John Dando, Opus Blueprint, Dudley College, WalsallMBC (Norit) and Stuart Works (CPD and Dudley MBC).

➢ One project is currently making loan repayments (£2.3m - repaid to date)➢ Remaining Capital for Reinvestment is £5,404,963.40

REVENUE➢ £1.11m including interest earned for revenue expenditure all now allocated to Revenue

projects:➢ Black Country Broadband - £250k initially allocated, £165k utilised and £85k

allocated to LGF site investigation fund➢ SEED - £50k allocated and drawn down➢ Black Country Consortium subscription - £447k allocated in total and drawn down➢ Daisy Bank and Wolverhampton Environment Centre site investigations are

currently setting up a grant agreement with the Accountable Body.➢ Remaining Revenue funding:

➢ Of the funding allocated to Growing Places M&A, £52,785 is still to be drawn down

Norit Site Infrastructure

Darlaston EZ

Wolverhampton CC Canalside

Dudley Canal Trust

Dudley College, Advance Innovation Centre

Castle Hill

Stuart Works

SMBC Superfast Broadband

Opus Blueprint



Based on current profiles, the cashflow forecastshows;➢ Currently £3.44m loan has been allocated.➢ Although loan allocation is not fully recoverable

within a 15-year payback period, repaymentscommenced during 2015/16

➢ There is now £1.6m available loan funding forreinvestment due to the withdrawal of fundingfor Rolfe Street.

BCC Programme Office – Growing Places Dashboard Summary v1.0 Page 1 Contact Officer: Arun Kumar Source Data: Growing Places Monitoring Data (confidential – not for public review)


➢ £2.3m is still to be drawn down from the £8.67m grant➢ Current claim profiles forecasting defrayment of grant in

full by the end of Q1 20/21.

KEY Site development / land remediation

Tourism Education / skills developmentBuilding refurbishment Technology developmentCharity Site investigation





Public sector


£150mPrivate sector


£6m SFA

£2m HCA

£1m HLF£0.6m


£0.3m LA

35ha land remediated

82,588m2 new industrial / retail buildings

889 new residential buildings / units

7,848 m2 refurbished buildings19,500m2 new office buildings

2,490 jobs created64 jobs safeguarded

14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+

Start Balance £5,159,377 £5,141,681 £2,371,885 £3,443,282 £4,063,967 £4,109,967 £3,476,955 £3,889,055

Repayments (IN) £0 £31,320 £1,692,807 £620,685 £46,000 £486,056 £466,606 £1,171,042

Loan Advanced (OUT) £17,696 £2,801,116 £621,410 £0 £0 £1,119,068 £54,506 £0

Difference -£17,696 -£2,769,796 £1,071,397 £620,685 £46,000 -£633,012 £412,100 £1,171,042

End Balance £5,141,681 £2,371,885 £3,443,282 £4,063,967 £4,109,967 £3,476,955 £3,889,055 £5,060,097

14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 Total

Actual Claims Paid £1,217,840 £2,088,657 £1,399,359 £1,646,947 £0 £1,811,691 £8,164,493

Forecast Claim Paid £1,217,840 £2,088,657 £1,399,359 £1,646,947 £0 £1,811,691 £8,164,493








14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+

Net Loan Outstanding

Repayments (IN) Load Advanced (Out) Loan Capacity







14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20

Grant Overview

Actual Claims Paid Forecast Claim Paid

Daisy Bank

Wolverhampton Environment Centre

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BCC Programme Office – Growing Places Dashboard Summary v1.0 Page 2 Contact Officer: Arun Kumar Source Data: Growing Places Monitoring Data (confidential – not for public review)

Funding Approved (£) Funding Drawn Down (£) Loan Jobs Sites & Premises Follow On Investment (£m)

Project Name Borough Sector / Investment Type Status Commentary Loan Grant Total Intervention Loan Grant Total Intervention Funding remaining Loan repaid to date Jobs Created Jobs SafeguardedBrownfield Land Remediated (ha)

Brownfield Land Redeveloped (ha)

Commercial Building (Industrial, Retail Office)

(sqm)New Houses Built (units)

New Residential Buildings (units)

Refurbished Buildings (sqm)

Mixed Development (sqm) Private Sector Public Sector

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual

Capital Projects

Wolverhampton City Centre, Canal Side W'hampton Local Authority / Relocation In progress

Two claims totalling £593k received and paid.

£600,000 £600,000 £593,426 £593,426 £6,574 £0 2,300 19 29,300 750 £143 £2.00

Outstanding loan of £6k.

The majority of jobs will be created once development complete.

Darlaston EZ Walsall Local Authority / Site Investigation In progress

Seven claims submitted and paid.

£180,000 £180,000 £123,203 £123,203 £56,797 £0Project will not draw down any further funding as of 07/03/2017

YMCA Black Country Group, Western Gateway Sandwell Charity / Expansion

Complete Loan of £1.41m has been drawn down and repaid in full on 01/07/16.

£1,410,400 £1,429,600 £2,840,000 £1,410,400 £1,429,600 £2,840,000 £0 £1,442,647 96 £3.82 £3.08

(loan repaid but no output reporting to date)

The total loan repayable is £1.442m; principle of £1.4m and interest of £32k.

YMCA John Dando Sandwell Charity / Expansion In progress

All loan funds of £560k have been drawn down.

£560,000 £560,000 £560,000 £560,000 £0 £574,685 31 The total loan repayable is £575k; principle of £560k and £15k interest. This has been repaid in full June 2017

Dudley Canal Trust (Trips) Ltd Dudley Tourism / Expansion In progress

A loan of £753k was drawn down against an original offer of £755k.

£755,000 £755,000 £753,193 £753,193 £1,807 £304,480 14 1.0 1,000 8,350 £0.43 £1.95

Repayments have been reduced from £15,660 per quarter (until March 2034), to £11,500 per quarter because DCT were able to make a one off additional payment of £200,000 at the start of this financial year.

At the end of Q2 17/18 a total of £304k has been repaid.

Stuart Works (Complex Development Projects Ltd) DudleyManagement Services /

RefurbishmentIn progress

This project is still in process.

£658,539 £658,539 £658,539 £658,539 £0 N/A 33 1.4 2,029 18 £2.69 £1.79

Waiting an update from Complex Development Projects (CDP) on progress.

Stuart Works (DMBC) Dudley Local Authority / Refurbishment In progress

The full grant of £646k has been drawn down.

£486,977 £645,699 £1,132,676 £645,699Funding of £487k has been formally decommitted from Dudley and reallocated via the Growing Places fund.

Daisy Bank Site InvestigationWolverhampton Local Authority / Refurbishment In progress Currently awaiting for a grant agreement between applicant and accountable body. £13,107 £13,107 N/A

Wolverhampton Environment Centre Site Investigation

Wolverhampton Local Authority / Refurbishment In progress Currently awaiting for a grant agreement between applicant and accountable body. £7,421 £7,421 N/A

Opus Blueprint SandwellCommercial Development / Site

RemediationComplete Grant of £56k drawn down. £67,500 £67,500 £56,362 £56,362 £11,138 N/A 9.2 44,129 £19.50

SMBC Superfast Broadband Sandwell Local Authority / New Technology In progress£1.9m has been drawn down to date. Outstanding amount of £1m will be fully drawn down by Q4 18/19.

£3,000,000 £3,000,000 £2,389,242 £2,389,242 £610,758 N/A

Dudley Castle Hill Dudley Zoological / Expansion In progress Awaiting update from Dudley Zoo following liaison with DMBC regarding project. £300,000 £300,000 £0 £300,000 N/A

Dudley College, Dudley Advance and Innovation Centre Dudley Education / Expansion

Complete Total grant of £798k drawn down.

£798,360 £798,360 £798,360 £798,360 £0 N/A £5.89( no output reporting to date)

A project closure meeting will be completed to gather output information which will then be reported.

Norit site infrastructure Walsall Construction / Redevelopment

Complete Full grant now drawn down.

£375,000 £375,000 £375,000 £375,000 £0 N/A 0.7 1,866

( no output reporting to date)

Practical completion obtained.

Claim received and being processed for full grant amount.

A project closure meeting will be completed to gather output information which will then be reported.

Total Capital £3,992,377 £7,295,226 £11,287,603 £3,440,222 £6,352,802 £9,147,325 £987,074 £2,321,812 2,347 - 12.2 19 78,324 8,350 768 127 - - £150 £34

Revenue Projects

Black Country Broadband W'hampton Complete £85k allocated to LGF site investigation fund. £250,000 £250,000 £250,000 £250,000 £0 N/a

SEED Sandwell Complete Project complete. £50,000 £50,000 £50,000 £50,000 £0 N/a

Revenue Other

Growing Places M&A Sandwell Remaining £96,823 required. £368,612 £368,612 £271,789 £271,789 £96,823 * N/a

Black Country Consortium Subscription Black Country Wide In progress All funding drawn down. £447,000 £447,000 £447,000 £447,000 £0 N/a

* £96,823 allocated to Growing Places M&A and NOT available funding

Total Revenue £1,115,612 £1,115,612 £1,018,789 £1,018,789 £96,823 *

Growing Places Total (inc. over programming) £5,159,377 £9,790,310 £14,949,687 £1,701,127

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BCC Programme Office – Black Country Enterprise Zone Dashboard v1.0 Contact Officer: Arun Kumar

Wolverhampton / i54 Brierley Hill / DY5Walsall / Darlaston

6,356New Jobs

Black Country Enterprise Zones have the potential to deliver:


Industrial Floorspace£298.18m+

Business Rates


New Industrial Space Delivered

£88.61mBusiness Rates

By 2037(25years)


Commercial & OfficeFloorspace

76hectares developed




44hectares developed (net)

£165mBusiness Rates

By 2042(25years)


New TechnologySpace





New Industrial Space


New Office Space

7,000New Jobs




40.49hectares developed


New Industrial Space


Open Storage Space

2,274New Jobs

£44.57mBusiness Rates

By 2037(25 years)

+ Western Extension

40 hectare site *


New Commercial Space Delivered


Vacant Office Space Refurbished

Delivered to date

Investment Value 1,041

Hectares Developed (ha) 61.55

Industrial Floorspace (sqm) 251,764

Commercial Floorspace (sqm) 6,002

Jobs Created 4,376

Business Rates Uplift (to 2037) 42.26

August 2019

*I54 Western Extension is an extension of the i54 not necessarily an extension of the Enterprise Zone 5

15,630New Jobs


Delivered to date

Investment Value £24.30

Hectares Developed (ha) 5

Refurbished Floorspace(sqm) 5738.00

New Floorspace (sqm) 14864.49

Jobs Created 610

Business Rates Uplift (to 2037) £131.000

Delivered to date

Investment Value TBC

Hectares Developed (ha) 1.9

Industrial Floorspace (sqm) 19,060

Commercial Floorspace (sqm) 0

Jobs Created Circa 50

Business Rates Uplift (to 2037) 44.57

Enterprise Zones consist of the following areas:

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Pensnett6 ha333 Jobs24,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Tempus 10

Tempus 10 - Onyx1.5 ha150 Jobs5,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace


Gasholders8.3 ha400 Jobs26,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Parallel 9/10

Parallel 9/104.95 ha100 Jobs10,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Aspect 2000

Aspect 20003.8 ha140 Jobs9,400 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Box Pool

Box Pool1.60 ha3,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace4,500 sqm Open Storage

George Dyke

Former Charles Richards-George Dyke2 haTBC Jobs2,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

The Waterfront

The Waterfront7.05 ha654 Jobs10,901 sqm Commercial + 4,800 sqm Learning Floorspace


Archill9.65 ha12,000 Sqm Retail 30,000 sqm Residential70,000 Office

Harts Hill

Harts Hill14.79 ha100,000 sqm Technical Floorspace

Canal Walk

Canal Walk7.00 ha115,000 sqm Residential Floorspace18,000 Retail Floorspace

Blackbrook Valley

Blackbrook Valley*4.85 ha258 Jobs18,594 sqm Industrial Floorspace


Pensnett Dreadnaught6 ha333 Jobs24,000 sqm Industrial / Mixed Use Floorspace


Holland Industrial Estate East– Plot 20.34 ha19 Jobs1,100 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Holland Industrial Estate - East

Phoenix 10

Phoenix 1016.5 ha900 Jobs57,575 sqm Industrial Floorspace



Costa Drive Thru0.28 ha25 Jobs167 sqm Industrial Floorspace

The GatewayThe Gateway

Porche1.05 ha34 Jobs2,802 sqm Commercial Floorspace

Wolverhampton Business Park

1B Plot 9 (Charter Court)0.40 ha240 Jobs2,873 sqm Commercial Floorspace

ERA3.12 ha200 Jobs12,600 sqm Industrial Floorspace

i54 South Staffordshire

JLR (Module 4) 21 ha1,300 Jobs85,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

i54 South Staffordshire


Garringtons –Plot 1 & 21.21 ha43 Jobs11,700 sqm Open Storage

Garringtons – Plot 1 & 2

Central Point

Central Point1.67 haTBC Jobs16,500 sqm Open Storage

Tentec/Atlas Copco1.21 ha150 Jobs4,100 sqm Industrial Floorspace

I54 South Staffordshire


Wolverhampton Business Park

1B Plot 6, 7, 8,3 ha750 Jobs9,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Plot C6.26 ha565 Jobs27,314 sqm Industrial Floorspace

i54 South Staffordshire

Lupus Park4.05 ha350 Jobs18,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Lupus Park

Plot 3Euro Garages0.20 ha50 Jobs5,000 sqm commercial floorspace

The Gateway

ISP1.80 ha83 Jobs6,251 sqm Industrial Floorspace

i54 South Staffordshire

I54 South Staffordshire

Eurofins1.06 Ha236 Jobs3,715 sqm Industrial Floorspace

I54 South Staffordshire

Moog4.41 Ha459 Jobs20,475 sqm Industrial Floorspace

BCC Programme Office – Black Country Enterprise Zone Dashboard v1.0 Contact Officer: Arun Kumar


Walsall/DarlastonBrierley Hill/DY5

Holland Industrial Estate West - Plot 10.76 ha42 Jobs2,500 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Holland Industrial Estate West

Tempus 10

Tempus 10 - Opal1.5 ha150 Jobs5,000 sqm Industrial Floorspace

* Garrington’s Plot 1 & 2 are operational as storage Units but investment still required


JLR21.20 ha1400 Jobs

101,1455 sqm Industrial Floorspace

i54 South Staffordshire

Plot D & E6.26 ha565 Jobs27,314 sqm Industrial Floorspace

i54 South Staffordshire

* 18 Plot 6,7,8 is currently a temporary car park that is generating rates

MCR7.29 ha700 Jobs35,500 sqm Industrial Floorspace

Wobaston Road

* Phoenix 10, Parallel 9/10 and Gasholders are under project development


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>40 ha0 / 0%

Large (10-40ha)2 / 4%

Medium (3-10 ha)12 / 21%

Small (<3 ha)43 / 75%


Size of sites (ha)The chart demonstrates the composition ofthe EZ sites across the Black Country portfolio.There is a total of 55 EZ sites across the BlackCountry, totalling 150 ha.

Note: Wolverhampton rates subject to rate review and inflation

BCC Programme Office – Black Country Enterprise Zone Dashboard v1.0 Contact Officer: Arun Kumar


DY5 – Delivered to date :• Investment Value (£m) n- £24.30• Hectares developed – 5• Refurbished floor space (sqm) – 5,738.00• New floorspace (sqm) – 14,864.49• Jobs created – 610

Upcoming activity Comprehensive programme of activity is underway including:

- Cushman and Wakefield procured to review and market test the DY5 Enterprise ZoneMasterplan against current and future market demand.

- DY5 Open House Events (13th June)- Ongoing Master planning now focusing on becoming an investable masterplan. -

Increased social media activity. Ongoing via @DudleyBusiness1- Trade advertising and bespoke events with Business Insider. Ongoing throughout 2019- Potential attendance at MIPIM 2020

The Pensnett area is also trading well with a further investment planned creating newindustrial floorspace and currently there is 70% occupancy of the sites in the area.

Walsall/Darlaston – Gasholders, land at the rear of the site has been acquired, which hasgiven the council full control over the site. The consultation was programmed for May 2019,after the local elections. Expected delivery of Darlaston Railway station currentlyanticipated at the end of 2021. Parallel 9/10 and Box Pool have submitted Initial proposalsfor grant funding through the EZ business rates mechanism to support scheme viability.


Projected view of Business Rates






2013-2017 2018-2022 2023-2027 2028-2032 2033-2037

EZ Cumulative Business Rates Uplift (£m)

Wolverhampton Walsall DY5

2013-2017 2018-2022 2023-2027 2028-2032 2033-2037

Wolverhampton £6.54 £25.06 £46.24 £67.43 £88.61

Walsall £0.15 £1.98 £15.80 £30.19 £44.57

DY5 £3.75 £8.09 £8.09 £8.09 £164.84

Total £6.69 £30.79 £70.13 £105.71 £141.27

* Wolverhampton and Walsall rates subject to change due to model update in progress


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Issue Impact Description RAG Action

PRISMResourcing / computing implications due

to scale of work required A series of updates has increased efficiency

Resources Insufficient resource to deliver schemes

noted in the 10-year period

Delivery methods developed via collaboration

between the Black Country, TfWM and


Funding - Local


The level of local contribution required to

secure funding from the CA has still not

been determined

Liaison with CA finance officers is continuing

Funding -

Accuracy of

Forecast Costs

Budgets are sometimes provisionally

allocated without a detailed assessment

being undertaken

Uncertainty managed through provision for

risk contingency

Risk Impact Description RAG Mitigation

Deliverability- lack of expertise

A lack of forecasting expertise is potentially resulting in some schemes being prevented from taken to site

A review of current deliver mechanisms is underway to explore opportunities and new models of delivery.

Black Country Transport Programme Dashboard as of 1st August 2019



BCC Programme Office – Transport Programme Dashboard v1 Contact Officer: Shannon Nicklin Source Data: Transport Project Status Reports (Available for public review)

There are 40 transport schemes proposed within the Black Country. By 2020, 12 projects will be completed, 14

are scheduled to start construction work and 14 will have started development work.

The Wednesbury to Brierley Hill scheme is the largest by far within the current programme, with an estimated

capital cost of around £343m. Development for the scheme is due to be completed by the end of 2019. Major

Transport Schemes, Birchley Island and M6 Junction 10 continue to develop. M6 Junction 10 is due to complete

development stage by the end of 2019.


Funding Stream


2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21


LGF £48.41 £9 £9.76 £5.52 £3.47 £4.28 £16.24

LTB £18.10 £5 £7.17 £2.23 £0.97 £2.66 £0.50

LGF DfT Retained

£29.12 £0.65 £0.35 £0.12 £0 £13.94 £14.06

Total £95.63 £14.35 £17.28 £7.87 £4.44 £20.88 £30.81

Principle Transport Mode No. of schemes £m

Highways 21 £527.05

Metro 3 £354.0

Rail 7 £107.4

Rapid Transit 3 £45.55

Bus 3 £52.0

Active (walking & cycling) 3 £24

Total 40 £1,110


Newly Built Roads (km) New Cycle Ways (km) Resurfaced Roads (km)

Target 8,019 46,905 5,976

Forecast 8,516 52,655 8,212

Actual 5,126 45,580 2,672

*£3m Variance is DfT Tail Funding for Darlaston





Rapid Transit4%


Active (walking & cycling)2%




LGF Dft Retained


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Agenda Item 10


Minutes of a Meeting of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Funding Applications Sub-Group

7th August 2019 at 2.00pm at The Deckhouse, Brierley Hill

Present: Simon Eastwood Chair Lindsey Flynn Well Associates Ltd Ninder Johal Nachural Communications Tom Westley Westley Group

In Attendance: (From 2.00pm)

Lara Cragg Black Country Consortium Ltd Ian Cribbes Black Country Consortium Ltd Alison Guerra Walsall MBC Hywel Ruddick Black Country Consortium Ltd (From 3.00pm)

Cllr. Patrick Harley Dudley MBC Kevin O’Keefe Dudley MBC Alan Lunt Dudley MBC Bill Kirk Dudley MBC Paul Mountford Dudley MBC Stuart Everton City of Wolverhampton Lowell Williams Dudley College

Apologies: Chris Handy.

113/19 Declarations of Interest

Tom Westley declared his non-pecuniary interest in Dudley College, Minute No. 129/19 and advised that he would take no part in the consideration or voting thereon.

114/19 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd July 2019 were submitted.

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Agenda Item 10


Agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2019 be received and confirmed as a correct record.

Part A - Land and Property Investment Fund (LPIF)

115/19 Update on Forecast utilisation of £53m LPIF allocation

The meeting was advised that the outcome of the remaining £97m was awaited and that the WMCA had recruited someone to evaluate the progress on the £53m against agreed outputs.

Lindsey Flynn queried if the WMCA would share the report and the Chair advised that the LEP Board should receive an update on the £53m, with a view to brief Leaders through officers.

Ninder Johal advised that he had raised the issue of the £97m at the WMCA Board where the Mayor had advised that it should be deployed as rapidly as possible. Whilst this had been captured on the webcast, he noted that it had not been captured in the minute.

The Chair commented that it was possible the local authorities could cashflow certain projects if the timing of the release of the funding was guaranteed.

Agreed 1) That the Group note the progress of the LEP approved schemes;

and 2) That the Group request sight of the WMCA review of the £53m

schemes and their associated outputs.

116/19 Change Request – Phoenix 10

The meeting was reminded of the application in respect of Phoenix 10 and noted that one of the agreed outcomes had been to provide 57,575 sq.m of floor space.

Based on the current investment figures BC LEP is providing 79% of the overall cost while Home England’s contribution amounts to 21%. The final split can only be calculated once final investment in the project is known. As such, BC LEP approval was sought for the principle of any future business rate surplus being shared on a proportional basis, noting the current estimation of the split. It should be noted that HE is committed to providing its investment to the project regardless of the total

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Agenda Item 10


investment provided by the BC LEP and will not seek to reduce this contribution should the contractor’s costs be below the current estimates. It was agreed that should a surplus in business rates receipts be generated from the Phoenix 10 site, only at the expiry of the Enterprise Zone on 31 March 2038, then this would to be split between Homes England and the Black Country LEP, in proportion to the final investment made by both parties to the project.

The Group were also asked to consider the approach to the apportionment of project outputs, such that the total constructed employment floorspace is split between Homes England and Black Country LEP, in proportion to final investment in the project and to note that the only direct output of the scheme was land remediated and that the outcomes of the project were currently indicative at this stage and would be determined once occupiers of the development had been identified.

Agreed that the LEP Board be recommended to approve the Change request for the Phoenix 10 project, as detailed in the report

117/19 Note on Heath Town Regeneration Scheme

The meeting was advised that that Wolverhampton City Council had made considerable progress on the revised Full Business Case which was with the assessors for Due Diligence. It was anticipated that the report would eb submitted in September.

Agreed that the update be noted.

118/19 LPIF Dashboard

The LPIF Dashboard was presented and it was noted that currently £10,147,749 had been paid out to projects.

It was noted that: -

• the Music Institute were on site with completion expected at the

year end.

• Dudley Brownfield Land – 72 houses had been completed.

• Goscote Lane, The Cracker and Narrowboat Way Site

Investigation had all completed.

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Agenda Item 10


• Heath Town, as reported full business case was with the


Agreed that the LPIF Dashboards and associated update be noted.

Part B – Local Growth Fund

Black Country Strategic Economic Plan – Growing Places Fund

119/19 Utilisation of Growing Places Fund to date

Members were advised that £5.4m was available for reinvestment following the receipt of loan and interest repayments.

Agreed that the Group note the update.

120/19 New Project Bid – YMCA Cleveland


Members were advised that the assessors felt the project would be better funded through a loan rather than through grant, as there would revenue generating opportunities on the site.

The YMCA site was referenced in West Bromwich and it was suggested that the scheme could mirror the scheme adopted for that project. The FSG members were advised of the project detail and whilst noting the merits of the project it was noted that the project would provide marketable assets, therefore the funding should be loan not grant.

It was commented that if the project was unable to proceed on a solely loan basis, that it be considered for a mix of grant and loan.

Agreed: - 1) that the consideration of the YMCA Cleveland update be deferred;


2) that officers hold further discussions with the applicant on the terms

outlined above and report back to the September meeting.

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Agenda Item 10


121/19 City Learning Quarter – Bilston Campus

Members were advised that currently BEIS were reviewing the College and the Board were asked to consider an application for funding for a site investigation.

A discussion ensued regarding the project and it was noted that there was a need to see the full business case to be assured of the viability of the project.

Agreed that consideration be deferred for receipt of the full business case.

Black Country Strategic Economic Plan - Growth Deal Report to Funding Sub Group

122/19 Forecast utilisation of £19.53m Growth Deal Funds in 2018/19 Programme

The Group were provided with an update and noted on the funding allocation of £19.53m for 2018/19.

Agreed that the update be noted.

123/19 Commitment of the Growth Deal Funds from 2018/19 to 2020/21

The latest programme forecast was submitted.

Agreed that the Commitment of the Growth Deal Funds from 2018/19 to 2020/21 be noted.

124/19 Transport – Ultra-low EV Transport Development Funding

The meeting was advised that the City of Wolverhampton Council were working in collaboration across the Black Country to deliver a sub-regional wide Ultra Low emission vehicle programme that supported locally aligned objectives, as established in the Black Country Core Strategy and individual council plans. The programme’s overarching focus was to support the accelerated carbon reduction across the Black Country faster than the nationally defined targets and maximise the air quality potential of the area to achieve optimum public health benefits. Thus, the primary output of the programme was to accelerate the uptake of Ultra low emission vehicles across the area and across all sectors.

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Agenda Item 10


The City of Wolverhampton was seeking £130,000 from Growth Deal to support this initiative.

Agreed that the LEP Board be recommended to approve the Accountable Body for the Growth Deal (Walsall Council) to proceed to a Grant Agreement with Wolverhampton City Council to deliver the Local Growth Fund (LGF) funded elements of the Ultra-low EV Transport Development Funding – with delivery to commence in the 2019/20 financial year.

125/19 Growing Priority Sectors

It was noted that AIB Foods Ltd had declined their grant.

Agreed that the update be noted.

126/19 Growth Deal Bids for consideration – IT & Digital Skills & Innovation

Members were advised that an application had been received for £68,162.50 from PTP Training Ltd to deliver IT & Digital skills training to 50 plus levy companies.

It was noted that Outputs appeared to be high especially on Businesses Assisted and Apprenticeships.

Whilst supportive of the project Members were of the view that the company should review their potential outcomes and currently these may not be achieved which would require “clawback” to be implemented.

Agreed that the PMO undertake further discussions with the applicants and report to members outside of the meeting.

127/19 Growth Deal 2018-19 Year End Changes

The meeting was advised that following the closure of the 2018-19 financial year a number of change requests had been submitted for LEP and Joint Committee approval. These include slippage of funding into 2019-20 and in some cases, a reduction in the overall funding amount due to project cost savings, see appendix to minutes. The project expenditure and output profiles had been closely monitored by the PMO and the Accountable Body over the course of the programme. This has informed the PMO’s Growth Deal Dashboards as well as the

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Accountable Body’s claims and committed expenditure forecasts which have continued to be presented to monthly board meetings, to inform the latest forecast as well as the over/under utilisation of Grant Funding.

The final year position for LEP Board and Joint Committee approved projects is profiled below. The spend target for 2018/19 has been achieved with the final figure being finalised at £19,530,000.

15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

£29,950,000 £45,951,957 £31,384,296 £19,527,429 £41,578,507 £39,313,965 £208,056,154

As the programme approached the final 18 months, the Accountable Body and the PMO, with guidance from BEIS, had undertaken a thorough risk analysis exercise of all projects which had resulted in a number of actions taken to ensure the programme is fully committed and able to achieve spend and output targets. A list of criteria was agreed and applied to assess all projects, such criteria included state aid eligibility and Black Country Joint Committee approval. In addition to this, any earmarked funding has now been removed from the programme.

Agreed that the LEP Board be recommended to approve the changes to the Local Growth Fund for 2018-19 financial year end, as detailed in the table appended to the minutes.

128/19 Dashboards

The following Dashboards were submitted: –

• In-flight

• Future Years

• Pipeline

• Growing Places

• Enterprise Zones

Agreed that the contents of the Dashboards be noted.

Dudley MBC Project Updates

129/19 Very Light Rail (VLR) Main Scheme

Members discussed the merits of the project with input from Dudley MBC attendees and identified funding streams for the VLR Main Scheme going forward.

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Agenda Item 10


Agreed that the LEP Board be recommended to: - 1) Approve funding for the track element of the VLR Project to the

sum of £3.7m from the Growing Places Fund, part of the Growth Deal Fund, subject to confirmation of the associated management costs breakdown;

2) Approve the use of the Enterprise Zone Fund, subject to an accurate appraisal of available funds, for the VLR Innovation Centre element of the Project; and

3) Confirm to the European Regional Development Fund Team, the approval of funding and commitment of the LEP to the project.

(NB - Post meeting note: DMBC have confirmed that the overall Professional fees payable from the LEP funding are £2,848,631 with £679,534 of this being assigned to the track element of the project.)

130/19 Dudley College – Institute of Technology (IOT)

Lowell Williams advised that contracts were imminent for the Governments £18m contribution to build the IOT, this was predicated on the LEP’s match funding element, the bulk of which would be to purchase equipment to fit out the facility.

Agreed 1) that the current position in relation to Dudley IOT be noted; and

2) that the VLR project be the subject of weekly briefings to Dudley

MBC management team.

131/19 Project Change Request – Dudley Castle

Members were advised that the Dudley Castle Hill project (Castle Hill Vison: Car Park) was selected for approval in November 2013 for £300,000 Growing Places Funding for the provision of circa 600 space car and coach park to support the development of the Castle Hill visitor attractions.

The original lease plan did not take into account the land requirements of Metro in the longer term and more recently the decision to relocate the planned Tipton Road metro stop to Station Drive/Castle Hill. Dudley Council have been undertaking a piece of work with Urban Design and the small triangle of land (indicated on the plan provided for board members) which was proposed to lease to the Zoo, was now

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Agenda Item 10


where the metro would run in addition to providing access to pedestrians, cyclists, cars, taxis and coaches in a very small area.

The Change request relates to the small piece of land – which was never part of the main deal of delivering car/coach parking spaces, which Dudley Council now considers prudent to hold onto for all the reasons above, and to subsequently take out of the lease agreement with the Zoo.

Members were advised that discussions had been held with the CEO of Dudley Zoo, and he was happy to proceed on this basis.

Agreed that the change request in respect of the amendment relating to the parcel of land be approved.

132/19 Date of Next Meetings

The dates of future meetings were noted and it was

Agreed that the next FSG note that the next meeting would be held on 4th September 2019.

(The meeting closed at 4.15pm)

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL


Accessing Growth - Bilston Urban Village Reported 726,627 2,168,661 2,895,288

Accessing Growth - Junction & Highway Improvements (Canal Side) Reported 630,000 630,000

Accessing Growth - J10 Resilience Package Reported 94,519 1,235,176 1,329,695

Accessing Growth - Coach Station Reported 387,673 90,000 477,673

Accessing Growth - Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro Reported 400,000 130,000 100,000 630,000

Accessing Growth -Compton Park Improved Connectivity Reported 149,352 149,352

Accessing Growth - Springfield Campus InterChange Connectivity Reported 600,000 600,000

Accessing Growth - A454 Willenhall Road Reported 158,800 26,517 185,317

Accessing Growth - A449 Stafford Road Reported 101,011 13,336 114,347

Accessing Growth - A459 Dudley Rd/Coombs Rd Halesowen Reported 259,291 280,709 540,000

Accessing Growth -Pinfold Bridge, Wednesfield Road Reported 674,568 674,568

Accessing Growth - Himley Road Reported 78,500 78,500

Reported 768,340 619,230 1,387,570

Change 768,340 618,604 1,386,944

Accessing Growth M6 J10 Reported 218,835 218,835

Accessing Growth - Westlink Development Reported 54,461 100,539 155,000

Reported 550,000 550,000

Change 396,863 153,137 550,000

Reported 200,000 220,000 0 420,000

Change 200,000 214,510 5,490 420,000

Reported 918,000 0 918,000

Change 912,652 5,348 918,000

Reported 845,856 845,856

Change 846,482 846,482

Advance Science, Engineering & Technology Centre Reported 20 530 155 965 1,059,000 1,059,000

Bilston Urban Village Reported 22 498 771 2,750,000 2,087,599 4,837,599

Dudley Advance Construction (CABTech) Reported 315 725 1,170 2,600 200 2,028,108 5,851,892 7,880,000

Elite Centre Feasibility Study Reported 170,000 170,000

Reported 67 412 365 0 1,751,940 5,972,164 822,296 8,546,400

Change 67 412 365 1,751,940 5,972,164 773,832 48,464 8,546,400

Reported 8 605 345 1,336 60 316,088 316,088

Change 8 685 345 1336 60 316,088 316,088

Goscote Lane Corridor Development Programme Reported 12 848 0 0 1,700,000 2,808,000 4,312,000 8,820,000

Reported 800 45 48 14 13041 1,493,383 1,335,344 1,669,415 4,128,858 0 8,627,000

Change 800 45 48 14 13041 1,493,383 1,335,344 1,669,415 3,155,351 574,771 8,228,264

Growing the City Centre Cultural and Business Event Offer Reported 67 13 85 2,730 1,876,699 2,301,021 1,234,681 5,412,401

M6 Junction 10 LGF & Dft funds Reported 650,000 350,000 120,000 0 13,936,742 14,593,258 29,650,000

Major Transport Scheme Reported 690,409 6,929,591 7,620,000

Managing Short Trips Reported 2,430,009 3,860,836 6,290,845

Science, Technology & Prototyping Centre Reported 122 1,296,594 3,583,406 4,880,000

Wolverhampton InterChange - Commercial Gateway Phase 2 (LGF) Reported 408 36684 4,500,000 3,500,000 8,000,000

Reported 0 1 548,991 2,528,718 984,621 346,670 360,000 4,769,000

Change 1 2,528,718 984,621 268,341 24,401 3,806,081

Ruskin Mill Glasshouse Phase 3 Reported 12 0 15 201 274 160,026 160,026

Walsall Waterfront Reported 31,638 100,771 14,965 147,374

Dudley Town Centre - Buildings & Sites Improvements Programme Reported 6 5 9 330 169,558 285,442 455,000

Woods Lane

Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills

FAB Kit Programme

Growing Priority Sectors

Outputs Expenditure

Accessing Growth - Salters Road

Accessing Growth - Unallocated

Acessing Growth - Springfield Campus Ph 2

Accessing Growth - City North & East Gateway - Major Scheme Dev

Accessing Growth - Walsall Economic Growth & Infrastructure Package

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

Outputs Expenditure

City of Wolverhampton College Relocation - Development Funding Reported 310,000 310,000

Walsall College - Improving Engineering Capacity Reported 247 759 207,128 207,128

Reported 355,600 355,600

Change 0 0

UoW Apprenticeship Hub Reported 715 150,000 50,000 200,000

Music Institute Development Study Reported 80,000 69,997 149,997

Very Light Rail Development Study Reported 150,000 150,000 300,000

Walsall College IT Academy Reported 500 147,767 147,767

Airfield Drive Reported 5119 370,993 370,993

Halesowen College - Access Centre for HE Reported 10 0 515 700,000 700,000

Dudley College - Specialist Equipment for HVM Sector Reported 215 0 104,400 104,400

Reported 204 986,748 716,464 726,779 0 2,429,991

Change 204 986,748 716,464 414,977 311,802 2,429,991

Pensnett Estate Extension Development Reported 20061.5 1,477,368 1,477,368

Walsall College - Additional Engineering Equipment Reported 200 365 149,250 149,250

Dudley College - Construction Apprenticeship Training Centre Reported 0 200 415 507,247 92,753 600,000

VLR - Test Track and Innovation Centre - SEED funding Reported 637,814 198,914 836,728

Reported 2,024,655 2,230,195 0 4,254,850

Change 2,024,655 2,161,122 653 4,186,429

203/204 Wolverhampton Street Reported 342 145,947 145,947

City North Gateway Phase 1 M54 Jct 2 to Springfield Lane Reported 2,319,080 1,031,920 3,351,000

Reported 45 340 0 205 5784 838,826 10,991,699 6,663,718 18,494,243

Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre Reported 19 390 70 1000 929 722,999 722,999

Walsall College Digital, Constuction & Engineering Expansion Reported 532 442 500,832 483,168 984,000

Reported 4436 954,812 3,037,351 5,504 3,997,667

Change 4436 3,992,163 5,504 3,997,667

Reported 105 1,698,000 0 1,698,000

Change 105 0 1,698,000 1,698,000

Church Square Appartments Reported 4 123,121 123,121

I54 Western Extension - Access Package (LTB & Accessing Growth) Reported 238,305 4,261,695 500,000 5,000,000

Reported 275 10 325 830,939 2,881,161 2,222,000 5,934,100

Change 275 10 325 176,565 3,535,535 2,220,000 5,932,100

Hatherton Street Phase 2 Reported 1526 799,819 799,819

The Leather Industry Reported 9 450,000 450,000

Reported 328,000 1,212,000 8,703,000 10,243,000

Change 0 0 8,084,612 8,084,612

Reported 1,944,722 0 1,944,722

Change 1,222,042 722,680 1,944,722

Home to Hub & Test Innovation Development funding Reported 838,826 306,921 1,145,747

Reported 28 175 128 255 7981 3,520,000 0 3,520,000

Change 28 175 128 255 7981 731,470 2,788,530 3,520,000

Reported 3,493,043 926,957 4,420,000

Change 3,485,412 934,588 4,420,000

Reported 132,307 367,693 500,000

Change 0 500,000 500,000

Black Country Living Museum Forging Ahead Programme Reported 58 308 124891 2,630,000 6,370,000 9,000,000

Birchley Island Development Scheme Reported 2,008,388 2,008,388

Dudley Brownfield Land Ph 1

Managing Short Trips Tranche 2

Woods Lane Phase 2

Birchley Island Main Scheme

Chances Glassworks

Home to Hub Test Track & Innovation Centre

Halesowen College - Business & Construction Management Centre

i9 (BLOCK 9) Wolverhampton

Springfield Phase 1

National Brownfield Institute

Phoenix 10

SOABE (School of Architech & Built Environment)

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

Outputs Expenditure


Popes Lane - Site Investigation Reported 54,290 54,290

Pensett Estate Extension - Site Investigation Reported 41,165 41,165

Parkrose industrial Estate - Site Investigation Reported 53,994 19,170 73,164

Challenge Block - Site Investigation Reported 0 21,092 19,908 41,000

Moxley Tip - Site Investigation Reported 88,600 23,298 111,898

Reported 990 115,729 0 116,719

Change 990 77,528 38,201 116,719

Bourne Street - Site Investigation Reported 63,565 63,565

Wharf Aprroach - Site Investigation Reported 25,898 25,898

Bull Street - Site Investigation Reported 34,761 0 34,761

Black Country Living Museum Forging Ahead Programme - Site Inv Reported 20,148 3,821 23,969

Former Reedswood Golf Course - Site Investigation Reported 9,330 9,330

Music Institute and Student Accommodation - Site investigation Reported 32,579 32,579

City Learning Quarter - Site Investigation Reported 120,000 120,000

Reported 43,278 96,479 139,757

Change 43,278 56,980 100,258

Springfield Campus Remediation - Site Investigation Reported 83,195 83,195

Reported 64,400 0 64,400

Change 38,931 23,160 62,091

Sandwell Residential - Site investigation Reported 44,808 44,808

Holloway Street, Gornal - Site investigation Reported 43,235 43,235

Reported 69,059 69,059

Change 58,225 58,225


M6 Junction 10 Reported 99,863 200,000 299,863

Wolverhampton InterChange - Commercial Gateway Phase 2 Reported 4,367,751 4,632,249 9,000,000

Birchley Island M5 J2 Reported 100,000 100,000

A4104 Pensnett High Street Reported 0 2,348,432 1,451,569 3,800,001

Reported 30,000 66,228 53,772 0 150,000

Change 30,000 66,228 15,888 37,884 150,000

Dudley Bus Station Reported 157,677 42,323 200,000

Reported 120,000 107,500 70,000 297,500

Change 120,000 95,750 81,750 297,500

Wolverhampton to Willenhall Metro Extension - Dev funding Reported 150,000 10,550 160,550

West Coast Mainline HS2 Study - Sandwell Reported 40,000 40,000

West Coast Mainline HS2 Study - Walsall Reported 40,000 40,000

Reported 63,877 26,123 90,000

Change 63,877 19,787 83,664

Bloxwich Mitigation Package Reported 100,000 100,000

Birchley Island Transport Development Funding Reported 150,000 150,000

Reported 74,334 75,666 150,000

Change 62,948 87,052 150,000

Reported 37,500 37,500

Change 17,300 20,200 37,500

Reported 69,000 69,000

Change 63,213 63,213

Black Country Train Stations - Walsall

University College Dudley

Bilston Urban Village East - Site investigation

A4123 Development Works

Mill Lane Bridge GRIP Study & Aldridge Line Aqueduct GRIP 3 Study

A461 Corridor Improvements Phase 2 & 3

I54 Western Extension Transport Development Funding

Dudley Town Centre Infrastructure Improvements - Development Funding

Shidas Lagoon - Site Investigation

Former Willenhall ST Works - Site Investigation

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15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 TOTAL

Outputs Expenditure

Sustainable Transport Scheme Development Funding Reported 40,000 40,000

Major Road Network Reported 250,000 250,000

Reported 875,450 875,450

Change 637,572 637,572


Reported 263,049 300,572 196,110 219,595 181,000 181,000 1,341,326

Change 263,049 300,572 196,110 135,239 181,000 181,000 1,256,970

LA Programme Work & Development - Dudley Reported 142,889 249,866 248,754 641,509

LA Programme Work & Development - Sandwell Reported 25,364 5,707 6,500 37,571

Joint Committee Expenditure - Walsall Reported 126,223 195,661 175,000 230,372 175,000 175,000 1,077,256

LA Programme Work & Development - Walsall Reported 69,995 250,000 250,000 569,995

LA Programme Work & Development - Wolverhampton Reported 179,215 250,000 250,000 679,215

Black Country Transport expenditure - Wolverhampton Reported 213,042 214,715 250,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 977,757

Programme Technical Advice - Property Reported 42,955 21,303 40,216 135,000 120,000 359,474

Programme Technical Advice - Legal Reported 14,388 7,765 33,000 35,000 90,153

TOTAL Reported 2,006 5,641 1,664 2,401 12,935 222,430 £29,950,000 £46,301,957 £32,223,122 £40,098,541 £41,826,496 £39,934,353 £230,334,469

TOTAL Change 1,961 5,381 1,664 2,401 12,730 216,646 £29,950,000 £46,301,957 £31,384,296 £19,527,429 £41,578,507 £39,313,965 £208,056,154

Growth Deal Commitment 2,536 3,200 8,984 39,244

Variance to Contracted Outputs +Over/-Under -872 -799 3,746 177,402


Reported = Position previously Reported to the BCJC

Change = to be approved by Joint Committee


LTB Unallocated Funds (Aldridge Station)

LEP Programme Management


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