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Page 1: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

T H E C A L L I N G & M I N I S T R Y O F T H E K I N G D O M



Page 2: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

for my house will be calleda house of prayer for all nations

Page 3: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

table ofC O N T E N T

devotional from jakarta 01-03 devotional 04-10

prayer for nation 11

church schedule 13

Page 4: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

Melatih Diri dalam Kebenaran

“Tetapi aku melatih tubuhku dan menguasainya seluruhnya, supaya sesudah memberitakan Injil kepada orang lain, jangan aku sendiri ditolak.”

1 Korintus 9:27

Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba Tuhan dengan segudang reputasi pelayanan. Ia:• menulis sebagian besar dari kitab Perjanjian Baru, • berkeliling dari satu kota ke kota lain,• mengajar pemimpin-pemimpin Jemaat, • menguatkan Jemaat, • memenangkan jiwa-jiwa bagi Kristus, • banyak menderita demi Injil dan lain sebagainya.

Ia menyatakan betapa perlunya melatih tubuh dan menguasainya seluruhnya. Bahwa, sekalipun sudah melakukan segala pelayanan untuk Tuhan, ia tetap dapat ditolak juga.

Dua kata yang sangat menarik untuk kita semua pelajari dan sekaligus menjadi pengingat buat kita adalah kata ‘melatih’ tubuhku dan ‘menguasai’ seluruhnya. Sejenak kita lihat teks asli yang disampaikan oleh Rasul Paulus:- Kata ‘melatih’ dalam teks aslinya (Bahasa Yunani) digunakan kata HUPOPIAZO, yang dalam Bahasa Inggris diterjemahkan menjadi: to keep under/to conquer. Secara bebas diterjemahkan menaklukkan atau mengalahkan.- Kata ‘menguasai’ dalam teks aslinya digunakan kata DOULAGOGEO, yang dalam bahasa Inggris diterjemahkan menjadi bring it into subjection/to enslave. Secara bebas diterjemahkan memperhamba atau memperbudak.

Ketika Rasul Paulus menggunakan kalimat tersebut dalam suratnya kepada Jemaat di Korintus, sebenarnya Rasul Paulus sedang mengajak kita semua bukan hanya berlatih seperti berlatih sekedarnya saja. Contohnya seperti seseorang yang secara sekilas saja berlatih bagaimana cara menyajikan suatu masakan, atau orang yang hanya mau tahu bagaimana cara menyanyi, atau seorang anak yang


Page 5: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

secara terpaksa berlatih mengerjakan tugas-tugas sekolah. Tetapi Rasul Paulus sedang mengajak kita semua untuk punya keinginan, menaklukkan/mengalahkan tubuh (daging) dengan segala keinginannya, mengingatkan kita bahwa tubuh (daging) adalah hamba/budak, bukan tuan yang mengatur kehidupan kita.

Diri kita, tubuh kita, hidup kita harus dapat dikuasai/ditaklukkan untuk selalu tunduk dalam Kebenaran. Melatih diri untuk hidup dalam kebenaran memiliki arti bahwa kita harus mampu menguasai dan menaklukan diri kita sendiri untuk tetap hidup dalam Kebenaran. Pikiran, perasaan, keinginan, ucapan, tingkah laku kita harus dikendalikan supaya tunduk dalam kebenaran.

Paulus memberikan contoh bagaimana ia berkomitmen dalam hidup ini. Walaupun ia sangat berhasil dalam pelayanan - sebagai Rasul, sebagai Pengajar, sebagai Penulis Kitab, sebagai Penginjil, sebagai Pengkotbah - namun ia tetap mempunyai kesadaran, yaitu bahwa keberhasilan dalam pelayanan menjadi tidak berarti kalau tidak dapat menjaga hidup kita dengan cara menguasai (mengalahkan) tubuh atau daging. Ingat sekali lagi tubuh atau daging adalah hamba bukan tuan.

Dalam kitab Matius dan Markus, Yesus Kristus sendiri pernah mengatakan bahwa “roh memang penurut, tapi daging lemah.” Perkataan Yesus menyadarkan kita bahwa tubuh harus dikuasai — kita tidak boleh menuruti tubuh yang lemah, sebaliknya tubuh tersebut harus dikuasai dan ditaklukkan supaya menjadi alat yang efektif untuk selalu tetap dalam kebenaran.

Keberhasilan dalam hal keseharian pun membutuhkan niat yang sungguh-sungguh kuat untuk mengalahkan keinginan tubuh ini. Sebagai contoh:- Seorang atlet yang berhasil adalah atlet yang punya kegigihan dalam berlatih, pagi-pagi benar ia sudah bangun dari tidurnya, mengalahkan keinginan tubuh yang maunya tetap terlelap di atas kasurnya, selama berjam-jam ia harus dengan gigih terus berlatih, bukan dalam hal berlatih saja, ia pun harus disiplin dalam menjaga apa yang ia makan dan minum — walaupun mungkin punya keinginan untuk mengkonsumsi makan dan minuman yang tidak sehat.- Seorang pelajar dapat lulus dengan nilai yang sangat memuaskan hanya jika ia dengan gigih belajar dan menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya dengan baik. Hal tersebut dapat ia lakukan dengan tidak sedikit berkorban untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal yang sebetulnya ia sukai, seperti bermain bersama dengan teman, menonton acara kesukaan, dan lain sebagainya.


Page 6: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

Jika dalam hal sehari-hari untuk mencapai keberhasilan saja dibutuhkan niat yang sungguh-sungguh dan kegigihan untuk mengalahkan kedagingan ini, apalagi untuk hidup dalam Kebenaran, dibutuhkan kesungguhan yang jauh lebih besar karena berakibat kepada keselamatan.

Beberapa bentuk praktis melatih diri untuk tetap dalam kebenaran adalah dengan tetap setia dan disiplin dalam melakukan hal-hal rohani yang di antaranya adalah membaca dan mempelajari Firman Tuhan, terlibat dalam Menara Doa, berkomitmen dalam Saat Teduh, setia dalam Pertemuan-pertemuan Ibadah bersama dengan Persekutuan dengan sesama anggota tubuh Kristus.

“Janganlah kita menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan-pertemuan ibadah kita, seperti dibiasakan oleh beberapa orang, tetapi marilah kita saling menasihati, dan semakin giat melakukannya menjelang hari Tuhan yang mendekat.” Ibrani 10:25

Waktu kita sungguh-sungguh memperhatikan sekeliling kita, baik dari kejadian sehari-hari, dari berita yang kita baca dan dengar, kita mendapat sebuah kesimpulan bahwa memang kita hidup di saat-saat akhir di mana kita semua sedang menantikan kedatangan Yesus Kristus yang kedua kali. Tetapi ironisnya, di tengah-tengah kesadaran bahwa hari Tuhan yang semakin mendekat, sebagian orang Kristen malah memiliki kebiasaan yang sangat berlawanan dengan komitmen awal sebagai pengikut Kristus. Mereka memilih untuk memiliki kebiasaan menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan-pertemuan ibadah, dengan berbagai macam alasan — kemalasan, keinginan daging, kesibukan, dan lain sebagainya. Sebenarnya waktu kita sadar dan mengakui bahwa hari Tuhan semakin mendekat, seharusnya kita semakin rajin bertemu, bersekutu, berhimpun untuk beribadah kepada Tuhan.

Tetaplah setia, tetaplah berkomitmen, tetaplah disiplin dalam membaca dan mempelajari Firman Tuhan, terlibat dalam Menara Doa, dalam Saat Teduh, juga dalam Pertemuan-pertemuan Ibadah bersama dengan Persekutuan dengan sesama anggota tubuh Kristus. Ingat Tuhan sudah memberikan kita tujuh hari seminggu, dua puluh empat jam dalam sehari; masakan kita tidak menggunakannya untuk membangun hidup tetap dalam kebenaran? (NS)


Page 7: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

ReadRevelation 4:1-6


Bible in a YearPsalms 10–12; Acts 19:1–20

The one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby.Revelation 4:3

When Xavier McCoury put on the glasses Aunt Celena sent for his tenth birthday, he burst into tears. Born colorblind, Xavier had only ever seen the world in shades of gray, white, and black. With his new EnChroma glasses, however, Xavier saw color for the first time. His euphoria at witnessing the beauty around him made his family feel like they’d beheld a miracle.

Witnessing God’s colorfully radiant brilliance also evoked a powerful reaction in the apostle John (Revelation 1:17). After encountering the full glory of the resurrected Christ, John glimpsed “a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. . . .

From the throne came flashes of lightning” (Revelation 4:2–5).In a different time, Ezekiel had a similar vision, seeing “what looked like a throne of lapis lazuli,” with a figure above the throne who “looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire” (Ezekiel 1:26–27). This magnificent figure was surrounded with rainbow-like radiance (v. 28).

One day we will meet Christ face-to-face. These visions give us just a hint of the magnificence that awaits us. As we celebrate the beauty of God’s creation here and now, may we live in anticipation of the glory yet to be revealed.

What response does the color and beauty of creation evoke in you? How can you express your gratitude to God for His

wonderful gift?

By Remi Oyedele

In Living Color


Page 8: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

By James Banks

Read1 Timothy 6:6-10

Bible in a YearPsalms 13–15; Acts 19:21–41

I have learned the secret of

being content.Philippians 4:12


The Venus flytrap was first discovered in a small area of sandy wetlands not far from our home in North Carolina. These plants are fascinating to watch because they’re carnivorous.

Venus flytraps release a sweet-smelling nectar into colorful traps that resemble open flowers. When an insect crawls inside, triggering sensors along the outer rim, the trap clamps shut in less than a second—capturing its victim. The trap then closes further and emits enzymes that consume its prey over time, giving the plant nutrients not provided by the sandy soil.

God’s Word tells of another trap that can capture unexpectedly. The apostle Paul warned his protégé Timothy: “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” And “some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:9–10).

Money and material things may promise happiness, but when they take first place in our lives, we walk on dangerous ground. We avoid this trap by living with thankful, humble hearts focused on God’s goodness to us through Jesus: “godliness with contentment is great gain” (v. 6).

The temporary things of this world never satisfy like God can. True, lasting contentment is found only through our relationship with Him.

Which do you think more about—money or your relationship with God? How can you give Him the highest priority today?

Out of the Trap


Page 9: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

ReadPsalm 16:1-11


Bible in a YearPsalms 16–17; Acts 20:1–16

You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.Psalm 16:2

“My precious . . .” First portrayed in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, the image of the emaciated creature Gollum in his maniacal obsession with the “precious ring of power” has become an iconic one today—for greed, obsession, even insanity.

It’s also a troublingly relatable image. In his tormented love-hate relationship with both the ring and with himself, Gollum’s voice echoes the hunger in our own hearts. Whether it’s directed at one thing in particular, or just a vague longing for “more,” we’re sure that once we finally get our own “precious,” we’ll be satisfied. But instead, what we thought would make us whole leaves us feeling even emptier than before.

There’s a better way to live. As David expresses in Psalm 16, when the longings in our hearts threaten to send us on a desperate, futile quest for satisfaction (v. 4), we can remember to turn to God for refuge (v. 1), reminding ourselves that apart from Him we have nothing (v. 2).

And as our eyes stop looking for satisfaction “out there” to gaze instead on God’s beauty (v. 8), we find ourselves finally tasting true contentment—a life of basking in the “joy [of God’s] presence,” walking with Him each moment in “the way of life”—now and forever (v. 11 nlt).

What’s the thing you often turn to for satisfaction when you lose sight of God? Who can be a source of support and love for you

when you feel trapped in your addiction to “more”?By Monica Brands



Page 10: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

By Lisa M. Samra

Read2 Corinthians


Bible in a YearPsalms 18–19; Acts 20:17–38

But thanks be to God, who

always leads us as captives in

Christ’s triumphal procession.

2 Corinthians 2:14


In 2016 when the Chicago Cubs baseball team won the World Series for the first time in more than a century, some sources said that five million people lined the parade route and gathered at a downtown rally to celebrate the championship.

Victory parades are not a modern invention. A famous ancient parade was the Roman Triumph, in which victorious generals led a procession of their armies and captives through crowded streets.

Such parade imagery was likely in Paul’s mind when he wrote to the Corinthian church thanking God for leading believers “as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession” (2 Corinthians 2:14). I find it fascinating that in this imagery, followers of Christ are the captives. However, as believers we’re not forced to participate, but are willing “captives,” willingly part of the parade led by the victorious, resurrected Christ. As Christians, we celebrate that through Christ’s victory, He’s building His kingdom and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).

When we talk about Jesus’s victory on the cross and the freedom it gives believers, we help spread the “aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere” (2 Corinthians 2:14). And whether people find the aroma to be the pleasing reassurance of salvation or the odor of their defeat, this unseen but powerful fragrance is present everywhere we go.

As we follow Christ, we declare His resurrection victory, the victory that makes salvation available to the world.

What does Jesus’s victory on the cross mean to you? How are you living out the power of His resurrection?

Victory Parade


Page 11: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

Read1 Thessalonians 5:12-15


Bible in a YearPsalms 20–22; Acts 21:1–17

Encourage the

disheartened, help

the weak, be patient

with everyone.

1 Thessalonians


As I stopped my car at a red light, I saw the same man standing beside the road again. He held a cardboard sign: Need money for food. Anything helps. I looked away and sighed. Was I the kind of person who ignored the needy?

Some people pretend to have needs but are actually con artists. Others have legitimate needs but face difficulties overcoming destructive habits. Social workers tell us it’s better to give money to the aid ministries in our city. I swallowed hard and drove past. I felt bad, but I may have acted wisely.

God commands us to “warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). To do this well we must know who belongs in which category. If we warn a weak or disheartened person, we may break her spirit; if we help an idle person, we may encourage laziness. Consequently, we help best from up close, when we know the person well enough to know what he needs.

Has God burdened your heart to help someone? Great! Now the work begins. Don’t assume you know what that person needs. Ask her to share her story, and listen. Prayerfully give as seems wise and not merely to feel better. When we truly aim “to do what is good for each other,” we will more readily “be patient with everyone,” even when they stumble (vv. 14–15).

When have others most helped you? What did you learn about how best to help others?

By Mike Wittmer

Wise Aid


Page 12: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

By Xochitl Dixon

ReadPsalm 24:1-10

Bible in a YearPsalms 23–25; Acts 21:18–40

Who is he, this King of

glory? The Lord Almighty—he is

the King of glory.Psalm 24:10

19JUL On our way home from our honeymoon, my husband and I

waited to check in our luggage at the airport. I nudged him and pointed to a man standing a few feet away.

My spouse squinted. “Who is he?”

I excitedly rattled off the actor’s most notable roles, then walked up and asked him to take a photo with us. Twenty-four years later, I still enjoy sharing the story of the day I met a movie star.

Recognizing a famous actor is one thing, but there’s Someone more important I’m thankful to know personally. “Who is this King of glory?” (Psalm 24:8). The psalmist David points to the Lord Almighty as Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all. He sings, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters” (vv. 1–2). In awestruck wonder, David proclaims God is above all, yet intimately approachable (vv. 3–4). We can know Him, be empowered by Him, and trust Him to fight on our behalf, as we live for Him (v. 8).

God provides opportunities for us to declare Him as the only Famous One truly worth sharing with others. As we reflect His character, those who don’t recognize Him can have more reasons to ask, “Who is He?” Like David, we can point to the Lord with awestruck wonder and tell His story!

What has the Lord shown you about Himself? How might you share that with someone?

Who is He?


Page 13: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · Ayat di atas adalah ayat yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari sekaligus ayat penting untuk mengingatkan kita semua. Rasul Paulus adalah hamba

ReadTitus 2:1-8


Bible in a YearPsalms 26–28; Acts 22

Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.1 Corinthians 11:1

My six-year-old son, Owen, was thrilled to receive a new board game. But after a half hour reading the rules, he was frustrated. He couldn’t quite figure out how it worked. It wasn’t until later, when a friend came over who already knew how to play, that Owen finally got to enjoy his present.

Watching them play, I was reminded of how much easier it is to learn something new if you have an experienced teacher. When we’re learning, reading the instructions helps, but having a friend who can demonstrate makes a huge difference.

The apostle Paul understood this too. Writing to Titus about how he could help his church grow in faith, Paul emphasized the value of experienced believers who could model Christian faith. Of course teaching “sound doctrine” was important, but it didn’t just need to be talked about—it needed to be lived out. Paul wrote that older men and women ought to be self-controlled, kind, and loving (Titus 2:2–5). “In everything,” he said, “set them an example by doing what is good” (v. 7).

I’m thankful for solid teaching, but I’m also thankful for the many people who have been hands-on teachers. They’ve shown me by their lives what it looks like to be a disciple of Christ and have made it easier for me to see how I can walk that path too.

What lessons have you learned from those who have taught you about living for Jesus by their words and actions? What are

others seeing as they view your faith in action?

By Amy Peterson

Hands-On Learning


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Pray for

1. In the midst of competition and challenges in the work place these days, let the favor of God pour out to God’s children. There will be opened doors for those who looking for the job and new opportunities for their future careers.

2. God empowers these young people with the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the wisdom and excellent spirit from God. They will be different with the others in their capability and achievement. The word of God will be light and direction for making the important decision. 3. Many of them are also obsessed with hedonic life, success and materialism, therefore they try hard to achieve it as their life goal. As a result, many of them are “lonely”. Pray especially for the children of God so they will focus on the things of God and His Kingdom and not the things of this world.

4. Remember this young people “ With God are wisdom and strength, He has counsel and understanding”, therefore put your trust in Him always. Amen.



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COOLCommunity of Love






Ika, Mareta Felix, Fransisca Paulus, Erina Christy, Elvina Bobby, VissyKezia Jennifer, JessenEdo, IcaFabian, Priska Steven, Henry




Andy, IwanAndre, Albert Michael, Rudy Edwin, Gerda Lily, Unggul Hariyanto, Ivan Cynthia Sandi Michael Moeidjiantho

Antioch (West)Tiberias (West)

Doncaster (East) Jerusalem (East)

Mt Hermon (East) Phillipi (East)

Shekinah (East) Tabernacle (East)

Westal (East)

FAMILYVania, Arthur Adela IntanAlicia, Sylvi EricSinta






Kevin, ReinettaErika, Mike, Rio, CynthiaYoseph, Rian Ferry, Febria Sony, WilfredElveiana, Kevin L Dwi, Vero Monica, Raymond

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Bethany International Church Melbourne@bicmelbourne

MAIN SERVICE8.30 am & 11 am

(Indonesian with English translation)

180 (TEENS)

8.45 am (English)

SUNDAY SCHOOL9 am (English)


11 am (English)

PRAYER TOWERPoint Cook | Monday | 7:15 PM

BIC Melbourne | Tuesday | 6:30 PMMount Waverly | Wednesday | 7:15 PM

BIC Melbourne | Friday | 12:00 PMBIC Melbourne (Fasting Prayer) | Saturday | 10:00 AM

LADIES FELLLOWSHIPWomen of Impact CommunityTuesday 10:30 AM, at BIC

COOLFriday, 7:00 PM

FUTURE EVENTSWorkers’ Prayer Meeting

Saturday, 20th July 2019, 10-12PM at BIC

The Channel (Visa)Saturday, 20th July 2019, 4PM at BIC

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