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Characteristics of colonists who wanted to be an independent nation: English-speaking, agricultural society, unrestrained by GB tyrannies, grew to

cherish American ideals, exclude outsiders, live life w/o social hierarchy and restrictions on religion

Viewed themselves as extension of Europe Cherish republicanism and their rights to control their own governments

Global Economics: Columbian exchange exchange of stuff from new and old worlds

o New gives precious metals (gold, silver), variety of crops (corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, chocolate, vanilla), and syphilis

o Old gives livestock (horses, cows, pigs), few crops (wheat, sugar, rice, coffee), and MANY diseases (smallpox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, scarlet fever) & Africa provides slave labor

Capitalism private property, free trade, open and accessible marketso spurred by colonization of Americas because their colonization provided

Europe with enough wealth to transform world economy Mercantilism justified GB control over colonies, believe that wealth= power &

wealth measured by amount of gold and silver a country haso Colonies help b/c supply raw materials and provided guaranteed market

for exportso American colonists basically tenants of the land

Triangular trade

Shift in the course of history before age of discovery: Voyages by Portugal, Spain, France, English to new world, Asia, India New inventions like compass, astrolabe, caravel, printing press (spreads word of

Marco polo’s trip to Asia)

Guarantee of “rights of Englishmen”: 1606 charter of Virginia company guarantees settlers the same rights in new

world that they would have at home in England helps to reinforce traditional English institutions

Southern Plantation colonies by 1750: southern mainland colonies devoted to exporting commercial agricultural

products slavery in all plantation colonies aristocratic atmosphere scattering of plantations and farms "soil butchery", do not farm it, cultivate and move on

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Reasons England settled New world: competition with Spain economic interests

o joint stock companies: provide financial means for investorso resources for businesses back home/new markets

religious freedom thirst for adventure/renaissance curiosity

o after defeating Spanish armada, English nationalism + self confidence grew, and seized with thirst for the unknown

overpopulation unemployment

o b/c wool trade crashes laws of primogeniture (eldest son gets the land)

o forces younger ones to look elsewhere

House of Burgesses: first assembly/parliament in America, sets precedent for all other American

parliaments in the future authorized by Virginia company in 1619 brings representative self-government for the first time to America

Mayflower Compact sets a precedent for later written constitutions, but wasn't necessarily a

constitution in itself created by pilgrim leaders; agreement to form a crude govt. with submission to

will of majority promising a step towards self- government

New England Confederation est. 1643 English distracted with English civil war experienced salutary neglect allowed

colonies to unify to support each other + some independence to flourish beginning of colonial unity + independence purpose=defense against (potential) foes like Indians, French, Dutch; help intercolonial

problems like runaway servants + criminals each member colony had 2 votes basically an exclusive puritan club

o 2 MA Colonies: Bay Colony + Plymouth and 2 CT colonies: New Haven + scattered valley settlements

exclude MA and RI b/c too many undesirable characters

Spread of slavery in the south: increased, wages in England, decreased the amount of immigrants willing to come to

America as indentured servants Large planters = more fearful of revolts from increasingly mutinous former white


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Royal African Company lost crown-granted monopoly to carry slaves to colonies; enterprising Americans, **from RI, rushed to join slave trade, supply of slaves increased

Statutes that formally decreed conditions of slavery for blacks formed, based off of Barbados slave codes; first in VA

o made blacks and their children property for life o Illegal to teach a slave how to read or write

Starts for economical reasons, but discrimination against blacks ends up being a part of it Black population in Chesapeake grows through imports + fertility Spread of slavery leads to increased gaps in South’s social structure

o Created defined hierarchy of wealth + status o Rich landowners seized political control + ruled region’s economy

Southern life is isolated around plantations Cotton gin revives slave business

Puritan Church Government: Massachusetts bay colony They believed they had a covenant with God to build a modern holy city Unchurched people could not vote Theocratic gov (bible commonwealth)

o Many settlers supported a more secular gov, but suffered at the hands of the Protestant English gov

Town meetingso consisted of male land owners & majority rule

“headright system”: used to encourage the importation of servant workers whoever paid the passage of laborer will receive 50 acres of land benefitted the masters, not the slaves allowed wealthy landowners to become even more wealthy; led to emergence of class of

lords/landowners who dominated agriculture + southern commerce

Strained Economic Relations between GB and its colonies: Britain imposed taxes, colonies were not used to this Navigation Laws

o commerce only transported in Brit shipso European goods going to America had to be landed in Britain first, tariffs

collected so Brit middlemen got some profito Restricted colonies to Britain for economic relations; cannot trade w/ other

nations; complete dependence on Britisho American merchants must export certain products exclusively to Britain, even

though export prices may be better in other countries o British controlled what Americans can grow; chiefly, tobacco for profit, couldn’t

make enough food crops to eat for themselves Brit inflicted currency shortage; gold + silver coins drained out of colonies $ shortage

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o depression forced colonies to create paper money (depreciated quickly), and Parliament prohibited colonies from printing paper currency + passing bankruptcy law

welfare = at expense of well-being of British commercial interests right to nullify any laws passed by colonial govt if laws harmed mercantilist system

Colonial reasons for independence: first, American republicanism, or civic involvement in gov (worried this was being taken

away) second, Radical whigs warn about threats to hard won liberties and fear corruption

o makes americans alert to any threat to their rights unfair taxation… w/o representation opposition to GB policy

Why England wanted to “establish” church of England in colonies: also known as Anglicans official faith in GA, NC, SC,VA, MD, and a part of NY

o GB officials attempt to impose in other colonies to no avail colonies would have to support Church of England with taxes; pay even more $ serves as a prop of kingly authority in the colonies

Similarities of colonies by mid 18th century: Basically English in customs + language Protestant in religion some degree of ethnic + religious toleration opportunities for social mobility some measure of self-gov (important link between colonies) not at all complete

democracy Improving communications + transportation

Great Awakening: During 1730s-1740s New liberal ideas took over old-time religion

o Arminianism: free will determined eternal fate Jonathan Edwards: preaches salvation through good works and complete dependence on

gods grace George whitefield: great preacher who reignites passion for religion New lights (revivalists) vs. old lights Effects

o Undermined old clergy through it's direct, emotive spirituality because old clergy’s authority depended on education

o Split denominations (ex: Congregationalists and Presbyterians), increased number of and competitiveness between churches

o Encouraged renewed missionary work among Indians and black slaves

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o Founded “new light” educational centers like Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth

o first spontaneous mass movement of American people; broke down sectional and denominational boundaries; contributed to growing sense that Americans were a single, unified people

Albany Congress: Purpose: to achieved greater colonial unity to keep the French and keep Iroquois tribes

faithful to GB First sign of colonial union; however 13 supposed to meet but only 7 showed up Benjaimin franklin was a leader and proposed home rule Was voted down b/c colonists thought it didn't give enough independence but British

thought it gave too much

Franklin’s plan for home rule: Presented at Albany congress Was voted down b/c colonists thought it didn't give enough independence but British

thought it gave too much Shows that people agreed on the need for union, but they didn’t agree with how to

achieve it

Uniting the Colonists:● colonies severely lacked unity—viewed individual states as mini nations that were held

together as a collection with the other states (self-centered) ● Enormous distances, geographical barriers, rivers ● conflicting religions b/t colonies like Catholic to Quaker● varied nationalists: German to Irish ● different types of colonial governments● boundary disputes ● resentment of poor backcountry settlers vs. wealthy aristocratic landowners ● some unity achieved during French and Indian War, soldiers + statesmen from different

colonies met around campfires, council tables; conversed, agreed on lots of things, but not always, didn’t always send soldiers from one state somewhere else because the other states affairs is not their problem

Mercantilism: Justifies GB control over the Americas, believe that wealth= power & wealth measured

by amount of gold and silver a country haso Colonies help b/c supply raw materials and provided guaranteed market for

exportso American colonists basically tenants of the land

Provisions of the treaty of Paris of 1763: Ends 7 year’s war, and as a result throws France off the north American continent

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However, French were allowed to keep their small sugar islands in west indies The French give their ally Spain all of trans-Mississippi Louisiana + new Orleans to

compensate for its losses Spain then turns over Florida to GB in return for Cuba, which the British had conquered Also ends salutary neglect after dealing w/ the 7 years war and Pontiacs uprising

shortly after, they issue the proclamation of 1763 which forbids settlement in area beyond Appalachians

o Sets the stage for conflict between GB and the colonies

Thomas Paine: Wrote Common Sense, one of the most influential pamphlets ever written

o “common sense” for colonists to waver between independence or reconciliation o also didn’t make sense that such a tiny island, such as Britain, could control the

much larger America aided greatly in convincing American colonists that their true cause was independence

from Britain, not reconciliationo W/o independence from Britain, cannot have foreign assistance

Said to have drafted the foundational document not only of American independence, but also American foreign policy

Power in the republic: most of power went to states minimized power central gov as much as possible b/c of fear + anger towards what

happened with Britain, too authoritativeo central gov too weak, couldn’t enforce taxation or regulate commerce - crippling

clauses of AoC (1777)

Debate over Articles of Confederation: Chief issue = western lands in trans-Allegheny Mountains

o 6 jealous states had no holdings beyond Allegheny Mountains argued the 7 states would not have gotten huge acreage w/o them *land-rich states could sell their trans-Allegheny tracts to pay off

pensions which is unfair b/c debts incurred in common cause the 6 states could not; would have to tax things heavily to pay off debts wanted whole western area given to central gov to take care of

solved; some concessions from rich states; fertile public lands given to central gov for “common benefit” - proved to be an invaluable bond of union

o 7 states had enormous acreage mostly due to earlier charter grants unanimous approval of AoC required and any amendment required unanimity

o unanimity to amend AOC, almost impossible replaced by Constitution a model of what a loose confederation could be, but times called for strict confederation

w/ strong central gov; central gov too weak and cannot enforce any power to get things done

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Equality following the revolution: Americans intensely embraced equality Disliked elite groups of confederate generals, i.e. Society of the Cincinnati by 1800 servitude almost unknown primogeniture + other medieval laws abolished separation between church and state… virginia stature for religious freedom challenged institution of slavery

o Philadelphia Quakers founded first antislavery society o Continental Congress abolished slave trade in 1774, most states answered

positively o Several northern states either abolished slavery outright or provided for gradual

emancipation of blacks o Some masters freed black slaves in South o incomplete revolution… (but good b/c fight over slavery would’ve broken

delicate national unity that was needed) laws discriminated harshly against freed blacks + slaves Freed blacks prohibited from buying property, holding certain jobs,

educating their kids laws against interracial marriage grew no states south of PA abolished slavery

incomplete extension of equality to women; but importance greatly rises w/ cult of domesticity

Articles of Confederation: Complete opposite from English rule State’s Rights, secular weak executive and judicial; strong legislative legislative elected annually each state had 1 vote any amendment to AoC required unanimity later replaced by much more effective Constitution 2 crippling clauses

o Congress had not power to regular commerce: states could establish different, conflicting laws regarding tariffs + navigation

o Congress could not enforce tax-collection program: could only set up tax quota for each state + ask to please contribute their share voluntarily

central gov = too weak; could not command or coerce a landmark in gov; stepping stone to Constitution; outlined general powers central govt

could exercise (make treaties, establish postal service) kept alive the flickering ideal of union and held states together, and necessary

intermediate step

Land Ordinance of 1785:

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acerage of old NW should be sold and the profit should be used to help pay off national debt

ends confusion and lawsuits about the lando 6-miles squares (a township), each will be turned into 36 sections of 1 square

mile eacho Section 16 reserved for public school funds

Contrasts w/ chatotic settlements around the ohio river

Enduring paradox in America History: In the United States, conservatives and radicals have both championed the heritage of

democratic revolution

Washington’s Farewell Address: In 1779 Washington advised avoidance of permanent alliances with foreign

nations (ex: Franco-American Treaty in 1778)o He didn’t oppose alliances, just favored temporary ones for a single

purpose/emergencies Also warns against sectionalism and political parties

Neutrality Proclamation of 1793: Washington’s warning to stay out of foreign affairs, persisted for decades after issuance Initially stated America would remain neutral in the war between Britain + France;

warned Americans to be impartial to both sides Demonstrated the truth that self-interest is the basic adhesive of alliances Promoted isolationist tradition of America Enormously controversial

o Pro-French Jeffersonians = enraged b/c couldn’t help French in their attempts to defend their West Indies against foreigners, esp the British, also mad W. doesn't consult congress

o Pro-British Federalists = happy b/c French couldn’t be helped, British could dominate and strengthen

Jeffersonian Principles: supported Kentucky resolution - individual states had the right to nullify

unconstitutional legislation passed by Congress, not Supreme Court/federalist govt supported extension of democracy

o B/c supported revolutionary France + :. (therefore) democratic ideals, it was best for America to protect and strengthen democracy at home rather than expand American borders (country = still too weak)

states’ rights;weak central governmento feared that strong central government would lead to a dictatorship o Thought individual state govs would be able to pay more attention to local issues

b/c people are more in touch w/, closer to local affairs strict interpretation of Constitution to minimize central authority

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saw national debt as a curse (not a blessing like Hamilton) against national bank; promoted state banks instead pro-French (radical revolutionary tradition) advocated the rule of the people; supported rule for all people, but not for the rule by all

people; only literate white men who can inform themselves and worthily represent a typical American citizen

o Universal education > universal suffrage (not everyone should vote therefore) o Ignorant are incapable of self-government, but thought that the masses could be

reasonable and taught and their collective wisdom when taught encouraged slavery in order to ensure that white farmers could remain independent

landowners, can prevent emergence of a landless class of voters o W/o slavery, poor white farmers would have to become the cheap labor source

Against any special favors for business/manufacturing; preferred agriculture; wanted minimal government intervention

Concentration of followers in South + Southwest; agricultural areas + backcountry minimal navy for coast defense free speech and press (to expose misdeeds of tyranny)

Hamilton’s Financial Plan: favored the wealthy Funding and assumption of the Debt

o Pay Nat’l debt at paro assume the state’s debts (charmed some, angered others)o restore credit rating o Strengthen unity of the Nation… debt works like union adhesive

Tariffs and Excise Taxes: One of the means by which to pay the National Debt Tariff on Foreign trade

o protected the weak American factories from established European competition, 8% on dutiable imports (1789)

Excise tax = tax on some domestic goods; particularly whiskey

National Bank Modeled after the Bank of England, gov major stockholder and fed. Treasury would keep

excess money here Benefits:

o Increase the amount of money in circulation stimulates businesso Provide stable national banknotes; common currency = stability

Stabilize private banks Constitutionality of the Bank (disliked by Jeffersonian/strict interpretation of

constitution) o Necessary and Proper Clause

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Compact Theory: Proposed by Jefferson (Kentucky res.) and madison (Virginia res.) around the time of the

two resolutions V &K as justification for the nullification of the unconstitutional alien and sedition acts

stated the 13 sovereign states, in creating the federal gov, had entered into a “compact” or contract regarding its jurisdiction; national gov = agent/creation of the states

o individual states made final decision of whether their agent broke the compact by overstepping the authority originally granted

pro- states’ rightist, sets groundwork for session later on

Madison’s decision for war in 1812: Turned to war in order to restore confidence in the republican experiment

o Only a vigorous assertion of American rights could prove the viability of American nationhood and of democracy as a form of gov

o If America couldn’t fight to protect itself, its republican experiment would be discredited by world

Marshall’s Court: Increases power of supreme court With the Marbury vs. madison case, he takes a simple lawsuit and flips it to make it give

power to the SCo Creates “judicial review” or the ability to determine the constitutionality of lawso Does this by dismissing Marbury’s suit (even though he is a fed. and on his side)

b/c he says that the part of the judiciary act of 1789 that he was trying to base his appeal on was unconstitutional

Bolsters power of fed. gov at expense of stateso Loose construction w/ McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819) case, denies right of MD

to tax bank power to tax=power to destroy… permits gov to act for peoples benefit

o Cohen’s vs. Virginia (1821) right of SC to review decisions od state supreme courts in all questions involving powers of fed government

o Gibbons vs. ogden (1824) constitution allows congress alone to control interstate commerce

o Flecher vs. Peck (1810) constitution forbids laws impairing contractso Dartmouth college vs. woodworth (1819) consitit. Protects contracts against state


War of 1812 cause and effect: CAUSE Initial conflict spurred by long war between GB and France starts in 1803, US involved

in crossfire in 1805 They strike indirect blows

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Begin with Orders in Council: closes European ports under French control, including American, unless first stopped at GB port

o Napoleon strikes back… seizes all American ships in GB ports England Impresses over 6000 US sailors between 1806-1811

o Chesapeake Affair (1807): British seized the ship, demanded surrender of 4 supposed deserters (never had this right); US captain refused, Brit attacked and deserters taken

Embargo Act (1807)o Passed by Jefferson as an alternative to war with European nations

if America refused to export goods to dependent European nations, they would be forced to respect American rights and not force America into war

o Forbade exportation of all American goodso Total failure

If it worked, would’ve established the rights of neutral nations and led to a new way of conducting foreign affairs

Overestimated GB + French reliance on American’s trade Brit experienced fruitful harvest during these years Latin America republics suddenly opened ports for commerce Napoleon controlled most of Europe, didn’t need American trade

Jefferson miscalculated how unpopular of it + difficulty of enforcing ito Hurt USA economy; economy of all regions (New England + South)

illicit trade mushroomed forth Non-Intercourse Act (1809)

o Open trade with everyone except belligerents (England and France)o England and France were the biggest US trading partnerso Gone by the next year

Macon’s Bill no. 2o restored American trade with the rest of the world, but stated that if either Britain

or France repealed its commerce restrictions, America would revive nonimportation against the country that didn't repeal its restrictions

Shameful to Madison b/c showed America couldn’t survive on its owno Napoleon tricks Madison; said might repeal French decrees if Britain lifted their

Orders in Council; hoped USA would resume embargo against Brit = partial blockade against enemy and he wouldn’t have to enforce it

o Gave Brit 3 months to repeal Orders in Council + reopening Atlantic to neutral trade - Brit didn’t follow through b/c saw little need to bargain

Madison forced to reestablish embargo against Brit - meant end of American neutrality = danger

Urging of war hawks and GB arming Indians in battle of Tippecanoe also fuels US war effort

EFFECTSo other nations developed some respect for America + its fighting ability

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American officials abroad were treated better (less scorn)o Diplomatically, War of 1812 could be called the Second War for Amer

Independenceo Huge sectionalism problem as shown by discredited New England Federalists +

Southern Anti-federalists no more secular fed. partyo Emergence of war heroes like Andrew Jackson + William H. Harrison o gained more land from Indians north of ohio rivero Manufacturing prospered from British blockade; War bred greater American

independence in diplomatic + economic sense ; America less dependent on Europe

o heightened nationalismnational literature, Bank of USA revived, army expanded

Monroe Doctrine (1823): In response to European encroachment in the Americas Europe can keep what they already have, cannot claim any more territory in Americas Monroe more concerned about security of America, not Latin America Two parts

o non-colonizationo non-intervention

Europe’s responseo deeply offendedo little American strength--Large declaration o the only reason it was being enforced was b/c GB navy was utilizing SA trading

ports and wouldn’t allow approach of hostile fleets (US indirectly protected by GB)

American responseo surge of nationalismo not a ton of importance until it was revived by Polk in 1845

became a National dogma around 1850

Era of Good feelings: during monroe’s presidency (1817-1825) considerable tranquility and prosperityleads to increased nationalism

o clay’s American system (1824) to improve US markets is a testament to this strong banking system protective tariff so manufacturing will flourish funds from tariff used to create better roads/canals

o also tariff of 1816=1st protective tariff in American history

minor misnomero issues of tariff, bank, internal improvements (panic of 1819)o sale of public lands

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o sectionalism emergedo slavery conflict surfacing

Bank of the US: Created by Congress in 1791 and chartered for 20 years (Located in Philadelphia, had

capital of $10 mil with fed government owning ⅕ of it) Opposed by Jefferson on the grounds of unconstitutionality (violating states’ rights),

defended by Hamilton National Republicans + Webster+ clay support bank and Democratic Republicans +

Jackson do noto Bank war erupts when clay try to recharger it in 1832 (even though it doesn't

expire until 1836) to help him win 1832 electionas result jackson vetos Jackson continued to bury Nicholas biddle’s bank in 1833 by draining fed. deposits from

vaults and putting funds into pet bankso Hate of Jackson for doing this leads to whig party, comprised of clay, Webster,

and Calhoun (national political force)

Jackson’s political philosophy: Advocate for the common white man, and encourages suffrage for all white males Uses spoils system in favor of democracy support of common man; gives everyone a

chance, opens up aristocracy to commoners Anti bank succeeds in destroying BUS committed to westward expansion trail of tears acted as though executive branch > judicial branch; openly challenged Supreme Court,

actively vetoes o vastly strengthened power of the president while undermining legislative, judicial

emphasis on states’ rights

Spoils System: rewarding political supporters with public office (same political party) Introduced by Jackson, defended on democratic grounds by saying that each generation

deserved its turn at public office cemented loyalty to a party; promise of patronage made Americans pick + stick w/ party corruption quickly occurred due to abuse of system

o men who contributed $ to campaigns won high office o illiterate (Jackson fine with this b/c not highly educated himself), incompetent

people given positions of public trusto people only wanted the rewards of the system, not the responsibility

1883 Nullification Crisis: Tariff of Abominations (1828) made a higher tax on all imports It aided New England because it protected manufactured goods South disliked it because it rose the cost of things

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Everything was instigated by John C. Calhoun, who was vice-president at the time, and wrote the “South Carolina Exposition”

o This said that states could and should nullify the tariff, big challenge for federal government

Congress eased tensions with Tariff of 1832, which removed bad parts of tariff in 1828, but was still very protective and fell short of southern demands

SC declared the tariff null and void soon after Also threat to cede from the union if Washington tried to collect the duties by force Jackson would not stand this threatened to go to SC and hang leaders

o dispatched naval and military reinforcements and collects a sizeable army to avoid a civil war, one side would have to surrender or they would have to compromise

o clay drafts compromise tariff of 1833, which gradually reduces tariff of 1832 to 10% in a period of 8 years

o this is agreed upon, but Jackson also creates force bill which authorizes president to use the army/navy to collect fed. tariff duties

Annexation of Texas: Stephen Austin granted huge tract of land in Mexico w/ understanding that would bring

300 American settlers 3 rules: no slavery, covert to Catholicism, become Mexican citizens largely ignored Texans + Mexicans did not get along; increasing friction

o Texans thought Mexicans getting increasingly authoritativeo disagreed over issues of *slavery(Austin goes to SA to negotiate and is thrown in

jail for 8 months), immigration, local rights War broke out after armed conflicts at the almao and goliad; Texas “won” (wipes out

SA’s army at san jacinto) w/ help of America; Texas petitioned for admittance to Union Union hesitated b/c of slavery issue; antislavery northerners opposed annexation

o if proslavery Texas was admitted, American slavery would increase tensions rise

Texas formally recognized by US as a republic after Mexican War by Jackson in 1837 (last day before leaving office so its van burens problem) but refuses annexation

Mexico didn’t think Texas won, thought were still a state “in rebellion”o State desperately wants to be in union to get protection from SA

Polk invites texas to be 28th state in 1845 (tyler gets credit though b/c secures 2/3 vote so texas can be annexed right before leaving office)

Transportation Revolution: New roads like Lancaster turnpike and national road Robert fulton and steamboat Clermont in 1807 New canals like Gov. Clinton’s erie canal (between lake erie and Hudson river) Railroad lines/trains, mostly in the north Faster ships—clippers

Consequences of transportation and market revolution

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Transportation: o cheapened the market for trade,o encouraged population movement west of the Appalachian Mountains, o NY becomes queen port b/c of erie canalo Specialized crops

South cotton to NE West grain/livestock to E and Europe East machines/textiles for S & W

o Transformed home life… home= refuge from work Market:

o From little farms + workshops to industry + commerceo Modern, specialty driven economyo Cities saw great extremes of widened gapo Easy monopolies die when marshal who made the law for them dies too

Taney says rights of community > corporate contract Increases competition, good for entrepreneurs

Frontier life: Very isolated, b/c no real communities Lower quality of life

o Poorly fed, ill clad, bad homes, disease, depression Tough and crude habits, like fighting Ill-informed, superstitious, provincial, individualistic

National Economy in early 19th century: industry and factories in the North Cotton and other cash crops in the South Grain and livestock in west

“cult of domesticity”: glorified the role of women as the homemakers setback for women in that it confined them further to the home many feel that this

private world wasn't enough however, it was a positive because people were realizing the importance of women woman’s job to foster republicanism in young children and maintain it in their husbands;

were essentially the keepers of the nation’s conscience (republicanism) many get involved in movements like anti-slavery or temperance to get out of the house

and give depth to their lives

Second Great Awakening: during 1800-1860 Spread through women and had the most impact on the frontiers Charles Grandison Finney was greatest revival preacher and Peter Cartwright

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Mormonism started by Joseph Smith and taken over later by Brigham Young Moses of Mormons

Utilizes revival camp meetings by traveling preachers Growing liberalism in religion god is kind and loving Spur the start of reforms in US (temperance, antislavery, education, prison reform)

Economy under “cotton kingdom”: Cotton industry is revived by the invention of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin in 1793,

instigating a large demand of labor and in this case slaves cotton accounted for half the value of all American exports after 1840. the South produced more than half the entire world's supply of cotton. 75% of the British supply of cotton came from the South somewhat

dependent quick profits from cotton drew planters to its economic enterprise.

Southern continuation of slavery after 1830: placed themselves in opposition to much of the rest of the

Western worldmuch antislavery sentiment at this time in the 1830s , antislavery movement picks up momentum and becomes a

crusadeo lots of antislavery literature, like the liberator, narrative life of Frederick

Douglass, and appeal to colored citizens of the worldo also new organizations… American anti slavery society

Polk and the Mexican War: Polks 4 Point Plan

o Lowered tariff: Reduced the rates from the Tariff of 1842 from about 32 percent to 25 percent (becomes known as the Walker Tariff of 1846) - does a good job of raising revenue

Receives a lot of complaint from the Northern manufacturerso Restoration of the independent treasury in 1846 (dropped by the Whigs in 1841) o Acquiring California

The territory is successfully seized in the Mexican American War by John C Fremont

Territory becomes an official state through the terms of the Compromise of 1850

o Settling the Oregon Dispute : Democrats had been fiery over claiming Oregon territory, but following the annexation of Texas, the southern democrats cooled off

Polk himself was a southerner, doesnt push for territory and settles on 49 At the time, Britain was also losing interest in the Oregon territory. The

Colombia River was no longer viewed as the St. Lawrence of the West Northern democrats are outraged at the failure to seize more of the

Orgeon territory- join with antislavery forces accusing the South of betrayal

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polk wanted California—not war with mexico after sending john slidell to but CA for $25 million, but Mexican gov refuses to

meet himo polk=frustrated so sends zack taylor to march from nueces to rio grande

to provoke Mexicans get in a fight with Mexican troops crossing the RGultimately

pushes polk to go to war notable war generals include: taylor, Kearny, fremont, scott

o Stephen W. Kearney Led a detachment of troops along the Santa Fe trail against Mexican

forceso John C. Fremont

Collaborates with naval officers in 1846 and successfully quells Mexican forces in California. The territory is named the California Bear Flag Republic

o Zachary Taylor (“Hero of Buena Vista”) Commander of the troops that first faced enemy fire at the Rio Grande,

starting the war Emerges victorious at Buena Vista in 1847- his troops were outnumbered

yet he managed to repel Anna’s troops o Winfield Scott (Old Fuss and Feathers)

Commander of the expedition to attack Mexico City, succeeds in 1847

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Nicholas Trist organized the treaty between Mexico and United States on February 2nd

1848 which:o Ended the Mexican-American Waro Gave America the Mexican Cession

includes all Mexican territory from Texas to California north of RGo United States would pay $15 million to Mexico and get $3.5 mill back for debts

Wilmot proviso: Proposed that all land acquired from Mexican War is to be free soil territory

o passed in HOR twice but never passed in Senate Southern members hated this amendment

o never became a federal law but endorsed by legislatures of all but 1 of free stateso Another attempt by the North to suppress slavery expansion (echoes the

Tallmadge Amendment of 1819 back in the Missouri Compromise)Free Soilers:

zealous anti slavery men who were suspicious of the silence of slavery in the Democratic + Whig platforms (thought was a conspiracy)

Complete support of Wilmot Proviso; against slavery in territories Went beyond other antislavery groups, broadened appeal by advocating federal aid for

internal improvements + urging free gov homesteads for settlerso Had to broaden appeal b/c sole purpose of party centered completely on slavery

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o Supporters include:

o industrialists who were angry at Polk’s reduction of protective tariffso Democrats resentful of Polk’s settling for part of OR but insistence on all of TX

It suggested southern dominance in Democratic partyo northerners who hated blacks and did not want to share new territories with them

by expanding slavery o Conscience Whigs heavily influenced by abolitionist crusade; slavery = immoral

Ancestor of Republican Party Condemned slavery not for enslavement of blacks but for destroying chances for free

white workers to rise up from wage-earning dependence to self-employmento only with free soil in the West can the free white workers work to social mobilityo having to compete with slave labor (very cheap) for low wages makes costly

wages would wither away, so will white worker’s hope of owning property Elected nominee = Van Buren

Description of the south in 1850: relatively well off

o more than its share of nation’s leadership Southerner Zachary Taylor is the nation’s president majority in the cabinet/ Supreme Court

if didn’t have majority in House could block bill in Senate equality in Senate

o Cotton fields expanding/ cotton prices high However, don’t get that much out of compromise of 1850

o Utah and NM open to pop. sov. o More stringent slave lawo Texas gets $10 million

Expansion of slavery in pierce administration: Kansas Nebraska act and compromise of 1850

o Opens pop sov up, which gives slavery a chance to spread with consent of the people

With K & A acts, 36’30 line opened up, slavery is no longer restrained

Kansas-Nebraska Act: 1854 Stephen A Douglas repealed previous Missouri Compromise of 1820 (still considered sacred by North)

o land above 36º30’ was supposed to be free; Nebraska + Kansas both supposed to be free

Nebraska Territory would be split into 2, Nebraska and Kansas; slavery status would be decided by popular sovereignty

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o Nebraska would supposedly become free, Kansas would supposedly become slave

South angry when free soilers try to control Kansas b/c intended to be for slaves

Democratic party split in two, new republican party against slavery

o formed of whigs, democrats, free soil, know nothing, and other foes of K&A act

Compromise of 1850: Passed in Congress in 1850 under President Millard Fillmore, Clay, Webster, and

Douglas speak on behalf of the compromise North “won” the compromise

o The balance went their wayo Fugitive Slave Law not enforcedo Bought time to gather resources + moral strength (will to fight South for Union)

What the North goto California admitted as a free state (unbalanced in government now)o Texas gave up claims to lands disputed with New Mexicoo Slave trade in D.C. was banned but slavery still existed

What the South goto Popular sovereignty in Mexican Cession lands, split into New Mexico + Utah

Territories o Texas was paid $10 million for the lost land to New Mexicoo Vigorous New Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

Annexation of cuba:???

Dred Scott case: 1857, Missouri slave who, with his master, moved to Illinois and Wisconsin and then

back to Missouri Dred Scott sued for his freedom, claiming he lived in free states Supreme Court hoped to settle question of slavery in lands once and for all Decision said

o All slaves were not citizens and they, therefore, cannot sueo Legislature/Congress cannot outlaw slavery b/c Congress forbidden from

depriving people of their property (slaves) o B/c a slave was property, could be taken into any state and legally be held there

in slavery o Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and had been all along

Huge for the South as the Supreme Court, President, and Constitution were now on the Southern side

The North only had Congress (which had been outlawed by Supreme Court)

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Election of 1860: The most critical election at its time: decided whether the Union would be held together

peacefully or break out into civil war Democratic party has been divided Northern democrats rally behind Stephen A. Douglas as their candidate

o Douglas was detested by southern democrats- he was branded a traitor for his opinion on the Lecompton Constitution and the Freeport Doctrine

o 1st tragic secession: the southerners from the Democratic National Conventiono Platform: Advocated popular sovereignty and the was against the obstruction of

the Fugitive Slave Law by northern states Southern democrats nominated John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky as their candidate

o Platform: Favored the expansion of slavery into the territories and the annexation of slave-populated Cuba

Constitutional Union Party elects John Bell of Tennesseeo Consisted of whigs, know-nothingso Platform: to keep the union together and forge a compromise

The Republican Party chooses Abe Lincoln over William H. Seward (is seen as best candidate but his “radical utterances” rendered him unsuitable)

Lincoln was a better candidate because he had fewer enemies Republican platform had an appeal for non southern groups:

o Non-extension of slavery for the free-soilerso Protective tariff for the northern manufacturerso No abridgment of rights for immigrantso Pacific railroad for the North Westo Internal improvements for the Westo Free homesteads and public domain for farmers

Lincoln was not an outright abolitionist- he never insisted in order to save the Union Lincoln gets the W and becomes the 16th president of the United States

o He was minority presidento He was also a sectional president (10 states in the south did not allow his name

on the ballot)Session:

South Carolina had threatened to secede if Lincoln had been elected in 1860.o They kept their word and became the first state to secede from the Union in

December 1860 6 more states follow in the next 6 weeks

o Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas 1861: The rebel states form the Confederate States of America and elected Jefferson

Davis as their president. President Buchanan is still in office; becomes scapegoat for not preventing secession.

reasons for his lack of action include:o Buchanan was surrounded by southern advisors

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o He couldn’t justify a reason for stopping themo Army was currently dispersed in the West to protect land against Indians

Europe’s View of Civil War: Stepping stone to colonize Americas again Hurt English economy no trading with south North makes up for it by sending cotton from areas they conquer Average Englishman supported north because they disliked slavery, inspired by Uncle

Tom’s Cabin Upper class aristocrats supported the Southerners’ style of society (social hierarchy) and

despised the idea of democracy

Southern Assets: Defensive fight (home-field advantage) Great leaders

o Robert E Leeo Stonewall Jackson

Bred to fight More land jocular, emotional, religious, personally more concerned about war b/c most of war was

on Southern land

Women During Civil War: Worked as doctors, nurses, factory workers, on farms government + industry (sewing ect) jobs opened up

o proved that they could do the same jobs as men some worked on front lines as undercover soldiers or spies Elizabeth Blackwell organizes U.S. sanitary commission to assist union armies in the

fieldo Clara Barton and Dorthea dix too helped to transform nursing into a respectable

job Women’s Loyal League??

o ignore their own cause of gender rights for the moment to focus on Racial equality

Britain and U.S. during Civil War: Tense

o C.S.S. Alabama Good example of rouge ship that leaves as a trade ship but then halfway

through journey picks up GB troops and weapons, and indirectly helps by burning Yankee ships

C. Adams warns GB to stop building ships for confed.o Trent affair

British mail carrier stopped just north of Cuba by Union navy

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Union navy officers forcibly remove confederate officials from vessel uproar- Lincoln decides to give the men back to the British because he

didn’t want a war with Britain while having a war within his own country

o Laird rams Confed. war ships that would destroy wooden union ships After threat of war, back down and use in royal navy

British government (not people) wanted to intervene on behalf of confederates/south b/c detested democracy and wanted the union to split so they could swoop in

Emancipation Proclamation After battle of Antietam b/c needed a “victory” to make it look like Union wasn’t so

weak that it had to call upon slaves to rebel against masters declared the slaves of the Confederacy to be free (states in rebellion) made the war about morality

o discouraged Europe from interfering on behalf of the Confederacyo increase morale in the Union

Made the Butternut (Illinois, southern Ohio, Indiana) states angry. They agreed to join the North in the fight for union, not against slavery

Results of Civil War:

Republican concerns over swift restoration of Southern states:

Postwar south:

How reconstruction could have been more successful:

14th Amendment (ratified July 9, 1868):

Women during Reconstruction:

Meaning of emancipation to blacks:

Attitudes and desires of Southern blacks in 1865 Black codes:

Black Codes:

Ku Klux Klan:

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