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  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama LIX


    Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - LIX [Scandal-Sheet]

    but that pledge was broken six hours ago; theres simply too much info to disseminateand

    these are mostly from Facebook rather than from the daily e-mail receipts. The lines are blurring

    between categories of Scandal-Sheet articles, even as many controversies have become clarified.Although this first grap

    hic is, well, graphic, it dramatizes the dangers of statism; any doubtabout the dangers of Big Government must be erased, as BHO conducts a multi-level attack on

    Individual Freedom. The blasts are divided into categories that prioritize what appears to be

    occurring nationally, starting with his Scandal-Sheet.

    AG-Holder. The former-director-of-doj-group-sent-to-monitor-trayvon-martin-protested the

    need to admonish-employees-to-act-as-advocates-instead-of-mediators.I RS. As noted in a prior e-mail, Z-Street [headed by Phillys Lori Lowenthal Marcus] was

    targeted 3 years ago and sued; a hearing was held on Friday regarding this Pro-Israel GroupsConstitutional challenge to IRS Targeting [for the IRS fears Disclosure Above All Else, Offer

    Made in Court Confirms], as LLM wrote that the jcpa-falsely-claims-to-be-the-voice-of-

    american-jews. Meanwhile, the Treasury IG will Probe IRS Actions on public disclosure ofODonnell Tax Records, andRep. Trey Gowdy claimed Its Reprehensible For IRS Official Lois

    Lerner To Blame Others Then Plead The Fifth. Inexplicably, the DOJ Declined to Prosecute

    Officials Involved in Tax Record Scandal.
  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama LIX


    ObamaCare - Launch. A meeting @ my hospital @ 7 a.m. was devoted to educating physicians

    regarding impending documentation issues, for it has been reported that even-doctors-are-

    clueless-about-ObamaCare and the AMA denied that a secretive panel uses data that distortsdoctors' pay; indeed, Only-11-of-doctors-thinkexchanges will be ready on-time, asHHS now

    Admits people may Not Be Able to Keep their physicians Under ObamaCare and ObamaCare

    Exchanges are Not Decreasing Insurance Rates. It has been predicted that ObamaCare Could

    Push 1 Million Americans From 'Work to Welfare,' the reverse of what Clinton accomplishedalmost two decades ago.

    ObamaCare - Pri vacy. ObamaCare is now perceived by some as a Branch of NSA, noting that

    Community organizers will use Federal Data Hub to sign up people for subsidies, and even

    ballots. This has raisedPrivacy Concerns, for even anEx-HHS official has concluded this data-

    mining is No longer about healthcare, for the Constitution at stake. Due to its unpopularity,

    White House Enlisted Celebsto promote it, including Oprah, Will Farrell, and the Grammys.

    NSA. NSA-revelations-prompted-the-public-to-reframe-digital-life, while the FISA Court

    Renewed the NSA's Phone Records Collection. Reportedly, Germany is NSA's 'Most Prolific

  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama LIX


    Benghazi. As aClinton State Dept Bureau Accused of Secrecy and Cronyism, aBenghazi Key

    Witness was Made Available To Congress After Administrative Error Kept Him Hidden For

    Months. Meanwhile, the following photo was released, showing thatAmbassador ChristopherStevens did NOT die of smoke inhalation in the embassy compound as was claimed by the

    Obama administration, but was taken alive, raped, sodomized, and God only knows what

    elseand Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all those in their vile orbit knew this

    from day one and all bold-faced lied.