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Page 1: Animated Movie Test (AMT) - Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu · Animated Movie Test is an age-appropriate play assessment for children aged 7 to 15 years. Alongside the development of this

Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu

Animated Movie Test (AMT)



Turku AMK/Turku University of Applied Scieces

ICT-City, Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku

Hinta600 EUR + alv 24 % (744 EUR) / EUR 600 + VAT according the custormer´scountry


Helena Tigerstedt Lehtori Puhelin: +358 50 598 5485 Sähköposti: etunimi.sukunimi@ Yksikkö: Terveys ja hyvinvointi, Kuntoutus, suun terveydenhoito jadiagnostiset palvelut

Johanna Säteri Suunnittelija Puhelin: +358 40 355 0431 Sähköposti: etunimi.sukunimi@ Yksikkö: Terveys ja hyvinvointi, Yhteiset toiminnot

Ilmoittautuminen / hakuEnrol here / Sähköinen ilmoittautuminen The maximum number ofparticipants is 60 persons. The enrolment ends on Sunday 22 September2019 at 23.59.

Viimeinen ilmoittautumis- / hakupäivä22.09.2019

Page 2: Animated Movie Test (AMT) - Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu · Animated Movie Test is an age-appropriate play assessment for children aged 7 to 15 years. Alongside the development of this

Page 3: Animated Movie Test (AMT) - Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu · Animated Movie Test is an age-appropriate play assessment for children aged 7 to 15 years. Alongside the development of this

Animated Movie Test (AMT)

Play assessment and intervention for children aged 7– 15years

Young adolescents who have not developed complex levels of pretend playability in childhood have been found to struggle socially in earlyadolescence. For a long time it was believed that pretend play followed aninverted U-shaped curve in its development. That is, it began in the secondyear of life, reached a peak in the preschool years, and stopped by ages 11–12 years. More recent thinking and knowledge of pretend play hasrecognized that pretend play does not stop. Rather, play changes as childrengrow. The skills developed in pretend play in childhood underpin furtherdevelopment of skills in late childhood and early adolescence. Considerationof skills underpinning pretend play and the implications of these skills forearly adolescence are explored in this workshop.

This workshop is a practical workshop that offers training for participants inage appropriate play assessment and intervention for young people aged 7–15 years. This workshop is relevant for therapists who work with olderchildren and young people who are struggling socially and are finding thetransition to adolescence difficult.

This 3-day workshop takes participants through the development,administration, scoring and interpretation of the Animated Movie Test . TheAnimated Movie Test is an age-appropriate play assessment for childrenaged 7 to 15 years. Alongside the development of this assessment, an ageappropriate 8-week play intervention for older children and young people inearly adolescence has been developed and trialled. This intervention iscalled "Imagine, Create, Belong" and the manual has been published byRoutledge. Research on the Animated Movie Test and "Imagine, Create,Belong" are integrated into this workshop.


25 to 27 November 2019 at 9.00–17.00


Day 1: 25 Nov 2019 at 9.00–17.00

• Importance of pretend play in development• Why pretend play is important in older childhood and early adolescence• Adolescent development• The development of the Animated Movie Test• Reliability and validity of the Animated Movie Test• Administration of the Animated Movie Test• Scoring of the Animated Movie Test• Interpretation of the Animated Movie Test• Case study

Page 4: Animated Movie Test (AMT) - Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu · Animated Movie Test is an age-appropriate play assessment for children aged 7 to 15 years. Alongside the development of this

Day 2: 26 Nov 2019 at 9.00–17.00

• Case studies and video analysis for practice in administration andscoring of the Animated Movie Test

• Interpretation of the Animated Movie Test and planning for intervention• Play intervention of older children aged 7–9 years

◦ Learn to Play Therapy for older children• The rationale of the intervention "Imagine, Create, Belong"• Development and research of "Imagine, Create, Belong"

Day 3: 27 Nov 2019 at 9.00–17.00

• Practical application: "Imagine, Create, Belong" sessions 1–3• Practice application: "Imagine, Create, Belong" sessions 4–8• Wrap up and future research potential

The workshop is taught in English.

Workshop fee

The workshop fee is EUR 600 (+ VAT according to customer´s country).

The fee includes the 3-day workshop, afternoon coffee/tea, Animated MovieTest (AMT) Manual and Animated Movie Test (AMT) Score Sheet (pack of10) .



The enrolment ends on Sunday 15 September 2019 at 23.59.

The maximum number of participants is 60 person.

We will confirm the realization of the workshop after the enrolment periodhas ended (at the end of September).

All rights reserved.

Cancellation terms

Cancellation is free during the enrolment period (29 April–15 September2019). Cancellation has to be made in writing (email) to Johanna Säteri atjohanna.sateri@ If the cancellation arrives later (after 15 Sep2019), the workshop fee will be charged in full. The participant can bechanged.

Peruutusehdot suomeksi

Peruutus on ilmoittautumisaikana (29.4.–15.9.2019) ilmaista. Peruutus tuleetehdä kirjallisesti (sähköpostitse) Johanna Säterille johanna.sateri@

Page 5: Animated Movie Test (AMT) - Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu · Animated Movie Test is an age-appropriate play assessment for children aged 7 to 15 years. Alongside the development of this Jos peruutus tehdään myöhemmin (15.9.2019 jälkeen),veloitetaan täysi koulutusmaksu. Osallistuja on mahdollista vaihtaa.

About Karen Stagnitti

Learn more about Karen Stagnitti

Näytä lisää

Karen Stagnitti is currently an Emeritus Professor in the School of Healthand Social Development at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Up untilDecember 2018 she was Professor, Personal Chair at the School of Healthand Social Development at Deakin University. She still contributes toteaching an intensive on-campus unit at Deakin University and continues tomentor research students and present training workshops on playassessment and Learn to Play Therapy throughout the world.

Her area of research is children’s play. She graduated with a Bachelor'sdegree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Queensland. For overmore than 38 years, she has mainly worked in early childhood interventionprograms in community-based settings in specialist paediatricmultidisciplinary teams.

In 2003, she graduated from LaTrobe University with a Doctor of Philosophy.She has written five books on play. She also has over 95 national andinternational papers published as well as 20 book chapters. Her normreferenced standardized play assessment, the Child-Initiated Pretend PlayAssessment was published in 2007. The revised manual, ChIPPA-2, waspublished in 2019. From her research into play assessment, a uniqueapproach to building self-initiated play capacity with children, called Learnto Play Therapy, was developed based on clinical practice and research. In2017, the Pretend Play Enjoyment Development Checklist and Parent Learnto Play Facilitators Manual were published. In 2018, the Pretend PlayChecklist for Teachers and the Animated Movie Test were published. In 2019the new adolescent age appropriate play intervention manual was publishedby Routledge. Throughout the year, she is invited to present her work on theplay ability of children and young people nationally and internationally.

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