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Page 1: An investigation of highly accurate and precise robotic ...

An investigation of highly accurate and precise robotic hole measurements using non-contact devices Usman, Z. , Monfared, R.P. , Lohse, N. and Jackson, M.R. Published version deposited in CURVE June 2016 Original citation & hyperlink: Usman, Z. , Monfared, R.P. , Lohse, N. and Jackson, M.R. (2016) An investigation of highly accurate and precise robotic hole measurements using non-contact devices. International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, volume 7 (2): 204 Publisher statement: The original publication is available at Copyright © and Moral Rights are retained by the author(s) and/ or other copyright owners. A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. This item cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the copyright holder(s). The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders.

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Page 2: An investigation of highly accurate and precise robotic ...

Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng. 7, 204 (2016)c© EDP Sciences 2016DOI: 10.1051/ijmqe/2016007

An investigation of highly accurate and precise robotic holemeasurements using non-contact devices

Zahid Usman2,�, Radmehr P. Monfared1, Niels Lohse1, and Michael R. Jackson1

1 EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,Loughorough University, UK

2 Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, CoventryUniversity, UK

Received: 22 January 2016 / Accepted: 10 April 2016

Abstract. Industrial robots arms are widely used in manufacturing industry because of their support forautomation. However, in metrology, robots have had limited application due to their insufficient accuracy.Even using error compensation and calibration methods, robots are not effective for micrometre (μm)level metrology. Non-contact measurement devices can potentially enable the use of robots for highlyaccurate metrology. However, the use of such devices on robots has not been investigated. The researchwork reported in this paper explores the use of different non-contact measurement devices on an industrialrobot. The aim is to experimentally investigate the effects of robot movements on the accuracy and precisionof measurements. The focus has been on assessing the ability to accurately measure various geometricand surface parameters of holes despite the inherent inaccuracies of industrial robot. This involves themeasurement of diameter, roundness and surface roughness. The study also includes scanning of holes formeasuring internal features such as start and end point of a taper. Two different non-contact measurementdevices based on different technologies are investigated. Furthermore, effects of eccentricity, vibrations andthermal variations are also assessed. The research contributes towards the use of robots for highly accurateand precise robotic metrology.

Keywords: Robotic metrology, non contact hole measurement

1 Introduction

Robots have been widely used in automation of variousmanufacturing processes such as assembly, drilling, paint-ing, and material handling [1–4]. Robots are also appli-cable in automation of metrology. This is particularlytrue for aircraft industry because the large, complex andadaptable work volumes of robots are suitable for aircraftparts [2,4,5]. However, robots have had limited use in highaccuracy metrology because of their limited accuracy. In-dustrial robots have good repeatability i.e. from ±50 μmto ±300 μm [1, 3], yet their positional accuracy can haveerrors of several millimetres [6]. Applications in aircraftindustry have had and continue to require accuracy andprecision up to micrometer “μm” [2, 7–10]. Robots havenot been effectively used for applications requiring up toμm accuracy and precision even with latest error compen-sation technologies.

One such application is hole measurement in the air-craft industry. Aircraft parts are large, complex and re-quire thousands of holes to be drilled which need to behighly accurate [11, 12]. These holes are difficult to mea-

� Correspondence: [email protected]

sure and verify using conventional metrology equipmentsuch as Co-ordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs). It isoften not possible or desirable to bring parts to specialisedCMMs or metrology labs [13,14]. Industrial robots wouldbe more suitable to facilitate such measurements becausethey could move more easily around the parts during thenormal manufacturing process and reach holes at manydifferent locations and orientations. Industrial robots canalso be mounted on movable platforms such as linear slidesfor enhanced work volumes. However, the work reportedin this paper only focuses on industrial robot on staticplatforms.

For robotic hole inspection, metrology devices needto be integrated with robots. To choose an appropri-ate device, the measurement challenges should be con-sidered. For example, holes to be measured can be hid-den/inaccessible, positioned at oblique angles, and havesmall radii and tapers. The required measurement param-eters can be diameter, roundness and surface roughness(Ra). The holes can be located on a large aircraft compo-nent that is difficult to be moved for measurements.

Conventional contact based metrology equipment suchas touch probes and various contact based gauges can-not be used effectively to measure all those holes due to

Article published by EDP Sciences

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accessibility (to undercut holes) and capability (to mea-sure Ra) issues. Moreover, contact based devices with upto μm accuracy require a manipulation mechanism withhigh accuracy in positioning which is not achievable usinglarge industrial robots. On the other hand, non-contact de-vices can access hidden holes and measure without requir-ing to be positioned to μm accuracy. Moreover, in additionto geometric measurements, non-contact devices can alsoidentify and measure surface anomalies, hole profile andsurface roughness (Ra). Therefore, non-contact measure-ment devices are, potentially, more suitable for integrationon robots.

However, the integrated use of such device with robotshas not been investigated for hole measurement. Therobotic manipulation of the device could introduce errorsand inconsistencies in the measurements which may notoccur in non-robotic static and controlled environments.This leads to the research question investigated in this pa-per: Can high accurate and precise hole measurement beachieved with non-contact measurement devices mountedon industrial robots?

This investigation contributes to the wider knowledgeby providing an understanding of the effects robot move-ments have on highly accurate and precise hole measure-ment. Because μm accuracy and precision is considered,effects of vibrations and thermal variations have also beeninvestigated.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 providesa review of the related work on error compensation meth-ods for robots and suitable metrology devices for robot.The following sections explain the experimental designand setup. The next sections reports on the experimentalinvestigation into acceptable range of probe eccentricityand the precision of robotic measurement in comparisonwith static measurements. Section 4.4 reports on the mainset of experiments by measuring various hole parameterson a robot. Finally the results are discussed in details anduseful conclusions are drawn.

2 Relevant work

Positional inaccuracies of robots are commonly compen-sated through large volume metrology and calibration sys-tems such as vision trackers, laser trackers [15, 16] andother closed loop feedback systems [3,12,17]. Other meth-ods include part localisation, model-based error compen-sation and sensor-based error compensation. Part locali-sation uses various part features to generate coordinateframes. These frames enhance the accuracy of robots withrespect to parts [18, 19]. Model-based error compensationand sensor-based error compensation approaches use er-ror models and sensor feedback to correct the position ofa robot [20, 21]. Using such methods and techniques, theaccuracy of robots can be brought to below 100 μm [22]for smaller and closed chain robots. The accuracy of largerand open chain industrial robots is still multiple 100 μm.Such levels of accuracy are not sufficient for the requiredmeasurement accuracies for most applications [8–10].

The mobile devices e.g. optical CMM1 [15] and othersimilar probes and equipment are not suitable for access-ing hidden holes because of contact based measurements.In addition, the measurement processes based on CMMsand touch based systems are slow [14, 23]. Moreover, theaccuracy required to position probes for contact measure-ment is not achievable even with external error compensa-tion. Therefore, the use of CMM and other similar equip-ment is excluded from this research.

One of the common methods for inspecting holes inaircraft industry is to use plug gauges such as Go/No-Go gauges. In this method, a gauge is required for eachhole diameter. Use of such gauges is labour intensive andleads to protracted inspection times [7]. Such gauges can-not measure and can only sentence inspected holes as passor fail. Electro mechanical gauges e.g. strain gauges canalso be employed for inspecting hole profiles. However,it is difficult to measure smaller and hidden holes usingstrain gauges and the measurement process is slow anddifficult due to their inherited mechanical complexity andaccessibility issues [7]. Therefore, such gauges and othercontact based equipment are not effective for measuringthe hidden holes and therefore not considered.

Using the latest non-contact measurement devices,both the issues of accessibility as well as more detailedsurface measurements can be overcome. Non-contact mea-surement systems facilitate rapid inspection and the issuesof vibrations can be resolved through them [23–26]. Theycan also facilitate measurement of surface properties andinternal features.

One of the rapidly developed non-contact inspectionmethod is machine vision [24]. Despite having high speedthe accuracy of vision-based inspection is limited [24].Moreover, standard machine vision solutions offer mea-surement of externally visible features and not internaland hidden features in holes.

Optical, capacitive and pneumatic non-contactmethod can also be used for inspecting hole geometry,form and surface features. For example, fiber-opticbased non-contact methods have been used for internalmeasurement [25]. However, their use has been limited tovery small features and they have not been explored formeasuring geometry and form of holes [25]. Capacitivesensors have been effectively used for measuring smallhole diameters with high accuracy [26, 27]. However, theapproach has been limited to micro holes and had largeerrors for blind holes [28].

Eddy current probes equipped with rotation mecha-nism have been used for highly accurate and precise holemeasurement as shown by [29]. The system could notmeasure form and geometry of hole but can do surfaceinspection.

One of the most advanced non-contact hole measure-ment systems is based on confocal principle [30]. The con-focal device integrated with a rotation mechanism makes

1 Optical CMM is a touch-based hand held probe and shouldnot be understood as a non-contact measurement system. Theoptics are used to track the position and orientation of theprobe (Nikon, 2014 accessed 19/07/2014).

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Fig. 1. Representation of confocal and low coherence interfer-ometric hole inspection devices.

it possible to measure hole geometry and form in de-tail [31] as shown in Figure 1. It can be used for highly ac-curate and precise hole measurements as well as for scan-ning holes [31, 32].

Another non-contact hole measurement system thatprovides μm level accuracy and precision is based on lowcoherence interferometry called the Low Coherence Dis-tance Scanning (LCDS) [33]. The LCDS system integratedwith a rotatory mechanism makes it possible to inspecthole features [33, 34] as shown in Figure 1. Basic hole ge-ometry e.g. Diameters and Roundness as well as Ra sur-face roughness can be measured at high speed. A provisionof linear movement along central axis also enables the de-vice to scan hole surface to measure internal features. Highaccuracy, precision, and surface inspection capabilities inaddition to measuring basic hole geometry at high speedmakes LCDS and confocal devices suitable for robotic holeinspection.

Therefore, the confocal and LCDS devices have beenchosen for an investigation into highly accurate and pre-cise robotic hole measurement. The research focused todetermining: (i) the accuracy and precision of robotic holemeasurements at micrometre accuracy by studying the im-pact of robot motions on the measurement; and (ii) theability to scan and measure internal features such as ta-pers and hidden holes.

3 Experimental design

3.1 Stages of experimental investigation

When high accuracy metrology devices are used on indus-trial robots, a number of factors that are otherwise con-trolled in metrology rooms, need to be considered. There-fore, a set o-f enabling experiments have been designed inaddition to the main experiments to understand the effectof those factors.

The experimental investigation has been divided intotwo stages as shown in Figure 2. The first stage consistsof the enabling experiments. These include experiments tounderstand the effects of (1) the eccentricity of the probe;(2) vibration; and (3) thermal variations. The second andmain stage of experiments consists of two sets of experi-ments. These experiments have been designed with respect

Fig. 2. Stages of experimental investigation.

Fig. 3. The test part with straight hole, stepped hole andtapered hole.

to the two main research challenges i.e. (1) highly accu-rate and precise robotic hole measurement and (2) abilityto scan and measure internal hole features using a non-contact device on a robot. The experimental setup andexperiments are detailed in the following sections.

3.2 Artefact design

An important element of experimental setup is the testartefact that has been designed to represents the researchchallenges. The artefact was designed to have (1) a simplestraight hole; (2) a hidden undercut hole (3) an undercuttapered hole as shown in Figure 3. The diameter rangefrom 13 mm to 15mm was chosen because it was withinthe measureable range of the devices. The three holes andtheir features were measured during the tests in the firsttwo sets of experiments in stage 2. It is also important tomention here that whilst there are no blind holes in theartefact the selected hole measurement devices are capableof measuring blind holes.

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Fig. 4. Experiment setup (a) static platform (b) robotic platforms.

3.3 The experiment setup

The experiments involve comparing the measurementtaken on a static platform with the ones taken usingrobotic platforms. The measurements from different thetwo non-contact measurement devices (Confocal Deviceand the LCDS device) are also to be compared. There-fore, the experimental setup was designed to facilitate suchmeasurements. Two main types of setups were designedfor the experiments as shown in Figure 4 i.e. static plat-form (Fig. 4a) and the robotic platform (Fig. 4b). Both thesetups involved the use of an XY-table and a test artefactas shown in Figure 4. The movement of the probe alongthe vertical Z-Axis (i.e. into the holes) was controlled bythe linear slides in both setups. The static platform con-sisted of an angle plate whereas the movable platform wasa six axis industrial robotic arm (KUKA- KR-16). TheXY-table was used to adjust the initial position of thepart under the probes. To facilitate comparison, for eachstage of the experimentation the device was mounted onthe angle plate and then the robotic arm.

For calibration as well as actual measurements, theprobe needed to be positioned in the centre of the hole.Hence, the central axis of the hole and probe needed tobe aligned. The part was positioned on the XY table andcentred with respect to the probe. This step was only re-quired during the setup.

The probe required calibration before being used. Astandard ring gauge of known diameter was used for thecalibration purposes.

4 Experimental results

4.1 Stage 1, Set 1: Determining the acceptable rangeof eccentricity

The measurement probe requires to be precisely posi-tioned at the centre of the holes for accurate readings.Beyond a certain eccentricity the measurements becomesporadic and unreliable. Therefore, the deviation from theideal centre of the hole within which the probes can stillbe used with confidence was determined.









20 40 60 80 100























er (µ µ


Eccentricity (μm) LCDS Device Confocal Device

Fig. 5. Stability of readings with varying eccentricity.

This is done by first positioning the probe within10 μm of the hole centre. This initial positioning wasachieved by bringing the probe inside the hole and man-ually adjusting the X-Y table to align the probe withhole centre to within 10 μm. Then the probe is calibratedagainst the ring gauge. After calibration, a first readingof the diameter is taken. Then, the eccentricity was in-creased gradually in 20 μm intervals before every readinguntil a significant variation in the measurements was ob-served. The result of eccentricity variations along X-Axisis shown in Figure 5.

Although Figure 5 presents results from one experi-ment, the effect on reading with varying eccentricity hasbeen observed in several other experiments that showedthe reading to be reliable within same ranges. The resultsshow that diameter measurements of both devices remainstable within a couple of μm for small eccentricity values.After a point, larger variations can be observed which in-dicate that the devices are no longer providing reliable re-sults. The LCDS device was able to give accurate readingup to an eccentricity of 320 μm whilst the confocal devicewas accurate for up to 360 μm. Exceeding the above men-tioned values of eccentricity, the readings varied randomlyand become unreliable. Similar results were obtained foreccentricity along Y-axis.

On this basis, it was concluded that the probe in thisparticular experiment can safely measure accurately upto an eccentricity of 300 μm. This provides a referenceeccentricity range within which the probe should be po-sitioned during robotic measurement. It is important to

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15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22



er (μ


Temperature (Deg C)

Conofocal Device

LCDS Device

Fig. 6. Effect of thermal variations on diameter measurements.

mention here that the acceptable eccentricity values maywary for different materials and different surface finishesthe study of which was beyond the scope of this paper.Moreover, for measuring deep hole, as the alignment ofthe probe in the hole becomes a major issues as the probemoves down the hole particularly for scanning hole ge-ometry [26, 35]. This can also exaggerate the eccentricityof probe. Deep hole measurement has detailed challengesthat require extensive work which is beyond the scope ofthis paper. However, deep hole measurements and deephole scanning is considered for future research work.

4.2 Stage 1, Set 2: Effects of thermal variationsand drift

Researchers have explored the methods to understand andcompensate for thermal variations in metrology [20,36,37].In order to understand the effect thermal variations onthe measurement accuracy, a simple experiment was con-ducted by systematically varying the temperature andrecording the corresponding readings for the same arte-fact. Figure 6 shows the effect of thermal variations inthis experiment.

As the temperature is increased from 15 to 19 ◦C, thediameter measurement increased from just over 13 024 μmto a maximum of just over 13 030 μm (for Both devices).After initial rise in readings with temperature, the mea-surements appeared to settle at 13 030 μm (less than 1 μmvariation) from 18 to 21 ◦C. The stability in measure-ments could be the result of an equilibrium being estab-lished between expansion of measurement probe and theartefact. However, further investigation and detailed re-search is required to understand the effects of thermalvariation on various materials in detail which was not inthe scope of this paper. For this paper, it was decidedto conduct the main set of experiments at temperaturesbetween 18–21 ◦C.

In addition to external temperature, internal temper-ature variation of an instrument can also cause measure-ments deviations in a phenomenon called “drift” [37, 38].In order to verify that thermal drift is not occurring, arange of measurements were taken over a period of onehour by keeping the external temperature constant. Theresults are presented in the form of a graph in Figure 7.As shown in the figure, only the LCDS device appear tohave the issue of thermal drift where the readings keepon gradually decreasing (from 13 026.8 to 13 017.43 μm)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60



er (µµ


Time (min)

Confocal Device (Calibrated once)

LCDS Device (Calibrated Once)

LCDS Calibrated before every measurement

Fig. 7. Drift in measurement of confocal and LCDS devices.

with time. Thermal drift can occur in instruments due tointernal heating. The normal trend of measurements dueto thermal drift is downward as witnessed by the mea-surements from LCDS device (calibrated once). Devicesare normally equipped with compensation coatings or al-gorithms to solve this issues which the LCDS device doesnot seem to be equipped with. The adopted solution tothermal Non-contact robotic hole measurement 17 driftfor LCDS device was to re-calibrate the probe before ev-ery measurement which made the readings stable as shownin Figure 7.

The confocal device on the other hand had no suchissues and the readings were stable and consistent with-out any drift over the one hour period. Once the LCDSdevice was re-calibrated before every measurement, thenboth devices were found to be consistent for measurementswith the variation only in the range of 1.5 μm for diam-eter. Therefore, it was concluded that the confocal sys-tem had the ability to compensate for thermal drifts how-ever the LCDS device should be calibrated before everymeasurement to provide the compensation. In the follow-ing experiments, the confocal device was only calibratedonce whereas the LCDS device was calibrated before everymeasurement.

4.3 Stage 1, Set 3: Effects of vibration on roboticmeasurements

The vibrations on the robot have previously been stud-ied for machining [1, 39, 40] and assembly [41] involvingmicrometre accuracy. In an industrial scenario the servomotors of robots are in an ON-State that can create minorvibrations and subsequently affect the readings. An initialinvestigation on vibration is conducted to understand therange of vibrations involved in robotic hole measurement.For this purpose, robot vibrations were measured alongthe lateral axis of the hole. Understanding and interpret-ing vibrations required detailed investigation. Therefore,to get a generic understanding of the range of vibra-tions and their interpretation, the amplitude for vibra-tions was considered. Maximum displacement due to thevibrations during robotic measurement was recorded tobe less than 0.2 μm. This range is acceptable for measure-ment within the application domain that this research isfocused on. When measurements are taken at a rate much

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faster than the vibration frequency, it eliminates the ef-fect of vibrations. Therefore, the effect of vibration waseliminated by setting the data collection rate to higherthan vibration frequency. In this case 4 khz. Because theeffect of vibration was found to be negilible on measure-ments, the effects of vibrations was not considered in themain set of experiments. However, further detailed inves-tigations should be carried out to better understand theeffects of vibration on measurement especially for mea-surement where the robot moves continuously during themeasurements.

4.4 Stage 2, Step 1: Accuracy and precision of roboticmeasurements

To investigate the effects of robot movement on the mea-surement accuracy and precision, the designed artefactwas first measured using the non-contact devices on astatic platform and then on a robot. The static platformmeasurements provide a benchmark for robotic measure-ments. The robotic arm is moved through different rou-tines before every measurement to mimic typical industrialactivity. Movement of the robot is expected to introducepositional errors that could affect the measurement.

In an industrial scenario, a robot is normally in an“auto-mode” where the robot servos remain in their ON-State. In this state, the position is maintained by the robotservo motors. This can create minor errors due to themotors’ synchronisation. Therefore, as part of the exper-iment, the robot servo motors are kept in their ON-stateduring measurement. Measurements are also taken in “ser-vos’ OFF-State” when the position is maintained by me-chanical brakes. Both these states have been consideredto understand their effects on the measurements duringvarious operational states of a robot. Brief description ofthe experiments is provided as follows.

1. Measurements on a static platform: the non-contactdevice was mounted on the angle plate. The probe wasaligned to the central axis of the hole to be measuredusing level bar and shims for minor adjustments. Theprobe was centred for the ring gauge and the artefact’shole simultaneously using the XY-table. The probe wascalibrated with the ring gauge. Then a set of measure-ments were taken for diameter, roundness, and surfaceRa from the test artefact. In total sets of 20 readingswere taken.

2. Taking measurements on robot with servos on/off: thenon-contact device was mounted at the end of therobot arm. Similar to angle plate setup, the probe wasaligned and centred for the artefact hole. The probewas then calibrated for hole measurement. The posi-tion of the robot was stored in the robot memory. Aprogram was developed to move the robot along a pre-programmed path and bring it back to the recordedposition. The pre-programmed path imitated the robotdoing another inspection operation before coming backto measure the hole. The method of programming therobot was teach pendant programming. The robot was

13024,95 13025,4113026,70








n D





Mean Diameter Plots: LCDS Device Sta�cRobotServosOnRobotServosOff




σ = 0.65 σ = 0.45σ = 0.86

13025,8613024,47 13024,59









er (µ


Mean Diameter Plots: Confocal Device Sta�cRobotServosOnRobotServosOff

σ =0.47

+1σ-1σ +1σ


σ = 0.56 σ = 0.81

Fig. 8. Comparative plots of the mean hole diameter.

programed to move through a set of positions that cov-ered the range of movement of the robot within thework cell. After each measurement the robot will comeout of the hole, go towards the back of the cell, thenmove to the right side of the cell, then move back andforth imitating a measuremenmt and finally come backto the hole position where the prob can go back intothe hoel for measurement. This wide range of move-ment can effect the measurements. Therefore, aftereach movement, a set of measurements for diameter,roundness and Ra of the hole were taken. The robotwas moved through the programmed path before everymeasurement. After each cycle of movement, the robotservos were left ON during readings to imitate the ac-tual behaviour of a robot used on an industrial con-text where robots mostly remain in their ON state. Af-ter the ON-state measurements, the robot servos wereturned off to take measurements in an OFF-sate. Eachparameter was measured 20 times. The mean valuesfor diameters, roundness, roughness and their respec-tive standard deviations (σ) were calculated.

After collecting the data composed of readings of diame-ters, roundness, roughness (Ra) these measurements werestatistically analyased to understand and interpret the ac-curacy and precision. For each type of measurement, thestandard deviation and mean were calculated. The meanvalues of diameters, roundness, roughness (Ra) and theirrespective standard deviations (σ) were plotted graphi-cally to provide a comparison between readings taken onstatic platform and on robotic platform for the two non-contact hole measurement devices. In order to ensure themeasurements are valid and reliable, the measurents onstatic platform were valided against measurement on aCMM. This was achieved by meauring the calibration ringat the same position on a CMM and with non-contact de-vices on static platform. The readings were in agreementbetween 2 μm. This provided the required to the measure-ment. This provided a basis for comparing measurementson static platform against the measurements on a robot.Figures 8–10 provide a comparison of readings between

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Table 1. Comparative statistical analysis of non-contact device on static platform and robot.

Diameter (μm) Roundness (μm) Roughness ‘Ra’ (μm)LCDS Confocal LCDS Confocal LCDS Confocal

Mean 13 024.95 13 025.86 16.20 15.91 0.59 – StaticStd Deviation ‘σ’ 0.65 0.47 0.26 0.05 0.06 – Platform

Mean 13 025.41 13 024.47 16.05 16.15 0.63 – RobotStd Deviation ‘σ’ 0.45 0.56 0.35 0.07 0.05 – Servos-ON

Mean 13 026.70 13 024.59 16.02 16.14 0.58 – RobotStd Deviation ‘σ’ 0.86 0.81 0.32 0.07 0.06 – Servos-OFF


16,05 16,02








n Ro





LCDS Device Sta�cRobotServosOnRobotServosOff






-1σσ =0.26

σ =0.35 σ =0.32


16,15 16,14








n Ro


ss (µ


Confocal Device Sta�cRobotServosOnRobotServosOff




σ = 0.05

σ =0.07 σ =0.07

Fig. 9. Comparative plots for the mean hole roundness.

static platform and robot Because static platform is ben-chamrked against a CMM, a comparison of measurementson robot provides the basis for reliabilility of mesurementson robot. Figure 8 presents the comparative plots for meanhole diameters and its standard deviation. As shown in thefigure, the mean readings of diameters vary slightly i.e.within 2 μm for static and robotic platform for both thedevices. It is also shown that the standard deviations arealso similar. In general the standard deviation for the Con-focal device is lesser than the LCDS device. Figure 9 showscomparative plot of mean hole roundness. The differencebetween roundness measurements for different platformsis within 0.10 μm for the LCDS and within 0.12 μm forthe confocal device. The standard deviation for readingson LCDS varies from 0.26 to 0.35 from static to roboticplatform. Similarly, the standard deviation for the Confo-cal device varies from 0.05 to 0.07.

Figure 10 presents the comparative plots for the meansurface roughness (Ra). This parameter is unique for theLCDS device as the confocal device cannot measure theRa. This is one of the distinct and significant advantages ofthe non-contact measurement over conventional and othernon-contact devices.

The grpah shows that the mean roughness varies from0.59 to 0.63 from the static to robotic platform whereasthe varies σ varies from 0.06 to 0.05. The range of varia-tions in readings from the static platform to the robotic










n Ro





LCDS Device Sta�cRobotServosOnRobotServosOff

σ = 0.06 σ = 0.05 σ = 0.06




-1σ +1σ


Fig. 10. Comparative plots for hole Roughness (Ra).

platform is negligible and the robot movement appears tohave no significant effect on measurements.

An analysis and study of the graphs presented in Fig-ures 8–10 shows that there is no significant difference be-tween the readings taken on static platform and on therobot. The robotic measurements of diameters, roundnessand Ra are very similar to the measurements on the angleplate. The range of variation is also very similar as evidentfrom Table 1 which presents a summary of basic statisti-cal analysis of the measurements. Table 1 shows that thestandard deviations ‘σ’ for the readings of diameter on therobot are similar to the standard deviation on the staticplatform. For example, the σ for LCDS device on robotwith servos-On and Off are 0.45 and 0.86 respectively andthe σ for static platform it is 0.65. Similar variation trendswere found for roundness and Ra for both the devicesas summarised in Table 1. The variations in the readingsfrom different platforms and devices are negligibly smallwhich could have been caused by small difference in theposition probes as a result of robot movement. These re-sults verify that the robot movement and vibrations hasno significant effect on the readings in these experiments.

4.5 Stage 2, step2: ability to scan internal surfaces

Scanning of hole surfaces can facilitate the detection of de-fects and surface anomalies. This ability gives non-contactmeasurement systems a distinct advantage over contactbased system. For example, as shown Figure 10, the Ravalue can be measured to μm accuracy using the LCDSdevice. Using the scanned data, internal hole features suchthe start point of taper and position of step in the holescan be measured. This section report the experiments con-ducted to scan the hole surfaces with the robotic measure-ment system to measure internal features. The features be-ing measured are taper start point, taper end point, andthe position of step in the hole. The LCDS and Confocal

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Fig. 11. 3D plot of the section containing taper and the section containing step using both the LCDS device and ConfocalDevice.

systems do not provide a measurement of thee parametersdirectly. However, these parameters can be extracted fromthe scanned data using tools such as Matlab.

In order to test the scanning of tapers and steps, bothLCSD and Confocal devices were used to scan internalhole surfaces containing the tapers and steps. The scan-ning data was captured by bringing the probe to the holecentre and performing a scan by gradually moving thespinning probe down the hole. The scans were made incircular path of 30 μm pitch over a section of 3 mm. Thesections containing the taper and the stepped hole werescanned. Figure 11 shows plots of the scanned tapered andstepped sections the artefact holes. As shown in Figure 11,both LCDS and Confocal devices can scan the holes andtheir hidden features i.e. tapers and steps.

To test the consistency of scans, a set of 20 scans weremade for both the devices. In order to make the scanscomparable, the same sections of the hole was scanned forboth devices. The required parameters were then calcu-lated by exporting and processing the data in Matalb. Asimple method of using the rate of change of data was usedto extract the relevant points from the data. Similar to thepervious experiments, the mean values and the standarddeviation ‘σ’ of the parameters were calculated and plot-ted in in the form of bar charts as shown in Figure 12.

The data represented in Figure 12 shows that internalhole features can be measured using the non-contact de-vices with high consistency and that the robot movement

has no effect on the ability to scan internal surfaces. Thestandard deviation for the confocal device appears to bemarginally less than the LCDS device in determining holefeatures as shown in Figure 12. In terms of the qualityof scans, both devices captured a reasonable amount ofdata with very little missing data. However, the confocaldevice had lesser missing data as compared to the LCDSdevice. For example, detailed attention to the scans pre-sented in Figure 11 will show that the scans from the con-focal device are denser as compared to the ones form theLCDS device. This perhaps also explains the reason be-fore marginally smaller standard deviation in the readingsfrom the confocal device.

The verification that it is feasible to scan internal holesurfaces and extract geometric information whilst a deviceis mounted on a robot provides a significant confirma-tion towards more wide spread use of robots for scanningand measuring challenging hole geometries and internalfeatures.

5 Conclusion and future research

This paper has presented an investigation to understandthe effect of robot movement on highly accurate and pre-cise hole measurement. A contribution towards the use ofrobots for highly accurate and precise hole measurementhas been made.

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Zahid Usman et al.: Robotic hole measurements using non-contact devices 204-p9

1767,07 1766,18









n Ta



t Poi




Mean Taper Start Point





σ =5.85 σ =5.26

2465,02 2463,48









n Ta




t ( µ


Mean Taper end Point +1σ




σ =5.42 σ =4.60







n St

ep P



in H


( µm


Mean Step Posi�on




σ =2.99 σ =2.81

Fig. 12. Plots for taper start point, taper end point and hole’sstep position from the two devices.

A review of various hole measurement techniques anddevices was conducted in the context of robotic metrol-ogy. Non-contact measurement methods were selected asthe most promising for use with industrial robots. Two dif-ferent non-contact devices i.e. the LCDS device and theconfocal device were. The concept of manipulating highlyaccurate measurement devices using robotic arm was in-vestigated. A set of experiments was performed to ver-ify the impact of robotic manipulation on the accuracy ofmeasuring the diameter, roundness, and surface roughnessof holes. Each of the selected parameters was measuredtwenty times on a static platform and then on the roboticplatform using both the devices. On the robotic platform,the robot was moved through a pre-programmed path be-fore taking the measurements. The mean and standard de-viation was calculated for each set of measurements. Theresults were plotted graphically to conduct a comparativeanalysis of the measurements. The results showed the mea-surements taken using the robotic platform were similarto the measurements taken on the static platform. It wasshown from the results that the robotic manipulation hasno significant effect on the accuracy and precision of mea-surement. This shows that the non-contact measurementdevices can be used on the robot with the same confidenceas on a static platform.

Before, the main set of experiments a set of enablingexperiments were also conducted to understand the effectsof thermal variations and vibrations on the measurements.The vibrations did not appear to have any noteworthy ef-fect on the measurements. However, thermal variationsappeared to have a minor effect on measurements. Themeasurements appear to be stable from 19 ◦C to 22 ◦C.Therefore, it was decided to conduct the main set of exper-iments at a temperature of 20–21 ◦C. Moreover, thermaldrift was also observed in the reading of the LCDS de-

vice. A solution to this problem was regular calibration.Therefore, it was decided to calibrate the LCDS device be-fore every measurement. The confocal device showed nothermal drift.

The experiments were extended to include the mea-surement of hidden internal features and parameterswhich are difficult to measure using traditional contact-based metrology equipment. Such features include the po-sition of undercut and hidden steps and tapers in holes.The holes containing the taper and step were scanned sev-eral times whilst the devices were mounted on the robot.These experiments tested the effect of robotic movementon the consistency of scanning and the measurement ofhidden parameters. The results showed the non-contactmeasurement devices can scan with high precision whilstbeing mounted on the robot. They also show that the vari-ations introduced by the robot movement are negligiblysmall.

Overall, it can be stated that the non-contact mea-surement systems can measure with similar accuracy andprecision on robots as on a static platform. The robot mo-tion and vibration appear to have no significant effect onthe measurements. It has been shown that the investigatednon-contact measurement devices can be used on indus-trial robots for highly accurate and precise measurementsof hole features.

For future work, an investigation should be carried outto understand the effects of robot movements on measure-ment when the measurements are taken during the robotmotion. Moreover, the current non-contact hole measure-ment devices can only measure a small range of hole di-ameters. An integration and synchronisation the robotmovement and the scanning probe should be investigatedto increase the range of measureable diameters. This re-search should also involve the dynamic compensation ofthe effects of vibration and robot movement on the mea-surements. The future work should also explore the mea-surement of deep holes where the measurements will geteffected as the probe moves down or up a deep hole.


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