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Accurate and Precise Performance of the BD FACSVia™ System for Determination of CD4 Cell Count and %CD4 Cell concentration Charlene Bush-Donovan, Julie Nguyen, Maya Kalyan, Anna Lin, Tom Frey BD Life Sciences, 2350 Qume Drive, San Jose, CA 95131 Introduction HIV/AIDS affects approximately 37 million people globally including 2.6 million children generating severe health and development issues in the world, particularly in resource poor countries. A steady decrease of CD3+CD4+ lymphocyte counts typically exhibits in HIV+ individuals as the infection progresses resulting in a dysfunctional immune system with increased opportunistic infections and complications which often can lead to death. The full access to the highly effec- tive ART therapy by the HIV+ community has dramatically reduced mortality and morbidity by allowing sustained control of viral replication with improved life quality and expectancy. Determination of CD4 absolute count and percentages plays a critical role in the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, initiation of ART, treatment monitoring and patient risk management rendering CD4 count as an important clinical laboratory test. Providing easy access to flow cytometric technology for HIV/AIDS diagnosis and monitoring is part of the global effort to decrease the rate of HIV infections and to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. To meet global health needs, BD has developed the new and affordable BD FACSVia™ System. It is a small and easy-to-use flow cytometer that features a compact optical design with fixed alignment. The BD FACSVia System contains two lasers and four fluorescence detectors for use with various biological assays. The BD FACSVia instru- ment provides pre-optimized detector settings so that users do not have to adjust PMT voltages and compensation during daily use and operation. Daily one-step BD™ Cytometer Setup and Tracking (CS&T) procedure for instru- ment QC on the BD FACSVia System can be accomplished in less than five minutes, which provides quality control for electronics, fluidics, and optical performance as well as automatic optimization of instrument compensation. QC results are tracked by BD FACSVia™ clinical software for long-term monitoring of instrument performance. New design features, coupled with an intuitive user interface (UI) on the BD FACSVia system, significantly reduce the number of clicks users have to make when running clinical assays. Improved workflow on the BD FACSVia Sys- tem, such as simultaneous data analysis during sample acquisition or system cleaning, saves time and labor for routine laboratory operation. The BD FACSVia™ Loader option is available to increase sample throughput in clini- cal settings. The BD Tritest™ CD4/CD8/CD3, and BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45, and BD Multitest IMK assays available on the BD FACSVia system in Europe is designed to automatically enumerate absolute count and percentages of T, B and NK lymphocytes using the BD Testest™ , BD Multitest IMK reagents with BD Trucount™ Tubes. To validate the BD FACSVia System using these assays, we evaluated multiple BD FACSVia systems to demonstrate robust perfor- mance using HIV+ patients and normal donors. Methods Instrument setup and QC The BD FACSVia systems were set up using BD™ CS&T Beads and BD FACSVia clinical software. The CS&T Beads were prepared by adding two drops of beads into 500 µL of DI water, then run on the BD FACSVia instrument to gener- ate a passing Instrument QC report. On the predicate system, the BD FACSCalibur™, BD Calibrite™ beads were prepared per the BD instructions for use and run on the BD FACSCalibur instrument using BD FACSComp™ software to set up the BD FACSCalibur instrument. A Pass on the BD FACSComp QC report was obtained on each study day. The BD FACSVia and BD FACSCalibur instrument systems were also qualified by running process controls. BD Mul- tiCheck control cells were prepared using the BD Tritest and Multitest reagents and run on both BD FACSVia and BD FACSCalibur systems. The absolute count of lymphocyte subsets of the BD Multicheck control cells must pass the specification range provided by the manufacturer on both the BD FACSVia and FACSCalibur instruments. Method comparison Method comparison was performed at BD Life Sciences with a total of 208 HIV+ and normal donor samples in EDTA tubes. Each whole blood specimen was stained with the BD Tritest CD4/CD8/CD3, and BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45, and BD Multitest IMK (CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 and CD3/CD16+56/CD45/CD19) reagents in BD Trucount tubes and analyzed on the BD FACSVia System (Test) and BD FACSCalibur cytometer (Predicate). Acquisition was carried out on a sample loader or using manual tube loading method. Lymphocyte subset absolute count and percentages were gen- erated and compared between the predicate (reference) and test systems. Deming regression and Bland-Altman analy- sis and Concordance Analysis were performed for lymphocyte subsets for the cell absolute count and percentages. Precision A 21-day study was conducted at BD Life Sciences, to assess within-site precision. Estimates of precision for the enu- meration of lymphocyte subset percentages and absolute counts were determined across three BD FACSVia flow cy- tometers and three operators by acquiring two concentrations of analyte, BD Multi-Check CD4 Low control and BD Mul- ti-Check control, stained in duplicate with three lots of the BD Multitest IMK (CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 and CD3/ CD16+56/ CD45/CD19) reagents. Two separate runs were analyzed separately during each of the 21 tested days. Linearity Eleven concentration levels of CD4 cells were prepared from normal donor whole blood. Triplicate stained samples us- ing each of the reagents were measured on one BD FACSVia system to determine lymphocyte subset absolute counts in the 11 linearity samples. Statistical analysis based on the CLSI guidance document EP6-A was performed to deter- mine system linearity. PRESENTED AT THE 21 ST INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE - DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA BD Tritest CD4/CD8/CD3 Method Comparison BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45 Method Comparison BD Multitest CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 Method Comparison BD Multitest CD3/CD16+56/CD45/CD19 Method Comparison T –Lymphocyte Subset Linear range (cells/µL) CD3+CD4+ 5—6,500 CD3+CD8+ 5—3,500 CD3+ 5—10,000 T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) control mean %CV (repeatability) %CV (within-site precision) CD3+CD4+ MC Low 148.9 5.8 6.6 CD3+CD8+ 533.5 5.1 5.5 CD3+ 754.4 5 5.5 CD3+CD4+ 754.6 4.5 5.2 MC normal CD3+CD8+ 369.0 4.6 5.3 CD3+ 1180.2 4.1 5.1 T –Lymphocyte Subset (% of T Lymphocyte) control mean SD (repeatability) SD (within-site precision) CD3+CD4+ MC Low 19.7 0.6 0.7 CD3+CD8+ 70.7 0.9 1.1 CD3+CD4+ 63.9 0.9 1 MC normal CD3+CD8+ 31.1 0.8 0.9 Linearity Precision T –Lymphocyte Subset Linear range (cells/µL) CD3+CD4+ 5—6,500 CD3+ 5—10,000 Linearity Precision T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) control mean %CV (repeatability) %CV (within-site precision) CD3+CD4+ MC Low 146.2 7.5 8.3 CD3+ 791.8 5.2 6.1 CD3+CD4+ 779.1 5.3 6.4 MC normal CD3+ 1304.0 5.3 6.3 T –Lymphocyte Subset (% of total Lympho- cyte) control mean SD (repeatability) SD (within-site precision) CD3+CD4+ MC Low 10.2 0.5 0.6 CD3+ 55.0 1 1.1 CD3+CD4+ 43.2 1 1 MC normal CD3+ 72.3 1.1 1.2 T –Lymphocyte Subset Linear range (cells/uL) CD3+CD4+ 5—6500 CD3+CD8+ 5—3500 CD3+ 10—14,000 T –Lymphocyte Subset Linear range (cells/uL) CD3-CD19+ 5—1800 CD3-(CD16+56)+ 5—1300 CD3+ 10—14,000 T – Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) control mean %CV (repeatability) %CV (within-site precision) CD3+CD4+ MC Low 136.8 9.3 10.0 CD3+CD8+ 587.1 5.0 6.7 CD3+ 773.0 4.5 6.5 CD3+CD4+ 752.9 5.7 6.2 MC normal CD3+CD8+ 374.4 5.3 6.3 CD3+ 1227.3 5.4 6.1 T –Lymphocyte Sub- set (% of total Lym- phocyte) control mean SD (repeatability) SD (within-site precision) CD3+CD4+ MC Low 9.5 0.7 0.7 CD3+CD8+ 37.3 1.2 1.5 CD3+ 53.6 1.2 1.2 CD3+CD4+ 42.1 1.0 1.2 MC normal CD3+CD8+ 20.9 0.8 1.1 CD3+ 68.6 1.4 1.7 T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) control mean %CV (repeatability) %CV (within-site pre- cision) CD3-CD19+ MC Low 337.0 6.5 10.1 CD3-(CD16+CD56) + 282.2 5.8 7.0 CD3+ 771.9 4.0 5.6 CD3-CD19+ 259.6 7.6 11.5 MC normal CD3-(CD16+56)+ 218.7 7.5 7.5 CD3+ 1237.2 4.6 5.4 T –Lymphocyte Sub- set (% of total Lym- phocyte) control mean SD (repeatability) SD (within-site precision) CD3-CD19+ MC Low 23.4 0.9 1.5 CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 19.6 0.7 1.1 CD3+ 53.6 1.0 1.3 CD3-CD19+ 14.3 0.9 1.3 MC normal CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 12.1 0.6 0.7 CD3+ 68.5 1.5 1.5 Conclusion The BD FACSVia system demonstrated equivalent results of lymphocyte subset absolute count and percentages running the two BD Trit- est (CD3/CD8/CD4 and CD3/CD4/CD45) and BD Multest IMK (CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4) and (CD3/CD16+56/CD45/CD19) assays compared to its predicate BD FACSCalibur system using FACSVia loader or manual tube loading method. Other system performance characteriscs such as reproducibility and within-site precision, system linearity, showed robust results and met study criteria. Analysis results of sam- ples with CD4 < 500 cells/µL showed the mean absolute bias between BD FACSVia System and FACSCalibur for the absolute CD4 T cell counts are 1.7 for the BD Multest CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4, -9.8 for the BD Tritest CD3/CD8/CD4 and –6.6 for the BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45. The BD FACSVia system provides an easy, reliable, and affordable soluon to enumerate T, B and NK lymphocyte subsets for immune monitoring for adults and pediatric populaons, parcularly for the HIV/AIDS diagnosis and monitoring. Linearity Linearity Precision Precision Class 1 Laser Product. The BD FACSVia System is not yet available for sale in the US. © 2016 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. Parameters Range Intercept Slope (95% CI) R 2 Mean relave Bias % (95% CI) Mean absolute Bias (95% CI) T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) CD3+CD4+ 14, 2608 2.63 0.99 (0.97,1.00) 0.99 -0.90 (-2.2, 0.5) -8.6 (-16.7, -0.5) CD3+CD8+ 150, 2848 14.11 0.97 (0.95,0.98) 0.97 -1.7 (-2.8, -0.7) *CD3+ 306, 4683 39.63 0.96 (0.94,0.98) 0.98 -1.4 (-2.1, -0.6) T –Lymphocyte Subset (% of total Lymphocyte) CD3+CD4+ 0.29 1.00 (0.99,1.01) 0.99 0.31 (0.14, 0.47) CD3+CD8+ 0.62 0.99 (0.97, 1.00) 0.99 0.068 (-0.15, 0.28) *CD3+ 0.97 1.00 (0.98,1.02) 0.98 0.69 (0.50, 0.88) Parameters Range Intercept Slope (95% CI) R 2 Mean relave Bias % (95% CI) Mean absolute Bias (95% CI) T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) CD3-CD19+ 28, 1088 -4.98 0.96 (0.93, 0.99) 0.95 -8.2 (-10.5, -5.8) CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 22, 1497 12.01 0.90 (0.87, 0.93) 0.95 -4.3 (-6.6, -1.9) T –Lymphocyte Subset (% of total Lymphocyte) CD3-CD19+ -0.80 1.03 (1.00, 1.06) 0.95 -0.39 (-0.57, -0.20) CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 0.20 0.96 (0.94, 0.99) 0.96 -0.27 (-0.45, -0.077) *: CD3+ is from average results of 2 IMK reagent tubes. Range Intercept Slope (95% CI) R 2 Mean Relave Bias % (95% CI) Mean Absolute Bias (95% CI) Parameter T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) CD3+CD4+ 19, 2686 -1.57 0.98 (0.97, 1.00) 0.98 -2.7 (-4.0, -1.4) -13.5 (-22.1, -5.0) CD3+CD8+ 149, 3252 7.88 0.98 (0.96, 1.00) 0.98 -10 (-20, -0.1) CD3+ 303. 5061 28.52 0.97 (0.96, 0.99) 0.97 -0.8 (-1.7, 0.0) T –Lymphocyte Subset (% of T Lymphocyte) CD3+CD4+ -0.56 1.01 (1.00, 1.02) 1.00 -0.23 (-0.41, -0.052) CD3+CD8+ -0.34 1.01 (1.00, 1.02) 0.99 -0.052 (-0.25, 0.15) Range Intercept Slope (95% CI) R 2 Mean relave Bias % (95% CI) Mean absolute Bias (95% CI) Parameter T –Lymphocyte Subset (cells/µL) CD3+CD4+ 10, 2575 3.32 0.97 (0.96, 0.99) 0.98 -1.8 (-3.2, -0.5) -14.5 (-22.9, -6.0) CD3+ 314, 4858 36.78 0.96 (0.94, 0.98) 0.97 -1.5 (-2.4, -0.7) T –Lymphocyte Subset (% of total Lymphocyte) CD3+CD4+ -0.022 1.00 (0.99, 1.02) 0.99 0.091 (-0.085, 0.27) CD3+ 1.72 0.98 (0.96, 1.01) 0.96 0.53 (0.28, 0.78) CD4 Bin CD4 Absolute Count (cells/µL) Number of samples <200 34 200—500 51 500—1000 83 1000—4500 41 CD4 Bin CD4 Absolute Count (cells/uL) Number of samples <200 35 200—500 48 500—1000 84 1000—4500 41 CD4 Bin CD4 Absolute Count (cells/µL) Number of samples <200 33 200 —500 51 500 —1000 83 1000 — 4500 42 Absolute mean bias (95% CI) Cells/µL 95% Limits of agreement Cells/µL n -9.8 (-13.8, -5.8) -46.3, 26.6 85 CD4 < 500 cells/µL CD4 < 500 cells/µL Absolute mean bias (95% CI) Cells/µL 95% Limits of agreement Cells/µL n -6.6 (-12.5, -0.6) -59.9, 46.8 84 Absolute mean bias (95% CI) Cells/µL 95% Limits of agreement Cells/µL n 1.7 (-3.2, 6.6) -42.4, 45.8 83 CD4 < 500 cells/µL

Accurate and Precise Performance of the BD FACSVia™ System

Apr 12, 2017



Julie Nguyen
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Page 1: Accurate and Precise Performance of the BD FACSVia™ System

Accurate and Precise Performance of the BD FACSVia™ System

for Determination of CD4 Cell Count and %CD4 Cell concentration

Charlene Bush-Donovan, Julie Nguyen, Maya Kalyan, Anna Lin, Tom Frey

BD Life Sciences, 2350 Qume Drive, San Jose, CA 95131

Introduction HIV/AIDS affects approximately 37 million people globally including 2.6 million children generating severe health and

development issues in the world, particularly in resource poor countries. A steady decrease of CD3+CD4+ lymphocyte

counts typically exhibits in HIV+ individuals as the infection progresses resulting in a dysfunctional immune system with

increased opportunistic infections and complications which often can lead to death. The full access to the highly effec-

tive ART therapy by the HIV+ community has dramatically reduced mortality and morbidity by allowing sustained control

of viral replication with improved life quality and expectancy. Determination of CD4 absolute count and percentages

plays a critical role in the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, initiation of ART, treatment monitoring and patient risk management

rendering CD4 count as an important clinical laboratory test. Providing easy access to flow cytometric technology for

HIV/AIDS diagnosis and monitoring is part of the global effort to decrease the rate of HIV infections and to end the AIDS

epidemic by 2030.

To meet global health needs, BD has developed the new and affordable BD FACSVia™ System. It is a small and

easy-to-use flow cytometer that features a compact optical design with fixed alignment. The BD FACSVia System

contains two lasers and four fluorescence detectors for use with various biological assays. The BD FACSVia instru-

ment provides pre-optimized detector settings so that users do not have to adjust PMT voltages and compensation

during daily use and operation. Daily one-step BD™ Cytometer Setup and Tracking (CS&T) procedure for instru-

ment QC on the BD FACSVia System can be accomplished in less than five minutes, which provides quality control

for electronics, fluidics, and optical performance as well as automatic optimization of instrument compensation. QC

results are tracked by BD FACSVia™ clinical software for long-term monitoring of instrument performance. New

design features, coupled with an intuitive user interface (UI) on the BD FACSVia system, significantly reduce the

number of clicks users have to make when running clinical assays. Improved workflow on the BD FACSVia Sys-

tem, such as simultaneous data analysis during sample acquisition or system cleaning, saves time and labor for

routine laboratory operation. The BD FACSVia™ Loader option is available to increase sample throughput in clini-

cal settings.

The BD Tritest™ CD4/CD8/CD3, and BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45, and BD Multitest IMK assays available on the BD

FACSVia system in Europe is designed to automatically enumerate absolute count and percentages of T, B and NK

lymphocytes using the BD Testest™ , BD Multitest IMK reagents with BD Trucount™ Tubes. To validate the BD

FACSVia System using these assays, we evaluated multiple BD FACSVia systems to demonstrate robust perfor-

mance using HIV+ patients and normal donors.


Instrument setup and QC

The BD FACSVia systems were set up using BD™ CS&T Beads and BD FACSVia clinical software. The CS&T Beads

were prepared by adding two drops of beads into 500 µL of DI water, then run on the BD FACSVia instrument to gener-

ate a passing Instrument QC report.

On the predicate system, the BD FACSCalibur™, BD Calibrite™ beads were prepared per the BD instructions for use

and run on the BD FACSCalibur instrument using BD FACSComp™ software to set up the BD FACSCalibur instrument.

A Pass on the BD FACSComp QC report was obtained on each study day.

The BD FACSVia and BD FACSCalibur instrument systems were also qualified by running process controls. BD Mul-

tiCheck control cells were prepared using the BD Tritest and Multitest reagents and run on both BD FACSVia and BD

FACSCalibur systems. The absolute count of lymphocyte subsets of the BD Multicheck control cells must pass the

specification range provided by the manufacturer on both the BD FACSVia and FACSCalibur instruments.

Method comparison

Method comparison was performed at BD Life Sciences with a total of 208 HIV+ and normal donor samples in EDTA

tubes. Each whole blood specimen was stained with the BD Tritest CD4/CD8/CD3, and BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45, and

BD Multitest IMK (CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 and CD3/CD16+56/CD45/CD19) reagents in BD Trucount tubes and

analyzed on the BD FACSVia System (Test) and BD FACSCalibur cytometer (Predicate). Acquisition was carried out on

a sample loader or using manual tube loading method. Lymphocyte subset absolute count and percentages were gen-

erated and compared between the predicate (reference) and test systems. Deming regression and Bland-Altman analy-

sis and Concordance Analysis were performed for lymphocyte subsets for the cell absolute count and percentages.


A 21-day study was conducted at BD Life Sciences, to assess within-site precision. Estimates of precision for the enu-

meration of lymphocyte subset percentages and absolute counts were determined across three BD FACSVia flow cy-

tometers and three operators by acquiring two concentrations of analyte, BD Multi-Check CD4 Low control and BD Mul-

ti-Check control, stained in duplicate with three lots of the BD Multitest IMK (CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 and CD3/ CD16+56/

CD45/CD19) reagents. Two separate runs were analyzed separately during each of the 21 tested days.


Eleven concentration levels of CD4 cells were prepared from normal donor whole blood. Triplicate stained samples us-

ing each of the reagents were measured on one BD FACSVia system to determine lymphocyte subset absolute counts

in the 11 linearity samples. Statistical analysis based on the CLSI guidance document EP6-A was performed to deter-

mine system linearity.




BD Tritest CD4/CD8/CD3

Method Comparison

BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45

Method Comparison

BD Multitest CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4

Method Comparison

BD Multitest CD3/CD16+56/CD45/CD19

Method Comparison

T –Lymphocyte


Linear range


CD3+CD4+ 5—6,500

CD3+CD8+ 5—3,500

CD3+ 5—10,000

T –Lymphocyte



control mean %CV







148.9 5.8 6.6

CD3+CD8+ 533.5 5.1 5.5

CD3+ 754.4 5 5.5

CD3+CD4+ 754.6 4.5 5.2 MC

normal CD3+CD8+ 369.0 4.6 5.3

CD3+ 1180.2 4.1 5.1

T –Lymphocyte

Subset (% of T


control mean SD







19.7 0.6 0.7

CD3+CD8+ 70.7 0.9 1.1

CD3+CD4+ 63.9 0.9 1 MC

normal CD3+CD8+ 31.1 0.8 0.9



T –Lymphocyte


Linear range


CD3+CD4+ 5—6,500

CD3+ 5—10,000


Precision T –Lymphocyte



control mean %CV







146.2 7.5 8.3

CD3+ 791.8 5.2 6.1

CD3+CD4+ 779.1 5.3 6.4 MC

normal CD3+ 1304.0 5.3 6.3

T –Lymphocyte Subset

(% of total Lympho-


control mean SD







10.2 0.5 0.6

CD3+ 55.0 1 1.1

CD3+CD4+ 43.2 1 1 MC

normal CD3+ 72.3 1.1 1.2

T –Lymphocyte


Linear range


CD3+CD4+ 5—6500

CD3+CD8+ 5—3500

CD3+ 10—14,000

T –Lymphocyte


Linear range


CD3-CD19+ 5—1800

CD3-(CD16+56)+ 5—1300

CD3+ 10—14,000

T –




control mean %CV







136.8 9.3 10.0

CD3+CD8+ 587.1 5.0 6.7

CD3+ 773.0 4.5 6.5

CD3+CD4+ 752.9 5.7 6.2 MC

normal CD3+CD8+ 374.4 5.3 6.3

CD3+ 1227.3 5.4 6.1

T –Lymphocyte Sub-

set (% of total Lym-


control mean SD







9.5 0.7 0.7

CD3+CD8+ 37.3 1.2 1.5

CD3+ 53.6 1.2 1.2

CD3+CD4+ 42.1 1.0 1.2 MC

normal CD3+CD8+ 20.9 0.8 1.1

CD3+ 68.6 1.4 1.7

T –Lymphocyte



control mean %CV



(within-site pre-


CD3-CD19+ MC


337.0 6.5 10.1



282.2 5.8 7.0

CD3+ 771.9 4.0 5.6

CD3-CD19+ 259.6 7.6 11.5 MC

normal CD3-(CD16+56)+ 218.7 7.5 7.5

CD3+ 1237.2 4.6 5.4

T –Lymphocyte Sub-

set (% of total Lym-


control mean SD





CD3-CD19+ MC


23.4 0.9 1.5

CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 19.6 0.7 1.1

CD3+ 53.6 1.0 1.3

CD3-CD19+ 14.3 0.9 1.3 MC

normal CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 12.1 0.6 0.7

CD3+ 68.5 1.5 1.5

Conclusion The BD FACSVia system demonstrated equivalent results of lymphocyte subset absolute count and percentages running the two BD Trit-

est (CD3/CD8/CD4 and CD3/CD4/CD45) and BD Multitest IMK (CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4) and (CD3/CD16+56/CD45/CD19) assays compared to

its predicate BD FACSCalibur system using FACSVia loader or manual tube loading method. Other system performance characteristics

such as reproducibility and within-site precision, system linearity, showed robust results and met study criteria. Analysis results of sam-

ples with CD4 < 500 cells/µL showed the mean absolute bias between BD FACSVia System and FACSCalibur for the absolute CD4 T cell

counts are 1.7 for the BD Multitest CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4, -9.8 for the BD Tritest CD3/CD8/CD4 and –6.6 for the BD Tritest CD3/CD4/CD45.

The BD FACSVia system provides an easy, reliable, and affordable solution to enumerate T, B and NK lymphocyte subsets for immune

monitoring for adults and pediatric populations, particularly for the HIV/AIDS diagnosis and monitoring.

Linearity Linearity

Precision Precision

Class 1 Laser Product. The BD FACSVia System is not yet available for sale in the US. © 2016 BD. BD, the BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company.

Parameters Range Intercept


(95% CI)

R2 Mean relative Bias %

(95% CI)

Mean absolute Bias

(95% CI)

T –Lymphocyte



CD3+CD4+ 14, 2608 2.63 0.99 (0.97,1.00) 0.99 -0.90 (-2.2, 0.5) -8.6 (-16.7, -0.5)

CD3+CD8+ 150, 2848 14.11 0.97 (0.95,0.98) 0.97 -1.7 (-2.8, -0.7)

*CD3+ 306, 4683 39.63 0.96 (0.94,0.98) 0.98 -1.4 (-2.1, -0.6)

T –Lymphocyte

Subset (% of total


CD3+CD4+ 0.29 1.00 (0.99,1.01) 0.99 0.31 (0.14, 0.47)

CD3+CD8+ 0.62 0.99 (0.97, 1.00) 0.99 0.068

(-0.15, 0.28)

*CD3+ 0.97 1.00 (0.98,1.02) 0.98 0.69 (0.50, 0.88)

Parameters Range Intercept


(95% CI)

R2 Mean relative Bias %

(95% CI)

Mean absolute Bias

(95% CI)

T –Lymphocyte



CD3-CD19+ 28, 1088 -4.98 0.96 (0.93, 0.99) 0.95 -8.2 (-10.5, -5.8)

CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 22, 1497 12.01 0.90 (0.87, 0.93) 0.95 -4.3 (-6.6, -1.9)

T –Lymphocyte

Subset (% of total


CD3-CD19+ -0.80 1.03 (1.00, 1.06) 0.95 -0.39 (-0.57, -0.20)

CD3-(CD16+CD56)+ 0.20 0.96 (0.94, 0.99) 0.96 -0.27 (-0.45, -0.077)

*: CD3+ is from average results of 2 IMK reagent tubes.

Range Intercept


(95% CI)

R2 Mean Relative Bias %

(95% CI)

Mean Absolute Bias

(95% CI)


T –Lymphocyte



CD3+CD4+ 19, 2686 -1.57 0.98 (0.97, 1.00) 0.98 -2.7 (-4.0, -1.4) -13.5 (-22.1, -5.0)

CD3+CD8+ 149, 3252 7.88 0.98 (0.96, 1.00) 0.98 -10 (-20, -0.1)

CD3+ 303. 5061 28.52 0.97 (0.96, 0.99) 0.97 -0.8 (-1.7, 0.0)

T –Lymphocyte

Subset (% of T


CD3+CD4+ -0.56 1.01 (1.00, 1.02) 1.00 -0.23 (-0.41, -0.052)

CD3+CD8+ -0.34 1.01 (1.00, 1.02) 0.99 -0.052 (-0.25, 0.15)

Range Intercept


(95% CI)

R2 Mean relative Bias %

(95% CI)

Mean absolute Bias

(95% CI)


T –Lymphocyte



CD3+CD4+ 10, 2575 3.32 0.97 (0.96, 0.99) 0.98 -1.8 (-3.2, -0.5) -14.5 (-22.9, -6.0)

CD3+ 314, 4858 36.78 0.96 (0.94, 0.98) 0.97 -1.5 (-2.4, -0.7)

T –Lymphocyte

Subset (% of total


CD3+CD4+ -0.022 1.00 (0.99, 1.02) 0.99 0.091 (-0.085, 0.27)

CD3+ 1.72 0.98 (0.96, 1.01) 0.96 0.53 (0.28, 0.78)

CD4 Bin CD4 Absolute Count


Number of


<200 34

200—500 51

500—1000 83

1000—4500 41

CD4 Bin CD4 Absolute



Number of


<200 35

200—500 48

500—1000 84

1000—4500 41

CD4 Bin CD4 Absolute Count


Number of


<200 33

200 —500 51

500 —1000 83

1000 — 4500 42

Absolute mean

bias (95% CI)


95% Limits of




-9.8 (-13.8, -5.8) -46.3, 26.6 85

CD4 < 500 cells/µL CD4 < 500 cells/µL Absolute mean

bias (95% CI)


95% Limits of




-6.6 (-12.5, -0.6) -59.9, 46.8 84

Absolute mean

bias (95% CI)


95% Limits of




1.7 (-3.2, 6.6) -42.4, 45.8 83

CD4 < 500 cells/µL