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1. Mrs. S. Lyrics Miruna.,, NET., SET.,PGDCAB.,DAF

Ph.D. Scholar,

Commerce Research Centre,

St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai-627002

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627012

2. Dr. S. David Appathurai.,, M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Commerce,

St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous),



The role of women in our society has changed radically in a previous couple of decades and

to improve things. Women are currently possessing the corporate positions recently viewed

as manly and are outpacing their male partners in certain regions. Reasons that persuade

women entrance in business shift yet in spite of the majority of their varieties in financial

foundations, they have demonstrated their value on numerous occasions. There are various

factors which motives women to become an entrepreneur. The present study aims to find out

the factors motiving women to become entrepreneurs in Tirunelveli city and to provide them

with suitable suggestions. The factors are mainly classified into two types: the push factors

and pull factors. The data was collected from 50 respondents in Tirunelveli city through

questionnaire method.

Key words: Women entrepreneurship, push factors, pull factors, economic growth,


Science, Technology and Development

Volume VIII Issue XII DECEMBER 2019

ISSN : 0950-0707

Page No : 271

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Monetary development and advancement of the nation is controlled by human, physical and

money related assets. An economy can proceed onward to more elevated amounts of

development either by gaining a bigger quantum of the variables of creation or through

specialized advancement. The goal of any arranged advancement is to create HR to their

overflowing use. Subsequently, industrialization is one of the methods for realizing financial

advancement in any nation. The monetary improvement of a country is started to a great

extent by its ambitious soul. India's economy is today balanced for a thriving pioneering

movement. It is likewise realized that a solid business condition is a basic prerequisite of

enterprising development. Since a high caliber innovative aptitude will in general accomplish

mechanical development, ability must originate from inside the earth for fast and supported

development of the economy. A nation might be wealthy in material assets and capital. Yet,

in the event that business enterprise is deficient with regards to, the usage of assets would not

be true to form.


1. To understand the concept of women entrepreneurship.

2. To identify the pull and push factors motivating women to become entrepreneurs.

3. To offer suggestions based on the findings.


Research Type: Empirical Research

Type of Data/Data Source used: Both Primary Data and Secondary Data were collected.

The present study is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected from

50 women entrepreneurs through questionnaire method. Secondary data was collected from

journals, and various related web-sites.

Tools used: Percentage analysis, weighted average and Garrett Ranking are used for the

present study.

Study area: The present study was conducted in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu.

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Volume VIII Issue XII DECEMBER 2019

ISSN : 0950-0707

Page No : 272

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Women entrepreneurship is the activity where women organize all the factors of production,

undertake risks, and provide employment to others.


The business enterprise is considered as one of the most significant variables adding to the

improvement of society. India has been positioned among the most exceedingly terrible

performing nations in the territory of women business enterprise in sexual orientation

centered worldwide business enterprise study, discharged in July 2013 by PC producer Dell

and Washington based counseling firm Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute

(GEDI). Of the 17 nations overviewed India positions sixteenth, simply above Uganda.

Nations like Turkey, Morocco, and Egypt have beaten India. Status of advanced education in

women in India turned out to be lower than most nations on the planet. At present, women'

innovative job is restricted in the enormous scale enterprises and innovation-based

organizations. Be that as it may, even in little-scale enterprises, the women' investment is

exceptionally low. According to the third all-India enumeration of Small Scale Industries, just

10.11% of the miniaturized scale and little endeavors were claimed by women, and just

9.46% of them were overseen by women. While the number of women working their very

own business is expanding comprehensively, women keep on confronting enormous

hindrances that trick the development of their organizations, for example, absence of capital,

severe social limitations, and restricted time and ability.


4.3.1. Planning

Planning is the essential administrative capacity of women business person. It helps in

deciding the game-plan for accomplishing different innovative goals like what to do when to

do, how to do and who will do a specific assignment.

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4.3.2. Sorting out

Each women business person needs a workforce to take a gander at the distinctive part of the

venture. She sets up the destinations, objectives to be accomplished by its work force. The

capacity of getting sorted out is to mastermind, manage, arrange, direct and control the

exercises of different components of creation, for example, men, materials, cash, and

machines in order to achieve the goals of the venture.

4.3.3. Staffing:

Each women business visionary needs to play out the capacity of staffing which incorporates

labor arranging, enrollment, choice and preparing, an arrangement of labor, advancement,

advancement, move and evaluation and assurance of representative compensation.

4.3.4. Coordinating

Coordinating is worried about completing the ideal plans. It starts composed and arranged

activity and guarantees powerful execution by subordinates towards the achievement of

gathering exercises.

4.3.5. Initiative

A women business visionary need to issue different requests, guidelines and guides her

subordinates in their work to improve their exhibition and accomplish endeavor targets. It is

the capacity to develop certainty and enthusiasm among individuals and to make an

inclination in them to be a fruitful pioneer; she should have the characteristics of prescience,

drive, activity, self-assurance, and individual uprightness.

4.3.6. Inspiration:

Women business visionary needs to give some close to home motivator to the subordinates to

spur induce and rouse them for contributing their best towards the accomplishment of big

business goals.

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4.3.7. Supervision:

In the wake of giving guidelines, the women business person needs to see that the given

directions are conveyed by subordinates at work to get the required and coordinated work

done and to address the subordinates at whatever point they turn out badly.

4.3.8. Coordination

Coordination is one of the most significant capacities. It makes a group sprite and aides in

accomplishing objectives through aggregate endeavors to give solidarity of activity in the

quest for normal goals.

4.3.9. Controlling

Controlling is the procedure which empowers to get its arrangements executed and take

remedial activities if the presentation isn't as per the pre-decided gauges.


4.4.1. Wealth Creation and Sharing:

By setting up the business substance, business visionaries contribute their very own assets

and pull in the capital (as an obligation, value, and so on.) from financial specialists, loan

specialists, and general society. This activates open riches and enables individuals to profit by

the achievement of business visionaries and developing organizations. This sort of pooled

capital that outcomes in riches creation and circulation are one of the fundamental objectives

and objectives of monetary advancement.

4.4.2. Make Jobs:

Business people are naturally and definition work makers, rather than occupation searchers.

The straightforward interpretation is that when you turned into a business person, there is one

less work searcher in the economy, and after that, you give work to different other occupation

searchers. This sort of occupation creation by new and existing organizations is again is one

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of the fundamental objectives of financial advancement. This is the reason the Govt. of India

has propelled activities, for example, Startup India to advance and bolster new businesses,

and furthermore others like the Make in India activity to draw in outside organizations and

their FDI into the Indian economy. This thusly makes a lot of openings for work and is

helping in increasing our norms to a worldwide level.

4.4.3. Adjusted Regional Development:

Business people setting up new organizations and mechanical units help with provincial

improvement by situating in less created and in reverse zones. The development of ventures

and business in these territories prompts framework enhancements like better streets and rail

joins air terminals, stable power and water supply, schools, emergency clinics, shopping

centers and other open and private administrations that would not generally be accessible.

Each new business that situates in a less created region will make both immediate and

circuitous occupations, helping lift local economies from various perspectives. The

consolidated spending by all the new workers of the new organizations and the supporting

employments in different organizations adds to the neighborhood and territorial financial

yield. Both local and state governments advance this sort of provincial improvement by

giving enlisted MSME organizations different advantages and concessions.

4.4.4. Gross domestic product and Per Capita Income:

India's MSME segment, involved 36 million units that give work to in excess of 80 million

individuals, presently represents over 37% of the nation's GDP. Each new option to these 36

million units utilizes considerably more assets like land, work and cash-flow to create items

and administrations that add to the national pay, national item and per capita pay of the

nation. This development in GDP and per capita pay is again one of the fundamental

objectives of financial improvement.

4.4.5. Way of life:

Increment in the way of life of individuals in a network is one more key objective of financial

improvement. Business people again assume a key job in expanding the way of life in a

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network. They do this by making occupations, yet additionally by creating and embracing

advancements that lead to enhancements in the personal satisfaction of their workers, clients,

and different partners in the network. For instance, mechanization that decreases generation

costs and empowers quicker creation will make a specialty unit progressively beneficial,

while likewise furnishing its clients with similar merchandise at lower costs.

4.4.6. Fares:

Any developing business will, in the long run, need to begin with fares to grow their business

to remote markets. This is a significant element of financial improvement since it gives

access to greater markets, and prompts money inflows and access to the most recent bleeding

edge advances and procedures being utilized in increasingly created remote markets. Another

key advantage is that this extension that prompts progressively stable business income during

financial downturns in the nearby economy.

4.4.7. Network Development:

Financial advancement doesn't generally convert into network improvement. Network

improvement requires a foundation for instruction and preparing, medicinal services, and

other open administrations. For instance, you need exceptionally instructed and talented

specialists in a network to draw in new organizations. On the off chance that there are

instructive foundations, specialized preparing schools, and entry-level position openings, that

will help fabricate the pool of taught and talented laborers.

A genuine case of how this sort of network improvement can be advanced is Azim Hashim

Premji, Chairman of Wipro Limited, who gave Rs. 27,514 crores for advancing training

through the Azim Premji Foundation. This establishment works with in excess of 350,000

schools in eight states crosswise over India.

Along these lines, there is a significant job for business people to start financial advancement

by beginning new organizations, making occupations, and adding to progress in different key

objectives, for example, GDP, sends out, way of life, abilities improvement and network


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Page No : 277

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4.5.1 Conflicts among Work and Domestic Commitments - Women's family commitments

likewise bar them from getting to be fruitful businesspeople in both created and creating

countries. "Having essential obligation regarding youngsters, home and more seasoned ward

relatives, couple of women can commit all their time and energies to their business"

(Starcher, 1996)

4.5.2 Lack of money - Access to back is one of the most widely recognized difficulties that

business visionaries face and this is particularly valid for women who are further Women

Entrepreneurship in India 1145 obstructed by absence of individual ID, absence of property

in their own name and the requirement for their significant other's countersignature on

numerous reports.

4.5.3 Legal imperatives in family law-The institutional and lawful condition are basic to the

development of female-possessed endeavors. Laws controlling the private circle explicitly

those in regards to marriage, legacy, and land can upset women' entrance to resources that

can be utilized as a guarantee when verifying an advance.

4.5.4 Heavy family duties leave an interest on women particularly those in rustic regions

who have more kids. They are required to play out their customary job as housewives and

along these lines; they have less long stretches of extra time than men, both during the end of

the week and on weekdays. An ILO report on women business enterprise recognizes the

accompanying issues looked by women business visionaries.

4.5.5 Lack of family support-Sometimes the family may make the women feel remorseful

of ignoring family unit obligations in her quest for business commitments. Social customs

may keep down a women from wandering into her very own business.

4.5.6 Lack of capital - conventional wellsprings of the fund like banks is hesitant to loan to

women business people particularly on the off chance that they don't have any male or family

backing. This is particularly valid for lower pay females. Women don't have sufficient fund

or lawful information to begin a venture.

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Page No : 278

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4.5.7 Lack of certainty and confidence absence of good examples undermines the self-

assurance of women business people. The action of selling is viewed as loathsome to the

female sexual orientation.

4.5.8 Lack of right open/private foundations Most open and private motivating forces are

abused and don't arrive at the women except if she is upheld by a man. Additionally, many

exchange affiliations like services, assemblies of trade don't take into account women

anticipating that women' associations should do the essential thing.



Improvement of women has been an approach goal of the legislature since freedom. Until the

70s the idea of women' improvement was for the most part welfare situated. In the 1970s,

there was a move from welfare way to deal with advancement approach that perceived the

commonly strengthening nature of the procedure of improvement. The 80s received a multi-

disciplinary methodology with an accentuation on three center territories of wellbeing,

instruction, and business. Women were given needs in every one of the parts including SSI

segment. Government and non-government bodies have given expanding consideration to

women' monetary commitment through independent work and mechanical endeavors.

The First Five-Year Plan (1951-56) imagined various welfare measures for women.

Foundation of the Central Social Welfare Board, an association of Mahila Mandals and the

Community Development Programs were a couple of steps toward this path.

In the second Five-Year Plan (1956-61), the strengthening of women was firmly connected

with the general methodology of escalated agrarian advancement programs.

The Third and Fourth Five-Year Plans (1961-66 and 1969-74) upheld female training as a

noteworthy welfare measure.

The Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974-79) underlined preparing of women, who needed pay and

insurance. This arrangement harmonized with International Women's Decade and the

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accommodation of Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in India. In1976,

Women's welfare and Development Bureau was set up under the Ministry of Social Welfare.

The Sixth Five-Year Plan (1980-85) saw a clear move from welfare to improvement. It

perceived women' absence of access to assets as a basic factor looming their development.

The Seventh Five-Year Plan (1985-90) underlined the requirement for sex correspondence

and strengthening. Just because, accentuation was put upon subjective perspectives, for

example, the teaching of certainty, age of mindfulness with respect to rights and preparing in

abilities for better business.

The Eighth Five-Year Plan (1992-97) concentrated on engaging women, particularly at the

Grass Roots Level, through Panchayati Raj Institutions.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan (1997-2002) embraced a technique of Women's Component Plan,

under which at the very least 30 percent of assets/benefits were reserved for women related


The Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-07) targets engaging women through interpreting the as of

late embraced National Policy for Empowerment of Women (2001) without hesitation and

guaranteeing Survival, Protection and Development of women and kids through the rights-

based methodology.

1. Udyogini: Udyogini was set up to co-ordinate and encourage the executives preparing for

grassroots women' gatherings by the World Bank-financed program named Women's

Enterprise Management Training Outreach Program (WEMTOP). This was a three-year

participatory activity learning undertaking planned for building up a suitable educational plan

and visual-put together preparing materials with respect to miniaturized scale endeavor the

executives to fabricate limit in NGOs to do venture just as to prepare women at the grassroots

to oversee ventures. This association dispatches the advancement program for women named

• Value chain improvement

• Microenterprise preparing and handholding

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2. The Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs (FIWE): This is a National-level

Organization that attempts to bring the agents on a typical stage and guarantees that their

conclusions, thoughts, and dreams are all things considered and adequately taken up with

strategy producers and different offices individually for the improvement of Enterprise in

Women. This association works in the heading of making mindfulness towards women'

commitment to the National Economy, Educate and Train young women business people for

their correct inception into the business. This alliance propelled the following plans:

The small scale credit program

• Business advising

• Enterprise mindfulness program

• FIWE little girl program

3. Channel Program: The 'Aqueduct' program, executed by Development Alternative (DA)

in relationship with NABARD as an ancestral improvement reserve support. The

"Watercourse" model of inborn advancement is a comprehensive way to deal with location

generation, handling and promoting of the product and furthermore different needs of innate

families. The Wadi model has been observed to be extremely viable in making feasible

vocations for innate families, consequently decreasing movement frequencies.

4. Service of little scale businesses and service of agro and provincial ventures: In request

to reduce the issues looked by women business visionaries, Government of India propelled

Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development of Women (TREAD) plot in

1998. The plan visualizes improvement of miniaturized scale/little women undertakings in

the nation both in the urban and rustic regions. The primary goal of the plan is to engage

women through the advancement of their enterprising abilities by dispensing with limitations

looked by them in their circle of exchange. A modified plan of TREAD was propelled in May


5. Startup Accelerator Chamber of Commerce-INDIA SACC is a gathering of similarly

invested, magnanimous business people, experts focused on to acquire a change building up

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the Startup eco-framework in Punjab and Chandigarh area. SACC began its tasks in

Chandigarh/Punjab locale in 2014. This organization is working for the reason for advancing

enterprise and animating a Startup benevolent eco-framework. SACC solidly accepts that

women in enterprise acquire a fine balance the general public, equivalent open door for

Women and youth is critical.

6. Ongoing plans propelled by Government:

• ASPIRE: A Scheme for Promoting Innovation and Rural Entrepreneurship: This plan

is propelled by the legislature of India for the advancement of Innovation, Rural Industry and

Entrepreneurship on 18.3.2015. The plan was propelled mostly for advancing business

enterprise in the agro-industry. Under this plan, different brooding focuses set up to quicken

business enterprise. Yearn gives the required range of abilities to building up business

ventures. For this plan, a spending limit of 200cr is apportioned in spending plan 2014.

• Revamped Coir Udyami Yojana (CUY) and Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY): Coir Udyami

Yojana is a credited connected appropriation plot in coir segment that plans to coordinate and

create coir units. The plan gives 40% as Govt. endowment, 55% as Bank credit and 5%

recipient commitment for setting up of coir units with venture cost up to Rs.10.00 lakh. Coir

VikasYojana (CVY) centers around preparing for men and women coir laborers likewise

gives financed Ratts to women laborers separated from giving help to set up and extension of

coir units. This plan additionally gives help under CVY is likewise given to cooperation in

global and local presentations/Fairs.

• Trade-Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD) Scheme: This

plan centers around engaging women monetarily through exchange related preparing, data

and guiding expansion exercises identified with exchanges, items, administrations and so

forth. Budgetary advances are given under this plan by Nationalized Banks and awards by

Government of India at the pace of 30% of the advance subject to greatest furthest reaches of

Rs.30.00 lakh for undertaking independent work adventures by women in non-ranch


• Mahila Coir Yojana: Under this plan budgetary help is accommodated mechanized ratts

for turning coir yarn to women craftsman subsequent to giving preparing. The government

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gives mechanized ratts/mechanized customary ratts at 75% cost sponsorship subject to the

greatest roof of Rs.7500/ - for mechanized ratts and Rs.3200/ - for mechanized conventional

ratts. The staying 25% is raised by the recipients. Reserve dispensed for these plans during

the present year (2015-16) is Rs.6.70 crore.


Pull factors attract women to the universe of business. They are the impacts that propel

women and make them need to contend. A women's craving to pick up acknowledgment,

regard, significance, societal position, and financial autonomy are some normal draw factors.

Notwithstanding these elements, the Feminism development is likewise affecting numerous

women to demonstrate that women can stand side by side with men and to realize change in

the impression of women and their jobs, rights, and opportunities. With a frame of mind of,

"What men can do, women can improve," women are ready to run the world. Equipped with

normally better social abilities and expanding open doors for more elevated amounts of

instruction, women don't have to avoid beginning something of their own and making it a

triumph. Giving men a keep running for their cash, women have risen as the present day

saints in the business world, boosting the loosen economy and making employments. The

consistently developing number of women business visionaries will proceed to develop, and

women in business are digging in for the long haul. The wheels have been gotten under way

and there's no thinking once again from this pattern.


Push variables incorporate circumstances that push women to procure a living one way or the

other. These are the circumstances when women don't have a decision however to acquire,

similar to the passing of the provider of the family, an unexpected fall in the pay or a family

salary that is excessively low. In such conditions, a few women take occupations whether

they're cheerful doing them or not. They'll take the necessary steps to think about their

families. For certain women, the arrangement is to push past obstructions and fabricate their

own organizations.


Hisrich & Brush, (1986), the factors that motivate women entrepreneurs are classified into

push and pull factors. Their findings of their study reveal that push factors are the major

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Page No : 283

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motivational factors. These factors include: frustration, job dissatisfaction, deployment,

divorce and boredom in their previous jobs. According to them pull factors to include:

independence, autonomy, education and family security.

Suganthi(2009) & Tambunan(2009), study shows that significant influence of investment,

experience, profit and turnover over the financial sources and knowledge, profit, previous

experience and family member advice, family income are the motivating factors of women


Cohoon,,(2010) study shows that the successful men and women entrepreneurs share

similar motivations and women who choose to become entrepreneurs are motivated primarily

by five financial and psychological factors.

Katoch(2010), reveal that the family income factors play a significant role in motivating

them to take up entrepreneurial venture and major factor that discourage them is labour


Antony(2011), Pandey(2013), Barman & Chanu(2015), Balhara & Singh(2015) revealed

the motivating factors as self-identity, educational qualification, to be ideal citizen, for a

bright future, supplementary income, family occupation, Govt. policies & schemes, liberty in

taking decisions, employment generations, for self-satisfaction, innovative creative &

thinking and change in the business environment which are responsible for encouraging

women to become entrepreneurs.

Matharu,,(2016), study has revealed factors like ambition, supportive, professional

competence, confidence, affluence, independence, responsive and work environment as the

important entrepreneurial motivational factors for women.

Saikia, (2017), study shows the different motivational factors affecting the women to joined

entrepreneurial venture viz educational qualification, self-esteem, economic needs,

independence etc. Hence, it can be said that there are a number of motivational factors which

pushed women in the entrepreneurial ventures.

Singh and Raghuvanshi (2012) claim that women entrepreneurs experience financial

problems and greater marketing challenges as compared to men in similar field. Women

entrepreneurs according to the authors need regular and frequent capital for their business,

which is not readily available. According to the author, for a long time, there are no long-

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term financial institutions which are willing to fund women enterprises. This situation has

improved slowly but men still have a head start in starting-up businesses.

Patterson et al., (2012) study on the influence of masculinity and feminist sentiments in both

leadership and entrepreneurship. They observed that leadership attributes and qualities of

entrepreneurs are described using masculine adjectives because these occupations have been

for a long time reserved for male members of the society.

Gupta et al. (2007) suggest that the higher the proactive-ness of a person in performing a

task, the lower the stereotyping towards them and the higher chances of failure. In other

words, the more a person cares about one particular task, the more sensitive they are to the

negative stereotyping of that task. Proactive women are said to be more likely incline towards



Table 1: Demographic Profile of Respondents

Particulars Classification Percentage


21-30 38.0%

31-40 24.0%

41-50 12.0%

51-60 16.0%

Above 60 10.0%


Illiterate 15.0%

School level 55.0%

Graduate 15.0%

Post Graduate 10.0%

Others 5.0%

Marital Status

Married 53.0%

Unmarried 43.0%

Ownership Status

Acquired 6.0%

Ancestral 13.0%

Newly started 81.0%

Source: Primary data

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From the above Table 1 it is clear that majority of 38% respondents are in the age category of

‘21-30’ years. Under qualification majority of 55% respondents are in the category ‘school

level’. Majority of 53% respondents are married. Majority of 81% respondents have newly

started their business.

Table: 2 Pull Factors motivating women entrepreneurship in Tirunelveli city



Pull Factors

Level of agreement





y agree



Disagree Strongly


1 Concession and


17 15 10 6 2 12.6 II

2 Having technical


12 15 11 8 4 11.53 IV

3 Excitement of


9 6 11 14 10 9.3 VII

4 Financial


14 10 9 12 5 11.06 V

5 Educational


15 13 5 6 9 10.86 VI

6 Generating extra


20 14 11 4 3 13.3 I

7 Autonomy in


16 12 8 10 4 11.73 III

Source: Primary data

The above Table 2 states that the Pull factor ‘Generating extra income’ is given rank I with

the weighted average score of 13.3 and the Pull factor ‘Excitement of entrepreneurship’ is

given the rank VII with the least weighted average score of 9.3.

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ISSN : 0950-0707

Page No : 286

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Table: 3 Push Factors motivating women entrepreneurship in Tirunelveli city

S. No Push Factors Garrett Ranking



1 Job dissatisfaction 52.1 IV

2 Lack of adequate income from the job 60.46 II

3 Lack of qualification to get the job 53.92 III

4 Seasonal nature of job 50.72 V

5 Compulsion by family members 44.02 VI

6 Responsibility to continue the family


37.14 VIII

7 Difficulty in the job 40.7 VII

8. Lack of job opportunity 60.94 I

Source: Primary data

The above table 3 shows that the Push factor ‘Lack of job opportunity’ is given rank I with

the Garret ranking score of 60.94 and the Push factor ‘Responsibility to continue the family

business’ in rank VIII with the least Garret ranking score of 37.14.


The Educational Institutions should include Entrepreneurial training and development

in their cuuriculum so as to inculcate Entrepreneurial motivation from the school level

of education.

Government should consider entrepreneurial activity as a tool to eradicate

unemployment and provide necessary assistance. They have to conduct various

awareness programme to motivate entrepreneurship.


There is no debate to the way that persuasive variables assume a noteworthy job in pushing

the women to fire up their very own endeavors It is found in the present investigation that

distinctive inspirational components diversity affect the women entrepreneurs of Tirunelveli.

Science, Technology and Development

Volume VIII Issue XII DECEMBER 2019

ISSN : 0950-0707

Page No : 287

Page 18: AN EMPRICAL STUDY ON FACTORS MOTIVATING WOMEN · an emprical study on factors motivating women entrepreneurship in tirunelvei city 1. mrs.

Monetary need and joblessness are the main considerations that force women to go for

pioneering adventures. Various key arrangement measures are proposed to engage and

improve women’s innovative activities. These activities may make a positive business

condition that empowers women business visionaries to exploit forthcoming business sector

openings and defeat the current deterrents. In spite of the present troubles and drawbacks

women have extra characteristics, inventiveness and persistence can help them in beginning

independent companies and to effectively create them. Moreover, despite everything they

need consolation, support and, considerably more, cautiously structured preparing and

coaching programs. It is significant that each country ought to comprehend and perceive that

women are the gigantic potential asset for financial improvement, so as to use this asset there

is a requirement for a cautious program to teach innovative aptitudes in the psyches of

women in Tirunelveli city.


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