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Page 1: Agent99 final-trombetta,paudyn,vizcardo,young






ON APRIL25TH, 2013




Page 2: Agent99 final-trombetta,paudyn,vizcardo,young

Client ………………………………………………………….3Client goals……………………………………………………3Target ………………………………………………………....4Segment ……………………………………………………... 5 The big Idea…………………………………………………..6Message……………………………………………………..…7Channel………………………………………………………..8 Creative ………………………………………………………9Creative continued ……………………………………..….10 The results ………………………………………………….11The results continued ……………………………….…….12Milestones …………………………………………….…….13Analysis………………………………………………….…..14


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1. Looking to increase traffic from Monday to Wednesday2. Encourage multiple item purchases from the current traffic flow3. Increase Social Media databases (currently 1500 Facebook

followers)4. Reward Current Customers5. Encourage return visits6. Increase Sales


Agent 99 is an independently-owned fashion retail store located in downtown Kingston, Ontario, where you can find stylish and unique articles. There is a surprisingly large fan base outside of the Kingston region including Ottawa, Cornwall and Trenton based tourists. The store appeals to fashion-forward ladies between the ages of 13 and 18 years of age, however it carries a wide variety of items which interest those outside of the target demographic such as post-secondary students to professionals. The styles carried range from fun-casual to formal.

Upon attending the client briefing, the following goals were identified:

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1. The target is different depending on the season.The current target demographic is middle school to high school girls

2. Agent 99 also appeals to the Trenton, Cornwall and Ottawa tourist market

3. Styles inspired by fashion-forward cities (London, New York, Berlin)

4. The target enjoys the charm and uniqueness of the independent store

5. Middle class appeal with items ranging from $35 to $225

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For the purpose of this campaign, we were asked to target this season’s target demographic which is middle to high school girls. More specifically, grade 8s and 12s because of graduation and prom.

Seeing as this was a blended campaign using both traditional mail and email components, we had 2 different lists. The email list was compiled through Facebook searches, and recipients were selected based on age and interest (in fashion, design, celebrities etc…)

As for the traditional mail piece, it was specially delivered door-to-door around KCVI- strategically selected due to the number of students who live walking distance from the school and it’s proximity to downtown. It also suited the middle class target of the store.


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THE BIG IDEAWe chose to implement a blended campaign that uses both traditional and online components.

Taking into consideration Cyndy’s goal of encouraging multiple item purchases, we developed a bag sale idea which involved designing reusable Agent 99 shopping bags that, for the purpose of the campaign, could be filled up and everything that fits in it would be %15 to %20 off. The focus then shifted to accessories and the campaign took on a different look. The bags become envelopes that were special-delivered door-to-door. The front side contained 4 pictures of models in Agent 99 clothing and a catchy headline stating, “ATTENTION- What’s missing in these pictures?”. The envelope then provided all the terms and invited the recipient to the store to receive the discount.

We wanted to reach the target market online as well and developed an interest-specific list of middle & high school students. This was sent to them via Mail Chimp and invited them to come to the store where their envelope would be waiting for them.

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1. Offer: 20% off select accessories. We chose this message because there are many images on the Facebook page of dresses and other apparel with little to no accessories

2. Sale appeal: We are offering 20% off select accessories when the envelope is used and presented at the time of purchase

3. Action: We were aiming to make Agent 99 a destination store and encourage multiple item purchases.

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Hand delivered 100 bags to homes around the KCVI area because most of the students live within walking distance.

Other 50 left in store for those informed through Mail Chimp. Enough envelopes in-store for them and a friend to join.

An adjustment was made after reviewing the mid-campaign results. The envelopes were removed from the store and delivered to the Calderwood area.

&Door to Door Mail Mail Chimp

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Our campaign’s creative lies entirely in the direct mail piece. It resembles a sewing pattern package, which is appropriate due to the fact that Agent 99 is a fashion retailer. The creative components of this campaign include:

The envelope that recipients are to use to redeem 20% off all accessories they can fit in it.

The design on the front of the envelope asks a question and encourages recipient to turn it over, viewing the campaign terms.

Envelopes were hung on doors with red ribbon rather than placed in mailboxes.

To maintain the “indie” feel of the store, the envelopes were printed on a home computer.

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Cost Per Piece = $0.32 This resulted in a fairly cost efficient traditional direct mail


Cost Item $37.00 Envelopes

$0.10 x 200= $20 Envelope Printing

(200/3) $0.10= $6.70 Info Card Printing

$63.70/200= $0.32 COST PER PIECE

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THE RESULTS CONT…Metrics relevant to this campaign include: Response Rate

# of sales due to campaign Response remained the same even after new delivery location We estimated a minimum of 5 responses. Unfortunately this was

no accomplished Information Acquired

Name & School ( to be filled out on mail piece & collected in store)

If there had been any responses, we would have collected this data. We estimated that an overwhelming majority would be KCVI students because of the location we delivered to.

Emails Opened 2% of emails sent were opened according to Mail Chimp

analytics We expected a slightly higher rate (5% to 7%) however

are pleased with the outcome of the email campaign. To improve upon this we would have used a larger list.

Even after changes were made, there was no difference in the number of responses. Looking back now, we believe the best way to adapt the campaign would have been to use more direct mail pieces through a different method of delivery

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MILESTONES Bag Selection

We originally wanted to go with a reusable bag like other retailers but realized that this was not a possibility because it was not cost efficient.

We went to various retailers looking for bag options. We finally settled on using envelopes.

Print Options We looked at everything from Staples to print screening but thought that

home printing would be the most effective way to go. It would not only keep with the ‘indie’ appeal but also be much more cost efficient than the alternatives.

Design- no simple matter The envelope concept was created on InDesign. Envelopes were then taped to an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of printer paper

which acted as a template. The envelope had to be placed in the exact same place consistently. If

this wasn’t done it would have missed the envelope and printed on the template instead.

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ANALYSISResultsThough the actual number of responses was 0, we believe it would have shown better results if the following things had been done a little differently:

Target We had used it to reach a different target (university & college girls) rather than the

middle and high school market. Seeing as the target changes seasonally, it would be best to use this when the post secondary target is the primary one.

Channel We would change the delivery method. Because this campaign involves a tangible

item, hand delivering it to pedestrians on Princess Street by princess would have been ideal.

Cyndy could also send a Facebook message out to her entire “like” list inviting them in store to take advantage of the promotion. She could also make it “invite only” to add an essence exclusivity.

Design Method We recommend that the printing be done professionally rather than at home. As

described earlier, it is no easy task.

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