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Zimbabwe Christian College has started a new academic year. The incoming first year students are working hard to complete their assignments while the third year students are more difficult to motivate. Now that we have those first few chaotic weeks out of the way, we have settled to a productive pace. This term I have the third year students for Apologetics and a combined class of both first and third year students for Life of Christ. This arrangement has been difficult for the first year students, I guess it shows how much the third year stu-dents have actually learned while they are here.

While Africa has some wonderful qualities, I have recently been reminded how frequentlyviolence and crime rise to the surface. We have many friends and acquaintances that have been broken into, beaten up and robbed at night. Many of the victims are left with broken bones and permanent injuries. One of the preachers in training at ZCC did not like the pressure of memorizing the Bible passages I had assigned for our Life of Christ class. He lost his temper and demanded that I not require them to complete the memory verses. When I said he did need to complete the assignment

Vol. 20 October 2014 No. 3

2014 First and Third Year Students

Page 2: A z christian mission -- october 2014

and might need to leave the classroom if he could not control his temper, he threatened to have me expelled from Zimbabwe. For a mo-ment I thought he would punch me. Later, when his temper calmed down, we discovered that this preacher’s brother was killed in the revolutionary war (between the white govern-ment and the black revolutionaries) and that the preacher had worked for a white farmer who was unkind to him. Following this incident we prayed, apologized to one another and recon-ciled. Africa needs to submit to the ways of God and repent of violence and rage. Things are so much better when we try to please God.

The Gideon’s International chapter in Chinhoyi needed transportation for several of their mem-bers who are struggling financially. I took two different men on two trips each to distribute Bibles at schools. It was a blessing to see the eagerness on the faces of the children. It was also good to get to know some of the strong African church leaders from other denomina-tions in Chinhoyi. The schooling conditions are very primitive but the teachers and students are working hard and making progress. Zimbabwe has one of the best education systems in Africa. Unlike the US, Zimbabwe wants Bibles for their students!

So far donations have enabled us to sell over 1,600 Shona Bibles to the churches of the student who attend ZCC at half price in the last 12 months. Every day that I am at ZCC I get more requests for Bibles. This Friday I asked my Apologetics class at if they thought that half of the people in their churches had Bibles; all of them thought it was much less than half, some said very few people have a Bible. Zimbabwe is covered with cult Christian groups popping up everywhere claiming to be prophets and healers, all the while ignoring the Bible and misleading millions of people. What the “Christians” need are Bibles so they can know for themselves what God really is asking of them. I sincerely believe that assisting Zimba-bweans in purchasing Bibles is one of the best investments we can make in the kingdom of God while on earth. Church buildings are use-ful, hospitals are a worthy cause; but the sword of the Spirit is the word of God, while the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword. Please consider donating toward Bibles to help arm your brothers in the fight for everlasting life.

To help financially, please designate your contributions to A-Z Christian Mission and mail it to our Forwarding Agents (address on the letterhead).

A-Z Christian Mission is a ministry of Twin Falls Community Christian Church in Twin Falls, ID, in sending the Adams to Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, Africa.

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