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7 reasons why organic gifts this Lunar New Year.

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Page 3: 7 reasons why organic gifts this Lunar New Year











更為全家人帶來好健康,這就是送上Why Not?™有機新年


愛護家人健康,就從有機開門七件事開始。Why Not?

Relish real rice, taste real oil, enjoy real tea...This lunar new year, why not present your love ones an exceptional gift of Seven Kitchen Essentials?

Lunar New Year season is just around the corner, it is time like this that we recall the warm and blissful feeling of home… and the unforgettable aroma of home cooked meals.

Every festive season, kitchens are bustling, everyone in the family are busy cooking while happily chatting away. The feeling of happiness is everywhere.

It is indeed a blessing to have family gathered together for reunion meal. This year, let’s boost the flavour of our reunion meal with the finest organic ingredients, giving complete nutrition and nothing artificial. Besides the authentic flavour, you are bringing good health to your love ones as well. Excellent reason to take home this Why Not?™ organic hamper!

For good health, let’s begin with the organic Seven Kitchen Essentials. Why not?

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添 柴 添 福

七 巧 好 米

健 康 加 油

鹽 年 益 壽

天 醬 鴻 福

醋 入 平 安

自 在 綠 茶

有機香料鹽 Organic 12-Herbs Salt

有機烹飪油 Organic Cooking Oil

有機蘋果醋 Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

傳統竹炭 Traditional Bamboo Charcoal Plate

有機日本醬清 Japanese Organic Shoyu

有機茉莉綠茶 Organic Jasmine Green Tea

有機七穀米 Organic Multigrain Rice

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Traditional Bamboo Charcoal PlateBamboo charcoal is produced by burning bamboo at temperature close to 1,000°C for over 30 days and then cooled down in a very short time. This process increases the porosity of bamboo and surface area of bamboo charcoal to about 700m2/g, which is two times higher than wood charcoal; giving it a super absorptive force to remove impurities. It is excellent for water purification by removing chlorine residues and other impurities. Just put it in your drinking water, aquarium and also use it for rice cooking!


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Organic Multigrain RiceBrown or white? 80% or more nutrients (mostly valuable vitamin Bs, fibre from the bran, vitamin E and minerals from the germs) are lost in the process of milling and refining brown rice to produce white rice. The process left behind just starch that could cause over-weight, constipation and other health problems. The process also spoiled the natural flavour and aroma of the grains. As a result, synthetic fragrances are often added.

Food created by Mother Nature has balanced nu-trients essential for pro-viding our body energy and endurance, calm our nerves and encourage deep sleep. Whole grain promotes elimination, quick reflexes, long me-mory and clear thinking. Stop the “white diet” now and GO WHOLE-FOOD!


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Why Not?™有機烹飪油是以含 高油酸的葵花籽油及芝麻油特別調配而成。其中特選品種的葵花籽含有較高的單元不飽和脂肪酸,因此油質特別穩定;而芝麻油富含天然抗氧化劑,因此能夠耐高溫而不變質。

Why Not?™有機烹飪油的發煙 點高達246˚C,在高溫烹調時也能保持油質穩定,是家家戶戶廚房掌舵人的健康選擇。

Organic Cooking OilTraditionally, Asians are accustomed to deep or stir fry our food, especially during festive seasons. Most conventional cooking oils today are extracted at high temperature using chemical solvents and are then bleached, refined, deodorized and hydrogenated. During cooking, these oils produce trans-fat that could increase bad cholesterol, reduce good cholesterol, thicken our blood as well as add burden to our liver.

Why Not?™ Organic Cooking Oil is a special blend of high oleic sunflower seed oil and unrefined sesame oil. High oleic sunflower seed oil is exceptionally stable due to the higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids and sesame oil contains antioxidants which make this oil resistant to heat. Combination of these two oils produce cooking oil with high smoking point (246˚C) making it ideal especially for high heat cooking.


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Organic 12-Herbs SaltOrdinary table salt is usually harvested from salt mine and it is refined to remove impurities so it gives the salt a pure white colour. After the refining process, it has been stripped off valuable trace elements vital for the body and comprised of merely sodium chloride.

Specially blended from sea salt, yeast and 12 types of organically grown herbs, Sonnentor 12-Herbs Salt is a classic seasoning and should be part of every kitchen. It has a vast array of vital trace elements such as iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine found in hand harvested sea salt. Sonnentor 12-Herbs Salt is highly versatile, it enhances the aroma of soups, salad, stew and etc. Use it almost everywhere you would use salt for better taste and nutrition!


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有機日本醬清嘗嘗四百年留傳日本古方釀制醬油,每一瓶都經過兩個夏天之 久 的 發 酵 期 , 采 用 有 機 黃豆、冬麥及海鹽等原料,以低鹽、不添加任何化學成份,完全天然發酵制成。

一般醬油采用的原料是化學植物蛋白 (hydrolysed vegetable protein, HVP)、酒精、糖精、精鹽等,還含有味精、色素及防腐劑。這類醬油不須發酵,一天就可完成,但會產生一種叫3-MCPD的致癌物。


Japanese Organic ShoyuSavour shoyu made of 400-year old traditional fermentation method.

Each bottle of The Bites™ Shoyu has gone through a natural fermentation process that span over at least two summers. The Bites™ Shoyu is naturally fermented with carefully selected ingredients including organic soya beans, organic wheat grains and sea salt.

Conventional shoyu is usually made of synthetic ingredients such as hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP), alcohol, artificial sweetener, refined salt, MSG, synthetic colouring and preservatives. This type of seasoning can be processed within a day and could produce a compound called 3-MCPD, which is cancer causing.

It is indeed a blessing to taste the authentic and nutritious traditional shoyu from Japan.


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Why Not?™有機蘋果醋是采用 生機律動法,biodynamic栽 種的有機苹果釀制而成,不但不含化學添加,其能量比一般的有機醋更高,每天飲用 , 可 調 整 酸 性 體 質 , 保健腸胃。在食物中加點Why Not?™有機蘋果醋,可保留食物的營養,即可調味,還能促進消化。


Apple Cider VinegarVinegar has long known for its health properties in many cultures.How do we choose the one with the right quality?

Why Not?™ Apple Cider Vinegar is produced using apples from biodyanmic farms. Biodynamic is about working in harmony with nature—caring for the soil by the use of plant preparations.

Why Not?™ Apple Cider Vinegar helps to balance body acidity. Add a tablespoon of Why Not?™ Apple Cider Vinegar in food can help to enhance flavour, retain nutrients and aid digestion.

Apple cider vinegar has multi-functions; it can be used as face wash for acne, for a detox bath or anti-bacterial floor cleaner etc. It is a MUST HAVE for every family!


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Organic Jasmine Green TeaChinese has been drinking tea for over 5000 years. It is always heart warming to welcome our guests with a pot of good tea.

Conventional tea especially those in tea bags are often adulterated with synthetic colouring and fragrance. Conventional tea may also be polluted with pesticide residues. Long term consumption of such tea could lead to liver poisoning.

For peace of mind, Sonnentor Organic Jasmine Green Tea is a good choice. The natural pleasant scent from jasmine flower is refreshing and uplifting. The tea is naturally high in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and amino acids. Drinking organic jasmine green tea regularly helps to stabilize blood sugar, reduce blood cholesterol and blood pressure. The potent antioxidants found in jasmine green tea also aids in preventing cancer, delaying aging and promoting healthy weight.


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