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  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    ENGR 3360U Winter 2014

    Unit 4.4

    Annual Payments

    Dr. J. Michael Bennett, P. Eng., PMP,


    Version 2014-I-01

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    !"an#e Re$rd

    2014%I%01 Initial !reati$n

    &e't re(erenes) !"a*ters 3 and 4

    2014%I%014%2 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    4.4 Uniform Series Compound Interest Formulas

    Uni($rm series A is de(ined as) An end%$(%*eri$d as" reei*t $r disursement in a

    uni($rm series/ $ntinuin# ($r n *eri$ds/ t"e entire

    series equivalent t$  P  $r  F  at an interest rate i

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene


    Present W$rt" 5at$r PA I( y$u need 7Ayear ($r n years/ 8"at d$ y$u "ave

    t$ *ay n$8/ at i9:!a*ital Re$very 5at$r AP I( y$u uy a ma"ine n$8 ($r 7P/ 8"at must it ma;e

    t$ *ay $(( t"e det in n years/ at i9:

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%4

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%<

    PA 5at$r +erivati$n

      etu* t"e ($ll$8in#)

     -ulti*ly y 11+i t$ $tain a se$nd equati$n=

    utrat 1 (r$m 2 t$ yield=

    1 2 1

    1 1 1 1..

    1 1 1 1 n n P A

    i i i i−

    = + + + + + + + +

    2 3 1

    1 1 1 1..

    1 1 1 1 1 n n P 

     Ai i i i i   +

    = + + + + + + + + +




    1 1

    1 1 2 1 2ni

     P Ai i i


    −= − + + +


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%6

    PA and AP 5at$r 5$rmulas

      im*li(y 3 t$


     $lve 4 ($r A t$ #et

    AP (at$r 

    1 1  0




    i P A for i

    i i

    + −= ≠



    1 1 1


    ni i A P 

    i +=   + −

    (P/A,i,n) fa!tor

    "#!el$ %P&(i,n,A)

    (A/P,i,n) fa!tor"#!el$ %P'(i,n,P)


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    E'am*le 4%3

    An ener#y%e((iient ma"ine $sts 7

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene


    2013%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%>

    1 2 3 4 <


    P @ 9 n @ <

    A @ PAP/ >9/

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    E'am*le 4%4

    An invest$r "$lds a time *ur"ase $ntrat

    $n s$me ma"ine t$$ls. &"e $ntrat alls

    ($r a m$nt"ly *ayment $( 7140 at t"e end $(

    ea" m$nt" ($r < years. &"e (irst *ayment isdue in a m$nt". e $((ers t$ sell y$u t"e

    $ntrat ($r 76/>00. I( y$u an $t"er8ise

    ma;e 19 *er m$nt"/ is it a #$$d deal ($ry$u:

    2013%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$0.1%B

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene


    P @ APA/ i/ n @ 140PA/ 19 60

      @ 14044.B

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    Part 2

    u**$se 8e t$$; t"e deal. W"at is t"e

    e((etive interest rate:

    2013%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%11

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene


    P @ APA/ i/ 60

    6>00 @ 140PA/ i/ 60

    PA/ i/ 60 @ 4>.

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene


    in;in# 5und 5at$r A5 I( y$u need 75 in years/ 8"at d$ y$u "ave t$ set

    aside annually ($r t"e ne't n years/ at i9:!$m*$und Am$unt 5at$r 5A I( y$u de*$sit 7A annually ($r t"e ne't n years/ 8"at

    8ill it e 8$rt" in n years/ at i9:

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%13

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%14

    in;in# 5und 5at$r and Uni($rm eries

    !$m*$und Am$unt 5at$r A5 and 5A !as" (l$8 dia#ram ($r A5 (at$r 

     tart 8it" 8"at "as already een devel$*ed

    1 1

    1 1 1


    n n

    i i A F 

    i i

      +=   + + −  

      . . . .

     * 1 2 3 n+2 n+1

    nA% per interest period

     i per interest period

    F % -ien

    Find A, -ien F

    1 1ni

     A F i

    =   + −

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%1<

    5A (at$r (r$m A5


    $lve ($r 5 in terms $( A t$ yield

    1 1n

    i A F 


    =   + −

    1 1ni F A


    + −=  

    (A/F,i,n) fa!tor

    "#!el$ %P'(i


    (F/A,i,n) fa!tor

    "#!el$ %F&(i,n,A)

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    E'am*le 4.1

    $u de*$sit 7

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    E'am*le 4.2

    ,im 8ants t$ uy a n$te$$; ($r 71/000 ut"e 8ants t$ *ay as". e deides t$ de*$sit

    a (i'ed sum m$nt"ly in t"e an; ($r 12

    m$nt"s and t"en uy t"e n$te$$;. I( t"e an; *ays 69 $m*$unded m$nt"ly/ "$8

    mu" must "e de*$sit ea" m$nt":

    A @ 1000A5/ 0.1.10

    2014%I%01 +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$4%1?

    i 4 d i l

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene


    Inter*$lati$n in Interest &ales

     W"en usin# taulated interest tales $ne mi#"t e($red t$ a**r$'imate a (at$r t"at is n$t taulated

     !an a**ly linear inter*$lati$n t$ a**r$'imate

    ee &ale ($$%($$1

    5at$rs are n$nlinear (unti$nsH "ene linear

    inter*$lati$n 8ill yield err$rs in t"e 2%49 ran#e

    Use a s*reads"eet m$del t$ alulate t"e (at$r


    +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$

    U i 4 I d E i l

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    &ale 5CC5CC1 109 and 209

    n F/P P/F A/F A/P F/A P/A A/ P/ n

    1 1.100 .B0B1 1.000 1.100 1.000 0.B0B 0 0 1

    2 1.210 .>264 .4?62 . 4

    < 1.611 .620B .163> .263> 6.10< 3.?B1 1.>10 6.>62 <

    2014%I%014%1B +r. ,.-. ennett/ P.En#./ P-P ENGR 3360U En# E$

    n F/P P/F A/F A/P F/A P/A A/ P/ n

    1 1.200 .>333 1.000 1.200 1.000 0.>33 0 0 1

    2 1.440 .6B44 .4

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 04.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 4 Interest and Equivalene

    u**$se y$u did n$t "ave 1