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3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01

Jul 08, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01


    ENGR 3360U Winter 2014

    Unit 16

    Engineering Economic Analysis

    in the Public ector 

    Dr. J. Michael Bennett, P. Eng., PMP,


    Version 2014-I-0

  • 8/19/2019 3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01


    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    !hange Recor"

    ! 2014#$#0% $nitial !reation

    2014#$#0%16#2 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    !ourse ,utline

    1' Engineering Economics

    2' General Economics

    1' )icroeconomics

    2' )acroeconomics

    3' )oney an" the *an- o.!ana"a

    3' Engineering Estimation

    4' $nterest an" E/uialence

    ' Present Worth Analysis

    6' Annual !ash lo

    %' Rate o. Return Analysis

    ' Pic-ing the *est !hoice

    5' ,ther !hoosing echni/ues

    10' Uncertainty an" Ris- 

    11' $ncome an" &e7reciation

    12' A.ter#ta8 !ash los

    13' Re7lacement Analysis

    14' $n.lation1' )ARR election

    16' Public ector $ssues

    1%' What Engineering shoul" -no

    about Accounting

    1' Personal Economics .or the


    2014#$#0% &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco1#3

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    Unit 16 Roa" )a7

    9 16'1 Public "ecision .actors

    9 16'2 $nterest rates in the 7ublic 7ro:ects

    9 16'3 *;!ost Ratio

    9 16'4 !onentional an" )o"" *

    9 16' $ncremental *

    9 16'6 inancing+ "uration+ an" 7olitics o.inestments

    2014#$#0% &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco16#4

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    16'1 Public Pro:ects

    9 $nestment ,b:ectie ;  Pur7ose o. inestment in 7ublic 7ro:ects can

    sometimes be ambiguous'

     ;  =General el.are o. society> ;  here are "i..erent 7ers7ecties to consi"er'

    9 Positie an" negatie e..ects


    ?o "o you measure bene.its orconse/uences@

     ;  he goernment ansers to eeryone'

    2014#$#0%16# &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors


    9 $n"ustry ie7oint consists largely o. thecounting costs an" bene.its' ;  E8ternal conse/uences are ty7ically not consi"ere"

    unless there is goernment regulation in that regar"'

    2014#$#0%16#6 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors


    9 Goernment generally ta-es the ie7ointo. its constituents' ;  )unici7ality+ 7roince+ an" country

    9 A ie7oint in the any 7roblem is to ta-ethe ie7oint at least as broa" as those

    ho 7ay the costs an" those ho receie

    the bene.its' ;   !osts can s7rea" across "i..erent areas an" local regions Bbri"ges etc'C'

    2014#$#0%16#% &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    1'2 Public Pro:ect $nterest Rate

    9 etting an interest rate in the 7ublic sector is not asclear#cut as "oing so in in"ustry'

    9 ime#alue o. money ;  ome oul" argue that there is little or no time beteen

    collecting money .rom ta8 7ayers an" s7en"ing those ta8"ollars'

     ;  As such there is a 0D interest rate

    9 !ost o. !a7ital ;  )ost leels o. goernment borro money in a""ition to

    collecting ta8es an" as such the interest rate shoul" be the

    cost o. borroing money'

    2014#$#0%16# &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    Public Pro:ect $nterest Rate+ cont>"'

    9 ,77ortunity !ost ;  o ty7es ith goernment

    9 Government Opportunity Cost: Opportunity cost on bestopportunity foregone to government.

    9 Taxpayer Opportunity Cost: Suggests that a taxpayer could have

    invested that money instead of paying the taxes.9 General rule o. thumb

     ;  elect the largest o. the9 Cost of Capital9 Government opportunity cost9

    Taxpayer opportunity cost9 he goernment may also set gui"elines'

    2014#$#0%16#5 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    16'3 *;!ost Ratio

    9 )etho" use" almost e8clusiely in 7ublicinestment analysis

    B/C atio ! "#uivalent $orth of net benefits/"#uivalent $orth of costs

    F PW bene.its

  • 8/19/2019 3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01


    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    *;!ost Ratio BEWFEIU$AJEN W,R?C

    9 he conentional *

    9  Net bene.its to users areE87ecte" *ene.its ; &isbene.its

    9 &isbene.its are negaties e..ects on in"ii"uals orgrou7s'

    2014#$#0%16#11 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    E8am7le 16#2

    ho that the *

    W an" AW .or this highay 7ro:ect'

    irst cost 1')

    Annual )aintenance 6K 

    Annual *ene.its to "riers 22K 

    300K  Ji.e 30 years

    $R D

    2014#$#0% &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco16#12

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors


    PW bene.its F 22BP

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors


    W bene.its F 22B

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors


    AW bene.its F 22 L 300B

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    16'4 )o"" *


    30C #6BP

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    16' $ncremental *

    9 or multi7le alternaties+ it is not 7ro7er tosim7ly calculate the *


    9 $ncremental *;!ost Ratio )etho" ;  $"enti.y all releant alternaties Bo7tionalC'

     ;  !alculate the *

     ;  Ran- the or"er o. 7ro:ects9 mallest to largest siOe o. "enominator 

    2014#$#0%16#1% &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

    i 16 A i h bli

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    $ncremental *

    9 $ncremental *;!ost Ratio )etho"cont>"' ;  $"enti.y increment un"er consi"eration'

    9 Joest cost to ne8t highest cost

     ;  !alculate *

    U i 16 EEA i h P bli

  • 8/19/2019 3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01


    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    16'6 ,ther Public Pro:ect E..ects

    9 Pro:ect .inancing ;  maller 7ro:ects are .ully .un"e" through


     ;  Jarger 7ro:ects may re/uire borroing through bon"s'

    9 P3 Public;Priate Partnershi7

     ;  Nee"s i"" by the goernment+ ho thenenters into an agreement ith 7riate in"ustry'

    2014#$#0%16#15 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

    U i 16 EEA i h P bli

  • 8/19/2019 3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01


    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    ,ther Public Pro:ect E..ects+ cont>"'

    9 Pro:ect &uration ;  Goernment 7ro:ects o.ten hae long lies'

    9 20 to 0 years or longer Bmuseums+ highays+ etc'C

    9 Jarge 7ro:ects ith large initial inestment ;  Jong lies re"uce the e..ect o. the large


    9 Joer interest rates re"uce the ca7italrecoery cost'

    2014#$#0%16#20 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

    U it 16 EEA i th P bli t

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    Iuanti.ying E..ects

    9 )any 7ro:ects hae "i..iculty /uanti.ying bene.its'

     ;  E8am7le buil"ing a school

    9 o. 7er 7erson@ E"ucational outcomes@

    9 As a conse/uence o. the "i..iculty ineri.ying bene.its an" "isbene.its+ "i..erent

    grou7s may /uanti.y "i..erently to su77orttheir 7ositions'

    2014#$#0%16#21 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

    U it 16 EEA i th P bli t

  • 8/19/2019 3360 UNIT 16 2014-I-01


    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    Pro:ect Politics

    9 Political in.luences hae an im7act on 7ublic 7ro:ects'

    9 !om7eting ies an" 7olitical su77ort

     ;  E8am7le Economic "eelo7ment ersusenironmental concerns@

    9 !ontroersy9 Jong term 7ro:ects ersus short term

     7oliticians9 he role o. 7olitics is .ar#reaching in 7ublic

     7ro:ects+ as o77ose" to in in"ustry 7ro:ects'

    2014#$#0%16#22 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

    U it 16 EEA i th P bli t

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors


    9 Goernments 7ro:ects try to ma8imiOe bene.its tothe 7ublic+ hile minimiOing the "isbene.its to the


    9 Jegislatie restrictions ;  en" to be larger an" a..ect more 7eo7le an"


    9 $nterest rates in the 7ublic 7ro:ects are morecom7licate" to "etermine or are legislate"'

    2014#$#0%16#23 &r' (')' *ennett+ P'Eng'+ P)P ENGR 3360U Eng Eco

    U it 16 EEA i th P bli t

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    Unit 16 EEA in the Public ectors

    ummary+ cont>"'

    9 *ene.its;cost ratio is a i"ely use" metho" toealuate an" :usti.y goernment#.un"e" 7ro:ects'

    9 or consi"ering mutually e8clusie alternaties+incremental *

    maintenance cost in the "enominator 

     ;  )o"" *