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Copyright 2013 by the authors, the art-ists and Texas Tech University. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without permis-sion from Texas Tech University.

Published by

Harbinger, Texas Tech UniversityLubbock, Texas 79401

ISBN:978-0-9883617-6-8Printing by Craftsman Printers, Inc. Designed by Chelsea Davis and Randee PageLubbock, Texas

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Page 6: 2013 Harbinger Literary Journal TTU

Walking on Kite DayKyle Hunt


I ThoughtKyle Hunt

They’ll Say I DeservedRachel Harber

FireflyCocuyo translated byMaria O’Connell

Onions (A Love Poem)Corey Wood

Breast Plate NecklaceJohnny R. Hicks

VirginiaShayla Ruthardt

In Order to EqualizeSarah E. Palmer

ExtinguishedJordan E. Brown

He Couldn’t Yet WalkRebecca J. Hopp

ErosionNooshin Hakim Javadi

I Miss YouRyu-Hee Kim

Fast FoodTia Meeker

Organized ChaosElla K. King

103 LoreneAmanda Goebel

Girl and HorseEmily G. Verkamp

The Father, The Son,and The Holy GhostZach Tate

Exploration No. 6Colleen R. O’Brien

The World I Know (video stills)Justin N. Solo

Driving Too FastEthan Tatum

CocuyoMario Beruvides

Abductor (bortforer)Annie Dela Rosa

LoteriaCarolina Arellanos

Savannah- No SunW. T. Bednarz

Waiting (Box Trap)Johnnie Thurston

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Audubon MagazineRe-DesignMorgan Hammons

ReplicaKaitlynn Wiley

From the Editors

SpareMiles Adams

Writer’s BlockNick Robertson

Believing/ KnowingJ. Eric Simpson

Winter WheatJeremy Kitten

The Anti-Bird:

Clara Bush

There’s a MonsterUnder My BedJames Hays

04 (cyanotype)Yasaman Moussavi

Gender WarsAndrew L. Hernandez

On The RanchKyle Hunt

Hang Me UpCarolina Arellanos

Eternal FlameShatam N. Thiel

Come FridayAshli Wardlaw

CartographerCamille Haider

The ChildrenAustin W. Duncan

Time and SpaceAmy Kim

Finding YStuart Gill

LifeJulie Ellen Patterson

The Punch LineDestiny Bezrutczyk

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“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”

! ! ! ! ! ! "#$%&'!()&*

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Doug had left the sliding door cracked overnight to empty the smoke, and the curtains were parting by inches in the breeze, giving birth to a sharp streak of light that cut the hotel room in half. He lay in bed watching it disappear and reappear across the black carpet *+,!-.!/0'!1)2''"3%/0"14'*$!1)&)4',!3*&&5!6'7%,'!0%$8!64*,9!1&'*4',!*3*9!7&''.!:4)$!0%7!/04)*/!*+,!.-&&',!%+!0%7!;47/!1)+71%)-7!<4'*/0!):!the day. Doug cupped his palm and checked his breath before speak"ing. “Sleep well?”

After wetting his throat with the taste of stale cigarettes and beer, 64*,9!).'+',!0%7!'9'75!=>!/0%+?!7)8@!0'!7*%,8!3%.%+A!/0'!1)4+'475!=>!feel like shit.” B)-A!3*/10',!64*,9C7!10'7/!7&)3&9!4%7'!*+,!:*&&5!=D)-!look like shit.”64*,9C7!-..'4!&%.!3*7!70*,)3',!3%/0!7/-<<&'!/0*/!1-4E',!*4)-+,!

dry lips and dotted patches on his cheeks. His hair was long and brown and oily. He pushed himself up and sat slouched over, staring at the outline of his thighs beneath the comforter, then looked to

kyle hunt


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Doug. “What time are we leaving?”=F'C4'!%+!+)!4-705@!B)-A!7$%&',5!=>!0*E'!*!7-4.4%7'!:)4!9)-5@They had stopped in Peña on their way from Omaha to Los Ange"

&'75!64*,9!3*+/',!/)!7/).!%+!B'+E'4!)4!.-70!)+!/)!G4*+,!H-+1/%)+8!but Doug said no. He said he felt the town had personality. He said he liked the name.

“A surprise?” He drew the words out in a yawn. “So you actually had a reason for us stopping here?”=I)/!4'*&&98@!B)-A!7*%,8!73%+A%+A!0%7!&'A7!)2!/0'!<',5!J'!7/)),!/)!

7/4'/108!&)1?%+A!0%7!;+A'47!*+,!7/4'/10%+A!0%7!.*&$7!/)!/0'!1'%&%+A8!arching and popping the bones in his back. His skin stretched tight across his ribs. The curtains parted as Doug dropped his arms and walked through the streak of light cutting the room.

B)-A!70)3'4',!30%&'!64*,9!7/*9',!%+!<',!.''&%+A!/0'!/%.7!):!0%7!/)'+*%&78!,4)..%+A!'*10!<'7%,'!/0'!<',5!J'!;+%70',!*+,!&*9!&%7/'+%+A!to children playing in the pool below their window. The bed was vi"brating gently. He placed his hand on the wall, feeling the rush of wa"ter through pipes. He could hear Doug humming on the other side. A &)3!/-+'5!64*,9!7/)),!*+,!70-/!/0'!7&%,%+A!,))48!7/%&&%+A!/0'!1-4/*%+75!J'!-+,4'77',!*+,!3*&?',!/04)-A0!7/'*$!;&&%+A!/0'!<*/04))$5!J'!7&%,!the shower door aside and raised his eyebrows in question. Doug nod",',5!64*,9!7/'..',!%+5

In the elevator Doug held out his hand. Lying in his palm were /3)!7$*&&!7K-*4'7!):!.*.'48!'*10!3%/0!*!/%+9!,)&&*4!7%A+5!=D)-!<4)-A0/!acid?” Doug nodded with a smile. “I brought acid.”

The small town of Peña sits tucked away in the Front Range along the Colorado River. People pass through often, and sometimes stop, but rarely make their way into town. The few diners and gas stations &%+%+A!/0'!%+/'47/*/'!7''!+'3!:*1'78!<-/!/0'9!,)+C/!7/*9!&)+A5!L)7/!.').&'!0'4'!3'4'!<)4+!0'4'8!*+,!*7!3%/0!*+9!)/0'4!/)3+8!/0'9!;+,!3*97!/)!;&&!/0'%4!,*978!<-/!/0'!,*97!$)E'!7&)3&9!0'4'8!A)!-++)/%1',!

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by the rest of the world. The news of town stays in town. They like it this way. They like the small things. And the small things seem big when kept secret.

B)-A!4'/-4+',!/0'!4))$!?'9!30%&'!64*,9!.-/!/0'%4!<*A7!%+!/0'!1*45!J'!.-&&',!*!4',!M*1?'/!:4)$!0%7!<*A!*+,!70-/!/0'!/4-+?5!H-7/!.*7/!/0'!.*4?%+A!&)/!1*47!3'4'!%+10%+A!*&)+A!>"NO8!.-&&%+A!/)!/0'!4%A0/!*+,!:)4$%+A!*!&%+'5!J'!3*/10',!/0'$8!7K-%+/%+A!:)4!/0'!7-+&%A0/!4'P'1/"%+A!)2!/0'%4!3%+,)37!30%&'!&%7/'+%+A!/)!*!7%4'+!A4)3%+A!&)-,'4!%+!/0'!distance. He tapped the tab of acid against the roof of his mouth.

“I checked out,” Doug said from behind. “We missed breakfast though.” 64*,9!704-AA',5!=>!,)+C/!/0%+?!$9!7/)$*10!1)-&,!0*+,&'!:)),!4%A0/!

now.” He zipped his jacket and turned back to the interstate. The am"bulance he had heard was now moving slowly beside the line of cars. The driver was holding the horn at a blue truck trying to squeeze line %+!3%/0!/0'!)/0'475!64*,9!0*,!/)!7.'*?!&)-,'45!=Q)!30*/!*4'!3'!,)%+AR@=F'C4'!3*&?%+A5@!B)-A!.)%+/',!3'7/!*&)+A!>"NO5!=S'*,9R@

They walked on patches of dead grass, dirt and gravel beside the %+/'47/*/'5!B)-A!.%1?',!-.!*!4)1?!*+,!/04'3!%/!*A*%+7/!*!4',"<4%1?!building, then jumped when a passing car honked. “Fuck me!” He put his hand to his chest and felt his heart beating. “Asshole,” he said, /0'+!7/*4/',!4-<<%+A!0%7!10'7/5!=>C$!:''&%+A!3*4$5!>!&)E'!/0*/!.*4/5@64*,9!*+A&',!/)!/0'!4%A0/8!*3*9!:4)$!/0'!%+/'47/*/'5!=>!,)+C/!'E'4!

feel that.” He held his hands at his sides and curled them into tight ;7/78!,%AA%+A!0%7!+*%&7!%+/)!0%7!.*&$75!=L9!0*+,7!A'/!+'4E)-78@!0'!7*%,8!opening and closing his hands again and again. =D)-4!hands get nervous?”=D'*05!>/C7!&%?'!'+!'$./9!7/)$*10!:''&%+AT<-/!%+!$9!0*+,75@!U.'+"

ing and closing. Nails digging into his palms. “Or like restless leg 79+,4)$'5!V+/795!D)-!?+)3R@

“Restless leg syndrome in your hands?”=D'*05@

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B)-A!1)+/%+-',!4-<<%+A5!=L9!10'7/!A'/7!3*4$5@Doug had broken a twig into several small pieces. He held out

his hand and leaned them against one another, making a tiny unlit 1*$.;4'!%+!0%7!.*&$5!J'!/4%',!/)!?''.!%/!7/'*,9!*7!0'!3*&?',5!F0'+!%/!toppled over, he closed his hand, putting pressure on the pieces. They felt like rubber, or cylindrical sticks of gum. He turned and looked /)!/0'!1*47!7/%&&!%+10%+A!*&)+A!>"NO!*+,!/)77',!/0'!<4)?'+!/3%A!/)!/0'!7%,'5!=>!,)+C/!&%?'!*&&!/0'7'!1*47T@!J'!7/)..',!*+,!/-4+',!30'+!0'!7*3!/0*/!64*,9!3*7!+)!&)+A'4!<'7%,'!0%$5!64*,9!3*7!;:/9!:''/!<*1?8!7K-*//%+A!,)3+!,4*AA%+A!*!;+A'4!/04)-A0!

/0'!,%4/5!B)-A!&*-A0',!*+,!$-$<&',8!=H'7-7!W04%7/8@!/0'+!9'&&',8!=30*/!/0'!0'&&!*4'!9)-!,)%+AR@!64*,9!7/*9',!0-+10',!)E'4!-+/%&!B)-A!4'*10',!0%$8!/0'+!7/)),!-.!*+,!0'&,!0%7!;+A'4!)-/8!7&)3&9!/-4+%+A!%/!in front of his face. “Look,” he said. “I found an ant.”

“Are you shitting me?” =I)5!X))?5@!J'&,!0%7!;+A'4!)-/!/)!B)-A5!Y0'!*+/!14*3&',!)+/)!0%7!

thumb nail. He turned his hand slowly in the air as the ant twisted around and around making its way up his thumb. =I)5!>!$'*+!%7!/0%7!4'*&&9!30*/!9)-C4'!,)%+AR!Z&*9%+A!3%/0!*+!*+/R@Y0'9!7/*4/',!3*&?%+A5!64*,9!&*%,!*!;+A'4!)E'4!0%7!34%7/8!<&)1?"

%+A!/0'!*+/C7!.*/0!-.!0%7!*4$5!J'!1)+/%+-',!/3%7/%+A!0%7!0*+,!*7!%/!crawled over his knuckles then down and around to his palm. “It was /0'!)+&9!)+'8@!0'!7*%,5!=>!&))?',!*&&!)E'45!>!1)-&,+C/!;+,!*+)/0'45@!

!!! Y0'9!3'4'!.*77%+A!/0'!&*7/!:'3!0)-7'7!):!*!4-+",)3+!+'%A0<)4"hood several miles from the hotel. A Doberman followed behind a 10*%+"&%+?!:'+1'!%+!)+'!):!/0'!<*1?9*4,78!/0'+!7/)..',!*/!/0'!',A'!):!the house and watched them cross the alley and continue along the interstate. =>!:''&!&%?'!>C$!/*?%+A!/0'!7*$'!7/'.78@!64*,9!7*%,5“What?”64*,9!&'+A/0'+',!*+,!7&)3',!0%7!7/4%,'7!%+!/0'!'[.&*%+%+A8!0)E'4"

%+A!0%7!).'+!.*&$7!*<)E'!/0'!A4)-+,5!=>/C7!&%?'!>!/*?'!/04''!7/'.75@!J'!took them. “And then I take them again.” He did, backing up then walking his prints in the dirt.

“Then how are you moving forward?”

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J'!/-4+',8!<)-+1%+A!)+!0%7!/)'7!*+,!1&'+10%+A!0%7!;7/75!=I)8!+)8!+)T>!?+)3!>C$!+)/!*1/-*&&9!,)%+A!%/5!>/C7!1)++'1/',!/)!7)-+,!)4!7)$'"/0%+A5!>C&&!/*?'!/0'!7/'.78!*+,!/0'+!*!1*48!)4!*!7/%1?!)+!/0'!A4)-+,8!)4!$'!<4'*/0%+A8!)4T>!,)+C/!?+)35@!J'!/-4+',!<*1?!*4)-+,!*+,!7&)3',!his steps. “Something sets it back and I do it again. Like an image replayed but always moving forward.” B)-A!3*7!7$%&%+A!*+,!4-<<%+A!0%7!10'7/!30'+!64*,9!&))?',!<*1?5!=>!1*+C/!'[.&*%+!%/5@ Doug stood watching the line of cars still moving bumper to bum"

per along the interstate. A man on a motorcycle wearing black leather and cowboy boots stared back. =F0*/C7!/0*/!+)%7'R@!64*,9!*7?',5B)-A!/-4+',!:4)$!/0'!/4*_1!*+,!7*3!P*70%+A!&%A0/7!*/!*+!%+/'4"

7'1/%)+!&'77!/0*+!*!$%&'!*0'*,5!V!1).!3*7!,%4'1/%+A!/4*_1!:4)$!/0'!)2"4*$.5!!=Y0'4'!$-7/!0*E'!<''+!*!34'1?8@!0'!7*%,8!/0'+!:*1',!64*,95!“What noise?”=>!,)+C/!?+)35!>/C7!&%?'TA4%+,%+A!$'/*&5@!V!0*&:!'$./9!7):/!.*1?!):!

1%A*4'//'7!0*,!3)4?',!%/7!3*9!*+!%+10!)-/7%,'!):!64*,9C7!.)1?'/5!J'!had seen it when playing with the ant, forgotten, then remembered, which caused him to forget the noise he had just heard. He pulled one out and held it up. It was bent but not broken. He lit it and stood in place, keeping it in his mouth, taking drags in slow steady beats, 14)77"'9',!3*/10%+A!%/!<-4+5!=Y0%7!%7!.)%+/&'778@!0'!7*%,5!=F0*/!%7R@!B)-A!*7?',5!=Y0%75@!64*,9!7.%/!%+/)!/0'!,%4/!*+,!.-/!/0'!1%A*4'//'!)-/!%+!/0'!7.)/!):!$-,8!7/%1?%+A!7/4*%A0/!-.8!&%?'!*!P*A!.)&'8!&%?'!*!0'*,7/)+'5!

Three cop cars had formed a barricade across the intersection. One ):!/0'!1).7!3*7!0)&,%+A!/4*_1!:)4!*+!*$<-&*+1'!&'*E%+A!/0'!71'+'5!=Y0%7!%7!14*`98@!64*,9!7*%,8!*+,!/))?!7$*&&!7/'.7!1&)7'4!/)!1-4<5!V!black car was being pulled onto a red tow truck. Its hood and front windshield were crumpled and caved. One of the tires was angled. Its 4%$!3*7!714*.%+A!*A*%+7/!/0'!',A'!):!/0'!/4-1?C7!&%:/!*7!%/!3*7!,4*AA',!7&)3&9!-.5!Q0*4,7!):!A&*77!P*70',!&%?'!$'&/%+A!%1'!%+!/0'!4)*,5=F0'4'C7!/0'!)/0'4!1*4R@!B)-A!*7?',5!!=L*+5!Y0%7!%7!%+7*+'5!a-1?%+A!%+7*+'5@!64*,9!7/*4/',!<*1?%+A!-.8!

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slightly bouncing on his toes and looking from Doug to the wreck, back and forth. “Shit makes my stomach hurt. I have dreams about /0%78@!0'!7*%,8!1&'+10%+A!0%7!;7/75!=D)-!7''!/0*/!70%/!*/!/0'!&*7/!7'1"ond.” He dug his nails deep in his palms. “Someone runs a light, and /0'+T6VLb@!J'!7&*..',!0%7!.*&$7!0*4,!%+!/0'!*%45

Doug stayed quiet, watching a small group of people opposite them across the road. A man in a black suit was laughing and tapping a woman on the shoulder.

“What do you think those people are talking about?” Doug asked.“Huh?”“Those people over there?” He pointed. “What do you think

/0'9C4'!/*&?%+A!*<)-/R@!Y3)!3)$'+!7/)),!K-%'/&9!3*/10%+A!*!$*+!hook straps through the back wheels of the car being towed. =>!,)+C/!?+)35!Y0'!1*4!34'1?R@!64*,9!70)/!*!A&*+1'!<'0%+,!*7!%:!0'!

had heard someone sneaking up on them.=D'*08@!B)-A!1)+/%+-',8!=<-/!/0*/!A-9!3*7!&*-A0%+A5@!J'!.)%+/',!

to the man in the suit. The man waved when he saw Doug pointing. B)-A!3*E',!<*1?5!=D)-!'E'4!/0%+?!*<)-/!0)3!7/4*+A'!%/!%7!/)!<'!%+!that place at that time,” he said, turning his attention back to the 34'1?5!=V77-$%+A!9)-C4'!+)/!/0'!)+'!30)!1*-7',!%/5!H-7/!/)!<'!/0'4'!*/!that time.”=D)-!4'*,9R@!64*,9!*7?',5=V&/0)-A0!%/C7!4'*&&9!+)!,%2'4'+/!/0*+!+)/!<'%+A!/0'4'!>!7-..)7'5@=>!,)+C/!&%?'!7''%+A!/0*/!70%/5!Q)$')+'!$%A0/!<'!,'*,5!F0%10!3*9!

are we going?” Doug started walking to the right away from the wreck. “We were

.4)<*<&9!%+!)-4!0)/'&!30'+!%/!0*..'+',8!)4!%+!/0'!.*4?%+A!&)/5!Y0*/C7!M-7/!*7!7/4*+A'5!F'C4'!3*&?%+A!*&)+A!/0'!%+/'47/*/'!%+!Z'c*!30%&'!7)$'!old lady somewhere is dying in bed.”


wreck are the same as me being me, here, now, and not being some old lady dying in her bed somewhere.”

Y0'9!0*,!7/*9',!K-%'/!:)4!/0'!+'[/!:'3!$%&'7!*:/'4!/0'!34'1?8!3*&?"ing along a small highway running perpendicular to the interstate,

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Carolina Arellanos, .'&,(/08!\O]\8!,%A%/*&!.0)/)A4*.08!]d5e%+![!]O%+

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*&$)7/!/)!/0'!',A'!):!/0'!1%/9!+)35!64*,9!3*7!/4*1%+A!/0'!/).7!):!/0'!S)1?%'7!3%/0!0%7!;+A'475!=Y0'9!&))?!/3)",%$'+7%)+*&8@!0'!7*%,8!=&%?'!you could just peel them back. It looks like wallpaper.” He hooked 0%7!;+A'47!*+,!714*/10',!*/!/0'!7?95!=>!3)+,'4!30*/!)/0'4!.').&'!7''!when they look at that. I wonder if they see what I do.”=>:!/0'9C4'!:-1?',!)-/!):!/0'%4!$%+,7!/0'9!$%A0/5@64*,9!/-4+',5!=I)5!6-/!>!$'*+T*+9/%$'5!X%?'!30'+!3'!&))?!*/!


Doug was now sifting through change in his palm. “What the hell are you talking about?” 64*,9!/-4+',!*4)-+,5!=V4'!9)-!+)/!&%7/'+%+AR@=>C$!&%7/'+%+A5!D)-C4'!/*&?%+A!70%/5@J'!&))?',!<*1?!/)!/0'!$)-+/*%+75!=>!/0%+?!>C$!$*?%+A!7'+7'5@!J'!

started walking again.Doug dropped the change back in his pocket and followed. “I


“So do you.” =>/C7!+)/!/0'!7*$'5@“I think you might be worse, actually.”Doug then saw one of the kites up ahead. It swung out from be"


H-7/!<'9)+,!L*7)+!VE'+-'8!.*7/!'$./9!A4*E'&!.*4?%+A!&)/7!*+,!peeling paint, past the last few shops in town, where the worn and 10%..',!$',%*+!'+,7!*+,!*!/3)"&*+'!0%A03*9!<'A%+78!3'*E%+A!%/7'&:!

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into the distance, into the mountains, there is a valley, a valley that dips down, taking with it the pine trees that line the city; and the val"ley falls deeper into a canyon, a canyon where falling rocks and birds break the silence, where the wind skirts the jagged walls and shifts branches, then whispers along the tips of grass back up into the valley, where the people of Peña meet once a year, where the people of Peña P9!?%/'75!!

64*,9!7/)),!*/!/0'!',A'!):!/0'!E*&&'9!3*/10%+A!/0'$5!=D)-!?+'3!about this?” Doug stayed quiet behind him, arms crossed, taking it in. =F09!*4'!/0'9!0'4'R@!64*,9!1)+/%+-',5!=>!$'*+T%/C7!A4'*/5!>!M-7/T@B)-A!7*/!,)3+5!=>!,%,+C/!0*E'!$-10!):!*!4'*7)+!:)4!-7!7/)..%+A!

here, really,” he said, “but the receptionist mentioned this when I was checking out. He said it started with a little girl years ago.” He moved his eyes slowly about the valley, stopping momentarily on each kite. Some were simple, simple like those tucked away in books for chil"dren, red and purple triangles swaying from side to side. A child held *!A%*+/!A)&,;705!>/!73*$!*A*%+7/!/0'!<&-'!7?98!%/7!/*%&!30%..%+A!<'0%+,5!L)7/&9!10%&,4'+!3'4'!0)&,%+A!/0'!?%/'7!30%&'!.*4'+/7!3*/10',5!Y0'9!would help the children guide the kites when they came too close. B)-A!:)&&)3',!*!9'&&)3!<)[!?%/'!0%A0'4!/0*+!/0'!4'7/5!>/!$)E',!7&)3&9!across the valley, then dipped down closer to the others in a gust of 3%+,5!V!A%*+/!)1/).-7!A)/!.-&&',!%+!3%/0!%/8!/'+/*1&'7!P*%&%+A!30%&'!being dragged down, narrowly missing several kites. Then they both settled and began again to slowly rise. They passed in front of a giant lizard crawling the tops of the mountains. 64*,9!0*,!<''+!3*/10%+A!)+'!A%4&8!9)-+A'4!/0*+!/0'!4'7/5!Q0'!3*7!

running along the edge of the crowd just down the slope. She had a 1&)7',!;7/!%+!/0'!*%45!J'!/4%',!/)!:)&&)3!/0'!7/4%+A!):!0'4!?%/'8!<-/!%/!was lost in the sky. He traced an imaginary line with his eyes, check"%+A!'*10!?%/'8!<-/!:*%&',!/)!;+,!/0'!A%4&C75!Y0'+!/0'!A%4&!7/)..',!*/!/0'!edge of the crowd where the valley began to slope back up to the city. V+,!/0'!A%4&!0'&,!0'4!1&)7',!;7/!-.!/)!/0'!1%/95!VA*%+8!64*,9!/4*1',!*!&%+'!3%/0!0%7!'9'78!<-/!1)-&,+C/!;+,!/0'!?%/'5!

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V+,!/0'+!0'!7*3!/0'!.&*+'5!>/!3*7!P9%+A!7&)3&9!<'9)+,!/0'!1%/98!above the mountains, in and out of clouds. The girl stood still, mov"%+A!)+&9!0'4!*4$8!0)&,%+A!/%A0/!0'4!%$*A%+*49!7/4%+A5!64*,9!/0)-A0/!he saw her move sideways, just slightly, the string tugging her along. He watched the plane pass above the city, pass through clouds. The girl held tight as the plane became smaller and smaller in the sky. It could have been a bird. She held onto the string, to the plane, the bird, the dot in the sky. It shrank down to gone. And the girl let go.

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Y0%7!+%A0/!%7!)[<&)),5This night is eternally thick,cooking, orange and burnt. These streetsoverdone, stained crisp and inky.And these walls are smoke, &%A0/+%+A"P*70!7$)?'8!&%?'!;4'3)4?7!<-/!&'77!7$%&%+A8more morbid, more bitter, and more knowing.This alcohol in the air is stinging and sterile,the air itself hopeless and barred from resurrection. This is the great southern night, the legacy of the antebellum, $-7?'/!;4'8!*+,!7-&:-48!*+,!*&&5

Y0%7!%7!30*/!3'CE'!/)!70)3!:)4!/0'!,'1*,'7!between remorse and rejoice. The old steamer, ,)3+4%E'4!*!0-+,4',!$%&'7!/)!G),!?+)37!30'4'8!never stopped and never turned; the current carried 0'4!;+'8!*+,!/0*/!<&*1?3*70!*7!3'&&8!*&&!/0*/!.%/10!sediment barreling down gullywasher at our backs from a hundred years past and more. And as always, the dark northern wind too, blowing dull our necks *+,!10%&&',5!F0*/C7!*&&!/0%7!:)4R!Y0%7!%7+C/!/0'!&-70!freedom of the Oregon country, wet and unmarred and newborn green. Who would acquaint with these smells, bold perturbance of the senses and hot throttling of breath? There is death in this air, true death, magnolia and soot, sweating from every evil pore, weighing down a century of booze and blood. This is no paradise, says my better intentions.

w.t.bednarzSAVANNAH – NO SUN

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6-/!/0'!)&,!Q'&$*"$*410'4!)+!0%7!<)["7/4%.!.)410!73'*/7!*!,%2'4'+/!/0%+A8!14'*?%+A!7)$'!,%A+%/98!*!4'7.'1/8!out of his wooden rocker. He knows something, >!/0)-A0/8!*+,!0'!$%A0/CE'!+),,',8!/0)-A0!%/C7!,%_1-&/!/)!/'&&!:4)$!0%7!'9'7!f!'E'+!;:/9!9'*47!?+)37!*!.*/%'+1'!0'4'8!*+,!0%7!7'E'+/9!$-7/!<'!%$.)77%<&'5!6-/!30'4'C7!0'!&))?%+A!to from the edge of a continent, his face turned east, away from the wide wild stretch behind him? Y0'4'C7!+)/0%+A!)-/!)E'4!/0*/!3*/'4!<-/!/0'!0)4%`)+5

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A hand grasps my tiny throat,heavy knee cracks my chest,as I am forced onto cold sheets.L9!$)-/0!$)E'7!to scream, no sound escapes. The hand stitched silk skirt, bought in Prague, rips.

So this is whatit feels likewhen the spirit leaves a body.


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V!/4*_1!1)+'!30%.7!<98X%?'!*!1&)3+!;708!34*..',!%+!*!:*?'!I*E*M)Tablecloth, skinned for itsTragedy, and pawned for some careless Rook. Another swims by, out of the dark,Hidden by my windshieldAnd my watering eyes.


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La oscuridad encapsuló el espacio y el tiempo como un entierro. La luz se despidió sin prosopopeya. Fue, un relámpago de falta de luz. En esa oscuridad se encontraron todos y cada uno con ella en su soledad. I)!0-<)!%+/'+/)!,'!4'7-1%/*4!&*!&-`8!+%!/*$.)1)!7'!',%;1i!-+!E'&)4%)5!Simplemente noche y poco más. Pero eso sí, no dejaron de hablar. Fue noche de susurros, cantos de coquí, secreteos, medias voces, y la des"pedida de todo silencio en su mudo ser. El silencio se ha confundido. El silencio no es de la oscuridad, es bálsamo de la Luz. Se encuentra más al medio día que a medianoche. El silencio no es para la oscuri"dad. Es en la oscuridad que los sonidos ganan victoria. La luz opaca lo dicho, opaca el sonido. El sonido es para la oscuridad. Ahí, en ese lecho de azabache añil, es cuando retumba más profundo su ser y sus armonías. Cacafonía en clave mayor.

Enriqueta, sentada en sofá maternal entre la enredadera de voces nocturnas y memorias que no se deben recordar, empezó su son noc"/-4+)!f!7-!&&*+/)!*!&*!:*&/*!,'!&-`5!I)!%$.)4/*<*!1-*+!,-4)!7'44*<*!7-7!

mario beruvidesCOCUYO

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ojos mojados, el líquido no apagaba la voces que ahí no estaban pero que atormentaban. Alzaban y disminuían en crescendos como las olas del mar. No un mar caribeño con su sal suave y su calor íntimo. Era -+!$*4!+i4,%1)8!-+!$*4!,'&!7-48!-+!$*4!%+,%)8!-+!$*4!.*1j;1)8!-+!$*4!*+/k4/%1)8!-+!$*4!$-'4/)5!D!'4*!&*!$-'4/'!K-'!l+4%K-'/*!.',j*5!Z'4)!+)!E%+)5!D!'&!E%+)!,'!'7*!+)10'!:-'!*A4%)5!m+*!$'`1&*!,'!&kA4%$*7!9!0%'&5!!=no-p!/'!.*7*!$%!1)4*`i+R@La voz de una madre siempre taja como los rayos del sol que rajan

las paredes de lluvia inesperada.=no-p!0*1'7!*!'7/*!0)4*!'+!'7/*!)71-4%,*,R@“Pensando.”=nl+!K-pR@=nQ)9!&%+,*!$*,4'R@“Preciosa mi corazón.”“No mamá, soy linda como las otras muchachas.”=Lk7!K-'!'&&*78!$-10)!$k75@“Es que…”=no-pR@“Dime.”“No importa.”“Tú dirás.”La madre de Enriqueta, que la abrazaba por sus espaldas con la

ternura de una sabana de invierno, notó que el brazo izquierdo de su blusa de cama se mojaba con las ternuras de ser mujer y niña a la vez. V0j!,-4$%'4)+!-+!4*/)!&*4A)8!&*7!,)7!$%4*4)+!&*!)71-4%,*,5!o-%`k78!acompañado, el silencio es de la oscuridad.

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“cocuyo” translated by maria o’connellFIREFLY The darkness encapsulated space and time like a tomb. The light awoke without grandeur. It was a lightning lack of light. In that dark"+'77!*&&!;+,!/0'$7'&E'7!*+,!'*10!)+'!3%/0!0'4!%+!0'4!7)&%/-,'5!Y0'4'!was no attempt to resuscitate the light nor even to build a wake. Q%$.&9!+%A0/!*+,!+)/0%+A!$)4'5!6-/!'E'+!7)8!/0'9!,%,!+)/!7/).!7.'*?"ing. It was a night of whispers, frog song, secrets, half voices, and the awaking of all silence in its mute being. Silence has been confused. Silence is not of the darkness, it is a balm of the light. It is found more at midday than at midnight. Silence is not of the darkness. It is in the dark that the sounds win a victory. Light obscures what is said, obscures the sound. Sound is of the darkness. There, in that coal blue bed, is where its being and its harmonies resound most deeply. Cacophony in a major key.

Henrietta, seated on a maternal sofa among the entwining of +)1/-4+*&!E)%1'7!*+,!$'$)4%'7!/0*/!70)-&,+C/!<'!4'1*&&',!<'A*+!0'4!+)1/-4+*&!7)-+,T0'4!149!*/!/0'!&*1?!):!&%A0/5!>/!,%,!+)/!$*//'4!0)3!

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0*4,!70'!7*3',!*/!0'4!,*$.!'9'78!/0'!&%K-%,!,%,!+)/!'[/%+A-%70!/0'!voices that were not there, but that tormented her. They rose and fell in crescendos like waves on the sea. Not the Caribbean Sea with its soft salt and its intimate warmth. It was a Nordic sea, a southern sea, *+!>+,%*+!7'*8!*!Z*1%;1!U1'*+8!*+!V+/*41/%1!)1'*+8!*!,'*,!7'*5!V+,!,'*/0!3*7!30*/!J'+4%'//*!*7?',5!6-/!%/!,%,!+)/!1)$'5!V+,!/0'!3%+'!):!/0%7!+%A0/!3*7!7)-45!V!$%[!):!/'*47!*+,!A*&&5

“What has happened, my heart?”Y0'!E)%1'!):!*!$)/0'4!*&3*97!7&%1'7!&%?'!7-+<'*$7!/0*/!-+'[.'1/"

edly slash walls of rain.“What are you doing at this hour in the dark?”“Thinking.”“Of what?”“Am I pretty, mother?”“Precious, my heart.”“No mama, am I pretty like the other girls?” =L)4'!/0*+!/0'!)/0'478!$-10!$)4'5@=>/C7!/0*/q@“What?”“Tell me.”=>/!,)'7+C/!$*//'45@“So you say.”J'+4%'//*C7!$)/0'48!30)!'$<4*1',!0'4!)E'4!0'4!70)-&,'47!3%/0!/0'!

/'+,'4+'77!):!*!P*++'&!70''/8!+)/%1',!/0*/!/0'!&':/!*4$!):!0'4!+%A0/"gown was damp with the tendernesses of being woman and child at the same time. There they slept for a long time; both stared at the darkness. Perhaps, accompanied, silence is of the dark.

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When I asked her to speak of familiar thingsshe spoke of onions, the smell working its way

into her nostrils, the dull sting of earth and mustpermeating into her K'7'MB hands,

brown and strong, speckled with the dirt of his garden. I imagine these hands being of leather

*&/0)-A0!/0*/!%7!+)/!:*%45!>!+'E'4!:'&/!0%7!;+A'47on my chin, letting the damp scent of earth

3)4?!%/7!3*9!%+/)!$9!7?%+5!L*9<'!>!*$!4)$*+/%1%`%+Athe idea of him, of his culture etched into the dark

lines weaving across his palms as he pulled from the earth, &'//%+A!0%7!;+A'47!A4%.!/%A0/&9!/)!/0'!4))/75!Q0'!/)&,!$'!

*<)-/!0%7!;+A'47!7/4)+A!*A*%+7/!0'4!9)-+A!10''?8!0)3!/0'!,%4/would massage its way into her dimples,

as he kissed her on the forehead. She told me of her childhoodwhen her K'7' was still alive, how he spoke

in that tongue I adore so much, saying to the others,#,O090P)#,O090P as she played in the dirt

of his garden. Q,O090P),990)B,),B&0)#/A,(&/,2#';Leave her alone, she is just having fun.

corey woodONIONS (A LOVE POEM)



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Y0'9!7*9!70'!3*7+C/!*&3*97!&%?'!/0*/5!Y0*/!70'!-7',/)!7$%&'!3%/0!P*70%+A!'9'7!*+,!/''/05Y0'9!/)&,!$'!0'4!&))?7!4%E*&',!X%`!Y*9&)4C7with pool blue eyes and a shy, slow smile,+%A0/"<&*1?!0*%4!3%/0!/0'!&%A0/+%+A!<)&/):!A4*9!70'!?'./!73'./!0%A0!)2!0'4!)+1'graceful neck.

Now when we grace the doors of the Perpetual Pines0)$'!*+,!'+/'4!0'4!4))$8!0'4!A*`'!%7!A&*779TWe are old and young and grown, but thismakes us feel like orphans.Like we never came from anything.Like she never sang Tipitina while cooking supper,or danced the Tarantula in her apron,0'4!*4$7!34*..',!7)!/%A0/!*<)-/!Z*.*C7!+'1?5

I long to ask her what she wrote, and where it went,<-/!0'4!<&*+?!7/*4'!&'/7!$'!?+)3!%/C7!:-/%&'5

shayla ruthardtVIRGINIA

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tia meekerFAST FOOD=F'&1)$'!/)!a&9!6-4A'45!F)-&,!9)-!&%?'!/)!/49!)-4!+'3!Q-.'4"

P9!W0''7'!a4%'7!/),*9R@!H)70!*7?',8!0%7!0'*,!/04)3+!<*1?8!0%7!'9'7!closed; he had a long night ahead of him. His hand rose to cup the side of his headset as he listened to the gurgled response. The cus"/)$'4C7!3)4,7!14*1?',!*+,!7.&-//'4',!%+!0%7!'*48!*!1*1).0)+9!):!$'10*+%1*&!<*1?;4'8!$-$<&',!.04*7'7!*+,!7/4''/!+)%7'5!V!1*4!0)4+!sounded in the parking lot, the distant honk in his left ear nothing 1)$.*4',!/)!/0'!<&*4'!*$.&%;',!%+!0%7!4%A0/5!Y0'!0)4+!7/)..',!3%/0!*!chirp.=L*C*$!1)-&,!9)-!4'.'*/!/0*/R@!He hoped it was a woman on the other end. The voice was femi"

nine, but without a face it was still a guess. Sometimes it was a guess with a face. The gurgling was repeated with much more volume. H)70C7!'9'7!4)&&',!-.!<'0%+,!0%7!&%,75!F(,0&;)N,99/23)09@0SB)=,97,#; Even through the static and the advancing headache, he was pretty sure he had the gist of the order.

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=F)-&,!9)-!&%?'!/)!L'A*!Q%`'!/0*/!,4%+?!:)4!;:/9!1'+/7!$)4'R@There was a crackled response. He tapped the New Order button

on the screen, his eyes skimming the options. Fly burger. Tap. No E'AA%'75!Y*.5!L',%-$!a&9!a4%'75!Y*.5!L'A*!Q%`',!B%'/!W)?'5!Y*.5!=Z&'*7'!.-&&!:)43*4,!/)!.*98@!H)70!7*%,!*7!0'!/)4'!/0'!;47/!4'1'%./!):!

the night. H)70!7&%,!/0'!0'*,7'/!A4%.7!<*1?!0*&:!*+!%+10!/)!*&&'E%*/'!/0'!

pinched skin directly behind his ears. The hard plastic grips slid onto fresh patches of scalp, nestling in to begin again their relentless com"pression.

At the end of every shift, when the headset traveled up the sides ):!0%7!7?-&&!*+,!7&%..',!)2!/0'!4)-+,',!/).8!0'!3)-&,!:4''!*!7%A05!Y0'!grips would smack together and vibrate in gray arching blurs, until he left the whole set balanced on a nail protruding halfway up the wall. Y0'%4!%$.4%+/!3*7!&':/!%+!H)70C7!70)4/!0*%4!:)4!0)-47!*:/'4!0'!0*,!4'"moved them, creating a cresting dirty blond wave that his roommate 0*,!104%7/'+',!=,4%E'"/04-!0*%45@!Y0'!)4,'4!*..'*4',!)+!G'44',C7!714''+!%+!/0'!?%/10'+8!30'4'!0'!

.4'..',!/0'!$'*&5!H)70!1)-&,!0'*4!0%$!<*+A%+A!*3*9!%+!/0'!<*1?!&%?'!a street performer, with nothing but kitchen supplies for instruments. J'!1)-&,!.%1/-4'!/0*/!$).!):!A4'*79!0*%4!7%//%+A!%+!%/7!-7-*&!.-2!*/).!G'44',C7!0'*,5!Y0'!7/4*+,7!*&3*97!<-&A',!/04)-A0!/0'!30%/'!0*%4+'/!*7!G'44',!<'*/!0%7!0'*,!*&)+A!3%&,&9!3%/0!/0'!1&*+?7!*+,!714*.'7!):!metal. G'44',!0*,!*!.*4/%1-&*4!:)+,+'77!:)4!/0'!:49'475!H)70!4'.'*/',&9!0*,!

to warn him about using them for things other than their intended purpose. Including smacking them down to throw a beat, frying his %+E'+/',!<-4A'4!=Y0'!G'44',8@!*+,!/0'!$)7/!%+*..4).4%*/'8!:4%',!.*.'43)4?5!H)70!0*,!7/'..',!)-/!):!/0'!<*1?!)_1'!)+'!+%A0/!/)!;+,!/0*/!G'44',!0*,!<*//'4',8!P)-4',8!*+,!,''.":4%',!0%7!'$.&)9''!$%7"conduct form. He was then given an additional two forms and forced /)!7/*9!%+!/0'!)_1'!-+/%&!/0'9!3'4'!*..4).4%*/'&9!1)$.&'/',8!%+!.'+5!G'44',!3*7!*!0*+,"$'",)3+5!I)!)+'!3*7!7-4'!30)!0*,!0%4',!0%$5!


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G'44',!%+!*:/'4!/0'!&*7/!<4%1?!3*7!.&*1',!%+/)!/0'!&*7/!1&-$.!):!$)4"/*48!70-//%+A!/0'!,))4!*+,!,4%E%+A!)25!U4!0'!1)-&,!0*E'!<''+!,4)..',!<9!*!.*77%+A!maU8!*7!)&,!0%..%'7!):/'+!*4'5!lE'+!3%/0!0%7!7/4*+A'!*+,!%+*..4).4%*/'!<'0*E%)47!H)70!1)-&,!+)/!:*-&/!0%$5!J'!A)/!/0'!M)<!done. He put in his hours, however noisily, and was never sick. V!1*4!*..'*4',!)-/7%,'!H)70C7!3%+,)38!3%/0!*!3)$*+!*/!/0'!30''&5!

J099,#)/&;!Q0'!/-4+',!*+,!0-+10',!)E'4!/0'!.*77'+A'4C7!7'*/8!0'4!70)-&"ders pumping as she dug through to the bottom of her purse, like a bulldog digging for a bone. She surfaced, bejeweled wallet in hand *+,!&))?',!/)!H)705!=Q'E'+";:/95@Q0'!+),,',!*+,!.&-1?',!*!;E'!*+,!/3)!)+'7!:4)$!/0'!:)&,!%+!0'4!

3*&&'/C7!1'+/'45!H)70!A4)*+',!%+/'4+*&&9!*7!70'!/-4+',8!0-+10',8!*+,!vigorously dug some more. A moment later she emerged with two quarters clutched in her meaty hand. She put the total in her right ;7/!*+,!'[/'+,',!%/!)-/!/0'!3%+,)3!/)3*4,7!H)705!Y0'!:*/!0*+A%+A!from her upper arm jiggled as he collected the cash. =Z-&&!:)43*4,!/)!/0'!+'[/!3%+,)35@The lady and her car lurched forward towards the pickup window.

H)70C7!/0)-A0/7!/-4+',!/)!F'+,95!Q)$'/%$'7!0'!3)-&,!&'*+!)-/!0%7!window just to catch a peak of her slender arm. Her hand would *..'*48!*+,!/0'+!*!1-7/)$'4C7!0*+,!3)-&,!7/4'/10!/)!$''/!0'47!*+,!30'+!/0'!'[10*+A'!3*7!$*,'8!0'4!1)9!.*&$!3)-&,!P%/!<*1?!)-/!):!sight. H)70!0*,!$'/!F'+,9!/0'!,*9!0'C,!0%4',!0'45!J'4!&)+A!<&)+,!0*%4!

had been pushed into a calculatedly messy knot on the back of her 0'*,5!6&*1?"4%$$',!A&*77'7!/0*/!1)+/4*7/',!10*4$%+A&9!3%/0!0'4!:*%4!7?%+!:4*$',!0'4!'9'75!a)4'E'4!.*4/%+A!&%.7!)2'4',!4'.'*/',!A&%$.7'7!):!0'4!/)+A-'!*7!%/!$)&,',!0'4!,)-<&'"<-<<&'!%+/)!)4A*+%1!1)+;A-4*/%)+75!

How could he not hire her? G,()(,B$T,)@0B)'29S)&=(,,)9/2,B. Everyone 0*,!/)!7/*4/!7)$'30'4'5!J'!1)-&,!<'!0'4!;47/!<4'*?5!Z&-7!/0'!-+%:)4$!3)-&,!7-%/!0'48!<&-'!7?9!.-&&',!/%A0/!)E'4!$%&?9!1&)-,5!J'C,!0%4',!0'4!on the spot.Q0'C,!<''+!*!<%/!$)4'!/4)-<&'!/0*+!0'!)4%A%+*&&9!/0)-A0/5!J'C,!


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',A'*<&'!):!/0'!:-&&!&%7/!):!.4),-1/7!)2'4',!*/!/0*/!a&9!6-4A'4!&)1*"tion. When given a list to take home and study Wendy had groaned.=>C$!+)/!A)),!*/!$'$)4%`%+A!/0%+A75!>C$!.4'//9!7-4'!>C$!,97&'[%18@!

70'!0*,!7*%,8!0'4!4%A0/!%+,'[!;+A'4!3)4?%+A!<*1?!/0'!1-/%1&'!)+!0'4!left thumb.

It was a lot to remember. It took a good amount of mental focus /)!$'$)4%`'!/0'!'+/%4'!a&9!6-4A'4!$'+-8!'E'+!3%/0)-/!*!&'*4+%+A!,%7"ability. That made working in the kitchen an impossibility as well. A 10*4/8!)-/&%+%+A!/0'!,%2'4'+/!$'*&78!1)E'4',!)+'!):!/0'!?%/10'+!3*&&7!but it would be hard for Wendy to read fast enough to put the orders /)A'/0'45!Y0'9!0*,!7*/!%+!/0'!)_1'!:)4!*!:'3!$%+-/'7!3%/0)-/!/*&?"%+A8!F'+,9C7!A-$!.)..%+A!*+,!'10)%+A!70*4.&9!%+!/0'!14*$.',!)_1'8!while he tried to come up with a use for her. =V4'!9)-!A)),!*/!1&'*+%+AR@!H)70!0*,!*7?',8!&'*+%+A!:)43*4,5=W&'*+%+A!30*/R@!70'C,!*7?',!/04)-A0!*!7'4%'7!):!.).75!=6*/04))$7!*+,!1)-+/'475@!J%7!'9'7!;[',!)+!0'4!,%&%A'+/!$)-/05!=F'!0*E'!7)$')+'!/0*/!,)'7!/0*/!:)4!-78@!70'C,!7*%,!*7!70'!$)E',!



thru window. It was usually only used during the lunch rush, when the 1*47!7/4'/10',!<'9)+,!a&9!6-A'4!*+,!%+/)!/0'!+'[/!:'3!.*4?%+A!&)/75!>/!3*7!+'E'4!-7',!,-4%+A!/0'!+%A0/!70%:/8!'[1'./!30'+!/0'9!0*,!A%E'+!*3*9!:4''!<-4A'47!*:/'4!$%,+%A0/!)+!/0'!7%[/%'/0!*++%E'47*49!):!a&9!6-4A'45!1=0&)0)2/3=&; Around three in the morning they had ran out ):!<-+7!*+,!7/*4/',!)2'4%+A!1-7/)$'47!/3)!.*//%'7!3%/0!1)+,%$'+/7!sandwiched between. For a while afterward people would ask for the “Pattie Sandwich,” eventually causing it to be added to the menu as a A&-/'+":4''!)./%)+5!!F'+,9!3*7!A)),!*/!0'4!+'3&9!$*,'"-.!.)7%/%)+5!F0'+!*+!)4,'4!


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Sarah E. Palmer, >2)H(#,()&')8V$09/I,8!\O]\8!&*/'[8!E'A'/*<&'!)%&8!ge%+![!N\%+

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receipt, Wendy would pick it up, staple the receipt to the bag and 0*+,!%/!/)!/0'!1-7/)$'45!H)70!M-7/!0*,!/)!$*?'!7-4'!70'!,%,+C/!4-+!)-/!):!7/*.&'78!)/0'43%7'!1-7/)$'47!3)-&,!;+,!/0'%4!4'1'%./!1-4&',!%+!with the fries. H)70!3*7+C/!7-4'!%:!A%E%+A!F'+,9!*!+)+"'[%7/%+A!.)7%/%)+!3*7!3%/0%+!

/0'!4-&'7!)4!+)/5!Y0'!3)4?!7/%&&!A)/!,)+'8!%/!M-7/!4'K-%4',!H)70!/)!7/*9!*!&%//&'!&)+A'4!/0'+!0'!-7-*&&9!3)-&,!*:/'4!0%7!70%:/!'+,',5!J'!,%,+C/!mind though, not really.6-/!F'+,9C7!9'*4!*/!a&9!6-4A'4!3*7!*&$)7/!-.5!a)4!3''?7!H)70!0*,!

been dreading but anticipating her giving him notice. It seemed like every conversation they had was heavy with the knowledge that she 3*7!&'*E%+A5!6-/!7)!:*4!/0'!/).%1!0*,+C/!1)$'!-.5!Q)!:*45!I)38!H)70!&'*+',!0%7!&'*+!:4*$'!*A*%+7/!/0'!3*&&!*+,!4*1?',!0%$!

brain for anything that would convince her to stay there. She was due :)4!*!4*%7'!%+!;E'!$)+/075!J'$9#)=,)7$B=)/&)$7W)K('"0"9S;F'+,9C7!E)%1'!1*&&',!0%$!:4)$!*14)77!/0'!7/)4'5!V/!0'4!7%,'!%+!*+!

%+7/*+/8!0'!3*7!7/-++',!<9!0'4!*&&!)E'4!*A*%+5!Y0'!a&9!6-4A'4!-+%"form wove around her in shades of blue. Her hair sat atop her head in a gold coil, diagonal bangs swept across her forehead, the longest strands tucking into the frames of her glasses. He found himself lost in the shine of her blond hair, abandoned in the spell of her restless lips.=Y0*/!&*,9C7!)4,'4C7!$'77',!-.8@!70'!7*%,!4'$)E%+A!/0'!0*%4!:*&&%+A!

<'/3''+!<&*1?!&*70'7!*+,!<&*1?!:4*$'7!3%/0!*!P%1?!):!0'4!/0-$<5!He watched her gum as it traveled the boundaries of her pink

$)-/05!>/!3*7!&%?'!&))?%+A!/04)-A0!*!:4)+/"&)*,!3*70'48!%+!30%10!*!fresh crimson tee had bled onto everything around it. She raised an eyebrow and jerked her thumb toward the window behind her. H)70!A&*+1',!)-/!/0'!3%+,)3!*+,!%+/)!*!:*$%&%*4&9!10-<<9!:*1'5!6=,)

"$99#'3MB)"0%L;)He quickly stepped into assure the lady of his apologies *+,!/0*/!*+!)4,'4!):!Q-.'4P9!W0''7'!:4%'7!3)-&,!<'!.4)1-4',8!3%/0!+)!'[/4*!1)7/!/)!0'45!J'!/-4+',!<*1?!/)!F'+,95

“Thank you for addressing the problem so promptly,” he said keeping his eyes on hers. He strained to keep his vision above the <)//)$!):!0'4!70*4.!+)7'5!=D)-CE'!<''+!3)4?%+A!E'49!0*4,!&*/'&95@)R=,)=0#2M&;))=>CE'!<''+!/*&?%+A!/)!/0'!,%7/4%1/!$*+*A'4!*<)-/!A%E%+A!9)-!*!pay raise.” G,)=0#2M&;)He turned and headed for the kitchen, giving her

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time to mull this new information over. >+!/0'!?%/10'+8!G'44',!3*7!%+!/0'!.4)1'77!):!1)$.&'/%+A!=Y0'!

G'44',@!)4!*7!H)70!&%?',!/)!1*&&!%/8!=Y0'!$'779"3*7/'"):"1)$.*+9"4'7)-41'75@!>/!7/*4/',!*7!*!4'A-&*4!<-4A'48!/0'+!G'44',!*,,',!*!7$*&&!)4,'4!):!Q-.'4P9!W0''7'!a4%'78!30%10!3'4'!4'*&&9!M-7/!:4%'7!1)E'4',!in nacho cheese, then he wrapped it in raw bacon bow, like a present. He used two strips of bacon, laid them in an X, placed the burger in the center and somehow tied the strips into a knot at the top. J'!3)-&,!/0'+!10%1?'+":49!/0'!30)&'!/0%+A8!1*-7%+A!/0'!'+,7!):!/0'!<*1)+!?+)/7!/)!14%7.!-.!*+,!0*+A!7/%2!*A*%+7/!/0'!7%,'7!):!/0'!<-4A'48!making it look remarkably similar to its creator. =F'!+'',!*+!)4,'4!):!Q-.'4P9!W0''7'!:4%'78@!H)70!7*%,8!'9'%+A!=Y0'!


creation. The pressure of teeth on bun caused cheese to spew from all sides in a sudden gush of thick orange goo. Cheese fell in slow runs ,)3+!G'44',C7!0*+,7!*+,!7.&*70',!&*4A'!,4).7!)+/)!/0'!&%+)&'-$5!>+!*+!%+7/*+/!/0'!?%/10'+!4'7'$<&',!W0''7*7*-4-7!S'[C7!$-4,'4!71'+'5!H)70!3*7+C/!7-4'!%:!/0'9!70)-&,!7'1-4'!/0'!4))$!)4!+)/5!Q-4'&9!t4*:/!would be sending a forensic team to document the cheese spatter pat"terns dotting the room in orange evidence. J-449%+A!:4)$!/0'!4))$8!H)70!&':/!G'44',!/)!;+%70!)2!/0'!)4,'45!

He sat back in his chair in font of window one, propping his elbow on the counter so that he could rest his head in his curved palm. He hoped it would be a slow night. He had a lot of paperwork waiting for 0%$!%+!0%7!)_1'5!J'!&%?',!/)!7%/!*/!0%7!,'7?!%+!/0'!7$*&&!4))$!*+,!;&&!)-/!:)4$7!30%&'!7+'*?%+A!.'*?7!*/!F'+,9!)+!/0'!a&9!6-4A'4!7-4E'%&"&*+1'!E%,')8!<4)*,1*7/',!)+!*!7$*&&!Yr!7'/!%+!/0'!1)4+'4!):!0%7!,'7?5!She spent most of her time on her iPhone playing games, connecting /)!a*1'<))?!*+,!/'[/%+A!0'4!:4%'+,75!J'!+)/%1',!70'!&))?',!*/!*!&)/!):!.%1/-4'7!):!/-4/&'7!*+,!,'1%,',!/0*/!0'!3)-&,!A'/!0'4!*!7/-2',!*+%$*&!turtle for her birthday. 1/&=)0)(,#)"'@)0('$2#)/&B)2,%LW)J'X@'(L,(B)30A,)"/(&=#0S)7(,B,2&B)(/3=&WJ'!0'*4,!G'44',!1*&&!)-/!/0'!+'3!)4,'4!:4)$!/0'!?%/10'+!*+,!


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K-%1?&9!&'*+',!)-/!0%7!3%+,)35!F'+,9C7!.*&'!*4$!*..'*4',!1&-/10"%+A!/0'!<*A!:-&&!):!10''79!:4%'75!6-&&,)A!7+*/10',!/0'!<*A!%+/)!0'4!1*4!*+,!.-/!%/!%+/)!,4%E'5!V7!70'!.-&&',!*3*9!/0'!+%A0/!3*7!;&&',!3%/0!/0'!4',!):!0'4!/*%&&%A0/75!F'+,9C7!A0)7/&9!*4$!,%7*..'*4',!/04)-A0!/0'!3%+,)3!<-/!<':)4'!H)70!1)-&,!:''&!%/7!*<7'+1'!0'4!'K-*&&9!.*&'!:*1'!replaced it.=H)708@!70'!7*%,8!0'4!0'*,!/%&/',!:4)$!&'*+%+A!)-/!*+,!*4)-+,!/0'!

window opening, “Can I talk to you?” =D'*08@!0'!7*%,5!J'!.-&&',!0%7!0'*,!<*1?!%+/)!/0'!7/)4'5!a)4!/0'!;47/!


Y0'!;47/!)4,'4!):!/0'!+%A0/!*..'*4',!)+!G'44',C7!714''+5!J'!0'*,!banged his way across the kitchen, his long rocker hair unable to .4).'4&9!P9!*<)-/!,-'!/)!/0'!0*%4+'/!0'!3*7!:)41',!/)!3'*45!Y0'!:4%'7!cheered him on as they sizzled into the hot fry oil, spitting and pop".%+A!*7!%1'!'E*.)4*/',!)2!/0'$8!1497/*&7!$'&/%+A!%+/)!*!.))&!):!A)&,'+!fat and grease. He played air guitar as the fries turned golden and 14%7.5!Y0'!$'/*&!<*7?'/!1&*+A',!*7!G'44',!<*70',!%/!%+/)!%/7!0)&7/'4!to scoop a medium batch of fries and pour then into their cardboard .)-105!J'!70))?!/0'$!&%?'!$*4*1*7!*&&!/0'!3*9!%+/)!/0'!.*.'4!/)"A)!<*A5!Y0'!.)-10C7!P*/!<)//)$!*&&)3',!%/!/)!7/*+,!;4$!)+!%/7!)3+8!pushed to one side awaiting its fellows. V14)77!/0'!4))$!*A*%+8!0'*,!.-2!M*$$%+A8!G'44',!<'A*+!3)4?!

on the star of the meal. He pulled a bag from the freezer. The pat"ties, little hockey pucks of meat, were lined up all together in a long .&*7/%1!/-<'5!J'!7&%,!/0'!;47/!1)-.&'!)-/8!0%7!;+A'47!*,0'4%+A!/)!/0'!:4)7/',!7-4:*1'5!J'*/!3*7!/4*+7:'44',!:4)$!3*4$!P'70!/)!<'':8!$'&/"%+A!.'4$*:4)7/!/%&&!;+A'4/%.7!7&%,!'*7%&9!*&)+A!$'*/9!7-4:*1'5!Y0'!patties hit the grill top and hissed, like a lightly tapped snare. He 3*/10',!*7!/0'9!<&-70',!.%+?!/0'+!/-4+',!<4)3+!;&&%+A!/0'!?%/10'+!3%/0!%/7!3'&&"3)4+!:4*A4*+1'5!Z*4/%1&'7!):!7$'&&!P'3!%+/)!/0'!*%4!*+,!+'7/&',!%+!/0'!14)77%+A!;<'47!):!G'44',C7!-+%:)4$8!3'4'!/0'9!3)-&,!<'!/4*+7.)4/',!:4)$!?%/10'+!/)!3*70'48!*+,!'4*7',!<9!G*%+v!*!1&'*+!7&*/'!for another day.

With a few turns and summersaults the meat was satisfactorily

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1))?',5!G'44',!P%..',!*!.*//9!0%A0!%+/)!/0'!*%48!3*/10%+A!*7!%/!7)-4',!<*1?!/)3*4,7!/0'!3*%/%+A!<-+!%+!0%7!0*+,5!>/!$%77',5!J'!P%..',!another. Almost. He kicked the two dirty patties under the stove and sandwiched a third between two sesame buns. He wrapped the <-4A'4!%+!14%+?&9!3*[!.*.'4!*+,!/*$<)-4%+'!/*..',!%/!%+/)!/0'!<*A!-+/%&!%/!3*7!+'7/&',!+'[/!/)!/0'!:4%'75!!

“Chika chika.”G'44',!1)+/%+-',!0%7!0'*,!<*+A%+A!*7!0'!.&-1?',!*!$'A*"7%`',!

1-.!:4)$!/0'!7/*1?!*+,!;&&',!%/!3%/0!*+,!*E*&*+10'!):!%1'5!Y0'!<*4"rage of hail roared appreciatively. He clicked the cup into place under the Diet Coke label, syrup and carbonation swirled in a downpour ):!7-A*4',!;``5!J'!&'/!/0'!:)*$!4%7'!/%&&!%/!3*7!M-7/!&'E'&!3%/0!/0'!4%$8!snapping on a plastic lid to complete it. He threw a straw and some condiment packets into the bag and tossed it onto the counter. =6*$5!U4,'4C7!-.5@F'+,9!*..'*4',!*+,!A4*<<',!/0'!<*A8!+),,%+A!*/!G'44',!<'"

fore disappearing again into her corner of the store. He could hear /0'!14*1?!):!0'4!A-$!*7!0'4!/''/0!<%/!%+/)!%/7!.)1?'/7!):!*%45!G'44',!0*,+C/!4'*&&9!?+)3+!30*/!/)!/0%+?!):!F'+,9!*/!;47/5!a)4/9"/3)!9'*4!old bachelors rarely encountered teenage girls, but since the freezer incident he had gained a lot of respect for her. Y0'!)3+'47!):!a&9!6-4A'4!0*,!1-/!1)7/7!30'4'E'4!/0'9!1)-&,8!7)!

when the contractor had voiced his concern about a lack of vents in /0'!?%/10'+!/0'9!K-%1?&9!:)-+,!*!1)+/4*1/)4!30)!,%,+C/!0*E'!1)+"cerns, or a license, but that neither here nor there. Therefore during the course of the nightshift the kitchen would slowly transform into *!$'*/"71'+/',!7*-+*5!G'44',!):/'+!:)-+,!%/!0'&.:-&!/)!1))&!)2!*:/'4!0%7!70%:/!%+!/0'!&*4A'!3*&?"%+!:4''`'4!30'4'!0'!1)-&,!7%/!)+!*!1))&!P))4!surrounded by white mist and cold edibles. He always made sure to 3',A'!7)$'/0%+A!%+!/0'!,))4!7)!/0*/!%/!3)-&,+C/!*-/)"&)1?!<'0%+,!0%$5m+:)4/-+*/'&98!)+'!+%A0/!0'!10)7'!/)!.4).!).'+!/0'!,))4!3%/0!*+!

)&,!M*4!):!.%1?&'7!0'!0*,!:)-+,!7%//%+A!+'[/!/)!/0'!)-/"A)%+A!/4*705!H)708!;+%70%+A!0%7!10)4'7!:)4!/0'!+%A0/!3*7!1)+:-7',!*/!;47/!<9!/0'!jars journey from where he had placed it earlier and its new location. J'!10*&?',!%/!-.!/)!1*4'&'77+'77!)+!G'44',C7!.*4/!*+,!$)E',!/0'!M*4!back so that he would not forget to take it out with the rest of the

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sliding into place. He got to his feet and hurried to the door, panic already setting in. He slid his hand along the crease between door and 3*&&!<-/!%/!3*7!.*%+:-&&9!P*/5!Y0'!+'3!1)+/4*1/)4!0*,!:'&/!/0*/!/0'!)3+'47!70)-&,+C/!<'!<)/0'4',!3%/0!/0'!1)7/!):!*!7'1)+,!0*+,&'5!J%7!*&/'4+*/%+A!;7/7!0%/!/0'!,))4!3%/0!4*.%,!/0-,7!<-/!+)!)+'!1*$'!

for him. 6=/B)/B)/&;)6=,),2#;)1=')@/99)+,,#)TS)&$(&9,W)Coming to grips with 0%7!.4)<*<&'!,))$!*+,!/0*/!):!0%7!/-4/&'C78!%:!7'*410!*+,!4'71-'!,%,!+)/!,%71)E'4!%/8!7/*4E',!*+,!&)+'&9!%+!0%7!A&*77!/*+?8!G'44',!/))?!7/*&?!of the resources available to him. His only slim hope was to hold on in this frigid wasteland long enough for someone to stumble upon him. His hairnet would serve as a makeshift pack. He could make a sleeping pad out of frozen buns. Could he eat the patties? >+)S'$)%02),0&)T,0&)@=,2)/&MB)%''L,#P)/&)T$B&)",)Y2,)+('I,2;!D'78!0'!$*9!M-7/!$*?'!%/5!

He made short work of his bed, laying buns, sesame down, in neat 4)375!J'!0-+A!0%7!0*%4+'/!:4)$!*!0))?!*+,!;&&',!%/!3%/0!.*//%'7!/%&&!%/!7*AA',!0'*E%&95!Y0%+?%+A!<*1?!/)!*&&!/0'!7-4E%E)4!$)E%'7!0'C,!7''+8!G'44',!.-&&',!*!.'+!:4)$!0%7!70%4/!.)1?'/!*+,!<'A*+!1*4E%+A!*!&%+'!%+!/0'!$'/*&!,))48!$*4?%+A!0%7!;47/!,*9!%+!/0*/!%19!.4%7)+5!J'!0*,!/)!push down hard on the unclicked pen to get a good tally. He was go"ing over it for a third time, to get it just right, when the door swung open and he tumbled out into wonderful heat. Wendy stood over him, her mouth open, gum wad resting on her tongue.

“I heard a noise.”G'44',!&))?',!-.!*/!0'45!J'!0*,!+'E'4!4'*&&9!*..4'1%*/',!)4!-+,'4"

stood her, yet here she was, his savior. He got to his feet and shocked 0'4!3%/0!*!,)-<&'"*4$',8!10%&&',"/)"/0'"<)+'!0-A5!Q0'!0*,!:'&/!%/!<'7/!to stay still until it was over.

“How long was I gone? Did someone feed Samson? What day it is?”=>/C7!L)+,*95!F'!;+%70',!70%:/!M-7/!*!:'3!$%+-/'7!*A)5@Her gum was working again as she raised and eyebrow, dropped

it, shrugged and then left, grabbing her purse on her way out the ,))45!V:/'4!/0*/!G'44',!0*,!,)+'!*&&!0'!1)-&,!/)!4'.*9!0'45!J'C,!'E'+!+*$',!Q*$7)+C7!+'3!1)$.*+%)+!F'+,98!%+!0)+)4!):!0'4!<4*E'495!F'+,9C7!E)%1'!4*+A!)-/!*14)77!/0'!7/)4'8!1*-7%+A!H)70!/)!A)!30%`"

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`%+A!<95!!G'44',!3*7+C/!:)+,!):!0)3!:)+,!H)70!3*7!):!F'+,9!30)$!0'!/0)-A0/!:)+,&9!):5!J$$5!a)+,-'R!J-+A49!+)38!G'44',!<'A*+!*7"7'$<&%+A!0%7!:*E)4%/'!10''7'!;&&',!$'*&5!J'!?+'3!0'!70)-&,!&'/!/''+7!<'!/''+7!<-/!0'!,%,+C/!3*+/!/0'$!/)!<'!/''+7!/)A'/0'45!F'+,9!3*7!H)*+!):!V418!$'*+/!/)!$''/!0'4!S)$')!*+,!&%E'!0*..%&9!'E'4!*:/'4!%+!B%7+'9!X*+,5!H)70!3*7!*!$*%+!7/'*$8!-./%A0/!,4*A)+!%+!*!7-%/8!.-70%+A!buttons on screens and handing out hairnets.)R7,0L)'+)&=,)#(03'2;H)70!1*$'!%+/)!/0'!?%/10'+!M-7/!*7!G'44',!3*7!*<)-/!/)!'+M)9!0%7!

$'*&5!J'!7*%,!7)$'/0%+A!/)!G'44',!*<)-/!$*?%+A!:4%'7!*+,!/0'+!&':/!*7!G'44',!/))?!*!K-%1?!<%/'8!0%7!:*1'!$)4'!.%+10',!/0*+!-7-*&5!Q04-A"A%+A!G'44',!7'/!,)3+!0%7!<-4A'48!3%.',!0%7!$)-/0!3%/0!0%7!7&''E'!*+,!scooped up a fresh batch of fries. He put the fries under the cheese dispenser, which quickly drizzled a sizable helping of orange ooze, bagged the order and threw it onto the counter.=6*$5!I'3!)4,'4C7!-.5@Q%//%+A!,)3+!%+!)+'!):!/0'!?%/10'+!10*%47!/)!;+%70!0%7!$'*&8!G'44',!

remembered that he had wanted to send a picture to Wendy. Wendy the turtle had been sharing a slice of apple with Samson that morning *+,!0'C,!K-%1?&9!7+*..',!*!.%1/-4'!)+!0%7!.0)+'!/)!7'+,!/)!F'+,95!He was very fond of the Wendys in his life, both Wendy the turtle and Wendy the Wendy. He sent the picture not bothering to type a $'77*A'5!J'!3*7+C/!*!E'49!A)),!/'[/'4!*+,!0'!3*7!7-4'!F'+,9!*..4'"ciated the gesture even without commentary.

A moment later his phone beeped. Wendy had sent him a smiley :*1'5!Y0'!;47/!/%$'!/0%7!0*,!0*..'+',8!0'C,!<''+!1)+:-7',8!-+*<&'!to understand how colon parenthesis was an appropriate response to Wendy and Samson watching CSI from their case. He asked Wendy 30*/!70'!0*,!$'*+/!30'+!0'!+'[/!7*3!0'45!J'!3*7!*$*`',!30'+!70'!0'&,!)-/!0'4!0*+,!'[.'1/*+/&98!/))?!0%7!)2'4',!.0)+'!*+,!/-4+',!%/!on its side, causing it to smile happily up at him.G'44',!0'*4,!/0'!:*$%&%*4!/)&&!):!F'+,9C7!E)%1'!*+,!3*/10',!*7!


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G'44',!&))?',!,)3+!*/!/0'!.0)+'!%+!0%7!0*+,78!/0'!714''+!7/%&&!shining her message up at him. G0#)/&)09(,0#S)",,2)0)S,0(W

F'+,9!A4*<<',!/0'!;47/!)4,'4!):!/0'!+%A0/!*+,!3*&?',!<*1?!/)!0'4!window. She popped her gum as she sat back down in her chair and swiveled to the customer outside. She handed the woman her order, ;47/!/0'!<*A!*+,!/0'+!/0'!73'*/%+A!1-.!):!1)?'5!

“Have a nice day,” she said, her words as stale as her gum. F'+,9!3*/10',!/0'!&*,9!,4%E'!)28!*+,!/0'+!.%1?',!-.!0'4!%Z0)+'5!

Q0'!3*7!*&&!+'7/&',!%+!:)4!*+)/0'4!&*$'!'E'+%+A!*/!a&9!6-4A'4!*+,!wasted no time in informing her Facebook followers. Z$B&)&@')T'(,)@,,LB)&/99)>)3,&)TS)2,@)%0([\0&)]9S)4$(3,(;)K'B&;)

The second her dad signed and initialed all the forms she was burn"%+A!0'4!-A&9!<&-'!70%4/!*+,!1*70%+A!0'4!&*7/!10'1?5!Q0'!3*7!1)+;,'+/!she had not learned whatever lesson her dad was trying to instill in 0'48!-+&'77!%/!3*7!/0*/!3)4?!7-1?7!*+,!70'!70)-&,!$))10!)2!0'4!.*4"ents as long as humanly possible. Q0'!3)-&,!<'!0*..9!/)!A'/!*3*9!:4)$!H)70!<-/!70'!3)-&,!$%77!

G'44',5!J'!3*7!3'%4,!<-/!0'C,!,)+'!*!&)/!:)4!0'48!$)7/!):!%/!%+!/0*+?7!for getting him out of the freezer that one night. He had really grown on her, especially since the rat infestation.V<)-/!*!$)+/0!*:/'4!70'!0*,!7/*4/',!3)4?%+A!*/!a&9!6-4A'48!%/!1*$'!

/)!/0'!'$.&)9''7C!*//'+/%)+!/0*/!*!7$*&&!/4)).!):!4*/7!0*,!$)E',!%+/)!the bushes running alongside the store. This had upset Wendy quite a bit. In her opinion, rats were gross, nasty, ugly, germy things that live in gross places and feed on gross things. She became too scared /)!3*&?!/)!0'4!1*4!*&)+'5!H)70!K-%1?&9!E)&-+/''4',!/)!3*&?!0'4!*:/'4!every shift, which was a slight comfort. She would gladly put up with him if it put something between her and those squeaking bushes, <-/!0'4!)+'"$*+!A-*4,!,%,+C/!7''$!&%?'!$-10!*:/'4!/0'!'[/'4$%+*/)4!enounced that the problem was worse then they had anticipated. =Y0'9C4'!%+!/0'!3*&&7!*+,!/0'9C4'!<4'',%+A5!>/!3%&&!/*?'!*!:'3!3''?7!

to weasel them out.”This diagnosis threw Wendy into a state. She collapsed into her

chair and promptly began hyperventilating, her mouth opening and 1&)7%+A!%+!0-A'!A*7.7!):!*%45!H)708!/0'!?+%A0/!A*&&*+/8!4-70',!*14)77!/0'!

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store and returned with a paper bag. The bag was pushed over her $)-/08!%/7!M*AA',!',A'7!714*.%+A!0'4!10''?75!>/!,'P*/',!3%/0!'*10!%+/*?'!*+,!%+P*/',!3%/0!'*10!)-//*?'8!$*?%+A!0'4!/0%+?!):!.-29!:4)A!necks. She threw the bag away. =Z-/!9)-4!0'*,!<'/3''+!9)-4!?+''78@!H)70!7*%,8!0%7!0*+,!4-<<%+A!

her back. “Like hell,” she wheezed out, knocking his hand away with a twist

of her shoulders. “What can I do? Do you want some water?” he said, practically

hoping with the compulsive need to help.F'+,9!%A+)4',!H)70!*+,!&))?',!*/!G'44',5!J'!7/*4',!<*1?!*/!0'4!

for a beat and then turned and ran across the store and into the closet where they kept the cleaning supplies. The door closed and then re"opened. She thought of a Clark Kent jumping into a phone booth to 10*+A'!%+/)!Q-.'4$*+8!/0)-A0!G'44',!3*7!$)4'!):!*!W*./*%+!m+,'4"pants. He reappeared holding a broom and then dashed out into the +%A0/5!F'+,9!*+,!H)70!4*+!/)!/0'!3%+,)3!/)!7''!G'44',!<'*/%+A!/0'!bushes with the broom, his mouth releasing a wild call.=F0*/!*!3'%4,!,-,'8@!H)70!7*%,!0%7!'9'7!:)&&)3%+A!'*10!73%+A5Wendy just watched. With each swat the bushes spewed tiny

shrieking shadows that dashed out into the darkness just beyond /0'!4'*10!):!a&9!6-4A'4C7!+')+!<&-'!7%A+75!Y0'!+%A0/!3*7!;&&',!3%/0!G'44',C7!149!*+,!/0'!7$*1?%+A!):!/0'!<4))$!*+,!/0'!7K-'*?%+A!):!4*/78!*7!/0'!/3)!/''+7!3*/10',!/0'%4!$%,,&'"*A',!1)3)4?'4!/*?'!)+!/0'!0)*4,5!Y0)-A0!G'44',C7!*//*1?!0*,!,)+'!&%//&'!/)!'&%$%+*/'!/0'!4*/78!%/!0*,!,)+'!$-10!:)4!F'+,9C7!).%+%)+!):!0%$5

Wendy looked up at the sound of a car approaching. She watched <&*+?&9!*7!/0'!&*,9!:4)$!<':)4'!4'E'47',!0'4!1*4!%+/)!/0'!,4%E'"/04-5!6=0&MB)0)2,@)'2,. The right side of the car popped up as the back wheel drove onto the curve. The car stopped, the wheels were turned and /0'!<*1?!30''&!7&%,!)2!/0'!<-&A'!):!1'$'+/!1*-7%+A!/0'!30)&'!/0%+A!to bounce a few times. Finally the lady got her car back into the posi"/%)+!%/!0*,!<''+!<':)4'!)-/7%,'!F'+,9C7!3%+,)35!Y0'!3%+,)3!4)&&',!down and the lady looked out, frowning.

“I wanted a fry with cheese.”=V!Q-.'4P9!W0''7'!a49R@

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“No, a fry with cheese.”=Y0*/C7!30*/!*!Q-.'4P9!W0''7'!a49!%75@“Then that. I want that.”Q$T"0BB5!F'+,9!/-4+',!*+,!70)-/',!:)4!H)708!30)!*..'*4',!*7!

*++)9%+A&9!:*7/!*7!'E'45!Q0'C,!?+)3+!/0'!$)$'+/!70'!$'/!0%$!/0*/!0'C,!7'/!0%7!7%A0/7!)+!0'45!1'T,2)09@0SB)L2'@;!J'C,!<''+!/))!0'&.:-&8!too understanding of her lacking resume and too easy to manipu"&*/'5!Q0'C,!0*,!)/0'4!M)<7!&%+',!-.8!$-10!$)4'!*//4*1/%E'!)+'7!/))8!<-/!70'C,!4'*&%`',!/0*/!*/!*+)/0'4!M)<!70'C,!*1/-*&&9!0*E'!/)!3)4?5!V/!a&9!6-4A'4!70'!0*,!7)$')+'!30)!3*7!4'*,9!*+,!3%&&%+A!/)!,)!*&$)7/!everything for her, with very little encouragement. J'C,!/4%',!/)!A'/!0'4!/)!3)4?!/0'!,4%E'"/04-8!30%10!70'!0*,!K-%1?&9!

put down. J9,02W)K9,0B,;!Q0'C,!+'E'4!1&'*+',!*+9/0%+A!%+!0'4!&%:'!*+,!70'!3*7+C/!7/*4/%+A!'E'45!V:/'4!0'4!70%:/!70'C,!A4*<!0'4!.-47'!*+,!0'*,!0)$'8!&'*E%+A!H)70!/)!1&'*+!/0'!<*/04))$78!3%.'!/0'!1)-+/'478!/*?'!out the trash and whatever else he did. Sometimes, when she passed him on her way out, his hands full of cleaning supplies, she would feel a little bad. To assuage her guilt, she decided at the end of her '$.&)9$'+/!*/!a&9!6-4A'4!70'!3)-&,!&'/!0%$!/*?'!0'4!)+!*!,*/'!*+,!maybe even let him kiss her at the end of it. 6=0&)@'$9#)B$(,9S)T0L,)$7)+'(),A,(S&=/23;=Y0*/!&*,9C7!)4,'4C7!$'77',!-.5@!Q0'!%+,%1*/',!/0'!,-$<*77!%+!/0'!

4-7/9!Y)9)/*5!Q0'!+)3!?+'3!30*/!1*4!+)/!/)!A'/5!H)70!/))?!/0'!&*,9C7!new order but instead of heading straight to the kitchen he turned and looked at her.

“Thank you for addressing the problem so promptly,” he said his '9'7!$*+*A%+A!/)!7/*9!)+!0'47!:)4!)+1'5!=D)-!0*E'!<''+!3)4?%+A!E'49!0*4,!&*/'&95!>CE'!<''+!/*&?%+A!/)!/0'!,%7/4%1/!$*+*A'4!*<)-/!A%E%+A!9)-!a pay raise.”6':)4'!70'!1)-&,!4'7.)+,!0'!&':/!/)!%+:)4$!G'44',!):!/0'!$%7/*?'!

%+!/0'!&*,9C7!)4,'45!1'(L/23)=0(#)90&,9SW He was crazy if he actually /0)-A0/!/0*/!70'C,!<''+!3)4?%+A!0*4,'45!U'(,)9/L,)&=,)'77'B/&,; She was so close to getting out of this place, but… Thinking over this new development, Wendy watched the lady consume her medium fry, her piggy hands glowing with grease and sprinkled with crystals of salt. F('BB; F)4?%+A!*/!a&9!6-4A'4!3*7!*!1)+7/*+/!4'$%+,'4!/)!F'+,9!/0*/!

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America is full of gross fat people. She was sure that there must be a statistic out there somewhere that showed a correlation between a&9!6-4A'4!.*/4)+7!*+,!F*&"L*4/!70)..'475!Q0'!0*,!+'E'4!K-%/'!<''+!able to erase from her mind the image of the fattest man she had ever seen.J'C,!<''+!%$.)77%<&9!3',A',!%+/)!/0'!,4%E'4C7!7'*/8!0%7!7/)$*10!

molding around the wheel. G'@)#/#)=,)#(/A,)9/L,)&=0&W She watched in silent horror as he took the bag from her waiting hand and set in on his belly to check its contents. She supposed he was making sure /0'4'!3*7!'+)-A0!:)),!%+7%,'!/)!?''.!0%7!<-%&/"%+!/*<&'!%+!:-&&!:)4$5!J'!,'1%,',!%/!3*78!A*E'!0'4!*!&%//&'!3*E'!*+,!,4)E'!)25!F'+,9!0*,!gone straight to the kitchen to wash her hands. N,BP)@'(L/23)&=,)@/2#'@)0&)]9S)4$(3,()@0B)0)#/B3$B&/239S),S,)'7,2/23)

,57,(/,2%,;))=6*$5!I'3!)4,'4C7!-.5@Wendy hopped out of her chair and picked up the waiting order.

She smiled when her phone beeped on her way back to the window. G'44',!$-7/!0*E'!7'+/!0'4!*+)/0'4!.%1/-4'!):!F'+,9!*+,!Q*$7)+5!She hopped it was a good one; the wallpaper on her laptop was from a few months ago and needed a change. F'+,9!3*7!7-4.4%7',!<9!0)3!$-10!/0'!/0)-A0/!):!&'*E%+A!*2'1/',!


%+A!)-/7%,'5!Y0'!&*,9!/))?!%/!3%/0)-/!*!3)4,!*+,!,4)E'!)2!%+/)!/0'!+%A0/!/)!;+,!*!K-%'/!.&*1'!/)!'*/!0'4!7'1)+,!0'&.%+A!):!:4%'75!F'+,9!brought her hand back and rested it on the edge of the window, using /0'!&'E'4*A'!/)!&'*+!0'4!0'*,!)-/!%+/)!/0'!+%A0/5!Q0'!3*7+C/!7-4.4%7',!/)!;+,!H)70!7/*4%+A!<*1?!*/!0'48!0%7!0'*,!/%&/',!)-/!0%7!)3+!3%+,)35=H)708!1*+!>!/*&?!/)!9)-R@!Q0'!*7?',!0'4!'9'7!$''/%+A!0%7!%+/'+/&95!=D'*08@!0'!7*%,!0%7!0'*,!,%7*..'*4%+A!%+/)!/0'!7/)4'5!He took longer than usual to get to her and when he appeared his

steps were cautious. She noted the grim set of his thin mouth and absence of the clanging and banging from the kitchen. 10B)&=,(,)(,099S)02S)=0(T)/2)B&0S/23)&=,(,)0)9/&&9,)9'23,(W)Q0'!?+'3!/0*/!M)<!'[.'4%'+1'!

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would be important in the future and that if she stayed she would be *<&'!/)!0)&,!)2!)+!H)70C7!.%/9!,*/'!:)4!/0'!/%$'!<'%+A5!

“I want to talk about that pay raise you mentioned earlier,” She said with a pop of her gum.

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L*9<'!/0'!$*+!3*7!9'*47!,''.!%+!$%7/*?'7dancing at that intersection for all of usto see. There must have been musicin his head. L*9<'!0'!:)-+,!G),)+!*1%,8!*+,!G),!+'E'4!7/)..',!4-++%+Ahis mouth. L*9<'!0%7!:*/0'4!4*%7',!0%$&%?'!*!30%/'!P*A5!>!3)+,'4!%:!0'!7*3!0%7!<-,,9C7!0'*,opened with a bullet, and still does'E'49!+%A0/5!L*9<'!/0'!$*+!0*,!<''+!<-4%',:)4!7)!&)+A!/0*/!0'!7''7!3)4$7!*+,!<)+'75!L*9<'!the man was a skeleton tapping a death dance. L*9<'!0'!3*7!0*..95!

kyle huntI THOUGHT

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>:!>!*,,!/)A'/0'4!/0'!G)&,'+!S*/%)of how long it takes you to get readyand the number of times I imagined 9)-!+*?',!*/!/0'!)_1'!/),*98$-&/%.&9!<9!!/0'8!*..4)[%$*/'&98!three million meters per second it takes the lights to go out in our bedroom and by the asses ):!)/0'4!3)$'+!>CE'!)A&',8!>!,%,+C/!0'*4anything you just said.Then divide that by the number of times9)-CE'!?%1?',!$9!70%+!<'+'*/0!7)$'!/*<&'8multiply the circumferenceof the subsequent bruises, tender as my bosses touch when I pass0'4!*!;&'!*14)77!/0'!/*<&'!)+!a4%,*97C!$''/%+A5Divide further by the Newtons of forcebehind the frying pan you threwthat missed my head; raise that to the power ):!?%&)A4*$7!):!0*%4!9)-CE'!&':/!!%+!/0'!70)3'4!,4*%+8!*,,!/0'!7-$$*/%)+!):!Z&*+1?C7!1)+7/*+/*+,!/0'!*E'4*A'!,-4*/%)+!):!$*?'"-.!7'[8subtracting, of course, the quantum cost ):!/0'!1)+,)$7!9)-!&'/!'[.%4'8!%/!70)37why the same aerodynamics that lift*!:)-4"/)+!*%4.&*+'!!)2!/0'!/*4$*1!3)-&,!+)/!7-_1'to lift my eyes.

stuart gillFINDING Y

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destiny bezrutczyk

THE PUNCH LINE>:!>!0*,!/)!/'&&!9)-!*<)-/!%/f30%&'!<'%+A!0)+'7/!3%/0!9)-8!*+,!3%/0!


I think the worst part was that neither of us saw him. Later, I did /49!/)!;+,!/0'!A-9f/0)-A0!L*4/%+'`!%7!/0'!)+&9!)+'!%+!)-4!-+%/!30)!could tell one haji from another. Hell, I might be solely responsible :)4!0*&:!/0'!).":)4!,'*/07!%+!t*+,*0*45!6-/!>!+'E'4!1)-&,!.)%+/!*/!)+'!):!/0'%4!<),%'7!*+,!7*98!=D'.5!Y0*/C7!/0'!<*7/*4,!/0*/!,%,!%/5!>!A)/!0%$5@!6-/!>!*&7)!1*+C/!7*9!*+9!):!/0*/!3)-&,!0*E'!10*+A',!*+9/0%+A5!>/C7!$9!M)<!/)!?%&&!'E'49!7%+A&'!)+'!):!/0'$5!Q)!30*/!%:!>!-7',!*!&%//&'!4%A0/')-7!:-49!/)!A'/!$'!/04)-A0!*!&)+A!,*9!*/!/0'!)_1'R>C$!7)4498!B)15!Y0*/C7!*!&%'5!Y0'!,*9!/0*/!6%&&!,%',8!/0*/!3*7+C/!*+!


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a hundred more rotations pouring concrete in the desert and building V:A0*+%!.4%7)+7!/0*+8!9)-!?+)3q!6-/!>!A-'77!/0*/C7!/0'!,'*&8!4%A0/R!I tell you the truth, my feelings and such, and you let Top know that >C$!+)/!14*`9R!a%+'5K,,2L5!Y0*/C7!/0'!7)-+,!>!0'*4,!*7!3'!4'&)*,',!%+/)!/0'!0-$E''5!

Patrol over, time to put the bullets back in their magazine. K,,2L. Y0*/C7!/0'!7)-+,!*!<-&&'/!$*?'7!.*77%+A!/04)-A0!0-$*+!P'70!*+,!<)-+1%+A!0*4$&'77&9f%:!9)-!1*+!1*&&!%/!/0*/f)2!/0'!E'0%1&'C7!4'%+:)41',!$'/*&5!W*+!9)-!<'&%'E'!/0*/!;47/!)+'!3*7!+)+"&'/0*&R!Z*77',!/04)-A0!0%7!:)4'*4$!<-/!0'!1)-&,!0*E'!&%E',5!Y0'!+'[/!7%[!1*-7',!/0'!4'*&!destruction. His thighs took most of them; cut through his femorals, /0'+!%&%*1!*4/'4%'75!69!/0'!/%$'!/0'!70))/%+A!7/)..',8!/0'%47!*+,!)-478!>!,%,+C/!3*+/!/)!&))?!*/!0%$5>!/0%+?!>!70)-/',!=l77'4@!$*9<'!*!,)`'+!/%$'75!>!)+&9!1*&&!0%$!6%&&!

0'4'!*+,!3%/0!0%7!:*$%&9f0%7!+*$'!3*7!6%&&!l77'4!%:!/0'9!+'E'4!/)&,!9)-5!6-/!0'!3*7!<&*1?%+A!)-/8!7)!;47/!>!9'&&',!0%7!)3+!+*$'!*/!0%$5!Then, when he was still alive in transport, we tried to talk. Tried. He could talk a little too so I thought he was gonna make it.J'!7*%,8!=F0*/!/0'!0'&&8!G-++'4R@!Y0*/C7!30*/!'E'49)+'!1*&&7!$'5!>!1*449!/0'!5^O8!>!<4%+A!-.!/0'!4'*4!%+!

marches, and I have a helluva last name so it kinda just stuck.V/!;47/8!>!3*7+C/!A)++*!*+73'4!0%$!<'1*-7'8!9)-!?+)38!0%7!<'%+A!

*&%E'!3*7!A)),!'+)-A0!:)4!$'5!6-/!/0'+!0'!7/*4/',!A%E%+A!$'!70%/!about Pollocks and silence, so I started to talk. It was nothing talk. >!7*%,!>C,!&%?'!/)!/-4+!/0'!'+/%4'!1)-+/49!%+/)!*!.*4?%+A!&)/!:)4!/0'!3)4&,C7!&*4A'7/!F*&"L*4/8!*+,!0'!&*-A0',5!Y0'+!)+'!):!/0'!A-978!H'+"7'+!>!/0%+?8!/)&,!-7!0)3!0'C,!&)7/!0%7!E%4A%+%/9!%+!*!F*&"L*4/!.*4?%+A!&)/!*+,!/0*/!:4)$!/0'+!)+!0'!1)-&,+C/!7''!)+'!3%/0)-/!A'//%+A!7)$'!&'E'&!):!<)+'45!F'!*&&!&*-A0',8!'E'+!)-4!$',%1!30)C,!<''+!/*.%+A!l7"ser up, so I guess I never thought that that would be when he chose /)!,%'fE'49!K-%'/!*+,!,-4%+A!/0'!.-+10!&%+'5V+,!'E'+!/),*98!*7!>!7*9!/0*/8!>!3)+,'4!%+7/'*,!0)3!A)),!H'+7'+C7!


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ory t


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Shatam N. Thiel, 8&,(209)]90T,P!\O]\8!7/*%+&'77!7/''&8!.)3,'4!1)*/',!.*%+/8!N5^:/![!\:/![!g5^:/

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i war



e fri


Every Thursday after dinner we walkto the tavern two blocks from my apartment.We unwind with our drinks and listen to a man +*$',!F%&&%'!3*%&!=Y0'!Y04%&&!>7!G)+'@on his harmonica. Some nights you walk over*+,!/04)3!*!;E'!%+!0%7!0*/!)+!/0'!P))48*+,!)/0'4!/%$'7!9)-C&&!)4,'4!/04''!,4%+?7sone for me, you, and one for Willie.On rare occasions, Willie will set his harmonica down,fold his hands behind his back and recitethe best of Lawrence, making every woman/3%4&!0'4!0*%48!<%/'!0'4!;+A'48!)4!7%A05And at the end of the night, Willie packs uphis harmonica and puts his hat on and you and I strollthe two blocks back, holding handsbeneath the steady buzz of streetlamps and alcohol.

L*9<'!%+!/0'!$)4+%+A!>C&&!;+,!9)-!4'*,%+A!/0'!,*9C7!.*.'4!)+!$9!1)-108,4%+?%+A!7/*-+10!<&*1?!1)2''!*+,!/'&&%+A!$'that we ought to make the drive to the coastwhere we can squander away our time.

ashli wardlawCOME FRIDAY

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When you close your eyes, I trymemorizing the crests of your cheeks, nose,jawline sloping to freckled shoulders, broad,as the rise and fall of life in you lends a comfortable rhythm to my work.

When I close my eyes, I retrace my steps.On reaching that strong slope, I forget where I am. Consumed by you, I frantically search again those plains of supple strength, with their hills,intermittent, and faintest blue ravines.>!+'',!/)!4'$'$<'4!30*/!1*$'!+'[/5

I feel as though, if I were to huddle in the valleyof your breastbone, I would see and hearand feel those things that I need to know you by.Perhaps if I could hold it all in memory, I would know you in more than just this moment,

/0)-A0!%/!$*?'7!+)!,%2'4'+1'5!Whenever I peer into the caverns):!9)-4!3'&&"P'1?',!'9'78!>!1*+!7''!I was never meant to try. 6-/!*7!9)-!1&)7'!/0'$8!>!:)4A'/f!and I try again.

camille haiderCARTOGRAPHER

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Austin W. Duncan, 6=,)J=/9#(,28!\O]\8!%+?M'/!.%A$'+/!.4%+/8!]]%+![!]g%+!'*10

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kaitlynn wileyREPLICAAlone in the dark he worked diligently, his movements rustling

0%7!7&%A0/&9!,%4/%',!1&)/0'75!Y0'!$''?!&%A0/!/0*/!;&&',!/0'!<*7'$'+/!set his face deep into shadows and his weary hands into view as they moved through the pressing night. After hours of labor he leaned <*1?8!.&'*7',!3%/0!0%7!'2)4/5!6':)4'!0%$!7*/!*!$),'&!/)3+8!*!4'.4),-1/%)+!):!/0'!E'49!)+'!0'!

resided in. Each tree was placed in the correct spot, each person de"picted, and no stone or leaf was forgotten. Y0'4'!3*7!M-7/!)+'!;+*&!*,,%/%)+!&':/!/)!.&*1'5!J'!4'*10',!%+/)!

/0'!4'1'77'7!):!0%7!.)1?'/!*+,!.-&&',!)-/!*!7$*&&!)<M'1/5!l[*$%+"%+A!/0'!;A-4%+'8!0'!1)-&,!7''!*&&!):!/0'!,'/*%&7!/0*/!$*,'!%/!0%$v!%/7!square glasses, stained clothes, wisps of coal grey hair tucked under his simple black bandanna. He smiled toothily at the replica, and it 7$%&',!<*1?!%+!4'P'1/%)+!):!%/7!14'*/)45!G'+/&98!/0'!$*+!4'$)E',!/0'!layers of his house until the cellar, with its own town stretched out on a rusted table, was revealed. He lowered his hand and placed the

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small copy of himself in the house.V/!&*7/!0'!3*7!7*/%7;',!3%/0!/0'!$),'&5!I)3!%/!3*7!/%$'!/)!;+%70!%/5Taking out a book of matches, he struck only one. He stared for a

$)$'+/!*/!%/7!A&)3%+A!<'*-/98!/0'!7$*&&!P*$'!,*+1%+A!%+!/0'!70*,"ows. Then, he placed the match on the very edge of the town in its $*?'70%:/!;'&,5

Immediately the paper began to burn.Delighted, the man watched as it spread to building after building,

overtaking everything in its path until the small town was nothing but a pile of ashes.

He turned from the destroyed copy, grinning widely.X*1%+A!0%7!;+A'47!/)A'/0'4!/)!14)77!/0'$!:)4!&-1?8!0'!0)<<&',!/)!

/0'!)+&9!3%+,)3!%+!/0'!<*7'$'+/5!J'!34'+10',!%/!).'+!!/)!;+,!*+!orange glow stretching across the entire horizon. Y0'!7$'&&!):!7$)?'!3*:/',!%+/)!/0'!<*7'$'+/8!$%[%+A!3%/0!/0'!

swelling sound of sirens.He laughed.

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Andrew L. Hernandez, F,2#,()10(B8!\O]\8!$%[',!$',%*8!]\%+![!!\g%+![!e%+

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I watched my cousin hunt, watched him7.%+!*!K-*%&C7!<),9from its head. And to make matters worsehe tossed it in a pond,left the body for the ants. There must have been something to sayas the head sank slowly down to mud and rock,;70!30%..%+A!1%41&'7as it turned and turned away from the lightaway from the body;but I walked back through the woods*7!%:!/0'!1%/9!3'4'!+)!,%2'4'+/8like I was used to seeing bodiesdisconnect to the ground. Another goat got its headstuck between the barbed wire that night.L9!1)-7%+!0*,!&'*4+',!/)!7&''.through the cries. I laid awake turningeverything in my head: /0'!A)*/C7!0'*,8its body struggling to pull free;/0'!K-*%&C7!<),9!*+,!/0'!*+/78%/7!0'*,!*+,!/0'!;705!F'!3)?'!/)!;+,!/0'%4!,)A!0*,!3)+,'4',!)2v!/0'!7%[/0!/)!7&%.!/0'!A*/'!/0*/!9'*45!

kyle huntON THE RANCH

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There was no early morning search party, no 9''LX+'( signs were posted,M-7/!*+)/0'4!A)+'",)A5!

L9!&*7/!+%A0/!)+!/0'!4*+103'!4*+!/0'!$))+"&%/!7&).'!):!/0'!9*4,873*//%+A!;4'P%'7!3%/0!.&*7/%1!<*/75!We wiped their glow to our cheeks.There must have been something to say.

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ory t



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ory t


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from theEDITORS

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nick robertson

WRITER’S BLOCKY0'!1-47)4!<&%+?',!)+!/0'!'$./9!.*A'5!Y0'!P*70!):!$)1?%+A!.%['&7!

<'*/!%+!/%$'!3%/0!/0'!E'%+!/04)<<%+A!%+!Y),,C7!/'$.&'5!Y0'!3)4,7!M-7/!3)-&,+C/!1)$'5!Y),,!0*,!<''+!7%//%+A!*/!/0'!,'7?!*&&!):!/3'+/9!$%+-/'75!Y0*/!3*7!/0'!/)-A0!/0%+A!*<)-/!34%/'4C7!<&)1?5!lE'+!30'+!0'!/4%',!/)!;[!%/8!Y),,!1)-&,+C/!*11)$.&%70!*+9/0%+A5!>+7/'*,8!0'!3*7!left with a blank page and that damn blinking cursor. He pushed back from his computer and stared at it considering for a moment. Todd stood, his chair screeched along the ground before toppling onto its 7%,'!3%/0!*!1&*//'4!*A*%+7/!/0'!0*4,!3)),!P))45!Y),,!&))?',!:4)$!/0'!10*%4!/)!0%7!1)$.-/'48!*!0-&?%+A!F%+,)37!wu^!1)+/4*./%)+8!*+,!<*1?!to the chair, torn between the two. A vein on his tempo throbbed. Todd nodded to himself before hefting the beige boulder of a com".-/'4!)2!):!/0'!,'7?!*+,!1*449%+A!%/!*14)77!/0'!4))$5!Y0'!1*<&'7!coming from the back of the electronic block went taut, pulling Todd up short and ripping the monitor from his hands. It hit the ground, 7'+,%+A!*!70)3'4!):!<4)?'+!714''+!*14)77!/0'!P))48!*+,!'&%1%/%+A!*+!

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J'!70)E',!0%7!0*+,7!%+!0%7!.)1?'/7!*+,!A4*<<',!0%7!?'97!)2!):!/0'!counter, leaving the computer behind and heading towards the door of the apartment. With his hand on the doorknob, Todd stopped. He looked, almost furtively, behind him at the PC sitting desolately in /0'!$%,,&'!):!/0'!P))45!Y0'!,))4?+)<!4*//&',!K-%'/&9!*7!Y),,!/-4+',!to faced the abandoned computer equipment. Squaring his shoulders, Todd let out his best battle roar, his voice cracking. He grabbed the $)+%/)4!)2!/0'!A4)-+,!*+,!/3%7/',!*A*%+7/!/0'!1)+7/4*%+%+A!1*<&'75!They gave with the crack of breaking Ikea furniture, and sent Todd stumbling towards the window. He used his momentum to charge to the window sill, balance the computer on his hip long enough to tear the window open, and heave the entire blasted thing into the abyss outside. There was a second, no, two seconds of silence as the monitor plummeted the seven stories to earth. The almost satisfy"ing crunch of impact made Todd smile to himself. The angry scream from the sidewalk demanding to know who had just totaled their car parked at the meter made Todd slam his window shut.

Todd pointed menacingly at the chair, still on its back in the middle of the room. “That could have been you,” he declared. Satis";',!/0*/!0%7!.)%+/!3*7!$*,'8!Y),,!3'+/!/)!/0'!,))4!*+,!'[%/',!/0'!*.*4/$'+/5!J'!,%,+C/!&))?!<*1?5

Todd walked down the street, still fuming over his ongoing project. His eyes were bloodshot and his gait uneven. Anyone would have assumed he was drunk, but they would have been wrong. Todd was just that angry at the world. He was furious at the cars honking on the city streets, he raged against the people walking by with downcast eyes with phones glued to the sides of their heads, everyone pissed Y),,!)25!Y),,C7!.&*+!3*7!/)!A)!/)!/0'!)+&9!<*4!%+!3*&?%+A!,%7/*+1'5!He wanted to drink away the cost of his shattered monitor. Hopeful"ly, some scotch would drown out the worries of being charged for the damage to the unlucky car parked beneath his window. Todd wanted /)!,4%+?8!*+,!Y),,!3*+/',!/)!<'!&':/!*&)+'5!Y),,C7!.&*+!3*7!<)4%+A5I)!)+'!<-/!Y),,!3)-&,!<'!%+/'4'7/',!%+!Y),,C7!.&*+5!Y),,C7!.&*+!

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$*,'!:)4!*!<)4%+A!7/)495!Y0*/!%7!309!Y),,!7-2'4',!*+!,%71)+1'4/%+A!shift in his perspective.

“What?” Todd asked the empty air, “What perspective? Who said that?”Y),,!3*7!+)3!'[.'4%'+1%+A!/0'!-+70*?*<&'!+)/%)+!/0*/!7)$')+'!

was narrating his life.=F'&&!9'*05@!Y),,!7/)..',!%+!/0'!$%,,&'!):!/0'!7%,'3*&?8!<-2'/',!

<9!0%7!:'&&)3!.','7/4%*+78!=>C$!/0%+?%+A!/0*/!+)3!/0*/!9)-!/)&,!$'8@!he shouted. Several passersby stared at him. They edged away from the man shouting at nothing. Todd rolled his eyes at the nervous tourists. They tried not to stare, but their hesitant glances were obvi"ous. Real denizens of the city would be used to crazy people. Indeed, most of the people on the sidewalk went around Todd, like stream water around a boulder, without missing a step.=>C$!+)/!14*`98@!Y),,!7*%,8!&)3'4%+A!0%7!E)%1'!1)+71%'+/%)-7&95!

=D)-C4'!*1/-*&&9!/*&?%+A!/)!$'5@ Todd took a thoughtful moment to consider the idea that all of

the people shouting in the air across the city were yelling at the same voice.

“Stop telling me what to consider!” Todd was yelling again, “I 0*E'+C/!0*,!*!/0)-A0/:-&!$)$'+/!%+!$9!&%:'5!>!/04'3!*!1)$.-/'4!)-/!of a window this morning, for crying out loud.”

Todd had always had a tendency towards the boastful. The com"puter was never worth much, especially in this day and age when it was practically a dinosaur.

“Shut up,” cried Todd. He broke into a run, shoving people out of his way in a mad dash to escape the narration. There was the inces"sant beeping of a crossing signal, and Todd took the opportunity to ,*70!/04)-A0!/0'!14)773*&?8!+*44)3&9!,),A%+A!*!/*[%5!Y),,!,%7*."peared into the crowd, followed by Hindi curses thrown in after him <9!/0'!/*[%!,4%E'45

The bell over the bar door rang merrily as Todd burst through. The bartender, a bald man with a spider web tattoo across his skull looked -.8!/))?!+)/'!):!Y),,C7!3%&,!'9'7!*+,!,%70'E'&',!*..'*4*+1'8!*+,!

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went back to wiping the bar glasses with a grimy rag. It was still early in the day, and the sunlight shoving its way through the grimy win"dows looked out of place in the normally dark bar.

Todd walked over to the bar and demanded a drink. “I can do it myself,” he grumbled to himself.

The bartender, looked over at Todd raised an eyebrow, and re"turned to his glass yet. “What can I get you?” he asked without look"ing up.

“His name is Scratch,” Todd said. His eyes were wild, searching the *%45!=>CE'!?+)3+!0%$!7%+1'!>!$)E',!/)!$9!*.*4/$'+/5!D)-!,)+C/!0*E'!/)!?''.!1*&&%+A!0%$!wY0'!6*4/'+,'4C8@!Y),,!$*,'!*%4!K-)/'7!3%/0!0%7!;+A'478!=Y0*/C7!+)/!'E'+!14'*/%E'5!lE'49)+'!0*7!*!70*,)39!<*4/'+,'4!these days. Why not comment on how attractive he is, or his secret dream to be a hairdresser.”Q14*/10!<*//',!0%7!'9'!&*70'75!=D)-!4'*&&9!/0%+?!>C$!*//4*1/%E'R@!0'!

asked. Todd rolled his eyes at the beautiful tattooed bartender.=>CE'!<''+!0'*4%+A!E)%1'78!Q14*/105!F'&&8!)+'!E)%1'!*1/-*&&95!>!+'',!

something to make it stop.”Scratch winked knowingly. The city was full of voices and people

30)!0'*4,!/0'$5!>/!3*7+C/!-+0'*4,!):!:)4!*!0)$'&'77!$*+!/)!1)$'!%+!)2'4%+A!0%7!:)),!7/*$.7!:)4!*!A&*77!):!7)$'/0%+A!/)!7%&'+1'!/0'!*4A-"ments in his head. “I know just the thing.”

Scratch reached under the bar and came up with a mason jar full of a clear liquid.

Todd thought it was water.=I)!>!,%,+C/8@!Y),,!7*%,5!Y0'!1)$.)7%/%)+!):!/0'!1)+/'+/7!4'*4',!

its ugly head when Scratch removed the lid with the crackling of old glass. The smell of strong alcohol, like wood varnish, wafted from the M*45!Q14*/10!7&%,!/0'!1)+/*%+'4!*14)77!/0'!<*4!/)!Y),,C7!3*%/%+A!0*+,!*+,!Y),,!A4%$*1',5!=D)-!/0%+?!/0%7!3%&&!3)4?R@!Y),,!*7?',5!Q14*/10!nodded, saying nothing.

Todd knew that drinking the moonshine was a terrible idea.“This seems like a great idea,” said Todd. He took a deep drink

:4)$!/0'!<)//&'5!>/!3*7!&%K-%,!;4'!,)3+!0%7!/04)*/5!=B'&%1%)-78@!Y),,!wheezed. Time dilated. The world became fuzzier and Todd felt his head getting heavy with each drink. This world was too slow and bor"

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ing for a man like Todd to be drinking away his life. Why should he waste his time getting soused? There was no reason for it. No one should do


ible belief. >:!!Y),,!3*7+C/!A)%+A!/)!/498!309!3)-&,!/0'!7/)49!.4)A4'77R

“Itsh working.”

“I think itsh gone.”

“No more voish.”

!! =>!?+)3!$9!7/-25!>/C7!$9!M)<5!>!,)+C/!'+E9!/0'!0'*,*10'!9)-C&&!0*E'!/0%7!'E'+%+A!/0)-A05!>/C7!7/4)+A!7/-25@

=>/70!/),*&&&9!3)4:!%/5!BC9*!$%+,!%:!>!70/*9!0'4'!:)4!*!30%&'5!>!,)+C/!want to walk back to the apartmentsh. I droppeded a computer on a shombody earlier.”


“Dum diddle dum dum dum,” Todd mimicked a walking base line as the drunk louse stumbled down the city street back to his apartment.

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“What was that?” Todd froze in his wavering tracks.Y),,!,%,+C/!0'*4!*+9/0%+A5!J'!1)+/%+-',!/0'!7/)495=H'7-7!J!/*.,*+1%+A!W04%7/b5!Y0'!E)%1'!%7!<*1?5@Y),,!70)-/',!A%<<'4%70!%+/)!/0'!*%48!,3'&&%+A!)+!/0'!+)+"'[%7/'+/!


computer monitor out of the window.”Little did Todd know that as he stood drunk in the street like a

3*7/'!):!P'708!/0*/!0%7!&%:'!3*7!%+!,*+A'45“What? How is my life in danger, voice?” Todd asked, suddenly

$%+,:-&!):!0%7!E)%1'!'10)%+A!)2!):!/0'!<-%&,%+A7!*4)-+,!0%$5!Y0'!empty street seemed eerily silent for the big city. The only noise <'7%,'7!Y),,C7!%+1)0'4'+/!4*E%+A7!3'4'!/0'!&)+'&9!1&%1?!):!/0'!/4*:";1!&%A0/7!P*70%+A!:4)$!A4''+!/)!9'&&)3!/)!4',!*+,!<*1?!*A*%+5!G4''+5!W&%1?8!9'&&)35!W&%1?8!S',5!V+!%+/'4$%+*<&'!.*-7'5!W&%1?8!G4''+5!I)!cars whizzed down the street. No pedestrians wandered the side"walks. This part of the city was dead.

“That was a pretty nice description. I like the foreshadowing in the ,%1/%)+8@!Y),,C7!E)%1'!3*7!1)+,'71'+,%+A8!.4)<*<&9!$*,'!A4)-109!from the impending moonshine hangover.

“Now what was that about impending demise?”Todd felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. The air felt

charged like lightning was about to strike nearby.=F'&&!/0*/!%7!*!7/4*+A'!:''&%+A5!X))?8!%/C7!7/*+,%+A!-.!)+!$9!*4$7!


week. Todd walked with his head down, ignoring his surroundings like *!/4-'!1%/9!,3'&&'4!'E'49!,*95!J'!0*,!+)!1)$.*+%)+75!Y),,!,%,+C/!0*E'!a dog. This was especially important to the mugger who had once <''+!,4%E'+!)2!):!*!E%1/%$!<9!*+!'+4*A',!10%0-*0-*8!*+,!.4)$%7',!0%$7'&:!0'!3)-&,!+'E'4!,'*&!3%/0!$*+C7!<'7/!:4%'+,!*A*%+5=V!$-AA'4R!W4*.5!>C&&!M-7/!14)77!/0'!7/4''/8@!Y),,!4'*7)+',8!<-/!



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+)/0%+A!*!&%//&'!$))+70%+'!,%,+C/!;[5@The mugger stalked from his den in the alleyway, locking eyes with

Y),,5!J%7!,%4/9!:*1'!*+,!4*AA',!0*%4!3'4'!*!70*4.!1)+/4*7/!/)!Y),,C7!drunken tousled hair and sweat shined face. The two men had the same crazed look in their eye. Rival tigers in the concrete jungle.Y0'!$-AA'4!P%1?',!).'+!*!?+%:'!*+,!3*E',!%/!%+!:4)+/!):!Y),,5!

Their shoes almost touched.=>C&&!<'!/*?%+A!9)-4!3*&&'/8!)4!9)-C&&!<'!<&'',%+C!)-/!)+!/0'!3*9!/)!

the hospital,” the mugger threatened.“Ok, buddy, just take it easy,” said Todd.Y0'!$-AA'4!P%+10',!*7!0'!3*7!*77*-&/',!<9!Y),,C7!<4'*/05“Shit, you drank a frat party,” He cursed angrily. The mugger looked

&%?'!0'!3*7!A)%+A!/)!.4'77!/0'!?+%:'!%+/)!Y),,C7!/04)*/8!<-/!4'1)+7%,"ered on account of wanting to avoid getting any closer than he had to.=D'*08!>C&&!/*?'!14%/%1%7$!:4)$!/0'!A-9!30)!%7!0)&,%+A!*!?+%:'!)+!

me,” Todd retorted.=F'&&8!>!$*,'!7)$'!34)+A!10)%1'75!F0*/C7!9)-4!'[1-7'R@=F4%/'4C7!<&)1?5@“Seriously? How is killing brain cells going to help you create some"


$*9<'5!J$$555@!0'!/*..',!*!1)+/'$.&*/%E'!;+A'4!*A*%+7/!0%7!10%+8!=>7!the voice my mother?”

“This is taking to long. The wallet. Now.”Todd could see that the mugger was losing his nerve. The rising

shade of red on his face, the shaking hands and shifting eyes, the mugger about to do something rash.=F0*/R!I)8!3'C4'!M-7/!0*E%+A!*!1)+E'47*/%)+5@!Y),,!3*7!<'A%++%+A!

to panic as well.J%7!)-/<-47/!3*7!/0'!&*7/!7/4*35!Y0'!$-AA'4!&-+A',!*/!Y),,C7!+'1?5!

Y%$'!7&)3',!/)!*!14*3&8!*+,!Y),,!:'&/!''4%&9!1*&$5!J'!7*3!/0'!/4*_1!&%A0/!1&%1?!:4)$!4',!/)!A4''+8!4'P'1/',!)+!/0'!<&*,'!):!/0'!$-AA'45!J%7!0*+,7!P'3!%+/)!*1/%)+8!%+!0%7!0*`9!7/*/'!7)$'0)3!4'$'$<'4%+A!*+!%+:)$'41%*&!)+!?*4*/'!%+!%+!*+!*%4.)4/!&)<<95!6&)1?!/0'!34%7/8!10).!/0'!*4$8!7$*70!/0'!%+7/'.5!6&)1?!/0'!34%7/8!10).!/0'!*4$8!7$*70!/0'!instep. Todd remembered the taste of potato chips while he waited

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The mugger stumbled back, clutching his arm and hobbling from 0%7!7$*70',!:))/5!Y),,!70))?!)2!/0'!7*$'!:*4!)2!&))?!/0*/!0'!0*,!worn as he stared at the infomercial all those years ago, using it as an '[1-7'!/)!%A+)4'!/)!/0'!1*<<*A'!$*+5!J'!4'*10',!:)4!/0'!?+%:'!*+,!daintily took it from the sidewalk. Pinching it between his thumb and :)4';+A'48!Y),,!*77-$',!0%7!<'7/!t-+A!a-!$*7/'4!.)7'!*+,!704%'?',!an intimidating war cry, “WuuuaaaaaAAAAAAAAH!”Y0'!$-AA'4!7/*4',8!7/-1?!<'/3''+!/0'!4%,%1-&)-7+'77!):!Y),,C7!

triumph, obviously still drunk and possibly mentally unhinged, and the fact that his victim now held the knife. The mugger ran. Todd straightened and shook out his neck and shoulders bouncing from foot to foot before dropping the knife neatly down a nearby storm ,4*%+5!=Y0*/!3*7!*$*`%+A5!F0)C7!Z4%71%&&*R@!J'!*7?',5

As his adrenaline faded so did the clarity of the memories. Todd jammed his hands into his pockets and walked the last few blocks back to his apartment. He studiously ignored the smashed hood of the car parked outside the building. Someone had taken the monitor, <-/!/0'!1*4!3*7!7/%&&!/0'4'5!Y),,C7!0*+,7!70))?!*7!0'!/4%',!/)!-+&)1?!the front door to his building, and he dropped his keys twice before he managed to get them in the lock.Y0'!1)-10!A4)*+',!%+!1)$:)4/*<&'!.4)/'7/!*7!%/C7!)3+'4!1)&*.7',!

into the worn cushions. The desk across the room looked naked without the large screen adorning it. Todd glanced around the room for a moment, enjoying the fact he was alive, before grabbing a legal .*,!*+,!.'+!)2!):!/0'!1)2''!/*<&'!*+,!7'//%+A!/)!3)4?5!J'!34)/'!*!description of Scratch the bartender and the mugger. The writing 3*7!+'*4&9!%&&'A%<&'!/0*+?7!/)!Y),,C7!7/%&&!70*?%+A!0*+,78!<-/!/0'!*1/!):!writing was cathartic now. No longer a trial. Todd smiled to himself. Feeling content.

“Wait wait wait,” Todd sat up straight dropping the pad on the 1-70%)+!+'[/!/)!0%$5!=Y0%7!7)-+,7!&%?'!,'+)-'$'+/5!Y0'!7/)49!%7!winding itself down.”Y),,C7!+'*4!,'*/0!'[.'4%'+1'!0*,!M-$.!7/*4/',!0%7!14'*/%E'!M-%1'75!

He could feel the ideas and feelings that had so long been dead,

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ground down by the life around him and the boring routine, disap"pear, leaving him fresh and new.

“Cheesy wrap up speech about my development aside, the story 1*+C/!'+,!0'4'8@!Y),,!7*/!<*1?!%+!/0'!10*%4!4'&*[%+A5!=Q0%/8!+)5!+)!>!,)+C/5!J*+A!)+5!X'/C7!+)/!<'!0*7/9!0'4'5!Y0'4'!%7!*!&)/!):!/0%+A7!&':/!for me to do.”V7!,-7/!$)/'7!P)*/',!/04)-A0!/0'!7'//%+A!7-+&%A0/8!Y),,!:'&/!*/!

peace.=6-/!30*/!0*..'+7!/)!T, when the story ends?”

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Y0'!7+*?'"+'1?!$)E'7!7$))/0&98!*!3*/'4!$)11*7%+8!creating a wake at its nape, but its song is wrenched :4)$!*!<),9!<'7/!0%,,'+T


minor second. Its beauty hauntsthe Song Thrush, born with melody, faithless M-,A'!):!%/5!6-/!/0'!3*/'4<%4,C7!10)4,

rings still like any other, and privilegeis to know that its notes are overtonesof some new order, and its wings are versions

of slow moving twilight. The slithering neck drives upward, stretches from the beak down a long spine and pools into a drop of tar, suspended

for a moment. Wings snap and wet beads drip like resin to the lake, and now%/!%7!<%4,"&%?'s

clara bush


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of major seconds, triumphant seconds, weightless7'1)+,7T+)/!.4)-,8!'[*1/&95!Y0'4'C7!+)/0%+A!.-4'!%+!<%4,7!/0*/!P9!<'1*-7'!/0'9!1*+5 This is not a bird, though, entirely,<-/!*!409/0$8!*!7&)3!14'71'+,)8!*!7'&P'77!7)+A8!feathered in crepuscular light.

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miles adamsSPAREFrom the front of the bus, far down the road lit by dull headlights,

the driver could see the glow of the city on the horizon. He held the wheel with his wrist, casually, and all of his energy seemed to be focused on stretching his eyelids apart. His beard was overgrown and 714-29!)+!0%7!<&*1?!:*1'5!J%7!10%+!<-<<&',!)-/8!4)-+,8!&%?'!*!:4)A8!*+,!his eyes matched. He was tired. The Kansas City station approaching meant that more than half of this journey was behind him. This was good. He needed a break; in the past two weeks he had pulled eight shifts, and he was currently running on three hours of sleep, two mi"14)3*E'!<-44%/)78!*+,!+)30'4'!+'*4!'+)-A0!1*2'%+'5!Q)$'/%$'7!/0'!,4%E'7!3'4'!'*795!J)-47!P'3!<9!&%?'!/0'!/4''75!6-/!

other times, on drives like this one, in the middle of the night, when no one wanted to sit close to the front and strike up a good conversa"tion about nothing, the drives stretched out, on and on, and he had nothing to do but sit and think about all the terrible life decisions that had gobbled him up and defecated him into this blue uniform

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3%/0!/0'!&%//&'!30%/'!+*$'/*A!/0*/!4'*,!lVSX5!Y0*/!3*7+C/!'E'+!0%7!real name.

His parents had named him Early. He was born two months prema"ture, so the name was appropriate at the time, but it quickly became %4)+%1v!*/!*!9)-+A!*A'!0'!,'E'&).',!*!&%$.!x:4)$!*!<%4/0!,':'1/y!*+,!0'!3*7!*&3*97!&*/'5!Y0'!'[1-7'!/-4+',!%+/)!*!0*<%/5!V+,!:)4/9"'%A0/!9'*47!*:/'4!0%7!+*$'!3*7!A%E'+8!/0'4'!0'!3*78!M-7/!;E'!$%&'7!)-/7%,'!):!the bus station, late again.

He looked through the giant rectangular mirror above him, back into the sea of blue seats where heads and legs jutted out like islands. The blue paint on the ceiling was speckled with white, scattered like constellations where the paint had chipped away over the years. The seats were faded, and in some places yellow foam poked out from holes in the upholstery.

Earl reached for the PA microphone, then hesitated. A booming voice over the speakers would surely wake the baby again. He leaned back and tilted his head sideways, protruding his gut, and let out a whispered “Hey” to the closest passenger, three rows down. The woman looked around and pointed to her chest with a question on her face. =D'7!$*C*$8!9)-8@!l*4&!30%7.'4',5!J'!$)/%)+',!0'4!/)!/0'!:4)+/!

with a sideways whip of his head. She walked slowly as the bus rocked, placing her hands on the tops of empty seats for balance, and 7K-*//',!,)3+!<'7%,'!0%$5!=F'C4'!*<)-/!/'+!$%+-/'7!)-/8@!0'!7*%,5!“Would you mind passing that along?”

“Sure,” she said, pushing blonde hair behind her ear. “I think I can handle that.”=o-%'/&9!.&'*7'8!L%775@“Sure,” she said. She covered her mouth with her palm instinctively

and walked back to her isle seat. She was thin, and had plenty of room in the seat to curl her knees up to her chin for warmth. Her husband 3*7!*7&''.!%+!/0'!7'*/!+'[/!/)!0'45!Q0'!/0)-A0/!*<)-/!3*?%+A!0%$5!J'!was mostly handsome, with dark wavy hair and beautiful thin lips. She loved the way his lips moved when he spoke. They almost puck"'4',8!&%?'!0'!3*7!?%77%+A!/0'!*%45!6-/!30'+!0'!3*7!.*4/%1-&*4&9!/%4',!or uncomfortable, he slept with his mouth gaping open and his jaw

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line tucked back into his neck. And when he woke up sometimes, he 3)-&,+C/!&))?!*/!0'4!)4!/*&?!/)!0'4!:)4!0)-475!Q0'!:)-+,!/0%7!-+.&'*7"*+/5!Q0'!0*,!<'A-+!/)!+)/%1'!&%//&'!/0%+A7!&%?'!/0%7!<4%'P9!*:/'4!/0'%4!;47/!*++%E'47*495!Y0'!&%//&'!/0%+A7!3'4'!<-%&,%+A5

She ran the back of her hand across his face, nudging him to consciousness. He curled up tighter and pulled his head away from her touch. His eyes opened wide as he looked around, trying to fully grasp his surroundings. He looked out the window, then back to his wife with a look of disappointment.

“Sweetie, I thought I told you not to wake me ‘til we got there,” he said, turning back towards the window.=D)-!,%,5@=F'&&8!.&'*7'!,)+C/!3*?'!$'5!>!+'',!7&''.5@!J'!1&)7',!0%7!'9'7!*+,!

sank into the seat, and she watched him with pensive eyes until his breath deepened.

She turned around and peeked over the headrest at the teenager in the seat behind her. His long hair was pulled back around his ears by ;7/"7%`',!0'*,.0)+'75!J'!3)4'!*!<&*1?!70%4/!3%/0!0-$*+!<)+'7!*+,!red blood splattered across the front. The music was loud enough for 0'4!/)!0'*48!<-/!70'!,%,+C/!4'1)A+%`'!/0'!7)+A5!>/!3*7!M-7/!+)%7'7!*+,!screaming. She tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and slid his headphones down his neck. =D'*0R@!0'!7*%,5!J%7!$)-/0!4'$*%+',!).'+!3%/0!7-7.'+7'5=Q)4495!Y0'!,4%E'4!7*%,!3'C&&!<'!7/)..%+A!%+!/'+!$%+-/'75@“Okay,” he said, and began to lift the headphones back to his ears,

*7!%:!/0'!%+:)4$*/%)+!3*7!7.'1%;1*&&9!:)4!0%$5=W)-&,!9)-!.*77!%/!,)3+R!F'!,)+C/!3*+/!/)!3*?'q@“Ohh.” He turned around. “Hey man,” he said over the noise of his

0'*,.0)+'7!/)!/0'!$*+!%+!/0'!7'*/!<'0%+,!0%$8!=3'C4'!7/)..%+A!%+!ten minutes.” He pointed to motion the news backwards. The man looked surprised by the message. He was tall and he wore a black cowboy hat. The teenager sat back into his seat, put his headphones back on, and gave the woman a thumbs up. She put her hand to her mouth again and looked back to the driver in embarrassment, feeling as though she had failed in her simple task.

The baby stayed quiet as the message traveled from the man in the

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cowboy hat to the couple behind him, to the businesswoman behind them, to the man behind her, down the rows. Ten minutes, they said %+!&)3!E)%1'75!Y'+!$%+-/'7!/)!30*/R!Y)!30'4'8!7)$'!*7?',5!H-7/!.*77!%/!)+5!V+,!%/!3*7!.*77',!)+8!-+/%&!%/!4'*10',!/0'!7'E'+/9"7'E'+"9'*4")&,!ears of a doctor near the back.=>C$!7)4498!7)+8@!/0'!,)1/)4!7*%,!&)-,&98!=9)-C4'!A)%+A!/)!0*E'!/)!

speak up.”“Shhhhh,” the man in front of him replied. He grabbed a notepad

and a pen from his bag, wrote something down, and handed it to the doctor. The doctor pulled out a pair of reading glasses from the case in his shirt pocket and placed them on the edge of his nose. His hair was white and valleys ran down his face. There was just enough light from the window to make out the words on the paper.

“Ten minutes. Pass it on,” the doctor read. “Kansas City already?” Y0'!$*+!%+!:4)+/!):!/0'!,)1/)4!704-AA',!*+,!.-/!0%7!%+,'[!;+A'4!/)!his mouth. The doctor nodded and handed him the notepad.Y0'!,)1/)4!,%,+C/!$%+,!/0'!<*<9!7)!$-105!J'!3*7!*++)9',!<9!/0'!

noise, but he was happy to be annoyed by sound again. The baby was one of the few things he had heard clearly in years. Crying babies, sirens, the impact of metal on metal as his car collides into another; these were terrible things, terrible things that made him happy. He missed the overwhelming loudness of public spaces. He missed the 7-</&'!/0%+A7!/0*/!;&&',!-.!'$./9!'*4!7.*1'8!&%?'!3%+,8!)4!7):/!:))/"steps, or his blinker, which he never noticed was still clicking long after a turn was made. He had been in two accidents in the last two months because of his blinker.

Along with his hearing, his heart was failing, so he was forced to avoid the loud noises that brought the reminiscence of audible clarity. This was challenging at times. He loved to argue, and because of his education he knew he was almost always right. He thrived in confron"/*/%)+5!6-/!*4A-$'+/7!$*,'!0%7!0'*4/!P-//'4!*A*%+7/!0%7!10'7/!&%?'!/0'!4-<<'4!3%+A7!):!*!P*/!/%4'!*A*%+7/!/0'!0%A03*98!7)!0'!/4%',!/)!*E)%,!/0'$5!J'!3*7!+'*4%+A!'%A0/98!*+,!0'!,%,+C/!/0%+?!0'!1)-&,!7-4E%E'!*+9!kind of bypass surgery, or the years of physical therapy and assisted &%E%+A!/0*/!:)&&)3',8!*+,!0'!,%,+C/!3*+/!/)5!J'!/-4+',!*4)-+,!%+!0%7!bus seat and looked to the lady behind him. She was asleep, but her

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7)+!3*7!3%,'"*3*?'5!Y0'!<)9!0*,!<4)3+!0*%4!1)E'4%+A!/0'!/).!):!*+!abnormally large cranium, with broad, questioning eyes. He looked -.!/)!/0'!)&,!,)1/)4!*+,!7$%&',5!J'!1)-&,+C/!0*E'!<''+!)&,'4!/0*+!7%[8!/0'!,)1/)4!,'1%,',8!<-/!0'!0*,+C/!$*,'!*!7)-+,!/0'!'+/%4'!M)-4+'95!

“Hello,” the doctor said. The boy sank into his seat and looked at 0%7!$)/0'45!=>/C7!*&&!4%A0/8!7)+5!V4'!9)-!A'//%+A!)2!/0'!<-7!%+!t*+7*7!City?”=I)8@!/0'!<)9!7*%,8!=F'4'!A)%+A!/)!L*+9!V..&'75@Y0'!,)1/)4!&*-A0',5!=V+,!30*/C7!/0'4'R@=G4*+,$*5!F'C4'!A)%+A!/)!&%E'!3%/0!0'45@!Y0'!<)9!<'A*+!/)!3%AA&'!


D)-C&&!&%?'!&%E%+A!/0'4'5!F0*/C7!9)-4!+*$'8!7)+R@“Simon,” the boy said. “Well, Simon, could you do me a favor? Could you tell all those


Simon looked behind him, then back to the doctor. His eyes grew 3%,'5!=>C$!+)/!7-..)7',!/)!&'*E'!$9!7'*/8@!0'!7*%,8!A4*<<%+A!/0'!7'*/"belt over his waist. =U?*98@!/0'!,)1/)4!7*%,8!=>C&&!,)!%/5@!Y0'!,)1/)4!7/)),!-.!7&)3&95!J'!

grimaced in pain with every movement, and his hands shook. Simon -+<-1?&',!0%7!7'*/<'&/!*+,!M-$.',!/)!/0'!P))45!

“I can do it,” he said.=Y0*+?!9)-8!Q%$)+5!D)-CE'!A)/!/)!-7'!9)-4!%+7%,'!E)%1'!/0)-A05!F'!

,)+C/!3*+/!/)!3*?'!/0'!<*<98!)?*9R@Q%$)+!+),,',5!=B)+C/!/'&&!$9!$)$8!.&'*7'!$%7/'45@The doctor smiled and sat back down. “Our secret,” he said. Simon

ran down the aisle and whispered the news to both sides, all the way /)!/0'!<*1?8!-+/%&!0'!4'*10',!/0'!L'[%1*+!:*$%&9!/0*/!/))?!-.!/0'!&*7/!/04''!4)375!Y0'9!&))?',!*4)-+,!*/!'*10!)/0'4!*7!%:!/0'9!,%,+C/!-+,'4"stand, whispering to each other, giggling. Eventually, a young woman smiled and nodded.

The old woman holding a bundle of cloth in the last seat looked an"cient. She rocked the bundle and hummed lightly. Simon approached her and looked down at the baby. The face that poked out of the

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1&)/0!*&$)7/!&))?',!&%?'!/0'!)&,!,)1/)4C78!*&&!7$-70',!*+,!10-<<95!>/!was ugly. And by the time Simon had stopped staring and whispered /0'!$'77*A'!%+!/)!/0'!'*4!):!/0'!)&,!L'[%1*+!3)$*+!30)!1)-&,+C/!understand him, they were pulling into the station.Y0'!<-7!0%77',!/)!*!7&)3!7/).5!l*4&!P%..',!)+!/0'!&%A0/7!*+,!.-&&',!

the lever that scrunched open the door like an accordion. He an"nounced where they were, and recited his speech about making room for new passengers. Half the people took their luggage. Everyone got )2!<-/!/0'!,)1/)45!

>+7%,'!/0'!7/*/%)+8!%+!/0'!$*+*A'4C7!)_1'8!l*4&!;&&',!0%7!A%*+/!$'/*&!/0'4$)7!/)!/0'!<4%$!3%/0!1)2''5!J'!/))?!*!7%.5!Y0'!1)2''!3*7!3'*?!and bitter. Too hot too drink. He took a gulp to burn away his taste <-,78!/0'+!&))?',!*4)-+,!/0'!7$*&&!)_1'8!7%..%+A!:4)$!*!Q/94):)*$!1-.8!)11*7%)+*&&9!7/%44%+A!%+!7-A*4!.*1?'/7!3%/0!*!4',!7/4*35!Y0'!)_1'!3*7!$)7/&9!<*44'+8!'[1'./!:)4!*!P%$79!.&93)),!,'7?!%+!/0'!1'+/'4!/0*/!bent with the weight of a computer and stacks of paper on top. The 1)2''!$*10%+'!3*7!7'/!-.!)+!*!3)<<&9!7/))&8!*+,!l*4&!'$./%',!/0'!4'7/!):!%/7!1)+/'+/7!%+/)!0%7!1-.!*7!/0'!$*+*A'4!3*&?',!%+!/)!/0'!)_1'5!=>/C7!*!A)),!/0%+A!9)-C4'!&*/'8@!/0'!$*+*A'4!7*%,8!/)77%+A!*!.%&'!):!

paper onto the desk. “We got a bus coming in from the K.C. Cor"4'1/%)+*&!a*1%&%/9!/0*/C7!4-++%+A!<'0%+,!/))5!G)/!*!7$*&&!A4)-.!<'%+A!released tonight.”=6%A!34'1?!%+!X%//&'!S)1?5!W)-&,+C/!<'!0'&.',8@!l*4&!7*%,!%+/)!0%7!

cup without thinking.=F'&&8!/0'9!7*%,!/0'9C,!<'!0'4'!%+!*<)-/!/3'+/98!7)!%:!9)-!1)-&,!

3*%/!:)4!/0'$8!3'!3)+C/!0*E'!/)!,%70!)-/!*+9!4':-+,75!Y0)7'!A)E'4+"ment guys have a chip on their shoulder and they always get what they want.” The manager sat down behind the desk, put his elbows down, and rubbed his eyes. The desk bowed and the computer leaned /)3*4,!0%$5!J'!0*,!M-7/!7/*4/',!0%7!70%:/8!*+,!0'!4'*&&9!,%,+C/!1*4'!/0*/!Earl was late. Earl was always late. He knew there was no wreck in X%//&'!S)1?8!<-/!0'!,%,+C/!1*4'5!l*4&!3*7!/0'!1&)7'7/!/0%+A!/)!*!:4%'+,!he had at work. He looked at the metal canister Earl held in his left hand, then to the cup in his right. “Shit, man. I just brewed a gallon.

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Leave some for the rest of us.” l*4&!&*-A0',!*+,!/))?!*!,4%+?5!=Y0*/C7!30*/!%/C7!0'4'!:)48!4%A0/R@!

0'!7*%,5!=V+,8!9'*08!>C&&!3*%/!%:!9)-!$*?'!*!+'3!.)/5@!J'!/*..',!/0'!1)2''!$*10%+'!3%/0!0%7!/0'4$)75!Y0'!3)<<&9!7/))&!70))?8!*+,!0'!A4*<<',!/0'!$*10%+'!<'/3''+!0%7!:)4'*4$7!<':)4'!%/!:'&&5!64)3+!liquid spilt out of the cup and onto the carpet. The manager laughed and slapped his desk. The computer tilted, and the manager reached and clutched the monitor with both hands. For a moment, the room was still as the two men balanced the machines that made their jobs possible. When he felt it was stable, Earl let go. The manager did the same and leaned away from his desk. They shared a laugh and some small talk, and waited.

The prison bus was short and painted white, with bars on the win",)375!a4)$!/0'!,4%E'4C7!7'*/!):!0%7!)3+!<-78!l*4&!3*/10',!/0'!30%/'!bus pull into the station; he had been idling for ten minutes, with all his passengers onboard, waiting. He sipped from his cup as a line of $'+!7/'..',!)2!/0'!30%/'!<-7!%+!:4)+/!):!0%$8!)+'!<9!)+'8!'*10!3%/0!*!&*4A'!<4)3+!.*.'4!<*A!%+!/0'%4!0*+,75!Y0'4'!3'4'!7%[!):!/0'$5!Y0'9!wore street clothes and smiles. They walked with purpose, shouting and laughing loudly. Their breaths shot out with steam in the cold night air. The manager was there to greet them. He took their tickets and directed them towards the idling bus. U+<)*4,8!/0'!.*77'+A'47!3'4'!*+[%)-7!*+,!K-%'/8!%$.*/%'+/!:4)$!

3*%/%+A8!*+,!:)4!/0'!;47/!/%$'!l*4&!3)44%',!*<)-/!0)3!/0'9!3)-&,!4'*1/!/)!/0'!'$./9!7'*/7!<'%+A!;&&',!3%/0!*!4)3,9!A4)-.!):!'["1)+"victs. He looked in his mirror and saw their faces, illuminated by the P-)4'71'+/!&%A0/7!):!/0'!7/*/%)+8!&'*+%+A!/)!/0'!3%+,)37!/)!7''5!J'!saw the woman and her husband, the teenager, the man in the cow"boy hat, the businesswoman, the doctor, the mother and her son, the L'[%1*+!:*$%&9!*+,!/0'!)&,!3)$*+!3%/0!/0'!<*<98!*&&!&))?%+A!/)!/0'!source of the noise advancing towards the bus. The baby had stayed *7&''.!/04)-A0!/0'!7/).8!<-/!l*4&!?+'3!/0*/!3)-&,+C/!&*7/5!J'!).'+',!the door and the cold rushed in. The manager stood just outside with

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a handful of tickets. The men with their brown paper bags stood in a line behind him.=J'4'!/0'9!*4'8!l*4&8@!/0'!$*+*A'4!7*%,5!=a4'70!:4)$!/0'!.'+5!B)+C/!

let them start a mutiny or anything.” The men behind him laughed, 'E'+!/0)-A0!l*4&!3*7!7-4'!%/!3*7+C/!:-++95!Y0'!&*-A0%+A!4)&&',!%+!/04)-A0!/0'!,))4!*+,!;&&',!/0'!K-%'/!<-7!*7!/0'!7%[!$'+!7/)$.',!up the steps. They were loud, and much more intimidating up close. Their features were sharp and their eyes were sharper, dilated with 9'*47!):!.'47%7/'+/!%+7/%+1/8!P)),',!3%/0!/0'!<4%A0/!4'P'1/%)+7!):!newfound optimism. Dark tattoos crept out of their coats, up their necks and faces. The paper bags in their hands each had a long string of numbers written in black marker. The bus leaned and wobbled as they piled in, and passengers shifted uncomfortably in their seats. The ;47/!$*+!-.!/0'!7/'.7!7/)..',!*+,!7-4E'9',!/0'!7'*/75!J'!&))?',!&%?'!some ancient warrior: a man of giant proportions, with wide shoul"ders and calloused hands. His head sat squarely on his shoulders with no neck to speak of, and a full beard covered most of his face.=B)+C/!3)4498@!0'!7.)?'!)-/!/)!/0'!.*77'+A'478!=3'!,)+C/!<%/'5@“… Hard,” said a voice further down the steps. The line of men

erupted into laughter, and a squeal came from the arms of the old woman at the back of the bus. Earl tilted his head back and let out a sigh. The attention of the entire bus shifted from the new passengers, to the miserably familiar cry of the baby in the back.

“All right,” Earl said in a voice loud enough to penetrate the other 7)-+,78!=;+,!*!7'*/!*+,!.-/!9)-4!*77!%+!%/5!X'/C7!A'/!$)E%+A5@!J'!hoped that these men would respond to authority, and they did, down the aisle and into empty seats. Once they were all inside, Earl shut the ,))4!*+,!4';&&',!0%7!Q/94):)*$!1-.5!

The bearded man walked towards the back until he spotted the '$./9!7'*/!+'[/!/)!/0'!,)1/)45!=Y0%7!7'*/!/*?'+R@!0'!*7?',8!.)%+/%+A!with his jingling paper bag. The doctor turned and faced him, but ,%,+C/!*+73'45!=J'98!<-,,98!*+9)+'!7%//%+A!0'4'R@!/0'!$*+!*7?',!&)-,&95!Y0'!<*<9!3*7!A*%+%+A!1)+;,'+1'8!<&*4%+A!3%/0!:'3'4!<4'*/07!<'/3''+!the screams. The doctor shrugged and cupped a hand behind his ear. J'!?+'3!30*/!/0'!$*+!3*+/',8!<-/!0'!,%,+C/!3*+/!/0'!$*+C7!1)$"pany; he tried his best to avoid terribly loud people, especially people

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like him. The bus shifted into gear and pulled out of the station. The bearded man sat down anyway, and stuck out his tattooed hand to the doctor. =H5S5@!/0'!$*+!7*%,5!Y0'!,)1/)4!70))?!0%7!0*+,8!<-/!A*E'!+)!4'"

7.)+7'5!=F0'4'!9)-!1)$%+A!:4)$R@!H5S5!*7?',!*7!0'!/))?!)2!0%7!&'*/0"er jacket and shoved it beneath his seat. =>C$!7)4498!7)+8!<-/!>!0*E'!E'49!<*,!0'*4%+A5!Q)!%:!9)-!,)+C/!$%+,8!


/)!/0'!,)1/)45!=D'*08!7-4'8@!0'!9'&&',!%+/)!/0'!,)1/)4C7!'*48!=>/C7!4'*&&9!peaceful in here. Tranquil almost.” The doctor ignored him and stared )-/!/0'!3%+,)35!H5S5!/)77',!0%7!<4)3+!.*.'4!<*A!-+,'4!/0'!7'*/!3%/0!his jacket, took a deep breath, and smiled as wide as his cheeks would allow. He saw Earl, at the front, lean his whole body into the turn of /0'!7/''4%+A!30''&5!Y0'!$)/%)+!:)41',!H5S5!<*1?!%+/)!0%7!7'*/5!Y0'9!were pulling onto the highway now, and moving fast. =J'9!H5S8@!1*$'!*!E)%1'!:4)$!/0'!:4)+/!):!/0'!<-75=D'*08!S-77R@=D)-!A)/!/0'!/%$'8!$*+R@=I*08!64)/0'48!>!,%,!$9!/%$'b@X*-A0/'4!;&&',!/0'!<-7!*A*%+8!<))$%+A!:4)$!/0'!7%[!$'+!71*/"

tered through the rows, drowning out the wailing of the baby. Others joined in. Their energy was contagious, surging life into the sleepy faces of the passengers. Slowly, the passengers banded together. The man in the cowboy hat talked shop with a participant in the annual prison rodeo. The businesswoman sang Irish bar tunes with the two $'+!%+!/0'!7'*/!*14)77!:4)$!0'48!&)+A%+A!:)4!*!,4%+?5!Y0'!L'[%1*+!:*$%&9!7.)?'!%+!Q.*+%708!*&&!*/!)+1'8!/)!/0'!'["1)+!30)!A4'3!-.!%+!l&!Paso, swapping stories. And even Earl had someone to talk to, some"/0%+A!/)!?''.!0%$!*3*?'!<'7%,'7!/0'!<%//'4!1)2''5!U+&9!/0'!7/4)+A!7&''.'47!*+,!/0'!3)4+"4*AA',!1)-&,!$*+*A'!7&''.8!<-/!/0'!4'*7)+!3*7!better than before; the baby was forgotten, lost in the loud jokes and )2".%/10',!7%+A%+A!):!+'3&9!:4'',!$'+5!

Some still had their doubts. The teenager hid between his head"phones. The husband clung tightly to the arm of his wife, occasionally

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whispering into her ear. And the doctor wished that the man beside 0%$!3)-&,!,%7*..'*45!J'!3%70',8!:)4!/0'!;47/!/%$'!%+!9'*478!/0*/!0'!1)-&,+C/!0'*4!*!/0%+A5!H5S5!:'&/!/0'!/'+7%)+8!<-/!0'!,%,+C/!1*4'!30*/!/0'!old man thought. He stayed in his seat and yelled jokes at the top of 0%7!&-+A7!M-7/!/)!7.%/'!0%$8!M-7/!/)!$*?'!0%$!:''&T'E'+!%:!M-7/!:)4!*!:'3!0)-47!):!0%7!&%:'T30*/!<'%+A!/4*..',!/4-&9!:'&/!&%?'5!

They had been traveling for hours on the dark highway. The baby 3*7!;+*&&9!7%&'+/8!<-/!/0'!10*//'4!)+!/0'!<-7!7/*9',!7/'*,95!Y04)-A0!/0'!+)%7'8!H5S5!0'*4,!:*$%&%*4!14%+?&%+A!%+!/0'!7'*/!<'0%+,!0%$!*+,!/-4+',!*4)-+,5!Y0'!<)9!0*,!H5S5C7!.*.'4!<*A!%+!%7!&*.!3%/0!0%7!;+A'47!at the open edges, easing his head forward to see what he could see without risking his hand into the darkness. His mother was asleep.=J'98@!H5S5!7*%,5!Q%$)+!M-$.',!%+!0%7!7'*/!*+,!&))?',!-.!3%/0!3%,'!


“I found it,” Simon said.=D'*08!3'&&8!%/C7!A)/!$9!+*$'!)+!%/5@Simon lifted the bag to his face, turning it over, stretching out the


pointing to the bag. Simon looked at the black numbers drawn out from one side to the other. =Y0*/C7!9)-4!+*$'R@=D-.5!Y0*/C7!<''+!$9!+*$'!:)4!7'E'+!9'*475@“Who gave you a name like that?” Simon asked.=L9!-+1&'5!F*++*!?+)3!*!7'14'/R@!H5S5!&'*+',!%+5!=>!1*+C/!'E'+!


/0%78!<-/!>!A'/!/)!?''.!'E'49/0%+A!'&7'5!W*&&!%/!*!;+,'4C7!:''5@!J'!handed Simon a smashed penny with an elephant imprinted onto one side. Simon tilted it into the faint light from the window.

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“What is it?”=>!A)/!%/!*/!/0'!`))!3%/0!$9!7)+5!>/C7!A)),!&-1?5!D)-!'E'4!<''+!/)!

the zoo?”Simon shook his head.=F'&&8!%/C7!)E'44*/',5!X)/7!):!*+%$*&7!%+!1*A'7!/0*/!,)+C/!3*+/!/)!<'!


70))?!0%7!0'*,8!7$%&%+A!/)3*4,7!/0'!3%+,)35!H5S5!.'47%7/',5!=I)8!>!want to hear the elderly perspective on this,” he said.

The doctor turned from the window and peeked his head over his 7'*/5!=Y0*/C7!+)+7'+7'8@!0'!7*%,5!=B)+C/!&%7/'+!/)!0%$5!Y0)7'!*+%$*&7!,'7'4E'!/)!<'!/0'4'5!Y0'9!A'/!'E'49/0%+A!/0'9!+'',!*:/'4!/0'9CE'!<''+!caught. They have nothing to complain about.”H5S5!&*-A0',!*+,!/-4+',!*3*9!:4)$!Q%$)+!/)!:*1'!/0'!,)1/)45!=Q)!0'!

can!0'*48@!0'!7*%,5!=V+,!30*/!'[*1/&9!,)'7!0'!?+)3!*<)-/!30*/!*+%"mals need?”=>CE'!.4*1/%1',!$',%1%+'!:)4!:)4/9"/04''!9'*475!>!/0%+?!>!)-A0/!/)!



The doctor was stunned. His heart beat louder in his ears. “What do you know about mental stability?” he accused.H5S5!7$%&',5!=>CE'!<''+!3)4?%+A!/)3*4,7!$9!Z0B!%+!.7910)&)A9!

for the last seven years from a tiny room where the only way to pass /0'!/%$'T<'7%,'7!*1/%E'&9!*E)%,%+A!*!1)1?!<'%+A!70)E',!%+/)!$9!$)-/0T3*7!4'*,%+A5@!H5S5!1)E'4',!0%7!$)-/0!*+,!&))?',!<*1?!*/!Q%$)+8!<-/!0'!0*,!&)7/!%+/'4'7/!%+!/0'%4!1)+E'47*/%)+5!J'!3*7!P%..%+A!the smashed penny into the air and trying to catch it on his face.=Y0*/!?%+,!):!,'A4''!,)'7+C/!4'*&&9!1)-+/!:)4!*+9/0%+A!)-/!0'4'!%+!

the real world,” the doctor said. He took a deep breath. He knew that he had crossed a line. His chest moved with his heart, pushing out in

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to shake. A giant, blue vein swelled across his left temple.“What? No,” he said in a shaky voice. =D)-!)-A0/!/)!<'!7/*<<',8@!H5S5!7*%,!7&)3&98!,4*3%+A!)-/!/0'!79&"



)A%7/7!A'/!.7910)*+*&9`',!<':)4'!3'!1*+!/4'*/!*+9)+'5!6-/!9)-!,)+C/!have to get cut up. Does that seem right to you?”=>C$q!*+!)./)$'/4%7/8@!/0'!,)1/)4!7*%,!3%/0!*!70*?%+A!0*+,!/)!0%7!

chest, hunching over in pain. A snapping pop silenced every conversation. The bus jerked. Every"

)+'!P'3!/)!/0'!&':/5!Y0'!3*%&%+A!<*<9!*+,!714''10%+A!):!/%4'7!.%'41',!the air.

“Hold on, everybody,” Earl shouted from the front. The bus <-$.',!*+,!4)1?',8!*+,!7&)3',!/)!/0'!7%,'!):!/0'!0%A03*98!P%+A%+A!up gravel and dirt, as all the passengers held on to the seat in front of /0'$!)4!/0'!.'47)+!+'[/!/)!/0'$!:)4!7/*<%&%/9T'E'49!.*77'+A'4!<-/!the doctor.

Earl gripped the wheel tight with both hands and pumped the

brakes with his foot. The brakes hissed. It was a blowout. The wheel was pulling him to the right as broken rubber bounced hard against the road. He had to use all of his strength to keep the bus steady until %/!70-,,'4',!/)!*!7/).5!J'!/-4+',!*4)-+,!%+!0%7!7'*/!*+,!P%..',!)+!the lights.

“Everybody okay?” he shouted over the crying baby. The passengers looked around, dazed. =>C$!)?*98@!7*%,!/0'!/''+*A'45!J%7!&)+A!0*%4!3*7!,4*.',!)E'4!0%7!

face, and his headphones were sideways on his head. For a moment, the baby stopped its screaming, and all that could be heard was the sound of deep breaths being forced in and out of lungs around the bus.

“Fuck,” shouted a voice from the back. “We need some help back here.”

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A woman screamed. The baby joined in. Earl unfastened his seat"belt and hobbled a few steps down the aisle. “Shit,” he said, and turned around. He limped to the front of the bus and yanked the emergency medical kit from behind the mirror, turned around again, and limped towards the back, where the doctor lay motionless, crumpled up like a paper bag in his seat. Q%$)+!3*7!34*..',!-.!%+!0%7!$)/0'4C7!*4$75!Y0'!$*+!%+!/0'!1)3"

boy hat was standing on his seat to see. The businesswoman and her /3)!:4%'+,7!3'4'!0-,,&',!/)A'/0'45!Y0'!L'[%1*+!:*$%&9!7/*4',!)E'4!their seats and spoke in hushed tones over the crying baby and the old woman humming. =J'C7!+)/!<4'*/0%+A8@!H5S5!7*%,5!J'!3*7!7/%&&!%+!0%7!7'*/8!&'*+%+A!)E'4!

the doctor.=L)E'8@!l*4&!7*%,5!J'!.-&&',!H5S5!<*1?!<9!0%7!70)-&,'4!*+,!.-/!0%7!

;+A'47!/)!/0'!,)1/)4C7!+'1?8!10'1?%+A!:)4!*!.-&7'5!I)/0%+A5!=>7!*+9"body here a doctor?” Earl shouted, looking around. H5S5!7/*9',!K-%'/5!

Outside the bus, the baby kept crying in the arms of the old lady. She walked back and forth, bobbing and humming along the edge of /0'!0%A03*95!Y0'!<*<9C7!714'*$7!'10)',!)2!/0'!<-7!%+!/0'!7/%&&+'77!):!/0'!1)&,!+%A0/5!Y0'!714'*$%+A!;&&',!/0'!'*47!):!/0'!.*77'+A'478!7-:"focating their thoughts as they waited for the ambulance on the side of the road, away from the body inside. The lights from inside the bus pushed out just enough to illuminate faces. The man in the cowboy hat stood with his hands behind his back, kicking up dust with the 7%,'!):!0%7!<))/5!Y0'!L'[%1*+!:*$%&9!0-,,&',!/)A'/0'4!:)4!3*4$/08!and the teenager was sprawled out on the ground, in the dirt, star"%+A!*/!/0'!7/*475!l*4&!*+,!H5S5!7/)),!1&)7'7/!/)!/0'!<-7v!l*4&!%+7.'1/',!/0'!/*//'4',!4-<<'4!30'4'!/0'4'!)+1'!3*7!*!/%4'8!30%&'!H5S5!7/*4',!up at the shell of the old man in the window. The rest of the freed men, their paper bags in hand, stood away from the group and spoke K-%'/&9!/)!/0'$7'&E'75!Y0'!<&)+,'!3)$*+!7*/!14)77"&'AA',!%+!/0'!,%4/!3%/0!Q%$)+8!*7!0'4!0-7<*+,!*+,!Q%$)+C7!$)/0'4!70*4',!*!1%A*4'//'!*!

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few yards away. Simon and the woman drew pictures in the dirt with sticks to

pass the time. Simon concentrated on the ground. He held the stick <'/3''+!/3)!;+A'478!<4-70%+A!/0'!,%4/!%+!7):/8!73%:/!7/4)?'7!-+/%&!*!,'/*%&',!'&'.0*+/!*..'*4',5!Y0'!3)$*+!A4%..',!0'4!7/%1?!3%/0!*!;7/!*+,!/04*70',!0'*4/!70*.'7!*4)-+,!0'45!Q0'!&))?',!*/!Q%$)+C7!3)4?!and frowned. =F0'4'C,!9)-!&'*4+!/)!,4*3!&%?'!/0*/R@“I just copy what I see,” Simon said, without looking up from the

dirt. The woman looked confused. She studied the drawing more.=6-/!/0*/C7!*+!'&'.0*+/q!F0'4'!,)!9)-!7''!*+!'&'.0*+/R@“From the zoo,” Simon said.=Y0*/C7!E'49!%$.4'77%E'8@!/0'!3)$*+!7*%,5!=F0'+!,%,!9)-!A)!/)!/0'!


tails on top of details, wrinkles and hair, until the elephant looked like %/!3)-&,!4%7'!)2!/0'!A4)-+,!*+,!7/)$.!*3*95!Y0'!3)$*+!&))?',!*/!the hearts drawn in a circle around her. She dragged her palm across the ground in one sweeping motion, and they were gone.=L*498@!0'4!0-7<*+,!70)-/',!:4)$!30'4'!0'!7/)),!3%/0!Q%$)+C7!

mother. She straightened her back and dropped the stick. =D'7R@!70'!7*%,8!/3%7/%+A!0'4!<),9!/)!:*1'!0%$5=F0*/C7!/0'!+*$'!):!/0*/!4'7/*-4*+/!%+!X9++0-47/R!Y0'!)+'!3%/0!*&&!

the guitars on the wall.”L*49!/0)-A0/!:)4!*!$)$'+/5!=D)-!$'*+!/0'!)+'!<9!/0'!&*?'R@!70'!


J'4!0-7<*+,!4'/-4+',!/)!0%7!1)+E'47*/%)+!3%/0!Q%$)+C7!$)/0'4!*7!L*49!&'/!/0'!,%4/!7&)3&9!7&%.!:4)$!0'4!;7/8!7%:/%+A!/04)-A0!0'4!;+A'475!Simon looked up from his drawing.=D)-C4'!$'77%+A!-.!$9!'&'.0*+/8@!0'!7*%,5=U08!>C$!7)4495@!Q0'!/)77',!/0'!,%4/!/)!/0'!7%,'5!=>!3*7+C/!.*9%+A!*/"


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=F0*/C7!0%7!+*$'R@!Q%$)+!*7?',5“The elephant?”“That man.” Simon pointed with his stick.=Y0*/C7!$9!0-7<*+,5!J%7!+*$'!%7!H)+*/0*+5@!J'4!E)%1'!&'*.',!

through his name, springing over the vowels like a stone skipped across smooth water. She smiled at Simon. “I love him very much,” she said.

Simon laughed and rolled sideways into the dirt. He let the stick :*&&!)-/!):!0%7!0*+,75!L*49!A%AA&',!3%/0!0%$5=F0*/C7!7)!:-++9!*<)-/!/0*/R@!Q0'!*7?',5=>!,)+C/!/0%+?!0'!&)E'7!9)-!E'49!$-108@!Q%$)+!7*%,!*7!0'!4)&&',!

onto his stomach and picked up his stick. He faced his elephant again *+,!<'A*+!/)!4'/4*1'!/0'!:*,',!&%+'75!L*49C7!7$%&'!,%7*..'*4',5!

“What?” she asked.Simon kept tracing. He laid on his front side, kicking his legs in the

air behind him. His other hand supported his head with his elbow on /0'!A4)-+,5!L*49!7/*4',!0*4,!*/!0%$5!

“What did you say?” She asked again. No response. All she heard 3*7!/0'!<*<9!149%+A5!Q0'!A'+/&9!34*..',!0'4!;+A'47!*4)-+,!0%7!34%7/!and stopped his hand from moving. He looked up at her.

“Why did you say that?” Her voice was soft.“When somebody loves you,” Simon said, “they say your name

,%2'4'+/5@!Q0'!&'/!A)!):!0%7!34%7/!*+,!&'*+',!<*1?5!=>!,)+C/!/0%+?!9)-4!name is safe,” he continued as he traced around the brown ear of the '&'.0*+/5!=J'!,)'7+C/!7*9!%/!4%A0/5@L*49!14)77',!0'4!*4$75!Q0'!&))?',!<'0%+,!0'48!/)!H)+*/0*+8!*7!

the baby quieted down to a murmur. She thought about the way he 7.)?'!/)!0'45!Y0'!/0%+A7!0'!7*%,5!Y0'!/0%+A7!0'!,%,+C/!7*95!Y0'!/0%+A7!0'!-7',!/)!,)8!<-/!,%,+C/!*+9$)4'5!Y0%+A7!&%?'!/*?%+A!0'4!:)4!&)+A!walks on Sundays. Like bringing her lunch at work. Talking to her for hours without really saying a thing, just to talk to her, just to hear 0'4!/*&?!<*1?5!L*49!/0)-A0/8!*7!70'!7*/!%+!/0'!,%4/!3%/0!/0'!'&'.0*+/8!about how he spoke now, and she looked back at Simon, and her eyes fogged with tears.

She wiped her eyes with the outside edge of her palm, smearing ,%4/!*14)77!0'4!:*1'8!*7!H)+*/0*+!*+,!Q%$)+C7!$)/0'4!3*&?',!/)3*4,7!

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them. Simon jumped up and ran to his mother. She picked him up %+/)!0'4!*4$7!*+,!7K-''`',!0%$!/%A0/&95!H)+*/0*+!3*&?',!<'0%+,!L*49!and put his hands on her shoulders. She touched his hand and looked up at him with black smears down her cheeks.=W)$'!)+8!L*498@!0'!7*%,8!=A'/!-.!)-/!):!/0'!,%4/5!X'/C7!A)!;+,!)-/!



7%,'8!/0'!)&,!,)1/)4!7*/!.'4:'1/&9!7/%&&5!=>CE'!+'E'4!<''+!*4)-+,!30'+!7)$')+'!,%',5!Y0*/!*&3*97!0*..'+',!7)$'30'4'!'&7'5!>C&&!<'!)?*95!>!.4)$%7'5!D)-!70)-&,!A)!;+,!)-/!30*/C7!A)%+A!)+5@!H)+*/0*+!&))?',!through the window at the doctor.=Y0'9!70)-&,+C/!0*E'!'E'+!&'/!0%$!<-9!*!/%1?'/8@!0'!7*%,8!*+,!?%77',!


silent and still, staring at the tire, their hands to their chins. The tire 3*7!P*/!*+,!:4*9',8!4%..',!%+!*!1%41&'!*4)-+,!/0'!',A'!3%/0!P*.7!):!4-<<'4!0*+A%+A!)2!&%?'!'&'.0*+/!'*475!=Q)8!30*/C7!/0'!,'*&R@!H)+*/0*+!*7?',!*7!0'!3*&?',!-.!<'0%+,!/0'$5=Y0'4'C7!*!/4-1?!)+!/0'!3*98@!l*4&!7*%,!3%/0)-/!&))?%+A!-.5=B)+C/!9)-!0*E'!*!7.*4'!)4!7)$'/0%+AR@!H)+*/0*+!*7?',5!l*4&!

laughed slowly.=D'*08!M-7/!&'/!$'!M*1?!-.!/0%7!/3'+/9!/)+!<-7!4'*&!K-%1?!*+,!.).!

*+)/0'4!/%4'!)+!/0'4'8@!l*4&!7*%,5!H5S5!&*-A0',!%+/)!0%7!0*+,5!H)+*/0*+!frowned and straightened the collar of his polo shirt. =Q)8!30*/8@!H)+*/0*+!7*%,8!=3'!M-7/!0*E'!/)!3*%/!:)4!7)$')+'!/)!

come and change it?”=Y0*/C7!0)3!%/!3)4?75@=Y0*/C7!*<)-/!*7!%+'_1%'+/!*7!*+9/0%+A!>CE'!'E'4!0'*4,5!J)3!,)'7!


than. Waning surges of adrenaline still coursed through his veins from /0'!'*4&%'4!10*)75!J%7!<4)3+!'9'7!3'4'!3%&,!*+,!;'495!J%7!:4)A!10%+!bulged with each breath. “We have to wait for the ambulance any"

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ets. “Probably the best of the worst. At least he has a real reason to 1)$.&*%+5!L)7/!.').&'!,)+C/5@!H5S5!:)41',!*!&*-A0!*+,!&))?',!-.!*/!/0'!<-75!J%7!7$%&'!:*,',5!=D)-!


to the bus window. The doctor sat with his chin to his chest. Earl ?'./!0%7!E)%1'!P*/5!=I'E'4!3*7!E'49!A)),!*/!7/%1?%+A!/)!*!710',-&'8@!0'!1)+/%+-',5!=>!,)-</!/0'9C&&!?''.!$'!*4)-+,!*:/'4!>!?%&&',!*!1-7/)$'45!6*,!.-<&%1%/95@H5S5!;[',!0%7!'9'7!)+!/0'!,)1/)4!%+!/0'!3%+,)38!*+,!<%/!*/!/0'!;+"

gernails on his right hand. He took a step forward, then back, feeling as though he needed to move, to use up the energy that warmed his body. He looked at Earl. His breathing grew deeper. The baby began to cry again. From the arms of the old woman, the wailing bounced )2!/0'!<-78!7/4%?%+A!/0'!/3)!$'+!%+!/0'!:*1'5=D)-!,%,+C/!?%&&!0%$8@!H5S5!7*%,!)E'4!/0'!149%+A5“What?”=>C$!7-4'!9)-!,%,+C/!?%&&!0%$5!>!/0%+?!0'!0*,!%/!1)$%+A5@l*4&!4*%7',!0%7!'9'<4)37!0%A0!)+!0%7!:*1'!*+,!&))?',!*/!H5S5!=L*9"

<'8@!l*4&!7*%,8!3*+/%+A!/)!<'&%'E'5!=Y0*/C7!+)/!/0'!3*9!/0'9C&&!7''!%/!though.” The two men stared up at the bus for a while as the baby cried. =a-1?!/0%78@!H5S5!7*%,5!=G)/!/0*/!4%A0/8@!l*4&!7*%,5=I)8!>!$'*+!:-1?!/0%78!>C$!)-//*!0'4'5@!H5S5!.-&&',!/0'!7%,'7!):!0%7!

leather jacket together and zipped it up to his bearded chin. He blew

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into his hands, rubbed them together, and picked up his brown paper from the dirt. Earl leaned back from his hips and smiled in disbelief, his arms folded across his chest. =D)-!7'4%)-7R@!=D'*08!$*+8!>!<'/!>!A'/!/)!L%++'*.)&%7!<':)4'!9)-!,)8@!H5S5!7*%,!*7!

he started walking towards the group of men with their paper bags. =D)-!M-7/!A)/!)-/5!D)-!/0*/!<-79!*&4'*,9R!D)-!,)+C/!0*E'!/0'!/%$'!/)!

spare a couple hours?” Earl asked. =I)8@!H5S5!7*%,!)E'4!0%7!70)-&,'48!=>!,%,!$9!/%$'5@!J'!3*&?',!)E'4!

to the men huddled in a circle. They all quietly spoke steam into the 1'+/'48!$)E%+A!*+,!<)-+1%+A!/)!?''.!3*4$5!H5S5!7*%,!7)$'/0%+A!/0*/!l*4&!1)-&,+C/!0'*45!Y0'!$'+!&*-A0',5!H5S5!70))?!*!:'3!0*+,78!7&*..',!a few backs, and walked past the bus along the side of the highway. He put his thumb in the air and walked away from the bus. Away :4)$!l*4&8!*+,!/0'!$*+!%+!/0'!1)3<)9!0*/8!*+,!L*49!,4*3%+A!%+!/0'!dirt with her husband by her side. Away from Simon in the arms of his mother, the teenager, and the businesswoman. Away from the men 3%/0!/0'%4!<4)3+!.*.'4!<*A78!*+,!/0'!L'[%1*+!:*$%&95!J'!3*&?',!*3*9!:4)$!/0'!P*/!/%4'8!*+,!/0'!,'*,!,)1/)48!*+,!/0'!0-$$%+A!)&,!3)$*+!with the baby that screamed and shrieked into the night. And he kept walking until Earl could no longer see him, and he was swallowed up in the darkness down the highway.

After a few minutes, Earl looked up to the night sky above the bus. The moon was slivered behind the thin clouds like an ivory tusk. He ?+'3!/0'!1)$.*+9!3)-&,!A%E'!0%$!*!A)),!71)&,%+A!:)4!&'//%+A!H5S5!leave, but there was nothing he could do. The memory played over %+!0%7!0'*,s!/0'!&))?!H5S5!A*E'!)E'4!0%7!70)-&,'48!/0'!3*9!0'!3*&?',8!7/4)&&',!4'*&&98!3%/0)-/!*!1*4'T/0'!3*&?!):!*!:4''!$*+8!*!$*+!3%/0!nowhere to be and no schedule to keep. Earl liked the idea.J'!7/'..',!/)3*4,7!/0'!,*4?+'77!*+,!7K-%+/',8!<-/!0'!1)-&,+C/!

see anything past the light of the bus. The sun would rise soon. If 0'!:)&&)3',!H5S5!/0'9!3)-&,!;+,!0%$!,)3+!/0'!0%A03*9!3%/0%+!*+!0)-45!J%/100%?%+A!3*7!+'E'4!'*79!:)4!*!$*+!&%?'!0%$8!*+,!0'!1)-&,+C/!entertain the notion for more than a moment. He stepped back to where he had stood before and gently nestled his boots back into the %$.4'77%)+7!/0'9!0*,!$*,'8!:*1%+A!/0'!<-78!:*1%+A!/0'!P*/5!J'!3)-&,!

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stand right there, he decided, until help arrived, until they told him to 7/*9!)4!A)!*+,!0'!;+*&&9!0*,!7)$'!1&*4%/95

Some people could do that, he thought. They could just leave if /0'9!,%,+C/!&%?'!/0'!3*9!):!/0%+A75!U/0'47T&%?'!l*4&!*+,!7)!$*+9!0'!0*,!$'/!*&)+A!/0'!4)*,T:'&/!/0'!3'%A0/!):!/0%+A7!&%?'!*!;E'"/)+!'&'.0*+/!,4*AA%+A!/0'$!,)3+5!J'!&))?',!*/!0%7!<&)*/',!4'P'1/%)+!%+!the chrome hubcap of the wheel and knew, no matter what direction 0'!10)7'8!0'!3)-&,!,';+%/'&9!+)/!<'!'*4&95

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