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Page 1: 2012 Convention Flyer

The Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin Presents…

2012 IIAW Annual Convention

Registration Form

May 9 & 10, 2012 Kalahari Resort Wisconsin Dells

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2011-2012 Exclusive Company Sponsors






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Page 2: 2012 Convention Flyer


learning sessions, including continuing education credit programs. Automation managers and users will enjoy a full day of up-to-the-second programs designed by and for them by Wisconsin’s leading IT professionals. The Kalahari has also extended a low lodging rate of $104 per night. From the minute you arrive until the convention closes, you will enjoy outstanding entertainment, top-notch business socializing and unbeatable education opportunities. In addition to our heavily subsidized $154 registration fee, we offer other options to fit your schedule and agency improvement interests. Ask about our multiple registration discounts. We’ll do everything we can to encourage as many agents as possible to participate during this crossroads time for the independent agency system. Future survival depends on knowledge and proper application of agency resources. We are able to offer this massive event, with low registration fees, thanks to the tremendous financial support of our 2011-2012 Exclusive Company Sponsors: Anthem, West Bend Mutual, Integrity Insurance, Wilson Mutual, Progressive, SECURA Insurance, Pekin Insurance, QBE, Capitol Insurance Cos., ACUITY, Wisconsin Mutual, Society Insurance, The IMT

Group, Travelers and Hanover. Their generosity enables us to offer high quality and low-price events throughout our Association year. I look forward to personally welcoming you to our 113th annual convention. Sincerely, Mike Hierl

May 9 & 10, 2012

Kalahari Resort & Convention Center

Wisconsin Dells

President’s Welcome

113th Annual Convention!

Agency and Insurance Company Registration Options

2011-2012 IIAW Company Sponsors
















Champions Beat The Field at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells on May 9-10, 2012, for the IIA of Wisconsin’s 113th annual convention. The entire 130-person Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin leadership team will be there to meet you. IIA of Wisconsin conventions are famous throughout the nation for both size and quality. We have a reputation for offering the best convention program at the lowest price. Our 2012 convention continues this proud tradition. For a low all-events registration fee of $154, you will enjoy workshop and general session programs, top speakers and networking opportunities that don’t exist on other convention programs. Our CEO panel at last year’s convention drew nearly 500. This year’s panel will be equally appealing. The unique welcoming party, social events, awards breakfast and the ability to get your questions answered and your needs met, add to the grand scale of IIAW conventions. Every convention function at the Kalahari is conveniently located under one roof. Our 100-booth exhibit hall, which sells out nearly every year, is close to all workshops and general session areas. Our program is specially designed to address the needs and expectations of agency employees and our company friends. We offer a quality lineup of


Mike Hierl

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Page 3: 2012 Convention Flyer


May 9 & 10, 2012

Kalahari Resort & Convention Center

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin




























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Four Top Executives Open Convention – 10:15 a.m.











2012 Convention Schedule








113th Annual Convention!

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The IIAW is proud to present an excellent and respected group of industry executives. This top-flight panel will tackle a variety of important issues and give their observations and predictions about them. Time has been allotted for the panelists to field audience questions.

11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Exhibit Hall Lunch Served A variety of delicious, convenient-to-eat foods will be served.

12:30 p.m. Exhibitor Door Prize Drawings & $100 Cash Awarded Every Five Minutes (sponsored by IMT Insurance Group and MC’d by Derek Wickhem) 2:00 – 4:50 p.m. Non-Credit Session

Managing The Agency Through Changing Market & Economic Cycles, a session featuring Dirk Nohre. This class is offered with no continuing education credits.

The P&C market is beginning to firm up as companies are experiencing unacceptable loss ratios in certain segments and some re-underwriting is occurring. The overall economy is mixed, but beginning to recover in some areas. Managing through changing market and economic cycles presents agency owners and managers with significant challenges. In this presentation, Dirk will discuss a number of financial, operational, personnel and sales aspects of an agency, including how to plan for and execute a growth and profitability strategy for the agency. Dirk Nohre began his professional career in 1979. He has over 25 years experience in the areas of accounting, taxation, appraisals and valuations, mergers and acquisitions, data processing and financial management. From 1979 to 1992 he was the financial manager for several owner-managed businesses in several industries, including wholesale food distribution and insurance, and for a non-profit organization. In 1992, he formed Nohre & Co., S.C., which provides accounting, taxation, financial management and merger and



8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Convention Registration Desk Open In The Conference Center Lobby 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Automation/Technology Session Open Forum With Jeff Yates, Agents Council for Technology (ACT) Executive Director This session is offered with no continuing education credits. This highly interactive discussion, moderated by IIAW Automation/Technology Committee experts, is open to anyone who has an interest in the insurance technology area. Included during this open forum will be a summary of the breakthrough strategies agencies are employing to enhance their productivity and transform their practices to fit the online world. The great cast within the Technology Committee will help you understand the opportunities available to agencies today to become more efficient, save time and produce higher profits. The 13-member IIAW Automation/Technology Committee, recognized in Wisconsin and nationally, is comprised of top talent representing companies and agencies that employ cutting-edge technology methods. Some committee members have led technology programs throughout the country.

10:00 - 10:15 a.m. Welcoming Remarks From 2011-2012 IIAW President Mike Hierl IIAW President Mike Hierl is an accomplished insurance professional. Mike has served on the IIAW board on two different occasions, most recently from 2004-2007, and has sat on the Government Affairs and Larger Agencies committees. In 2009, he was nominated and selected to the Executive Committee as Secretary-Treasurer. He has also served as the chairman of the IIAW’s Young Agents Committee from 1989 to 1992 and was the Young Agent of the Year in 1991. In 1991, he was named vice president of Hierl Insurance; on May 1, 1994, he became president.

10:15 - 11:45 a.m. Opening General Session A View From The Top insurance industry executive panel, moderated by Jeff Thiel, Commercial Account Executive at R&R Insurance Services in Waukesha.

Panelists include:

! Larry Schreiber – President, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield

! Rick Parks – President & CEO, Society Insurance ! Dave Pauly – President & CEO, Capitol Insurance Cos. ! Mike Donohoe – Chairman, IIABA

Wednesday, May 9





Hotel Information/ Reservations
















Registration Policies











Exhibit Hall Hours












Kalahari Hosts IIAW Exhibitors

















Page 5: 2012 Convention Flyer


acquisition services to closely held businesses and their owners.

2:00 – 4:50 p.m. Continuing Education Session How To Have Your Employee Benefits Practice Thrive In A Health Care Reform World – Maximizing Your Profit, presented by David A. Harvey, CEBS. This class is filed for 3 continuing education credits and sponsored by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Health care reform and employee benefits have sparked opinions and questions such as:

“Small group insurance in dead!” “The minimum loss ratio rules will put us out of business.” “What will the Supreme Court do with the law?” “I am not an expert in benefits. I am not sure what I do

not know.” “Too many ways to ruin a good P&C client relationship.”

David Harvey’s presentation will discuss and dispel some of the above myths. Moreover, attendees will learn how to incorporate proven risk management approaches to your employee benefits practice. Finally, the presentation will focus on why today is the best time of all for the independent agent to reassess their current “menu” of employee benefits services and prepare for the future. David will discuss: • Megatrends - health care reform. • Trends in employee benefits brokerage. • Strategies (wellness; communications; fee based

arrangements vs. commissions; benchmarking; value based benefit design; and value added services).

" Human resources. • Cross-selling techniques.

David A. Harvey, CEBS, is with the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Among David’s activities is the development of the Foundation’s Employee Benefits Producer Training Program that is offered along with their partner, the National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research. 2:00 – 4:50 p.m.

Continuing Education Session Workers’ Compensation Overview/How Agents Can Explain Workers’ Comp Changes To Customers, a session presented by Bernie Rosauer, Erin Pinney and Janelle Krainz. The class is filed for 3 continuing education credits. Bernie Rosauer begins this session with a comprehensive, yet concise, overview of several aspects of Wisconsin’s workers’ compensation program. Erin Pinney and Janelle Krainz will conclude the session with timely information about how workers’ comp agents can explain program changes to customers. The presenters are: • Bernie Rosauer is the president of the

Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau.

Lots of Cash Prizes!

7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Convention Registration Desk Open 8:30 - 10:15 a.m. Annual Awards Breakfast, featuring guest speaker Gov. Scott Walker (invited). The governor will address the crowd

and answer questions. The annual selections for major Association award winners will be announced during this event. These recipients include Agent of the Year, Young Agent of the Year, Industry Representative of the Year and Committee Chairman of the Year. (Deposit your business card in the drum at breakfast to enter to win one

of two $500 cash prizes at the 11:30 a.m. drawing.) On Nov. 2, 2010, Scott Walker was elected as Wisconsin’s 45th Governor. Using an accomplished background as his base, he ran on a platform of economic growth and job creation. In 1986, Scott moved to Milwaukee to attend Marquette University. While still in school, he worked for IBM before leaving to work full-time in financial development for the American Red Cross. Scott was elected to the State Assembly in 1993. While there, he chaired several committees and authored important pieces of legislation that include: Truth-in-Sentencing, photo identification requirements to vote, and the elimination of the statute of limitations in sexual assault cases. He was re-elected four times. In 2002, Scott was elected as Milwaukee County Executive and served for the next eight years. 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Rob Bell presents Make ‘em Say WOW with excellent customer service. This is offered with no continuing education credits. Every team member has the power to polish or tarnish your company’s reputation. When face to face with the customer, each person represents the whole organization. Remarkable customer service requires that every person in your organization understands the fundamentals of consistent unsurpassed service. Bottom line, people want to do business with friends. Rob Bell will teach you: • What your customers really want. • Excellent communication skills including active listening,

the importance of body language, and choosing positive words.

• The little things that make a big difference. Rob Bell began teaching his customer service and communication techniques early in his tenure as the personnel

Wednesday, May 9 Thursday, May 10

development - education & training director for Dick’s Supermarkets, Inc. Drawing on more than 25 years of experience in leadership roles, customer service, and training, Rob makes it simple, clear and FUN to improve customer service and gain leadership skills. He has earned the prestigious designation of Certified Speaking Professional, which has been awarded to less than 650 people in the world. Rob is the 2011–2012 president of the National Speakers Association - Wisconsin Chapter. Rob’s presentations are high-energy and feature real-life anecdotes that are as fun as they are meaningful. Participants leave Rob’s presentations “fired up” and supplied with the techniques they need to meet and exceed customer and organization expectations. 11:30 a.m. Drawings For Two $500 Cash Door Prizes You must deposit your business card at the Annual Awards Breakfast to be entered to win one of two $500 cash prizes. All convention registrants are eligible. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open Selected door prize drawings with a value up to $25 will be drawn at 12:30 p.m. Be sure to leave a business card with each exhibitor. The cash winners will be drawn from agent business cards deposited at exhibitor booths. Complimentary beer and champagne will also be served to celebrate another exciting convention. 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Lunch Served A variety of delicious, convenient-to-eat foods will be served. 1:35 - 2:35 p.m. Annual Business Meeting/Awarding Of Company & Exhibitor Door Prizes & Super Door Prizes/$100 Bill Drawings

IIAW officers will provide an operations update during the meeting. New directors and officers for the 2011-2012 Association year will also be installed. We will wrap up the 113th convention by awarding valuable door prizes provided by the IIAW, our companies and exhibitors. Be sure to drop your business card in the drum upon entering the meeting to be eligible for all exhibitor door prize drawings. Ten lucky winners will also win $100. All agency personnel are eligible to win door prizes during the Annual Business Meeting. Prize winners must be present to win. 2:35 p.m. Convention Ends

You will have several opportunities to win cash prizes at the convention. On Wednesday night at 11:00 p.m., at the conclusion of the Champions Beat The Field party, the $3,500 cash Hanover Insurance money drop will take place. You can also win during the Awards Breakfast on Thursday morning. Two $500 cash prizes will be given away by Germantown Mutual. To be eligible, you must deposit your business card in the drum at the door before the breakfast. Also, you must be present at the 11:30 a.m. drawing to win. All convention registrants are eligible to win one of two $500 cash prizes awarded at that time. At the Annual Business Meeting on Thursday at 1:35 p.m., agents could also win one of 10 $100 bills. You must deposit your business card in the drum when you enter. You must be present when your name is drawn to claim your cash. Agency personnel only are eligible for this drawing. Many other valuable door prizes will be awarded during the meeting.

Gov. Scott Walker



Bernie Rosauer

Janelle Krainz



Erin Pinney

Page 6: 2012 Convention Flyer






• Erin Pinney is a senior regional sales manager with West Bend Mutual Insurance.

• Janelle Krainz is a senior marketing underwriter at SFM Insurance.

2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Continuing Education Session

Wisconsin Law Changes Update, a session presented by Josh Johanningmeier. This class is filed for 2 continuing education credits. Wisconsin’s insurance law has gone through significant changes and Josh Johanningmeier will expertly discuss these changes during this session.

Josh will discuss a litany of timely topics that could impact you and your

insurance customers. These topics include: certificates of insurance, tort reform and conceal carry laws, new annuity training requirements, and the Consumer Choice in Auto Insurance Act.

Josh Johanningmeier is a shareholder in Godfrey & Kahn's Product Liability and Tort Practice Group and a member of the firm's Insurance Practice Group. He was selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2012, the definitive guide to legal excellence in the country. Josh is the IIA of Wisconsin’s General Counsel.

2:00 - 3:15 p.m. Non-Credit Session IT Workshop, Part 1 — Agencies Of The Future Workshop In this Agencies of the Future workshop, Jeff Yates and agent participants will review the latest ideas coming out of ACT’s Agencies of the Future, Mobile Strategies, Business Intelligence, Mid-Commercial and Strategic Future Issues Work Groups, coupled with the progress being made in the industry’s Real Time and Download initiatives. We will discuss how different types of agencies (rapidly evolving, more traditional, etc.) might change over the next 2 to 4 years as they respond to changing consumer, client and employee expectations. We will also consider how new technologies and other innovative business practices and tools might facilitate changes in agency physical structures, operations, management, marketing, sales and servicing. The forum is moderated by committee members Chris Costakis and Karl Seidl.

Jeff Yates has been executive director of ACT since 2001 and works with independent agents, companies, vendors, user groups and industry associations to advance effective technology solutions and improved business processes within the independent agency system. ACT also develops information and seminars which will help agents take full advantage of technology opportunities. Jeff has previously held the roles of general counsel, executive VP, and CEO industry and state relations during his 36-year tenure with IIABA. Jeff is enthusiastic about the future for independent agents and brokers—a future that has been significantly enhanced by advances in agency workflows and technology.

3:15 - 3:30 p.m. Break 3:30 - 4:50 p.m. Non-Credit Session IT Workshop, Part 2 — The Mobile Landscape: Insurance On The Move This session will focus on the use of various devices to access Web, e-mail and agency data. The session will cover smartphones, tablets and laptops, and show the functionality of each platform and the security issues that each have. An Apple iPad, donated by Society Insurance, will be given away.

4:50 - 7:30 p.m. Company Hospitality Hours For Private Entertaining 7:30 - 11:00 p.m. Champions Beat The Field Party, Featuring Endless Summer Band See next page for details! #

Wednesday, May 9

Champions Beat The Field Opening Night Party 7:30 to 11:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 9


































