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Students name: ..

Class: Sec 4 English 2

Teachers name: Ms.Noor Azean Mohamed

Date: 19.10.2008

Subject: English Language

Day: Saturday

Activities: Vocabulary building, Grammar

Lesson: 35

Reading Comprehension, Literature

Time: 4.45-6.45pm


Question 1

According to the advertisement, the successful candidate must has the following

Agood results in English and a degree holder of Marketing Studies

Ba SPM certificate and fluent in both Malay and English Language

Cable to deal with public and at least 5 years working experience

D2 years working experience and a driving licence

Question 2 & 3

Which of the following quality is essential for the job advertised?




Which of the following method is incorrect to apply for the job?

AFax the resume

BMake a phone call

CSend an e-mail

DWalk-in interview

Question 4

This poster is looking for

Asomeone who can sell things for the company

Bsomeone who can work permanently

Cpleasant personality

Dmale only

Question 5

From the advertisement, we know that the special offer

Ais for a month

Bis for a limited period

Cis for indefinite period

Ddepends on the availability of stock

Question 6

Which statement is true regarding the advertisement?

Afree cutlery

Bthe thermos makes the food tasteless

Cwe can warm the food by using this thermos

Dthis product is produced from high quality of zinc

Question 7

According to the advertisement, the Rechargeable Multifunction Fan does the following except

Arepels insect

Bemergency lamp

Cgenerates fresh air

Duse internal and external

Question 8

From the advertisement, an advantage of the bicycle is

Ait helps to protect the Earth from pollution

Bit prevents diseases like diabetes

Cit does not use electricity

Dit uses solar energy

Question 9 According to the advertisements, the hotel is most suitable for

Aanyone who want to spend short holiday in the city

Bsomeone who loves nature and jungle trekking

Csportsman who would like to work out in gym

Danyone whose hobby is bird watching

Question 10Which of the following statements is false about the D Card member benefits?

AGet any magazine free of charge

BCovered with insurance

CReceive festive greeting card

DAble to get gift vouchers

Question 11

Based on the advertisement, the fee to become a member is

ARM15 only

Bless RM15

Cextra RM15

Question 12

According to the advertisement, you can get discount if you

Abuy any artificial flowers

Bbuy any fresh flowers at any amount

Cbuy any artificial flowers cost RM30.00

Dbuy any fresh flowers cost RM30.00

Question 13

From the advertisement, we know that the workshop is

Aconducted by Mr Deen

Bheld for one whole day

Caimed at Pure Science subjects

Dorganized for lower form students

Question 14

THE BEST HOTEL, MALACCA - The Best Value Hotel offers you spacious and comfortable rooms.

Types of roomWeekdays rate per nightWeekend rate per night

Standard roomRM90 nett RM120 nett

Superior roomRM110 nettRM140 nett

Deluxe roomRM130 nettRM160 nett

Family roomRM 160 nettRM190 nett

All rates quoted is inclusive of breakfast

Surcharge RM50 nett shall apply during peak and super peak period

Prior reservation is required and is subject to room availability

Based on the advertisement, which of the following statements is false?

AFamily room is the most expensive room in the hotel

BThe breakfast is free to all guests

CNo additional cost during peak and super peak period

DEarly reservation is necessary

Question 15

Which of the following statements best represents the advertisement above?

AThe right man always found in the right job

BOne can find the correct person for a job in the Daily Appointments Section

CThe Daily Appointments will check out all applicants to choose a suitable person


Answer the following questions

1. Who is the persona in the poem?

2. The traveller in the poem is

3. The title of the poem Si Tenggangs Homecoming refers to Si Tenggangs

4. The readers can deduce that the persona

5. How is the persona now that he has travelled to other countries?

6. After his return, the persona

7. The journey is referred to as a journey of the soul because

8. Why does the persona say I have not entirely returned, I know?

9. The expression They took to their predicisions shows that the villagers

10. Si Tenggang is saying But look, I have brought myself home to

11. The tone of the line But look, I have brought myself home is

12. By saying he brought himself home implies that the persona

13. What are the two types of journey the persona undertakes?

14. Why do you think the persona describes his homeland as fatherland and not motherland?

15. How has he acquired the knowledge through his journey?

16. What does he proclaim he has learnt on his travels in stanza 1?

17. What is the problem he faced when he return home?

18. Why are the people alienating him?

19. Why did he growl at his grandmother and mother?

20. What is meant by the lines I am no longer afraid of the oceanby words or ideas?

21. To whom is the persona speaking to?

22. Why is the journey describes as a loyal teacher?

23. What is meant by the contents of the boat and what does the persona intend to do with it?

24. How is the journey educational to Si Tenggang?

25. Name one of possible theme of this poem.

Theme: Environment

Questions 1 7

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
















Holidaymakers often seek out the serenity and tranquility of Nature to rejuvenate their bodies and nourish their souls. Immersed in the wonder of these new sights and sounds, they also often return home with a part of this beauty. Cherishing souvenirs and sweet memories, little do they realize the damage that they have done to the fragile biodiversity of the environment. The souvenirs they keep involve removing plants or wild animals from their natural habitat or, worse still, killing them to obtain a (body) part.

The UK, for example, is a major transit route as well as the final destination for many of the wildlife products around the world. In the year 2000, customs officers there seized as many as 8000 wildlife items from returning holidaymakers. However, these offences are not committed intentionally as holidaymakers are largely unaware of the laws regulating illegal trade.

Some tourists love to buy souvenirs that cannot be found elsewhere, are pretty to look at and at the same time exotic. Yet, it is exactly for these reasons that they need to restrain themselves from buying these products. Rare wildlife products are exactly that rare! It means that the wildlife from which the product originated is probably endangered and heading towards extinction. Some of the many species that are now extinct have been the result of exploitation and these include the Spixs macaw and the Javan rhinoceros.

Tourists can play an important role in conservation efforts. They can stop the demand for products or souvenirs that call for the needless killing of wild species. However, tourists are often unaware of the origin of their purchase whether it is from an endangered species or an illegal one. A good policy to follow is when in doubt, skip the purchase. This will ensure that when the buying stops so does the killing.

To help regulate the international trade of millions of wild plants and animals, CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) has come up with a worldwide system of permits which must be presented before specimens can leave or enter a country. Over 800 species of animals and plants are currently banned from international trade and a further 30 000 are under strictly controlled trade. The regulations apply to plants and animals dead, alive or in body parts. Besides this international law, each country also has its own wildlife laws to help protect its biodiversity.

A responsible tourist will, therefore, not buy products derived from endangered animals. When in doubt, enquire about the origin: has it been taken from the wild or has it been bred? Is it legal or illegal? When in doubt, skip the purchase.

Some items to be careful of are as follows:

Wildlife products that are usually considered exotic, which include tortoise meat, bear meat, monkey meat and snake blood. Many of these products are in demand because they are believed to cure various ailments and enhance virility.

Skins and furs such as those of tigers, lions, otters and weasels, these are in demand in the clothing industry.

Reptile skins such as those of snakes, pythons and alligators; these are often used to make fashion accessories and handbags, wallets, belts and shoes.

Rare and exotic birds such as parakeets, mynahs and munias, many of which die in the process of trapping, during transportation, at the initial stage of purchase and during quarantine.

Rare and exotic plants taken from the wild such as wild orchids, pitcher plants and cycads. Often these are collectors items as they are much prized for their uniqueness.

Rare and exotic fish such as the Asian bony tongue. Only species that are bred on a farm can be traded and each fish has a chip with an identification number embedded in it. Unfortunately, man are still caught in the wild, hence depleting resources.

Ivory carvings, trophies, accessories and souvenirs.

Traditional Chinese medication containing leopard, tiger and musk deer body parts. 5











From paragraph 1, how does a tourist endanger the environment?

________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

2From paragraph 2, what is the reason given by the holidaymakers for committing the offences in bringing back wildlife items from overseas?

________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

3According to paragraph 3, why do some tourists seek out certain souvenirs?

_______________________________________________________________[2 marks]

3 From paragraph 4, find a word which has the same meaning as buying.

_______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

5From paragraph 5, according to the writer,

(a) What is the importance of CITES?

_______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(b) How is CITES applied? Give two ways.

(i) _____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(ii)______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

5 From paragraph 8, why do many wildlife products are in demand?

(i) _____________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(ii)______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

7The responsible tourist has an important role in conservation efforts.

Write a summary of the role a responsible tourist can play in conservation efforts.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning

Your summary must

be in continuous writing (not in note form)

use relevant material from the text from paragraph 1 paragraph 6

not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

A responsible tourist can play an important role in conservation .........THEME : SOCIAL ISSUES

Read the list of pets below, then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 1-5

For each of the descriptions below, name the pets that the following people should buy.No.DescriptionType of pet

1.Mr and Mrs Pang have just bought a bungalow and so need a watchdog.

2.My youngest daughter wants a pet but our house has no room for a dog or a cat.

3.Puan Kalsom, a widow, wants a quiet and homely pet as companion.

4.Salim has always preferred pets that are striking in looks.

5.Sandra, who lives in a flat, wants to get a small pet.

Questions 6-10

Based on the information given, give short answers to the following questions.

3. Which pet is supposed to bring good luck to its owner?


4. Which pet breeds very fast?


8. Which pet is quiet but temperamental?


9. Which pet is the only reptile?


10. Alsatian is a watchdog which needs _______________________________________________________________________

Immediate vacancy at Maju Enterprise, Ipoh


Degree in Accounting

Conversant in both Bahasa Melayu & English

Minimum 2-3 years of working experience

Possess own transport and willing to travel

We are a leading wood based product industry. We are looking for relevant, experience, hardworking and dedicated candidates to fill in the below positions:-



Interested candidates are required to email, call or fax :-

Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected] Tel: 07-44443333 Fax: 07-44442222

Successful candidates can expect an attractive remuneration.


Do you need extra income? Join us to make extra money in your free time.

Register now as a distributor!

Just sell books, watches, stationery and lots more

Interested. Please call Mr. Kumar at 03-66778899

Whole dining set of long table and 8 chairs

Clearance stock! Hurry while stocks last.

RM 499

Thermos 500ml Food Jar

Keep your food warm and full of flavour in this insulated jar.

High quality 18/10 stainless steel

Comes with a foldable stainless spoon

Rechargeable Multi-funct ion Fan

- A-multi-function items that is useful both indoors and outdoors

- Functions include fan, mosquito repellent, radio and fluorescent lamp


Cheap and needs no fuel


Keeps you fit

Get a bicycle now and help to save our environment.


Single/Double room RM250.00


Welcome drink

Fresh fruit

Daily newspaper

Complimentary use of fitness centre

Enjoy these great and exciting D Card benefits as a member

Free insurance coverage

Free LIFE Magazine

Exclusive festive greeting card

Exclusive designer D Card

Rebate gift vouchers

MMM offers you motoring protection throughout Malaysia, 24 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

WAIVER of RM15 on entrance fee

Valid at all outlets

For further enquiries, please call 01-11112222


Saying I love you is easy with gifts of flower created from the heart.

10% discount on fresh flowers with a minimum purchase of RM30 and above

30% discount on selected artificial flowers

InfoDidik Centre is organizing a revision workshop for Form Five students on October 15 and 16 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. at City Hall, Johor Bahru. The workshop will cover Biology, Physics and Chemistry. The session is limited to 150 participants. For more details, contact Mr Deen at 07-11112222



si tenggangs homecoming


the physical journey that i traverse

is a journey of the soul,

transport of the self from a fatherland

to a country collected ny sight and mind,

the knowledge that sweats from it

is a strangers knowledge,

from one who has learnt to see, think

and choose between

the changing realities.


its true i have growled at my mother and grandmother

but only after having tolf of my predicament

that they have never brought to reason.

the wife that i began to love in my loneliness,

in the country that alienated me,

they took to their predecisions.

i have not entirely returned, i know,

having been changed by time and place,

coarsened by time by problems

estranged by absence.


but look,

i have brought myself home,

seasoned by confidence,

broadened by land and languages,

i am no longer afraid of the oceans

or the differences between people,

not easily fooled

by words or ideas.

the journey was a loyal teacher

who was never tardy in explaining cultures or variousness.

look, i am just like you,

still malay,

sensitive to what

i believe is good,

and more ready to understand

than my brothers.

the contents of these boats are yours toobecause I have returned.


travels made me

a seeker who does not take

what is given without sincerity

or that which demands payments from beliefs.

the years at sea and coastal states

have taught me to choose,

to accept only those tested by comparison,

or that which matches the words of my ancestors,

which returns to my village

and its perfection.


ive learnt

the ways of the rude

to hold reality in a new logic,

debate with hard and loud facts,

but i am too humble, and respecting

man and life.


i am not a new man,

not very different

from you;

the people and cities

of coastal ports

taught me not to brood

over a foreign world,

suffer difficulties

or fear possibilities.

i am you,

freed from the village,

its soils and ways

independent, because

i have found myself.

Muhammad Haji Salleh