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Page 1: 15 Reasons Why You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

15 Reasons Why You Are Your Own Worst EnemyBinita Shah, TNN | Sep 1, 2014, 12.56 PM IST 351    15366SharesYour worst enemy isn't some he/she or them. It's sitting right inside your head in the disguise of voices, thoughts and fears. The truth is that the inner enemies have destroyed more people than their enemies around. The sooner you catch it, the sooner you will save yourself!

1. You beat yourself up like a WWF wrestler.

Shit happens. Every person in the history of human kind has made a regrettable mistake. Why, oh why would you beat yourself up when you end up making a mistake? Humans err all the time. Emotional beating is worse than physical harm.

Source: Wrestling With Text

2. You chase perfection.

We've all heard the phrase: No one is perfect. But do we practice it? Nope. We are all born with imperfections and we kill ourselves in being perfect. Why can't you let yourself be? Everyone has flaws and they're beautiful in their own ways. When you chase perfection, you're running away from happiness.

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Source: Return Of Kings

3. You only see what you don't have.

Wise philosophers keep stressing on gratitude as the right attitude of life. You must be grateful for what you have. You must keep counting your blessings instead of counting the things you don't have or can't be. Or else you'll be an unsatisfied soul even if you're blessed with a beautiful life.

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Source: Social Greetings

4. You compare yourself.

Remember when we were young and our parents compared our grades to some smart kid? Didn't that depress us? You're doing the same by comparing yourself to others. We're all different and each of us has a unique purpose in life. If you want to compare yourself, do it

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with the person you were yesterday.

Source: The Mind Centre

5. You to yourself is what Hitler was to Jews.

You hate racists and sexists and biases. But you are all of them to yourself. Media preaches perfection and we are all victims of it. There is not even one person alive that doesn't look down on himself/herself because of some self-assumed flawed body/ face/ color/ religion/ social status. Do yourself a big favor: accept yourself!

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Source: Giphy

6. You put yourself in the rat race.

The truth about a rat race is that it doesn't have a finishing line. It's worthless and burns the runner out with illusions of productivity. We all have dreams and we're working day and night to achieve them. But if achieving those dreams makes you dread each day of your life, you're on the wrong way.

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Source: Tumblr

7. You help everyone except for yourself.

You're the first person to lend your hand. Your shoulder is most used. You are always there for your friends. You're always taking up every project your boss wants you to. But you're not a bloody robot! You'll kill yourself if you keep going this way. So pamper yourself before you turn into a zombie.

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8. You have grounded your inner child.

When was the last time you let yourself have some fun without thinking what others are going to think? When was the last time you did something that makes you happy without thinking twice? Go to an amusement park or sit on a swing. Treat your inner child before it dies and you'll be young forever.

Source: Tumblr

9. You chase the wrong people.

Sometimes we idolize people in our heads. We create a pretty sketch of them in our minds and fall in love with them. Sooner or later, we realize that we were wrong about them and blame them for hurting us. Truth is that they always were wrong and we were just not

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ready to see them as they were. Observe and be practical when you need to.

Source: Cinema Chaat

10. You let others make the verdict.

You don't take yourself seriously, so why would others? You put yourself down, so why would others think highly of you. Listen up! If you want to be something in this world, know that you're the only person you have. So stop taking the crap people have to say about you. You're awesome; tell yourself that thrice a day.

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Source: MensXP

11. Your habits suck!

The body doesn't have a voice to shout if something is wrong. It only gives signs. A body ache means you need rest. Pimples mean your skin needs care. A headache means you need rest. A disease is a SOS alert. Most of us treat our body worse than prisoners. We make it smoke, get high, sleep-deprive it, starve it or feed it junk. A healthy body is a happy body.

Source: Tumblr

12. You blame yourself for everything.

As humans, we love pity parties. They're probably the only parties where we enjoy being alone. It's all very comforting but we must stop for our sanity. Your lover hurt you. He or she turned out a prick. So then why would you blame yourself for their rotten character? Why would you punish yourself while that prick chills out? Wake up your common sense, please?

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Source: Tumblr

13. You walk away from yourself.

A lot of people can't stay alone for even an hour. They are constantly in need of company or they want to get busy. This is a sign of you not being OKAY within. Spend some time alone with yourself and resolve your inner issues that you keep running away from. The world will start looking beautiful and no one better than you can solve your own problems.

Source: Imgur

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14. You believe you are powerless.

You are the master of your own life. If you will something, you can do it. Most of us feel we are victims of fate and circumstances and such a state of mind sucks out of all our power. Take charge of your past and present again. You have come to life with a destiny and He has left the last page for you to finish. Remember how Geet in Jab We Met snatched her life back?

Source: Tumblr

15. You fill yourself with grudges.

Imagine a well. How do you picture the water in it? Crystal clear, of course! Your mind is a well too. If you keep depositing past regrets and problems, it's going to turn polluted and make you very sick. Clear yourself of all the negativity. Meditate if you can. Delete all the rubbish that upsets you. Give yourself another chance, a new beginning.

Source: Tumblr

You against you is the hardest way to live. Become best friends with yourself again!

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