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Page 1: 13 Reasons You're Losing Twitter Followers

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13 Reasons You’re

Losing Twitter


Page 2: 13 Reasons You're Losing Twitter Followers

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So you have been tweeting and gained

a moderate following….

…. And yet, you are losing followers.


Here’s 13 possible reasons…

Page 3: 13 Reasons You're Losing Twitter Followers

1/ You aren’t tweeting about what you

said you would

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If in your bio it says ‘tweets about finance and business’, but your actual tweets are about

cupcakes and what you ate for breakfast, then don’t be surprised when new followers

quickly leave you once they see your tweets in their timeline.

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2/ You’re arguing too much

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Reading other people’s arguments over Twitter is, frankly, tedious. No one wants to engage

with someone who will argue with anyone and everyone just for the sake of it.

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3/ You never respond

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If you never engage with any of your followers, then they are likely to give up on you. They

might think you’re not real, or just get fed up of making an effort with you and getting

nothing in return.

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4/ You publicise one-on-one


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If you are a serial abuser of the . before @names when you are having one-on-one

conversations with another tweeter: shame on you.

Your conversation is meaningless to the majority of people following you. Leave the .


.@friendnumber2 oh my god, wasn’t that

thing that happened and no one else saw or

cares about totally hilarious?

Twitter/ @friendnumber1

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5/ You don’t tweet, you retweet

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People follow you because they want to hear what you have to say. Only retweeting is lazy.

Get your writing cap on.

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6/ You are too promotional

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If you’re a business, don’t spam your followers with loads of ‘Buy our new…’ or similar

messages. The odd message is fine, but combine it with interesting content that provides

some value to your followers.

And if you are an individual, constant tweets about competition entries and promotions are

just as meaningless and annoying.

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7/ Your frequency is all wrong

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If you’re tweeting too little, when people are having a ‘following’ clear out, they’ll forget who

you are or why they followed you in the first place, and you’ll quickly be taken off that list.

Tweet too often and you just fill your followers’ feeds with your messages, drowning out the

rest of their followers; probably not what they want.

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8/ You change your avatar too much

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If you constantly change your avatar, your followers will find it difficult to recognise you

when you come up in your feed. They may forget who you are and why they followed you,

prompting a click on the ‘unfollow’ button.

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9/ You’re just a bit, well, annoying

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If your content is all about how amazing you are for only eating salad every day, or constant

photos of your dog, or your really strong views on something controversial

(politics/religion/sexuality etc) then don’t be surprised if some of your followers find your

tweets unfavourable.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tweet about those things (we’re all for being yourself and

all that), but just be aware that they might mean your audience is, well, more niche.

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10/ You’re not in team follow back

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This one’s not really your fault. Lots of people will follow others in the hope of a follow back,

in order to increase their own stats. If you don’t follow them back, they may just unfollow


And if you DO follow back, they might still unfollow you, because they got what they wanted

and aren’t really interested in you.

Sorry. There’s not much you can do about this other than leave those on the hunt for a, like,

totally awesome massive (irrelevant) following to it.

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11/ You #use #too #many #hashtags

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Filling your tweets with a billion hashtags is just irritating and makes the actual point of your

tweet hard to read. The same goes for including lots of @names.

The answer is simple: #stop #using #loads #of #hashtags.

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12/ Bad grammar/spelling

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There is no excuse for bad grammar or spelling. It’s often laziness, which is not exactly

enticing. If you can’t be bothered to write properly, then why should anyone bother to read

your tweets. Having trouble? Use a spellchecker.

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13/ You’re too needy

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If you are constantly asking people to retweet/share your stuff or follow you (not just now and again, we mean all the time) then don’t be surprised if instead of doing that, your followers ditch you instead.

If your content is worth sharing, people will do so, so focus on making your tweets worthy instead.

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