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    100% Scheduling at Bunge

    Case Study on How Full Scheduling Improves Work Practices

    Brian J. Dietsch, Maintenance & Reliability Director, Bunge North America


    This paper provides insight to how scheduling a batch of weekly work that matches the available

    weekly crew capacity increases work productivity. Many companies typically schedule only a

    percentage of available crew capacity because they know urgent or emergency work will break

    the schedule anyways. However, the main purpose of weekly scheduling is to set a realistic goal

    and not pull off a perfect maintenance work schedule

    The following key question is addressed: How does 100% scheduling improve work practices?

    The history of maintenance work order scheduling at Bunge North America started with detailed

    and complex weekly schedules that most found to be of little value. The time to complete these

    schedules and the many variables that caused daily changes, resulted in employees not wanting

    to perform this function. Maintenance work order practices suffered as a result. By modifying

    the scheduling to a goal setting activity and introducing simple to use tools, weekly scheduling

    has become common practice and has also highlighted the need to adhere to standard

    maintenance work flows. This paper details the need for proper work practices in order for

    scheduling to be successful.

    This paper also addresses many concerns about partial scheduling, operations management

    involvement, scheduling metrics, the need for adequate planning, backlog management,

    improved maintenance work performance and key lessons learned.

    Scheduling Goals

    Manufacturing plants exist to make a profit for the company and shareholders. This only occurs

    when the facility has available and reliable production capacity. Therefore, the end goal of

    planning and scheduling is to improve asset reliability and increase equipment availability. This

    is done by reducing reactive breakdown work and increase proactive work designed to identify

    potential problems. We must either add more resources for this proactive work or become more

    efficient with the resources currently available. Planning and 100% scheduling is a maintenance

    management tool that allows us to reach this goal without adding additional workforce or


    100% Scheduling, Why We Do It

    So why do we want 100% scheduling instead of 50% or 80%? Certainly there will be requested

    work that will break the best laid plans and schedules. Shouldnt we just accept this and build in

    that 20% reactive work factor? The key to increasing maintenance productivity is to start each

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    week with a batch of work that matches the crew capacity. This simple goal setting exercise and

    subsequent follow up with a full daily schedule results in increased productivity. If we schedule

    less than 100%, we acquiesce to the belief that maintenance is here to take care of operations and

    any time left is reserved to work on the backlog. That extra 20% in the schedule may not seem

    like much, but scheduling 100% sends the clear message that maintenance does indeed have a

    full schedule of work next week that we want to accomplish. True emergencies will still be

    taken care of, but we are trying to break the cycle of viewing maintenance simply being there to

    serve operations. This mindset must change for maintenance to have an opportunity to improve


    For a maintenance supervisor or manager who builds the daily schedule, why sort through all

    work orders every day when they already have a select group of work orders in the weekly

    schedule list to choose from. Not only does it make it much easier for the supervisor to build the

    daily schedule, it concentrates on work that operations has already agreed that it wants done.

    Having an agreed upon weekly list of work also saves time of searching through all work orders

    and deciding which ones to work on. This allows the supervisor more time to concentrate on his

    core function, managing the work crews.

    From a metrics standpoint, a 100% schedule sets a common baseline for all plants. Its very easy

    to achieve a high level of schedule compliance when only 50% of the jobs are scheduled! High

    schedule compliance is not the goal. Getting more work done with the same resources is the

    primary goal.

    100% Scheduling, What is Needed?

    Ready Backlog

    The first requirement to build a 100% schedule is an adequate backlog of planned work

    orders. For scheduling purposes, each work order and job plan must include to following

    information: priority, created date, functional location or equipment number, detailed job

    description, type of craft, number of craftsmen, estimates hours, physical location, and a

    work order status of Waiting Scheduling or Waiting Plant Conditions. This information

    provides the weekly scheduling tool necessary data for sorting and calculating remaining

    crew availability.


    There are many weekly and daily scheduling tools on the market. Bunge chose to keep the

    tools as simple as possible but yet capable of performing the intended tasks. Instead of

    scheduling directly in SAP, Excel was chosen as the scheduling tool. Planned work waiting

    scheduling is simply imported into the weekly scheduling tool and sorted by priority, age and

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    like equipment. The tool also provides very visual indications of % scheduled hours and

    available hours per craft. This simplicity allows planners to quickly master the scheduling

    principles instead of trying to learn and master a more complex software program.

    The daily scheduling tool is built directly into the weekly spreadsheet. Supervisors select the

    day of the week and employees who will be assigned to each work order. They then filter by

    day of the week to quickly see the daily schedule. By keeping the list of available work in an

    easy to use format, supervisors spend less time on the computer and more time in the plant

    managing the crews.


    The final and most important piece of 100% scheduling is the people. Starting with each

    maintenance craft, known available hours are added to the crew capacity for following week.

    Vacation days, training sessions, meetings, safety tool box talks and any other time not

    available to work on a job are subtracted from the crew capacity.

    In addition to continuously improving job plans and planning work orders, the planner also

    builds the proposed weekly schedule. By planning the jobs, they already have a sense of

    when the work will be done and use this knowledge when they build the weekly schedule.

    While the scheduling tool does an automatic sort, it will put low priority jobs high on the list

    if a high priority job exists on the same equipment. It may or may not make sense to do both

    jobs simultaneously. By having knowledge on the jobs, the planner can prescreen the weekly

    schedule before it goes to operations for review.

    The weekly scheduling meeting with Operations and Maintenance is critical to building the

    formal pact between the two parties. A long drawn out meeting that reviews each work

    order will quickly devolve in what many feel is a waste of their time. The following are

    general requirements of the weekly scheduling meeting: is about 30 minutes in length, starts

    with a review of the previous weeks schedule success, provides operations an opportunity to

    modify the proposed schedule, allow operations to select specific days for certain work and

    ends with the agreement that this is the list of work that we all want to get done next week.

    Without this pact between maintenance and operations, the reactive culture will probably

    remain since maintenance will be not viewed as having a stated goal of work to accomplish

    The Plant Manager needs to set the expectation that a weekly schedule will be developed and

    operations and maintenance will agree upon a 100% schedule. This one message is

    instrumental to driving both parties to work together. Without it, scheduling and most other

    work flows will not be sustained.

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    What We Measure

    With any good program, there are metrics to gauge performance and provide feedback. The

    Bunge reliability program started with twenty one metrics that are reported each month by all

    plants. Two scheduling metrics in particular are not reported but instead used only at the plant

    during the weekly scheduling meeting. These two metrics are: % Schedule Success per week,

    and % Scheduled Hours per week. So why are these two metrics not reported to corporate? A

    management decision was made that we did not want to compare schedule success across all

    plants since the acceptable range is very large (40% to 90%). Many factors affect schedule

    success and we did not see the value in analyzing this metric across twenty seven plants. What is

    more important, is that the weekly planning meeting start off with a review of this metric and

    discuss if management needs to address any concerns that may have prevented maintenance form

    achieving an acceptable schedule success. The other metric not reported is % Scheduled Hours

    per week. We have found that this is the key to the weekly scheduling that there is no need to

    report it. It is a given that it will be 100% plus or minus a point or two.

    The monthly metrics that are reported each month focus on the end results of proper planning

    and scheduling. These end result metrics include: number of completed work orders, % of

    emergency & urgent work orders (defects), % planned work, number of job plans created and

    number of job plans modified. Since the goal is to increase maintenance productivity, the best

    metric to monitor is number of completed work orders. The % planned work and % or

    emergency and urgent work orders give a good view of how reactive or proactive the work

    environment is. The number of job plans created and modified provides feedback on how well

    the continuous cycle of improving job plans is working.

    Work Flow Improvements

    Planning and Scheduling in the middle of the work order life cycle. From a notification to

    closing the order, all work flows must function properly for planning and scheduling to be

    successful. When the 100% weekly scheduling tool was introduced at the Bunge plants, several

    things immediately became clear for the tool to work. The first requirement was an adequate

    amount of ready backlog to completely fill a weekly schedule. There was usually plenty of total

    backlog so the planners had to ensure that work orders received proper information for the

    scheduling tool to work. While reviewing the total backlog, many plants realized that there were

    many obsolete or duplicate work orders in the system that needed to be cleaned out. The backlog

    cleanup at the Bellevue plant quickly removed over 200 work orders. See Figure 1.

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    Figure #1: Bellevue Plant Reduction in Total Backlog once Scheduling Started

    Once total backlog was addressed, new incoming work notification issues had to be resolved.

    One problem several plants encountered was notifications written to high level functional

    locations such as buildings or units. This was done as a matter of expediency for the notifier.

    Since the scheduling tool groups work orders by like functional location, scheduling multiple

    work orders to like equipment does not work well. If all work orders were written to the highest

    level (the plant), there would be no sort capability at all. Sending this message back to the

    notifiers has improved getting notification written to the equipment level or low level functional

    locations. Again, the scheduling tool highlighted this problem so management could act to

    resolve it.

    After the work was complete, many work orders were not closed in a timely manner. At Bunge,

    in order for a work order to be considered complete, it must contain the following items: an

    attached task list, be technically closed in SAP, and have confirmed hours greater than zero.

    Many duplicate or obsolete work orders were closed to get them out of the total backlog but do

    not count as completed since no hours were recorded to them. By not closing the orders, they

    would come up again in the available backlog. Planners and managers quickly realized that to

    keep the scheduling process clean, the work order completion work flow must be followed in a

    timely manner. As illustrated in Figure 2, the amount of work orders properly completed spiked

    after the 100% scheduling was started in June/July 2013. The total backlog was quickly reduced

    and then it became apparent that not enough planned jobs were available to fill the schedule.

    During this same time, new predictive maintenance routes were developed and initiated. This

    additional work filled the backlog and more work orders were again completed per month. The

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    daily scheduling plays an instrumental role is continuously filling each craftsmans day with a

    full load of work. Without the daily scheduling, the weekly scheduling does not provide the

    productivity increase.

    Figure 2: Increase in Cairo Plant work orders completed with spike in August after 100%

    scheduling started

    The remaining workflow that has shown improvement is emergency work. This by far is the

    biggest obstacle to schedule success and moving towards a proactive culture. It is human nature

    for supervisors to want problems quickly taken care of in their departments. However, this does

    not mean that all work is an emergency and must be done today. By having production

    supervisors participate in the weekly scheduling meeting and confirming what maintenance work

    they want done next week, they now have a vested interest in protecting the weekly schedule.

    Two plants in particular, Cairo and Morristown have demonstrated excellent reductions in

    emergency and urgent work. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate how the reactive work culture can be

    reduced over time.

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    Figure 3: Reduction in Cairo Plant Emergency and Urgent Work Orders

    Figure 4: Reduction in Morristown Plant Emergency and Urgent Work Orders

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    Effective Change Management

    Arguably the most difficult part of implementing a reliability program is culture change.

    Without understanding the natural progression of change, a top down force to institute new work

    practices is unlikely to be sustained without constant monitoring and enforcement. Bunge

    employed several change management tools such as forward visioning, stakeholder analysis and

    celebrating success. In addition to these tools, culture change surveys were taken to gauge

    progress through the three distinct phases of change which are:

    1) Adopting: This phase includes the initial learning and understanding what the changes are

    and why the need for change

    2) Mastering: During this phase, new skills are acquired and people learn to use new tools

    and techniques

    3) Exploiting: The final phase occurs when people realize the benefits and want the changes

    to become routine

    When 100% scheduling was introduced along with the new scheduling tool, the main focus was

    explaining the benefits of 100% scheduling and describing how it works. Planners, maintenance

    mangers, operations mangers and plant managers engaged in stakeholder analyses and discussed

    what was important to each member. By listening to the employees needs and explaining what

    the future benefits of the scheduling would bring, it was hoped that people would quickly get

    through the Adopting phase. The Mastering phase included training and mentoring sessions

    which used the weekly scheduling sheet and the weekly scheduling meeting format. SAP and

    Excel technical support and on-site participation in the weekly scheduling meetings provided

    quick feedback to those using the new work practices and tools. The tools were intentionally

    built to be simple to use and easily expandable, therefore, plants quickly mastered the practices

    and tools. The final phase of exploiting the new practices quickly followed as planners and

    supervisors asked for more capability in the scheduling tool. These capabilities included a daily

    scheduling tool, total backlog counter and additional data fields to sort work orders easier by

    physical location, department, work order type, etc. Comments from a change agent and

    maintenance planner include:

    The 100% scheduling tool is very visual, easy to use, and is the vehicle we are using to drive

    change. Scheduling doesn't work unless all other workflows are under good control.

    Bill S., Reliability Manager

    We've tried other planning and scheduling techniques but this one is easy to use and understand.

    The scheduling tool allows us to quickly build the 100% proposed weekly schedule so that I can

    distribute it prior to our weekly scheduling meeting.

    Kevin H., Maintenance Planner

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    There are many capable software and CMMS packages available to do weekly and daily

    scheduling on the market and Bunge is open to looking at those options in the future. The choice

    to perform 100% scheduling in Excel was based on a desire to facilitate a quick change process.

    The focus was placed on learning the techniques and not new software.

    Key Lessons Learned

    Bunges first attempt at scheduling did not result in any benefits to the company or employees.

    In fact, scheduling was looked down upon as burdensome and a waste of time. Looking back on

    the process of implementing the scheduling work flow there are several key lessons learned:

    Plant management must fully support the scheduling meeting and participate in the first

    few meetings. This sends a strong message that the 100% weekly schedule is important

    and that both maintenance and operations need to work together to produce this schedule.

    Without the plant managers support, scheduling along with other maintenance work

    flows will not likely be followed.

    Concentrate first on the scheduling process and not complex computer programs. This

    allows the change to be less burdensome and more likely to be adopted

    Plant management must drive the message that not all work is an emergency just because

    you want it done now. A high percentage of emergency and urgent work will undermine

    the best developed schedule.

    Scheduling 50% or 80% sends the message that maintenance always has time to care of

    reactive work

    Maintenance supervisors need to be free to build and manage daily schedules. This is one

    of the supervisors core responsibilities. Keeping the daily schedules current requires the

    supervisor to be in the field managing and following up on work progress. As work gets

    done, additional work orders should be given to the craftsmen. This is the final key to

    getting more done.

    Operations play a critical role in the weekly and daily scheduling. Supervisors need to

    feel that work orders will get completed in a timely manner, otherwise, they will set a high

    priority on all work. This work breaks the schedule and continues the reactive culture.

    The weekly scheduling meeting is a perfect forum to make sure the work they want done

    in the following week is on the schedule.

    Have metrics definitions in place before starting to collect data because definition changes

    can make correlations and trends difficult to analyze. One example in particular is

    number of completed work orders per month. Obsolete and duplicate work orders closed

    out of the CMMS initially were counted as complete until requirements for confirmed

    hours and an attached task list were included in the definition. The change was made at

    the first day of the year to prevent skewing YTD metrics.

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    It is important to quickly answer questions and support those trying to adopt the new work

    practices. Frustration sets in and people will naturally want to revert back to old methods

    if they do not feel support from those requesting the changes.

    The final and most important message Bunge has emphasized to managers is that we are trying

    to shift the culture..

    FROM: Seeing maintenance as always taking care of operations needs while also having a

    backlog of work to take care of when we get time

    TO: Maintenance has a full schedule of work to get done every week. If operations have a true

    emergency, maintenance will be there to take care of the problem, but not all scheduled work

    will get done.

    For this culture change to happen a plant manager must support the 100% Scheduling concepts

    and both maintenance and operations staffs must work together as a team to build and follow the

    schedule. The end result is improved maintenance productivity, increased asset reliability and

    increased equipment availability.

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    Business Case

    Change Management

    Culture Change



    Lessons Learned

    Maintenance Management

    Man Hours

    Planning and scheduling




    Work order

    Wrench time

  • Work Management Track 5 100% Scheduling at Bunge - Case Study on

    How Full Scheduling Improves Work Practices

    Brian Dietsch Bunge North America

    Doc Palmer Richard Palmer & Associates

  • Agenda

    Bunge & Doc Palmer Brief Intro Scheduling Goals & Prerequisites 100% Scheduling Why & How we do it Planning & Scheduling KPIs Example Results Maintenance Workflow Improvements Employee Comments Effective Change Management Key Lessons learned Q & A


  • Bunge processes oilseeds, grains, sugarcane and other agricultural commodities to

    make products and ingredients with numerous applications for customers worldwide.

    What We Do Feeding and Fueling the World

    Bunge What We Do

  • Doc Palmer

    Even before retiring after a career of over 25 years as a

    practitioner, Richard Doc Palmer began helping companies with their maintenance planning and scheduling efforts. Doc is

    the author of McGraw-Hills best selling reliability book Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Handbook.

    Doc provides consulting, education,

    guidance, mentoring and training for

    companies internationally for maintenance

    planning success.

  • Bunge Asset Reliability Overview

    Bunge started its reliability program in late 2010

    27 plants in North America

    >100 plants worldwide

    Started with: equipment lists, criticality ranking, FMEA, RCM, reliability strategy development, 5

    core PdM technologies, 11 standard maintenance

    workflows, 21 reliability metrics


  • Available and Reliable Production Capacity

    Encounter Less Reactive Work

    Complete More Proactive Work

    Planning and Scheduling

    Generate Proactive Work Orders Increase Labor Productivity

    Planning & Scheduling Goals

    Doc Palmer

  • Planning & Scheduling Goals


    Improves craftsmen efficiency by institutionalizing knowledge


    Gets more work done with a given amount of resources

    Combined goal is to increase available production capacity


  • Scheduling Prerequisites Adequate Ready Backlog

    Planned Work Orders with the following info

    Type of Craftsmen

    Number of Craftsmen

    Estimated Hours

    Reusable, ever improving Task List

    Job Location (Equipment #, physical location, etc)

    Work Order status

    WSCH: Waiting Scheduling

    WPCN: Waiting Plant Conditions 8

  • Scheduling Prerequisites - Tools

    Weekly scheduling tool

    Daily scheduling tool


  • Scheduling Prerequisites - People

    Known work hours for each craftsman

    Planner builds proposed weekly schedule

    Operations and Maintenance managers & supervisors to review proposed weekly schedule

    Plant Manager to set the expectation that a weekly schedule will be developed and operations and

    maintenance will agree upon a 100% schedule


  • 100% Scheduling Why We Do It

    Used to set a realistic weekly goal

    Gives the maintenance team a list of work to try and accomplish. Without a list of work, teams

    tend to just take care of operations and get to

    some of the backlog.

    Sets a formal pact between operations and maintenance. Just like operations already does,

    maintenance now has a schedule.


  • 100% Scheduling Why We Do It

    Sets a common baseline across all plants

    Its easy to have 100% schedule compliance when you only schedule 50% of your


    Makes it easy for the maintenance supervisor to identify work orders to put on the daily

    schedules.......they are already in the weekly

    schedule list of work orders

    By concentrating on the weekly list of work orders, more work gets done


  • 100% Scheduling Why We Do It

    Avoids Wrench Time studies and metrics that can be seen as Big Brother is watching us

    Provides an opportunity for operations to participate in what work gets done during the

    following week

    Helps reduce emergency and urgent priority work orders so that maintenance can concentrate on

    planned and scheduled work


  • 100% Scheduling How We Do It

    Start with known crew capacity segregated by craft

    Sort planned work orders by:

    Highest priority first

    Oldest work orders first

    Regroups by identical functional location

    Schedule each craft so that planned work order hours equals crew capacity


  • 100% Scheduling How We Do It

    Planner reviews the schedule and modifies scheduled status based on any known information about the equipment availability

    Weekly scheduling meeting with operations and maintenance confirms the maintenance work schedule

    Maintenance supervisor then builds daily work schedule.again, 100% of crew capacity for the day is matched to planned work orders


  • Weekly Schedule Notes

    Known jobs are scheduled for certain days

    Separate weekly schedules can be made for:

    Off shifts

    Multiple maintenance crews across a large plant

    Large project work

    Shutdowns / Turnarounds


  • Daily Schedule Notes

    Daily schedule built by the end of each work day

    Adjusted based upon work progress, equipment availability, emergency work, etc.

    Maintenance supervisor must be free to build and manage this daily schedule

    Key to productivity improvement is to keep the craftsmen busy with work orders from the list

    of weekly work


  • Scheduling KPIs

    % Schedule Success per week

    % Scheduled Hours per week

  • Planning and Scheduling KPIs

    % planned work per month (Bunge defines this as a closed work order with greater than 0 hours time

    confirmed to it and having an attached task list)

    Number of new Job Plans Created per month

    Number of new Job Plans Modified per month

    % of Emergency & Urgent (defects) work orders per month

    Number of work orders completed per month

    Number of active work orders in backlog

  • Example Results Atchison Plant

    Planning &

    Scheduling started

    in February, became

    routine in March,

    and lowered our

    urgent work


    Number of completed

    work orders jumped as

    scheduling started to

    work. Ready backlog

    dropped as total backlog

    was reduced

  • Example Results Atchison Plant

    Planning metrics are

    showing consistent

    improvement. Our

    goal is to have >80%

    planned work


    Number of created and

    modified job plans

    indicate how well the

    continuous improvement

    cycle is working

  • Example Results Bellevue Plant

    Total work order backlog decreased due to initial

    backlog cleanup and 100% Scheduling


  • Example Results Cairo Plant

    Small plant making rapid progress and has strict control of work flows


  • Example Results Danville Plant

    Very large plant making slow but steady progress


  • Workflow Improvements

    100% scheduling is a management tool. It highlights poor work practices such as:

    Inadequate screening

    Releasing and printing work orders before planning

    Not enough ready backlog

    Not closing work orders in a timely manner

    Not recording time to closed work orders

    High % of reactive work that breaks the weekly schedule


  • Workflow Improvements

    Planning & Scheduling Metrics Identify

    Poor or insufficient planning

    Not creating or modifying job plans with technicians feedback

    Not giving craftsmen enough work on a daily basis


  • Employee comments

    We are trying to keep our maintenance labor costs down by better utilizing our maintenance

    crews and coordinating jobs with operations. This

    is exactly the tool that helps us do that and I fully

    support it. YTD 2014 vs YTD 2013 maintenance

    labor costs are down over $45,000 and

    maintenance hours are down over 2,100 hours.

    We are definitely seeing value in scheduling work.

    John G.

    Plant Manager 27

  • Employee comments

    We've tried other planning and scheduling techniques but this one is easy to use and

    understand. The scheduling tool allows us to

    quickly build the 100% proposed weekly schedule

    so that I can distribute it prior to our weekly

    scheduling meeting.

    Kevin H.

    Maintenance Planner


  • Employee comments

    The 100% scheduling tool is very visual, easy to use, and is the vehicle we are using to drive

    change. Scheduling doesn't work unless all other

    workflows are under good control.

    Bill S.

    Reliability Manager


  • Effective Change Management

    If you just force people to use new tools and techniques, dont expect to sustain the changes

    The 3 main phases of cultural change are:

    1. Understanding what the changes are and why

    we need to change

    2. Making the new practices routine

    3. Exploiting the benefits of the new practices


  • Effective Change Management

    At Bunge, we concentrated on change management using different tools

    Forward visioning

    Explaining the benefits of the new work practices

    Celebrate and communicate successes

    Provide SAP and Excel support


  • Effective Change Management

    Once people see the benefit and get to enjoy the benefits of the improved work practices, it

    becomes self-sustaining and they will move into

    the exploiting stage

    Most plants have modified the weekly scheduling sheet to fit their desires and

    incorporated additional capabilitiesthe exploiting stage

    We know other solutions are available, but for now we concentrated on learning the techniques


  • Key Lessons Learned

    Concentrate first on the scheduling process and not complex computer programs

    Simple tools that work will quickly be adopted

    Plant management must drive the message that not all work is an emergency just because you want it done now

    The idea that Maintenance has a schedule but will still assist Operations in emergencies is key to changing a reactive culture to proactive


  • Key Lessons Learned

    If you only schedule 50% or 80% because you know reactive work will happen, you do not set a

    realistic goal

    You wont get any more work done unless supervisors are free to build and manage daily

    schedules keep the guys busy!

    Once operations buys in, reactive work will drop because they have confidence that lower priority

    work will be completed in a reasonable time


  • Key Lessons Learned

    Have metrics definitions in place before starting to collect data..changes midstream make correlations difficult.

    Quickly answer questions and support those trying to adopt the new work practices


  • Key Lessons Learned


    The key message Bunge has emphasized to

    managers is that we are trying to shift the


    FROM: Seeing maintenance as always taking care

    of operations needs while also having a backlog of

    work to take care of when we get time

    TO: Maintenance has a full schedule of work to get

    done every week. If operations has a true

    emergency, maintenance will be there to take care of

    the problem, but not all scheduled work will get


  • Questions & Answers


    Brian Dietsch [email protected] Doc Palmer [email protected]

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