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' .. Patroniz~·

The- · ~vertU:era

, '• ·: 1- -.-4. 1.

Offjc···at .., l ·. ,.

U.S. ~nd Dia.t-. .. 1• : • -~-..

Paper · . • · ..•. · . _· .. • .. * ........ . ··- i I Pll.l!lfli~ -~~ 'W''- '4 .. ·I

' i . . '

VOLUME Xlll_;.[Carrizozo News, .Vol. 27) •

Election ·Proclamation

·. School Notes · ---·

. , . . t . .


Aturnni Organize Jericho ·Club D~Iic:e · . , . '· "


C9m-e And Sing , . . ...

. NUMBER 89 ..

, ,

' r :· >

Woman 'a Club · 'k -l .... ·',

Notes.·· The Sophomores won the class A meeting to. organize · an _The dance given. The members ot the singJng . ; ·

Offi . 1

t' d 11

f th tournament in basketball. The Alumni Association .for the Car- mgbt Qy the Jericho club w~s a convention hope to see a large • · ·· , ·


I clab?0 1?0


11 ca

1 ort. e contest was among the Freshmen, .rizozo High school wa11 held last very delightful -affair.. Everyon.e crowd In attendance at their The w·• oman's Club met Ftl'da•· · .


0• ag.e e ecN100• Sophomores, Ju~iors, nod Seniors. Monday night as per schedule. had a pleasant time and the convention Sunday. Singers from March f~th at the home of M..:: ! ·

or e 1 ~eo arr1zozo, ew . · . ·· Th tt d d decoraf n tt th 1 t• 'l(b · .... ' 1


Mexico, and notice of the appoint- A play ovyas gaven by the e~ghth the ab ?n a8n2ce was vedry g.oo ,I. Chlo s werebvetarf:•Prfe ~.,b de sAelvlerah coun •.es wt de. presen~. B?ck. T,Pe Club sang, "Amerieau , ·ll .

me t f J d d C I k f grade at ·assembly Iaiit Friday ere emg preseqt an severa avez ore es . urms e w o are mtereste m mustc With Mils Lesly" Cooper nt tht · l,

I "t· 0 u ges an e r s 0 March 18. Many visitors wer; visitora • splendid . music, and while an> invited to come and bring piano.. uo ' "' .. • I .

-e ec 100• • · Offi J t d · L .J t " " 11 fill d b k D ' · N t

·. . h b • tb t preaent The· program• was in- cers e ec e were , • success was no a wow we e as ets. on t forget Mr · ~.ts th h d h • o tee 18 ere Y given a pur- . . Ad id t M' N 11' the social t f t th 1 d n te C s. Tl wor a c argo o~

suant to the requirements of the and interesting. am.s, p~es en ; lSS e le . par . was per ec . o P ac;e 6D , *a - orona the program···"Modern Amer'can · . . Shaver VIce-president· Tom J Capttan and Wh1te ·Oaks were Sunday- March 27th. H · .. . · 1

1 ·

sta~tes m such cases made and The Juniors are planmng. an Cook s'ecreta · -Treas~r. • both well represented. Club ' ome-Inte~1or DecoratiOn'. . provaded1 the Board oft Trustees assembly program to- be gaven A 1 tt ry d 1 M members appreciat~ th . t Several IrJSh songs were sung of the Village of Carrizozo, New today. . Bu

1 e Ser waa freca 1

1 ~omd rhs. age of aU and h<lpe 00° · pa rothn- . To~ Co~~ Annouricta by the c),ub followed by a reading · ~! ·

Mexl·c <lid tb 1 t d _, r . ears o ar s"a ' w o see o . . • - ''V" b d' H , D i'4 • 01 on . e. s I'Y. ·"' Th.e ·district Home Ec Club rece~ed her· diploma hi 1914. crowd doubled' at· the ·next dance; . . . •• ·· •• ga.

011 8 ouse ••• · on- ?t

Marc~, 198~,appomt R. E. Berry~ meetmg ia to be held here on Mrs. Sears was not only first which will be not too far in the In thiB Issue of tbe Newa Bla?dlng--- M~~· Snyd~r. , · ~· ~· Joaqum Ortiz and G en o v e:v o April 2 Several viB·

1·-tora nre grad te f 'h C . H' b fu~·ro appears the announcement of Ptan duet- Laughmg W!lter 1'\

G I J d f 'd I . d , . .. Ull rom ~ e arrlZozo lg "" • T J C k f . M·n· t M H . ,.J r ego, u gea o sal e ect1on an c:Oming from other. schoola acho 1 b t tb fi t d te . · Qm . oo or clerk of the 1 1 on--- rs. endren and . 1 Tom Cook and Mrs.Chana Dolan . · . . 0 ' u e lrs . gra ua ~n VJJlage of·Carrizozo. Mrs. a~~er. ') . Clerks of said election for the Miss c_ol~ went to Albuquerque L•;':1~:unty. . . ANCHO NEWS. 'Mr. Cook is making an effort to "Mo . Textiles" • .._ with spe- h regular bienDial 1llection to be this weeK to attend Grand Lodge e t .meetmg wdl ~e ~eld - . aee every voter before the city cial refertm syn betic' textilua i j . held in the Community HBll, Vii- of .the O~der ot Eastern Star. F!lday Apnl 15t~, at wbl~b time The play "Littl~ White Lies~ electio_n which will be held April -MI'Iil. Sea,a. . .hJ lage or Carrizozo, New Mexico, Ml~ Cole IB aa officer in the State dlffe~ent committee~ .will be sponsored by tho J1carilla sc~~pl 5th. He also calls attention of "Dcaign and Color' . on·Tuesday April 5 1938 be- Grand Lodge. appoiQted. The AssociatiOn P!ans held at the Anch~ S(lhool hoUBe the people to h t' s candl·dn Y Titsworth. : '

' ' ' for a dance to be b ld d · S t d · · .. c 11

tween the houre of 9 o'clock, A. The Juniors are planning for com 0

t I cf . ur~n: a ur ny mght was .attended b~ through the columns of thin Progrlllll cloaod with club sing• 1

/, I

M., and t) o'clock P. M. their spting dance to be given the 111

0:, nc~'!len ' :a": ~: w uc a g~od crowd and enJoyea by all. p~per; lind requesta their con- ing one verso of "Home Sweet l i ~nd farther notice is hereby 9th of April. Their careful plan• : t' 0 IOCUJ5C a e next Mrs. Geo. Stmfey of Luna aidcration. · Home"· ·, :'1.!.

given that aaid election is for the ning at tbls time iDJures the ee mg. visited relatives in El Paso taot · He is well qualified for tho Several pledges to tho buiJdiDJ · . l .

purpose of electing a Mayor, tour auceaa of the event. - · • week end, al1o bad some dental position having had six yeara of fund were paid~ one or' wbicb . ~. 1l Tl'UStees and a Clerk for the In- Jou Phillips bad a pninful W. M. U. To Meet work done while thvro. experience na book-keeper ·and amounted to $27.65 wna ,paid by 1

COz:»91'Jlted Viii~&!! of.. _;. . W.edntaday morning . . . - .. . ~- . .. . Mrs. M. Hendrix and-son, . . accountant. He. promloco .ir .Mrs. Pot~r for eleven Fo.rt 1

New Mexico, for th• penod of the Manual Training room by . The Llld1es o! ~e Bap~11t W. sold their ranch ncar Ancho and elected to hBndle nfTairo or .. tho ton and Capitan "omen • • two years. getting a portion of two tlngcro !d· U. and the1r fr1endn wdl are moving to Hot Springs, N.M., office to tbg bent oJ! llio a~1hty, Refreshments of aalnd, wafcr:a

F. E. Richard, cut on an electric plnno. an tho Dlllnr? homo March 80. to make tbOir home. They will ap~ ~~~~. hQt;~~ty .and efficiency. and coffee were nerved by tht Mayor. Tho Freahman Cl&sa had a a work mectmg and covered d1sh bo greatry missed and we wish Ho wdl amccrcly .appreciate your committee: Mmes Beck, Prior,

Attest: party at the Community Hall lu?chu.on. Ev~rybody como and them succell9 in their new home. . votes and aupport. Purcoy, Smoot, RenUrow,Kroggct . Morgan L.ovelace, Clerk. -. lut night. Each Freabman wna brang your d1oh and help . , . ,., Huffmyer and Miuca Lealye .

aUowed to invito one trucat. The .quilt for the orphnna.. Mro. Belknap visited Mr. ~nd .,,-.O:,r.AL' NO'rwiT.>S Cooper and Trcuio A. Davia. o Mro. J. M. Frame lnat \tcek. •~l u •..:.

party wu sch~ulcd from 7 p. m. CAPITAN ITEMS Leaving SaturdM' .night for Calif. -· . t.o 10:80 p. m. u student!! were . . . c it L ....: A m . I

- out later than 10•30 they should - Mr. Geo. Roberta oC the Ancbo Superintendent. Jamcn M. Car· . ap Wl '••on ux ary · i Lyric. Theatre

Friday and Saturday uplaln caUH to h~too roJka. • rx:~ding Co., was a bWJinesa pen tor was a ·Nogal visitor lnst - "'.." OharUo Ruggles . and Alice " Mu:s Grace Hudnon, or tho ~vuutor in El Puo over the week Sunday. Tho Jamea A. Hipp Post of the

Brady. In Mo. A. V. Swearingen wna a Titsworth Co. In apondlng. NJ.':~Dnd.. . L M J r ,!,. .. ~ .. :..;: .. has gon"' Amcrlean Legion Auxililll'Y me~ Uf y 0 B Dexter vifdtor laat week ond. vacation in Denver. 1 M r. • ~· u .. w ... uvu ... 1.. • , • 111'1 u our WD ISIDeSS" : r. Hugh Bunch, deputy Roawcfl where ho ll going to at tul homo or Mrs. Toto nurle-

T Mils! Marie Cole opent last Miro Allen& Wllliamn went to' nhcrill', wnn in Aneho Saturday. on take over a cqnt.rnct for the con· con at Ft. Stanton on he loony, lunatic, laugh-larded week end in Santa Ro::a vfalting Albuquerque over tbn w""k --d: bunineaa. ntniclion of a houno for Mr. March 9. A covered dish lunch·

yarn or a Nature Editor bn • homo folka.' < " "" .... I small town newopaper who wind• to visit her sister Pauline. Dr. Anderson or Tucumeari Carl R. McNnUe)'. eon waa oorved at noon to mem·

wi b · . call d to J w B 1 h B "'' , · bera and n number of gut?tll:.l. A

up t the key to a wholesale Birthday Party Thfs we&k Pnd many CaJ2itnn I e noo · · 1 ow, Anc 0• Ou ~fin~?t.en ~ new. ho\JaP · special table was nrrangcd for the gang aluauhtcr. ...._ people went to Encino to the land. Geo. Goodaon or Luna, well". ~nder .~~tructiOn tbiu children who were present. As fJ

:·: ALSO :·: . Mn. Carl E. Free-·n basketball tournament. · I CTuen.da:y on bhln wny homo from week.. · • uaual with tbene meetinrt• cva-"Underwater Romance" and . .... enttr- 1 nmzozo, w ere be had been on M . - ., "Painless Window Washer" talned ten couplea in honor of her We hear that Jpff Hmon is businenn. · r. A. N. RUt\nels waa m ono had a delightful time.

• • • • • • • daughter, Mary May's birthday, moving baek to Carrizozo. Sorry' 1 · Nogal Monday. . Arter tho ltmcheon tho ~UXttfll7 Wcdneld~&y night. The party lo see you move, Jeff. . Mr. and ~Ira. H. T. Po.rtor of J. C. Mc:Paniel had a cement members sewed for thutr Com~

Sunday, Monday and Tul!!ldar waa a complete surpriaa to the Luna left Saturdar mornwg Cor h b ·• · . • munity Cheat Project. Walter Wanger's hqnorce, who received many 8everal pe:>ple of Capitan werP, Hot Springu for a \~eek. pore uti& to hm stol'C tbw week. Publicity Chairman.

_"Vogues of 1938" lovely gifts. over to, Carnzozo attending court Rev. Shermnn of Roswell will _Tho farmem in Nogal ~nd F1 turin W Baxte J Progreuive hearts was the Jut Friday add Saturday. be here next Sunday Mnr. 27 ·to Vlcfplty have begun their sprmg

Be.a tt,gH

1ameVir Mr, •0 ':11 game played. High score wnn bold services at u'o'cloek E;ery plowihg. · Tho abundant moisture

enne e en 1nson, aJone b M M · b d · offen a ptomiail:l 1 r Gat.est>n, Dorothy McNultr, won Y . &rJ ay ~man and El Capitan Mountain Club 0 Y please attend. · in·. . · g year or arm-Alma Kruger a,nd thoae WaltEr M~ha Catbenne SDll~h .second , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goodson . g . . Mmes F. A. English, G. A. Wanger Models, the most photo- pnzc ~ won ?Y Joe Phillips and ' • .. ~ were guests oC· Mnr. LoJ:l Jbnea Mrs. Allee Duggar 11 much Titsworth' and ~Y ~Almon left graph~ girla in the world. All in ~DIOlation pnze. were won br T?e recently • orgamzed "EI of Corona for dinner, Hi school lmpr~vcd. after her long illnES!.· Wednesdby mommg for Albu• beautiful Teehnicolor · Rtebard Dow and Earlena Berry, Capttan Club" met play and western dance Saturda . querque to attend Grand Chapter

._.ALSO .:. Refreshment. were two kinds of Tuesdar Mareb 15, nt the Block ni h~ all three ·were. . · { Mr. ~~d Mra. Freddte Current 0. E. S. Othera who are in MlllCb of Time & • "~Rh•thm cab and brick ice cream. ranch bonae with Mrs. Lloyd en~o ed gre~t 1 WCT•. -~IIJtoro at th~ H. L. Me attendance, are Mll!l Cole, Mmet.

,J • • Hale as hostess. J Y • D~m'l h~Ipe IMl week end. C. P. Huppertz, Paul Mayer1

Attead Grand Chapter • ••


in ~Night Court'' M.r. Ed Com""'v :_ opendm' g J. M. Snyder, B. L. Stimmel, Sunday ma..:n ..... 2·0 0 p· m. Three T"-1- •- ? A delicious turkey dinner waa . • ... , ~

Night abo;" at S:OO. _:U4e... served at noon The table was· Buchanan-Char lea Ui3 week with Mn. Grace Comrey Mr. and !'drs. Kelley 'lnd Mn1 -~ •

" • • • • •

" • • • • nr h d • ba • 1 · d ' a .. h- ranch Tennis Smoot. "e eu rumors or SQVeral moa" c mung y appomte and~ - ~ . " •• .o · ·

Wednesday and Thunday dift'etallt tiekuta for the Village made very attractive by St. • Miss Frances Charlet, daughter Miu Violet McDaniel visited ---------~ ---E~wi.rd Arnold, Jack Oakie, eleetion, but so far only one Patrick's decorations and favors. i of Mrn. Elsie Charles, became the friends in.~arr~o Sunday. 047384 '

C~ry Grant, Thelma Leed. in ticket baa apnonunced. P.ople The afternoon was spent in; bride of C. W. Btrcbnnan, · · · · Notice for PabUeatloa "Jbe JQlCl •f •ew.-V k" who don't take an)' intere.t in needlework and included a

1stunt' · urday at a ceremollf ·in Las · NoUc:'e for .• PubUeatlon

l.l "V n If I Of their city election ahould not program which was amusing and Crucea at which the R~v. Hi.l'old . United States Edward Arnold is starring in the complain .when the sid! walks are instructive. Dye, Baptist minister, was ·lhiiW(lSt.ates Department·Of DepartmQnt of the Interior leading role·~nd iJJ a hail fellow paved wtth pebbles lllBtead of The club memben are; Mes· officiant.- El Paso Timf!S', Mareb · Tb~ Interior General Land Office at Lu well met, ruthless financial opera- eoncrett, nor w b e n various dames. <Jennings Blaylock, T. 22nd. , . . . . • · ' .,(;~n.eraJ Land Office at 'Santa Crucca, New Mexico,.~March 18,

•' ~-

tor, and a great lo~r. Similar to nui1ancea are aUowed to operate. Blaylock, W. C. Greiss, Lloyd · · ' .• t •. · •. · Fe, N' .. M., ~atch ~. 1938. 1938. . "Come and Get Itt' Hale, R. J. Latham, Lon March- Mr. and Mrs. .Frank ~ixler Notice fi hereby given tliat Notice Is hereby given that . .

For Villa~• Clerk· ant, Wallace Merchant, Leroy and son and their aunt M~. A~x · Sttifl'ord, of Ldn, N. M., Hugh H. Cathey,: of Ancho, N. . ,' - . Merchant, !\:In. A. S. McDaniels, Emlllll Bixler of Riverside, Calift, whO,·olf .·);'Iareh 2~· 1932, made Mex., wbo, on January 12. 19S8,. 1


1 hereby announce myaelt as Mrs •• Guy. Nix, ~rs. Lloyd passed through here • Mondq OriglmrJoiStocknliainlf E'ntl1, No. made ho·mestead entry, No •. 047•, • _ - ,. • · candidate for the office of city Taylor; M1ases Marg1e Merchant enroute to T«cumMri fo ~<:at 065417, for WJ'SW!, NEUSWl, . for Lot 8, 4, SiNW}(, SWl( • j · The Lincoln County Utilities elerk. aubjeet to the will or the and Bess Latham. the bedside of M*-W. (); t-Bbler \VjS;F.l~ ~ection 26~ . N ~SEi 8ec. 61 W ~, Section 8, TowllAhip · ·. •

New Licht Plant

Company, formerly the old Light voten. Your suppOrt wiU be Club Secretary. who_ is dangerolH!ly·iU~ .: •.. - •. _,. · Sect1on 27; -~~W~, NW!~E}(, 5 S., Range 11 E.,~·~·. P. Me~ .. & :Po~er Company.~ appreciated. . E~E~; Seet1on 85; T"ownah1p8S, fdfan, haa"'flled ootu;:e of lUtentio~ gQOd progreaa on. their new plant Toto J. Cook. Rlillge'1:.17E, '· N. M. P. Metidiu, to make 3 year Proof; to eatablliQ. which is being erected t.h• . c.···c· c· D' A l\lc· . , r ... ~ ... 'P, -·· -:-,~ hu· ftll!d Dbtlce ·ot· intention to tlaim to *he land above d*rlbt4i overpau. Thdoundation it :H.l Y 1 L makeV thrclrym Proof, to estab- before Frank J~ Sager, U n U • 4~ excavated. Conatructlon will bt ·sA· · T A. ·p· ·R·I·L 2· · · · claim to the land ·States Commissioner, ac Catri'"·

. ofjbrlck. Dance· Community·. Ha·· 11

·• . · · NQ ·• deacribid, before-Lewis Jobnaton; zozo, N.Mex., on tha 5th day. ot · ' at Cleahom Hall m Whiw Oaka • · S~tt'a Orchestra . · N~rfjPubUc; at"·Riunon, N. M., May, 1988. • . ·

' ,

- ..

• ••

IA.TUR))A.Y MARCH 26th. . · &l?On•l Confetti! · Serpenth)ol · . on tlit":.16tb Uay of May, 1938. Claima~~t·ea as witnM • :Muiic n· v . Adm. $1.00 .. Speeti.tor.a.25a Cl,lmant names u'wit1leaatt: Robert Storr,

&t.:C&.••• & Otch .. tr'a • . J.•J. Kell~bll'" " . R. w. retgWJon, bo'b ot Anehi:l . ·· CCC CAMP OPEN. H.OtiSE ... :. ~ftk1nia~ . / -· N: . of N. ~ <


_ .. -i' ".::

. ' -'1' •


• •

.. ..... r

. SUNDAY APIUL· :itd·: · .,_:.~·:~: ·• :. .a; }?billphat\, all or. LOn, N. M. • M. Oelebratinlrth~ 5th ' · · ~~ ""· · · · · >~~ • . • ~ F" .. ~··~hez,

, . . '

. .. •

• • ' •

i.W.:-l-11 •

• \ . ...

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Page 2: · ' " . - . '" ~ '•'' '• - ' , , . : Q -,. ' -._ ;. - '· • ' •; l





• ;; - t ~[ . , , 1 I; I . \ .. I I : . . . . ' ; .

I _:.- . ll

Nem11 BeJJiem- ol C•rre11t BrJeJ~tll

. AUSTRI-k ts· WIPED ou·T Made a State in -German ·Reich- After Armed Invasion By Hitler • • • The Fuehrer. ·Enters · Vfenn·a i~ T riump11


1'hb, made la an Aulltrlaa border town and transmitted b7 radio photo, ahowa a coatlnrent ol BlUer'• troops marchlnr toward VIenna after bclnr landed from airplanes In the country that 'baa now been made a state of the German reich.


• Wtolefll ", .... ,., Unlool.

Aurirl•" o Gormon Stote A USTniA, as a sovereign state,

Ia no more. In the twinkling of an eye Ita Independent Identity was wiped out and It become merely on·

other lloto In tho Gorman reich. .. Arulchlu.u'•· wu•

made a fact and the treaty of St. Ger· main, by which thl!l union of Gormnny wlth Austria WDI forbidden, Ia Juat on· other tom scrap of paper.

The German retch haa acqulred 32,36!)

~ 8eyaa- aquare mUca of tor· laqurl tltoi'J and 8,732,000

more lnhablt.nta. Arthur Soyu-,n~t~Jan rulea the

Auatrlan alate after the enforced rull!lotlon of Prealdent Miklos 011d Chancellor BchWJchnl({g.

Such Ia tho concreto rcoult of lilt· lor's atortllngly 11uddon lnvonlon of Austria and ulz.uro of power there. lit. coup Willi woll planned and It wall carried out with a 11wlftncM that domen11trotod the opocd wlth which motorl&ed troop• can oct. When Bchtm:hnlgg announced 1 pleblaciU! on AWJtrlan Independence, the Fuehrer fUllhod hie 11oldlera acroaa the border by motor and olr­plono and within a low houre they woro In porwe1111lon of otl govern­ment bulldlnga and atratenlc points. GchUJWhnlgll. hclplcA!I, broadc01f to tho AWJtrlan p1!1Jplo tho word that he and Preeldont Mlkla11 woro yielding to "brute force" In order to ovoid bloodllhod Then both of them ro­algned at tho demand of Sc!)'M-In· quart. Britain nnd Franco flied atronr protu~ aualnat tho German coup, but their noto11 wore acorn­tully rojoctod bf tho Berlin foreign omee. Tha Brltlah showed no l.n­cllnatlon to go further In dcfo!Uo ol Auatrla, and France, jWJt then wtthout 11 govemme.nt, could do nothlnl becau11o Promler-deJJignoto Blum · could not be OMurcd of the auppor.t of both tho Sociolla~ and tho Communl!ltll In the chamber of doputlea.

Italy, tokon by aurpriso llkt> tbe rut of the world, w111 auppoJ•d to be In. tllhl place; but attar muer, ID •, poraonal Jetter to Mussnllnl, pt()mbed that Gennan expanalon would atop at the lt111Jnn frontier, tha l'asclat iflUid counalt eave Ita approval to th8 Ftlehl"tlr~• coup d'etat. ,

Hitler Goes to· VIenna R ETURNINO In triumPh to. the

land of his birth, HIUer first vlaltod tho graves of hla poren~ and then, atandlnt' bareheaded bafore a cltoerinJ thron1 ln ·· LiM be proclnlmcd tho union Qf Ger­many i.hd. Austria, declartnr thla had been hil divine mls­alon. Ho aMirunc:«t a pleblaclte ·on At~­tU JO t'b seek the ap. proval of Austrian." fot' lU the acta of their tlew aovem­m • n t. Moving ....... 11 ,_1u · throulb man7 towns auuu :u er anc~· tlUeS. tho Fueh~r·a mothr car­avan ftpally rnched Vienna, and that one• proud ell)', now Just a provlnclat cap~tal·ot a Gorman state, went .ud with Joy In rrec«n. Ita li\aatet. Swaat~u and troops ware ~vernthtre, an~ .not a alnjlo anU. Mul di.Hd tc abow hb head,

Davl4 Llllenthal

Alrtadt a '*putp.. luld been

·~ i. • • cr~=~=~%:f~~ . ,.~,~ ~ ®.t:~ u.t cl~ n~

, J ~w~-""· NW ~~~~~,._,_.i;l. ' . ::

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•• •

' ' .. ' ' * .,. • ·- '


. ...


0 fa,d • POLISH .\::::,: aJ MOPS • WAX

. Shallow Act

A ld!m of tho mouth o!ten doe. not touch the hcnrL



GREAT~ . .


Pedigreed Fel'r)''a Seed& are oftEn developt!l and Improved !or six, eight, and even ten gen. erations before they are sold. Year after year, at the uniqna Fcrry-Mone S«ld-Bzu41ng In­.Ubrte, the best flower and veg. C!t&blo plants are wedt!d :from C!acb year's experimental c:rop,r. and their seeds planted fpt aWl · anothtr improved generation. By this process, desirable ehat· acteristlea are strengthened. WMkn~ eliminated. -

And Ferry's ~ nnat Pr-ovl fMv toill fJT01tl, So fhe Institute makes 50,ooo mts for growt~ abDity ucb year before p~ ettng-and testa each ~ett

.~for Cru~u to I'Jip6/ . . FertJ'a Seeds have grown the

finest flowers and vl!getables fll J'Ottr locality for )'ears. &sure 'JIOW" garden a perfect mrt thla Year- choose pedigreed and tested seeds from the .,F......,.,_. Seeds atsptat in tour favo'ilte ato~ 6c a pac!Il!t aiid np. 1oa3 ~OYJJt.TD!S too! Ferry·M'01'M ~eed co.,Detroft, Salt Franctaco.


•. • I



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. WI~LIAM.·MACLEOD ·RAINE'S . , , .. . . ' ' ' . --· ~

.. SYNOPS~ -Ruth Cb!Jwlck of L C ranch, obliessed by

fear oJ danger to her outspoken and bull· beaded father, Lee, from li band of lllwtess rmtlera beaded b)' Sherm Howard, decldeu to save him by eloping with young Lou Bow11rd, Sherm's son, and CQmetl to tho towo of Tall Holt to me<:t ljlm; While In Yen Sange,r'a tlore, a c:rook•I)OIIed atranger en\en, a!Ua up the llltuatloo, and when a drunl!en cowbqy, .Jim Pender, rldea In and starts BhooUog, proteclll Ruth, while Lou Howard bld~a. Disgusted with Lou's cow· ardlce, ·Ruth calls ott th1,1 elopment, and tends the atraoger for ber father at· the sambUng bouse a!lrosa the atreet. Tbere

. • .. tbe Jltrancer. calllng himself .Jeff Gray, meeta ll!orgao NorriS, a killer, CUrly Con• aor, Kansaa, Mile High, Sid H11nt, and

. otbef ,ruauen, and Sher'm Howard. Lee CblawJCk en\en, with bla foreman, Dan Brand, and \ells Sherm Boward of hla or· den to ahoot rustlen at eight., .Jdl Gray retoma to Ruth and cold)JI rcanurea her ef· her father's safety. •

• CHAPTER 11-contlnued .. . -~ .. .

• -· "I wouldn't wondu if some of you

did," ChiiiWick said bluntly. The cattleman turned to leave the

saloon. Gray stopped him with a eesture.

"Just a moment, Mr. Chiswtck." "What you wantT" the ranchman

as.ked. Gray lower,ed his vQice.~. "There's

a YOllll;g-lady over at Sanger's who says she Is yore daughtu. She would like to see you right off."

"My daughter?. What's she dol.!tg here?"·

"Better ask her." The red-headed man had nothing

mpre to say. He turned tp the bar and ordered a schooner ot beer. Chiswick and bis foreman walked out of the place. • ·

Out of the comer' of his mouth Mile High said to his chief, "That's the guy I was teWng you about."

'· -- : ....

.. • ,, .

•• • ' •

• •


' . him to 'town because she was afraid· he would get lntQ. trouble with the rustler group. ·

"I know, but-you're so buU-head· ed, Father." ·

"Nothing of the ldnd," he protest­ed hotly. "You wouldn't expect m~ to let these dlf\y thieves drive off a bunch of 50 cows at Qlle c.rack with· out a. squawk, would you?" ..

She shuddered. •:When all those guns roared-"

''They weren't shooting at me, honey," His mind harked back to the reproof she needed. "You had no bWllness coming to town-not to Tail Holt. We stay away frcim this place. Yo\1 know that." ·

"You didn't."

' "Still is," Brand amended. "I reckon." Anger:named In Cllltl·

wick's tanned face. "Won't be long unless we can· stop this big steal that is going on. A few of those rustlers will have to be strung up as a warning:"

"Better not talk," advised Brand in a low voice. " "Why shouldn't 1 talk?" Chlswick

demanded. "This is a free country, and I've never yet seen the color of the scoundrel's hair that .could keep. ·

. me !rl;)m saying my mind." "You don't mean red particular­

ly, do you, Father?" Ruth asked, slanting Impudent eyes at Gray, "Or do you?" · -

The cattleman smiled,. ru!lfully. "Figure of speech, Mr. Gr.ay. No, I don't mean red." He turned to his daughter. "You little minx."

' ~· '


D c •

"I'm grateful to you for your ad­Yice, sir, and I'm aure F{lther wW be,'' she said, the 11tlng of o small whiplash Glnglng In her voice.

Howard nodded. He observed that Curly was sauntering to the bar. So was Norris.

"Dad· gum It, glrl, I'm your fa· ther. You .don't have to t~U me what-aU I can ant\ can't do." He •lammed his ftr;l down Into the palm of the other hand. "You act like you rule the roost. Well; you don't. Not by a jugful. Understand?"

"~one of m:r- busillells, ~r. Chis; . , "------~--:-. .,.."'":"' _ __,..,..._....,:::......,..-----=-,..--:---~ wick," Gra,.. said bluntly. "Dut what . SPRINGS In furniture seldom tho edges; then tle th~· sprlngs Mr. Brand eays Is good medicine. break The twine that holds across each way with upholster- .r Why talk any more? You've said h d • b k d bbl •s t"•ln h in dl C


"He disregarded her joor. Appor­. ently,,hc was as obUvlous of her an­noyance lUI he was of the prls.tlne atamor of her vital youth. . "Bull-headed was the word" you used," he went on evenly. "It suits Lee Chlswlck fine. When Pender

· bunted Into the Golden Nugget, yore !ather. wtlll reading the riot act to a

• dozen scalawags waiting for the Glgnal to cut loose at him."

"Whooe signal?" she nslted, the blood drh·en from her lace.

Tile big black-haired man gave an order to the bartender. "A Curly special." .

Selecting a bottle, the man In the white apron pushed It across the top of \h.e bar. Curly poured a drink and tossed It d'Own his throat.

"Hot enough to melt the tallow

"Yes,'' she said, with more humll· lty thl}n was customary, .since her mind was still fuU of the crazy thing she hod done.

Ruth was still thinking of her escapade with Lou Howard. She could not understand how It hod ever gone oo far. She knew now she did Mt love him, never · had. That she had not eeen through hio. ohnUow weakness earlier ll.urt her pride.

yore little piece. I'm (In outsider, t em oes rea an we ng er .., o as s own agram • and never saw one of those gents at wears out throwing the springs The twine In tied to the tacks the (;olden Nugget before. But 'here out of position. and to each spring and regulates were some present who didn't toke To set the springs you will need the height of the sprlngo-th"o out­yore remarks kindly. 1 am of opln· o ball qf twine and o needle such side edges usually being lower ion that the chuckle-headed false as used by U1e upholsterer, than the center to malce a rounded al.orm who rode In and got filled enough webbing to replace the old, top. When the springs nrc regu­wlth lead did you D considerable tacks ~b-inch IOI'IC with lar~:e loted evenly, drive the tacks in; service." heads, a bloch of wood for 11tretch· then rcfilace bur lop or muslin cov-

. "Has chunk sure weot out sud· Ina the webbing, n tal"k hammer cringe and podding. den," Brand commented. "I and a tacit lifter. Remove the cover Hovo you seen Mro. Spcara' wouldn't ooy yo,u're not right, Mr. from the teat carefully Bo that It book SEWJN<;; for the home dec­Gray. While Leo was on tile prod may dither be used or.oan or orator? Forty·elght pages of ntep­J didn't feel anywayo lead Immune serve as o pattern. Most. of the by·ntep dlrecllonu for maldng CUJ'­myoelf. They're not bad boys, In a padding may aloo be uaed. Ob- talno, ollp-covero ond other hounc­wa)' of speaking. but they arc some serve how each layer of mnterlal hdld furnlohlngD. It lo full of In· qulclc on the trigger." lo faotcned In place, so that yQu splratlon for homemaltero. Rend·

"Seemed to be Shcr.rn Howard's 'sny-f!"o. Get me right. I'm playing my own han!f, and I don't glva a cuno whether you nmllo or snap. I'll toll the old man hln dear daugh· ter 1ll here, and you etin feed 1Um ony ntory you've a mind to, ot any timo. If he goeD back ocro!lll tiro road and gets rubbed out, It Is

Later she knew she .would ftc)g hernelf with her own scorn. She wa.s .o lying Uttle cheat for not tell· lng her ifather the truth. But ohe dared not confcnD without prcparanc hiD mind firDt. It would be like Lee Chlowlck to wallc acro!l!l to tho Gold· en Nugaut to have ft o_ut WitJI filertH Howard.

"We'll go over to Charley Wong'o reotaurant for ouppcr,". Leo ChiD­wick sold. "Qnn In wallins for Utf

"No they're not bnd " Chlnwtck may put II bncll the onmc way. l'ra mny occure a copy by ocnd-replied ncornfully. "Pr~ctlcally all I Rcnrovc lhc oprlncrl and nil old m1: name and nddrcoo with 25 or them nrc· thieves: nlld aomo ore 1 tacks. Tol.'lr the flrot ntrlp of web- ccnt.n (coin preferred) . to· Mt& • killers, and 0 few have robbed . bing to one cdr.c of t11c bottom of .Spcnro, ::uo ·S. Dcoplalnen St., Chl­tralna and otogeo. Moybo 40 por the (nunc, lctllnc the .end extend coco, Ill. cent ot them hove ohot down Moxl· ' \11 1nch bt'yond the t'dge, tht'n ::-:-:---~-,.,.-':':.-~~-=· ~4=· =~=

none of my bunlneos." She had lorded It ovet noya with

o high hand. That ohe could not brealt throuch hlo calloUDneM lrrl· tated her. Sllrprlolngly, ohc felt youna and Immature, won moved by on lmpuloe to defend herceU.

"I'm not ashamed of what I've clone," oho cold, bridling.

"Thal'o nice. Tell him you came to town to buy o paper of pln!J,"

.. You're Impudent." .. Am I?" He .faced her anger with a lonn

look of nmu!nld ocorn, then turned awoy.lnt:olently lndlltcrent. The girl wanted to call him baclt, to looh out at him with pelting worda that would atlna. but nho won aware that nothing ohe could otl)' would pene- Chbwlck otrertd his hand.

" trote MD imprumlvlty. HiD opinion ol her hod not been owoycd by any ofr'n a guy tokln!% a long rldo," he perconnl pique. d 1 b'" th

Gray walked bnclt Into the gam- col am a q to e stranger. "Sure ID;'' oareed Grny.

blina-hall. "Expect you're oplttln' cotton.'' Songer had the floor. "Who did "I con otnnd n boor."

thio, Curly?" he asked. · Curly poohed n hand through his "In the cattle bWIInesat"

block halr. "Couldn't tell you for "More or le?sa. At IOO"..e endo right sure, Yell. Half 0 dozen of WI took now. Klnda looldn' around." a crack ot him. He rode In osldng "My nome is Connor," oald Curly.

"Thio is Mr. Norris." • for trouble nnd got it. Blazed owoy "Glad to meet you. I'm Jell Gray. with biB rifle and bonded in his checks pronto. · Maybe you better A stranger 1J? these parts." mnko yore verdict read, commit- Norris rolled a cigarette. "'l'ough ted suicide whUe temporarily In- io a good town,'' he sal d. sane.'' "Booming these dayo. r.nnes are do-

Norrb volunteered Information, lng fine. Plenty of money there." .slantln& a sneer nt Chlswiclt. ':No "I'm npt a miner," Gray told opjtctfons anywhere, I reckon. We him, recognWng the Invitation to can be bullied just so far.'' move on, but disregarding iL "Fad

.,No obJec:tionn from me," Sanger Is., rm 111ot much of a town man agtl!ed. anyhow, except when I drift in to

.. Pcder came In on my horse blow my savings. I've been in the Black Dlnmond, so if you want to cow buslnl!llll an my Ute. •• make the JdDing more legal you can "In Texns'1" Norris asked with a claim he was a borse-thlef," Cflrly casual manner. suggested " "Here and there.''

"Or seU~efetise,'' Songer amend- "Noticed when I Wall outside that ed aerfously. you're riding a Brazen saddle. My

''Who cares how legal It was?" choice, too, especially when I'm Norris satd. ''No four-flusher can riding a long ways.'' eome In here and hurrah me.'' Gtny remarked non-committally

Dan Brand recognized this as a that a saddle made a lot of ditfer­penonal c~allenge ftung at his em-· ence to " rider's comfort. plo)ler. "Only a ~aey fool would · "Been dry in West Texas for quite tr)t, Korg,'' he answered am'iably. a spell, I read," CUrly volunteered.

d • • ---' · 1 "So the papers claim." "You on t nccu to be carry ng a chlp on yore shoulder, Morg," How· "Til<crght mayba you had come ard said, with a warning glance. "U from own that wny'l' Try one of there is fustling going on. we all OlY specials, Mr. Gray." want to back up Lee.'' "Mny I have another beer ln-

over thoro." · Back of the rcotourant they round

a bucket of water, a tin pan, q thin piece of dirty ooop, and a roller· towel much the woroo for w:e.

The catUeman called Wong. "Tido towel han half of Arizona on It, Char­ley. Brinn a new one-and another piece of coap."

The CbJnaman grinned. "Vclly good," he aoid. ·

Iru!Jde the rentourant Don' Brand won waiting at o lable In a cQTner. AcrOOD the oiDJe from him oat Gray.

Ruth touched the cattleman on the arm by way of caUing hJn attention. "Thlo io Mr. Gray, Father. When that drunk man come ohooting Into Sanger'n utore he loohed niter me."

"Lookctl nftCT you-how?" aokcd Chl!lwlek.

"Puohed me back of oome uackD of pot.atoe!l and otood In front of me."

Chillwlck olleted hio hruld. "Glad to meet you, Mr. Gray. I reckon my daughtcrr han thnnlred you, bu~ I'U do It ogaln." •

"NoUilng worth mentioning what 1 did, but nhe thanked me proper.'' the crook·nosed man snld dryly

"Since you haven't eaten· yet, won't you Join WIT" the cattleman Invited.

Gray moved to the other table. .. My foreman, Dan Brand,'' Chis­

Wick Introduced. "Dnn. f.hlg io Mr. Gray." ·

The two men shook hands, esti­mating one another with thelr eyes. Chlswick motioned Gray to the vn· cant chair beside his daughter.

They feU nt flrst Into ctl!lUal talk of cown, grru;s, markets.

"Looks like a country of smnU rancbea," Gray said presently.

"Yen," Chiswick confirmed. "Plenty rough In these hllls. Cut up by gulches and canyons where nest­ers hove settled."

"Your ~anch is lower down?'' "Yes. Runa up from the Sweet

Sptlng valley into the hills." "From what I heard nt the Gold·

en Nugget I gather the L C IS a big outfit." · "Mr brand is on a lot of stock-or was,' the cattleman snld grimly.

clln voqucrott who were defendln,n fold tho. -end 0\'cr thc.- firol tnckn their mantero' herds But what Ill and tadt nr,n1n nn at A. Draw a Mqxlcnn here and there? Remcm- '· tho webbint: ncrono the frame Uti·

ber the Alamo! Yen, olr. JWit u lng the block of wood no 11 lcvl.'r bunch or nlc.-c cowboyo who take no to ntrctc.-h wcbblnr, taul D!l n\ ·n. plcaLlurc tn kllllnn unleon oomeone . When all tht' ntripo hove bccrr gelD In the way of what they want." · ntretchcd ond tnC'Ited nc:roon the

1 frame one way. otrctc:h olripo of The nummtt of Mule mountam webbJnn acronll the other wny

had been n crag of fire In the oun' ' weaving· thenc over and under the oct when they had gone Into the I flrot oneo on at C. Now, oew the renl.!luront. An they came out, Ruth j bottom of eoc1l oprlnr. .to tho wrb­notlccd that the crotchea between , blna with tho upholntercr'o twine tht' pcnlm were lallco or Imperial ' and cur-. rd nc:ordlr nn nhown in purple. Soon dorkncoa would oift tlllo diagram. down from the hlll5. Next, turn the frame richt oldc

''We're out of coffee ond baking up, drive lncltll part way In along no!lo," Ruth told her father. "Bet· tor gel rome while we're here. don't you think?"

"Yell. Enour;h to ID!lt U!l till come­one can get fu T~1gh Nul. Any­thing clnc you ne11d?"

"I'd liltc oomc nutmer.11. ond o box of motchcn.."


Chiowic:k Mkcd the foreman to Suanrlng Dou~:hnulll.-To dust get Rutlfu l:'DW-pony nnd ttn It ut the douglmutn with p)ol'"(! tift> hltchrnclt with the other two. Gray llt!f!llr in a papt'r snd1 and put In walked with thc father and daughter ollt doughnutn at a time. Hold on for on Sanger'o store. the top of the nnl"k togcthrr ond

"I'U be snylng odloo,'' he told shake it. The doughnuts will tl<rn them, and added. his Ironic omilo : be quickly con It'd with nucnr. on Ruth: "Nic;e to hove met up with I • • • you " 1 Stuffed Cabbagc.-Par·boil the

She oald lhe pleasure waD heu, prcpart'd cobbnce for five min· &aid It very coolly, and turned utes. Boll about one tnblt>spoon­lnto the store. The. place wan Ut by , ful rice. add· to ll about ont> C'UP two cool-oil Iampo suapended from 1 cold chopj:!ed ham or b1,1con. Flo· the c:eWng. Near the rear nome- i vor wilh ketchup, season and odd thing covered by 11 sheet lay on o · o Uttle gravy. Stull the cabbage coL Ruth guessed that what was with this mixture and bind round restln~ there co sUll hod been roar· . with tope. Put In 0 s:mcepan with lng WJlh drunken lite JellS than nn 0 little builing salty water. Cook hour ago. , ste·adJly about three-quarters of

Two customero were In the store. on hour. · One WllS a olim, graceful, fishy· · • • • eyed man, neatly dresned, with a I Lemon SUee1 In Puneb.-Lemon !li1k bandanna tied loosely round his . halves and slices nrc apt to give 11 brown throat. His ~mponlon called · bitter wte to punch if they are him Morg. The otller she had met left In lt. It Is best to walt until at a dance. He wns a fine figure serving time to add them. . of o man, slender and broad-ahoul· • • • dered, with black, curly hair that bad eJven him his nickname. Con­nor, she hod heard him called, and she knew that Curly waa hb cog· nomen among the cowboys.


Brirhtealur the .Cioset.-11 the walls and woodwork of the dark clothes closet ore painted white It will make It much Ughter and easier to find thlnas.

• • •

Logging 'Great lndustur . in Canadian Woods; 'Thousands of Workmen Employed

' * J> .. ...... .a. --''------

"Dld you say •if' there was ~Y stead, Mr. Connorf" Gray ask~. natlin'"''l''' Chfswick Inquired, hatsh ''I certainly swidlov;ed a lot -of dust

.. today.'' Logging In the woods In Canada and varied, lneludlni fresh meat, 1roDY in hls voice. Norris strolled across to Howard. provid~ employment for about 240,· salt and llil)olted pork, potatoes and

Meamrlnr FJour.-Wheat flour ill one of the easiest Ingredients in bnking to mlsmeosure, ]!or best results alwoys sift flour and measure by spoonfuls Into a cup, being careful nol to shake the fllled cup. •

Howard laughed without mirth. "Thls sorreltop b 'on the dodge, 000 wcirkers on a pa~tlme. basio, lresh vegetables, .conned and dried "You're bard to please, Chl5wlck. lOoks to me," he said. "Mighty care- or for an average of about 84,000 fruit, eggs, beans, and a variety I don't pick my words llke a pro- ful to cive no lntormaUon.'' men yearly. of pies and cakd, ' feasor. U you're no.t on ·the prod, Logging operations are generally In British Columbia many of the as Brand claims, ydu sUre- have a Lee Chlawlck caught slght of hb cond~cted In unsettled or · camps consist of cabins which cqn f'unny way of being pleasant.'' daughter standing in frOnt of Sanlt· Fettled country. at c<iitslderable dis- be movt:d on railway cars. They

"Djd' l say I was aiming to be er'i store and strode aeross the tances lrom the ordinary routes ot hold only four to n~ men each, and rJeasant?" The C!lttl6man let his . stteet to her. traveL In the typical logging camp are furnished· with. sfnglo beds, blan· hard gue shfft from Norris to Hdw- .. ''What are· you doing here1" be in eastern Canada there are usually kets, sheets and plUows, and tables

.. atd .. "Someone ran oft a buncb.,ot de-manded. . from 'Zo to 'iS men. "The. bulldlngs and chairs. Kot and rold water • &0 'of my cowa lut i1lght. U. you · Evadfbg his question, she said, are of a temporary nat1,1re., built of shiiWers are often prov and the upec:t Die tc:! grht and sat, 'Hitp "I've· been ·worried tibOUt you.'' logs_ or rough boards, and usually meaiD ate a revelation u "visitor •

• • • · When Cooklnr Cheese-In «:ook· lng anything with c'fieese use a low temperature, because fnten!le bent makell cheese tough and stringy.

• • • Waahlnr Dlanhelll. - Oo not

crowd ~he washing mochlnc full of ~lankets or other woolens. Allow plenty of space !or the articles to sonic. There., will then be lcsiJ strnln on th!!m.

• • • ,)'oUrilelves, bciya/'you can have an- · "What. fod.. . . incltitli! .. coolchouae,. 1Ueep crunp, . The men pay Cot' their board and n. ·other gu~. l'm golng td light.'' •. ~~When t beard die lhootin;, ovet stable, storehouse1 an4!bJac;ksmith's lodgi11g and so cnn have JVhOt they DeUelous Peppets.-Grecn pep­'' · ~'When a bull gets to -pawing th~ .~.the G9lden Nugget, I thought. • .'1 shop, The built.tri bUnks flll~d with are preporec!,collectlvely lo pa~ for, periJ nre d'ellclous when ctuffcd 1' &z'Otind be most ger~erally gets ae- lfer voice faltered. No need to bd'ughs or hay are beh1g replaced ln th' East the men are paid for the with minced chlcken·and ohopped totnmodated," NOrris lnSbted, not teli }tim wltal she bad thought.1 Ht by iron,. double-deck bunlcs with most part by the month, with bo11rd mushrooms. ehlfting ttattowed IA%e from the knew. . ~ . springs, mattresses jand blankets, provided. As log tt,1'1,il!portatfol1 in nmer· LC. The oattieman spc;ke more gerl-o 'l'be hOUUs are ltelitei.J' wJth' large BritiSh COlumbia does not de~nd IJt. P!erce'f Pfeas:utt Pellettt· wade 0't

"Shut up, · " interposed Cut• "You. knew I wll!l there7" · .. · · . stoves, and though on thli presence bf snow, Ute camps _y8 ., Ap"te•m -efiec:tlve·tn retttovln"" iilfably. · · expect a · · """' saw tou atJd· n·~n tfi JA, · .· .. chU Jot provJsion Opei'l!lte,thtotigbdnt the"'yeat. usual• ~cfunubted body wa.ste-Ad.v, 0



f'orcdul lnfert!nce tnfcrt'nl"t' (or dt'ductlon) from

whot han bl't'n lo what may bet h;~g Corct'.

Muscular RLeumafic Pains

It tokm mote than "JUJIL a ulYe" to drnw thrm out. It tnkm a .,e-nl.,... lrriurd" lilto good old M= - &OOthlng woimfn(l. pmwtra nnd helpful in drawirig out, tho l roncrntion and p:Un Wbl'tl rubbed OD the orhing npoto.

MWtCUior lumb~1 aol't'ruw and atlltnrogt'nmlly rud~J~ctly,

llettu tJum tho d.f Bllhfonid 'mt»­tord- p!ll!ltl!r, M ustmo!o bu bem \W:d by miJifoM for 80 )'t'ai'L fi«:om..

· lm!lldtd bymanydattotaandnwa a. All druijtiam'. In throo ~~~ lw.zuJu bU!'nitb, Chlldn:n'a (nilld), and Ema Strn""~

Ever the Tmth What hinders one from speak­

Ing the truth, even whl!n ona J. laughing?



is bein · ·!. to atop )'Oli.·~ •• .. tile , tumberj~cb tyc·abou~201rdaya, . .. . ,.. .t f~~t3:~~~-~ )'c)uL.wl~•t.·· bo,a.e.Sorne ,; -ll& tl'ewned." . .t•rm ·&t veey 'tt;~~. about thiS lte~, , ; ................. ;.;. ............. _ .. . . 'PrOper DlteriiOJ:I •

. Into ~.... ... ~ .. l .. t ... u.·... . l nel!il. II citl tO lOOk . Jl,o W heat,. _ana !Inc¥ IS'eUeYel l'recL>u ~ ·AtJy• Of · ~11 · tile 'Cilver:ahna. ·

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• iiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii---ii!i!iiiiiii Lincoln ·County News Notice of PenMDrft of Suit · · Of'fa9 N9t1• for Republication lr-. ·-· -·· ·----..;......---~-----~--=---

. · - Notlee lor Pabllea•lon United s .... tes .. · .. · · /ubliahed Eve17 frid&J · · · -_ IN T!Ql: THIRD JUDICIAL. · United. · · . D O · ·

-. Kaa..r..s .. ~ ........ ~ JaJr. -. TRICT COURT OFTBE.$TATE OF ~Dt Of . Tht/'!nterior . epartrnent f The lnt(!nor IWU .• , tbe poe\ ·- d. Carib-. .... NE'W MEXICO WITHIN AND . General Land omee at Lu , General Land Office at Santa

. lin leo, .... ~~e. tt.e "" ot 11uo11 a.ll'lll. FOR LINCOLN COUNTY· Cru.ces Ne" Mexieo · ··· February Fe, N. M., Febl'QIU}" 17,11938. 1 - HUGH · GRAFTON, Ad· 18, ts~SS. .• . . ' ' Notice is he. re.b)' give~ tha,t.

tubacriptlcm, bl .. nMe, 12-00 PN y_, ' ..,._._ Ch J W Ed mlnlltrator oft~ .-.. te of Notice ia ·berfby aiv~D that . ~r es · • w~ds, of Lon,, N. 4l•m ..... ~ •• I I I -a..- :ea::n .!:; Andy D. Rutl!o!dge, of c-.rrtzozo; M.! ~bo, o.n Apryl,12, 1932, made

' vs. ' N.Mex., who, on June 6, 1984, ~:S~~:~~sw::-aa:ng_ Entry, No. I<'RIDA Y, MARCH 26. 1988 The Unknown Beirut Law made bom•tead entry, No. 047. · · • or 1, iN~l, EASWl ~------ - of Herman Conabruch, de- ~9, 'tor SEINWi, EISWI, NWI- Sec;tion 11; ~iSWl, SElS~i,

flra Era o. llllllh• E'll" ad Pallllalltr eeued, Impleaded with the ~o. SWi See. 22, NiNWI, SWlNWl, SW1.9El ~tJCtlon 14; ~iN 1, followinc n~ · cltfe~~dallta -'615 . NiSWl, SElSWl, SWlSEl Sec. NEIN~l, SWINWl, ~ectton 23; apllllt wh()ID IUbltitutlcl CI..U. 2'1, NWINEt Sec. 84, SWI, Townabap 3 .s~ Raltge 18 E ,

Office_ of $enator Chavez :rv~C:~~':.;~ch\.:_ tion. 12, Townabip 6 S., Range 10: N. M. ~· .Me~d~n. bas filed no-- Unknown Hl!lll at Law of . 1., N. )4, p, Meridian, hu filed tiefl of mtention to make three

Washington, D. C., March 19; Herman Conabruch, cSecee- notice of intmtion to make $ y~ar Proof, to establish claim to 1 !JaB--- L. R. Conarty C~rlsbad ed, and AU Other Per10111 year Proof, t.. eatablblh elaim to the land .•b9ve described, before

. • ' Havlnc An:y Interest In Tbe The Reg te U S La d Offi l:JPmocrattc County Chairman, Premllea Huelnaftcr De- thtland •bove dncribed, before . 11 r; • · n ce,

·R.oll~n.d'sDrug~Store " .

In choosing our medicines we have been carc:r'ul t.o select those compounded by the ~reatest chemists in the 'World. They have built \lP their reputation becapse they are reliable.

! ' . ~ . -_,

' . . '

· M~~a:tines, candy <i~ars _ · (i~arett~s

Presuiptions carefully (Ompoupded

Roll~nd's prug Store

and R. M. P. Burnett, explorer of acrlbed, J)efendanta, Frank J. Sager, United Statea Santa Fe, N. M., on the 5th thl· nPwly discovered caverns in THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, Commilllontr, at Carrizozo, N. day o! April, 1938. . . ~;;~~~;;;~~~=-~--~ .. =--~-~-~-=--=--=·~·· :-=-~-=--~ ... ~~~~~ th1· Carlsbad area, have auggeat.ed the above named ddendallta, GREET· Ma., on &be 8th day of April, Claimant namea as Witnesses: : t1• Senator Chavez that the ING:. · 1938. J. J. Kennon,

Leo F. Sanchez, ~25.,.. ~25. . Reiister. . .

ra vema be named after. the Notice ll hereb:y Jiven that Huch Claimant Dllllel u wltne~~•:· F. e:. Cape, l'n·si(.fcnt's m o t h' e r .. Senator Oraftcn, admlnlmator of the -.w of W. L. J)umett, - W. M. Kuykendall, ('hav7z ba~ volun.teered to lntro- ::;,m~~~::::n=~=; Thom•a Sbleldl, Clyde ~uykendall, all of Lon, dul'l! a ball plactng the nflwly named court and the above 11umba'ed W. L. Ferguson, , ~· M.

: d~t~covered cav1·rns within tht and at:yled. c:aUJe of action apia~ JOU R. J. McCracken, all of· Carrizo. 1, Carlsbad Cavern Najlonal Park and each of. :you; that the pMra1 ob~. zo, N. f4tx. • : .

und, if it meets the approval or of 1ald action are tO obtaln the coislerlt · •· • · Paul A. R~b lht· Pr£>sldent, thl' new cavanu and approval of the Diftrlct C9urt to .. u a.26- 1-26 n ... t. N I f H


d "Th and convey tc A. T. Pftnptn c:er- • .. ""....,ter. Qt coo , earins of Final wl >?name 0 Sara Roose- taln unpatented mlnlnJ dllml, b:l aald R•port' and Account v1•lt Cnvcmo" complaint detcribed, for the awn of Nellee Ill' PllbHeatlea _

Hl'nator ~hnvez hopes that h!a $2~~0~ further not!Aed that Wlltll Unittd States D.tpartrnent Of IN THE PROBATE COURT OF LIN-VIIIIl to. the Whitt HoUBC thiJ you enter your appearance m u1d eaUM Tbt Interior COLN COUNTY, STATE OF NEW WN·k Will be productive of much on or before the 18th day of April,lt38, G I La d om Lu MEXICO ~ond Cor New Mexico. Tht Judrmcnt will be nn4end LD oJd ~ C eat.f&N n ce at In The Matter of tho E:ltnto} St·nator vlgorowly protested the ap.inst you b:y default. • rUCII, ew Mexito, March 4, ot W. s. Wooten Dccell!lCd. No. 362 ron trol by tho Commluloner or The name of plalntUf'a attorney II !988. To A. P. Wooten,Sr., D. G. Wooten, Joe 1 nd1an Affairu of the gmzing Ianda John E. Ball, and hla polt olftce ~ Notice Ia hereby ainn that T. Wooten Mns. Ella Burton, Mrn. Omle allcll'uted to white eettlera in the l• WCam1010

1 •

1 __ ,.. J'rank Greer, of Three Riveri, Wooten HCI8, Mrn. Dcll11 Wooten Seonoo,

lnt!ll my ........ an II o - N ·u h 8e '-- Mra Aud.ra Wooten Renfro nnd to all 1(111 l'u<'rco area. "There Is . no thll2n.d da:y of March, ltl8, ' IQCL, " 0• on pt.emU1:1" 1• uo~cnm hclns ol tho ld ci cede t d n·uaon on earth", aaJd Senator lD.C.) Edward Pmf!.lld ' 1g12, made homeatead tntr)', No. all unknown ~ 11!1 ~alml~g O:y' ~n ( 'havl'z lawr, "why the Indian (Seal> M '-25 CouJt ClaJc. 0.6774, for NEHSW .$(, N~SE}.( upon, or rlcht,,~~ or lntertpt In or w, Burt•uu 11hould admlnlater the Ste. 22, SWJ(, W~SEH Sec. 28; tho estate of OIIJd'c}tccdont, nnd to whom atrwa of white persona". JOHN E HALL . , NW.H, NW"SE", ltmayeonecrm

f t ·' Section 26 ToWDihip US Ran~~'e You and '41ach of :you oro hcrcb:y

urt 1or project. for small dama __ ... n~---•~ , _ · ' · •• • notl,llcd and notleo 1.s hcrcb:y ctvci! that. tn 1nouro olorage of irrigation Attorney auu ~- · M &aW 61:., N.M.P. Merl.I&D, hu filtd John IL Blae.klhcrv, Admlntatrn~r ·of WUtl•l"l for farmera and 1Chool CanUoso Hudwart Bu.Uilq- nttlte or lnteUon to make 8 tb3 utato of w. s. Wo· ~n. dcoon:ed,


Climaxing 'he ""March of Events" at the Popular. • • c

the semi-annual event that offers sensational value opportunities in every department. ln all the South­west there's no One-Day Sale Like Opportunity Day!

P OPU.L A'R Dry Goods Co.

El Puo, Texas

proJects were alao urged by the Upetaira Jl&r Proof, to •t.bllah claim to hu nled In th11 o.bovo ~titled Court bl.s

St•nator. CaniJoso New M«dco tht laDd abon diiiUibed, before !1_na1 rcport and account eaucll Admin· ~-=========·===:;--::~;:;-~;;:-:-:::;-~:-:· ::;ACS·-~:--:--::::::-:;:. :·· ·:: · • Frank J Saill United Stat. •tntor and tho Court hA!I appointed ·, \. 1

Senator 'ChavO'Z alJo dlaewaed ' ' Monda:y, tho 25th d:r.y of April. lOSS, at THESE ARE LJFESAVE·~-RS-nt length tho WPA lituatlon in Comaillloaer, at Carrizozo, N. tho lwur of 10 o'dock 11. m...u UuJ hour N<'w Mexico. He wu quoted aa Send $1. ,_ 1M..., !da., on tbt 22nd d&J of AprlJ, and day for hculni o1 obJcct!ollll, u lli1Y • ll.llying: "We talked on rn•t.te of I,.,,., .. .t 1m. thml bo, to tho 11pprovnJ nnd ~:Cttleml!tlt

...- rJ . c•-r---~ -t Of uJd final fGPOrt Gnd 11ctlOUDt, Md tho P<'monnel. I havo noLhlng furth· TU lallaauto Dlmtl &I .,.,tnlltll: dlJcharp of tho lllld John R. Blawhc!rc l•r to add". - &Yetttt Bran u ~ Admlnl:trntor, and 11t tho hour

A fJDint'inl( or the Whlt.llSanda ATLANTIC MOKJILY lMter Gretr OD the d.ay Dlltncd, tho Probate Court N n ttn~t~tl M onumr>nt always wins · Fred Grtl'l', all of Three Rivers. will procnd tc dctenn.lno the hclruhlp or tl11• ndm1ra1ion Cl( vinltors to th MAKB the •oat of JDUr N. Ma., u.lddoccdcot.,tho ownmhlp ofhboold

• , 0 Jl G t C--!---- N estate aDd tho lntcm~t of roth rt::~JKtrtivc ulhr•· uf Sl•nutor Chavf.'Z. They rtadln• bonra Bnjoy the m m::· 0 IIITI~WAI, • Mex. dalmant then)tc end t"-ln Md t'-· d wit, the wltdom, tile COat• """' "''

11 nut know. howt>ver, that a puloaablp, 1111 cbar• Uaat Paul A. Roach, pcnolll cntitkd tc tho dlntributlon :-.;,.w Ml'XIco girl painted it.. Tho ban asada tile .&TL.&NIIC. M 1~-A 8 Register. thcrrof. nrt1nt ia Mra. Jant Robinaon for nYtatJ•In , • ..., .&ww. Tho namo cnd pc:~ offic:e addm:3 of Mnhry daughter of Will Robinaon lea'• mntt qaot .. ••• ... , tMatt.omcy for the Admlncrtrntor 1:1

I II k chtrllhtd 111a-••a• John E. Hnll, Clll'rilw:o, New Mex.

l, 11• we nown columnbt of tho ..... • Witnca tho honottlb!e MardllJ c. St. ll'con Vulley. Mrt. Ma~ry Ia tbt ... , .,.JUallwlaLqWul. fUJII J. SAGII. John JudliJ of tho aaid Court, c.nd tlU! w1fe of Seou Mabry, aor of .. 0 .... COJUUMtona tal tlluoo!, Uih !itll claY, of Mnrch, 19.38. Drnlric& Judgo ThODJII Mabry or n.A ....... ..,..,~ •• .t............... (Snl} Edwllrd PcnJleld , IIOIIJIIraan m.trta o u 11 • 1 Cl Albu,ruerquo. • .. ,,. IU -... erk. dDRM ..

Wnt.chcd with apprtbonalon by llllfllllll Mttuy Milt Baptist Church New Mexico lnWrt>sta fa the COMET CIIAPTER oa .... .,._u1 TaltJII••• a.. propoacd Roclproeal Trade Aaree- No. It Catrlane. H. II. -men& with Great Britain. A growina New Muieo Industry Ia ORDER :EAST&RN concerned. Fluorapar, STAR whieh iD now being mined in New Mlfl.a oa the ftrat TbVIdq Mexico, Ia one of tbt commodltlca in eatb month.


Carrizoso A•'mbly, No 7

Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10:00 a. m. ·

Preaching every 1st and 3rd Sandaya at 11:00 a.m. and '1:00 p.m. . ~

Evuyorle ~rdi11ly invited. ,: ll•tcd for dU:eU&Sion In tbt propot­e~d agr«Jmcnt.. What Ita etreet Viaiting Stan cord'-117 Dixie Hannon will boon Ntw Maieo induatr7 E. Sproltt b n matter which Ia ~iving W M Senator c'hanz' study ud al.ten• ' ' AdTilor Santa Rita Church a.. C&tbwlH Smith _

Uon. -----------Wort!i7 Alloeiate Rev. Fr. Salntore announces

Kn. A. Bruel · Sundq M••e• at 8:00 and 10:00 This offiec waa. honored by T. J:. I'WJ.J:Y a viait by Prof0110r LanliDI B. Bloom of the Unlveralt.y of New l'lmlrall>irlltor_. Me.xfeo and Ubrarian of Ucnnl5

Mothw AcJvi1or L m. from now on.

Mea oa tbt 2nd and 4th Jiidqa iD ••, month. I. 0. 0. F. - ··---~-~------Coronado Ubrary.. ~Ct110r 'f¥M U

Bloom I.e on his wq to lt&IJ Curboso : : : N. Jia ---------- CARRnozo LODGE, NO. 30r---------------------------·~-------. enaaaed on IWC&I'tb ia the hlatorJ

1 __________ _

ot tho aouthwtatern part of FOR RENT- 1 rooa .,_ri-Unittd States and Moxieo. 81 --witl make aptclal lauttlptlona Ste M.n. P'alpJL relative t.o mllllonary ordm IDcl Mn. JohDIOil lteu'M ef D work of EuropiPD nation• ir Puo 11 IPIDdbta a fl'lr dan wlU. Ameriea. Throuah Senator Cbav· btr pamita, Mr. IUld lin. Bo7 ez, "'who rjs a llltmber . of thtUibaflt'.

lU Foreign Relation• Comlllttlt · tho Senate, bt rettived a lttt Mn. Al'rin C.l ..,

from Secretary of St.te ordt uw ...,.11 da1L JluJJ direc~ to Lht Unlu!ci · Johna left 11M

• CoDJUI&r oftictra abroad rt100• for SaUna, k•• . te .Wt mending that eyeey facllitr ot lw tiiW, Wn. St.ab'WII tor a aoverninent bt Uttidtd blm Ia moat b. , hll •ndta'fora. _

. , .In addition to Bioom Tbt Pnildtlt ·tbll·lillk . vlatton tbw nek •to tbt om.. to Ute ••••te ta· · lneludtt Murray BMM" ot tM to ·til·.._

Uailttd · S~tta B~tmpJoymtDt o f .ltfvitt Albu~•: o ll v • W•o• na Lwettt dttalltd ·to Wtihiaatoa · :bf\&t lotlCot:a••r••U.oft~·8tnftt · • At"'u.uw· ut• ad 0 *-... d .... Ill! .. ""'"'"' . q . t • ...,_ ~.·~of AlbuqUerque.


Mewa ~-a .. i ....... llllllil

• ...... ----·.,. •


.-, .. -

• ' •


Hetta EvtJ-y Tuesday evening W. J. Langaton, . P. R. Witaon,

Sec.·'J'reu. Noble Grand


Coalora Lodge. No. 15 Meetl nery 2nd and 4th

Wednesday 13Jrdie watkr. · Era a. Smith,

. .

Secretary N. (}. . - ' _.. .

MIU• Senlce Station

· 'lt:.-bw.w 880 Wtt4 Of ~- n~- t ·-• -• · · City Lhnttl ·

· II PnMtt ltH Oil

• • •

EARLY POSITIONS . ••• Hundreds oi young people who looked ahead only a few montha ago and enrolled for the Drnughon Training are now happy in positions of trust and I'Giporudbility - with broad opportunities for aa­vaneemmt.

~.ow ~e ean helpy,ou prepare for similar opportun· ttiee, m abort time and at small expense ...... and then ~elp ~ou aecur_e a g~ twaitioti, will be fUuJ eqlatned it you will mad the Coupon now for Special Information. • ·

Draughon's Buaiit~as Colleges Lub~ ~bllene, Dall~ Wichita. ~•IIi, Texu~

Your ~arne. ......... ~.... . .. .................... . '


•••••• •••• $ ............................... '>)! • ,;......,."""


.. • . .

• .,





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Page 5: · ' " . - . '" ~ '•'' '• - ' , , . : Q -,. ' -._ ;. - '· • ' •; l

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, .



. I

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• -·

• • • .. '


. :. J..INCOtN "Q JJ.Nll'Y 'N.mws· . ". ·+· .. • • . .. . ' ' .. •

Local and (~ - • ~ .:1 •

n I Notice· qf Hearl'ng . of Final . ·.-.!!rson~-- . Rep'?rt and AccQunli:;-- . :.

• ·-- -· . . ... . - . -

.:Mrs. Linnie Ashby who 'has In. The Prol)ute Court or Ll~coln County

b ')J f · h · ) · k State of New· Mexico een 1 or t e past severa wee s I- th M • .,. f h E ' } · · · 1 · b · · n e utter o t e state

111 ab e to e up., . · · of Chai-les c. Harbert, . No. 446

. Word hils been r~ceived ·from T M 0

HDebcellSeK·d. d ~K M d M 'C 0 · . o rs. r11cc ar ert 11nne y, .. ~rs.

. r. an rs. · - ; ~GatrJson who Beulnh Harbert Bunch Arthur·R. Bur-reside in Bakersfield, Calif., stat- bert und Walter L. Hu;bert, nnd to all ing tb~t Mr. · Garrison has been. unknow.n heirSJ of t\1c auld decedent, and working iq the flooded distri<'t at all unkno~ ~e:son11 c~aiming ~ny lien Fresno for the last three weeks. ' \\POn, or right, title,. or mt~st, 10 or to,

• ' .. ~ .. ;,, t.•

• •


..:.. .. SO ECONOMICAL-. . . ' . . ... . . .IT FREEZ_ES- ·. : '

·2·BIG mE .. · CUBES .1

FOR 2c. •

' . at loco~ cJ.•ctric ",.at111(1 ..

-- . ·. · the estnte of the SIUd decedent, nn<l to Mr: ·Alex J . .Jenkins~.of S~p whom i;t may. concern:



~atrieio attended the Morris tria.! .· You, · nnd 'eucb of you aro hereby here· last Saturday. · While in notified, and notic~ is h11reby given, that town he renewed his Lincoln Gmcc Harbert Kennedy, administratrix , · · , . of tho estat~ of Charles C. Harbert, de-

CQunty News for another year. ccllSed, hilS filed in the above entitled •

Mr. anfj Mrs. J. W. Talley Court her Unul report nnd .account ns and baby James Norton were such udminlstrntrlx, nnd the Court hilS

:- · • • • appointed Monday, the 9th day ol Muy1 + CarriZOZO VlSltprs last Friday. 1938, ·at tho hou.r ol 10 o'clock a.m., ns ·

. . •

Miss LeW ana Conley accompa- the hour and day lor hearing ol objec-; nied them to Ruidoso and ~pent tlons, if any there be, to the approval I t;.\N >t: ·· • the week end. and settlement of ·said final report nnd I' , 1[<fl.~ Bay it for· only" a kw cents a day! ,

' - ncc,ount and the dlschargll, ot the said , - · Mr-. and Mrs. Tom James Grace H!lrbprt Kennedy liS such admin· I coME IN' TO DAY.,

arr.ive4 home from New Y prk j lstratrix, und at the hour on the dny i ·, . . ' • City last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. nnm~:f:!, th!l<- Probute Court will proceed • • · James have been spPndlng the I to dqtermlno the heirship df said dece- New MexiCO Mechanical Equipment Co.

• • j dent, the .~w~ers~liP. of hls. sr:td. ~~tttte a!!d ~ .. ,. . ~ · . • · .. • • • -- -. l- wmter in Florida-and Naw Y-ork. Oul interest of each respective claimnnt G th C K J M un er . roggo , gr. of Mrs. thereto and therein and the persons

- Pilon~ 1 t'4-J



A. F. STOVER, PhuntlfJ '


045852- 049988

NotJ~ for PobUcatloo United States

Department of the Interior

Mrs. Kalsen, mother Tom Karr has recovered attack or influenza~ ·

from an entltll'd to the dlstrlbutloq ·thercor ..

The nrune nod po:Jt office nddro!l3 or the ·attorney for the ndmlnlstratrlx is

Mr. Stewart of the Western John E. Hull, CarrizoZo, Now Mslxico. Lumber Company has added Wltnes!! the' honorable Marlllnl C. St.

• . ·; J~hn, Judge of the said Court nhd the General Land Office at Las some rurm~ure to his lme such Ill seal thercoi, thl!l 24th day of Mnrch,

Cruces, N. Mex., March 18, 1938. beds, mattreSJes, stoves and so 1938. • Notice il hereby given that forth. (Seal) . ·Edward Penfield.

H. F W'l f B" h M 25- A 16 Clerk. enry • aaon, o. mg am, .. Mr. M. E.· Bernet, president N. Mtx., who, on Apnl16, 1982, and general manager of Moun- -· - ·· ·· · ·--· ·- · · ·

-~..... . Mr •. and Mrs. Forrest Linda­

mood have moved to.. Kansas City, to reside. Mr. Lindamood, who travels for Armstrong Jinol­ucms hAs had beadquarten in · Denver (or several years .

• •

WHY risk using poor seed when the ben costs so N 0 R A L. STOVER

REEVES, Impleaded with tho following named defcnd­ant!l against whom nub:!Utut­cd C(!rviec b hereby oougbt to be obtEUned, to-wit: Nora L. Stover Roovro, Maggio May Stover Rending, All known:and unknown beUn at law of Flemon C. Stover, decell!!ed, and all unknown clnlmanlll ot lnterrot In tho hcrolnnfter droc:ribcd prom­Ise!! adverco to tho plnlntlfJ,

No. 4GSG Civil.

and on May 24, 1934, m a d e tain States Telephone Company Mrs. Carl Rainev of Ancbo waa bomeatead entries No. 045852 waa a· guest or Mr. McQuillen visiting in Carriz~zo yesterday. and No. 049988, for W ~E~, E~ local manager yesterday · Mr. and Mra. Ramey purchasqd

Mrs. Ev11rett Myres and baby have f,tone to Tularosa to viai' for .... " few days.

Wi, Lots 2, 8, 4, SEiSE>t Sec. 7, . · the M. R. Hendrix ranch. Mrs. NWiNEi, NElNWJ;, Sc.ction 15~ Mrn. N~~a . .Br.anumiaat. .. I1na Hc~drix and . .son moved . tO. Hot Miss Ticssie Davia is tc~cfling Townsi.P .5 S., Range 6 E., ~· M. Cruces vls1tmg h?r son, Mr. Clint Sprmgs and wtii make tl,lc1r home· aa advanced class in cooking at ~· Meridian, hns filed notice or Branum and famdy. there. the high school and needs four

liulc? ~ GOLD SEAL SEEDS tnko highest J'llnk for purity and germination. Acclimlited,truo -to-nnmeand .Yttrict)IY.Ghcapcst- " in the long run • .Co(a/ Dealt;s mak~ 8 year Prooft Wayne Lamb underwent an Mra. Cora Frazier io olpwly moro girls to take the course. She rnia Wiiiitern SaBiiiiD

• D!.NV!.Sl

to eatabtisb. alatm. lo tho land operation in $local hoapitai,Wed- convales~ing Crom an attatk or n~cently completed a class in , abovq des~ bed, before Fronk .J · nesdny of last wPek. . pneumonia sewing which wna very suecessr u I


Defcnd:mtll Sager, Un1ted States Commts- • ...

. stoner, nt. Carrizozo, N. Mex., on ·· · · · · · - · · ···- ··- · · · ·· - · · - . · - · · TilE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, to the 6th day of May, 1988.

Claimant nam11 u witneues: tho above named defend:mtll, GREET· lNG:

Yctu nnd eath or you hereby Wiley Edwarda, notifl~ that the abovt> named plclntifi N. F. Hefner both of Bingham hM fllco hill rompJnlnt ngnlnat you In ' ' tho Dintrid Court of tho Third Judlclnl 1 N • Mcx. Dl!!trict of tho Stm.o of New Menco, Paul Wilson, wiLhln nod for the County or Lincoln; Jesa Garrison', both of Carrizozo, thnt the gpnernJ object ?f llnld action l!! N, Mcx. to qult>t the crud plnlntt!J'o tttlo to tho Paul A. Roach, following droc:ribcd lnndD altunte In tho County or Lincoln, State of New Mexico, M25-April 22. Register. D!l follow. to·wit:

• SE l;f, E~6W~>jj b(!ttlon 24, Town-nhlp 10 South, Rnngt> 17 Eo.:Jt, and lotn h 2 and 3, E~W,!i, SW!jNE!J, NEl{SWJ4.~~ection 19,

District Court

ToWllllhlp 10 South, Runge 18 Earl Morris, accused or. man-EMt, N. M. P. M., contnlnlng slaughter in connection with the 008·66 n=. death of Wm. Cox waa acquitted

You are further notified thnt unm of the charge. you enwr your nppenronoo on or beforo • April tSth, 1938, judgment will 00 . From laat Monday untd Thurs· rendmd In 11:1ld rouse ngninllt you by day night the trial or Max Chavez dcluult. and CloviiJ Sanchez, accused of

TbP n~e nnd uddl'5:1 or plalntlfro killing Homer Wino of Ancho nttomey .m John E. Holt, CI!J1'i::o2o, oca~pied the attention of the New MeXIco. o· . A Th

WITNESS my b.nnd nnd cen1 or uaid court. JIStrict t~orney reet court nt Co.rri=, New Mexico thb 2nd and hiD asaiat.ant .Mr. Clayton were dny or Aintch. 1938. prosecuting attorneys and Att.or·

(D.C.l EdwD.Td Penfield ney John E. Hall was defense <Seal ) District Court Clerk. attorney Jury brought in a

M 4·25 • • ------------ verdict about 8 o'clock last even-

All Day Sinaing ing. Both young men ware " acquitted. - Cue of R. A. Crenahaw accused

At Corona the 4th S u n d a y, of larceny of horse, postponed. .. March 27th an all day singing S. Farmer and S. Gallegos were wilJ be held. Come and bring bailiffs. H. M. Maea of Capitan weJJ·filled baskets. M&Iiy visit- was court crier. ing singers will be present. Members of the Sanchez-

Chanz jury from C&nUozo were FOR RENT: I..arge moderp Mesara. Ray Lemon, Ern~t Key

house just. south of t.he Methodist apd Salvador Orti%. church. For particulars, apply ' Lincoln County News Offic.. tf I. 0. 0. F. Notea -. FOR SALEh- Coming. two- · year Q]d Hereford bulJJ. The Lut Tueaday evening the Titsworth Company, Inc. tf. second degree was conferred on

· · .. • Lawrence Dragoo. Mr. . . . . Johnnie Rowland came i~ by

FOR THE EL PASO TIMES diatniasal cartiftcate. AI ususal OR HERA,LJ).POST " there was ·a good attendance on

- Delivet:e<f daily to yo1Jt door hand: Out • of • town members See Jimmy Maldai . p•nt were Fred R. Headrix of

75~..month .. • 18c per week An~o, _Tommy McCamant of . . .. • · . ... · Corona. , Mr. John Downing

liiir FOR SA.i.E- Gooo, yonng Capi~; • w}loae members~!P at . •t'k . . . . n..... Geo ·s .. •~ot.. . preaent liiD Texas, W8l _a VJ8Itor.l

mt cows. ~ rge Dllw, N. t Tu. · da i h ~h third Tinnie N. M. N 5-tt ex • . es . Y n g t ... e · • ' dQgrae 11 to be put on.

• •

~laov, Lecle aac~· Pieof: W . Mn. Tomm:r Cook ~nd baby 41txw bla•ka lor •••~- at die an vilitllig telatiYMin Alamora;

. . "''f. • ' • '

. - . . • '

.. . .

,~ - 1 -

• ••

. ..

• •

. • . .

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' ' •

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Our used car stocks are low, foUowing the unprecedented demand of . the last several weeks.

/ We want your car ~ow! Bring it in and get our ' .

liberal trade-i.n offer on a ' ~· NEW CHEVROLET.

~ Tho tremendoUs demand of the last ......_.., ' several weeks bas reduced our stock ol used cars to a point where we're actually abort o£ certain popular makes ·and models! We need good used cars and ~T We•re making_Jibl!ral trade-in offers to-get them! So now is your oppor·

. tumty to get a new 1938 Chevrolet on verr lavorable terD161 • • • • .

Vmt our·showroom' and inspect the new Cbev-


·P.tC!P· ·'

.\ ·J ... '-"' •

. . ' ' . • ••

rolet-the car that u compkte-and the new Chevrolet trucks-the thrift-corrkr.Jor the nation/ Convince yourself that Chevrolet styUng, Chev• rolet performance, Chevrolet Ceaturc~-and Chev­rolet'• ww pricel-aiJ combine to make 'these new ptodets the best inveatmenta in motordomf Come in-bring your car ot truck with you~get our libcral.ttade~in o1Tet ••• rodayl "You'll be ah«zd with a Chevrolet/" ·\..

• ••

~ \..J


• •

··- ' . .•· ' 'C.".

' '



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N EW YORK.-Th!l abnence ot sa­lon diplomacy or petticoat poli·

tics In the Euroj)enn struggle tor a new power bnJnnce would be on

Lady Pull• String• in Duce Deal

· overolght by the muse of history,

• readying t h e drama of Jhe century, and at last it seems to

hn ve been n ttended to. Enter Lady Chamberlain, tho

clcvc.-reot woman politician In Eng­land, widow of Sir Au!lten, obBcurely noted In the newo no myateriouoly buoy for the loot few months tn the Brltlah-Itnllnn rapprochement.

Several weeki aro, a sara· elou1 traveler ot this writer'• acquaintance, back from Rome, reported "Laib Chamberlain a• adrolt17 fosterlnr an understand. lnr with Britain which would brlnr ra<JornlUon of Ethiopia a two-war apllt on Spain and the Medlterrar;~ean. She bu been In Rome since November, In Intimate social Intercourse with the more-Important Fascial morals. l''or many years, she has been

known on the' "mont perfect pollticnl hoalt•n11" In London and boll been 11ubtly Influential In many big denio In t'ontlncntol dlplomot'y. It wos 111•11 who cookr•d up tho Lot'orno <"<•nfr•rrnce, ol I.akc Magutore, In Swrltrrlund, In 102!>

When lhr drl<'l!illea Wl'Nl halu:llnl!, 11hc pocked IUJIItll hompt•rn and invlt·

How Picnic at Locarna Made Peace

ed Sir Auntcn, Briand and Strcoomtm to tho moat unportont plcnlt' In aU hla-lory. In h c r

handnomo little ynrht, they dlonp­prared around o bt>nd In tho Joke, londl'd In a ncdudf.'d npol, an~. with U1e old of U1ree jurlnta, rt'·l'lltl!Od Europt•

Wholevcr came out of tho confer· ence, for uootl or Ill, 'In traced to U1ot plrnlc Wht>n ahe rt•tumcd to England, nhe wno modo Dome of the Grand Crono of the Brltlah Em· plre

She b • comely matron of •lx· l)'·two, married to Sir Austen In 1000. lie wu fourteen reara old· er. She woa Ivy Dundu ot one 6f the leodlnr political famlllea of t:nl'land. In thl' earlier yt>nto of thcolr mor·

rlngl', ahc won t'rl'jilled with hav· lng coat·hrd h<'r hunband In the uJ· trn-,hnh mnnnerlnmo which all of tho lrf<'al Dlrrnanuham family found It e>Xpl'dlcnt to monl(lr when they moved to London Shr lo 110 ld to have bt'on hln pollllt'al no well 011 hill JJOt'lol mt'nlor. nnd fre>qucnlly eire· tlonrl'rrd In hl11 compotann. •

l.ady Chombcrloln In on extrl'mo conr.crvoUvo nnd Ill bt'lll'vro to hove nurtutc.-d plnnn Cor o Brlllnh olll· anco with tho Abnolutlol pow(lro She boa nh extraordinary flair for drn· moUe pollllt'Ol otogo-uottlngo and delicate ooMitlvlly to pollllcnl cur· renl#. Italy conferrf.'d on her tho Gold Medal of Morll.

• • • T ilE New York apy round-up by

tho ff.'derol bureau of lnvcotlgo· Uon marlul the first front-pogo \\--ork·

out of the G-men G·Mcn On llll on oily of the

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. ·~ .. 1\ustl\lan ·¥ouths· ·Celebrat.e· ·Hitler .Coup • l " • • < !

":~~... ., ~ ·~·. ·" : . . . -...... · .. ' Sin of F qther

' .

Almost Sends '

Son to' Death By EL~ETB C. JAMES

SPIES worked cleverly. The arl& · tocrncy spied on the peasants

a~d the peasants spie~ op·the nobll· • lty, while the professional~;ples had

a lucrative trade. The gulllotlne cut off heads every day, The French peasants were revolting I Such is the· opening scene •'in Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities."

Jerq Cruncher constantly licked the rust oil his dirty hond!l. After a time .we see Jer· · ry at his honest trade, prying the lid trQm a recently bur· led coffin, BQ that he can seU the ·body to the medical stu· dents. Madam. De· farge sat lmittlng,

A contlnr.ent ot tlte Dltler Youth OrranhaUon or Allltrla are shown paradlur throJJ(b the streets of Vl· enna In celebration or tbe Nazis' triumphant march lnto Allltpa. ·The IUCCesstlll Nazi coup speUed the end of Austria'• exJ.ttence· a1 a nation aDd lt.' berhmlnr aa a stato of the German reich.

seelne nothing. But Dickens repeats .the phrase too of~n; and we-suopect this

·woman who knl'- EUzabetb sees nothine. J"JJles ------" .-., - _....,:• .·.• ·- ··-·---~-----,.. ~- ,,_ ____ -=- ...... ~···· .. --

"The Law" in Austri.a Today -----~-~·~·~ ----- --- -..... ----1 I '

NAZI ARMY CHIEF After a tiine""-'e-dis- • -

,-- ' ; . -... -

:' . " "' ' -·'•. ,·,

"· '·. ~ ' .. ; ' '

cover'that 1n a code ot aUtches she Ia recording the names ot aU peo­ple who ore to die by the guillotine

--+-,~he~n- that ~oddess shall come Into pow(l'. But here Ia lhe s\ory:

' '

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Field l\'farsbml Berman Wilhelm _ Goerlnr, under whose dlreetlon the

• 1 pllliiJI ror the Naztncatlon of AIIJitrla Tl:cae Germnn anG·alrcraJt machine runners and thounn~ of otllera , were suceesafnlly eom1Sfitt Ad·

like them are enforclnr Germany• a will on Austria now, alnee that eoun· 1 clrellslnr an aadlenct' ID Ber fol· t17 became a part of the German reich In BlUer' a. blooclleu coup. \Vben llowlnr the coup, be declared at thla pbotorrmph waa mmclo these runnera were merclr plaJlnl' at war lu , Germany b determln~d furthe ta maneuvers at Klnln~ten, Germany. • 1 Increase ber army. • ---- --

Dr. Alexander Manette, cioung physician of Pnrls, wns esco ed by the Marquis Evremonde o d hllJ tww brother to a pensant girl and her brother, vlcUma .of· tHeir merci· len1 O!lSault. Dr. Monette wno over· powered by the noblemen and put Into th!l BosUlc without trloJ.

Snlltnry confinement and anxie~ obuut hiD wlte and his child, unborn ot the Umo of hio ·Imprisonment, grudually w01'e away hiD mind.

Sdn Chanrea Name. The lovely wHo of \he nobleman,

Evremonde, had tried to moke retrl· buUon wllh the rcoult that her eon dropped bin father'o nome

DICKENB-'INDISPENBABJ.E' "A T~alo ot Two ClUes" b uo!:'

Uke any other "book that Dlekens wrote. In the bulk of his wriUDJ, hi~ charactera and lncldcnll overahadow his Ioosel7 connected plots: but In "A Talo of Two Cltlea," tho plot predominates.

Wben Dlekens decided to .write an adventure novel and wu con· slderlnc the French revolution for the backJl'OUDd, bo w.roto a

When Hitler Made Austria a German State letter to Thomas Catl7le askJnr for a blbllorraph)' ror thla PC* rlod. 1.o aDBWer, Cnrlrle aent a wacon toad of books, hb owo

·~1lll:~~~~~!~ln preparlnr his famou1 - ot the French Revolu·

,• . .

-- !j

tu~1nl" looked over the read eare.fatJr Carl7le'a

~~~· •nd dld not bother with the

Charles .Dicken~ lived from 1812 unUI urro, and IJ called the moat lndlapeouble novellJ:t of Enc1hh literature.

ond became known' on Charles Dar• nay. He gove up nil hiD Inheri­tance, preferring to live In London.

Mennwhlle, Dr. Mnnette'o child wag born, his wife died, and lhe chUd, Lucie, became o word of Tellsc)D'g bonk. nnd waa removed to England.

The younger sister of the mur· dered peasant girl nnd boy grew to maturity, llvlng wllh one thought: Revenge. She Inter married Ernest Defarge. one Ume cervnnt to Dr. Manette.


Good uPrigh~ ~ (S!! to ~(up: ptalera$65. up: tbi:r uew upri;r,t4 $1!15,i baoy gr~nilll. ~ up, ~sy t~nns,lil«i Jl:llt'.l><:Verallfe~rlrlible In:. atrummtll at pQbj~ outside of Denver. Band inltrw!lenlil and accordions. • ·

· · Write Dept. M for partlelllan. • · ;mGBT CAIIIPBEU.'S ~er, c:elorade I

PATENTS· R. H. GALBREATH. registered patent attorney, 154~ Glenarm $1 .. Denver, Colo.

~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Me .JlnotheT

• • e · A General Ouu .


l• What city is called the Motli· er of the World?

2. Government meat graders rec­ognize how many grades of"meat? . 3. How mony clUes ha:ye the · city manager fonn ot govern-ment? •

4. Are there any stingless honey­bees?

5. What was lhe longest nntlon­ilhonventhm-of \he Democrats Ol Republicans? · · ,y

·Tho Answers 1. Cairo. 2. Five grades: (1) Prime, (2)

choice, (3) good1 (4) medium, (li) plain.

3. There are now 465 cities aruf . 'I countie~ using lhls form of gov­ernment. Staunton, Va., started • the movement 30 yearn t~so.

4. There: ore aevcral species ot sllnglcss beca native to tropical. and subtropical countries, but they produce very little h\mey. . 5. Too longeat notional convcn·

tlon ot a major party since 1880 wns the Democratic Jn lll2f, Jam.. lns 17 dnyo before tho DavltJ. Bryan ticket won no.llllnnt«J.


DBN'S Merukol Cough Drop1 5~ ~ hfl u Al1a1!M ta.::ier lila& r..t.l coW. I

Abtent Ones The nbtront oni!D arc U!lullD.y

found ln lho wrong.


Dead of the Deed A thing which In done

head somewhere. hnn a -

. ' .


Fronl Pq• occret 11orv1t•e. , An attncbe of . 111 Spy Hunt tho totter told

After lB years, Dr. Monette was freed. Completely itwme, · he was given Into the custody of Emm Da.. farge. me In Wonhing.

ton hat summer that J, Edaor Hoo­ver'• or~tonlultlon, dcveloped In post-war yours. would be on lnvol· uable old to thlll country'a defelllles aral.nst foreliD enplonage, and thnt, In the event of trouble, actual or tmpendlnJ, no forelp country couid •ope to dupllcote Gennany'a exploit In aabotaro, propaganda and IPY• lnl before our entry Into the World war.

RMd Vetterll, Ia 1hort pants wllea Ute World war atarted1 •uda the New York offtce or the F'. B. 1. aDd deploJa Ida 11 areatl ID a rlil-bot 1111 aeeu.rlo. a. wlaleh the)' se~~re •• •••al1 with balleatleM todQ that IIlli II Jut Ule evert•re. Six feet tall, blond., rcUc:ent, Mr.

Vettorll b a veteran of tho F. B. I. war •••l.nst thugs and kfdrtapart, In tho bureau alnce 1925, ln cbarre of Ill omc:ea In bla 11 years of aervlee.

He wu bern In Salt Lake City ln 1903, and took his law detrn at the UnJveralty ot Wuhlnaton In IW. In 1933, be was w:~unded ln the Kanaaa City mauac:te, trndlnl aholl wllh Pretty Boy tlord'a IOJ\1· atera.

lie hu participated ln moat ot tho l'lufeau'a famous lddrt41Plnl, vlcq and bllnk ro))beey cases. He au~ ceeiled Rhea Whitley aa head ot .\he New Yorlc omco on September U, 1D37. Jte hili 1 roputauon In the bu· reau fot alwa)'a bavinJ an alrtlah\ <IIU6 qahat a.nyo'ne he amsta.

.• ~., .. tft,.. h•timt. .. - . . lftcU.IVtvl«, ·

. ' . '

t-•.:.:~:: . w:, ,.;.o mado a trlnml'hant eutrr Into VIenna after Germany toot udlsputed poueulon Ol A\llttla ln a bloodJesa eoq, defrtDr tbe work! to Interfere. z....<hl to Austria went lot,OH c:!t. German. ttoopa like these aa BlUet captured hla horrletand tor the releb. 3-;-Armed German trucks and ncb u theae patroled th& street• of Vlenna. • ·

<. . -------·· -•

IDTl~ER· LIEUTENANT ,, .. Czechoslovakia May Be Next

; \.' r . ~ ' -· ..

"' . '

•• . . . "'"""'--

. ' • • • •

You recaU Lucio's meellng with ht!r Iallier ror the first Ume In her Ute, of golnt to Lorufon to live, of the meellng with Charles Dilmay .on the pru;sage onr, and ot the result­ant neceaslty of Lucie'• witnessing at CharJu' trial for treason, In Len­don.

Dickens' portrayal of this trial l.a a masterpiece of satire. · The ccutt room was packed, for thla exec:uo tlon was to be out of the usual run ot entertainment, lhe prisoner was to .be banged. then ttuartered. Being French, he was as gOOd u condemned before the~-tttat started. But "the people were cheated out of their day's aport, tor Sidney CU.. ton, lazy assistant to lhe defendaru•a counsel, ahattered the circumstantial evidence by standing and calling the attention of \he court of his bWn atriklnc likeness to the defendan~ Charles. was freed. ·

Charles (n Daur;er. You r~all the love.of Sidney and

Charles for Lucie, and the marriate of Lucie to· Charles-. Sidney woto &biped her from afar, and· was an occuional visitor to theit home.

After a tlme- of love and peace,. letter came to Charles, that ca1wse!d him to return to France to save: the ute of a family servant. .But thlnt!J had. happened of ·which he . knew nothing. ,Aa ~

reached Parla "'-> •

' . . ' ..

Lmlent Wlth OU&era Pard{)tl the other person often.

thysdl never.

~ ~ ~----- ----------



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T HE aporta co:~tumea here shown a modem costume .into a ,,perfect ue just about PJt swank aa they unit. ,

make 'em. Tho feature emphnslzed • EspeclqUy In tho realm of -sport­b7 each and which, let· us assure . wear Is tho .theoey of the right ac­)'OU, 1.1 a first and foremost trend cesaorlea for the rl11ht costume be· to tho styUng of spring suits and ing worked out to a nicety. In fact ~n. outllts Is that of tho jacket we ·have gone quito En11Usb when that c:ontraats the skirt. This Idea It comes to perfection of detall ct contrut jacket und akirt u cazo. that hea to do with our town· and 17ln1 on so succesalully, leading country tweeds, our spectator and ~cJalty shops and .sportawear de- active sports cloth.ea and our cam· partments are ae~g one !Skirt pua outllls1 Consider the matter olus acveral jacketiJ. :With dlJ!erent of ahoea o.nd bosleey thnt abould 41acts" of acceuoriB the costume be worn with the Bturdy outdoor coa­JD&)' bo tuned to lnki& and tume. British women have Jon1 es­varled color moodl. tabllabed na correct accessory to

IF YOU'RE in the tllZC!-a+·anci•UP class, here are three brand new

fashions denlgned enpeclally for you! Everyone or them Is OX• tremely "amort and e\'eryono Ia dealgned to give added charm and dignity to full tlgures. Thoy are ell!ly to make. The pntterno ore c:Mefully plnnned to help. begin· nero, and each Is accompanied by a detailed sew chart. So otart In tomorrow, And lu:lve nt ltlllSt two of them ready for Easter.

Prlnceu Dowse Dress. It's n aura way to start the

day right. having a dreaa na bo­comlng ~d pretty u thin one to put on first thins In tho morning. It takea a woman with aome plumpneas to do juaUf\O to that fttted, long line. Made up In print· ed pc!rcale, gingham or cham·

Simple Patch ·Makes This Quilt Block

bray, with rows of ricrac brnld, this drena will be so successful th~;~t you'll WJC the pattern time and again. :...

Graceful Afternoon Frock. An especially ch'\~lng 11tyle

for luncheons, bridge parties and club m01ltlngn. The run sleeveD make your arms loolt small, and are very cracelul In them11elvea. Gnthera at tho abouldera create neceasllJ')' bunt fullneas. Make this dress for now In aUJc print or chlf· fon. Later on, in volle or summer llho:!er It will be your cooleal dreaa. Dre11 Wllb Lwl{bentnr Pancll.

'nlo plain neckline, tho slim waist, anuJ(tcd In by gotbera, the Ions panel, front and b~ck, ore oll beautifully allmmlns in effect. All In oil, this drell!l 11:1 eo amort that It's certain to be one or your fa· vorltea. Thla dealgn adapts lt!lelf to ao many materialn-15llk crepe. small·figured allk print nnd, toter on, ·linen.

The Pattern•.

Two Extremes -Some rnen ore so cove.toWJ ru1 If

they were to live forever; and others no profuse, ns lf they were to die tho ne~tt moment.-Arls· totle.

2 Steps i1 Fig.lill Disco•forl of

11111111 IODY THIOI•H


A copper brown And beige striped thelr amnrt tweeds, brciaues that tweed Jacbt topping a Ugbt brown apeU comfort ond a ntneu of thlngl. tw~ skirt makea a smart spectator With these they wear sensible nno aport. costume for spring as worn IWe hoslcr.r. We, the American by the 7oun1 womAn seated above women, aro coming to jutt that. In­In tho WU!lltatJon. It Is voguish· deed, thll most excltlnl llOWIJI about J7 ~bled with a pale bello felt atocltlnga 11:1 the rec~:nt introduction 1porta hilt. motclilng doe21kln &loves, of amnrtly styled 1ull·tashloned deep copper brown calf spectator sportl atocklnp of domeiXUc cotton sporta shdcn with built-up leather lisle.

Got out your scrap bni o.nd get re•dy to atart your Calico Cnt quUt. Ench cot pll\ch mennurc11 about 4 by 0 lncbca nnd Is co call)' t~ apply. You'D bo delighted with & colortulnell!l. Uno It on a pll· low too: lt'a very cil'ec:Uve. Pot­tom 1503 contnlllll accurate pnt-

i•lll5 111 dcmlgned for olzea 34, 30, 30, 40, 42, 44, 40, 48. Size aa rc­qulreLJ 4% yardll of 39-lnch mote· rial, with 3\!1 yarda of braid for trimming.


lAW lUI. • >

heels and fino llalo menh copper This apring nearly olJ tho Jead· color atoeldngo.. Tho tnllorlng of lng honlery manufacturers · are the Jacket ohovns ouperb workman- bringing out home-grown durene shJp o.nd the prCJ:eneo of unclul as llnlo hone that nre oleek, bulklcu wen (1!l decorntlve pockct.!l deelnrcs o.nd ftntterlng, tuned to the ~ate that f4!1hlotlll ore mucbly pocketed. of the m011t fonUdloWJ. U the men.

Tho glrlln the foreground Is wenr- tJon ofllale ho:llery milkeD you think a favorite cnmpull contumc-a of the drab regulation atocldngn of swing ph!lltcd nldrt in colorful plnld boarding cc:bool dnyo, you w1U be v;ool (o .. munt hove" In every chic Olltonlahcd at the beauWul otyllng wardrobe) o.nd twin awcotcrn In not- of the nOW·P<Jttemed aportD Unles, urol belgl! canbmcrc. Fino liCit o.nd In denlgng that almply cry for l'rtript!l:l ndd itt thC" fanhlon tntere!lt cooordlnntfon with npectotor twtf&!s of ber new durene llale n(pcldngn and active aport COlltumen. Im· which nrc now ao vogui!lh. portnnt otylo news in connection

U there fg one leru:on more thlln with tho new durene llnlen fg thnt · o.nother that the new oprlng foah- they revive clockn, amnrt In either

lonn Impress upon un It In thot a aelt or contrO!lt embroidery. These costume IJJ only os amort and cor· ntocldngs n1so ore to be bnd In rect os the ncceru:orles worn with spaced or clooe dropstltch ribs. The it. There fg absolutely no hit-and· mesh construeUoru~ nrc pnrtlculnrly mlr.11 celectlon tolerated when It good looking nnd ore adaptable to corneD to headwenr, footwear, the tnllored ntreet costumes as well as llovea, belts, bagn, even the hand- to classic sportD clothes. kerchlcls we carry, that CQrrelnte 0 WH'..em Newa;>:>Qer Ue~=.



• • • fiJ ,.


Dheults . 2 cups tlour 3 tenopoons baking powdar ~ tcaapoon Jlnl1 4 ~blespoons ohortcnlng ;.) cup milk (aboutl Sift dry Ingredients together. Rub

o~ cut In ohortenlng with a atlfr ~ knife. Stirr tn milk. Work UghUy Into mnooth dough. Knead nnd roll or pat out about bnU·lnch thick on o flouttd board. Cut into rounlb, put on baking sheet and bako "ot (450 degreea.Fnhrenheit) for ten to twelve minutes.


2Y.! cupg pastry fiaur 4 teaspooOll baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 3 eggs V.Z cup melted s.hortenlng or conk-

p,g oil 1¥.1.irups milk Mix nnd silt dry Ingredients; beat

eggs nnd stir in ,shortening or oiL Add milk, and then dry In~ ents niJ at once. Bent untu ther­oughly mixed and bake In hot waf­fle Iron about flve minutes.

StnUord Sauce, 1,2 cup cream 3 tablespoons chopped apple.. 2 tablespoons horserndfgh '14 teaspoon salt Whip cream and fo1d In other In-

gredients. serve with cold turkey.

Pattern 11>83.

tern pieces; o diagram of block whlcb serves 0!1 a guide for pine· lng the patcheD and suggesta con­trasting materials: complete, aim· ple lnstructfollll for ctJttlng, sew· fng oru1 flnfghlng, together with ynrdoge chart; diagram of quilt to help arrange blockn for alngle and double bed site. .. 1

Send 15 e1mts in stomps or coins i (coins preferred) for this pattern : to The Sewing Circle: Nccdlecrnlt I Dept., ll2 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. ;

1233 fg denlgned for al:tcll 34, 30, 39, 40, 42, 44, 40, 40, 50 nnd 52. Slw 3!¥ rcqulreo 5~ yardn of ro. Inch tnoterlal.

1402 In dl'slgncd for al:ten 32. 34, :W, 39, 40, 42, 44. Size 34 requires 4 yards of 30-lnch material. with ebort alcevell, With long nleevcn, 4~lo yarda.

Sprinr.Summer Plltlem nook. Send 15 centn for the Barbaro

&U Spring ond Summer PaUom Book whlc.h 1!1 now rc>ady. It t'OD· ~Ins 10!.1 attractive, prat'tit'ol and bet'oming dcslnnn. The Bnrbnrn Bell pottcnut ore weiJ planned, accurately cut olld eoay to follow. Each pntll'm induden o sew-<.'hnrt which enables ClVCn n beginner to cut nnd motte her o\vn t'lothca.

Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dt>pl., Room 102n, 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chlt'ngo, m. Price of pottem..'l, 15 ct!nts (in colrul) each.

o n.n s,..-.:!rea~e--wnu S<otvt«o.



AU It umnlly costl to rd~"' the mtJery or a eold today-b31 toSI - rdlet for the period of youreold 151 to 25/. Heme no family aced neglect eveo minor bead eo!tb.

Here b what to do: Take two DA YER toblcb wbm you ltd • cold eo mine on - with A run g}IIM of water. Then re~t.lf ~. aceonlins to dim:Uoru In ea.eb patlulge. Relid comu rnpldly.

The Dgycr method o! rclld tJ the wny mtmY tloetonnrow approve; You toke Dayer ruplrltl fur relld - tbm U you !In! ooL lmprovcd promptly, you ea1l the fnmlly doctor.

15~~~~.~~ I FULL DOZZM 2Sc

VIrtually 1 cent a tabflt •

-· -- --------/NTN£


The new"Selt suede bats ore seUing ob~ut Oll fast ns the sales cheeks cnn be made cut. They are in the most beguiling col­oro for suede, as we niJ know. tnkes dyes most beautifully and these hats nre worth the price for their CQlor alone. It fg a joy to behold their exqufgite pastel colorings that in. elude such Iavely sort groyrnh blues, pretty "dtlllty'' pinks, mint green, lilac shades, the new golds o.nd cop­pers nnd tlle vogu.lsb cereal shades. You can get ?nY of the darker col· ors, navy, browtl, dubonnet red, raspberry-any colpr you want. Be­fore you put one of these suede fantasfes on, they look shapeless, but with a dett pat bere, and a cun• nlng twist there, presto! you have a most becoming cpapeau tuned to your individuality and h,airdress, and With a little more c:oaxing these hots can be mnnipplated to wear in a dozen or more difietent ways. They are smart as cnn be to wear nt the Immediate moment nnd they give the costume just the touch of color that Is needed to lead on to sprmg. Best of It ~ , they are tea· stmably priced, o.nd it's lots of tun being one's own milliller.

ScaUoped 07sters. 5 tablespoons butter 4 cupg soft bread crumbs 11.'4 teaspoons salt

says Jimmy &aleman, praisln' tiD faSt..-oUinJ, ••Row "anakln'.a!! tobaccO ••••

Pepper 1 tabl~spoon lemon Juice 1 pint oysters Melt the butter, add crumbs and

seasonings o.nd miX welL Dram oysters-11M lirrange in alternate laY· ers with the buttered crumb!! in a greased baking dlih. lfake- t.Ytenty minutes in a bot. oven. (450 degr(!~ .· Fahrenheit). .

· Bread PuddhlJ', 2 cups dry'aread ciUntfut 1 quart hot thii}C .

• > o/" cup sugar . ' A Smart HaC . f CuP chopJ?Cd figs

Pillboxes are smart. They Offer ¥• C11P nieited butter . Outstanding examples of this the low c:;,town and forward pltc:!h ~ eggs, beat$ . . • )eara .~~al coat .st~l¢~ a~e the that many women long for agaJn.. · '1Jalt · , .. na~al colored woo1 couts for trav· They come In close-woven straW.· ~ cup chopped nuts . . · g

e1, spokts or campus. Son wool or feltiJ and are neatly always dark .Add breid crumbs to hot nillk mut . .. 1IHCe 1a for_ the fitted and ln cqtor1 accented with a.ome brl&ht set. asld~ fp coot. then add au other . ; ;· . 1lared with its pad- hue. A number are given heilbt l.ngtedlents and pout into gre~

-. 1Hd · · · .· poctcets at1d ·bt trbn& ·, • _ baking cmh. Ptace fa pan of &at . · uroad . x-accoon. Keep In · . . . . · water in moderate oven and bake

• > '

·· lhcl' 1mu· . coat or il . WedcUut SJ.1lu ,. · . fot one hour. ot steam l()t two · • , "'

211 . that ::~~~~ari~cu- Lcmt svelte_ atmplleltt _qf Unci ia ·. bQI!ts. SetV6 With plcln·ctt wblpped

70 fbte rol-~-­cnni dptettee Ia en17 :z.-. ·ua •f Priau .fJbett.

tOI;n~ .. .. I • ....... """· Clo. ... ........... a.

• >

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r i,

i I

i I >:<I

I i

• ' r . .


• • . . ' Garden & Field . Seeds •

Onion Sets, Red and White

Garde Hoes Garden Rakes Horse Collers

• ' •J

• Trace ChaiW! Plaster Cemel1t · Dynamite Caps & Fuse Eave Tr.ough

· Down Pipe

our Pri(e~ Are Rea~onable • • •

We Fill Mail Orders Pro~ptly · •

The Titsworth (flmpany, lnt Capitan, ·N.-M. · --. . -


., .

' ' • •

I .

· Mrs. Kalaen:-wbo 1

has l)een Th•; present Mayor, Vjllage · d' h · . · • h h Coun~1~ and· CJer.k of the V1llage .

ellen mg t e wanter Wlt . er of Eparr1zozo, fe$1'ectfully-.submit daughter, ~rs. Thomaa Karr le!* t~etr names t~, t.he . voters of the Monda~ .n1ght for her home 1n, Vdlage ff_lr thell' c'!n.~ideration at Des Moines. .· . . . . · tl;te el9ctJon on April 5, 1938.

. The purpose of this announce­Mrs. H. E. Kell~r and daught~r ment at this time is to encourage

from Nogal ~esa attended the any group or grp-qp'S of"' citizens, Morris trial last Friday. c~Ued by, whtever name, who

. may t:are to mbmit any candidate Mr. Clarence Morgan of "uc,tor candidates for the various

Alamogordo _News offices to do so. h~re last Friday, 1!-8 ·!1. cbaracte~ We believe in, strict non-partis-Wl~ness !or E~rl Moms w~o WBI Dn!!hip in municipal affairs. . We bemg ~r1ed for maJUJlaugbter. do not presume to take any credit

Mrs. W. S. Norman baa been ill tor acoomplishment, nor do we at the Rathmann hospital for apologize for anything ·that has seve,ral day1. Mils Jane Norman not been done. ·· and a friend from the University, Our colleague Mr. Padilla, for Misa Seigel,· came home from various reasons, bas decidtd 'not Albuque.rque and will ·remain to allow his name to 'be pretented until Mrs. Norman geta better. lor re-election and Mr. Daniel • •

Born-To Mr. &nd Mn. Ernest Chavez has consented ,to allow us Dingwall, .Tucumcari~ Saturday, to offet· his name in Mr~ Padilla's March 19,a 7lb. baby girl.· stead. .

Born--To Mr. aild ~n. RufUJ · I.B:·amlm,. Merced, .CalUorn~ flD

The Mayor, Village Council and Clerk.

March 22, a boy. . . The ·Woman's - Missionary ''My Sltll Was full ol Pimples .

Society of the Methodilt church Ud BlemhDes lrom (ODStiPitiOD'' '

will bold ~ baked goods sale at -Tlw I<;n~tlioh buiJdjng on the· --.... ~-"'"---"""""'-"""-"""""'.,....,.......,.__, tho c · H rd v s hi "'S. •

corner or Alamogordo avenue 1 The New Shoe Sh~p · · mrrtzozo - • war& · · ema c epp: - mce using-! ••PP•mllll Harvl.'y's service ut.ation f, OppollteJu.tlee of P•a .. omc• pany'a store on Saturday April Adlerika the pimples are gone. "towh w

11J bu c..ccupicd by thl! B. B. Mpn•l&a, Pr•P.· 16th. 4t. My skin is smooth and glows with

llm•m 1 ;roc(•ry otore io being 1 f:':di! ~!~n~:dhb:Sta llsS~ Mr. L. P. Hall of A~cho health." ~dlerika washes BOTH r• dr···orutcd and repainted. Alllo Rubber boob for mon aGe attended Dlatrict court Monday. bowaln, and relieves constipation

I Ladlco' rubbor taps 20 & 2Gc • that 10 often aggravates a

11 .... w I our 111 being put in tho All Work C•araat-t Mr. C. B. Rockwell of Capatan comp.lexlon. Rolland's Dr u g loutldtnu. . . •-----------' was.a bUiineu vl1ltor here last Store ..

.... ee- •• --~--


Regular Dlnnera, Plate Lunchea, Short Ordera, Sandwlchea and Coffee


MmM. C. 0. Davin nnd E. E. Dixon, Prope.

As Neighborly As Your Grocer

Ypur gr.oeer io alrltndly mnn. trying hard to pleuc you wilh hin aoodn and hla oervice.

An your banbra, we wnnt to rwUN you that we are JUllt OD aiOCif(', ll!ldleighborJy nnd 85 ready to 181'VE!, U 10ur grocer, your but.eher, your druggist, or aoy of our wlll·liked local morchanta.

LINCOLN COUNTY AGENCY, Citizens State Bank or Vaughb, •

Carrizozo, N. M.

Membe.l' Federal Deposit huurance C.rporation-. ~

Monday •

. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skinner and Attend Bridge Luncheon httle grandaon, Jackie Payne, from the Bonito, M.r. Skinner'• -mother, Mn. Pinkie Skinner o( Ten ladles from hero attended Nogal were Carrizozo ahoppu1 thu bridge luncheon given by tho Monday. Fort Stanton ladiea IBSt Thumday

Mr. Manhall Wcat, Capitan, for be~efit of the. n~w club hounu was in town Wedneaday and while which 19 to be butl!· They were hero renewed hil ub rf tio to Mm~. Albert Ztegl_er, Sel~a h l

1 ae P n DegJtz, M. U. Finley, Don· t o Linco n County Newa for English Ben Burna R E ' -another year ' • • · ~.~~:mon

• R. E. Blaney and ni1ter, Mro. Lut wttk tho Walter Storey Rogm, c. P. Huppertz and

family movtd to their n.nch near J. W. J. Evan•. Ancho to live Cor the aummer.

Magaret Elllot wu unable to attend school the fint ot tho week on account ol illneu.

Mn. Bryaon Corbett wu diJ. characd from a loeal h01pltallut week after an illneaa of two or tbroo weeD. J

Mfq Haldane Stover of Belen 1pent the wetk end in Carrilozo with fritnda.

ICI'. Herbert· J. Smllb, Juatfce of tho Peace Crom Ruldolio wu a bUIIneu vilitor and court atten~· ant hero lalt Wednraday. While

to1JD, Mr. Smith added bia name to our auh&cripUon Uat.

Mr. A. E. Bellinger of Tul&J"'A spent Tuuday here helping to unpack and arrange the muchu­diJe for the aew B4M atcire. Mr. and Mn. Donald Teeter who will have the atore in charge, arrived lut Friday from their home ia OkJahomL They are rtaiding in

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~ii~ an apartment in the Carrizozo ~ Hardware building.

e CONVENIENCE lET ••• 'Pbree dishes ef Norb:lke oven ware. Two 1-quart water battles.

e DESSERT lET ••• Eight indiWi· •

ua1 des~erta am be chiDed or ~


Buildlat Material Sash--Doors-Lwmber

Lime--Glass-Pipe Bolts~Pipe Fittings

Bath Room Sets Cornagated Roofing

Rope--Paint-Windmills Well Cylinden


Bal1nr Wire - Tool StHI - ThrH•Pb . WaU Board 95c Cement 95c

, $i.2S· Cedar Shinglu. · $1~25 . · . . EaY9 Trough, Ridge,RtU, Barbie!. Wire

Sgaooth Wire, Stock Tanks, Poultry Nettbtr, ltc.

·1" Men's Work'Ciotbtl· • ' • -< '-· - .,_ -- '\)

. . _ t4" WESTERN LUMBER. COMPANY • . .. ·, pt. ...... 38 . ...' ,...__;,t ... ·.·· . ,W.i u . . t ., . ..,..,.., . . . . . Wl"uoo.&9, n. •n• • • io:-'\' I' • ' \'_ ~ ~


. . • • '

.• - ·- .. ~-·'· "'-"" ''"~~----~-'" ''-"-.;··-:r-. -·-


NoUee for PllbUcatloa United ltatll

Departmen' ol Interior General Land Offiu at ~• ••

Cnttfl8f New Muieo, March 18, 1938.

Notice fa hereby gi;ren that Monro. H. Boward, 'Of CapitaD, N. !.(ex., who,· ott -Februli'J 2, 1983, made additloaal bomtltead • entr-Y No. 04723, ·tor W,USWJ(,

tttfc)b 18, ToWDihlp 10 s., Ranae

in these new dishes.

" ' e AUTOMATIC PftESEftVOill •• • Three posltions for c:oZd stomge use or thilling er meats or deuerts.

e NORGE PftEITOTftkYI ••• Re· rruwe cnc ice cube or a dozen this quitk, easy way. Simple, clean, s:d'C.

~~;A SHAFT 'tUJUtl ••• ~·" I&,ADE MOVES­

~tr...., ftOUEft ftOIIL.

18E,, N. M. P.·!lertdiin, baa . 10-YEAR WARRANTY til..S nOtlt$ .t intention to make on the RoUatot compression unit you 8 Y•r Proof, to 81t&bliah 'clai• to buy today will atifi be tn efi'eet tn the land abon .de.aibed, befOfll 1948. On1y Norge bas the surplus· E. uni" P. H. all_. '" ,1 t._·,• • ·• t po<Nertd Rotlator com~ thnt • "f '"" • ~ makeit cclil by mtolvlng slQWly 1n a Commblionet, at Ca\Ktu, N. p..'t111rulent ~thor protecUni oil ••• l.{m, on the 6th day ·of May, Thnt's why the Rollatot eompteSSlon 1938. _,. ' · Wlit ••• exclusive to Norge , •• carries .

Clalmaatll~DM.u Wl\u•••= a lQI.YEAR .w~n ... ~.,·-· 1darall&U Wtit,- · ~ · .. TERMS At 1.8· c A ' Watntt Wilt, _ . Lo·w· .1'" .•. . ·D • v-W. 1h llotmei,' . · . . . . . . " • J•NJ. B.:Howant, •11 -or Capltan · Cih<. I'! .. •age.' ·

. • M. - . .,~ ~

... _ ... ··. ·. ·. . _ .. ~~A,.. Bo..b, Phon• 36 CarrJioa\o, N .. M .. ,..April u. · lttallmr; .. · · · · -· · ·. · .·· · --- · ··· ... ~ · ·. · · ·


. ' "' '· '

' ' . .

. .

. . . . I


•• • • J '

-'! r . ' . . ' '


' . \ .. ? •

··Brown bilt · Styl~s for I • • '

.. Easter and Spring -.

Smart · Brown hilt styles for· W o~en t~e very newest in .foot• , wear to harmonize with . . .


. Spring Oothes~ Brillant mlor s . '

-- Flattering· Designs -· •· ' ·- - . .. . . . . .

Smartly styled patterns make these Brown hilt shoes every bit

• · · as--Important a~· your- new- ··- ~ ·

Spring· Borinet . '

Pri(ed 3:50 to 6.00


O.pening DATE . Preparations are going· for­

ward for our OPENING • •

Date willlbe announce·d in next week's


B. & M. Mercantile Co. •

I Mean You! This is not an advertisement for the bank. They

, han money. Yo11r rich neighbon have money . Why? Because they save it.


Capitan, New Mexico


March Winds ' '' AR8 HARD ON HAIR AND SKIN

Let THELMA and BEE give ron-treatments to counteract them. Our Pef1nanenta, Finger Waves an~ -:Marcels -· 1

for parties and dance!! will give you poise and ielf · _, ~ton. because they are right . and auit

the individual ,t. ' . . . •

• • BEE'S BEAutY SHOPPE ' . . . . .

• • • .. . .

• .• Phon• 81 .. ..-• .. . '

. ' • • i . ' . ' . ' •

' . . •

' '

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'\-, ..


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