Top Banner
, . -. . '0 , ' .. .... -- , ';' <' "$' +r._' Fi rst , * , " Work of , - - -'" - ! to , " .... . One . . log apHllor on ardor. Tho Moores live In Capiton and were among flrat In New Mexl· • co 10 receive poverty loan. In photo, from left, Mooro, Reubon, aged 8; Stoven, 7; Mrs, Moore with Vivian, 3;' Wesley, 12, and Boyd, 9. Loans •• DAN 1:>. SWEARINGiti. Insurance -. neal E.'1'at& - l!S'7-4255 .. "I .... -'-'- YOU WON'T GAMBl.e WITH AN UP.·TO.DATE HOMEOWt;lERS' POUC·(. ,, Don .. crllge tbat doesn't provide for the value of your pr.QJIertyl . Let ,us update your' polley nOW. . ., ,. · . .. , .' , ,. - . Koeping Up Willi FoIl(s In Lincoln COunl Ulll' Klrkpntrlr'k. dnu:'h'('r of Mr nncl Mr<1 I,loyd F; Kit krlllrll'lt, ,,1.1 own IJrOPN tl' III "1mI' (lllll-;. I'. Iii nUeml a bnllqu:ot ('trlllll, wCrl: In Alamll;wldo Wile", tltp N'llW Mr'lIl'O ('ImpIl't "f fill' "tnttl 01 ArIlI'r!Nl \\ III Ilrr "lit her wllh n trophy lor Illl\lti :biil'll plckl.'d l\!I Ihr tlIolt· Pinto qurc'1! In Jl1I1r !lIte' 'till J!O to (""lIloM/ln !el COlllJll'lt· nqnlll' I 1'11110 Qllp"l\'l frill)) athl'" .. llIlr·J Cor Ifll' lIaUollol I'!I,' , " _ ...... - ... , t, = , - ._# n t. . , . . " Capitan Man. Pu.ts , 'Anti-Poverty - """"''POVERTY LOAN BUYS W. Moore and wife are ahawn with five of .their eight chl/dron, besldo truck loaded with firewood he was able to acqulro with assls· tance of a loan 'antl.poverty' program.' .. Truck and chain saw wero among Items he bought with loan, .and ho has a hydraulic' * * OPERATING CAPITAL OF 3Ic LEFT FROM $2,5.00- ------------_ .... -.- ' . ' . . .. \. , ; , . '. _ .... PiI t G . . ... .,.,-". .... "". it ,-.." •. '" § '0 r .,."y." ," ' . :' ...... " ' . > ,r , , ' . , '. , •• '. . > , . ' .. , . , "" . ! > ' ... . . CODE:: 88345 .. ' . <' .' ., I . '. '. iJ " , . . ,j ,,' " , .. , , 0 , = '. , t·· . . , , , . , .. , . . . , . , $ . - r t C!Iar't" tv Mooro or ('nlJUnn III Utili' nl '" UfI\': to lilllkl' n Ilvln:r ror h,n' elf m ct h':, Will' lltU1 their eight 'he:I'" I \".th from nn "anti· 11:1.. .>1' \ leln!' II" lallt week, aNi \\ \\In'" hI' hall alrrlldy nc- t;'1ll 'd "(llIiIJnll'llt to wetk' nt II:.J <:t wcod('Ullrr Thr lOAn (1/, 10 02 liM Cl!td With UIO 11'1""'\ ." 'nr 1;1' hM bouUbt l\ two· l'ilI 1,1:01 h,!I'TCmtllllClI tturk, wllh t\f,"" II,' I fUI'p!ac(' \\'tJUd tbllt- h.. : ' (":I'.Il: Mtll nitI'\\' C'/Ulln·IInk 'IH\ I,.' b1U "II aud loj 1I0W ttolng. On ' IfIH ". (I hydrnulI(' 10:J Ilpllllt'r. 1,' ' ,.N) WC!'l "Ilent n'l rollo\\'3, h:> '<l" . QI (lOO I n'll1 for Ibe truck, 'I" \\ hld'l /II' 1'I11"t add 50 cordll of 'If'''HtG'! (l'l till' tmJrlnro of ]JliY- Im",1 If) 1)1' el"I-'!·, f"d 10 UIl' pAtty The> D:orl C"hC'lIr)''l e-f C"(lpllnll ha\<' ft""1 \" Pdl hI' bou:lht till:' tfuck.; n Inrul" l:r"f'llhou'lC' thnl 111\"'1 tlll'I'l $,',':' rr, f.'r 1111' I hllln.llnk snw, and mUIII plC'a<:ufr III rnl In'! flowl'r'l III II,.' h\ 'Ira :tl!1' 1000r:pIlUt>r on ordt'r, aU flll" wII!l'IJ oiClI. 1I1H" 51 1m 'lO HI" hod to buy Cour tlrt's lDOllY othrr pNJplr 1'11'11 "lIrt' "ltl! !'" ,h:' Wid' <'O'lUn:r $109 94. mnk= buy polt,fd plnnl-; and ftmn'l'l Cfll'lI Ill. b'l !"Ilnl l'ltPt'ndltur(' $2.499 C9 tho C1INtf')··.. hOllt"'1';1' A- '.'<:110" tw+ GIl- .opprnl1n¢ t'l1pltnl- Alt!!. Cht't\py wlllt tlt,. (It1\n'r rrrow· I i I I .. (I!' 'of II .. loan oJ t'llBeU)' 31('. ng 11 WI' mot ll'l' .• >or" :ar.. _ ".I';(,tl' raId hI' 1!111dl' Btl nppllen. (",Ipmill: lln'q'1lol1 (I r h'" loan brett UI\"rn n ('llolC'r 01. nn ('IN'lrll' !tll' Fnnnl'r'!l Home Ad, ....... to'!'" til' ft fif.,; - ..• " Ie' nn pRn fret' by thl' Ott'ro ('OllUly ":11'(" WQ-' nldrd In pro('ror,llIt:r till' loan trlc Co-OJl('rnU\"1' UI' hal> 10 ""t (I"r,,!d aottlon 01 thl' SOli t:: 0uscnll - ltmn at thr ('omp:my"J offlr(' In lLOn E:{'f\"lcr ofUrl' In C'llPltnn, as Cloud('MlI lAo,·': 0" 01: k Fln\'d In thl:' F II A. UJ ... ·U LlnC'oln ('ouhllall'l "holllnt: till' "'nott· rud t..t fl'f"I\f'd hi!} tOlln iIIlalC' 1I:/lI.latut(' whnr It \4'11'4 n, 'all .1) In lIrAl'llon l'lltly tills ",('"k "I'rl' 'fllf' W"N bU' !Ill'':!) wn:; In op<!ta- SId GllodloC' IIf ('.pllan and nob IWII in Mill( a CI'W hourI'! nfter tim JJurhllnllllln. thl! school !l1fll<,rln· 11M'. \\/'fr 011 hitlld. Moore Iil\ld.-· klldent of ('orona. ('ollrltlJ1rd Inc,' work hr hod h(>quII brlnaltlf!' ItS board ml'mbrr of Ft. SIAntoll III trUt'!!. .l!!ad:J 01 lU-cp!ac.o wOfXl. Slate- Tit. Ulllql1fliT w('re.> nrr", Illl'n ,"" n,'nthy hili', nnd 0101111- ChlUICll Jollrll or ('apltan alld t,lm" In Hil' Cnplfllll nfC'1l f'aul J'aytcm, ('arrlz1l2C1 mmll- IV Moltn' \\ A'1 I'mploY"d ll!'! tl!hc!c J1:4!1('rman, • Jlu.1 ('AI'f'!' In for hfm- (l.t! ttl Iltr':C'f11 thl". mll.tX(!t Arm" SJ)rCla!ht Four OnCrll t. '" $10 !l cord for Ufl:1pllL ,IIi. Snnch('?. t;otl of Mr. alld Mm. Mal(- C(lrwnn !Jut Whl'll hl9 llplltter ttl mlllnno C. Snrwhl'z, San Pt1ltl('lo. pul 10 w'nk. It I' ran It!.'t *111 II cord Willi lumlll'!H'd Jan III to tht" 1qt fur th .. IIrf'wood. I Atll'lort'd r>lv""on nt !"ott Hood. MlOr£> '.lilY'. lil:l wilt carry 'fex SnrC'lall!i1 EltUlehrz, n mrcbtlll' I!lrrll of wood. He cuts fJluon, 10 Itl Cou\Jlnny C Of til!' dlvlsllln'(j' JUlll!k'r Clod eadar ll.lId r,ometlmp.3 lII}h. El1gl1lt'l'r l.'J)wrl'd ht' cutg plM aod oak. -Thl" family 11ll! Army In May 1M3 lllld co'rmlo(· mllv('(l to Cnpllnu In Sel>tembor or Cd \>Mlo at 1"otl Otd. Callt. tiltH trom Metedlr Onp, Tex .• whl!r., TM . Jl'l_ll...11Ui1---l\(>,. flatf - ·worldn.rr .. not1dO H1nh Schoo/. ('edar p<t ..ts. Mr, . ntld Mrr<. MOOte marrIed ·In Mrs. Jim Tully 01 OIl'llcoc wn"l 1ft trH7 Itt (}unnlsofi, Colo.. wh<lfe Mrg. 'n no,;wqll l\'l il nnt/ent, It Moor!' WQl} 11 Jun10r In high schOol. \vllg I'll!lbrll.'d to the nultlor.o NeW!l MIlOt'(! mUd M (ffdn'{ high early. [lila wct'k'r,CMo) either. Ito \\1M Il!tt an· ur- .. ". ..' •••. f,lhtm ttl \hC! I1ge of 12, Mrs. .Moor(\' . Bitt. .11'sU' ChnvcTz. 24, I.on. sMd, " . '. . '.' 'Ot ·Mrs. Ro:.;pI!a t, c:lltlVPll, Sit!! _.,' .... w. = ..... _. ,,' ,', ... _ ,.. ' .. pnltlclo, pnrtlclpl\lrd Itl ale ot !londu .... ,,,- ,,, . ,-, - 1t'flw"dny'Wlhtcf ntiTil' ..• ," u. ".:"-. ... , Irtl1nfnt; (!i(crcl&c I.n KorM that end. 11'1 tt'co(trlltllltl work wUlt Cd Jan, 22. Ch4VIlll, l\ ).'OUllg sheep breeders 01 tho countY. t.qund Jender IIi Co. 0, 2nd Bll.tlll!lun L1nc(llu QUIltI!Y EXU,lliSlon Agent Qt Oil! 1'1Ul tnfahtrv' In tlnfl'lI OunInp Wal! Mmcd COllXlt'y . " . : '. .' .' , .' ,.' .. . 'l kQfca, enlered 1M Army In tic- Agent 01 tM 'Ycgr bttho N'o\\( Mex- INTERIOR OFOOItM... FoOf ofthlt boy. merl bpenJng potty held M<)nd'ay. 'rom for'l ccmb<!r !{I$9 and Mdvl.1d· OVeract\'} fco Wool tlrowers! In thell' annual sr.rrcl 0' tort Stanton '.. C;ut Otero, 'MIke Mendel', Vlneollf Gdfh;clo on lflts toUt:' of duty In NOVl.1fi1bl!t:' convention ll\,'lt wl.1ck·t\nd fu "tiff :neW In pt.paratlonfor filldt.. dnd Lupe Rodrlquet. , . IjjM. The Is tL 19S11 grady- well, . ,I i'; "j i' ," . 3 ' r -2 m j''pf' - li . "(" 5' J, 0 ,- 5 '" '0_. " i' ,:.1 or. i'n -• -. t, t i -. "f .. " 'I •• ' ", ; " ,,>, .. -- t l t' ,. 0 ty f [I l ,F t " - f ' ., ' ,-- h f" - t ,. .. ' 0 + ... " . 'i . tt* H,·d" '! b.. ! .... ',) oj? j .!' S < "" , 1l' - 'I' " ,. ,,' '.' " - lion' ' \. .. 'jJw,f I .oj', t '6 lP'.,...iltvl"';vh•• II" - U,,· 'll' "f ' t '" it PI' W " '&:ill'" "'lit.i7 ,st 0" olIO u ..t'l! If _.'6'M il '. "l " ..""- .' #' .. -. "- ' .. ." . · '1.2 ,In! -8ecti01l.· .l . . .' .... . \ . .. m 'BO.«;t;"Ja)'I."-,d . " 4. i ._I. 4 , I. ' . . . .. SA J j , · . . '. ', lleiSURl' r. WitH: , COMPftEHEN$r/E AUTO' . PROll:c.T'.pN.' Our. fuU-coveracc.,-pto J;nsurance .offe",- the . "or you and every member of yC!ur' . fanifly. c",il us todayl' . .. 1!lth 11MB, NUMBER 33 ............... •...•. · Around Town . . . 1--- " •.• ......... ... ..... · . ...... .- ,.r <I •. ••
12 · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'

Jul 23, 2020



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Page 1: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'


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Fi rst



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log apHllor on ardor. Tho Moores live InCapiton and were among flrat In New Mexl· •co 10 receive poverty loan. In photo, fromleft, Mooro, Reubon, aged 8; Stoven, 7; Mrs,Moore with Vivian, 3;' Wesley, 12, and Boyd,9.



DAN 1:>. SWEARINGiti. Inc~Insurance -. neal E.'1'at& - P~o,l!e l!S'7-4255

.. "I ....

-'-'- YOU WON'T GAMBl.e


HOMEOWt;lERS' POUC·(. , ,Dontlm~1!le.wllh,.out-ofooda.teucov"u,~· ..

crllge tbat doesn't provide for thepiesell~-dRY value of your pr.QJIertyl .Let ,us update your' polley nOW.

. .,


· . ..



,,. - .

Koeping UpWilli FoIl(s In

•Lincoln COunl ~

Ulll' Klrkpntrlr'k. dnu:'h'('r of Mrnncl Mr<1 I,loyd F; Kit krlllrll'lt, ,,1.1own IJrOPN tl' III "1mI' (lllll-;. I'. IiinUeml a bnllqu:ot Pr1dtl~· ('trlllll,lhl:~ wCrl: In Alamll;wldo Wile", tltpN'llW Mr'lIl'O ('ImpIl't "f fill' "tnttlAs.~OC'llltl(ln 01 ArIlI'r!Nl \\ III Ilrr "lither wllh n trophy lor Illl\lti :biil'llplckl.'d l\!I Ihr tlIolt· Pinto qurc'1! InJl1I1r !lIte' 'till J!O to (""lIloM/ln !elCOlllJll'lt· nqnlll' I 1'11110 Qllp"l\'l frill))athl'" ..llIlr·J Cor Ifll' lIaUollol I'!I,'


" _ ......

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Capitan Man. Pu.ts~ ,



W. Moore and wife are ahawn with five of.their eight chl/dron, besldo truck loaded withfirewood he was able to acqulro with assls·tance of a loan I~ 'antl.poverty' program.' ..Truck and chain saw wero among Items hebought with loan, .and ho has a hydraulic'

* *OPERATING CAPITAL OF 3Ic LEFT FROM $2,5.00-------------_....-.- '

. '

. ...


, ;



~o' _ ....

PiI t G . ·""r".~Or~~·. ....,.,-"..... " " . it ,-.." •. '" §'0 r .,."y." ," '. :' ...... " .....~, ' .


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.•~ CODE:: 88345

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C!Iar't" tv Mooro or ('nlJUnn IIIUtili' nl '" UfI\': to lilllkl' n Ilvln:r rorh,n' elf m ct h':, Will' lltU1 their eight'he:I'" I \".th lur.d~ from nn "anti·11:1.. .>1' \ • leln!' II" ~l'('urt'd lallt week,aNi \\ l~h \\In'" hI' hall alrrlldy nc­t;'1ll 'd tJI~11' "(llIiIJnll'llt to wetk' ntJI~. II:.J <:t wcod('Ullrr Thr lOAn(1/, "111~"" 10 02 liM Cl!td With UIO11'1""'\ ." 'nr 1;1' hM bouUbt l\ two·l'ilI 1,1:01 h,!I'TCmtllllClI tturk, wllht\f,"" II,' I 'l'1~" fUI'p!ac(' \\'tJUd tbllt­h.. : ' (":I'.Il: Mtll nitI'\\' C'/Ulln·IInk'IH\ I,.' b1U "II aud loj 1I0W ttolng.On ' IfIH ". (I hydrnulI(' 10:J Ilpllllt'r.

1,' ' ~, ,.N) WC!'l "Ilent n'l rollo\\'3,h:> '<l" .QI (lOO I n'll1 for Ibe truck,'I" \\ hld'l /II' 1'I11"t add 50 cordll of'If'''HtG'! (l'l till' tmJrlnro of ]JliY- •

• Im",1 If) 1)1' el"I-'!·, f"d 10 UIl' pAttyThe> D:orl C"hC'lIr)''l e-f C"(lpllnll ha\<' ft""1 \" Pdl hI' bou:lht till:' tfuck.;

n Inrul" l:r"f'llhou'lC' thnl 111\"'1 tlll'I'l $,',':' rr, f.'r 1111' I hllln.llnk snw, andmUIII plC'a<:ufr III rnl In'! flowl'r'l III II,.' h\ 'Ira:tl!1' 1000r:pIlUt>r on ordt'r,aU G('a~on!l. flll" wII!l'IJ oiClI. 1I1H" 51 1m 'lO HI" hod to buy Cour tlrt'slDOllY othrr pNJplr 1'11'11"lIrt' "ltl! !'" ,h:' Wid' <'O'lUn:r $109 94. mnk=buy polt,fd plnnl-; and ftmn'l'l Cfll'lI Ill. b'l !"Ilnl l'ltPt'ndltur(' $2.499 C9tho C1INtf')··.. hOllt"'1';1' A- '.'<:110"

1f>3.~1fu.! tw+ GIl- .opprnl1n¢ t'l1pltnl­Alt!!. Cht't\py wlllt tlt,. (It1\n'r rrrow·I i I I

.. (~t. (I!' 'of II .. loan oJ t'llBeU)' 31('.ng 11 WI' mot ll'l'.•>or" :ar.. _

• • • ".I';(,tl' raId hI' 1!111dl' Btl nppllen.-<~~!4ud~Wtt1lwl.. (",Ipmill: lln'q'1lol1 (I r h'" loan 1~1--No\'('itI6(lt'-~

brett UI\"rn n ('llolC'r 01. nn ('IN'lrll' 1t1C();I~1J !tll' Fnnnl'r'!l Home Ad,~.......~u.c;~~~ to'!'" til' ft fif.,; - ..• " Ie' • nn

pRn fret' by thl' Ott'ro ('OllUly ":11'(" WQ-' nldrd In pro('ror,llIt:r till' loan ~ytrlc Co-OJl('rnU\"1' UI' hal> 10 ""t (I"r,,!d aottlon 01 thl' SOli t::0uscnll­th~ ltmn at thr ('omp:my"J offlr(' In lLOn E:{'f\"lcr ofUrl' In C'llPltnn, asCloud('MlI lAo,·': 0" 01: k Fln\'d In thl:' F II A.

• • • td!lf~ UJ no.~.u· ...·ULlnC'oln ('ouhllall'l "holllnt: till' "'nott· rud t..t fl'f"I\f'd hi!} tOlln

iIIlalC' 1I:/lI.latut(' whnr It \4'11'4 n, 'all .1)

In lIrAl'llon l'lltly tills ",('"k "I'rl' 'fllf' W"N bU' !Ill'':!) wn:; In op<!ta-SId GllodloC' IIf ('.pllan and nob IWII in Mill( a CI'W hourI'! nfter timJJurhllnllllln. thl! school !l1fll<,rln· 11M'. \\/'fr 011 hitlld. Moore Iil\ld.-·klldent of ('orona. ('ollrltlJ1rd Inc,' work hr hod h(>quII brlnaltlf!'ItS board ml'mbrr of Ft. SIAntoll III trUt'!!. .l!!ad:J 01 lU-cp!ac.o wOfXl.Slate- Tit. Ulllql1fliT w('re.> nrr", Illl'n ,"" n,'nthy hili', nnd 0101111-ChlUICll Jollrll or ('apltan alld t,lm" In Hil' Cnplfllll nfC'1l P('l,WIOU.~-

f'aul J'aytcm, ('arrlz1l2C1 mmll- IV Moltn' \\ A'1 I'mploY"d ll!'! tl!hc!cJ1:4!1('rman, • Jlu.1 ('AI'f'!' In bu"llIr~' for hfm-

• • • ~t'If!l1' (l.t! ttl Iltr':C'f11 thl". mll.tX(!tArm" SJ)rCla!ht Four OnCrll t. '" $10 !l cord for Ufl:1pllL lot.t~ ,IIi.

Snnch('?. t;otl of Mr. alld Mm. Mal(- C(lrwnn !Jut Whl'll hl9 llplltter ttlmlllnno C. Snrwhl'z, San Pt1ltl('lo. pul 10 w'nk. ItI' ran It!.'t *111 II cordWilli lumlll'!H'd Jan III to tht" 1qt fur th.. IIrf'wood. IAtll'lort'd r>lv""on nt !"ott Hood. MlOr£> '.lilY'. lil:l lru~k wilt carry'fex SnrC'lall!i1 EltUlehrz, n mrcbtlll' I!lrrll C'ord~ of wood. He cuts fJluon,10 Itl Cou\Jlnny C Of til!' dlvlsllln'(j' JUlll!k'r Clod eadar ll.lId r,ometlmp.3lII}h. El1gl1lt'l'r Dnl~lIon, l.'J)wrl'd ht' cutg plM aod oak. -Thl" family11ll! Army In May 1M3 lllld co'rmlo(· mllv('(l to Cnpllnu In Sel>tembor orCd \>Mlo tr(tI~M at 1"otl Otd. Callt. tiltH trom Metedlr Onp, Tex.• whl!r.,TM .,~l).¥!,!!!:o!d ~Oldlrl' Jl'l_ll...11Ui1---l\(>,. flatf -t~ ·worldn.rr ~t"~-'~

,H1'4etu~w"or ..not1dO H1nh Schoo/. ('edar p<t..ts.• • • Mr, .ntld Mrr<. MOOte marrIed ·In

Mrs. Jim Tully 01 OIl'llcoc wn"l 1ft trH7 Itt (}unnlsofi, Colo.. wh<lfe Mrg.'n no,;wqll hO~J')lltll. l\'l il nnt/ent, It Moor!' WQl} 11 Jun10r In high schOol.\vllg I'll!lbrll.'d to the nultlor.o NeW!l MIlOt'(! mUd M (ffdn'{ ~om})letc highearly. [lila wct'k'r,CMo) either. Ito \\1M Il!tt an· ur- .. "...' •••. ~ f,lhtm ttl \hC! I1ge of 12, Mrs. .Moor(\'

. ~Army Bitt. .11'sU' ChnvcTz. 24, I.on. sMd, " . '. .'.' 'Ot ·Mrs. Ro:.;pI!a t, c:lltlVPll, Sit!! _.,' ....w. =..... _. ,,' ,', ... _ ,.. ' ..

pnltlclo, pnrtlclpl\lrd Itl Ji~,,(!rcl!~'Ci ale ot !londu JJ!lIh}!~1l!!!iL"....,,,- ,,, . ,-, -,~l{oit4tilek; 1t'flw"dny'Wlhtcf ntiTil' ..• ," u. ".:"-. • ... ,

Irtl1nfnt; (!i(crcl&c I.n KorM that end. 11'1 tt'co(trlltllltl o~ ~'i work wUltCd Jan, 22. S(tr~el\n! Ch4VIlll, l\ ).'OUllg sheep breeders 01 tho countY.t.qund Jender IIi Co. 0, 2nd Bll.tlll!lun L1nc(llu QUIltI!Y EXU,lliSlon AgentQt Oil! dl\lt.~ltm'iJ 1'1Ul tnfahtrv' In tlnfl'lI OunInp Wal! Mmcd COllXlt'y

. " . : '. .' .' , .' ,.' . . .'l kQfca, enlered 1M Army In tic- Agent 01 tM 'Ycgr bttho N'o\\( Mex-INTERIOR OFOOItM...FoOf ofthlt boy. ~: merl bpenJng potty held M<)nd'ay. 'rom for'l ccmb<!r !{I$9 and Mdvl.1d· OVeract\'} fco Wool tlrowers! In thell' annualsr.rrcl Bfan(~~I:tool 0' tort Stanton pain~. '.. C;ut Otero, 'MIke Mendel', Vlneollf Gdfh;clo on lflts toUt:' of duty In NOVl.1fi1bl!t:' convention ll\,'lt wl.1ck·t\nd fu lW~"tiff :neW b.uJfdlt1~ In pt.paratlonfor filldt.. dnd Lupe Rodrlquet. , . IjjM. The tlerg(l~tlf Is tL 19S11 grady- well, .

,I i ' ; "j i' , " . 3 ' r -2m j''pf' - • li . "(" 5' J, 0 ,- 5 '" '0_. " • i' ,:.1 ~ or. i'n - • -. t, t i -. "f .. " 'I •• ' ", ; " ,,>, . . - - t l t' ,. 0 ty f [I l ,F t " - • f • ' ., ' • ,-- h f" - t ,. .. ' 0 +... " . 'i . tt* H,·d" '! b.. !.... ',) oj? j .!' S< "" , 1l'- 'I' " ,. ,,' '.' " - lion' ' \. .. 'jJw,f I .oj', t '6 lP'.,...iltvl"';vh•• II" - U,,· 'll' "f ' t '" it PI' W • " '&:ill'" "'lit.i7 ,st 0" olIO u •..t'l! If _.'6'M ~ il '. "l

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·'1.2 Page~ ,In! 'Se~~on$ -8ecti01l.· .l. ..' .... .\ .

. . ~~JJ1~ .~ll ~l,I~)~lJ.e!J mU1~.S,,,q.W~Sl·~ T~ 'BO.«;t;"Ja)'I."-,d. " 4. i . _I. 4 , I. ' . . . .. SA J j ,

·~_9Ja,ke_~~tDIiQe~gel;l~ ~ .~,~,I . '. ' , lleiSURl' • r. WitH:

, COMPftEHEN$r/E AUTO'.PROll:c.T'.pN.'

Our. fuU-coveracc.,-pto J;nsurance.offe",- the bro~~es.J:,J1ro~ot)olLposs1ble.

. "or you and every member of yC!ur' .fanifly. c",il us todayl' .

..1!lth 11MB, NUMBER 33

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.established. Every -day, med,icine win s.,

anew over ~isease, and your ,pharmacistassists in this victory. .,"- :---'

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006 ,fOOD:.:.::3 10K 25t.


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Specla1 ValWin. party DecCJZtiionl

vat.nttne Party GoodsIn-cflUf1ntll Tabltdotht, Naptetn., 'Ja(e(Clrch

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* *- t.ttest8e~cue.a eI dreetmcCa~Oltta - StaUtmtI' - SU4rabltblp


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,PAT & BILL ,WAllD, Manl$lm -- .H.nry '1'. Wick.,~

, .u .... ·:lJrr;.:,:Dl:.: "~40'1-8~~"'~"-'­£lUX iJlt4 , rllon~ WI' ," .

Pabn.r OU.WlY' -l\\ddotkJ

NOB ·HILL .lODGEWinter Rates In Effecl.



,m Up With 0&11 - Ie Su,.. To bOl..., lor 1 ,,.. Tun... '

U;-With '.lntl, "1iD1 and labo, at l).~ndab" Iot/ordulo'AvtlmtOtlv.. Alto , 'm 011 Chango with flltet and on t •.. Given Feb. 6.

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C·REAM Borden's All flavors.HQlf Gallon ;'.•.•..•

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BANANAS ...... LB. 13_._~__' .~_" _tl!!.L,.__.~--.. _. ~ _ .i~


VETS BURGER.DOG fOOD ......~DETERGENT' GianI Fob 0"" .. 59':

E"erg.Y---A-1 _. • • • • • • •.


. .

.i" •. i • ,.,........:._..J~.... ~.



'- ,.- 10' _



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• •

NO. 303 Ol:L MONTE

• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••: -NABISCO 1 LB. BAG- :• •• • •

. : OREO SANDWICH". CHOCOLATE CHIP:· - . .: OR PIN WHEELS :• •• •• C •: ag :• •• •• •..-- ..*.~ ." '


BABY F·00'D trult '" 3 29'C. .' Vegetables. Jar•.......•..~ .......•.••..•......••..•..•..•...: -MONARCH- '::WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM $Tyt~i NO, 30~ :

aGOLDEN CORN 2 For 39c~:W~OLl:1 NO, 300 . ..' :

i-"Of':'MAtL;»OT-ATOES~-'5co'nt$1i-----: LARGE, NO. 30:1' • : '

iBUTTEit II_ANS ...... 5Can' $1~ .• /II •••••••• iJ•• jI •••• Ii ••~i1i •• it ••••••••.••• Ii .... II.SALTINES· ~i(~ .::~'~::~"., .. ':'-, 21 t

. .COLORED/QUARTERED ....•~ftGtN-OLEcr~n.. ..............:.. - .......• .~~'~ .

-..C J'GOBLE STAMP DIYSPAGH£1'tl &u~~ :f~!'~oo S~"!ril*t < ·'!sPPil!ClI!.Do!!o

,.1 ". ,. .

....·lITT.--.TTTliIII ·••lrlni.1i..-. · ·lnnnnr••.••.• - -~-~-". .- .'. .: - FAIRLANE 10 OZ. PKG.-· •· '.~ Mixed Vegetables c ~:Cut Corn~ J Pig·s. :· "'- .,..•..•.......•.. ~ .............•.......•..•..CHOPPED, 10 OZ. BIRDSEYE..TURNIP GREENSFISH STICKS :o~~~ : .:.•_.,

M iI'••••••••••••••••• If •••••••••••• IF;- -'---''''-.-:-.-Q. . .: -MORTON'S PIES--~ :• •=APP1E . :~PEACH~. C~~CHERRY, EA. • • ~

SPARE RIBS 5 II LB 9 · ·mo 4 c ••••••••••••••••••••••••~ ••••••••••••••••••••leQO ••••••• NICE SLICERS



COffEE,. : LB. 69¢ .~~~GE 2 LBS.n •

10 CANS ..

• _t .\








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~L\\wrn [f®OO \1@OOffi

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I,.....-.'.,­-J ._

WOWI Thnt'lI Overl The school board election was prelly In·l.erellllll¥', Now that It'll over. Illl's /Ill down over a cup or correean4 talk It out-then get to work on some mora conlltructlvil thllla••Delter yet. let's 111\ down over 1\ IUllch and talk It over-and we

. know where )'ou Clln cet tbll lunch.

~ "


,_." .. _ .~... - _'n ' ", '

•A growing tamUy .... a ficW car- . .

" •• educatlon ••• retirement •• "you name it, we'll help you eave for

it. Open your account 600nl

.• •

. .fl" ~ _ 11"'J7""~"'_~_ f'>"":~,"_;..:.•,,.._-,,; I ......·" f



rJU·a-'OS(J Siilte a ......,.·b 1""J"..JoII ..~N..·~

.' CAPITAL AND stml"£VS $W.......F'. D. i; 0. -1- 1l1l14otMl. Phe. Wf-4eu~ DO'WDll. Plitt. 31il-SIIM ....:- lfember

_. ~ . .F<Sf ·eau..251..~93~~()l"2S1:224S.' .'" I Ii___ ••••,'~o•• "-'_· ~"'~ __ "'"'._, '_1'0.__ ""':;"_' '.__ . _ ' .. . _' .," . ,_ . ',' ,','_. _ , . _. .." ,-

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.•• '.-> '-'~. ,.- " .~- -.•,,-.'. , .

__~ c __ ._._,__. _

. ,


',', '

~rom' 'four Appliances. - I •

•. , ."'" ."'. ,._.


.-, ~ '-' < • • ~ ., - • • -_.-.' ." •• "-.... - •• .."- ,

YoUr Friendly-DEEP ROCK

SERVICE STATION,hofla 257·2881

'" the Gateway on Sudderth Dr~

Hom. of At.xEconomy Pl'Odudl

W. GIve s. I.H. Green Stamps

,"" . ,.-,,~, ,., ."",

'.". . . -. ; ~f . ,,' -~ .. . ><.... ' " t .'... ~.

,tPaul·,Vance·: \~t:~~~;~f~~N' ..:':~,~W~~g'" .'. N~m~i. ,.a:=cmoH~d()s~N::~· "i P'I'cked i,... 'To"'p" .~IP~;\1dll~ '.~ .Ut~.··· ~~W.. flf$~91~~ ..or%~QEir~:r . ',~rl~aYI ,~~rl.l~l'Y .5" ~911;i., ". ' .. '.' ..... ' ...~. ......., lOlltl:lI.'Jor ~~91a~ ofJ9!i5.atNew u ,," . , . , .

L" f 'J.... .M~'IlcO r4lm~rf' IJ1l3t1tu~ are tWQ ..~Qw~r\4, Qarrll~,. JWsweU. ll~s TV C;'·t..l':" F' hi '.: 1·0'.n" 0'" . .r' \ .J:tll@>Il<!erl,~QII~s:'n1eQdQre .M;.bee~ uam¢Q.,,bYihe ;1\.e'Y owtler (If . .. . CUI..... .. c se·::'. '. ..•.. '. ·e.a ·~ll.netkwllorllc(:Qt11 Wallnoffilna,t- $leH'1Io J3~~9a ;l\!(1tOJ' Co" ~PhrtI1Y;Extensipl1' Asked

.. PaUl Va~ce: was named. Ltq~' cd ~~e All.' J.l'orce· ,c\cll,de.iny. ilnd ,X>llrllam, aSllale!;\ma~gel" for Ule At the rllgtllarmeeUng of 'the VJl"JI.h,e Yel\,1' for t.h.e "'ccond,..vear Jolm.. T·,:Brt\l'l,\cs,·J3.e.nnettis. th.el;l".n... Cbevrole~ OI~moblJe,.J;>onUll,~ alld 1"'''' . "'fR"I'" So T.. 29 M"W~-

,.. ~ "L - "<~ '" Jeep dell.lershlp here It ....,e·"" ,,0 .,..n. .' . "" •~oXj /ltralg~t Q~Rutdoso X40~ ClUb, aM Ilf Ur~ ailll.Urs,R•. A. !l~nnllt~ a~4 nound ?Vsd .. ". • .... ·WlI,S an' nlll,de a requ(;l/it.!or ~8() 4ays el{~n., Il~. WaS gj.Y~P a pr.l:!l;len.~ alon~ With J3rQo~ \$ the SQI1 of!:l Ura, ... ~f:,.. f:. ay. ., .slon of his llll.~stlrtg TV cl,l,\)le frat\-, the re~lU1ltlQn as a par~ Of the pro· Oe(m~e :er9gJ(~•.'J'h" tWll. ¥OUPJl.. Car!11tbl$ married and he and clllsll. '..'.· gram for t~e clUl~'~ ~5tb lI,lU!1ver. men llre e~pccte~ to I,ml.<l\»\w fW~ h~ WUe~ Ua~lei a,re paren~S' of fOijr 'J;>resel1t 101.' the meeting Werll

sary.dlnner anddan.<le atJhe Chap., N,~•. ~. X, J~9l'.!lQlIelf~ dJps.lon .chUq~n\'I'~e,ffm.Il~J.l'll)V~db~reUavo1"o. H -Stonem1Ufi-'TrUStee~: ~rralMotorn()tel~e$qay,eveIlInjf;mMay. of1lj.jSyear, . .' . :....thTS wee~ anti al four qhlldre~ 'have ~lli }l.{cCartY, Jodie Fineman.c."here w~re about tOO perslms In.. • .. '. .•...' ".' ,..' llPrglled In~9!t~01.lI,S:01loWS. otto. M,WhIUo'c~ and Ouy !to1;lertSoJ;l..~ttel1danceat.~e affair, which saw. Atm.·tiC." :ae,a''ihr SBl.on ijge4 1:'T,.ali~l:lel\lor.:Bol;>" 14, a 4Iso1'presllnt'were Jim Hlne, Man., y{",g•. <nUl» Wll1IamB as ml1/iter· of .......... freshman/ J~annl.e, 13, In. ~Il 'lth, ·ager.Cler~· pon Hart assistant and·cereJlJonles. .. ."'-""In:W~w tocation·, ;8!ad~. 1l11d'J!'hy1l,1Ii!,1!>i, mthe 5th· QUinton D~nlel enp""eAr'-'" •...- .. . ' . . gradll . '. , •• . , p'"''''.' Main speaKer was Thlr<l Judicial ~ ArUs~Jc. :Bea\ltY salon )lll,S l"or~er~.sal~s maDlIgel:. B~' L. In .other m\l.tters com{ng before

Dtstrillt Judge Oeorge L. ~Im~er· been,JP,oved. from the resld~nce Of Biddy. wbo served m that capacity the Trustees,. Hlne presented are·man of Alamogordo, a former RuI. Mr. lint! ~s. Wa;vne WanUez ~ tbe underOW.\lerlihlp of Charlie Bellds. quest for annexation Qf tracts :l(;doso resltient, who gave a ..hump~; Oateway ShOpping Center m the Is remaining WIth the firm In the and Y. known as UJ,e schOol, tract.ous listing Of the varlous/inobs same building. fonnerly occupied sales departm~nt, Durham reported lQcated near the alrwrt, containing

.Wh? fall In.nume~?us categorle~~ by Ollteway :eeauty Sbop. Operators this mld.week. . apPl:oxlmlltely 43.336 acrcs: Trw;.· om the reg1on.aHnore-f,l'~rry-Romero-and-Nelll~ . , . eEl oe made a motion. second.

W1}ose own land Is far chez, Mrs. Wantlez. owner of the . ,. ," cd by FllIeman;' tha t the land Inany ~!aCe he vlsl1s, to the "dress shop•.announced. Tilne Maga~me question be approved ItS soon as theImob. the female spellies who is.' F . p' H d ~egal Instrumen1s are presented.rnc very, very earl.lest to wear thll S fan Li h .eatur~,~ eier ur The mOUOll carried with a vote oflatest I?, fashions Qr who caters ·to ' now . 9 t. And. Paintings . all "ayes". Panlel gave a rewrt Onfashl.on s whims not at all. He had In JanUarv of '65-''::''':' . .. the waterworks Improvement pro.

~ the erowd In an upr~ar of la\lghter ,snowf!!llw.aallghL1or .J1Ull\Bly.. Ne~!.!t}xiCQ.:.PQ~ter Peter Hurd gram and stilted that .the job Is· fOI".Jnost of his addre s. '1'he tongue of.~8" Year, 'anlt ~e temperatures I~ featured 'Tn rne ,current Issue of complete with the exception pf lhe.In cheek. remarks finally encom· were very moderate, too, aecord.'tIme Magazine with .tour of his re·locaUon of a l00,OOQ gallon steel· passed everyone In. hl~, .audlence. Ing to a'comparatlve· cllart of wea- paintings reproQuced In full ~?IOr, tank n~d a ,few minor l!e..m!i' 'Includln~ ~olle wbo are , q~t smole· the~,$Iata for the last 20 years here accompanylrtg an ~.rtlcle on ,The Hl\rt presente<t each trustee with

_tng /lnobs and haven t ~uched . J:1.ichJnform&tJo~n-each..Janu- _:LasLF'rontiersman" as"Tlme s art .r.eport-froUloRalplrSmlUJ,odlstrlct-',tlle::::fl1thywelRt1n 119'dn~ tot1i.e ary 1lI given.' The report, printed columnist t1Ues him,· , highway safety engineer..Tho reo

bragodoclo species who couldn t below. 1'5 from C. A. CUlver. co. A collection of Hurd s paintings. port.contnlned traCflc counts andcare less If smoldng mllJht b~ In- operative observer for the U. S. cove~lng a sPlIn of years since he surveys sfipportlng the waffle dC".

t,urlous. Health fadls1s, sports car Department ot Commerce Weather first Jqft West Point ~ study with vice at Mechem and SUdder~. Tho. owners and ordinary car owners, Burellu for the last 20 years In Rut•. N. c. Wyeth Ilt Chadd 5 Ford. Pa.. truslces authorized Hlne lind at.

were Ule type~he was talltlng abo~t :doso~' . ___,,_\Vl1s_l!hQ~~!.Ulc.Amol!.gl\!'IID'.MY· .tornc>,·rhompsontoupdate--and-re~a1so In bIB range Trom AlO.~ thD HI Lo F 11 Preclp seum, Fort Worth. before opening vise. etc. those village ordlnrmcell"snob" categories. 6 r.o 1.'1'1' lpst week In the Snn FraDclsclJ Pal· needing ~nme.. Mmexallon of apo

nn~I~~~~P:~Sh::r~: ~~f~~~nsa~tef~ ~: :::::':,::::::::: :~ 1:'~ 1'~ aC~::d!:e~:!tIO~n~~~:.ordone at ~~o~:~~~~~~~~~~e~:rv:~~~n~·service to people In mnny lands ~~:; ::::::::::,:'::::::~ -22 16:55 1:61 ~~:t ~~I~:e~n~ o~~f ~y ~oIA::a of a portloli of rlght-of·way In

~~e::oc:u~:::el ~al:~~fr;>~str:: 19112 ~. 60 'i~ l:::g 1:: que~que, is eXhibited °l~1til.a retr~: ::~:~r b~Il~.:rut~~dk~~~ WIlS apo

Cruccs, 'Re remarked on the /lUc· ~:~ ::::':'::::::.:~:::: .1~ 23,80 2.75 s~t1V~:~~~~ f 98 I tI The Roy Anderson and tho J. P.'cess of the establIShment of n.n eyo 1959 , 61 0 T.' T fa or 5Sn: ara~~~:~~~~. Locke properties on U. S,Hlghway i

-~:r~~~ ~~:~~~{~:g~~:t~out 1958 :.::'::'''~:::: :~l 1::~ ~::~ ebScrvtrliO~OHh~ ~orl e l,\r 15.s '10eW:~~:::t1~~ parcels Included Itt

to put the program in mgtlon. d 1956... 65 5 3.50 .43 be~~ d hns a rll h 20 lie ' t r Mayor stoneman. vlce·presl·OUler special gu~ts IlnClude 1955 _ 69.. 4.85 1.12 RUld~IlO ntSn.n ~~trl 1m sellS 0 ~i.'nJ ~r the r:~ICIPal !riague or

..~embers' wives an 11 on :eo!;! 195f , M 1 5.'15 .74 co., cw ~exlco I e and lompson •

..~ol\ls CUmmins Bnd ~Is ~Jfe or tho 19~ 70 2 l.'I5 .14 ~ b . • h k ds Ill! were ~utr~~d to revl~w pendlIlg •Caplmn clUb, severn 0 er me:. 1952 " M 1 2.25 :n I t Ulecn fr~ on Wec_-cn,_ 0 Stlltc loj{ tJ n per.tnmlng 1I:l-m14bers and thetr wIves (rO~l Capl .r 1951 ,._ 63 -3 14;25.88 as ree w n ra. nlclpa lUes In Santa Fe. F.cb. 16·1'1,and from AI~m~~r~o anA~swel, 11150, 71 0 .30 .'14 :.-~ ..;__.._,..__".._ __ .,.,..,... ..:.-- .as wen.- John a son. d mogo~ 1949 ' ,... ..:.. 5' ·21 23.0 :U2do. Dale,. Podds or RutUi

dOSO abo. 1048 _... ,. 66 -7 9;8 .118

Don 8ar... now or R 050. U. lilt'!. ,0.... "" GO .16 13.)1 1.e8''Innerly or AmllrlJlo. were Inlerna- 111411... ,....' GO 13 3o.J ~!.01

I IOI:n1 Lions counc1l01'8 introduced.with Ulelr wives. Deputy Dlstrld NEWSBOYS FROM ODESSAGovornor L. J. (Duffy) Frauen·d ' .. "II .. 0 K N 1 DUE TIllS WEEK·END ..osw" • an.. • • ca ,Roswell. district governor of 40-X. An estimated 50 l'lcwaboys worksand Bert Jonell. cabinet member. mg Jor the Odell!llL American are 1Artesia. were oUler otficlnls 'on expccled here th1!:l WI!l!k-end forhnnd wllh UtiliI.' Wlvctl. their tblrd &CC!lloD of winter sport!J.

!nvocnt!oll' WM gl\.-en by Lion They wilt bo tltayl~ III Whl!lpcrinlf l_am Coole nnd B pnlr of voenll:Olos Pine Cabln!l. ctrcuJaUon Manager,WWlLll presenlcd by MrlJ. Sidney MrJ· 110m of the OdcC!l& paper Is In

ler. I"cRoy Goocb ted the group m cl1lugo of arranacmenls. The group _ ...._ .......- .."'....-,....-...~__.._ ...... ....__.."'......"'..... °

t1lnglngand In Ull~ ~ed3e t() the ... - """'7" .,...,'_. -' '..... .. --.'- m ---- .... '.. - .-

tiny. RUidoso President C. H. Tate 'and his ~lfo ~rc I~troduccd by •'1'oMUnulftbr WlUikmlJ. .

.' Funeral Services. Held In KansasFor M1's. ShierFunernl m:rvleea .....ere held In

O)'JlllUM. ~ntl. 'tuesday this weekfor Mrs. MaT)' Jnne $hIat, ti, WMdied' Sunday In her home In Gyp-

•,;urn. BUrlnl ,;\1\9 tn Poheta, Kans.Mrs. ShIer. who Wll9 bam In Eng­land, WlU preceded In death by herhusband several years no. Survlv·ors Include one daughter, Mrs.fiank JoeobsOo ot W1'I1U1er. Calif.;

~-ibrelr roM, It. H:Sbler of Holly·· WOOlf, N:''M.; O. R. B1'lJer.UoTdtin;

•COIO., and Wa}'l1o Shier of Oypmlm.;:(aM.; attd a n4"tnber of grandchll·dren and great·gfattdchlldren. Mr.and Mrs. H. n, Shier atWtlded the~"Jees In ~n!laS,


Page 4: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'



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I hAl ''It'','''''IIIII, "'11 Ood wolIunl" "hie It "l'fH'Ar.. un our roltlll.......mll t" II"U,.., II Ilood. nllUlV pcocl­"Ir 'hoU' dn)q II IJIAy lIC'om"1'011111'1) out III plp('C' In a r.ocl.. ly\I\l\l III l\ppnr..nll)' bt'\l1 0\1 C'llltltnnt·

j::VII¥;'_&Al1tlfUL'~SU~BDiVISIONS ,'IN·~';JHE· ..PI"15 .....:.d.. .~*,.,,'"";'~::':rn-wc'~'~ "... '- t. :.. -U'-I":~'-',·, ' . ·E··~I···rr·:···,'....•" rf"::':- :.~--_. ....

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. ,~ , .• '. '"I '. , " -",' • • ,',"' , , . ~ ',. , . i,' .'." • .' " ' , • • ", I ' , \. • ",

" ._ .' .. ' I ""'.\ '.' '!, Jf"' '" • • • J I

Th~ .PlaYJgro~d· 'ofthe~:-SoJlthw~$t"$.Fmest;.·peveJoD.e~'.By... '.' ." .. ", .

WHI, E.M0UN' , AI '. .. ,'. . . ..'. .,'. . '. . ' " .,>, • . ' • < ,.' ••. ... .. .. .. <I ' .. __ ._ ~' •..~: ." .....• ...., : .. '. .' . ilu.",,~, $",", l\Ig,. - Pho••2$7-24~$"_ , .

;.;.;.;;.=.;..,=.;..:••:.;;.;;;;.;;;;.===;:;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;..;;.:':.:;:,.:';:,.•:;::.:;:.,::.:::;.:;::.:;;-, , ". , " w., '.". ..,' : ~.~!JI ." '"CIliUm It l,tnust;·· , aWb In that ybu lire I1ble to ml,let ' ~EC'l'ION"A'· .. ' "".P.AGE{j-Q~· •

An4lhIH, our motto: 'In aoa A-:;' .. .... • " . !)rpadened.1O cove... other f~elds .. A'·'Rr'.'. NO'"'l'eil~L' Pe!lT ViC: '. . 'R -d N".Ia our'.". ," v· .' Ji I.N.. '.. T.- IT' slit;h all suldance ani! C(lun~lIl1g, ~..: ..... '" Ii~.. After 'my laSt foray on the pU\). . F A.!U0fJO ' .. eWI,l;.(

.The first prlnUI1S of thm was 1n p. 50Q,lal studies anel lanlnla«e Mts, By Dav., ~4 '-tbY 'lravk 110 1: shDuld, h&.'I(e l¢arned my les' ,rl__y, F\'!brl~ary ~, 1/,65Th(l. Baltimore Putrlot under date THE' i$lnce e~IlCMlon Is. a ehan!rtnll Drawmg lead$ to an analY$IS and sDn but it. seems some 'ot tlle reitd· . + , .,." '. 1 . ''', ,.

at Sep~mber :Ill, J8J4. . . t~pg. to me is is e~tremlllY Import- Un!ietst&ndlng cf the' very'nat\lre erll.,SlllUlot \lIlderllt:and my opinion J; was nDt on a. convers19n klok l1ndIn 11161 (l. Pennaylvanln mlnl,llter, ~UT'H allt tba,t teac~ers ·tlO return to col. 01 thUlgs ••. I.t ts ther~~ult of a tQ year 'fDund le~al11;ed gambling wplle I might p~ opposed tQ full'

: 8EllVINO LINCOLN COUNT\" .. the acv. W, Il, Wntklnll. wrote to n '. .... le~e periodicallY during the sum" yf;lllrning nnd n power to penetrate and DQt throw on· few brickbats at track If. I was QroWded Into a flfro . '.. '"c MR I\:ND MlW.Vlc-tA:MU _:::= ~,.;;;El1ttor" r'PpbWU:rerl' the- SCcretary ot un,! Trea/llll'Y, Nr; _. -- •.. - ~ 7-TUCJFITE.R - - - tller$·tokeep-up· W1th-th~-changell-setre and master the se-cml oranl: the. rac,e tr/lckmore .. .()l'· leSS for· .YeA or nQ .posltion. I se~. very little .

ELSIE WJI.LIAM8 - EDDIE SloDENS slIlmD)'! P, Chase, '/lu!fiel!UnlJth~t and. new fdeaa befng sull'l~ested. :l;I1(lon of nature. g gr;>Od meMure, :x hssume. . comparison, lnSQflu IHI. general Ie•.~i:~~JI.;E~~~I~'!LF;Y ~bC:B~::it~ God be re('ognllled In same fOrm Alrit it IIlM}' bow thlri~s'wlll hap. 8l1ch flnanclal-llsslstnnce"'11$' that· .- .--- -WinsIDW Ames I will ettl1e1'-o'1'lllWm" mnrtlr"tl1rg.lI~ed gambUng ¥et"Sus tho·-t~ack-·

.• on our coIns, The ·Secrf3lary, think- pen, bow .the prelfcller will juSt of,~red by the NDEA makll possible, ,. 0 0 " "point l?! satl,lifactllln-of .all or I will is cDncerned. . 'PAT LAMn cMclt ~~~~~~ Inll' well of thc llugl1est1on, 'orderli!d llap~n to be goln by .s )'01.1 leAve an~ CxchPn~ Idens' with people. To CDPY WDrk In pallitlnll' serves con.(use everyone. to the PDlnt tllat It Is true that SDme. uildeslrl\ble

•• lIucb 1\ motw prepared, say.lnjr, the 1'001 J{nIl pr YIl"ur mDther.ln- from other areas, The Dne 1 was In only one purpo:;lC. 'To teach the art- the); will give .\lp. .. . characters show up that neitherI Foundl'd May Ul. 1(l40 by LID)'d and Ida Bloodworth) "No IIilUon ('an bo .'ltron!l' except In laW w1ll je$' happen to be there h!ld partlclpanl$ frDm at 15. 1st how to COPY. . Most natlve .'Tex/lns · a sort the·traclt nDr the town .wants but

BUb,.crIPllr~~~ ~.~~:;'6~~~d~d~~~~~nc~:~1oCounty thv }1\Ie~$th of ?Qd Of .l!a1~ ilXi:CPf, 'YhenyOU, arp.1)aUllo- som&-~o\\n~. d,lterent states. _ . _ 0 0 0 IlPQt in their hearts for 1\01,'8138 and the sllort season involved dOes not--publl!lhcd once Il week each FrldllV 111 RUldOflO. New Mexico In lfls dl'ltmllC. "1 he trWlt of our pea. blo{ldQ wlddfr 1-Q wDrk er hQW It l"Qur Ruidoso educators 'have bad A llew member 10 the Lincoln I am... no. exceptlDn, I have been offer them an oppor~unity to 'get'

t\e('(JlId dum. po"tall'C pald at fiuhJollO. Now Mexico pic In (lad nhDuld be decllll'lld o~ jell h!'ppeila t4ero 11/ '" Cop wjl,tA;hin the opportunity w ntt,cnd these In· County Art' AssDQlatliln is OrMe told t.hat the soft sPot was In my ilrmly entrenched. Imagine a safe~ b lot our natlollal coins." CongrlltlQ ill When )Iou are- jell', Uttle late to get sututes, X hDpe with the broaden. M. Jones, Carrl~o~f). We saW some head put llClrses to ell,rly settlers crackel' bl;lstUng up a safe In Rui-

____ . _ r, en~ ~~~ ~w_~xlco r-~e:m .o\MOc.laUon .' laa4 pl1m;rc.l ~n act IUI~h9rlzil1g " llome pla~, I.d(>}1t AAow what U is IIlI1 of the act others from oUr sys- of Orllce JOlles' paintings while In ofwp meant life and del\th. Usual. dOSD In the winter and-finding' his_ .. , twO'C('llt ('oInT nnd It ~~n....Lheae-..but-dontIt-alWaYlrhappen1bat-wlQ'' te~ V{,1!Lb.lL~9Ieeted for httendance·_-cl\r-r.tzoZ<H·(lCCntIY--llnd-.berpalnt-JY..Jl,..!!I.oW. htu'1I.ll ,CQuld....mean de~th.rewl1.r_cl..ln-1 ~. _U..'s a1!.d promU!:. __

How To Be Succea.sful Without Really Trying ••• ClJlll'l ,;hat the mot~, ~ God We ~ Not Wq ml\ny· ~ayj Ago such an " """"_..... _. .::-.!,:.~~~,?~~ingS are verY nice and wUl lldd to under the prlJnlUve condltlDns tbat suty potes? - - . .Well. 'eally now, you can't do that: You can" hardly be a Tru~t. Ilrst I\ppe?red. 8omeO'nb In el(PQrl1!ll~ bJ&Pp¢ne~ tq " CQl,Iplt' ~:it ~",JJiI" u, H."u ~." ~ W'lielany shDWS Ulat the Art A.8~clation pr-evalled in the ellrly days (If Tex. Yo'hlle being n. [lrm believer if M't

PrlMldent 1,lncol" II cabinet propos- of young ,lady friends of mine that ,,~ ." .. ,,'. ". r n' ~'1 lu\s. ~s history IUld eVery ono tried to II. follDwer ot chrlstJan principles'uetOU wl,hout reolly Irying you know. So, here aro some ob· cd thllt tht\ URme motto beplnccd nro n we bit on tbe other side or t .1l! ~. . ". A" ", ". '0 0 0 own a gOQd fallt hDrse readily aVllil· I have gradually become dlSgus!edun vat ion' wtj havo of -\lIccouful bualneu folk, In Ruidoso we'vo elll paper mOlley llll well l\S t=ol~. fOijrty, ThOY liI.pi>¢ned t() ~ll out ) 'J, \J .J J. ears .CtO' The Lincoln County Art Assocla- able In case. of. attnck by Indians. with n lot of preachers. ~Dt forI.nown w-e:..c.. known qUIte a few wha w"ron't. Thay camutnmJ "rlw. J1¥-l'!4dcnt IJA!<WJl/ II leGend drIVlrt1lrieclte~liltrtb\l'1lTav.,.--"<c··-~'- ~-- r_.~.. - UOJ\c·wUl·meet -Tuesday-, Feb. 9, . ll..soon hap~.thn~I..llm about.~t they.§t.ll1.t1 for_!Jpt becauS.Q..undercapllalllo<J and nol quito so oarnost In thl.llr dosTrolO glvo WUllio bt' l'll{ftlwcd 011 tlrellnbacks Yllrd llm1 w,rl)" 1Srlvln8'~rol1nl1 (jut 1& J: ().,. ft. J'M~"' .\ 7:30 p.m, nt the qhap;ural Hotel.l1!> lJa!!ve all a Texan elln be and I bellevc their needles Me stUck.,0,vicG', and wi.h nat '0 much pride In .hl'lr work. Thot's tho so' 11l' ~0~1I1. fl~r~~clll What ptl.~(lr flald ,thero Ilnd'declWd to /ltop and park"· ., -~ W~~ 4\U rnember/l Ar!:'urged to attend lllwc al}Y Anglo blood nt all. I l\1l\ TIley are afraid generally to gete,o' hero RUidoso hOt nothing to lell but lorvltO. TIlQ tQurlal III Acl.l 3 0 Silver and gold hav!) tb"tiJr~cAr llQd vfzlit ~nd thClught they ~...... II!!II'" Alii. ..... .. , '. Ults meoting as thilre wlU be some thr~e·generat1Dns TelCan by the Into deep water for varlDUS rea'bU~lne" Ihflve~ on thaI. Our town oxlsta on tour lSI J ~Q1~~, 11I1l nuch nlJ7I hnV.(J slve t lJ!lQ~~ Jll\tlcthelr yat a$almlt .. """ ..', . ~ ,II' !l ." ~ • • Important business to 1le- taken care well,kest link, mY grandlather Rus- 50ns and the results Spellk for

lh<o· ,~r(!p 80 it wo~'" roJl 'off, sUre }tewlI Item" ff0rtl ~Ultl(lSD News of. ~li, who was bOrn In MIssDurl, The themselves. .We're nOI, Ilko a wo,' Toxa. a..,grls;ullural eommuntty, (I northern I,litor CongrcM lI.ut!lorlzecl t110 enousb It w9J1l~'i ron ofJ or \Ill ct. 11IIuo of Feb, ~. 19~q. 0 • • relit of' my ancestors were compos- Moat at the"! fight sclentlfio factsIndu.trl~llSl conler, nor a mining commvnlfy, nor 0 shipping cen- prop!'r officials ~ plaee tho motto ther When tl1CX so~ readY to'leave. This week Ml\yor Iko Wlugfleld Myone may attend any meetinG ed' of people one gimeraUon before rather than !f.v. to l\lldel"Stantl them, • 4ter. Wo va gol cllmme. relallallon and/or recreation, .eenory and on 1\11 (',(llnll thllt w.o\lld admIt pf thtl No llltltter hoW bard'U1ey' trte.~ they named and the elly cDuncllnpprov. of Ule Lincoln County An A!laOcia- grand\1Op. or they had been around :n may be true thnt :1' nm All wet "\0' vlco 01 our ,lock In Irade. . 11l'lllrlptlDll. But ,:,,"helJ In 1907 II. new co.UJdtl·t I(~t the Car..w budge. After cd an AdVisory A\nlOrt Commlttee tlon whet,her you are", member or all the time. There WIlS Grand Pn from that dccp water but I hllve

. _ Along .. wUl1-. '.r¥j~-tJoo$-f)rjd • .-+ne.:-wf¥i("",'otlofl-own&r d"Il\lCIl wI~h .the CQ*l.G tl~d doublo much'p~fCort'on the rl.of friends of local I\Vllltlon ~nthu!ill\st'l .. and not, Anyone wlshln trana 'rlaUDn Chief·. TWo • In • a-8hu'lk. '(SOverAl al1llwers tllll,t saUljfy me and theyw1,o has p' ,d" In that sIal Ion by keClpl~ It neat and clean and'NIUt' ~ll!~,crct~W1J,~maCro ~11~ they finally got ·the vehicle back unlness men or L 0 PUI'POSC 0 to mee II of !he Art A.8!loclaUon mes remDVe . l) as no a UC· d " ..who glvos ,orvlce above and boyond what'. a.ked f r '\ l1~nj .. refl <!f\ sevelt,~ Dn tho roa4 coordinating thl: t\cllViUell of' the. pleasetcall 2S7-~2, ular plnce' In hlstory except lie did It was dellvered to me secondTOURIST I h h·' d' 0 n a 11 Clcl(ld \.0 UBll 0 till moLto on ",e Next tIme you ato out drlvln lU\ Ruidoso MunICipal Airport with tho' + ". IlSIIlst tlOmo ladles down 1\ gllns llI\nd that gambling was gambling

lown, 'I 0 one ~ 0 lUCCOO s. Tho reltourant thaI Olv'l colnn lJe('uw:c he felt that lIuch \UIC nappen to .eo two young ladles, vUllIlle board. ThDse n!lnled to \.he t& I....... . plank when a group ot Ilnmlgrnnts and B sin of tho first water,good food and has pride In Ihe way It II prepared and lerved, or Iho motto tflnded to cheapen it. walking dDnt bother t() pick them board were Dicit natllef. ltnlph , .'f_1UI --..,. Illuded dDwn lil northeast Texas Their product itI llalvaUonand ENJOYED by the cutJomor, i.J 01.0 0 'succon In a r••or' town, Bllt Uwrc WI\B 1\ '5torm or objection up theY)\I1U jel8 bo out settin tholr Drown. A. J. al1tc~, Raymcnd BUck.;,.!!!~ At B place later known as Plymouth ••nd they cannot provo,. lIlngleThe motol and cabin owner who hen pFlde In oppearonce and from 1l~1 over the country, al'l~ exerc'" ab~ aelin the beautlful net nnd Joe Palmer. w .~ ~ '. Rock, instance of It belnr anything'.rvlce. In his placo i' 0 succon. Thore oro rttlQtod bUIlnOIi~'. In ~fll(fr(,~l quickI)' n,~ted ~ rellw~o view of ourVlll.JCl, MIss L~cln McTellt\lc, daughter Dear Mr. Lamb: '., Xt Wl1l. be necelllSary to. go Inw but a ramble, 1 knOW.t\ 101 ofa ro~nrhat' will Ih,lve and grow when sorvice and pride I~ ~o ;"ebITru!ll

lo~ I 0 e~g ~ -Ab of Mr, and Mrs. Fred McTellfue of Many (l,cUv1t1jls In cUr to" a considerable detaU to bulld. 11 IlUlt- people that have Wlll1 at wace.... ·

In appoaronco oro glvon In olCchange lor tho vl,ltor's dollar, f~~ll pr~v~3~d ~hl~~~}~ m;t~~hl:h ~onMdo anddMMllnrooMA, Bllncsahez'hson geared for the youna people~hl~~ able ba.ckground t.o sho\lf·tho'lm· l,nK en honell, I ('an also retRuida'o I' d f I I • II I II d I ~ o. r. nn rs. lluro nc ez, h 1 ft. fin G partllJ1ce or horscs to my partlculpr llome Intc)llr;ent anjlwcn from

a won or U pace 0 ve, II c mote on h na- hl\(\ heretOfore appeared on cer. also of Hondo were married Jan. sc 00 a~e. 4 !l e. ames. family but without this effort 1 .. boral!man about hOl'llet liuttvral boauly otlrocl nowCOffi<lfi all tho tlmo, Tha"a why oach tnto ('0111!J of !lold ~nd nilvet, IdlQu,ld T.~, It. ~ 'e'r.~ 2G In. St, JDhn:s Church In Llncoln dances, sports, school acUvlUes, don't feel ami one woUld fully un· Wl}eD' I ungle with an theyoor find, more pormanont rolidon.. hore than •.-ro year beloro. hereartcr be Inllcrlbcd upon all ~'"_ ... • with Father Vito C. oeBaca Df- mus~ and, dattna are "all & part derlltand, .......... pte.chers 1 bave pown theyTho mora who como 10 mako tholr homo, the moro opportunity lluch \Sold nnd llllvcr calM of lIal(1 . . flcll1t1l1g. + of Be 'ma<1-ma\iio/ ~ys of My greatgrandfathcl' and. three' beat around thclluah lIke·a tur-there js for Iho ro" of lI' '0 make a beltltr than average living dCnDmlnRtlDn~ .one of ~ur flrst 'Co~e'... 'the wca~1" for tho past week ~I~~lnli ~~, ~Iacdd:tlher in tho orMa brQ~cr!l slarfed from South key fir. paper saele. I .nd a lothero. BVI, 10 atcol'llpllsh Ihat. we 111\1 mull remember Ihol It II ~~~~~: !tl~rIO~d )~~ ~;rufl~',!l~~~. ,I",,, . hlloli been mltd and sunny with no vlron~:t, ':hes~nacUvlu:~~tt~~; Carolina by Wilson train west tn the ot other 'Dlks are enUtlcc1 10servl" and prldo In our appoarance In a RESORT town tho. bringa quolltlonably, rrom tho fDundlng of nt-vinIC beq for~\It1.lf,~gh 10 mca.'lurable Gnaw. but with damag- -make up only .. part of the "Bal- very llarly ~rt of tho lnst ctntury IIOme tnteUlgt'ltt anllwers hi·repoa' bUSlno" and cantin od t . receive an' ~UWt.4l fl1r the itudy Ing high Winds. Locol c1Uzons say d...... la" I • and. my «rut grandfather and One "tead llf • lot of b(le~ POCUll._~ ~_p~onao~. __ .' our nntlon. It hlln been tho convle- of mOdem rilatbemaUClB throUjh tMy have nevcr scen II January ~~~ m:;:,mu .01' teen·age d,ll. of the brothern 13pllt away from tho I would not mlJJ(e thIs 1I1ate-,- . 1/111 lin fnr lUI IlOlltilble all rclcrellcCIl tton (I.' Ule majority of ItIl cltlzcnn the National Pcr~nabDtucaUo!\ Act 1Jko this one. .,~ th other two tn ArkaUlll\l1 and went ment U 1 dId ltot thInk tho aiuI-

Y MO.. 10 (Iud til our nllllOllllillfo' HDW did UlII! I/;Cl nhDUld build upon II. recognl· thlll pMt 8umrn~r. %1JI)Ql1J4 JUee to In SPite of '~no anDw" the 200 stu· lents?,~rgn'~ h 0 other hlgred· int() M1aS<lun 1ltl.~Ulnlt ncar Jop. wers were avall_ble.our mister II ltel on our oolnn. and whunco did ~:dO~n~°:C:t:c~:If~l~C:do~:~~rr. explain a mOo .~u~ thU ~rogr.lll. dents from '1'exlllI We!.ltern C~lIcge "Isn't ih:re : ~C~~l opportunl. lin, Tho other two traveled on Iilto Insofnr ao 1 nm concerned tn

II t'o,"c7 It ,~ lIQt IIP~cUJc~!I)' In. mnlellOurc&.of .Ull\wand order _ It wall l1ra\ ..larted abOut 1~~1 tn El Paso who.;vere tn RUido..o '?,r tics for OUr young- People to bave TexlLlJ. Ono acqUlred & plantation recent yeam lllncq sclence has been

W°t Ihe Dlbl(!', \hou,,11 I).Yllt r..l\\d, "In vc~_. ., . after t b e H~trn1c .uro" to th<Jlr nnnJlnl Winter Carnival, ChrJsUan FeU' webl d Bpi it 1 in Dell County along with all tho ablo to offer proof relnu"o to es . . . Ood h..,vt' I put ttly tr~t..., and JQb' CO:\UNO-''T1Dt GUIDEPOST"I Btrens'tben ~ .UbJec\-matt.4lr com. tbe students had. l\ wonderful time dl1'ecUon1" ~ther~~~t f,,'!,t

rua frlllgo benefits, slaves, mint juleps 10\l!l clements nnd. perlocb of Umt)

~llid of Ood. "Thou"h Un alny mo. JlC~neD of acil;incc, partlclpnUng In r~creBtl06al "ct~- Now our communlt can b 'roUd and 1J004 bOrs,ea-, 'The TCmalnlnn InVOlved I bcUeve th~ men of the) 1'1 w1ll 1 tn..~t 111m", 01 JeIlU" it I(nd 10rcilrO language ~ach(!t"S, tics Il1cludln/J 3 treasure bun\. to know that such,a '~rogra~~ of. brother settled 01\ tho coast nnd be. cloth shoUld updl1te theft lh1nklng,"I\tl ItlIld ho Up hWlII 011 010 cro:;lI. Sinco that time tho act bas been . Mr. llnd Mrs, Jt!ITY ElmerI)c- fered ihn 1n~fen . came a l101d1er .htUlo ~war with There were mnny at one time th.\"tlel tTiustcd /II 000; 101 111m dllllvcr tho attendance 01 many te..chers lanoy have relurned 'from a wed- Fellow'shlp. YOIlUt Mcxlco later Qn and mcredited by considered tho. rl1dio l1S liD Instru·hUll nDw" nUl \.hO orl;1n of UIC tilt. Who would othorWlMl need to sup. ding trip to Chthuahua, Meltlco, What the Inter-church YOUth tlOmc ILlJ having shot tbe flrllt Mexi· ment of the devU and wo\l1d notprrMlon all o\lr coins c:eemn to bo plemcnt tJ1elr Income from lIUmmllr Mrs. OCllUley ts the ,formcr Matg- Fellowship Is' can, My wlfo b,Vlng hcard of somo preach over the all' and accordingIn II ('oupll't or FranceA fICOlt Koy's occupations 110\ r~lated to their pro- aret Earlenrl Fowler, daughtflr of 1. It is an outgrowth of tho fact of the turbUlent history of my taml· to my thlnklng rcfuslnQ' to acecpt'''T1w !Upr spangled Uanner" tes.aloll Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fowler 01 Ru1· '''d t ' f b _'-__ h ly hall suggesjed that ho might be sclcnUflo facm has no more basis

•Tl' • doso ...... 00 .ew 0 our c ur~ ave .. ,- tn f f t-. lC'n c.onQuor we mu.,t, for our The NoEA tnstltulea are valuable' • a sufficient number of young peo1l1c due credit for ala lt the war 0 ac .•

__ .~"~ _ _.. _. • • t() maintain the llltere8t a.ntl enthu- the first place, The 11111 of iambllng and dl'1n1tlng

~... ~-l' . ... ,.'. ' ...",- ~ '. eLI PPE'0 slasm that Is demanded tn an eUee- Now it so happened that my alCOhOll~ beverages 19 l.n leacUng

, i~ \ ._ (Ii.. Uvo youth program gr~dfather owed bIB carccr to a somo one, knowtn,gly or not, 11110,.. r"''' , "' '" ,,"; . 2, 1£. l.D an effort' 011 the part of fast horse able to l'l;lalnlaln a Dum· folloWing sun only w tlnd they can·. • '" :. . The typoltraphlcnl error llJ .. slip. InterCllk!tl indivIduals and' church. bel' one position ~d my soldier not 01' will not control themscl\l'es.

I I '" 'I ' Pllry thing llnd nhy. t!S (fout at presenU. to sponsor a \mele gained his flUne with a fast The way 1 read 'the tlJl(lclflca.Uonsb\ ... ' ,\ ! ,. . You cRn hunt till you I\re diU)', 1;lut c1ty.wl~ Chrlst-c:entered progrAm horse that malJ:\taliled the number is tMl aU men ot christian prln·

_'" . .i ., ~" . it somehoW wl11 get· by.. of .fun,. ~eiIowshlp, training anji wor- two position, clples owe t\ debt to their neIgh-Tnt the fDrms M'C otr the pruses It. shin. Binee a number two pasltlol1 rare- bOrs to set nn elCnmple ot clem 11'1.

1'> strange how still 1t keeps; . '3':"Ouided by m official coUJJcU ly mclll1S much 1n5Cfar as fame Is tnlt that will not Induce others to.n .'lhrln~lJ .down In ~ COmer and it made up of represenlaUves from concerned I 'WiU expll\ln, :My unclp at~mpt things that migJjlOVercome

never sUrs or 1>«!l):l, ea<;b {)l the partlclpatlng churches, and the commandant of a lort on them.The typographical error, too linu.ll ..,~ Well chaperoned and apllns.or- the Gulf of Texas gOt \he Idea abOUt On 'this bns1s of thlnldn,g thcre; is

tor human eyes. ed. • the same ttn1e that they were abilut no sate way but to limy eompletl}lyTill the Ink ill on the paplll', when it,' 5, A progrl\t\1 of rell{doU!l empba- to be enclrcled by )lextcans and away trom both tlr1nldng .• and

grows ~ mOlU\taln sl%(!, sis but nat overlooklna the need for they d~lded to run for it and at gambling and wbile I do stay awayI ' ! The boss ho stares wIth hDrror. then recreatllllt. about ten mlle inteMla1s the com- from drJn.ldng I do not abstain from

/' .~~~[L , be grnbS his hend tu1d groans; 6. oPen 10 all of our high school cand~nt. hoping w Induce my uncle inany ~I!,~ ~mUlP~etelYthA~ t t.mA The copy reader drops her head stUdents . 10 stop and make I. stal1d, ll5011ld aware .....t ... SuO ... no)'Ottr

BA.TH ." upon hor hands and mOAns- '1 II1te'r-denonilnaUonal hoUer over b1s shoUlder at uncle r feel that In condemning My1~~~~~~'.;;::::=;::~..~~~~#~;.~."~.~. ~;;;r4__ The TCmalnder of the isSUe may ba i. Designed to aid the 'growth of and raise .hls rank ~ an Induce- one or thing ~t. I shcUld be able a:-.i . .. ~ .. _-clean a9 clean ~an be, and..mter~t,tbe-.d1urCJ1..,meot 10 get hlm to_stop Mel fight. • to ~rter " re.~n ~?r so doing and....,,""'._WV"'--

~-:~~ "' •.. vv t:' :"';~~.:;;;.o" p.;~,;;~,~ But that (ypOgr4.phlcal error Is the os by the young peoplt' of RlildOSO."llIs1l'i8rilromDlron was~ ser- 11m fttlSl:lm ne as rottowraM lte -.'l.. .,....-......::...~~~.;;--~........G~~;;:..::...:.f-~--..:m~~-UllA#-~.toU-$f,I..~_ .-~h~~heS ar.t-tUlCO~gl!ant,then ce<:Ond Ueutel1ant, first milde Wllho\Jt recot\l'U. t hope.

, i ~ ,,.ill -AUthor Unknown to pe.rt1etpe.ta and help spotUlOr by UeUtenant; eapU\lil, iiid Wille time I 6eUe'W'e lffilSt" ~ltlr~l1CI~I--:; • representaUve to \be of. they bad reached temporary safety or otherwise refuse to accept any, -_.-TA..~ ._ (leial 1\OUcy-maldng yOUth boareL some 60 mUes from their starUng Ume but that of the urth tu1<1 slnee

/' Now. ho's a common, common We hope that. .. substantial nunt. point the commandant lillrodueed science ba,g beet! able to Ume XJW1yman, bet ot ptll'enlli, other' ehutebts ~d uncl0 as eomniander of ?ort.Ana- thingS connected 'iV1tb .theeal'th's

Tr.'lt him. Tax him aU yoU~ IndlVtdua15 W1U sUPpOd' and. en- huac, Some have tntlntated that Ufe and elements I thInk here lsTax his house/and tax hls bl!ct. courage lhi!l program or U!e' Inter- had uncle~ riding a horse thAt the breakthrough.. . .

,~"X tho blllel. spo~ on hls head; Church YoUth hl1owahip. coUld have oUtdlstanced b1s au- Most folk!; thlnk AdlUn was ere-TlLlt hts: bff,iJd. (Ax bls meat, 'the extreme enthwdasrtt of our JlCt:!0r's he WOUld have likelY been ned 1n at. lellSt a. lew elghL hOUrTa;c the tlMes cleat off his feet: hlgb &chOOl studel1ts ts evident.- 1IhOt as a deserter. shUts:. Why I dOn't. ktJOW, 1 mow

• TalC his pIpe nnd tax bls smoke. and 'Very gnr.Ufylng, The .o~r major debt !D horses thM my bodY is composed Of mn-'l',cll-Ch. hIrtl government itI no joke. ~ tl~meeting of the CYF Will WliS ltleurred by gtlUldfaUler+)Vben lIot19 01 single eell!t and thete 1ladTI\'X blm,broUler. tax bIB gas. . be tb1IJ sunday evenlng. 8:30 at thebe .~.2(J years pfage hC was to be a cell tlumberOtie,Tait tho toad \hilt he inU!lt p&.llS, 1.tethOdillt Church. A. banquet tOf tending bar at the Lonibrancb hi .:t doubt VOry mUcb .that 00d went .•.) We l~rnter, lax hI.8 fowl. -. on1t ~ ~ plahned Wilb wts of Jopllil. wd he got~\O:Jl tuc~ t'lut into SP"~ tU!d. ~ated. eo Sn:ialJTal( the dog. and tax his bowl, lJing~t enterfalnl1'ieD£~d "!JP!..k. With ~ lirom1nent tnan. or ~ area ~ck ot dlr called e~rth and thenTIPt btlJ Plow and tax hili clothes. 01' 'Of i»fUIlderable note, Ii. youth that w" c:omumaU!d &.y said ~rty set lt1lI watch W \be ~oveJnezwr ()f'fAit tho ralts that wipe hts nose. eMir la t:leixla 1tIrmed .....~. of ~cldn8" a ltDU'e 1lJ gtiltldpa's ga. this body, .'tax his pia- lUia1u hUl squeal; the.' ,leY!' .is' pl~ed . abd, .> • Brd th..~ eventual\t caused bls We hAVe only>~:t~tbous,and'falC his boOt, run dbwn at htl~l., - '. _. . . ~~W, C<iOk death 80me M- years later•. How· years of i'eoo~~~ '111'l'lt.lC tilit cow, talC his calf,. '. SlJ1cerelt· ever. wMt11hesmolCe Clea!.ed'thCre m1.cpln1onno£ ....~~.._~sT~lC .1!Jtn. U J)C <'iares to.l,,~. . . '. . '. \lIM. S10 one l.n the. $lllliOU With a to realize that"'~ ~~15 a

..Anywhere. In the house evtr·a. tAl,-.r·'mth.. '.,_. h.·.•.· ..... A.,.. b........,.. · .., '.tal( 'Ms bai"fi.S lU\t'1 tis( hilJ landlt. .' . . . . . Jm.l1,1. gliri1tl 1Ua 1W'1a. except /l'ffilopa mo~ unIt With C1c'Ji!!'~t Us erm'.l f).,.., " . "11{.~ • "d' ,e Q~1IiIJ"'! n.l{ the bll!1ters On hi! hjt\d3, .):?eatUt. Ufl\b and l'eaders.of 1Uld. t.her.., was .. very 'Promtnent butt am .. firm heUever that. thlS. 'nit the wale'r. ~x UUlalt. the R~G108oi'ewa,t . . . . Pl!umupreil.d (lu.te eagl/! Uk~ on the 'li ~ca5E!'and Ws-ve'i'Y llkerytilat .. ~

PLU.G IP4 A. 'PORTABL,E·.. I:LEC,'TR..·. "',C·..,...·.. H..' E.~ ".;....'T.. _E··p." I,' 'f&1(. tfuj sunJlsht. it YoU 11.r&~ , .$uil.d&J .. night'. Feb, '1. there .m 1100r•. AcCOr!lliig to iratldp& thhlgs a da~ or \be unIv~ is ml11lons of..- .,"_ 't~Wt'l Uvllltt. tal( the dH4.. be .. btAAuet. ~1d at U1e.. 104etbOdlat looted very ,auaplcloUk w\he.oU1ets elorlb 'l!lU's. .ht length.. ~."" .Te.x WdWlbOrn before Uw1'ret6lt Phut~1tf0l' ~. ll.dUlt.5 ,bf theutood Wt. ~d~ dClUb~ WIUitblS thOUght there ls no

, , • . , .'hlt. thorn -all, iild ~ ~t N"- ~.~t: fot the' that he WOuld be con~bl.ltci\ie,1lBht .wtlb s¢lenun~~... -X-b....e.-·-ft'slhe fiin(fy waitochaseth, chill ffonf or ~16w;t6~ . , ..... ..•..... . . And d01'OUt.~stld ltil""l!te Ji~~rlM'eveD1fig' "Jlr1,)cl:nWl!I'JmM'RnM~l'Ol$ieJ1ee-.bti.b-e 1>l'rl1til:. 1l6ye '-"hm God ntenUotted~C't(tohoat arQ8$ etrQund VQur home, Just plug in your "'."rta "'.lA. .'•.~..t.r,l"~ . .'. ., ';" .," b ,"" i.;" '/oM' T'• .,~, former '~P1tJn \')( the volvea. Ji~ 'Was.alrald Ulatbe wolJ1d aUon ot ~li.ffit Ana th« thtiltS OD It •

, 'l-' WU "J,! w ~V" "" 'SYm,\qttl.otbbU".4t1"lftQl'l'l;COO~. O)\Illty J\lU lit ·~cato .. & acqUItted. ~thumoU$11 lki he llelhtt ll.c/XIttlpUshed m ,. day \bai-heater and Instantly soothing, sun.Uk.a warmth surfOuhdsyou, tdeal . .. -.''TOMAe"RUL'" IS toundt!l' Of I!K.~"~ tM- ~'aaddlt!d \1}i'b1!l bet 'hOm amt 1\1\ he' WM .ti!fafflj:lgt6 d&ya of thefor sup Ie tary h t t Id d f 1 t· l't>; .." " .....1'·Uo~. tM'trllHor tInclejofu1'a tti ~fitral ll1'1h'etse taltler thilh eatUt·Ubi!J,

. p men en on ex rn co ays, .O'r Warnh(lg p.~~~~ ,.!I\(t . . ~UC'TO EXClSS 4CID '1'hb! blin~t- Wllt. mari tl1C ''be- ~lt~ 'tIlU,'t4U heal'tnabfdlacolfnt 't don.'t 'think Ooa"was lniltly Jl!.l'.a garage workshnn where other hctlt is "'ot "va'llablA for' riA.ce~o'. • '. b leu .r.IEF·O.&ift.·M.... ~ ol .. "'hJtY fino ')t(lUUt~· illCl .et'lduranee ·otl\~rtet bOtse Ut:illar htIttY hi creatfilgMattraiid

""... '" II U . "'t .,...... • '., '.' IUU." A_~" .~~_a~ted\)1'\t.tlOUlJ.C~~~AU{,ltand~ln~tnef1~e¢~undtrUj.-as a mlruon.~~t'$ bt'!~mind warmth ip babyf$ rO.Q(l1, Clean. 'qulek.· cc:mvMlent.-Pc>tlable;,· .• .., . ....' '.. •. ell 1D"UlO~til~ atea. Sb\'etal PMY ou.t4J$tanced ~. ~ th\!! cteaUon 01' A(1am$K ~ n~. .Have exfra warmth When \lOU ncod ft this wiMer GOt, i'Vil't-ble '.' ,r,. ""'.' . :)'O\.l11f.~u1~tdUbf~.rrom·frOb'l.~oPlli1t6~ll,lytl"•. '. bl!l:'~~iI1<ltw(,t•..

. ~ electric hoater' i(omYQur@ppfiance~doitler6Qw:P~ .,.•... ~: .._~ ..~~P~ ..._~._~ , •••• - ,.,.#. :~w~----"-~""""t:~=1t'~~!:"'~W::~~.~~- ~Ul6:.e:=;a'Mtc::~~~~~~t'U:e:Ow:n~~~=-_

,.".'.;, . d" ';'." ~- •....E:=~.=~'fml:i:~:l,~itliS~t"M:=,':.~__~P'._'_'_dL_II••r_'_'_.~!P_'_"_bt_.__1._'.9t__'_.•i •.~:t_.•Jli.fl.il_~~,t~,~:~~.j.~~t.·;~~.·".·lb.j4&~••0.ri.~J~.·~u.';~~!.r.··.'4~~P'~~'t~.M~'f,_~.~~.t'~.·4.'~;~·.~..~i.•••·••,it·~j~%~_~_.~._~' ·'~~~~~~k:~.~~~:' • ·~,~t1~~~~~.~·~K_~'=m~..~~~MAX HeCOY~ N · · " u................. .. " ',' ~ ,.~ iN·..... .tt'h~:j'()u. ..' ". . l#t.~U/:le;u lollOWS:. . .. Adam fuiahthi\i't! ~;;; ~tb

" -~~ .~~ '; ,,' "j<, ~AT.£WAY D.1tO' . })i,"<l Nad ~tbY~Wi ~. track Is. tnaJ,Ukii It ol'nbL . {WllJlleii "Pa~'~t. Is) . •

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Page 5: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'






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" >I ~"'t! 4/

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Construction· Co.• -Inc,,-

,ho.251...2oo -:-

See thezecorel center (or 45 RP1<I.lle1'h If LP recordl at the .torewhere Utlt b.r,f111J1 are. (l.mbl~.

II • ' •.

: 4

• f


- '

.... '

't__ •




Or Select a Wonderful MeEl1In Our Lug_l1bUng Boom

Saturday N1sht:Bulfet Starls~~~.. ,.At'$:,,~,__, ,__


1-· ~I/o .•" - -' •• -- ••.-". -,

, ..0~'::'=~~~~'-,","'_""'C"~''';~:;:~~-",_:_~",:-c_~t~,_~4~_>::',o~-,,:"~,~ -~-~-;=----'--: ~=:''''_.'--'7::~,-.,'''-;=-c:''''''_~=o..._-~;,---,_c= 0

from 'e" are Ed Davldlon, Humano Soclot)'. member helping at the ,holter, frqnk Polk.

animal .helt.r coretok.r,and Dr. A. H.Sloenn." ....torlnarlan from Alamogordo,who troaled In!urlfd animal. 000 will bekopl at sholter until It tf wen enQugh 10 tokeCqf. of Itself, and will thon be reloasod•

(Photo by Loul. Philippe)

. .

.. - - -,,--------~'- ----




Rtaldenilal ot Cornmercle1SeptIc Tanka - DItch.. - a.nlral Hauling

• Ph()nll2$7.2541 or 257.2~2

, ' .



._........,- .'



, .

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. .

Dl.11at to tbemuslc of


-~ . '" -


Fealur1n :..9Big PhU - 'tenot Sag

_~=-__"J)~n~Bea --l)r~." ..'_". _. n',. ' •• __._, .:

.., CbuIDr.JJrown ....... Piano and Orgln'

aparra(The Only Motor Hotel in New Mexico That Senes As A Base For Helicopier Service•tly By HeIieopier To The Fabulous Sierra Blanca Ski Area - lAs. Than 10 Minutes!)

NIGHTLYF.atunng ,the HandA of Charlie Brown


F1",p!l:IC6S - Kttthtnctt••'tV's - T."phon"

I~JO'1Flm Clnd Nrc.v~ -:,

'" \ .-, . ., . .R·U'~ IDOKY·S·~'FUoN'.":H'~''A'DQ'UAR'J.E··I'S-._-,.-"t4------'."=="".' '." ~~~"----+--'<~-~-~.~. . "- . .

\ ~. .• • ... ........ ~ ... ./jIlli'i ~-~ ••. ' .

.. - .,- '-Where Iltelt.a11y»l§" '!\ofiiMiH,ld .. -,')Jr. ~dMr•• II~rYJ'hlpplEi~ YOlU'.,Hoii....~ho•. '378'.5S11· .

Ot{.!UGHWAY70 ....... .ltUXJ)()$Ol)()YlNS,N."·


- PAN-O-RAMA - ::;;001 "Runlrs," ~Omplll.CCnCY 1n~r :1th 8c1l001 ;rob;cma. \I ..

L d 0school C011.'lluts of rccognltlon or ollr 'llu!!:c tltn(Cmcnt..9 arC cndol'llll(1

O ge pen nchlcvcmenl.!l nnd progrclW. but by UIC IUIldel!:O EducaUooaJ AllllO-. ttocll not exlat where current prob- clntlon. your tCllchcrts and admln1ll.

Icn\!1 urc con~(lrncd" Mcmbel"ll of lrnl.OW.Attractive Wlnier Rates the nUldo::o EducllUon A!lr.ocJauclO

. know theIr lulm1llT!ltmUon to 00competent lUld direct In dcaUna


Sidon Be CoinmercialW. Invtte Our Frtend.VeQ.r Frltndly Host"

Catherine Be CapOwnt,.. a,nd Manog.,..

P.O. Jox967 - ",0.251004031

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!lllllllllllill-""--...-, e" '.-=.~" I $ 6_"""':';/ .... " '" ._.i


DEER AT ANIMAL SHELTER-An Inlured year·ling doe was brought 10 Ruidoso AnimalSheller T\lc,,~ay this wook by Deputy Sher.Iff Clyde Alwood who had beltn called byemployeo$ of Ruidoso Coblo TV ServIce

.imlltUlilllllnUlllllllulllllllllllllllilm :~: f:~~:v:::: T~lll~~~s~~,u~~~;nan~a:~~~'0 Highway 70 below Ruidoso Downs. Shown


'..... .



- ~---------~----,

" .•




I. . '

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~" -

, .,' '.... '''. -, "

. -


'RICE'SCREIMERIES.,IIIC•._ ,_' _ _ , '. '. _, H' .'7


- -- ... •'r.,i--- ,- - --~ -- -- - -- - -


. .

•'. .

Royal Dutch Chocola~ and good old A1l}eri~an Strawberry.•.• two wonderful whIrl of flavor combInations from M~a..dow Gold. Both are made with creamy smooth" extra rIchVanilla; one with a twist 'of Royal Dutch Chocolate, ~heother with a twist of Strawbel~ry. Two great neW Icecreams; three grand old flavQrs. Give 'em both a whirl

.. J ..'... FT' - ,~..,._,••• they re Just great. .I}~ .

. \ LOOK!~ Re-usa"61e quartcontainers.

'" " .,.....-".",........-'''''_-.!''__.,.,,=~~''''~Hl'''''~..:.

, .

. ,

. " '"'.'- _ _ ....- -

- ".

_.( ••• _5 "'__

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Page 6: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'


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Mr, and MrI, E. L faubIon OwN'" .. Qpeterler$•

(Formerl1 Bae.ber'., IIIo.). ,

JJl Upper RuIdoso NeAr tJ!e Pest 0tr1c0 - ft••Jt1~

Dealer for Ford, Falcon and ThimdeJ\birdP-assenger CaJ*s,Truc'kS-and Picltj]i,i, ,.r-'--O-..J,

, . /

J, As Well As Used Cars


,Elton' Ellis is our' \....----------_.._- ----- -".,---~ - ~ .._----- - ------'-------.~-

. . ,Ruidoso Representative For:\

" ;. "




• •W.lnvlte You to Call Mr, Ellis When You Want to Know .

More About Our Fin. Line of Cars-Phone ~57.2527, Ruidoso., .

But, It may not last long for the groundhog laW' ht,. shadow last Tue~ay 10 we'll have ,be more w..b of Win­

ter. We'll b. ·her. to sho,!, you with the finest In gIft Itemsor lust anythIng for the hl'm•• Be sure fo see our supply ofbeautiful lamp ,had.s and lamps, ash troy. or even brkfgeplayerisupp'J1ell for those ev.nlng g.t.tog..h.....

1 , I

.1:1_11_ ..,._4__'l:i...."~_~:~~~~~~~__--!-~_t lI_.!III!!.e.~t.j~_u_. ._..)i ..L

, .

II••··'.·~.-.... .: ',' I .' .".'.' '\£"}'y'">'1' . '., • .. ,__ -l " - .

,I.: '-'. : •. , .' ,. ".I' _. '*. ._, '

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,. ~ . i' " ~ .- ~ f' , - . L~--~,-.< " • '1;l '" J;.: >' ... ~'," , .' { "l:. - l'f ' ,," <.," ,.~~..~ . -,. /

... -. "

()nj hhOt\ $$.u.-1'woPe~"$&.large 1t00n'l' wkh 1'WoDoubt. hci. $l(),$Q




WINTERU'ml ~dW'IN'EFn:c~. .

." ··:ROOMS--- ... ON , . '.

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- Go Hom. and Ten Your Mother--"

lHURSDAYNI1E, ,. .:\.

~ . "

SPE(I"l ~'-'. . - -

•. ..-~



PICNIC HAMS, Medium SizeSwill'. SQ Can.


• 2 for sSe.··BOx-'SSC'

.NtJ!F&-Sl1tedr-5c-Bag.~. --;;:.'.~6-for-""~r:-

SAUSAQE, ihe Very B.,tBEEF LIVER, Fre.h •


, ," ,

. .

""Ifdc~s......r\s...itt~:w"'"*'_1th~·"""·IIMT"""S.hW··.. ,.-

U .. t ..~ ·DfrmetStmtlOnAtw't_n ... '.' .. ~r~..........M,~· ...

.. Al.. SWWfthA · '., . Yi...,.. ·:.1 ,c~

--~.. . ~ - ,...""'. ". .,-,-$'~50~,~~-;---:--~·.:..-~·_"~-_:·~--$1;50"_,,."


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P ....•.. .CLi····· 'U!~~':~t; ~:1' ::. ·~~tendarl~~:(il00··.~.Janua..'UnHding. HE'I·U1l1·~Oe·f·sf~f)CletY t;- ..~~~dolQff~:q~'~•.•..• rOllUllent .'..·.caaOAJJJlQs~r·.,' . 'C'''-A~ed "'or 'lU'ee.! \ '~~.. eqs ." "C~l'~ .ld;'';Feb';;''''~:''''1MIt : ....

T IS' 'k' At Kif Ok Off' 'B" . t ~ ·~~tem~~w)t~l!lcq"Pe~tal Starts' Year ~J? AAA1l8ll'4eetmg."" .~~' ':.·~~""'·7~:,;i',\ i..' " 0, peil .. ..' . C. -. .. . i'~que ". '" l30clety wtllmee~ in·~u1doso~b. , '. . Members oUlle R

Uffi1l.neSoclety ~g8W\11 cOllt the s~e. ' '<,<., .

, '. "'01 ChUrch Youth Org.tiou .==~;:.-t~.a WitJi ,$67,710. . :t::'~!:'~;;=5t;;'=~~Aklclt-o!J banquet tor a propqsed. . ". : '",.' .. ; .• inrt will be At the ·~par~l MO~J' .f. )3\illdlng perml~IsSlle!l bY the Pine Co(fl~e Shop. Joe Tr\1ltt was jri!g ~e aUlr!'1aJS 1)i ~~~mJng'

n~I!fQIIO Protestapt· yOuth ~UQW'I .Serie.ofWJ:'~b1-lo~l, ApproximatelY 100 merilbe~ VU!i\ge or nlildoso,1ng the month re-elected president, and Mrs. Lee .members Q' ,~~ :R~~\et1ship. will be Sund.ay eV.enlnll, J'~b. 7, • Jlre e)cpeCted 1Qr ~e~Ual Wfpfer ,Qf JlU!ua.ry11165 got ()trthe New }lrittenback was re-elected vice. can contact'the SllelteJ,' at ~7'~'6;30 p.m•• fn· the P'ellQWsl\lp llall BjiAgCitaJioDl . '·coDre~nc." Drl·~.ns,d4. A!~um~ Year toa rallt start. ThIlY totaled president. Others elected were Phil Anyone WhO ~s. lq$~ IIodoi orc"t..ot Comm\11llty Metltodlst CJ)urCtJ. /I. series ~rwrecltl. in the "rea- ber ot d~nUsta fr<1mTe;'!tll-s ,~~~ ..'f;I'T,71(l., aCl;Or~flhg to ref;ords or Haist, seCQnd vice~presldent; Mrs. ls as~ed to ca,l!. thll A1ilJlW ~e!tel'•

•Ev.!'ry qhriatJansenlorlJlgh ''Y'ciuQl brousflt .~.ftattotJ&.to $eV!I.!'1l1 d~lv~rll alsO Indicated. that they·Will "ttend ,Bert 'Rice-;. vlllllge builc;Ung' insp,eo- Ktlnneth Kpapp, re.elt:cted secre- .. ~e . Shelter .caretaker, .. F.t.anlc13 cordially trl\1ted IQ P.ttend. Cost last weelt-end .all foUQWs: the ()OJ1fe!ence w!ltch WUl be ~d- tor. . . . tary;..w~ L Williams, .Jr.: trel\ElUr~ .Eolk•.hBlLb.~IlJL!;\JlJeJ&LPjc~.YP Pt

"°f-JlmthJmA1l1m'thhe...)'h·ouUt.w1lLbe..'I·nS~s"";'Ye't..maQlo~~U.Jo·:w~~r80c~r"'" ·drreSSCl~~~Y'Dr:s1Gedent'~Jdof'I)·th·oBae sNta.E . ''rh~,'1~:IOdW!::Jrrlbr~tldmlno~thmn-Ofmtlhtles et; Mrs. Ed Davidson, parUa~en. number of doss' rlrlDnb1lnJt ~ Pw11acksd' •:z..c wI. val' OUll c urc. sroupsllUp- ....... ,.'~' ~i'''''' .,........ o. .UYU>, ,pre.,.. 1;. . . . . cw were I<>'>"e ...e ..... t!l.rtan and' Mrs, .:!'!lIsle WUlll.lms, in the area, most 0 w Cfo+ a,e. ,partlnl{ the 'rest pr thl! COll~. . . dUcecf no tnJqr~!It ~ut WO VehJjl}~", .Me~1COi Dental SoCIety, Pr.~all New Year: H. W. McJ\:enzle. lots publicity chairman. and' reported that he ~l!~cts to .. 'l11e Protelltant Youth P'ellOw"hlp were rePO~d,l1amaged and one reported. ".an!l 5, block 4, Cree -Me!tdo",: It was announced that Dt.. A.. H. have the mll-Jorlty ot the wtlcl' 'an.d(~"act na'me !-O be voted on later) driver waa ctt~d•. , . ....,. . . He[gli~, addition. to r~~ldence, Btoenner, .VeterlJiari!l-n fiom Alamo- 'stray dogs picked up ,W1QWl the1$ 8Wl1llor~d by tbe~etMdlst, J:'atl'QIJJ1an 1;>.01 Gibson said ~RECEIVESAWAnJ) .'1,200. n. ~. Larson, gordo -wIll be Ilt the .Animal Sbelter. next 30 tQ 60 days. , .Episcopal, Presbyterian .andChr1s- 1960 (lMC plckuP.4rlyen ,bY Pav14 Dr. JamesA. BellJI, Pl't!sldent ot IQ,t 4, .block 4,. White Moun~ln Friday this week, Feb. '!i,froml A special called ~eeung" o~ thl1 ,__tlan churches of the community. Morrls,311, of Tfnnle. waa travel· the Ea.(jtem New Mexico Dental :Heights, new cabin, $2,'150. n. L. 'until $ p.m. and w1l1 glve rabies ;Humane societY. hal! 'been !!let fO,rPIanll are being formulated'by .a .ing wellt along the highway and at. l3ocletY;)lss been~wsrded aP om· IIp.dRQbem. tll.r.l!on.lot .,J:il11ck 4, vacclnl\tlons .to dogs. 'The charge Tuesday, FeG. '16; at '(;30 p.m. at

,J)Qlud. conslIJtlngot mlnlstef~, 'lay- tempted a left tum Into the Nestor clal emblem insignia by the BlOCk. White MountaIn Helg~ts. new cabin; for vacclnatilln is $3.60 miw !l.nd Whispering l?lne. Cotfee ShOP. ." &Iimen and youth r!:'om each.ot these' BIlVil drlvewa)'. . . POIg Co. or Je~ey City,. W• .1., an $2,750. B. H. P. Properties, lot 21, the city lIcern;e tag costs $1.00 for '••' .~ , ~·churches, "It 18 hoped that sduch a .. AJJ .the p.lckup began to tum ,It honor bestowed by organized den- blOck I,. Ponderosa Heights, moved les ond spa; J;b.b.------=:-::--:::-:-:-==-;-----'=-!frou will fultl1l the' wlI.

BB ru , .,. -tlstry foF---Bef\'blg-as-presldent-i) .".' $2.00 ror (emale ·,dogs. Pro Stoen- EXCAVAnON!

~Jlgh $chool Y01l1b rDr a .Vltal Chris- a 196~ .DQl!ge. driven by Hershel the J!;ll8fem New Mexico Pental . Olyde w. Br':lbaker. lot 3~, bloc.k nerwm be. In Ruidoso"on FelJ~.20.- .MCCABTY _UII» tellowshlp.and--thatjt willcpn, .OrUfls.. 69•.:AO'1Jll.CardweU,lJrown·SOClety. 1964-65. ' . -,,--.' '-. "-, '55,'PonderQsJl 'Heights; fireplace•. all day to Vl\cclnate (\ogs, and the C tru'. t

e. 1'"

tlnue to meet on a rell91ar ba~ls 011 rleld, Tex•• accot41ng to '''bson. Dr. Beall saId he balr slsobeeQ $350., GUes Construction Co., lot~, charge on that dllY will be $2.00 • ons .c.lon ~'Oe: .Sunday evenln«s. 'I'Jl1l! meeting will 'rhe ortlcer e~plalned that tile invited to appear on ,the Proctor and block 5, Country Club Estates, new ror vaccination. The city license "'c"

provide fellowship opPOr:~~nltl~s ror Dodge had been attemptln(f. to pass OambJe prOlP.:~m over ttSWSOTV, r(lsldence, '11,600. }lennett's Food- ..; ,. .' . -Inc.-the youth ot Clther"churQhefJ,and the pickup when the aco{d~nt oc- Roswel1, P'e~"·"().,Jlt 7:00 p.m., as liner, all or blOck 1, Hamilton T~r- COMiNG-"TnE GUIDEPOS'I:"1 Pho. 257-4200 -c- Rull!osowlll deePen our own. Our Benlor curred. '" j . . a representative for tile "ChUdren's race Addttlon, addl.tlon to business .. ....... ."." . . • .MYF will Qr' courfle, retain· 111I Grlrtls waa cltecl tor failure to use National Dental Health Week". building, $20.000. , _ _._I~cmuty:':nd havemeetlogs and due care. • ' . , Davls Development Co., lot 28,proJeCt!l from, time to time," Com· .A cow Wll8 kllle4 J)ut no people 'FIN'ANCE F~M . . block 36,. Pon@rPlla Heights, new .

. munlty MetJiodlst pastor 'rhomall "Injured, according to State Police REPRESENTATIVE HERE. cabin, $1.500. Church or Christ, lotsE. R1chardllOn wrote In 'hlschurch Patrolman Darr~U~uslln, in a one- tA. L. Drake. a representative 1 and 2, block J8, Palmer Gawway·bul1etln-.


•• ·vehlcle-acpidcmf-6iO"mlIerllOuUt-ot rom ::,tildepetJ(fenIIncome, ,tnc., or Addition, addition 0(. classrooms,"Tho program lor the banquet Capttan on state ~ad 48. p;;ansas City, waa in Ruicloso Downs $18,000. RUidoso state Bank. 'Car-:

will bo a vcry Interesting ono, and AustIn said ll- 1957 Fotd, driven thlfJ week conferr.lng w1th Mayor ter Lodge tract, !pterlor c.onstruc-IWill reature a talk by the Rev. by Roy Padll1.!,.Bo~ 901 E1 pq. E. E. Miller and Vll1ageof Ruidoso .tfoli, $1,760.Jllomell (J, Jones. Jr., a mlnls~r or rvlner, N. M.;"tOlck th6- anlm-al DoW1'\S Trustees. tndependent tn.. ....;.. _the EplllcopRI. Church," he wrote. because the c;lrlvel' was bllncled by come, Inc., hlL~ been aCtIni 118rls- _ELTOJi ELL!S,M SALES", ~"onel!'has...chloved'natlon. '1llJhts-or an oncomIng .utomQ~Ull. 'cal iQVIBOr for'1l1e'VUIage orll: • REPRESENTATIVE JlEREWide prominence, Including recognl- The cow hadw!,lked over a hill doso Downs and It lialJ been rewrt- FQR LINOOIiN MOTORSUon 1J.1 /leveral maiazlne~ and On Into the path or the car, AusUn 8al<1, ed that the company may be In· APpointment or Elton E11Is of Rul.tllf) "1'hIJ1 ls Your Lifo' TV program.. O!tleer lJenavldez cited ja Pig terested In maklni private loans In dQso as salesman In this area rorfor his work wflh the rehabUltation Spring, Tex. man for failure to th15 community. Lincoln County Motors. Inc.. Wasof rclonned prlllonorlJ In Chicago. have his vehicle under control F,d· . announced last week by the Carrl- iHe III a favorllc 8peaker for youth day afternoOnafter the driver's SORORITY FROM TECH ':ooze owner or the tlrm, Marvinmec1l0l(8 Rcr01l1l the nation. Mr. 1963 Mercury rammed Into a. dltcb DU~ NEXT WEEK ROD'ertB. Ellis, who was Rear deal.Tom Cook III oorvlng all the head about" mile and a halt east or Mes- Reservations ror 80 members or er In Roswell ror many yeRrs. and .Ilponllor for Ule group. The banquet calero on U. S. 70. the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority who mQvcd to RuldosQ. more !1u~n t •will 'be prepared by tho United ' JJcnavldez Ilald Jack Edwin Irons, rrom Texas Tech at Lubbock were two years ago to m'!ke his home, :Church Women. Mra. Daisy Davill. 20, explained 'that he had reached confirmed ror the week-end or Feb. will handle sales hero or all FQrd'prcoident," /laid Ule artrcle.down to adjust the radJ9.j When the 12=13, by M1lIs Dianne Carren, chair· vehicles,' including passenger cars.!

• car ran ott the right tilde or the man or the J\:. A. T. Ski Holiday vans, .and trucks, and willFour'From Here. . road. It struck an embRnkment, Retreat committee, Harry Whipple, alsO deal, Iii used cara, It was an.

slid 180 fcc.t then struck the illtch manager or the ~parral Motor nounced. Phone numberror the carJoin New Club . . wlUl the rlsht rront fender, Ule of· Hotel announced Monday. sa1e:Jman Ia 257.25~.At Albu,..,.....rque flcer said. . __' ...

...., UoV ----'----_.- ANDREWS, TEX. SCOUTSFour from RUldollO became char· NONE 18 INJURED DUE THIS WEEK.END

ler member. of tho New Mexico Aft OAR lilTS BRIDGE Herb Oresser39n, mt.nager ofChapter of American Publlo Workll Robert' E. Alexancler Of Portales Carrlr.o Loclge announced th15 weekA!IllOclation at the organizational WR, cited by Rulclo/Jo police (or that 38 members or the Andrew,,'rneetlng held at the Colo Hotel In rallure to use dUll care last 'l1lurs· Boy SCOut Troop from Andrllws,Albuquerque Feb. 3. The Ruidoso day. JRn. 29. at 0:30 p.m. when hI.a Tex.• had made reservations at themembers: Vlllago Manager.OJorlc car railed to make a turn at the Lodge ror the week-e.ncl .or J'eb.G=.11m lIllie: I>on Hart. asalstant; A. second bridge 1n the upper can· 7. 'rho scouts plan a 'Wellk-end or ====;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:~;;;;......,;...;.-.-­E Nl1IIh, water tlUperlntendent, and yon and hit Ule bridge rail. At· out-or-doors recreation, Oregrrer30DDlnlr JlttlladAY. tClWllr and sanlta· though Alexander's car and the said.tion l1upcrlntendent. bridge rail wore both damaged _

'1110 New Mexico charter waG there were no InJurlell rllpor1.ecl.prf'rl(mwd to the new IlMOClaUon by Alban '" P irWlIIlRm E. UUlfhell, dlrcctor or pub. Y, ~ex., a

·lIc workll. or Oklahoma City. and Three Rotarians BUYI Furry'. CafeRobert JJuahCr. execuUve director Given Award Mr. and ),frs. L. E. Rogers of Al.or A ... W A. John 8udderUt. chair- AI-l vi . dB "bany. Tex., have purchaSecll"Urry'.rnlln of tho New MC)l.lco 8tr.te lItah· Spo..... ller CCl awarwo;e· Ca'" ...._ a bl' u'e~t at.· Rulcloe<)

dd d nented to three IUltarlal1!' at the Iv In::. v ..WilY (''omrnlllllion. al'lO a rclll:C Tuel:day noon meeting of the Rul- POl\wUlec on Sudderth Drive. fromlIlo 1I0W lI!l!lOClatlon. 'OUlor cpcak· dOllO Rotary Club at Wattle'.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flllerc. Esta!>­ern at tho meoUng wore. Ar(!hlo Charles A. MorrlllOn, chairman or Ilshed more than 15 years ago bywClluan. chairman or the Albq- the awardlJ commlUccl anno~. the Jack lIu11s. the tare Willi limqUllrqull City Commlsalon and Fred . the 8n ck Sbo" ana laterO. Unkl!r. director pf publlo wor~, Senior a(!t!ve servIce .button awardlJ' lwWD as a ..' ,

worc prllaented to Dwlaht Sharpe tho namll was chlu1ged to !'WI')' itIrom Jlobbll. ror 311 years ,or service, A.. E. Hunt Cale when Mr. and ),(rl, A. P.

. FORMER iiUlOOSOAN ror 28 years, and CurLlll Bell lor 1& Jl"urry operated It for many )'ea~ORAUIIATE8 FROM 'tEell years. Morrl&on .aId.. The ncw ownera said U:Jey woUlcl

!Jhelby Mltler. eon or JIr. and Student Rotarian or tho month, open the ~ng spot I!IOm!!.~molnMrll. V. A. Mltler or Alamogordo, tarry Dlucll was Introduced by thll spring after some. rerilOdellngI\nd 1\ formor Ruldosoan who grad· Oeorcre P. WhIte. superintendent or and renovaUon. wotlc, TheY haveualcd froln the RuidPllO IIlgh Ruidoso MunIcipal ~1ll. Blncll operated thll Uatt !bop In AlbanySChool. haa recenUy received I11ll W1U be a IIPllclal rue,t or the RU.I· ror about 1$ yearl. The, bavo two00110110 dcgree from Tex.. Tech dolIo Rotary Club for \he month Of clilldren.a dauahter, Vra.TomCol1f!lle at LUbbock. Tox. Tho Mil· February. Don brivet, pat or BMton of Ot.rland, Tex.. and .. 800,lern wero \be ownors of tho motel RotarIans carl OllSord and Jack Ronnie,· employed with ilUllheson IIIllhwl1y 70 ncar \he race track Crandall. lIPOkc on the "Orowth or Tool, who.1a at work: presehUr InetllrllllCe now catled Mltehell'. SquareDAncln, In the! U. 8,", Mol" 'flawall. He bad been In Alaska un~Mow). rllIOn reported. W recenUy wJlefi he w&!J *CnllO thO

• PactrJo Islands, h1ll r..\her atated.The notera own .. 'bOmo here.

and have been living In RWdoso for*CvetA! 'Weelta, he .aId..

2 For 25c




Mlnulo Maid '29c6 Ot. , ...

Northorn 5• 1 • • , • • •••

• Q. •

. . , .. , ..

. , . . . . ...... , ...



I. ..••• f ,

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••~~ --,

Kovnly12 0,

1'J 0,.





Chili . . . . lb. 39cLonghorn

Cheese .'. Ib~ 49c



Stew I\teat, lb. 29cSalt Pork,. lb. 29c


Baby Beef

LIVER lb . ·29C




GfOODScrappy ... te·~ca~a69~

TOMATOES ~~n 3~~" . ,. 2 Cans 29(C



ICE CREAM' ~:I~e~allon., .• 19¢ORANGE JUICE


.- .


Page 7: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'


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SnowFall l'recl"

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5 .0'14 ,Q34 . ,034 ,031 .0"23 .~25 .0

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Preclpalncl' Jan. 1 ..... " .. ; :. 1.'17, .SnoWfall this Winter ,~ .., _ -9/tsnoWfall last Wlnter .... " .24.0• --! - '.

,30 ,.., ~ - "''''' 6031 ~ "'~....,.~..n ~ ~(" 601 t.,..~ .-~., ~.~- 672 "._ """ "' ,_ " 57

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o,.- *.



(W.• Don't Want AU The Busln...... We Just Want Yourl)

lI!way 7. - lIoUywood - l'hone 378·29"

ARoswell Combo That Has theTunes, You Like ~ . .

(OME OUTAND HEAR-and Dance To the Tnnes of


IN BEWEEN-Ruldoto', Dorroll Stierwalt, In conlot. gelts teadyto try (or bucket In hut Saturday'. conl••t wilh HagormanBobcata. Closing In on left It Ray aareJd and on right Is Er-vin Huddlostotuf. Both players wero too lato to SlOp shotwhlchWflnt oft Itl COVl'l'tr; _.. . .. . .,' . .'.

;" ,';'_.:~= ~-"~-~~""'""=--=:="';""~~"~ 'jl_______ia·"I



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, ','


We've just elected four real fine school boardmembers so let's get behind them and go towork on the next big project-THE SCHOOL, '"BOND ISSUE. We've gol to have" a new,'school so tell everyone you know to remember

-+---~o-vota.-on-this-imporlairl-iBl!Jue.--~----"" ...


, ,

, . "


., " .

e":·r'·e' '". " .... ' . . ,

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", '" .

All TANGLED UP-Whon Q toam qf Capitan Lowls' of Hlghlcmds. Herbort Welssonfels ofathletes hosted Highland. High 'School mat- Capitan was referee. Tho Capitan High

.......... -men-from' Alb-uquerq-ue-Tn- tne-capIron -gym 'Scnool-wr.slITng 'lecfmlsseen orfconchTntast 'Friday, Tony Montoyd, Capitan, took background. • •

_t_h_e_m_al_c_h_l_n_l_l_2-.:.p_o_un_d.,..-c_la,,-s_s_f,...ro_.m~~._o_b_e_rt (:..So_e_~!~.?'_ Pag~!::~~'1 B~

. ,

In New Mexico, ,in the game roombeer's the one•••for.good,taste.., ~(-.-.good fun, ,.- ~...




The Warrior Booster Club has•• r.hedule4 . II.. flnt meeting ofthe month fqr this 'l'bundaynight It was lU1I\OlU!ced thisweek.

All memben arc urged to at­tend to fballie plana tor thoBooster Club - Harlem Clownsbasketball ramo to be heldVt'ednesjla,. n"ht. Feb. 10.

The meeting will berln at 'I:"p.m. at the high sohHI Ubrary.

A fishing feport releasedby the Department of Game .Dd

. Flah Ral4 thls week fIshIlfll·"ta·rood at Nogal JAke when thewind tan't up. Ai Ruidoso Lake

. Dear Alto they11'e teillng s\Orlcs, ...bollt aome trout over 15-Inches

whleh hav~ been cauJ'M recent-Jy. The report tram thls lake

.reads "cood to eXcelleDt."





-BONDSFor Complete Coverage




",- ..

,t >.:, . ".,'" '

", ill",,,''';'''':,,'


Curtis Bell. Insurance, AgencyI Inc.2Ql0 Sudderth Drtve , -:- Phone 257·2204


" .

......~...- ..

WARRIORS LOS·E A PAIR Hondo Defeats Capitan,. .. • . . LQses To Corona I'·'

To-Sf~ PEfER'S, 'ffAGERMAN '~~n~~~~~~~~a;~~: trOUble. By EDDIE SIDDENS figures. Charllo Morrison led the wlUI the Capitan Tigers Friday

(Ruldoso New.. Sporu Writer) Tribe with 13 markers and was night at Capllnn to win, 80-00, but'l'bo home court advanuro, If backed up by Jim OraMm's 11· on their owh court SatUrday night

there Is any, clJdn·t aeem to points. . found tho going n little tougher tohelp the Redmen of Ruidoso The win was the seventh straight 1090 to Coronn. 69-66.JlIgh School last week-end as 10rSt. Petel'S' and added to their Agllinst Cnpltnn the Eagles ledthe TrIbe dropped lwo Import- lead In the 5B District. 1J10 entiro gnmo. but held n narrowant conteau to vlalUnc' "Sl. llarerman Wlnl 39·32 halftime margin berore pull·l'coter's of Roswell, U-"', anh Clole Ono, 68-64 inll aWRY In the final two per:odtJlla erman 6UC ...... tyA Bob ts t th for tho vlctory-, '

I ;' . ....I' nalterman ca go o. 'Robert Chnvez and lIarold R~d•In Friday night" contest with tho I scaro .or their lU~ after leading elm paced Hondo In the llcorlni

CrUlladera of S~ Peter's, the nlbe •neatly the entire game berOfO the column with Chavez Bcormlf, lS.nndhit a mlserablll perc:entage of field TrIbe made Its chargo in the last Radcliff 1'1. William' Herrera heldgoals, but a,ctl,lally lost tho game minute and a hair. Tho Bobcats high pelnt honors In the game withlrom tho free throw Une. Both held 110 65-60 lead nl! the Trlbe made 28 markers Bnd' waD backed up bxteatlls hi!, :10 field goal3, but the a rush to take tho game, but fell Mike Randle with 24.Cru.!ladera hit for 23 charity tosses sOOrt on a abot. to Llo up the gan:c Saturdny night tho Corona Cardl. \.while tho Warriors hit lor only aev- with Oniy ll~ven GCconM left. ,nals led at tho end of every pcfloden to provIde tho difference 10 Ulo Hagerman u lead was uover. by to wln a c.lo5C contcst, At tho half .ganll', • more than aoven points at any.UmQ corona held a 30-2'7 edgc and In-

St. Peter's big JdJckoy. Wyatt In tho game as tho husWng War· creascd the margin to 111-36 at the!lcored half of ~ Crusaeter.' field Irlortt stayed in tho contest until the end or tho thlrd period. •. " S t S t -goals wltb 10 bucke14 and clght 6'co buuer aounded, SOnny Sanchez ripped tho nelS

JUST WATCH MY SMOKE-The WarrIors' Jackl. Garrott turns Dor S pu s ,throws for 28 points and game high. Tho lIagorman crew &queaked lor 2G points to lead tho Eagles 1n .on tho speed as Darrell Stierwalt sets a screen in third period IJ:», Itces, .head f~,.l1 coach 'the CrU!laders held I/o narrow, 1" out .. 21-20 first. period lead and llCOrlng while Robert ChaVez to~d .of.S!am~ e~l:Il!l~t~~(Jq.rman last Saturday; Ele!lt(ld Stlorwalt at .Eu.lem ~'~Ua1verslty,.10,.Je~ 'U< ~end of th., f!fat lloldtM Jead,36-:t~, at halfUrno. ~ In \~ polntll. 'McCloud of Corona I

.. are ~ay I)orelet dt'ld ~rvrnHuddlest()il. of Bobcats, 'HagorA W&!J in RU1dcl&O laat week-end WIlt- quarter and oulsCOrcd tho War- tho third period Itagerman outllcor pllced tho Cardlna1lJ·wlth 23 ;mark·'man won dose contest In final minutes, 66.64. Jng some friends abll. a1l:o t&1t1ng dora by 11"'0 in tho second porJod ed the RcdsklnlJ, l'M4 to IAko a 153· era nnd James lidded 13.":::=::=::=::=:=====::=::=:;;;'=::=:=======:=; a look at rnmli~rOtn lasl foolball to take .. 32-23 margin go1nlr into 49 margltl golng,inlo.~ fmatatan- This woeko«!nd the Eagletl play

~H"'H_H##"''''#H#H#''''H###H_;.--'''HH#H##'#''#,_&Cason. While b~ Lees slAted that the lock'\!r room at Intermlll!lloll. lEa, RuidOllO cn FrIday night and Carrl·the OreyooundJ shoUld go Undefeat- Tho ~rJbo'W&!J stili cold In tho In tho IlCra~ble to take UIO lIamo row Saturday night In two r(lad Icd next year:...qwl.b .. predlctlonl thtrd period and tho Crusadors con.. the Warriortl Darroll SUerwalt nnd gaDloS. ij

. , '."' Llnued to outseore the ~s1t1ns tQ Jack Oarrett hit for a buckel each _ •Special Buy ~·Weekl nnw mCl'ease their lead to 4141'at tho to cut tho Bobcat'll lend to ,Gs,M,· .... "IJo ,.ure to Ice Claylon DeMett,

, rur;s, 3bSllnch, 1\i1h nOlHkld b~k end of three quarters. 'ree throw gavo the Ilagermati the trader, for bar,..ln.· In lUert,, tor only $to... Gambles. Only two WarrlorlJ hit In double squad a two-point lead and tho appllancclI at Gamble.. the store

, . ..,; Tribe had Oli.O ;more chance at tho with tho ble yellow roof In the GlIte.1tying polnLa but the Mot was off lIS way. .marlc. • M " ,

Charlie Morr1lSOn led the Trlbe'oacorlnS tor tho sccond IItralghtgatnc with 1'1. points. While Jack 1H~ Ba.ketbllll Sc!hed.le

,\ OarreU PQpped the neLa lor 11 and ('11111 Sc!bedule SlIbJect &0 ac.lalon)Those merry madcaps of the happy-to-lueky bunch of ball play- Jim Oraham collected 10 markers, Feb, 5-Hondo ..,. . . . Illlre

hard"'~" , .", tAm ,.",,_..... "'111 U '_A' Id' l' _.. . DAV , ,_n" ._lJu_d.. d.'" . 8-,Capitan.. , 'I1Ul.rtlWI#_~__"##>.#H#H"H#"#'#'H'H'_"'##H._ ."u.uu, .."."'..~ .....IV......... erll. ...o--one-··......v ua ·..a-·~ ,-8..r AMlA ill,m,,. '" ~ \L ""-":1> JlI..... 1 -.

, . ' .. . • be hero to entertain l~l 'aM In 01 the team and ma1t1ng people paced the ltagermlUl with ....., ..__nrr wr.o .. ..• werea contell~ WIth LMWarrlo,r Boo8ter laugh 1tI their business. 1~ polnlll eaCh.· Feb. 13-;..Hondo .'" . .." 'l1lereClub next Weclne!sdiy night. Feb. ISeflJ AI.. l,M(!Two Feb, ~t. Peter's . .. There·10, at the high S,Chool gym. Game PItted against-the comical Clowns ltuldoso B team Braves had the 1!J6U5 CAPITAN TlOERUrne Is '1:30 p.m~ wl11 be an aU-star c1U!l of players GRme luck &!l the Warrlortl In both Ball1celbaU Sthcd.te

Thls Is the 29th year for the from the Warrior Boo$ter ClUb. weelt-end games. 'I11ey lost a thrill· CaJ)ltan.Clowns and during that Ume they PlayIng on the local qulnlet will be er to St. l'eler·s. 57.56. and then ·Feb. 5-St. Peters A & n. Therehavo pla)'E!d thol1Slnds of games Truck Lusk, Wayne Mains. Sid aller loaIna' A 1'1.polnt lead at half. ·Feb. 6-Ruldoso A & n. at <::apI-In the USA, CatitdA, idl!lC1co and MlUer and Ken Newton from the time agalnsL Hagerman. they drop. tan.HawaU. RU1doso HIgh SChoot coach1ng ataf(~ ped the taLter contest, 6S05't. Feb, 12-Tulllrolla A & B, at Capl. I

'l'be Harlem C101fl1!l are unique Dave Pafks, LeRoy O<loeb, Dub AcalnSt St. Peter·o. the Bees tan. ~u" in-theiact that tbtl1 never try:to" WJJllams :n~eS1ddens.....7hIs.~-'Off to ... -quick l'14t-flrn Febrl3-Hll1terltlftn-A & B. There,

tun up • huge score agalnllt op. -group-of..-'-colorfU1 wkards of the pedod lead ,and took a 31·24 lead,::-----tp:mmillr.-1.Hrtheii-pol. . ",. fo-the-iites5lni-lOOm-a~lmo...l-!·E!eh-2G=Cautmu1-A.AUUhuit4

f·EBRU'tly ,thegame close. ~YOUnr much ot uny CloWM as the Hatlemltea 10 At the eM or the third petiod the Feb. 24. 25. 2S-Dl!It. Toumll1.

" . 1m 10.11:12·13-14 n PASO COUSEUM the Ume to comedy stuff and their through their cut-ups on the-floor. locals sWI held a 47..3 advanlAge ·OCnoICtl DiStrict Oamea.. '~'" many slelghL-i)f-handblLll bancl11n# Admission lor tM .ame is 11.50 to go lnto the tlnal perlod~ In the JJOtoiDO EAGLES

D-ON'r MISS ", rouUnes. (ot aduIts. 11.00 lor studenLa. and linal quarter the Braves went Ice IMe-65 Basketball ScheduleOn the floor. the Clowns are a 75C for children under 12. cold lrom the neld and were able Feb. II ... Ruidoso at nuIdoso.

'H' ,. to score only nine pOints wh1le St. Feb. 6 - CtlttliOtO it CattiJt)tl).Peter's dumped In 14 points to take Feb. 12 - noswellSoph at noswthe game. reb. 12 - RuidOso at Hondo,

J,{ax CtIrUs and CraIg Whipple led Feb. 19 - <::arr1zo%o at Kondo.the nraVQlJ In scoring with CUrUs F'eb. ~ - Haterman at lIondo.leading the way with 14 points and ----------......---playing probably bls best. game (If Commercialthe season. Wllipple backed uP CtIr·.Ull with 13. . Refrigeration Service

In Saturday nIght's game withHalfOrman the match was ll1most Wimberly El~trlca repeat o~ the nllrhf. betore as the .1'heJle U7-aUIlocals once_ agll.ln took , 1'1-9 lead _ ........................__........................_Jn the first quarter and held. a. u­

·2t lead atlntermtssfon. The neesweht cold altain In the lultw/)quarters &,tid, 'fI'ere oulacOred #-23~ ,

Craig WhIpple led tha BraVM inllCOr1ng ~th 15 marketS,"hUe BatCliJj 'oUowed With It.

..,.~ .....



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,POlar, ,.,enlor:;'~'<'I·\ ~.~., . , "'," '''. :. ' 'j'-- "'., " '. " :, " , " t·-t'~ I;~'~{"i' --,".

~urn,()r $~)''9( SllV.«:P.~ . to Cl(lUdcroft, Jl~d.·niyer ~ 'J'ao~ .,': ,.. ; .' "~~.'. , "...: tromthf;l $JClareas of l"ew":"U/llC;ICQ. Wbere tPe lOB~~3ve ~hownprom.,· T ·'h'·" ~:i 'PI'':" ',; ",

pllUla PO~lbUltYQ~ tw~ teams or Ising $kQl·.!Aa!.m.o:;t eye!'}'. d1,'4s1o~, . lie" i'A ' tty"","' aO!9rlt4(,Hlope~, are e". The)OPllJs,18nup a. re~"rkable . ..' \, 'I, , ,~ '~

, Ptctt':ct SalW4ay.t~s we«:k to com· l~t 9f Wins at the la§t· m(jetin H'" -a:,:'H'" ..... '." " ~"iveage dlvls9ns for ',l'aos., '. . 011 0', e~e, .:'.boy~ 1U\.4 '~ve .fpr .girls. On the· a ·ttin '1 1..... t....... ," ..... ,,, "., ", :.' "''',. ' '

. same da" a"cordinfJ" 'n' MannO'er . e ., g. spec a,u"..ce I!> ....",vl! 'n e.J' ,:' . N'..~. , ~.. "--~f-'1fg;i'ke~-~iSler;-a:1ilaliciSk1 :ee,,~~:g~e~allu~::::e~1J~na~-'l"nUa, ,-: .... ..... f'-':

• '.,Arl;lll:r. theEl, Paso Sid .club will ,y wh '. Q.. lI.. .Q ll1' . . .." .... ..:Ig .. ,'.. . .. Ij~ I Fl' . tltQrs In his dlvls10n:wltha Iii-sec,. 0 1 '1' '," .. .~. '-l:. ,,,.,,,,, •

. sPQ~(lr.,~annua a IjtaCf cup oncllead which Is a'record for the .n y ~.' v.e.;mOrll BlltJ.Ol!l rema...., on . . . . .'rac~WlllicQmpetltQrs. vylng' In the juniors • ..... the sc~eduie forUje, ,R1i!llPs(l War" '~AOJ!LONl!l.. ~q,rI~:W J3, .... FRIDAV, FEBnUMY 5, 1.965~~~:~a~CdM~OO'~~le~~Cll.~rt~~rla~b •• Q~t!~~~R~~~~·;'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~;~~~~~

ItlLY nell1t one of the caaclles -for RUidoso bolds the li'Alstatf cup from tlll!e e.nli the 'J.'rij)~W91,fld lt~ n,.Qththe junior tl'lam here, anll Parker' . .. '......, ·lng ~etterthan tQllothe:J'e,st ,<If the

, win lay (l!lt ~he couraefor the.two .I!!'st winters senior slQ rll:ces here, season, utldefeate4; " .• ., • .groups' of racers. on the west' sloPe .ancl wUl b.e der.~ndmg It Ilgll.!Dl1t· Friday. ~lgllt ~ ~4S)dns takeof tbe CaPitan, Parker sald. some determined competj.tlon. 011 the HQndo El;\gles~ere a.t '1:00'." .... . '-\.',"'11,0," ;: , wordnock and roll."

• ',l'e!lm~ of junIors areclltlJeet. . 10Mrs. HOlber~ sai~ this ";;~k fo1- p.m. in the ve.l.'slty g8.ln.ean.d 6:3'0 " .:; :'i''':''a-::----eHrom .ned River, eloll~croft,_ . '. . . ..... .' .' , '. '.. C>' .. ,,",

Sa~dla,'Santa Fe, Los Alamos, '. "Monaay ,nlght that h $111 Profession- the Wl'orriots trl'ove1 ~. Cll.pltan. for,----·-Taos-and Sierra Blanca ot Rul- al ~!llbershlpwo1!! (lffered to another district battle with· the .

d\lso, with 'prospects of ieams' business firms .In the c(lmmunlty, Tigers. RUldollQ'alreadY'ho\ds o~ecoming. from hlamosa ,anll .wlt1~ a decill to be posted In their· .victory over. the Tlgerll.Broadmoor 'HColoradoHeld window deolarlng tile firm had con~ Hondo hlld I1tt!e tto1,lble with

. "ald. .. ... ...., ...., ......, trlbuted to the ftind to supP9rt the Caplt~ last week-end .fP; a ilHlIJAl~O w' r"'n Ith th j·1 jU1!lorracers. battle, bllt has lost a couple of

__ l"..o ......g W . .. e .. W'I.9f • close battles to st Peter's by one, . racers here have been Mr. and Mrs. '. .' .' .

Jim ISham, who Mve be,en wlth, Get oilr Jlrlces on carpet before point this .season. . .parents of the youngsters and .Held YQU ~uy. Gambles, the store whe~ FJ'lday night darlqr the, half-·(l"n junkets this wlnterspo·rts season the "!JarJatns are. t'me Intermllllilln wJQ -be 'lias-

. . .. .. . ..., . ketball J1(IyaUy Night" with a-~queen aM kltfr'w-111r~rowned;'d'

Other royalty to be 'named willbe two princesses and twoprinces.

, .,"

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Dacron Polyetfer - Cotton andCottonBlends

Whipped CrAD1 .... FrappeMACHINE WASHABLE. ~ '.-* 1( .--·S.T.R.EOT..c.Harn'ONS---Jf4i&4~

Penna Preued-Easy Cue

Stretch Denim

SAILCLotH* * *, .

Plua ow.- Large Stock of. SimpllcUy Patterns and


Semng Need.

, 'f',

JuSt Arrived AI Wonderful Selection of, .

Gay PrintsSolids and Designs

69c to-$3:00 yd.

, ., , l. (.

' ..




':.l' , ..

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PHlftl£ _' _

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• • , C.410 N. AtJcJnMn - a..w.t', N. M.


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1'''11:0 ..tid 1M~ It;f¢f~ altlCKSfOtlt,. Ulottr.~'11 ma~f)' prod~t. .



em""r..",.."tiW'....:'il!Ic;.~~--:.-: __'w S;TATE __. ....

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HUc". \/IIi)'. DRICKSTONl!. u~ WI ,houundJ jince1946. (lIV" you all the ad~anl;J~cs ollur.tMaid brideor -aIOM congtro(Jion=,plu1 tlu;<A! c<!dilwn_1 btndili:lHUCKSrONE rna)' hl'l ll~p"fd (l'itr any type of.'dma'~WllhOfll ,h:mr,(4, lfsiftKSTONB(§£ellmICll' ••. II can', reak. DRIc'KS'fONP. b eo!or­Ian. ' . ' II won't lade or mildew. nRfCKSTON£ in­lulaln ..• il help, reduu coolmg lind ~atina, costl,

And b«aute DRICKSTONB q!J:diliC'a for FHAIWlnank'('d leanl. yau an have! DRIC'J(STONS hemeImprovement' wllb NO t.WNI?Y DOWN, and with~lUlb~ ffiOflIhly raymtnt~ &nd 1M COtIJl<ln lorIn.Of.C _DRJ('~r~Ne ~cu. There·!.!-o.~I~iA,wn. __


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'. ~uid()soWarriC)r.' vs. Capitan; T'gel"$fA .Ihd l3 T'ami] ,\ .

Co,e Earlf1"Euj~ythePancakeStipp,erSlWftIOttdby th,Cj}lUanLlonl/Club '

Ac11.411$1 . ChUdrttt Und.t 12-SOc:

•• cAtL ·YOU ~(AN·.Elt. .,_ ~"".,"_~.. C __ ".,,' ~,o->~~ -,,'--"=':-"'_....,0.."""..........._ •• ,_.~.~_""'.'.__ ~ ..._-",. ' ... _...- ..~,~.'~.. _""','......;,.,,'_ •. =~" __

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J(·~Lb <~ D3eky CllUlm. Alllmo-

44)ItO-Ish c> L¢o ~tM, "~rJlQ#(lrdn

JjleMd O(;f1IUO Jlabb:J. t __PltAa T=UOJ!I1AV~!llbi Job n C'Arwr.·

At.rncroffltlW, p! Jllhn Uel~rc.'l.Clis:HI" 'I' ;l 0.

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I.' rtf /!T1H H~'lEJJ. Joe Ead,s., ,,6111'0'" UJrf."IJ6/u", ,,,4 Hr",w", Cl.&,,~<o.•c 'qlfJ"fUI "",1'> '1OVl''''I'1.,.•. HO "f'!'j'~'J w,.r,1t, ~(J~n ",t'" dub and ",n bo ltJadmQ m~t

",".d, ",,)f,~ '~.oQ" ".Imlld '~'jlt:1.1 """,,,s. """'4 Y/fUJ,...".,pI" ~...,. '.tKVOt'1 '0. '0 pfu, YlalliOf' ~"f C'ub 't'J 0IfAClOI .xhiblbfJII mmch Ifl" ,.... rttJidcxo kfloo' (rim,

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EL 4-2665

-- ,,.

l'l1ono 378-C1HS

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Phone 257.2302





! .

- ".'••


cmmmONJNO' ~PliO. U'7-4U5 J

LoeatN In GatewaJ'148 SudderUa Dr.

P. O. Box UtI

.' .

..~- -

,>' ••

Be InsulationWimberly .Electric

pl10ne %5'1-2110




"'--'-'-'-__4< ...;_--............'

Electric a:ec!lijng


. .Well· -DrUlingtand l}epaU'> Work, .

M..-Rlr"'McClendOJl; ----'--Licensed Water Well

Contractor -Glencoe, N. M. I" • '

Pho. Hondo 653·4314.,~----~--...I""---------

, ,,,'

Ruldo.a Downll





; ... --~ ,', <'":,' .. ,

..... .

Ruidoso Maintenance Co.


RADIATOR REPAIRSAll Types of Welding

Portable EquipmontSAMMER ORNAMENTAL maN







Adob. PlaIa,. 257·2721

A Rtiraof~ Concern.With AConcorn for RuIdoso- .1QO% Home Owned


P. O. BOX fSll. 1I0LLYWOOD. N. MEX. - I. B. CLOsJc

Rapidayton Pump Sales & Service

P. 0, lOX


Dilbwa:r 70

, .

" ••,;IIi>"

Residential - Janitor Service - Commercial

House Cleaning - Properly Care•

Remodeling - PaintingW9' InslallLinoleum

lox 1227, RuIdoso, N. M.

. .


. .;;~ ..r,'" - "

On. Block West of Navalo .Lodge

Agent For Tescp Neon Signs; Inc..Ughflng Flxtur...... Lamp. - lIcens.d Contradol'

~- '---caJt1IiTo Have Vou; Ffol.nWalii'1tiiilTh~n

Conunercial- Residential. Established 19~4 .;.. Phon. 257.2011_

..'- Ruidoso Title& Abstract Co.

. INVITATION TO aID .Secretary.Trea.:;urer, P. o. aox 248,·Sealed bids for furnishing one (l) Alto, New 'Me,:lco, •

~$ed tlre truck to the'aonllo Vol· 'I'he vehicle "~. pumptng eqUip­unteer Fire peparlment, Inc., will ment shall cOliform .to the specific",•.be received at P. O. aox 248, Altq., tlons attachel! to and lMludedaliNew Mexico unU~ "\l:00 p.m,. pnrt of' the bid documents. aldlJM, S. T., Tuesday; i1;tbrUary 9, ,vIII be for de1lvcl·Y. F. O. ·a. Alto,1965, an<l will at .that t me be pUb~ New Mexico,' J-2D:~~lIel}' opened nnd read aJoud at the.Angus Community Cl!JIter (eight

· s f uldoso on StntcHighway 37>. The aoniUJ VolunteerFIre Department reserves the rightto reject any or all bids.

aid documenla nnd specifications.may· be obtained from J. ·S. Allen.



... '

.: ""~.", ,

: l'



,. " .......

..... :.

Good Pluujblr1~

Ia VIt$1 To



'., J

Cash Register Paperor Adding Machine

PaperIn Several Slits



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ground. Landin s61d tliat It will toke hIm,with the help of his so~~ obout two weeki topaint the Bononza, after which ho hOI otherplanes scheduled for paint lobs. Boone, whois also a licensed alra-aft mechanic, laid.that with Landin's popularity 01 on airplanepalnler omong airplane owners, we mayov.entually build Ruidoso into a malarmodlflcotion center for ~Ircr.aft. ,


INSURANCEFor All Types atld Coverages


. THE AGENCY OIl SERVICEPhon. 257·2410 or Resldinc. 257..2713In Th. Crosby BuUdlng In Opper Ruidoso•

'.- - - -- • --- ",.- --, ,-,- .- ._-----_.- _. _. --- -- --- @- ~-- --- - .... " """""-'- ",~, " __ .. . ".• ~_, __ ._._@ ~., __ .-.-.•, ' __"'_';~.'2. '" .. ,,__ ._._ .,,,"_ ._., .• 'w'__ .. _, I .. _ , .'.'.I"_ .. , -..-~ ,

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. SID 'COURVEllE·\ PLUMBING' & HEAriNG:·Pli6lie2S1.20S$··,lf. M.~

.. -~-"~<-~rrwor1i "~--~-;~~"""':-' "'-'!'". Strldty Cash


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t ' •• ' '(e

Mir~cle'Kitchen Knife"Cuts·Fr02':en·Foods .

- .'. '--".' ~,,', '," ,,'-- ,- -- "

. t?" f'

, .

Agents UND:ERWOOD Typewriters


Free Home Design and Drawing ServiceEfficient PlannIng - Quam)' Work - Phone 257·2819

Your CompTete Saflsfadlon Guaranteed On AnyJobP.O', Box 45 .... Ruidoso, New MexIco - ED BOYER, Owner

Ruidoso Construction Co.

'j --

• ,ni'. -


'''. t,' ,~'"_ ." ... '.,<

., ~ }, ~·A:.ciding Machines, Calculators

806 New York A....rill•

.phon.......Ec-7-7300- ..... Afamogordo~Mex7



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Agsol1ment of remnants

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.:ALPINE AVIATIONOIIioetii JlflliDldPai .\liPId~~


:~WtnCU8li .;;'Aftfait..IteIifiaI .. AVISREki'.;A..CM· .

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:C11~Q~%t~~~~~~~cnQi~doso.~~aw·!ls"'~ ..';'" ~~~-."""'~""""''''''''''''''''''~''~,~.-""."'! '!"'!">------ ""'"-- ~- '""'··~··,~w""'~ .; ,,-""': .!"..~......,""""''"'''.I!'' , _"""'"'.;...--- ~ "'""""'""" M," --.""'""' ~..ilII iiJ'!~.-....•OF NliJ,W .ME:7qC~·· .• . ..... ' "~I ..' . .' .. '.- ~ ," " F;.'wrnIl:N 4NP FOR ~~~l!1'\lllpr!?119!l~ . . ..••.. . ....

·A¥N::96~~i~~~ROL) .. Sale ofl-RRR.' . . '.~ii~~~K. r Under (;l)~tract ..,. . ....p. ..... .-'.. . . ...• .. ~s> fs, ~ 'J:'~e s;ale .Q~ .the. (acUities orR~dl11 .... . ; . . " • . .

'.' . D~fen~~~N~ COURJNEY, ~ :~~~~~I~;~~~~:~:::;· ~o:~:~ ~These QuaIifiedContrac~orsand ·FirmsOH~r·-Many P~4' 'Sernces and Prodqcts_. NO',I'ICE OF PENDENCY .Cl)ntract by PIe 9WJl,er, ~a<;k Cral)' • . .' '. , .... . '. . "" . .. . . '." .... . • , . .

'OF ACTION " _. .daU,. ·to...Ed.. Hyman, --new<;omer. .. . . .' ..... ,~ ..: .~.' . . ---------.....-----.........- ...........""-~~!!'!!'~~~~-____;__THE STJ\'l'E OF '. ' . . from .Sa}) AI)toniQ. TrI111sf~r ot the . \' .0: ..' .. . NEW MEXICO nCel'1~' under . the. Federal . Com' 21~3 :Llncom Co: arallch ; 327.30.' N . m\U1lcatiollS Cpmmlssion Is yet to 2424 :Lincoln.Co. aranch 17.69~RED DUJ\ ECOUR~N~Y. bj:l approved.. ~1,lt can likely tie ex.24~9 aus, Men's Assurance..:.,

quare here~y notified that a ,pected'PY Ule early spring, 'the two CP , ;" ~ 47.061ult has been flied agafust y01,l In l)1en sa,ld. ~79 AntonlQ Chavez , 2lj6.26 ;e .above Cour.t by tIle abQve . Orand.all said !,le Plll-I\$ t9 con- 2380 Star Radlaf.9r III ';',,,

amed Plaintiffs, which salcLPlajn,. .t1nue tomak~ lils hoine here. Hy- MUffler Service........... 13.32 ,.' :" ':> .i' :"Wi pray fora' judgment requiring mall Is an..experlenced radio l\I)d' 2381Pllan~l\rdWl!-re " 74.86. . ':.': •..~:i c" .01,1 to reconvey to. the Plaintiffs, television. Iltat~~n operatQr, having 2382 Vlr!pl s Garage 2.~ . t ..., ..' " .. ' '"'.:.II; ,an D. Swearlngln and ,CorJ."lne worked In all branches of the b\l&l. 2383 ClIftpn H. Zumwalt 303.47·'t·. '. . ,\,~~"i .c/" .

'-.:-I~~mgln.tl1e-pr.()p~Y-descl'l.. . ess;-from--nevn;cast1ng;--mmoun- . . pod ',. .'.. .':,.; ~', ..~ .:,.~{din•.the Complaint tiled In said clng, RelIlng advertising tQ man;' 238Ji Village of Capitan 6.50, ," ",.' "-:'ausa, or, In the. alternative, that al!'ershlp. In San AntontQ he was 2386 Hondo Valley Gat'nge 33.20 ,.. .e Court enter Its dlilqree cancell· with pne of ';l'exas' largest radio 2387 LaMay Gas Co. . .... . 38.75 .."If that certain Wart.anty Deed and TV stations. WQAI. He also 23l1S Otero Co. Electric Co.op., Iom the Plnlntlff• .Dan D. Swear- was' wlthsta.tlons.1n San ·Marcos .lnc. c' ......,..... ..... ......... . ..,:. 13.30 I ".

.glll, et ux. to you, dated SIilPtem· and other south and central Texas 23119 El Paso National aank, ., er 9. 1964, a!ld inad.vel'tently and cIties. . Executor ... .... ..... .' .... 1,536.05

I Istakenly recorded September Recently' joining the staff "of . Estate of L. R. Sptres' . i ,".,

~o, 1964, In. Book 53, page lIS, of K.RRR was Don Thacker, whose 2426 Ermlnln Narvaez. . 205.89 I" •

eed Records of Lincoln County, profesSional name is Don' Orp.n. 2427 LeRoy McKnight 351.37 '.•,.ew Mexico, conveying ~ you the who moved back to New Mexico 2428 Roy LaMay. . 318.97; ._...1lal property whlcb is the subject . gon.....HlL . I ba 2429 Fertnln Snla~ ~..~: 298.80 ~_'_.~_ ..

pa'ffili'()l1Jl1S c~u~on and other SOutheastern New Mexi. . FK'ennetl1T. 'Lacy :::-277.'!Ja:.iy' . .'j i'hlch Is situate IJt Lblcoln COWlW.. co' cities prior to going to Oregon, 2431 William T. Keelin 281.~3 • .'. ew Mexico, nnd more particularly Hyman said'. 2432 Lloyd E.lOl'kpatrlck .. 299.02".escrlbed as follows:,· .' K-RRR broadcasts on 250 ''latta 2433 Robert T. LaMay. ,,, 298.80 .: . Lots 14 and 15. J3lock 4, INDIAN power and has a frequency of 1340 2434 Aubrey C. McCord. 231.43 ' •.

. rtic~ ~:~~J~~~exrc~~dOSO! .kilocycles.... .,' .. a:;itiri~~ g:.a~~=n~b"'~·~.;~~:;ir'~~--:.-.-----":---'·~"-·""'-_·· .. ~~'--...._ ...--...... ~.•" .... ~.• aased on the allegations of The LIST OF DISaURSEMEN';l'S 2437 Lincoln Co. aranch 226.10 ~, .

lalntJrrs, your whereabouts cannot COUNTY OF LINCOLN 2438 Lincoln Co. Branch .. c· 11.00' r ~.e l\Scerlalned .\Hter due and dill- JANUARY; 1965 2439 aus. Men's Assurance NEW BUSINESS-Pointing aircraft may de-ent inquiry. and therefore you No T"rI. Amt Co. . 58.94 velop Into a new type of Industry for Rui-

e nnot be served within tho State· 0 . 2389 Paden!s Dl'Ug Store .. 12.30· If New Mexico. . 2366 W. G. aradley , 601.76 2390 SOuthwesternSurglcnl . doso. FronkLandln and his son Fronk, Jr., are· I You are ordered to appear or to 23G7 County Clerk ~ 26;50 Supply Co.. . . .', ., 29.31 shown preparing a B(lechcraft twin Bonanza

pend in this action on or" before 2368 County Treasj1rer 60.00 2440 Georgia P. Harkey 19.27 for a new paint lob In the converted point

~arch 5, 1965. and you are further 2369 Louise Runrlels 1.00 2441 Lincoln .co. aranch, ..~. 1.46. hangar at the Ruldo$o Municipal Airport.

. vised that judgment by default 2370 Town of Ca.rrizozo 45.20 2391 Luciano GaIlegos 12.50 The $1,250 point job being .done by the·r 111 be taken u"Iless you so cnter .,2371 Xerox Corp , ~ 24.9.00 2392 Lincoln .co. News ' 12.06/ Landins Is for the Thunde~blrd Aviation

In appearance or pleading in tlie 2372 Lincoln Co. News 132.15 2393 Treas. of Llncpln Co 15.00lbove Court, and unlesl' you do sb. 2373 Llncom ~o. News 167.00 2394 Trens. of Lincoln Co.. " 28.50 Agency of Gollup. W.. D. oone, airport

elle ,Court w1l1 proceed as If you 2374 LIncoln Co. Ncws 5.75 ~Q5 Treas. of Lincoln Co 27.90 monager, Is shown standing In' the fore-~~~~~oo~~~~~~~ r-..•Q~~.of~~~.~OO---A~I~--B--.--'-.--~· -A-m-a-~-Il-o-~-v-e-b-~-n-r-~-e-n-t-h-o-~-e-·-Joe-y-a-~~J~a-n-e~L-oc~k-n-e-~~B-n~d~M~~troces! In the state of New Mexl' 2.400 Nataljo Chavez 306.83 2365 Cce ace Const. Co. ' .. 23.357.22 . to r'Ie S I[CUl'sts of Mr. ~d Mrs. Robert WIl. and Mrs. Mike sendecky from EIio. Attorney .for Plaintiffs Is John 2401 Salom\ln G. Sanchez 180.05. 2398 Voll. aurrlngton & 11 Pl\/lO were here for several daysII. Thompson, Attorney at Law. 2402 Joy Leslie 41.19 Nolan......... . 404.65 By' AILEEN LINDAMOOD ,a~:. Noel Aker~ fnmlly of Weed, fast week.

• >; O. :Box '1'17, RuJdoso, New Mexl· 2403 Lincoln Co, aranch 42.28 . I Vlrr,1I Petcra of the ItIghway De· N. M.• nrc here. to lice her 2404 Llncom Co. aranch 19.70 IN THEl PROBATE COunT OF partment In RasweIl stopped In Fri'l Mrs. Jim McEuen and famIly at '1I'1r.aT11"

WxTNESS my hand and the seal 2405 aus. Meo's Assurance LINCOLN COUNTY~ Idny. HlI was the project engineer. present. .

e lf said Court at Carrizozo. Lincoln Co 14.42 . NEW MEXICO 0bnUIIUtle Ski Run road when It was I Mr. and Mrs. Alnn Johnson of~ounty, New Mexico. on this 14th 2400 aus. Men's Assurance IN '1'HE MATTER OF THE) II Co 11 19 aTE OF ) "I' d M W B Gran' of Vln- .Carrizozo apent Sunda.y aftcrnoonay of January, 1985. . . • ESTa I .. r. an !'S. •• • ~ I with the Llndnmoods

Is/ ENGENIA VEGA 2375 W. G. arBdley w"''' 300:30 WALLACE B. ALE~ANDER.) torla., Tex. have been vlsltln!: herI Jnmes Madden of Tularosa. WIlSClerk of the plstrlct Court 2376 Atomic AdvertlBlng Deceased ) . Mster and famtly. tile Sidney Pres- here Bunday.Llncom County, New Mex. Specially Co 23.49 NO~ 1104 toM. John Von Rosenberg nnd Eldon

SEAL) 1.22-29; 2..lj.12 23T1 Clifton B. Zumwalt 35.20 NOTOF~CaEDMMOF IANP~RI~TTloR!EIXNT The CharIlo sumner. family Oi.~ JonclI were bere from Albuquerque'"'====;:;;:;;;;;:;::;'-::=;::; 2378 tlncom Co. Motors, lnc 41.30 n ntoo _ 2407 J. Max Oliver .' 112.08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' SCction 25. Township 10 Soutb, ~P past wCl'k-end.

e (.. 'I IAN 2408, Robert M. Shafer ,,113.08 that the under!llgned was, on the Ranr:e 15 Eant. N. M. P. M•• for the Sub Stlltlon Near Compll!t1~"

AP 2409 Joe W. McKnight ~ : 113.08 12th dllY of Jnnunry 1905 duly al>- purpose of contllluinr. rights for the 'I'be Bonlto Volunteer F Ire Dc·. .. 2410 Inlco ·H\l.Bt ...., , 364.09 pointed Admlnlstr~trIX' of . t heIappropriation of up to 133.44 acre' partment llub'l>lntlon ncar Alto is

2411 Alice King , .. , . 243.14 E!ltl1te of Wnllacc B. Alexllnder. feet of shnllow water per annum now vlrtunlly com~letc. The roof Is•. . 2412 Lloyd Vigil _ _ 3'13.33 deceased by the Probate Court of' for the Irrlllntlon of 44.411 acre!! of· on the .bulldlpg, heater nnd wiring

MALC0 2413 Marlon SChlarb '.. 2M.08 Llncom Counw, New. t-fexlco. ; Innd descrlbed.1\9 follows: ha~~ benn ~tnlled. 1tl!Jlde tlhc:ct·2414 Phoebe May Taylor ~ ..",. 384,99 AU pcrron!J bt'lvlng clnlms ngaln.'lt !SUBDIV1SION ACREs rtlck wI be nnl!ilied thl.s coming2415 Mary It. Lynch _ 271.03 the said E!ltnte nrc required to prt'- IPt. N'· Iylng SOuth week, t'lIlIUh~ COllcrete Ooor clln be2416 Leandro Vega, Jr.. .. 459.85 &cnt the rome duly verified. wlUlln Rio nuldoso 44.48 poured. Iuvltlltlonn to bid on a used

WayD.e Hobbs, Mgr. 2417 W. O. ,Bradley ~. 270.80 six monthll from the dntc ot Ulll' all In Sl'ctlon 25. Townshtp 10 South. flrc lnlck will be opened Feb. 9 at ""I 8 U 2418 Clyde F. Atwood 281.33 first publlcntlon or this Nottee. the Rall';e 15 l-;n..~t. N. M. P. M. Otd IG:GO p,m. ~t Qle AngU!J Community

Complete serv eo ta on 2410 AU!JW1 Wooten 120.47 time allowed by law for the pre-. well Is to be plulnWd' nulldln~l .Shortly nftt'r opt'nltlg the . .Your BlISlneu Appreciated 2420 'Martha L. serna ' .. _ 121.9'1 scntaUon of such claims. and If notI The abovc described 44.40 t'll.'res bhfu tllC Sub-Slatton will be In busl· J0HN R

I.n ~apUcm on HIghway 380 2421 Frances Lovato 110.84 &0 presented and fUel! the claim have primnry rights f~om the Rio nMS.

E============:2;4:22:t:.:ln:co:1n:·:~:·:. :J3:ra:n:c:b;.::.,,:.a:3:0:1.~'l6 will be barred by vI;tue of the' Ruidoso. . _. I RWl)' Brooks of Las Cruces vl.s·statute. . ! Any person. firm. l\S.<;oclBtlon.· Ited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrll.

DATED thJa 14th day of January. ; corporation. thl' State of New Mexl'l Ernest aloOd last week-cnd.For Cold 1965 I' co or tht' United States of Amerl· .Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Klrby·Smlth, EMDE

. lal FAY E ALEXANDER ca, deeming that the granting of ~ =============MornIngs When Admlnlstrairlx I the above appllco.tlon will be truly

It Won'fStart 1.211; 2.5-12-10. detrlmenlal to their rights In th~______.__---.---' walers of llBld surface aUdor HOUSE PLANS

Let Us Give NOTICE. Iunderground source, mny proh'st tn Buildin'gTIle Faintly'Car State Engineer's OUlcc writIng the State Engineer'S grant- CUSTOM OR REMODEUNG

A Tun..Up! Number ot Application H·244 Ras- . Ing approval of snld application. iI • .

AUen LualUn w~~u~ i:'h:r:~a:rv::'~~n the t:~~~~:n::-~~i~~I~~~ .... ..... ~y---..- ......-----.-- .--C'" .tr tSk I d 6th dny of January, 1965, In accord-; Uon r:hould not be npproveQ and W W. LUCAS on ac or

Yan ' . al\cc with Chapter 131 of Ule scs-I shall be necompnnled by proof that •"'~ , 'OQ, Laws of 1931. WUbur F. Coo a copy of tile protest hl1!l be('n I P. O. lox 966

Auto Semce of Olencoe. ~unty of Llnco~tl\ic ,served upo~ '~e nppllcnnL Said DESIGNING & PLAN SERVICE Ruld....A, New .... -xl....of New Mexico, made application prok'!lt nnd proof of service must v_ (YMI_

to the ~tate Engineer of .New Mexi· I be filed with the Slak' En~lnecr II'ho, 257-1414 - Ruldollo - Box t'12 Phone 257.2241co for a permit to change location Iwithin ten 1101 days after the date

Bear Wheel of shaUoW well by l\bandontng the, of the last publication of this no- i ------------'11'. Suat cr IlUbtle. war th ' AUl1'meut use of 'weU No. H·244 located at a! lice. UnleS!! protested. the appllca.! • -o¥

,qoOI ()If.utn~-yOU'''''e.!-~.. _.GeD~rat~lIto _ .... ~lJl" JnthcNy/'.of SeCt!0!1_.25,; t10~ v.ill be l.'1k~n up ~orconslde.ra-.t_.. -_work. l10t to fhInk." ---Q, Repaln 'I'oW113hlp 10 SOUth, Range 15 East. ; lion by the Slate""Eriglnecr on that

i--4--_-- ---------_--I-~N~-~M::..:,...:;;Pi_•.;.M.~,and dr11l1ng a shal-" date. bclnlt on or about the 23tdI~W well 0.·2 2 c os In ay 0 ruary. •dlameter and approximately 80 S. E. Reynoldsfeet in depth at 1\ »Oint In the Slate Englnller tSW%NWI~ SOuth of RUidoso River. 1-29; 2-5-12


*-_..-;~_.;... lt



Page 10: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'





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, .

.........Member,M. L. 5



~ ,\1'.. ~ ..", . -



'.Jess Noble~

. '


. ~- .

One of th~ ~o;t popular Tourist Cour!.'> tn RUIdoso area. 15- ' ."

UnIts,' 1nl1J'VldUal calJ1ns; kltchons and tlreplaco, and 3% acres ofprime land WJth room IQr expnlUllon. Complew wlUl " BR, 2% bath)lving Quarwrs., . ~~ ','

f.'!fie, level Commercia) Slw. 130x2SQ, fect 10 size with aU city

~UllUllS and paving.

L " '., LQY~IY.puplex, ~nly a yearli ol,d. pn the pavement and citysewer. Situawd near tlle business district. Total price. ,$24.000, with~.QOO down nnd owner financing, ' .

,' ..


. ,, . .•


, ,

.... . '.

, "•

;- ''';;":;:--:--:'O;'_:~~,~',;-,' "~:, _:"; : ,":'_;,~."-""-"- ~~ .-;:'- ;~':-' .... - ~"'.... :-:r._:,_, ,,,.:~,,:-:,,,-,:~,,-..,.- -. ,:... ''':-:'':'':-:~;~:'';"''::~C'';'''.:''''''''''-'''C'=_'' -""~"~7~'~:::·-~-~'~-'~'~'i:.i;-"q _" .. :

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, .-

• •- ~ '.


"Yo\Jr F'rJendly Broker"

, ,



L, C, CroWIl - Lcln Ean~r. - Joyce StAnley'

- Member M, L. 8. -.. NOTAny PUBLIC ,- Mechem Drive

... ;:,t."",.~' .r" '. ~ , t '.,




.- ..

Tell'phOIlI" 261-4370

.....n. ..".'

'0118 N/!:Wt.~ l! balhH .Ctrc laeo ~\l11 full 'In!ltil~ted hOmo can be 'boo ht .lur ollly U3.:4ft(j O() WlltJ Lo Willi C,lIfJ>pt Ulld Ib block from pavcmcfl}. Immedlaw po"IWllnlofl. ' ' .., ,. ;~_'IJ

Whll!>l'\'er your Medn, we have a compleW oolecUon 01 Illllln"lI. and InvU,(l you W s(1fiII.~ "r/uI(' you fJUY. ..

~ ..



P. O. JIOx Itt

•Ruidoso ArtistTo InstructIn Louisiana

*~ SE<!fI0~ JJ '" P,AOE f'0l1R .. '" " • ".,.' i I Buid so N ~~'. " ," . '" .' '. • ''~~'t;~.w~ , ~~I' .~r1~~Y~¥fld~·::d,a:rlR::~H5 ,t1t .: ,056 :',,' ," i,~;'Alc: · "'1PI;5:S''f" ~'l'~ ,';< ,'.~ • ~~q ~ • ' -.,.

~w . 1 r "..~, •. I ~~~y,.-,~~, ~ ~,~ ~. Q

..• .. w:l£~il:~ ,,~e! Place,~, Cl!"r2l\~~~'-~H~¥Q~Y-'-WIim I'll Find n i!> RlIl4e~' '!.~,l;rfMW4nP 'MOR1:0,ACU1: .'. ", • ,." ,;'"J;, ';';, , r? '.,' 'H. i ;' r h ',' ., : . ., HOM EtS . ;. , ," ~,;. ;,:

~~ IP~ ~~~i f.P~~. 623.«31' CAij1N§: '.' , ';, ,,", ' ', .~ ,._. " .' '7 " .~, I. ' , /, " , , 'r " '. ""," • ,;X,~U!!J1~ j)uy 00, ,U¢> ~. B~ split lilvel residence.. P~t:PQJ1, •

~R8, 8Jjrir. IDd.JtmVC8 atIa,p. " sinall3B~ Cabin "'lib ,b"th,.Q~~dneal' the pavemePttn~.£I~f?~WrCJ1a.O!lb~a.utU~ roc1t flreplll.<;e. In tlle pines llnd OI,l'ijlp,~~buH~~ ,,~.~.qld· ~tP{" Parac!lsQ,..oanr6ii; ~,~«tqUltP).'I¢e·Wlt!,.•, l,nM'~9W1J. .' '", .v,~y~~~nt; ~l1.599 fu~\lp~iige. ,', " ' •'t.-rl. '~ .1~~, ~Hf<!·.. . ,." , m !" ~I'r .j. ' , " , " ,Very ~~~rli,ctlve 3 BR bome 1,n' yreen Ml:a'dows Mdlt1op,""U~R 'S,.Lmp.;W00Ct9uiiAt.... BtIwii~.', 'Nice:! »R,l bath, cabtn VfJth ,fireplace, ,:In g09c1yell.1" ;round . " ," ',"P10!l~llr"'Cball)81W1l aVO; Ifli. Lbr: 10c/,tAol1, on pavement .al1d C;pffipletely lumishecl lor $II 600 ,'WJth ~11,_t!"7~u:!,~!,ec' Se''.' beauUfully panele~; carpete(l an\;\. bU!lHI1'~tQ~~~: 'I.e e\JWly, '9~r"rattW~":79; po1JYW~. fl,500 doWn. "'..' ,.' P,: " r.~' .~ ~:.., ' .. ' .'~FO~-R~N~~~t;~'»tl4fqpz)i ~fue' ,." - " " . ? »~, l3,4bll,tbRome neav.the Airport. Wall tQ wall cai'pet,

~\1 '" ' J~c4ted '1m J4e~i1derDrlV~~ C1OlJ~ New 1 B~ sh~II, redW,QQd c~blJl. Lc>cated ~ J!leal l~C,,"qb"1)n. I , . " enclQSec1gar~ge. p~er mUSt se'l immediati:!ly. ' '. ., .' •. ' ,t<l ,$cboPls, ~funUs~elt, y e'", r the pavement. ;FInish Y9UrlieJt~ .' ." " ., ,! '," "»eautlt!!!.oearly new .2 BR. 1 bath home. Split level With

, , ,:::~: _ " .'t(f~~' • , ,JIo" ;;~~~~~~. y~~~r~~::; '~~ , ~l(tra, nice 2 »a, 1 bMh ~ablnwtth flrePla~ JIIl4?~ .~~ ~!,y~. room dOWJlSWrs and carport. Lots of extra' IOC~ worJc. "~9'l.26ii or ~~7.2351, 3(Htc (s, ~en,t. f'rlce~ below marJt(lt price tor q~Ck> sali" $'l..Wf),' .cli{!1):, " . .. ~ ~R HQme J1ear tM A!rport and on the P\\vement. BeaUtl{uJ, ,", , .;' .' fireplace and.large lot. OWJlQf'l;lal.l moved ap.d must se).li

, ,.' . 8. . 0 ..... y, c:!ar or weehnn).' hOple, an·2m.· ' 33tfnc.

. l;'lU'fJCE Of' PlJB4l0 APO'.t'~Oti

OFtfn'A'flll 'L"'ND$. I.tNCOl-lt '~QONrt .

QW<:e or Ule CommlBsioner of, 1?Ublfo 'Lan~

,. santa J:e. New UexlcoNo~i~ fa llereby 'given 'u,at.·pur.

~l1an~ to Ule prOvJslolUl of tbe Actor CongreSlJ, entltlec1 EnabUnS' A9t

, ror N~W I(exlcq caa Sta*.: 557) apoprovc;d June ~O, lPlO, ille laWS: PROPERTY MA:N4GEMENT

- --, --- ~re:~~r:e~ru~~~t°ili,!1-~lite' "',, ..., . ----,..-.. , ,----RENXALS~ - --, '. -,tan~ Qtr1~, ~M CC)mm~loner ,or WE INVI~JJ: YOUR llESJPE~L ~ND CO~LPUbllc tan!!a, 4\lbjec* to tile CQndl. RENTAL JJJ8mq/J- , . • " ';. ,(lone ller",~f~r' Illlt out, ·Vi111 offor 3 BR Ranchetw, furnished, o~ paved. l!i.,".h.Wav, 5, .m,,nes 'room,tOJ'S&to ai..pubUc' al1cl-lon to UlQ .' .. ~ 4htgbest bIdder at '11:00 o'clock Sudderth & Mechem Drlvll. F1re~lace, rorcell bot air gBlJ hea~,

~~=-------'~:;~~~~i~;;:;;;;;;~i;i;;;;i~i~~~~:~~i~~i~~~ ~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~. fi~~ba~~~~~~~~-~~-~-~~,~• ' ..-. - - ~.• - • __ ..___ , front door or the County Court year 'round rental. " .-/lently to dovolop InWrc/lt in art In JrOIUlO tn Carrl%ozo, New MextCQ, 2 BR ,unfurnished house on paved 8tree~ 1'lo~ ,tn. f9~ perthf!1 nroll. Olllylllo(l(lll prQvcllu.:t1 /lublcct !O exl,sUng rights, ease- month year 'round. ,. ,Iwr frotn being a cbnrlcl' membor m~lits. rljrhUl orway or le!lBj:s, and .01 the n/;,wly orlmtllp.!d Llnt:01n alto subject to the' right or the LargO CommercIal BuJldlnlr.. Le~' or t}ale. UlgllW4Y 70 10-County Al"l AIl!lOCllltlOtl. She IB, how. Cgmmlllll1pner4"-of Publlo XoandS, cation. Ideal for Wl1rchouse or 1Pdustrlal Use. . .ever. II member or Ibl" lJuccell1lfUI wll1cJ11a hereby etpre8!l1y reserved. Conta'"movement und cxhlbllcl! her work Iq fen~w !llld ClXtep,d any exlJst/JIB ..,In Iho Ilrot lI110wlnll lIeld by the WilIer casemep18 or leaaell, and U1e LYNN KEYSMr.oclnUon In HuldO!$O IlWt fan; rcnlB and revenue:. Ulcrefrom.' 11 We'Invilc )'Qllf 1.lsllngl;l for froperty JlaI\~liem.,",9t

Comml'lIUnll 011 her 20 yellrs a!l "lilY, tho follOWing descrIbed stale ..r, . nn nrtlol. Mrn, TlIl!lley nlllWlI, "I fll!llltuUonall.nds. to-wtt: (Posses- -;~r~'~~~~;;~~~;;;;;:~=;::;:~=;:;==~:;:::;:;===;::==:i=====:f=========~'I ntArled palnUng for the enjoyment slon of theno lande may be obtain· ': ! " ' ,,'. , '" • , •

I, of It. nul denmnd lor my work led ed as or Ocwber 1st. 1866, and NOTICE OP PUDLIC AUCTION w111 bo' refunde12 to' U11a\1cce~ mClU,dlnJl 011 and lras. aro reserved DATED at snnta Fe. New HeX!·" to my IJl'lIfnlt mony of my paint- luture anllualrentA\.e and payments ' OF STATE I.ANDS blddel'll. to Ule Stale of New UexlCQ. co, this 4th day of December, A. DOl

lnllll 1 nlwaYII nnd painting a won. on oxlsllnlf araa:11111 lease Or leasca, XomCOLN AND CHAVES At time of sale. 'the BtIceeNtu1 TM rt~ht to reject any and aU 1004. , '\ derrut outlet for my ten.eenel15 U1at It any. ma)' be COll«lcted by the COUNTIES' bidder wUlbe reqUired to P&1 nve bids' Is expressly rellerved and no' E. S. JOHNNY WAIJtER

IIllly orloo. It III " marvelou.'l ree- pUl'C1laaer. WIleN "Ir~.dy paid., to Office oJ. th!.' Commlll:)\oncr of (S';(,) ~r cent of thI afitoUDt ):J14, , ••~U be effecUVo unle!lfl and OoMMIssIONER 01"rentlon for me. the t:lla~.) All oUuir ~ntal.s or Public LanlW ' lew liIj'de1lOlU. the ltra~ 10Jf'. unt.llaptJl1lved In wrlUng by thl,l PUDLIO LANDS

"In lellvlnu Ruldo60 I am leav. p.ymen~, If,any, arll reaervel\ to sanla Fe, New MexJCQ 10wrest at rour (4%) ~r cetlt on COmm"iMloner of'PubUc Lands. Slale of New HeXf90In" a Inrue Plut or my hnart In this tne 8takl. ,. NoUce In hereby nlven U1at pur- the delol'rea- balance, $J1Ua '\2)j at> ~taUell tnforntaUOl1 concernlnu ():lEAL) '(UlllfIU(' c.ommunlty. Tbo ocenery In S,\.LE NO. &)~: VI~NWa,(, Buaol to tbo provllllons or the Act tual coat.of .p'prafial aM ~verUI- th1B I)lf~r or sale. the laM5 mvolv. ThrU :Feb.~)nUldo...o hllll 10llt IL!:flU to my art SW\£SWa,( of IecUOn If. N~»1!l%, of CongreM, entitled Enabltng' Act Ing. '11leh~nectof tM jS(irChue edt .ole' Improvements thereon. 11 ..,,---W-------.-,.,;:...Ilfforta olld hn!l bc~l) a great In. 8E~NE~. !H."E~ Of 8eCUon 15, for New Uoxlco (30 Slot. 55'1> apo prfcl!,rWUl»o payabto If'i tb1rtY (30) any, an"d oUler matters related aier Pum.,IIplrallon 10 mo," /lho CQncludcd. ALL of SCctlatl ~. ToWiuh.lp a provod June 20. 11110. U1e laWjf 01 yeal'll with 1!l~rellt at- 'foUr'4 (t~) tbore19 wy be obtained by wrlUn~ SalA,-, 0,._ Se,-fe..... 8OL\U1, Rati;6 XI EllIt; ALL or Bee. 'tho stale or New Mexico, and U1e .per cent pay"'bIo inhUl.1lf 1n ad. to thO. Comm1lla1oner Of l'ubllo ~~ ex 4'''''& w

NOTICE OF SlJElllFF'lJ BALl'; "lIor! 32, TownabJp • 13o\llb, lUDIC rules and refJ\Jlatlonll ot tho Stale "a09' on tb~ deferred balance_ J4!1n~, ~tate LaHtl'dIUce, SanIa:Fe, Wimberly El-_.....c28280 10 Eut; liOl.I 1. t; S;~. S"N" Land Omee, Ule Comm1Mloner of AU mln6rall of whltisoevtlr kind, New:KeXICQ. u\,;u,&

~VJ~E~a~t~M~S%~~~"~~~~~C~__~&~~~~I--'~.~'~"~.~r~.=~'~~~~'~.L!~~j~·~··~·~~ ~ ~r~M~~~U=T:~~1~'~~·_m~~~~oot~~~r.~ltTownabJPt~.~eU~~~d_~&~d~~ -:.~----~,-,~~~~~.~.~.~---~==============:.* r.eal of ·tho Dltltrlct Court til and 18 Eu&: Ulf.t 1.2. J;f 5 I for llIlle at public auction to tho . .... '"

Idlr('('lorror lho E1 Paco cchool 'or the Counly ot Ch'WIlIl, StalO of 8 ~ rt'1!l %. • E' %N VI a,(;r SEa,(: hlgtlC/lt bIdder at 11:00 o'clock a.m., ~~:::==::::::::::::~~tlYlllNn For \.oil )'oarll IIho nludlod Now Moxlco. upon a JUdgment NE!rCSWY, 01 rueuou 8. J:~NW% on March BUt, 1PG5. at &be frontWllh 1110 fnmllli EI PallO arUlIt. Kato tendered Imd doclceted In the 01.14 E~~, E~~eW". 1M8 2. a, 4 of &!e: door of tho County COurt House In

lltrour.o Dan Moro UlAn 100 01 Mra, Court. on SCpltlmbor 21, 1PM. tn an lion 'I, Towhehtp • IloUtb, RangO 11)' Carr1%o%O, NoW MexIco, lIUbject toI 'llll!llry'!l plllnUn(fll lumB in EI Paw llNlon \\'lIoreln UOU!lehold Finaneo E-..t, KJdPJoI, c:onlafnlnJ 3,'71:11 ClxllItlnt{ dght!J, eascmentl. rlSb~

IhOlllrtl Corlwrflllon ID P1lIInllU and Jlai- acten, more or Jeu, aecordlt1l to of way or, and al!:o ,aub,lect

01 thlll pha!lt'! 0' hlJ'r nrt Clueor old E moner III Defendant, In la. tho !ro\,crrtmllnt llUrVey thllrcor. to tho rJght of th~ COmml!l!l.lontll'I l,roIU\(' ?Iro TIIIlliry na)'o. "I loved \'Or or Ult' MId PlninUU nnd alralMI (CO)(MON SCHOO'L LANDS), at PubUc LandrJ, wbloh is herllby

Ih' "'nnw,, IIII" AN nVATr 10 Ilulnl UIl' derd'rt Many of my Ihe enId Ddcndnnt, for U10 cum '11lMtl lands are located approxl· cxprCMly reccrvcd, to renew andllUldo',n to I"!lllill Ollr 01 IIA alii, ItlllllUIIJlII wort! dO/;ClrtllcClnlJII of the ot \n8D 00. whlch Writ of Attach. mately 1l!t mllel to alx miles from Ilxtend any IlxwUng water ease­

IlIQlldlllJl IWpnnnllU••n, p rU1l1 MI'11 ,OrUAII Mounlnlll:l. 11:1 CapUall and menl WfI!l direcled ond delivered to Atabela,' New MOllIca. menw or ICl1Sell, lUId UtO tetlt!J andIklulah 1tflnlr) M," 11IL'1loy In i llir Franklin Mounlnlll " me an Sheriff III lUId tot dId COUl1, said abovo-de.scrlbed lands hive revenue therefrom, If lUIY. tho IQt·movlnll 10 lJllrl'vrl,oH 1.0. Iblll TnI('lllcd lIro 1111.,,10)' moved to If or LinCOln. Il1nvo lovled Upon aU been appra1aed at ".00 per acre, lowing described ntate lD!lUtuUonalwt"t'k In 0 ••••1'1 (II.. 11O'1Il01l or In. nUlItomJ In 10113 Her work hllll Ihll rhtht, title. nnd Intereut or hId and no bids lOr a leu amoUllt W11I land!l, w.wlt: (1'«ltc1lSlon or th~..(ruClor 1/1 orin lind erAll'l In 1110, Iw('n well Accepled In thlll moun. l)(tlendltnt. Uarold 1!l. Oloner; ttl be aCCClpl.ed. lands .may be obtatned &!l of oe..FAIth Al'IlIrv 81'11001. a prIvAte' Inlll r('r.oH 1110 nrtlllw \'Cl'1IAtlllty III lit,,! to Uto following dcu:cr1bed per' ThOl/.C dea1r1ng to qualUy &!l bId· tober 11Il. 19l15. and tutlU'tl annualIlf'hool 1m l>or~ nlld IIlrlll throullh j. r.huwl1 III tho C'hange In llubJerl r.onlll proJl{'tty: J050 Alma Jro\1!:(!>o ,dero W1ll be hlqUlred to depomL rentais and pay.mentn on exlStIng(hC' Ilblh Ilrodr maUC'r lind In Ibc medium used Irl'lllrr I'd'rllll No E:I!l-140M, blue wIth th~ COmmlMloner, or hlJs grating lellOOor leases. JI any, may

Mu 11l1l1lr) hnn R 10ll/o! lind Que- In ltuldor.o Mf'1I ,"mloy bIUl pRint. Rlld "llile. loc.t~~ bthlnd Modem agent ~hdbCUnI'-Uio sale, $305.00 be collt!ctcd b)' Uul purchaser, un·('oMrul ('n, ..1'~ nil oil nrUnl An nh.. C'11 InndllcnJ!f'1l Rlld nUll lifo. mOlltly Oro,rcry lit nUldoso. to apply ~ CO~1:8 lIf .p'pral$~l .nd lCM already paId to the Slate). Allflllpr(!lllUl" It: "1 IIlwo)'1l rflJored III olb Sho III Clllpct'lnlly adept III NoUn' Itl hereby alveo that t, advctUafna: pll1t, flvo (ll~) 'PIll' bthcr ren~1ll or paymcntn. U any,pOIlIUn"n bUI did ""I Illk(! It oorlourr '1lOrlrnylnll /ltrecunD. trcell. nnd Illi:l undornlUIll!d, aherlrt aD aforo. ccnt 01 the appralled value 01 tho arc rcsci"Ied to Ule Slale.Iy unUI IlH5 WhNl J wnll 0 rf>nldrnl j 011101' bllJlle dolQlln of tho local lIald. wlU r.t'1\ tho ubOvtl dotlCrlbcd lands, anll ~ 4UJn 1)f ~.6&O,OO, BALE NO. &1&9: ALL of BecUonsof WIIIlL T",. TIurlnll TliTh Ali.yenf· nl'tIIi1 wnn tlmrlutm. -um llb!1trflCIJ)(!OOIU~l pro~rty..,to--the---blahellt W,hlcb ts \b",. ~PPl'alsed ~tull of U, I. and 23. S\r:, SW-%NEa,(,Jlt'rlod or Illy IIltN..,1 1/1 lUI I dr. IyJlt' or p:llnUnll In \.Q1Joo "J tl')' to blddor. lor u!'lh. at publIc aucUon, thd Improvements, untw bldl!er S%N~.--NW**W*-"OfsecUOCl1O"\'Otr.d Ill)' ..lforl. to plllllt'!R and plllnl &Omt'lblnll a9 I coo- It." Mnl. At Ihe CIl)' Uall 01 nUldO::O, New be Ibe owner QI saId Improvement!J, TOtm!lblp IS SOuth. Range- U !:&at.watercolors ' . Tlmley In.lllnt!l· MC'lClco. III tho County ot Llncotn. Any peNlOn del1rk1ll' to q,uaUty All a tiMPM. containing ' ••00.00, aerea.

In 1.51 Mrn 1·\ru....). movr.d to I It fond memory for Mill '1'InlIley. SlAte of New Mexico, on saturday, bldd(!t'mUl~qua1ft)l ~rote tho J;11c1. l1'Ioro or Jell!l, acCOrdlpg to U1e gov­EI PallO and nN\ ..d 1111 ..,,('r(!IQ/'l' i nll ~bo lenven lluldotO. III hor par. Iho ~th dny' ot FcIbruary. 1965, at dll1lr In lIl1c1i ..10 1lU been com· emmenl SUf'\ltlY thorCof. (PtmUQ10 Rober( J C'Drwn ItllllnlennnCtl UClp:lUOn III Ute progrAm bt'IlUO reo 10'00 o'clock a.m. of tltat day. to pll\ted. AU 4eJJOfIU ~ l>t 11:1 BUJXoDJNOS LAND). 'l'be lmpro"~_ _ . " ,." ~11!;fy the Illlld ~xccuUon, toJeU1cr tub, CClrttfli!4· or caahfer'. check ments upon thee lands havll been

wtul U1c Inle~ I'lJld tmilA Wlreon or t>an1c mone7 order. and made appra1scd at $4.000.00DatctS thl!J UUi day of Janua,y' Jl4'yable to the COmmlSlJloner" SALE NO. &170: SEUNWa,(,

1005. ' , PubUo Lands:. All depoelb 'W1lJ be NE\4SW\4. NW~'8E~. 01 Bec. 25,LelUldro veaa. Jr. fC!~e4-SQ ~J&M blddu~. ALl. of sec. 36, Township 12 South,'Elierllr on;mooIii-COunijf - At. .Up1e. .o~ "kI, Ih«:1. ' ~ttM lU::as..t; ~YIi.s~.flli8W~ -

1-29' 2.5-Uol1 bldder'fftn tie ~Ulred to pay five or Bectlon 29, S~SEa,(. 8E~SW~ .r I&'i,) I' een, 01 tbe amount bla or Bedlen 30, ALL Of SecUoo 12



. ", ., , ., '


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Page 11: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'



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..... '.

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'~"""" ,-c.,J, .,-,-_-1 --~-~


FOR BALE-Two trailer houself.lOllO Biltmore. 19:>1 Kit. Phone 25'1',4OGQ. 33·1tc.

FOR SAI-E-J961. 10di DctroltetmOllllo home, MWlt sell. Carpeted.alrcondltloned. like new. See },Iff. .Rex Whileloy III nuldoso r~ewlS orclllI 2&7·,2800 art~r 12 noon. a3·Urlc•

FOR RENT-Two bedroom fuml!lh·cd apnrtmcnl, billa paid. See atO"teway Motel. Pho. 25H31l2. f>


.. ,:' 'J.:-" --, '.' .-:J' ',' .,.... ,,' ". :'''''.:' ',' '1,


" , ! ,--

, '> .~._.'-~.-"- ~ ,'~~~.-'~.............,,-,--.,~ - ,_.,.._'._-..- - ._-- -""-','--~' ~------~--_.-. ",., .-,

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. . .. ,,,' .. , . ,', . ':

, ,,"'.,--


$ d... " '-'


. -

," "' '- , ", .' , , ' " -, " • ~., >, --, - -


3 Bedroom home in Country Club Estates~

Small-9oWl'l Payment, Balance·Like Rent- ............


NIne (~l RUSifc Cci6Tn.~ &cen.njIOCctno~" neqnVtltl.perJng Phl.; Prlc,cl frpm n;920 to 4,SQQ.

. 60·Feet Bu, Frontoge c)p MaIn lIoqd In Vl'perCanyon, ean of Whisp,rJnQ ,Ine R,.taurant, $6.()()O..

.i¥.' .. ~ . ~.:~ ~


,• •I" "



High wooded, Fla' Grassy on u. S. Highway 70 fron',ago, Plenty pure pIped spring waler at $3.00 a month. NOCITY TAXES.

~. _ "%-33 year Rural Housing loanl avallabl. from farm.ers Home Administration.

New..Adobe, 3·b.droam. flroploce, cantral h.ot andMexican tile floors. Ranch Ilyl!,_ 3·blldroom, 2 flreplac..,beautiful pallo and waterfall. tM. home has 30.year 5"%G." loan. Small down payment will handl•• Boautiful homessurrounding.

.' ". --,' ""',...- -.' "~ ..;~. .,.' , ",,<' '~--~, ~'. .-". , '. ~ . .'.........-..

-,,,_.-¥,~,,, ),,~ ,.. , • oj • ',~,

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Botty Locke, Realtor.. '''''''f'~


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, ,," .,---........~~.. '••• ", " ,__,_,, ~ _.,,__ ,_, ~_ ~_ - .~ __ -0-

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-BOlC 6GO. RUidoso - 25'1-4029 Day: ~7·2G03 Night•

Office Nd~t to Mldwl\Y Ol\rllge .

. ,

..• .




J '. ""


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~~,(l'l~- 1'oWI,'I .. CourlftY Norih• >. •

T .' P,

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.. .'. -', ". -- '. " , ., '", --'

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()n..H~f45. #,\dglloIl9· M~blf, Home; ~>ccelleht Cpndl"• •

tlon. A~E"L BUYi ... \ ,.


* . . ... .1, - .,'

.. One t ~J("5 Mobil. Hom'i P.rmonllljlfy-on· lot. a.ood"buy.

.,,, ., ,";".-.c '., ;.,. .'-+ '., .

. .

". ,

BROWN AIR SERVICE IThis Is A Private Enterprise .

Air 1'U1 ArJy P1a.<leAir AmbUlanc:e servtee

, -8OlCNIO 1'OURS-'OOmPteteou 0\ Oil 8er'tle. Oom1l1eto 81,lQP.~.~.•-4IOf 2Ia...¢!itt I

~~.'~~-""'------r----~'::'===--I '"•. ! . .

," $

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CAlI.Dt~, Manager


.. .,,'.



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, ',

USED CARS.·1962~afC:Ori_ standard six.

196~W, foad.d.

1961 Com~f., 'kl,fit;k.Jrsl Jl~.19~1 Pctlqttl, V8~:~~DOor Hardto~.

.1961 CoI~tp; V~8f .+QoorSedan.. · •" , ',- <,., " 00: 10

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.' . Ate· Du.e and Payable NOW .'.... .~ ,

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Penattyandlnterest Is, ChM'ged AltetThat. . ,'.

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RUIDOSO 'REALTY Cp., Inc.' (1933).';0; , . '. "'A+oE~:", .

Emedalr Chase Jones \ ~UliUtl Pnwl1et\.. I--~~~---:---'---~~'-" -_. "0 '~-' - ,- ~ ,- --'8r'25 .2056

'Th!s. 25'l2,c>ao '.. ~. .. or- . .

• •


. LOTS FOR sAt])Fon. SAl,.~l(148 Jeep with cab, SAW FILINO _ And Tool Sharp;ti. View Lots.,.. L.v,l Lq1• ...,. 'igllity. Lo.j~good eondlUon. a!so 1\)63 Barley ing. Jim Rf\, road b~ll\d £1 Mountain Top ~ot' ..... Big 19'~'" M.dlym Lot~ ,Dl1vidson motorcYQle. fUn dress. Rancho Motel. li'Jlone 25H187. . , NO Little LO'1 - lot~ of Lot, .owmUea"o, call 257·.u52.· ~1·trc. 3l·trc. Some With li!'~s,~ - !:,Il With T.(""

NlilAT, DRY-8Iloes repalr~d ex. TUMLINSON" , . follow the Il~~ 'W,hlqfr.I~A{ro~. CARD QF TH~NKSperUy keep feet dry and have Th1lI !s a speell1l word Of l1pprecll\-neateI.'. dress-up look. Ruidoso Shoe TV & RADIO SERVICE D'ell·a H·ale, R·.e'altor I "on for the .helpfUlness from soShop. 257~. ' 3l.p. We~ Ja plclwe .-- many of our neighbors and friends.

ftlJa'reDaUosl and .memberB of the Mnsonlo Lodge.WILLTRADIl1 :Fo~ year FHA 1'D Sb1of'.'~ ~ta' Wjlo i~ve 91 their time anc.untere~teqUIty In ElPaso three-bedroom Dar PboDe· 3'1s-:1leG . Phone 257-2831 In sitting up for so ml\ny nights

cn. two' batha, carpeted home on NlI'ht P1IODO 1'1~ . - BALES: ' With Mrt Hopkins When he Wasr,ohome or acreage 1Q Ruidoso areJ!. verY 11~ We·shall not .forget yourOWner, 10311 Chlnaberry 8t•• E1 TRICK OP'~WEEK-SldCour· neuben Larson ~ Boben- ~rllOD asatltanee that was far bllyend thePaso. 'Tex. 3l·tp. volle flumblng & J{ea~ ad every' Pholio 251·2118 • call Qf d\lty. '_ week hU .' dlffirent magic' trick .. . . ......'. .. . '. .- ' ETHEL HOPKINS & LESTER:FOUND-A w.uet outside~ News epy tor )'OU W learn If )'em want -mmE-THIRD JUDICIAL . P a . . "ac. ~. 'i!1' ~ote . .. ._-_. -~- -' _.---~-Office with the name )(ar\ha Wll- to~XI~ 32-ltnc. DJSTlUC'TCOURTOFTHE FebrUarY:llJ. J••. EtOloi • re CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE-Oood bU)'8 Ulis week WANTED "Man to worl( on fanch. ------.-~lIamB. InqUIre at News office. .. . QTATJ!l QJ." NEW~CO f\lrthtr ..dv~d~\ . '." ~ . IN MmYORY OF BUDDY on wed 1l0fll8 Iltarllntr nt only $25.00 Call or write Oeorge Welltall. Rul· FOR TRADE-ono year old two

32.ltne. :FOR SALm-38-Incb Roper gas WITHIN AND FOR clefaull w1l1 JIO tIlltcln tol& 10 J and up. Repossessed Corolll\do doso DoWIl!'l. 33·ltc. bedroom house. Electrlo Idtehen,

FOR SALE-Or will rent or \f..d~ ~~~~.f:t~~J·~~~~ggag~J~~~ LINCOLN COUNTY enter . an"lpe~~~~t)t...~~ or:.~t :I~a~~h~ ~I~~~ta'::Yl wl\!lhlnu ml\clline for jUllt $125.00. FOR SALE-Deep treeze. portable ~~r=~~~~~~~~~.':~~Il~\':ar:~for hallOO In Roswell-house In Palo RUIDOSO STA'tE 13/diK. ) Iii the abOY CO...... ~~ ,ou WJUt a cheery smile. and a wave ot New 2O-Ul\1l0n lJ~!l 1I0t Wl\ter llel\1er dirlhwl111her. chromo brcakrlUll /let. $3.000 equity ror lo-flo wide tran-Verdo SlOpeD, Ruidoso Pawns. with 81'EEL REINFORCED - Storace A New },IeldCO 1Janldn,Corpora-) ~\taoba.~ ~r~ Wl11»t .. . .. 11 ~e hand.' In box tor only $,,9.05. Deluxe Frllll· clo. Phollo 3'18-ClS3l or 25'1·2133. cr. car. land. or' whl1l have you.3 bedroollUl, HS INltbs, large Jlvlns fUelS for activo or In·acUvc f1les,ln UOI2:!.'!s-a4ntlft• . ') tJth P.race.. ...~,m~.•,..:.. ' .,t)f'.Ncw Hel.~&IId. wandered Into an unknown ~~~~:':f~:~~~:~o:r~~~:I~~V,:~~~ t:~ . 33-3tc. Dox 30. Ruidoso. Call 378-«15.1'OOm, flrepla~. bu1lt.1n oven and let~ $lze .i the Ru1doeo.Newa. U I ttd it fl. '••LullWf 11 ... • 'Ui . 32·2tp.range. wa~r ....eU. central beated. OUlce:t Bupply De~rtment. (3lorago L. E. UeKNlOHT. a/k/a , JO~QOwATbO~..;."..~: ,=f.,~ at'.And lett us dreaming how very'ialr thll! boit. Used caRll regl!lter for LEOAL FORMS-Many ldnlls at Ie· _---------:---Let()y ComeUWI. l'CCOJ VaUoy Fl. flles to JnaDf mes for invoices and LAWRENCE E. ),(e1tNIO!tt. ) ,.. p'o· So r.;:;;r'lOoI . ~-:-'N· n needs mWlt bo. Illnee he ts there. just $41J.60. All lllese bl\rglling I\nd Sl\l forms. Ruidoso Nows. 3o-trne. BILL

lIf.~ce. ,Roswell. 3O-tfc. oUter papert. 32-3lDo. t.nd T. J. JONES; dolns bus1neM) 'j,h"'ico' , Xl.". ~ . ".' .•\f{ .And you....o you. who. the wJldest Jnl\ny more III Ollmble!!. the store ~ ~O ~ftriyWrw ~-----------:--:..-------- IS SIERRA BLANOA UU~O ) ~ESIJ my hiti4~.theeal . yearn • where lhe bargoJl1!I lire. 33·ltc. '.LoJ:i N .n.J:o.IUUj.,G McCARTY GRAVELba~ ~~~ ::.~~te~ :~~~C::to1"~t":~~~~J~~E:8. WUo at' ~ Cl1 saId court at C.~, Uncoln ~~l=. old Ume Iltep t.nd glad FOR REN'l:. - FUm1sll(;~ cab~'1,llepreaenlatiYe C tru te Cone Jease~ NUSt. belJ(lld mardletB I.Cl'eS upper RU!dOlJO. " acres near T. J, JONES; and JAMES DEE8,) CountY.. NeV{> J,{c:xlco, OQ 1h1i'lth Thlnk of h1tJ faring on, an dear close In. !llngla or couplo, $76 por Am.rlcan National ons cion .o....__.fof pr1~: Owner leaving town. In· Alto. 8. B, Boykin. phone 2$7-4OO(J DcrendanUl. ) clay of JiU;;~o~a WOA In the love 'of "There" &II the lava month, btU. paId. 2$7·2651 atter 11:30 Inluranc. Company -1110.-quire at TOmn1Y·. steak UOUlO, or tlHiiS, lO-~O" NO. '1002 ~.rl; of. ~ Pf.atrIct court of ''}Jere'',' . . , . p.m. l6-tfc. (a) Pho. 15ToUM - Buldo.o 'ho. 257-4200 -~- lutcJoso

__~~,_ 3Ute. a.d.~Water Pump Ncmcg:r=ENOY. LIncoln CoUh~. Now ~ex. n:::: of btm s.tUt a'. the I HELP-New, 'Used and RclpouciiS- ;::::~:,:.,:=:,:..::..~==:,::,o,::,:c~:'..:.~::..==:,_~3.!"4~c~~~·====.::..._=.===_::~.=::<;:~~::. :.:,~:,~=..=-==.~._.:FOR SALE-Four 1.50lC14 tires. . . THE STATE OF NEW' MEXICO (8~AL) 1.10.22-29, 2·5 He Is not dead-be Ja JU!l~ away. ed mobUe homes must be lIOId.

~de!:e~~ O~l'e.:...loop':S:1I~~~ Sal.. ~ Se.mce' TO: L. E. J4c1tNIcnrr. alsO kil4WJ\ . Mr. t.nd Mra. zeka Scolt and W. trade for tumllure. open sun-Wkr1li e......... W<:I DAN .....__•.~.. Wlmberl Electri AS LAwn~CE E. UcKmOHT. .. r:1. famU~wlsb to thank all their many days. 83x12, '-bedroom. l~ batba.

:RIce. »3te. ....·~...lJ$1-111' c;IT'S NEW-A new acrvfce C011'11ng . knoWn as THONA8 J. JONES, and and aU who wera to thoughtfUl, 'GOI. Larry 8prU11l Co,.~ II. Au.t-tooQ. In the Nc....$-U1c paper that 'D,;;, ....kkTu:~~~.:--..:ce. VP;aA ANN JONES. h1!l wl(o~ t.nd .. IJenerOI15 and kind during lhe lUneS!! Un. Kermit, Tcx. 6-Uo.w11l be read ·by 200.000 peoplo to.ouu ~Y.& JAldES D!:ES; .. I and passing away of Wayne "Bud·1966-w111 be ''"1bc OWde~t." You arc hereby noUt1ed that a ~J dy" Emery SCOtt. We !hank you all FOR SALE - AnUquo WheelockWatch for further aiinounet~ts. ' Pbo. 207"",, aull- ilasbetn (lIed 'll~\ )'OU In 1':"\ wlUt our sincere lava. equara grl\nd plano. Over UK yearn

Ok "" ,.,.,...t b th bo ~ J,{f aJl4 J&ts zek SCOtt old. Recondilioned. Oamble!!."1'hLEASE-Commerclal build. Gladys Thomson ~e: f"'lVO "y't'. yea vo rz,4 i·' ..' .' a lhe OLl\eWIlY. 22·Uo.

....... f6rmc".1" JAr""'. ....-rd;. r. ~me4 rJalnWf, whlch rtaln. ~ it t.nd Family~. • , ".,,, D.a tift prt.YIJ tor a Judgment on a mort- .-

. sq~re feet. • iaQO note t.nd, &0 fllr~ lb. re!ol '. . OAT HAY For wo wn.,. Camp TAKE OVER PAYMENTs.-On IIsee BW or LUcllle Mcc.rty. Phone ., clt&te mortgage securing paymenL .Jf~!! OeronImo, Box 3/J. Rulct~. N. M. 1959 OMO plc.kup, Pl1ymcntll $30.00257.2425. ~.O. Box 55. 32-tfc. B Pri P cl of t:iJd note 1n\lolvtnw tne. "roperty... ;:... .~ ~g.Uc. mQnlh. Call 25'1·272'1. • 33·ltc.est .. ces ai: c1 q r d .....TRADE OR FOR a~HoUSe hi etet1bed hi 1he comptatnt flle 1i1 rn . FOR REWt-One bedroom Ilour.c

. ...-' ft_ f L Id I chi' said cause. whtch Jg l!I1tuated to "I-:Baton Rouge. Low.:uana. n<:UOD- f you {.ave any 0 g ass, no LIncoln Count". New J,J;.ex... leo. and nenr t.ocke ,Inn. furnIl1hcd. Call AGUA FRIA ESTATES -_ble. Low alUtude. Asaelas. mal- ., =====::=====::;,. 251-4347. 33·Uc,.0Ua tree, four alkol QthQ\' trW! qr wrnlhlte that you \\f~mt t~ ~l:or? P~rUeulatlY c!e1lCr1bed IS .' "The BClIt Yenf 'Round Cllmata In Nnw Mexico"

and shrubs. Handy \.0 ctty facW· 'II t 11 . 0 'r'·1" RUIDOSO AP:ARTMENT BEAtrrIFOL 3-bedroom. complete- Phone Orlfrllh - Evenln"s·, "'-turday and Sunday, '3'1- .......· tle3. but U1 WOOded subdlvtslon, Ie ,. P .asa (Q '9"' -, ....w. 11 fl1m1Shed "The VacaUoner". .. -

Wr11e RUldoJo News Want-Ad Dox SPlUN'Cla 4I)p:tf,tQN; together FOR behind aateway Food IUWL Lela . Days - 318-58G5 or 2S7-4M3 :,.

:LA. . ". 32-2tP (phc\ The Antique Shop ~p:::~ %~Wf 1i1 ·_~tiT E~~~~~~~~_~_~~ IL_=~::.=_..~~=__::.~===~============, ;F.tXIT SHOP-We fix moat fJl1- ...., ~mpl&ltlt. It1rUlt!r pillyS judg· ;:thhlg. U.NAMrr snoP. l'hODe l36'1- 257-2242 menL to quiet.~ Ut111 In fee simple FOR~"" ifFOli ,......,._.~.~~""'.'--~~ " - . -

~tor~~- 'I-m;.~ r:::ts~n the· abOve named De- Low Winter Rates .~. . . . .. . . ... .• -- ' --~ , .' . - . ..-....... .-1IM"ed-enIJle.;al1egatJcliU.'fot!the

BOOKKEEPING ....- TAX SERVICE ~fl. )-"OU are non-t~fent5,or . AIrUtlli'1ieSPaid - io: ,_. • ..' :~ r--il-----..===--......== raDt..-.==-Confi9J:nRJr--~-1ftE~~~~~!~~~~I'~-~-::::;;;;;;; . .. ..pen a a - talned after dUe aM dl1Jgj!nt .sp-

W S A'WOOD qulry. t.nd thehtore cannot 'be• ..0. . . ~; .lIl!rved within the state 'of Ne.".

~==Te;Ie;::::25~'l-i200:·=:-:OU1~:ce~~~~ ~B1:t':Y=~~.~:~'J.:c~-}>t:=lI:t.:. :Ru1:::d:05O:':'=~ Jlexlco,r 't0li,~~ Qt:*f~ tQ am4~ (IT t9'7OR JUmT-oIJ a.:rmU1 JeUIt. 10·. 20' ACr60 c:Jt1 the Bto RuIdoso. around 1~ ~ppte. .""".... .' __ ~.. ' ...L.

tre9, barD ·and ........ 101' 1Ilol$eS. Large four "fiMld., ~........, - ~

room, :2 bath bO~ W1tb ~,fltepIaees. PlentY of ~1L~.~.$n1~.:.(h,~.~a~ul~do!lA~~Do.~W~I]~IIJ=.~l;"~Uc.~==========~storage and exlta 1atte gatt.te. U you are J6Qklng ;;.for SOtne acrear6 on Ule~ of Ruldoso "",,t.\

-,===:.:r:::=- pr1c:ed below replacement COst,· contact us 1lO1t\ .


Page 12: · , •. -. ~, . • '0 f$!~ •, '.. •--.... ~, ';'





••. ...,, .






. ,

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Butt Half


~uryCAKE·4MI.XES..Whuo( "evil, l.Uow

3 BOXES $1'


tJght~g F:~l"e•. ~ In Stocli. , . . ~

. "

Wimbedy Electric"J>J1o.~ Z51..ftt, .. .

• ••

~=~ ~=="====




. .

North AmericanCo\U1hy

HONEY36 Oz. 69c

Jar .

Aluminum Salt &. Pepper Shaker andGrease Confofnor

REGULAR $1.29 991:.mR.-f ••••••• TTTT T,'"i,'-••-.-.~i·-'-'-••-. -,"•.--'---' --- - -'-

. ,



100% Virgin Wool... ()~Skebut, ~ ,. +- •CHOICE OF 33 COlO~--' - ......,- ,...... ,

ONly , •••••• ·w >



~~; ~~.~~~~~ ~:.~~1~~i;~~ ~'.. ~i49>One Lot Black & Grey Corduroy

=--K~ ••••••••••••• ~ ••••One lot, Two-Tone SuedeREG. $2.99 AND $2.49 ..

Glover's, Shank Half

, • , .~~"'-~::~:_~,,~"" .....'" ", > "--"-'--"-~--""-, :',: .-~'---~::__:':::_7":'_"'":,~:: ::---' ':::< -",,' -.. --_.:. -'~:,:- __"":"'.""'.,--:-::::_, T"__ -- "'_'~." ., _. ~ __ "" ":. '__ ,_.__","~'

, J; ';',.;,''','' ",,' ,.... ,.~,"'o',,~ ..,., ": .:,,",;'-' ,'..... -'.~;'..,.. '-i~ .......... _.,

. "'>.,." , •.• ~ " .. '" , ".',,, '"'


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. "": ..


FOOD10 TALL . 69c

. CANS•••••• , •

••"f' " •

-~~- )._~ _'_.'" 'c .... , .•• , __ , ""

" ,

1}. ",.

'." .,

,- , .',y' <1--" ',;;J:~. ,,";, I ""',1"_''-'0.'''':''''''''' ",'.'_ ,'_ "."


9x12-In.AlumInum wlthPlastic Covel"

REGULAR $1.49 99CFOR 'ONLY,. t" • , •• t , • • •. ..


U.. S. D.. A. CHOICE



~ .... "M>OCounf·Box '

5' FOR $1



Dog K'...., Sugarlotl Troat for Dogs 33c~.g. 3~9c: ~,(f~_ '\ •.•Cat YUlTlmfu,lm. Size. Troat forCa.. 33c39~ lox FOI'.............. •,: ••••••


~~-Bhds ~-'---___. .... _"Canary, Song food. Song Pop, Moulting Food -

. ; . and eltd SeedALL39c SIZE

AN~- 3-~_f-1.oo':'PI.&ASTIC .

TABLECLOTHS- ::"tovefy As locert In Colors ...

. BIlle, PInk, e.lg., Gold and Whito


$~In Roun<r..:.. ONlV••••••••,_. •

~y~~.~~.:~~~~.~~~~~~ ~ ... 1 $3.39COnON! BAnlNGLay,tB1.1i1t FOI" Easy Quilting

larg.Slze, 810ln x 96·ln ~ $1- 3'7REG. ~1,49._••• , ••••, ••• , •• '" •

, ,lADIES': DUSTERS.i. '.. Assorted Siz•• and Colors .tcEqULAR ~,.99, ... $1 6'7$PEC,IAl A1.1 ~._; •••••••••••• f .• .

.~ ': BOY'S' SHIRTS(!'~

. '


39-'r:"'~" ' -"'-


'¢. ""~-~"-~-~._~-",,,,-,---:,::,:,,,-. " ,

. ~..... '---',.. <','-~'" ,'•. - ,- ...~~-



$1' .5'1CAN••••••••••

69¢~R $1

FOR 25t:J.


•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


"'. ,


,: ;~,_. :"'" .'" : ", ".c'-.;c,=·.-.=.. =...=..,==.,..",...I"""'!'"",",,~: ,'I".~.....,~,,,,,:,,,,,.~-.,,~-'c. .............""--.-",,.~,:\l"'!,:~..."l!,.""!'.,.-III::,!'!!!.~~"ll"'!~..!'!!!_.•!'II.IIII!I.~-'!III,'..III.III••!'J!:..\!III..:IIl.!III',~I!Ii"!III..!lIII!'III!..I,II:"...:...,,,.,,1,11.......II!.,:~II!,~I,II:II!..!!iI,.,,;....~ .II!I.I,II.,I,II,I,II........I,II..!!I::~-..1,11,... l1li.. "'1!III1I!..II!I..I,11,,:',II!,!III,-.i!II.!III.. ~!'II.!III'_.'!III,:!III,'......l1li.. "II·,',""II..~:':'."~':~:;.•~ ,~~,;:':,:~''I!,'~::"'~:'.':;.~~~".,,,:,~,';"~,,~~:III:.,"•'" • •• • •• ,'-- ,...... '<. ..

I "



... • ~'-- • <

MIN. 'ASS 3lUfF .CANS, ...... ~ ••••

••·Y ~VAN CAMP'S -.!.FO=R~;f.- ..•.."

.. ".. \', . '(' - " ..


• . .

. " '.


"'I' .. __

~ ,-,. ....­. ..,....., ."T:< ';; '~.J'1\ .






\ ., .•....,..,....


FLO UR 2511. lAO $1.89C0FFEE ~L~~~. 79t

TID E~~~·:Jx ..·B AB-Y f ·'0 0D-HEINZ, SIMINED ·10

. . . 'lUllS I vtOETAIIES•




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". ,--,.•", '-' '.""",", "" '" : ,.c, '.i ~.:.y:"''',;.--•..)'" ',-:;,r,~ ','>,

Give themaFaithtc live by ~



;§orshiptbis week.~ I(UIlOIl I. AaIU1CAII Ute

-- -'---~-----------

FtHIIT I'RKllftYTICIUAH eRn_CftH... 1''''.''1 1110.'..... ",

I'h .... 10 """'ul 10 (Jtl a IF\."' ..rnlna 'Voub .....U '00 Ltrl.

".'Tr.\\" ""' HI'U or t'IIH'IITIt. •• II.' Mlal.-.,

"unda, ....."IH :'11It.1.. 1110"1,. P Ill) a II\.WoUhl,. ra".l.f'olllhUlnlnn. IO·110 ..""thlnd .. )' .;""nhl. "'or-hilt>. 0 '00 II. n ...W ••1nr ••I.X 1.1111 I)./n...J!ray.llL ..Jll.aUaa1....11•• IllblA CI.... '.Ill LIII. Tbund'rIlo.dlu 1"0".10, '.Ill ..m. lIun4.,

'" ,



.. ,- -~ -,-----'--'--'------' _.


,---- .: .. --


• *Celani Pacheco Is 4-H ClubberOf Month At Hondo

Our Churches


('.. JIlIlI I'l1du""o WII' \'Ill('" "ul nUl ,,' urrllllgl'nlC'nl nnd wcarlna lhll"lAlldlnll •. " MI·,,,I... r 01" 'hI' MIlI.lh )lIllIl"'r ..hi' r,ru\de und Which WllnIrOI/1 II,,· ""'''Ill VIIII.·\· ." Clull ""(,olld plllel'- Ilt Iho recent "Make nThin I.. h.., IOUrlh "'Ph< 1/1 4·1J "11,1', Yourrot.1I With Wooj" cOlltent In

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