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SPECIAL TERM OF COURT JUDGE JONES A WORKER STATE DOCKET FINISHED AND WORK BEGUN ON THE CIVIL ISSUE DOCKET--HIS HONOR POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE--THE LAW- YERS PRESENT?CASES DISPOSED OF. mi. _ _ ? _i A. i> ni i \u25a0 CAMPING PARTY GOES TO SPRINGS. Twelve Members Of the West Salem ( Boys Club Go To Piedmont. Moore's and Vade Mecum Springs. | A camping party, composed of twelve members of the West Salem Boys Club, of Winston- Salem, passed through Danbury' yesterday enroute to Piedmont, 1 Mooro's and Vado Mecum Springs. They expoct to spend a short 1 while at each one of these popular ; , resorts and it is needless to say they will have a good time. The personnel of the party is as follows: [ Oscar Ivimel. Robt. Rominger, Walter Disher, Frank Graves, Henry Long, Raymond Brietz, Felix Butner, Herbert Nading, '; Lum Windsor, Rov. J. K. Pfohl. Granville Nading. | NEAL'S CREEK. I Neal's Creek, June .24 j Mrs. Mary Dunlap had the mis-; | fortune to loose a fine yearling; last Monday by thunder and light- ning. I Joseph Kington and three ! daughters are visiting at J. M. Fagg's today. 1 Miss Berchie Dunlap visited her home Sunday. She was ac- companied by little Walter Ste- j vena. Hurrah for Grace, she has ! caught her a shine at last. Mr. Speedy Mabe. He is a hustler. Wonder what Bruce Gater will, think about that. He will have ' to go way back and sit down. Mr. and Mrs. Hardie James, of Dillard, are visiting at Mr. and; Mrs. Ed Kington's today. Mr. Jim Kington visited fct Mr. S. H. Ward's last Sunday. Guess he is thinking of sporting some of thn Prestonville girls. Miss Grace Dunlap visited her i cousin, Miss Bettie Dunlap, Sat- urday. Master Sam Smith visited at Mrs. Mary Dunlap's Sunday and Monday. Mr. Jess Flinn, of Hamburg, visited Miss Kate Gatewood Sun- ! day. I guess the wedding bells will ring there soon. We are sorry to note that the Sunday Sohool at Mt. Gilead is not progressing very fast as very few are interested in the S. S. work. TWO COUSINS. KING. : King, June 25. The Children's Day service at J Trinity church will begin Sunday | July Ist, at 10 o'clock a. m. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilcox, of I Winston-Salern, arrived Saturday night and will be the guests of j Mr. S M. Goff for a week. Messrs. C. T. Ham, Sam Oliver, I and Misses Martha Gotf and Ruby j , Ham picnicked at the Cascades j and also stopped for a short while with friends at Moore's and Vade Mecum Springs. Misses Hattie Grabbs and Ad die Keiger are visiting their uncle, Mr. Will Schaub, of Bethania. Miss Ida Watson and Mr. Chas. | Jackson, of Pinnacle, spent Sun- j day with Mrs. C. D. Slate. Miss Lelia Pulliam has returned from Greensboro, where she was j the guest of Mrs. Ed. Vest. THELMA. I ITO CUR 15 A COLD IN -ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin- ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. In buying insurance you want to obtain the best company, with the most liberal contract and the lowest rates. We can fill all these requirements in either Fire, Life ! or Accident Insurance. A postal i will bring you our terms. BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. Insurance Department, Walnut Cove, N. C. 1 Don't be footad and made to believe that rheumatism can be 5 ! cured with local appliances. Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the ! only positive cure for rheumatism. , 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, R. L. j ? Murphy, Walnut Cove, H. M. ' Joyce, Danbury. Mother's Ear * womo im rnOTMMH'B WMMH I KUMAMO am MM nr. AMO im rum ' MONTHS THAT CO«t THAT I riM(, . SCOTT'S EMULSION I aurmma TH* M*T»AarmmmoTH AM A \ 1 xoummHktmHr mo wirc*aa*wr pom I THrn HAALTHOP #OTN UOTHL.It AMO I CHILD. Send for free sample I i SCOTT & HOWN K, Chemttt., 409 415 Pearl Street, N,w York. Joe. and %too i all drugjmti The special term of Stokes Superior Court oonvened prompt- ly at 9:30 o'clock Monday morn- ing, Judge Jones having arrived Sunday afternoon, being on hand and ready for work. This is His Honor's first term of court in this county. He is, however, well known and popular here, having spent years as a practitioner at the Stokes bar. As Judge he has already won the high esteem and admiration of our people. We have heard several well informed persons say that he is the best judge that has visited Stokes for many years. Judge Jones is a worker. No time is lost. He pushes things, rather than allow things to push him. His rulings are liberal but tirni and just, im- partial and conscientious. A uni- form oourtesy to the lawyers, and a kindly consideration for jurors, witnesses and parties and specta- tors, render him popular with all. His charge to the grand jury was able, dignified, exhaustive. THE LAWYERS Present are Solicitor Graves, of Mt. Airy; the fearless and brilliant State's prosecutor; Buxton and Hendren, of Winston; McMichael, the journalist-lawyer, Madison. Holcombe, Mt. Airy; Reid. of Wentworth; Phillips, of Dalton; and the resident lawyers. THE STATE DOCKET. Cases disused of on the State docket are as follows. State v. Oscar Smith, assault with deadly weapon, guilty, judg- ment pending. State v. E. A. Joyner, pleaded guilty, judgment suspended on payment of one-half the cost. State v. Chas. Venable, guilty,, tine $25 and cost. State v. Morgan Sizemore, assault with deadly weapon, de fendant pleaded guilty, $5 and cost. State v. Alice Wilson, Bob Jones, injury to property, judg- ment suspended on payment of cost. State v. Peter Bennett, and Minnie Lee Si/.eniore, disposing of mortgaged property, judgment suspenneded on payment of cost. Defendant to appear at Spring Term, 1907, and show that he is supporting his wife. State v. Mellville Tatum, as- sault; 15 years in State prison. Mtate v. J. L. Falkner, bad con- duct; judgment suspended and de- fendant placed under bond of SSOO to appear at court from term to term until spring term, 190H, and show that he has been of good be- havior and kept the peace toward his wife and drunk no liquor. State v. Sam Williams, retail- ing, SSO and cost. State v, Oscar Smith, retailing, SSO and cost. State v. J. J. Fry, carrying con- j oealed weapon, 90 days on Rock- ingham roads. State v. Demo Smith, Charley George and Rufus Cardwell, in- jury to property, $5.00 and one- third cost each. State v. Nelia Cardwell and Lum Joyce, retailing, 90 days in jail. State v. Tom Tucker and John Simmons, assult with deadly weapon, S2O and one-half cost each. State v. Robah Caudle, carrying ooncealed weapon, $lO and cost. State v. Robah Caudle and Dee Slate, affray; Slate not guilty; Cau die $lO and cost. State v. J. H. Lawson, carrying concealed weapon; S2O and cost. 1 State v. T. J. and W. A. Nunn; as to W. A., judgment suspended on payment of one-half coat; as to T. J., $5 and one-half cost. State v. Joe and Seaton West- moreland, atfray ; as to Seaton, $lO and one half coat. As to Joe, $5 and one-half cost. State v. Jerry Dunlap, retailing; defendant to give bond to appear at May term, 1907, and show that he has not been engaged in the manufacture or sale of liquor. State v. Arthur simpson, assault with deadly weapon; not guilty. GRAND JURY. L. W. Fenjuson, foreman ; D. J. Edwards, Frank Robertson, R. R. Smith, Seymour Owens, J. B. . Green, S. H. Hartgrove, P. A Tedder, J. M. Gibson, J. T. Brow- der, J. C. Frans, J. H. Helsabeck, W. R. Bennett, W. J. Johnson, R. L. Lawson, J. H. Gravitt, J. R.J Forest, Jasper A. Slate. One of the finest looking and most in-) - telligent grand juries for many - years. PETIT JURY. i The petit jury is also composed i of our very best citizenship. They I are as follows. > J. T. Johnson, H. C. O. Hall, ' Jno. W. Burrel, W. M. Chisman, ' C. R. Duggins, G. T. Baker, T. W. ' Neal, A. E. Darnell, W. G. Slate, j; Jno. M. Tuttle, C. H. Boyles and 1 W. T. Redman. ; | DALTON. Dalton, June 1(5. Misses Daisy Gentry and Miran- .j da Crater, of Winston-Salem, spent Saturday with the Misses ' | Coe. Misses Cora and Agnes Venable, of Salem, were the guests of their i parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Venable, Saturday and Sunday. Misses Flora and Pauline Styers and Emma "Crater, of Winston, are visiting in Rural Hall this ? week. Miss Daisy Gentry was the guest of the Misses V'enable Saturday. Miss Maude Keelen, of Win- ston-Salem, was the guest of her little friend, Miss Josephine Phil- lips, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. L. R Coe attended the ice cream supper at King Saturday night. Miss May Ola Coe spent Satur- j day and Sunday at Rural Hall. Miss LulaShultz spent Sunday at King. Mr. Will Keiger aud Miss Flora jSpainhower was seen driving through the city of Dalton Sun- day. Mr. Ross Hamm was seen in j Daltoa Sunday. Guess Alias Maude was his attraction. Mr. Albert Phillips spent Sun-! day in Pinnacle. Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Jones, of Walnut Cove, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Dolph Phillips, of this place. A READER. Lawn Party at Pinnacle. Pinnacle, June 25. There will be a lawn party given on the lawn at the M. E. Church Pinnacle Saturday, July 7, begin- ing at 6 o'clock, p. m. aud the pro- ceeds will go to the M. E. Parson- age at Pilot Mountain. Every- body cordially invited to be pres- I ent. LUCINDA EDWARDS, DORA WALL, ROSELLA SAVAGE, Managers, j KING ROUTE 2. King Route 2, June 25. ?There will be an ice cream supper at Charley Boyles' (Phillips' old mill place) Saturday at 6 o'clock, p. m. Crabgrass is all the talk in this neighborhood. If the weather continues the wheat will soon be | entirely lost. There will be a debate at Oak Grove school house July IK). ItYoul Own Hair ? j \u25a0MMMMMMaHBMMMasnKVS' Do you pin your hat to your \ own hair? Can't do St? i Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction! May the acquaint- ance result In a heavy growth of rich,thick, glossyhair! And we know you'll never bifrray. ! ?? I think that Ay«r'< flair Vl«nr (lift > , bairfrovar that ««> mado I , u«e<l II f«»r ?nine tlin«« »??«! I r»n tnitMr 4 *?- fully «ajr that lam gr#»tljr |il«*a«*tl villi 11. I ehoffrfully wwmti' n«l It a* ?? «p!#tt«thl ffpa- J \u25a0Mm."Hit* V BttOT*. Wo* Unci. Mit-h. j jjju^aan?__i i hiitbbp?wrm r - A Mad* br J. C. A7T Co , Lmr'l!, L».u ' Jm Also manufeeturars of 1 fJk y BAR6APARIIU. } flyers Agents for iflifd Winston-Salem's nfcMßOflp v 20c. |lßL=saoSEjiScJiyU BEST STORE. ???????????? I I !\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 II I I???? ?? Here are some Crackerjack Bargains from our Great Remodeling Hale ! If it is inconvenient for you to come to the store, or- der goods by mail "your money's worth or your money back :" FLOWERS, 10c. $1 PETTICOATS, 75c. 124 and 15c COLLARS, 60. Artificial Flowers for Trim- Ladies' fino white muslin Ladies' embroidered stock ming hats, a miscellaneous Petticoats, full length, deep collars in a pleasing variety of selection, worth up to 25c, hemstitched ruffle and tucks, patterns, the regular 12ic. and for 10c regular dollar value 75c 15c ones for 5c 20c RIBBONS, sc. $1.50 WRAPPERS, SI.OO. $1 LACE CURTAINS. 75c. Piquot edge ribbon, 1J Ladies' Percale Wrappers, Nottingham Lace Curtains in inches wide, pure silk, all cut very full and well made, several pretty patterns, threo shade, worth 2No for the wide ruffled skirt, the $l5O yards long, the regular dollar yard ~.5c ones for $1 ones for 75c MEY ER S * WESTBROOK COMPANY, =========^^==^==== Report to the North Car- olina Corporation Com- mission of the Con- dition of The Bank of Stokes County At the Close of Business June 18, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans aud discounts $ 27,082 25 Overdrafts, secured 17 58 ; Banking houses 1,4fil 81 j Furniture and fixtures 98(5 29 Due from banks 13,492 80 Cash items 33 37 ? Gold coin 80 00 ! Silver coin 354 04 , National bank notes 2,852 00; Total 46 3(50 14! LIABILITIES. ! Capital stook $ 10,000 00 ; i Undivided profits 831 02 Deposits subject to chk 24,485 78 I Demaud certificates of deposit 10,973 (51 Cashier's checks outstand- ing 09 73 j Total 40,300 14' j State of North Carolina, I County of Stokes. ( 88 ' | We, Eugene Pepper and R. R. Rogers, Cashiers of the alx>ve- named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is trne to the best of our knowledge and , belief. EUGENE PFPPER, R. R ROGERS, Cashiers. Suljscribed and sworn to before me this 2<>th day of Juue 190(1. I M.T. CHILTON, 1 Clerk Superior Court Stokes Co. j Correct?Attest : JESSE H. PRATHER, W. J. BYERLY, EUGENE PEPPER, Directors. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666! | USE jj I Goose lease I : LINIMENT \ j A Common Sense \u2666 Preparation. 1 * | f! X The XafeMt and Suivnt Kt'incily * \u2666 for Klu'iiniMtfMiii,Neuralgia. \u2666 J ('roup. COIIKIIK, CHIIIK. { « Sprain*. Scal (I m. X 2 1 X A Trial Will Convince. J i QOOSE GREASE ! \u2666 LINIMENT CO. \u2666 LlilWllKlHiril, X. c. 1, \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 r ~i : BUY your Mowers an«l Rakers from A. S. Mitchell at Walnut! ! Cove. He handles Deering and 1 Johnson. j Did You Ever Stop to Think A , C Where All Your Money Goes ? ) In one year you must pay out quite h sum for necoßsi- f M ties. Ifyou had a checking account'and paid your hills by check you would have a complete record of every cent. J \ou can tell how much you spend for trifles during the It is a good plan to have a record of all money you pay W We will show you every courtesy possible consistent W / PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK \ M ? V. W. CRUTCHFIKLD. Cashier V f 4 Per Out Interest Pai<l On \ furniture and Undertakers Supplies. You Can Buy GOOD FURNITURE Cheap at Our Store. Six strong chairs for s2.7*>. A nil*rocker ul from IKK 1 to s\u25a0"> .< *t. (lest dining chairs $4 75 to s".">o |wr net. Children's chairs, plain eaiing or rooke -, (jc to $1.50. (Jo carts lo suit yonr purse. Nice l>eils, double ami single. $-J.IU) lo $lO. Dressers $5.50 In $12.00. Wash stand* s?'! lo SH. Tim* piece Ixvl room suits $12.50 to s&>.oo. Nieer mien ll' yon ii("*il litem. We keep nice wardrobes, cliill'ouierti, side bourns, mattresses, licil spring, kiichin safes, cuptxutrd.s, baby cribs, ball racks, center tables, dining tables, brooms, lamps, rugs, matting, window shades, dishes of every kind, trunks, and in fact anything you lined iu the furniture line we can show it to you and name a pric that means a trade. Call on lis. If you don't timl anyone in the store call at Jacob Fulton's store, lis will have you wailed on piomptlv. Yours for liusiness. JOHN G. FULTON <& COMPANY. Successors to D. S. Watkins, WALNUT COVE, - - . N. C. \u25a0 ? j TO TUB MUIiCIIiNTS: [ j w,*" $2 for $1 ? I J If bo, send me your order fur the Best Soft Drinks £ On Market. I carry all flavors and guarantee each 2 and every Bottle to give satisfaction. Let mo hear x from you as the season is rolling hy. j Please send me referrenco with order. t YOURS FOR BUSINESS, t | Martinsville Bottling Works, \u2666 LBox 222 9 Martinsville, Va.j S. A. JESSUP, Proprietor. \u2666 >\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666«»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666

The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1906-06-28 [p ] · 1 Miss Berchie Dunlap visited her home Sunday. She was ac-companied

Jul 29, 2020



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Page 1: The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1906-06-28 [p ] · 1 Miss Berchie Dunlap visited her home Sunday. She was ac-companied




mi. _ _ ? _i A. i> ni i


Twelve Members Of the West Salem

( Boys Club Go To Piedmont.Moore's and Vade Mecum


| A camping party, composed oftwelve members of the WestSalem Boys Club, of Winston-Salem, passed through Danbury'yesterday enroute to Piedmont, 1Mooro's and Vado Mecum Springs.They expoct to spend a short 1while at each one of these popular ;

, resorts and it is needless to saythey will have a good time.

The personnel of the party is asfollows:

[ Oscar Ivimel. Robt. Rominger,Walter Disher, Frank Graves,Henry Long, Raymond Brietz,Felix Butner, Herbert Nading,

'; Lum Windsor, Rov. J. K. Pfohl.Granville Nading.


Neal's Creek, June .24j Mrs. Mary Dunlap had the mis-;

| fortune to loose a fine yearling;last Monday by thunder and light-ning.

I Joseph Kington and three! daughters are visiting at J. M.Fagg's today.

1 Miss Berchie Dunlap visitedher home Sunday. She was ac-companied by little Walter Ste- jvena.

Hurrah for Grace, she has! caught her a shine at last. Mr.Speedy Mabe. He is a hustler.Wonder what Bruce Gater will,think about that. He will have 'to go way back and sit down.

Mr. and Mrs. Hardie James, ofDillard, are visiting at Mr. and;Mrs. Ed Kington's today.

Mr. Jim Kington visited fct Mr.S. H. Ward's last Sunday. Guesshe is thinking of sporting some ofthn Prestonville girls.

Miss Grace Dunlap visited her icousin, Miss Bettie Dunlap, Sat-urday.

Master Sam Smith visited atMrs. Mary Dunlap's Sunday andMonday.

Mr. Jess Flinn, of Hamburg,visited Miss Kate Gatewood Sun- !

day. Iguess the wedding bellswill ring there soon.

We are sorry to note that theSunday Sohool at Mt. Gilead is

not progressing very fast as veryfew are interested in the S.



King, June 25.The Children's Day service at

J Trinity church will begin Sunday |July Ist, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilcox, ofI Winston-Salern, arrived Saturdaynight and will be the guests of jMr. S M. Goff for a week.

Messrs. C. T. Ham, Sam Oliver,I and Misses Martha Gotf and Ruby j

, Ham picnicked at the Cascades jand also stopped for a short whilewith friends at Moore's and VadeMecum Springs.

Misses Hattie Grabbs and Addie Keiger are visiting their uncle,Mr. Will Schaub, of Bethania.

Miss Ida Watson and Mr. Chas.| Jackson, of Pinnacle, spent Sun-jday with Mrs. C. D. Slate.

Miss Lelia Pulliam has returnedfrom Greensboro, where she was jthe guest of Mrs. Ed. Vest.



Take LAXATIVEBROMO Quin-ine Tablets. Druggists refundmoney if it fails to cure. E. W.GROVE'S signature is on eachbox. 25c.

In buying insurance you wantto obtain the best company, withthe most liberal contract and thelowest rates. We can fill all theserequirements in either Fire, Life !or Accident Insurance. A postal iwill bring you our terms.

BANK OF STOKES COUNTY.Insurance Department,

Walnut Cove, N. C. 1Don't be footad and made to

believe that rheumatism can be 5 !cured with local appliances. Hol-lister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the !only positive cure for rheumatism. ,35 cents, Tea or Tablets, R. L. j?Murphy, Walnut Cove, H. M. 'Joyce, Danbury.

Mother's Ear* womo im rnOTMMH'B WMMH IKUMAMO am MMnr. AMO im rum '


SCOTT'S EMULSION Iaurmma TH* M*T»AarmmmoTH AMA \ 1xoummHktmHr mo wirc*aa*wr pom ITHrn HAALTHOP #OTN UOTHL.ItAMO ICHILD.

Send for free sample I iSCOTT & HOWN K, Chemttt.,

409 415 Pearl Street, N,w York.Joe. and %too i all drugjmti

The special term of StokesSuperior Court oonvened prompt-ly at 9:30 o'clock Monday morn-ing, Judge Jones having arrivedSunday afternoon, being on handand ready for work. This is HisHonor's first term of court in thiscounty. He is, however, wellknown and popular here, havingspent years as a practitioner atthe Stokes bar. As Judge he hasalready won the high esteem andadmiration of our people. Wehave heard several well informedpersons say that he is the bestjudge that has visited Stokes formany years. Judge Jones is aworker. No time is lost. Hepushes things, rather than allowthings to push him. His rulingsare liberal but tirni and just, im-partial and conscientious. A uni-form oourtesy to the lawyers, anda kindly consideration for jurors,witnesses and parties and specta-tors, render him popular with all.His charge to the grand jury wasable, dignified, exhaustive.


Present are Solicitor Graves, ofMt. Airy; the fearless and brilliantState's prosecutor; Buxton andHendren, of Winston; McMichael,the journalist-lawyer, Madison.Holcombe, Mt. Airy; Reid. ofWentworth; Phillips, of Dalton;and the resident lawyers.


Cases disused of on the Statedocket are as follows.

State v. Oscar Smith, assaultwith deadly weapon, guilty, judg-ment pending.

State v. E. A. Joyner, pleadedguilty, judgment suspended onpayment of one-half the cost.

State v. Chas. Venable, guilty,,tine $25 and cost.

State v. Morgan Sizemore,assault with deadly weapon, defendant pleaded guilty, $5 andcost.

State v. Alice Wilson, BobJones, injury to property, judg-ment suspended on payment ofcost.

State v. Peter Bennett, andMinnie Lee Si/.eniore, disposingof mortgaged property, judgmentsuspenneded on payment of cost.Defendant to appear at SpringTerm, 1907, and show that he issupporting his wife.

State v. Mellville Tatum, as-sault; 15 years in State prison.

Mtate v. J. L. Falkner, bad con-duct; judgment suspended and de-fendant placed under bond ofSSOOto appear at court from term toterm until spring term, 190H, andshow that he has been of good be-havior and kept the peace towardhis wife and drunk no liquor.

State v. Sam Williams, retail-ing, SSO and cost.

State v, Oscar Smith, retailing,SSO and cost.

State v. J. J. Fry, carrying con- joealed weapon, 90 days on Rock-ingham roads.

State v. Demo Smith, CharleyGeorge and Rufus Cardwell, in-jury to property, $5.00 and one-third cost each.

State v. Nelia Cardwell and LumJoyce, retailing, 90 days in jail.

State v. Tom Tucker and JohnSimmons, assult with deadlyweapon, S2O and one-half costeach.

State v. Robah Caudle, carryingooncealed weapon, $lO and cost.

State v. Robah Caudle and DeeSlate, affray; Slate not guilty; Caudie $lO and cost.

State v. J. H. Lawson, carryingconcealed weapon; S2O and cost. 1

State v. T. J. and W. A. Nunn;as to W. A., judgment suspendedon payment of one-half coat; as toT. J., $5 and one-half cost.

State v. Joe and Seaton West-moreland, atfray ; as to Seaton, $lOand one half coat. As to Joe, $5

and one-half cost.State v. Jerry Dunlap, retailing;

defendant to give bond to appearat May term, 1907, and show thathe has not been engaged in themanufacture or sale of liquor.

State v. Arthur simpson, assaultwith deadly weapon; not guilty.


L. W. Fenjuson, foreman ; D.J. Edwards, Frank Robertson, R.R. Smith, Seymour Owens, J. B. .Green, S. H. Hartgrove, P. ATedder, J. M. Gibson, J. T. Brow-der, J. C. Frans, J. H. Helsabeck,W. R. Bennett, W. J. Johnson, R.L. Lawson, J. H. Gravitt, J. R.JForest, Jasper A. Slate. One ofthe finest looking and most in-)

- telligent grand juries for many- years.


i The petit jury is also composedi of our very best citizenship. TheyI are as follows.

> J. T. Johnson, H. C. O. Hall,' Jno. W. Burrel, W. M. Chisman,' C. R. Duggins, G. T. Baker, T. W.' Neal, A. E. Darnell, W. G. Slate,j; Jno. M. Tuttle, C. H. Boyles and1 W. T. Redman.



Dalton, June 1(5.

Misses Daisy Gentry and Miran-

.jda Crater, of Winston-Salem,spent Saturday with the Misses

' | Coe.Misses Cora and Agnes Venable,

of Salem, were the guests of theiri parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Venable,

Saturday and Sunday.Misses Flora and Pauline Styers

and Emma "Crater, of Winston,are visiting in Rural Hall this

? week.Miss Daisy Gentry was the guest

of the Misses V'enable Saturday.Miss Maude Keelen, of Win-

ston-Salem, was the guest of herlittle friend, Miss Josephine Phil-lips, Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. L. R Coe attended the icecream supper at King Saturdaynight.

Miss May Ola Coe spent Satur- jday and Sunday at Rural Hall.

Miss LulaShultz spent Sundayat King.

Mr. Will Keiger aud Miss FlorajSpainhower was seen drivingthrough the city of Dalton Sun-day.

Mr. Ross Hamm was seen injDaltoa Sunday. Guess AliasMaude was his attraction.

Mr. Albert Phillips spent Sun-!day in Pinnacle.

Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Jones, ofWalnut Cove, are the guests ofDr. and Mrs. Dolph Phillips, ofthis place.


Lawn Party at Pinnacle.

Pinnacle, June 25.There will be a lawn party given

on the lawn at the M. E. ChurchPinnacle Saturday, July 7, begin-ing at 6 o'clock, p. m. aud the pro-ceeds will go to the M. E. Parson-age at Pilot Mountain. Every-body cordially invited to be pres-



Managers, j


King Route 2, June 25. ?Therewill be an ice cream supper atCharley Boyles' (Phillips' old millplace) Saturday at 6 o'clock, p. m.

Crabgrass is all the talk in thisneighborhood. If the weathercontinues the wheat will soon be

| entirely lost.There will be a debate at Oak

Grove school house July IK).

ItYoulOwn Hair ? j


Do you pin your hat to your \own hair? Can't do St? iHaven't enough hair? Itmust

be you do not know Ayer's

Hair Vigor! Here's an intro-duction! May the acquaint-ance result In a heavy growthofrich,thick, glossyhair! Andwe know you'll never bifrray. !

?? I think that Ay«r'< flairVl«nr t« (lift >, bairfrovar that ««> mado I ,

u«e<l II f«»r ?nine tlin«« »??«! I r»n tnitMr4*?-

fully «ajr that lam gr#»tljr |il«*a«*tlvilli11. Iehoffrfully wwmti' n«l It a* ?? «p!#tt«thl ffpa- J\u25a0Mm."Hit* V BttOT*. Wo* Unci. Mit-h. jjjju^aan?__i i hiitbbp?wrm r -

A Mad* br J. C. A7T Co , Lmr'l!, L».u 'Jm Also manufeeturars of 1



Agents for iflifd Winston-Salem's

nfcMßOflp v20c. |lßL=saoSEjiScJiyU BEST STORE.

???????????? I I !\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 II I I???? ??

Here are some Crackerjack Bargainsfrom our Great Remodeling Hale !

Ifit is inconvenient for you to come to the store, or-der goods by mail "your money's worth or yourmoney back :"

FLOWERS, 10c. $1 PETTICOATS, 75c. 124 and 15c COLLARS, 60.

ArtificialFlowers for Trim- Ladies' fino white muslin Ladies' embroidered stockming hats, a miscellaneous Petticoats, full length, deep collars in a pleasing variety ofselection, worth up to 25c, hemstitched ruffle and tucks, patterns, the regular 12ic. andfor 10c regular dollar value 75c 15c ones for 5c

20c RIBBONS, sc. $1.50 WRAPPERS, SI.OO. $1 LACE CURTAINS. 75c.

Piquot edge ribbon, 1J Ladies' Percale Wrappers, Nottingham Lace Curtains ininches wide, pure silk, all cut very full and well made, several pretty patterns, threoshade, worth 2No for the wide ruffled skirt, the $l5O yards long, the regular dollaryard ~.5c ones for $1 ones for 75c


=========^^==^====Report to the North Car-olina Corporation Com-mission of the Con-

dition of

The Bank of StokesCounty

At the Close of Business June18, 1906.

RESOURCES.Loans aud discounts $ 27,082 25Overdrafts, secured 17 58 ;Banking houses 1,4fil 81 jFurniture and fixtures 98(5 29Due from banks 13,492 80Cash items 33 37 ?Gold coin 80 00

! Silver coin 354 04 ,National bank notes 2,852 00;

Total 46 3(50 14!LIABILITIES.

! Capital stook $ 10,000 00 ;i Undivided profits 831 02Deposits subject to chk 24,485 78 IDemaud certificates of

deposit 10,973 (51

Cashier's checks outstand-ing 09 73 j

Total 40,300 14'j State of North Carolina, I

County of Stokes. ( 88 ' |We, Eugene Pepper and R. R.

Rogers, Cashiers of the alx>ve-named Bank, do solemnly swearthat the above statement is trneto the best of our knowledge and


Cashiers.Suljscribed and sworn to before

me this 2<>th day of Juue 190(1. IM.T. CHILTON,

1 Clerk Superior Court Stokes Co. jCorrect?Attest :



\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666!| USE jjI Goose lease I: LINIMENT \j A Common Sense \u2666

Preparation.1 *

| f!X The XafeMt and Suivnt Kt'incily*

\u2666 for Klu'iiniMtfMiii,Neuralgia. \u2666J ('roup. COIIKIIK, CHIIIK. {« Sprain*. Scal (I m. X2 1X A Trial Will Convince. J

i QOOSE GREASE !\u2666 LINIMENT CO. \u2666

LlilWllKlHiril,X. c. 1,\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666

r ~i:BUY your Mowers an«l Rakers

from A. S. Mitchell at Walnut!! Cove. He handles Deering and 1Johnson.

j Did You Ever Stop to Think A, C Where All Your Money Goes ? )

In one year you must pay out quite h sum for necoßsi- fM ties. Ifyou had a checking account'and paid your hills

by check you would have a complete record of every cent. J\ou can tell how much you spend for trifles during the

It is a good plan to have a record of all money you pay WWe will show you every courtesy possible consistent W


M ? V. W. CRUTCHFIKLD. Cashier V

f 4 Per Out Interest Pai<l On \

furniture and Undertakers Supplies.You Can Buy

GOOD FURNITURECheap at Our Store.

Six strong chairs for s2.7*>. A nil*rocker ul from IKK1 to s\u25a0"> .< *t. (lest diningchairs $4 75 to s".">o |wr net. Children's chairs, plain eaiing or rooke -, (jc to$1.50. (Jo carts lo suit yonr purse. Nice l>eils, double ami single. $-J.IU) lo

$lO. Dressers $5.50 In $12.00. Wash stand* s?'! lo SH. Tim* piece Ixvl roomsuits $12.50 to s&>.oo. Nieer mien ll' yon ii("*il litem.

We keep nice wardrobes, cliill'ouierti, side bourns, mattresses, licil spring,kiichin safes, cuptxutrd.s, baby cribs, ball racks, center tables, dining tables,brooms, lamps, rugs, matting, window shades, dishes of every kind, trunks,and in fact anything you lined iu the furniture line we can show it to you andname a pric that means a trade.

Call on lis. Ifyou don't timl anyone in the store call at Jacob Fulton's store,

lis will have you wailed on piomptlv. Yours for liusiness.

JOHN G. FULTON <& COMPANY.Successors to D. S. Watkins,

WALNUT COVE, - - . N. C.

\u25a0 ?


j w,*" $2 for $1 ? IJ If bo, send me your order fur the Best Soft Drinks £

On Market. I carry all flavors and guarantee each2 and every Bottle to give satisfaction. Let mo hearx from you as the season is rolling hy. j

Please send me referrenco with order.


| Martinsville Bottling Works, \u2666

LBox222 9 Martinsville, Va.j

S. A. JESSUP, Proprietor. \u2666
