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THE DANBURY REPORTER LETTERS FROM THE CHILDREN OUl* Mac Mitchell. Sanrille, Va., Maroh 14. Dear Reporter : I have been going to sohool, but my aohool is out uow. We h*d a real nice entertainment at the close of our school. My teaoher was Misa Gussie Penn and Mr. Benton Dillon. They were both real good teaoher. I didn't miaa but three days of my aohool, and next year I don't want to miss any. I stndy higher grade books. The higher geography, grammar, history, physiology, dictionary, arithmetic and writing. When a deep snow would oome, we school children would have a fine time snow balling. I was 1.3 years old the 20th of February, and I am five feet and four inohes tall, and weigh 108 pounds. How many of the little girls can beat that V I wonder what has become of my school mates, Dellar Aloom and Bettie Roberta. I would like to hear from them through the Reporter, and also some of my oousins. Now a few words to my dear uncle Gid Mitchell. Uncle G»d, how are you getting on this cold weather ? It is real cold up here in Virginia. You must oome to see us this summer and I will give you lots of nioe apples and peaohes to eat. You don't imagine how bad I want to aee you. 1 would like to exohange poat cards with some of the little girls who writes to the dear old Repor- ter. Best wishes to all the ohildren, OLLIE MAE MITCHELL. Wyatt Dufgins. Walnut Cove, Maroh 2H. Dear Reporter: I am a little boy 12 years old. I go to school at Walnut Cove High School. My teachers names are Mr. Byerly, and Mr. Hill, and Miss Lizzie Adkins and Miss Annie Kate Jones. I like my teachers. I study third reader, arithmetic, spelling and grammar. Your little friend, WYATTDUGGINS. Edgar Owen. Danbury. Maroh 2M. Dear Reporter: I am a little boy nine years old. I have three brothers. I haven't any pets to write about, only my little brother. He is ten months old. His name is Elmer. I love him dearly. I will close by asking a ques- tion. What is the shortest verse in the Bible V Lovingly, EDGAR C. OWEN. Mary Gordon. Pinnaole, Feb. 27. - Dear Reporter: lam a little girl eleven years old. Igo to school most every day. My teacher's uame is Mr. Colonel Boyles. I like him fine. My studies are grammar, arithme- tic, history, geography and spell- ing. I like arithmetic best of all ?my studies. Nannie Venable is my desk-mate. I stand examina- tion every month. Love to all, MARY GORDGN. Nora Packett. Smith Route I, Maroh 20. \ Dear little girls and boys: lam a little girl 13 years old. I have black hair and blaok eyes. I will answer Alice Jesßup's rid- dle. It was a dish of honey oomb. NORA PUCKETT. Katie Smith. Danbury, March 22. Dear Reporter : lama little girl 12 years old.' I have pieced me 5 quilts. I like to piece quilts. Some of my play- mates came to see me Sunday. We had a jolly time. My brother has got a little baby boy, and I keep bim every day. I like to play with him. He is just 14 months old, and be tries to talk with me. When I go to his house he ories to go home with me. His name is William Lester. I will olose by asking some rid- dles : Work herd all day and goes to water and don't drink any, goes to eat and don't eat any, goes to sleep and don't sleep any. Burns all the time and never gets tired, burns all the time and never wears out. Some of you little girls and bojfl answer these riddles. Your little friend, KATIE SMITH. Minnie Boyles. Pinnacle Route 2, March 7. Dear Reporter: My papa takes the Reporter and I enjoy reading it. lam a little girl 11 years old. I have been going to school. I did not miss a single day this winter. My teach- er was Miss Kate Simmonß. I liked her fine. My studies were: Spelling, grammar, geography, history, aritmetic and writing. I like history and writing the best of all. Love to all, MINNIE BOYLES. Lora Cox. Pilot Mtn . March 3. Dear Reporter : My school is out now, and I am very sorry. My tesoher was Miss Nannie Denny. I liked her fine. I hope she will be my teacher again. My studies are history, grammar, arithmetic and spelling. lam 14 years old. I havA't but two sisters, and they are smsller than I am. I haven't any broth- ers. Your little friend. LORA COX. Naomi Stowe. Stoneville, March I'.). Dear Reporter: My sohool is out now. I didn't go much but liked my teaoher very well. Her name was Miss Myrtle Deshazo. School closed the oth of Maroh. I was very sorry when it closed. My studies were: Third reader, spelling, geography and arithmetic. From a little friend, NAOMI STOWE. Trula Tuttle. Germanton, Maroh 7. Dear Reporter: I am a little girl 10 years of age. I have been going to school. Our school closed Friday. I am so sorry for I hate to part with my teachers and playmates. Your friend, TRULA TUTTLE. Nevada Cox. Pilot Mtn , March 3. Dear Reporter : I am a little girl 11 years old. My sohool is out now. My teach- er was Miss Nannie Denny. I study history, grammar, spelling, and arithmetic. Good luok to all you girls, NEVADA COX. Lester Nunn. Francisco, March 12. Dear Reporter : I am a little boy seven years old. My dear mama is dead, and I am staying with my grand- pa and grapdma. 1 have three unoles and one aunt in Colorado. I would like to see my aunt Hester's two little children. Their names are Odell and Dewey. I have been going to school most all the time except three weeks. I had to stop on account of the smallpox and ineasleß. I haven't got any pets to write about, only my little pet calf. 1 won't get to play with it very much longer, for 1 will have to work this summer. I am expecting to visit my grand- ma and grandpa this summer. They live near Price. Your little friend, LESTER NUNN. Stella Clarice Young. Sandy Ridge, March 20. Hello, little girls and boys: 1 am very small as 1 am only 4 years old. I have never been to school any, but papa learns me at home. i I have the sweetest little bro- ther; his name is Frank. He was I 2 years old the 4th of March. I live close to grandpa Young's. II go out there every day. I went |to see aunt Lillian Sunday and i had a good time. I haven't any pets except one little dog. His name is Sailor. I will close with a sweet kiss to all. Sincerely yours, STELLA CLARICE YOUNG.! | Alice Gordon. Pinnacle. Feb. 27. Dear Reporter: lam a little girl 8 years old. 1 go to school every day I can. Our school is almost out. I will be very sorry when it is out. My teaoher is Mr. Colonel Boyles. He is a good teacher. My studies are: Spelling, grammar, arithme- tic and history. I am in the fourth grade. I will close by asking a riddle: White as milk and milk it's not, green as grass and grass it's not, red as blood and blood it's not, black as ink and ink it's not. Your little friend, ALICE GORDON. Hattie Reid. Danbury, March 4. Dear Reporter: My sohool closed Tuesday, and I sure was sorry. My teachers were Mrs. Lettie Sue and Miss Lizzie Moore. I sure did like them both. My studies were third reader, spelling and arith- metic. I am a little girl nine years old. I have five brothers and five sisters. Your little friend, HATTIE REID. Vinnie Ellis. Campbell, March 7. Dear Reporter : Papa takes the Reporter, and I enjoy reading it fine. I went to school most all the winter. We had the best teaohers we have ever had. Their names were Mr. Gaither Davis and Miss Ossie Pike, and I loved them both. Our school closed last Saturday, and I was ao sorry when it was out. I hope that we can get them to teach again next winter. VINNIE ELLIS. Lula Kington Sandy Ridge, March 28. Dear Reporter : I am a little girl 11 years old. I have been going to school, bnt my sohool is out now. My studies are geography, grammar, arithmetio, spelling and third reader. My teaoher was Miss Beroha Dunlap. I have three brothers and two aiatara. From your friend, LULA KINGTON. Not a Drop of Alcohol What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strength or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"? Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. Ask your own doctor all about it. Never take a medicine doctors cannot endorse. jx.Aytr'CiTiLowiJlXu. tM«r j blood. ti<MfXiwi?,lni<»f>f. Aak your doctor about Ayer'i PUk (or coaitipttlon I Real Estate Bargains I I Some of the property we are now offering for sale is I I as follows: I One store house and lot on Main street in Wal- nut Cove. A good stand. The Central Hotel property on Main street in Walnut Cove. This is very desirable property. Two-thirds interest in Johnson-Fulton Machine I Shops, also known as Johnson-Fulton Lumber Co. A good business at a bargain. A number of good farms in various parts of the I county. I If you want to buy or sell write us your wants. It I I is our business to help you. | I Petree, East & Co. 1 I Real Estate and Rental Agents, I I OFFICE IN BANK BUILDING. WALNUT COVE, N. C. I Allie Jessup. Peter's Creek, Ya. Dear Reporter : I like to read the Reporter fine, especially the Children's Corner. Papa has been taking the Repor- ter for many years. How many of you little girls are piecing a bed quilt ? I am pieceing one. I like to sew all right. Where did you girls spend Easter ? I visited my cousin, Lucy Blancett We sure had a nice time playing. How many girls of this corner like tlowers ? I for one. Roses and crysanthemuins are my favor- ites, but I like them all. Why don't more of the littla girls of l this neighborhood write to the Reporter? I like to read their letters. I helped mamma wash yesterday. I can do all kinds of j house work. The Reporter made j a mistake in my name the last ' time I wrote. Your little friend, ALLIE JESSUP. Wilburn Owen. Westfield, March 21. Dear Reporter: lam a litle school boy 11 years old. Papa takes the Reporter and I enjoy reading it very much. I have two little brothers, Rel- ger and Bailey and one little sis- ter 10 months old. Her name is Lena. She is the joy and love of our home. I went to school this winter. My studies were grammar, his- tory, geography, arithmetic, spell- ing and physiology. My teachers name was Miss Annie Blair, 1 liked her fine. I will ask some riddles: Two ears and can't hear, big mouth and can't talk, three legs and can't walk. Big at the bottom and little at the top, in the middle goes Hip a flop. Your little friend, WILBURN OWEN. Charlie Glenn Burfe. Smith Route 1, March 14. Dear Reporter : I am a little boy niue years old. Igo to sohool. I like my school mates, and my teaoher too. Her name ia Miss Bessie Davis, of Walnut Cove. I study third reader, spelling and writing. I have two little pet hound pup- pies. They run rabbita every morning. CHARLIE GLENN BURGE. Trudie Bondurant. Francisco. March 14. j DeHr Reporter : I like to read the little boy's , and girls letters, and I thought IJ would join you. 1 went to school I some this winter, hut I bad to J stop on account of the measles, i Our school is out now. Miss; Myrtle Smith was my teacher. I liked her fine. My studies are arit b met ic, geography, physiology, fourth reader and spelling. lam nine years old, and weigh 04 pounds. I will closo by asking a riddle : The house full and yard lull, and can't get a spoon full. From a little friend, TRI'DIE BONDURANT. Ella Hicks. Pinnacle. March 19. ' Dear Reporter: lam a girl 14 years old. I | have black hair and black eyes and a little inclined to freckle. I went to school this winter. | jMy studies were spelling, gram- mar, arithmetic and history. T have pieced one bed quilt and have started another today. I I will close by asking a riddle: Horn eat horn in a high oak tree. llf you* unriddle this you may 1 hang me. Your friend, ELLA HICKS. .. Nora Ferguson. (iermanton, March 15. Dear Reporter: I am a little girl twelve years of age. I have pieced five quilts. Can any of you little girls beat that? My school i 6 out uow and I am so lonesome. I like to go to school. With love to all, NORA FERUI'SON. Gilbert Dutfins. Walnut Cove, March ill. Dear Roporter: I am a little boy 9 years old. iI go to school at Walnut Cove. My teachers names are Mr. Byerly, Mr. Hill, Miss Lizzie Adkins and Miss Annie Kate Jones. I like Imy teachers fine. I study third reader, spelliug, arithmetio and j grammar. GILBERT DUGGINS. Dr. J. H. Ellington, of Bandy Ridge, spent a few hours here Monday. Gilbert Hill. Meadows. April 1 Dear Reporter : | Will you please give me a little [space in the Children's Corner ? I am a little boy 12 years old. and weigh 84 pounds. lam sorry to say that my school will soon In- cut. My teacher is my aunt Lulu Tuttle. I hope she will teach next winter, for she is a good teacher. I have learned more this winter than ever before. I will close by asking some riddles and answering some. I will answer Mae Nunn's rid- dle : What kind of a hen lays the longest? Answer: A dead hen. I will answer Sam Martin's rid- dle : Big at both ends, little in the throws np dirt and sings like a fiddle. Answer: A dirt dobber : I will ask a question. Where was the first public church built ? With love to all. GILBERT HILL For Sale Two tine Jersey cows L. J. Kiser. King, N. C. 30 mar -It Nervous Prostration For Three Years "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv- ine cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over three years duration, and the Anti- Paiti Pills are as necessary to us as the roof of our house. They have been household rem- edies with us for manv years." WM. J. LOUGH RAN, IJI4 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penna. Much sickness is due to nerv- ous troubles. Headache, diz- ziness, epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles. Then there is a large class of disorders which arise from a weakness 01" the nerves of an organ or part, as weak lungs, heart, stomach, kidney, bladder, eyes, etc. Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders. Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves, and assists the nerve cells to gener- ate nerve force. Dr. Mil**' Marvin* It (Old by all drug- gist*. If th* flr*t bottl* fall* to baneflt, your drupglit will raturn your money. MILKS MKDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Page 3

DANBURY REPORTER LETTERS IReal Estate Bargains any. I stndy higher grade books. The higher geography, grammar, history,

Sep 13, 2020



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Page 1: DANBURY REPORTER LETTERS IReal Estate Bargains any. I stndy higher grade books. The higher geography, grammar, history,



Sanrille, Va., Maroh 14.Dear Reporter :

I have been going to sohool,but my aohool is out uow. Weh*d a real nice entertainment atthe close of our school. Myteaoher was Misa Gussie Penn andMr. Benton Dillon. They wereboth real good teaoher. I didn'tmiaa but three days of my aohool,and next year I don't want tomiss any. I stndy higher gradebooks. The higher geography,grammar, history, physiology,dictionary, arithmetic and writing.When a deep snow would oome,we school children would have afine time snow balling. I was 1.3years old the 20th of February,and I am five feet and four inohestall, and weigh 108 pounds. Howmany of the little girls can beatthat V I wonder what has becomeof my school mates, Dellar Aloomand Bettie Roberta. I would like

to hear from them through theReporter, and also some of myoousins. Now a few words to mydear uncle Gid Mitchell. UncleG»d, how are you getting on thiscold weather ? It is real cold uphere in Virginia. You mustoome to see us this summer and Iwill give you lots of nioe applesand peaohes to eat. You don'timagine how bad I want to aee

you.1 would like to exohange poat

cards with some of the little girlswho writes to the dear old Repor-ter.

Best wishes to all the ohildren,OLLIE MAE MITCHELL.

Wyatt Dufgins.

Walnut Cove, Maroh 2H.Dear Reporter:

I am a little boy 12 years old.I go to school at Walnut Cove

High School. My teachers names

are Mr. Byerly, and Mr. Hill, andMiss Lizzie Adkins and MissAnnie Kate Jones. I like myteachers. I study third reader,arithmetic, spelling and grammar.

Your little friend,WYATTDUGGINS.

Edgar Owen.Danbury. Maroh 2M.

Dear Reporter:I am a little boy nine years old.

I have three brothers. I haven'tany pets to write about, only mylittle brother. He is ten monthsold. His name is Elmer. I lovehim dearly.

I will close by asking a ques-tion. What is the shortest verse

in the Bible VLovingly,


Mary Gordon.Pinnaole, Feb. 27.

- Dear Reporter:lam a little girl eleven years

old. Igo to school most everyday. My teacher's uame is Mr.Colonel Boyles. I like him fine.My studies are grammar, arithme-tic, history, geography and spell-ing. I like arithmetic best of all

?my studies. Nannie Venable ismy desk-mate. I stand examina-tion every month.

Love to all,MARY GORDGN.

Nora Packett.Smith Route I, Maroh 20.

\ Dear little girls and boys:lam a little girl 13 years old.

I have black hair and blaok eyes.I willanswer Alice Jesßup's rid-

dle. It was a dish of honey oomb.NORA PUCKETT.

Katie Smith.

Danbury, March 22.Dear Reporter :

lama little girl 12 years old.'I have pieced me 5 quilts. I liketo piece quilts. Some ofmy play-mates came to see me Sunday.We had a jolly time. My brotherhas got a little baby boy, and Ikeep bim every day. I like to

play with him. He is just 14months old, and be tries to talkwith me. When I go to hishouse he ories to go home withme. His name is William Lester.

I will olose by asking some rid-dles : Work herd all day andgoes to water and don't drinkany, goes to eat and don't eat

any, goes to sleep and don'tsleep any.

Burns all the time andnever gets tired, burns all thetime and never wears out.

Some of you little girls andbojfl answer these riddles.

Your little friend,KATIE SMITH.

Minnie Boyles.

Pinnacle Route 2, March 7.Dear Reporter:

My papa takes the Reporter andI enjoy reading it. lam a littlegirl 11 years old. I have beengoing to school. I did not miss asingle day this winter. My teach-er was Miss Kate Simmonß. Iliked her fine. My studies were:Spelling, grammar, geography,history, aritmetic and writing. Ilike history and writing the bestof all.

Love to all,MINNIE BOYLES.

Lora Cox.

Pilot Mtn . March 3.

Dear Reporter :My school is out now, and I am

very sorry. My tesoher was Miss

Nannie Denny. I liked her fine.

I hope she will be my teacheragain. My studies are history,

grammar, arithmetic and spelling.lam 14 years old. I havA't buttwo sisters, and they are smsller

than I am. I haven't any broth-ers.

Your little friend.LORA COX.

Naomi Stowe.

Stoneville, March I'.).

Dear Reporter:My sohool is out now. I didn't

go much but liked my teaohervery well. Her name was MissMyrtle Deshazo. School closedthe oth of Maroh. I was verysorry when it closed. My studieswere: Third reader, spelling,geography and arithmetic.

From a little friend,NAOMI STOWE.

Trula Tuttle.Germanton, Maroh 7.

Dear Reporter:I am a little girl 10 years of

age. I have been going to school.Our school closed Friday. I am

so sorry for I hate to part with myteachers and playmates.

Your friend,TRULA TUTTLE.

Nevada Cox.

Pilot Mtn , March 3.Dear Reporter :

I am a little girl 11 years old.My sohool is out now. My teach-er was Miss Nannie Denny. Istudy history, grammar, spelling,and arithmetic.

Good luok to all you girls,NEVADA COX.

Lester Nunn.

Francisco, March 12.Dear Reporter :

I am a little boy seven yearsold. My dear mama is dead,and I am staying with my grand-pa and grapdma. 1 have threeunoles and one aunt in Colorado.

I would like to see my auntHester's two little children.Their names are Odell and Dewey.I have been going to school mostall the time except three weeks.I had to stop on account of thesmallpox and ineasleß. I haven'tgot any pets to write about, onlymy little pet calf. 1 won't get toplay with it very much longer, for1 will have to work this summer.I am expecting to visit my grand-ma and grandpa this summer.They live near Price.

Your little friend,LESTER NUNN.

Stella Clarice Young.

Sandy Ridge, March 20.Hello, little girls and boys:

1 am very small as 1 am only 4years old. I have never been to

school any, but papa learns me athome.

i I have the sweetest little bro-ther; his name is Frank. He was

I 2 years old the 4th of March.I live close to grandpa Young's.

II go out there every day. I went|to see aunt Lillian Sunday and

i had a good time. I haven't anypets except one little dog. Hisname is Sailor.

I will close with a sweet kiss toall.

Sincerely yours,STELLA CLARICE YOUNG.!


Alice Gordon.

Pinnacle. Feb. 27.Dear Reporter:

lam a little girl 8 years old. 1go to school every day I can.Our school is almost out. I willbe very sorry when it is out. Myteaoher is Mr. Colonel Boyles.He is a good teacher. My studiesare: Spelling, grammar, arithme-tic and history. I am in thefourth grade.

I will close by asking a riddle:White as milk and milk it's not,green as grass and grass it's not,red as blood and blood it's not,black as ink and ink it's not.

Your little friend,ALICE GORDON.

Hattie Reid.

Danbury, March 4.Dear Reporter:

My sohool closed Tuesday, andI sure was sorry. My teacherswere Mrs. Lettie Sue and MissLizzie Moore. I sure did likethem both. My studies werethird reader, spelling and arith-metic. I am a little girl nineyears old. I have five brothersand five sisters.

Your little friend,HATTIE REID.

Vinnie Ellis.Campbell, March 7.

Dear Reporter :Papa takes the Reporter, and I

enjoy reading it fine. I went toschool most all the winter. Wehad the best teaohers we haveever had. Their names were Mr.Gaither Davis and Miss OssiePike, and I loved them both.Our school closed last Saturday,and I was ao sorry when it was

out. I hope that we can get themto teach again next winter.


Lula Kington

Sandy Ridge, March 28.Dear Reporter :

I am a little girl 11 years old.I have been going to school, bntmy sohool is out now. Mystudies are geography, grammar,arithmetio, spelling and thirdreader. My teaoher was MissBeroha Dunlap. I have threebrothers and two aiatara.

From your friend,LULAKINGTON.

Not a Drop of AlcoholWhat is a "tonic"? Amedicine that increases the strengthor tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"?A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action tohealthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative"?Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free fromalcohol. Ask your own doctor all about it. Never take amedicine doctors cannot endorse. jx.Aytr'CiTiLowiJlXu.

tM«rjblood. ti<MfXiwi?,lni<»f>f. Aak your doctor about Ayer'i PUk (or coaitipttlon

I Real Estate Bargains II Some of the property we are now offering for sale is II as follows: I

One store house and lot on Main street in Wal-nut Cove. A good stand.

The Central Hotel property on Main street inWalnut Cove. This is very desirable property.

Two-thirds interest in Johnson-Fulton MachineI Shops, also known as Johnson-Fulton Lumber

Co. A good business at a bargain.

A number of good farms in various parts of theI county.

I If you want to buy or sell write us your wants. It II is our business to help you. |

I Petree, East & Co. 1I Real Estate and Rental Agents, II OFFICE IN BANK BUILDING. WALNUT COVE, N. C. I

Allie Jessup.

Peter's Creek, Ya.Dear Reporter :

I like to read the Reporter fine,especially the Children's Corner.Papa has been taking the Repor-ter for many years. How manyof you little girls are piecing a

bed quilt ? I am pieceing one.

I like to sew all right. Wheredid you girls spend Easter ? I

visited my cousin, Lucy Blancett

We sure had a nice time playing.How many girls of this corner

like tlowers ? I for one. Roses

and crysanthemuins are my favor-ites, but I like them all. Whydon't more of the littla girls of lthis neighborhood write to theReporter? I like to read theirletters. I helped mamma washyesterday. I can do all kinds of jhouse work. The Reporter made ja mistake in my name the last 'time I wrote.

Your little friend,ALLIE JESSUP.

Wilburn Owen.

Westfield, March 21.Dear Reporter:

lam a litle school boy 11 years

old. Papa takes the Reporter andI enjoy reading it very much.

I have two little brothers, Rel-ger and Bailey and one little sis-ter 10 months old. Her name isLena. She is the joy and love ofour home.

I went to school this winter.My studies were grammar, his-tory, geography, arithmetic, spell-ing and physiology. My teachersname was Miss Annie Blair, 1

liked her fine.I willask some riddles: Two

ears and can't hear, big mouth

and can't talk, three legs and can'twalk.

Big at the bottom and little at

the top, in the middle goes Hip a

flop.Your little friend,


Charlie Glenn Burfe.Smith Route 1, March 14.

Dear Reporter :I am a little boy niue years old.

Igo to sohool. I like my schoolmates, and my teaoher too. Hername ia Miss Bessie Davis, ofWalnut Cove. I study thirdreader, spelling and writing.I have two little pet hound pup-pies. They run rabbita everymorning.


Trudie Bondurant.

Francisco. March 14. jDeHr Reporter :

I like to read the little boy's ,and girls letters, and I thought IJwould join you. 1 went to school Isome this winter, hut I bad to Jstop on account of the measles, iOur school is out now. Miss;Myrtle Smith was my teacher. Iliked her fine. My studies arearit b met ic, geography, physiology,fourth reader and spelling. lamnine years old, and weigh 04pounds.

I will closo by asking a riddle :

The house full and yard lull, andcan't get a spoon full.

From a little friend,TRI'DIE BONDURANT.

Ella Hicks.

Pinnacle. March 19.' Dear Reporter:

lam a girl 14 years old. I| have black hair and black eyesand a little inclined to freckle.

I went to school this winter. |jMy studies were spelling, gram-mar, arithmetic and history.

T have pieced one bed quilt andhave started another today.

I I will close by asking a riddle:Horn eat horn in a high oak tree.llf you* unriddle this you may

1 hang me.Your friend,


Nora Ferguson.

(iermanton, March 15.Dear Reporter:

I am a little girl twelve years ofage. I have pieced five quilts.Can any of you little girls beatthat?

My school i 6 out uow and I am

so lonesome. I like to go toschool.

With love to all,NORA FERUI'SON.

Gilbert Dutfins.Walnut Cove, March ill.

Dear Roporter:I am a little boy 9 years old.

iI go to school at Walnut Cove.My teachers names are Mr. Byerly,Mr. Hill, Miss Lizzie Adkins andMiss Annie Kate Jones. I like

Imy teachers fine. I study thirdreader, spelliug, arithmetio andjgrammar.


Dr. J. H. Ellington, of BandyRidge, spent a few hours hereMonday.

Gilbert Hill.

Meadows. April 1Dear Reporter :

| Will you please give me a little[space in the Children's Corner ?

I am a little boy 12 years old. andweigh 84 pounds. lam sorry tosay that my school will soon In-

cut. My teacher is my aunt LuluTuttle. I hope she will teachnext winter, for she is a goodteacher. I have learned morethis winter than ever before.

I will close by asking someriddles and answering some.

I will answer Mae Nunn's rid-dle : What kind of a hen laysthe longest? Answer: A deadhen.

I will answer Sam Martin's rid-dle : Big at both ends, little inthe throws np dirt andsings like a fiddle. Answer: A

dirt dobber :

I will ask a question. Wherewas the first public church built ?

With love to all.GILBERT HILL

For Sale Two tine Jersey cowsL. J. Kiser. King, N. C.30 mar -It

NervousProstrationFor Three Years

"Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv-ine cured me of a period ofnervous prostration of over threeyears duration, and the Anti-Paiti Pills are as necessary to

us as the roof of our house.They have been household rem-edies with us for manv years."

WM. J. LOUGH RAN,IJI4 Catherine St.,

Philadelphia, Penna.

Much sickness is due to nerv-ous troubles. Headache, diz-ziness, epilepsy and insanity arenervous troubles. Then thereis a large class of disorderswhich arise from a weakness 01"the nerves of an organ or part,as weak lungs, heart, stomach,kidney, bladder, eyes, etc.Dyspepsia and indigestion areusually the result of nervousdisorders.

Restorative Nervinesoothes the irritated nerves, andassists the nerve cells to gener-ate nerve force.

Dr. Mil**'Marvin* It (Old by all drug-gist*. If th* flr*tbottl* fall* to baneflt,your drupglit will raturn your money.

MILKS MKDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.

Page 3