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Petersons Magazine. T UE CHEAPEST AND BEST OF ALL. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1872. This popular Monthly Magazine gives more for the money than any in the world. It has the best colored fashions, the best original stories, and the best engravings of any lady's book. Great and costly improvements will be made in 1872, when it will contain ONE THOUSAND PAGES! Fourteen Splendid Steel Plates! Twelve Colored Ber- lin Patterns! Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions! One Thousand Wo Ad Cuts! Twenty-four Panes of Music I All this will be given for only Two DoU<irs a year , or a dollar less than Magazines of the class of "Peterson." Its THRILLING TALES and NOVELTTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for "PBTKKBOX." In 1872, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will be given, viz: ".Bought With u Price," by Ami S. Stephens ; "The Island of Diamonds," by Harry Dan forth; 'Once Too Often," by Frank Lee Benedict/ "Lindsay's Luck," by Miss F. Hodgson, and "A Wife, Yet Not a Wife," by the author of "The Second Life." Mammoth Colored FASHION PLATES Ahead of all others. These plates are engraved ou steel. TWICE THE USUAL SIZE, and contain six figures. Thoy will be superbly colored. Also, several pagos of House- hold and other receipts ; in short everything interesting to ladies. TERMS?Always in Advance. One copy, for one year ........ J2 00 Five copies, for one year ....... 800 Eight copies, for one year 12 00 SUPERB PREMIUM ENGRAVINGS! Every person getting! up a club of Ave at sl,6oeach, or eight at $1,50 each, will be entitled to an extra copy of the Magazine for 1872, and also a copy of the superb parlor mezzotint (size 24 inches by 18,) "Five Times, One To-day," which at a store would cost four dollars. Specimens sent free to those wishing to get up clubs. Address CHARLES J. PETERSON'. No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Carolina Farmer. Every Farmer Shuld Subscribe. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED. The Carolina Farmer is now publisliod in month- ly magazine form, with handsome cover and olaborato title page; is printed- on the finost pa- per, and with new and beauTTfuj. typo bouglli," expressly for it at heavy expenso. It contains 32 pages of original mattor and choice selections, and is expressly adapted to tho farming interests of the two Carolinas. In typographical excellonco and variety of reading matter, we challenge comparison with any agricultural journal of the country. Terms of subscription, $2.00 per yoar, in ad- vance. ? BIG PAY FOR LITTLE WORK. A CHANCE FOU EVEUVBODT. In order to extend the circulation of our pub- lications rapidly, we wish to enlist tho energies of a number of active, enterprising agents, and to such agents we are prepared to oli'er induce- ments of the most liberal character. We have tho Morning Star, published daily, at $7.00 per year; The Weekly Star, published every Friday, at 82.00 per year; and the Caro- lina Farmer, published monthly, at §2.00 per year. All strictly in advance. Specimen copies sent, and terms to agents made known, on application to WM. It. BEUNARD, l:tf Wilmington, N. C. A Great Offer ! / Only S!S, for sll in Valt^>. Or, for $4, $lB Or, for i 5, $26 in Value. Tho beautiful and artistic Chromo, " Isn't She Pretty" highly finished, mounted and varnished. Size thirteen by seventeen (after Lillie M. Spencer); re- tail price SB, will be sent by mail, securely done up, post- free, as a premium to every ?'! yearly Subscriber to I)em- orests Monthly, acknowledged Hie mi st beautiful and useful Parlor Magazine in America. " Isn't she pretty I " is a beautiful Chromo and splendid Parlor Picture, aiid a valuable work of art, worth more than double the cost of subscription, and together with liemore»t's Monthly af- fords an opportunity for the investment of sucn us may never occur again ; or in place of " Isn't she ju-etty 1" for ' $1 additional, "Hiawatha's lVooiiiy," (after Je- rome Thompson), size fifteen by twenty-five/ price, #ls, will be sent post-free ; or both Chromos and Demorest's Monthly, for one year, $5. " Hiawatha's Wooing" in an equally splendid work of art, a large and l>eautiful Chromo and worth four times the price charged. Husbands, Fa- thers, Brothers, and Lovers, do not fail to subscribe for DBMORKST'B MAGAZINE, and present it with a beautiful Chromo. It will make eyes sparkle with delight and sat- isfaction, and prove a monthly reminder of your good taste and kind feeling. Address W. Jennings Demurest, 838 Broadway, New York. Copies of the latest numbers of the Magazine, 25 cents each post-free. JOB PBINT y r ; i WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE \ «r v ? v ALL KINDS JOB WORK AT TIIE REPORTER OFFICE, SUCH AS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CARDS^ BILL-IIEADS, LETTER-HEADS, POSTERS, HAND BILLS, TOBACCO LABELS, &C, On at reasonable Urms as it can be done elsewhere, and at short notica. Wo shall keep on hand, or print to order Solicitor*', Superior Court Clerks', Sher- iffs' and Magistrates' Blanks, Chattel Mrtgages, Land Deeds, &c., # of the latest forms, and on good paper. Warehouse Notice! Tho undersigned would respectfully inform Flaiit res arid Dealer a IN LEAF TOBACCO THAT THEIR Warehouse at Danbury, N. C., > IS NQW OPEN, And that Tobacco will be received and sold on the following terms: Ist. All Tobacco left on sale will be subject to a deduction on each package or parcel to cover losses in drying. 2nd. All sales will bo made for cash, unless otherwiso agreed upon. 3rd. The minimum bid whieli shall bo re- ceived by tho Auctioneer, shall when under $6, be ten cents; from and under sl2, twenty-five cents; from 812 and under $25, fifty cents; from £25, or upwards, one dollar. 4th. Persons soiling Tobacco have tho light to take in any Tobacco offered at public sales, provided it bo done before tho sales close for the pay. sth. The owners of this Warehouse will not be responsible for Tobacco spoiling when deliv- ered in damp order. 6th. When advances aro mado on Tobacco delivered for sale, if the Tobacco cloos not bring the price at which it is held beforo tho end of sixty days, wo claim tho privilege of shipping said Tobacco to Richmond or Danville, unless tho amount advanced bo paid back. 7th. When no advanco is made on Tobacco left for sale, it will be held until sold without charge. Bth. Tho only charges made for selling To- bacco will bo 2 1-2 percent on gross amount of sales, 1-2 of one per cent Tax, and 25 cents Auctioneer's fee on each parcel sold. 9th. This Wareliouso will be open every day in the week for private sales, Public sales will bo made at stated times, of which due %Ottce will be given.* « REMARKS.?Wo wero induced to open a Wareliouso hero from a desire on the part of the Planter of a placo where they could find sure and quick sales for thoir Tobacco, and on the part of tho Manufacturer, of a certain markot that they could buy Tobacco of any grade they might want without traveling all over tho country to find tho quality desired. Taking everything into consideration, we .hinlc wo aro safo in say- ing that a Warehouse at Danbury will be to the advantage of both Planter and Manufacturer. We would further stato to persons living at a distance, that wo will prize and deliver on the Railroad, Tobacco bought at our Warehouse, if so desired. Very Respectfully, PEPPER & HONS, P. S, ?Wo will advanco as much ai half tho cash value on Tobacco delivered for sale in Goods, some cash when desired. Danbury, Dec. 22, 1871. "The Patent Star " (ESTABLISHED IS 1867.) PUBLISHED BY BENT, GOOD NOW $ CO., OFFICE, 400 WASHIKOTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Sab script ion Price 7** Cents per Year, Including a HANDSOME ENGRAVING. The STAR is a Practical, Scientific and Business Jour- nal i>t'eight large pages, devoted to Industrial'.Progress, Science, Art, Mechanics, Manufactures, Agricultural and Domestic Improvements, etc., etc. Itis the aim of the publishers to make the THE I'ATKST STAR an interesting and useful paper for all interested in Inventive Art. Its pages are occupied with articles es- pecially calculated to lighten labor, and enlighten tho la- borer, while all lovers of good reading will find in it sources of Instruction and improvement. ONE HUNDRED INVENTIONS are often found described in a single number of the paper, many of which are beautifully illustrated. Tlw. liest Boys' ami Girls' Monthly Magazine*. Demorest's Young Amorica. Always sparkling with interesting Stories, Poems, Mu- sic, Puzzles, Travels, Games, and other Pleasing Features, all profusely illustrated, and calculated to amuse, instruct and elevate the taste of the young, and make their lives useful, truthful and happy. Single copies, 10 cents post-free. Yearly 31, or with a choice of the following beautiful and valuable premiums to each subscriber, for 60 cents extra : A fine Parlor Chro- me, worth 85, or two interesting Juvenile Books, bound in cloth and gilt, worth §1.75, post-free/ or a fine pearl- handled two-blade Pocket Knife aud a pallet o!' the best Paints, ]Kist-fr(v; or a very powerful brass-mounted, double-cylinder, ivory-tipped, adjustible Microscope, wortli postage 24 cents ; or a good Stereoscope with a series of views, postage 18 cents ; or an elegant Photograph Album for holding 50 pictures, postage 16 cents/ and valuable premiums for clubs* Address W. Jennings Demurest, bib Broadway, N. Y. NEW YEAR 1872 The liberal patronage given us during the past year oa- t'ourages us to stick to our Motto : " Quick Sales and Small Profits." Wc keep a Good Assortment, We keep the Latent Styletr, We keep the Best Good#, Wc sell as Loin as the Lowest, We get Fresh Supplies Every Week. « . 41&JAL.AND EXAMINE . Our Stock and ask tha Price, we do not Charge tot showing Goods. All Goods warranted aa represented. If you want the BEST FFEE, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, EDGINGB, RIB- BONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, &C., &OL Cotton Yarn and Domestics, Good and Fashionable HAT for a littlo money, A Fair of Shoes or Boots that will be worth the money paid for tiien\ A-Ccv-t, Vosti or pair of. Pants that will look and wear well, An AXE that will carry an edge, AND HARDWARE GENERALLY, SUCH AS ROCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, COFFEE-MILLS, CURRY-COMBS, HAMMERS, SAWS, AUGERS, SCISSORS, STEEL TRAPS, HEEL IRONS, TACKS, BUTS, SCREWS, COW BELLS, &c., &c. Kails, JTorso and Mule Shoes, Shovel Mouldy Band, Tire and lloop Iron, Shovel«, Spades, Fork t, HOLLOW WARE? POTS, OVXJTS, 6KHX»I% to. TIN WARE, COFFEE-FOTS, WASH PANS, CUPS, GAL. AND HALF GAL. MEASURES, DIPPERS, BAKING PANS, &c. Confectioneries, CANDIES, CRACKERS. NUTS, OYSTERS, RAISENS, FIGS, &O. Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuff, Indigo, Copperas, Madder y Tinct. Tin, Chrome Greeti,' Analine, JPrusian Blue, Blue Stone, Alum, Cochneal, Camphor, Turpentine, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Batmaris J)rops, Worm Confections, Jtadway'i Belief, Pain Killer, Magic Liniment, Brandretk't Bills, Vinegar Bitters, fro. Queensware, Crockery, Cook's One Horse Flows One and Two Horse Points and Landsiie«. Or anything in any of the above linos, Call and see Or if you want any thing in the PROVIBION Line luch M Flour, Bacon, Pork, Fish, &c. f &0., Come 'round, wo will sell Low for CASH or BABr ' Goods not usually kept on hand will be procured for our customers upon the shortest riotic*. Wo will take in exchange for Goods all your surplna Produce, such iw Corn, Wheat, Rye, OaU, Fodder, Shucks, Hay. Peas, Stains, Bran, Beeswax, Tallow, Rags, Dry and Green Hides, Furs-skins, <f-c., tfcc,, and m to prices Kt Market R"l>orts. PEPPER db SONS.

The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1872-03-21 [p ] · to a deduction on each package or parcel to cover losses

Sep 26, 2020



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Page 1: The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1872-03-21 [p ] · to a deduction on each package or parcel to cover losses

Petersons Magazine.



This popular Monthly Magazine gives more for themoney than any in the world. It has the best coloredfashions, the best original stories, and the best engravingsof any lady's book. Great and costly improvements willbe made in 1872, when it willcontain


Fourteen Splendid Steel Plates! Twelve Colored Ber-lin Patterns! Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions! OneThousand Wo Ad Cuts! Twenty-four Panes of Music I

All this will be given for only Two DoU<irs a year , or a

dollar less than Magazines of the class of "Peterson." Its


Are the best published anywhere. All the most popularwriters are employed to write originally for "PBTKKBOX."In 1872, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories,FIVE ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will begiven, viz: ".Bought With u Price," by Ami S. Stephens ;

"The Island of Diamonds," by Harry Dan forth; 'OnceToo Often," by Frank Lee Benedict/ "Lindsay's Luck,"by Miss F. Hodgson, and "A Wife, Yet Not a Wife," bythe author of "The Second Life."

Mammoth Colored FASHION PLATESAhead of all others. These plates are engraved ou steel.TWICE THE USUAL SIZE, and contain six figures. Thoywill be superbly colored. Also, several pagos of House-hold and other receipts ; in short everything interesting toladies.

TERMS?Always in Advance.

One copy, for one year ........ J2 00Five copies, for one year ....... 800Eight copies, for one year 12 00


Every person getting! up a club of Ave at sl,6oeach, oreight at $1,50 each, will be entitled to an extra copy ofthe Magazine for 1872, and also a copy of the superbparlor mezzotint (size 24 inches by 18,) "Five Times, OneTo-day," which at a store would cost four dollars.

Specimens sent free to those wishing to get upclubs. Address

CHARLES J. PETERSON'.No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

The Carolina Farmer.

Every Farmer Shuld Subscribe.


The Carolina Farmer is now publisliod in month-ly magazine form, with handsome cover andolaborato title page; is printed- on the finost pa-per, and with new and beauTTfuj. typo bouglli,"expressly for it at heavy expenso. It contains32 pages of original mattor and choice selections,and is expressly adapted to tho farming interestsof the two Carolinas.

In typographical excellonco and variety ofreading matter, we challenge comparison withany agricultural journal of the country.

Terms of subscription, $2.00 per yoar, in ad-vance.



In order to extend the circulation of our pub-lications rapidly, we wish to enlist tho energiesof a number of active, enterprising agents, andto such agents we are prepared to oli'er induce-ments of the most liberal character.

We have tho Morning Star, published daily, at$7.00 per year; The Weekly Star, publishedevery Friday, at 82.00 per year; and the Caro-lina Farmer, published monthly, at §2.00 peryear. All strictly in advance.

Specimen copies sent, and terms to agentsmade known, on application to

WM. It. BEUNARD,l:tf Wilmington, N. C.

A Great Offer ! /

Only S!S, for sll in Valt^>.Or, for $4, $lB

Or, for i5, $26 in Value.

Tho beautiful and artistic Chromo, " Isn't ShePretty" highly finished, mounted and varnished.Size thirteen by seventeen (after Lillie M. Spencer); re-tail price SB, will be sent by mail, securely done up, post-free, as a premium to every ?'! yearly Subscriber to I)em-orests Monthly, acknowledged Hie mi st beautiful anduseful Parlor Magazine in America. " Isn't she pretty I "

is a beautiful Chromo and splendid Parlor Picture, aiid avaluable work of art, worth more than double the cost ofsubscription, and together with liemore»t's Monthly af-fords an opportunity for the investment of sucn us maynever occur again ; or in place of " Isn't she ju-etty 1" for '$1 additional, "Hiawatha's lVooiiiy," (after Je-rome Thompson), size fifteen by twenty-five/ price, #ls,will be sent post-free ; or both Chromos and Demorest'sMonthly, for one year, $5. " Hiawatha's Wooing" in anequally splendid work of art, a large and l>eautiful Chromoand worth four times the price charged. Husbands, Fa-thers, Brothers, and Lovers, do not fail to subscribe forDBMORKST'B MAGAZINE,and present it with a beautifulChromo. Itwill make eyes sparkle with delight and sat-isfaction, and prove a monthly reminder of your goodtaste and kind feeling. Address W. Jennings Demurest,838 Broadway, New York. Copies of the latest numbersof the Magazine, 25 cents each post-free.


y r

; i


\ «rv

? v









On at reasonable Urms as it can be done elsewhere,

and at short notica.

Wo shall keep on hand, or print to order

Solicitor*', Superior Court Clerks', Sher-

iffs' and Magistrates' Blanks,

Chattel Mrtgages, Land Deeds, &c.,


of the latest forms, and on good paper.

Warehouse Notice!

Tho undersigned would respectfully inform

Flaiit res arid Dealer a




Warehouse at Danbury, N. C.,


And that Tobacco will be received and sold onthe following terms:

Ist. All Tobacco left on sale will be subjectto a deduction on each package or parcel to coverlosses in drying.

2nd. All sales willbo made for cash, unlessotherwiso agreed upon.

3rd. The minimum bid whieli shall bo re-ceived by tho Auctioneer, shall when under $6,be ten cents; from and under sl2, twenty-fivecents; from 812 and under $25, fifty cents; from£25, or upwards, one dollar.

4th. Persons soiling Tobacco have tho lightto take in any Tobacco offered at public sales,provided it bo done before tho sales close for thepay.

sth. The owners of this Warehouse will notbe responsible for Tobacco spoiling when deliv-ered in damp order.

6th. When advances aro mado on Tobaccodelivered for sale, if the Tobacco cloos not bringthe price at which it is held beforo tho end ofsixty days, wo claim tho privilege of shippingsaid Tobacco to Richmond or Danville, unlesstho amount advanced bo paid back.

7th. When no advanco is made on Tobaccoleft for sale, it will be held until sold withoutcharge.

Bth. Tho only charges made for selling To-bacco will bo 2 1-2 percent on gross amount ofsales, 1-2 of one per cent Tax, and 25 centsAuctioneer's fee on each parcel sold.

9th. This Wareliouso will be open every dayin the week for private sales, Public saleswill bo made at stated times, of which due%Ottce will be given.* «

REMARKS.?Wo wero induced to open aWareliouso hero from a desire on the part of thePlanter of a placo where they could find sureand quick sales for thoir Tobacco, and on thepart of tho Manufacturer, of a certain markotthat they could buy Tobacco of any grade theymight want without traveling all over tho countryto find tho quality desired. Taking everythinginto consideration, we .hinlc wo aro safo in say-ing that a Warehouse at Danbury will be to theadvantage of both Planter and Manufacturer.

We would further stato to persons living at adistance, that wo will prize and deliver on theRailroad, Tobacco bought at our Warehouse, ifso desired. Very Respectfully,

PEPPER & HONS,P. S, ?Wo will advanco as much ai half tho

cash value on Tobacco delivered for sale in Goods,some cash when desired.

Danbury, Dec. 22, 1871.

"The Patent Star "



Sab script ion Price 7** Cents per Year,Including a HANDSOME ENGRAVING.

The STAR is a Practical, Scientific and Business Jour-nal i>t'eight large pages, devoted to Industrial'.Progress,Science, Art, Mechanics, Manufactures, Agricultural andDomestic Improvements, etc., etc.

Itis the aim of the publishers to make the THE I'ATKSTSTAR an interesting and useful paper for all interested inInventive Art. Its pages are occupied with articles es-pecially calculated to lighten labor, and enlighten tho la-borer, while all lovers of good reading will find in itsources of Instruction and improvement. ONE HUNDREDINVENTIONS are often found described in a single numberof the paper, many of which are beautifully illustrated.

Tlw. liest Boys' ami Girls' MonthlyMagazine*.

Demorest's Young Amorica.

Always sparkling with interesting Stories, Poems, Mu-sic, Puzzles, Travels, Games, and other Pleasing Features,all profusely illustrated, and calculated to amuse, instructand elevate the taste of the young, and make their livesuseful, truthful and happy.

Single copies, 10 cents post-free. Yearly 31, or with achoice of the following beautiful and valuable premiumsto each subscriber, for 60 cents extra : A fine Parlor Chro-me, worth 85, or two interesting Juvenile Books, boundin cloth and gilt, worth §1.75, post-free/ or a fine pearl-handled two-blade Pocket Knife aud a pallet o!' the bestPaints, ]Kist-fr(v; or a very powerful brass-mounted,double-cylinder, ivory-tipped, adjustible Microscope, wortli

postage 24 cents ; or a good Stereoscope with a seriesof views, postage 18 cents ; or an elegant PhotographAlbum for holding 50 pictures, postage 16 cents/ andvaluable premiums for clubs* Address W. JenningsDemurest, bib Broadway, N. Y.


The liberal patronage given us during the past year oa-t'ourages us to stick to our Motto :

" Quick Sales and Small Profits."

Wc keep a Good Assortment,

We keep the Latent Styletr,

We keep the Best Good#,

Wc sell as Loin as the Lowest,

We get Fresh Supplies Every Week.


Our Stock and ask tha Price, we do not Charge tot

showing Goods. All Goods warranted aa represented.

If you want the BEST FFEE,



Cotton Yarn and Domestics,

Good and Fashionable HAT

for a littlo money,

A Fair of Shoes or Boots

that will be worth the money paid for tiien\

A-Ccv-t, Vosti or pair of. Pants

that will look and wear well,

An AXE that will carry an edge,





&c., &c.

Kails, JTorso and Mule Shoes, Shovel MouldyBand, Tire and lloop Iron, Shovel«, Spades, Fork t,






Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuff,Indigo, Copperas, Madder y Tinct. Tin, Chrome

Greeti,' Analine, JPrusian Blue, Blue Stone, Alum,Cochneal, Camphor, Turpentine, Castor Oil, SweetOil, Batmaris J)rops, Worm Confections, Jtadway'iBelief, Pain Killer, Magic Liniment, Brandretk'tBills, Vinegar Bitters, fro.

Queensware, Crockery,

Cook's One Horse Flows

One and Two Horse Points and Landsiie«.

Or anything in any of the above linos, Call and see u»Or if you want any thing in the PROVIBION Line luch M

Flour, Bacon, Pork, Fish, &c.f &0.,

Come 'round, wo will sell Low for CASH or BABr

' Goods not usually kept on hand will be procuredfor our customers upon the shortest riotic*.

Wo will take in exchange for Goods all your surplna

Produce, such iw Corn, Wheat, Rye, OaU, Fodder, Shucks,Hay. Peas, Stains, Bran, Beeswax, Tallow, Rags, Dry andGreen Hides, Furs-skins, <f-c., tfcc,, and m to prices Kt

Market R"l>orts.PEPPER db SONS.