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SILICON VALLEY RAPID TRANSIT PROGRAM WORKING COMMITTEE Monday, May 2, 2016 10:00 AM VTA Conference Room B-104 3331 North First Street San Jose, CA AGENDA 3331 North First Street · San Jose, CA 95134-1927 · Administration 408.321.5555 · Customer Service 408.321.2300 CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS: This portion of the agenda is reserved for persons desiring to address the Committee on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to 2 minutes. The law does not permit Committee action or extended discussion on any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Committee action is requested, the matter can be placed on a subsequent agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing. 3. ORDERS OF THE DAY CONSENT AGENDA 4. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2016. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Receive a presentation on the Tunneling Alternative for BART Silicon Valley Phase 2. (Verbal Report) (Gonot) 6. Receive an update on the BART Silicon Valley Phase 2 Environmental Clearance Process. (Verbal Report) (Gonot) 7. Receive a presentation on the VTA/BART Comprehensive Agreement and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Agreement. (Verbal Report) (Ratcliffe) 8. Receive the VTA BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension (SVBX) Project and Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program updates/key activities. (Verbal Report) (Ratcliffe) a. Schedule & Budget Update b. Construction Progress (Activities/Safety/Interfaces) c. Status of Construction Contracts d. Community Outreach Activities

Svrtpwc 050216 Agenda Packet

Jul 09, 2016



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Monday, May 2, 2016 10:00 AM

VTA Conference Room B-104 3331 North First Street

San Jose, CA


3331 North First Street · San Jose, CA 95134-1927 · Administration 408.321.5555 · Customer Service 408.321.2300




This portion of the agenda is reserved for persons desiring to address the Committee on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to 2 minutes. The law does not permit Committee action or extended discussion on any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Committee action is requested, the matter can be placed on a subsequent agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing.



4. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2016.


5. Receive a presentation on the Tunneling Alternative for BART Silicon Valley Phase 2. (Verbal Report) (Gonot)

6. Receive an update on the BART Silicon Valley Phase 2 Environmental Clearance Process. (Verbal Report) (Gonot)

7. Receive a presentation on the VTA/BART Comprehensive Agreement and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Agreement. (Verbal Report) (Ratcliffe)

8. Receive the VTA BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension (SVBX) Project and Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program updates/key activities. (Verbal Report) (Ratcliffe)

a. Schedule & Budget Update

b. Construction Progress (Activities/Safety/Interfaces)

c. Status of Construction Contracts

d. Community Outreach Activities

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Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority SVRT Program Working Committee May 2, 2016

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9. Receive Committee Staff Report. (Verbal Report) Gonot)

10. Review the SVRT Program Working Committee Work Plan. (Gonot)

11. Open/Pending Issues (Verbal Report)



Anticipated Litigation - Conference with Legal Counsel

Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph 2 of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 

Number of Cases: 1




In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, VTA will make reasonable arrangements to ensure meaningful access to its meetings for persons who have disabilities and for persons with limited English proficiency who need translation and interpretation services. Individuals requiring ADA accommodations should notify the Board Secretary’s Office at least 48-hours prior to the meeting. Individuals requiring language assistance should notify the Board Secretary’s Office at least 72-hours prior to the meeting. The Board Secretary may be contacted at (408) 321-5680 or [email protected] or (408) 321-2330 (TTY only). VTA’s home page is or visit us on (408) 321-2300:   中文  /  Español  / 日本語  /  

한국어 / tiếng Việt /  Tagalog.

All reports for items on the open meeting agenda are available for review in the Board Secretary’s Office, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California, (408) 321-5680, the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday prior to the meeting. This information is available on VTA’s website at and also at the meeting.

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Monday, March 7, 2016



The Regular Meeting of the Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program Working Committee was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Chairperson Pro Tem Ken Yeager in Conference Room B-104, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California.


Attendee Name Title Status Jose Esteves Member Present Ken Yeager Member Present Cindy Chavez Vice Chairperson Present Sam Liccardo Chairperson Present

A quorum was not present and a Committee of the Whole was declared.


Roland Lebrun, Interested Citizen, expressed concern regarding pedestrian safety at light rail crossings and offered a suggestion on how to warn pedestrians when the light rail train is approaching.

The Agenda was taken out of order. 7. VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension (SVBX) Project and Silicon Valley

Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program Updates/Key Activities

a. Schedule & Budget Update

Dennis Ratcliffe, Deputy Director, Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program, reviewed the SVRT Program Cost Summary, SVBX Project Integrated Summary Schedule, and SVBX Project Cost Summary.

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SVRT Program Working Committee Minutes Page 2 of 4 March 7, 2016

b. Construction Progress (Activities/Safety/Interfaces)

John Engstrom, SVRT Project Manager, reported on the status of the project property acquisitions. He also displayed photos of the construction progress along the project areas in the cities of Fremont, Milpitas, and San Jose.

Chairperson Liccardo took his seat at 10:11 a.m. and a quorum was declared.

c. Status of Construction Contracts

Mr. Engstrom provided status of the different contracts within the SVBX Project. He also reviewed some of the changes in the C700 contract and significant changes in the C730 contract.

Member Chavez took her seat at 10:16 a.m.

d. Community Outreach Activities

Mr. Engstrom reviewed the significant outreach support activities. Public Comment Mr. Lebrun commented about the SVRT Program Cost Summary. He commented on the need for a subway that will go through the middle of downtown San Jose, but noted it could be done via other technology besides BART. Discussion ensued regarding design–build. On order of Chairperson Liccardo and there being no objection, the Committee received the VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension (SVBX) Project and Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Program updates/key activities.


M/S/C (Yeager/Esteves) to accept the Orders of the Day. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: NOES: ABSENT:

APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Ken Yeager, Member Cindy Chavez, Vice Chairperson Liccardo, Chavez, Esteves, Yeager None None

CONSENT AGENDA 4. Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2016

M/S/C (Yeager/Chavez) to approve the Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2016.


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SVRT Program Working Committee Minutes Page 3 of 4 March 7, 2016

REGULAR AGENDA 5. BART Operations Control Center (OCC) Cost Share Agreement Principles

Dennis Ratcliffe provided a presentation on the following: 1) BART’s OCC Project Features 2) BART Responsibilities; 3) VTA Responsibilities; and 4) OCC Project Investment Framework. Mr. Ratcliffe added that VTA will be committing $26.4 million, plus 11.8% of actual costs that may exceed the estimated total cost of $62.7 million. Vice Chairperson Chavez expressed reservations about supporting this item due to the cost of VTA’s funding commitment. Staff further explained the OCC project investment framework. Public Comment Mr. Lebrun suggested using a different technology for BART Phase II instead of the current BART technology. On order of Chairperson Liccardo and there being no objection, the Committee received a presentation on the BART Operations Control Center (OCC) Cost Share Agreement Principles.

6. Construction Methodology for BART Silicon Valley Phase 2 Tunneling Michael Lehnen, Vice President, Hatch Mott MacDonald, provided a presentation on the following: 1) tunnel construction; 2) construction staging areas; 3)ground improvement/ stability; 4) tunnel portals, tunnel cross passages; 5) cut-and-cover station construction; and 5) reviewed the next steps. Discussion ensued regarding tunneling construction methods. Public Comment Mr. Lebrun made the following comments: 1) referenced London’s station design; and 2) noted discussions about dewatering process. On order of Chairperson Liccardo and there being no objection, the Committee received a presentation on the construction methodology for BART Silicon Valley Phase 2 tunneling.

8. BART Silicon Valley Phase 2 Activities

a. Planning/Environmental

Leyla Hedayat, Consultant, stated that staff received a favorable response from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regarding the New Starts Project Development application letter, and VTA is now in the project development phase of the Federal New Starts funding program. She also noted that staff submitted the administrative draft of the environmental document to FTA and BART for review.

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SVRT Program Working Committee Minutes Page 4 of 4 March 7, 2016

Members of the Committee made the following comments: 1) not include station names in the environmental document; 2) create a policy in naming BART stations; and 3) name one station and the remaining stations later.

b. Community Working Groups Ms. Hedayat reported that the Community Work Groups met several times in February 2016, and one of the topics discussed was the BART station naming policy. Ms. Hedayat reviewed the schedule for the Station Naming Process for the Phase II stations.

Public Comment Davide Vieira, Interested Citizen, expressed opposition to using “Alum Rock” for the BART station in San Jose. He asked not to include “Alum Rock Station” in the November ballot measure. On order of Chairperson Liccardo and there being no objection, the Committee received an update on VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Activities.


9. Committee Staff Report There was no Committee Staff Report.

10. SVRT Program Working Committee Work Plan

On order of Chairperson Liccardo and there being no objection, the Committee reviewed the SVRT Program Working Committee Work Plan.

11. Open/Pending Issues There were no Open/Pending Issues.

12. Announcements There were no Announcements.

13. Adjournment

On order of Chairperson Liccardo and there being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 11:49 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mely Taganas, Executive Secretary VTA Office of the Board Secretary

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Date: April 26, 2016 Current Meeting: May 2, 2016 Board Meeting: May 2, 2016

BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Program Working Committee

THROUGH: General Manager, Nuria I. Fernandez

FROM: Director of Engr. & Trans. Infrastructure Dev., Carolyn M. Gonot SUBJECT: Single Bore Tunnel Construction Methodology

3331 North First Street ∙ San Jose, CA 95134-1927 ∙ Administration 408.321.5555 ∙ Customer Service 408.321.2300


In January 2015, VTA initiated the state and federal environmental process for the Phase II extension. The 6-mile project is planned to include a twin-bore tunnel through Downtown San Jose, with four stations (Alum Rock/28th Street, Downtown San Jose, Diridon, and Santa Clara) and a maintenance facility located on VTA’s Newhall Yard property.

At the March 7, 2016 SVRT Program Working Committee meeting, the Committee received a presentation on the Phase II construction methodology currently included in the environmental document. The planned methodology for constructing the underground stations with the twin-bore tunnel includes cut-and-cover construction. Cut-and-cover construction would excavate from the street or ground level down to the base of the station. This station construction would impact street level activities and underground utilities in Downtown San Jose.

Throughout the planning process, VTA has heard concerns about the traffic, business and street activity impacts of cut-and-cover construction from Downtown San Jose area stakeholders. At the March 7, 2016 meeting, staff informed committee members that additional construction methodologies less impactful to the community would be evaluated for feasibility.

Based on outreach to tunnel construction experts, VTA recently began considering a single-bore tunnel methodology, which would allow for station construction with reduced impacts to Downtown San Jose. VTA has begun some preliminary analysis of the feasibility of this tunnel and related station construction approach.


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VTA has reviewed the analysis with BART and FTA, and based on the reviews, VTA intends to conduct further technical analysis and include this tunnel construction approach in the environmental document. A presentation on the single-bore tunnel concept will be provided at the May 2, 2016 SVRT Program Working Committee meeting. Prepared By: Kevin Kurimoto Memo No. 5576


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SVRT Phase II Tunneling Alternative


Agenda #5

SVRT Program Working Committee

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Tunnel Construction

• Previous and current environmental documents include twin-bore and cut-and-cover station construction

• Reviewed other industry practices• Minimize business and community impacts• State-of-the-art technologies and advances

• Large single-bore tunnel considered as an alternative

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Cut-and-Cover Station Construction

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Source: Barcelona Metro L9

Tunnel diameter - 12.2 m

Small footprint, off-street structures for station entrances, ventilation, and emergency egress

Station platform and equipment rooms within tunnel

Single Bore Transit System

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Example - Twin Bore Station Cross Section

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Example - Single Bore Station Cross Section

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Platform Capacity = 2,520 passengers @ 5 sf per passenger

Diameter - 44.2’ (13.3 m)

Single Bore Cross Section at Station

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Example Twin Bore Station Footprint

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Station platform in tunnel below can be located to optimize station entrances

Station Entrance Options


Example Single Bore Station Footprint

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Typical Crossover/Turn-Back Operations


Large tunnel accommodates platforms, track sidings, turnouts, and ramps between levels.



1. Normal 2. Through turnout

3. Down ramp

4. Through turnout

5. Platform

Red Train (South Bound)

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Key Construction Considerations

• No cut & cover construction in public streets

• Minimizes/eliminates extensive utility relocation

• Reduced station footprint

• Minimal traffic, pedestrian and business impacts

• Reduced environmental impact mitigation

• Eliminates 30+ mined cross passages

• Tunnel depth and alignment can avoid most obstacles and private property

• Tunnel and stations can be constructed concurrently


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Key Functional Considerations

• Provides flexibility in design and location of functional elements

• Provides enhanced joint development opportunities at station sites

• Ventilation, egress, and safety requirements comply with codes and standards

• Operating function to improve headways and operational effectiveness


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Risk Assessment

• Tunneling• Moderate mechanical risk with large tunnel boring machine (TBM)• Lower safety risks due to single versus twin drives

• Mined structures• No cross passages, hence risk eliminated• Moderate risk of mining connections between tunnel and

station/vent structures

• Schedule delay • Lower risk from utility relocations and 3rd party interfaces• Lower risk associated with environmental mitigation measures • Lower risk from differing site conditions with cut and cover and

utilities relocation

• Cost overrun• Lower risk from changed conditions and environmental /

community issues


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Next Steps

• Technical studies• Station vertical circulation

• Emergency egress

• Ventilation system

• Cost and schedule analysis

• Risk assessment

• Tunnel options comparison matrix

• Add construction approach to environmental documents


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VTA’s BART Silicon ValleyPhase II Environmental

Clearance Process

SVRT Program Working Committee

Agenda #6


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Phase II Activities

• New Starts• Acceptance into New Starts Project Development granted March 3, 2016.

• Community Working Groups• Recent meetings occurred April 12-14, 2016.

• April meeting topics included:

• Environmental Process update

• Envision Silicon Valley update

• BART Phase II Financial update

• Construction Outreach Best Practices update

• Environmental• Environmental document administrative draft comments received from Federal

Transit Administration (FTA) and BART. Response development underway for second submittal to both agencies

• Addition of Diridon Station North Option

• Additional construction methodology option

• Public circulation of draft document likely late summer 201616

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Diridon Station Options


Diridon North Option

Diridon South Option

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VTA/BART Comprehensive Agreement and Operations & Maintenance Agreement

SVRT Program Working Committee

Agenda #7


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Comprehensive Agreement - Overview


• Executed by VTA and BART November 19, 2001

• Provides a general framework for extending BART services into Santa Clara County

• Establishes Roles and Responsibilities for VTA and BARTVTA: Plan, Design, Construct, Own, and Fund

BART: Operate and Maintain

• Reflects the strengths, positions, and expertise of each agencyVTA: Ownership, Multimodal Services, Project Delivery

BART: High capacity, Reliable, Regional Network

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Operations and Maintenance (From Comprehensive Agreement)


Operations and Maintenance Items



System Operations and Maintenance

Establish Maintenance Standards *

Signage, Logos, and Other Insignias

Service Principles: Hours, Headways, Load Factors, Added Services


Performance Standards: including Equipment and Performance Reporting

Reports to VTA Board

Provides VTA data quarterly*

Federal, State, and Regional ReportingReports to FTA/Caltrans/ MTC

Provides VTA data

Joint Agency Coordination

*Higher service and/ or standards maybe arranged upon request

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O&M Agreement Objectives

• Provide details for roles, responsibilities, and costs

• Define the ownership and use of the VTA right-of-way

• Describe roles and responsibilities for VTA and BART• Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

• Safety & Security

• Provide a framework for Extension service, performance and maintenance standards

• Supplement the 2001 Comprehensive Agreement• Clarifies, updates, and may supersede some Comprehensive

Agreement terms


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Proposed O&M Agreement Roles


Facility/Equipment OwnsOperates & Maintains

Safety & Security

Campus Landscaping & Plaza VTA VTA

Parking – Surface & Structure VTA VTA

Transit Center VTA VTA


Police Facility VTA


Wayside Facilities BART BART

Rolling Stock

Track Equipment

Spare Parts

Campus Roadways (City Streets) City City City

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Milpitas Station O&M Roles






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Berryessa Station O&M Roles






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BART Service Standards

Extension Service Plan

• Establishes framework for system operation

• Provides integration with existing system

• Mutual agreement by VTA and BART


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BART O&M Standards

Operational Performance and Maintenance Standards

• No less than BART Core System

• VTA may request higher standards

• VTA Extension operations will not degrade current BART System performance


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VTA O&M Standards

Operational Performance and Maintenance Standards

• VTA-operated facilities to coordinate with BART system

• Meet or exceed BART Core System performance standards for like BART facilities (e.g. transit centers)

• Consistent with VTA standards and practices


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SVRT Safety and Security Elements

BART Police Department • Has primary jurisdiction within BART Security Area

• Patrols and responds in accordance to BART standards and practices

VTA-provided security services

• Has primary jurisdiction within the VTA Security Area

• Patrols and responds in accordance VTA practices and standards

Agency Coordination• Mutual aid agreements with each other and with local jurisdictions


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Upcoming Items

• Present O&M Agreement Cost and Revenue sections

• Discuss Governance


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VTA’s BART SVBX Project and Silicon Valley Rapid Transit Program

Updates/Key Activities

SVRT Program Working Committee

Agenda #8


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SVRT Program Cost Summary$Millions ‐ Year of Expenditure

SVRT Program Element EstimateIncurredTo-Date* Status

SVRT Project DevelopmentProject Development Through 2009 209.2 209.2 ClosedProject Development 2010 and Ongoing 60.9 55.0 Ongoing

Project Development Total $ 270.1 $ 264.2 SVRT Corridor Establishment And Maintenance

CEM Program-wide (CEMPW) 3.0 3.0 ClosedUPRR-Performed Activities (UPRR) 60.4 58.5 OngoingNewhall Yard Property (NHY) 42.6 41.1 OngoingMitchell Block Property (MBP) 39.5 35.5 OngoingKato Grade Separation Project (KGS) 55.9 54.6 Substantially CompleteMission Warren Truck-Rail (MWT) 159.8 150.3 Substantially CompleteLower Berryessa Creek Project (LBC) 82.5 77.3 Substantially CompleteMontague Reconstruction Project (MRP) 21.8 0.8 Under ConstructionUpper Penitencia Creek Trail Connector (UPC) 2.5 0.6 Under ConstructionMontague Pedestrian Overcrossing (MPOC) 0.8 0.0 Environmental & Design

Corridor Establishment And Maintenance Total $ 468.8 $ 421.7 BART Silicon Valley Extension

SVBX - Berryessa Extension Project 2,421.3 1,407.3 Under ConstructionSVSX - Future Extension to Santa Clara** 4,304.4 143.1 Under DevelopmentNewhall Maintenance Facility** 388.3 25.9 Under DevelopmentBART Core System Modifications (BCS) 269.4 120.3 Ongoing

BART Silicon Valley Extension Total $ 7,383.4 $ 1,696.6BART Warm Springs Extension

Warm Springs Extension (WSX)*** 9.1 9.1 VTA Funding Commitment

SVRT PROGRAM TOTALS $ 8,131.4 $ 2,391.6* Incurred through February 29, 2016; The totals may differ from SAP totals due to rounding.

** Source: Short Range Transportation Plan FY2014‐2023.*** Program Estimates adjusted to reflect assignment of grant funds appropriated between VTA and BART.


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Integrated Summary Schedule


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SVBX Project Cost Summary


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Project Property Acquisitions

• Number of private properties to be acquired: 75 total• 53 Complete• 16 Possession• 6 Outstanding

• Number of Relocations: All Complete (1,036 total)

• Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) B3000 Parcel: Settlement approved by Board, in process of closing; contactor has access/use

* As of Mar., 2016


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Construction Progress

Looking South at the Warm Springs Extension (WSX) Interface in Fremont



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Construction Progress (Cont.)

Contact Rail Being Installed at the Mission Blvd Bridge in Fremont



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Construction Progress (Cont.)

Special Trackwork and Fence Installation Near Kato Road in Fremont37


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Construction Progress (Cont.)

Installing Brackets for Fire Water Piping in the Dixon Landing Trench in Milpitas N



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Subballast and Cable Trays Being Installed along the guideway between Curtis and Calaveras in Milpitas

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Tire Derived Aggregate (TDA) Installed in the Guideway near Calaveras in Milpitas

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Milpitas BART Station and Parking Structure

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Preparing for Track Installation and Duct Banks at the Hostetter Trench in San Jose.

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Stripping Forms at the Sierra/Lundy Tunnel in San Jose

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Stairwell Cladding Installation at the Berryessa Station in San Jose

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Assembly of Special Trackwork at the Berryessa Station in San Jose

Construction Progress (Cont.)



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Status of Contracts and Procurement

Contract Value NTP % Comp.1 Notes

C610 – Water, Storm and Sewer Util. Relo. at Piper Drive $3,130,084 12/22/11 100% Complete

C750 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 1 $758,048 07/15/13 100% Complete

C751 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 2 $771,752 10/21/13 100% Complete

C752 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 3 $715,444 01/20/14 100% Complete

C753 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 4 $1,142,214 04/15/14 100% Complete

C792 – Environmental Mitigation $179,200 06/10/15 100% Complete

C700 – SVBX Line, Track, Stations, and Systems (LTSS) $830,726,197 02/16/12 84% Construction

C730 – Design/Build Campus Parking Structures $86,938,597 10/02/14 55% Construction

C740 – Milpitas Surface Parking & Roadway Improvements $6,067,266 03/13/15 97% Construction

C742 – Berryessa Station Campus Area and Roadway $26,324,931 09/15/15 24% Construction

C640 – Montague Expwy. & S. Milpitas Blvd. Improvements $19,892,991 01/11/16 11% Construction

C754 – SVBX Residential Noise Improvement Program 5 $150,964 05/15/162 0% Procurement

C671 – VTA Communications Backbone Network $5,540,000 07/08/163 0% Procurement

C741 – Milpitas/Berryessa Campus Landscaping $3,045,000 12/15/164 0% Design


1 As of March 28, 20162 Opened bids March 15, 20163 Bid on April 5, 20164 Projected to be bid August 2016

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C700 LTSS Contract Summary

Original Contract Value $772,227,000Executed Change Orders to Date, ValueScope Transfer

Changes due to transfer of scope from other SVBX contracts (Budget Neutral) $12,332,271

Changed Conditions

Regulatory, changed site conditions, City/Third Party related changes, Exercise of Options


Total Changes to C700 $58,499,197Current Contract Value $830,726,197


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C700 LTSS Change Order ReportRecent Significant* Change Orders (Since Last Mtg.)

Scope Transfer


Changed Conditions

CCO 107 – Sierra/Lundy Volatile Organic Compounds Containment $2.25M

CCO 131 – Final Payment for Direct Costs to Various Directive Letters


CCO 158 – DL #32: Water Quality Control Board Final Permit  $1.3M

*Over $150,000

Significant Pending or Future Change OrdersRFC 72 C700/D720 Coordination $1.7M

*Significant change orders are over $150k in value.48

Directive Letters: 133 Issued 101 ResolvedRequests for Clarification: 172 Issued 102 Resolved

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C730 Campus Parking Contract Summary

Original Contract Value $86,851,623

Executed Change Orders to Date, Value $86,974

Current Contract Value $86,938,597

Recent Significant* Change Orders(Since Last PWC Mtg.)


Significant Pending or Future Change OrdersRevise Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment $242k Solar Power at Berryessa $1.76M

*Significant change orders are over $150k in value.49

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Significant Outreach Support Activities– Utility and roadway work for the Montague Expressway/South

Milpitas Boulevard Improvement Project

– Trade Zone Boulevard, Hostetter Road and Sierra/Lundy sheet piling removal

– Roadway work and safety improvements for the March 7th

reopening of Dixon Landing Road

– Concrete pours for the pedestrian overcrossing between theMilpitas BART and Montague Light Rail Stations

Presentations– VTA Staff Lunch & Learn

April 05, 2016

– Fremont Kiwanis ClubApril 12, 2016

Project Tours– American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

April 01, 2016

– Mission College Community College, Engineer ProgramApril 14, 2016

– Architecture, Construction, Engineering (ACE) Mentor ProgramApril 20, 2016

– San Jose Leadership GroupApril 21, 2016

Community Outreach Activities


Noise and vibration mitigating floating slab modules at the south end of the Dixon Landing Road trench.

An electrician terminating a 34.5 kv high voltage cable into a traction power substation transformer.