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Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Sir Zafar Assignment



    SOx refers to all sulphur oxides, the two major ones being sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide

    (SO3). Sulphur dioxide is a colourless gas with a pungent, irritating odour and taste. It is highly

    soluble in water forming weakly acidic sulphurous acid. When sulphur dioxide combines with the

    oxygen (O2) in the air some sulphur trioxide is slowly formed. Sulphur trioxide rapidly combines with

    water to produce sulphuric acid. The life span of sulphur oxides in the atmosphere is from 4 to 10


    Sulphur dioxide is used in many industrial processes such as chemical preparation, refining, pulp-

    making and solvent extraction. Sulphur dioxide is also used in the preparation and preservation of

    food because it prevents bacterial growth and the browning of fruit.0

    What are Sulphur Oxides?SULPHUR OXIDES (SOx)


    Natural sources of sulphur dioxide include volcanoes and hot springs. Sulphur dioxide is also

    formed by the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), a toxic gas that smells like rotten eggs.

    Oxidation occurs when hydrogen sulphide combines with the oxygen in air. Hydrogen sulphide isreleased by marshes and other places on land and in oceans where biological decay is taking place.

    Hydrogen sulphide is frequently found with natural gas. These deposits are referred to as sour gas.

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    Process Description:

    The processing of sugar from sugar cane takes place in two stages, namely milling and refining.

    >Seasonal sugar milling activities include the manufacturing of raw sugar (crystal and syrup) from

    sugar cane.

    >The predominant extraction method is the milling of shredded cane between

    rollers, which is then counter-currently contacted with water to ensure maximum possible

    extraction of juice.

    Man-made sources of sulphur dioxide include sour gas processing, oil sands production, coal

    combustion, ore refining, chemical manufacturing and other fossil fuel processing and burning.

    China is the world's leader of sulphur dioxide emissions, up to 90 per cent ...

    Canada's sulphur dioxide emissions are about 15 percent of those of the United States, and

    Alberta's emissions are about 15 percent of Canada's.

    Of the 626 kilotonnes of sulphur dioxide emitted in Alberta in 1988, sour gas plants accounted for

    38 percent, oil sands 29 percent and coal-fired power plants 16 percent. Sulphur trioxide is

    generally emitted with sulphur dioxide at about one to five percent of the sulphur dioxide emission


    >The other milling stages in sugar manufacturing include clarification, evaporation,

    crystallisation, separation and drying. Molasses is a by-product of the milling operation.

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    Sugar refining activities include the manufacture of white granulated sugar, brown sugar, liquid

    sugar and syrups from raw sugar. Icing sugar can be made by grinding white granulated sugar.

    Refining is a further purification stage of raw crystal sugar which includes de-colourisation,

    crystallisation, separation and drying stages to produce sugars for consumption


    >Boiler emissions are the major source of air pollution in sugar mills.Boilers are operated under three different conditions: fuel oil, bagasseor mixed fuel

    (combination of fuel oil and bagasse). The choice of fuel significantly impacts the emission.

    >Sulphitationprocess in sugar refining is also responsible for generating Sox gases. Othergaseous emissions are hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide.




    Sulphur dioxide (SO2) has been used for centuries to minimize color in food processing and fruit and

    vegetable storage. In the sugar industry, it is used routinely by sugar beet processors to reduce and

    prevent color formation in white refined sugar. Sugarcane processors throughout the world use SO2to produce plantation white sugars. Sulphur dioxide has traditionally been used in food processing

    and produce storage to minimize color formation due to browning reactions associated with amino

    acids interacting with invert sugars in the Maillard reaction. Sugar beet processors routinely use

    sulphur dioxide in process streams for the same purpose. Among sugar cane processors worldwide

    there is mixed interest in usage of sulfitation. In the United States, sulfitation has rarely been used in

    cane raw sugar factories since the 1950's.

    Today, there is renewed interest in the effectiveness of sulfur dioxide as a color retardant as many

    US factories are considering the production of high quality low color raw sugar to be sold as a

    food grade sugar.

    The purpose of sulfiting purified and clarified thin beet juices are:

    1) to control juice color formation

    2) to improve the boiling properties of the juices; and

    3) reduce the excess alkalinity.

    Two methods of sulfuring are:

    1)by sulfur stove, burning elemental sulfur for production of sulfite and

    2)bubbling sulfur dioxide through process streams.

    Also produced during these processes is the undesired sulfate ionthat can interfere with

    crystallization causing an increase in molasses purity and production. The oxidation of sulfite to

    sulfate is greatly retarded as the sugar concentration is increased. Sulfitation can control juicecolor by interfering with chromophoric molecular groups include carbonyl (ketones), carbonyl

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    (aldehydes), carboxyl, and amido. Color compounds in cane and beet sugar products include

    naturally occurring pigments along with a large heterogeneous variation of color compounds

    produced during processing. It has been estimated that for a 98.5o pol raw sugar, colorants account

    for approximately 15-20 % of the weight of non sugars. In granulated refined sugar the estimate is

    approximately 30 ppm (Clarke and Godshall, 1988).

    In the cane sugar factory, the major role of sulfur dioxide has been to make white sugar rather than

    raw sugar through inhibition of color forming reactions. This is achieved by additionofSO2 to thealkenic double bond in an ",$- unsaturated carbonyl intermediate as well as to the carbonyl group,

    which yields $-sulfonated aldehydes that are of comparatively low reactivity in reactions leading

    to the production of browning compounds by the Maillard reaction and degradation of invert

    sugars. Sulfur dioxide also has the ability to inhibit or retard enzymatic browning reactions.

    During processing and storage at elevated temperatures, sugar products will darken. All industries

    that use sugar products are in turn susceptible to color changes in their products which may or may

    not be desirable. When cane and beet juices are heated and limed during clarification, invert sugar

    disappears and the color of juices increases with the amount of lime added. Much of this color isbound to calcium precipitate in the defecation process.

    Color changes additionally occur during heating and evaporation processes, since the juices are

    exposed to continual heating (70-75o C) over several hours at slightly alkaline pH in the beet

    industry and slightly acid pH in the cane industry. The higher the alkalinity of clarified beet juice,the greater the color increase. The color of clarified cane juice also increases during evaporation

    and crystallization even though it is kept on the slightly acid side.


    Sulphitation processes are subject to almost as many modifications as simple defecation. The

    variations may include the following:

    >modifications of the sequence of addition of lime and SO2(liming first, sulphiting first,simultaneous addition of lime and gas, fractional procedures);

    >temperature modifications (sulphiting cold or hot, stepwise heating); and

    >addition of reagents (batch, continuous, with either manual or automatic control). Obviously

    these variables permit a large series of combinations, and only the most commonly used are

    outlined here.

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    Sulfitation can also be carried out by injecting SO2(industrial liquid SO2in cylinders) into the coldraw juice to a level of about 400 ppm SO2. This is for the production of raw sugar andA molasses.

    TheA molasses is inverted to yield a sucrose-invert ratio of about 1:1, giving a total sugar of 65%

    at 80 Brix, with an SO2level of 30-40 ppm.

    2. Sulphitation After Liming

    This process is termed alkaline sulphitation as opposed to acid sulphitationpreviously

    described. It uses about 8 gal (30 litre) of 26 Brix milk of lime per 100 gal (378 litre) of juice

    giving a large excess of lime. Sulphitation is then carried out to about pH 7.5 producing a heavy

    precipitate that may be removed with settling and decantation.

    Evaporation to a thin syrup follows, and the syrup is settled for 6-24 h before vacuum pan boiling.

    One boiling, yielding a near-white sugar that is heavily washed in the centrifugal, is frequently

    followed by a second boiling to a raw sugar. The "boil-back" molasses is allowed to settle for

    several weeks before it is placed on the market. The success of the process is largely dependent on

    the quality and price of this molasses.

    1.Cold Sulphitation

    The cold raw juice is pumped through a tower or box with a counter-current of SO2to absorb as

    much gas as possible (acidity 3.0-4.0 ml 0.1N alkali for 10 ml of juice; pH 4.0 or below). Liming to

    slight acidity (pH about 6.5) is followed by heating, settling, and decanting as in the defecation


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    4. Continuous Sulphitation

    Continuous sulphitation means the continuous addition

    of SO2and lime to the constantly flowing stream of juice.

    Marches shows many different procedures with diagramsindicating construction details, methods of lime and gas

    addition, baffles to ensure proper circulation and other

    details. Many of the continuous liming processes may

    have different fractional procedures, but are not in

    general practice.

    5. Sulphitation of Syrup

    Sulphiting the syrup leaving the evaporators gives a sugar of higher and more regular quality than

    juice sulphitation alone. The syrup density is lower than in ordinary defecation processes, 55 Brix

    against 65 Brix or higher Sulphited syrup is usually maintained at a distinct acid reaction, pH 6.1

    - 6.5.

    3. Hot Sulphitation

    Hot sulphitation serves to reduce the solubility of calcium-sulphite, which is more soluble at low

    temperatures, the minimum solubility is at about 75C (167 F). The juice is first heated to this

    temperature then sulphited and limed boiled, and settled. Harloff's process is a hot treatment

    procedure in which the juice is heated to 75 C and the lime and SO2are added simultaneously in

    such a way as to maintain the reaction acid to phenolphthalein and alkaline to litmus (pH about

    7.4-7.8), except toward the end, when a quantity of lime is added to attain a strongly alkaline

    reaction (pH 10+), after which the sulphitation is completed to neutrality to litmus (pH about7.2). As in all other similar processes, the juice is finally brought to boiling temperatures in juice

    heaters and settled.

    Heavier liming (10-12 gal, 38 - 45 litre), will result in a precipitate that permit filter-pressing.

    After evaporation the syrup is cooled and sulphited to slight acidity (pH 6.5). Treating diffusion

    juice with lime and then sulphitation decreases the colour of syrup, raw sugar, and refined sugar by

    25% 46% and 35% respectively The filterability is improved and molasses purity is lower, giving

    better sugar recovery

  • 8/12/2019 Sir Zafar Assignment



    Biomass is organic matter which can be converted into energy. Common examples of biomass

    include crops for energy, crop residues, wood waste and animal manure.

    Bagasse is a solid waste product associated with sugar mills. Previously, bagasse was burned as

    means of solid waste disposal. However, as the cost of fuel oil, natural gas, and electricity have

    increased, the definition of bagasse has changed from refuse to a fuel. Bagasse is a fuel of varying

    composition, consistency, and heating value. These characteristics depend on the climate, type of soil

    upon which the cane is grown, variety of cane, harvesting method, amount of cane washing, and the

    efficiency of the milling plant. In general, bagasse has a heating value between 3,000 and 4,000

    British thermal units per pound (Btu/lb) on a wet, as-fired basis. Most bagasse has a moisture content

    between 45 and 55 percent by weight.



    Sugar Cane Sugar Mill Sugar

    Bagasse 27%


    Bagasse Storage New Power House National Grid

    Power and Steam



    Juice 73%

  • 8/12/2019 Sir Zafar Assignment


    In more-recently built sugar mills, bagasse is burned in spreader stoker boilers. Bagasse feed to

    these boilers enters the furnace through a fuel chute and is spread pneumatically or

    mechanically across the furnace, where part of the fuel burns while in suspension.

    Simultaneously, large pieces of fuel are spread in a thin, even bed on a stationary or moving

    grate. The flame over the grate radiates heat back to the fuel to aid combustion. The combustionarea of the furnace is lined with heat exchange tubes (waterwalls). Figure 2-2 shows a schematic

    of a representative bagasse-fired spreader stoker boiler with a steam generating capacity of

    approximately 52,000 kg/hr (115,000 lb/hr).


    Fuel cells, horseshoe boilers, and spreader stoker boilers are used to combust bagasse. Horseshoe

    boilers and fuel cells differ in the shapes of their furnace area but in other respects are similar in

    design and operation. In these boilers (most common among older plants), bagasse is gravity-fedthrough chutes and piles up on a refractory hearth. Primary and overfire combustion air flows

    through ports in the furnace walls; burning begins on the surface pile. Many of 2-x x these units

    have dumping hearths that permit ash removal while the unit is operating.



    Bagasse is a fuel of varying composition, consistency, and heating value. These characteristics

    depend on the climate, type of soil upon which the cane is grown, variety of cane, harvesting

    method, amount of cane washing, and the efficiency of the milling plant. In general, bagasse has aheating value between 1,600 and 2,200 kcal/kg (3,000 and 4,000 Btu/lb) on a wet, as-fired basis.

    Most bagasse has a moisture content between 45 and 55 percent by weight. The lower bagasse

    moisture contents are generally found in Hawaii. The sulfur and nitrogen contents of bagasse are

    generally near or below 0.1 weight percent with ash contents generally less than 2 weight percent,

    as fired. Table 2-1 shows a typical bagasse composition for a Florida sugar mill.

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    Most bagasse boilers may cofire an auxiliary fuel (normally fuel oil or natural gas) at times to

    produce the total energy needed for the facility to sustain good combustion with wet bagasse. As isthe case during startup, combined oil and bagasse firing will increase SO2 and Nox emissions.

    Auxiliary fuel is used whenever additional heat input is required. If the supply of bagasse to the

    boiler is interrupted, auxiliary fuel will be used to provide up to 100 percent of the heat input of

    the boiler. During these periods, SO2 and Nox emissions will increase.

    Boiler operating procedures can influence uncontrolled emissions from bagasse-fired boilers. First,

    like other waste-fired boilers, bagasse boilers may use auxiliary fuels for start-up. Because fuel oil is

    usually the start-up fuel, the initial sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are

    higher than when bagasse alone is fired.

    The most significant pollutant emitted by bagasse-fired boilers is particulate matter, caused by the

    turbulent movement of combustion gases with respect to the burning bagasse and resultant ash.

    Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are lower than conventional fossil

    fuels due to the characteristically low levels of sulfur and nitrogen associated with bagasse.



    The complete combustion of bagasse can be thought of as occurring

    in two stages:

    >Primary combustion.

    >Secondary combustion.

    Primary combustion refers to the physical and chemical changes occurring on the fuel bed.It consists of drying, devolatilization, ignition, and burning of the bagasse.

    Secondary combustion refers to the oxidation of the gases and particulate matter released byprimary combustion. Secondary combustion is aided by high temperature, sufficient air and

    turbulence in the gas stream. The turbulence must be intense and last long enough to ensure

    adequate mixing at elevated temperatures.

    How Are Oxides Of Sulphur Harmful To The Environment?

    Sulphur oxides pollute the environment in both wet and dry depositions. Dry depositions usuallyaffect close to the source. Wet depositions turn the atmospheric water vapor to acid. They arecarried thousands of kilometers away from the source by air currents.

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    When sulphur dioxide rise into the air they dissolve into clouds and form acids. Then they fall

    back to earth as acid rain. This rain corrodes metal railings and stonework on buildings. Even

    unpolluted rain is acid because of the presence of carbon dioxide gas in the air. This gas dissolves

    with water to form carbonic acid. It has a pH of 5.6 (pure water has a pH of 7.0).

    Oxides of sulphur emitted from the burning of fossil fuels form sulphuric acid. The pH level ofthis acid is around 4.0. The primary sources of these gases are power stations, industrial boilers

    and vehicles. Oxides of sulfur are released mainly from vehicles without catalytic converters.

    These gases start causing pollution as soon as they are formed. Sulphur dioxide damages the

    leaves and prevents chlorophyll formation. It causes stones on building to crumble and metal

    work to be dissolved.

    Health Effects Of Sulphur Oxides - SOx

    Exposure to sulfur dioxide in the ambient air has been associated with reduced lung function, in-

    creased incidence of respiratory symptoms and diseases, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat,

    and premature mortality.

    Children, the elderly, and those already suffering from respiratory ailments, such as asthmatics,

    are especially at risk.

    Health impacts appear to be linked especially to brief ex-posures to ambient concentrations above

    1,000 g/m3 (acute exposures measured over 10 minutes).

    Some epidemiologic studies, however, have shown an association between relatively low annual

    mean levels and excess mortality.

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    Health effects attributed to sulfur oxides are due to exposure to sulfur dioxide, sulfate aerosols,

    and sulfur dioxide adsorbed onto particulate matter.

    Alone, sulfur dioxide will dissolve in the watery fluids of the upper respiratory system and be

    absorbed into the bloodstream.

    Sulfur diox ide reacts with other substances in the atmosphere to form sulfate aerosols.

    It is not clear whether long-term effects are related simply to annual mean values or to repeatedexposures to peak values.

    Since most sulfate aerosols are part of PM 2.5 (fine particulate matter, with an aerodynamic diameter

    of lesst han 2.5 microns), they may have an important role in the health impacts associated with fine


    However, sulfate aerosols can be transported long distances through the atmosphere before

    deposition occurs. Average sulfate aerosol concentrations are about 40% of average fine particulate

    levels in regions where fuels with high sulfur content are commonly used.

    Sulfur dioxide adsorbed on particles can be carried deep into the pulmonary system. Therefore,

    reducing concentrations of particulate matter may also reduce the health impacts of sulfur dioxide.

    Acid aerosols affect respiratory and sensory functions.

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    Sulphur Removal During Combustion

    A number of technologies to prevent the production and release of SO2during combustion havebeen developed over the past decade, but very few have achieved wide commercial application to

    date. The most developed are the Fluidised Bed Combustion (FBC) process and the integrated

    Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) system.


    This process involves the combustion of coal in a bed of inert material such as sand, with air being

    blown up from beneath the bed at high velocities. As velocity increases individual particles begin

    to be forced upwards until they reach a point at which they remain suspended in the air stream.

    The bed in this state behaves like a liquid and can be described as fluidised. Tubes containing

    water are immersed in the bed to absorb the generated heat (this water is converted to steam whichis used to drive the steam turbine and thus produces electricity). The fluidised movement within

    the combustion chamber results in a greater heat transfer efficiency to the water filled tubes and

    therefore operating temperatures are lower than in a conventional system. SO2emissions can be

    controlled in this system by adding a sorbent (a substance used to absorb any SO2present, for

    example lime or limestone) to the bed of inert material. The limestone effectively absorbs the SO2

    as it is released from the coal and retains it within the ash, which is removed regularly. The low

    combustion temperatures allow efficient combustion to take place without causing the ash to

    soften, thereby allowing easy removal of the ash containing the absorbed SO2.

    The FBC can achieve in the region of 80 - 90% SO2removal. Two main disadvantages of this

    system are firstly the large quantities of sorbent required (approximately twice that of an FGD

    system (see later) to achieve the same SO2removal), and secondly the large quantities of strongly

    alkaline waste produced, which is generally disposed of in landfill.

    This process does not require the addition of a sorbent. Instead the coal is gasified under pressure

    with a mixture of air and steam. The resulting gas is expanded through a gas turbine to produce

    electricity. The waste heat from the gas turbine is then passed through a second steam turbine, the

    second stage of the combined cycle process, again producing electricity. As the coal is converted

    to gas the sulphur present is converted into hydrogen sulphide which can be easily removed andsold for use within the chemical industry. Gas cleaning can be integrated into the gas production

    process, and emissions can be reduced by more than 99%. Also very little waste is produced. This

    system has not been adopted for use in the UK because the success of the technology has not been

    sufficiently proven.

    Removal of Sulphur after CombustionFGD

    Emissions of SO2generated during the combustion of fossil fuels can be reduced by treating the

    flue gases before they are emitted into the atmosphere via the stack; this is termed Flue GasDesulphurisation (FGD). Flue gas desulphurisation systems can be classified as either

    Regenerable or Non-regenerable.

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    This process is the most globally used FGD system. This system is relatively simple: crushed

    limestone / lime is mixed with water to form a slurry which is then sprayed into the sulphur

    containing flue gases. The sorbent reacts with the SO2to form an aqueous slurry of calcium

    sulphite. Compressed air blown into the slurry oxidises the calcium sulphite to produce calcium

    sulphate. This product is then treated to remove excess water and either sold to the building trade

    or disposed of as landfill. SO2removal can be in the region of 90%

    Within the spray dry system,a slurry of alkali sorbent, usually slaked lime, is injected into the

    flue gases in a fine spray. The heat from the flue gases causes the water to evaporate, cooling the

    gases as it does so. The SO2present reacts with the drying sorbent to form a solid reaction

    product, with no waste water.

    The seawater scrubbing process exploits the natural alkalinity of seawater to absorb acidic

    gases. Flue gases are contained in an absorption tower where they flow counter current to

    seawater. The heat of the flue gas causes the seawater to be heated and the gases cooled. During

    this process SO2is absorbed by the seawater, before passing to a water treatment plant wherefurther seawater is added to increase the pH. Air is supplied to oxidise the absorbed SO2to

    sulphate and to saturate the seawater with oxygen. The seawater is then discharged to the sea.

    This system is a simple and inherently reliable one with low capital and operational costs, which

    can remove up to 99% of SO2, with no disposal of waste to land. However, heavy metals and

    chlorides are present in the water released to the sea.

    A third FGD process is the Wellman-Lord process, which can be divided into two main stages. 1)

    Absorption: the hot flue gases are passed through a pre-scrubber where ash, hydrogen chloride,

    hydrogen fluoride and SO3are removed. The gases are then cooled and fed into the absorption

    tower. A saturated solution of sodium sulphite is then sprayed into the top of the absorber onto the

    flue gases; the sodium sulphite reacts with the SO2forming sodium bisulphite. The concentrated

    bisulphate solution is collected and passed to an evaporation system for regeneration. 2)

    Regeneration: the sodium bisulphite is broken down, using steam, to release the sodium sulphite,

    which is recycled back to the flue gases. The remaining product - the released SO2- is converted

    to elemental sulphur, sulphuric acid or liquid SO2. This system offers a number of advantages

    over alternative systems, the main one being that the sorbent is regenerated during the

    combustion process and is continuously recycled.


    There are various methods for reducing the atmospheric SO2emissions from power generation.

    Each method has both advantages and limitations related to cost, removal efficiency, operational

    experience and waste products produced. Therefore the choice of control technology should be

    based on the criteria required for each individual combustion plant.

  • 8/12/2019 Sir Zafar Assignment




    3.Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Sugar Milling and Refining

    10 August 2001

    First published in February 1999

    Version 1.110 August 2001ISBN: 0 642 54703 3

    Commonwealth of Australia 2001


    4. Andrews and Godshall: Comparing the Effects of Sulphur Dioxide on Model Sucrose and

    Cane Juice Systems 90



    L.S. Andrews and M.A. Godshall

    Sugar Processing Research Institute, Inc.1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd

    New Orleans, LA


    Copyright CPI 2011 - All rights reserved.

    Last modified : March 2011

    Disclaimer Notice- Privacy Policy

    6.Sugar - Sulphitation - Sugar Engineers



  • 8/12/2019 Sir Zafar Assignment



    AP-42 SECTION 1.8


    Prepared by:

    Edward Aul & Associates, Inc.Chapel Hill, NC 27514

    E. H. Pechan & Associates, Inc.Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

    Contract No. 68-DO-0120

    EPA Work Assignment Officer: Michael Hamlin

    Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

    Office Of Air And Radiation

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

    April 1993

    9. How Are Oxides Of Sulphur And Nitrogen Harmful To The Environment? - Blurtit:


    10. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook


    Effective July 1998


    11. IndustrialEmission Controls: Sulphur Dioxide- Air Quality | Acid ...

