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Programación curricular inglés

Jul 06, 2018



Lù Xiao Amores
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  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


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    MODULES: 1 3

    GROUP: 22 1

    ACCIÓN:9113 001

  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

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    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.


    • MODULE 1.3 

    Listening: 1- Harry´s house

    2- Inne´s house

    3- Terry´s house

    Pronunciation: Voiceless Consonants

    Readings: Past continuous

    Videos: Unusual hotels

  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Listening

    Harry’s house 

    Listen and answer the following questions.

    1. Does Harry live on the east coast or on the west coast of Spain?

    2. How far is Moraira from Alicante airport?

    3. How far is Moraira from Valencia airport?

    4. How many flats are there in the villa?

    5. Who lives in the flat above Harry?

    Listen again and answer the following questions.

    1. Approximately how far is Valencia from Alicante?

    2. Which flat has a ‘naya’, Harry’s or his daughter’s? 

    3. Which flat has more that one bathroom?

    4. What do you think ‘open-planned means? (an open-planned kitchen) 


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    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Listening

    Harry’s house 

    Listen again and complete the transcription.

    We live in a villa on an _________________________ in the east coast of

    Spain. A place called Moraira. The _________________ of Moraira is

    approximately one hundred and fifteen kilometres from Alicante airport. On

    the other side approximately a hundred and twenty-five kilometres is

    Valencia airport.

    Our villa is _________________________ of two separate flats. On the

     _______________________ floor flat, we have two bedrooms with one

    bathroom and

    an open-planned kitchen. A dining-room, ___________________________

    area which is known, in Spain, as a 'naya'.Our daughter lives in the flat __________________________ which is

    composed of a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and two



  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Listening

    Innes’ house 

    Listen to the recording and answer the following true or false


    1. Innes lives in the centre of London.



    2. The house is small.



    3. There are four bedrooms.



    4. The bathroom is upstairs on the first floor.



    5. The lounge and the dining room are comfortable and sunny.




  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Listening

    Innes’ house 

    In the following transcription there are ten words that are wrong. Find them

    and say the correct word. 

    I live in a flat that once was a brewery where… erm.. beer was made . Er.. it’s no longer

    made there but lots are drunk and.. erm yeah so lucky today I’m sober so I can tell youabout my car.

    Er.. we live in a city called Orset, erm.. about thirty miles north of London, in the county ofEssex in England. Erm.. the house is quite small because it was built about two hundredand sixty years ago when people were smaller then, so I understand. Unfortunately, I’m sixfoot three, and I often bang my head, and erm…yeah, really the door frame should be

    made larger, or I should move, one of the two...erm.. We’ve yet to decide what to do. I’m just gonna have to live with bumps on my head at the moment.

    The bathrooms ..erm… are three in number. Unfortunately the bathroom is on the groundfloor. When I was a child, the bedroom was always on the first floor, so when I first moved

    there, it got a little bit confusing when I wanted to go to the toilet in the middle of thenight. But, these things you have to live with, also with bumps on your head. So now I’mvery careful when I wake up at night.

    We have three bedrooms upstairs, bathroom, as I say, downstairs,…erm… a lounge and aliving room – both small, but ..erm.. convenient and sunny. When it does…when the sun isout in England. Unfortunately a lot of the time it’s grey, so the rooms are grey, but it wouldbe nice if it’s sunny….. 

    flat, car, city, thirty, north, sixty, bathrooms, bedroom, living room, convenient.  


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    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Listening

    Terry’s house 

    Listen and answer to the questions:

    1. How many bedrooms are there?

    2. Do Terry and his wife have a swimming pool?

    3. How many years have they been living in Spain?

    4. Do they like living in Spain?

    5. Have they got any animals?

    Now, a bit more difficult questions. Listen again and answer:

    1. Is the villa very big?

    2. Does Terry live upstairs or downstairs?

    3. Who looks after the garden?

    4. When did Terry and his wife arrive in Spain?

    5. Why did he tell his wife to 'shut up'?


  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Listening

    Terry’s house 

    Now listen again and write the missing words in the transcription 

    My name is Terry, I live in Spain. I'm an_____________from Englandhe..he..he! Shut up, you're_____________ me off!

    Er er I live in er.. er.. a large villa, er.. with large_____________. We occupy theupper part of the villa.

    We have two bedrooms,_______________, naya, one bathroom and one en-suite. Er.. the walls are very thick. It's hot, it contains the heat,and____________the cold.

    Erm.. the garden is________________ by my wife, Stephanie. Erm.. we have aswimming pool.

    We've been living in Spain for about five years. We like it very much.We don't have any animals.


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    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Phonetics


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    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Phonetics


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    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Reading

    Past continuous


    Grammar: past continuous.

    Complete the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

    A few days ago, I (1) _____________________________ (wait) for the bus with my

    younger brother. We (2) __________________________________ (go) home after an

    afternoon at the shops. A very large woman with a big shopping bag (3)

     ________________________________ (stand ) in front of us. After a few minutes, the

    Bus (4) _________________________________________ (arrive). The woman (5)

     ______________________________ (get ) on the bus when she (6)

     _________________________________ (turn) round. ‘Can you help me with your

    bag?’ she (7) ____________________________________ (ask) us. ‘Yes, of course’, 

    (8)_______________________________________ (say) my brother. ‘Are you going to

    have a baby?’ 

    We use the past continuous to describe actions in progress at a particular

    time in the past.

    Where were you working in October last year?

    I was working at a school in Cambridge.Was she feeling ill ? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t .

    We use the past simple for actions that interrupt the actions in the past


    I was having breakfast when my phone rang. 

  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Reading

    Past continuous

    Now work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you were doing at the

    times below.

    • Fifteen minutes ago.

    • One hour ago.

    • At six o’clock this morning. 

    • At ten o’clock last night. 

    • At three o’clock last Saturday. 

    • At this time last week.

    I was sleeping I was watching TV

    at six o’clock.  at ten o’clock. 


  • 8/17/2019 Programación curricular inglés


    Published under the supervision and authority


    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photo-copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from Linguamatic, S.A.

    Module 1.3 Video

    Unusual hotels

    Watch the programme and write V (Venetian Hotel), C (Holiday Caves) or I

    (Ice Hotel) next to the sentences.

    a. You can still watch TV here.

    b. It’s in Las Vegas in the Nevada Dessert.  

    c. It’s open from January until April. 

    d. It doesn’t have heating or air conditioning. e. It’s got the largest rooms of any hotel in the world. 

    f. It’s in Quebec, Canada. 

    g. It’s got a replica of the Grand Canal on the second floor. 

    h. It’s near Granada in the heart of Spain. 

    i. Outside you can go skiing, snow mobiling, and dog sledding.

    Decide if these sentences are true or false. Watch the programme again and

    check your answers.a. The original Doge’s Palace is in Venice. 

    b. The Venetian Hotel has over 6,500 rooms.

    c. The Venetian Hotel has one swimming pool.

    d. If you want to eat, then you have to leave the Venetian hotel.

    e. 25% of the population of Guadix live in caves.

    f. People have lived in these caves for 1,600 years.

    g. There are 19 holiday caves.

    h. The Ice Hotel is very warm.i. The Ice Hotel rooms are made of snow and ice.

     j. It doesn’t take a long time to build the hotel. 

    k. The Ice Hotel rooms have a fireplace.

    l. There is an ice disco and an ice cinema at the Ice Hotel.


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    , S.A. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

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    Module 1.3 Video

    Unusual hotels

    Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

    a. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these hotels?

    b. Where would you choose to stay? Why?

    c. What is the most unusual building or hotel you’ve visited? 

    Look at the photo of another unusual hotel below and describe it using there is /

    are … and there are some … 
