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EQUO By Kelly Aitkin Equestrian Magazine

Pitch magazine

Feb 20, 2017


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Page 1: Pitch magazine


By Kelly Aitkin

Equestrian Magazine

Page 2: Pitch magazine


You have been commissioned by the Northern Echo to produce a new magazine or

newspaper product. Your product could be in any style or genre but it must be self

financed through sales or advertising. You must also produce your magazine for a

specified audience segment within the 16-25 age group.

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Meeting the brief• I will Create a magazine that appeals to the ABC1 audience

of the Northern Echo.

• It will be of high quality and will be a self financed magazine as the brief states.

• The Equestrian genre of my magazine being aimed at the 16-25 age gap is fulfilling a gap in the market.

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*Primary Audience• My audience are predominantly female

and fit the 16-25 age group of my brief.• They are in the abc1 socioeconomic

from their parents but themselves will not have a high income as they are still in education.

• Buying behaviors-magazine priced between £1-£3.



• THERE IS A GAP IN THE MARKET for magazines aimed towards 16-25 year olds in higher education with articles specifically tailored to them.

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*Secondary audience

The Northern Echo Readers. I will have to make sure my articles are respectable, o No taboo language.o No inappropriate content.o Fit the content towards a northern audience so including local

events and advertisements and be positive about the area.o I must also make sure my magazine is of high value with high

moral values shown throughout.

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Constraints• I must receive consent to protect my models as one of them will

be under the age of 18. • I must be accurate in my interview so will record the interview so

that I can copy my interviewee word for word and ensure I am accurate.

• I will need to ensure that I am not trespassing as I will be taking images outside; in fields, farms and riding arenas.

• The photographs I take will need to be my own and cannot be from the internet or other sources so that I do not break copyright laws.

• I will need to seek the permission of any information I public again so I do not break copyright laws. This constraint will be prominent in the Bramham HT Review article.

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Genre Research

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Two colour, colour scheme. Bright, eye catching. Blue links to outdoors.Quick, to the point sell lines.

2nd person pronouns., questions

Banners and stickers to create depth in the layout

Imagery links into the narrative, mixture of

candid and studio photography. The

apples give layout a bit of depth to catch the


Close up of a horse to

meet the genre of the

magazine. The horse’s

coat is also really bright

so stands out to the audience.

Sans serif, bold fonts. Differ from the serif font of the article.

Informative, informal

article. Split into 2/3

columns to make the

text not look as bulky

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*EQUOo The name of my magazine projects the genre straight away as it is

the latin word for horse and therefore gives it a cosmopolitan twist with a fresh take on this word.

o A magazine for young horse riderso Covering stories that would be specific to the northern, young

equestrian audienceo Covering all aspects of equestrian such as care, riding and eventso Has a house style throughout the magazine so the magazine

keeps attention

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Ride or Revise?


Article font Abadi MT Condensed Light

From Grassroots to GreatBasic Title font

An interview with Charlotte ArnoldDK Petit Four

Bramham HT: Review Neoteric


Sell linesNeou

ContentsNight still Comes

Contents/ numbersEspacio Novo

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The imagery will be a close up shot of a horses eye. The eye will have a reflection of horse and a female model inside to meet the genre of the magazine as well as being relatable for the audience.

Sell lines on this front cover will use the Neou font. The main title will use Vulpes and will keep to a colour scheme of pink and white.

My sell lines are using questions, alliteration and declaratives to capture the audiences attention and be memorable.

I will use banners and shapes to create depth in my magazine. This will enable me to include the pink of the house-style and add eye catching shapes to the front cover.

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In the saddle

Out and About

-Welcome-Calendar-Question + Answer-Diary of a crazy horse girl

-Ride or Revise?-Interview with Charlotte Arnold

-Bramham HT

Colourful banners. Fit in with the feminine, outdoors colour scheme of the magazine/ branding. Attract the eye.

Imagery meets the narrative of the article to advertise them

Espacio Novo and Night Still Comes font for this text

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Mock up 1Positive Responses• Colourful, liking the pastel colours• Engaging• Likes the metaphorical imagery and

that they meet the genre• Can connect with the model• Good amount of break out boxes• Fonts are attractive and easy to read• Quick tips box is a good idea

Negative Responses• Think I need the break out boxes to

break up the text more• Imagery is aimed at a younger

audience• Could change the pink quick tips to

white• The colour is strictly feminine so

wouldn’t work for a secondary male audience

• Subheadings hard to read

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Mock Up 2Positive Responses• I like the question mark imagery, it’s

eye catching• Meet the age group and genre well• Good use and amount of break out

boxes• Main article font easy to read• Like the carrot bullet points• Could possibly use some brushes to

attract the eye

Negative Responses• Subheadings hard to read• Don’t like the collages, think the

image of the horses eye is confusing• Use a 2 colour, colour scheme

instead• Don’t like the font for ‘boots’ on title• Find the layout of the article difficult

to follow

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*From Grassroots to GreatAgain this DPS fits in with the banner/quote insert/break out box branding. Uses 3 columns

The imagery on this DPS will be active and ideal. Window to the future self , readers want to be like Charlotte. Candid, relatable, uses tilt. Relates to narrative.

Abadi MT Condensed Light for articleBasic Title Font for main title and sub headings. The subtitle will use DK Petit Four.

Interview. Using 3rd person narrative voice. Informal, motivational. Local, colloquial style

I will have a breakout box that will include tips from Charlotte to break up the bulk of the article

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*Bramham HT: ReviewHumour, informative, motivational/Emotive language. Questioning introduction, 1st person narrative.

Break out box of tips, banner at the top of DPS, quote inserts all fit the branding.

Imagery is active and shows a window to the future self. As well as being symbolic of the event the article is reviewing therefore linking into the narrative. Relatable: brands, female riders, courses

Layering of these bubbles helps to

create depth for the DPS as well as putting

more imagery in to attract the audience’s

eye.Using Abadi MT Condensed Light for the main article and Neoteric for main title and subheadings.

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*Mid-Range Price Strategy

Cost between £1-£4. This magazine is at the high end of the pricing strategy to cover the cost of the paper


COMPETITIVEOften have cover mounts

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Personnel Costs







JournalistPhotographersModelsResearchersLighting assistant Make up assistantLayout artist/ SubeditorGraphic DesignerEditorHealth + Safety MonitorHorse Models

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£18,000 AdvertisingTotal sales estimate

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Printing costs

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Advertising Rates



£158 £450

1 Back Cover1 Inside Back1 Inside Front4 Quarter Pages1 Full Page

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£3 X 6000=£18,000

+£3,314 ½… £4,936.50

Cover Price

Predicted Sales

Advertising Income

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