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Volume 5 chapter 1:

It's still the summer vacations, and Komachi's almost done with her homework. For her summer research she did

a small report on firework and how the transition metals and salts in them affects the color. That being said, most

of it was done by Hikki, Komachi complains that the report doesn't sound like something she would write, since

someone sneaked in lines like "Komachi's world is filled with colors so long as she's next to onii-chan!" and

"people who attend the firework festivals have filthy nature so you're better off not knowing!"

The siblings have their usual exchange and Komachi keeps raking up Komachi points. Kamakura the cat, which was

watching TV, went over to distract Hikki and Komachi. Komachi scratches the underside of Kamakura's throat, ran

her fingers through its fur and tail while humming a song. They're interrupted by a visitor, Yui.

Yui throws Hikki a "yahalo" and Hikki couldn't react in time due to this unexpected sight. Both of them didn't

know what to do so they looked at each other silently. Hikki grabbed tightly onto the opened door and spoke first,

though he was pretending to be calm. Yui's looking for Komachi and the two of them had an arrangement.

Komachi runs down noisily and somehow manages change into a new set of clothing, she invites Yui into the

house. Yui, a little apprehensive, took a deep break as if she's determined to do something, stepped in.

She curiously looked around the house, steps, windows, wall, nothing escapes Yui's attention. She even made

small comments like "hey~" and "ho~". They brought her to the living room on the second floor and Yui stared at

the bookcase and admires the amount of books they have. According to Komachi, Hikki and their dad kept buying

books and that's why the bookcase's filled up. Hikki invites Yui to have a sit.

Yui's family would be leaving for a family vacation and Komachi volunteered to take care of her dog, Sable. She

opens up her bag and Sable runs out went straight for Hikki. It's super effective! Hachiman faints! (pokemon

reference) Sable likes Hikki a lot and kept on licking him. Komachi adds in by saying they have family vacation too

but Hikki's excluded since there was once during middle school Hikki didn't want to leave the house, and from

then on, Hikki's not required to join in anymore.

Under normal circumstances, Hikki would definitely reject Yui's request, but Komachi's excitement melts his heart.

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Hikki asks Yui if anyone would be able to take care of Sable and she replied that Miura and Ebina have no prior

experience when it comes to raising pets and she tried getting Yukinon's help but she's tied up with her family

right now. Yui had a worried look on her face when she mentioend Yukinon, but Hikki knew that Yukinon wouldn't

help anyway since she's bad with dogs. But then Yukinon might agree if it's Yui and Hikki drew a picture of a

terrified Yukinon trying to feed a dog, but is cut short by Komachi.

Komachi asks about Yukinon and Yui asks if Hikki ever tried contacting Yukinon. Hikki says to himself that he

doesn't raise Homing Pigeons and putting a letter in a bottle seems ineffective, so he had no means of contacting

Yukinon. Komachi didn't know how as well. Yui tells them that she still calls and mails Yukinon every now and then

but it's ether no one picks up or Yukinon replying after a long delay, and her mails seemed colder than usual.

Yukinon always claim that her schedules are packed when Yui tries inviting her out.

You're being played. That's the same kind of reaction I get when I mailed my middle school classmates. Is that

Hikki wanted to say but he swallowed those words back down.

Yui doesn't know what to do and laughs powerlessly, asking if she did anything wrong. Hikki reassures her by

saying Yukinon might be busy with her family stuff and everyone will go back to normal after the summer vacation

ends. Those words of encouragement are something that goes against Hikki's nature but he still voiced them out,

and tells himself it's not all lies, Yukinon's truly bogged down by her family matters.

He recalls the beginning of August when Yukinon left with Haruno, he never saw Yukinon after that day.

Even though Hikki encouraged Yui, she still looks worried. Deep down, Hikki realizes that he knew nothing, he

didn't know anything about Yukinon's circumstances as well. Hikki knows some basic stuff about Yukinon, but you

can't claim to understand someone just by those alone. Like how people around him doesn't understand Hikki,

Hikki doesn't understand the people around him as well. He starts wondering how much would it take to reach

the level you call "understanding".

Kamakura's meows pulled Hikki back into reality and it feels threatened by Sable, they circle each other and

hissed at their opponent. Komachi happily savors this sight. Yui, seeing that Hikki looked a little vexed, tells him

that she tried pet motels but she couldn't get a place. Komachi hits her chest with her fist and announces that's

where she comes in. Hikki knows his little sister well and she already gotten their mum's consent, their father

always listen to Komachi so that's settled as well. In the Hikigaya household the males don't possess any authority,

the pyramid goes like this: Mum -> Komachi -> Dad -> Hikki. Though Kamakura might be at the top since it looks

down on humans.

Komachi assures Yui and tells her that they had a dog a long time ago and she knows how to take care of Sable,

though Hikki can't remember much about it, and that Komachi and their mother were the ones taking care of it.

Upon hearing that, Yui flashes a gentle smile, but Komachi adds that Hikki likes both cats and dogs, but he hates

humans. Hikki says to himself that Komachi isn't wrong, he doesn't dislike cats or dogs. If he had to pick one, it'll

be cats.

My friends, I like cats... No, friends, I love cats! I love American Shorthair. I love Calico. I love Sphynx. I love

Ragdoll, American Curl, I love Scottish Fold, and Singapura. I love Russian Blue.

Cats on the ground, in cages, in cat towers, on top of refrigerators, under the beds, on parapets, in cardboard

boxes, in paper bags, on someone's back, under the blankets.

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I love every cat that lives on this earth.*

*Hellsing reference

Though Hikki hates people who abuses animals. Yui smiles while looking at Hikki who did that speech within

himself, and she's glad that Sable likes Hikki, but Hikki tells her that he's the kind that needs to be looked after and

isn't good at looking after other people. Hikki tickles Sable's stomach but Komachi snatches it away, determined to

NTR Hikki. Yui looked a little worried but she noticed the time and left. Hikki goes through the content of the bag

Yui leaves behind and finds pet food and some other stuff.

Sable starts sniffing around to get used to the new environment and starts looking for Kamakura, who escaped to

the top of the fridge.

Hikki pov:

It doesn't dislike Sable but it's not totally disinterested in Sable. Kamakura doesn't just doesn't know how to get

close to it that's why it chose to be on alert and kept a distance between the two.

I recognize that gaze, it's one that is hinting others to stay away.

I remembered it vividly since it was Yui's birthday.

It was before the end of the plum rain season. The smiling but lonely girl, with her back facing a beautiful sunset

which glowed red, like sin.

Back then, a clear line was drawn.

Which means that compared to the two of us victims, she's completely different.

What was the true form of that boundary line.

I'm beginning to understand it now.

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Chapter 2: Saki is forgotten as expected

An afternoon during the summer vacation.

Hikki goes for a tuition class which is set up for 2nd year high schoolers like him. The air around Hikki has a hint of

relaxation in it, probably because everyone else, like him, is still in the 2nd year. According to Hikki, things are

much more different for the 3rd years, if you fall asleep during classes, you'll be chased out of the classroom.

From the videos he saw on the net, those people are brought to a room meant for visitors, give you a harsh

scolding and they'll ask you if you want to switch to an easier course.

Lectures for each subject lasts 5 days, everyone has to take English and Japanese Studies, and then choose a social

subject of their preferrence. Having completed the latter, Hikki attends the lecture for English and Japanese

Studies. He heads for the seats nearest to the door.

For Hikki, the last rows are VIP seats meant for the biggest and most power cliques and it'll be painful for him if he

seats there. Normally he would choose the seats in the middle or at the very front. Also, the front left and front

right seats are blindspots, so loners aim for those, though you might not have a clear view of the whiteboard, but

then again, no one would ever talk to you so you can concentrate on the lesson.

Hikki sets up his stuff and looked at the others who brought their friends in with them and secretly says to himself

the relaxed atmosphere will change come next year. Those people will start cursing others who already have a

university recommendation or those who are guaranteed to pass. 4 years later the cycle will repeat when people

start to look for work. Such is human nature.

Hikki tries to go into studying mode but he spots someone with long, bluish hair. She's talk and slender which will

make people's heads turn, wears a T-shirt with a short pair jeans and leggings, while holding on to a rucksack.

There doesn't seem to be any motivation in her steps as she drags her sandals on the floor. She tops in front of

Hikki and he turns to face her since her actions looked unnatural.

"...You're here for tuition as well."

Says the sleepy voice and it came with a cold gaze, there was also a mole below those unhappy looking eyes. Hikki

tries to recall if he knows this person, and she thanks him.

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Hikki is stunned and thinks she got the wrong person, since no one usually talks to loners like him. She says

something about getting the scholarship and her relationship with Daishi improving. Hikki recognizes that name

and looked into his "unforgivable people" list, he finds the name "Kawasaki Daishi". So, it's the poisonous bug

that's trying to get near Komachi. But is this person a relative?

Still speaking to himself, Hikki runs through the names with her blue hair, coming up with Kawagoe, Kawajima,

Kawakihara and settles with Kawasomething. He tells her that she worked hard to get the scholarship and finally

recalls the name "Kawasaki Saki". Saki tells Hikki that Daishi often brings up Hikki's name when they're talking and

she leaves quickly.

Hikki is surprised an indifferent person like Saki spoke with him even though she's a loner and she looks like

delinquent. He also notes that her attitude towards him is now softer and he watches as she leaves. Saki sits down

3 rows behind Hikki, took out her cellphone and started typing. Suddenly, Saki bursts into smiles.

Hikki says it's rare to see this and you'll never witness something like this if it's in school, and he forgot to look

away and Saki catches him staring. She became angry and glared back, Hikki got scared and pretended to have a

shoulder ache and turned the other way.

Breaktime, Hikki went off to get a drink and notes that there are more lonely figures here than the tuition classes

for middle schoolers. He started thinking about how people back then thinks of tuition classes as an extension of

their school classes, people who are ignored in schools are also ignored in the tuition classes, your interpersonal

relationships in school carries over here and it makes Hikki frustrated thinking about it. So Hikki puts in all his

efforts to make it to the top where the classes became quieter and the students better at studying.

Then Hikki wonders if those people stayed in the easier classes on purpose, using things like "I want to stay with

my friends" as an excuse not to work hard and keep the status quo, like how couples in middle schools wanting to

go to the same high school, and they have to conform to one another's academics. Hikki believes that you

shouldn't hold others back if you truly care about them, and also not let them do whatever they want all the time.

To want to attend the same high school is just wallowing in your laziness.

He laughs to himself when he imagines a couple breaking up 2 months after entering the same high school and

how they're come up with excuses like "I was too immature back then" to justify themselves. Hikki doesn't believe

in cliche lines like this that brings up friendship and love, and he'll never be intoxicated by these words of self

sacrifice and gentle lies.

That's why Hikki likes this place, the teachers never interact with students unless necessary and the students don't

try to interact with each other as well. Everything is omitted for maximum efficiency, the chummy atmosphere

between students and teachers in the classes for middle schoolers was choking for Hikki, everyone addresses

each other by first name with the exception of Hikki.

Then again in schools like this it's easier to get close to one another. There's a thing called "tutor" system where

big bros and big sis work part time here to help out. They not only assist you with your studies, but also give out

advices for your future. People who want to perform a touching tutor student drama can apply and join in.

Anyway for schools like this it should feel stiff and icy, or even cold, Hikki prefers it that way too. Even so, people

like Hayato exist, and the class is filed with high schoolers who are invited to join in and chat with their cliques.

These normalfags (lol)* are everything. They're as abundant as pill bugs or sea maggots. There are people who

want to become like them and Hikki's perplexed by these people.

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*Hikki really says this.

They're wiggling everywhere, and it makes sense for them to be so active since it's summer. So they're like bugs. To

someone like Hikki who hates bugs, it's an unbearable season.

Like it's a proof of Hikki's stout concentration, he feels a wave of exhaustion as the class ends. People start pouring

out of the classroom and Hikki notes that the loners are the mostly lively when classes end, though there are

bookshops and arcades nearby, he might just stop at one of those places but someone started knocking on his

table. Hikki turns and sees an unhappy Saki who doesn't speak up. Because she emits an aura of "ask me!", that's

why Hikki took the initiative and opened his mouth. Saki gave a sigh and Hikki comments that what does she

actually want.

Saki asks if Hikki is free and Hikki's reflex kicked it and he immediately turns her down. Most people would say

"Okay then" and walk off. Hikki likes it that way. Saki isn't the kind of person that would easily back off and she

went up against Yukinon and sensei. She narrows her eyes and interrogates Hikki.

"What do you mean by that?"

"No, umm, that... Yeah, my sister's thing."

Hikki's driven to a corner so he brings up Komachi, and Saki nods and tells Hikki to accompany her. Apparently

Daishi is nearby and he wants to talk to Hikki.

"Sorry but I don't have any reason to take out some of my time for your little bro-"

"Your sister is with him."

"Hey, where is it? Nearby? Can we get there in 5 minutes? Let's run?"

You should have mentioned it earlier.

Saki is taken back for an moment but Hikki stood up very fast and Saki followed him out of the classroom. They

head towards the restuarant where they're supposed to meet Komachi and Daishi. There's a lot of people on the

streets. Saki and Hikki doesn't speak at all, and since Hikki is a loner, he's good at finding empty spaces between

people and moving throguh a crowd. It's now stealth Hikki's turn to take the stage!*

*Stealth Momo, don't know how the original quote sound like, refer to Saki.

Komachi and the poisonous bug is nearby, Hikki says to himself and there's forks and knives there, so he has lots

of murder weapons. He feels his soul gem turning darker and worries that he might turn into a witch if this goes

on, so he tries thinking about happy things. He wonders if they'll ever make a Puella Magi Totsuka Magica.*

*Puella Magi Madoka Magica reference.

While waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, Saki mentions that Yukinon's attention tuition classes as well.

Hikki's reaction slowed down after hearing Yukinon's name, and Saki adds that Yukinon is unapproachable like

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always, and Hikki stares at Saki while commenting to himself "look who's talking" and says that both male and

female are scared of Saki. Saki asks why is Hikki looking at her and Hikki turns this head away to avert her gaze.

Hikki tells himself that both Yukinon and Saki might act like the same but they have diffferent basis for being that

way. Saki's aggressiveness stems from the fact that she can't express herself properly, lack of words and just plain

clumsiness. You can tell from the way she dotes on her little bro.

On the other hand, Yukinon doesn't have aggressiveness in her at all, her existence itself is an attack on others.

Her excellence itself is dazzling and rouses jealousy and inferiority in others. That's why she feels isolated from her

surroundings and becomes a target for people's malicious intent. Though Yukinoshita chooses to stand and face

these hidden intents, fighting back and crushing them.

The traffic lights signal that it's the pedestrian's turn to cross the road and before Hikki can step out Saki starts

speaking to him politely, she wants Hikki to relay her thanks to Yukinon since she never had a chance to do this

properly, but Hikki tells her to do it herself. She turns her gaze towards the floor near her legs, lowers her voice

which had a little bit of cowardice in it, and says she doesn't know how to approach Yukinon.

"Even if you know that they aren't bad people, you still can't get along with them."

Hikki agrees with Saki's sentence, and goes into a long monologue about how choosing not to act is a way of

getting along with and respecting others.

They tell each other that they won't have a chance to see Yukinon until school starts again, though Saki might not

speak with Yukinon at all. Hikki agrees again and adds that he doesn't say much even in the same room as


They meet up with Daishi and Komachi and Hikki received "onii-chan" and "onii-san" from them. He says he'll kill

Daishi if he calls him "onii-san" again, which made Saki angry. Hikki immediately backed off and comments to

himself how brocons are disgusting and it's unsightly to be so close to each other. Daishi manages to calm the two

down and they ordered drinks.

Daishi wants to learn about Sobu High from a male perspective, so he wanted to talk to Hikki. He says that it's like

any other high school except that it has some unique classes around. Hikki didn't expect his impression of Sobu

high to differ much back when he was in Daishi's shoes but he never expect to be forced to join the Service Club.

Hikki adds on by answering Komachi's question about the scores required to get in, he says with high standards

you'll get less delinquents, though there are exceptions. He peeks from the corner of his eyes only to find Saki

glaring back at him. Hikki almost let slip "please don't hit the face, do it on my body instead", but he fakes a cough

and composes himself. He concludes by saying that the people around you change and you try to fit into the "high

schooler archetype".

Hikki explains what "high schooler archetype" means"

1. As a high schooler, you must have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

2. As a high schooler, you must have a lot of friends and make a racket to your heart's content.

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3. As a high schooler, you must act like "high schoolers" shown in dramas or movies and be active in all sorts of


Like how a people who aren't samurai look up to being a samurai and makes up rules to try to act like one.

You might be an honest person but to conform, you'll have to try to make yourself popular and keep tabs on the

girl you like and mail her chain letters, treat her dinner and try to make as much noise as possible to draw people's


For a girl, she'll want to get along her peers so she dresses fashionably (lol)*, join mixer parties, be in a rush to

listen to the newest J-POP. Even though these girls can have other delicate, more romantic and prettier hobbies.

*Hikki really says this.

But these people put in effort because they don't want to deviate from the "norm", they don't want to be differ

from "everyone's" values.

Daishi is becomes gloomy after hearing those, but Hikki adds on to it and says you'll have to sacrifice something if

you want to get along with others. Komachi tries to change the mood and volunteers to get more drinks and Saki,

sensing that, offers to help. Daishi, remembering something, peeked at Saki and Komachi then moved closer to

Hikki, he wants Hikki's opinion on the girls in Sobu high since he has heard of Yukinoshita the unparalleled beauty.

Hikki knew what Daishi was whispering about and knew that it was what Daishi wanted to ask all along, the

previous questions were openers. Hikki says that there's an International Class in Sobu high which is 90% girls.

Since there's more girls than guys, the chances of getting pretty girls goes up as well. Daishi says it's like a dream,

but Hikki calms him down.

"Didn't your mum tell you? Even if you like cute girls, cute girls might not like you."

With that, Daishi is enlightened, Hikki teaches about "giving up". If Daishi doesn't succeed then he should give up,

it's important to know when to give up. Daishi asks if he'll be able to get along with someone like Yukinon, but

Hikki says no and it's too scary.

"Even if your environment changes you won't change. Thinking that you might change for better after you enter

high school is just fantasy. Stop dreaming."

Hikki says to himself he'll destroy their illusion*. He used to have hopes for the future back then, but high school

life wasn't what he expected, so teaching Daishi about these is being kind to him.

*Kamijou Touma reference.

Komachi comes back and tells Hikki not to bully Daishi and Saki tells Daishi not to believe Hikki, concentrate on

getting his scores higher first. He doesn't know if he can make it and Saki says it's not possible with his current

scores. Komachi tries to encourage Daishi by saying they'll still remain as friends even if they go to different high

schools. Friends no matter what.

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"Yeah, just friends. As another human being." Hikki adds on, he tells them that he doesn't want to go to the same

high school as his peers so Hikki worked extra hard to get into Sobu high. Komachi says she wants to go to Sobu

high because Hikki is there. Daishi asks about Saki's reasons and she got embarrassed, so Hikki answered that

Sobu High's school fees are one of the lowest and it's a good school as well. Saki gets really embarrassed and red

faced, glaring at Hikki. Idiot, a brocon's gaze can never faze me.

Daishi decides to aim for Sobu High anyway and Hikki encourages him to do so, and from the bottom of his heart

as well, though he remembers Komachi wanting to join Sobu High, and he emits a killing aura. Saki glares at Hikki

again and pretends to look at the recipt to hide from Saki's gaze. Hikki suggests that they go home, Daishi rises

and gives him a bow.

"Onii-san! Thank you!"

"It's okay. ...Though the possibility of you calling me onii-san in the future is now 0."


Komachi looks sideways at the both of us, with a a finger on her forehead, she tilts her head a little.

"Hmm-? But, it won't feel weird to call you onii-san if onii-chan and Saki-san marries right?"

Komachi calmly explains, and Saki tries to stand up while panicking.

"A-Are you an idiot!? T-this little sis! T-This kind of thing, impossible!"

Hikki hears this voice from behind as he leaves the restuarant. He laughs bitterly to himself and spoke in a voice

that Saki will not be able to hear.

"Oh dear. I won't marry someone who can't provide for me."

"It appeared-! Onii-chan's scummy defensive line."

"Hey don't call it a defensive line."

It's not called a defensive line. "Having someone providing for me" is an absolute line of defense.


There are no irregularities on the absolute line of defense.

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Chapter 3:

Hikki starts off by slacking at home watching anime while thinking about what makes a boy. It's not a difficult

question to answer but Hikki received this:

"Hello. Are you free tomorrow?"

Totsuka sent Hikki a mail and it sparked off that question in his head. Hikki decides to put in effort to look for the

truth, but first, he needs to collect more data. Normally he wouldn't use an emoji in his mails, but this time he

used a ton of those and filled up all 500 characters that's allowed to be in a mail. He feels euphoric and compares

this happiness to a drug.

Next day, while waiting for Totsuka, Hikki pulls off PreCure references one after another, the sun is like Cure Sunny,

Totsuka's sparkling like Cure Piss, he finds the ray of hope in Totsuka Saika so he's ultra happy (Cure Happy).

Totsuka dressed like a young boy and apologizes for being late. Hikki tells himself it's only been 3 hours and he

doesn't mind it. Totsuka ran towards Hikki since Totsuka spotted Hikki in the crowd, and that made Hikki blush a

lot. They're having a date, but Hikki doesn't know what to do, he spent the whole night thinking about this and

didn't get enough sleep. Totsuka doesn't know what to do as well, so Totsuka asks Hikki about his likes. Seeing

Totsuka seriously pondering about Hikki's tastes, Hikki just stares at home savoring the moment.

They decide to hang around and Totsuka says that they'll make decisions a lot faster since there's 2 of them

around. That made Hikki think deeply, since most of the time he has to make decisions on his own, he's touched

and wants to decide on the names of his future kids with Totsuka. They went pass some buildings, skipping the

shopping center and arcade and reached a Cineplex. Totsuka stops and looks at a poster of a movie that just

started airing and Hikki suggest that they go watch it. Though before that Totsuka wants to let Hikki do whatever

he prefers but Hikki tells Totsuka that it's nice to watch a movie with someone that's not a family member. And

that Hikki has always watched movies alone after getting into middle school. Hikki gave his movie-virginity to


Totsuka chose a horror movie. Hikki scouts the cinema and saw a lot of students making a racket and sees

someone that resembles Miura, they dress and act like Miura too, those might be clones. Hikki then comments

that people that try to stand out so much (like Miura) are the ones who have no personality. Next, he sees

someone who wears a trench coat even during summer and panting heavily in the front row. His instincts kicked

in so Hikki looks away and tries to locate his seat. Totsuka finds the seats first and waved at Hikki, probably

because they aren't suppose to speak in the cinema.

Hikki seats down and put his arms on the arm rest, acting high and mighty like a demon king, but he feels

something soft on his hands. After hearing an apology from the person, Hikki finally realizes that he accidentally

touched Totsuka's hand. Totsuka's hand. I touched the angel!*

*K-ON reference, a song in season 2

They both withdrew their hands in embarrassment, Hikki sees a Totsuka curled up shyly with Totsuka's head

lowered. As if they're both in sync, they look at each other at the same time and Totsuka suggests that Hikki use

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the armrest, Hikki answers that he's a right hander, his weight is supported by his right side and his left arm is only

an assist.

Totsuka is amused by Hikki's weird outburst and suggest that they share the same armrest, though Totsuka only

takes up 1/3 of the space. Hikki places his left arm next to Totsuka's and cheers silently, his left arm is the happiest

in the world.

Earth Peace Banzai

If there are 100 Totsuka's in the world we'll never ever have wars. Arms merchant and the likes will all lose their

job. There's be no stress causing elements in the world. Totsuka seems to have the same effect as Lavender.

The movie goes into the climax but Hikki isn't sure, he's not sure about the plot or the time, it might be 1 or 2

hours, or 10 minutes. Hikki says that time passes by faster when you're feeling elated.

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A 3D image of a ghost appears and scares Totsuka, who then tugged on a corner of hikki's clothes. Hikki

comments that it's scary and how his heart almost stopped, but it's too cute. A terrified Totsuka is really cute.

Totsukawaii. The ghost in white started crawling towards them and Totsuka holds Totsuka's breath and whimpers

in terror. This movie is truly terrifying for Hikki and he might become abnormal after this and go through with

Totsuka route after this. If Totsuka hugs Hikki will full force Hikki might freeze completely or fall forward. He feels

that his heart is beating at full force and blood running at maximum through his veins, he might need an ATM, ETC

or EVA to save himself*. To distract himself, Hikki starts looking around the cinema, but then the movie ends

shortly after that and Hikki has no idea what it was about.

*AED, to be exact, Hikki can't think straight

Totsuka suggests getting a drink since both of them are parched because of the excitement from the movie, they

stopped at a cafe after exiting the cinema.

"Umm... Ice coffee for me."

"Ah, me too."

"Umu*, I'll have some ice coffee too."

Due to the 3 of them ordering the same thing, the ice coffees came quickly, the 3 of them moisturize their throats

and sigh at the same time.

"... Wait."



A suspicious person wearing a trenchcoat is with them like they're all friends.

*Umu and mu are Zaimoukuza's... thing, go watch the anime again, he does that all the time

Hikki asks that person if he's Shinkiba-kun (新木场) and he replies that he's Zaimoukuza-kun (材木座). Hikki then

asks who he is and where he came from, and if he's a bug or he's a weevil. Zaimoukuza says that he saw the 2 at

the cineplex and followed them after that, and is delighted that his camouflage worked, though Hikki denies it by

saying he's ignoring Zaimoukuza, the only thing in his eyes is Totsuka. Totsuka innocently greets Zaimoukuza and

asks him about the movie he watched, Zaimoukuza started spouting stuff about how Japanese Horror movies are

going down the drain and stuff. Totsuka, with a serious look, listened till the end and Hikki just ignored


"I see, but I still like it this way."

"Umu, I like it this way too."


Zaimoukuza switches in an instant, it's almost light speed.

They started discussing how scary the movie was and Hikki said that it'll be scarier if it's Yukinoshita and not the

female ghost they saw. Totsuka tries to berate Hikki but agrees that Yukinoshita is scary as well.

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Anyway, when it comes to movies or anything else, no 2 person will have the same impression even if they're both

looking at the same thing.

At most they'll have a similar impression.

But, similar also means there's a little difference.

We only see what we want to see.

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. Doesn't matter if it's your impression of a movie or

your impression of a person.

So, saying that you fully understood something enough to impart this knowledge onto another is just

presumptuous. Being presumptuous is a sin and evil.

Even so, we'll still have to live on by lying to others.

And then Hikki goes on to talk about how people's existence is vaguely defined, how it changes all the time, how

it changes to something that's eerily similar to their previous facade even when taken apart, and it's really scary

for him.

Hikki feels a chill over him, and Zaimoukuza spoke up, he wants Hikki to look at his new manuscript, while

blushing and looking sideways at Hikki. Totsuka is impressed with Zaimoukuza and assumes that Zaimoukuza put

in a lot of effort though Hikki knew better, Zaimoukuza changes the topic and tries to talk about Hikki's summer

vacation, Komachi's summer homework and Tamiya cars, and that Totsuka also played Tamiya cars before since

Totsuka's also a [spoiler]boy[/spoiler]. Hikki fantasizes about a young Totsuka dressing like a little boy with a hat

on and comments on how cute it is. And also how cute Totsuka is at this moment.

The 2 guys try to outdo each other by saying that their Tamiya cars are better than the other's though Totsuka cuts

in and says that Totsuka hasn't played in a long time and Totsuka has a Tamiya Avante.

Hikki ends the chapter by saying it's been years since he last played with Tamiya cars and he's still as passionate as

ever. Even now he stills waves his umbrella around, saving the world countless times in his imaginations. He'll

never forget all these even after he becomes an adult. Their roots will still remain the same even as generations

passed by. That's why the boy's time never stops.

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Chapter 4: Regretably, Hiratsuka Shizuka's red string (of fate) is nowhere to be seen

What's the strongest food? Ramen, ramen is the strongest, it's also the food that's most intimate with lonely

highschool boys. Everytime you're bogged down by troubles, the first thing that crosses your mind if ramen. You

can head to the ramen store on your usual path home. Sometimes you can visit new ramen stores when you're

out shopping. When you're hungry at night, you can boil some water and suck on it. But, couples who visit a

ramen store during a date. Not you assholes. Stop flirting in front of the counter, there's still people queuing

behind you. Go to your favorite Starbucks to fawn over each other. The counter in the ramen store isn't a place for

you to say sweet things to each other. Please consider the feelings of the people behind you that have to watch

you guys showing off.

This kind of food, ramen, is meant to eaten alone.

And some other stuff about ramen. Blah blah blah, ramen is the food for people like us.

Hikki missed the timings for meals so he doesn't get to eat, and tells us that aspiring house husbands like him

shouldn't be cooking. Real housewives will hand 500 yen over to their husbands and then enjoy good food with

their husband's money. Hikki wants to become like this and grab some money from his spouse when they divorce.

So an aspiring house husband like him should preparing himself for this kind of lifestyle and have good food for

lunch. His tuition center provides scholarship for their students and thanks to that Hikki has mastered alchemy

and made his own gold (money). He's an Okane no Renkinjutsushi (Okane -> Hagane)*, an alchemist who

transmutate money.

*FMA reference

So Hikki decides to have ramen and is determined to put ramen and not something else in his stomach. He talks

about how Chiba is a warzone for ramen and there's a ton of good stores around, sometimes you have to go

explore by yourself to look for a new continent, new ramen stores. That's why loners are the most innovative

people out there, they're modern adventurers who constantly challenge themselves. So Hikki head towards a

uncharted ramen store near his house, it's like the darkness below the lamp, a blind spot, like how people living in

Tokyo don't go visit the Tokyo Tower, this kind of play on psychology.

The place he's at is surrounded by lots of high rise hotels with halls for wedding and events. He hears the sound of

church bells and assumes that there's a wedding taking place nearby. Hikki gets closer since it's his first time

seeing this, it looks like a scene filled with happiness and straight out from poems and paints, though he spots a

black mass in the corner of his eyes. He rubs his eyes and stares at that black mass, it's dress in black and emits an

aura of defeat. Now the black mass' absorbing light from its surroundings and bends the light around it. In the

space filled with happiness, it's a point where curses gathers and it keeps mumbling "go die, amen".

Ah, I definitely know this person, it's...

"It'll be better if you get married soon."

"It's be Shizuka-chan's turn next!"

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"Shizu-chan, auntie found another nice guy. It'll be smooth sailing this time do you want to meet him?"

"Shizu. Papa I, have already began saving money for my grandchildren..."

Everytime it hears those words, the black spot trembled slightly. The spiritual pressure... Disappeared...?*

*Bleach, no idea what's reiatsu in eng

Maybe it's because I've seen something I shouldn't. I immediately adverted my gaze and walked away pretending

that nothing happened.

But, you should never forget.

When you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.


The black spot suddenly spoke. Upon hearing that, the old couple stared intently at me. I unconsciously greeted

them. And they returned the greeting. What's this, is this considered meeting her parents? If that's so she'll need

to bear the responsibility, marry and provide for me...

The black spot quickly turned to face the old couple and started talking.

"T-There's a problem child over there! T-Time for work! B-Bye, and that's it!"

Her heels creaked as she ran towards me.

"Hikigaya! Great timing! You saved me!"

And with that this black spot, with is actually a beautiful onee-san wearing a black dress when you take a closer

look, grabbed my arm and we left the scene.

"Hey, wait, umm..."

Since a beautiful onee-san is holding onto my arm, I have no other options but to follow her.

"Fu... We've escaped..."

Onee-san gave a sigh of relief.

Her black dress complement the outlines of her body to form beautiful flowing curves, and on her neck lies a

white furry scarf. Her sleek hair works well with her dress, jet black and alluring. Through the gloves, black like her

dress, I can feel a shocking softness from the hand that held on to my arm.


"Hmm? Ahh. Sorry it came out of nowhere."

The dignified beauty led me to a bench, with a pleasant smile on her face. She took out some tobacco leaves from

her purse and started filling in the tabacco.

Mannerism of an old man, it's a huge contrast with her appearance.

She took out a 100yen lighter and lit the cigarette, then slowly smoking it.

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Until now I was confused by the gap between this and her usual appearance, but now I'm clear headed.

Hiratsuka Shizuka. Advisor for the Service Club.

Oh, if this person dolls herself up she'll be gorgeous...

Sensei tells Hikki already gave her blessings so she can leave whenever she wants, and it's her cousin's wedding.

She doesn't want to go but her other cousin was worrying about her, her aunts are always talking about wedding,

her parents keeps nagging at her. Sensei then about Hikki's plan, and agrees to go eat some ramen as well since

she hasn't eaten. Her tone suddenly becomes high spirited and her eyes went from dead to full of life. Hikki leads

the way and sensei follows him, she's so pretty that people kept turning their heads and taking looks at her. In the

busier streets Hikki can feel everyone's gaze on him, due to sensei's beauty, he can't blame them since sensei

looks splendid. Sensei doesn't mind and speaks normally with Hikki, somehow she knows what's going on with

Hikki's life, and apparently Komachi was the one leaking out the info. He's surprised that sensei gets along so well

with Komachi, and feels pressure from the encirclement by the people he knows and Komachi.

ABCD encirclement is complete, Hikki tells himself. A is the dumb Yuigahama, B is the violent sense, C-Cawaii!

Komachi, and D, eh, who's that Kawasomethingsaki...

Sensei compliments Komachi and says she wants a little sister like her, though she quickly adds that there's no

deeper meaning in her statement. Hikki points out the age gap between sensei and Komachi, they're more like

mother and daughter instead of sisters. After saying that, Hikki puts up a stance and closes his eyes, but the punch

didn't come. Sensei doesn't like how Hikki is making this kind of joke with this kind of atomsphere and he

apologizes. He urges someone to marry sensei asap and if no one does he'll do it himself.

There's still some time before they can enter the store, and Hikki tells himself that it's fine since he's good at

wasting time, and also good at making others feel awkward, and if someone joins his company under him he'll

most likely bully those newbies, and newbies are poor things that's why Hikki never wants to work.

Sensei sighs gently and is amazed that Hikki can tolerate standing in line though he hates crowds and queues,

though Hikki mentions that he doesn't necessary hates queues, but rather noisy people. They banter while

waiting and Hikki goes into deep thought again.

What are those noisy people trying to prove?

To them, someone who's reading quietly, playing games at home, people who geninuely enjoy the quietness,

those noisy people telling the whole world that they're happy is an empty statement.

There's no way to measure happiness using noise level or the amount of people present, I hate these people who

mixes these things up. To them, lots of people around means it's a good opportunity to announce to the whole

world that they're happy and their activities are out in full swing. I can't bear to look at these lies and fakes.

Why can't they prove that they're really happy by themselves?

They can't make a stand since they're unsure of it themselves. Somewhere in their hearts there'll be a calm voice

questioning if they're really happy. To remove this doubt these people have the need to tell others that they're

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enjoying themselves, the atmosphere's lively, it's the best, we're so happy. Shouting these words at the top of

their lungs.

I don't want to associate myself with these guys. I don't want to be a sanctimonious faker like them.

Sensei breaks his line of thought and asks if he's going to the fireworks festival, but he denies. Sensei gives him a

long sigh and says she's going but she won't be watching fireworks, teachers like her have to go patrol and keep

an eye on the students since a lot of things can go wrong during a festival. She comments that such a job should

be given to spirited, young person and says that she's young and spirited too. She starts talking happily about the

job and mentions that elites would be there too, people from the Yukinoshita family. Hikki asks if Haruno's a

student, and sensei tells him that she graduated the year before Hikki entered Sobu high, that's why they missed

each other. So there's a 3 year gap between Hikki and Haruno. That means Haruno's 19 or 20, she graduated 2

years ago...

Sensei goes on and mentions that Haruno achieved excellent grades, omnipotent, good-looking so the guys treat

her like a goddess. It reminds Hikki of someone and he feels that Haruno's closer to a witch than a goddess. But

then again, goddesses and witches are the same anyway, religion separates them according to good or evil.

Though sensei adds that Haruno isn't the scholarly type, she's good at studies but she's noisy during classes,

doesn't wear her uniform properly and you'll see her participating in festivals. She loafs around as well, but that

may be the reason she has lots of friends. Hikki can imagine that easily.

Sensei reminds Hikki something, but Hikki cuts her short and says that he realizes that Haruno's only acting that

way on the surface. Sensei is impressed and smiles slyly at Hikki as if they're accomplices talking bad about

someone behind her back. Though sensei tells that this is part of Haruno's charm as well, even if you notice her

facade, the haraguroi and power hidden inside her will still draw you in. Hikki says that she has an extraordinary

charisma, and sensei confirms that by saying that Haruno's time as the overall in charge of the cultural festival was

the one that mobilized the largest body of people, even teachers were dragged into it and sensei was forced to be

the bassist. Hikki notices that sensei looks like someone in a light music club that also plays a bass.

Hikki comments that the sisters have no similarities at all, Yukinoshita looks like a researcher whereas Haruno

looks like a university student who thinks highly of herself (lol)*. Then Hikki says that he hates people who like

these and they're mostly normalfags (lol)**.

* and ** Hikki says this

Though sensei says she hopes that Yukinoshita finds her own good points and work on it instead of trying to

become the next Haruno. She also has to work how to be kinder on others if not Yukinoshita will find it hard to

survive in this world, since the world isn't kind and it isn't right. She may be correct in some occasions but she's

still needs to work on being kind, though Hikki won't say that Yukinoshita's not kind at all. He wants her to let

things go sometimes instead of being strict all the time, thought being strict is her way of being kind. Hikki tells

himself that's he's using this line of reasoning for people like Yukinoshita, but he looks sideways and sees sensei

looking at him gently. She smiles sweetly at Hikki and tells him that he's the same, kind and right, but it's a brand

that's entirely different from Yukinoshita's brand of kindness and righteousness. It's the first time someone

commends Hikki that way, but he tells himself that he isn't happy, he believes in his own way of doing things, s-so

I-I'm n-not happy at all!

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Hikki says that their conflicting ways will contradict each other and Conan once said there's only one truth. Sensei

tell him she's a believer of Future Boy Conan and not the famous detective Conan with a smirk that seems to be

able to invalidate Hikki's words. He asks himself how old is this woman in front of him.

The two of them finally got into the store and they bought their meal tickets. Hikki draws on his chivalry and let

sensei go first, and he'll let the women go first as well when it comes to dangerous situations and unknown

places. Sensei picks the pork bone ramen without hesitation and her manliness shocked Hikki. After buying her

share she stood there with her purse and look at Hikki, she wants to treat Hikki ramen and Hikki secretly calls her

aniki. Though Hikki rejects by saying he doesn't want to be a leech, and said that being a house husband is

different from being a leech. He chose the pork bone ramen as well.

They take their seats and specify the hardness of their noodle, and Hikki notes how manly sensei is, and how

interesting it is to see a gorgeous beauty in a ramen store. Everyone's looking at sensei but she doesn't mind, and

sensei's happily preparing the napkin, checking out the position of the sesame, pepper, etc etc. She's being overly

serious. The ramen comes and they started eating.

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Sensei starts talking about life philosophy and drawing comparisons from ramen, and sensei talks about how Hikki

doesn't have to accept everything coming his way now but he'll have to learn to accept things as they come later

on in his life. Sensei adds on and says there are some things that cannot be accepted, like tomato in your ramen, it

tastes soft and raw. Hikki notes how childish sensei is and hates those things with a squishy interior. And then

sensei says she hates cucumber, it leaves its taste everywhere like on sandwiches and salads, but she likes pickles,

which is the same as Hikki, he hates cucumbers and likes pickles too. And with that, they both sunk into silence

and the conversation stopped. He gives sensei a fascinate look and she's stunned, they stare at each other but she

grabbed her glass and nervously gulp down all the water.

"Ah, um, talking about pickles. Um, ummm. Me... Me too. I l-like."

"...No, even if you break up the sentence like that, I still find it embarrassing so please spare me."

"W-What are you talking about! Anyway..., what did I want to say, I..."

Sensei happily waves her chopsticks in the air while Hikki comments if she's thinking straight, she might need do

some brain exercises to keep her from aging. Sensei decides to give Hikki a piece of char siu and Hikki tells her to

take in more fiber due to her age. Sensei decides to bring Hikki to another place next time to repay him for

bringing her to this ramen place. Back when sensei was a student, she visited almost all ramen stores in Chiba and

has a place to recommend, though it's not befitting of a teaching to be seen together with a student all the time,

so she'll wait until he graduates.

Hikki insteads asks her for the address so he can go by himself. Snap. A clear, destructive and exploding noise

resounds in the store.

"Oh my, it broke."

"Please bring me there..."

Chopsticks don't normally snap in your hands when you're holding it...

"Umu, look forward to it."

Sensei looks happier than normal.

It doesn't feel bad to have ramen with others. Doesn't matter if you eat alone or with someone, ramen always

taste delicious.

Ramen is the strongest food. Objection overruled.

Basically sensei tries to talk about ramen stores and accidentally sends the first mail out. Then she talks about

ramen and ramen and ramen and ramen. And Hikki apologizes and says he never expected her to be so serious

about this.

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Chapter 5:

They have 2 weeks more until summer vacation ends. Hikki's in deep thought about how he wants 3 more months

of holidays but he's interrupted when Kamakura walks over and looks at him. They stare at each other for a while

and Kamakura makes a breathing out noise and sits on Hikki's foot. It's probably due to Komachi spending all her

time playing with Sable, that's why Kamakura feels lonely. Hikki sits down on the floor and starts petting

Kamakura, running his fingers through its fur.

Kamakura closes its eyes and rests, it's tired from being chased around by Sable. The dog is very lively and runs

around the house all the time and it's extremely curious about Kamakura since it might be the first time it's in

contact with a cat. Sable assaults you while having a look of "let's play~" on its face and everytime Kamakura

would just escape to the top of the fridge or into closets, places where Sable couldn't go.

And Komachi's attention is taken away by Sable, so there's no one to take care of Kamakura, that's why it had no

choice but to approach Hikki. Hikki apologizes to Kamakura silently and says that Kamakura is the elder brother so

it has bear with it, a sentence that has drilled into Hikki's head since young, though he isn't sure of Kamakura's

age. Kamakura just wave its tail around on the floor, as though it's giving Hikki a halfhearted reply.

Hikki plays with Kamakura's stomach and Komachi enters, commenting on the weird combination she's looking at

while carrying Sable in her arms. Hikki tells her that he has good chemistry with cats and Komachi says Hikki is like

a cat. Hikki claims to be a lion which renders Komachi speechless, but he adds that male lions loaf around and

doesn't do anything which makes Komachi happy. Hikki laughs at his own joke and Sable barks happily too.

Kamakura stretches and leaves looking disinterested. Komachi wants to borrow Hikki's smartphone since she

wants to download an app that translates dog language, it collects samples of a dog's barking and tells you which

emotion is that dog experiencing. Hikki comments on how convenient that app is and asks if they made one for

humans since humans never reveal their intentions easily. Anyway Hikki gives in and downloads the app, together

with a translator for cats.

They use it on Sable and Sable says it wants to play. Which is what Hikki expected from a dog, it's like a habit for

them. Komachi keeps trying the app on Sable, and results are "bark (let's play)", "bark (let's play)", "bark (let's

play)" and "bark (let's play)". What is this, copy and paste? Komachi wonders if the app is broken and Hikki

decides to try barking. He quickly lets out a roar towards the future.*

*Muv Luv Alternative op by JAM Project

"BOWBOW! (I don't want to work!)"

It's incredibly accurate, and Hikki comments that it isn't broken at all, Komachi replies with shock that the one

that's broken is her onii-chan and looks at him with pity. Hikki feels hurt since his sibling which shares the same

flesh and blood looked at him this way.

Anyway, Komachi decides to go walk the dog and Hikki fetches the leash Yui provided and puts it on Sable while

Komachi gives the command. She announces "let's go!" and point towards the entrance. Hikki asks if he's gonna

be the one walking the dog and Komachi retorts by saying she's walking her onii-chan since Hikki is turning into a

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Hikki(komori). Hikki sighs and sends a message that he doesn't want to go out but Komachi pushes him from

behind and he relents.

The sun has already set and you can faintly see the moon in the sky,

Hikki looks around him and goes into deep thought about how change and growth isn't necessarily good, even if

you don't change the world around you will change, so you'll have to keep chasing the world if you don't want to

be left behind. He tells himself that if you don't change you won't cause any sadness and negativity, or cause

anything to happen to you at all, so he doesn't deny the notion of not changing, he won't deny that the past Hikki

and the Hikki now. Change is just a way of escaping reality, if you don't want to run away, then don't change, stand

your ground and resist to the end. Sometimes you'll run into good things if you don't change, like pressing the B

button to cancel evolution so you learn moves earlier.* A long time ago, Hikki feels that it might even be

something recent, he talked about this topic (with Yukinoshita). **


**If you haven't notice yet, Hikki likes to go into deep thought about things he sees, sometimes I don't feel like

translating it but you get the idea

Komachi seems to enjoy Sable tugging on the leash and the dog starts sniffing and chewing on the grass. It's a part

of walking your pets so the two wait around and see if Sable spits out the grass or furball. Komachi comments that

it's been a long time since she took a walk with Hikki and he admits that he doesn't like to go out, even with

Komachi, and most of the time when he did so was for shopping or visiting pet conventions. Sable tugs on the

leash again and they move on.

Hikki notices the lights from the house around him and the people heading home, white collar workers on their

way home, housewives going out to shop for groceries, grade schoolers riding on bicycles with their friends,

middle schoolers who seems to have a good time with their club members standing outside a convenience store,

high schoolers about to go out and play and of course, mothers on their way to pick up their kids. Hikki feels

nostalgia and a tender feeling from this mundane sight.

Komachi mutters about having someone to welcome you home is a great thing, but Hikki denies it and Komachi

comments that Hikki's a troublesome person. She turns her face to look at Sable and says that she's very happy

even if the one welcoming her home is a troublesome big brother. Hikki speeds up and overtakes Komachi to hide

the smile he has on his face, and says, with a hint of shyness, that he's didn't do it for Komachi, it's just that he

happens to be there to welcome her home. Komachi says she doesn't mind it even if it's really that way, with

tenderness in her voice. That prompted Hikki to turn around and face Komachi and she puts a hand on her chest,

as if to make sure the vivid but hazy warmth doesn't escape, and she voiced out slowly, word by word,"And that

was your commendable little sister making a cute appeal."

And that was the fakest smile he saw for the whole summer.

Hikki lifts his downcasted shoulders, and speeds up as if he's trying to leave Komachi and Sable behind. He thinks

to himself when it comes down to it his little sister isn't cute at all. Normal she's cute, super cute. Komachi starts

talking about how Kamakura was the one welcoming her home when Hikki was in hospital and Hikki informs her

that Kamakura looks down on him from the second floor when he comes home. Komachi pretends to joke and

says Kamakura is just being lazy and living with a bunch of lazybones is troublesome, and Hikki silently denies that

he's not a lazy person, then Komachi tells him that she'll be happy even if that kind of lazy person welcomes her

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home and laughs. Hikki divulges that he won't be there all the time and Komachi needs to learn how to break

away from her onii-chan, which causes Komachi to switch from her fake smile to a hurt and shocked face. Though

Hikki consoles her by telling her that he won't leave the house without any reasons and he wants to see how long

he can last without working. Komachi holds her head and worries about her big brother's future, and Hikki puts

his hand on hers, patting Komachi and reaffirms that he'll try to go to a university that's nearby and he'll not leave

the house unless someone serious happens.

Komachi comments that young man normally hopes to leave their house one day and Hikki is weird, and Hikki

says that their parents are both working so he can take it easy. Even though she said so much, she didn't want to

experience loneliness after Hikki leaves, Hikki adds, to which Komachi asks why is Hikki making up lines for her.

Hikki adds that living alone isn't worth it, you'll have to spend money to support yourself and also do the

housework, he prefers the situation now, even though his father is a scumbag and spouts nonsense.*

*Hikki doesn't actually mean anything from this, but his dad is easily deceived by beautiful girls and dotes on

Komachi way too much that's why Hikki doesn't like him

Komachi says that for her, living by yourself is lonely and she wonders how's Yukino-san doing since she lives

alone, and that people who are left behind will feel lonely too. Hikki comments that both the person who leaves

and the person who gets left behind will feel loneliness, and if Komachi ever gets married and moves out he's

confident that he'll cry a river. Hikki takes the leash from Komachi and offers to walk Sable instead.

Obviously Komachi wouldn't get tired easily from just walking such a small dog, so she caught on and laughs at

Hikki, saying that she'll do something to stop Hikki from moving out of the house, and holds onto Hikki's hand.

Hikki assures that he wouldn't move out even after getting married to someone and brushes off Komachi's

teasing. It's been a while since they went for a walk so the both of them decide to take a long route home.

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Just before dinner is ready, the intercom rang and Hikki went out to receive the guest, it's Yui and she gives Hikki

her usual "yahalo". She hands a souvenir to Hikki and Hikki is sad that it isn't a wooden sword and prefers it to be

a sword keychain which has a dragon winding around it or a skull keychan that glows in the dark.

Anyway it's snacks from the place she visited and this is a Yui thing to do, buying snacks which people don't really

like or dislike. Yui asks if Hikki likes the souvenir and Hikki says that's not the case and girls normally buy these

kind of stuff and also distribute these kind of snacks to the whole class. Yui adds that not all girls do that, like

Miura. Hikki tells her that he received gifts like this from girls too, but in his shoelocker and they stuffed scraps

into it. The girl who did that didn't even bother to hide her crime. Yui quickly reassures Hikki that such a thing

won't ever happen again, and in the first place people in the same class as Hikki doesn't even know he exists.

Yui clasped her hands tightly while saying that, and Hikki tells himself that Yui has no talent when it comes to

consoling others, so he'll just accept it as it is. His invisbility skill works and it might even help him defeat the

chimera ant king.*


Yui asks about Sable and Komachi brings Sable over. Yui is delighted by Sable and Yui thanks them for taking care

of it. Komachi mentions the dog translator app and Hikki brings it over to an excited Yui, and Yui tries it on Sable.

Sable says,"Bow? (Who is this person?)" which shocked Yui, and Sable was shocked by Yui's outburst of despair,

and started running in circles around Hikki's legs. He picks up Sable, put him into the bag Yui gave him and zipped

it up. Hikki hands it over to Yui and consoles her by saying Sable would remember her after a couple of days, but a

teary Yui says she'd rather Sable not forget about her in the first place, and leaves. Before that, they see a Sable

pressing against the netting in the bag and making whiny noises, and even Hikki feels a little sad seeing this scene.

Komachi, with tears in her eyes, holds Yui's hands and wants her to visit again, which Yui happily obliged, but

Komachi adds that this time both their parents will be in so Yui better bring snacks along. Yui agrees, but then

realizes what it was about, and started denying. Komachi, with a weird light in her eyes, clicks her tongue and

reverts back to her previous look.

Hikki tells Yui to come and play again with Sable and Yui picks up her luggage. Before Yui can leave, Hikki

remembered the conversation with sensei and says that Yukinoshita might be at the fireworks fetstival and Yui

says she'll be there. Yui realizes something and paused for a moment, took a deep breath and peeked at Hikki,

then dropped the quest, "H-Hey... The fireworks festival, want to go together? Think of it as my thanks for taking

care of Sable, I'll treat you." And Hikki tells Komachi to go with Yui.

Hikki already rejected the option of going somewhere with Yui and just the 2 of them, and he tells himself that

Komachi was the one taking care of Sable. Komachi sees through Hikki's intentions, put her hands on her hip and

sighs softly, saying her brother's a pain, but Hikki ignores her. Komachi, with a face full of apologies, turned

towards Yui and says monotonously her that she's busy with her studies since she wants to get into Sobu high, but

then adds that she has some stuff she wants but have no time to go shopping, and Yui won't be able to carry all

those stuff. Komachi gives Hikki a look while saying all that, and Yui picked up the hint, leaned forward and tells

Hikki that he should help with Komachi's shopping since Komachi took great care of him. Hikki wants to weasel

out of it but Yui gives him a strict look. From behind, someone adds sneakily that she's worried about girls going

to the fireworks festival alone and how it isn't safe out there recently and it'll be good if there's a man around. Yui,

feeling a lack of confidence, says that if Hikki already have plans to go with someone else or if he's really busy

then she'll forget it but still tries to appeal to Hikki.

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Obviously, Hikki has no plans on that day but he feels cornered, and relents by saying it's for Komachi, so stay in

contact and Hikki heads back to his own room and Yui happily shouts that she'll mail him afterwards.

It's quieter now that Sable isn't around and the Hikigaya household is back to normal. Komachi, who might be

feeling depressed, is sighing while lying on the sofa. Hikki gets a cup of tea from the fridge and gives it to Komachi.

Like a parent who just sent her child off, Komachi looks like an old granny and stares into space and says she's

okay if it's Yui. Hikki reminds her that Sable belongs to Yui in the first place, which shocked Komachi, who wasn't

talking about Sable. Hikki doesn't get what Komachi muttered and Komachi brushes it off. Kamakura is still

sleeping like usual but this time it didn't curl up like a ball, instead it's sprawled out on the floor knowing that

Sable isn't around to annoy it.

Komachi sees Komachi and lunges towards it and buried her face in Kamakura's stomach and played with

Kamakura's soft legs. She asked Hikki to bring the cat translator app and Hikki did so, he hands it to Komachi.

Kamakura says "uncomforable, help me... itchy tasty"* Hikki wonders if Kamakura is really fine and comment that

it might already be infected.* Komachi continues venting her loneliness on Kamakura and Hikki doesn't blame her

since she likes Sable a lot.

*Resident evil 1 Keeper's diary

Since his cellphone's batteries are running dry, Komachi returns Hikki the cellphone and Hikki reminds Komachi

that's it's time to heads back to her room to study. She pets Kamakura 1 last time and leaves. Liberated from

Komachi, Kamakura staggered towards Hikki and meows. While looking for a charger, Hikki sees a line of words on

his phone and laughs out. He tells Kamakura, "yeah, really" which prompts Kamakura to meow again, and Hikki's

cellphone finally died for real.*

*Yes it ends here, and no they didn't mention what Kamakura said

From Komachi (00:00)

Happy Birthday~!

From Hachiman (03:19)


From Komachi (03:20)

You're horrible to reply

after such a long time...

From Hachiman (03:21)

Still awake, go sleep.

From Komachi (03:21)

((_ _))..zzzZZ

From Hachiman (03:22)


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Chapter 6:

It's the day of the festival and Hikki, like many others, head towards to train station, and those girls in their yukata

are eye-catching. The train is filled with people who are close to one another, for Hikki he just put on his

earphones and daze off, though he's being pushed into a corner by the pressure. Hikki breaths in quietly, like he

doesn't want anyone to notice him. After a few stations, he reached his destination.

Hikki is the only person to aliht here and more people board the train after him. He feels frustrated by the fact

that he has to board the train again later on. Grumbling to himself, he walks against the flow of the crowd and left

the station.

He's late by more than a minute, and Hikki looks around for a familar figure. Hikki spots a few from his school

leaning on a pillar in the plaza, and they're either wearing yukata or jinbei, following the trail of highschoolers, he

notice a girl making noises with her clogs moving in from the north entrance.

That girl has a peach colored yukata with flowers blooming on it, and the crimson obi on her yukata really stands

out. Her hair, slightly pink, isn't in a bun like usual, but rather loosely tied. She's probably not used to wearing

wooden clogs, so her steps are shaky and she slowly walks towards Hikki.

Yui flashes an embarassed smile and apologized to Hikki for being late since she's not used to this, and Hikki

brushes it off by saying it's nothing. They've finally met, but both of them sunk into silence, with Yui lowering her

head and playing with strands of her hair. Hikki takes the hint and praises her yukata, though he asks himself why

is he praising the yukata and not the person, but also notices that Yui got the message even, so he didn't need to

correct himself.

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"T-T-T-T-Thank you!" was the reply, and they both went silent again. To get things going, Hikki suggest that they

get a move on, and while in motion, Hikki notices that Yui never spoke and kept her head lowered. Hikki doesn't

dislike quie people, but he's bothered by the fact that a noisy person, someone who gets loud and excited by

small things like Yui, is quiet, and Hikki is worried if she's angry, so he decides to test her. Hikki asks Yui why did

she choose this place to meet and Yui says it's not feasible to meet at the festival itself due to the huge amount of

people there, and says cellphone doesn't work properly. Hikki tells himself that's true and cellphone might have

problems when in a chaotic place, but since he has never tried it this seems like an urban legend to him, though

for Hikki he doesn't use his cellphone even when there's no one around.

Yui says it's boring to meet up over there, Hikki tries to refute her but she got angry. They both went silent again,

Hikki comments that it's like walking in complete darkness even though the sun's still up. "Fireworks festival", they

both said at the same time, and Yui got anxious and extended a hand to let Hikki say his piece first. Hikki asks if Yui

goes to this festival every year and Yui says she does and with friends. The conversation stops here and the train

aarrived. They stand near the door in a train filled with people wearing yukata, carrying small plastic stools and

parasols. Hikki asked about what Yui wanted to say, and Yui had the same question as Hikki, Hikki replies that he

doesn't go to the firework festival but he did once, with his family, back when he was in grade school. He checked

the time and it's only 4pm.

The train suddenly stopped and Hikki hears the sound of Yui's clogs and an exclaimation from Yui, followed by a

sweet smell and a soft weight on his shoulders. It's probably due to Yui not used to wearing clogs, she lost her

balance and fell forward, so Hikki catches her. Their faces ended up close to each other, and Yui quickly turned her

bright red face away. She apologizes and Hikki brushes it off by saying it's cramped in here, then looked away,

pretending to admire the scenary outside. Yui let out a long sigh.

Hikki started sweating and is actually really nervous deep down, it's dangerous and if he wasa normal guy he

might have carelessly fall for her. But he tells himself he'll never be that careless, he never makes mistakes or

misunderstand someone, to look for meaning in simple stuff is a habit of the "unpopular people". Greeting you in

the morning is a norm and dropping a handkerchief in front of you is them being careless and exchanging mail

addresses in workplace is for easier changing of shifts. Hikki doesn't believe in fate or destiny, and tells himself he

can probably put his faith in orders from his superiors in his workplace, but laments that he doesn't want to

become this kind of adult therefore he doesn't want to work ever.

The 2 of them alights at their sotp and Hikki describes the scenary. The bay in front of them is like a mirror and the

setting sun sets up a beautiful scene, making people even more excitable. Everyone's laughing or talking loudly,

exchanging pleasant gazes with each other. There's a bunch of stores selling crepes or takoyaki these kind of

foodstuffs lined up on both sides of the path in front of Hikki and pubs and convenience stores around here

started displaying their wares in front of the shop, restaurants advertise their beautiful view of the fireworks and

use it as a means to get more customers. A Japanese summer, as if etched into his genes, Hikki starts getting

excited even though he doesn't want to.

The Chiba fireworks festival is starting.

Hikki describes the place as extremely crowded and hard to access though it's close to the station. It's only 6pm

and the fireworks festival starts at half past 7, so Hikki tries to look for distraction. He suggests that they go home

and Yui is taken back, and Hikki comments that him considering the time to go home when outside is already a

habit of his, and he would make a good spy or ninja since he puts his own survival above his job. Yui doesn't know

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what to do and Hikki wanted to suggest going home, but then Yui received a mail, it's from Komachi and she

finally mailed over the list of items she wanted them to buy. Hikki dislikes how Yui's cellphone has sparkles all over

it when Yui showed him the mail.

Hikki is embarrassed when he imagines Komachi gleefully typing this mail out and Yui smiled when she saw Hikki's

distressed face. Hikki realizes Komachi's intentions and how she worries about him all the time in her own way. He

says that he's not dense enough to sense what's happening around him. He might even be sensitive or allergic

and this might even cause an overreaction from him. Then again, 80% of the guys in the world have this thought,

"this person might be in love with me". Because of that, you need to know how to hold yourself back. No matter

what happens, you need to stay calm and keep cool, and always remind yourself "this kind of thing is impossible".

Hikki doesn't trust others, and doesn't trust himself even more. He lets out a sigh and suggest that they go get

Komachi's stuff.

Yui's lighthearted footsteps produced a happy sound from her clogs though Hikki assumes that it might be due to

Komachi's mail or the atmosphere of the festival. It's crowded everywhere but Yui still tugs on Hikki's sleeves and

keeps wanting to eat stuffs like candied apple. Hikki counters her by saying candied apples aren't on the list and

wants stuff that can last but Yui drags him away after seeing a PS3 being showcased as a prize at one of the game

stalls. All the prizes are attached by strings and you'll get the item attached to the string you chose, and Hikki tells

Yui that she'll never win it since the storeowner won't make it easy for them, which got him a glare from the

owner so the two leaves.

They bought cotton candy which were in bags with cartoon characters painted on them. Hikki asks for a pink one

and tries to convince himself that he doesn't watch anime made for little girls. So he's choosing this to try to

accomdate Komachi's taste, he doesn't know what PreCure is and isn't interested at all, and the lack of interest

means he can't tell the difference between Jewel Pet and Pretty Rhythm.

Hikki and Yui bought Ramune and Takoyaki, and was going to buy Yakisoba but they spot someone waving at

them. That person comes over, exchanged greetings with Yui and Hikki comments to himself that these two acted

alike, it's like watching someone and his mirror image. Hikki doesn't know who that person is, so he decides to

fade into the background. I want to become a tree (Watashi, Kininarimasu!).*

*Chitanda Eru's famous line

That being said, Hikki senses something between the two. Yui calls her Sagamin whereas she calls Yui, Yui-chan.

Yui is overly friendly but the same can't be said for this Sagamin, it feels like she just wants to be on good terms

and nothing more, Hikki gets this vibe. He still doesn't know who this is and shoots Yui a look, and she introduces

the both of them, she's Sagami Minami-chan. Hikki looks at Sagami and nods, the 2 pairs of eyes met and... "Fuu",

Sagami lets out a laugh. Sagami starts saying she gets it and the two came together, she's having an all girls'

Komachi's shopping list:

Yakisoba, 400 yen

Cotton candy, 500 yen

Ramune 300, yen

Takoyaki, 500

yenMemory of watching

the fireworks, Priceless

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fireworks festival on her side and says Yui has it better, Yui's enjoying her youth. Yui is taken back by that but still

smiled back out of politeness. Hikki, on the other hand, isn't amused at all. Back then, Sagami's laugh was one

that was all too familiar. It wasn't a smirk or a hearty laugh, it's a cruel, mocking laugh.

This girl saw "the boy Yuigahama Yui bought along" and let out a mocking laugh. Sagami, still keep her smile, tells

them it's nice for them since that's how they should be spending their summer, and in that instant, Hikki senses

that Sagami's trying to evaluate him. The warm feeling she gave off were like lies, and Hikki's heart froze up when

he realizes this. Once your heart beings cold you start thinking clearly. Like liquid Nitrogen being poured down

your spine, your thought process becomes clearer. Rationality and logic together with your own experience group

up and are pitted against your emotions. Though it's a clear win for the former. I almost misunderstood again.

Hikki and Sagami have nothing to do with one another and don't know each other well, and what's the best way

to understand a person you don't know? Putting labels. To understand a person you'll have to know what

organization he belongs to, where does he work, his rank and his title. In schools or the society, you'll use these

factors to judge a person. Sagami put Hikki in the lower part of the hiearchy due to the labels attached to him, but

since Yui's social skills are abnormally high, she's high up in the hiearchy both in the school and the class. Putting

someone outside of the hiearchy like Yukinon aside, in others' eyes, someone high up like Yui bonding with

someone low like Hikki just look like an act of charity. Hikki chides himself for not expecting this snce it's a huge

festival and there'll be lots of high schoolers around, especially those who belongs to the schools around here.

Then again this is like a socializing ground for ladies, and her male partner would be used to judge a lady's worth

as well, just like their handbags or the brand of their clothes. If it wasn't Hikki but Hayato, people's reaction would

surely be different, and after a long monologue he adds that he doesn't mind being ridiculed, but he pities Yui

who's being dragged down with him. Hikki suggests that he'll go on ahead and grab Yakisoba, and Yui flashes him

an apologetic smile. Hikki leaves to eliminate the chances of Yui being looked down upon due to him around, and

behind him the girls are still chatting away.

Yui comes over just when Hikki finished making payment. She apologizes to Hikki, mixed with a big of uneasiness,

but Hikki knows that Yui did not need to apologize. He mentions candied apples which catches Yui's interest and

suggests that they go buy some. Yui is overjoyed and promises to give Hikki half of it, but he tells himself he won't

accept it even if you can cleanly cut it into halves. Anyway, he's done all the shopping, it's almost time for the

fireworks, the crowd's growing noise reminds him.

As the sun sinks into Tokyo Bay, the moon stays up in the sky, as if waiting for the fireworks. People have left the

main plaza and everywhere is filled with people sitting on their mats or plastic chairs. Thanks to that, Hikki has no

place to go to, and for him he could just find somewhere far away to view the fireworks, but he's with company.

Then again, they didn't bring along plastic chairs or newspaper, and Yui's wearing yukata so she can't sit on the

floor all the time. Hikki looks around for benches but they're all taken. Yui smiles with a troubled look on her face

and comments that it's really crowded and Hikki replies that they should have brought plastic chairs along. Yui

apologizes but Hikki brushes it off by saying he's not used to these events and wasn't prepared. He could have

anticipated this if he put in some more thought.

Hikki goes into deep thought about popular guys would have taken care of all the details beforehand. Compared

to a handsome face, knowing how to make such arrangements are more important. Like how you'll have to

tirelessly send reminders, do research before going out and knowing how to entertain and calm the atmosphere

when stuck in a long queue. Though to Hikki it's all really troublesome. If you need to do so much to become

popular then Hikki rather remain unpopular. Then again why do the guys have to treat the girls in the end, aren't

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the genders supposed to be equal. Hikki finds all these deliberate actions just display a different you, which is

totally different from how you normally act, it's a facade. Changing yourself so you're loved, can you call it true

love, Hikki doesn't know. If it's a facade, it'll be torn down one day.

This little upheaval in his emotion prompted a sigh from Hikki, and he looked downwards but notices Yui from a

corner of his eye. Yui, mouth wide and shocked, locked gazes with Hikki and is astonished that Hikki is worrying

about something. She says that Hikki's being gentle and Hikki tells her that he's a really gentle person, so far he

hasn't taken revenge against anyone for all the things that had happen. If it was a normal person the world would

have ended, so in a sense Hikki's the savior of the world. Yui retorts him and say that a normal person wouldn't

destroy the world.

They went towards a wider place and had to go against the crowd, which is something Hikki's good at, though

somehow Yui manages to keep up with him. He tells himself that someone used to doing this can definitely

outperform him, it's not stealth Hikki's stage. They reached a place surrounded by trees, but it'll be difficult for

them to view the fireworks from there. Somehow there's security all over and they might be chased away if they

go too near so Hikki suggests that they look elsewhere, when suddenly someone called out to him. Her

gracefulness apparent even in the darkness, Hikki sees that she dons a yukata with lily and autumn grass. It's

Yukinoshita Haruno. She's sitting in an area cordoned off and there are others accompanying her. The chair she

sits on is like a throne and Haruno, like a queen.

7:40pm, the delayed fireworks festival finally starts. From everywhere Hikki can hear clapping sounds and also

people whistling along, if anyone like that is nearby, Hikki might just beat him up. According to Hikki, 50% of the

time a person who does this are normally honest people but somehow gets worked up during these events. From

this small hill they have a good view of the fireworks, normally you would require a pass to get in, but thanks to

Haruno, the two of them are allowed there.

Haruno tells them that she's there in place of her father, and all the exchanges of pleasantries bored her, so she's

glad Hikigaya-kun is there. She then bragging innocently that this place is the VIP area when Hikki starts looking

around, which doesn't make her seems high and mighty but rather like a kid showing off. She also apologize to the

secruity and told them that she was expecting friends but they were late, an excuse that allowed Hikki and Yui

stay. Hikki notes how smooth and natural Haruno was and she easily convinced the security, VIPs are really strong.

Yui is shocked by Haruno's status as an elite, and Haruno said her father's influence reaches events like this.

Haruno invites them to seat next to her and they accepted the offer after giving her a bow, though Hikki couldn't

calm down since there's a beautiful onee-san next to him and he fears this person who is seemingly perfect on the

outside, and also the murky darkness that lingers within.

Haruno goes close to Hikki's ears and starts whispering, she doesn't appreciate him being a playboy and he denies

it, and Haruno's facial expression immediately changed to a cold one, and she asks if Hikki's being serious with Yui

and how it's unforgivable. So Haruno tugs on Hikki's ears and he denies it again, and just then the first firework

was launched into the air.

Haruno sits down again and they admire the fireworks. Yui took this chance to speak with Haruno, and perhaps

she was looking for an opening all these while, though Haruno kept blinking her eye since she can't recall who Yui

is. Haruno apologizes for not remembering Yui's name, but Hikki notes to himself that Haruno is definitely doing

his on purpose, her specs are on par with Yukino's, no, she's even better than Yukino, there's no way she would

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forget a name. Hikki feels small things like a slip of tongue might have some meaning to it. Hikki keeps looking at

Haruno, trying to decipher her actions, and Haruno gave him a sly smile.

Hikki feels a chill behind him. Haruno's smile is as if she could read Hikki's thought and Hikki feels that she's

terrifying because she's beautiful. Yui asks Haruno about Yukino and Haruno informs them that Yukino's at home

and Haruno's handling all these stuff, she's here in place of their father, so she's not here to play. With that being

said, Haruno pointed a finger to herself and grinned. She adds that going to events like this one is her job, it's

decided by her mother a long time ago. Hikki recalls that Yukino said the same thing as well, about she being a

replacement character. Looks like Haruno's the one that's going to inherit the family business. Yui continues to ask

about Yukino, Hikki knows too, that all the stuff about Haruno doesn't necessarily mean Yukino could not come.

Haruno gives a troubled smile and told them it's their mother's will. Yui adds that Yukino and Haruno looks alike

so it'll be confusing if both of them are there, though Hikki doesn't fully accept that, he believes it's dependant on

the views of others, since Haruno's the one inheriting the family business, having Yukino around would just cause

trouble, just like a samurai family.

Haruno puts a finger on her cheek and sighs, telling them that her mother is overbearing and scary. Hikki asks if

she's scarier than Yukino, to which Haruno is stunned, she never thought of Yukino being scary at all, and let out a

huge laugh. Haruno laughed so much she had to wipe the tears from her eyes, and finally took a breath, cleared

her throat and composed herself. She tells Hikki that he's impolite, Yukino's a cute child and shouldn't be talked

about this way, but then Haruno lowered her voice and tells him that their mother is much more scarier than

herself. Hikki is shocked and asks if that's even human and secretly comments if there's someone out there that's

above Haruno, it's not on the level of powered suits anymore and more like a gundam.

Haruno tells him that their mother isn't the kind of person to take "no" for an answer so she had to comply and

Yukino has no idea how to deal with these kind of people. Also, Haruno is surprised that Yukino wanted to live

alone after going to highschool, and it's an act of willfulness not seen in Yukino, so their father happily gave Yukino

an apartment, though their mother objected the idea from the very beginning. Hikki comments to himself that all

dads in the world dote on their daughters and tells Haruno that Yukino and her dad has a good relation and in

return Haruno asks him if he's interested in knowing more about his father-in-law. Hikki brushes it off by saying

something about Gifu (Gifu, a prefecture and gifu, father-in-law) and Haruno gave him a low score for that joke.

Though Haruno adds that her father isn't necessarily nice, it's just that their mother is overbearing so his role is

smaller, their parents are like "good cop" and "bad cop". Obviously the sisters know it, and Hikki comments that

these sisters are unlikable and Haruno still kept her smile despite that.

Yui tries to speak with Haruno but Haruno asked if she's on a date first and apologize for disturbing them, though

Hikki sees that Haruno's gaze is still on Yui, observing her carefully. Haruno says in a teasing manner that Yui being

all embarrassed is suspicious, and if it's really a date... Fireworks go up into the sky again and the surrounding

goes dark for a moment, and Haruno's eyes are no longer visible, but he believes the darkness in Haruno's eyes

are darker than the night sky.

"...Yukino-chan, once again she wasn't chosen."

More fireworks go up and sometimes it shines and Hikki can see Haruno's gentle smile. Yui broke the silence by

asking about what Haruno just said, Haruno, who was happily enjoying the fireworks, turned to Yui and asks Yui

what she meant. Yui then cuts short her question with a stutter.

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Haruno claps happily and innocently, like a child, everytime the fireworks go up, and Hikki notes that it's

something Yukino would never do, though Haruno is doing it on purpose to put up a show for others. The sisters

look alike but they're different inside, but for some reason Hikki feels that they're working towards the same goal,

which is incredible. Hikki spoke by saying "Yukinoshita-san", since he doesn't know how to address Haruno, and

he's not so close to her to use her first name. Haruno giggles when she heard that and tells him to address her as

Haruno or sister-in-law, though she recommends the latter. Hikki replies her with dry laughter and tells himself

that it's impossible. He spoke again by addressing her as "Yukinoshita-san", and Haruno comments on how

stubborn Hikki is, but also add that it's cuter that way. Hikki then tells himself that he's not good at dealing with

elders, for Hikki, older people are scarier and the age gap between him and sensei is different, she's clearly an

adult. But for Haruno, they differ by a mere 2 or 3 years. He asks if Haruno (still using "Yukinoshita-san")

graduated from the same highschool and she replied that she graduated 3 years prior, which interests Yui as well.

Yui asks if Haruno is 20 years old but it turns out that she's only 19, and Hikki should call her Haruno since

"Yukinoshita-san" is a mouthful, or better yet, call her Harunon♪.*

*No really, that's how it is in the raws.

Hikki settles on Haruno-san. The background music for the festival changed to a classical one and people started

going to bathrooms and shopping since the fireworks are going up less frequent. There's food in front of Hikki

since it's the VIP area and Yui's chatting happily with Haruno, with Hikki in between. They talk about Haruno's

university and Haruno says she wanted to go somewhere nearer to Tokyo but was convinced otherwise by their

parents, with a complicated smile on her face. They talk more and Hikki knows he's already excluded from the

talk, so he keeps eating.

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Yui comments that both sisters are aiming for a national university and the science course, and Hikki can tell that

Haruno was taken back for an instant, she parroted Yui and smile, one that was mocking Yukino. Hikki comments

silently that he knows Yukino well so he can see through this smile too, Haruno might actually be pleased by this

fact. Yui looks at Haruno silently, and Haruno starts saying that it didn't change at all, they went from shoulder to

shoulder to being left behind. Hikki can see nostalgia from her eyes and her gentle tone, but somehow there's a

bit of uneasiness in Haruno. Hikki comments that it's a bad habit of him to want to read into people's thoughts,

but says that anyone could tell something is amiss from Haruno's actions.

Yui, fidgeting around, asks if Haruno-san is on bad terms with Yukinon, but Haruno denies it and says she loves

Yukino-chan a lot. Hikki notes the instant reply she gave and the warm smile on Haruno's face. It's an action that's

natural and well-timed, and because of that, it feels like she pre-empted your move. Haruno adjusts her position

and adds that a little sister that's chasing her shadow is cute. Hikki reads deep into it and comments silently that

"chasing her shadow" meant Yukino could never reach Haruno. Like a victor gloating at the idiotic loser. Though

Haruno showed a smile without any hint cruelness to Yui and asks if Yui likes Yukino. Yui is caught off guard and

started stuttering that how Yukino is cool, honest, trustworthy, sometimes she's clumsy but cute, how a drowsy

Yukino makes her heart beat faster, how Yukino is hard to understand but she's a gentle person inside and a lot

more, all while having an embarrassed smile on her face.

In that instant, Hikki notices the kindness from Haruno, and it's something that doesn't go well with Haruno.

Though in the next instant those eyes turned scary. Haruno tells Yui that people tells her that all the time, but in

the end everyone became jealous and hateful of Yukino and then started rejecting and excluding her, and she

wishes that Yui wouldn't be like them. Haruno is giggling, but the look on her face told Hikki otherwise, it was one

that was tragic but also scary and cute. Yui composes herself and retorts that she would never do that, and stares

back at Haruno. Haruno shrugs her shoulders and peers at Hikki, then asks him if he understood what she wanted

to say. Hikki tells himself that he has already seen too much, it's not only Yukino but in a group the outstanding

person would be rejected by others, it's an act of cleansing, and a person ignored and isolated would inevitably

rot away.

Haruno then says she likes how Hikki's eyes look and how great Hikki is, he's enlightened in weird places and she

likes it a lot. That being said, Hikki doesn't feel like he's being praised, he knows how there's another meaning in

Haruno's words so he won't have a misunderstanding. It's like the difference between "I like this feeling..." and

"Like. This feeling also..." and source is Hikki. He won't fall for such cheap tricks again. Haruno continues and asks

if Hikki likes Yukino and he tells her that his mother taught him not to be a picky eater, which made Haruno laugh


The fireworks festival is coming to an end and Haruno rise to leave before it gets crowded and the other 2 decides

to leave as well. They head towards the carpark and Haruno offers them a ride home, Yui doesn't know what to do

and looks at Hikki for directions, but Hikki just stared at that car intently. He's not wrong, it's this very vehicle.

Haruno giggled and tells him that there isn't a scratch on it so he doesn't need to stare at the car so much. Hikki

and Yui didn't laugh at that joke and fell silent. Haruno, sensing that, wiped the smile off her face and apologizes

since Yukino hasn't told Hikki about the vehicle and didn't tell her too about that as well. Yui confirms that with a

small voice and Hikki can tell that Yukino was in the know all along. Haruno, taken back by their reactions, tries to

cover for Yukino and tells them it wasn't her fault. Hikki tells himself that so far Yukino hasn't done anything

wrong, that's because Yukino is always correct. Haruno tries to convince Hikki again by saying Yukino only sat in

the vehicle, it wasn't her fault and asks if that's okay with Hikki. Hikki knows that Haruno's question was trying to

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confirm something with him, and he thought about how it's the first time he's hearing the full story, but even so

the results would not change. The truth is unshakable no matter the means Yukino chose to come in contact with


"I see. Well, that person didn't cause the accident. That's why she has nothing to do with it."

Hikki's only voice is colder than he thought. It's a warm night but he can feel the temperature in himself rapidly

dropping. He hears the sound of clogs approaching, it might be pressure from that sound, Hikki raised the

warmness in his voice and tells that it's already over, he's not a person to mull over the past and such people

would just live in a life of darkness... E-Eh? Hikki is shocked that his own voice turned cold in the final part and his

own mental trauma is scary. Haruno gave a sigh of relief and bid them farewell, but before that she thanked the 2

and hope that they meet again. Hikki comments silently that he doesn't want to see her again if possible and

leaves with Yui, though none of them spoke.

The train station is crowded even though they left earlier, and both of them boarded the train. There's only 1 stop

left before Yui alights and Yui was the first one to open her mouth. She looks at Hikki's reaction before continuing

and asks if he's heard from Yukino. Hikki notes that Yui already knew the answer to that but still replies honestly

that he hasn't heard about the car accident from Yukino. Yui started stuttering again and the train reaches her

stop. The door is about to close and Yui started wondering what to do. Hikki decides to alight the train together

with Yui she asks if it's okay for Hikki to stop at this station. Hikki tells her that he doesn't like it when someone

stops a question halfway and asks if Yui did it on purpose because her timing was perfect. Yui denies it vehemently

but Hikki sees through it easily. Yuigahama-san is a tactician, Hikki tells himself.

Hikki offers to walk Yui home and she thanks him for it. Due to Yui still not used to her clogs, the 2 of them walked

slowly. The quiet street is filled with the sound of Yui's clogs. Hikki then asks Yui if she heard about it from Yukino,

but Yui shakes her head and adds that she believes that some things cannot be said easily, and once you miss the

chance, there's no way... And then says that she's also like that. Hikki agrees with her silently, the accident

happened almost a year ago and for Yui she only came clean when the truth was exposed. Yui continues and says

that people might want to make further preparations and put more thought into it before opening their mouths

but it's also because of them the matter was dragged on. Hikki understands that, this is especially true when it

comes to serious matters like apologies or guilty confessions. Those are already hard to admit to, and as time goes

on you'll be less willing to open up, you'll need a good time and place before you can speak up.

Yui defends Yukino by saying it might be due to her family that's why Yukino doesn't speak up but she doesn't

know all the details. She adds on by saying Haruno-san is scary. Hikki agrees to that again, Yukino's environment is

special, yes it's because of her family background, the existence of that sister and that kind of mother. There must

be something holding her back. Though Hikki wants to probe but it's another person's family issue. Hikki tells Yui

that it's her domestic issues, and Yui replies "do, dome, domestic... Domestice Violence (DV)" which got a reaction

from Hikki, he tells her not to say dumb things with that halfassed knowledge of hers. Yui asks again if it's DV but

Hikki reminds her that it's fine with just knowing this much and they don't need to go deeper.

Yukino doesn't like to talk about things she intend to keep quiet about. They can't understand each other, and if

you pretend to understand they're just get angry, so you should let it slide. It's like slipping on the rain and falling

down, if you're that person you would wish that no one asks you about it. Hikki tells himself that people should

start realizing that talking gently and sincerely to a person won't necessarily save a person, it might even hurt

them more. Compassion and kindess turning into a coup-de-grace, that kind of thing is possible. Yui wonders if it's

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okay for them to not probe further, and looks down at her feet. Since Yui walked even slower Hikki stops and tells

her that it's okay to not know more, knowing more would be a invitation to more trouble. Knowing more is a risky

move, there are things that shouldn't be known and a person's thought is a classic example. Everyone must have

lied to themselves to survive, so telling them the truth would hurt, it'll destroy the balance of their identity.

After a few seconds of silence, Yui finally gave a "Yui" answer, despite all of that, she wants to know more and get

along better, becoming a help when someone's in trouble. Yui opens up her steps and walked ahead, whereas

Hikki, slow to move, is a step behind.

"Hikki. If Yukinon is ever in trouble, you'll have to help her."


I can't find any words that could match up to her expectations.

It wouldn't just take a few seconds, even if you give more 2 times or 10 times the time to think, I would never

arrive at the same answer as Yui did.

That's because I don't want to interfere. Not now or ever, I will never step in.

"Nah, this kind of thing won't happen."

Yukinoshita being troubled, she asking me for help and me stepping in.

With lots of meaning behind my words, I spoke that sentence aloud. Yuigahama looks at the stars and kicked a

pebble with her clogs.

"Even so, Hikki would still help her."

"You won't know that."

What proof does she have, but before I could sound that out, Yuigahama turns and approaches me.

"That's because you helped me too."

"I've already mentioned it. That was only a coincidence. I didn't help you because I knew you, so it didn't count."

That's why. All those thanks, trusts and whatever that you have towards me.

It's only a misunderstanding stemming from your illusions.

Hikki goes on by saying it's something someone else could do as well. Judging a person from an action is different

from judging a person, you can't say that a person is kind just because he did a single kind act. Hikki is troubled if

someone assumed that's how he is from that single action. That's why Yui is wrong. Hikki finally opens his mouth

again and tells Yui not to expect anything from him. He knows he'll disappoint her, so Yui shouldn't expect

anything from him at all.

Yui and Hikki kept a distance between them as they walked, but suddenly Yui stops and the distance between

them is shortened. Hikki fell forward because of Yui's action and their bodies got closer. Yui turned towards him,

bathed in the gentle moonlight, and claims that Hikki would help her even if that accident didn't place, and then

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they would both watch the fireworks together. Hikki denies it and says he'll never help her if that happens and

comments to himself that "what ifs" did not happen so it's a baseless and meaningless assumption. There are no

"what ifs" in life. There are only regrets.

Even so, Yui shakes her head slowly. Hikki can see the reflection of the streetlights in her moist eyes, and Yui says

that there's no such ting since Hikki would still be alone even if the accident did not happen, so it has nothing to

do with that accident. With his personality he would eventually be noticed and scouted into the Service Club, and

she'll meet him there. It's a dream like scenario but it has some truth in it so Hikki doesn't deny it, he wonders if

their relationships would be different if Yui, Yukino and him met under different circumstances.

While Hikki is in deep thought, Yui adds on with enthusiasism that Hikki would still chip in with his twisted logic

and she would receive help from Hikki, and then... A heavy breathing sound, Hikki wonders if it's Yui or him who

made that sound. Was it really a breathing sound or was it the sound of a heart beating faster. There was silence

for a moment, and Hikki looks up and his gaze meets with Yui's. She continues and says that she would definitely...

And then Yui's cellphone rings.


Yui looks at the pouch on her hand, but then decides to ignore the phone and continues.

"I would..." <- Yui

"Is it okay to leave your phone like this?" <- Hikki

I voiced that out to stop her from continuing.

Yuigahama lowered her head and looked at the pouched and held it tightly. But then in the next instant she took

out her phone excitedly, lifted her head and laughed embarrassingly.

"...A call. From my mom."

She wanted me to wait for a moment, and walked a few steps ahead and then picked up the phone.

Yui's mom called to ask her where she was and if she needed an escort, and Yui said she's nearby and reaching

home soon. Hikki didn't hear what she said on her phone and saw Yui staring at her phone then putting it back

into her pouch. She thanks Hikki for walking her back and it's fine if he stops here. Yui bids Hikki farewell and

goodnight and waved, Hikki does the same. Without hearing Hikki's reply, Yui walked home quickly, sometimes it's

as if she's going to fall over which worries Hikki, and he watches over her with his eyes until she enters a nearby


Hikki travels through the noisy streets on his way back and it seems the fever from the festival still hasn't died

down, there's drunk groups of men and women around and Hikki walks on the sides to avoid them. He leaves the

noisy area and the passerbys gradually decrease in number, the number of highrise apartments also started to

dwindle, more cars around him are moving with increased speed. The headlights of a car traveling from the

opposite directon blinds Hikki and he stops and looked away. But that was only for a moment.

The averted gaze has to return and face the front no matter what.

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Chapter 7: And, what about Hikigaya Hachiman

Summer vacation is almost over according to the calendar. There's still some hint of summer in the air but it's

going into autumn now. The last sun of August sets and Hikki, bathed in the setting sun, prepared his materials for

school. That includes the research homework he did for Komachi. He comments that depending on the metal and

salt used in manufacturing fireworks, it would show different colors, and somehow that's fitting when used to

describe humans. When people bond with each other, it causes some kind of reaction.

The reaction comes in all kinds of colors, like a person's character, it would change when bonded with others, just

like fireworks, different colors will appear. For example, Kawasaki Saki, she fins her hard to approach, and doesn't

want anyone to come close to her, not being approached is the best way to approach a person like her. But when

Kawasaki Daishi sees her, he thinks she's beautiful but scary. And when Zaimoukuza Yoshiteru looks at her, he

thinks she's too straightforward and isn't afraid to get hurt. Next, when Totsuka Saika gets near her, Totsuka says

she's a serious and good person. And such a person really exist, sometimes they will be overly true to their own

principles and follow their own brand of justice.

From another angle, we have Hikigaya Komachi, she finds her a lonely person. Then, we have Hiratsuka Shizuka

who keeps an eye on her, believing that she's kind and correct. The world isn't kind or correct, that's why life is

tough for her. To her, the surroundings and people around her are a burden. The existence of "friend" is her only

salvation, but even so, she's tormented 10 times or even a 100 times because of the existence of a "friend".

Yukinoshita Haruno lives with her and mocks her for being insignificant. She keeps chasing Haruno and keeps

failing. Haruno smiles cruel at a little sister who wasn't chosen, a pitiful but cute little sister. Hikki doesn't know

what exactly did not choose her, was it friends, family or sibling, or even fate. Even so, no one would ever pity her

and the only person who can is a strong one like Yukinoshita Haruno. Hikki has never thought of her that way.

But, Yuigahama Yui shouted loudly that she liked her from the first time they met. There's no pretence in it, and it

might be a childish behavior, it's a beautiful confession in Hikki's eyes. Even so, Yuigahama can feel a distance in

their hearts between she and herself, but Yuigahama still wishes to be closer to her. She wishes it so much she is

willing to ask Hikki for help and be that person's strength.

And, what about Hikigaya Hachiman.

Hikki isn't blind to the facts. He can understand her actions and her mentality, but that doesn't mean he

understand her emotions. It's only because they have similar enviroment, that's why he could make the


People see what they want to see.

Hikki finds that there's some similarities between the two of them. She carries through with her solitude, her own

justice, she never complains that she isn't understood by others and also gives up on trying to understand others.

That perfect kind of individualism is still out of Hikki's reach, but it's something she definitely has.

Hikki... doesn't want to know more.

The Yukinoshita in Hikki's eyes is always beautiful, honest, doesn't tell lies, straight forward. She has no one to

depend on but she never gives in.

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That posture. Cold and gorgeous like a ghostly blue flame, a posture so illusive that it invokes sadness.

That kind of Yukinoshita Yukino.

It must be something I yearn for.

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Chapter 8: Just for a brief moment, Yukinoshita Yukino stopped

First day of September, Hikki has to attend school from now on. He rides his bike towards the school and it's as

noisy as 2 months ago, the nearer to school the noiser people get, they must have lots to talk about the summer

vacation. Everyone's walking slowly with their friends. Having spend more than a year here, Hikki recognizes a few

familiar faces, but it's only limited to familiar faces. Even if he sees Tobe or Ebina, he didn't greet or speak to

them. Though it's not a midsummer fantasy, but the time they spent together was a special situation that's why

they spoke to one another, the school has its own set of rules and outside of the school there's another set of

rules, and here, there's a distance between them and him.

Hikki knows that very well. That's why, even if he runs into people he knows like Kawasaki, he reminds silent.

People who are not close together normally but still taps each other's shoulder and ask if they got darker over the

vacation, Hikki doesn't want any part of it, it seems more honest if they don't look at each other at all.

In the school itself, there's a lot of silent people like Hikki, but they got full of life and happy when they meet

someone they know, and started chatting nonstop. Hikki's scared if someone talks to him but he likes it as well,

that means the other person treats him as a person and allows his presence, and that Hikki is worth it to talk to,

that's makes Hikki happy. From another point of view, you don't need someone to approve of your existence if

you're alone. That's why you identify yourself a loner and establish your own self worth. Hikki loves thinking about

such things. Hikki approves of his own self, providing love to hismelf, he feels he might even be poisoned by this,

and he might be a creator... A god. While thinking about all these silly stuff, Hikki walks down the corridor. He

already spent half his highschool life here. It's a sight he's used to, but will one day forget about. But in this scene

he spots something that he would never forget.

The sun shone onto those steps with glass embed in it, and you can see the hot summer air simmering. But

between those, there's a person with an air of sternness, not allowing anyone to get close to her, Yukinoshita

Yukino. Hikki walks up the steps and Yukino, sensing this, turned and look at him.

"Ara, it's been a while."

"Oh. Same here."

I'm already used to the haughty way she speaks.

Yukinoshita synchronized her footsteps with mine and went up the stairs with the same speed. That's why, the

distance between us remains constant.


A sound came from the front but that person didn't turn behind, and I just nodded my head in response.

To retain this silence I kept quiet for a while, and then Yukinoshita finally continued.

"...My sister met you."

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Even when there are lots of noises around us generated by the other students, Yukinoshita's voice still transmitted

over clearly.

"Ah, coincidence."

How did I sound. Did it transmit over clearly.

Before I can confirm it we reached our destination, it's the corridor to the 2nd year's classrooms.

Going left from here will lead you to Yukinoshita's classroom I and classroom J, and to the right is classroom H to

classroom A.

In that fork where the distance between the two of us is reduced, Yukinoshita stopped.


"——Club activities, does it start today?"

I overtook Yukinoshita, and turned my body halfway around.

Yukinoshita hesitated, and is at a loss of words, which is rare for her.

"E, E-Eh... Of course, I wanted..."

"Okay. See you later."

I left before the conversation ended.

From behind, I can feel Yukinoshita's gaze. She wanted to say something but stopped, but even so, I did not cease

my footsteps.

The classrooms I passed by are filled with joy of people meeting again.

The same goes for F class, and I slipped inside without anyone knowing.

I secretly let out a sigh of relief. Good, I'm still me.

I like myself.

I've never ever hated myself.

My high standards, my average looks or my pessimistic but realistic outlook on life, I don't hate them.

But, it's the first time I started hating myself.

I had expectations from her, reinforced that thought and believed I understood her, then became disappointed

with her all with my foundationless assumptions. Even though I reminded myself never to make this mistake

multiple times, I still didn't change.

——Even Yukinoshita Yukino lies.

This is the bare truth, and the "me" who cannot forgive this fact, I hate it very much.

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