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Department of Surgery February, 04 2015
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Page 1: Morep Bedah 4 February 2015

Department of Surgery

February, 04 2015

Page 2: Morep Bedah 4 February 2015


Mr Joko COS+Fr costae 2-3

Mrs Suryatmi PO trepanasi meningioma

Mrs Masri Abcess Maxilla

Mrs Salamah Cholelithiasis

Mr Sakir Fr Lefort 3

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Name : Mr S Age : 42 y.o Sex : male Address : Lamongan Date examination: february 04, 2015

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ANAMNESIS Chief complaint

Pain in the face

Present Illness

Patient referrals from the Ngimbang hospital after a traffic accident 4

hours before admission. Patient riding a motorcycle and hit a parked car

from behind . patients complained pain in the face. Nausea and vomiting

blood approximately 4 times , bleeding from the nose right and left . The

patient also complained of chest pain and breathing heavy. Patients wear

a helmet and a crash helmet when detached . The patient decrease of

consiousness after accident but the patient remember what happened .

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History illness

allergy (-), HT (-), DM (-)

Family illness :

(-) Social history :

alcohol (-)

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GCS : 456

BP : 101/56 mmHg

PULSE RATE : 118 x/minutes

TEMP : 36,5 oC

RR : 22 x / minutes

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Airway and spine control : clear (+), snorring (-), gargling (-), potensial obstruction (-)

Breathing : spontan, simetric (+), RR 22x/minutes, ves/ves, rh-/-, wh-/-, Sp02 99%

Circulation : PR 76x/minutes, acral warm dry red, CRT < 2”, BP 101/56 mmhg

Disability : GCS 456, Light reflex +/+, isocor pupil 3mm/3mm, lateralisasi-

Exposure : temp 36,5C, Vulnus appertum et regio infra orbita uk 5x0,5 cm, Multiple ekskoriasi et regio antebrachii sinistra, lesion in the thorax (+)


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Head and neck : anemic (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-), dyspneu (-), bloody rinorrhea +/+, Bloody otorrhea -/-, brill hematom +/+, scalp hematom et regio frontal, floating maxilla (+)

Thorax : simetric (-), retraction (-), lesion +Pulmo : ves/ves, rh-/-, wh-/-Cor : S1S2 single, murmur (-), gallop (-), lession -

Abdomen : soepel, distended (-), tympani (+), liver and spleen were not palpable, bowel sound (+), lession-

Extremities : acral warm, dry, red, lession-

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• Vulnus appertum et regio infra orbita uk 5x0,5 cm

• Vulnus excoriasi et regio mandibulae• Multiple excoriasi et regio antebrachii

sinistra• Lesion in the thorax (+)

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Clue and cue Male, 42 y.o Pain in the face Post traffic accident Vomitting blood Bloody rhinorrhea Chest pain and breathing heavy Brill hematom Floating maxilla Staus localized : Vulnus appertum et regio infra

orbita uk 5x0,5 cm, Multiple ekskoriasi et regio antebrachii sinistra, lesion in the thorax (+)

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Early Early AssesmentAssesment


Mild brain injury

Fracture of maxilla

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• CBC• CT-BT• GDA • Thorax AP• Head CT scan

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CBCCBCDiff 0/0/86/12/2

Hct 35,2

Hb 12

LED 1/2

Lekosit 21.400

Trombosit 250.000

Serum Creatinin 1,2

RBC 208

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Mild brain injury Fracture Le Fort III

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• IVFD Asering loading 500 cc Maintenance Assering 1500 cc/24 hours

• Inj Remopain 3x1 amp• Inj piracetam 4x3 gr IV• Inj tranexamat acid 3x250 mg IV• Inj ceftriaxon 2x1 gr IV• Inj tetagam 250 IU IM

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Subjective complaint Vital sign Sign of increased pressure intracranial

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Explain to the patient’s family about the diagnosis, etiology, intervention of therapy, complication, and prognosis.