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Lost civilisations By tercie A Gymnázium Česká Lípa

Lost civilisations

Apr 14, 2017



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Page 1: Lost civilisations

Lost civilisations

By tercie A

Gymnázium Česká Lípa

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3100 BC- King MENES unites Egypt.

2585 BC- the construction of the great pyramids of Giza begins.

2050 BC- after years of turmoil reunification of Egypt under Mentuhoteps II.

1153 BC- The last of the big faraones Ramess II. is dying

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The big leaders of Egypt needed a peaceful place to be put in after they die, so while they were alive they were building massive complexes named pyramids.

It is almost impossible for us to understand how people could build something so complicated without the technology we have today. They used a special technique (the upper picture)

The inside of the pyramid was very complicated there were a lot of rooms for not only the pharaoh but also for his family, objects for the after life and even mummified pets.

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1. Re- The god Re sometimes also called Ra is a impersonation of the sun. The pharaohs used to believe that they are his sons.

2. Hathor- Hathor the daughter of Re was one of the most important goddesses from ancient Egypt. The beautiful Hathor was a goddess of love, music and dance. She looked after all the female. She was pictured either as a beautiful young lady or as a cow with a sun between her horns.

3. Anubis- This mystic god with a head of a black canine beast mostly recognized as a jackal was a son of goddess Nebthet and her brother Usir. He accompanied the dead to the next world and showed them the way.

4. Thovt- He was the god of wisdom, writing and counting. He was portrayed like a clerk with a head of a ibis or like a baboon. People said that it was Thovt who invented writing and letters.

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5. Usir- Usir, in Greece Osiris, was a god of fertility and a protector of plants. He married his sister Eset (more info. Down below). Usir was chopped into 14 pieces by his brother Sutech. Eset found all of the pieces except for his penis and she sowed them back together . The story is also a legend about how mummies were „invented“.

6. Eset- also known under a Greek name Isis is goddess of magic, heal but also bread and beer. She was Sutech´s, Nebthet´s and Usir´s sister but also Usir´s wife. Usir and Eset were in love their marriage wasn´t just about policy.

7. Hor- The falcon god Hor , son of Eset and Usir was the most important god in ancient Egypt. People were saying that the moon and the sun are actually the two of his eyes. He was impersonated as a man with a falcon head, a sun with wings or as a baby sucking milk from the breast of his mother.

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Why did they mummify dead?- Egyptians believed, that the body of their dead beloved has to be buried in good condition because he will still need it in after life.

The proces- First body organs that subject rapid decomposition were removed. (liver, stomach, intestines, lungs), afterwards they removed the brain throughthe nostrils, the worst thing that could go wrong is if the embalmers removed the heart from the body. The guts were placed into special containers called canopy jars (the upper picture). The eviscerated body was left in natron for seventy days which dehydrated it COMPLETLY . After seventy days the embalmers cleaned the body and started to bandage it with strips of linen fabric.

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1. Djoser (cca 2617-2599 BC)- He built the first step pyramid in Sakkar near Kahira.

2. Khufu (cca2538-2516 BC)- More known under a Greece name Cheops , built the Great pyramid and his son Rachef built the Grate Sphinx.

3. Hatshepsut (1478-1456 BC)- After her husband Thutmose II. died she decided to become a pharaoh. She made herself unforgettable when she started appearing as a man on paintings and statues.

4. Thutmose III. (1478-1425 BC)- He was a step-son of Hatshepsut, he was the greatest conqueror of Ancient egypt, he made 17 military expeditions in 20 years and he alway won.

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5. Achnaton (1353-1336 BC)- Achnaton, husband of the beautiful Nefertiti, worshiped only one single god the solar disk Aton. In his honor he changed his name from Amenhotep IV. And he built a new capital city named Achetaton. After his death Achetaton was demolished and the people went back into worshipping the old gods.

6. Tutanchamon (1335-1326 BC)- Tutanchamon ruled for a very short time, he died at the age of 18. He is known because of his tomb which was found by Howard Carter. The tomb is complete because the thieves didn´t find it.

7. Ramesse II. (1279-1213 BC)- He ruled for 66 years, he had 8 wifes ,a lot of concubines and 112 children. He built many towns and sanctuaries. He built two rock temples and one of them he consecrated for his favourite wife, Nefertari.

8. Kleopatra (51-30 BC)- She was the last queen from the Ptolemaian genus, she wanted to protect the independence of her country so she seduced two chieftains from Rome, first Ceasar and then Mark Antony. When she failed to rescue her country she forced a cobra into biting her.

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Velká kniha o Egyptě- Leo Brown

Starověký egypt-Stewart Ross

Egypt: 200 otázek a odpovědí-

Děsivé dějiny- Egypt

Kleopatra- Adéle Gerasová

Egypt: říše faraonů- Susanne Rebscher

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It was at the South-East of Asia.

China exists even now, but seriously

more modern. It was modernized, when

The Chinese emperor was deposed

In 20th century.

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• Chinese people were short, clever, obedient and polite.

• They usually wore silk robes ----->

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• Chinese people built many wondeful buildings, like the Great Wall of China (1st page), the Temple of Heaven, or the Shaolin temple. There are some other awesome things, like the Terracotta army, or

• the Forbidden City.

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• This civilisation started about 2100 BC, and ended, when the emperor of China was deposed by Kuomin Tang – political party, which supported the modernization of China – in the 20th century AD. So, it lasted for cca 4000 years.

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Ancient china 2100 B.C.-1912A.C.

(dynasties period)

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Where was it

• It was on the place of modern China, but from the beginning they were crumbled to many small states, which fought, so their territory was unstable.

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Who lived there ?

• There lived Asians, they were local residents, bacause China is one of “the cradles of civilization“

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What did they have ?

• They discovered gunpowder and fireworks, compass, paper, pasta and rice and something like a primitive seismometer.

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What were the peoples like ?

• People were very clever, they invented a lot discoveries, which are used even today.

• They were small with slanting eyes

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What could we see there ?

• We can see a lot sights like Great Wall and a lot temples

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How long did the civilisation last ?

• This civilisation has existed more than 4000 years and then Chinese Republic was proclaimed in 1912.

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Atlantis is a legendary continent

The existence of this continent has never been conclusively confirmed

The only source of information is Plato's writings

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Atlantis had to be somewhere beyond the Pillars of Hercules

Atlantis was very fertile and densely populated country

There lived an advanced civilization

Poseidon ruled Atlantis, the god of the seas

They knew how to read, write and count

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In the middle of the

capital there was the

Temple of Poseidon

In Atlantis there were two

sources, one hot and the

other cold water

There were many spas

They traded with other


Atlantis was destroyed by

a massive natural disaster

in 9600BC

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•The Aztec empire was in pre-

Columbian America, and covered

the territory of Mexico

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•Aztecs were strong people and

they looked like Indians

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•Aztec people were very clever and

they had their own alphabet and

system of mathematics

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•We could see there big temples,

mysterious symbols and statues

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•Aztec empire was around for over

190 years until the Spanish people

destroyed their cities and killed


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Babylonian civilization

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Babylonia Babylonia was the part of southern Mesopotamia in todays Iraq. The center of Babylonia was the city Babylon on

the river Euphrates.

• Babylonian


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Babylonians Babylonians were really good in architecture and skilled, they made beautiful jewelry. They were very clever. They had their

own font, language, calendar and their own system of mathematics.

• Babylonian font

• Babylonian mathematics system

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Babylonian cities The most important Babylonian city was Babylon. The Euphrates river flowed through the middle of the city

and a wide and deep moat encircled the city. Also there were a lot of towers and brass gates.

• Ancient city of Babylon

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The Code of Hammurabi The code of Hammurabi is the Babylonian code, issued by king Hammurabi, belong among the oldest codes at all. At

the top of a basalt monolith is illustrated author of that code, king Hammurabi, praying to the god of the sun and

justice, Shamash. Monolith has been planted in the ground and exposed in a public place in Babylon.

• Basalt stele of Hammurabi Code

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Babylonian astrology Babylonians were really good at astrology too.

Babylonian astrology is historically one of the first astrological tradition in Mesopotamia. Their

astrological system used a lunar calendar and worked with five characters of the Babylonian gods (Marduk,

Ishtar, Ninib, Nabu, Nergal).

• Babylonian lunar calendar

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Babylonian architecture

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Ishtar gate Ishtar gate was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon, it was dedicated to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. The gate was lined with walls showing about 120 lions, bulls, dragons

and flowers on enameled yellow and black glazed bricks, symbolizing the goddess Ishtar.

• Original part of the Ishtar Gate

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Hanging gardens of Babylon

Hanging gardens were one of the wonders of the ancient world. The water there was pumped from the river by

hydraulic pumps.

• Hanging gardens now ↑

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The tower of Babel (Babylon)

The Tower of Babel was according to the biblical book of Genesis enormous building, which was reaching up to the sky. According to the Bible all people in the result of the flood united and spoke the same language. People decided to build a tower up to heaven

to celebrate ourselves. That means, the tower was built to the glory of man, not God. God had divided the previously single human language in multiple languages and people scattered

throughout the country, because he did not like that the temple should belong to someone other than himself.

• Different ideas of the Tower of Babel

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Extinction of Babylonia Since the end of the 3rd century BC Parthians began to threaten Babylonia, and in the second half of the next century, they totally dominated Babylonia. The ultimate end to the development of ancient Babylonia presents to Arab expansion in the 7th century AD.

• The ruins of Babylon

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Classical Greece Ancient civilisations dating from the 6th century BC.

This civilisation settled Peloponnese peninsula and some islands in Mediterranean Sea, like Kreta.

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What were they like?

• They were very clever, and they were very interested in

architecture. They built a lot of great temples and statues

and there were a lot of famous philosophers.

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History of ancient Greece

• In ancient Greece, there were a lot of cities-states. Some

states were stronger, like Sparta, Athens. Some states

were weaker, like Korynt. There were a lot of small wars

between cities-states. And that led to their disapearing.

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Greek mythology

• There were a lot of gods, like Zeus and Artemis.

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Islamic civilisation

الدولة اإلسالمية

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Where was it and who lived there • Islamic civilisation was in Asie, Europe and Africa.

• There lived muslims and now in the World live 1,6bilion muslims.

What did they have?

- They had arabic script, arabic numbers, ancient texts and explosives.

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What were people like

•People were very clever and women wore burqa – clothes for full body

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What could we see there

•We could see there big palaces and Mosques

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How long did the civilisation last? • Islamic civilisation has been from 7th

century until today there.

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• This empire was situated near rivers

Eufrat and Tigris

• Northern Mesopotamia is made up of

hills and plains

• Southern Mesopotamia is made up of

marshy areas and wide, flat, plains

• Now, there is Turkey

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• Mesopotamia has been conquered

many times, by many different


• It was the heartland of the

Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and

Assyrian empires.

• As each new group moved into the

region they adopted some of the

culture, traditions and beliefs of the

people who had come before.

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• Mesopotamian people invented

many technologies including

metal and copper-working, glass and lamp making, textile weaving,

flood control, water storage, and


• They had their own alphabet

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• People were very clever,


• We could see very

interesting palaces

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• It created 6 millennium BC

• It disappeared in 637

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POSTITION • Persia was in Asia.

• Today, there are Iran and Islamic Republic

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Who lived there?? There were two empires. Together they are calling Persia Empire

• Achaimen (550-330 BC.)

• But in both of them lived Arabs.

• They had their own religion Zoroastrianism, but after time (7th century) Zoroastrianism was replaced by Islam.

• Sasan (224-651)

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What did they have? • They had lots of buildings, palaces and cities.

• It was one of the biggest empires and they had the biggest army in their time.

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People • People were aggresive and they had lots of wars.

The most famous was Greco-Punic wars.

• In ancient time they had slavers.

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• Today we can see here ruins of cities (like Persepolis) and some religious buildings are there to this day.

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The civilisation • The civilisation lasted for 650 years like Persia, but

they were under dominions of Macedonians and Parths.

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Pompeii was an ancient Roman town near modern Naples.

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Pompeii and many villages in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

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Researchers believe that the town was founded in the seventh or sixth century BC.

Population of town was estimated at 11,000 people, and the city had a complex water system, an amphitheater, gymnasium, and a port.

An estimated 16,000 people died from the eruption.

The site was lost for about 1,500 years until its initial rediscovery in 1599 and broader rediscovery almost 150 years later by Spanish engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre in 1748.

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Sparta 900 BC - 192 BC


Sparta was an ancient Greek city and the

capital of the same named city-state called also

Lukedaimon. Spartan citizens called their

community "natural protector of Greece"

and their kings believed that they were

descendants of the mythical hero Hercules.

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City of Sparta was on the right bank of the

river Eurotás, at the north end of central

Laconia plain lying between the mountains of

Parnon in the east and Taygétos in the west.


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In Sparta lived Spartans, Perioiks and Helots. All

together were called Lakedaimonans.

The people were honest and brave. Sparta was

marked by exceptional equality of its citizens. People

were also very strong. They spoke Doric Greek.


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The boys were left with their families to the age of seven,

then they were taken away from them, whereupon they

began joint military education ( agoge ), where they spent

until the thirtieth year of their life all the time together.

As Plutarch notes :

„Upbringing covered the man to adulthood. Nobody could live,

how would he wanted, but they had just as in a military camp

and a mode of life circumscribed by service to community, and

employment set for general needs, because they believed that they

not belong to themselves, but to their homeland…“

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Women Spartan women enjoyed exceptional status, influence

and respect that were absolutely incomparable with the

conditions of women in any other ancient society.

Typical for the Spartan women was their self-

confidence, which shows the famous sentence Gorgone,

wife of King Leonid: „We're just born a man!"

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Ancient China

In east Asia. An agriculture started along the river huang–he (yellow river) and Jang-ć-t´iang (long river). There was a hot summer with monsoons.

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The Asians. They were clever and skilled. They are good at Astronomy, Chemistry, Healing,

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What could they do?

They could make porcelain and silk. Silk is a material from silkworm (animal like a butterfly).

And special font where 1 symbol was 1 word.

They also invented: compass,

gunpowder, paper and rudder

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They were small with slanting eyes and yellow skin. They were peaceful but they came out wrong badly with huns (therefore they built a huge Chinese wall)

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The Great Wall

the Chinese civilisation still exists!

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Where did they live?

They lived in Scandinavia.

Denmark, Norway, Sweden

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Who lived there?

Vikings were warriors.

They were barbaric, brave and wild.

They were very good sailors and swimmers.

They hunted deer, fish and bears.

They ate nuts, meat and bread.

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What did they have?

Vikings lived in small villages.

Their houses were big. In the center of the

house, there were big fireplaces. They

cooked there.They slept on animal skins

because they did not have beds.


They have lots of weapons. Especialy swords.

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What were the people


People were tall, they had blond or red hair

and blue eyes and strict cheeks.

Vikings wore something comfortable. They

wore cotton or woolen clothing.

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What could we see


Vikings had lots of myths an legends.


1. Drakkar

2. Snekkar

3. Knarr

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How long did the

civilisation last?

The civilisation last from 8th to 11th


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