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Lavi - An Engineer's Perspective

Mar 01, 2018



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  • 7/25/2019 Lavi - An Engineer's Perspective


    LaviIsraels Lost Winged Lion

    An Engineers

    Perspect ive

    by John Golan

    Material derived from openly published sourcesNo technical data subject to the EAR or ITAR John Golan 2016

    Reflections of an Aerospace Engineer

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    John GolanA Brief Biography

    Designer, structures analyst, and

    engineering manager in the aerospaceindustry for over two decades

    Participated in design, development and

    field support for jet engines that power a

    variety of civil and military aircraft: Bombardier C-Series to the Airbus A380

    Boeing F-15 to the Lockheed-Martin F-35

    As well as developmental programs


    Past publication credits include articles inAir Forces Monthly,

    Combat Aircraft,Aviation History, and the Jerusalem PostMagazine

    The opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily

    reflect those of my employers, either past or present

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    An Engineers Perspective

    First studied the Lavi as a graduate engineering student

    Teaching assistant for a senior-level airplane design class Explored the Lavi as an example of fighter design principals

    As an aerospace engineertrained in airplane designyou

    see aircraft differentlyAircraft features can be recognized as the product of different design



    Evaluations made on the basis of

    calculated metricsnot arbitrary


    To such a perspective:the Lavi was the product of

    specific and unique Israeli


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    Comparison: Mission and Fuel

    F-16 and Lavi provide a contemporary comparison in

    contrasting aircraft design objectives and philosophies


    F-16 was designed as a

    lightweight air-to-air fighter Immediate antecedent was

    Northrops F-5E Tiger II

    Thin, trapezoidal wing

    Minimal fuel capacity in wing

    Lavi was designed as a

    lightweight strike jet Immediate antecedent was the

    Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

    Delta wing with thick root-section

    Maximum wing fuel capacity

    Also frees up fuselage volume

    Wing Fuel Capacity: 3,250 lb

    54% of Total Internal Fuel Volume

    Wing Fuel Capacity: 1,290 lb

    19% of Total Internal Fuel Volume

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    Comparison: Structural Weight and Payload

    Deeper wing root section of the Lavi also increased wing

    stiffness: allowing the Lavi to carry more load at less weight




    d hx



    Load-carrying wing spars are essentially


    Moment of inertia will increase with the

    height cubed

    Bending stress will decreasewith the height squared

    Allowed Lavi to achieve a maximum take-off weight 13

    percent greater than a Block 30 F-16C with an empty weight

    that was 10 percent less

    Allowed Lavi to achieve more than 50 percent greater

    combat radius than a Block 40 F-16C with an empty weight

    that was 20 percent less

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  • 7/25/2019 Lavi - An Engineer's Perspective


    Vertical Tail Trade Studies

    Both single and twin vertical tail concepts were examined

    Tail-boom configuration was among the more unusual concepts Tail-boom improved control and stability at highest angles of attack

    Single vertical tail eventually selected due to lower structural weight


    Early Lavi concept featuring

    tail-boom configuration

    Image Credit: Tsach and Peled, 16thICAS, p. 838

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  • 7/25/2019 Lavi - An Engineer's Perspective


  • 7/25/2019 Lavi - An Engineer's Perspective


    Sizing the Airplane for the Mission


    Three engine models to select from: F404, PW1120, and F100 Represented three different thrust classes of engine

    Image Credit: Tsach and Peled, 16thICAS, p. 837

    Lavi program was initiatedwith the F404 engine in

    February 1980

    Requirements later out-grew

    the initial engine selection

    Engine selection changed to

    larger PW1120 engine in May


    The Lavi as Sized to its Engine Candidates

    F404-440 PW1120 F100-220

    Maximum Thrust, Tmax 16,000 lb 20,620 lb 23,830 lb

    71.2 kN 91.7 kN 106.0 kN


    Max Take-Off Weight, WTO 32,980 lb 42,500 lb 49,120 lb

    14,960 kg 19,280 kg 22,280 kg

    Empty Weight, WE 11,720 lb 15,310 lb 17,830 lb

    5,320 kg 6,940 kg 8,090 kg

    Max Internal Fuel 4,590 lb 6,000 lb 6,990 lb

    2,080 kg 2,720 kg 3,170 kg

    Max External Fuel 7,120 lb 9,180 lb 10,610 lb

    3,230 kg 4,160 kg 4,810 kg

    Wing Area, S 276 sq ft 356 sq ft 411 sq ft

    25.6 m2 33.0 m2 38.2 m2

    Combat Radius (nm)

    Hi-Lo-Hi 970 nm 1,150 nm 1,320 nm

    1,800 km 2,130 km 2,440 km

    Lo-Lo-Lo 580 nm 670 nm 790 nm

    1,070 km 1,240 km 1,460 km

    PW1120 offered 19% increase in

    combat radius at same wing loading

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  • 7/25/2019 Lavi - An Engineer's Perspective


    Lavi evolved from strike jet

    experience with A-4 and Kfir F-16 influenced by F-5E

    lightweight fighter experience

    Design Trades: Thrust and Wing Loading

    Lavi reflected compromises to meet range and payload F-16 emphasized advantages in thrust-to-weight ratio

    In air-to-air role, Lavi emphasized advantages in wing loading


    F-16 continued to add weight as

    payload demands grew over the years

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    Design Trades: Energy-Maneuverability

    Energy-Maneuverability or E-M Diagrams provide a more

    comprehensive means for evaluating fighter performance E-M Diagrams plot iso-contours of specific excess power across a range of

    speed and altitude or speed and turn rate conditions

    Includes effects of thrust loading, wing loading andaerodynamic efficiency

    Comparing E-M Diagrams of competing designs allows for a direct

    comparison for the strengths and weaknesses of each


    Preparing an E-M

    Diagram requires

    extensive knowledge

    of each airplane Aircraft weights

    Engine performance Speed effects

    Altitude effects

    Drag polar External stores drag

    Mach number effects

    g-load effects

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    Design Trades: Energy-Maneuverability

    Lavi E-M



    from published

    data Lightweight air




    Drag polar


    to literature

    sources Engine


    corresponds to





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    Design Trades: Energy-Maneuverability

    Existing published data allows for an approximate comparison of

    E-M characteristics between the F-16 and Lavi


    Lavi would have energyadvantage at higher turn


    F-16A would have

    energy advantage atlower turn rates

    Comparison in lightweight

    air-to-air configuration

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    Design Reflects Priorities and Compromises

    No single airplane can be all things for all roles

    Trades that go into an airplane will be reflected in its design Degree of air-to-air versus air-to-ground emphasis

    Payload and range requirements

    Budget or technology constraints

    Requirements and priorities will be visible in the final product


    Lavi was aimed at

    developing a light

    weight, long-range

    strike fighter with a

    secondary air-to-air role Very different emphasis

    from its contemporaries

    Far exceeded capabilities

    of its peers in this regard

    Nati Harnik, Government Press Office

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    Golan, John, Lavi: The United States,

    Israel, and a Controversial Fighter Jet

    (Sterling, VA: Potomac, 2016).Shmul, Menachem, Eli Erenthal, and

    Moshe Attar, Lavi Flight Control

    System, International Journal of Control,

    No. 1, 1994: 159-182.

    Tsach, S., and A. Peled, Evolution of the

    Lavi Fighter Aircraft, in Proceedings ofthe 16th International Council of the

    Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)

    (Jerusalem: Aug. 28 - Sept. 2, 1988):

