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No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym- posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska Anatolien. Det handlade alltså om perioden från 500- till 300-talet f Kr. Även om Akemenidernas maktcentrum fanns i dagens Iran var Anatolien en viktig del av det utsträckta imperiet, där intryck färdades i båda rikt - ningarna. I symposiet medverkade ämnesområdets ledande internationella auktoriteter, samtidigt som en viss tyngdpunkt naturligen blev Labraunda, den säregna utgrävningsplatsen som i många decennier varit en central angelägenhet för SFII och för svenska forskare. Under det akemenidiska riket fick Labraunda sin dominerande gestaltning, med Mausollos som främste härskaren. Mausollos, mest känd för att genom sin monumentala gravbyggnad i dagens Bodrum ha fått ge namn åt själva byggnadstypen mausoleet var i åtmin- stone vissa avseenden en förlängd arm från härskarna i Persepolis. På konferensen ställdes den logiska frågan om inte Labraunda kunde kallas Anatoliens Persepolis. Men även om inspiration och parallellitet kan visas, upp- fattades den regionala, kariska autonomin som över - ordnad, så att svaret ändå fick bli: Nej! Swedish / English 1 Spring fellowship grant 2018 Applications are open for our larger grant, amounting to 45’000 Swedish kronas and three months of stay at the SRII as a research fellow in the spring semester of 2018. Application deadline: October 15, 2017. Spring scholarship grant 2018 Applications are open for our smaller grants, consisting of 15’000 Swedish kronas and one month of stay at the SRII, to be used at a research visit to Turkey in the spring term of 2018. Application deadline: October 15, 2017. Turkology grant Applications are open for our Turkologist grants, amounting to 15’000 Swedish kronas and one month of stay at the SRII, to be used at a research visit in the spring term of 2018. Application deadline: October 15, 2017. For more info about our grants, see scholarships No. 2 / September 2017

Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

Jul 29, 2020



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Page 1: Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

No. 2 September 2017

Inblick och utblick

Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska Anatolien. Det handlade alltså om perioden från 500- till 300-talet f Kr. Även om Akemenidernas maktcentrum fanns i dagens Iran var Anatolien en viktig del av det utsträckta imperiet, där intryck färdades i båda rikt-ningarna. I symposiet medverkade ämnesområdets ledande internationella auktoriteter, samtidigt som en viss tyngdpunkt naturligen blev Labraunda, den säregna utgrävningsplatsen som i många decennier varit en central angelägenhet för SFII och för svenska forskare. Under det akemenidiska riket fick Labraunda sin dominerande gestaltning, med Mausollos som främste härskaren. Mausollos, mest känd för att genom sin monumentala gravbyggnad i dagens Bodrum ha fått ge namn åt själva byggnadstypen – mausoleet – var i åtmin-stone vissa avseenden en förlängd arm från härskarna i Persepolis. På konferensen ställdes den logiska frågan om inte Labraunda kunde kallas Anatoliens Persepolis. Men även om inspiration och parallellitet kan visas, upp-fattades den regionala, kariska autonomin som över-ordnad, så att svaret ändå fick bli: Nej!

Swedish / English �1

Spring fellowship grant 2018 Applications are open for our larger grant, amounting to 45’000 Swedish kronas and three months of stay at the SRII as a research fellow in the spring semester of 2018. Application deadline: October 15, 2017.

Spring scholarship grant 2018 Applications are open for our smaller grants, consisting of 15’000 Swedish kronas and one month of stay at the SRII, to be used at a research visit to Turkey in the spring term of 2018. Application deadline: October 15, 2017.

Turkology grant Applications are open for our Turkologist grants, amounting to 15’000 Swedish kronas and one month of stay at the SRII, to be used at a research visit in the spring term of 2018. Application deadline: October 15, 2017.

For more info about our grants, see

No. 2 / September 2017

Page 2: Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

No. 2 September 2017

Akemeniderrikets kombination av centralstyrning och relativ autonomi för olika regioner, språk, religioner och identiteter kan uppfattas långt senare ha motsvarats i det osmanska riket. En workshop på institutet i somras, i samarbete med universiteten i Lund och Rotterdam, diskuterade hur den osmanska kulturen av pluralitet eller mångfald har förvaltats eller förfallit i de efterföljande samhällena. – Hur pluraliteten fortlever i dagens Turkiet var ett perspektiv i sommarens masterkurs för nordiska och turkiska studenter, med övergripande temat ”mänskliga rättigheter”. Den hölls som tidigare år i samverkan med vår kära granne, generalkonsulatet.

Centralstyrning och lokal identitet blev också ett slags tema för den dagsutflykt i Istanbuls kontroversiella framväxande, alltmer storskaliga infrastruktur, som åtföljde styrelsens sedvanliga sommarmöte på plats. Vi rörde oss över stråket som snart väntas urholkas för den blivande kanalen, alltså Bosporens västliga parallell, och drog oss sedan upp i vägsystemet mot den kommande flygplatsen. Sedan korsades Bosporen via nyöppnade nordliga bron och sydliga tunneln, plus att vi spanade in en del anslående ny bebyggelse, givetvis i megaformat.

Den egna bebyggelsen, alltså institutets båda hus på konsulatsområdet, har också utvecklats under sommarmånaderna, framför allt genom diverse ommålningar, exteriört och interiört. Särskilt annexets yttre ommålning i mer harmoniserande gul nyans har påverkat helheten. Ommålningen fick dock utföras tre gånger. Andra gången handlade det om att ytterligare optimera nyansen, men strax därefter öppnade sig en helt osannolik störtskur av hagel i närmast kanonkuleformat, som skapade mycket förstörelse i omgivningen. Då härjades det helt nya målningsskiktet så att en tredje omgång måste utföras. – Ett exempel på de skador som hagelskuren förorsakade kan ses på den numera mycket buckliga mässingsskylten som visar vägen från konsulatets trädgård till institutet (se bild ovan).

Det tycks alltså finnas viss oro i luften i Istanbul och Turkiet, vilket också brukar noteras av våra svenska och andra kontakter, som ofta undrar hur verksamheten påverkas av tidsklimatet. Då kan vi svara att vi blickar framåt och bakåt med viss tillförsikt, bland annat inför höstens föreläsningsserie, som arrangeras i samverkan med tre andra lokala institut. Den handlar om ett historiskt omstörtande fenomen: Den ryska oktober-revolutionen för precis ett sekel sedan. Det gäller fram-för allt hur revolutionen påverkade den turkiska verklig-heten. Och då kan även visas hur en tillbakablick mot en dramatisk tid kan öppna nya framtidsperspektiv!

Istanbul den 12 september 2017Johan Mårtelius, direktör

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Tredje gången gillt: det ommålade annexet i färdigt skick.

Page 3: Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

No. 2 September 2017

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10 October 2017

18 October 2017

24 October 2017

2 November 2017

Stefo Benlisoy(İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi)

Images of the Bolshevik Revolution in the "Well Protected Domains". Looking to the Revolution of1917 from Ottoman Lands

Takis Spetsiotis(Filmmaker, Writer)

Battleship Potemkin in History and in the Movie

Mehmet Ö. Alkan(İstanbul Üniversitesi)

Türkiye’de Kapital Çevirilerinin Macerası

Zaur Gasimov(Orient-Institut Istanbul)

Ideas, Persons, and Transfers: Russian-TurkishInteraction Between 1917 and 2017

Oct - Nov 2017at 7:00 p.m.

editor: evangelia baltaartwork: maria stefossi



100 years

Screening of S.Eisenstein’s filmclassic “BattleshipPotemkin” (recently restored1925 original)

October, 19th at 7pm.

Goethe-InstitutAlman Kültür MerkeziYeni Çarşı Cad. No. 32

Beyoğlu, 34433 Istanbul

CEZAYİR Toplantı SalonuHayriye Cad. no 12 Galatasaray, İstanbul Tel: (212)-245 99 80 0551 231 41 66

ross tel.qxp_Layout 1 8/25/17 12:11 PM Page 1

Page 4: Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

No. 2 September 2017

Konst och kontinuitet i Konstantinopel Intervju med Cecilia Olovsdotter, Marcus och Amalia Wallenberg-fellow från Göteborg som bedriver forskning vid SRII 2016-18

Du är konsthistoriker med inriktning på senantiken – vilket intresse kom först?

Konsten. Jag tog en master i konstvetenskap innan jag började studera antikens kultur och samhällsliv, som sedan blev ämnet för min doktorsavhandling.

Du var alltså inte från början fokuserad på just den senantika konsten?

Inte alls – mina favoritperioder var, och är på många sätt fortfarande, 1700- och 1800-talen. Men jag är också intresserad av kontinuiteter inom konsten. Kontinuitet är ett övergripande

tema för den forskning kring senantik bildkonst som är min huvudinriktning sedan många år, och som sträcker sig in i 700-talet.

Mera specifikt handlar ditt nuvarande studieobjekt om den romerska seger-gudinnan Victoria. Hur kom hon in i bilden?

Det var under arbetet med avhandlingen, när jag sysselsatte mig med senantika konsular-diptyker. De knyter an till den romerska kommemorativa bildtraditionen och dess sätt att gestalta individen, och hans eller hennes status och handlingar i olika offentliga och sociala sammanhang. När man kommer in i 300-500-talen – alltså vad som betecknas som tidig-bysantinsk tid – är Victoria-gestalten ett framträdande inslag i allt slags konst, också den kristna. Detta säger mycket om kejsarmaktens och segerbegreppets utveckling i denna tid, och visar på hur livaktig den romerska triumfaltraditionen fortsatte att vara.

Du har vistats en längre period som forskare på SRII förr. Vad jobbade du med den gången?

Den gången handlade det om hur man använde arkitekturmotiv i senromersk och bysantinsk bildkonst, särskilt inom kommemorativ konst. Annars är det framförallt i Rom som jag har varit en frekvent besökare, inte minst vid det svenska institutet där.

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Page 5: Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

No. 2 September 2017

Vad var det som fick dig att vilja återvända till Istanbul?

Mest kanske den livaktiga akademiska miljön – dels hela det kollektiv av forskare i Istanbul som sysselsätter sig med antiken och Bysans, och dels blandningen av olika människor och discipliner på institutet. Här blir folk snabbt sociala och upptäcker ett intresse för varandras forskningsämnen, hur olika de än är.

Tycker du att det lever upp till dina förväntningar även denna gång?

Man kan inte komma ifrån att den inre och yttre miljön påverkats av de senaste årens händelser. Den ökade bevakningen gör till exempel att institutet känns mera isolerat och avskuret från sin geografiska och akademiska omgivning.

Hur går arbetet vidare under sådana omständigheter?

Vad som än händer kommer min forskning fortsätta att förena Västrom och Östrom, och samtidigt visa på kontinuiteten i senromersk och tidigmedeltida triumfaltradition.

Finns det några senantika Victorior att beundra i Istanbul?

Arkeologiska muséet har en hel del i sina samlingar, men tyvärr är inte allt utställt för tillfället. Bland annat ett flertal sarkofager, och panelen till en monumentalport från en av Blachernaipalatsets utgångar mot Gyllene hornet, i dagens Balat. Jämfört med Rom är antalet senantika monument i Istanbul begränsat, men kontinuiteten mellan öst och väst lever ju ändå i staden som helhet. Jag älskar verkligen Istanbul.

Intervju: Olof Heilo

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Victoria-figur från dagens Balat.

Foto: Cecilia Olovsdotter

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No. 2 September 2017

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Spring Scholarships 2017

Dennis Johannesson is a student at the Master Program in Languages at Uppsala University, mainly focusing on Arabic but also touching upon Turkish – including Ottoman Turkish – and Persian. The main focus of his research lies on the Sufi tradition of the Seljuq Sultanate of Rūm and the Ottoman Empire, and especially Sạdr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (1209–74), the main disciple of the Arab Sufi, poet and philosopher Ibn ʿArabī (1165–1240), and the tradition that emanates from him.

I spent my first ten years wandering the woods and swimming in the lakes of Sweden. I lived with my family outside a small town in the southern province of Småland. After that, first my family and later I my-self moved to increasingly large cities, ending up in a three-year-long stay in Istanbul. The only thing binding the woods of Sweden and the streets of Istanbul together is maybe how suitable they both are for wandering and getting lost. But before my move to Turkey I studied literature and the Swedish language. During these studies I came to realise that I needed to learn at least one or two languages if I wanted to pursue anything serious when it came to research, and of course I also felt a strong personal urge to actually learn something ’real’ and tangible.

Page 8: Inblick och utblick · 2020-03-04 · No. 2 September 2017 Inblick och utblick Höstsäsongen fick en rivstart med vårt välbesökta sym-posium i början av september om det Akemenidiska

No. 2 September 2017

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I already had a strong interest in the philosophical, mystical and literary traditions of Islam, partly inspired by readings of the translations of Eric Hermelin, the paintings of Ivan Aguéli and others. So when I first went to Istanbul on vacation I got quite swept away by it. Would it be possible to actually live here? That was the question I returned with. It turned out that it actually was possible. In Turkey I began studying Turkish and tried to broaden my knowledge of the literature and tradition of Turkey. In Istanbul I also began studying Arabic, something I have continued to do back in Sweden.

My reason for spending one month in Istanbul in March and April 2017 lies with Sạdr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī, the main disciple of Ibn ʿArabī, and the tradition that emanates from him. Istanbul has a very large collection of handwritten Arabic manuscripts in several different libraries, and especially when it comes to the period when he lived the resources in Istanbul are invaluable.

In Istanbul I perused the manuscripts of Qūnawī. Apart from trying to get a general ’feel’ for the manuscripts, how widely they were circulated, and the existence of autographs or holographs etc., special attention was given a small treatise called al-Risāla al-Muršidīya. The treatise is con-sidered important due to the fact that Qūnawī mentions it in his last will. Apart from this I also attended classes on the works of Ibn ʿArabī given in Turkish by one of the leading experts in the world on Qūnawī and Ibn ʿArabī, Ekrem Demirli of Istanbul Üniversitesi.

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No. 2 September 2017

Inconsistent or insufficient Theology, philosophy and the quest for totality in the works of Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī and al-Ġazālī

Dennis Johannesson, Uppsala UniversityThe human race is not made up of a single community, nor does it follow a single intellectual or religious tradition. Instead we have different traditions and cultures intermingling, influencing and being influenced. Islam – defining itself as the final religion, followers of the Seal of the Prophets – has always been acutely aware of the dilemmas of this human predica-ment. Even though a certain historical consciousness is a marked sign of the developments of the so called Axial Age, no religion has been more engaged in reflecting upon what came 1

before it than Islam.

After the passing away of Muhammad a massive scientific movement, centered upon the sciences of the Arabic language, burst forth. The hitherto oral traditions of poetry, historical narrative and religious traditions of various kinds were collected and preserved and the abstract rules of language were codified. All these sciences orbited the Qurʾān and the prophe-tic traditions, the trajectories of some being closer and others elliptical and only seldom coming into contact with the two. It could be argued that these sciences were to a large extent native in origin, taking their form and way of expression from its object of study, the Arabic language. The same historical period also saw large movements of people because of war and migration, which meant that the Islamic religion came into contact with the dazzling legacy of the ancients.

The questions that ensued were as natural as they were inevitable: can we engage with the this legacy? Why are we not content with ’our’ sciences? What should the relationship be-tween the different traditions be? Can some sciences be studied and not other? Considering that the contacts between the different traditions – especially the Greek and the Arabic ones, if one may simplify matters to that extent – created a vast array of different responses which in turn developed into new schools of thought, the intellectual landscape quickly became overwhelming. This sense of loss of unity and harmony of Muslim intellectual life was re-cognised by the scholars when they tried to encompass the enormous amount of information available. It became increasingly difficult to master all relevant sciences and therefore one would have to specialise in one or two of them. Both these tendencies reminds us of the situation we are in today.

This predicament loomed large in the minds of some of the greatest thinkers, and they became increasingly aware that an ’Islamic’ solution must be a synthesis of some kind, not a

A term introduced by Karl Jaspers to clarify what he saw as major developments in, among other things, 1

intellectual and religious traditions between around 8th to the 3rd century BC. See Karl Jaspers, Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte (Zürich: Artemis-Verlag, 1949).

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No. 2 September 2017

total rejection nor a total acceptance. But what basis could such a synthesis really have? AlʾImām al-Ġazālī (d. 505/1111) became one of the first thinkers to be intimately connected with this very question because he, as he describes it in his autobiography, the Deliverance from Error, even came to doubt first-order propositions. This doubt (or maybe open-mindedness?) 2

also led him, in the same book, to give us the contours of the intellectual landscape of his day, the various schools of thought, their raison d ’être and their internal justifications for their beliefs. He is especially famous for engaging with the philosophical tradition, a tradition which he first described in the Aims of the Philosophers and later refuted parts of in his famous 3

the Incoherence of the Philosophers.4

Ġazālī found his deliverance in following al-ʾAšʿarīya, one of the main schools of Islamic theo-logy, Islamic law according to the school of al-Šāfiʿī, and the Sufi path. His intellectual crisis did not really change his affiliations as such, but the framing and context of them changed. According to Ġazālī some parts of philosophy must be rejected and others not, but the deter-mining factor was not only abstract theoretical considerations and rational arguments. Rather, what Ġazālī sought was a totality that tried to recover something of the simplicity of the era of faith before the compartmentalising and splitting into rivalling schools of thought; 5

and the way to do this for him was not a rejection of the developed tradition, but rather a revitalising of it with a new sense of inner unity. This effort is most obvious in his magnum opus the Revivification of the Sciences of Religion, which begins with the Book of Knowledge, a 6 7

book of epistemology and definition of correct belief.

The Iḥyāʾ continues with a description of the life of a muslim in all of his inner and outer states. For Ġazālī theology is just the starting ground, insufficient in itself, on the path to a experiential relationship with God. The subject experiencing this relationship is an acting, feeling, knowing and learning one, impossible to put into neat boxes. Theology is correct in its assumptions but given the limitations of such a view of God it is there to be transcended. But philosophy on the other hand is not correct in its core assumptions, rather it is, according to Ġazālī, inconsistent and even dangerous. What is of use in philosophy is of an instrumental character: mathematics, logic, rhetoric.

For the best Arabic edition see al-ʾImām al-Ġazālī, Al-Munqiḏ min al-ḍalāl wa-l-Mufṣiḥ bi-l-ʾaḥwāl (Jeddah: Dār al-2

Minhaǧ, 2013).

al-ʾImām al-Ġazālī, Maqāṣid al-Falāsifa (Damascus: Dār al-Taqwā li-l-ṭibāʿa wa-l-našar wa-l-tawzīʿ, 2000).3

Ghazālī and Michael E. Marmura, The Incoherence of the Philosophers: A Parallel English-Arabic Text Translated, 4

Introduced and Annotated, Islamic Translation Series (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1997).

The Era of the Pious Predecessors, the first three generations after the Prophet.5

al-ʾImam al-Ġazālī, ʾIḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn, 10 vols (Jeddah: Dār al-Minhaǧ, 2013).6

Kitāb al-ʿIlm.7

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No. 2 September 2017

Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (d. 673/1274) was born around one hundred years after the death of Ġazālī, in Konya, at the time a flourishing and dynamic city, and capital of the Seljuq Sulta-nate of Rūm. The hundred years between them had not settled the conflicts and the felt dis-integration and disharmony in muslim intellectual life. Ġazālī’s ambitious and extremely influential attempt to solve it by way of a ’re-reading’ of the tradition within the context of a lived spiritual life proved to be a viable way forward, but, according to some, it did not really cut to the core of things, especially the relationship between theology and philosophy.

Between the two we find Ibn ʿArabī (d. 638/1240), the stepfather and spiritual master of Qūnawī, who continued in the vein of Ġazālī but moved in the direction of the concerns of the philosophers in that he took certain issues of metaphysics, especially ontology, as his basis for a close ’re-reading’ of the tradition. Ibn ʿArabī and Ġazālī both display a deep consonance 8

with the Qurʾān, the prophetic tradition and the interpretative schools of thought that followed them. Therefore one hears the echo of all of them in their works, in a direct or indirect way, from the first line to the last. But what criterion did Ibn ʿArabī use to judge 9

what had passed before him, if he did not base himself on a specific school of thought to the detriment of others? The Being of God and Its mirror in creation, the Perfect Man or al-ʾInsān al-Kāmil, is the central axis around which this hermeneutical effort revolves. But the method is not at all a purely rational one, rather it depends on a spiritual transformation. The truths you might reach by different methods, be they rational in nature or by studying the sacred texts, must be ’verified’ and ’realized’ by first and foremost living them, and secondly by the true realization which God places in the heart of the one who lives as he learns so to speak. This is one of the reasons why the school of thought that takes Ibn ʿArabī as its basis have been called the School of Verification.10

Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī continued the work of his master but sought a more ’philosophical’ way of expression. This point should not be overemphasised though, as it can easily lead to certain mis-understandings. Qūnawī was thoroughly acquainted with the religious texts and two of his most famous works deals directly with them; ʾIǧāz al-bayān, a commentary on the 11

The famous meeting between Ibn ʿArabī and Ibn Rušd is described by Ibn ʿArabī himself in the Futūḥāt. Ibn Rušd 8

asked if what he learned through rational speculation was the same as that one can obtain through mystical intuition and a spiritual opening. Ibn ʿArabī answered: ”Yes and no. Between the yes and the no the spirits take their flight beyond matter, and the necks detach themselves from their bodies.”. See Ibn al-ʻArabī, al-Futūḥāt al-Makkīyah, ed. ʻUthmān Yaḥyá, vol. 2 (Cairo: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb, 1392), 372–73.

In the sense of a criterion for judgement between right and wrong, true and false. In this sense the Qurʿān is called 9

al-Furqān, ’the Criterion’, taken from the 25th sūra.

See for example Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī, ʾIʿǧāz al-bayān fī tafsīr ʾumm al-Qurʾān, 2nd ed. (Tehran, 2008), 25–27.10

The best edition is Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī, ʾIʿǧāz al-bayān fī tafsīr ʾumm Al-Qurʾān, 2nd ed. (Tehran, 2008).11

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No. 2 September 2017

opening sūra of the Qurʾān, and Šerḥ al-ʾaḥādīṯ al-ʾarbaʿīna commenting on 29 prophetic 12

traditions. But if we compare Qūnawī’s search for a recovery of a unified vision and the 13

totality of the first generations after the Prophet to Ġazālī’s, we see that he displayed much familiarity and affinity with the tradition of philosophy, especially the tradition of Plato and his later day exponents. This is most obvious in his correspondence with Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274), the famous polymath and commentator on the works of Ibn Sīnā. Ġazālī had engaged the philosophical tradition, but Qūnawī actually engaged a philosopher, opening a correspondence that touched upon all the big issues of the day. The tone of the corre-spondence is rather cordial, and he goes to some lengths in emphasising his closeness to philosophy, which also gives us the impression that for Qūnawī the quest for totality must also integrate the philosophical tradition. In the correspondence Qūnawī talks about the views of the ’verifiers’ and in what sense they agree with the philosophers and the theo-logians:

[they agree] with the philosophers concerning that which rational speculation is capable of grasping independently within its own domain, but nevertheless differing from them in view of their command of other cognitive faculties and insights outside the domain of reason and its limiting conditions. Concerning the theologians [mutakallimūn], in their varied appearances, the verifiers seldom agree with them, except on the most straight-forward of questions.14

The hundred years that separate Ġazālī and Qūnawī had turned the tables on the relationship between speculative Sufism and theology. For Ġazālī the basis was still theology, but for Qūnawī a general independence vis-à-vis the other schools of thought is discernible, but also a much closer relationship to philosophy. A Turkish scholar, Ekrem Demirli, has summarised this major development by stating that for Ġazālī theology was insufficient but philosophy inconsistent. Qūnawī and Ibn ʿArabī on the other hand found theology inconsistent and philosophy insufficient. For all of them the rational speculation of theology and philosophy 15

must be transcended by entering the spiritual path and getting access to the ’other cognitive faculties’ that Qūnawī mentioned above. But the shift from a focus on theology to a focus on philosophy is important in that it marks a general trend of Islamic intellectual history in the direction of ontology and away from theology in a more narrow sense. From Qūnawī onwards

Two good editions exists, see Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī and H. Kâmil Yılmaz, Sharḥ al-arbaʻīn 12

ḥadīthan = Kırk Hadîs Şerhi ve Tercümesi (Konya: MEBKAM, 2010); Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī and Abdullah Aydınlı, Šerḥ al-ʾaḥādīṯ al-ʾarbaʿīna = Kırk Hadis Şerhi (Istanbul: M.Ü. İlâhiyat Fakültesi Vakfi Yayınları, 2015).

The title would indicate 40 traditions, but Qūnawī passed away before he could complete them all. The work was 13

widely circulated with only the 29 traditions.

Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī, and Gudrun 14

Schubert, Al- Murāsalāt bayna Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī wa-Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (Shtūtgārt: Shtāynar, 1995), 165–66.

See for example Ekrem Demirli, İslam Düşüncesi Üzerine: Söyleşiler ve Konuşmalar (Istanbul: Sufi Kitap, 2016), 15


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No. 2 September 2017

serious philosophical speculation was mostly done in the context of the spiritual path, and with the main objective reflection upon Being, Existence and the human state.

Qūnawī played a major role in bringing together several intellectual tendencies and systema-tising them into a coherent whole that later Sufis looked to as a signpost in the wilderness of philosophical speculation, but also as a way of accessing the massive and apparently sprawling output of his master, Ibn ʿArabī. Qūnawī became the watershed between earlier and later Sufism in the sense that his influence was strategic rather than widespread. Thinkers interested in metaphysics, philosophical Sufism and the integration of spirituality and philosophy all had to take Qūnawī’s work into consideration. Obviously Ġazālī’s influence was much larger, and the practical nature of his synthesis speaks directly to the day to day needs of almost every believer. But both share a vision of integration of all Islamic sciences under the directing guidance of a life of faith. Qūnawī leans more heavily on the philosophical tradi-tion and an ambition to develop a ’pure’ science of metaphysics; Ġazālī, on the other hand, finds the theological tradition sufficient when viewed as a stepping stone to be transcended, insufficient as a means of salvation and closeness to God.

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The tomb of al-Qūnawī, Konya, May 2017. Photo: Olof Heilo

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No. 2 September 2017

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Spring Scholarships 2017

Emma Stenvall is an undergraduate in Middle Eastern studies at Stock-holm University. She holds a Bache-lor’s Degree in Media and Communi-cation studies and journalism at Umeå and Mid Sweden Universities. Her interest in the Middle East in general and Turkey in particular has grown during her years working as a journalist, and when she decided to continue with her studies her interest got caught by Alevis and their role in society, both in Turkey and the dia-spora, with Sweden as focal point.

In the spring of 2017 I had the pleasure of spending five weeks at the SRII, working on my Bachelor thesis on the Alevis, the second biggest minority group in Turkey, and their use of takiye. The term takiye is used in Islamic jurisprudence and refers to a technique which allows a person to hide one’s religious belonging in order to avert danger.

The Alevis are not a homogenous group and there is no cohesive definition of them. Some claim them to be descendants of heterodox nomadic Turkish and Kurdish groups living in Anatolia, and both scholars and Alevis themselves have for centuries been discussing whether to place their belief within or outside of Islam.

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No. 2 September 2017

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There is however one narrative that is shared by most perspectives and can be considered to be the master narrative of Alevism – the narrative of Alevis in opposition against and as victims of dominant powers. Alevi history is characterized by persecution, and to avoid oppression they traditionally settled in rural and inaccessible areas and practiced their rituals behind closed doors, which also contributed to them being surrounded by rumours and prejudices. With urbanization the Alevi lifestyle changed as many of them moved to the cities, and in order to keep avoiding misrecognition they developed the technique of living their life in hiding.

Alevis did not just leave the rural parts of Anatolia for the cities in Turkey; many of them also migrated to Europe. The number of Alevis living in Sweden today is impossible to know for sure, but an estimated number is around 12000.

Not much research has been made on the Alevis specifically living in Sweden, but thanks to the stay at the Research Institute in Istanbul I was able to have a closer look at studies conducted in other countries. In Germany for example, studies have shown that, al-though Alevis don’t face discrimination from the state, they have brought the use of takiye with them from Turkey, and they use it both as a strategy and by default. In my thesis the aim is to have a closer look at the Alevis in Sweden. How are they talking about takiye – is the technique still relevant, and if so, in which context is it applied?

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No. 2 September 2017

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Synagogues, Churches and Mosques:Connections and InteractionsSRII, 16-18 November 2017

The conference considers interactions, transformations and conversions of religious buildings as a result of diverse interventions and influences over a large span of time. A comparative analysis substantially adds to our understanding of the architectural essence connected to the three Abrahamic religions. With their shared roots in the eastern Mediterranean region, through many centuries interactions have taken place in many parts of Europe, in the Arab world, the Ottoman empire and beyond. The transformation of the architectural structures, the change of ornamentation, bearing new signification and symbolic values, will be considered in detail. The genesis of the projects for synagogues, churches and mosques will be investigated by the roles of architects, patrons and the religious communities, as well as of established conventions and innovative aspirations.

Sabine FrommelJohan Mårtelius

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No. 2 September 2017

Omtumlande möten Intervju med Suzi Ersahin, kulturråd på det svenska generalkonsulatet i Istanbul sedan 2013 Vad har du för bakgrund?

Jag är utbildad bildkonstnär och studerade måleri på Konstfack, men har även arbetat med performance och många andra konst-former. Innan jag började arbeta här jobbade jag för Iaspis / Konstnärsnämndens ateljé-verksamhet i Stockholm och lade upp pro-gram för internationella kuratorer och svenska och utländska konstnärer. Dess-utom har jag arbetat som bildlärare – bland annat startade jag upp en distanskurs i illustration – och undervisat på Beckmans och Kansas City Art Institute.

Vad fick dig att söka tjänsten här?

Prospektet att få jobba med många konst-arter och inte enbart bildkonst. Med min turkiska bakgrund verkade det möjligt. Under min vistelse här har fokus hamnat på mycket annat än just bildkonst.

Finns det någon särskild konstform som fångat din uppmärksamhet här?

Det finns starka grupper inom alla områden där folk experimenterar. Sedan är det givetvis en fråga om internationalisering. Turkisk bildkonst och litteratur är internationellt etablerad, och även musikscenen – vare sig det gäller pop, rock, jazz eller klassiskt – kan uppvisa många internationella utbyten. Teater är mer komplicerat då både språk och innehåll kan skapa ett glapp. Det gäller förstås på båda hållen: inte alla gånger är de ämnen som talas om i Sverige relevanta i Turkiet. Scenkonst är dessutom kostsamt på ett annat sätt.

I ditt uppdrag här gäller det att knyta kontakter mellan svenskt och turkiskt kulturliv. Hur förhåller sig båda sidor till det?

Det finns en stark nyfikenhet inför Sverige bland turkiska konstnärer, även om folk inte känner till så mycket om landet. Till exempel inom just teatern intresserar man sig här för hur teater görs i Sverige. Framförallt är det viktigt att möjliggöra direkta möten mellan konstnärer. Svenska konstnärer som kommit hit för att träffa sina turkiska kollegor har ofta använt ordet ”omtumlande” när de beskrivit sin vistelse efteråt.

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No. 2 September 2017

Omtumlande kan man också kalla åren som du har tillbringat här. Hur påverkar det den kulturella dynamiken inom landet?

Vi lever i en dynamisk tid, med fysisk rörlighet och snabba kommunikationer. Vissa saker har störts i sin planering på grund av politiska spänningar, men det behöver inte innebära att den kulturella livaktigheten minskar – Turkiets konstnärer lägger sig inte på soffan. Däremot märks det att kontakterna med EU har försämrats och att bidragen och kontakterna därifrån minskat jämfört med hur det var när jag började jobba här. För många turkiska konstnärer känns det särskilt värdefullt att ha en kontakt med Sverige under sådana omständigheter.

I kulturellt hänseende, vad tror du att Sverige kan ge eller lära Turkiet, och om-vänt – vad kan Turkiet ge och lära Sverige?

Sverige är bra på organisatoriska strukturer, i Turkiet bygger kulturlivet i mycket högre grad på fria aktörer och privata sponsorer. Det förra kan ge institutionell säkerhet, det senare kan motverka att kulturlivet blir alltför toppstyrt.

Tycker du att det finns förutsättningar till samarbete med oss på forsknings-institutet?

Absolut: det hade till exempel varit intressant att starta upp någon form av residens-verksamhet. Det kan göras i enkel form – författare eller bildkonstnärer som kommer hit för längre eller kortare tid med finansiellt stöd av konstnärsnämnden eller författarförbundet, får boende, ett bord eller ateljé – t ex i det gamla kapellet – och att man lägger upp ett besöks- och presentationsprogram för dem.

Intervju: Olof Heilo

Kalabalık! is issued through the homepage of the SRII, Editor: Olof Heilo ([email protected])

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