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9202169AB 9163520AC 9515892AF LOVETHIS PAPER, LOVETHIS PLACE hronicle hronicle Horowhenua Horowhenua C C NEW WORLD LEVIN MOTOR CO. LTD MOTORCO L TD MOTOR CO L TD HOROWHENUA HOROWHENUA ANDERSONS OUTDOOR MACHINERY LTD Proud supporters of the Horowhenua Chronicle Established 1893 PHONE: (06) 368 5109 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2014 ARTON nishers Ltd Come and see us for great deals on fabulous home furnishings BARTON Furnishers Ltd come in and see our in store specials 315 Oxford Street, Levin • Phone: (06) 368 1170 Fax: (06) 368 1169 Email: [email protected] INSIDE Dad hero — page 3 TRYing times— page 7 Photo plan — page 11 Support for ban call By STAFF REPORTER lvn190214fwdrugs BAN CALL: Levin dad, Robert, outside what’s believed to be the only shop in Levin selling legal highs, with a petition calling for legal highs to be banned. Levin father, Robert is concerned legal highs are still available in Horowhenua. ‘‘I have a son who is addicted to this stuff, I know what it can do,’’ he said taking a stand outside Levin’s adult boutique on Oxford Street. ‘‘I believe this is the only retailer left in Levin still selling the stuff.’’ Joined by a fellow father of six, who didn’t want to be named, the men invited people to sign a petition calling for the substance to be banned. Discussions became heated when the owners of the boutique came on to the street, giving the men their marching orders. Invited by the Horowhenua Chronicle to put their story forward, the owners declined. Police intervened and the petitioners were allowed to continue with their mission. Last year Horowhenua District Council’s Wellbeing executive committee and Life to the Max group campaigned to have Horowhenua retailers withdraw from selling legal highs. ‘‘There’s a strong view in this community we want this stuff banned,’’ Horowhenua deputy mayor Gary Good said. ‘‘I believe this shop was approached to see if they would stop selling (legal highs). I think this is the only shop in Levin which chose to carry on. I guess it’s some consolation this is an R18 shop.’’ Robert gathered 400 signatures opposing the sale of legal highs in Levin. ‘‘This is more dangerous than cannabis,’’ he said. ‘‘You know what you’re using with cannabis. This stuff can contain all sorts of substances, you don’t know what you’re dealing with.’’ New Zealand Drug Detection agency general manager Jason Trembath confirmed employers are having workers tested for illegal highs. ‘‘It’s a work in progress,’’ he said. ‘‘The fact illegal highs contain such a variety of substances we have to keep working to stay on top it.’’ Last year a local college student was admitted to Palmerston North Hospital suffering from a reaction to using an illegal high. Training turns real By TANYA WOOD A surf life saving training sessions at Waitarere Beach turned into a dramatic rescue at the weekend. The rescue took place at about 3.30pm on Sunday when life savers turned their training into a real life rescue. The club’s inflatable rescue boat was launched, manned by volunteers Andrew Watson and Victoria McTavish, the first to respond to the calls for help. A group of six young people had been swimming between the flags, about 70 metres from shore when they got caught in a rip and carried out to sea. A man and a women from the group swam to shore. The remaining four girls, one suffering an asthma attack, were picked up by the rescue boat as their situation quickly became dangerous. Waitarere Beach Surf Life Saving Club captain Brian Forth was proud of how the life guard team handled the rescue. Mr Forth watched the rescue unfold. ‘‘It was one of those moments where it happened so fast,’’ he said. ‘‘Rip tides can develop suddenly and be difficult to spot.’’ He was especially proud of the boat crew who pulled the four swimmers to safety within 30 seconds of leaving the shore. ‘‘The IRB driver, Andrew Watson, only qualified last winter and Victoria McTavish is still training,’’ Mr Forth said. ‘‘It was a great team effort, they deserve a pat on the back.’’ The teenagers were examined by paramedics before leaving the beach.

Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

Mar 13, 2016



Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14
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Dad hero — page 3

TRYing times— page 7

Photo plan — page 11

Support for ban callBy STAFFREPORTER


BAN CALL: Levin dad, Robert, outside what’s believed to be theonly shop in Levin selling legal highs, with a petition calling forlegal highs to be banned.

Levin father, Robert isconcerned legal highs are stillavailable in Horowhenua.

‘‘I have a son who is addictedto this stuff, I know what it cando,’’ he said taking a standoutside Levin’s adult boutiqueon Oxford Street.

‘‘I believe this is the onlyretailer left in Levin still sellingthe stuff.’’

Joined by a fellow father ofsix, who didn’t want to benamed, the men invited peopleto sign a petition calling for thesubstance to be banned.Discussions became heatedwhen the owners of theboutique came on to the street,giving the men their marchingorders. Invited by theHorowhenua Chronicle to puttheir story forward, the ownersdeclined. Police intervened andthe petitioners were allowed tocontinue with their mission.

Last year HorowhenuaDistrict Council’s Wellbeingexecutive committee and Life tothe Max group campaigned tohave Horowhenua retailerswithdraw from selling legalhighs.

‘‘There’s a strong view in

this community we want thisstuff banned,’’ Horowhenuadeputy mayor Gary Good said.

‘‘I believe this shop wasapproached to see if they wouldstop selling (legal highs). I thinkthis is the only shop in Levinwhich chose to carry on. I guess

it’s some consolation this is anR18 shop.’’

Robert gathered 400signatures opposing the sale oflegal highs in Levin.

‘‘This is more dangerousthan cannabis,’’ he said.

‘‘You know what you’reusing with cannabis. This stuffcan contain all sorts ofsubstances, you don’t knowwhat you’re dealing with.’’

New Zealand Drug Detectionagency general manager JasonTrembath confirmed employersare having workers tested forillegal highs.

‘‘It’s a work in progress,’’ hesaid.

‘‘The fact illegal highscontain such a variety ofsubstances we have to keepworking to stay on top it.’’

Last year a local collegestudent was admitted toPalmerston North Hospitalsuffering from a reaction tousing an illegal high.

Training turns realBy TANYAWOOD

A surf life saving training sessions atWaitarere Beach turned into a dramaticrescue at the weekend.

The rescue took place at about 3.30pm onSunday when life savers turned theirtraining into a real life rescue. The club’sinflatable rescue boat was launched,manned by volunteers Andrew Watson andVictoria McTavish, the first to respond tothe calls for help.

A group of six young people had been

swimming between the flags, about 70metres from shore when they got caught ina rip and carried out to sea.

A man and a women from the groupswam to shore. The remaining four girls,one suffering an asthma attack, were pickedup by the rescue boat as their situationquickly became dangerous.

Waitarere Beach Surf Life Saving Clubcaptain Brian Forth was proud of how thelife guard team handled the rescue.

Mr Forth watched the rescue unfold.‘‘It was one of those moments where it

happened so fast,’’ he said.‘‘Rip tides can develop suddenly and be

difficult to spot.’’He was especially proud of the boat crew

who pulled the four swimmers to safetywithin 30 seconds of leaving the shore.

‘‘The IRB driver, Andrew Watson, onlyqualified last winter and Victoria McTavishis still training,’’ Mr Forth said.

‘‘It was a great team effort, they deserve apat on the back.’’

The teenagers were examined byparamedics before leaving the beach.

Page 2: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

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2 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

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Great results for studentsWith NATHANGUYOtaki MP FROMMY DIARY

■ Parliament and Cabinetare on this week.■ I’m giving speeches to arange of events, includingan agri-businessconference and aMaorifarming awards function.■ Friday is a busy day inthe electorate.

The school year is in fullswing for over 30 schools inKapiti and Horowhenua.

As we wave goodbye to theend of the school holidays, it ispleasing to see some greatresults based on our students’performance at NCEA levellast year.

The most important ofthese relate to the number ofstudents leaving school withan NCEA Level 2qualification. Across NewZealand this has risen by 2.5per cent to nearly 77 per centin 2013.

In fact, since 2008 there hasbeen a 10 per cent increase inthe number of studentsachieving Level 2 NCEA. Thisis an outstanding result.

Pasifika students

achievement of NCEA Level 2is up nearly 7 per cent in thelast 12 months which isfantastic, and for Maoristudents it has been a 4 percent increase over the sameperiod. Better targeting with

resources has made a bigdifference.

Credit has to go to students,parents and teachers for theirhard work. I believe theintroduction of NationalStandards will also play a partin the future. As a parent ofthree school-age children, it’sgreat to have regular updatesin plain English on how theyare faring.

Leaving school with thislevel of qualification givesyoung people so many moreoptions in life, whether it’swork or further study.

These results build onreforms announced earlierthis year by Prime MinisterJohn Key.

An extra $359 million willbe invested over the next fouryears to create four newteaching and leadership rolesin our schools — Executive

Principals, Expert Teachers,Lead Teachers, and ChangePrincipals.

These positions willencourage the best teachers toremain in front of theclassroom, and allow them toshare their knowledge withother schools. It will also allowtop principals to do the same,providing new ideas andleadership to other schools.


ThanksArt in the Park was held on

February 9 and was a greatsuccess, with glorious weather,lots of clever crafts and superbpaintings, a sausage sizzle,Devonshire teas and fruit andicecream and the Delta bandplaying music of the ‘60s all day.

Thank God for the lovelyday, the Mayor for kindlyputting up the marquee for theband, and the HDC forsupporting us through CreativeCommunities. Also thanks tothe public for supporting ourventure for the 5th year runningwith an estimated 3500-4000people enjoying the lovely parkgrounds. Thompson House,Levin Pottery Club andHorowhenua Art Society havealready decided to hold thisevent again next year and manystallholders have booked theirplace again too.

Thanks also to everyone whohelped and particularly PamBagnall, our co-ordinator for agood job well done.



DON’TBANFAMILYFUNRegarding the article calling forthe banning of fireworks — Iwould ban other things beforebanning something thatprovides a lot of fun forthousands of families everyyear.

Good Lord, there are not

enough family events as it is.This is one chance for families,grandparents, aunties anduncles to all get together for agreat evening of innocent fun.

There are other things thatshould be banned beforefireworks, one is alcohol. Thispoison that people drink causesfar, far more problems thanfireworks ever will.

Peter Sharp needs to look atthe facts about alcohol and thenumber of deaths, bashings,cancers, family misery fromalcohol addiction, car crashes,idiot behaviour and the list goeson.

So someone’s poor weedoggie got a fright. Then lockthem away or bring them insidewhere they can be safe andisolated from the wee pops andhisses that fireworks make.

Catch the idiots that arecausing the problems, don’t banfamily fun! Enough things havebeen banned due to idiotbehaviour and this onlypenalises good families havingfun. It doesn’t penalise idiotsand idiots will find other waysto be idiots anyway.

Not much thought goes intosome people’s kneejerkreactions to idiot behaviours.No more of this nanny statestuff, please.


Council serviceI am a volunteer driver for theLevin Hospice Shop.

Last Saturday, February 8,we had to remove a smallamount of rubbish that usually

gets dumped outside the shopovernight. We were told to takeit around to the transfer station(we take some rubbish on aregular basis) and usually thissmall amount costs around$20-$25. When we arrived, theweigh bridge was closed. Wewere told it was broken so weasked what happens now? Theirreply was ‘‘everyone has to paya standard fee of $45’’. So we hadno option but to pay.

Other people at the tip wereall complaining about the $45charge including an elderly ladyand her son with a smallamount on a trailer.

I thought this council hadsome ‘nous’, so fix this problemof high prices and prove mewrong. This council andmanagers need to get off theirbutts and start acting like acouncil because in reality wepay your high salaries, so getout and earn them.

This is a case of ‘‘large wastemanagement’’ by charging whatthey like in a town with a largeelderly population.

The buck stops at the top. Ifthis waste managementcompany won’t ease up theirhigh prices, it’s time for achange. No wonder some peoplechoose to dump their rubbish onback country roads.

Sometimes I am so ashamedof this council and managerswith their casual approach toservice matters. For a monthnow, the road drain outside myhouse has been blocked anumber of times with all therain we have had overChristmas. The road floodsevery time, I wade in and

unblock it, but the rubbishkeeps building up and it justdoesn’t get picked up.

When I moved to Levin 20years ago, the same day acouncil worker would arrive tounblock and remove therubbish. Now we have privatecontractors, this doesn’thappen, they need directionfrom council managers to keepthem on their toes. We theratepayers expect nothing less.


In response to Bob White:Who’s to blame for rip-off.

Horowhenua DistrictCouncil’s operations managerGlen O’Connor said the LevinTransfer Station is privatelyowned and operated. Councildoes not have any contractualarrangement relating to theoperation of the transfer station.Fees and charges are set by theowners of the transfer station,and Council has no influenceover these fees. Any enquiriesrelating to the fees and chargesset at the transfer station shouldbe directed to Mid WestDisposals. As an alternative tothe Levin Transfer Station,Council owns and operateswaste transfer stations inShannon and Foxton.

Stormwater grates willinevitably block from time totime and we certainlyappreciate any person assistingus by clearing these. If you areconcerned about the amount ofdebris in a stormwater grate,please let us know by contactingCouncil’s Customer ServicesTeam on 06 366 0999.



Jene Grant-Lindsayis a 12 year oldbuddingphotographer.‘‘I took this photo of acicada on a lamp postby the Adventure Park,Levin onmymum’sSamsungGalaxynote3.’’

Page 3: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 3

Seminar to help withonline bankingHelping people get confidentwith banking technology.Westpac Levin and SeniorNetHorowhenua will be running anumber of seminars andworkshops focusing on differentways of banking (using cards andATMs, online shopping, andinternet banking).

The first seminar focuses onConfidence and Security inBanking and will run onThursday 20th of February from10am at Te Takere Communitycentre in Levin with another tobe run in Foxton on Thursday

February 27 from 10am at theFoxton RSA.

The aim is to educate seniorsto become more confident inusing the technology available tothem and ultimately makingbanking easier for them. Theseminar is open to anyone whowould like to become moreconfident in using bankingtechnology. SeniorNet is acommunity training networkthat supports and motivates theolder generation to enjoy and usetechnology in their everydaylives.

Just an hour of your time


WANTED: Plunket needs you for its Bear Hug Appeal.


Levin Plunket Bear HugAppeal, 9am-5pm, March7.

Next month is Plunket’s BearHug Appeal and the organisationis looking for volunteers to helpwith its street collection appeal inLevin on Friday, March 7.

National president TristineClark said while its free homeand clinic visits are governmentfunded, it relies on communityfundraising to provide its othersupport services.

‘‘We’re asking people toconsider donating just one hourof their time to help us raise fundsfor their community.’’

All money collected locally isused for local Plunket services,including parent support groups,playgroups, car seat services,parenting education programmesand toy libraries.

Nine out of 10 New Zealandersare ‘Plunket babies’.

‘‘We want to be around foranother 100 years,’’ said MsClark, ‘‘but to do that we needcommunity support.’’

If you’re interested involunteering just one hour ofyour time to support yourcommunity, please [email protected]

You can also give Plunket ahug by visiting oryour local BNZ to donate.

Dad heroin baby’sfast birthBy PETER FRANKLIN


REBECCA Warson, her partner Dave Boyde and their family.

Rebecca Warson and herpartner Dave Boydeexperienced a night toremember and put in therecord books recently.

Unbeknown to them itturned out to be the nightDave helped his newbornbaby into the world, afeeling that he had nowords to accuratelydescribe.

Baby Boyde wasdelivered in the back seatof the couple’s car with theassistance of policemanholding a touch and amidwife givinginstructions over thephone.

Mr Boyde said it startedat about 10.10pm whenRebecca said her waterhad broken.

Taking it that theirother son, Jack, had takenfive hours to get to thepoint of being born thecouple casually got readyand into the car.

A short while later thatturned to panic as thecontractions became morefrequent.

Mr Boyde put his footdown to try and make it toHutt Hospital before thebaby arrived.

‘‘I was watching

Rebecca, timing thecontractions as we headedsouth.

‘‘They were gettingmore frequent,’’ he said.

By the time theyreached the rail overbridge it was too late: babywas on his way.

At the same time MrBoyde was desperatelytrying to drive around atruck, when he noticedblue and white flashinglights behind him.

As the police officerwalked to the car he couldsee what was going on andhelped by shinning a torchon the proceedings.

Mr Boyde said it was afantastic feeling,worrying, but fantastic allthe same, as he gently heldthe small infant’s head.

‘‘I had no idea what Iwas doing it all seemed tocome naturally,’’ he said.

Mr Boyde said the babywas slippery. ‘‘But Imanaged to get himwrapped up. We spent thenight in hospital makingsure baby and Rebeccawere alright.

‘‘It really is one of thoseexperiences I’ll neverforget,’’ he said.

Mr Boyde did notreceive a speeding ticketunder the circumstances.

IMMUNISATION TIMEMidCentral District HealthBoard’s public health nurses areembarking on another busy yearahead with more rounds of year7 and 8 student immunisations.

MidCentral District HealthBoard is starting studentimmunisation for Year 7 and 8students. Information sheetsand consent forms are beingsent home via students for allgirls and boys in the Year 7Boostrix immunisationprogramme.

Boostrix or Tdap boostsprotection against tetanus,diptheria and whooping cough(pertussis). A single injectionhelps the body’s immune systemto produce its own protectionagainst the three diseases.

Year 8 girls’ HumanPapillomavirus (HPV)immunisation programme will

commence at the same time.The course of three injections

is free to young women from 12to 20 years old. The vaccinationprotects them from the mostcommon cause of cervicalcancer (cancer of the cervix) andgenital warts.

Women 18 years old byJanuary 1, 2015 not yetimmunised must get the firstone this year to be entitled tothree-course injectionprogramme for free.

■ For more information about thevaccinations contact your publichealth nurse on 0800 153042,family doctor, or practice nurse;phone 0800 IMMUNE (0800 466863); or visit HPV information); Boostrix information).

Page 4: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14




4 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014


It has been many months since Ihave had to mention thefts andburglaries in our ruralcommunities, where motorcycles, particularly quads, arebeing targeted.

Sadly this week is one ofthose, and while there have notbeen too many to date, thedistinct trend appearing is thatquad bikes and petrol are being stolen.

So far, rural properties in the Foxton areahave been worst hit. However thieves canturn up anywhere in the future, so I urge allrural readers to take extra precautions withtheir quads, motor cycles and petrol.

Often these vehicles are being storedsome way from the residences, such as atcow sheds, and in these situations extra careshould now be taken. Not only locking themaway, but removing keys to a safe place, andpossibly using a secondary locking devicesuch as clamps or chains. I know theseprecautions are time wasting andinconvenient, but they may just prevent youfrom becoming another victim.

It is at times such as this, where a fewminutes spent now reviewing farm security,particularly ensuring that petrol, quads,tools and even other motor vehicles aresecurely locked, will be time well spent.

While on rural matters, the next fewmonths are the peak of the cannabis growingseason. Rural areas, particularly those

growing maize and those withparks and reserves, or riverand stream boundaries arelikely to see suspiciousmovements of motor vehicles.While the weather remainsdry, growers are likely to betaking extra water to theirplots, so their comings andgoings will be more frequentand therefore are more likelyto be noticed. To reportsuspicious behaviour, you can

telephone your local police station direct, orfor complete anonymity if required, you canring Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Following the recent spate of burglariesin Levin over recent months, local policehave concentrated their efforts to identifysuspects, and where appropriate, arrestoffenders. A combined approach sees alluniform staff and detectives workingtogether on this initiative. While theoperation is in its early stages, a small butsteady decrease in local burglaries hasalready been noticed.

Police were thrilled with crowdbehaviour at the Hurricanes versusCrusaders rugby match at the Levin Domainon Friday night. A total liquor ban on thegrounds ensured a family friendlyatmosphere, and noticeable were the largenumber of children and family groups.

A great crowd witnessed a tough match,and although the outcome was not what themajority were hoping for, organisers can bewell pleased with their efforts.

Woman evades scam attemptAn elderly Levin woman had her witsabout her when she received a telephonecall, where the caller was speaking‘‘fluent’’ Polish and they stated that arelative of hers was in need of money.The lady told the caller that she wasgoing to check, the caller hung up.

Police said it would seem as thoughthis was a scam of some sort, so never

supply any personal details or bankaccount details (or cash) to any person atall.

Police said in this instance thewoman came to the police station andreported it. However their concern isthat some people may be duped intorevealing bank details and left losing alot of money.

Boy has head injuriesA boy suffered head injuries and wasairlifted to hospital for treatmentearlier this week.

On Monday the Palmerston Northrescue helicopter flew to Taihape tobring a boy back to Palmerston Northhospital.

At around 8am on Monday the11year old boy suffered head injuriesafter a collision with a car while ridinghis bike.

He was stabilised by St Johnparamedics before being airlifted tohospital in a stable condition.

Cultural opportunities


Sergeant Charles SciasciaBorn September 28, 1891, ManawatuHeads, Foxton.10/518 1st Battalion Regiment, killed inaction at La Basse Ville, Belgium, August 1,1917, aged 25. No known graveRecipient of the Military Medal earlier in1917, France.The letter from the company officer toSciascia’s mother said: ‘‘He was one of thebravest, cleanest chaps I have ever known,and he should have received decorationafter decoration for the work he has done.He was buried by his comrades on the fieldof battle, with military honours, and not oneof the boys left him without a tear in his eye.At the earliest opportunity we are going tohave a cross erected in his honour of one ofour greatest comrades.’’


Private Stanley Arthur Ambrose SaintBornMay 14, 1900, Manakau.21163 1st battalionWellington Regiment,killed in action July 31, 1917 at La BasseVille, Belgium, aged 27. No known grave.A letter from a fellow soldier to Saint’s fathersaid: ‘‘He was in our support line with hisPlatoon No 3 and there was terrible strafeon, previous to our making our advance.We had by this time been about 36 hourswithout sleep etc. So the first chance we gotwe lay down and went to sleep. It was whilesleeping that Stan was killed by a Hun shell.He was buried in the line the same day withanother Levin boy named Sciascia. Stanwas liked by all who knew him in thecompany.’’


Brigadier Leslie Wilton AndrewAndrew distinguished himself at La BasseVille capturing twomachine gun posts in anight raid for which he received the VictoriaCross.Staying in the army after the war, he waspromoted to Lieutenant Colonel and giventhe command of 22 Battalion. Serving inGreece, Crete and Libya, he was awardedthe Distinguished Service Order foroutstanding courage, skill and leadershipon the battlefield.He was later promoted to Brigadier andretired to Levin in 1952 where he is buried.


Lance Corporal William Curran ‘Bill’HannanBorn in Levin. Returned after the war with aMilitary Medal won at the battle of La BasseVille and lies buried in the Levin RSAcemetery.Source: Adopt an Anzac.


Horowhenua and the Belgian district ofComines-Warneton will become twinned,cementing a historic relationship datingback to World War 1.

Five men from the Horowhenua areknown to have fought in the battle of LaBasse-Ville in the Warneton district.Charles Sciascia, Stanley Saint, LeslieAndrew, William Hannan and FrederickFrancis took part in the two-day battle,July 31 to August 1, 1917, part of thePasschendale campaign to break throughto the Belgian coast and destroy Germansubmarine bases.

The bodies of Sciascia, Andrew andFrancis remain buried in unmarkedgraves in La Basse-Ville. A memorial toCharles Sciascia was erected at the site ofthe battle in 2007 following extensiveresearch undertaken by retired Belgianjudge Dominique Cooreman. Adopt anAnzac followed her lead and identified allthe other Horowhenua men who died inworld conflicts. There is also a memorial toLeslie Andrew at the battle site.

The idea for the twinning was MsCooreman’s, who said it seemed like thenext logical step. Supported by theHorowhenua and Warneton mayors andBelgian authorities, she was appointed astheir liaison officer and unofficialinterpreter. The planning for the district

twinning has taken about two years.‘‘I feel very excited about the it,

especially for the communities andfamilies of the soldiers lost in battle,’’ saidMs Cooreman who is preparing a book onthe battle.

‘‘It is an acknowledgement of their livesgiven so that we could live in peace. Myhope is that the young people will beenriched by the exchange visits, and gain abetter understanding of the impact war hasas a whole, so that they will help maintainpeace in the future.’’

Mayor Brendan Duffy said the twocouncils will be swapping signed deedsshortly. No formal signing ceremony isplanned.

‘‘The relationship we’re trying to buildis a brilliant opportunity to have anexchange arrangement for young people tolearn about our respective histories, and toshare and experience our differentcultures. The twinning arrangement setsus up well for planned centennialcelebrations in 2017.’’

It was 100 years ago on July 28, 1914 thatWorld War I, also known as the Great War,began. Hostilities ceased on November 11,1918.

Page 5: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14 Salisbury Street, Levin. Ph 366 0330

Movie and a meal for only $35!!Applies to any movie after 5pm.

SENIORS MORNINGS & BRING BABY TOO*free morning tea with ticket purchase

Mon 24 Feb 10.10am Philomena (M),10.20am Saving Mr Banks (PG),10.30am Winter’s Tale (M)

Tues 25 Feb 10.10am The Railway Man (M),10.20am Saving Mr Banks (PG),10.30am Winter’s Tale (M)

Bring Baby TooWed 26 Feb 10.20am Saving Mr Banks (PG)

SAVING MR BANKS(PG) 125 mins Biography/Comedy/Drama

Author P.L. Travers reflects on her difficultchildhood while meeting with filmmakerWalt Disney during production for the

adaptation of her novel, Mary Poppins (1964).Starring Emma Thompson & Tom Hanks.

Fri 21 Feb 10.20am, 1.10pm & 5.50pm, Sat22 Feb 10.20am, 1.10pm & 5.50pm, Sun 23

Feb 10.20am, 1.10pm & 5.50pm, Mon 24Feb 10.20am, 1.10pm & 5.50pm, Tues 25

Feb 10.20am, 1.10pm & 5.50pm, Wed 26 Feb(Bring Baby Too - 10.20am), 1.10pm & 5.50pm

THE RAILWAY MAN(M) 116 mins Biography/Drama

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Sun 23 Feb 12.40pm, Mon 24 Feb 12.40pm &6.10pm, Tues 25 Feb 10.10am & 6.10pm,

Wed 26 Feb 12.40pm & 6.10pm

PHILOMENA(M) 98 mins Drama

(Contains offensive language & sexual references)A world-weary political journalist picks up thestory of a woman’s search for her son, whowas taken away from her decades ago after

she became pregnant and was forcedto live in a convent.

Final Week - Fri 21 Feb 10.10am & 6.10pm,Sat 22 Feb 12.40pm, Sun 23 Feb 6.10pm,

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(Contains fantasy violence)Frankenstein’s creature finds himself caught

in an all-out, centuries old war betweentwo immortal clans.

Fri 21 Feb 3.50pm & 8.25pm, Sat 22 Feb 3.50pm& 8.25pm, Sun 23 Feb 3.50pm & 8.25pm, Mon

24 Feb 3.50pm & 8.25pm, Tues 25 Feb 3.50pm &8.25pm, Wed 26 Feb 3.50pm & 8.25pm


(R16) 84 mins Horror/Thriller(Contains horror, offensive language, violence & drugs)

Jesse begins experiencing a number ofdisturbing and unexplainable things after thedeath of his neighbor. As he investigates, it

isn’t long before Jessie finds he’s been markedfor possession by a malevolent demonic entity.

Final Week - Fri 21 Feb 8.40pm, Sat 22 Feb8.40pm, Sun 23 Feb 8.40pm, Mon 24 Feb 8.40pm,

Tues 25 Feb 8.40pm, Wed 26 Feb 8.40pm

FROZEN(G) 108 mins Animation/Adventure/Comedy

Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoffin an epic journey, encountering Everest-likeconditions, and a hilarious snowman named

Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa,whose icy powers have trapped the

kingdom in eternal winter.Sat 22 Feb 10.10am, Sun 23 Feb 10.10am Salisbury Street, Levin, Ph 366 0330

Your Boutique Cinema and Cafe experience


WINTER’S TALE(M) 118 mins Drama/Fantasy/Mystery (Contains violence & sex scenes)

A burglar falls for an heiress as she dies in his arms. When helearns that he has the gift of reincarnation, he sets out to save her.

Fri 21 Feb 10.30am, 3.30pm & 8.30pm, Sat 22 Feb 10.30am,3.30pm & 8.30pm, Sun 23 Feb 10.30am, 3.30pm & 8.30pm,

Mon 24 Feb 10.30am, 3.30pm & 8.30pm, Tues 25 Feb 10.30am,3.30pm & 8.30pm, Wed 26 Feb 10.30am, 3.30pm & 8.30pm

12 YEARS A SLAVE –Starting 27 February

(R16) 134 mins Biography/Drama/History(Contains graphic violence & sexual violence)

In the pre-Civil War United States Solomon Northup a freeblack man from upstate New York is abducted and sold into

slavery. Facing cruelty by a malevolent slave owner, as well asunexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggles not only to

stay alive, but to retain his dignity.

ROBOCOP(M) 117 mins Action/Crime/Sci-fi (Contains violence)

In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) - a lovinghusband, father and good cop - is critically injured in the lineof duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their

chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer.

Fri 21 Feb 1pm, 3.40pm & 6pm, Sat 22 Feb 1pm, 3.40pm & 6pm,Sun 23 Feb 1pm, 3.40pm & 6pm, Mon 24 Feb 1pm, 3.40pm & 6pm,Tues 25 Feb 1pm, 3.40pm & 6pm, Wed 26 Feb 1pm, 3.40pm & 6pm


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Rehabilitation for Pain Syndrome and Sports Injury.Repair for Injure Tissues: Muscles, Tendons, Joints, Nerves etc.

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Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 5


ARIESAvoid sweeping things under the carpet,taking care of any financialhousekeeping on your terms before oldskeletons rear their heads.

TAURUSWithout the personal and/or relationshiptensions of the past there is a chance forrebuilding, with a chance for healing andmoving on.

GEMINIA partnership between having a dreamand the determination to put in thelegwork required makes successachievable and the time is now.

CANCERIt’s time to get serious about definingwhat you want from your relationshipsand what they need from you, ready tostart walking the talk.

LEOYou are moving into some unusual days,where a languid spell has been put onthings. Rather than fight this, appreciatethe extra time this buys you.

VIRGOYour relationships will benefit fromslowing down, taking communicationseriously and getting past the small talkto the words that really matter.

LIBRAWith your income expectations welldefined you have a chance to align thiswith the work aspirations that are just

now being identified.

SCORPIOYour attitudes are changing, withwanting to know what lies around thenext corner no longer as appealing asstaying in the moment is becoming.

SAGITTARIUSYou’ve reached a defining point on thefinancial and income fronts, withfinancial tension more about makingsure you’re not asleep at the wheel.

CAPRICORNWhere the focus has been on meetingnew people this has shifted to the peoplealready in your life, with doors about toopen to second chances.

AQUARIUSWork and career forces are workingtogether to ensure you’ve always gotone eye on the road ahead and one eyeon the rear view mirror.

PISCESIn the final days of a trip down love’smemory lane the love gods remind youthat it’s all about the journey, bringing asense adventure into play.


Friday, February 21■ Horowhenua Grey Power MembersMeeting1.30pmSenior Citizens Hall. Cambridge St LevinGuest speakers, Craig Fleury CEOHorowhenua Health Centre and PamelaGibbs. St Johns Caring Caller ServiceRaffles and Afternoon Tea.Saturday, February 22■ Swim for Gold6pm, Levin Aquatic Centre, Salisbury St.Non-competitive fun event for 16-year-olds and under.Thursday, February 27■ Levin Plunket Photo Fundraiser10.30am — 3.00pm, Plunket Rooms,Cambridge St, Levin.Professional photographs taken ofchildren 7 years and under for $10.Proceeds to the Plunket Car Seat Service.■ Horowhenua Breathe Easy SupportGroup is for people suffering lungconditions such as asthma, chronicbronchitis and emphysema.Our group is meeting Thursday 27thFebruary at 10.15am for morning tea.meeting starts at 10.30am in the HudsonRoom, Levin Cosmopolitan Club, OxfordStreet South, Levin.We welcome you to meet other people

interested in managing their lungcondition.Come and join in exercises and friendlyfellowship.For more information Phone Carroll3686255■ Summer reTREAT Tour: Realitycheck — living authentically andfinishing well7pm, Salvation Army Hall, Durham St,Levin. Guest speaker Chaplain MargLivingstone from Australia. Tickets $15from Beacon Bookshop, Oxford St, Levin.

MARCHTuesday, March 4■ Levin Plunket Photo Fundraiser10.30am — 3.00pm, Plunket Rooms,Cambridge St, Levin.Professional photographs taken ofchildren 7 years and under for $10.Proceeds to the Plunket Car Seat Service.Thursday March 6■ All members of the community areinvited to come alongto the Shannon Playcentre Open Dayfrom 9.30am-12.30pm.Friday, March 7Plunket Bear Hug Street AppealWednesday March 13:■ Fairfield School Gala:Starts at 5pm to 7pm.

Page 6: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

6 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014






MTA Specialist AdvisorsTheMTAwould like to advise out whanau that thebelow organisations have been endorsed by theboard to support us with our Treaty Mahi:

Property Selection/Economic Advise/Commercial Valuations: Cranleigh Corporateand Financial Advisors

Forestry Advise: PF Olsen

Residential Valuations/Rural Valuations:TA Valuations Ltd

Tax Structuring: Tuia Legal Group

Strategic Communications: Native Voice

David Armstrong has also been appointed as aResearcher with support from CFRT (Crown ForestryRental Trust), OTS (Office of Treaty Settlement) andour respected research team.

Treaty Negotiator VacancyMuaupokoTribal Authority are seeking a TreatyNegotiator to join our team aroundTreaty Mahi. Thisposition is open to allWhanau. Closing date is theMonday the 3rd of March.

Our desired candidatewould possess the below skills.

Role DescriptionMuaupokoTribal Authority TreatyNegotiator.

1. Relevant work experiencea) The nominee’s description of his experience

working;• In theMāori sector, particularly in the

Treaty settlement space (particularly directnegotiations);

• On or with negotiation teams;• On historical research projects.

b) Excellent communications skills (Māori,written, oral);

c) The length of time that the applicant hasworked in this area; and

d) Any other relevant / useful / transferable workexperience.

2. Strategic knowledge / Influencea) The nominee’s description of his awareness /

understanding / knowledge of:• Drafting strategic documentation;• Relevant government policies.

b) The nominee’s governance experience in alead position;

c) The nominee’s political influence.

3. Leadership attributesa) The nominee’s description of his experience

working:• In a senior position leading a team;• In a politically charged environment;• to deadlines;• In a team environment.

b) Undertake 3(a) with a degree of strategicawareness.

4. Understanding of and appreciation forMuaupoko claims and issuesa) The nominee’s description of his awareness

/ understanding of the Treaty ofWaitangiClaims and related issues from te rohe pōtae oMuaupoko..

5. Relationshipmanagement skillsa) The nominee’s description of his capability

working:• With a range of different stakeholders;• Effectively and collegially in a team


If this sounds like you, please forward a Coveringletter and CV to Candyce Taylor at theMuaupokoTribal Authority Office at 306 Oxford Street, Levin oralternatively email [email protected]

If you have any questions around this role please callus on 06 3673311.

AoteaMaori Land CourtThe next Aotea Maori Land Court meeting will beheld on:

Where:MuaupokoTribal Authority - 306 OxfordStreet, LevinWhen: 3March 2014Time: 10.00am to 3.00pmWith: Richard Bennett (Advisory Officer)

All meetings are scheduled for half hour sessions. Ifyou require more time, please advise when you arebooking your appointment.

Please also be aware that Trustee Training can takeup to one and a half hours.

As Richard is only here once amonth please bringalong all your required documents and information.

To arrange a booking please contact Candyce TaylorPhone: 06 367 3311Email: [email protected]

Nga Kōrero Tuku Iho HuiThe first Kōrero Tuku Iho Hui was held onMondaythe 17th andTuesday the 18th of February 2014 atKawiuMarae. MCCwas responsible for organisingMuaūpoko witnesses onMonday the 17th andMTAwas responsible for organisingMuaūpoko witnessesfor the Tuesday Hui.

TheMemorandum directions on the day andpresiding the hui was Deputy Chief Judge C L Fox,Sir Tamati Reedy (Emeritus Professor), Dr GrantPhillipson and the Honourable Sir Doug Kidd.

The day was for Muaūpoko whanaumembers theopportunity to kōrero and tell their story.

It was a very successful day and our first step as aniwi to have out stories told.


Whanaumembers who attended the event.

Waitangi Tribunal.

Whanau having the opportunity to tell their story.

Page 7: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

NZ’s no.1 offroad marathon

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12 APRIL 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 7


Hi, I am Tania and I am training for the 10km event at Great ForestEvents April 12, 2014. Each week I will update you with myprogress. Hopefully I will encourage you to join me on this journeyand do the event too!

It’s been kind of a slow week asfar as my training goes.

When you work more thannormal, fitting in training ishard. But I think I managedquite well . . .

I’ve done some extra hours atwork with some late nights andearly mornings meaning I amjust too tired to get out and traineveryday.

Excuses I know!! I am not amorning person and with mostof my week starting at 5am, mostafternoons I basically crawledinto bed once I got home anddidn’t wake till the stars wereup.

Saturday arrived and my firstday off meant I had the energyand the time to get down to thebeach and do my 10km walk,feeling a little stiff after thebreak. The beach was packed asthe weather was great, so manyfishing boats out early making itsuch an awesome environmentfor any walk or run.

When you’re busy with workit’s good to remember trainingdoesn’t always have to be aboutstructured exercise — it can beincorporated into everydayfamily life. I got to spend somequality time with my moko overthe weekend. We had fun, takingthe dogs for a walk, going to theriver for a swim, and then earlySunday morning making achocolate cake (a treat for all ourefforts), none saved forgrandma, though!!

Looking after Shyiah (mymoko) is another way of keeping

me active.This week I headed to Palmy

to Shoe Clinic to have my feetfitted with a new pair of Brooksshoes. If you’ve registeredalready for the Great Forest orare still thinking of doing it Istrongly recommend gettingthose new shoes sooner ratherthan later. I’ve only done acouple of 10km walks so far and Iam still breaking my shoes in.Its been a big change as I haven’thad new shoes for nearly eightyears!

If you are after a new pair ofshoes head to the team at ShoeClinic in Palmy and they can

help pick out the right pair ofshoes for you.

I haven’t been completelyslack. To keep up my low impactexercise I have done a 1.5kmswim, I also tried out anaquacise class which Ithoroughly enjoyed. I totallyrecommend these classes as partof any training plan — it’s agreat low impact workout, greatfor tired or sore joints while stillgetting good muscle tone andlots of fun.

I’m feeling confident aboutincreasing the tempo this week,going to make sure I prioritisemy training. I am determined torun more than walk. I am goingto include some hill work(hitting Trig a couple of timesthis week) and pushing play inthe pool at least 3-4 times.

Come down to the LevinAquatic Centre and have a chatabout the Great Forest Event. Orfor more training advice checkout the training schedules

This weeks training:1.5km Swim — 20km Walk-

Run — 1 x Aquacise Class —Biking equals 0kms :( I stillhaven’t managed to obtain a bikeso can’t report on the biking yet.Motivational Tip

‘‘Give a girl the right pair ofshoes and she can conquer theworld!’’

Great Forest Event 12 April2014 Sign up today!


Give 2014 TRY a golvn210214spltryathlon2s

PEDAL POWER: Register Now for the Go Active TRY!

EVENT INFORMATIONWhen: Saturday March 02,Registrations from 8amCost: $5 for individual or $12 for a teamWhere: Levin Aquatic CentreTriathlon DistancesAges: 5-7yrs Starts 9.30am Run (250m)Cycle one lap (400m) Swim-walk threelengths of the Play Pool (30m) or threewidths of the main pool (30m),depending on abilityAges: 8-10yrs Starts 9.50am Cycle fourlaps (1600m) Run (750m) Swim threelengths of main pool (75m)Ages: 11-13yrs Starts 10.10am Run(1250m) Cycle eight laps (3200m)Swim six lengths of main pool (150m)Teams can also enter in any of theabove categories.

The annual Go Active Kids TRY is on againat the Levin Aquatic Centre, Sunday, March2.

So get into gear and head on down to thepools and register for the 2014 Go ActiveTryathlon,.

The event is for 5-13 year olds looking tohave lots of fun and to give it a go.

‘‘The Go Active TRY is an event thatbrings the whole community together,’’Aquatics Horowhenua events co-ordinatorJessy Ion said.

Organised by Aquatics Horowhenua,McDonalds Levin, Contact Energy andLevin New World the event aims to be one ofthe largest in its ninth year.

Those keen on taking part can choose tocomplete the event on their own or as part ofa team.

‘‘If you don’t think you can do the wholething by yourself round up some of yourfriends and sign up as a team, it would belots of fun doing it as a group,’’ Jessy said.

Cost to enter the event is $5 for anindividual or $12 for a team entry.

All local schools are being encouraged toget involved by getting as many entries in aspossible. There is a $200 sports voucher forthe school which can get the most students

to take part on the day.Jessy said the event is going to be lots of

fun and there are goodie bags for everyonewho takes part and lots of great spot prizes .


Grandfather big influenceon political aspirationsBy ROBMCCANN

When people ask mehow I got interestedin politics, I alwaysthink of mygranddad.

Granddad workedon the wharves and,of course, alwaysvoted Labour. Heand Grandmotherwere devoted tofamily, worked hardfor a decent day’s pay andalways showed compassion.Values the Labour Party wasbuilt on.

I spent countless hours intheir company, nurtured bygood food and conversation. Inparticular, Granddad liked tostage mock debates, where heand I would each take a side ona topic and argue it out. Itdidn’t matter what the subjectwas, what was important wasthe time we spent together andthat I was being influenced bythe integrity and fairness ofGranddad’s beliefs.

My grandparents were doingmore than teaching me aboutpolitics and social justice. Theywere demonstrating how acommunity takes care of itschildren and how the oldergenerations have wisdom toshare. They let me know that Iwould always have somewhereto go if I was in trouble. Theyallowed my parents to get onwith their work, knowing I wassafe.

My partner and I are also

blessedbecause, bycoming backto live in thisregion, wehave beenable to giveour ownchildren theexperience ofgrowing upnear theirgrandparents.We’ve also

been able to access the supportand guidance of extendedfamily and we know howprecious that is.

I believe we all wantchildren to grow up incommunities where they feelsafe and nurtured. Weinstinctively understand thatthis is how we build the societywe want to live in. That is whyLabour cares about all thechildren in our communities,regardless of how little moneytheir parents have. Childrencannot be expected to reachtheir full potential if they areconstantly missing out on thethings most of us take forgranted: good housing,nutritious food, decent healthcare.

Some parents andgrandparents are going to needextra support to provide thesethings.

And that’s why I’m standingfor Labour in this electorate:because Labour values all NewZealand children, and thepeople who care for them.

Page 8: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

LEVIN$269,000 3 Glen Street Sun 12.00-12.45pm

Fabulous views, huge garaging

AUCTION 61TiroTiro Road Sun 1.00-1.45pm


$215,000 33 Kawiu Road Sun 1.00-1.45pm

Top location add your touch

$249,000 75 Kawiu Road Sun 1.00-1.45pm

Views for miles!

AUCTION 61 Parker Avenue Sun 2.00-2.45pm


AUCTION 57TiroTiro Road Sun 2.00-2.45pm


$198,000 40 Dorset Street Sun 2.00-2.45pm

URGENT SALE – Great buying

$215,000 5 St Annes Street Sun 2.00-2.45pm

Fairfield School location

$342,000 161 Queen Street Sun 2.00-2.45pm

Immaculate home close to town

$319,000 5Tainui Street Sun 1.00-1.45pm

Price reduced

AUCTION 45 Parker Avenue Sun 3.00-3.45pm


WAITARERE BEACH$410,000 71 Mowhia Gr Sun 12.00-12.45pm


AUCTION Waitarere Rise Sun 12.00-1.00pm

6 Sections – brilliant buying opportunity

HIMATANGI BEACHAUCTION 4 HuniaTerrace Sun 11.00-11.45am


RURAL/LIFESTYLE$440,000 198Tararua Road Sun 12.00-12.45pm

Brick home, sep studio & lots of sheds

$319,000 176 State Highway 57 Sun 1.00-1.45pm

Ultimate outdoor living, cosy home

$400,000 2Vista Road Sun 1.00-2.00pm

4 bdrm brick home on 2.0234ha

$595,000 231 Roslyn Road Sun 2.00-2.45pm

Immaculate home, fab grounds & land

TENDER 28 Wallace Loop Road Sun 2.15-3.00pm

Lifestyle paradise

$576,000 51 Gladstone Road Sun

Spacious living, 4 acres & large shed

OPEN HOMESSunday 23rd February 2014

Cnr Oxford & Queen Streets, LevinContact: (06) 367 9333


16th February 2014

11.30-1.00 3/91 Mako Mako Road, Levin

Trackside Villas $225,000

11.30-1.00 4/91 Mako Mako Road, Levin

Trackside Villas $225,000

12.45-1.15 40c Cambridge Street, Levin

Tidy freestanding modern 2 brm townhouse $185,000

1.30-2.00 218a Cambridge Street, Levin

Big on space, 4brms, multi living, views $335,000

2.15-2.45 9 Devon Street, Levin

Prime location spacious low maint t/house $245,000

3.00-3.30 27 Dudley Street, Levin

4Brm residence of distinction pvte grounds $320,000

3.45-4.15 38 Read Street, Levin

Fab views mod kitchen sunny living 3brms $229,000


1.00-2.00 46 Heatherlea East Road, Levin

3 Brm farmhouse on 7 acres $319,000

P: (06) 367 0820 PGG Wrightson Real Estate LtdReal Estate Agent—REAA 2008

Sunday 23rd Feb


12.00-12.30pm 626 Queen Street $188,000

2.45-3.15pm 232 Cambridge Street $249,000


1.00-1.30pm 161 Oturoa Road $229,000

1.00-1.40pm 56 Rodney Avenue, $ByNegotiation

2.00-2.30pm 54 Koputaroa Road $299,000

Te Horo





OPEN HOMESOpen Home Times: Saturday, 22nd February 2014


162 Winchester Street $169,000 12:00pm 12:30pm

178a Cambridge Street $262,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

22 Levin 9 Easton Way $329,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

Open Home Times: Sunday, 23rd February 2014


10 Meadowvale Drive $199,000 11:15am 11:45am

50a Kennedy Drive $245,000 12:00pm 12:30pm

9 Jervois Terrace BEO $299,000 12:00pm 12:30pm

2/44 Durham Street $165,000 12:00pm 12:30pm

3 Dunbar Street $165,000 12:15pm 12:45pm

37 Rimu Street $179,000 12:30pm 1:00pm

2 Dorset Street $175,000 12:45pm 1:15pm

3 Konini Street Tender 1:00pm 1:30pm

11 Quinn Road $185,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

32 MacArthur Street $259,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

198 Bartholomew Road $289,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

67 Kawiu Road BEO $175,000 1:30pm 2:00pm

49 Rimu Street $220,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

18 Martin Harvey Street $239,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

40 Highbury Drive BEO $229,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

152 Tiro Tiro Road Negotiation 2:00pm 2:30pm

3/8C Sussex Street $269,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

76 Parker Avenue $252,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

16/5 Kent Street $132,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

24 Highbury Drive $359,000 3:00pm 3:30pm

243 Wallace Road BEO $395,000 3:00pm 3:45pm

24 Highbury Drive $359,000 3:00pm 3:30pm

1A Windsor Place $179,000 3:00pm 3:30pm

71 Whelans Road RV: $380,000 3:45pm 4:15pm

1 Norrie Street $169,000 4:00pm 4:30pm


11 Papaitonga Lake Road $299,000 2:15pm 2:45pm


6 Stout Street $169,000 11:00am 11:30am

10 Stout Street $74,000 11:00am 11:30am

46 Vance Street $128,000 11:45am 12:15pm

51 Laward Road Negotiation 1:00pm 1:30pm

Waitarere Beach

7 Via Aroha BEO $479,000 3:00pm 3:45pm


39a Cook, Street $159,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

97 Hickford Road Tender 1:00pm 1:30pm

116 Hickford Road Tender 1:45pm 2:15pm

34 Russell Street Tender 2:30pm 3:00pm

52 Coley Street $229,000 3:15pm 3:45pm

34, Coley Street $169,000 3:15pm 3:45pm

Foxton Beach

108 Seabury Avenue Tender 12:30pm 1:00pm

16 Edinburgh Terrace $175,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

20 Roore Street $259,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

21 Andrews Street $190,000 1:15pm 1:45pm

23A Roore Street $179,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

10 Trafalgar Street $264,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

14 Cousins Avenue $169,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

2 Perreau Place Tender 2:30pm 3:00pm

51 Thomas Place $305,000 2:45pm 3:15pm

18 Ocean Beach Street $299,000 4:00pm 4:30pm

17 Ocean Beach Street $265,000 4:00pm 4:30pm


83 Rangiotu Road Auction 2:00pm 3:00pm

8 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

Levin turnout thrills union

Corey Kennett

The Horowhenua Kapiti Rugby FootballUnion would like to thank all whoattended the Wellington Hurricanes vsCanterbury Crusaders Super Rugby pre-season clash at the Levin Domain.

Our official crowd figure of 6500 wasvery strong and well up on last year’scrowd of 5000.

Despite the 41-15 win to the Crusaders,it was a fantastic game of rugby with 26 All

Blacks taking the field, including the AllBlacks captain, Richie McCaw.

Being able to host and watch thiscalibre of players in action in Levin was avery rare occasion and we look forward tohosting another Super Rugby fixture infuture.

The HKRFU would also like to thank allof our volunteers who assisted on the day.Your support is greatly appreciated andwe look forward to having you volunteeragain.

HKRFU chief executive Corey Kennettsaid he was ecstatic with the turnout.

‘‘To have such a huge turnout wasamazing. It was great to see the localcommunity turn out in their thousandsand enjoy themselves. I am very proud ofthe event and hope that we can replicatethis in the future.

‘‘Thank you to all who assisted inmaking this a reality, your efforts wereinvaluable.’’

Cards bighit for allBy SENIORCONSTABLE FIONAREADSchool Communities Officer

‘The correct wearing ofhelmets is really importantto ensure that they do thejob they are supposed to


The Gottcha are having a reallypositive impact on the numbers ofchildren biking to school and usingsafe cycling practices.

It is great to see kids gettingtogether and biking to and fromschool

Hand signals are being usedmore and helmets are being worncorrectly.

The correct wearing of helmetsis really important to ensure thatthey do the job they are supposed todo.

So far a lot of parents haveapproached me not knowing how tocorrectly fit a cycle helmet.

Steps 1 to 6 outline how thisshould be done.

Police also remind parents thatit is recommended that childrenunder 10 are accompanied by anadult while riding on the road.

I have received positivefeedback from parents teachersstudents and police staff aroundthis initiative.

Gottcha cards can also beobtained when you make apurchase for your bike at Chaineysand Southend Cycles.

Southend Cycles have kindlydonated four cycle helmets for theend of term prize and Macdonaldshave donated meal vouchers for theend of term prize also.

Page 9: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

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SERVICE DIRECTORYSERVICE DIRECTORYFriday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 9

Honesty, workmanship reflected in businesslvn210214splgo-with-flow

THE distinctive white van sporting bigblue bubbles is usually noticedsomewhere in Manawatu or Horowhenua.

For 21 years Matt has offered localplumbing and gas fitting renovation andmaintenance services.

He started Go with the Flow Levin Ltdfive years ago.

Matt prides himself on being straightto the point and believes his honesty andworkmanship is reflected in repeatbusiness and referrals.

It seems nothing is too much troublefor Matt.

He has established a good reputationand his services are sought by landlords,property managers and governmentagencies.

‘‘Focusing my whole work life onrenovation and maintenance has taughtme a lot.

‘‘I don’t think there is any question Icouldn’t answer in that field,’’ said Matt.

‘‘When people ring me for a job Ianswer the phone and they can talk to me

‘‘I believe in the personal touch and alot of my customers become friends.’’

When not working in the plumbingbusiness Matt is involved with the loalBMX Club.

‘‘It’s good healthy rewarding fun.’’ ■ Contact Matt on 021 675337 or 06 3678111

Page 10: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

10 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014



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Page 11: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

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Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 11

Face paint leadlevels too highTests of a children’s face paint kit havefound it contains extremely high levelsof lead.

‘‘Consumer NZ has found a CarnivalColour-branded paint contained15,200mg/kg of lead. Lead is prohibitedfrom use in face paints under theCosmetic Products Group Standard.Young children are particularly at riskfrom exposure to lead, which can causedevelopmental and other problems.

‘‘This face paint kit claimed it had‘passed authentication’ to European toysafety standards but the high levels oflead detected meant it should neverhave been sold,’’ said Consumer NZchief executive Sue Chetwin.

The Carnival Colour kit, which wasmade in China, was bought at discountstore Krazy$Dealz in Lower Hutt,Wellington. It contained blue, green,red, and yellow paints. The high levelsof lead were detected in the yellow paintin the kit.

The product packaging failed toprovide contact details for the NewZealand importer. Following inquiries,Consumer found the kit was importedby Translucky International, thetrading name of Apollogrip ImportersLtd. Apollogrip is based in Aucklandand is a wholesaler of $2 and varietyitems.

Apollogrip said the paint had beendistributed to stores around thecountry and has now contacted itscustomers to tell them to remove it fromsale.

Consumer also found the product forsale at Wellington toy retailer Smallfry.‘‘We have advised the store of the testresults and the owner undertook toremove it from the shelf,’’ said MsChetwin.

Consumer advises anyone who hasbought the Carnival Colour face paint

not to use it. Consult your doctor ifyou’re concerned your child has usedthe product.

Ms Chetwin said Consumer iscurrently testing other children’s facepaints for the presence of lead. Lead isnot permitted in face paints or cosmeticproducts, other than at trace levels thatare considered to be ‘‘technicallyunavoidable in good manufacturingpractice‘‘. Its use in children’s toys isalso regulated. Toys with more than90mg/kg of lead have been banned since2007.

Test results for the paint have beengiven to the Ministry of Health, whichprovided funding for the testing.

Photo fundraiser for PlunketBy TANYAWOOD


FUNDS from a photo competition to go toward Plunket’s Car Seat Service.

Many child car seats areincorrectly installed, puttingchildren at risk. The Plunket CarSeat Service is aiming to raisefunds and awareness of theproblem by holding a photocompetition open to children upto age seven.

The service, which provides afull range of infant andchildren’s car seats andrestraints, for hire and purchase,also provides free car seat checksby qualified technicians.

Manager Veronica Fieldsendsays many European car seats donot fit properly in cars here.‘‘Families are unaware theirchild’s car seat is not properlyrestrained, or they simply don’thave the right type of car seat fortheir child’s age, weight orheight. Much of our time is spentadvising parents and caregiverson the right type of restraint touse and ensuring existing carseats are fitted correctly and stillsafe to use.’’

To help maintain the freeadvice service, Plunket relies onfundraising. All proceeds fromthe Photo Fundraiser will go toits Car Seat Service. Aprofessional photographer willbe at Levin Plunket Rooms,Cambridge Street from 10.30-3pmon February 27 and March 4. Noappointment is necessary. Eachsitting costs $10 and parents canchoose the photo to be enteredinto the competition, with achance to win several prizes. Thephotos will be on display atCherry Pie Bernina, Oxford St,Levin from March 29 to April 12.The winners will be decided bypublic vote.

Plunkethelps withcar seatcomplianceAll children up to the age of7 must now be in a correctlyfitted and approved car seat,booster seat or restraintwhen they travel in a car,following a law change inNovember.

The Plunket Car SeatService is the only car seathire and purchase servicethat also provides free carseat checks by a qualifiedtechnician.

The service is available atthe Levin Plunket rooms inCambridge St onWednesdays 9am to 11.30amor by prior arrangement foranother day.

Work and Income quotesare available for thoseneeding help to purchase acar seat.

More details areavailable or atLevin Plunket.

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12 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014


Radiator & Battery Services311 Oxford St, North Levin (alongside Caltex opposite REPCO)

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Page 13: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 06 366 [email protected] Bristol Street

Is location paramount?

OPEN HOME$245,000 WEB ID LU35043LEVIN50a Kennedy Drive3 bedroom home on easy-care 817sqmsection. North facing, tidy kitchen anddining, lounge with wood burner andgood sized bedrooms. Garden shed,carport - ample parking space. Brick andaluminium home that's priced to sell so callus today.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 12.00 - 12.30pm

Margrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773



Fantastic location

OPEN HOMEBEO $229,000 WEB ID LU35258LEVIN40 Highbury DriveSituated in the very popular north eastsector of Levin is this immaculate, twobedroom, 140sqm home on a 539sqmsection.Immaculately presented and recentlyrefurbished, this no fuss, no botherspacious home capturing all day sun.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 2.00 - 2.30pm

Murray 027 490 4773 Margrit 027 455 7706




Family Friendly

OPEN HOME$289,000 WEB ID LU33497LEVIN198 Bartholomew RoadThis property has so much to offer a familywishing for convenience, location, spaceand warmth.Not often does a property of this calibrecome on to the market, especially in thissought after location.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 1.00 - 1.30pm

Margrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




The good life in Ohau

OPEN HOMEBEO $299,000 WEB ID LU34755LEVIN9 Jervois TerraceA stunning piece of paradise on half anacre, featuring 3 bedrooms, open planliving, modern bathroom, sheltered deck, 2living areas and heat pump.Double garage,bird aviary, chicken coop, vege box, fruittrees, fishpond and more.Call today toview.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 12.00 - 12.30pm

Margrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




Sized for a family

OPEN HOME$262,000 WEB ID LU34903LEVIN178a Cambridge Street4 or 5 bedroom spacious, light and warmhome for your family . Close to town andto good schooling. This home has beenrecently double glazed, exterior paintedand lounge redecorated. Good sizeddining, 2 toilets and 5th bedroom orsecond lounge.VIEW Saturday 22 Feb 1.00 - 1.30pm

Margrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




Living on Easton Way

OPEN HOME$329,000 WEB ID LU35143LEVIN9 Easton WayGreat location, low maintenance andspacious. 3 bedrooms, master with ensuiteand walk in wardrobe, formal and informaldining, second lounge/office, and twoconservatories. Internal double garage. Bequick to view.VIEW Saturday 22 Feb 2.00 - 2.30pm

Margrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




Ready to move in

OPEN HOME$169,000 WEB ID LU34348LEVIN1 Norrie StreetThis home is ready for you to move yourfamily into. 3 bedrooms, kitchen/dining,separate lounge and laundry, this is a wellmaintained property with new aluminiumjoinery.The ...VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 4.00 - 4.30pm

Clive Williams 027 240 9265




Simply stunning

NEW LISTING$200,000 WEB ID LL35507MANAKAULot 8 Honi Taipua StreetThe only way to describe the views from this primelifestyle block! Elevated enough to see the sea fromone of the potential building sites, the land slopesgently down towards the valley floor. At 8,058m2 it isjust a tad under 2 acres.View By Appointment

Mary Dacombe-Bird 029 573 5161

Looking for 4 bedrooms?

NEW LISTING$265,000 WEB ID LU35407LEVIN4 Dudley StreetThis home is in a great location, just a twominute walk to North School. Featuringopen plan dining/lounge with heat pumpand HRV system, a spacious modernkitchen and insulated ceilings. Great indooroutdoor flow to the deck for entertaining.View By Appointment

Debby Turner 021 617 482




Townhouse just listed!

OPEN HOME$179,000 WEB ID LU35132LEVIN37 Rimu StreetThis spacious two bedroom brick andaluminium townhouse has a separatelounge with wood burner and heat pump,bath and shower, separate toilet and asunny, private conservatory out the back.Single garage. Small manageable section.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 12.30 - 1.00pm

Debby Turner 021 617 482




Fantastic buy!

OPEN HOME$185,000 WEB ID LU34570LEVIN11 Quinn RoadGreat location with college, primary schooland kindy just down the road. 3-4bedroom home, two of the rooms haveseparate access if needed. Perfect for theteenagers or a boarder.Featuring new carpet, lino, bathroom,double garage and rewired.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 1.00 - 1.30pm

Debby Turner 021 617 482




Large Spacious Townhouse

OPEN HOME$179,000 WEB ID LU35314LEVIN1A Windsor PlaceIf you are looking for a large spacious unitwith plenty of storage, an easy care smallsection with lovely gardens then look nofurther.The master bedroom is spacious with twodouble wardrobes, and also has a separatehobbies room.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 3.00 - 3.30pm

Clive Williams 027 240 9265




Villa Lovers

OPEN HOME$128,000 WEB ID FTU34845SHANNON46 Vance StreetDelightful cottage with oodles of charmand character. Well set up for retirementor first home buyers. Previously owned bya tradesman builder who has done nearlyall the maintenance jobs. Fully fenced withoutdoor entertaining areas.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 11.45 - 12.15pm

Lyn 027 436 7596 Clive 027 240 9265




Ohau - O Wow!

OPEN HOME$299,000 WEB ID LU35127OHAU11 Papaitonga Lake RoadThis three bedroom home has doublegaraging, a big red barn, plenty of storageand is wonderful for entertaining indoorsand out. Three paddocks (100+ hay bailsyearly), chickens and a lovely outlook.Picture perfect and potential a plenty.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 2.15 - 2.45pm

Michael Utting 021 675 721




Walk to town

OPEN HOME$165,000 WEB ID LU35301LEVIN2/44 Durham StreetThis 3 bedroom unit with single garagingand internal access is situated convenientlyclose to town and all amenities. Tidy andspacious with a wood burner in the loungeto heat up the warm winter nights. Thisreally is a lovely home.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 12.00 - 12.30pm

Michael Utting 021 675 721




Best buy in Levin?

OPEN HOME$175,000 WEB ID LU33624LEVIN2 Dorset StreetThis two bedroom property is wellmaintained and well presentedthroughout. Featuring a single garage,garden shed, sun porch and an establishedlow maintenance garden. This home islovely and sunny with a quiet backyard.VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 12.45 - 1.15pm

Michael Utting 021 675 721




Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 13

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14 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 06 366 [email protected] Bristol Street

First Home Buyers & Investors & look no further!


TENDERWEB ID LU35496LEVIN3 Konini StreetHere is a well-presented property with a solid rentalhistory. With three spacious bedrooms, separate loungewith open fire and open plan kitchen/dining, the homeis insulated top and bottom. The private, fully fencedbackyard has established trees and a barbecue area. Asingle garage, attached shed and separate studioprovide plenty of storage and space.

Now surplus to my vendor's requirements, make this

property part of your investment portfolio or move thefamily in and make it your own!.

For sale By Tender (vendor reserves the right to sellprior).RV $165,000

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 1.00 - 1.30pm

TENDER closes Thursday 20th March 2014 at2.00pmProperty Brokers Levin, 1 Bristol Street

[email protected] 06 368 5776Office 06 366 0665Mobile 029 573 5161Mary Dacombe-Bird




A real cutie


$169,000WEB ID LU33499LEVIN162 Winchester StreetThis 1920's delightful 3 bedroom plus home is locatedin the northeast sector of town, close to popular preand primary schools. It is quite evident to see howdifferent vendors have put their own stamp on thishome, yet still, leaving room for you to add your touch.

Offering top and bottom insulation, gas heating andwiring has had attention. The easy-care section is ablank canvas, the rear of the section is private and wellfenced. Call us for a private viewing.

VIEW Saturday 22 Feb 12.00 - 12.30pm

[email protected] 06 367 3556Office 06 366 0662Mobile 027 490 4773Murray Doreen

[email protected] 06 366 0661Mobile 027 455 7706Margrit Searle



Panoramic views


AUCTIONWEB ID LU35316LEVIN166 Queen StreetStart your day having your breakfast sitting on thebalcony enjoying the view. Situated on the corner ofQueen St and the exclusive Lakeview subdivision, thishome is bursting with features. The gardens arebeautiful and the front entrance is welcoming.Spacious kitchen/dining area with a large kitchen andbreakfast bar. The home features 3 bedrooms, themaster bedroom with ensuite upstairs and 2 bedroomsdownstairs. There is a single garage, carport andworkshop. Call me today to view.

View By Appointment

AUCTION (unless sold prior)11.00am, Sat 22nd March, 2014On site, 166 Queen Street, Levin

[email protected] 06 366 1081Mobile 027 240 9265Clive Williams




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Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 15

Michael Utting

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 [email protected] 06 368 3372Office 06 366 0881Mobile 021 675 721

Extensively refurbished throughout

$149,000WEB ID LU34930SHANNON80 Grey StreetWow wow wow.

The current owner has totally upgraded this home to ahigh standard inside and out. This three bedroomhome is sitting pretty - alarmed and stylish, need I saymore?

Come and view for yourself. This is a quality home fora professional couple or family. Call me today to view.

View By Appointment

[email protected] 06 368 3372Office 06 366 0881Mobile 021 675 721Michael Utting




Lockwood style

$245,000WEB ID LU35055SHANNON1-3 East RoadBuilt in the 70's, this gorgeous home offers plenty ofspace and comfort and features three bedrooms, anoffice, double garaging with workshop and lovelygardens.

Give yourself a trophy for scoring this great home.Over 1,600sqm of well maintained land and great forentertaining indoors and out. This home really doeshave a wow factor to it. Call me today and come andview this great property before it sells.

[email protected] 06 368 3372Office 06 366 0881Mobile 021 675 721Michael Utting




Home sweet home


$199,000WEB ID LU35002LEVIN10 Meadowvale DriveAttracting all day sun, this gorgeous 3 bedroom homeis well presented, and clean and tidy throughout. Sitdown and enjoy a cuppa in the conservatory, the goodflow throughout the house is excellent for entertaining.Also featuring a double garage with workshop.

Don't let this great deal slip by, call now to make atime to view before it is gone.

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 11.15 - 11.45am

[email protected] 06 368 3372Office 06 366 0881Mobile 021 675 721Michael Utting




Page 16: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

16 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

2*0 -#$)!,. (1!, +*0$!& %)/0*10'"2341

Don't miss out!!

FOXTON & LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Cnr Main & Clyde Streets, FOXTON, 06 363 0022, 1 Bristol Street, LEVIN, 06 366 0880

Thirty acres - 11.7 ha...



FOXTON116 Hickford RoadA rare opportunity to own a small farm near theTown of Foxton. Resplendent with a 4 bedroomfamily home plus study / library and sewing /hobbies room. Two living areas, a modernkitchen, two bathrooms, nice decks and a niceindoor outdoor flow to the garden area. Thisfamily home from its origins in 1980 extended in1989 and 1997 plus new colour steel roof 2013.Tank water and a 30 metre bore. Log burner withwetback. Water reticulation to 16 paddocks pluslarge implement shed. As a bonus there areapproximately 7 acres of 32 years old pinusradiata which are ready to harvest.

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 1.45 - 2.15pmTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm at ouroffice Cnr Main & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0036Mobile 027 450 7698Lynsey Vining

Double dwelling



FOXTON9 Jenks StreetIf you are looking for an investment property lookno further. 2x2 bedroom dwellings on onesection currently returning $340.00 per week. Dothe sums and make your offer. Plenty of optionshere - live in one home and rent the other or rentboth and reap the rent. 9A Jenks St, very tidy 2bedroom home circa 1990 with open plan loungedining kitchen, separate laundry, nice bathroomand sunny deck. A double garage for all your carand storage. Dwelling 72m2, 30m2 garage, flatlevel section with mature trees. 9 Jenks St, 1960two bedroom fibro home on the elevated part ofthe property.

View by appointmentTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm at ouroffice, Cnr Main & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0032Mobile 027 436 7596Lyn Vining

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0036Mobile 027 450 7698Lynsey Vining

Genuine country feel



FOXTON97 Hickford RoadDiscover the world of country living in this fourbedroom character home. Nestled down acountry road close to Foxton.This wonderful family home will provide years ofhappy memories of a childhood I the country.With a 6012m2 section you can experience ruralliving by running a few sheep, rearing a calf andraising a few chooks. Still oodles of room for avege garden and plenty of room to play.Sunny decks welcome you off the spacious openplan lounge.Peaceful living just minutes away, call Lyn orLynsey now to change your life.

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 1.00 - 1.30pmTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm At ouroffice, Cnr Main & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0032Mobile 027 436 7596Lyn Vining

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0036Mobile 027 450 7698Lynsey Vining

Fabulous opportunity



FOXTON9 Easton StreetBuy..Rent..Sell..Retire! Many have done it and agreat place to start is with this well maintainedtwo-bedroom bungalow. Repainted inside andout with a new log fire for extra warmth inwinter. Great location being close to the RSA andonly a short stroll to schools, doctors and FoxtonTownship. A fabulous first home or rentalinvestment, dont delay call Lyn or Lynsey today.

View by appointmentTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm at ouroffice, Cnr Main & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0036Mobile 027 450 7698Lynsey Vining

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0032Mobile 027 436 7596Lyn Vining

Page 17: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 17

2*0 -#$)!,. (1!, +*0$!& %)/0*10'"4563

Don't miss out!!

FOXTON & LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Cnr Main & Clyde Streets, FOXTON, 06 363 0022, 1 Bristol Street, LEVIN, 06 366 0880

Beach Bargain



FOXTON BEACH108 Seabury AvenueIf you are looking for a great beach house look nofurther. This two bedroom cottage on a goodsized section with room for tents, caravans etc.Close to the Foxton Estuary, Beach and shops thisis the ideal location for your holidays or if you area looking for a central base for your Camper thisis it.Call Lyn and Lynsey NOW to make this propertyyours.View on

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 12.30 - 1.00pmTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm At ouroffice Cnr Main & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 5596Office 06 363 0036Mobile 027 450 7698Lynsey Vining

Manawatu Estuary views

TENDER4 1 1+


FOXTON BEACH2 Perreau PlaceIf you are looking for a fantastic four bedroomholiday home, with views and privacy then thisproperty is a must to view. Tucked away on theManawatu Estuary it is just a few minutes walkfrom the boating club, wharf and park soeverything is within easy reach. Garage, carportand enough room for the boat makes this placeideal for the entire family. The recent addition ofa sun deck that is sheltered and has fabulousviews will see you relaxing and enjoying yourselffor breakfast, lunch and dinner, possibly all threeand don't be surprised if you feel like stayingthere all day long.

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 2.30 - 3.00pmTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm CnrMain & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 0033Mobile 027 226 7994Simon Davenport

Ignore all prices

TENDER3+ 2+ 2


FOXTON34 Russell StreetMy vendor wants this fabulous home sold socome and have a look. You will be surprised. Thehouse is huge and is low maintenance. 3 doublebedrooms plus one with an ensuite. There is anattached carport and garage. Plus the bonus of afully self-contained 1 bedroom flat with kitchenand wet floor shower and a huge internal accessdouble garage. All set on a 1/2acre section. Thereare lots of options with this property. This couldbe a great opportunity to purchase a great familyhome. Tender closes Thursday 6th March so getin now or you will miss out.

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 2.30 - 3.00pmTENDER closes 6 Mar 2014 at 12.00pm At ouroffice Cnr Main & Clyde Sts, Foxton

[email protected] 06 363 7226Office 06 363 0035Mobile 027 319 7088Jo Davenport

Potential plus!



HIMATANGI83 Rangiotu Road• Vendors on transfer and will meet the market

• 3 bedroom home, 110m2 floor area

• Land area 2.0234ha

• Approx 3000sq of outbuildings/storagesheds/workshops/implement shed/silos

• Would suit contractor or tradesperson

VIEW Sunday 23 Feb 2.00 - 3.00pmAUCTION (unless sold prior) 12.00pm, Sat 8thMar To be held on site

[email protected] 06 363 8502Office 06 366 0660Mobile 027 433 0041Rohan Teaz

Page 18: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

18 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014


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Page 19: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

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Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 19

Page 20: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

20 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

Page 21: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

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1.Thinly slice the lettuce and put aside

2.Cook the chicken tenders according to theinstructions on the packet. Once cooked,slice the chicken into strips

3.Place the lettuce down the middle of thewrap and top with the sliced chicken strips(Tip: use the equivalent of 1½ chickentenders in each wrap)

4.Drizzle with aioli, mayonnaise orunsweetened yoghurt and serveimmediately.

Farrah Wraps Crispy Chicken TacosRecipe No. 70


Come in for demonstrations and tastingsTuesday to Saturday.

Ingredients (Serves 4)

8 Farrah PremiumWhite Snack Wraps

1 packet (800gm) of Tegel Take OutsOriginal Crispy Crumb Chicken Tenders

1 Iceberg lettuce

Pams aioli, Pams mayonnaise orunsweetened yoghurt

685 Queen St, East Levin • Phone: (06) 367 3509Cafe Open 10am-2pm Sunday to Friday


T he Village CafeOpen Thursday 5pm onwards

Roast Night 2 Courses $15

Lunch: Tuesday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday

from 11.30am

Friday and SaturdayBuffet Dinnerfrom 5.30pm

Levin RSA

32 Bristol St


368 3475

Poppies Restaurant

Receive a free glass

of wine or stubbie of

beer with each adult

main meal purchased

on Saturday Nights

during February

Ph: 368 2571

Oxford Street,Levin





Tues - Sat Evening Meals Wed - Sat 12 - 2pm • Lunch Mealsvevvee •••

This Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount

Members, Affiliated Members & Guests Welcome

NOW OPEN - Tues & Wed from 4.30pm • Thurs - Sun from 11am (CLOSED MONDAY)289 Oxford St, Levin | 06 368 9056

GRAND OPENING:The Boardroom Bar

Opens Friday28th February from 4pm

Cnr Durham & Oxford Sts, Levin • Ph: 368 9157



Monday to FridayMonday to Friday

Eating Out GuideEating Out Guide

Fully Licensed -BYO


Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday - 9am to 4pmDinner - Thursday to Sunday nights - from 6pm

State Highway 1Te HoroPhone 364 3022

TWO FOR ONEMEAL DINNER!(Friday nights only)




SUNDAY11AM-2PMFull A La Carte Menu

33 The Avenue (North of Levin) • Ph: 368 3545 FULLY LICENSED



Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 21

Page 22: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

22 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

0800-356 1814329 Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North


Contact Anytime:Peter Nunn 027 388 3333Gareth Cox 021 268 0517Mark Davenport 027 244 5824


Page 23: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

Saturday 22nd February 2014 - 6pm startArena Manawatu, Palmerston North



Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 23

Legend for NZstock car eventBy PETER FRANKLIN


JOHN Lund behind the wheel of his famous number 53 car. For thismeeting he will be using a contracted car.


World Champion: 1987, 1988,1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 2000,2002National Points Champion:1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991,1992British Champion: 1987, 1989,1990, 1995, 1997, 1998European Champion: 1989,1992, 2002Long TrackWorld Champion:1990BriSCA Supreme Champion:1989Grand National Champion:1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990,1991, 1994, 1998Grand Prix Series Winner:1987, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997Scottish Champion: 1986UK Open Champion: 1990,1992, 1994

One of the most experienceddrivers to come out of the UK,John Lund will be behind thewheel and taking a shot at the 248global Challenge being raced onSaturday, at Robertson HoldenInternational Speedway.

Lund is one of the mostwinningest drivers in the BritishF1 stockcar scene with anincredible eight world titles tohis name.

And while the New Zealandcars are different to the F1 carshe drives at home, PalmerstonNorth speedway track managerBryan Pukowski said there arean awful lot of top drivers in theline up, inclunding Lund, andwhile he does not race hereregularly he has an immenseamount of driving experienceand will be well and truly in therunning.

Lund, a farmer from Clitheroein Lancashire, is one of thelongest running, mostsuccessful, and most populardrivers racing BriSCA F1 StockCars.

His route into the sport istypical of all the drivers from hisgeneration. He started as a fanwatching from the terraces of thelong lost North West tracks,mainly Nelson in Lancashire,but also Rochdale and (theoriginal) Belle Vue.

After a few years the bug totry the sport first hand had welland truly bitten, and he set aboutbuilding his first car. There wasvery little knowledge of the‘science of racing’ in those days,and drivers kept any little secretadvantages they discovered verymuch to themselves, so John’scar building journey was onevery much of blind discovery.

His initial car being based on

just what he could gather fromlooking at other cars in the pits.

Lund’s first ever race meetingwas at Rochdale in March 1976,aged just 22 years old.

He finished sixth in theconsolation race. Then followeda brief period of trials andtribulations as John discoveredweaknesses in his car, teachinghim lessons in car design thatJohn now considers to have been

invaluable.Not long into his second year

in the sport, John reached StarGrade status (an honour he hasheld ever since). Ten yearsfurther on, in 1987 at Belle Vuehe achieved every racer’s dream,and won the WorldChampionship. It laid down themarker of things to come. Johnhas gone on to be one of the mostsuccessful drivers in history.

Eight World Championship titlesmakes him the winningest driverof the coveted Gold Roof, and hisnumerous other championshipsplus over 200 final wins madehim the man to beat for nearly 20years.

Stars come out for Global contestBy PETER FRANKLIN


REBECCA Barr (64p) getting alittle sideways thing going infrom of 581 Jordan Dare and 10pPeter Rees.

It will a case of no hold barred, asthe cream of Superstocks roll outon to Area 1 on Saturday to battle itout for title of Global ChallengeChampion.

Track manager BryanPukowski said over the last fewweeks fans have been ttreated tosome of a the best racing theycould have wanted and there ismore to come.

‘‘To try and pick a winner,would be impossible.

‘‘There are so many factors thatcould potentially take out one ofthe favourite in the first few laps,’’he said.

Englishman John Lund willhave to stand his ground. Backedby an enormous amount ofexperience, he will still have to getused to a new car and the tactics of

the local drivers.There is a huge list of local

Palmerston North drivers whohave the ability and the cars totake out the title, Peter Rees, ShanePenn, Graeme Barr and PeterBengston to name a few.

Mr Pukwowski said with somany good drivers on the track atonce it will be a battle fest for thefans.

The 248 Global challenge willattract lot of drivers from all partsof the country.

Mr Pukowski said the meetingwill start at 6pm, and advises fansto get there early to get the bestseats.

Page 24: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

24 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

Rees show his class at Paeroa


WINNING WAYS: Whakatane’s Tony Rees (Honda CBR1000), with another Paeroa win under his wheelsin 2014. PHOTO: ANDY MCGECHAN

by ANDYMCGECHAN, ‘We can all ride

through oil and cementdust, but this is a fastand dangerous trackas it is, without havingoil on the surface.’TONYREES

It has been a long time betweendrinks for Bay of Plenty’s TonyRees and that just made it allthe sweeter when he won theFormula One class at Paeroa’sannual Battle of the Streets onSunday.

The Whakatane man firstwon the premier title at Paeroamore than 20 years ago, but the46-year-old is now celebratinghis eighth big win there afterclinching the trophy atSunday’s 23rd annual runningof the iconic event.

It’s probably fair to say thatRees does not need a street mapfor the town of Paeroa . . . heknows his way around therevery well indeed.

Rees (on his Honda RiderInsurance-supported CBR1000)crossed the line at the end ofthe 10-lap race ahead of NewPlymouth’s Hayden Fitzgeraldand Aucklander Ray Clee.

The day at Paeroa was cutshort because of safetyconcerns when oil wasaccidentally dumped on thepublic street course during oneof the sidecars races, whichmeant there was no chance forany comeback by Rees’ rivals,but, as the Honda man pointedout, he was feeling very strongand comfortable on the bikeand a second win was alwaysvery likely anyway.

‘‘Hayden was on pole, but Igrabbed the holeshot at thestart of the race,’’ Rees said

‘‘I opened up a bit of a gap

but then Hayden and Raycaught me up. I managed to puta back-marker between me andthem and that gave me an

advantage at the finish.‘‘I was looking forward to

having another race.‘‘There may have been a few

disgruntled spectators with theaction being reduced to just onerace per class. We can all ridethrough oil and cement dust(that is used to mop up spilledoil), but this is a fast anddangerous track as it is,without having oil on thesurface.

‘‘We didn’t have a fatalityand everyone went home at theend of the day. That’s whatmatters.

‘‘We can all live to fightanother day.’’

The next day of fighting forRees and his superbike rivalswill be at round three of theNew Zealand SuperbikeChampionships at TaupoMotorsport Park on March 23,that third round including theNew Zealand TT title races.

The national championshipwraps up with a double-headerfourth and final round atManfeild Park, on the outskirtsof Feilding, on March 29-30.

50th birthdayfor WaitarereFormer Horowhenua Chronicle staffer LizBrooker was in town last weekend andcaught all the fun and action from WaitarereBeach’s 50th birthday celebrations. MsBrooker is no stranger to the beach sidecommunity, having a lot of good friends livingthere. Liz spent the day following the firetrucks watching the displays and recordingthe milestone event for posterity.

Page 25: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

3 bdrm modern hme,d/wshr, h/pump, autogge dr, suit prof person/swith refs, $270p/w. Phone367 9934 or 027 4400 685.

Community EventsCWCI Evening with Marg Livingstone fromAustralia. “Reality Check” - Living authenticallyand finishing well! Thursday 27th February, 7pm atThe Salvation Army, Durham Street, Levin. Coffeeand Dessert Evening, $15. Tickets from, the BeaconChristian Bookshop. All ladies welcome! Phone Viv,368 9430.DIABETES New Zealand Horowhenua Branch isbeginning 2014 with the first meeting on Wednesday26th February in the Freyberg Lounge, MemorialHall, Levin, at 7:00pm. The speaker will be LoisNikolajenko, Clinical Nurse Specialist for Diabetesin Primary Health Care in Horowhenua. Thismeeting is open to the general public as well as ourmembers. For further information, advice andsupport, please contact Ann 368 9475 or Christine 3688740.

Gardening &Landscaping

LANDSCAPE mainten-ance. Ring Mike 368-0630or 027-242-3773.

LandscapeGarden & Turf

TREE work, removal,stump grinding, branchmulching, fences, decks,building maintenance.BJ’s Building & PropertyMaintenance 027 249 2575or 368 7895.


CHAINSAWS, mowers,ride-ons, weedeaters,waterblasters, concretesaws, posthole borers,trailers, pumps etc, wehire and repair all makesand models. Levin Hire &Repairs, 126 Hokio BeachRd. Phone 368 5058.

TuitionMDT Driver TrainingDefensive DrivingCourse in Levin. StartsTuesday 4th March 2014(evenings), cost $180. Tobook contact Sarah on027 368 5010.

To Let2 bdrms Rimu Street, lgec/port, f/fenced, $200p/w.Phone 027 765 6595.3 bdrm, 40 FeatherstonSt, n/s, pets neg, $265p/w.Phone 021 0281 5088.3 bdrm house, $200p/w.Phone 368 4425 or 021 1248726 after 5pm.3 bdrm house NorthSchool loc, fire wth heattfr system, refs req’d,$240p/w + 3 bdrm houseclse to East School, sgle +gge, l/t, refs req’d,$240p/w. Phn 027 541 2012

localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

ADVERTISING (06) 368 5109 [email protected]

FOXTON 3/4 bdrm char-acter home, lge section,$180p/w. Phone 06 3299913/027 442 0061.LEVIN 2 bdrm unit, i/agge, fncd yard, no pets,refs , $195p/w, 3 wks bondneg, avail now. Phn 0272793605/368 7181 evgsPRIVATE carparks x 2,central location andavailable now. Phn/txt021 248 7688.

Wanted to RentURGENTLY requiring 20 -40 acres of land to lease tocarry on raising bobbycalf, long term. Phone 3684572.

Employment Vacancies


Our Levin Early Childhood Centreis growing fast

And we require Qualified orProv Registered

As well as Unqualified EarlyChildhood Educators as relief staff

Please send in your CV & details to:Ailsa St George

Email: [email protected]

PO Box 1193, 51 Trafalgar street, Levin

Phone: (06)3685 437

Coley Street SchoolBoard of Trustees

Casual Vacancy For An Elected TrusteeA casual vacancy has occurred on the Boardof Trustees for an elected parentrepresentative.The Board has resolved under section 105 ofthe Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy byselection.If ten percent or more of eligible voters onthe school roll ask the Board, within 28 daysof this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-electionwill be held.Any eligible voter who wishes to ask theBoard to hold a by-election should write to:Shane ParlatoChairpersonBoard of TrusteesColey Street School51 Coley Street, Foxton 4814By: 21 March 2014

Employment Vacancies

The Muaupoko Tribal Authority (MTA) is an IncorporatedSociety whose main purpose is to protect and enhance the Manaof Muaupoko, and to grow the social cultural and economicopportunities for our people The Muaupoko Tribal Authority isentering a new and exciting phase in our iwi development and weare seeking a Chief Executive to lead this next stage.

Reporting to the MTA chairperson, the Chief Executive Officerwill provide high quality strategic leadership and operationalmanagement and will be responsible for the prudent financialmanagement of all MTA funds, operational management ofMTA’s subsidiary companies, historical treaty settlement claims,service contracts and developing effective relationships with keystakeholders.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate the following attributes:

• Proven experience in leading and managing a Maoriorganisation;

• Extensive and proven experience in strategic, financial,administration and operational management;

• Proven ability to establish and maintain effectiverelationships with hapu and other key stakeholders;

• Competency in Te Reo Maori;

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

For a copy of the full job description and applicationplease contact Scott Doolan at [email protected] 06 350 3396.

Applications close: 6 March 2014

Muaüpoko Tribal Authority Inc.



Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 25

Light technologyBy Colin Smith

POWERSAVING: TheBMW LaserLight combinesunparalleledperformanceand safety with ahigh level ofefficiency andexceptionalcompactness.

BMW will be the first manufacturerworldwide to offer a productionvehicle equipped with headlamps

featuring a completely new laser lightconcept.

The laser light technology — firstpresented at the 2011 FrankfurtInternational Motor Show — will beoptional equipment on the new BMW i8plug-in hybrid sports car from mid-2014.

The standard version of the BMW i8 isequipped with high-intensity, energy-efficient full LED headlamps, while theoptional laser boost feature additionallyensures a high beam range of up to 600metres.

This means that the already highillumination range of the modern LED highbeam is doubled. Thanks to the new lasertechnology, it is possible to increase energyefficiency by a further 30 per cent comparedwith already highly power-saving LEDlight.

In addition to lowering powerrequirement, BMW Laser Light illuminatesthe road ahead with a significantly higherlight intensity without heating up thesurrounding area.

Laser diodes are 10 times smaller thanconventional light diodes and help to saveinstallation space inside the headlamp and

also weight.The size of the reflector surface can be

reduced by a factor of up to ten versus LEDlight and the height of the reflector has nowbeen reduced from the previous 9cm to lessthan 3cm.

The light of a laser headlamp isextremely bright, similar to daylight, whichis perceived by the human eye as pleasant.Several high-performance diodes emit astrongly bundled beam via special lensesonto a fluorescent phosphorus substanceinside the headlamp.

This substance transforms the beam intoan exceptionally bright white light that isten times more intensive than conventionallight sources. Due to their highly intensiveand virtually ideal beam properties, laserdiodes render the overall system even moreefficient.

In conjunction with the camera-aideddigital high beam assistant, dazzling ofoncoming traffic or vehicles ahead isreliably eliminated.

These properties make BMW Laser Lightthe ideal light source for the main beam of avehicle. It combines unparalleledperformance and safety with a high level ofefficiency and exceptional compactness. Itsoutstanding range facilitates improvedillumination and even better visibilitywhen driving in the dark. As a result, itensures a relaxed and comfortable drivingexperience and enhanced road safety.

ON THE RISE: Porsche sales in New Zealand are running at record levels ahead of thearrival of the new Macan sports SUV due in June.

Porsche range popularPorsche recorded its best ever sales result

in New Zealand for a single month inJanuary 2014, with sales of 44 new cars.

The result represents an increase of 12.8per cent over the previous biggest month(January 2005) and a 33 per cent increase overJanuary 2013.

The monthly sales record was achievedwith a mix of all models across the Porscherange led by the Cayenne range with 27 salesand the 911 — including recently introducedPorsche 911 Turbo, 911 GT3 and 911 50thAnniversary edition models — with 11.

The record result reflects the desirabilityof the Porsche range among New Zealandbuyers.

This year is forecast to be a big year forPorsche with the introduction of Germanmarque’s fifth model line — the Macan sportsSUV in June.

‘‘It’s a great start to the year for the officialPorsche network and fantastic to see that asthe market grows, more New Zealanders arechoosing to drive a Porsche. New Zealanderslove sports cars and this is shown by thestrong demand for the 911 GT3 and Turbomodels,’’ says Greg Clarke, general managerEuropean Motors Limited (Porsche NewZealand).

Porsche will also be preparing tointroduce the new 911 Targa and 911 TurboCabriolet models in the first half of 2014.

Page 26: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

26 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014

Levin AFCJunior

Registration Open Day!

Sunday 23 February 20141.00 - 3.30pm

Levin Soccer Clubrooms - Donnelly Park

Eftpos • Cash • ChequeInternet Banking


Minis...........................................................$357th to 10th Grade Local league ..........$4511th to 13th Grade Central league ....$65



A General Meetinghas been called bythe Trustees of theFoxton Senior

Net Inc.for the sole purpose

of passing aresolution to

“wind up” theorganisation.

This meeting will beheld in the

Rotary ClubroomsAvenue Road

Foxton at 10:00amon 3rd March


Early ChildhoodCare Centre

24 Wilton Street,Levin

Sunday 23 March2014, 10am

Nau mai, haere mai


Society (Inc)


9th March2:00pm

Guest SpeakerAfternoon tea


CLASS 2, 4 & “P”ENDORSEMENT COURSEBeing held in Levin early March 2014

To book contact Sarah on 027 368 5010



Wednesday5th March

7:00pmSenior Citizens HallCambridge St Levin

All welcome

Freephone 0508 800

MEETINGSThe following meetings of Horizons Regional Councilwill be held during March 2014 in the Tararua Room,Regional House, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, PalmerstonNorth, unless otherwise advised:

Wednesday, 5 March10.00am Regional Transport Committee

Tuesday, 11March9.00am Strategy and Policy Committee

Regional Council (to follow at the conclusionof the Strategy and Policy Committee)

Wednesday, 12March10.00am Environment Committee

Tuesday, 25March9.30am Regional Council (if required)

Wednesday, 26March9.00am Audit, Risk and Investment Committee

An Audit, Risk and Investment (Tenders) Committee washeld in Public Excluded on 10 February 2014.

Should Members of the public wish to speak at Meetings,they are advised to view details on the Horizons’ or phone 0508 800 800.


Public Notices

Contact Dakin 0274306271or [email protected]


The latestsoccer

coaching clinicwill be run on aMonday nightfor 6 weeks

from the 3rd ofMarch to the7th of April -Donnelly Park

Levin.Cost of $60.All welcome.

Church Services

Facing Challenges?Open Tuesdays 10am - 1pm

Tuesday evenings by prior appointment

“Healing Rooms”Hope Centre, 3 - 7 Kent Street, Levin

0800HEALING or 0800 432 546A free service where teams of three peoplepray with you for your physical, emotional

and spiritual needs.

Funeral Directors

Funeral Directors

Lost and FoundFOUND beautiful roosterFerguson St. Phone 0272339 885.


localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

Sally gave herselfan A+ when sheadvertised her

tuition services inLocal Classifieds

Public Notices

Stock Auctions

Darryl Harwood (06) 323 2399 or 0274 491 174Richard Trembath 0274 993 992Emmet McConnell 0274 437 671

Office (06) 324 8135


We buy any trucks,vans, utes n 4wd -

any make or model,dead or alive.

Min $200 up to $3,000(conditions apply)

Phone0800 717 273

LIGHTWEIGHT trailer,any reasonable conditionconsidered. Phn 368 1236.

Wanted to Buyor Exchange

BUYING now. LegacyAntiques, Shannon.Phone 362 7117.

PetsPUPPIES free to goodhome, Bullmastiff XHunterway 8 weeks old.Phone 368 6798.

For Sale



Available at ourfactory shop togetherwith a large selectionof NZ and imported


Monday - Friday8.00am - 5.00pmOpen Saturday

9.30am - 12.30pm


248 Oxford StreetLevin

Phone 368-8844


Saturday 8am - 11am. Allsorts.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Signs out 7.30. Greatassortment of householditems.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Saturday 7am, 1st leftnorth of Mitchpine.Something for everyone.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Saturday from 9am - 12noon. General h/holdgoods and clothing.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Saturday 8am, wide vari-ety of quality items andcollectables.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏

LEVINCNR MATAI & PROUSE STSSaturday 7am start, atback shed. Assorteditems.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏

Garage Sales


Saturday 22nd, 8:30am.Household items, toys,clothes etc.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏

TANDEM 7 x 4 trailer drypine 2 cube metres, $150.Phone 027 471 0386.


$250, 8m3 $400, free localdelivery. Phone 3676396/027 652 4000.

DRY DRY DRY firewood.PYO from $20 pick up.Mac, Gum, Pine, DouglasFir, 28 Tararua Road,Levin - in big glasshouse.0274 A Grade.

Firewood4.3 m3 of Pine, buy nowfor $230, free delivery.Phone 027 244 8348.

Employment Vacancies

Credit ControllerFull Time Position

Oxford Finance is a Finance company basedin Levin. The company is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Electra Ltd and is part of theElectra group along with Datacol and SkyCommunications Ltd.The company commenced operations in 1987.Its key focus is motor vehicle finance by wayof personal loans and through a strong motordealer network.Are you looking for a challenge with avibrant local finance company based inLevin focused on sustainable growth?Knowledge/Skills required:! Experience in Credit Control (knowledge

of Finpower would be a definiteadvantage)! Efficient in Microsoft applications anduse of data bases! The ability to adapt your style andcommunication to people of all walks oflife! Strong but diplomatic telephonenegotiation skills! The ability to work under pressure anddemonstrate good time management! Demonstrate excellent communicationskills, both written and verbal! Attention to detail and a high level ofaccuracy! Excellent customer service skills

Are you able to:! Work within a focused team environment! Uphold consistent high work standard! Cope under pressure! Display a high level of integrity and

empathy! Demonstrate a can do attitudeThis position is a permanent role 5 days aweek Monday to Friday working a minimumof 37.5 hrs per week between 8am – 5pm. Allapplicants must be legally able topermanently work in NZ.If you enjoy a challenge and like to work in abusy team environment then we would loveto hear from you.This is a permanent role so all applicantsmust be legally able to permanently work inNZ.Oxford Finance is a drug and alcohol freeworkplace. A pre employment drug andalcohol test is required for successfulapplicants.

For further information or to apply send CV andcover letter to [email protected]

Applications close on Monday3rd March 2014 at 5pm.

For Sale

315 Oxford Street, Levin • Phone: (06) 368 1170Fax: (06) 368 1169 • Email: [email protected]

Open Saturday 9am-5pm; | Sunday 10am-4pm;Open Saturday 9am-5pm; | Sunday 10am-4pm;Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pmMonday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm

FREE DELIVERYFREE DELIVERY(conditions apply)(conditions apply)



Cars for Sale

Need a cheap new Car?$0 Deposit$50 a weekAll Types, Simple,Learners Licence


Got an old car?No WOF, No Rego,

No problems.

$3000Txt/Ph Dan

021 959 757


Ph: 06 368 5109Fax: 06 368 2366

★ ★ ★

Stock Auctions



10.30 amCalves11.00 amPrime sheepStore lambsEwes11.30amWeanersYearlings2yr old cattleBullsCONTACT ELDERS:

D Haworth(06) 368 2642

mob 0274 504 133Rhys Staples

mob 027 209 2836PGG WRIGHTSON

Callum Stewart(06) 323 5440

mob 027 280 2688

Page 27: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

Friday, February 21, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 27


33677 39225wwwwwwww.hmmcchholddenn.ccoo..nnnzzz

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Page 28: Horowhenua Chronicle 21-02-14

“Great Cars at Wholesale Prices”

333 Oxford St, LevinEmail: [email protected]

Finance and warranties available - Trade-ins welcome

Phone Lance or Clair 06 368 8887; 027 483 9783all cars VINZ cerified


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2007 BMW 320IMOTORSPORT2.0 Auto, Airbags,

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28 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, February 21, 2014