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Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Mar 11, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 2: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

VV herein is containe Hiverfe Reading>The

ri ght Po i ri ting ,Tranflat ion, and Co llat ion of

Z Scr tptare wi th Scr ipt il rc.

VV i th'

the C ufiomcs of theEth ane: and Fro/£ 1; Imam}ofal l chofe

Natjamm ztk wbam the]were canv‘

erfi mr .

fiigeficd ifito three Book es

mwa rd and ofl tm zm', t; e ff/ um t o t i. 5

knowl edg e of t he Senfe aft/ac whol eTbefef m dsunfonldmg t ke true fenfif of the Scr iptu r} ztfi /fcm/f a lfb tu ck i ngthe fi ght W4] ofg d ther ing

‘Daél rm effiam'

k nj Te x t 0f Sor :pt fl r q .

The f i nd ,t ea t /m tg the t ru e manner

of Confirm a t zm JIM/fia t : amand App/z

m t im ofDo rm ef , r igbt/]ga theredfiom thy t r i t e Senff ofSer zpm r e .

ivxng general ly fox 3Ee l e to the undcrfiandmg ofa lI, tfil t defire to know an d 056

the w nl l ofGod m holy f i t ; But more efp ecial ly for a l l youn g St udent s in Dm‘


n i t ie ,t ha t the)m ay more eafily und erfi and the Languag es of 04m m and GrceQe, andmak e a profitable are oft hcmm Pm chi ng .

Wnth fourcTables new ly added , the firfi ofthe gCl l t l‘

Cfl hc (me nd o f the H ebrewyvords , the thxrf of the G i




ckc words cx Plam ed, and the fourth m A1

ph abeucal l Table of thg zh eefc th mgs contamed m the B ook t‘


By 1 0 11 N~

W B I M s B , of La tboqu d r , in Scot land , Preachera

Clmfi: Gafl wl .M arth. 2 9 . 3.

303? ex am wuffio’bflfia'em d m‘

J? 7?(w)

o fi nfi ex m , a’


m u dor’

«D76 .

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Ex od .41 t o .


Supplanter (But the m mesWhich theLord impofedfirfi,

were all true d udcarry a rte/on w i th them 1 171ythey arefa called , asAd am hecatfe he: teat fbrmedout ofredcl earth andC hava, hecaufejhee th at: themo rhcrofal l iving cre atures Ab raham ,hecau/



he that theFather of m any Nat i ons, &c. Theycannot thereforehe impdedas thm a


ji irre‘

up a great deli<ght in thee .

Leave the rotten

commend theFountain:

hadnet in {brmer ag es . i t w e the


complaint ofoneR . hhagigam has t ime that theFathers hadplowed

flatt en reaped,finned thewheat, and/i t B read upontheTable but the chi ldren hadnot a mouth to eats it .

Let t tnotheft/aidofy ouwhen 4! things are/pprepa

M anj worthy Divine: have traw fledm

hefbrt chiefly thatWorth) TJivineM .Per

G’ rophetico5“cuiusm em or1 a in b ened i‘

ét ione .

SoHyp eriusandKeckerm an;hut

pcytle incouracgedme I Car. 54.30 (w{ fatty thing be revealed to ‘

h im,

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I‘- S o F =T H E 1 .


l a the Prolegomcna iscoq tg incd .

H 8 ”P er i od: of theChap . I I o

”WeChap .

cmfyfion ofBabe 1

ChapJ I I I . The diverewayee how Ged re‘

veai ed hinlfi lfi' tohé ferw neeze x em ordix a

r el]P In the Hi ll

Chap . 1 . The

Paragraphe<to com 5] the five/2

[7.The ex t ernal! helpee t o come 5} thefl'tgfe of theScr i ptur e: H N $2.

ChapJLThefirfi m eim e or he lpe reading of the ‘Sériptee‘

rejbidChap . IILThefecond he lpe ca ll ed W e ek

oy ha " t he r ig ht refi t ting of the Sh ipm ent

ChapJI I he thi rd helpe ca lled aimm'

y ia. or collat i on ofScr ipture wi thScr iptureChap . V . Thefour thhe lpe ca lled ,

ao or the trafijl‘

at i on oftheSI The nee efl it] ofa tranfla t i on.

t z anfla t i orx.

3{The fre q/la tt e)? tha tfallow e vex t iee.

fau l t}tha t ma] he a sa

5,Wha t thing : a re t o he ohfer

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C P . I °

In tbé thirdBookeiscontained.

C WA P I.H 8 confirmat ionChap . I I The Illnfirat i on ofI I I . The appl icat ion ef

fDofl z‘ ine .

I I I I . Theconfl lat i on ofV . The comfor t tha t a chr ifh anhathw het irfia ined w i thfhmegrea tfinne ,LThe manner how theTr i efi


e und er the p aw hl efl'

ed thepeop/e ,THE

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66 I : 284. 6l

8 . 276

1 9 2 0”

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De re réfi ied .


t/c or .

¢ QLV£F0V0

Of the periods ofthe wor ld,

merp erméconcerniag the antiq ui ty of the irgreat menand the ir ralourous deeds ; t herefore j he Poets andheathenW ri ters , as Orpheae ,Herodetm ,

and I heogaidee ,turned all this t im e into mytho logie 35fabulous

thee lo

g ie,to del ig‘

ht theirReaders : but li t tle truth canbe ga~thered out of them,

for they ahitfed many p laces ofScrip ture accord ingto thei r owac fancy, as the Creation

, the Flood,and fu‘

ch .

The third period of t ime was called h ifioricall,

then theH i ltorians of that t ime hegan to de lcribe

l ight bred the former.


The fourth p eriod of t ime was called maaifel’c,be

caMe in this p eriod th ings are mote e leare andmanifefithan in any oftheperi oa

’: goihg before 5formafieg t


the Greekes had the irEphemere‘

a'es o r dai ly Chim e

es,inwhich they m ore tho le thiags ihat fe l out

’clailyg s the

Romans had the ir { t ithe/e: or y eere ly p hron1cles, mwhich they wrot e thole things that fel lout ecrely wor

IO b f}marked , for t il t:Chaldeam f‘

l f EW6/W5Egyp t i ans, M m ethoh and M ega/firth“ 5 the Q YCCkQS,ephah 5 and the Lat ines Li fetime, (0 that norhmg e lcathe ir rece i ds whereby their hiflory

camc to h




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Wbare Gadwasworfloipped in tbQ/e Idolatromperiods.

tapmy m the m mcof the Lord , and m ean themfe lvesbythe lonncs ofGod . O thers take them in the contrarie

fignificat ion , t hm profammj e began to call men A] the

s}fl ame of the Lord, 42: b it/Md! l zkré begum jebw a .


nnFor better underl

t and ing ofithis,we mnlt marke that

zitfi pl'}H mn the ambiguity ofthe phrafe is had in the word bub/val ,

which in d ivers conjugations fignifieth d ivet fly , hat inconjugat ionbipiaz

i and bop/941 it is takenFor the me ltt in a bad fenfe , asEz e@39 .7.Ney tber well 1 [afib my

601} mime tohep rqfimtd So Naw t 30 , 3. If a man 1 1 0121 4

w w, let himm tprq‘m e i t 5] wordSo here inthe fame

coni ngat ion5the t ime when th is profanenefl e b egan islet downe , that in Eva/71 dayes profaneneffe beganamong m en to call them hy the name of the Lord, ac.

cord ing to which fenfe the [ewes e x pound the f amewords -for R ‘D. Kimchi faith, M memperamdeaflrom m fi j dalammdcmmz


refit/90 e whom ama were dz“

14: ed 4mm

scall {be of their afloh

fiéj tbe


And as Ra d/monfaith , they began to g ive them di

vine worl'

hip . In part icular wee know n0 t who thofe

N4:bm d x , in his great men were , to whom they gave this d ivine wor“ tafl fw fl dd af ‘ y t (h ip , but ifwe w il l compare the beginning of the fix t

Chapter follow ingwith this wid e, we {hall fee that the

peop le of the world are ranked in two forts ,cn ad

,and t lacfimm s of mm g the fonnes of God were

thofe that came of Seth,and the fonnes of men that

came ofCaz‘

n,with whom the fonnes of God married

and gave inmarriage t ill the flood came 3Théfe that defqended ofCainwere they that when they w ere l ivingcalled themfe lves by the name of the Lotti, and thefonnes ofGod by cal l ing upon them d id profane thename of the Lord .

Baréarffmc induredbecaufenowriterh

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D r

nd without

the covenant.

All the t ime ofthis firft period, the true w orlh tp of

the fam ily of 3e and his, pofl erien the flood came and deftt oy

ely called upon the name of the

us rel igion which began in the

period, was"

called o‘

ttu9my 3g , which was that Ido

worl’hip thaf they gave to great C onq uerours5

as in the firi t period it wasgiven to men l iving lo now

it w as given to them after they were dead ,as to Nim rod



Ninmfim immzkmnd fuch 5t hi s was the orig inaliofall idolatrie after the flood .

It was cal led Ex t/Gl ow“ , bec aufe thék p erfianscal led the


t fant, Saki “

mult i tude,b ecaufe

ult i tud esTSo the A

r l Smmncb.

h i s VVarres lSJc lsm tranflates,n of tbeNa t iom

, aam éju; 0766864 in

Kingof the Scy thiam . Gen , 14. Tho leWarring peop leworth ipped a


s god s, thofe m ighty C onq erohrs .

This Scy thifm e or Idolatrous worth ipm hegan al ter fifi

pfpé’wmm ‘ M f ’

the Flood,and endured a long time in the world ,even to

Ldbrabam. It confid ed offoure things; Fi t fig ht: Al tar.

Secondly , Bow ing . Thij‘ dly Offering


of incen i e .

Fourthly ,the Drink offering. 455The worfhip o fGod w as this fecond peri

hd inNaz i»:fami ly, and inhis fonne 8 87575polteri ty

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News fami lywasd ireéted alLth is t ime , by the pre

cep ts g ivenb y God to him .

n Td fg tn 2.Ruth ,H“ The feven‘

fprecepts given


73535322 l odgement . Secondly , Elefl ing , which was one ly tocam m eg/m ,

” 1 4 ‘ “1 1d abfia.

a d eg; b l efie the t rucGod . _

Thtrd ly , that they on meI Go" : 4 “

from {trange worfh ip(that is)from Idolatry .Font thly ,ccrcém w. s



i’ that they(h ould no t uncover nakedneffe, (that i s)to ab

”‘ WWM M Sm 6 '

Raine from ineefi and filthy luf’ts. Fiftly ,from(bedding9 ,

0m lm . I ofi rm".D emdemm



/fofbl q odfi tx tly , from rap tnes.S¢venth ly ,Ne memémm

mi ijgjfgefigjfim, de o iw <that ts)that they lhould not pull amember from(g

e efi famd lerJ’e ntdg .

they cp mmanded the'

Gent iles




m afl d l dols'

; 467. I

mo lt anciently forbidden, and

o Concal iA fc‘

u -

‘ l d am :


ed ahfitnence from b lood ,hecaufcfiles forbade i t i t


was not well concl

mag /m m m f i n legef eri t That

ll ahl ilhmént in the Law peri lhetI taa emac, o r Iu

daifme was that fort offalfeworfh ip ,which the Iewes devi led contrary t o the revealed w i ll

o fGod h i fi toAbra/94m, fecondly to M qfir5thi tdly,tothe Prophets.WhenGodentet ed into covenant wi th the pveople,hewould onely he worth ipped .B rad . 2o , 3.7

efid lz‘

h ave noother

Here i s commanded, firfi, that ye' lhal l have aGod.

éehnd ly , ye lhal l haveme for yourGod .

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t Dru/inElencbjnbd f t

x L u lm ja Gen.

y ear/5. Such are the new Phat ife swho fay , they have

workeso i fupercrogat ion and as the,

o ld Pharfes hadtheirmfieriam legit; lo have they goodWorkes to(paret'

o ethersi i


3. Thef Pharife o félbodmho knockt his head againfi

the wall,fo that the b lood came zthey carried thornes in

the ir‘

cloathes , and fpred them es in their beds, that theym ight


fl eepe the l effe ,and attend their p taie'

t s the moie.Such


are thenew

themfe lves vnt il l the blood come downe .

41, {t he SP harifeoffeare, who abflained from doing'

evi ll onely,firmzdi aeprem ,for feare of puni ihment.



I he PharifeofloveWho obeyed the Law for loveofvet tue . f


6 . The Pharifc ofgaine,who tooke any thinginhandto benefit themfe lves.

looked one l

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Chri it , and they have a Proverbe, wheni

they cannorrefo lve any hard q ue ll ion to the ir Schollers, they fay ,s kozfi lw t nodes.W11 5»Elia Ti lbéi tc: [bofl com joe midrefih

ie ofl donéts . But this wi l l be as we fayr d dgu om 04

lendooforElia 13d read) come, m oi they have done ti loin

what tbeypl ufid.M ot. t 7. I z

They looke for. aglorious kingdome, when he comes,


wi lt that; reflore the kingdom tolfroel H 62. 1 6.

They raile againtl the perfon ofC hrifi , calling him

that hangedGod fo t hey cal l him crucifiedfim ,and

fi étemen,u v it . r3.5z .the woofe and theWarpedaecaufethefe two make the figure ofthe crolTe .



fhh is righteoufnefleg‘

Tbcyfi eke toée i ll/1 139246]thei r own:workerzitom. t o . z 3.And thefe latter Iew es be .

ing asked whe ther they be’

leeve to b e faved by Chr i ll sW ’Wfih fl soz righteoufnetl e o

r not,anfwe re , aThat every Fox e triufi

pay his ow h e skinne to the fleaer .

Againlt the Chrifiians,who are cal led afterhis name


They call them(go57m)the abom inab leNationzthey callthe Turkes Ifmael it



,the M oores Cojbim,but us

{l iatfs indefp ite gogm .

The H eret ickes ,vith0 impugne C hrift natures, orhis

Perfon, they acknow ledgenot C hrifi for the ir\Chri(t;There w ere foure pri ncipall Here tickes . Firfimrz

zq .

Secondly, Appoll im rio. Thirdly , Ncflorim . Fourthly ,Eutyo

'bes .They w ere condemned in(care Connoels, in

Neece , C onfiant inOp le,Ephefus , .and Chalcedon, by

To i’

tre Wordsfath om , trntbfi em wh perfifl ly , dd ld l pe'ro s

‘i a

divifiz'ai/iter , i ndi e/2M !) alev



mo i fl cdfigwfitb, igéampo

[i d/r they denied hisGodhead,his M anhdodcmnionofJ

borh,and d iltiné’tionof- both.

The H eret iks,who fet themfelvesagainfiH is offices ,the

y dei ty Chri il tolife the ir.Chrifi ,~

as the Pap i li s doe .

They deny his Kingly office , they afcribe power tothe

Pq p e to g ive lawes to b inde t confcience imm e

d iately ,

dot .(9'ga


Page 36: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

d iate ly When Morn ? 514: oneLow 1 2 .

H is ib t ie ll ly o il-ice,offering . day ly a fae rifice for the

q uiche and the dead .5

H isProphe ticall othce ,when. they take upon them to{upp ly the defeas of theScrip tures (as they call them)by trad i tions .

opera Sonfl m om finfiofi nge‘

iy ocbrr

zfii m .

is, the workes ofthe Salurs dipped‘

ja theb lo od ofC hri i’t doem eri tc. A

tbem top to6 . To teach us that POp

of erro rs, w hichmake up one

H isnatures, perfon, offices and righ

Te/boll havemed moyesfor your TheApdflwho fall away from the knowinc

truth, have h ii'



alWayes for t heir C hrifl .5

There are funary degrees of thefe Ap ofiates, but the

greateflt ig when tot z'

in toga é ’ totoli ter cx ria’aa i;5

*fuch a

one was I to/1m the Apofiate, ~

fuchaone inSp anifh is

is that true p, oppofifé“

to thi sGrad/me, it is onely found in e Orthodo x e Chri .fl ianChurch

, no t tnthe‘

Synagogue of Sathan, orantichrifl ianChurch.

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051 652.

C a n a l ”.

ofBahel .

TH E lauguage which the Fathers ipake from thecreat ion to the confufionofB ,¢9cl

,was the H ebrew

tongue .

r .

The impofition of the fit il:names , firewes it to beethe H ebrew tougue,asofthe earth


So Char m

2. a,Irwas cal led the language of Canaan, b ecanfe

the people ofGod fpake this tongue in C arraau nor

that they. learned i t of the C anaauites : for if the Lo rdWould norhave them to fpeake the l anguage ofA/balo

farre lefi'

e would

have theto [came the language ofthe C anaaiaites, who

were accurfed ofGo’

d .So,z Ch om z o . H e b lames them

fo rcounterfeiting theAmni onites in their fpeechmhow ereofcdmmofl

Jas theft: ofAébdad were .

yd , that many of the ancient

inCanaan>were H eb rewthere

,as w e may fee in the

Booke of Gene/i s and Ira/baa .

A zz'fm. A lthough the le namesb e H ebrew , ye t we deny that they w ere impa led by the C anaanires,burby the

Hebrew s when they came to C anaan.Laéafl the Syriancall ed

Page 38: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

called the hil l l eg ar Sal mdntbag beape afwimcfl é rfi ed 3t

47.but inH ebrew ,ch‘


the name‘

of ig,and called i t Galead,awan/7Tower . 80 y ee fee the names might

anaani ti fh into the H ebrew lan

cal led the Iewi lh

2 K i ng . I 8. 2 6 )from the Patt i

God fpalre to the in this5 i pake t0 _m€n, 1fi e Pro

ld Tefiament . This tongue w as kep t{till inthe Church in the purity fromSew t o d fpbd x dh


from Arpbax ad, to f eleg { t his tongue w as no t a p unifhment offinne ,as Other languages were; A/gprap terpec.

“ tum vot er d tjflm za abaéaem‘

m,other p eople for the ir t om s.

finne had their languages confufed , but the Church re.

taiued her language inpuri ty norpartak ing w ith the fi ll

in their prefiunptronat Bah ]. All orhet tongues to theChurch were but/i figuafdéfi nm imk , a tongue affiorm ,

Pfi lmJ Becaufe they were but as Baréari am unto


n,they were populw peregri q ifirmamk.The C haldy

~Paraphrafi t'

raufiates it , Barém’

ferment), a Barbarom

fim b.

TH e whole wo rld was ofoneLanguage fort he lpaceof two thoufandsa

After that'

the Afke refied Uponm ount 4m

, the pofierity ofNod : came w eftw ard tob i fl mr

,where they conful ted how they

toge ther and nor tto goe peop le the earth

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Sa.m £ ,Mmakem an


pleni ih the earth .)Therefore they advife re b ui ld a

he nie in the p laines o f552mm to dwell h ill toge ther ,th

it i sfaid ,‘

Gm . that ,Break , a n d ,


and honored as aGod amongwas borh the original l of the

wh ich in t ime becam e a fnare to the child t en0

But the Lord to fcatter thi sd evi fe ofNu br pofieri ty,whi le as they were building , made


conlufihn of their

language,w here as they had but one langubuild ing ,he gave to every one 3 (overal lnone knowing what one another l aidto leave Worke , and to {f at ter themfe

[Sp ay/94mm faith, there w ere feventy menat this buil td ing, and every one fpake a feverall language, whe

reuponhe gathehs that there are feveuty ma m ll tongues in

theworld,although the irpropaga te: orbranches and di e

[ri b or proPt iCt ie’

of fp eech accordingons be infinite; the Grecke w riters cal l thefe that We re

the originall of theirl anguages b umper, quq’iralio ifi i i)

In this “divifiobre w)remainedtongues; i t

'is t

borrow ofl t,bu

affi nity with it , but it hath none wrth thern,nor they

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Ofthe languagesjpoken inflae thre e lafiper iods.


oeg themfe lves“

. T herefore . after the H ebrew .wee

~muf¥marhe who‘

aw propcrlyvm othentongues, who areibranches ofthcfemmher t ongues; and

what are the d i

versdiale étsbl every b ranch;and fi rfi what a'

maternal l


ue is .“i f ma crkali o‘rmothcr tongue; was o riginal ly

‘ im

as no t derived of l V d rroe/em g r“ .


detgaétionfi t interchange p f lette rs , w ord$, or accents .


The Syrian jw as



firfi derived eongu'

e from the H e:

érervthe M ateri al! tongue .Secondly ,the d ldyfi lrirdly , the Pbe nicim f ourth ly the Araézcke

,w hichwasal

lo called Kedarem, the tongue ofKarl”.

Some b rongues are deriizeei fromthdfc againe,as from r.

the w aricz'

an t ongue the Pawnee or'

Cartécg ini da”d va - 1 04m l i fi gm r.

fim f “ 7213134994 H eétongue . r rd i fd rSn f fl zy

p un zm .

H ere w ee mufl e marke a d ifference betw i x t trader:ling“ , a der ived tongue, e i thermed iate ly or immed i ~

at e ly , and a bo rrowed tongue for languages borrow«one ofanother

,w ordswhich are norderived one ofano

ther .

Kir in the Hebrew i s Called aCi try,but K irg/a in the Sfi“fl ack andw w

ww tongue , iscal led alfo aG ift;comme th Car tba'ga in the Peui rkmongue, o f the Q

d erivationo rfir ef l gopropag ate grout Valag

ejééarré Rar

th anwo rd, a C it ty let up onV a. 45here i t: is not a fi ct i

u h‘

{ 0 130C) A borowed tongue .

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i Hom f. 1 pid‘.

1 .Ex ampl e;Iw h om “ .

whi/fl e in the Cheld], but Amhuh in the Lat inetongue,

‘Amhuhaia mm colleg ia,compm irsJM in/i ri/rplajt’

ng uponwhifl /er H ere it is nor derived but borrowed ,for the Latine


tongue is not a derived tongue , butamothgr tongue .

In amo ther ton


,we aske cor hat cfl ewhy is this?

for i t g ives the t ea on, why the name was (0 impofed;but in the derived tongue ,

we aske and: hot e/i f.’ from

whence is th is at And thereforemanyEtymo logifis arevery rmp ertrnent, who feeke thereafon ofthe names,out of deriv

tongue . r

Thisword ! Sl tyr ,manyverbal i Grammatifi s labourto derive from the Greche aa h)ti t i llatio,qe£4prm i ad wm rgm f let hcrow ; but We mul

t derivé it from the firfi M 4

t ernall tongue , the Hehrewword Shagm r . Levit‘

a 7.

jha/l not afierjm rehi ldrehLe lh egnirim to the hai r}ones,t hat is



to the Devils,who appeared in the l ikeneflle of

hairy Goates, and therfore were cal ledSaty r-

er by(ome

“Who a/rd 34m .

fmal l interchange :This“was lome of the Fathers faul ts ,

n den msLat,

who derived H ebrew words from Greeke , aspefcha ,from weir x wpat i ar , to fufl


er fo l efm from Iefwfirm ,to

cure : {o hepha from t eam ? So P/etarcher fault, who

derivgd Sabbo rh-fi om ou é


ziew, Bdrcham rt’


The mother tongue gives the reafon of the impofit i

on ofthe name as be ing naturall the derived tongue isb ut im pofed ex arhirriofi t the p leafure of the lmpofcr,and oftentimes by chance 3 but i t never ex prefl


cs the

nature of the thing .

n Varra eXpreiTes the matter by this

e x amp]e. AnAthenian bought from Artemidort o

dw e l t inEphcfw a C ity of l am’amflave he brings h im

home to Athens, but know es not h is name; whether he(h all cal l him [on from his C ountrey, orEphefim fromthe C i ty where he dwe l t , or Am manfrom his mailer

whom he ferved heemay call him any of the le- arhis

p leafure ,

Page 43: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 44: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


INthere Idolatrous periods the Lordlelfe to thefe who 'were his fervants, e

dinari ly wi thout al lmeancs ,orordinari i

H e revealed himfelfe‘

ex trz o‘

rdiaarilywayes fil e}. 1 i x . God whoot/y m

t’ry time:

”err-04k: i t: tomospofluntotheFathers 6] the Prophets.I befewords theApofile borrowes out of

I havem i tten to rbggm : togag : of m)Law ; in theHebrew irism am ma l: words

the Apofile paraphiafl ically interprets b [W0 Gl‘CCkGwordsm itt/prepare 39 450m:

wan t , the firfl figui eth copied/7; as havingmanythe Othermagnificent!y cramp ly many wayes,


h t e

hath (pokea more copioufly’

and magnificently by his‘

tonne C h i-l it ; thefe two words are conjoyned both to

etherfi ofi I 1940 :”token5; l b? Prophet: and 1

gave g oofing?“ ton(afl dft


mi limde: 6]M o6434's of the

P rophets”

, at is , l have revealedmyg

drvine m y iteries

bymany and ex ce l lent vifict l s, which w as e therwayes

in the dayes ofEli when theWord ofithe Lord was p ret ious, that is, rare ,where there

was neyther prophecybyword,vifion,or fimilitude.The Lord revealed him cep ioufly , and by

wayes; firfi byprophtthirdly ,




hub - col .

Firfi, the Lord revealed hGod there are

Can a .

Page 45: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


Hodh God revea led bimfilfe’

cip all fach l .

that they be

ir for the ir: three are the(ubjec’


Thole threemull be i l lufirate or i lluminate b y best.

tvenly l ight and filled w ith the ho ly Spiri t .

lThis i llu il ration bege ts‘

the imp re ll i on of fenfih ie , imaginary ,and intelleauall forzme s, the firfi formes are l

y t’

n .

bo l icall , the lecond fp 1r1tuall or myfiicall , and t he third

anagogicall .

The e x ternal l and fenfible fignes which mufi rep t e~

fent the fe lormesw the (m ic and imaginat ion (for al lthe formés in the


rlland ing are inte l le él ual lo ifthey b e apparent to the ey es , then they repreferi t fome .

thing, as the cloud, the rocke ,the red (ea,as when45mloom (aw C hri l


ts day 1n the Ram he rejoyced Job 8urning bufh ,the aliiia ionofbe heard by the cares as voyupon mount Ce ol ina fofi

theti a man 15ey

en it is calchwas Be t t ie/r

,Dani o/sf et ero

Ifthe vri~

on be 1ntelleél uall then the formesmull a].

be intel leél ual l , w rthout relat1ou to any corporal]orimag inary fo rme, when the Lord comes by his Sp iritimmediat ly and mformes the underllanding . Thus hee


Page 46: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ihewes to BE] the incarnat ion of, theWord,E/o-

7. So

t ifis marriage wi th his C hurch, \to Davi d


a nd his kingly and priefily vil i on‘

comesmarch to that l ight we (hal l have ing lory , w hich9 11e M ofis is(aid to have under theOld Tefiamen


the Lord 15faid to fpeake to him face to face ,p oa im \



m,Ex od .33- 1 1 . but he is faid to (peake to the p eop le

poni es alpaogo'

m,as imp ly ing a d ifferent fort of reve lat ihe fpake mouth to mouth w ith him,

Dofi .34. t o . a fpecial l priviledge that M ofis had ab ove

the refi. Firi’t,he fpalte notw i th him modiaateA ag o/o,

as he d id to many Others ; thus I flfipb fpake to his brethronmouth to mouth,that is, w i thout any

the Lord ipake nor to him mediat ly by anAnge l , fo neythcr b any forme , or fim i li .

I z .8. d fl d tbofimil im e of theLordfl m‘

l/be he.

bold,as ifhe lhould fay , there was no parab le there as

o therProphe ts faw,

but he (aw his owne Creator imme .

diatly , fo farre forth as bew as able to comprehend ,

Third ly , otherProphe tswere afi'

raid and troub led , andfaint,asDano

el andEz eki el,but M afiawas no t fo , but hefpake to the Lord as a man fpeaketh w ith his friend


Ex od.33;r x .as a man isnot troubled to heme his friendl



ite,fo neyther was M ofot when he heard the


SeeingM afiawas(0 fam iliarw ith the Lord, whetherm ight he prophefie when he l ift? a

The Iewes fay , when‘

he l ifted he was cloathed , and

propheti c came upon him , nei ther needed hei to



pare himfel&,but fl ood alwayesprepared , as the Angelsin the ir m inifiry, and therefore hee p rophefied zat


al l

t imeszbut thisEannot be, not; hoard ; prophet iom per M o.

tum,for.oftentimeshe went to conlult w i th the Lord,

ifthe hab i te had beeneuponhim’

he would it

red any thing immediatly, angalthough he


a ma z onm ushNn ote

Page 47: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

no t alw ay e s,y e t‘

he remained {t i ll a RrOphg t,where wemay marke ad ifi

erence betweene p ropbm}: permanent:andmomentomofl sNam . t I ; prophetoromt (fi


rant , that i s, they ‘propbofiod that day one/ySoDeatfgd 2

looflaaee the t ea words é» added nomore :fuchwas theg ift of

Soal , r Sw a t c h . Sow ! prop éofiod all that do}and ofl tbot

mgbo,but he cont inued norinhis p rophetic, i t was onely a temporary g ift,given for the confirmat ion of his

o ffice G'

oa .8 . ra. i t is faid o ftheDove,aofz oddidi t redire,(h e e -re turned not againe; foch was the proph

efie ofthe

Seventy Elders, the ir~

prophefie was onely b ut for thea t u (t . t


The vi li onby fenlie"

is not properly 3 p i ophefie buravifion, for a prophefie ever involves fome obfcuri ty :intelle étuall


prophefie is nor properly a—

vifion,but an

oracle or illuitrat ionof theminde, therefore the vi lionsrepr


e lented tothe imagination are pmperly called prohe 1es.

MpThe imag inary vifionsare of three forts .

‘Pirlip f true

things wh1ch are or may be , as Z oo/o.the H ighPriefi accufed ahd Satan fl anhand . Second ly , of things which areD454 .Noéaoémdnoz z or {aw a tree

image ofthe foure met tles. Thirdne ither are

,were, nor ca

the le monfirous

In a ll the ir: three God workesthing inhe

Page 48: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ex traordinarily to bkfi rmntr.

Ezgk.4o .4. fai th3Samreq m,érbold with M

beam wi tbMi ngcareg q ndfi ; thinebe”: anm 1 flag


L’ n’ fi

bf f a

See ing the ije that prophel‘

i ed in a trance , had the ir te

velat ion into the ‘imagination, what was that prophecy

inipired into them ?The reve lationsg iven to ,

the Prophe ts were donefo


tireWagsf i t i’

g by illapfe ofthe fp iri t ,il lum inat ing the

underifiand ing: Secondly,by impreflip n of intel lea‘ uall

forrne s. Thirdly, by imp te ifion or letting i n order the


Fourthly ,by ex prcfii ngof'fome (eta:

ili bl e formes. In the firfi,fecond,and fourth kinds, there

canh e no abfiraét ion of the e fenfes 5 therefore i t mofi'

one lyhee in relpefi p f the imaginary lormes that make

a difirafi ion ofthe fenl’

es,and th is is p rop erly an ex cafie ;

e x amp le ofthisWe may lee in04mg! where he was af

fraid ,troub led and faint in refpeét ofthe Vi lion.

But e prophefie which is 0 1 1e intelle él ua ll and free

from all lenfib le or imaginary formes, is molt ex ce llent

and comes nearefi to. that know ledge which wee fli all

have offi od inglory ; fori t is am ids be twix t the knowledge offai thSt the know ledge inglory

,for i t lhcwes the

vifion to the mindew ithout all meanesy as the pro phe ti cwh ich is th e“ ed to the imag ination i s a m eane be tw ix tthe i

nte l leanalland t hat w hichwe have by fenfeas(aw a ladder inhisdreame .

The prophefies oftheP rophets arc ‘

like the Egyp t ianshieroglyp hicks ex prefl

ed by holy C haraé’ters. There

fore to know the true meaning ofthe Prophe ts WC mu lldoe two things. Firfi, by his words to fearch our theIdea ofthe vifion

, which t lie Erogh'e t had revealed to '

inhis imag inat ion. S,

econdly ,w‘henw e have found

out the true image ofthe(deg , to ‘fin


d out the true lignifio

Cationtheredf. It i si

ing to finde x out thefecond , asw e may eells and thele in the

R ex/elat ion ,

Page 49: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

How God revealedbimfelfe


the fp eech is cand le and ibort ,y e t the fecond can never be unde r

flood w i thout the fi rfi, fo r no man candraw the p ict ureofAlex anderfface which he never law, unleffe by the hiil o ty w e doe conce ive the lineaments of his face, andunderfiand the figure of his body inourm inde ; in it i sconcerning thefe vifions, therefore i t is(b id , Da mon .

intel h’

gent i a atom efl .

Second ly ,the Lor‘

d revealedhim lElfc by w eb bat/ekedeflymhen he infp ired his fervants w ith the ho ly Sp iriti t was eq ual l w i th that vifion

which iscalled inte llefi uall ,but y et wi th thi s d ifference , thefe


that were Prophetscont inued (ti ll Prophets, and they were ferapart by Godfor that office (0 long as they l ived: bur thcfe who w eres sm éug ox inl


p i ted by the Sp iri t , d id not cont inue ll il l inthat calling, but fpake by the Spiri t as ybo Lord pleafed to move them; forDavid was a King, and Daniel aC ourti er

,and 1 06a Prince , andSalmonwas g ive

latrie, there fore noralwaie s infp ired .Ye t i t agrees wi th

pm phe lie wh ich is inte l leéi ualldn this, that as the Lordi llum inated the Prophe tswhat to (peake , fo

in this theyd id no tfo much(peake by the ho ly Sp irit, as the ho lySp irit fpake in them h imfe lfe , as Dav i dfaid by the holy Sp i ri t, the S yriack hath i t in the holyS p iri t , as i f the fp irit were {peaking in him; thereforethe Sp irit is fome t imes [aid to bee in

‘ him,and(omen

to he uponaman, (ome times to Ray Upon him ,fortre

t imes to dwel l in h im 5 therefore the eSpirit“

ofhe Lord comming upon a \man or

‘ dwell ingn h im , i s called the hand of the Lord , Be ck. 1 . 3.The head of tbe Lord wz a


ypm him,fo Ez ek z a a nd

fome t imes i t is called the‘

finger of Gfome times a C loake , to: was confdhratc by El ia:C loake cal l: upon him ,

1 Kzngn a rg , theiefore C hri lib ids the Apol

’t les (lay h i ll in the C iiy t i ll


Page 51: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


ex am p le ,when Um i d enq uired ofthe Lord byAld er/varthe H igh Priefi, z Sam .5.z 3.whether he (hould goe upagainflt thQ Philifiih s, t he Lord anfwe ted , (that; [he]: no:

gee up )he tfi

'tch a campaj e hehi h d them,ah dt ame ifpm them



uer again/i the mnléerrz‘

e”a g ave. The (tonescould,


have manifefied al l thefe things to them , and there wan

ted foure let te rs in the Alphabet to espefie the words.The

manner thenhow the Lord d id reveale himfelfcto the H igh Priefi was this; when the Priefl had put on


B teafip late , i twas but a figne to him that the Lordwas to infp i t e him what to anfwer , for as Sawfl y ; hairewas a figne to him; that the Lord w ould continue his

itrengthw i th as long as he kep t his hayre , Samfimfirength was no t inhis hayre as in the caufe or in the(uh.

je éit in but 00e as in the figh t”

; and as the Apoh lesgate

mertts and (haddowes were but figne s'

of their powerthat they had in healing m iraculoufly fo Vrz

m andThemesim was bura [igne, that it) long as heehad i t on‘

sim ,the Lord would anfwer him iThe

fourth fort of reve lation was by Bath col , theecho ofavoyce ethe orig inall word ,hal , in the Scrip tureswhetl the name of God is joy ned w ith i t , i t fignifiethThunderJ/el . z 9 . the voyce e fGod maketh th

e H‘


to salve. So when God w as to reveale h is w ill to his

people ,he madeThunder as hisTrumpet to found hé

fore he gave out his decreeg asEx od. 1 9 . when the Law

wasg ivehfi o John 1 z t there came a voyce from ‘heaven,whereupon the p eople when they


heard i t (aid i t was

thunderp thers {aid i t was anAngel]: 80 M ark.3. 17.the

two fonnes of Z ehedem were called Boamrges the fonnes

of thunde r; therefore alwaieswhere the thunde r was

heard i t was a token ofGodsthee in i hcjecre: of the -Thah der, that i s , inthe fccret of

g’ory . With the thunderwas alwaies a voyce joy

tted w ith i t , and this was cal led hath- cogfilza svom the

Page 52: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ex traordmeri ly tohhfermnts

daughter orechoof the thunder.5uch a fort of revelationwas thatwhichElijah had, 1 K i fzg . t .wh_en there

came firfi a fi rong winde, and rent the mountaines and s

rockessafter the w inde anEarthq uake ,and after that fire,and 1311 came a h i ll fmai l y oyce; and thi s was hath- ea!

Gods revelation to h im . 50 M a th. there came a

voyce from heaven,in the Sy riack i t i sfilm w ch .


Thus is

underflood that which B lip/me 6. that after

the vifion there was filcnce ,and he heard avoycc ; in theorig inal l i t is,w x infilentia. So th atwhen the Thundercamealoaefit was called cal , when the voyce cattl e afterthe thunder, itwas called hath- cal.

The Lord wi thdrew all-

theft: forts ofreve lations'


his p eople peece by peece,that they m ight cleave to the

Law lnoke to Iefus Chrifi , whomthe lafitdayes they (hould onely heare So that by this

canes theymight come! to the


right underfiand ing ofhi swi ll.And thusmuch ior the ex traordinary meaneswhere

by God revealed himfe lfe to h ispeople .

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Page 54: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

F I Ri ser, 3 0 K B



ion to the Book ,how 0 0 p t e

then; that in thebeg innixgg of this Booke

3w ee

fhew how God reveales himfe lfe ordig arily and Wi th

5him(d ie to’

Page 55: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Inwhat language

J’fi l: I 9 I The hu m anize/areMag ic»; afGad,

Set ifitutcs deélate onely the w il l ofGod .


the Scriptures thereted: Fi rth the Language

Secb adly ,the heal ing up

were wri

the OldTefiameut into i t.x

There are fundry places ofScripture for diversfpeé

’tsw hen inotherlanguages ’asfirfl .



There i s ohe verfe m l emma wfifih iswfiftgfl ig ghgf

Chaldie “30 306 (whereas al l the t ell is written in the

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Page 59: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Inwhat lang uag e theNewTefiament was writteu.

teetb , heares this often5 Ta le}? oat the brai n out of thineb TahmTrafl amH e: came ey e. The

5BabylonianTalmud (hewes how 1 4m mand M amre

,twfo Sorcerers ofEgyp t w ithfiood M oyfis,

and mocked h im'

when he w rought his m iracles 5 faying to him , (Wilt than hring firm t oEuphrata?)as theywould lay, to carry water into the Sea t for they thoughtthat M ay/er w rought h is m iracles by Sorcery , whereasthe land ofEgypt was ful l of Sorcery z the Apofile asfome thinke ,hath re lat ion to this, z Tim.3.

l akshi a twhi chm thflood M ay/er.The IGWCS called , -35fi chem

fle , or the Gre ciz ing Iewes zThey fol lowed the Sevent ies Tranfl at ion.They have many pecul iar words , which are found inno o ther Greeke Authors ; as m ama) aTefl ament, and0 0:1 9t a Covenant , inthat language are bo th one thing,and h gnifie Bm th, o r fa


,a C ovenant. So Gum

they tranflatc i t borh lignum ,a cutter tree

,and w herein

a growing tree . Whereas o ther Greelt s have two di s,

fiinélswords from them , gum andw arm;Likew ifcw waa

for the foule ofman, in which fenfe no GreekeWri terbefore is obferved to take the word . So they have fun

dry Lat in rdsw ‘ h they havemade Grechow{ Lima

my a Iinach loth ; M acadam

,the {hamb les 5Ca/ar , an

Empereur ; Dm ar iw , a penny 5 Am way, a fallo and

a number fuch,w hich Dmfim in h is Booke

inti tuledCadmm

,hath obferved .For as

many Gree lrewords, wereufed in the Bali amongft the H ebrew , when Alt

-m m

d”! the Great tranfported Co lonies thi ther ; In manyw ords have beene borrowed from theLatincs to the(Breckes,

The Gentiles were eitherCreches or Latinos.Gre


ekesahe reforc ye(hall finde fo matiy fi raeifiimesintheNewTeftarnent,and verfescited but of theGrechePoe ts .


e the RomaineEmpire now fl ouri

Page 60: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

(bed , there fore (0 m any Lat iae words are ufed by theApofiles writ ingi nGreeke .

,Pu n a o na e a z l ;

nons of the matters of the

great Synagogue ;hence they w ere cal led caaonicall .The Bookes C anoni call of theO ldTe hament


p hets containing thir teene the other foure conta ine

H ymnes ’

to God,and precept s for arm s l ife . So Targam

Thefe Bookes are divided into the Lam /Prophets,and Plalmes .


The H eb rewes der ide th em into the Law,Pr0phets,

They are called the former, becaal le'


hey defcribed

Prophet ic? Samaria : M 2the Prophets fi'

am Samuel .

The laterProphe ts are e i ther the great Prophets or

They are c alled the later Prophe ts,becaufe they foretold things to come .

The greater are three the(inall

D a

Page 61: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of theCanonical]fi ohkes cf the OldrTefiamm'

t ,

are Terigm t e a r, that is, twelve theyw ere all foyned inone volume, therefore aTeftimony ci ted by C hrifi out

ofany of thefe Prophet s, is faid to bee wri tten in the

Prophe ts,M arIe. I . 2 .

The ie writ ten Bjookes, were written by tho l'

e whofthe holy Spiri t, but not the gift of Pro


d infiz'



A c Prophe t is by infp iration'

and éfl ice a Pmphet ,tharis, who cont inueth Fri ll aPrépher, - a

sEfiy and Jere:my , theft: were p rop erly called prophets: Againe,there w ere Prophe ts by


i afpi rat ion, but they l ived not

as Prophe ts, mey thet continued they in that call ing"

: for

Dav id was a King, and David was a Courtierfthe firlt

fort,they cal led them Prophetc prr mifiz


omm, Prophets

by m effage theTeeond,“

they cal led them Prophet : p er

fl iri t am /anfiam,Prophets by the holy Spiri t one ly ;

b ecaufe the i r cal ling was not'

fii l l to be Pre phets,there

re they-called the irBookesmri ttenBookes.

But by this reafonSamuel fltouldnot b e placedr

amongeProPhets,becaufe he was a Iudge :

A lthough Samar! was a Iudge , yet he continued Gi llaErOPt ,

and was Reétor fortheSehoe le of the Pro .




The Lord hath had an e l'

peciall regard for the prefer

vat ionofthe Rookesof the Old Te llement, that they{hould nor peri lh ,nor be corrup ted .

The s H ebrew s fay , that the re is a threefold C rowne;firl’t oftheLaw, the iecond ofthe k ingdom c,and thirdly,ofthe p riefihood and that the Crowne o i the Law is

more glorious then the Other two C rownes , accordingto that of Salemqh ,Prw . 8 . t 5. B)weK i flg: reign . And

h Tfl ’m dfi i f rOP/Jm .i t they fay , that Efdraa w i th the rol l of the great Syna

gogue, after the C ap t ivi t le, reformed the'

Commonw ealth

D i ta/J! G e ";

Page 62: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


wealth, from the corrup tions of Babel w h ammy ”)magm


am in pnfiim m [M amthe magntfic


ence into the ol d ihreofGod fwhiclrex cel le th-

all Other ingreatnelfe;

Scripture e for'

as the0 thrthe corrcétionof

rity was no t knowne in the 143t Church .

fThe l'

e boe kes the;H ebrew


m A téd n tfiin 9 1 00:

1m m : cu m : B : 1141 3

Page 63: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

nM 8 0“.

0 Efrpbanx m t r‘

d h ee/I

r Origeam pi i gx aa’


Put in,~ becaufe they werewithinthe Canon, and ?mama

There were two forts ofApocbryphe Beekes, ~P rimi

gm ifis z é‘

[ecnx digam esofthe firfi fort ,and [econd (e mad e ufe




the Canon as the

ere the le which they altoge ther ree Rookes of 1mm : and


l cmé m,

”(M d—f; M acaw“ 011 215451? M aj/1:1 £3:ra in -The afl


ptionofM oln a r tak i trg him out ofthis

l ife , In thisBoolte is defcri bed the fi‘

ril e w hich wastw i x t M i c/ml and theDi vel l about the body of h ajfer,a fwhichw e reade in Iw iehisEpifile , 1 nd: Anrzi froy é

tw i g 80 [he e fEm rb,{9 APOCl



l ewes (em to Egythe Canoniche Scriptures, [evm tie two

Apocry ph Bookes.

Page 64: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

-l .

He Bookes of theNew Te llarhent are I-fiflorical l ,Dofi rinal lfind Prophe t ical l .

H tfiorical l , are'

e ither of C hrifi,or his Apofiles. Of

C hri&,the four: Evangelrfis no? the Apofiles, thi Aérs



The foureEvangelifis, are l ike to the fo'

ure River'



went about the Garden o fEden to water it; aridC hrifi in the m id{has 6Tree ofLife .Th

eD oéi rmal l bookeg are the foureteene'

Epifl les oflam ; orte ,& Peter ro


m p f 1063 thre e ,o t“

l y deont .

The Prophetical l Boole ,is the Booke of the Reveof the C hurch

,from the

P Al

li,A c a n H E fI I I.

Or ifwe take the book of the Pfalmes as t hey are elibe ts feveral ly ,

i obny ho out- l ived

or take: dwajfit

om the

o l ived to the

igh Priefi ,ofwhom Ncbemiab maltethp ent ion,

. fealed the Ca'


of the Old Tefiameat,and Iébn fealed the New ,

D4 ,

the New T'

e lteibet ; anrl ae vea as fe

about the bed od omm w i th

h fe t thefe fevent ie V aliants to

the l eft oftheApofl le‘sfl



aled the

Page 65: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

t Termfl 115. 1 7d eéap hfm a e .


s,or contrary to

offal vat ion.

Ifm torfimdamentam w ri ta é ,’


t ionagrees notw i th the p lace intreated ,norcommfimdamemamfl lum : t


hefe the


cmtjgrau , a l iem i prapofim,out of purpofe zas thofe

who [ee ke ld in the eart h,if they m ifl ie ‘

the veine ,they lofe the Gold : [0 tho le who interpre t Scripture ,befid es the meaning of the p lace intreated, they m ilkthe fenfe of the Scrip turPra terfi mdamm tfl m

which is noronely befithe foundat ion Chrift

is thatfl nterpre tationWhich

The Sadduces re ieé’ted

fiye Bookes ofiM oy/eg ;Luéé .


Pap ifis adde t

Prov . 17. 1 5. But the]:Lord


H e that jaflzfied

Page 67: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


P a nAc n / V l L‘

a a r’ I L ,

.0 m ake the l ine read ing , and the M arg inallnde rfl and ingGreg kedownetn th e

t a B i bl e in the M argent and thfibTfix t z andfoyning both toge ther, is called a

.Whe,re the ho ly Ghofi hath

d ings ,thefe we are to follow .a



a u

Therejs the M arg inal]read ing in the ProphetI 4.written in two leverall words,but having thecationofany ofthem, niP

npg koziéb t 0mm’


or the eye; ofM ; élmde.fthofe that are bl inde

,as thofe

that are in

Thefe two readings'

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Page 70: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

was h is -mothers befi beloved ofa ll h is'



Themarg inal]read ing feem es to bee contrary to the

hath it thus 5 Gar/4] untohim;tb (halved to, me [Me

Themarg inall reading’

. is nor contrary- to theTex t


but few er.for i llufl i ating;Aéi ,dicci (fi éaudz)m y fv'

i 'vm

dowives . Gacand tell bin (to u i t) lac/bad no? liw fieéaafi{ didm i di : Ire/Ball ccrtainég

But the marginall’

reading feemes to be the right

d ing here , joyniag em f with 19 , by M ackapbfi c£ 1 , and

then aComma.

fi l flc‘

kdp b is not a'

fyntad ielc accent; but‘Eup honieke ;

inhisl ali tranfl at ion, fo li ow es the line

read ing (dic ti on) and nor the marginal l reading dim},as


he d id in hisfirft tranflation. a

H ow {hall I know,Pfi l . z z . 1 5. that thiS(Cd d rfl ,

‘ tbtjNZ3digg ed my band: m ai n ly /

feet) is the t ight l ine rea-


ding ,and not thi s, Ca ri 44 (Lyon.

Firfiby the Grammat icall helpes 5for Caz r‘

uyeith Cd

metz fignifieth'

vadzgg c)b ut w i th Pa i r/9 014 a Lyme)iis here w i th Camera , therefore i t lhould be readwe) dzga

ged, and [ad is put for V4”. atThe circum li ance of theTcx ew i ll leede us to reade,(tbey dz


gged)for eve‘

ry m em

her of the Te x t hath a pro'

per ‘

word ioyned w ith i t

Dagger compdfi dme 460” the company of the tvzci’ e‘

d infvi ronédm2

,Pfi h 2 a then the h it member {hould no

want t he ow h e p re p er ve

{fl eaLm jm te ii ifies,that h

yl oéd fifl fl [j d fl Lc i/A:

Page 71: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

I Ex zmpl'e.

Oft laeM arg inal l andLine reading .

plainely written, Ca m ,and not Gaari .4.

z Aq ui/4,(whowas a great enemy to Chrifi)follo ived 044m ,

they d igged, fis x uw , ta rpi terfwdarhnt mp 3“; mew ,

i d e/f cramtarunt ,Tbejfilt éz/y bands

,that isfi jté 61a A nd

the a (eventy ai fufat lb fi derm r, digged : and the tranflat ionw hich the Ethiop ians and Ind i ans

tongue , hath Cu mfl demw flagged, as b Perm ;tefiifies aad (o the Syriake vet ti on hath wtntm fi x e

No tranflator may hat themarg inall rea’


Tex t , unle ll'

e i t~b e approved by the ho ly.We cannot tranfl ate

,Pfil .z s.


c d igged Lymmy fl at .

So,1 Ki ng . t 6 . z 6 , the l ine reading

the marginal l inbiffimze we mufiTex t he rejflfinga/apecu ttk eimfl r


ufe i t for i llufi rat ioa onely .

lsjfiwe , in themn0 t t f anfl ate it fo , keep :

,W here theM az ori te notes(cents: to impatt o the cre .

di t of theTe x t,there w e are no t to fo l low them .

TheM az ori tes on éeri ga w il l feem e to be more mo

defl then the Tex t, and to put the holy Ghofi to (choole

as i t vet


cram t each him to fpeake

e ,2

King . 1 8. 27. The](6M dri nk thei r

the marg inal l, they w i l l p ut i t inmor

The][17411 dgin'

lee theW456; of 21m) ownefet ter but,

f lee t”,afit lying t are cleakeJ


z tft l t .

2 K ing . 65Agabé ofDotm dung but for mode l’Cy the

;fe t in the margent , Tbat mimic/9 come: out of t/9cholesof ; e

Doves . They fay th is phrafe ,‘

Indzgetfi rdmifl iém fl i ghtbathmed tomake water .


28. Subtg z‘

tm’vit mm,

it but in the margen

Page 72: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ca t- m : high holes, to fignifie , that the lafi mufi bee

read for the firfi.Weber/4 1 3 nevermade_

a let.

ter. So they reade Jehovahw i th the point

As they would ib'

ew them l’

elves foifoo th morém i)de li then Pen-m en of the holy Gho li : fo they wouldthew them felvesmore element then the Ghofl .

There are foure Boe kes to theOld Te

end w i th threatnings, but the permi t verfes‘of th ele

Bookes are more mi lde 5 therefore they have caufed toPrint them over againe, and adde to every one of thefe.

penal: verfes afte r the lafi. The note ofthe

foure Bookes 15{ct downeh y Sigh , or thei r abbreviati .on in the end ofEarle/MY“ , l ad forEjaia ,

rigm tz dr, The twelve/mad Prophets , ofwhicthe lafi for Lam ntatiam

,and Coph

Eccefiafl er.Becaufe the lal

t verfe 1nEfiy 1 s terrible , (and thei rfire[had m t hee q flm chcd) they have caufzd to Print ove r againe the penult veric :And i t [hall com: topage, thatfrommonthtomonth, m alfram Sahhath yoSahéath , that aflflefi)[hz fl rm e and how hefinr eme.(0 they have deal t w i th the o

the r three bookes,add ing the p enul t vce rfe toeyery one

o t them .


As they wi ll ibew thcmfe ives me re clemeht thentheholy Ghofi ,

(0 they w i ll take upon them to eenfure p la

ceswhich they thinke defce’

t ive 1n theTex t .

This is the ir note in the margent , 8 that thereare 1 8 . verfesm the mid i! of thi s veric want ing a large

conference ofCai n w ith Aha], w hich 15fe t clowne m the

Chaidy Paraphrafi. But(é v dtlx i t)lat/fake. {ignifieth no ton]y

Page 73: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ofthe right pointing ofScrihtarcs .

only to hold a long confe rence , but alfo to fpeake friendlyw ith one, and to converfe wi th h im.

Thefe are the eenfures of the [ewes

they are not found in'

the great and fit“

Where the aoub le reading, o f the M az ori tes is concrary to theTex t, i t lhould bee al together reieéted and

e r a nh l hd .“ fl og:

When Ofl i fl the fourthwas cafi out by Arvin-hm

the great, from thePrie ii hood of lerufalem,

hee fled t oEgyptfi fl d there buil t aTemp le in He liopo l is,al ledg

read ing the -Ternthus(And

qf own0 1 71 Hares, the Cbaldy Pharaphrafi ioynesthem bo th toge ther,The my of the 51 mm:36 411 he alefl'raj ed. This doub le reading iscontrary to the Tex r,forthere m ight not bee anyTemp le built for thewor(h ipo fGod, but

at l erufalem. Co wi th the4.0 f

C H A éTER dH .

Lt orfl h M‘hJ 0

Ex M UM/770

theg' ran cher/7


Ofthe fecond helpe.

a ymm toy iat, or the rzghtpaiming of aScripmre2

H e letters in the Scriptures have two fort

ofpoints , e i ther invalour or infigure;

points invalourwere from the beg inningdel ivered by M ay/er in mount Sin i ,burthe figures ofthemwere found

out after

Page 75: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Cd fi oy o

Where t hi sfi arre i s

e ight letters and by‘

d ivers fituat ion o


l them they mayreade them d iverfly , lo that , the languages themfe lves


none of the figures of the vowels and'

accents ,

but are found out for thofe that a re fl rangers to that

language to helpe them more eafily to reade i t . Andthus we are b eho lden to the M az ori tes who have taken

luch paines ro ferdowner thefigures of the”


y els and

accents, to help e us who are but { hangers to that lanr

guage w ithom them

r The“

right poynt ing o i'

the Serip ture , by the accents

found out , is a mofineceflary helpe for underfl and ingp lacc i t {h ew esalwaie s - IhCTGXt


t e e w rong reading .r: éri fl gfirtb aéu dm t ly

every creep ing thing and let tbe few/esfl ie apambacart /9 ,Gm a fl zo . Becaufe the vulgar Trahflat ion marked notthe poynt m am /a

sat fl ee-pingM ing: here 5therefore fun

dry have gathered , that the/

Pow lés were created ofthe

s, (to wit)Lamb : andthe Lord ) to w it , Be l .

There awas a q uefiionvbetwt x t theDifciple

and the Di fcip les o fScbummai , what were the facrifi’


which we re o ffered hy the I {tae l i tes i n the wilderne-fl'


the feet of H i d/cl he ld , that i t was the day ly facrifice orburnt ofl’e ring wh icht hey ofi

ered The feet ofSalaamam z held

,that i t was avol untary facrifice (which they of

le red : but if they had marke d the right poynting oftheTe x t , th is controverfie wotrld haue fo


ended theym ight have feene two d i ljtiné

’tfacrifices le t downe there .

They {hould norhave read the Tex t w i thout the di ll in-i

a ionA lm a/t a t harm a t ang y ,“ they did (and

fi z z/figs , w‘

la/ffzrq fit edpu ce afl'

rrmg s.)

Page 76: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


oil t ireTaéfesfi x ad . 8.

Who e te upon theTab les, whe therGod orM a


fi r Dart . t o - z . I rise x prefl y fayd , that God wro te the

fecund Tables,then for to cleare the p lace inEx adw ,


m ull marke the accentAmaze/1 , fe t downe b efore (d e ath)and

M ow: di ewjfber a re mr drinke z here is the re lt,And i e M i d to w it, God)

ordumfi rzéert tfci lz’


whil e as hem ore,(to w i t ,God .)w

2 Sam 8 . 1 3. And’

Da fw'

ri gat e dim 4 heme we”: be re

5The accent M d “infi rm: or {Sy rézm

is d i liingé i lh fifrom’

the w ords following , and that itcoheres w i th the words go ing befo re , for the Syri an}were not k i l led i n the valley of falt but the Edm z

tes,fo r

the Syrz‘

m fvtrere farrc d i fl ant from th is val ley;for D4»

arid fought two barrels inone da’

y,one ag W

rm by‘ ld éifi i the b rother of 1 0516, where he mak

ing the

firfi on- fet k illed fix e thoufand , and t ladh comm ih'

gi ni



wards k i lled twelve thouland5 and the viéto‘


fis aff»

cribed t o D’

a rid w ho gate h im a name when hee sk i lled

e ighteen'

e thodfand ; therefore we lhould no t fay that

t he Syria : were kil led in the val ley of fair,difiant from i t ,b ti t

the Edami ts w ete’

k i lled‘



1 6570 . i’

z .ir is(aid that Aéz‘

flmkil led ’

o ftheEdo

Anfgufl z'

ak im t“

obferving the Hebrew point Se g ilt;which

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fu l l p aint, 8: a colon ,Objefi .



in iufl rficat id’

n, for that i s Pan/r

B ut? to {new bie hath


Sol ifid ians.V “

l 0

the e x amples alledg’

ed fOr id émlu mwas iul

tified beforeGod , long b efore the’

ob lat ion o

Ifi u find R défl é’ l‘WOlidScould nor iultifiehc


r before God

becaufe (hewas (ta incd w i th‘

many imperfect ions .

”t hird ly;b y col lat ion ofother‘

places ofthe fame Tex t ,verfc. r45. w herehe fp eake th of the having of fai thw i th

worli es z ananot'

of i'

ul’tifying by workers w i th fai th.

Fé urthly x the Sy'

riack tranflatc‘

i tfidefola,1 Ififrly , verfe ao .x w91; épywv W kes is du d, that

i s,7124:fai tb wé icé bat/i ncworker zk


dead and

wi thout workes'


dq ad,as 38734 d ifleinguifheth

faith were q uickncd by w orkes .

l Lali ly , whenm ay fignifieth'

m g , and note d oug hneOther wayes Placed , amt/Brm a), as t he Greekesswiiz . to)

6 B ut p lacing it afterK er/d i p ovar, i t {Quifiesfilm ,

I conclude this then that we are iburner by fai th and

workes capu14t 1°


1 worfh ip C hrifiw ith his fiefh

but no t Chrifi and his flelb copulatiw .50,1 h6nou'


the K ing w ith his C rowncafloci d ti ve, but, I honour northe King and hisC rowne tabulat io n.

The commands are pointed afte ranothermanner-

ali en

any of the re li of the Scriptures , for fome ofthem yelh

all fee‘

difiingui lhed by a rul l~

- po int , and l ight ly alfo


e {h all fee Am ie/Jand Z akepb harm ,that is, Colonand

commam i ter bo th ioy ned, the firfi as a no te o fgreater

d ifl inétion, and thisofa le lfer.So y e {h al l fee Si/Iuréantogether after fome of them .

Whence came thisd ivers point ing ofthe LawThe reafonwhich the Iewes give is rid iculous, they

lay the command eare al li oyned toge ther wi thout any'

full d i li inét lon‘

Bedatm eclmd, firm e fi ma, at o ne

Page 83: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Law,and Hafbt erab in the Prophets,as ye would {ab d i

vi lions,o r a d i ll ingui lhed part of theTex t . 3

They were cal led alfo Syria :,4Seder"

, ordim , inthe Chald ie aand the Apofile Coley . 2 . J7. 1 8 . hath fl

rclation to


ey at; inf er“Sabbath ; i t was called ‘ Ferret , orCbcleck, asyeeWould fay ,


In trafi amde

fiflo, p laces for their feafis for they had fomuch al l0 t“


ted fort hem to reade in thei t feafis.

Thefe Sea iom were difiinguiflaed by threein the


Law,and by three great fi rm in the


there i s one ofthem,6eer.47. z 8 .which is

gui lhed as the re li ,by thre e great P .P .P . And the Iewes

g ive the reafon to be this, becaufe i t is the { hurting upofthe Booke ofGa ze/r}, yea

and of the w ho lefLavvand

Prophets, to the cramm ingof the M e li i asmnd becaufe

the t im e ofhis com in ing wasnor ex Prefly, fet downe‘


therefore they cont inued thisSea ion w i th t he former .

The occalionwhy they joyned thefe parts _

ofthe Pro

phets,w ith theleo fthe Law ,was th is 5when they w ere

under the perfecut ionof amine/1m Ep ipbam ,i M ach.9 .

43.H e pol luted theTemple,tooke away C ircumci l ion,and forbad the read ing ofM aj/e: Law under paine of

death4therefore they called himAntioe‘

bm bare/Mad a .

N ew lealt they lhould altoge ther wantthe read ing ofM oyfi sLaw,

thcy made'

cho ice ofcertaine

parts ofthe Prophe ts , molt anfwerablc to the parts ofthe

Law which they read before.As for this p lace,6


en. r x . In t ire éeginw‘

ng g od created

heaven and cart/y , they. made cho ife of

the Prophe t

4. z .5. Sofi fth t/JeL ord, Creator‘

of tbe beam iv anda nd they read to the e leventhverfe of the fe rric

three Chap ter, which hath'

thismarginall ne te Uponi t,[m g

/me ofqree’


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o d fez/tnt t tb anEx cel .

gaia efio ih ew that thefep icures looked not for the t efurreét ion

be]? t lm tpedrt ed :but the Apo ii le,H eér

ewet 1 0 .5.hath i t thus 5A 5011} that:fit ted tamefor i l lufirat inn C hrifi s obedience beganat hi s care, buthiswhole body was obed ientwhenhee offered himfelfeUpon the C rofi


»Pf.t l 47.n e afi'

ettdea'up on big]; and receivedg ift: t

p ej ar. 8 .H e gfl efl ded a; at; big/t endgameg i fts.“For i

firation,a ll the g iftswhichC hri it rece ived , heem to this end

,that hemight hefiew them upon his


P/al .5134. That thanmany}ée parewhen tbm fudge/9overcomemim e$503 zfl dg efl ,

for i lluitratibn, for they who”


pure overcome in“

iupgernent .

Sometimes the Apofiles adde fome things for i l lufirat ion.

Ex od. z Hjfip and Starl et but Heérenre: 9 . I 9h


ee addes, Hyfip and Scarlet wood, becaufe al l the Scarlet about the Sanctuary was e fwoo l l Xy l innm ,

whichwas the wool l ora tree f or there wasno S il ke in the Tabernacle , (as fome conjeéturc)becah fe i t comeso lr theWorme, a creep ing thing which was uncleane hy


L187, therefore 15i wasfine l innenofljjgypr, and not

Si e .

ebe Lord t by Godbearafi tt le

,and fireng tb : and C hl

‘ ifl addeS, see-m cha sm ,

Botb wi t/awewere, oft hewind andwi ll . And the fcribeaddes a fi t word,M ark. t z .33.

0m m , Vfl dfffl flfl dfifiabywhich d iver


i i ty ofwords, Go‘

d 'would 'let us~fee that we

{hould love h int unfained ly ; and that al l the

fpring s or fountaines within our foules, ,fixould prai

him .

Page 88: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

wEx od . 2 .

t ing the fame,tbee.) For the Chrifiians were norto goedwe l l agnine.


Collat ion, of

nf the Old Te i’cahe thing fignified .

Ofphrafes norright ly-

matched , nothing is concludedEx ed . z4.8.He


seflfi flg é Teflaegzetztt'


r . 7'

k theHood qft ée covenant 2 6 .2 8. H er efln tt e

rmemi t myHood .

Thefe two p laces are norw e llmatched3the one p lacefor whenM qfis(ay es,

at the bl ood

t whe’

C hrifi. z 2 .20 .The w ine w hichw as in theofh is blood .

Page 89: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books




to kill a Goat . Thefé places are not right ly ComPa‘

red .

alfe e/ifi efl'

ficare to facrifice

onely mafia”,to fl ay . Gm . 1 8.

fe , to theAngel], whom. they knew nOt to he anAnge l i . Whatanfwers

but it ne

nd the event,g ives go teat

ly watched .

VV hen°Gaéiaiw the Pro confull ef’tab l i ih ed fine Sy

nedrions ofeq uall authori ty .(the firfl tn Ierufalem the

fecond,in Gadara the th i rd inAmathus , the fourth,

e lt o the li ft , in Saphar. ) Ye t the Scepter was notaway from fade although i t was weakncd much ;

and i t is to be m arked,that there hangs a Scep terfiil l a

bove the i r head here they fat 1n Synedri a, to put theminm inde , that t Seep te r {hould nordepart from themt il l She/o cam e ,

ne ither did i t depart from them t i ll

C hri itwas borne : P then Herod ki lled thofe ofthe Syn

d i 1 0 11,and too lce the governement to himfe lfe .

tht‘ I’E/bdfifl owen ,

“ The a

Page 91: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

x Soa am

y H i er can mfl r d lm ,

z Efdr. 1 3145(I he ta lie accomp l iflsment , when the If.

rae l itesw ent into the C ountrey ofArthu r inTartary,beyond the s

e /afp ian hi lls, inc lofed there by the Sabba M

t ical l Riverzbut the true aecomp lifltment wasmhen theywere carried unto the land ofM edea by d


fl enter intoEgyp t , and tée'

l dalsjbalift: accomp l ifhm ent , x when C hrifi

t(fame fay), al l the Ido ls fe l ld owneb eforeat the tree , Perfik bow ed thrice downe and

did homage to him . This was the faultofthe Ancients,that (t ra ined the p rophecies toomuch,in applying them

There arifi 4Siam in

A w rong accomplimment, Y' when Ben Ga bi

,in the

s of Hadr ian the Empereur; gathered amultitudeof Iew e


s toge the r , cal ling himfe lfe Ben Calai éa , filiamflefl ‘e , Tbc Som e (f a;SMm e

,app ly ing this p rop hecy to

h i 'n félfe : but ex Perience taught him afte rward , that he

w as Bgr Cbafzéa to them,Theflam eof a ly e. But the true

accomp lifltm ent i s inC hri f’t, who was the trueSam 4

r ifing cw: of tbeZ 409. I4. 2 0 .And i t) that

wri t ten in fire bwfeériéles.A falfe aecomp lifhment , when Helm: found the Crofle

ofC hrifi, end put a p e‘ ece of2 it in the bridle ok ay/2m ,

tm e her foune . But t he true accomp l ifh ment , is under

the kingdome ofChrifl y mym tbz’

ng: are made 19 01} to1 19M that are d am e

,Ti f . I

A falfe accomplifh mentmhen Pope Alex ander le t hisfe e t upon the necke ofFr ederic/Qe 30 64701 4, a nd troadupon h im . But a true accomp lifhment, whenChrifl r

d idtread Sathanunder feere .

Page 92: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

pl iflm i‘

ent ,

w hen the l’ ap ifis app ly th ito the M affe: fo r al l the faithful!(who are a royall Pri efihood to God)offers this fp iritual l ofi

ering to t he Lord .

The Prophet {p eaking of the fp iri tual l worth ip o f theGofpe l,e x preffes i t oftenby the ceremoni e s of the Law

4. they mention the burntofferings , the (heep e ofKedar, the rammes of

and re goe tb Ie rnfalem .

NThis facrifice which the Prophet fp eakes of, 15under

theNeWTefiatnent : but thefp iri tua’

l l facrifices ofp raycommon to the Iewes

under the Law .

he Chrifiianworlhip,that fucceedéd the Iew ifhWorfh ip , wasnorme t relyTp irituall as cuts,for they had carnall (aerifices

w i th thei r'

fp iri tual l . 2 . A lthough the worm(h ip op d was(ti ll fpiri t uall,(and_

noworth ip may file-1

p eed rt ye t the’

fatne in fubfl ance”

came forth in d ive rs

manner : (0 the wbr'

lh ip ofC hrif’tians, d id fucceede the

l ew ifhghat w as covered .

ight be ferdowne

d ing ;Sti'


tologright C ol lar

1:any d i ligent th an, by‘

he lpe ofthe C a~mplesTet downe , maythe way be ingmade p lainebefore him .


fourth helpc lM sm gpa


m , or}

HETrafl flat ionofthe Scrip ture‘ outoftheOri

Hal l tongues, into othér Languages, rs-


s tw egé-

h g .

Page 93: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

the underflahd ihg of the/

Scriptures .is intoaTex t Paraffi n/i s, M et

phrafir.M any/tram,

is whenwe '


tranfiate out ofone languageto anothe r, asm ere t he words as



or the words fo firié’t

ord s w ee . eatp refie the

narrat ionone ly , accot .

e& to the w e rcls;r

The Paraphrafe, (With theam of t/Jefi m’e)to let us unn

derilandhthat by foule there,hememes the body.

Ecphrafe , H e whopoflate: liimfi-{fiIfi t b e faid , that which rs not authent ic

be read i ii the Church, noTranflation i s authent icke ,therefore i t {h ould not be read tn the C hurAlzgaz

d e/Zprewarm afl téey flmm, primarily authenticlt ,


idfiq aadarib, (econdari ly authentickc ,a Tranfla:

i s authenticke, info farre as i tagreesw i th the orig ia

H ow farreareweH ere we mull ufe

gamm, necefi i ty ofthemfe lves sand fi t é‘

ffihfl can/quentz


ae,the thingthat fol loweson them . Necgfiz

tate ray/agar”m , wee are bound che ly to belccll


e the Sc'

riptures for

themfe lves we belecve aTranflat ion, necefi im cmafia

gamna , put tin'

gt his,or this,(that 1 8)we belecve aTran

Page 94: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books



A P H ! I.

V V Icho‘ut Trahfl ation, the


Scrip tur'

es could norbe

underfl ood byTorraine peop le .

5When Pro/m am‘

P lri lcde/pbm had gorten the CoppyfifthcH ebrew Bib le out ofIudaea, to p ut i t inh is L ibrary in


Alex atidria,“

he underfl and ing no rhing of i t , (a id ;Wbctprafiteté efi algd apfi y am

mp ra hidden treafure ?there fore heEat to Iudé a for learned men , totranil ate

j P A R‘

it G R A B u a I I .


p ent/t : Traajlet im .

H isTranflat ionofthy


Sey enry ,w as the firfl Tran

of the Bible , arid i t was bythat it was tranfl ate


d by

t in the

daies of above fo rwhar‘



i (1 o 0 AI

was by Trad i t i on norfl adon.

i s Scrip ture.

fom e p lace s

and hii‘. Q ueene .

t éénWe are an: the/(registrar: Bf0

came to the Oracle ofApollo; the Pr ie(i scan

b [Jay/7.75 1 a ny.(a; as that th ey t ranfl at t d o nely t he five book s

i ofM ofcs .

Page 95: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

I Ed pk'e

l'my d.115.M eg bi l


caufed the O racle to anfwer to his humour,and thereforei t

w as faid m m fwifm So . they would m ake t he Scrip .

tureshumour Ptolor‘

n iefi nd toa’

laaowim o

Thefe p lacesmake the ir wrongTranflat ionsmanife l'

l .Gen .5, And Gad cufid(50704M by (d eaf: the fix : duh “ !

refl ect tbe/ wm tb day , Eeafl King Ptalam ie lhould haveasked t hemgWhat

day g nd 1 6m mated

Em i r} z o . M ayfcs too lce hisw ife and hisand fer t hem uponanAfl e ; b ut the (eventythus. C M aj/é: raalte 1m 1195)? a In}: twaf mner,4ndfct them16pmma: whichm y under theme: (o fu


y m t)Leaf}KingP tolemy th ould have derided our M ailer M ay/es,becaufehe rode upon an Affe, and that he lhould ,

n0 t fay, how

could anAffe’

b eam a womanand her two fonnesi heewould neve r

hay e done this,it hee badh orbeenea beg

q e.They t ranflate i tno t Aug/Iv, 4 HI”; but bCCa C the

Kingsw i t‘

e was cal led Am 4bu t they would not

t ranfl ate i t a H are, teeth the Q ueen; fay , that the

Iewes d rd mocke her.M1533y ou » fie , but the(even

l ty tranfl'

ates i t thus 1 m t : of t/mu nothing ofw lure.the King {hould fay hee tooke not an

Affe but he

hath taken tome other reward , therefore they tranflate

i t th iamine;putting Charme d defiq'cméi lej

l for Cbamor afi

Dm t . 32 . 8 . Til e/mac: o/Ifi'ael : But the;fcyenty tran

flares it theAnge lsofGodsleafi the Heathen fhould takeheere,that ifihel , {hould be matchedw i th the fe

Page 96: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

and herein the

tour ofthe Iewes .

- Thitte'

enefinch p laces they tranflate ,~


the Talmud tefiifie but how rid iculou

Geta yzvm , it th is : the feventy have added to the number

to have beene

w eret o b e e

(eenc inAlex andriafi Ext reme re ie éted as a fablesflt ewreported ‘


flew , that w as

and th i t no remainder - i rfahy'

md at‘

Alex andria, but thai'


that the fe Tr'

anflatbrs w e re

Page 97: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books



ere not immed iat ly infp iredby the h in wri t ing, y et the C hurch


hath ac

counted {lat ion neX t unto the ho ly .Scrip tures.

f “Sameho lyWrit is Autbm tz‘

m w ritdtrk ofautheut icke

verit y Some iSJEcclgfia/hu wai ver/1 1 :3recepta , rcceived1 ,niverfally in the Church: Some but Eccleji afl im particle'

Zarrk .part icularly rece ived in fome Churches .Autbem

icfemarin as ,“ the H ebrewTranflat ionofthe

Ere/aficflm aniw rfalu , theTranfiariono fthe (evenrece ived in al l Nat ions .

Ecclefirzfi‘ impa tim laz rk, TheTranilat ion Offi cial)“

m . Lagm ,rece i ved onelyi nEgyp t .

TheGreeke oftheNew ireflamentjsAatbczrtimw rz‘


2125. The Syriaclt e isEcclejz'

a/Iim m im rfi /rkzhnt H ieromc:Tranllat ion, isAuthori ram


priw tc . The G reeke Tex ti s

,stun g/pa t er The Latine and Sy riake, is d q oy gaevr.

The Apofiles themfie lves fo llow ed the (event iesTran{i a

t ionjnmofl things u hereforc the ira urhori ty mufl be

m ore”

unive t l'

a ll,then any O therprivatemans

It was great prefurup t ton in theoriental i Iew es, w hodwe l t at Baby lon,(and ke epé ~fl i l l the orig inal]Te x t)tolt ecpe .a yeare ly fail cal led

*Aflgari4, becaule the B i b leTranfiated inGre t lte by. the feventy and they fay

that there w asthree dayes univerfall darkenelle when i tWas t ranflated , and they callshc we fl erne l a w s in de t i f

(whofo llow the,{ sevent ies Tranflation)Kirch ner»

mag , lefi zanem retry/am ; The"backward read ing be ~

ufe they k

ade from the left hand to‘


e r reading , H akkorrgzpbl ét, which

atbeZcfi I hewefierue Ieweswe re

Page 99: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


The(«and emanation.

The third t ranfig tio'


followes, Rom . The (eventy following the Syriacke,t ranflates the word, as the Sy riaclte hath i t. Fo r Z ekein

the Sy riacke tongue fignifies to overcome, thefe whoare pure overcome in judgement .2 I5. D46”in the Hebrewfigaifie s the Fe 3

in the Syriacke i t is cal ledM ari am ,t b eatb 3and the fe l

ventyfol low ing the Syriackfl ndj obn7. Rev, 6.8 cal ls i t

Qa t a r“ ,Dau b.

s J

This Tranll atton ofthe feveaty p ert lhedL ibrary off ro/amz


euwas burnt by Pompq gthf r

are but fragm ents efi rwhichwe have new .


G ‘ O o

the B ib le bor

ted the Bible.

Page 100: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books



he fix :Tranflation,was found in the y eere ofChrifi T he fix :m u

2 go t atNicomed iaa L


Origm joyaed al l t he fe togetherb

inone volume sth‘

e l

feventie th that ofq z’

k ofTbeédofimtwo Copp iesofthe Original lsone in H ebreanother inGreeke C haraéters : forw hich the hooke was


aTex t isTranflated ,

i nfra /55h

Page 101: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

M ine/1 .2 {Themeese afiering , 467: tranfl atcdInemfi’ . B il l:Hé’é .


Tt anfl at tonmutt not b e Lux uri aw : fdr then the



gm ; [ t i-ca l f”

havi ng a large Para:

Ph ra ieo

l emme fai th;

C ane”. Lfl k‘ 5°

i t" ‘


Tranfiatronmufi not be barbarous.

The Ieluite‘


that the Pe pemay make abarons word good}but hée ,

thought o therwaies ,

e RomaneEmperou‘

t may g ive

Laws romeo in‘C i ty,hut he cannot g ive L—

aw s tow a rds."

a H emull not be «5??n ,

o r~a eoutent ious I ranflator.

Such was Aqui lay ho as l emme tefiifiesaNon/enjnm

fed Erymolge‘

a werévem m interpreter“: efl zw ho inte rpre tnet the l


enfe,bur the EtymOlOg le § ofthe words . 719o

«M aine : {ayes we ll 5Wemufl notfemach,

rte/pea? the orig i .

m il? ex tzfl turdpreei/efigmfiretzon efwords 44wbem rma


éy”fiem dfpeeeh they are app lyea’.

Aquila (“infl ates TP’X'”m s,341 1 761 , bGCQUfC they were

bai rie : lo forfi ammg fol, the Sunrte he pursjealoj emsfo

for Lam be p S Affirm 2[0 pm gri d /n ub l ava ge“.

I4 a V irgine he puts abfeondim; hecaufe thele w ereti”?Etymo logies in derivat ion




anflator'ntufl nOt afi


r £4;m Norw ay ? efword:

Thi swas3?

1Promediarerc { obtrefiare

p H ietwd Ramm e ebd'

e op t imag enera Inter/

f r .

Page 103: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

( « no

Whatthingstobee q érved ina tran/lation.

They dare b ee ho ld to joyne them‘

al l t oge ther in t he“

(oureteene Pfizéme g afi‘

i fm ing that Paul read them fo inthe (e ventie ,

and that out of the fe yenty-

they w ere~fe t

downe (o Row . 3. And (0 they reade them [ti ll in their

C hurches,contrary to the Or ig inal i ;


Ords w hich have beene kept Fril l original ly ,fhould norbe tra


nll ated , Rom . g imme 2 95530509 .

30 [arm s 5. Afit’ttds into tbe edm of theLord ef zS



,H a/zlaia Amen Balm/fi nd {i tch words are re .

ceived into al languages, therefore needs no Tranfl ation.

Words appropriate {hould not be tranflated to anyother ufe but kept for the ufe they w ere appropr iate ‘

to .

Gea .49 1 6 .Srtperiwmm [epamfié tNat z z

ry fratri émfin‘


tfsm theman/epamtefrom 1 mbretbren. H ere we cannot

tranfl ate i tgapen the man é» a Nam i tefi


am bér Bret/arm

becaufe Naz t rite,is aword appro priate to theNaz ari tes .

1 planted Orcbardr : but in the H ebrew ir is , Ipainted Paradefir ye t w e cannot tranflate i tParad ifes

beeaufe i t is app tOpriate"

si s ter”. 1 9 That y ehew t tome an advetft rj i cfetm ,we

canno t t ranflate i t here , Tbat ye he not 4Satan tome For

Satan is appropriate to the D ive)! now .

Lake 1 8 . 1 2 .1 [d/t ta x]? in t ire m eka in the’

Greelt e i t is

1 12 tbe Sebéotbzye t w e canno t tranfl at e i t fq becaufebarb is a word app ropriate to the Sabboth day .

M arke 763Pha t/ferwafi t/teCyprtinthe Grccke itis

,Bap t z{ er them5ye t w e canno t tranfl ate it Bapt iz e be

caufe i t i s a w ord appropriate to Baptg‘

fme.M at t canno t be t ranfl ated Dam a

gbura Ser

w ag becaufe thisk

word Deacon: is appropriate throughufe , ta t t e red/er r

a t a”.

Page 104: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

tranfl ate i t

‘Words w hich have degene rate

ffrom the fi ril i inpof’

t ionjhould norbe nieti-ia aTranfl at ion.

Jaim enow ,but apriw temembecaufc we take Idzete nowfor a Foe/e . I Peter 5.a. mag@ Dez


fhould h ot be}tranflated Gad: C ieerg iesbecaufe C learg; isnort akenforClee rkr ,Godsform » or lot : the peop le are cal led Gedrpor

t im p ea t , 3z .9 . So theW ife mencame from the Bali .M e th y l

.In the Greeke i t i s p a y ab we cannot tranfl ate i t

M eg t riem for they are Sorcerersnow . i fone fhouid

treafon , orawifewomenSige ,fzfo among the Lat ines z g ur a.


Tbecfe ,whc

Virg fi d dfi t im tDomfw je

When S laves thus fancy are ,What wil l theirM all ers dare e

3 Words which areinfl itute for p i'

ophane th ing s, are

norto be app lyed ia a Tranllation , ingx

fl,H ee.7. l .The Syri

never ufed ofthe l ewes , b ur to fignifie a H ea

as l edg e; 1 7. l o t Come and be e Pr i e/t tom e.hath i t

,Come éee a Gamer, tom e And the

day cals the M onkes and { ryers p m erim


Page 105: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

fc the underfioé d no t perfed lykept {ti ll the H ebrew words in the

fet his doubtful lTranfl

The P falter which the Church ofAnt iochia ul'


is nortranfl ated out of the fevent iesTranflation,but outt o? the H eb rew Tex t.

3. B ecaufc thcy underflooel not whatwordC e/i the newM em e m eant they kep t {ti ll the He.brew word m the ir GreekeTraufl atiora. So 1 11 the Ara

becaufe they underfl ood not what

newM oonem eant,they left a blanke


gé bu eaAmt,wbafimedin tbc def au bccaul

e th e H ebrew word w ashard to bee

terpreted , therefo 1 e Age ila,Symmeebm iand

taines {til l the H ebrewword 1 ap i t .Dear. 1 4. The C haltly andArab 1cke5reta1ne the H e

zhrewword Iaebmam ,


the Cbamai t .

There are many Beafis and Birds , which the Iewes

Farre lefl’

e the Chrifl ians underllandsnot ; and thereforeLep tfii i l 1 1)their owh e orig inal .

Leer. I r 1 8 .Ru ben: theRed lhalates l l: t ramwa y ,

from thf p re p er

t hey underfl oor! notwhat i t wasSo Lev i tJ L Cebatb , the gH ero



ahe 70 .tranflates i t

mugs as they woul tifay Afiflm erepz'

ew s at: o,(g,

w e e’

y man t ra empire , To mat e a nojfi . They gave the

Fow le this name noruudcri’tand ing the pre pper { ignifie

cat ionof1 t,becaufe i t brayecl hire an aile . 1fthe naturall


Page 107: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

In de ferral .


P ro [Skate/l , Séemefl ao

m efi Del o

x H ze


t oaJté df flwfl

y D f flf ‘”Ex od


for the y that are ex cell ent men.fall(gone into p ride. So

S/yatab to drink ,fignifies, to be merry te/oériety , Gen .4g. /

34,and to be drankmfi en.9 : becaufc menw hen they ar_ e

merry , ifthey take norheed ,may fal l into drunkennefl'


t li erefore'

the Tranflat0 t had need to make the di fference

of thcfe‘

two .

A Tranflator 1 3nor to adde aword to theTex t, but

where the (cafe urges it .

Lev i t . 24 1 1 .And t/re Egypti an élefibemeflGod a : they ad ord (M me)whereas fi e/been fig~nifiesfi ad . (0 that no th ing lhould he added. fGarter l m end Cain fl uke tobe [ra ther Abel hee {ayes

11 0 : (y di x i tGlle)bat o i t m eWe»thatwere in tbefield:(om ethings is underline d, but {hould norbe i upp lyed,becaufe , the ho ly Ghe fi hath nor e x pre ife


d i t . x TheLa

t ine Interpre ter(upp lies ,Egeedzemfl efbree,L etm goforth.


Samari tane Copp ie lupp lies, JléAGo‘u et ét tfi 7z€Jlow Let

w goe‘


tbefield. But Tergum l emf. (appl ies a long refcrenee .


fl erk .8 . I 2 Ift im e heefignegNorh ing

ih onld be fupp l ied here (as fome profanelyd oe)Let menet beGadp r inch.

H ow {h al l fuch fort offpeechcs be(appl ied theni

Some have tranflated them by fimplc afli rmations,butir isbetter in aTranflat iou

,that the fpeéch b e kep t(ti ll,

houra ny fupp ly , for then the grace ofthe fpcech is

more perce ived .

fEx od.9 .3[And theWlaeetewee hidden (in the ground)w attl e Ber/e; w e inthem e.This fuPply , hidden(ta t/ye

g round)is contrary to e x perience} For, 1nno Gountreythere is fuch d ifference betw i x t thefe th ree ; that



Fla x e boiled, when theWheare is h idden in'

the ground ,

and the Barley in the care it lhould bejtranfl ated d i ed theWheetemu

‘l ‘et

InaTranfl at ion wee that wh ich‘

hath the

Page 108: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

This Tranfiat ion is fqmewhat

l ate/mTranflates'

i t from S ina 1 .

is hyperbolike there

hol ike inp

dcfe é’c.z e. z 7. t t .was upon the walls.


InTranflat ion'

,we mufi take heed

,what fort ofpeo


ple the phrafe hath re lation to.

to the forme of the Greeke ,and norofthe H eb

rewes for the Iew i lh Sabboth beganin at e, in the eveningzand the Gre eksjn aiw u

,in the mor

ning. M ark. I 6. hath relation to theGreeks, and no t to_

the 1 9‘

q therefore yrpwa flaould be

Seééi thi, the laft part of the Sabbo th, accord ing to the

l ewes .When theSabb othwas ended but according to

the Greekes,’

in the b eg inning of the Sabborh for their

day began ina gain in the morning, A87. 2 8 . 23;37m 6 pm!

6151 5


pago k mane ed we/peregn ,from the morning to the evemug .

InaTranflat ionwemufi labour to keepe the proper

7. Tranfl ates i t cllocvrSt tm

Page 109: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Cd fl b ts’ t

OfthefewerEcelefiafii calfcufl omer.

So th e'Sy rian phrafe cal ls a Sinner , H ejab ,Debztor , and

5mm“13debt . M et/yew 23. I llow ing the $3riaq ke ca ls

them bee t txbua‘m Debt s but Lube fo llow ing theGreeke


cals them aw a re, f renfirejfiem .

y e doe Infl ire , in the Syriacke i n the H e .brew ,

Wbm ye bre'

ekeyottr bredd: in our language , Wbenj e

g ive yea r A i rm en

Acco rd ing to theSyriacke phtafe , Lek 1 .66c Ab’tl


bee rd i tfetid i t up in thei r beert3,butL ie/Q 7.3 tbextgbtaf i t .St)

,Lake 8 .H e teobe bim in bitbench" the SyriackeJa

wi th in bale armer . So the H ebrew y,Tbe rebate eertb

ad . 1 6.

c H Ar i V I .

Ofthe fifth H elpe.

I x ol'

bm mim w, er Caflomesp reper t o tbt Iewee .

H 13m C uilomeswerbe i therEcclefiafiiclrOrPe li ti t ke : Ecclefiafiicke were (be lt that ,

nce rned the time'

ofGods wo’

rlhip , thep lacewhere he w as worlh ipped, t he p erf63

w ho w or lhipp ed h i re , e ithe r at Ierufalem ,

or any Other p lace cwhcre the Iewes we re refident fo r the

t ime , and themanner how he tyoul d beworthipped


Page 111: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

They had b e fo re this Prgzam fi m ,L ake 23. 54.

5 the i r

p ofb‘atpcw x ewi Tbeirfire preparat ion,M at t

. 2 2 .This beganto t he morning, and lafl ed unt i l l the i i x t houte .

Second ly;their w a paw x ewi, largely taken, 24.Thisbeganafter the hi t home .

Third ly, t'

hey i

had ,

4.u ptf

roal atn fifi Tbe apprq avéing,

0]q Saééotbz‘

f his beganafter the evening facrifiee yvasend ednndbefb re theSunn


c fer;~ this-was praperl

fwatpaw x gwi

Fourthly 94>

w a gfitrflcw'

l cwa lGBas Ja traitmtranceoff/ye Sabéotb, as Icy/ebb”: cals i tThey 0 had a t rad it ion, that theym ight goe no further

upon the p reparat ion to the Sabba th , then three Rafi ,

every Parfie containing fobre mi le s .This they d id; leaf!comm ing home

-too late , they m igh t not have lcyfure e

nough to prepage thing s for the Sabborh .

The ir Sabbath day naturally began in thThere are two forts ofday e s fer downs

ture ,natu{ al l and artificial l . A natural l daytw enty foure houres,meafitred by the prcfence ofthe Sunne ; the prefencefl

of the Sunne i s calledthe day 5and the ab ience ofi t is cal led t he n ight .

- Ah artificial]day is from the Sam e t i li ng to the Sunl‘

e t-

,and it isd ifiingy ifhed inM elee ineq ua ll parts,accor2

d ing'

to the Iengthning or firm tning o f t he day : C hti i’t

fa ith-M m I 1 . 9 .Arewerenot twelve[9mm it: trite dayThe natural l day began in the morning, becaufe day

was created be fore night‘

wag . fe r the fitfi thing that

God created was l ight,therefore that darkencfi e thatvered the face ofthe de ep e b efore l ight was, i t was not

t he fitfinight , i t was b ttt a point of t imq and not anyy art

of t ime,unleife we w i l l fay w ith the H eathen} that this

Céaw was from e ternal ,which isAthe ifme tograntnTime15the meafut e of mo t ion, and the o rig inall of time is .

light, forj t b eganw i th the l ight ,and (hal l end w i th i n}Re we

Page 112: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

have]. Io .6.Kat i/[Mere écnomere t ime,'

that is,mot ionand


ism i x ed part ly oft he

as w e l l the end of the

belonge th t o the‘day fl fllow ingT he l


e three are cleate ont

was now more light tThe Sab borh had many privi ledgeswhich no o ther

Firth thély , there wasa more e x afi

m pzm t im inel i

721i t e ms cal led a Sabbo rh of duem a p“ t he

cals Ja mmargai i a

tfi l ia ltorz i enrcmfubeun

i t isfihxs they cal l

Gods owne d i li inétion, rayning ,no


m a tbefirfl day .

here , and the mar »

the eveningbecaufe It“

i t is’ "

day ,as the beginningof the”

night .

after midnightt

p s the evening afte r

wasdeclining .There is a threefo ld

Page 113: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

g Shh-2d Pen 'dg .

at R 466; 47mm .

l,Dmfiw‘ex ba saama .


no ho ly day es we rem emorat ine , o rfigurat ive one ly

o b ut thi s w asbOth memo.

rat ive and figurati ve (as Bel/am inematkes .)S1x rly p therfea ll s m ight be transferred to i t ,


bur i t ou ght be transfer:

red to none .Seventhly , the who le w e eke take s the deno .

mim t ion from i t and'

1 s cal led a Sab th . Lula. z s

In theSabbo th t here islan inter'

mail refi ,and anaEIt terg

nal l. The inte rnal l re i‘t , the y callled i t ttbéoth Ha]ad,Saééatbam/ecremm , The [car et ref}. tTheEXterna ll t e ll 15


w hen m en reft from bodi ly labour, burgive nor them(e lves to ‘

the w orf hip o f God : this n .ay be call ed the

Sab th ofthe One o r ofthe Afle :but when theyne itherthe e x ternall refi nor the interhall, i t may bee calledSab bo th o t the go ldenCalfe : (7bcpeap lefi te down

toam and drifl ke ‘,and ref:”play”Car . t o .)W hen they

w orlh ip God to Sp irit , then t t i s the Sabboth ofthe tmeIftaeli te to thefe 1 t was called Defideri am diamm , the dc

,when the Sab both day approached ,

not upon him h is b ell appare l] and (and ,came m yfl oafi . he was as g lad of Irr as the

is o f the Bride.Th e w ho le Sabborhwas(pent i n holyThe irweeke day they divided inthree forts ofexe rcife ;

the fit fl , oratzonm , Prayer . the fechawqm é leg em ,

t he Law : the third,Ad ina/ad “, arrifimam


The b ab th had(ome e x cep tions from for in in»dry cafes they might

‘work em i t.

Page 115: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


1 ! T41m 0116¢M flfi

as was betw ix t their houfes and their Synagogues.{There we re fome C eremonies w h ich they kep t no

longe r then they .Were inEgypt , as Toce te tbe P it/264”Lembe/Im ding wi th their Joynerg i rder! analtbei rflmw ;

in theer bend ;Ex p . I 2 to take aKid, or a-Lambe for

the Pafleove r inEgypt : but after they were. bound onlyto tak e a Lambe ;7therefore:He 13“ Jed tbe Lamée of God,wbojekee away rbefim m of téewag/4,106» t {29 =Secondly ,fome Ceremonies they ufed only in the w i ldernes,as ,they m ight have no Reps to goe up to theirAltar,but the

Al tar of the Temp le had l i eps g (0 this(paceofgroundthey d id obferve only in t heW i lderne ll e




hcid Addetamenmm Saééatlfl'

when they addeda part ofthe w eek day to the Sab borh in this t ime theyl ight a Cand le which they cal led H ap/14414 {The candleoffipamtzea , w hich burnes all the t imeo t the feparat ion.

The IewesofTyéeriae , becaufe-they .dvvel t ina low

val leyganid had nor in long a day as the le who dwe l t inthe M ountaines deprofl m ad/aerum ,

they took

from the profanef and joynod to the holy =but the Iew es

who dwe lt in Saphar ,which fl ood upon the hill


ad a longer day sthey fay of‘

them/p emeéugt define!Addeéeigt ed profiwam they to oke from the holy


ned to the p rofane : but the l ewes on berias were

mo lt app roved i n]:[acrane gmim demei


e ale/acre (y addere edp rafitmem : It i s

be tter to take from pro fane to holy th ings to takefrom holy thing

s,and jbyne to profane . Thew hole w eek

took denom inat ion from th,


Sabb0 th,as the who le mo

ne th was cal led Kal e/73 from the change a] the M am e

they in s abéat lyo t er imfie Saééatb due inSeé

bat/Jo Twife in tbem elee. As the aPharife faydjfe/lw ifei n theweeke.


The firlt day of thC‘WC‘ QhC was cal led M aguale

fiat634fienfioswank ,

the alcenfion of the Sab th zand

Page 116: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


the lafi day ofthe we ckc, was cal le dM ot z z‘

Séééerb,ex i

tw Seééatbz'

, the cod‘

oi the Sabbo th ; and they fay that

the week a/eendz'

t can: dym 0 ex i t in Dyan . that 15beg insw ith the Brit day of the

weeke,and endsw 1 th the laft. a

Dyan ISw ri tten thrife ,‘

and thrife Di m : becaule the

firfl day of the weeké i scalledDyan ; the fecond Dm;

The Sp anifljf their fafi toDi s k and Dyan,

that 18,3thc firfi weeke , andfi rm /9 but the

l evees ofGermany keepe 1 r inD970”the[errand day,andend i t 1 1 Dyanthefiurtb day of the weeke;The Ieweswere firfigreat b t eakfl s ofthe Sabbo th ,

1 9 thenthey became (uperi i it ious 1n ke ep ing oiit,and thi rd ly they becam e rid iculous.

They became fuperfiit ious .they w ould norfightupn the Saboth to defend them lel ves from the ir enem ies

M ore. 2 . 24.contrary to rhei t owne C anon ,Perk y /am

m imcpefli t Saéfiat l mm :The danger o f the foulé bre akes

the Sabborh. Ie rufalem wasw ith taken up on the Sab iborh

, becaufe they would not defend themfelves that

dayfirfi hyPto/m ze ,and thenby Pompey .

Theywere him(0 fuperfh t ious 1 n the dayb ut that they would have pulled aB eaft out of

upon the Sabboth but would no t pul l the eares of

co me . P Afterward they made a Cannon ,that 1t {hould

not be law lul l to pull a Beati out ofthc p i t upon the Sabhorh.

Then they became rid iculous ,s for they held ,


there 15 a flood called Semen/i 723 , or Seméat z’

oa w hich

runs all the w eeke , and (tands upon. the S3bb0 th5but

wh ere 1 t is ,they cauriot tel l .

Every(eventh day they re li ed from the ir labou'

ts lea.

condly gever'

y (e venth y eare the g ound re l i ed : this w as

said Saééat l mm eerr the Sab th of the land .Thirdlyevery {even feventh was the Iub ilaeanSabhoth g then.

al l

Page 117: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

C419m .


their nowmomm y bit monthly w jhip .

al ld ehts w ere pardoned prifoners relenfed lands‘

mor .

g aged treftored t o the right


inhéritors . 1 Fourth ly”thegreat and e ternali Sabbath Refs . WhenweYball re/i

[70731 1 1393145a This Sabb ath comprehends al l theft ;w ee (hall fe/Ifiom ear leboarr

,téegraw dfl all refl , firi ng up

morefitbiet? to he noim re prefi x":tafigme nor Satan :

, W e (h all be reflec ted to the heavens

wh ich w e beige morgaged tfian'

d fi l l ourdeb ts fil al l bee

payed . . iI'

h is is‘ Sahbatbflm «f i fteen th , An eternali Sah

P A‘

R A G R a 1 1 .q


and the“

firfl day of each y eare althl

ougha fterthey w ere c


orrup tly obfe rved .


. Iewes before thecap tivi ryg keptonel y eho f the change

zBlew t he, t rump et m (Jig/a: 9 thener'

nM eme .SoP rm réer7. M y bet/354m lwi llm t cemefirme t henew M eow. It was chided (l it tle from Cefl b4g ]t andem

,b ecauft hen it w as ob lcured by the Shane by

theAthenias i t w as called ém a 19 yeam m : at W sthe goingo ut of the o ld and beginning ofthe new ; the re li efthe Gi eek


e s cal led i t fi w a i ag, thi rty mo


had thi rty dayes .


After the Cap t ivity they. w eremoreferve the ir New M oones which t hey had learned in


are l three treckIn fp zodo i n the poi


tam e-pm. or‘

the Jim'

e o

Page 119: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Oftbeir newM anag er 1mmonetbbtworfbip.

Am i x tTranfl at ion,was when they had refp ea ba thto th e Lunary and Po l i tickeTranfiation ina nn u


g aw n ew.i p’ l‘ he M oone changing the third day ofthe weeke ,

that day {h e mull norbe kep t for the Lanary Tranfl at ionof


e ighteene houres,therfore {he mull be tranflated tbthe fourth day : that day {he canno t beel kep t becaufeo l


the Po l iticke Tranfl at ion, and the age; reyca le ,whereon a folemne and immoveab le it d id fal l zt herélorei t was cal led refuel; f or the b eginning of the y ear

e , and

the new M ooneyw hetefore they t ranfl ated i t over to

hi t day .

After the eighteene houres were pail of the L unarte

Tranflat ion‘

,the third day they m ight keepe i t a t the

ninth houre,and 1 04,ICt upules . Thi stheymarked with

{ignify ing the third day ,ninth houre and 2 04.

fcrupules the new moone chang ing the fecond day , Up .

on the th ird day ,a rthis time (he m ightbe kep t .

TheirDi es n gw le yvere cal l out onely in two monthsMfi n


zf m they marke the Die: reti re/re in 7‘

zfr i ,bythefe three Let ters , 4137514figni ly ing the firfi day ofthe we eke 5D the fourth ;V the fl at . They could act

keepe the new M oone the firfi day oftheweekefor thefenli ofTabernacles nor the fourth day forfeflmezGeda/ae snor on the fix rday fo rt he Sabborh fol lowingand the (raft ofe x piation : The feafi oft

heTabernaclesm ight fal l e i ther upon the feafi day ofthe weekp

, the


Page 120: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

cep t theflam es that were cait awa

and whi ch were n0 t cafi away or i


Becaufe inthe preparat ionto the Pafcba therewas

(ome fery i lcworke d one whichcould norb e done uponthe Sab both 5 therefore i t was tranflated to another

day zBut there wasn‘

o e fTabcr

naclesgherefOre i t’

tnig 1: the gab

bo th .

34 Before the captivity , theirmoneths were thir‘

ty day s;

for whether the M oone changed Upon the twenty nine

or thirt ieth day they reckoned‘

ever thirty dayes,accorSunne .

Page 121: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Thefi:mic w ords WA:g rasp! “and B l am ed are

fit dow n: fo r d i flzin&1

on ofdrye rfc fubyea s.Du t y-3A: fignifies the

cont inuat ion 05a

t er.

Of theiry early Feafl y ,

After the capt ivitie, the ir moneths w e’

re twenty nine

or th irty dayjes, follow ing the com ic of the M oone, that

they m ight keepe the right po int of the‘

change aWhat is the t eafon that our moneths now have thirty ,

and thirty one dayes ? .

l im Cefir , for ro'

meite the two So lftices and

nox es w i th the yeare and courfe ofthe Sunne to agreein

one foyned five dayes to they earefi nd made twelvemone ths one ly ,

w hichwil l have thirty , and thirty odayes inour mone ths,‘



H ey had threegreat feafl s int he y eere P eg/elm,”

Pmfew/i and the feafi of t/acTeéem ac/es . t

The firi’c was cal led H i ng Hemmerfl th rM Feafi: of'

unleavened bread .The fecond, w as cal led [1 83g H afiz éagm tb ,orfi/lam Sep timammm . The third ,was H b dg Hafi kkotbTabernacalom m and acco rd ing to the tnone ths the

wascal led r eam M 14» q,the fecond was called Fg/fzkm

and the thitjd ,wa$ called Fefiam Si t /w i they w ereRegalim by the Iew es and hy theGreekcs they

were called lav-M ai M P0 “,gre4t

P A R A G R A P H E 1 1 1 1 .

Of the M fr/mu Di e tri égs 1 .

HF:Pafcha had a preparat ionb efore it , cal led


Xa TG-

gPrepam tim to the Pafi ofuer zgm w wmis co


éendo to ho ld in 5[rpmci rrumfcrzécre , to hedgeabout

became theLord fet(as i t w er'

e)apale round about rt ,that

no manmight breake w i thin i t , to'

doe any fervrle w ork

for the fame caufe the H ebrew e s cal led the left day oftt,

Gnatz rretb dm interdifi’

m 4bat/ff Iva/j dd];H otpé wmwi

Page 123: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

co il , and fix : weekes betwntt nun gsw m and the Pente


M arlt e the d ifference ce fi .

"m “ : The Penteco l'

i fell ever upon the fame day wh ich

41 7t W GJN


j vfi povw af fror . (h in ged fen UPC“,

i i

l u'

riggt is the 5

CM ”the Parcha and the Pentecofi.

The l ewe s i l lufirate l

mat te r by thisParable.

aKing , that hewould del iver h im out ofprifon: he de l i

vered him,and prom

ifed after inmany dayes,to be ll ow

his daughter uponh im would nor this poore th anr


he day of the marriage, and hisowh


del iverance He the l l'

raeli tesb e ing inEgyp t ,God de l i

vered them dut ofprifon, and prom if

ed rem arry them

to hisdaughterj the Law)w ithin fifty dayes

= lhbuld nor

e betwi x t theirdeli :th

ey then d il igent ly reck

on the rim

ve ry out of Egypt atthe Pafcha, unt ill t

be Pcmccoft ?

but here is the ir m ifer at t hey b rake the Covenant

of wed locke to the Ki augh‘

te t , and commi tted a

When the day es of the Penimpicrmmx di es Pentecofi


teco l’t were fulfil led . The day before

the Penteco l’t was

cal l d had not feavcn dayes after the day of the

Peh t t‘

c0fi,as the other tw o feall s had.

M ark: the d iEe tence betw i x t thefe two w fiBa


m vand


fiflot 'r ovt for anagram wi th(fl fignifies properly t


brew wo rdgwhich i s w rit.

fignifies the who le

w e‘

eke ,

the Sy riacke makes aci ‘Gfiow ov, dad vi o


atflBBot'rat .

The Samaritans confound ing theft two words ; they

kept {even Pcnteco ll s inone yeare theywe

re called ff"


Page 124: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

P A R A G . I II. D i’


T R .



Page 125: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ofthe t aunting oftbeiry eare,

P A R A G . I I I I.

of tbemutat ing oftbez‘

rm”, 4a i ntem wz‘

am .

H at the full M oone m ight fall upon the.


Tday ofthe moneth , ey infi itute ti rzaovowivd'

egtfivm ,fi l ztum law ,

the M oones skip , which‘

ifthey had notdone ,itwould have f allen e i thg t am or Mona? ) uponthe thirteenth or

made it

but twe

made i t ey toe ke

heir fit


nonths had thirty one

moneths of the yeare o

That they m ight reduce the conrfe ofthe M oone to

the Sunne, they inter¢aled e r ingtafted a moneth.TheSunne e x ceed s the M oone in his couri


e, eleven

daies in the yent e: by this it comeSto paEe ,that everyth ird there are thirty three dayes odde, of the

which they make Up a manet l‘

ifi al ling i t M darp rjor , the

Brit Adar of thi rty dayes,and they referve the three bdde

daiesh t i ll the nex t yeare ,"

and(0 ferth t i ll the n ineteenth

yeare. Thefe intercalar moneths w i th the odde dayes,made up the nineteenth yeare of the golden number,eonfifting of three hundred fifty foure dayes fo that

the Sunne and the M oonemet at one infilperiodfl s they

d id

Page 127: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of the cowering of theiryeare.



Pt ogratnme


of the H ebrew Kalender,


4geda l zk Iejtm i fl m.

3 go Sivan Zte er eth ti e! h i n ge?

312 9 E1141

5Pcfl t ecaflaédw .

1 ergw’

r ii 7? Q uinton “ ,

2 Th;m ar ems‘


3 fuel J‘ eu'répa .

2 9 M arc/Jef

Zit zeretbgoel M asti ff.

Sizebba t

Tifri h

3M oéi l zki

6 Refra in.

Page 128: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


p laces ofGods’

wo rr’

h ip wereho la fl z'

mto é

and C hrif’t and hisA

fecond Temple . By ex amp le, but norbytheir Synagogues5and 317051 07439, their p lace

P A R A G R :


HETemp le was d ivided in three partssthe CourtofHim ], the Court ofthe Prié lig and God sCourt .

he Te rn le wa

heHeat ensTemp les w e re d ivided into three C ourtsgthe holieftwas intbem idfi, called

pgfpl ov, or CéfiaDef, the Court ofGodzthe fore Court oftheTe mple wascal ledo péa

‘w‘t ow r the Parcbzthe lal

’t Court

was ca ll ed 57 ‘ 0‘ 354‘wy ovs

Wi thin the hol ieft 0J

M erem mtbz'

ng intbeAr/ee, ‘

éy t tbe Taéles of/z'

ane .

H eé .9 .4. It is (aid , al l their:were w ithin the Atke , the

pot wi th M anna, the'

twoTab les, and 244m : rod .

t h i, in nth/55,3e x pounded in {be tri m/7Taéerm n’e, and

not, in thewhichArke Secondly , i n? i s“

1 1mm,were

, as

well aswi thin , 2 Cor . i t .Thirdlythe thre e w ere in the

he Fab le s w e re i n the

M aj/es and Chri f’eto


Page 129: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ge ther. I heApofile make s m ent ion ofone’


cand lefl tck ,but the re were tenin the Temp le , 1 Kong . 8 . 9 .7ize Ar lee

ma érbugb:m, and”a re 12746 botbmgin 156”two ?”WbICb M ay/explored tbere : wh ich the H i ii o ry would nothave added

, unleffc to note fum e change“

; fo rbar inSam,

mam t ime th ere was nothing i n the Arke but the two Tab les: but inM ay/es - t ime,the Tables were there w i th thePot

, andRod‘

ofAaron.In the hol ie il ofall, the Lord d id thew himfelfe inhis

glory ,to the high Friefltonce in the yeare; this p lace wascalled magm a

-59m ;becauife i tWas necefl‘

ary for him to

goe inthere , to confult w i th the Lord for the peop le .

Whenthe high Priefi entree]into the holiefiofall ,hecarried fundry th ings with him.Firftgi B lood ,fecondly ,

(“ WW W -e Incenfe; thirdly , Smoake .

H e dazkned the hol ieft c i all ; w ith the fmoake ofthel ucente whenhe w ent in 5Em a/33. 29 . For noman/7941!

In the corrup t t i tnes they‘

tooke an oatlfi at’

t he highPrie ii ,whenhe entred into the hol iefioi al , leafthe th ouldincl ine to the Sadduces . The forme of the oath wasrhis;Wa l d /fl are rim6) him who mat/ed bism m?

to dwd i'm the

baa/e, that rbaafimlrno: chang e afly f/fl'

mg af t/mt mfiaflfi ys “ w e fi t ”7, m . i t race ,

0 There w ere two w ho prefumed to enter,

withinthe ho i iefi ofal l

,w ho w ere norPriefis Pompey and H el i



rw . Pompey , w hen he e came out of the ho l iefi ofal l,b e ing asked w hat

-he law anfwered ;That theboa/e u g fivllof t: c/aad ,and fo itWassforj be Lard dwelt in a cloud, Pfil .1 i ffheriore they fianderoufly gave out of the Iewes ,that they were Ndéica/a ,Wa


rflazpper s qf tbe clouds. Beforethat Sould iers belecved , that e itherAf t? orpz t er

3m m, was worih ipped in theh ol ie llt ofal l. The

(er rand who entred into the hol iefi otal i, norbe ing h ighP t i :(1

,w as H e/zotlgtm aM ac.3.37.w ho


wasafter firuckew i t h madneiie .

Page 131: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

The braz enAltarwas called Ariel Ex o.é8 . LEfi y a9I,that is The Ly on afGod ; for even as the Lyon dc .

voure t h thefl efh fo the A ltarofG ood confitmed the faThis Altar was calledGo ds ab le : M 41. 1 . z .up

ou the braz en alrar‘

,God had the burnt offering for him

Eli e , as i t wet e,rn dine and [up upon,Pf4!. goalf l hehumgry IWi l ma: teh thee : the C hald ie Paraphral

t, Paraphra

fe th it thus; M y fi wrz'

fice: and ham : ofi rz'

hg s lewd! mt

of thee todim ah dfupWan»We fee, Iadgex 9 that the:

Wine lh‘fl idr tochacraGai t): thedrink ofl‘brz

ng :lo


rifices be faid,to b ee meate to him.


h re wh ich burnt the facrifices upon this A ltar,cam e ~fr

om heaven,

I,both when theTaberna

clewas ereéi ed and when theTemple"

was huilt zfo the

fire came downe from heavenuponEli a»: his facrifice , i

God [M ed upon”

AM trivi a

flares i t Heft: i t onfre. Thisfire‘

This whichwas in the

Tabernacle,the l over hold , that it was taken up to the

heaven againe when the fecond fire came downe intothe Temple .

Th is fire was nb t in the fecond temple wherefore i t is

but a fable ofthe Iew es , z M ac. I . 1 9 ,that Ieremie hid i t inthe ground and that after the Captivity i t wasfoundaarne ,gThe fire i n the firfiTemp le ,was Dz



ge ther ho ly : the fire in theTecondTemp le wasDi v ine

hamm w humane- ho ly . For although it wask indled asourfire 5 and came norfrom heaven) yet the Lord ac

eep ted o fthe facrifices burnt by i t , i t w as fl ill akep t in,as the fire ofthe firfl Tép le was zbut the third fire which

Nadahand Ahihu ofl’ered ,was hemm m ,humane.The firl


fl re the H ebrewes calsGncljom m ’ lcflk ,heavenly bat

this lal'

i fire,they(cal l Z ar alimm

,a firange fire .


hey infiituted inthedaies ofNehemiah by lot

Page 132: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

The H eathen were

vefiall fire,w hich theyat Delphos theTemp le beingt was nor law ful l to k indle it w i th

but they drew fire from heavenw i thaladled i t againe , as the Poe t t efiifieth.

Adde,H ow tis(aid that inthept‘


New fire is made,andfirong the flame becomes .

fire was put’

out 5but when our King the Lordthe Sunne in the Fi tmament was b lacke anapurout as

The Priefl s,after they had ofl


ered the (acrifices Uponthe braz en Altar then they offered Incenfe upon the

goldenAltar 3And boat

on the b raz enAltar

the C roffe ; and~ is how at the GoldenAltar interce ,

ding for

ramm i ng ,Firfl' for his comming in the,

fl efl1 , .

- fecond ly for the

5 Sp irit and t hirdly ferhiscomm ing

cc to thexgolded Altait e ofl


errl ncenfe ,b ut

1 qfepb. lie d attfd’


Page 133: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

or he w hom ight goe t o the braz enaltar to offer facri .cc ; therefo re nonemay be aM ed iatorof interce t



burhe who i s a M ed iator ofrede'

p tionzifs ia had been

a Prief’t,hee m ight have had good (hil t for hirofe lfeahat

he was amed iatorof intercefil onat the gold/en


norofredemp t ionat the braz enal tar.

There w ere foure,who d ifhonoured this braz enaltar

2 King 1 6. t o ,who caufed to remove itOut of the ow h e p lace , and fer the al tar ofDame/cw in

p lace there oi -The fecondwere the ft:who ki lled Z i a/949r), Luk n . 51 nor farre from the altar.The third was h

l an e: the predece iior ofIaddw the highPrieft who

fl ew his bro ther I¢ 6c fprinkled h is b lood ups the al tar.The fourth was M ate,Lab 1 3.1 1 ,Wh0 m ingled the b lood

ofthe Gal ile ans,w i th thei r facrifice uponthis al tar.

In this Court of the Priefis fl ood the braz en Laver;which was made oft he wornEs braz enLooking-

g laffes

Ex od .g 6. alludes to this,’


hee (ayes;Sea of Glaj e éefere the Th om . W hen the Priefis

and the peop le w ere mult ip l ied J aim e»made tenLa

ve rs 1 n 7. Cbro.

,to wafh the facrifices,

and another great veffe ll to w aih the Priefis : l’

o in the“

Tab ernacle there was but oneCand lci’cicke 5but in the

Temple there were tenne becaufe i t was muchmore

ipacious, i t b ehoo ved to have none lights . In the dayesofM aya: the yeareso fthe Levi tes,when they

3entred to

the ir ofli ce,we re rehoned from twenty five to thirty5bUt

in the day s ofDav i d , 1 Chm z 3.6, the peop le inercafing ,the Levi ts w ouldnorhave infli ced5therfore David charts

ges the t im e ofthe i r ent r‘

y into twenty yeare s.So there

w ere but two S ilver Trumpe ts in the Tabernac le butthereWere an hundredSetwenty Prielts found ing w i th

Trumpe ts in the Temp le .

In the outward Court where the womenwori hip

ped)fiUOd Gdfi flpbj lmflmp rCorém the Trufitrjmhicgl

Lu J

Page 135: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

k Storm .


H ow d iffered the Temp le ofIerufalem from Other

Temp les.Lama { a p lace is confi dered two manner ofwayes

kn a me o rLame

,a p lace that is only a p lace é

' loom at

fir,af p lace in foch a refp e é‘

t (as the Schoole m en fpeak.)TheTemp le oe rufalcm was Lona utfic, that i s , irwasM edi um die/i i i m ime Amem e ofGodr wm

'fiup i t was a

part of the ir c’

erem onial l wor lh ip and a ty pe of the be

dy ofC hrift .as hee‘

fayes himl e lfe sl i t/fray thisTemp/e;therefore they were bound to ferthe i r faces towards i tw hen they pray ed . Our Temp les are but zoci at low ,they at e norapart ofthe worfh ip ofGod nor types, o fthe body ofC hri ft,neitherarewe bound when we prayto (erour faces towards them .They are called places ofPrayer onely ,becaufe the Saints meete there and iftheSaintsmee t ing were not in them- they w ere but l ike o .

thercommon p laces. TheTempleofIerufalem fanat ified the mee t ing ofthe Saints but themeeting of the

Saints fanaifies ourTemp les ; theym ight norbuy norfe l l in the Temp le ofIerufalemb ecaufe i t was the koufeofPray er, that M orall reale nob liges us_

now no man

may buy nori d inourTernples,becaufe they are houfes,ofPraye



P A R A G R A P H B~

HeirSynagogueswere holy p lacesby ex ample,butnorby command .

They are calledM agm a? El,Pfi 1.74.8.whichAqm

ldranilates Sy nag oge puma; the Synagogues


o f God;hen i tmay fee

me, that they were commanded by God?It is general ly held That the Synagogues were norl eruialem

,t i ll after the Cap t ivi ty . a. If the Pfalm i l’t

eal<es there of the Synagogues then they may be cale

Page 136: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

them,al though he commanded them no t .

.The Synagogues wereordered inmofl things,'


the m anner ofthe Temp le.

In theirfituat ion , .for as the ~Temp le flood upona

hi l l ,l0 they fertheir Synagogues in the highefip lace oftheTownezand for this they alledged

barb lard/fiber Palace: upon 17n laces.

In theTemple there was a ige rieft and his saga»,“

or/mad h igh Prieh lo in thei r;Synagogues they hadas Sqfll wner 5and (emet imes a lecond Ru


asCrfim ahfwerin'

g to the fecond Prie it, 8g m ,

They had Scribeswho taught in their‘

Synagogues,as the

Pt iefis taught in theTemple. They had in the ir Syn'


gogue Schola r}; t z zééar M ini/l er Sy nagoge , Til e C lerk

41 6: Synagog ue,La/e4 as he who del ivered the Book toC hri lh the fe anfwered to the Porters in t heTemp l e .

In theTample , the Court orthe Priefl swas d iftin

guilhed from the Court of Ifrae l. The Court of l lrae lwas d ifiinguifhed againer into


the Court ofthe men,andthe Court ofthewomen: »50 in the ir Synagogues the

lves,them en fat by them fe lve si n

ther And l ame: icemos to allude

to this forme flft bere come a rial) may y et lai d li lmfi: up .

big bar; tfitpoare mang e bid him/i t datum;e

women fat by themfclves,2 4c. r 2. rz .

As in the Temple the p eop les faces irrere towardes

the -Arlee , in in the Synagogue they had anArke ,wherethey kep t the booke ofGod and th e peop les faces

ere towards it.f

As no manmight carry through theTem p le any ve l

fell or burden M ark 1 r. t 6; So no manm igh t carrythgough the Synagogueaburden o r ve lTel l .Therew as great devot ion req uired.of them ,

wh o en .

trod into the Synagogue to worl hip .

fofi‘flé .¢e i nflq ,w c

Page 137: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

l Samar/Ede afi refi.


o Epipbr tam M 3

o Dmfl inpr-fif u

They w rote about then doores of the ir Synagogue s ,

Pfil . 1 If! “ eflport t Dom ini tit/ti intrah mt mm,

Thi s 13thegate of o‘

ad the ihfl[5411 enter in tbrre'

at . And

againe P recatz’

pfine intefl tzom gefifirat corps/4finePrayerWi tbotl t intention,

it 4446042; W heat afinle.

‘ P A R A G ’gw 1 1 1 4:

H ey had a place wherein they p rayed467: I 6. 1 al t iscal led d em ure} inthe Syriack B a

mm aratt'


r A beef am yet .


w as a place ,d ifi'

erent from therr'

SynagoguesTemple . In it they p rayed onely 5in their Syna

gogues th ey p ray ed , and interpreted the Scrip tures;j~

in theTemp le they prayed interpreted theScnp turesand faerificed . This might properly hee called anOratory .


Synagogues werebut thefe p laces of Prayer were467:


The Sy nagog uewas'

reckoned amore holy‘pl

the Iewes then the p lace of Prayer :for in their

gogues they m ight doe no fervi l e workmake no reckoningPray er after the Pray er was ended, theym ight doe anycivil l worke .


H e to whom the o om vpg, orhoufe ofPraybelonged , was called Pam rz

m a fe l ler ofApples;d his inferip tion was this Pam fim h oom q h the

pp le- fel ler over- l eer to the Oratory . The“


,that he w as called


Pam rim becaufe he fo ldApp Aru m . dam /M N ples in i t; PThe Iew es ufed to give a lmes ,and the poore

ufing to come there to receive the ir alm es b ecaufethey were hated ofo ther people )they dwe lt there as inHofp i tal s :therefore

’tl l is name

Prqfimbe degeneratedand

Page 139: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

r fofip t'a j. 1 h a ir“,

The Samaritans hated the Iewe salfo for Io/c'

pbwtefi ifies of them whenmatters w ent profp eroufly w i ththe Iewes they faid then they w ere come ofAbm l mm .

But when the Iewes were under the Gr of’

fo;then theyufed to derive the ir p edegrees from Babe l l and otherNations .

r ln the daie si

of Pto/omem Phi/twat” Saéém ei andTbeedoflm tw o Samaritans kept a d ifputat ionat A le xandr iasagainft Androm

em and Other of the Iewes for

the defence of the irTemp le which fl ood uponM ount y

Gari z im,and thenfor the Temp le ofGod, which fl ood

UponM ountM oriah horh parties fwearing 6] God, tobring proofes oftheir aflert ion

-out of theLaw !

The Iewes brough t for them 3firfi, the Law ofGod

fecond ly ,the cont inual l fuccefl ion oft he irP riefisnh

ly , theKings ofAr’

i a(ent g ifts to it and acknowledi t to b e theTemp le ofGod .

The Samar itanes could alledge For themfe lves noth ing; and w hat m arve l l 3 101m4. f or they war/hippedthey knewnot when}Ther

/efore the K ing adjudged them

to d ie,as Iojep bm teftifies .



m laboure th to prove out of th is S tory ,that

fuece fli on is t he m arke -

o fthe C hurch,againft H ereticks

and Schi i’

mat ickes shecaul‘

e they p roved the Church of[era/e lem to bee the rt ue Church by fucceflion onely :but q ep hw fers downe the d ifl inti

’carguments ,whereb y

they p roved their Church to be the true Church. H ee

leaves out thePrincipal argum ent(the Law)and arguesonely


ft ccefl i on locall fuccefiionw ithout the trut h i s

norhing .

C hrififl obza4.)enel.s this controverhe ,tel ling theW0man ofSamaria,That nei therember M ountains, utf at It

mfiz/emmmjbee/d worflagg éve.

Page 140: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


E oécafion of the bui ldingorthis Temp le wasOp tim ize fourth ,b eing put {to the high Prieft

“ 77W “

mes toEgyp t , an i there bui lt aW '

m ifconfl ruing the p lace ofthe

king Chem the Swee t for Here:

It was nor lawful l for them to huild a 'Temp le in‘


gyp t , for God eXprefly forbad them togo: aerate ageine

taEgyptfi x od . I3. g

Ofthefe twoTem’

ples,the Samar i tane was’

the worfl

here ticall altoge ther ; i t acknowledged not

at all,and the Iewes he ld them ex ecrab le

but the Temp le ofHel iopolré‘

was nOt ido latrous,nor

theyk ep t the fubfitance ofthet rue worlh ipIewes ; they r gi fts to Ieruialem y eare ly ,

but they were (chifmatical l l erufalem w as holy , Et m4

teri el iter m aterially ;é'fi rmei i terformal ly H e l iop


li s w ash o lt ater i tt/zter [eel nanfirmaliter their(acrifice was nor accep tab le becaufe i t was in the

w rongp lace ;but then inwas norto a falfeGod . But the Tem

ple ofSamaria,was ne ither holy materm/it ermot/ormal i ter the lubfl’tance ofthe wor lb ip in i t , was idolatrous,The Church ofthe Iewes


Wo rth ipped God int irely ,and in vnity . The} warfiaipped God g this d iftingui lh edthem from the Pagans ,who are no rofthe _C hurchn Theywet/bzpped God int i reiy : thi s d if

’t ingu i th ed them

'from the

Samari tane here tical lC hurch . The] mor/bzpped God in ret m

ty this”

d ifl inguifhed [

them from the fehi l’

fnat ieall

Church ofHel iopo l i s.

SE C ‘


Page 141: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


GOD would hfiire (e leé'

t times and places appointedfor his w orfh ip (0 would he alfo have felea per

fons to m inifier in his worfh ip .

Take tbe Lev i tesfor al l thefirfl 50m g of the”

The Priefis beTore theywere admitted to Godvice , behooved to be of p erfeét age and thenwere ad .

w itted by a lo lemne ord inat ion;

P A R A G . L

H e ord inat ionofthe Priefiswas infiitutedby Godwi th lo lemne and fignificativ’

c ceremon ies .

N 0ma}; take: émm r”pm bi ng e”: bewife is call ed aAaron

,H eé.5, so,Tofill tbe band af tbe Pri cfl , was to co

fccrate him .

It was the ir cuflome that dayathat the Priefi wasordained

,they w ake the fl e l


h of the facrifice and put i t inhis handéNm . fignifie , that he had pow er thento facr


rfice and from that'

cuflome i t is, whenwe or

daine a M in’

ifier,w e give him the hooke ofGod inhi s

hand, to fignifie that now hee hath power to teach the

2word ofGod.

The H eb e w es.wThis fillingofthe hand is nl

ual ly called confeerat tm u!) i ts/tu tu . Oil : the Gr

‘Cf li CS tranflate i t W h i nin g,Pafl fi zafii becaufc

the Priefi was then anthori z ed to doe his office . Andthis word m5. 7. 2 8 . i s applyed hy


theApofile toC hri lhwho was perfited for ever ,as ourhigh Priefi .

This fil l ing oft he h and lhew es that none m ight m ih ifierbefore the Lord unlefie thefe thingswere put in

hi s

Page 143: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ned,al lwere annointed Bu



whea theor

der of the high Priefi was once fe tl

Priefi was anno inted { therefore A

Prie li is called the annoin

fett led C hurch and otherway t s ina ,Church

fe t leel;

During the fecond Temp le, the 0e which f


x w e: Se lm a”Lewta t ed the high Priell s therefore x

2“6 Priell in the fecond

p nfthe Pt

had 5h is Brefi -

p late hi s Ephod , his plate ofGod , andhis Pd iumfi ndC loake .

In br'

e qepparefl ,

he was a type ofChrifl his C rewnefig t

itified hi s king ly office 5his, Win and Tba

mmin fign

ged his


Priefi ly office;and his Bells his-

propheticallo ce .

So C hrifi is feene by Ez ecbz‘

dg .w alking amongfi them idfi ofthe Angel s as a K ing cloathed inwhi te as a

Pr iefi ; and an Inke - horne hanging at h is g ird l e , as a

Prhphe t zas a Priefi he wore aM yrer 5331 611n the heathen

the Augures had the ir gam e l ike a throwne’

Turhe t 5The Em pe re urs'

had their Palademm tm ;the ir robe Roy al l and the K ings had theirDiad em ,


C rowne .

Thou art the 6017fifl e'

qfs od ,‘M 4rk I . s4: H ere i s anal .

lufion tothe high Priefi w ho had Ho/zmfl é tothew ri tten upon his forehead gt ll CrCfOrC hewasp al ledfl

beholy om af Gad 5Ch rif

’t our high Priefl: i s {be}6o one of

God .

This goldenp late was called m at er none migWeare i t but the h igh Pri efl in the day ofex p iat ion;


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Page 145: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Bery l lus.

Ehal Deut :a7.1 when

ge ofD igni ty , and b

irth, and is (er


he lo ll his priviled

mongfi the fixcurlers ; there


amongfit he curlers

iaith , carfid is bewho lyazhwi thh is Father: wife, 13mm .

m f hee as a Priefk of the family lh ould hav

e b lefl'


Page 147: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

I I I ].

phet ical l,Kingly ,andPriefi ly office and to figuifie to us,“

that at the latter day , 1 Cor. 1 5.6h ififl efigifue a; be kingdome toMe Fatbm he ih al nomore thenreach h isChurchor intercede for her as MEdiator, or


rule her asKing .

H ewasa type ofChrifiinhismarriage .

H e might not marry aWi ddow,aWhore ,cedWoman, buronelya M aid .

H e m ight notmarry aW iddow b ecaufe hee got norherfirl

t love ; Ree/cl. a.“

4. The Angellfpealt ing to theChurc h, feemes to alludero this,whenhe fay thfl


l mM Ileft tbjfirfi law .


He m ight ne tmarry a d ivorced woman, becaufe hee

garnet her iufi leve ; foralthoughmen were p ermicivi lly to marry them 5 yetC hrifi teacheth, that i t


ermi tted to them , for the hardnefi'

e oftheirhearts.He might not marry a

Whore,becaufe hegornorh

one ly loue 5he might’

onely marry aV irgin.

: C hrifiwi ll have ofhisC hurch herfirfi love , ih’

fi lo?

and ohely love therefore , Pfi l . 74. the Church i s calledhisTurt le - dove 3 for as the Turtle - dove hath but oneM ate , fo the Church that}have God onely for herlove .

H e‘



type ofC hrii’t in his death 5

he who ki lled a

mannegligently , fl ed to the C i tty ofRefuge , and flayedthere unt i ll the death ofthe high Priefl , and thenhe was

free,N:imb.3 Ie insC hriaby hisdeathfreesus,audletsus at l iberty .

”The high Priefi had fundry t hingscommon to him,

w ith the refi ofthe Priefl s.

There behaved to be no b lemiih inhim , fo2neither in

them,Lev in e 11 17: when they ferved in theTemp le , i t

was lew i nll'


none ofthem to ierve hare - heade d fo

l ikewife the Flaminesamong the Romans, fervedWi th


heads cover d .

So they fervedsbare - fomed i n theTemple . The Lord

Page 148: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

o v—V


u a vu . 50 ) 0 l “ 5 5

Y/J I”:

p lace when t ime flandefl z‘

abal’j . H ence they gathe red .

that they w ere to fiand b are- famed in the Temp le, be


e the p lacewasholy . So‘

the Priefis of Ind ia fervedbare footed

,therefore they were cal led y vy voeraJ


fOOt fd , and hot y uy t/om t tahs’

, naked chi ldren, as EIJ/eéimt eades i t .

The highPriefl had his {econd high Priefi,whomini .fired fe r him,

whenhe could ne t miniflerh i

nd highPriefl Was cal led Saga”: Sohe’

whnwasnex t in the ChurchofConfiant im p le to the Patriarch{was called a gaq ouy ntm g, thePrimore .

‘ l te

fiifies, that one Jrfipb, the (op tic ofEl/em, d ifcbarged theh igh Priefl s office for him, when as M atbi a the high

Prieftwas po lluted by aNoct ual pollu tion,that he m ightnorferve l ike a high Priefii thenhisSen afl ’

p/rfuppli ed

hi s place . Thefe who had this Gow n /9 .9 4,were(aid by

modefiy Of vi

0748315 to[raw /amt difi dfi’ in

fir that yam ,Lala ga


514mm was high PriefiwhenChrifi was borne“

, Cala

pba was h igh Priefiwhen Chrifi was crucified 5when i

C aiap/Ja'

was the high Priefi, 413044was his Sagan

cond highPriefi; far they could not borh enter into the

ho liefiofall at once , but they changed by courfe s.So be .

fa re under the Greeks, the Priefihe od was much alrea

red 5 as unelerAm‘ iad zw ,

from Om‘

a to Iafl m, from 1 4foa


toM m e/4m his brother.

Bat was ne t the Priefi hood changed now,whenthey

indured Prief’ts but for a yeare 5

”here are in government fiue thing

s 5 firi}, f ore/944fecond lyp h la : third ly , M adg e fourthly ,Ti talm fift

Page 149: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

I Chronnz ‘ JOO

firft i t waswall ed

tedmi les, a

pure . and cleare wares, y etwhen i t comes acere to the

M ed i terraneanSea, i t beg ins to grow blacki ih ,and {ome

what falt, at lai’r i t fals into the Sea,

and lofeth the names

(0 the glorious Priefihood, whichcontinued (0 many

hundred yeares , b eginsnow togrow b lacki lh an

d cor

rup t , and fhortly it is q uite aboli ed .

H owis i t faid inM ark ! 5. r.

then itmight feeme, that thereonce ?

x eellency, a

rders ofthe Priefi'

s, ointed; every one

of thei'

e rankshad a chiefe Priefi, and of thefe theEvan

P A R A G R e I I .‘Difl triéfl kf:

AV 1 D i niti tuted foure and twenty Orders to ferve

cals thefe ¢§6€w pid 9

Rationa l e/41 m cals them é‘ww ia z . fellow ih ips z in everycourfe there was fine hundred Priefis, and theircourfel'


from SabboghtoSabba th;

jThe chie fe of every om of thefe comics, were called

Page 151: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

d of feVen/

y caregrepofition for ag o

ther as

e Covenant, i t was

5 6t ref:

[M am et”ma ny: [a t

fl elh but nOt in,the Sp irit thiswas called Cplpraért



Ieda i,fharne ofthe Iew .

Fourthly , when they were cir.and in the Sp irit , it wascalledLm

ofthe 6.

e irPrepare in theApo ll les daies, (1 dangerh fperfecut ion, as in the t ime

verted from‘

l udai lme to Chrifi iof them fa alhamed ofthci

r Iti‘

not behold i t 5 they tooke'

i t as a

meaning of the placed ifeontented that

Page 152: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 153: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

M a ud

as Your]: not my annotated , Pfi lJ osJ 5 that is , her: thanremand his feere they take,Prom am v i ri/ifi mansyarda s 7.2 0 .3i lw pcdx m,

id e/iJndmh fl mfo the C haldy Paraphrail , paraphrafes the p lace.

When they circumci l'

e the child,they (eravforEli a

,mifapply ing the words of M ala /r; M 41.



,Eliwfl M/Icame at: 4wi tntfi s and lo they

call UpobEwe .

M arke how God in infl ice p lagues themgcalling uponElw ,becaulé they mocked ourLord and (aid5(M 4r. z 6

H ea }: {rpmEli za.They had w itnetres in the ir circumeiiion.

was cald Savdd kdj afcep tor prim , c'


per Syrm dochm ,Bu !

éeri tbp ominw/e l era, Lord ofthe Covenant .And theywere calledM m ééd impfm gflm gwho promifed in thechildsname alfo.

C ircumci lion had fundry p eriods of time in theChurch ,which are to be ob ferved.

8 mm markeswel l the periods of Ci rcumctfion thefit ii period was, from the infiitnt ionof i, t,to the t imeGhrifiwasbap t i z ed ;all this t ime it


as Skbp rmp tomnders the Law and i twasNeceflaria(i v at?!b ,necefiary and

p rofitable : the fecond period of itwas, irom the ha tifmeo f Chril’c

, unti ll the promulgat ion of the Golpe l, Gee‘

i eacb afiNat ims pt ififlg t7rew .ln this period it was Vu'

l ilf

fi’dn m profi tab le but norneceflary the third

period, from the promulgationofthe Gol'

pe l , to the de

firué’t ionof the Temple, (which was theWardrope of

ceremonies.)In thi speriod, it wasLat in/{d ime art’

Ws lawful but not profitab lezthe fourth period ,w'

as from

the de li ruéi ion oftheTemp le,or rather from theC oun~

ce l oftheApofiles untill now5then it was altogetherwez’


3~2 itwas concifionand not ctr~


Page 155: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


vIM .

D ofl rinea

C.mfi:5.rm tp erm .

nor 174weput away, let 1 556not/57mg , and let i t he eji ecmm 44

the duff of the cart/9 .

All the t im e of th is feafi, the-

y name nor this word,Lee/9m

,Bre ad , loafi they lhould fl i r Up in the ir ch ildren

a defire to leavened Bread : (for they ufed noBread or»d inari ly bnt leavened bread

h So w hen they fpeake of

Sow,they cal herDab”“ bar , another thing : the Greeks

e x pre lTe i t bet tern zy gzam sm oy , Aw ake/1p] tbz’

ng I his

they doe ,le {t nam ing the word Samtheirchi ldren (hOuidlong aft er(w ines fle th .

As they had a d i ligent i earch , to finde the Iseavenbe

fo re the Palfeover, to daft i t out , not to look: upon i t‘


and to count i t e x ecrable'

which they had norfound , andnot to name i t once5fo we {hould purge out the old Lea.

ven, whenwe are to care ourPafieove r, wee fhould detefi i t

,confume it , and not le t it once be named amongfi

The H eathen, before they were adm itted to the myfi erie s

,they d id five things to them the fi rfi, was Pur

t awmaw,thecommon purgat ion : fecondly , Par

gatia r:cmdi t:or ,m0 re inward : third ly , whentheym ight Rand and behold the my l


teries a far off : fourthly ,Im t iat iofi hen they w ere partakersofthemyfieriesfi ft ly ,they w ere cal led

Err-om i ts t hat i s; Pcrfia‘in tbe myfl cwes


Dionyfim d ill ingui lh eth thewholeafi ionof the rece ive r in three parts firfi, Kaeaepm Pargt t ia, a cleanfingfecondly , M vtia ts ini t iat io, a beg inning third ly , Itasm


t onfi mm t i o,a perfeét ion.When they firfi received

t heSacrament , it wascalled ini t iatia: whenthey came to theful l know ledge ofthe myfiery of the Sacrament, i t wascalled cmfi mmati e.

P a na q

Page 156: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

P a “ On . 1 1 1 1 .‘D ia tm

éa 1

TH E Pafl


eover was eaten at home in their privatc


Wherewi lt than that weprepare to date the P ajfioo n M ad

they mmM anupper d a rken i ng : .26 t7.

‘Whenthey k i lled the Pafleover, they fprinlr led the

blood ofi t op en the Altar, Band; I z 5b et they w ere to

care i t at home in the ir ba ttles : The mo lt ho ly things

were onely to be eaten in theTemple , as the S inne od ering ,

Lw isx y . 6 . but the leife holy th ings w ere eaten in

their private ha nfes at l erul’

ale u

P a n a o n A P R ! I I I -I ; mim e“ .

were no fewer thantwelve who d id eate it ,as


hey nfed alfo to ioyne tw enthen they were called the chi ldren



At the Pafi'

eoverthey had three Suppers concurringtoge ther; Firfi, theircommonfupper, w ith wh ich thePafleovet was ioyned ,and this was the (econd Supperthe third , cal led f et i d - rt e? i o nhfifl t


fi fi r D im ifiory Supper.Ght ifl infi i tuted theEvange l ical l Suppe r after theDimi ll


ery fupperg s is proved out ofM athew,in t

ty fix e'

C hap ter.p The C htifiianshad their ma s, or L aw -f mfl s : and attheM they ioyned it wi th the Lo rds fupper alto, in thePrimit ive Church .

P A R A G R . Dmrriéa g u

THE M ali e r of the fami ly in the firfi Supper, takesbread and breakes ‘ it ; therefore he i s called Bere a

Page 157: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

R efe rred .

rd egg/ rece nt .

C4mm .

s f

M ac-

cc7 909246505.

angfi afi rr ra breaker and Bdgm gj i lcgp fl da (Domino; rm ,

w ary , ThaLord of the Feafi h e g i ves no le tl'

e to everyone who fit atTab le than an

“O live in q uant ity , and to


none greate r than the b igne lfeofanEgge 5” Thi

t ime ofthe Pafleove r.

Second lv, he blefles i t , an

farté .

This Sacramentall bread was holy , butufe .

Ex od. t z . t o ; The Lord commanded ,[mow ed h ardware [emit {braid53514m : 5 to be

und erfl ood3asw e ll ofthe Leavenas the

re i t was confecrat ed and they he ld ,that i t refemb ledthen the Shew- bread . They

cal led the Table onwhichflood, 5 from thence i t was reooved to the Tab le of confeerat ion. So , it favoured

ofcortup t ion, when they kept the bread after the coulecrat ion w as ended , inthe dayes ofH agaflma, and gave itAd Cater/romance

,to thole that w ere t urned to C hrifiia~

nity . Relate ex tra ‘vfitm, ramfirm relate , Relationsout ofuf e

,are ne t re lat ions .

There are foure fo rts ofbread, three for thi s life, andone for the l ife to come

the firfirationem

, corporal! for fufiedtat ioa/rrad rrxfarmatz


om m, Sp iri tual]for informat ion : forweeatcC hri l

l as we l l in the preachedWord , as in the Sac rament, 1 41m6 . The third is , Srcmmema/£s rd crnfirrmtromm

, Sacram entali for confirmat ion the fourth is, inthe l ife to for ih -


Th i rd ly , he b le(l ed thet temp Lord God


Page 159: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Tranfl at ionof'

a cu:


0 S’fl d



Ofthe eating of t he(Peg 601m m

remembrance o fthe‘

a ill i el ion w hich wee (offered inE

gvp t : this,night by them was called Agada, The nigh


of Annama ri a”, and our Saviour C hr ifi from thence,ufeSthat lp ee ch, I Cor . l l M 7atw éM e


ra, Anaem ia“ 4042166w arm

,Doe ri m in rememémamce tfmea

The nigh t whenwe care the Lords Supper, ourmed i .ration and confe rence


flaould be upon the Lords death,chi ldren to aske Parents, and Parents to teach the children ofit, what meanes this bread ? what ,

meanes thisreaking PScc.

Wh ere inwas i t that Chrifid ipped the Sop which hee l

gave to l edgeV

Som e anfwer, that i twas into aCbarofitb, orfawce,thicke like M ufiar

d , having the co lour oFC lay , whichthey nied in the ir Sacrament, to put them in remem

rance , how they w rought inClay inEgypt .‘

B ut how would C ht ifi iufiifie fuch a Ceremony , added to the verySacrament it felfe 6 whereas hee woaldnorallow Peter s fuperfi irions w afhing.It hath been: fom ‘

e common fawce for they ioynedmany moe inp erfiit ions and tradi t ions to the


points of theLawsas they ufed at the firfi fnperfiitioufly ,to le t a malefafi or goe a t the Pafl


eover, and to tythe

M inth and Annife,fo they added fignificative ceremoniesoftheir owne , as th isv ofi tb .Ifmen to rai l

e devo tion in the peop les hearts addeany thing to the Sacram ents , eythet Bap t ifme or the

LordesSup pe r, thete {hal l never be an end of add ing onething t o another. l w il l fe t downe but one ex ample or

tw o W hen the Gothes that had fubdued Spaine , w erece leb rat ing the Sacrament, they caufcd to breake thebread in nine parts , bywhich they m ight paint on tothe people the who le H ifiory ofC hrifl s life ; comp t c

ed under the ir:wo

Page 160: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

m ix ed water and w ine into the Sacrament,d id i t ofgoodintent ion, to pur the peopl e in m ind ofthe wate r and


b lood which came ourofthe fide ofChrifi; but the Lordl ikes nor(och w i l- worlh ip . Some


afterwatd degenerated


farre, called Hydnpanflam,

that they chofe one ly wa

This or p latter, wherein Chrifl d ipa b ig platter ;humid things, W

and then did

fThen he blefi'

es for the feéond C up, and theyal l be

ganto ling Halduz'

ab,which is cal led {Jamaal /1 magm as:

i t begins at the r 1 3.P/alme, and endsat the r 1 9 . one t e

peares the Pfd me , th’

e refi cryes 58 1431027! art than, OLord“ rGod, the King ever laflmg , whocommandedm tofing H at/1 10 1412.The lafi Cup ,was cal led Cos brflel , peregrine lay a


IZ,after th is C up , they fanga Pfalme .Ofth is c ap , D4

fpeakesfifi/fizt I 1 6» and inLake 2 z . war/e . 1 7. M at . 26 .

fter thedrinking of;thisCup , and beforefung , Chrifi infl i tfifcd his owne EvangeAt this t ime he had not the co in rnhnSnp p et : for

They went to m apper n oprepare

(0 that this was an ex traord inary t i the,he ir(9 many Suppe rs concu


P A R}. G 921 1 1 1 L ,

“ ‘


ba 5.

a M ‘

ftbe changing lif t/re Pafi ow r into réé L674: finpper’


z rJ


themean: t ime t hat thisD imi llb ry Supper , o r Se”

m ade men/émas eat ingp ur Lord tnfirt'ated theEvan

Page 161: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Al l trfion t o Cu i’tomes.

ge l icg l Supper ; for probation of th‘

tsfconterM ath. 2 60 s

w ith

And he they d id £456, 14t tech? br ead . 3g.3

This rat ing hath properly re lation to the fop that [ai mi pake ofyan

d t hat l arder received afterwhich he imme

mp fter ofthe family had drunke the tanC up 5he {ayes This night ]wi ll drz


nkanomm . There

wasa Patchal l Canon, that they might drinke nomore

that night , afte r they had drunke the h it C up : and our

Lord a lludes to“

this whenhe fayes ; [H em e -fi rth 1 _ wifl


fl i t bf tbe; I drink i t i f: the

”Maga zine ofmy Fa ber . I

What are w e to th ink‘

e ofthisPafchal Cupewhe the‘


was it Sacramental lor no ?

i rw as- { nor Sacram‘

ental l . The firfi Reafon : b eeaufe .

there is no word of i t in the infiitution of the Pafieovergz

as there is ofthé vnle avened B read, and ofthe Lambe;and the iprinkl ing ofthe b lood : for the fe are a]comm and ed , hu t neve r aword ofthe Cup . The fecond reafoninnoSacrament there are two Sacramentall fignes {ignity ing onc thing ; bu t the b lood fig

nifieth the b lood of

C hri it’

in the Pafchal l Lambs: therefore theWine inthecnp

,cannotn ifie the fame here


But how cou ld the Qup be tried inthe’

Sacrament, being

one ly acommonC up , and norSacramentallaa

T here were three Supperswhich concurred h ete ttoe ther Their common Supper, {their Paichal l Supper,nd the irD i tnifl

ory Supper and therewas (omethingoccafionall in every one o f there Suppers . Pi rfi, in the

commonSnppe r, the unleavened bread was occafionallone ly , becaufe they m ight have no


o ther bread at thePafl eover : but inthei r b thé t commonSappers theyhad leavened b read . Second ly , in the ir Pdlchal l Supp ertheir C up was occafionall , and no r eifcntial l to the Paf


Page 163: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


el igion,thet e are foure forts ofchanges;firft ,w

the efi'



Rel ig ion i s changed ;(econd ly gwhen

fl are ofre l ig ion is changed 5third ly when theEireis changed in partsfounhly w hen the r ites ofRe ligion

changed .When theEfience ofRe lig ioni s changed(this i s as when a man i s raifed from death to l ife;)asw henaTurke b ecom es aChrifiian.

The fecond change

in re lig ion , is ,w hen the Rate is changed(this is , as w hena Boy becom es am an. When C hrift changed the Pallchal l Lambe into the Lords Supper , and the

Difci ples,the Iew i fh Sabboth into the Lords day h ere '



orchanged ,but the (late . The th ird change is,Whenthe EtTence is changed in part ; aswhen amantwho is

ficke becomes w ho le and o ne is Orthodox e inall

po ints ofRel igion ex cept one , hee is converted alfo inthat po int 5/ here the Effence is in pat t chan


g ed . Thefourth change

ofR e l ig ion i s,when the r ite s are “


ged this i s l ike the chahge ofamans cloathcs ."H ere in

this change of the Paic'

hall Lambe into the Supper ofthe Lord the flare and rites were changed but northe

Ellence,ne i ther

inwhole,nor in part .

In the obfervat ionof the Pafchaahere‘

was great con-



t ion b etw ix t the Eafl erne andWefierne Churches;Eafierne Church ohferved the yeere ofthe Iews,

and the day uponwhich C ht ifi was C rucified :but theerne Church ke pt

wthe day ofthe Referrefi ion, 8c

the day after theEq uinh x e and the foureteenth‘

day ofthe month . ThereforetheEalte tne Church cal led them

Bifhop ofRome ,condem

ned them of H ete l i e in this : for they d iffered borh intheM one th , _ and theday . The C ounce ll ofNieceled this Controverly by appoint ing sf irflfor theference o fthe M oneth that it {hould b e celebrated the

foure teenth day after theEq uinox swhich then was theone and tw entie th day ofM arch . Secondly , fo r the d if-j

l erence

Page 164: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

5 they appo inted the Sab th afterfor them he rb :and {o the contro

P A R A ’

GSee before it;Seftion z .Parag .3

I 8033, th3tI



g ive to Prayer.‘1 The fEthiOp ianChrifi ians at thi

ofwood made to re it them uponthe ir pray ers, becau{e the ir Liturg ieWhenthey prayed ,


wardSt he Sanctuariesthat)by? rho/m, 1 KingsTheArkewasfer


up in theWe l’t end ofthe Temple,that i t might bee oppofite t0 the H eathenworthip :For

the] commi t ted .45bamim t im Ez echie l 8 when theyprayed w ith the ir faces towardes the Bali 5th


cfe werecal ledSahfl i oifi am a wor/éz

ppm becaufe they lookedtowardsSlim e/b, tbe Sam e. But the Chr ifi ians that

they- m ight nor ieem e to ludai z efet the ir faces towards

the B ait when they prayed ;or rather becaufe C hri ft ,M 1 .78, is called r com mTbeSam e”fl ag from 1 173 r Sca l ig



fWhen they pray ed the ir head were covered .

They fay that a man ought to cover his head when

,he commeth before the Lord asafhamed;&t the womanalwaies to have her head uncovered becaufe (hee was

firlt in the tranfgt elh on,al though i th e Otherw ifle in the L emm a

C 'hrifl ian

Page 165: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ofdaeirgeflarer in‘T’ ray er.

C hrif’t ianC hurcl/mCar . 1 Wherem an i s comm a

dad taw aow rfirk l mdsdnd thewoman to cov er ber‘





G R A P H E V . Diarr iéa'


C am” TH ey prayed w ith a low voy ce .

They fay , that theymould pray as d am d id ,andhe w ho makes h is p ray er to be heard is of l itt le faith

amen . They prayed in aknowne tongae .

zfWhen R . Levi came to


Caefaria, hearing fome re .

$3123; pearing this Prayer Aud i /fi nal ) heare Ifrae l intoGreeke : he would have forb iddEtt hims t Rz

'Iofipb faiduntohim sa l t

i ‘

they' kno w not the Sy ryacke tongue, let

them pray in the tongue which they underfiand;The chicfe fault that is forb idden in prayer is Betta-J

Zag ia to om uch (peak ing ofo no thing .

Ni at .6.7.Wbenyepi g gy/em t marbwotto/og iafizélingInBatto logie , there i s two faul ts Fi

rl‘t an idl e andvaine repet ition of the felfe tame wa rda


the Syriack,C h


rifi ufes‘

a word M gobakkck , which fignifies to Bake.

out as w ater dorh out ofa narrow mout hed veffell;wh ich the Latines cal l Ba lézre fained from



H ebrew

word Be l/314k. This the c reekscall Bowdi tch :words fail

ned per a’

votmm éw w. So 1 0?39 . And her yongm lgnmg lazglat in the b lood .

Secondly , M alt i laq az‘

am when they ufed too mach

lpeech as the Pagans nied they w iftnorwhat God to

pray to 5therefore they oftent imes repeated over the

fe l te- fatne words.

P A R A G .,V . D i aztr téa I I,

0/flat mm] lac/per they bad in

THey had Phylacteries and Fringes as helpes fort hem to p ray ,and for keeping of the commands .

And ye651 11 194226 Fringe: : the : mbenj e 100k”pm t/xm(y e ,Th e re .


Page 167: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


{r e


y Su ltg jn Z /m tbmycomm itmm H im .

as Cd minim mWm no?

Oftbeir helps toPray er.

ries 3then they w ere cal led aw n/ 0.

6m m , large Phy laéte

t ies. C hriflfindes no faultw ith the ir Phy la‘

éteries, butfor their enlargingThefe Phylafi eries Ex od . are cal led Scbedz

w emari d les, Skeet: of rew emérm ee : and in the”

NewTe{lamentWi lme r-139m 0 1



b ind a thrid abo

Lord d ealt w i th

Godwould have h ispeople oppofite to the heathen;in al l things , efp


eciall toEgypt , which was the maofIdolatry .

Tue Egyp tianswgardr abom theirheads

,to defend

fore God would have his people culd have the Law writtenabout the irheads.Thefe Phy laé


teriesf arrocal led Praeéia,which afterward was cal led Bree/24

,from thence comes the word

Breefe, which the Confederates oi Sathan uie toweare,to guard themfelves from the harme ofthe ir enem ies.In the Councel l ofLaodicea , Inchantments are cal ledEx cafl tatrimm i lafl er

i e The Charmes ofWitchesPby/eé



afacere , to cafi C antrop s.Thus wee fee

, the .Divi ll is GodsApe,and hath hisAmalg tap r counterfeit Phy laéteriesao deceive thefe whotrail inh imby them .

At the ending ofthe ir prayersThey malt e fimdry fortsofA

Pup i l/u when one underfiaads not the thing wh ich he .

anlweres s the (econd is Campéamtrrepmm ,whenhee

Page 168: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

upon lom e orher thing : the fourth is,Tz 4ddi ck


'jofthe jufl ; when the m ind is ferupon the pray e

P A R A G R . V I .

Hat the Lord m ight fiirre them up more earnefilyto Wot (h ip him ,

he ordained that they (houl t i havemuficke .

The ir'

M uficke , wase ither Infirnmentallp rVocali .The irVocal i M uficke had four-e parts anfwering to

our foare part s ofmuficke Seaman/mam Pfl l .which was the loweft part (anfweri ng to our Bafe:)fecondly Gna/amoté, Pfi1 .46 r,V z

rg i fl 4/zkfvox

,(an(w erin

to our7"

9 . I Inter a i rw ay“ ,

(anfwering to ourTenour,and Counter- tenor .)heir Infirumentall M uficke

,was firft 36411092091 Sam . 1 8 .6.An Infi rument '

ofM ufick w ith three firings ,

dly Sbrgfim, Pfi 1 .6 1 I . H ex acl mrdm ;An lnfiru

w ith fix e firings Pfi /me 4. An

Infirument ofe ight firingss’

fourthly , Gun/Em ,Pfizl .9 z .

Decacbordm ,An Infirument often fi rings .

The Lord b lames much the ir prophane M uficke,


and t umour M ufl cke.a V i tmw m markes out offi nfiox mm the muli tian,

that there were three forts of M uficke ; Bri t that which‘

the C rec‘

hes cal ld PaGVl'

d vsw ich was the gravefi'

a nd

t he faddefi,aad fet led the affea ions gfuch was the M n

drawing the NOte s long ,confi

we long thatMnficlt e w hich E3. 1 5. w as th is fort ofM uficke



Page 169: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

c Dex efiaédfi .

cl fin ial : inEw I.

and Augufl inec ommends i t mofi ; This was ufed in thedayes ofAtbamfiafL: in the Church ofAlex andria, andin th is fort

,they feemc rather to reade than fiug .

The fecond ,they cal l Jl at'n vav, which ferved to taife

up the affeé’tions whenthey were fadde : as the firfi fer

ved to pre lfe down the afi‘

cé’t ions;aud it confifled ofDac‘ ity lus ofl c lflflg , and twafl wrt : th is fort ofM uficke theDorians ufen fthis fort Salomon fpeakesfi cclg/

iafi z s z,

8 . SabiddaJmfi i or d breakinggbecaule wi th the temperature ofthe vo ices,one of them b rake anotheras it werethis fort


of M uficke is nor to,bee ft cluded out ofthe

Church ne ither : omerry let bind ing Pfi /me: :This fort ofthe affeé

’tions .

The third fort they cal l itWW, coloured M uficke,

w itha fubti le k ind ofhreak ingScqu ivering of theNore sid : isa l ight fort ofM uficke tending to fl irre up the

affect ions to lafcivioufnefl'

c confifiing ofTribrachy es ,or th ee/hart which was nied amondfi the Phrygiah s3w herefore they were infamous as Beotz

m tcf’tifies .Thisthe prophet Amos b lames ,Amos 4; and it is not to be adw itted in the Church a Ci cero fai

moflfit ledm dgmw M uficke bed éép t . l f thcre be fuchh eed o f fetled M uficke in the C ommonw ealq muehmore in the Church.

d They fang the z affix/meevery morning, when themorning facrifice /

was ofi’

ered zthcrefore in the infcript ion ofthe Pfalnae ,

i r is cal led Pfélmm Matat im z it be.

gm With the words which C hrifi uttered upon theC rolfe3M y God

,wby bafl t/Jmforfikm me?

W hen they carryed their firfi fruits to Ierufalem ,they

fang by theway the I n . Pfi/m’

c. t n they camego

t e

Page 171: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

OftheirEx cdmnmnim t iuh .

The Ca rapeof the d ivine M a iefiieaw

as from the firii:

ve i le inward 1 containing Sund ri es,“

and Sw a rm: Sag an .

mm :‘

Tke be !) and beli e/f afa ll.

H e who was defiled ofLeprofieb was fecluded aim ofall the thre e Camps :Num . 1 2 . M i riam w as PUt

’WithOutall the Cfifii pS.W hen they were purged and brought in,

hey we re gathered to the people ofGo d aga ine .

H e who was defiled of an iffueg,was removed out of

the Campe ofGod, 35out of the Campe oftheP rieIts 5but not out ofthe Campe ofIfrael zfo awomaninchild,b irth.

H e who was defiled by the touch of

moved out ofthe Campe ofGod ; the Priefi who hadtouched the dead

,m ight not enter into the ho ly place,

unt il l he was purgedgbut he w as not feparate out of t heCourt of the Priefl smor out ofthe Court o fthe peop lesthus God would be fanft ified in thofe


who draw

ro h im .

The degrees of Ex communication, w ere borrowedfrom thefe three forts a funcleannefi

e .

fThey had three forts ofEx communtcatron firfi,the

le lfe rsthen the m idd le forgthen the greateft .

The leffer,was cal ledNz


ddui ex t/“fl , put out5and in


they were cal led ae oaq m'

y ww . put

out ofthe Synagogue gand th ey hold ,rhat CarinewasExcommunicated this way.The fecondgfvas cal led , H arem

,orAm t/mm ; w ith

, this fort ofEx communication, was the incefi'

uous per

fon ceufured in the I ‘ Cor .5. x . 4

The th ird,Samai l u

,m y d

'fl i fl l’, they holde that «Em cb


s infl ituted P4; It wasfc

al led 8429941 1943 fromSem- atbafi ad

mmea name”, 3! w id e, they put forId iom Alba e m i t, es . T he Syrians cal l it

Page 172: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of theirEx commumccztzon.

p A R A G R A P H r V I I .‘ ‘Dm tr th l .

SA M A i t r AN e


s .

ncr hovvthey ex communicated the Sam

cfis,and Trumpetsfindthey b lew

and w ith the curfes l

, borh oft he Superior and i ti feriourand

they fayd Car/ed 115 bee

Cat tbu m H ence is that fayingof the irs 5H e that eatetb the bread of the Cat tbz an or 54marin as Jr 44be who eater Swim :fits/73 And tar 120 Ca t

4 p rofilytc i ts 136m ,nei ther havem y par t in the


i’i an (f t/ya i afl : Thefe curle s they e Ote Upon

Tab les,and fealed them and lent them through al l l f

alfo th isgreat Anathema or curfe

Here We may-marke : Why the Samari tan“ were

to hated of the Iewes becaufe they we re Ap t)From the truth therefore they aecurfed them w ith thisfearetul l c urfe : ' thcy : would have norhing to doe w i th

as they.

termh ich they writ and John they oh ieé’téd to

Chrifi as an opprob ry that he was a$amari tane andhad aDcvill .

Second ly

ham : 7m Ta lm edm

Page 173: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ta lmJ‘ M hfl r tDs'

J o

Secondly5into th is terrib le Ex comm unrcarionnt was

givenborh by the ,

curfes of the fuperior and inf e

riorhoufes:C hrif

’t feeme s to al lude to this

, M at . I 6.

which it how d i e eartt afl he homei t: heaven,Gods lnperior and inferiorhoufes.Thofewho were m ow m y éw ; put our of

gue , w ere no t (imply fecluded from the Tem p leq ered to [land inthe gate:

They write that Salomonmade two doc t es intheTemp le 5one for mourners and ex communicatcd gt hcOther for the newmarried at this doore, i fany entree],the Ifrael iteswhich came unto the Sabborh , and fate bew ix cthefe doores

, fayd Hewhtfl Name dwefleth in thi;horgfi,g lad theewi th chi ldren .)Ifany centred at thedoore w ith his l ip , covered they knew that he was



m ourner and they faid ; H e which dwelleth- ih that hmfi ,

i ezoyce andcamfl r t thee. If his l ipwas norcovered, theyknew that he was M ermdde,Ex cdmmunicated , and they(aid

,H ewhi ch dweh

’eth in

thh hmfi”mt ih l a thine hearttohear t the ward of thyfih

am t .)Tho le who w ere ex communicated by the fecond fort

of e x communicat ion,w ere nor perm itted to come

eere the Temple .

The le w ho w ere e x communicated after the third fortere fecluded out ofthe fociety ofthe people 0 fGod


a The fGreeke Church afterward had her degrees of

t x communicat ionalfo 5firfi fome were avwgaw oi ,Wheheheid the Supper ofthe Lord , but were n6t

par takers o f i t 3the fecondJe om

z flom c,Whowerefit r therremoved

,fal ling downe upon the ir knees 5 the third




m vogWho werejzerm i tted w e!)the Church 5Fo urthly w m

dmm :

dean : g‘the Temp ie, w eeping in the Porch.

When they e x communicated them , they raz ed the irnam es

Page 175: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

aw n

Eli e H eathen, who w ere {h angers to th isCovenant , thathe m ight m ake them true Profclytes ; as i s feene in 1 0h,Rahtth

,N44w ah

The rew e re three forts offirangers among il the Iewes.

The li range r, who (was aGrange r by b irth, Re l igion,nd affection, he was calledNeehri ,

ei zemgefze ,Altogether(gil t/ang er .

The firanger, w ho was a firangerby birth and Rel igion

1but not


afiecl ion, hee was called Te/hih t h i li h m ,

home hr ed and Profe ly tm Partafl'

he Profit/fi eofthegete7Deut . 14. 20 . t im i t is meant in thefourth command,(Theflmnger that i fwi thin thj ge ter ; he dwelt peaceab lyamongfi them,hewas toabfiaine from outward offence,not to labour upon the Sab th , although he wasnorconverted ,yet they {uttered him to dwe l l amoug h them :they were to take no nint y of him,

that in they mightd raw him to the t ruth .

Thofe whawcrc‘ fiztang t rsby b irth, but neither inai6’t ionor R e ligion were ca ld Ger , orGez e t z edreh, ed

fueme i tifl i fl ce ,St r d flg€7t'

of i hfl ice and in the New Tcfl a~

ment Profe ly tes, from the Greeke word ea'

poa'iAeet I/z as. ya

w ould fay, Ah'jci tzt i ee , namhred in ; and Lewim cohefi res,

adhe re”fife] 65.3, from Lew adhe re”: for as theL evi tescleaved to the Priefls to helpe them ,

fo the Gent ilesd id cleave to the Iewes to make one body w ith them .

Pfl l . 1 1 5. O ifmel tmfl i n i chow fi hahfi af Aerottthe tfeare theLord , trtt/i in l ehowe . The church

is d i itinguilh ed here in three parts , lfi‘

ael for the bodyof the common- w ealth:The bagl I: oa rm,for the Prieil sand Levite s :Thefi whofl are the Lord, for the firangersand Profe ly t t s lo Jethroa Madianite by nature , is cal ledan Ifrae l i te, 2 chron .7. 17.

A firang’

er, isfirfi,hc,w ho is not an Ifraeli te . z .Afifnm

ge t i s he , who i s nora Priefi ora Levite. 3. A(h anger,who isno t a Pricii in the firia efi fignificat ion, t . r.

Page 176: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

51 I beflranger who'comter w ere i t t (that isjhe who is noraPriefi. Lev. H e is a firanger, who i s neither aPricfimor a Levite 5but hereGranger is taken for himwho is norhome an Ifrael i te.

As the Iewes dea lt w ith the Gent i les ,when they w ereourofthe C évenang fo Chould we deale wi th them now ,

w hen they are out ofthe Covenant : when we were outof-

rhe C o venant , they We have a im/e flfl er , tuba /3: 12we due/Er bar fo when they are o ut of

the C ow/i

m amw e Pnould fay We have em Elderé rotbt r,

31364:[ba ll we dafi r bim,

Luke I5. y2 .

Tho le Iewes w ho are {h angers by b irth,rclig ion,andaffect ion

,who raile againfiChrifi, and hate C hrifiians,

are norto be fuf‘fered to dwe l l amongft the ChrifiiansfThofc i eweswho are“rangers by b i rth and re lig ion,b tttnot in affefl ion, (that is)whow


ould be c ontent to’

l ive'

am ongft the C hrifiians ; not gtvrng any ofience ,algthough they be no t converted , y et wee fhould fufi



them for a t ime,peaeeably to dwel l amongf’t us

,and lay


hard tartar- ions upon them ,that they may be drawne

to the‘

Chrifiian faithB ut tho lewho are Iewes b y b irthonely ,but neither inafi

ea ionmor re l ig ion 5they th ouhaveall the p rivi ledges that, any Chrifiianhath, ne it herfhould they be counted fl rangers.

Three things made a Profe ly te gfirfi, they w ere wfl i ed, (econdly , circumcifed, third ly ,they offered theirfacrifice . The womenw ere made Profelytesp ne ly bywaflting , and facrificing of two Pigeons and they fay ,h the Iew is knowne by t hree things, by circumcifion,the Sab th,and his Phylaé

’terie .

M en Pro l'

e ly tes,were Nam /m the Syrian 2 King .

the Ie bufitep am eliw , A47. the Eunuch ,a nd fuch w ho were cal led re l igious , and many


of the

h Ta lmJtM» are

Page 177: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ex ad .4M ay/er h isw ife , the two M id - w ivcs ofEgypt,Ex ad . L i ta/Jab, Ka t/r, Heb. t I . b

fifolffl There we re tome, whofe fathe t

‘ was a Granger , and

na t i on ,


w i re'

catteaBrag the ir mother a Iew ,or any ofthe pa»

rent sw ereconve rted , and themfe lves not converted ,het arm ac: (at

fit z x s e x t rane l ,t ll e fo une :was cal led Gaeker ,

radiu m! who: roote(Left) . 2 47.)a


rfiiggrfl ‘ cf‘ hat i“ mongft the peop le ofGod, but no t in rel ig ion gfuch was

that b lafphemous Egypt ian, who wasnor of the Iewi lh

PM ! (aye s o i himfe lfe, that he wasH eéréew ex Ham .

tiff /712. 3.5.that is,Betbv aMer and~M otber Heérewer .

Whe ther w ere the children ofthe Profelytes , Profelyte sor no


No,but Free -men Amongfi the Romanes, thofe

who w ere Liéert z’

ai, Free m en, the irchildren were nor

Liéert z’

p i,but Ingem u, i ts- b red : fo thefe who were P t o

fe lyt es , among- li the Ie wes

,the irch i ldrenwe re not Pro

fely tes, but Iewes M et/Act. but notaméavm , as their Parents .

1 Thofe who w ere ofthe pofier i ty byfather

,w ere called e/ f b fl é1 10t drfb£ t/ICrbz

cycef tbeCap t ifw


ty :&tho le who were ofthe houle of Dav i d by the irM o thers fide w ere cal led Pr im e/m ,

Obi efi . They~were

difiingui ih ed in Babylon : the firfi was called Raééam ,

chit te on the M others l ide the fecond, 13466419, chiefe’

on the Fathers fide , ‘

P A R A G ;

N homage, that they had Canaan of theLord ,(therefore gflty . 8 it is cal led Emmanuel: Land)they: payed

the irfirfitrui tes,arid the ir ty thes.

They payed twg)forts o ffirftfruites to the Lord :Thefirfi fort , were cal led lee/(Berk, principz



Page 179: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ce ntaines three Sara. The good ey e payedthree C abs, orhalf: asexmm out ofanEp/m t he midd leeye payed two Cabs, and an cvill eye pay ed one C ab

according to ourmeafures, an cviil ey e would have paicd ourofa Chaulder, feure peeks al tfiofi a tta

iddfive peeks almofi a good eye,almofi fix e peeks.

They uled great fo lemni t iemh’

en they carried up theirfirfi fruits to the Lord .

Efi y.3 9 Tejball [new éfi flg in

ly Afi’

emé ly ze kept andgh dmfle ofl mrt , erewbm one 0003

met/1 ap wi tb 4Pipe ex i s t /reM aax taz'

x eof the Lord .

m,When they carried up their firfi fruits to l erufalem ,

they had a Bull go ing whofe homes were

gilded,and anO l ive Garland upon his h ead ,play ing b efore them ,

unt il l they came to [em

fi l . t z 2. l reamedwhen theyfiypve wifigoup ton ineof the Lord.



tt a o a.I I I .

OfM ei r 7'

b es.

H ey payed fundry forts on thes to the Lord .

The firfiTythe , they payed it at home to the Levites in ltt


nd and thi swascallcd M agma/bar nfimflerbmap rime , tbefir/fTy tbe.The Levi zs p ayed out to the Priefis aTythe , and thisas cal l ed M erge d/be? minbammagmfiar , decen t: ex deci

of a Ty the.

Then they payed a fccond Ty the, wh ich they werenot bound to pay i nk indb ut to carry money w ith them ,

to Ierufa lem, and there to buy more againe whichthey ofl e red to the Levites there thiswas called M ag:

fl mr befitem‘

, the {econdTythe 5and x apztfirm’. d fbl fl ’ftfg i j

‘vmg .

Thenthethingwhichwas left,th’

e Husband manm ight

Page 180: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Life as hrs own this the H eathen ealled Pol laéh fl efi er’


a ex emefiem 6047things, en'


he ofthe third y eé te ,‘

cal ledtim id

, The tbzrd T]

Tytber , Deaf. 26 : I 2 3Deaf. 8, Amos After th ee

dai esfiring yearfa rificer, (that is)after three yeat es5as

Let/{ta 5(29 , Thele were

gave i t ton[70m 1:m y due,

When they payed this third yeate s Tythe, they paidnor the fecond Ty the thisTy the they paid at home tothe poore , burthe fecond Tythe, they paid i t at Ierufalem to the Levites .The firlt and fecond yeare, theyp aid the firfl and (e

condTythé : the th ird yeare , they paid the firfi and thirdTy the : the fourth and fifth yeare , they paid the fix]! andthe (w and Tythe = the fix : yeare , they paid the firfl andthirdTythe the feventhyeare the Land rehed

ATableofthe Ifrael itesTir. .es .

I6o o o rBuflmels


in one yeare .

I 0 0 Termm Gedolawr he ave ofi'

ering ,to be giventhe Prrefis by t he H usban d

- man ourOf thIS.


9 o o Refi of the Increafe tw ire to be Tythed.59 o

Pi rfl Ty the w h i ch be longed to the Levi t es.

59The tenth of the Tyth

s which the Levi tes paydA50W to the Prtef’t s .

The rem nant of the firfi Tythe , afte r that theL evi t e had pa d to the P rrefl i1 1 3Thyt he .

s 3 r o R efi s to the H us d- rnan ofhrs Increaie .

5 g 1 Second Tythe t ak en out of the H usband - mans

l 4779lkRettxnant to the Husband-man afteral l is payd .


Page 181: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

They paid Ty the alfo of their goods to the Lord et c .

W'betjoeverpafié tb finder the Red , the tenth(7141! be theLords , L e

ft/i t .37.3z .

It was the cnflome, when they ty thed the ir flockes orheards

,that they {h at up the ir young Within,

and le t thedammesw i thout ; and the Levi te fl ood Wi thout,w ith arod in his hand , marking the t enth thenhe {aid 571 mtent/1 13the Lords .

M arke the great l iberal ity ofGod to the Levites andPrie fl s, where he (ay es in M e lee/y] ; I . 1 0 . Di d a t] kind le

fin ger [but thedearer afm] Temp/eff”naxg btfi i tb rée Lardforas they l ived unJer the law by the Al tar, 1 Car . 9 , folhould Preachers now l ive by the Gofpcll a; but in i oni c

p lace l

s,many hath lcarle the al lowance ofM i ebae: Levrt ,Iadg . o.Ten she/tel: offi/rw rfl fiat of appkrrefl,meate a d

The Levites got one of ten from theTubes z they confidered nor the Tribes here , but


the ir Increafe 5but the

Prie l’t s gorfrom the Levitesone of twe lue5 here they

refpeéi ed the number ofthe Tribes The firfiwas a po

l i tieall fort ofTy the, the OtherEcc lefiafl ieall .W henC hrifi(ayes to thePharifes ,M 4tb . 23.Woe ée to

y orewhichTube whe thermeaneshe pay ing Tythes, or

gathering Tythes .

Thisword Gee/bar , deems”; To Tythe: fomet imes i tfign ifie th to gatherTythes ,H eb.7.and fomet imes to payTy thes, as here : for the Pharifes though t i t a worke e f

merite to pay Ty the s, evenof the fmal le ll things w hich

g rew,bnt rhey paffed over the w e ight ier thinges ofthe

Law what fort of‘

g lory ing had beene in this, to gathertheirTythes ?But w ere there any Phari les , but teaching Pharit

e s a,

Yes,there was ofboth forts; both teaching and nor,

w e”t ow - Tv’o I oM G teaching 5they were a Se&,ofthe which there was fomeLaicke Phari les (21 5we cal l them)therefore the lcar

éh e

Page 183: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Oftheir Sch olar;

l ow fledfi rms theprefim'

e of the Lord , { 0124 that is,from theSchoole o fthe Prophets .

The C olledge ofthe Prophe ts, was called, Theyrefirm of the Lord (0 was the V ifible C hurch. Cement edEra/l outflow thefrefineeaf the wLordfi et 6

,that is,from

the vifible Church. For the vifible C hurch St Schooles,

are the placeswhere Godmanifefis hinalelfe moft.They had fundry fo rtes ofTeachers.

Where zit the'

Serihemherejk theDtfiuterwm!Wife/w en

Corzr gz o'

The A'


al ludes here to the ir forts ofTeachers;whichwere among“the Iewes5 firlft the Scribegwhohand led theTex t 5feeondly the Difputer, who { onghrour the myfiicall Interpre tationof the Te x t5 third ly ,Wifefnaen (Chaehme


hemmeher) who fought om the féere tsofnature:for during the t ime ofthe fecendTe mp le,

r H iermEp dGfi they gave themfe lves to Rudy Phy(iekeflrand to {catch

the (eaters/ofnature ; therefore B’t’rt

m w and Arzflohtt/wh e made this made aLaw, oat?

elueri t fl ew eat didi t eri tfip ient zkhz6,

Gre eemm,nee/ed i t tee ef


o,whofi ed: e hogge, or learner the

wifedeme o/theGreehyjet him he e t t‘

ttrfid they cal led Philofophy and Phy l i cke theWifedome ofthe Greekes.t They taught the irSchollers twomanner ofwaies,firfiby continuall fpeech ofthe M afier,or els by Inter rogat i :onsand Anlwers.W henC ht ifl taught hisDi lciples , he taught them on

the Mountaine M at, 5. I .by a cont inued fpeech,(o when

he taught the people out of Peter: (h ip fomerim es b y

Q ueitions andAnfwers: e itherwhen they asked C hrifi,as when the young man faid to C hrifl , M ay


1 doe to iaherz’

t eeemm/t’

l ife ? M et . 1 6. 1 6 . or when Ch ri lt

asked them the peoples op inion ofhim:Whomfa; themep ie that 1 4m ,M ath . r6. 1 3.

This forme .of teaching , was e i ther.cem ent-ve s t

the r efi te tz’

ozs of erra‘

rt o r ~wm s x evatszx a

Page 184: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

:[orne one o f the Prophe ts5thisw as ww’

x m ae eunmthe confeHion ofPeter. efl abl ifhing the truth

ers,Eee/efiefles 1 2 . are called Bagm le wi fe .

that is,Whog athered new )»1

whogathered mat ters into

-M afiers .P rev .4

'AcgzkeDijcip lfnem meamjd efl , efi‘

fgg ’ Re.zei fvemy 80 M iami z z

Sh el

ich are n or ended

young M afiers imouldnot

fliers;arc l ike thofe

Page 185: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

who eate Grapesb efore they b e ripe , or l ike tho le whodriri ke newWine : But thofcwho learne of sk i lful l o ldM all et s, are like thofe who cate ripe Grapes, ordrinkeoldW ine .

people b l llfl dJl flM . z

(y té eMimi .

THEDoé’tors ofthe Iew es were content at the

firfiw ith the ir bare names, Ah a/um ,(fine, and 14006.

About the b irth of ourfLord , ornot long b e lorb

e ytheytooke theTit le 1645615: and not content with that , fome

Tit les 5one was call ed H egm/apv,world.R456: l uda |

3hisTit le was,

obi/i re» { l ere he a l ludes to the Pharifes,who were cal ledW ife , and the ir Schollers were their

howfoevery they and the ir children reica edtrue w i l

edome , ye t the ch ildren ofw i l'

edorncwould inf hfie her.Whé


theywere abdur to teacl mhey fay ;t hat is

,This day the Wgfi- mm a nd renal?

W hen theyt ooke thefe gloriousTit les uponthem ,

they difdained the people.1 06. 9 .49 .Tbe/epeop le whoknow5 fhey cal led them 6m m Haberetz . popul ta te

rm , Pea

p ie af t/wcart/9 they made no more reckoning of themthan ofbeafl s ; and they made a C anon,


fi p zent if da cagfibx m’

terre,Let pat the c iple

Page 187: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

it Cad [11 7, 60 1 t 17.

they were (aid to {land her

bm Emm y)

he wascalled Talmid Cbekm ; difi ipulm fip iemie,.‘Tbc

[chad/er aft/rem% t and Katmmifl omj ouflg : and this t ime

was cal led Ketch,minorz’

t eej au M ari e 5then be was onely

called Ben Bet/ai r , “

Tbc[5mm afBetbzr . Second ly , hee was

And 2m ,”134.55aGraduate , h is M ail er lay ing handswon him , thenh ee

A ra )” was cal led Bat/Jar Cbaébzr , w h ine} , fl ame, ACompa n y

to t he Dné’cour,now heWascal led Em Erebie , q tu

tbefip ne afBetbi r,h is ow ac name is

prepe n’

d ; but he fat

Pu l l upon the-

g round» Third ly


,impofit ion ofhandswas

g ivenh im agath e , and (0 hewasmail er ofArt thenhee

w as SamarbJIem tiawe iLicentiatesor PromotmJarémofdbd,

and his Promot er wascalled Slim e!) Xa g efim impefir

bends : now he iscal led Raééi l efim Ben Bet/air , mafiér'

l o

fine the fonne ofB etbz’

r .

i t i s‘

true, “

that Cht ifl be ing but twe lve yearq s of’


(a t among l’

t the Doé’te rsfor his rare gifts, L ek. 2 .46.but

i t was not perm itted for Others lo to doe .

God infil tugea degrees of learning in the Levit icalLaw

Page 188: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


which puffs up theWi fe of th is worldsxtth et t '

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Page 191: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 192: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

l ine 5 this inc-equal ity ofhoures, w ith ushere inScot

land would b e very great for our longed day on theSouth part hath 1 8 .Eq uinoe


tiall houres sand our thor

tefiday but fix eEq uinoétiall houres ; fit)that if the i h'e

qual l houreswere fe ronourDials; thete would be greatin‘ eq nali ty ; for, inSummer the in

- equal i houres,would

centaine anhoure and an halfe oq uinoa- iall houres

8: inWinter the uneq ual! honreswould he halfeEquinoa iall houres . B ut in Iudea when the day is ion efi ,it hath foure tcene eq uall boutes, andwhen i t was or

teit tenhoures H ence i t is that there i sbut (mall oddsintheir ih - eq ual l houres .There degrees uponl l bs z Dial l, wereTheProphet g iveS

him his choice, wM aybeSewn togo ten degrees ésskm rdwr ten fleg




crfi rward, 2 King . z


o .9 This cannot bemeant offull houres,for theSunne doth no t th ine twenty ful l houresupon noDial! unleiTe the Dial i were u nder thePole . When the

grees to thefix r houre

,that fix e houres

to theSunnefet fo that this day was twenty twohoures

feernes to be wrnught in the decl inationoftheSunne, when i t comes towardsCapr ieam e

,b e

caufe when i t is paft the Eq uinox e toward sGem-

eat, i t

Thewes nor twenty - foure ful l degrees upon that Tropiclte; for it g ives no (haddowon i t t il l the; third houre,and none after the ninth 5therefore the K ing could

i t goe back or forward renne degrees u

e i ther afimp le houre, or'

compound .

d, is the fourth part ofadatural day,whiehhath

Page 193: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

are quadrants;every oneof thefe quadrants hatht hree ii mp le houres, and it take s the denominationfromthe lafioft he three houres.

The fit“q uadrant , is from the Sunne t iling to the thirdhonrefand i t is call ed the fix t houre .

The third quadrant, from the fix r to the ninth, ;and i:

is called the ni nth houre,The laltquadrant, from the ninth to the Snnne [eg ap

dzs fm m i t is called t h e Ja il: houre .

8 0 M ar i e and Lake are to be reconciled. M ar lee x

Ro u t e , d nJ 2 8. And I t we : s lam : the f

t/72rd karm wlmr5: a m cm afied .

Lake . 23 44; And 1 : ma 4603: tée fix : bonre p bm be w asv e r



that i s w hen the third home was ended , andthe tx t houte b eg inning and noc


fini lh ed . The d ifl in



ionof th e great hohres from the lelfe, may be feEneere .

r z z 4Oriental i . “J h NHW NM


H oure s

OCCldf fl f.

TH e ir moneths conii’

fied bf ful l thirty dayes a t the

Befo re the ch ildrenof[final came out of Egypt theyfo l lowed theEgypt ians and Chaldeans, reckoning theirmoneths accord i ng to th



ourle of the Sunnegand the irmone ths were full thirty dayes, asmay be gathered out

or The Flood began toWax e the(eventh day

- of the fecond moneth , and it began to(male upon the fevenrh day of the fevenrhmonth 5nFrom t he fevenrh day o f the fecond month


(event h dayof the {eventh month, an

Page 195: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

M arc/1 ,was faid

land ,and th

honed how long their trees were crrcumcrfed or uncircumcifed ; ifa tree had beenep lanted in the moneth of

gan to flourifh thentho

le whi ch were r



P A R A G R . IO

K ings in great reverence , and did

ings i‘

h tokenof homage {and obed i ence

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Page 197: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

m P erm : Gm:44338read . Ifl dcomm.

n Tain te d/grab.

Of the berg-

ourfi bichthejgdw their 167g .

t fg wi t/s a crafi of g /e , to i iguihe’

the {hort'

indt tt ance

of the ir’

kingdome .i f

The rewas 01mmm fi iomkfi » 01mm of theviaof anajnting ,aad the oj la afftveete 641m ; the p ofieri ty of

Dw in‘

were anoyntcd anfl iémk,

but Others, 019 0541

H ewho anoynted the K ing , gaVe h im a kiffe of homage . Samuel”crem e/id ! 4701 16, and

i t upon his head and letflfdhim . SO, Rt”? 217: Selma,Pfi l . z . ln tokenofhomage that hewas anoynted K ingby God hisFather, t he Church was to give him thekiffe ofhomage z'The Idolaters , £3. gave thiski lle of homage to the ir ido lswhichwas due to C hrift;and Iaé 3u purge sh im felfe ofthis, that whenhe faw theSunne~he k ill ed norh is hand : the ido laters becaufe theycould not reach to theSunne to kifle i t, they kifi

ed theirhand

,and fo ivorlh ipped the Sunne . So the Arahdans

when they fee the new M oons they leape forjoy , andkille their hand to her.

When theK ing was created they fent g ift s to him . 1

Sam . cé ildrm afBe/ia/éraag bt bimwoprc/wts .28 9 theW i le menof the B ali brought t o C hrift as a

K ingg old,myrr6e,4ndfl ankimmfi .

Al l forts of perlons d id homage to him.“Ti t was or

dained t hat the h igh Prie ft himfelfc {hould how beforehim

,asNathan d id before Dh ak

dg nd fiand before h im

e x eép t onely when het lonfghtconn l


e lltof the Lordfortb 1m5t il é n §hfiKingwas to and befo re the high Prie li ,and none m ight li t in the court of the Tem ple but theK ing . 2 .54m .7. 1 8 . Davidfit éafl rértbe Lord , Tbm


King/1 t h ? t he gat e om jamm ,but the high .Prieli fl ood .

And the H ebrewes fay , that the l’ rieft horh jadge da



s judged . z ‘

that he borew i tneffe , 3nd witnell e

was borne againf’t h im 3. that the Priefi in theTemple

flo od barefomedfl dyad/reads)”may ?”ax on, thag isy

Page 199: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

In the firlt ages theyThe refore 1 . they cal led

the image ofthe irKlngs5bntfomet ime

Page 200: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

of Ili'ael

cal led it areg which hee

him was this , that al l th’

e ‘Priefis fons that‘

yeare fhouldb e cal led Alex anders, w hich accord inglycame to pails .

r The Priefis thenbefought en em a”,that he would

remit the tribute of the 7. yeare to them; which hew i ll inglygranted to

them .

In tokenofthe ir(ubjedt ion to the ir Kings, - they pafy .

fed cufiome and tribute to him /ah'

amnap i is called

Page 201: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


w ere cal le

N th is Indicatorie ,there fateEcclefiall ic‘ke andCivi l!ludg

es .


a "1 f

f The fitft wa

Page 203: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ca s e».


t h ey m ight be the more ab le to try the M agicians, butt h i s w ere impious.



. s h

The re was one fpecial l priviledge in thishoul'

e,that .

God (p kg immed iate ly by his owne voyce , thrice inthis houl


c. x Sam . Rahhz’

Salomm tefl ifies,Qd fifiaw it : x ihal é 'dzx i t(e)ajom r in”amen jing le/o i)Sal vem di aehatqne tc/h

: ;~ Vos te/i zfi

u m ini'

de fi qua! cfl i n 4.

p in t», Q0 dc ea quad efl if;arm/ta. That”5“ t he wcd tfl fl hand/rid toraw


,and them meflefi t

d,Tm tefl rfie a/

that whi ch}? 0P€7f ,hfl t I trfltfir of that which i f hi d . Th is hed id to le t them fee , that God fatg amongfi the mid ikofthe GOds .

They fate in l erufalem ,



the Temyh'

, it was cal led gaz i t

Indicator): iudged mat te rs o fgreatélt w e ight .O hi de]? thePi ophets;So

H e al ludes here to thi s great Iudichté ry for a fai fe

Prophet w as one ly iudged at le rufale tn . By the greatSym drz

m , they iudged the Prophetsr ifthey had beenefalfe Prophe ts.They iudged in this

l udicatory , Z ak?»men u”r ehrl/ahz,

it n helh’

ow oidmm fuch'

a one wasAw n, [Mexapoflam,

an aid Apaflate,who firengthened the Sadd‘

ueesfThofe w ho having heard thé con

clufié s of thefind n’


and wo uld yet no tw ithfland ing cont inue obfiinat t and

draw away orhers, were condemned by this Ind icatory .

They iudged Upon arribe , if i t made de fe dtio n, and

when tomake warre , andwhenno t ,The way

- howr he fyw drim try ed the faife Prophe tsr,(fayt hc Iewes)w as th i s. l t

he had [breath ed a iudge rnt nt

Page 204: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


comefi lthoogh i t came not zt he was not afa ife Pro

pbfl‘ for that for God(fay t hey i sg u n

m a bem s to

fi t Nim’


ta,(y Ez ehia zfint ifhe p romifed a goea thing

and i t came not to p afle , thenhee w as a lyer, For eve ry

good thingwhich God prom ifed he performe th

mi e tried d bania , 59 b e a lfgl e prophet,‘

becaufe he p roIf“ 3- 23

tp ifed a good thing to‘

Z edi kii h,afid i t came not to paH



P A R A G R . 1 1 0

He fecond'

i Ind icatory , eonfili ed .petfons, sand

they iudged ofcommoncriminal caufcs'

cal led Dine mph/hath,alfo .


ld that Chrifi, M ath. s. al ludes to thefethree Ind ieatories , which were among fkthe Iew es butthiscanhot fiandw ith the te x t, for C hrifiw as fpeak ingimmed iate ly before ofmurt her, and fay en e whokiflej

4mm agailt]‘

of iudg emm t .


In the ir. leafi i nd icatory ,thcy iudgednoeofmur ther, and Whea tbeya ffigné the

third to Gehmm , they gup ifhed none inGehmm there

fore C hri i’t ofpu‘

rpdfe ch anges’

the phfafq hich is to bemarked , i s worthy


o f iud geme nt SO

aéém c‘ iiw, flftbf”m u ll but afterward

in the accufarive,

Evox ofég p él rf

riivy et’

vvnv; isWOf thy t d l fire 3 thfil'

efOt'C it i t310mM lo lvvh iclt '

cmmiw jvji tcs , that there was afire alw ayesb um ing


inGchmm toeenf‘

ume the filth,and

the dadtafis cait ourthere,anel C hrifi al ludes to that {5re.

notfrat/41k a

Page 205: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Am o s

y See‘

the C haldicP aras

ph rafl: up on Gene/u,G erm .


gai zfl yaa ti heg ates w ere t he p lace s, w here ho tfii hm{trength w as, and their.

counee lljfxat c : «C h‘

t i li s meaning’

i s cheh ;ebar‘

ne it her the craft ofthe Devi lghor h is, firengrh(hal l prevai le agaiofi his C



of the thi r dl adm m jtH e th ird Ind icatory ca nlifte d ofthree at the I


Cai’t .

The Iew es fay. 7sd D

er tm t homin‘

chay ark ,Dim hm indium}m omm awtfidiq tji

’h m

two i y a'


e they ha t/c410 iudgemem. .Per dams»: ba il eythey thea tre the


fi infty’

ofperfons, a l ludmg t‘

b t h ts

cato ry wh ich confif’tcd o fthree .

eve therc'


vcre biut n o. p erfons,

They l rthings , as ofw hipping, andof g oodsl arid thcrfore they were cal led Dine

m mm‘


” av

/ P A 'R A G R A R E

mofifit t imestft om themoming t il l

great iniq u‘ itx the

W hen they pthey


fail ed °

When Nahathwas to be fl oned to‘

deatla the y grq cmed a fai l ; they‘

fay ,‘

to loofe or {aye an lfrae lite, is’


Page 207: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

A comfort .

b M afi aGemmferxfir,


0]their j’udieatories and judg es .

candemfl ed . And let h isflipp lieatz'

om he t urned in”t andemm u ch . W hatfoever he ipake for himfe lfe , or b efought



the judges in h i s favour, i t was al l turned againfl him .

- Our com for t at the lait day , {hal l b erhis, : that Sathanthe accufe r {hall not hand at the right hand to accule usand that w e (hall have l efus the iu li as our Advocate to

ke fe>r us.a

There (are tw o fcribes , one at the right hand ofthcw ro te the fentence ofab io lutiun another

at their left hand , whom ore the fentence ofcondemna

t i on.

C hrifi ai lhdes to th is forme, whenhee (ay es , H eefl u”[ct the/l)eepe at has r ight hand,and a: the left hand, tbego_4t r ,

Aftere x am inat ioh, they gave‘

our(entence . the che ifei ndge (aid , ThouN. art Tz addi ek, iafi,

hat thanR .4”K4fihaatg ,

66 6m m, ed td d ie , that

lty. So . allod Ben dim,

ed ,

That the

thgu fiands as whichtranflate s thus5th“ theu

mézy overcamewhen they z'

adgefl .

Why becaufe thofe onely who were pure overcame iniudgement .

H e who was ahfolved , was faid to fiand u in the‘


ce ll , but the condemned , was(aid/

to fall. wi e

ked jhafl feat [l and in i adgement . Targum,theyjhall not he

iafl ified . The Lat ines fo l low ing this phraie , fay , g s tmmm iafi aam,

rhat is , wep rem zled in the Senate .

The Greekes ufed e therformes i'

a abfolnt ionand con

demnat ion.

They gave to thofe who w ere ahfo lued a white (tone,w a i t e d d riep ér,fi rm er calm /w ,

the/Ewing fl are, t he otherwas called .eu igw o ug


a fwi gs the condemning or hlecke

Page 208: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

0]their Iudicetort'

erand judges.

JohnRevel . z . r z . al ludes to th is forme , tohim who{ midgt


rve4 whi te(lane. aThe Athenians~


to condemne - to bani lhm ent,the g ui lty by anOy fier

(hel l , thatwascal led aspz mméh and (emet imés by anO

l ive leafs, and that was called m m Al o‘

tz ét -TWO th ings be.

longs to the Iudge,iui’tice , and iudgement s when thefe

twoare ioyned toge ther, iufl i eefignjfies the pt mifh ingofthe wicked ,and by iudgmm t the abfoluiog ofthe righteous,Gett . t 8.Tadoe infl ict and iudgemm t .

P a n a o n .

H ere we‘

re foure capital- punifhmentsufnal amongfithem , Stoning ,Strangl ing; B urning , and Behea

d in

:lghofeWho d enied the foundation or theArticles of

t he fa i th, calledgm’

réare emam fima’a

phaz .hagm'

ehar,negamfandamentamfieny ing the fo unda

t ion, the rew ere {toned to death: inch were the ido later,and the b laiphemer.Lewz


t,24. 1 4.

The Pharife s fay , John 8 , s. that M ayfir commandedthe ada lte rerand the adul trefie to be h one d to deathbut it is no t ex prefly command ed in all ay/erLaw ,


they {h ould be i’roned gb ut one ly that they (hould d i e the


The manner ofHoning them was,Dea

_t . r7.72


I he head;ofthe $9 17i fiafl he fi r/zuponhim . They w ent noon anhigh place , and the male i afi ours hands b e ing tyed, oneof the w it neii es firoolee h im beh ind upon the loy



he d ied norw i th that b lo t s , they tooke a (tone as g re at asmencould lifta nd caf’r upon him . Ifhe dyed not then,

alll irael caft [tones at h im.

t~W here ever th is phrafe is found in the Scriptur e (fay

the l ewes)tah/ooa’ he ripen hem ,ir is tobe




Page 209: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


Of tbeir Capital]

of(l e tt ing , b Ut w here ever th is ph tafe is foundd i e the death)and the p uni lhment n0 t fe t downe in par

t icu lar, i t i s to b e underficod‘

offl rangl ing .

The ir fecond fort ofdeath w as {traeg lingx

fifl bm re,tocboake. ItWas done by w re fl ing ofa clo itth a

bou t the malefaétors necke, one pulling thisway find anOther that way.Tho le wh o w erefirangled for greater i gnom iny , hungUpon the tree t ill nigh t , and before the Sunne fet , theyw ere


buried . Dea th : 2 . thiswas called em f: t each/Jib,l tgmtmfiifibekdq


,the Imag ing tree.

The Romanes afterward changed th is firangling intocru

cify inggand i t w as called Z rkapb,cm cifigerc,tocracz‘

fie ,and the e tc

/(Te was cal led

Z ekipbym x fi CnWfi a nd Game ,3. tree


and geranium ,4 day”:

V pon the croflc, themalefaé’torwasfirfl hung up ,and

then kil led,A5}; 1 0 . 39 .

but thofe who w ere Grangl ed,‘

we te firfi k i lled , and thenhung upThis crofi


e had four'

e things in t t . 1 . A m

mayzze 1 788 . I . v'e merécfl ov, [cabellgm g

t in t ree

fiat: 11345 nai l ed to. 3. L igamm t ranfvegfitm, a crafl v tree,

.whereunto their armes w ere fal’tned w ith cordes, a ndthe ir handsnai led . 4. (mi x , the t it le, the place abevehi s head where the inferip t ion

was put . It had nora fift

part (as fome de e thinke)called ra h /4d .whereupon theyd id ti tl e (as i t w ere)nei ther were they called cm a

fi li g onpm t ée afcmdem sm crea m

,togoe up to £65

w j c,’

b ecaufe they went up to thi sfm iw a but becaufe

they afcended,upon derwfn écl‘ tov, the place where their 1

fee te flood . Confl w a‘me the Great , abol ifhed gfirfi this

k ind e ofdeath, for honour ofC hrifl who fuffcted on the

H e re the great providence oEGod is tobe marked ,although the Ro rfitans changed the for

me of the death,


Page 211: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

h im b e ing a Roman, purs up the infeription'


Ghri lt,in H ebrew,

Greeke and Lat ine .

The third fort ofpuntihment ,was cal led Seraphepning ,


Levi t . z

Afterward they ufed another fort'

of burning, whichthey cal led Camhnfl i omime

-The hun ting of teomhtt retar . Let him he hm'

nt wi thfire. Jonathan

the C haldy paraphralt po


aphafes i t thus ; H e: jhellheriat ,POWf i flg m hatteLead at hi smouth.The ground ofthis puni ihment they made to be this ,

becaufe i t is (aid of H ealt h and Ahihu,Comhttfl ifim t

e fl imahte: fa ir, they were ha mt i n thei rfi re/es. They faythere was no burning in theirbodycs here wee fee Upon what ridiculous ground they infiitute this punilhmeat .



fourth fort,wasB eheading .

Inall thefe forts of puni ihments, when the malefaotour was b uried , i fhe had beene firangled , the cle ath“

wh ich firang led h im ,was buried w ith him fo the tree

upon the which he w as hanged , {o the (tone which fl oned h im , and the fw ord which beheaded himAfterward they adde d a fift fort of- punifhment , to

w i t,d rowning ,M eth. 1 8.a nwerehotter that 4M JI-fl one

were hung ahattt hi: net he, M d hewere eaft‘into the/24. M a

l e efinerze .The M il-Hones which they ufed we re of twofor ts

,the firfl was M ala trafii i lrkfi light/lone tam ed ehott t

wi th4man: hand the fecond was M 014afim ri e , 4 heavyfiem tam ed ahoa t hy an Afié. This they hung

abom his

necke who was to be drowned,to make him (inlet the


H e ed it/es theWheele togee over thewi cked, Prat/sSome hold

,t hat Salomon al lude s here to a Forme ofp u

ni lhm ent tried among the Iewe s as the husband tnanw

b rake {ome fo rt of raine w i th the whe e le, fio they b rakem alef

aétors w i th£16 whee le but Sat/0mm : meaning is


Page 212: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


ekedbrchdong/bell he done tothem .

P A -

R A G R . V . Dm t r eérz 1 .


It was iniquity thento behead l obar in the prifoh a

the Greekes ,the place ofe x ceurionm as rhe pr i.

ch in their e

language was ‘called aw e,tbe p laeeof

This p lace ofex ecution, was cal led Geiger/15, tbep leee: o/deazi mere: ski d? 3, becaufe the dead

ifcul les w ere r

o l

led up the re,wh ich before was cal led mount Gareé Tbc

bi ll of [ml/esp becaufe the lep ers an'

d d ifeal'

ed;were putout there : afterwards for dereftat ion it was made the

placeofi The garch y which they were carryed to the

placeIn rhe dem ipfim of:

Ofex ecutl omwas calledfor te vetw ,v el perm w rin g ,

fée “w arm ,

ll gdt ekr tbegcte q’

adg emm t , they Went ourof i t , w howere cond ernned : the Apofilefi eh r

hath re lat ion tothis

,Let w fl /lew52mwi


tbeé t t lye g ate .

t Cam e .

They were m i lerable comforters to thole whom they

h At the firfi they ufed to give them w ineswhen they

e ofe x ecurion Gi 'b'

ewi rre to km who 18

pro per officer;

gho the

eStheCap taineo the guard d id it ,t he re ,

Page 213: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of theirpuniflrmentr not Capitall .

therefore ‘ hc was calledmafi etarfi m 3 9 .Somet imesthe Iudge ,

as Samuel ki lled Hageg , rSat» . 15.33. andfom et imes one oft he guard as he (cut Spien/eterem one

of h is pike -m ento behead Ioén,M 4rk.6. z 7. improper,

y tranllated a H ang-man.

P A R A G R . V I . D iatrréa

of rbeg‘

r premfbmmtt not 04pm”.puni lhm ents

nOt capital], were three, impri

ent,whipp ing ,and mut ilat ion.

Threethings are neceffary for the health oftuansbo‘

d ie . 1 motion.2 . qar’

e: or refi .3. integritieJmprifonmlScontrary to

m e dou ; wh ipping, iscontrary to tell ;and muti lation, iscontrary to integrity of body.They had two forts e f prifoners, free pt ifoners , and

more firaitly kept in prifon.


ree pri foners they fnli'

ered to goe out al l theday long fe ttered, to worker, but caufed them to com e to

the pri lonat night ;And tbey fl mfl éeghtbered aa the raprm : to thep rifimthe marrow they were brought againeto their worke .~So the Romane prifoners were fufi




goe ab road all the day ,rherefe re Pea l fayes;Hefiage’at

m em t di ligently , 2Tim. 1 1 8; ifhe had beene kep t h i l lin thep rifon,he m ight haue found him out eafily ,b ut hewas futiered to goe abroad all the day . Themalcfaéi ourwasbound by the l eft et hi c and the Sould ier by theright arme ,who went w ith him . Seneca Eadem eat en

tam ream gai n; mi litem“fl a p p e r/nine li e/els60th tbegm'


t]mTheft free lt fort of prifomersmhichwe call warden ,

w erewarded within the City of Refuge the Gre ekes

cal led thisprifoneww vGUAet'ttny a prifonw ithout ‘fetters

and the Lat ines cal led thefe p ri loners em perm dim t i,

becauge they were ne itheryet abfo lved, nor

condemned,lying under fome ful


p icion.

Page 215: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

n But torfGrM Ch d z“nThemalefaé

’tor, whe ta hewas beatend

no t ft'

and,but wasbowed downe .Dettt,z 5. Tire 1n

mafe him to dew”.

H is cloatheswere pul ledH ewasbound to a Fake fix ed in



The Whippe had a hand le of



put a théhgof O x e

might be let up or downer, as werap,

and it was 6

ifa le li e r bo

w ent a thoh

in two , and°

§H e rece ived w ith this whippe three b lows




ce 5

th e thong ofk

the Ox'

e leathe rwh ipp ed himto t th e'

*bél ly'

and the b reafl , fori t was l ongefi ; the two thongs ofihe

Afle leather, whipped his backe and th’

e h ihder part’



Page 216: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ho Lord wouldhavé the‘

fame membe r cut offfrom Cam .


elTour, which he cut oil from his neigh.

fee ne, thenbew


imnot,thenhe payesche

hings to h im,h i s pame ,

norforh is t e ll ing, b ecaufe he w rought

Ifhc hurt h isowne heathen payésnothing



place , he payeth a thi

cc payed for h

rhe r pame , to hin the face , a third

husband : if i n a {ecre t

band , and two to he}I t

Page 217: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

i s lawful!

q (2 t

r P linm’e rt rttfl ifl e.

t ingwas norcutting ofl

e fex crements

fi fl ther ofthe deformities oftheho

gral l~

parts,as x ,

The <1 Romansand Greeks,ufed to markemalefafi ors9

Wi th a"

hotyronsthefe w cgecal led sm l af fm fietffl d the A

pofi le alludes to thi s5Harry in thy badg fizgmm Cerf/i i i

When theyweremarked in the forehead ,ft


P/m ieca eS

thd hjhjerzfl es 73

Page 219: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Jam a r .


u C haidy Paraph rafi

upon R e ed,t ranll ates a

(h e nna glove

x 51244 Levi ’fi 8id”;

y (5412:

2 Jed i}! i nt renebo.

l fr 0 ’

or fe l ler pul led off theirgloirelh ooe it isnorcertaine;Targ e t?» 1 9 :1 4t ex pounds it p tthe buyer, th at he pul led offhis glove orflgooe , Ratb 4;Et detraé eéat ebi retheu m dex tm fine, d»

erit ebct eéf _e


i nd/bee drew‘

ej béf rrgbt g l’e fve , w d bmgb


i tfit») the.Otherof them referre i t to the fe l ler,4e [give toM ea tball

glee}; er/bbee ,fi [g i ve their[game t bee.1




In the ir contraéts and bargaines of adp riagingj

theirLhddcs, they ufed not NotarsasWe have; ”fighe

é whi iwas to buy the ground w ri


t two infi rhme'nls 5




he fealed w i th h is owh e finger the otherhee t'


d itunclo led to r thew itne ll es, that they m ight fubfcrihe andbearc w i tne li e


which they d id upon the backe p f the

unclo fed infiru ent : thefe two infi rumentswe re alg al}al ike in all th ingsd


ave only that in t he'feal’ed inaeuraem,

they concea led (omething from the w i tne lTe s, the thingsconceal ed w ere thele , the price ofthe landm d the ti


ofthe redem pt ion thefe they concealed(for none knew

Page 220: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

he Gael ornex t


and thé‘

morgagcr not ab le to redeeme i t at

the day; it was lawful for the nex rofthe kindred to haveredeemed it ; the fe twobe ing concealed,there was placefor the poore man to redeem h is ow h e land after theday : therefo re they fe r downe in the inclo ied

infl ru

ment one ly the bared ifpofit ion w ithout the p rice or

tithe of the redemp t ion. So among fi the Romanswhen

they (caled the ir latterWi ll and tefl amenrs ,they Ccorcaled thename ofthe he ire, leaftany wrongfhould bedone


o therafi'

airestheyhad the irScribes andWrit ers ,mtq d . Thefe

, 1~dgcr 5.M ;by a

Poe tibé ll‘ deicrl p t iod are dcfcribed tn bcmcsfizlofi’ d l ,

P A R A G .-V I I I.

horte weather i ted out ; thereforeo le th ings w hi chreede .So,l ola

n fees

p A R G R .

R evel - z I ;

Page 221: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

P A R A G R O X 1 .

cares upon the irr handstCanon

ckone d upont he ir Jto an ‘hund red

, and then upon thkoned theinhundrcths : hi smean

d Awak e];

e Ifl vM ‘ Ig

numbers up

g out ofthemake e ther three,which make unallunder ten.

mpofed rmto any oft downe in

yee {h al l r'

htly know the numberofthe thum e w ith the

Vpon t put thethe m idfi ,and thein forth, as y e may learne by thehands ferd e w ne here .

Page 223: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Oftbeir men/ares and weig hts .

ré t ive . D i ltrrbut ive iu ll ice , ob le rves medzam'

Geomet r i

fi rm ,ofwh ich the Phil

Canon ; iufiiee is the p i llar which upholds all

cond lv, hen 11 0 labour: m t ,flaall not eate n: Tbrfl g z th ird ly ,the -

markemm ra‘

wor t lzy eff/u;wag er, Lake 1

“ m m “ground ofThe part icula r ground s, are we ights and meafuress

M eafures. which are nece ifi ry in the Church . 23. Fi t“

for mans l ife , as inPhyfichew e ight; the Ph)fitian m ight1 Tim ;3; ufe a li ttle w ine fobaad r i e . Lev i} 1 7. Accor ding to {be med/are of t/refiede,the p a ce of the g fby nd [ball bevalued. So t lic Script ure



Page 224: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ley corne,an’

d of


Acubite Wasteither the'

cubi te ofitheSananary ,‘

or thecommon cub ite, cal


led L's/bi tm w'

r i , the w hi te of 4man .

Data .3 orm éitae decwr iww,

iThe cubite oftheSan&uaryw as anhand breadth thin efl


The commoncub ite was from the po int of theflbpkw,

a t



Beeaufe .the enhite was the ufuall meafu'


Page 225: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


The ohmmonWe ightfi as called Lap s; Reg imfibeKi fig :

flow , 21 5. their(mal letw e ight, w as the w eight

of the flre lt lefth is was cal led Sic/mpm deralfi, tbejbrklr oiwei

gbms the e ther was cal led Si d e;”nu mer i c“ , the penny ll iekles. Aéfilam be)”weighed two bendredfi tklas


which is foure pounds and two ouncesn Sm , r4. z4.Da

e id bough t ofArmm b a peece ofgroundfirfifljjbrkk s,‘

Cbrm g x . 25 .he bought it forfix ry flack/rs, keepingthe proport ion ofgo ld to

-h lver, twelve to one one of

go ld , and twelveoffilver.

P A R A G fa t Xi,‘fDia triéz-r rs


GO 1) to avoide all fort offalie deal ing , toolie orderFor the irmoney , that the Shekle and Gerah fhould

The She lt ie was their: mo lt ttl'


al l money , therefore

fome time s the Shekle is fet downe , and nor the merr'

al l,

asEx od .30 .Tbe}fl mflgiveM e ajbekle, toWi t . t offilvcr.“

Somet imes the merral l i s fet downe and not the Shekle.M ary/7

,z 6 . The; gw e bim tbi rzypcem offilw i that is ,

(hekles‘ ofkfilver third ly , w hen the numberand themet -1

tall is ferdowne ,and nor the lhekle :G m. 20 . 1 6 .Dea'im



ma , i d cfl gficlor argm t i , 1 h ave givers moo .

perm rffi/w r toMy brother , that i s,fickle: rffilw r .

H e w ould not have them to falfifie the ir coyne to maketheir th ekle great , Am : 5. dr to mix e i t w ith drofl



Efizy t . he wouldhave it garb/arr lafiaéer , tranfiem interfirerratam

,Carrm t

mamy am ngfl merchants . It iscalledg amma/5

.4rag a ,(yaefl fm qmmfideiufi rmhen i t is faififled

it bringsgenera/rm ino x qad rftarem .


the dayes‘

ofEz ecbirl , the price of the moneywas:ugrnented , the fix parr, as M aia firm , atthe fir li was0 0 . but inEu chre/at ime n o . So the commonM W ,“

Page 227: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 228: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 229: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Da mn . I

berb ee

tvascalletl the bt‘ id

d by theC haldres ,

e was b rought to the BridegroomeschamberJhewas brought,Pt r ray od y fby ov, and the Bride -


groome was conveyed , Per p e rm eate rhim t he L'

atinescalled Ari/pa ,

inde 60nd»: “ fl i rty” the re lt who wereat the marriage , w ere cal led the children of the wed

d ifl g .M 4t .9 o 1 3.A

Thew i tne li’

es who conveyed them, kept the cbamber sthat night,upon the


rew theyr ece ived the tokens of.

her vi rginity'

and kept them . If afterwardsherhusband'

w asjea lous ofherrhat (he had not beene am aide whenfhe married bersthe w i tne lTes were to pro duce the iheeré ‘


Nam .s. r81 therefore When her husband was{hee ts commanded to (land bare - headedell

,unti l l th e be cleared ofthat fufp icion,

der the husbands fubjeé‘

t ional l that t ime.all friendsof the wedd ing were tvmay a y os

,and «t eammate, thewarm er gfthe

Page 231: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


mangaeethe bi l lcfdivoree tq-thewemans

inthe ir certup tet;t imeg the womangave 350 the

:nr'i BY(13? Attick 14W3:the?

ti ng “m y . g,

The B ill ofd ivc rce , wasdimtfm w the Rifl e/let t ing

Page 232: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 233: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 235: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Liam -dare ecru/ari am : tocare Acmfi ti om ,it fli ob ld no t b e

t ranilated Divulgu e dcmfi t im rs,toproclq ime kcmfl t zam


The Greeke‘

s ca l led’

thefe WM 'U A'

M B Q‘

town i e/pm”: andpamfifes They had two forts of them,

the firfi comment?

parafirw fibegrcyfipamfiteé fl “mom m a-

n u who d id thingsw ith 4g reat [Lew of bbm fi ze z The Latines cal led them

hoard (Fi end: t

At the ir feafls theybhtnt lncenfe for the ir ghefis to

And fittefiupon 4caflly 4u blfp repared éefire i t ,wbempn tbafa mm em amfi(y mm e ayl e.E{ ec. 3441 .The C ha t ch al ludes to this formesM j fpi kmardfi ndctb

forfl; tbefmeli tberegfiCant . x l t z"


The t ime s ofthe ir feafis were , fitfi at the weyning ofthe irch i ldren,as

ifi 4c,and Ifmaela a t the mak ing ofthe ir

covenants, as David , and Aém r,2 Sam .3 thi rd ly , to

(hew the irg lory , as s is/emu”; I Kin gfi o ;A/bmrwfiflg .

2 fourthly ,upon the irb irth daye s,asand H erod M ar lee 6 5.fiftly in the day e i thercoronat ionx

the i rKings, .p'

: if t

t heyci'

ranke the irW ine in a trientall cup , containingalfe anEng ii ih pwi ll t ake thec


ffi l I l 6. I g .i

There fore they fay he who drinkes al l the cup at onedraught , Cid/(fiat Ina; gleam : hee -w ho d rinkes i t at

two, Vw i tfecm dam whim term ,

that is, 444 ci fw'


m m

b ‘Jt he who drinkes it at three , Efl catafp i rztufie 13Brand ,

TheW ine which they d runke(when i t e x cel led )wasdefcrlbed by two propert ies firfi

,Cam . 6 . g o Loqu



£3 1459; dorm m tm flgz z tfpmke: in t he [types of fhafleepen ,

Prov . z"

3. [tat p er refi zma'm cs


,t i nt i ts

way .50,C ent .firmw arem afia/4m in r

com /m ien: 190m m ;Wi m g q ing upright ,man.


Page 236: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

sThisW ine which theydrunke when i twas fl at m i x ta Am ml ex t tm fl e

m ix ed w ith fp ices; i t wasM s eb,mzfl am ,


They ufed to toole the i rwmeWi th(h ow out , ofLtha

fl usv


hey had the ir.

tafie r, fl

Greekescal led him Wat/709 14: the tafler i and a fs oim Q -

t t be

ed this common faraway .

Cpm dm RQ /f‘

The Fathers beio re ighcthes, be t afteg, they w ill


have gar

mbersmaturc is coatent w i th l i t t le,

meales i ts the day , th e ir’d inhetand

p A R AG .

Page 237: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

P a rt A G R A P H B X I‘

L fDi am ba’

t .

H e irTab leswere round l ike the forme of hi)half;hflohnez

ofheds,"r. the ir {Keep

clowne when they were carried i n tho5The irChambersw ere cal led w h im ,

became thc'


Page 239: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


(Si , loin; The5610

Chnfl ,

When they (ate at meate g the ir feete lay out behindch .

ht’ caufe h i s fe e te lay outyvhenhe (ate at Tab le t

P A R AGR . X I I I .

TH e fafh ionoftheirapparell changed as necefl i ty ur

ged .

W hen they were in Egyp t thei r cloathes were long ,heir feete : therefe re w hen they w ent out Ofw ere h idden, Gzrd flffl m

' loy m , Ex odf

. 1 z . j

vai led in the w rldernefl’

e , the ircloa’



reached to the irmid- legge t herefore"

the Frit h s w henthey went up upont he Alter, they are b id pot l innen

breeches Upon them,leaft the ir nakednes {hould be fech e


ufe then the ir cloathes were {hortgfit for their trave ll ing ii) the w i lde rneii e , Th e

"Gree ke s called thié flaort ’

coate fi t;for trave l ling oa‘


m gmo; V i t tori a fw flrz , d ea th :

When they came to Canaan, the ir cloathe s reached tothe i r fe e te againe . Resale}

,t 1 3. 1 14119 Ivzm wi th m Jbt pe


i f,

d am/yer reu bmg ivb i rfi ete : Such w e re the Pe t lians Gateliefi garm ents,Efl ber.6. lb um/e

,id (flu e mt


ue x/ovi t s

mant le hangi ngdow nto rbyfm e.j.

GOd infil trated a'

p pare l l fornece fli ty , - to cove r h altednt fl ea . tor cornmed i tyfl xo rt o r long to fur the r them ine i r ioum ey .3. to d ifiih gmfil [e x esy 1: 00pmon hm: warm s : hppareflme

ah z 2; 5. 4'

to d ifl rrzguifh eal

Page 240: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

the hafenbarthe d ivel hathfoundint ice rnent to filthin


efie and un

cleahne ll‘

e, Prat/7, 1 0 . Afl ajbecame fi rth a. aWhores

pereli .There is fome fort ofapparel l ,which becomes

any hoh e itwoman, therfo re’

theH eat henhad ,h y W at l gfio‘



maliem m ere/rm'

fm eram,the he

that were over- feers of womens ar

C fl fl atf? ’

fi r/h ell ée rea di ed into {byThey had divers forteso fappare l l.

Hewbe barb twoceramic: him part wi th [din that [741 6”one.

iAt the firfi, man had but oné coate , but afterw ard i cd u/ezé i eomfi efén ,

they ufed two: their upper coate ,and the ir inward the ir

upper coate the Hebrewes called M egnfl , fieperi ee , fly}upper crate , Greelt es i u a movs a cloakegand tJhé Lat ine sy bg zz,we!p41!z

nm,ag own e em cleake

,the inward they cal led aw a y

or t iea'

im M at/a. z 5. Chrifi had thefe two ions

ofcoates;his inward coatewaswoven ; uponwhich the ,

foald ier’

s cai’t the lors5and h is Upper coate was made of


parts, which the .fonld iers parte d

The cole urs of theircloathes were d iverl'

e .


tThC cloathes ofthe nobler fort w ere white. Bee/M 9 .

17.Let thy elder/refit he whi te. 1 m . 2 Theriore Church “WOW “

menwere forb idden to w eare white, asfit onely for thenob les forthiscaui e i t was, that thenobles were cal ledCberz

m “M idi white; King ,“ Sa nd the Greeke s from

them tin nob'


e,and theDutch Here,Lard; thefiecloathes

they ufed to (come often hence , to oftenye th all reade ,int

ent ionmade p ftheJJul ler inthe Scripture gwlzz‘

ter than

the Fuller couldmake,M 4rke 9 .3.

M arlee the iparingnefleo fthe ancientNob il ity , who



to lh ow the (elfe fame cloathcs often, and to wean:them burnow

cvery day the y t'

nufi changeI 6. 1 9 .

aparmégagow fi éqagam z'

fw m,whereby is {ignifietl

P 4. the

Page 241: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

C Anon .

Of theirWarrer .

the p rid e ofthe. r ich glut ton, who was daily richly appa

Some t imes they wore icarletzand fomet imes purp le .

TheKings ch i ldrenwere cloathed in coates ofdive tsco lours . z 5m m3. 1 8.

The Baby lonians ex ceeded in p tments o fd ivet s coloures , w ho we

dren.Iofaah7. 2 I .Addereth .S'

im rft

7o .t t anfl ates i t

Ez eth. 2 2 . c

Iy toKings ,The baier fort ofcloatheswere foy led b lacke .Noy fl ahi t chmohfmrz

a, H ejhallm tfim dwith the

TheProphe tswore a hayty Gownc.5

For this, Elm iscal led a hayrym » 2 King . 1 . andAha

the Bap t z/z‘fo llow rng him ,

was clol thed ia Camels hg re.The falfe Pre phe ts,when they would dece ive ‘

the peo

p le , p ut upon them a hairry gowne . Z ach.‘

t 3.And Chrifi"

b ids,b eivare ofthofeswhocame cloathea


nflmpu hinizés ;hat inwardly they are n o th ingWa lezai , M ath. 73! 5.They had broadgird les, ih which they carryed their

money y cal led Z om . H ence

the Lat ines, is'

to[cafe credi t , asSole/ere 20mm,w as tot

P A R A d R A P H B X I I I I‘

TH ey had Gods commandm ent or approbat ionlortheir warres.They had two forts ofwarres,Mi lchkmoth mi te hafiel h

pracept ifl’

arrn h} commm aQGod outofhisOwfl e month,

Page 243: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Apofile alludes to I 6.The fieri e dart: ofwi cked : becaufe they b urnt thofe whom hee ihoors

them at,as fire .Theirarrowes were of reedes, P01568 .

fimge turham arendimam . .So the Lat ines“perqwe i 114m


h i t orangio:The dart come thorowmj entralr.They had a {hort

fword or cutleflie , cal led Segar,

hOl‘ ffi men, y et i /afo ot, who

and a fpeare (wifter than3cal led Ifm -4475114.

~Some times they fought in Chariots . t King . z o .

Q ap efi et 58 731 14ad hefi'

hmy ho/hall ybrdei' $5554!

6. Theic chariots were cal ledthe C re

ches avo'



gu ,becaufe it he/d two ; the



goéand he who fought ,called m agm a.

P A R A 0 ti .

TH ey had two forts ofIncamp'

They had one ofthe ircivi ll warres,anotherwhenthey pitched about t he Arke. a

When they p itched the ir c ivi ll campe , their camp ewas round gEfiy”J ade: Rex inin his round compo; c,So , 1 oh I g . 24; And they fet theirbaggage round about the ccarnpe , to fave them from the

Page 244: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

incurfionofthe cnem ic, and the King fate in the m idfi ,I 5m . t7. z o . becaufe the campe was



thereforei t was cal led Psi/nu “ in . j

‘When they pitched about thcArke, their campcwas:

foure fq uare three tribes beforepthree tribes


three upon theSouth,and three upontheNorth.John in the Rem /l l . 1 2. makes an allufion to Tundry

things in the/Tabernacle, and the tents about i t : firfi i t


called the Lords campe , fo i s Ierufalem . a .- ir was

foure fq uarefo is the C itty ofGod . there r are r three

tri bes upon every quarte r,Num. 2 lo Ierufalem haththree gate s upon the North.4.As

betwrx rthe fanauarie'

and the t ribes, t here came four:

fhegatef of jafli oef /al . H S. 1 9 . So no uncleane thingmay enter wi th inthe


cam pe ofGod,God was a fpecial l pro tector of them in theirmar


r l i llgoz htfhre yougafl a’

gathf fl yoa in. This isa {peech bo rrow ed fromGods having of theme, w hen

they marched .W’

hen they m at ched, t he cloud went before them ,

and DoorEnded the gathormg H ag/h, came be

hind, to lat e t he w eake , and thetaile of the H ort God

is t hat‘

good fli ephcardrm ho w il l loofe none of his

fheepe . t o n ! L; a t ! a? z.

St zrre np‘thr flrt r

tgth‘hefi mBenjami n, Ephraim:a nd

M omma when the Arke m arched , . Baojammwas he :

b ind the Arhe w ith thei r: two t ribesg the Arkekwas cab

Page 245: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

led the firength ofGod, z Chron.6 .4r.he e m eang s then,

that God would th ew his firength when‘

th e Arke f re .

mooved .

So long as M ofir l ived , the cloudwent before inthewi ldernefl


c,and two

who .

ni lhed,then Iefus takes the lead ing , who i s our"

cy carryed in the ir Colours,t ie mefi gnihcat ive

“Judah carry ed a Lyon in his Standard ,Ephraim an

Ox e p an aSerpent ,Nepth4/im anH ind,8t ,they fat m »

havecarried t he p icture o f a M an , hc’

cauie he found o ut

the M andrakes (which Columefld cal les fin d

which are not unl ike to am an

. Thefc were to rep tefent

l at ch: h lcfl i ngs t o his children.So rhe Angels,5z ech , t . appeare w ith the

M anp fa Lyon, ot tanEig le , and ofanOx e

pcare in the l ikenefie o f.a man, becaule of

creatures,he is the moffunde tfiand ingin the l i kenefl e

o fa Lyon, becaufe ofal l vifi’

o le creatures; hee is moft

cont ag ious5 in the l ikens fie ofanEagl e , becauie hee i s


fwift 5 in the iikenefl'

c ofanOx efi’

opm dyoqw'


Page 247: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

upon th is, there fell out agreat firife, bea

ScNeptp be. TheyWear to Athens to M ars;

to be judged M ars fitting 11 pm! aRocke judged

re i t was cal led, apaamfia'

from a'

ésw}, M m ,

a Roche ,-

,When the Apofib'

m akes m ent ionof th isfiree te, he jufiifies nor this fab le ,g ScMg o in B ot/eh but Cpeakes of the nam e r

ece ived in ufe . So Darren

changed into a filh,the Sy rians worlh ipped her as aGod,a nd t he Pbx


ms theirD4gm , t Sam ; Scrip .

ture approvesnorthe fab le . So concerning the , Py rbq.

my }, theScripture approves not the fab le,thatApaflokil led the Serpent, . and therefore was ca lled

Pyt lriw ,50 452. 1 a

andTartar P ff . 2 ¢4o m s

[t he Romans , had in their Banners an,Eagle , aQ

Dafl rine .W

,o lfe ,aMmoraure, a Horfe, and a Boat e


, but Cu m

M ariw rejeéted them al l, but theEag lesand Cu flm im

the Great,caufed to put inh i s co loursC rofle, or rather the two f

i rfl le tters

x and g.The Ifraelites trufl ing too much

Trojans to their Palladium , the,

m nfl amfl he Romans to theirAnd /i d , and the C hrifiians to the Croflhwere oftenoffer- throwne ,The Iewes carried this M am or 0 1703

m their

they writ ity i rnoror: the Ex it letter

ofevery word onely ,which they cal led mgr/ti e, and afterward marnée.

« P a n o nu

Page 248: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

P A R A G .


INt he irBurials they ufed fundry ceremoniesofiCam




eyes and the'

m outh of the dead .

a nd al l the paffages, out of

ex crem ents . 3. they- embal

med the bod ies'

o fthe no b ler lort . 4. they w inded themforbad to w ind

2 : If 13fi lm: 4weakeé adie‘

: t herefore the uncircum

e ifed,(w,ho hury thei r armour w ith them in the

pgrave ,

Eé ékg a zam,

as rhough they wouldcarry the ir fl réng th

to the‘

gt avew ith them} d id fool ifh ly , for ther

e is no“

more firength in the bod ie .fiwm ‘

a rormptiéle dealt? : therefore they fi oP

all the paffagesout bfthe which corrupt ioncom es “

Againlt th is corruption, theyufed eméalm ijzg , to

firengthen themfe lves inhope of the refurre

a ionsf l



Hebrewescall th is’

cbam t, and the Greekes v wca


it di ffere thfrornzth


putri h g of~the corps in the grave

for it fl w as a , p reflalfat i'

vt: to it , and g reat m envyhow an

ted i t ,w ere faid to be unburi ed . Thi s was ,

call ed the bu.

ria ll ofanAlfe , to he put into the ground w ithout any

honour, 1 er :22 . x 9 .So R bfl fl kffi i w as bur ied ,M arke the d ifference betw ix t maiden and fam


Greekes cal led randi re,m pzx éua v,p roperly ofgreat mm .


200571 3

3The H eathen had the ir Novendz'

m /id,when


them y m

corpes lay above the g round the {pace of nine daycs ,

z .Where the hod ie was imbalmed , i t was cal ledfixmw ._

3.w here

Page 249: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

C'Il é -j o i i o

‘Dofl r .

D afl ra'

ae .

3. when i t yvas hurht , i t wascal led V/Irrm .4. when i twas buried

,tt wascalled Ijaw mu .5, the

- place where i twas buried was cal led Sepa lrbrum p rrymbw .

Gen .5o .TheEg y ptians fpent forty day es inenbalmingIafipba nd thirtie dayes iamo om in

g , whi ch be ing joy .

ned toge ther make Up feaveh t ie dayes tprivate per



(cm ,they lamented them b ut 7dayes, 191 mm!”2 z . a3.

but pub li ke perfo ns they lamented them thirty day es .Dex r734.8. they lamented M ayfl : thirty dayes .4 hey burnt fweet odors at the buriall of great men.

l er .

The c learer theDoétrine of the Refurrefi ion is, the

fewer of thefe ceremonies (hould be ufed inburial l 5they one ly walked the body of[M i r/74m laide i t inanupperChamb er, Ag 9 . 36;38. and theApofl le feemésto a l lude to th is fort ofw afhing, w hen hee fay es, n t

[ball the}doc than, whoare bapt i z qdfir the da d.

4. The b ody is(owne'

a (hamefull body ,they o rdaine that i t (h al l b e cove redw i th l innen onely ,that the poorer fort may reach t o i t ; and nor infilke

Chri fl w as buried in l innen one ly .

The y covered the face w ith a'

Napk inJon. I yemay fee inCh i/l and La u ra

,Luke 24. I z .

M an afte r his'fall,h i s b ody was covered, but becaule

the i c remained lome fparkles ofthe image ofGod in hisface , the face is uncove red but aftergdeath they cover

the fac'

efa llo; to l et us fee then, t ha t al l the glory isgone .

(1?e ordained , that after death no man(hould be fullo.

red to fee hisnaked body .

Some t im es in great plagues they burnt the flefh, andburied the bones, Am : r0 .See, 2 Sam the lafl .

P a n a o a .

Page 251: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Oftbeplace of'


ezrSBuriaflt ,

Let ba hfi: be in the bundle q’ l tfi ,

wi th there/Z

the co mm

A52. 1 . l 8 .Thu mw py rrbqfl d afieldwit/r the rewdrdafini ‘mtq


hey- m ig

ht not make a league ofi'


five w ith the H eathen : fecond ly, they m ight nor mar°

ry w ith them third ly, they m ight not bury w ith them,

et te r Refurre é'

t ion : they w aited fo r,

l zfe, the wicked onely for tr/eama, a

orie fo r as yt iacke cal ls therefurreet ionnarbamab, di e: «WW/arrow s, the day qfcmfih .

Afterthey buriedathc corpe‘

s, they fpthe ~jufiice of God,

“ and o mans (innedéath,


and they prayedGod in iufiice to remember, m erc


y then they g ave a cup of confolat ion to the(adhear.fired .

w e en,

x 74m dcLing .Lari».

fla g al lo .


ey ufed in theb urial l of'

Whifl les, but in t heBuriall ofe lders to found


That is5

Page 252: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

H ow they called theplace of their


iX V . D iatriéa 3.

TH ey called their Burial l, for the indurance ofi t, D0mm Err/efiafler t a 5The body is D omm perfi dd d tffi fli‘ ,

grave is,Damwfeml i ,r/ze boa/e ofi gg becau(e win if: the heavenis, 13m m .ctem itd trk,tbe berg/rTherefore the


Egyp tiaus built theirgraves very (lately ,and fnmp tnoufl

y the y cal led them 9 0mm x term“, eter

m A’ boafi; their hoafes they bui lt them but fl ightly ,and w ere cal led di o ci/orz

aj nmr.ffi l . They cal l the gravemm: awn: earth

H e hath l itt le t ight to any thing which hee hathhebecaufe he is but a Granger. l ad.“ wear to bi: m m plare,452. t . a;,H el isaproper place ofthe w icked ,as the Hearen is the prop er p lace ofthe childrenofGod .

Third ly ,they call it ,Bet/9 Chai m, Daww o ijumt z'

amg l wh awqf tbe l iving , becaufe they are g iven to the Lordthere, and the ir bodiesareaching in the irchambersdz


fi .

26. 30 . Therefore the Germanescall the Church-

yardGod/ticker , becaufe the bodies are fowne there, 1 Car . 1 5.

to be rai lédagainewThusfarre have we fpokenconcerning the five principaliex ternall meanes to come by the(rule ofthe Scrip ture .


Page 253: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 255: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

0]theScrip turesjenfe'.

Sacrzficfi w i d elati qm they way /dc]?not have ,

5 this no w ayes can agree to Dafw'

d for he

was bound to { acrifice sthe tefote one ly to C hri l t.c am ” A com pound fen(e , is that w hereofthere are two parts,

literal l and figurat ive , to make ap‘

one feule , w hich is fulfilled two manner of wayes, H tflori cl:the ty pe, and l i te rally in the thing fignI caJedmy Som e out effi gy): Hoff! x 1 . M ark. 2 . r5: thisScripture is t rue borh of the Iewes and Chrifi,and i twasfulfilled l ite ral ly in them bo th .

Here 2m: 1 433the Chi ldrenwho»: th at

8 . 1 8 in the H aérewa fi hap fl . 1 3. i t i s

and h i s Chi ld ren; but firfl to Efiy andA 60m a/i tjl mll are: be érokm ,

Ex od. I z .

ral ly fu lfilled in the Paichall Lambe, and alfo inC hrifi,Iobn 1 9 36 .

Some t imes the compound fen theTy pe, and l iterally in theTbe)?a t}? lots up )»my garment ; M at , 1 s.

i t was l it terally fulfilled in C hri fl sbut ty p icallyj nDr uid,(that i s)they pat t ed h is honour and d ignity , as iftheywere call ing lots

Uponthem .

They g avemegafl i»my drink ,Pfi1 .69 22;

“M ath : 7.

34. i t w as literal ly fulfilled in C hrifi,’

but figuratiVEIy inDav id :(that i s)they vex ed him ,

as ifthey had put gall inhis d rinke .

So me t imes it i s li teral ly fulfil led in the Type, and li

gurative ly in the thing fignificd ,

Page 256: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ef Iren, Pfi l . z .9 .

and l iterally bythe Ammonites w ith

.tlai les ofIron.

Somet ime s it is figurat ive ly fulfil led in both .

H ewhocares h ead wireme, lifi : ba deagain/Zme : thismeant of Aebitop/Je l and l ady .


fenfc againe; is e ither H ifioricall orAllegoricall .AnH rfto rrcall (cafe , is that fenfe which the word

fords, ei ther pre per or figurat ive .

It isa dange tou s th ing ,when the words are properly t

be taken, for to take them figurat ive ly .or contra.

Bebo1d Iewesl

eXpound(hem ords properly ofE/ie: Ttkéz


ter;M at . 1 7.‘

1 2 .when

theProphe t meant themfigurat ively 0 f1 05fl , , who came

with theg i fts ofElia .

Beware of'

the Leaver: of t/1 : Pia/trek“ M at.1 6.6 The

Di lh iples make it p rop e rly ,’

whenChri fl meant figurative ly of theirDoct rine .

Va le/7.9 -4meat 5

Kingdome of G'

ad : that wh ich C hrifi meant figurative lyofRegenerat ion, Nicedcmm takes i t l iteral ly ;V fl lefle4 lam ée éapt ez ea

wi thfire andté e fro/y Gbefl , be(M : enter intothe Kirgdemkay

rQ odsM e t .3. r 1 . th


at whf

{ canmeanes figurat ive ly ,the‘Abyj em take li t era l lysw hen

they Bapti z e'thei t chi ldren, they pow re wat e r upon

them,and marke them w ith an hot Iron, as we


doc our

L amb s .S01726bd rm gelded them/cl

ever for the KMg1 144151 9 )


2 Which w‘

ords Ofigm taking l iteral ly .jgelded‘

himfe lfe whereas/ hee e x pounded almofi all the ro ll ofthe Scr ipture figurative ly .

Tbekk y 50d} : The Pap ifis take thewords l i teral ly ,when they, fhoald be figurat ive ly taken.

The l iterall fenle is thent o be left, when i t is contrary

t cip les.

Page 257: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

mode ll y p iety , o r good manne rs.Centm ry tomedefly .Efiy i s b iddengeenaked :

thefe word sw e cannot e x pound them l i te rally , becaufei t w ere cont rary to modefiy for him to

,he w ent fl aked, that is , he e w anted hr PrOp ht icall gar.

m ent :So See/e I Sam . 1 9 . . was naked , (that i s)he w an.

ted h is M i l itary coate zfo the youngman fled naked ,M 4r .

I 5 that i s)w ant ing his uppergarmentfifiywas but naked in this(ch ic .

Contrary to P i e”. Toeat of rlee rigbtfiefl d, 4351a our



g /aeey e M ath.5.2 9 30 . theft: wordscanno t be e x

pound ed l i te rally b ecaufe it is forb idden in the fix tC ommande tnent .

the fe word s are l i teral ly to he e x pounded , becaufe thi sdut y is commanded in the fittt Commande

ment butbea

rer eve/e: asp en émd , Rom. l a . 20 .Pre p . 2 mm can

no t ex pound thefe words lit erally 3 for that were contra?ry to the fix : Commandement .Con trary tog aed manners. Wh he Prophet

was commanded to em bis Bread bah wi rb mam dung ,2 : this literal ly was norfulfilled, becaufe it was

contrary to go od manne rs , b ut one ly in vifioa.


w hen the Prophe t i nfirm . z . isbiddenmarry a;Whore , this was one ly invi lion, and not literally , for i t

had beene contrary to p iety , and his cal ling .

An Allegorical l fenfe i s that feule which the wordsm eane norat the firfizbut that which the Author intendst i thcr inwords ormat ter .

i t d iffers from a Parab le , an H i lla ry, ane x ample , anApo logue , a Proverbc,and aR idd le .


In an Al legory w ee confider both the l itoral i { mic andthe my ll icall ; but in a Parab le there is but one fenfe fig .

nify ing fo rn e o ther th ing .

“G od hath ft) (compe t ed the Scriptures,

Page 259: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

tAlk go t icaua

b V f fl Ofd f g rfl fl g j d e

two arrow és , and fayd to his Boy , Br ing thi/é twoarrewes, 1 Sam. 2 meant two th ings , Prophet (y remotemgpmpr

m was the tak ing up ofthe arrowes,rem tim was

th e fl ight or ab id ing ofDavid p rofi ted was the loaferfenfep ut David: fl ight was the nob les fenfe .

The myfiical l femle ofthe Scriptures, isAl lcgorical l,TropologicalhorAnagog icall.The ic are: ne t properly d ivers fenfcs , but divers ap

plicat ions of one ienfc to our infiruétion,faith


manne rs.

The Al legoricall appl ication is, when the thingthe o ld Tefiament , fhadowe out fomc things ineflate of the new Tefiament ; as, 2 2 . Abraham

twofi rmes,tbc am by a bandmeide , tbeotber 5; afive-wo

men,wbieb(Paulfiitb) tbeLaw

and tbcGojjbell .TheTrOpolog tcal l, is, whenthe thing de l ivered , fig

nifies fome Other thing to ex preffe manners as, Ti m

[be l t not ma{ {e/themoutbof the Ox e,m t defined thePreeeber ofbt


smai z tem eee .

The Anagogicall appl icat ion, is, when things l i teral ly e x prcfl ed ,doe fignifie fom e thing

inheavens b

Pfel lg 5.8. Gedfirere in, hiewretb, the t t/yq/lvex ld not ed.

rer z‘

rxrobit rd}: burH eé .4. the Ap ofile concludes fromthis,T/)4t anéelet i zer: [bd rmenter intome etem afl refl


Serpee trk, that is, 1 :the/cede(C hrtfi)bead oftbe Serpentfi ert . 3. this is the

literal]fenfe . z .

“The Church/[mil tread donme the bead ffthe Serpentsthat is,the Anagogiche fenfefi brjfofl ome andAmen/e fo l low this -3.

b Raffl e/7140tread dewrte Appet i te:that is,tfhe Allegoricall fenfeSAugu/bme ahd Ly ra fol lowthis. 4 . The V erg e): M ary [71 411 t read defi ne the head of tbeSerp ent : th ts is the h lafphemous fenfe , Bernard and fund ry o f the Pap ifis fol low this . Bew are to fal l from the

l iteral l fenfe to the?“ Allegoricall, and the Anagogical l

Page 260: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

fenfe,lealt thoufal l at laftt o the b lafphemous fenfe . 3

r Every Scripture canno t have the ir d ive rs applicat ions 0 Non ex legeatrk

rue/m eek , {ed ex fertéey t ts eutbert'

te te entefir'


w da e/l Scr ipture , The Scripture is not to beunderli ned , according to the w il l of the Reader ; butacco rd ing to t he authority of the Writer

,and they

fhould norbe fought out , but wheni the Spirit . of God

hath applye d them .

WW W w as a great afi‘

c&e r of thefe ~Allegories 3to be the Settle

,M M to be the

The Fathershavehectic too greatfo l lowers of this

Allego ricall e x po fit ion maki ng t he - Scriptures~

m pfi'

m m,(as w e call it in the Schoo le is)cap

ofal l fo rm esp rl ike unto that m vom ppciccw w hich

gam e dreamed ofimak ing great/ire: ex qua/l eer.The Iew es d ivide the interpre tati on of the Scrip

heard :WhEfi

Confir.cH ierone erx tu fppiow.

Page 261: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

X l m.11 6‘ IO”.

cal l .C hrifl w ofild (ay , in none of the ic e x pofitions havethey taught you the rightm


ng of the Gommande,

m ents .

per v i ew interpretat iena


3B} in.

th iswas noeaccord ing to the l i teral lfenfesbut acco rd ing to the hid and Al legorical l aand becaufethe Py thagoricke and (

Platonicke Philofophy w as my .

fi icall and fymb o l ical l, they b eganne to fol low this k ind

teach ing . The Pharifies (teach ing tradit ions) fol -s

wed th isAl legorical l ki nd ofteaching , and they w erelied t enm im ,

and the ir t rad it ions J‘evw gom e. The Sad .

ces fol low ed the l itorali ienfe throughoutM afl s Law ,

Vi be -

third way of Interpretat ion, was Gm !

Herder/4, 130«vi ew “ bale , é; eéf mre


Wri t ing and they

w ere‘

cal led M eeebbe/im , whor eccived the t radit ionsfrom the ir Fathers, and de l ivered them

the ir poficri ty ; th is fenfe was l ike th

C H A’p o I I.

of themanner fromto tab/ew e w arm e at of tbe ts


N a(peachwee confider firfi the veri t ic'or

falfhood of i t fecondly , the propriety ofi tthird ly , the fp iri tual itie ofi t .Theveritic and fal ihood are tryeti by aillt .


nand negat ion, w h the two Card ines orPo les upon the which all thingsare turned .

H en the Scripture afiirmes a th ing earnefily,they ule a doub le affirmation.

Page 263: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


Ifa i’

peech be affirmat ive ,flthe


e x cept ionis . negative ;ifthe fpeech be negat ive ,the except ion is affirmat ive .

De'w d um a may regarding toGM : been but in theme?t er (f if t i es/1 , 1 n . 1 5.5. He re the fpeech is affirmat ive:therefore the e x cep t ionmufi be negat ive , in t irematters

of V r i alr,heme; not 4mar: eeeerding'

tothebeer:n aeL

1 wee/dy ewere l ike to

therefore ,l i keuntome.

t begetberieéofDin:a

Negatives in»Scr1p tures denie nHmp ly ,but one ly

the comparifon 0

Gem; 2 z firi ll rmée called 1m é,éret {fiwél 5 thatv is;

Tefl mfl ée retber eel/eel [free]Mm [rook i e i

5 that xi s,

gold, that is, retber‘

t ie isPreaching.

butvone ly madam1 05. I 6.24. H i t/M71 0)? have ra ked . teething it)m

that is y ebrevenot hi kedin rd)name theyind irectly ,when they lM Cdzw tbc


Arkeiand when they:fought For his fervannDe

'vid: fake ; but

they asked norbyi the name of IefusC hrif}expli cit}; t u

Page 264: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Tho i'

e who conclude hence, that the Iewes under the


w norC hrifi,are dece ived .

the manner

deny a thing commonly 5

Prat /3 0 . 1 1 . H ewhoeurfetb bis Fa ther

Th is teacheth us ,he w earnefl 4m mhath b eene in‘


P rayer,&howearnefi the

‘Lords Prophets have beene

l C O5 9 ,7,

Page 265: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


isM um opinim em itmwt w ep e ta l?

fl ip , .a y eti retake. They thought the very fac'

rificingpleafed God .

Somet imes the negattye rs onely underfl ood i n th eira ennfe .

Gem; LSpeekem i tberg aod p er bed tei

bimahat is)truth;mg bi t retarrre to thee.

When the note of denyall is put w ith the Verbe, it ,

denieswhol ly .

Non dd 0mm,id efi

,“ li tes.

id efl ,

word it not impafiéle,(that i s)‘


no»fi rm retor

nulls M attbxx4- 2 2 . x!”(fell)flmdd ”at 5cfived,

is)ri ofle/b . Therefore Beflarw i rte (who ho lds thati s no difi

erence whether themore o fdcnial l be ferbefore the Verbe orafter)erres éRead ing, Ei qrt i operatar

,merees imput etary tmfi ermdx mg ret i amfidfl em drm

deéi temg p make the be tter for his porpofe, inefiab lifhing fome merit inman, before righteoufneffe be im pated to him by the true reading , i s,M er

eet rem impatetur .

W hen theNegat ive is joyned w ith theParticle, theu,i t denies not nniverfall


y .

ere/ora”: M 4

Page 267: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

fEell s r fl'e e g d fl d o.


m i t ted betbm tbis l ife, and in tbcl ifi tocome but itw ill notfo l low affirm at ive ly and negative ly, fizm

fin es are no:

pardoned i n tbs: it'

je lwbi eb arepex dm edm tbe ti 4: tocemesas

the Pap iti s conclude , in Pufgatory .

To confirme this,w e may ufc Bel ermi aes owh e com

Spem e b ar Bram /55614: i t wi ll netfi llow i bis m yfem fim c}

bepafdem m : i nSpaib ey bi eb bepardem in Brew /e.Ifa negat ive be true , the affirm at ive mu l

’t be falfe


é - x

em:m,by the rule ofcontradi éi

Tbea wi l: not. leavsmyfi e le ing re vey r bed . neitbeq/éfli n1b}ba/y One tefi e corrept ienfifi i . 1 6.Th is negat ive is faifeo fDavid, for Peter fayes o i That befiw



rep l i ca 5 M d tbs : bis buriafl th is i bere to Ibis thenthe

affirmat ivemnf’t be t rue ofC hrifi, that befi tvm a rmy'

t im fi ei tber we: bis/ba le left in i begraf

t/g erb il . H ere by.

the rule of - contrad i éi ion, is proved that ~C hrifi w ent

not , downe to ~hel l, (contrary to the Pap ifis)forfignifics that fame of Chri l

‘t, that i t fignifies ofD

to w i t, the grave .

i fa fpeech be negat ive ,the e x cept ion is affirmativetakes i bis boners}upon bimbmbe tbs:

tberefo i e,be tbet zs ri fled 4; Aaron

ma fia/res the bow er ape): bim .

H e prepriet ie and phrafe of the {p eeeh

Scr1p turc, is a profitab lc helpe for to .

D o é’trineby .

en 3 fpéeéh ISfpeaken mm eopm



Page 268: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

word from one thing to another . z . t ar

y-Té .


P ff éUfi Al a'

ptdvh ab ‘

fGod, q eniws , borrowing Gena re.

attribute toGod, per. s eesaw ;r,rep enta

“mg m1 R ing 22. 1 9 .

by things»that

Page 269: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

hi s eyes3,th

h is hand s . 3.


m,when the Pap ifis conceive h im fal lely


i the ano ldm an.

tres are cal l


the mé ther‘

o i u'


D og r i fl f . s

o As no V il lageth is t it le , to hav

abbui ; lb no part iculetheMorher o f O ther

ca ls ihe Gent i les the ir[beflwe elecfor befi ctzizt

i yx aq mmwt .

arilTherefore [beelp r baides ,

doth n‘

orpregerly ‘firfl' {i gni

fie the efiate ofth‘

e damned 5 and , then of aM etaphor,

the Pap ifts bold ; but contrarily , firfi tbeen the (tare


o fthe damned.

ture when i t (peakesofGod,way ofe x cel lency of h im .

Page 271: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

arefimperprep bm e;and they ho ld that none ni ight pronounce th is nam e Iebaw b, but the Prief

’t w hen he w as

pe0 p le in theTemp le, and that theEgyptian(

was finned to death, becaufe he e x prefl’

ed the name a bs.

inund atio n ofthis name had pow erand that i t was by this name that


In the'

I .thc~Dive l l . t Xprefieth

Th is teacheth us.that it i sa fearefnll t hing:to fal l . ih

Page 272: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

theirhands,free m e from them .

10 th to {peake ofThe Schoole


cripture ex prefl’

es fil thie aéi ions, e i

ther natural i of finfull i t e x prefies themin comely

who had the

e ines, gomrrbz e, f r modefl i e of

e i h im ,m ya nm t

f fz m sem tbd i be efif rt d

4! u I ?”


odei’ftn the1 r i‘

peechJo in the i r;praé’trfe

(D efi r .

Page 273: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

w al l . It i s norm eant ofa dogge here . Target”: tranflatesi tfi/jbm intefligm ten g ebi ld (f ender/l and i ng .

C ‘W ’” W henthey (peake of adulterie and ti nfoi l unclean.


p re ife i t alfo inmodefi rearmes.- 1fyé bod b eep/owed wi t]: my H afirJadg .

Ifye had norlycntw ithDal i la . So the Lat ines,Ard rc em e obft au . M enage

“wh o; He t i llh hqtber mom ground. 8 9

ding , l ob.31 , my noifigrinde toanother .

3i . d ied i re om nob le l ogos 1b toas offer tbewe) ofafljub;ruio omensoorne ,


they call i t inodefi ly , 1]t wiob 4 ago.

Si d/en waters orefweete,Prov.9 1 7. that is , 41 11 110 411 .

for :They cal l adulterieand filthie luft as ofm od ems 0 1W“W W bis fitberswooinAnd the Lat ines ,Ab/i im ab aqua e liem


9 1 um 1m m’c fa’dtd cl r

a . forAbfl oimfiom onotbor m oo: condom and it is Called


“We “ m” fiem’

be rod : 114.“ mAnd 1 t 15to be marked,that {i tch 15 the purtt tc

as.themans yar

D ofl r . This‘

tcacbeth us asw enut our upon our‘


tbiozo: cbon lo the Spir it of God

put comely tearmes upon uncomelythmgs .

i i


In(peak ing of idolatrie and fpirituall whoredome;e scripture e , prefTes it in~

p laine rearmes .

Ez eob. 1 6. Tim ebe]?fired ob]

Page 275: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Evonwop ée.


per mm ox nmnmh .

Some t imes the Scripture e x prefl es th ings by theircontraries

,efpecial ly infwearingg .

.Nobotb b/efl'

ed God : that 1 s, cnrfed

cel ebs)di e 3 that isam God, So i ’ toloil led hi s father. Th is kinde of

1 2 , 2 .Roul w 1 ll not fayto t he third heaven.

I Sm . z 2 come amo»o[6od teEli .Sm ael wi llthat he4bemm ofiGod, come to.Eli

and yet 1 t is holdea generally, tthat i t was Serene! whoonme to Eli .

fe lic leaned

womb prorfi'oboe


M e t tbemfpeakes of the entertaine tnent which hee gavetoC hrifi 1 11 hisowh e how {partngly he fpeakes of t t .


bot be come bome andm e breed inLev i es boafi’ f but whenLube [peakes ofi t he fay es, AmiL ev i mode eg reotfesjl toCbrifi LubeBin:M ofy/es write s ofhtmfelfe , that beenew tbem eebefl

mart i n tbcworld PNflm . 1 2 . 3.

M ay/es durii not hold bat ke that commendat ion, morethanhe durfi tno therp lacesn0 t fet downe his own: blem i lb es to le t then; fee, that 1 1:was nor his owoe partienlar that moved him he re

, but the g lory ofGod .

Page 276: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

y ,the Scripture tax es another man inthe pe t’

fon ofhim that [peaketh . 1i

6 Pool in hi s dwne perfon, and

ofApolln ,hades fault w ith the fchi fmat i

Th is’

teache th us

not : Prev . 17. z i ~ that i s,

Page 277: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

This teache th us that we flaould brid le our atfeét ions,

ari dmoderate ly utte r ourpafiions.Some t ime s the Scrip ture teacheth us fiworm w . bydifi inc‘ t ion.

It puts; d ifference betw ix t the reve lation of Gael tothofe w ho w ere norProphets, and

Abimd eob And i be Lord ogm e to Beh em . .But when i t(peakesofthe li cond fort,

H ence the lewesofProphecy . now,

ceives ofa thing w eJhgow 5pm.

Page 279: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

D ofiri fl e .

I ejbbr efl Jim}.

D ofir ine .

Dofl r .

P er transm it“ , w hen the Scriptures b ring in the dead(peak ingras Laz arus , and the rich Glntton.

Th is trasheth usout great infide l ity , that we w i l l outbeleeve the Scripture of God, but would have


fomecomefrom the dead to teach us .

Somet imes the Scriptures by a diminut ive word , exp refl


e great love and afi'

eéi ion.

Let w e di e tbe dce rb of tbe lit t le rigbteoees 3Th is teache th ushow deare to the Lord is the death of

the Saints .‘

In the ir death he embraceth them asw e doeitt le b abes inourarmes Dei t .34.5.M oyfes d ied Lep i Iebarri o

Jodor Iebove , At tbemonthof tbe


Lord.The ChaldeeParaphrafi paraphraferh i t, Ad ofenlum on? Iebovc :

At a

£ 117? of tbemob tb afGod . So that death to the righteous, is


a k iffe of themouth ofGod .

Somet imes i t ("

peakesdifdainz tbi ob bro


be tbe:“


at huge‘

brarne ii


This teache th us how bafe ly we ih ojuld thinke ofIls 535to cal l an a l ittle peece of wax e s anI

de lha l ittle p eece

OD taught h is peop le the ir duceps and e x amples.By Precep tswhich are contained inhi s



The moral l Law hath fundry p mpexrtieswhich no otherLaw ha th .

Eirfl , it is a royal l Law,1 4m

,a . 8. becaufe 31 were bound

to walke in1 t .SomeC cr'

emonies oftheCeremonialLaw[ o fthe l etters ,Ex ed . ob l iged al l the Iewes at fometimessas none m ight eere leavenat t he


paflbover : fome

Page 280: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

as noNaz arite toCEremonies obl iged al l the Iewe s at 31 times; as nQ


inn o place m ight w e (w inesfl efli ,Lct/ir. l t . 7. but theynever ob liged t he Genti les .

Th¢ iudl€ iallLaTY onely obl iged the Iewes Iadea

Dean. t o, 9 .No Levi t t m ight have a pofiefii on in Ifrael

yer 36'

.aLeftire on p‘

rus fold hispoflefl i on,andlaid i t dow nat the feet ofthe Apofilesghis Levite dwel tling inCyprus, might have a poffe lfien, alrhough nor in

mi ce .The iudiciall Law be longed onely v

m the peop le inIudea, therefore Ct rolofladiw , who urged the l ud iciall

Law to be obfervcd in all Countries, d id as thwould have onel


hooe to ferve all fort s of feete : So'

theIewes were to b lame , who urged the obfervat ién a i theC eremoniall Law to theGent i les .

It is a ip irituall Law , i t reaches to

as We ll as to the ex rernall .M ath . 8.

It condemnes not onely pnfsi am r, but , propafi iam :That is,firéz

tas anémi sniatm,[ed new di amm or,fi ddd ine

mot ion: in themindé.bam t confin ingA s theSunne“

(h i

hing le ts us fee the l itt le atomes or rhoats, wh ich are theleafi th ings that we candi lcerne (o the b right Law o i

God letsusfee the (mal lefi things re be finne even beforethey come to confentJFaman had

lm i t tenout hisne ighb ours tomb; orh is ey e , the Iud iciall Law req hi red



more ofhim but th is ,that his tooth-mould be fmittenout

againe , but i t took? not orderw ith the internal}hatredbfthe heart.This puts a d ifference be tweene th is and al l Other

Lamires .The Civi lian (ayes, Cog im iom'

a pwm m m aha/2m

fainenemabu t , Let 1» mix»ar pani/bed i nAmanmay b e a good Cit i z en,a in the Civi li common- M ani]

Page 281: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


ThisM nrall Lawis fpirituall}i t condemnes (innes ina: I . from the le afi to the greatefi : 2 .

md 3. the,confeq uents offinne , M at .

Fromthe leafl to the greateli Jrflmflm t new age, Lee/z .1 9 . 1 8. Al l fort ofrevenge is here condemned fP i


rfi,Pharifies revenge, toothfor tat t6,attd eyefir 5:

condly , 6aim r‘

evengefivmfir am ,Gm .4. Third ly ,L4

w erbt rev’

enge ,/Ervm t7fi r m'

e,Gm .4.Fourthly ,84mpfl ttr

revenge , three tbaafi fl dform e,(Mg I 6 8 Now let m ehe

rew agedfi r om afmim eyeg httd Ire ki lled t ime téotfi nd.“

The antecedents and confeq uents offinne .

The occafion‘

s orantecedentsof l im e,l ama


4, mufi bury the care rings, leah theymake an“

Idol l ofthem zfo themenofEplyqfw ,

when they rep ented

forceries,they b urnt the irBookes .

The confeq uentsoffinne : Tefl mflnot revenge, nei therrememéer . Lee/i t . t HEre the Lord condemnes the


dreggs and confeq uents offinne , aswel l as the finne i tl'

e lfe . As he w ill not have them to revenge ,fo he w il l nothave them to rememb er . The H ebrewe s i llufirate thisby this ex ample Rméén fear to borrow of Simam! ahatche t Sim on refufes him: the neat clay Simeonfendst o borrow om am a fickle l i bec refufe i t i t is “0 11 10 ;but ifhee fay , lat here i t is, i wil l nordoe to him ,

as hee


Gods C hurch, becaule Gods Law requires internal lobed ience .The q uickefiofthe Pharifies could no t conce ive that it was fih ac before


i t came to confent, and

they tooke i t onely for the refiraint of the outward man,M attbew 5. And”fly/ms feemes to he aPhari fee in thispo int

,find ing faul twith the {entence of”ham ,


l aid , that a Ant i ocbw peri l'

hed miferab ly, becaufeh ee

thought to have robb’d


the Temple ofDi emdenies

rthis , and (ay es , i t deferved fuch a pu

norhecaufe hee would have done i t , but ifhe had done

Page 283: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

not in the fi‘

t io‘

tefl figni

[cram connex iomm , God [fanfare men 13

tohe lme t-d ; i there‘

is bne ly a conform i ty. betwi x tfi thefe

{The Precep tsot he'

fit flz

w ith, w ithout a Raine ofh is

the irwage? i s

05t Ceremonies, that they(hallmdnre

ill thy neighbour”

Swi m anfwers,this finnocomes by revelat ionofa

Law by God himfe l fe’

: lo the’

p recep ts of the(econdble are (0 neerc unt o the fitfi princi they arecal led the Law ofNat ure in the large dReafe nteache th al lmen to keepe the fame


Page 284: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books




n is faid to be a covenant forlong t imegti ll the comm ing ofC hri li .of the C eremoni es ' 13 oft his la



Aft er the death ofC Church ul'

cd Cereo

ead m Cm .

I 8. I 8.H e did no r {have hi s head as the Law of

the Naz arites required ; for he fhould have gone then to{ctr/firem ,

and there to have {havenh ishead, a,

nd to‘


call the hayre o f his head under the Al tar, and bitm r ir

there :‘

M méfl . but he d id i t one ly here fo rhearingw ith the weake Iewe s , w h ich he could not have done


if the ~Law had beene in vigour. Second ly , They keptthéfeCeremonie s after thedeath of Chri fi . at { em/s lew ,

hut nut at Ant ioch t‘

a i findes faul t w ith Peter for l uda iLz ing there . Thirdly , They kept them onely among theIew es t il l the defirua ion oftheTemple , w h ich was theWardrobe of the C ere tnonies. Fourthly , They w entnever againe to the brazen Altar to faerifice after thedeath ofC hr i i

t 5but nied one ly fame of: thefe meaner

Ceremonies nor for themfelves bUt iofl anorhcr

The Ceremoni es were appo inted for the Iew es unt i ll the t ime ofcorreétion, and the ir infancy therefore

thofe who would apply them now to the C hurch,

D of fl ine,

Page 285: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

which, had h ee coma ~

mi ng to t hel.l?hyli tian, laidsunto h im, that he marvelled

wfihyh ee would give,

him iuch Phyfi cke l

w hichy ould

hurt him? The'

Phy i-i t ion

dem ands of him when hee

gave him that Rece ipt ? he anlwers wh en he was a

you th , and‘

i vi t liall fltewed him thaf then i t cured him ,

w hich was now l ike ly to kil l him the Phyfitian reply ;ed , that the Phyficke w as norg ood becaufe i twas no ttaken at his command , and that w hichWas wholefometo him b e ing a youth , w as now d ead ly to him be ing ofage So the

’Ceremonies ofthe Law w ere'

profitable forthe Iew es b e ing chi ldre n

, (taken . at the commande

ment o f God)b ut now they are dead ly , whenth e arebecome m en in C hrifi .

The M Orall Law 13 equi tab le, i t, gives every manhisowne ,

i t rt q uires a further dot ie alfo that the ufe ofour

The 70 wa s: I ndig ent ; good s (’

nould helpe the poore inthe ir ne‘

cefl i rie zPro'v.3.

z 7.Wi th held not thy goods from , the owner : the pooreare

cal ied Bdgfl d/c’ tobi



Lerds ofthy gaads. There i s ade n

bl e”

ri ght h as proprzetat i r , (it iatt t bdri tzt ti r, the r fg bt qf

lamp ri t t i e, and t he fi ght of cbar i t i t ; im chari t

at is, thath e

l ongs to the poore,im propr ietatir, b e longs to the ow

ner . {are chari tat i s , fomuch asmay refre lh the poore in

his nece iii tie , belongs to him,al though the prepriet ie

b e no rhis ._ .The Lord appo inted in his

manwhen he came into aVineyofrhe

,Grape s as he p leafed , this

m ight carry none away w ith him ,this is imp rap rz eta


s . So, the'

Di fot p les t rave l l ing through the fields up

Page 287: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ce aom

D ef—

fr i ars .

gave t ofome , ‘



to try them ; but’

nOt‘Which hee

would have them t o performe .V vhen iGod bade Aém bm offer his foune Ifimk in a

burnt offering, Gen. 2 z t i t was but a precept of tryal l;as the event {hew

e thgfor God would fac t have him to

pe rfo rme i t .n

W hen C hrifi bad,

th is Difcip les g ive”the people .

meate to eate , Lek. 9 . it was but a Precept of tryal l , for,

hee k new nomeate to givethem .

W henSa/omyucal led for a fwe rdgo cut the Chi ld ini t was but a precep t oftryal l .

fhould conclude, thatw ere lawful l —for him


fo to doe ; then heefhould take a .

Precept of tryal l for: a precept moral l and of obed ience . .

Precep ts of convifi ion are tho le Precepts, whLord g ives to w icked ‘men

,to make them the m

e x cufab le .A

God {ayes to Péamt et {baggy/ego: Ex od. 8. L hee

M Ww e l l enough that Pi nned :Would not let the p‘

eop legoe : why bad be him then le t himge e? to make Pharaohthe more inex cufab le .


Thofe who gather from this, that there were t wocontrary w i l ls them gee, and not let themgog are m ifiaken one was a Precept


of copvta ion.



VhenGod (peakes to an


a Preceptwhen Gopent .When H e arth/a was lying dead in the grave , Chrifi

Page 288: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

firuétion, i t is,

a precept of tryal land convict ionto h im .

dé , when wee proveone part icular by


another. by way of

fimil itude, which iscommontothe who le kind underwh

the god ly inhOpe of the ir“

de l ive

on,2 Pct . 2 . 9 . P eter fe ts downe firfi£112m m

,and prefer

fvc thewi cked

roves, why becaule i t agre es

Angels, and to the Sodoni rres,’

bur: to all the w icked .

and tbe/{min to the d a m ,and to

The H ebreweq g ive ex ample of thefea fTo the it;43d mtbcfinner Ex od. 9 . 2 King . 20 . asto the Egy ptiansH ez eclym for bo th of them had the Plague

50 Davidgathered the m ate rialls to bui ld the Tem p le ,and Na

mchadm z ai burnt the Temple ; I yet

as to the Spyes and


for the defence

(mam .

Page 289: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


Tbamanner ofcgatbermg fl ofi rme; 0 c.

ot the'

good Land , and the Spy es raifed an e vi ll teport

upon the‘ Land , y e t bOth of them dyed intheW i lder

neil e .

3. To him wi nficrz‘

fim b, d ind [aim wkas Iofiaza

refiored the worlh ip ofGod and Acbaé po l luted the worfhip ofGod 5a 1073n z Ki fig a sy et both

o fthem dyed i t) the b atte ll

4. Tohim wbofiym retb,M d him whofl areté the Oath

Sampfimwas re ligious inh is Oath, Iadg l 6 . z I Z edecéz‘


b ro ke h is Oath, 1 yet bo th of their eye s werepulled


outof the ir heads here the gam e agre es toa ll .

CW ”0 Ifthe mat terbe proved by manyE'

x am

gefim agreenot to al l 5 then the conclaufion


Church .man(hould marry ; why ?

At éanafiw , l arva e , and Aménfi w ere no t married thisgmm agrees no t to all Church men ; for wee can {hearm oe w ho have beene married as P eter, Pbi lip theE.

vange lififip zr i dim B ifhop on paw ,Gregor}Naz im z m,

Polycrates B ifi wp op befwm ho t eftifie s that he was the.e ight , l ineally (uceeed ing at Ephefw ,

one after another.

The Ex amplesof Gods m ercy and his jufi ice ho ldever.

Admbam was ju/fifi'

ed éy faité , Ram .4.Therefore allthe faithful ! are juti ified b y faith . So in the ex amples ofh is jufi ice , Lm

’tc Rememéc’ r Lats ivy}.

Andthe H eb eew es have a f

74 afignIf theEx amp les bee of themofi notab le men, then

they have the g reater fo rce to infe rre the conclufion.

If Naah ,Dam e}

,and 1 05

,would intercm’efl r M a ytag/e 5

yet would 1 net barre thtmfi z c’cb. I4.Why makes he choyce

t l m l zé 7.

65l . of thefe three 9 lt he H e b rew es aniwer,t that he makes


Page 291: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

H eaven,and burnt theC aptaincs,

p ies may call forfire fromheaven’

to burnt . the Samaritans

,-Lué. 9 . 55. i t fol low s nor

,becaufe they had not

that fame fp iri t . i

The Apofiles inchoofing M at t/l i e ; cafi .z 6

therefore aM inifier now is to be chofenby Lor,it fol lowe th nor why Pbecaufe the Ap


ofl les were immed iate lycalled ofGod , and aLe t be ing immed iate ly d ireétcd byGod

,he was immed iate ly chofenby him.But aM iniflerismed iate ly cal led by the Church Aé


: 14. z 3.thereforethe rulesof theApofile arc

to be fol lowed inchoofing ofhim .Z mo theEmperour temp ted God in this caufe, laying apaper upontheAltar , . that

God m ight write in thepaper thename of himwhom hc


would have B ifli op ofConfl entz

mpk : F/w i t ia corrupt ing the Sex ton of the

Church , caufedWrite inhis owh e name , and {0 he was


ée gmidcd

Ebed kid/edSnag/en M g .3.20 . therefore a Fryer maykill a Prince , this conclufion is e x ecrab le they there

forcd i l’t inguilh’

no t the d iverfe forts of R evenge 5whichi s, 2. e i ther d ivine, aswhen Pbinme ki l led Careg this was

fad/ace ex traordim rt}: publique ex traordinary“

: .Ord i fl e rt'


p g élz'

eemrdim rzlj b y the M ag ifl rate .3. Private:

£ 04674,mmmew e: at repefiit, Pri vote/y compelled when

onerep efls v i a/ew e éj'

v io/m ce this is cal led tram /param

t ale,ere inw éneélodefence.4, Temcmria(y Hitt i te , and

Wi lma/fi ll .

The Woman of Tekoah(a id to Dav i d, Remember tbe

Z etaof the Lard Om of /rcrfinne: bad éi flz’

d the other i n the

field : 2 Sam,1 4. (that /

was incu/peta amtd a) in defim a ofbemfelfi 5and (o th ee w i l ls Davi d to remember the Law

o f the Lord . 2 Sam . 14. 1 2 . In this cafe a man inhis na med efence

, is aM ag ifilate .

Page 292: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

i t vvas

t . 5. that it waslawfullfor every private man , To to rdoe , they confoundere ordinatdmpab/iu fir, and i ll iu



W170)tbe)di d i t .in t imeofnecefii ty gate the Sh

ew - b read, x Sm .

z t . 6.wh ichOtherwife he could nor have done 5 nei therwould the Priefishave g iven i t unto him but inh is

The vApofiles(M . 24. 1 8)kept the Ceremoni esafterthe death ofC hrifi


an interim,and a t ime , unt ill the

mo uld bemade up betw i xt the Iewe s and the Gent iles but i t was ne t lawful l afterward for the Iewes t okrepe them.

180 long as theEremp le of. Ierufitlem fl ood, they werebound to praytw i tli their faces towardes i t 3 1 K i».

but itw ill nor fo l low now, that the Iewes ihenld tutne

t he ir faces re ward: the p lace of the Templel nowwhenthey pray .

Sm aafbui lt anAl tar at Ram bf andoffered upon i t , I8 4mg , It was lawful l for them a l l the t im e betw i x t thedefi mé’t ionofitheTabernacle i i; Ski/a , and the build ing

ofthe Temple to facrifice there : but from that”

t imethat theTemplewas built, it was unlawful! altogether


therefore the Kingsof Iuda are b lamed when they de

fireyed ne t the high places. Prudentiw cal led the At keat this t ime a rm w ga,betore i t was efl ab l iihed at [era

t the Ceremonies after the deathe fChrifi at Icrafi lem, but ne t at Arub a/a and ft)ofanyorhenp lace where the Prophets and , Apofiles relbr

t no miracles inM W etb,Luk.4.tabe

I I I I ,

Page 293: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

The manner ofgatber ingD052r im , (7 6.

caufe he had no Call ing to worke hny there; as Elmawrought nom iracles in Ifraei but to the w iddow of


rap i d foEli z ew to the Shunamite,becaufe hehad onely a Cal l ing to worke there.T he Hones o fthe Saints are not to be fo l lowed .

Rockes are fe t downe in a M appe,that the Saylo

may (hnnne them and norrunne’

theirShippes againftthem .

was turned into a Pillar of

If the feet be approved 1 7: tm tafi d nm in tota,iafi firmhrt net i i: the whole It 1 8 M t to be made anEx amp leimi tat i on.

umci l’

ed hérChilde , fo the

3 therefore a M idw ifemaylde ; this fol lowes no t . The Ange ll ceafed

to troub le M ojfi : b ecaufe his (on e was ci rcumcifed,atidnot becaufe he was circumcifed by a woman.

After that the Samaritans worth ipped the true Godw ith their Idoll s, the Lyons hurt them no more; i King .

1 753. the Lyons ceafed to hurt them , why : becauTe / theyworth ipped the true God 5 and not. becaufe they worfhipped the trueGod and the ir Ido ls: This obed ience o fZ ippom l: d id not fimp ly p icareGod,but in part,as d eed :

bed iefl ce. 1 King : t . z 9 . a

Ap i lh imitat ion ofthe Saints is rid iculous ? “


The Ifrael ites compafled the wal les of Jeri cbe .{i ite

clayes,but upon the feay enth day they compafl izd

theWal l feaven t imes : there fore the Iewes in the/ fee l}

ofthe Tabernacles compall’

ed the /Altarfix e day es,evele

yday once ;

but in the [eaventh day they compaffed i t

(eaven t imes thiswas r id iculousa for i twas incorrup tt ime .

C ht ifi'

put hisfingers into the caresofthe deafe, and

Ta lm ud £16.c 1 11073.

M ark up ”.

Page 295: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

math in 1 05, and in the Pfalm 50 . after onemanner. .

Sedond ly , he goe s forwards inthi s fab le , 2 Becaufcthefe tWo, Lew


4tbaniand Behemoth, are foyned toge ther,1741 4044 6. be though

t that 856:m was alfo a Pithas Leo i etbm ; burbecaufe there was not fpace enoughfor them both in the Sea, he put him upon the moan.


,and gave

Lw iarbap the i eventh part ofthewaters,and kept her to b e m eat to whom he would, and wherehe would : H e [ay es that {h ee is kept in drw m t i m em,

hat th e maybemeat . For thisIewes, that the L ord k illed one of thofe great

W haleswhich hemade , andfalted her w ith fair, thatth e m ight be kept to b


meate for“

the jufi in the l ife toM am ie Pleflé compares them to l ittle Children,

whoin the ir tales cangoeno higher than to meate anddrinke , and fwee tdainties; and they thinke thati s no

o ther pleafure in heaven, but offueh

fee what i t is to compare places uneq ual ly .

From wrong tranflat ionfalle do éi rine is gathered .

Love thy m igbb mr 44$177[if e : The Pharifes tranflatei t,bim wbowas afiz

m d om lj aHence they gathered thth ey m ight hate the ir enem ies zbnt the Apofile , Raw . 1

tranfl ates infl i ct: [be]: [w e thy nag/rive r; vimswear, that is,

any manwhatfoever he is.~Tbc Lordfivore éy tbe ex ec/[em i t”g renad ine: 6 8 .thais, ,

by himfe lfegb ut the Pharifes interpret the'

p lace , thahee lware by the Temple, w hich was hi s e x ce l lencyH ence they gathered , that i twas lawfull to fweare bythe Temple ,M 4tflz .z 3. 1 6.

T£1 13is Am ,wbafi zmdm t bagamim ,

dermfl '

,Gen.36 .24. 14m in: {ignl fi és alfo W aters . Becauie the tranflat ion ofithis p lace w as ha

rd,fome tran~

fl aring i t M ules,and fom eWate r 5 the H eathenm ade ano tab le ly e upon the Iewes ,


w hen M ofis was feed ingAfles i n theWi ldct rneffe 3becaufe the All i s or M ules


Page 296: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 297: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

N confirmat ion ofDoétrine the

not fee i t r a n d

e loquence , than to the powe r of C hrifi , and that rfam e be no r e ofthe Gofp e ll,w hichAlex ander(aidAcbx lle: who counted h im happy that he had Homer todefcribe hisp raife , Therefore outLordmade choice of

No tefl imony taken fromApocryph Bookes,can fe rvefor confirmat ion efDoctrine , for the ir te ltimony 15burhumane .

Page 299: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books




Cwh en.

d B d/t/m s,E

,rfl , gq. ,

e P eroelm ,

Eofihim tefiifies , that the M onks l ived ithe t im e ofM orhe theEvangeli it but

ifiaken here , as al l ourDivines te fiifie.

In a tefiimony of fact , whether Peter

or not , the Ancients many ofthem affirm ed i t 5but our

laterDivinesmany o f them by‘

found reafons improve

i t . t

The te ftirnonres ofmany ofthe Fathers are not to be

beleeved for them ,but againft


Nommo credeadum efl m oaafl fae None duohehole:

«nad ir:hr; arm: row. C lemens Ameletm'

fayes ,9 5

ohm wri ts were true, yet they make nothing for the Popes .true)

The tefiimonie s of the Pope s, if they make any thingfor us , are

C h i/rho:

a lyer)ag‘

ai nfi tho

The .Fathe rs w rite (omt t tmesaoym wmh r they are more to b e credited inthe fecond ,ban in the fir li .

d Bo/i/[aid that the Father and the Sonne wefe‘


Jvrosri ff ff fi When Gregorio Neomfar imfis ob ieéi ed this'

to h im, he anfwered that he laid i t not h ymvfi ss


b ut


i .

c Porom'

m the C ardinal l lets down two’

Rules, to

try whether the tefiimonie o f the Fathers is , to he ad .

m itred .

The firfl is, that w(ee mutt hold them for a lufficient

Page 300: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

t o whom the moh Famous yof every Nationin affirm ing a thing, and none have Oppofedves to t hofey ho are he ldento*be 0 rthocle x e .


fecorid , when tthe f Fathers fpeake nor this as 2'

Doaors or Teache rs, whea they fay this orthat‘

is to 502355



that fueh ag “

But how [hall w e knew that the refi ofthe {fathersfor many

of the ir Bo’

e kes areip errfh ed ,

the worthy Fatherswrote nothing w hereis ac t a fat e way that w


e m ufl w alke‘

infe r the n

w e that] he kill ed w ith thirll'

,as t ha t:who

Canon .


ofthe ir d ifputauons,N o

n fi uh ém d .

gem : in the i r d i fp fl tatrons , three manner of

wayes jg Firfi‘

s in their id le and varne q uefiions z'

2 . In

obfeuritie of words : 3. In the ir manner of d i fputal

Theirq uefiionsfe r the me fi ,are e it nitrousid le or esui‘ iousgas the mofi of the irh



are barbarous, impm pér,

Th irdly , the m anner

Page 301: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of theConfirmation offl ofi rine.

w ithout any dee ifion 5 and they truft toomuch to the

tefi im ony ofman .

B um ,For p iety Baccr (ayes wel l 55 that there is more p te tic

to be found in Seneca , then in many of them , and i t is

131 9 1 055. t ip m rrtm l. to b e markedsthat thei three pillars erPopery ,


and '5 Come/hr , (Gratin : for the ir

$2 Law ,Come/fa}for the ir H rfiory , and Lfl méard for the ir

Schoo le Divinity r)w ere three Bafiards borne ofoneW hore 5 the Fathers of thishaftard Theolegie.T his Schoole Theo log ie (it)far as i t advaneeth humane Phi lofq phy , and is abufed , or ob fcureth the truthof the Gofpe l l ,) they make it a part of the fmoaltewhich comes out of the b oromlefle p i t and Paul to71 079t fayes, b angam t rime qam

‘fiam té ffag x a ; The]date ah a : q fl efl iom ‘m dfl r ifi ofWard: M Tim

, 6.4; TheyW eak /em

referre this to their id le d ifiiné’

tionSaNi cbola Cl aw/mg“

compares them to the ! App le s ofSodome, which havem g am e],

a faire shinne, but are ful l ofre trennefi'

ew ithin 3and one

Sém e o ftheir d ifiina ions being purged frem l

barbaririe, and ap ply ed clearely , may have goed nie. TheIew es have a Proverbe , n

a n !”345m .

and here in Im im ex ce ls .

W e are no t to cite the H eathens tefl imony for probation

,in the mat ter offaithmr ip iritual lverit ie .

Th is were to g e e to the Phi l ifiims l to fharp en

w eapons . The Ax e ofman polluteth theAltarofGtoo/ezym M tg/2floater;Dark : 7.

5. to teach us,that mans w ifdome i s but fool i ihnefl



w ith God , It wees M y rr/m liéem , that m ade the oy le


Page 303: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of the. jflufiration ofDoEIrine.

Th is w as not a y e rfe ,{

it was a part ofScr ipture, or

H l phtafa in the Prophe ts.. Cam”, In Ci tatio n ofScripture for probat ion

,w ee are nor

bound to herpe the fame order as in read ing ofa p

It i s one thing ofpurpofe to fet downe a Scripture,and ano ther to cite a Scripture for confirmat ion. In

Ex odus, Ex ad z o . the Commandements are (ct downeone way , in Deuteronomy , Deut .5.6. this order i s norkept : b ecauie he i s interpret ing the Law ,

and norfett ingi t dow ne . So when C hrifl cite s the Commandements


he fets adul :erie beforemurthe r.So ihe Apofile ,Rem . 1 3.W hy I

f Be caufe he i snot of purpofe hand ling them, butufing them there for probat ion. Bur in fetting downthe Te x t

,and interpre t ing i t, he


mufi noral ter a l e t.The Church o f Rome then and the Lutherane

Churches, are to b e blam ed, when they fe t downe theCommandem ents for the ground oh the ir doétrine ,they alter the forme ferdowne by God h im lel fe , confounding the firfi and leg e nd Commandements ; andd ivid ing the lafi into two, to make a probation for the irgraven images.

C H AP . I I.

Ofn'ye Idafl rat im ofiDofirtt e éy Comparifom .

Ompari ions'

are eithe r, in fimil itudes or

e x amples.C amow Sim i l itudesmnft bee takenfrom things

that are .

EQ f lmu infl tfw ou r. Q fififl fid ifl {83165[hi mEx am;>les may he

taken 8 4 re(gr/14, at e/tenq ttam gefle , from things thafare

done or {eeme rob e done ab ut fim ihtudes mni’t be ta

ken from things w hich are indeed .

Pfi l .5 A: hi e deafi'Adderflopfetb her care whee rbe


Page 304: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

charmer t barmetbz Ifthe Adder i’

top t net h er care when

the charmercharme th,the iimi l i tude would nor be he r.

rowed from i t .

30320331454 li ke(Wolfi ; par ting the prey among/th ew

l om g . Gen .4g . 17. l i the Wolfe i parted nor the prey amongfiher young ones, the fimil itude could

nor be

taken from her.

Sim il itudes muff be taken from“

t hings ,

which thepeop le are mofi acq uainted w i th.IfM et/e[pok e met

is,h~eavenly thing

s under earthly fimili tudes. It i s a goodobfervation of TbeGfibj hfl M § h3t the Lord tooke

’ “

eyeryman inhi s owne tredde , apply ing him ie lfe to that w hichthey underfl ood be tt ; as to


h isDifcip les, Followme andI wi ll makeyt ufifiet

‘t af m m becaul


e they were acquaiotedmofi w ith ti th ing .


H it/et a Sterre before the wifeomett , becaufe they w ere

M athematicians,and ftudr

ed to the Starres.

Tbe fl it/e ty’mj Lord: enem i es [be]! be i n effing ; I Saw .

the comp arifon is taken from a il i ng ,becaufe

DM Z/Id was mofi acquainted w ith i t w hen he kep t hisFathers fh eepe.

C ompari fons are taken inthe Scripture from thingsnatural i, artificial l, ceremoniall, and moral l .From things p attern”.The» keep /2me cu be apple qftbr

ne eye , Pfi l . 1 7. 8. the

eye hath five tunicles or p refe rvat ions toh eepe i t.’

x .

3 .Retifirmk 3. Fe w 4. C ornea. 5. Adm t tt

which is nex t the eye : to fignifie the fp eciall proted ion of God

overh is Saints, he compares them tothe appTbe Lew .4. i t is a fpeech

borrow ed om the pulfe oi aman ; for as w e knp w the

confl i tution ofa mans bodi e by his pul leftfi t {i i i-

t e ant,

he isdead5ifit be violent,he is in afevegsifi t be

Ctw o at .

Page 305: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

he is ina good confii tut ion :No theLawis the ‘ pulfe of

the Common- weal th ; i f i t fi irre‘

hot,then the C om

mon - w ealth is d ead if it have a y io lent courle than

the Comv


w ealth is in a fever ; if it have the jufi andord inary courie , then the Common- weal th i s in agoodconfiitut ion.

Tee): flmll comm i t wéaredeme , and [lid not inereefeH afiz ay the M ule

,- who is a f

beaft ex ceed ing n

l tb yet nothing comes ofhim 3or they (h al l M ule , Cam m eetrz



paratronem fi rimfl‘

,hey b eget bafiards who are

ofa fironge kinde , l ikeunto the M ule .From the Fow les .

Jeremy compares a covetous man to the Partridg eIere. t7. 1 1 . the


p artridge gathers the egges ofs fund ryfow les

;and hatches them ; but when {h e hath taken

paines to hatch them ,they take thei r,

w ings and leaveher So doe riches“ , when m en have (crapedgether, they take their w ings and Hye away .

AndEphraim wee ltki afidueed Dav e we.7. 1 r .onetheDove laments nor when her young ones are taken,

my, inheri tance, 4'

s tinfia for as al lthe b irdsgather about the b ird ofd ivers colours ;(0 doethe enem ies againfi the Church.

From the Pi lhers .


Ou t itm é px m ; mmoZ'ter/mi , 2 (Tom t’

. I was not chargeble m mi s torpedo the Crampe - fifh who hath fuchabenumming power in her, that the co ldw il l come fromthe hooke to


the l ine,from the l ine to the goad,from _


goad to the armev

,from the arme to the bod ie ofthe Pi

ther : lo fl uggiflfncffe and benummedntfic(preads fromone to anothe r like a 'canlrer .




creep ingfiahings ;

Page 307: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Ofthe flirt/Ira tionofDofi rine.'

p re im delighted in th e/hing , 61 1:not in p lowing HM1 Of f t That is, in the profit ofReligion, but nor to plowup his heart for(0 long as the Ox e was threfhing



com e, hismouth m ight norb e muz lcd .TheH eathenputp eyficape, anEng ine upon the beafismouthcs, that theymigh t ne t eateWhen they were treading out the cornecf ; wa uéesw aroom


s. 80 Prev .3. Ami e mendaci am So Sjree .

ex ares m ndaeiumfl fthishusbandry Io

Theyplow imqai tyJo'

m mi d d a y,and

the Si lve rSm ith .

lead 13confirmed .

tbea é rennet

1gm m ay. The Silver-Smith when he would me l t hver

,he puts the Lead with it , the Lead conform s, b at

n0 t t he Silver. The Lead are the bad Ifi'ael i tes, whoconfume by the preach ing of the word but thoie

would {'

eeme the true Ifrae li tes , are l ike the Silver , cont inuing

t in/

the ir homes : the y me lt act by the;

preachingoEthe word , The Latine cal l this, rep/amen”

From the Ful ler.Pfi l . r5}”(a me, play the Ful ler uponme.From embroydered tap efiry .

Pfal . I 39 . t 5. Hemwanderfiifly thanmademe,61310129


inmy mother: m mbe Thou befi fifl n

enedme l ike

fl ing peeceof Arrm -werke,orTapefl ry;where inGod hath

fh bw en his great cunning, draw ing as it were d iversdraughts inthe body of

man,h xsarteries,finews, mufcles,


From (ayl ing .

x 1 1m . 1 . 1 9”Shipwreck of/ei tb . Fa ith ISthe /pre t tous

w are carried in agoodconfcience, which w e lofe if weetake no t heed to the fhip .

FromPhyficke. 0


mmi ,

Page 308: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books
Page 309: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Afili b,AEundling.


Altar for vengeance toGod .

Tam ebit Sacrifice intoafies ,Pfizl. z o .wheh the Lord ap


e Sacrifice,’

he fent fire from Heavenand burnt i t .

Letmf Prejar efemdm an evening [mm/e, Pfi l . I4I .


So, Let menot afieml wi th

the wicked ifi l 1 03 . 24.3


rifon taken from the fmoakc of thewhi ch when it abroade : fo the foulesof the w icked when they dye , are not gathe red into theey ed/ebf/ye, Burare feat tered before the Lord.


tb 5 aComp arifontakenfrom”



p izrging ofthe Leper, which was th e lafiPurgation,Leo i t

. tokenoffull rem ifiionprayes thus.

who daud le theirchi ldren

e : Pfi lh i 6. 1 6. aCompaere chi ldrenofmem e do

Dew ? was bo rne in the

Page 311: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

the Bread therefore there is ri d Analog ie betw i x tbri li crucifie d, and the Bread . It followcsnot 3 for H.

il i tudes d ifagree in fome th ings.Sim il itudesare nor to be taken from

d ifferent as an ancientWriter makes

here thecompari

matne point ,trawas a ve ry unfit compa

rifonof the Iewes, 1 8 . 3 Tée f ather:eat fiwre Grapes and theCbi /di'em teetb drefet on edgeaas though the C hildren

were punifhed onely for the ir.

Fathers finnes, and not for the ir awne alfo’

:(o i twas ac t

;a pert inent C omparifon of Bi a nhe $hilofophef, who(aid, «when the gods puni lhed t he Grand

- chi ld for theGrandgfathers fianes ; i t was all one , as if the Dq fior

gave the Grand - chi ld: a drinke fonthe fione,wh ich theGrand - father


was troub led w ith “thi s Comparifon

was impert t’

nent . But lerusmake the Companion thusThe Fathe r is aLepera nd the Sonne alfo ; the Dofiorg ives not onely a drinke zto the Sonne for the Fathers


gfeafe but for that which - hee hath alfo from his Fa

t er“ f u

C omparifons mutt not b e wrefled further than thethe Comparifon requires.5051] it thi th er [a zisfi u


tbwi thout war1 4m . z the Pap ifis gather,ss the log ic isthe formeo f the body, and animates i t inare workes the formcoffaith which animate faith t but the C omparife n isw refied here ; for the meaning ofthe Apofile is, as bythe operat ion and p reience of the foule the body isknowne no t to befriend; (0 faith is knowne net to hee

d ead

Page 312: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

tacti c ofa thiag

h is tai le to‘

the l ike:

Page 313: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


’tbeefi in the


gbt feeondly, the truth, but not the l ik eneffe , Wee flew bi t» as tbe m i l] begot ten Son»: af G


I . p ej .

5 8 That we may be 44the ski/circa af/igbttha t i s wry ly tbe cétldrenaf lig é t . Hef t}.3 7614peop le

are l ike tbqfi whocontend wi thtbe Pri ejl d that'

i s)they verily contend w i th the Pricfi . Third ly, the quality b ut

nor the equality , Lat/ey e”m igbbmf fl ycarfitfe, Roma 31 8.So,Luke 6 .36.Be ygmmert tfi ll 45year beat/m l;£4merciful}. So, Lake l Forg im as our l imi t s,fi rgz


fve fourthly ,borh the- likenefi

e and the truth,Hc6. z

r7.W‘17ergflre ina”t iring: i t Brew ed bin! to


taught hisChurch by“

Parables.A Parab le eonfifls inone offoure things.The firflt is t eam , when the nature of the

theC omparifon as in the Parab le oty ofinereafe o i the word

The fecond is «h assém ot;


compares himfe lfemarfiet to ex Prefl


e the comfortable meanw inne foules t

The third ts 71 06336 Pafii on, 1 Tire/4,z . ga ng/73417come

a 4 th e/e in tbe fl igbt 50 , Libra warm ly in tram”.he fourth ismaggo t , when the act ion

—is one ly regarwithout any othercircumfiance, Lake Hemade

bimfi imdf afka urn/tex t money :(0 fhouldWe by g iving ofour goods to the poore ; hee commendsnot the fadi:here , butfilcrtiam, the d i ligentnefle .


fip licat ionofDoé'

trine ,(lands e i ther‘

in rebuke,


onFolat ion to afirmer,underwhich two , all

OtherDoctrines or inflruaronsare included .

Page 315: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

(AIGifl o

Thi s i s not tak en

h ere for a p ropername,

OftheApplication offl ofi‘


p fcd {inner is in a more dangerous efiate thanfirmer , and therefore mull jbe otherwiie

n in the Scripture is cal led Shani,M asou w ice

dyed , aScarle t 5Efiy . t . 1 8 . thisfin is hard ly wa lhe d out,l ike a rebi rth /am inFeaversw hich ismo l

t dangerous,Here we.mul l: take heed ofNova fl r his errour, w ho

h e ld , that there was no pardonfor relapfed finners Cop .

fl antim faid we l l to aNom timB i ih op ,‘

T061: f54144 d ry“




fal ia «

Gee/14273ifl tm éz’

a,Taka array the: ladder: of

and than onely jbalt enter intoHare m : meaning ofrepentance to re lapfed fianers.

h finncrs‘

the reproofe is to be increafed ,

W hen the Iew es fo ld and bought in the Temp le , thefirfl t ime, C hrifts reproofe was more milde ; Why matey ea tbebowq od 4boufi ofM t rc/Jaadife? Iobn z r6. But

the lecyond t ime when they fel l into thatfin, he (ayes,Wby

£79 554” 4dam e of t liaevct ? M at . z I . r3

3. Yb? crafl i e fifi fl t f .The craft ie i inner is mo re hard ly to bee wonne,

and here there mu ll bee great skil l in reclaiminghim

Somet imes he denies the finne, Pro. go.2o,séeewipesti er moat/7, audfi it ‘bflae di d i t 71 01 9 ,

Somet imes”

the craftie finner hides the flame I tfepbrBrethren dip t hi s Coat in the b lood, and laid Awi ldc

Bea]? dem an d him .


he Iew es )tookc curc i thehoufe ofGodthe Siel ings, and Sie led their own


e houfes w i thi t r andthat it m ight n0 t be a wne

, they painted i t overw ithVerm il lion.



he Iewesg ive an ex ample of Saul : hiding his finne,in numbring the people , H e cal led themBett i /451m5but Tarz an: hath it(in agmft Ptgfmt ia)Lamaze.

Page 316: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

beeaufe i t hath n bgforci f, B d l fl l ‘ bm ’ r o 8 5

t l ld b im ,Wh id ) Pro

very man to bring a Lambe { and (0 they counted theP‘ f m fl hm fl on

L ambs, and (0 knew how manyWEre of the people . As

the Romanscircumven’

d that Statute ; when they were

forbidden to carry woo ll out ofTa mm y,th ey would

but they carried (heepe (0 they when

idden to number the peop le yet theythe Lamb s.

To difcovet the craftie'

finner, evidences w ould bee


the Prophe t Efiy 63.4. Th éretb ofa great

Somet imes the craft ie finner e x tenuates the finne .

mat ter .

made th

peop le nB y this e x ample , you may ex aggerate the guil t o f

C hrifis b lood in his Sacrament ,'

in thofe that rece ive t t

vnworthily . The Iewes when they murthered Z ach ary ,Lake. 1 firf’t they murthered a Prophet fecondly , aPriefi

? (forhe was aPriefl al lo : third ly , upon the Sahbath : fourtbly , in theTemp le :ofiftly ,at the Altar(whichwas the ‘

p lace ofRefuge):lafl ly ,w here therew as no dufito coVer the b lood ; (for when they fired b lood, they


were to cover it in'

the ground .)But thou when t hou

ndly,of that great h igh Priefi : th irdly uponthou kil left him fourthly upon the dayfiftly, in the Temple fix rly at theAl tar ,

V 2 w hich

Page 317: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

b lo od.

So the ex aggerat ion oF’

Salomatgr finne . 1 . H e coin ..

m it red thisfinneWhenhe came to maturit ie of age;andhad paffed his young y eat es in ho lineife . 2 .When heehad beene now indued w i th d ivine and humane known .

ledge by his Pat ents, Prou go . 3.When he had g ivenmo lt ex ce l lent Precepts


ofmanners. W hen hee had

bui lt the Temp le to the worih ip ofGod. 5. Being a

So the. e x aggerat ionofthe finne ofIerulalem; co in;pared w ith Sodeme 1 . If there had beene five t ighteous inSo dome the Lo rd would not havedefi royedi t 5 but there were moe righteous


ih Ierufalem , thanfive

when i t was d eftroyed . 1 . 1m m. 2; H is Scribe Brat/1 .3, H ad .M elee}: the B lackmore .4,

The Recbaéz‘

m : thet efore the tim e of l erufale tp , mufi be greater than the

finne of Sodome .

Somet imes the craft ie fiitner transferr‘

es the {inne onano ther.

Adam caii over the finne uponGod himfe lfe , T6; niomm which thoagw efl we Gm .3. l 2 . As if he fhoulel fay 5If


d hadii clone thy part to me , 1 had not fallenin this fnare ;When Jada . brought back againe the thirt ie

p iecesoffil .ver

,and cafi them downe at the feet ofthe Scribes 5

they fay > What if. that tom .9 See r/70340 1)

, 1144153 724.

they call over all the b lame upon Jada ;Contrary to this i s reun ion ; the throw ing backe r

the finne upon t the firmer himfelfe . W hen Ahab chal~Ienged El iw p that h

e troaélcd [fi at],he turned the b lame

hack uponh im felfe, that i t was 1mand by Father? bonfi’

So Namé . Tee fakeNe wark


oat but M rfis3yerfe ti1rnes

Page 319: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

and l a li ly , upon the . per lbnp ffl thm ; he e hid h is'


ever t i ll i t lighted Upon him . The craftie fitment i s no tmoved , w hen the threatning i is g iven out generally a.

gainfi the Nat ion g, ne ither w hen‘

i t is given“

out againfl

the C it ie w here he dwe ls, nor when i t comes to his fa

m il ie ; t il l in part icular i t com e to hi s perfon ; and t il l itbe (and to him


-Thau art the man Sinne is a fhame le ifeth i ng , yee may fp

i t feven t imes in the face of i t beforei t b lulll tFor thefe publ iq ue finnes pub l iq ue rebuke. H ofeh7,

Cafl z'

gaha ear i a x ra audi tam m m: i’

p/arpm That is 5AshheP i af/Jet: hav e p ith/q ua]; thrcdmed

[awi ll l itani ‘lh them .

The reproofe mufi be given in love .

The rehh kes aft/refit who rehh ked thee, lzghzed ypm


Pfi l .69 .7, The Apo li le w hen hee ex hor t s us heare

one w ith anothers infi rm i t ie ;he brings the t efi im ony of


d,Rom . t 3.3.W l‘ien Dav i d(peake s the i r: words


i spars M fiz , thepartz'

e hart : TheApofl'

le w hen he b ringsin C hri i

‘t there

,he isparsqfi

mdem ,thefarm (fi ndingfi ar

ry ing our hunes uponh im . W henw e fe e a m an offending God , wee fhould be angry , as though i tagainfi our fe lves. Perl}

,this w il l b reed z eale inus


make us z ealous aga inl’t the finne . Second ly , whenwee

fee O thers o il-”

end,w e {h ould remember that V! amay be

ove r- taken w ith the fe lfe fam e home,and then it w il l

breed compati i on in us . Th is w il l temperuthc reprover

,and i t w il l make, Vt {gamma}: ardeatrv/eo mifi ricar .

di rt ; thd t thefire gre ed /6 . 034}harm Wi t

R ebuke not tin anger, for then 5mm

Satan,M a ke.

The re proofe m ull not be kept backe for finifirousrefp e


ét ofpcrfons .

1 . For covetoufitefl e. Ea rth. For

ef, Barley , and parts y 5’

e this the

Page 320: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Of theApplicatibnWofirine.

l y e x prefles the“C ompari fon

115. in a ruinous houfe , 1 the ;M afon

it .ovet , mak ing h im b eleeve that:houfe faiis and fmorhe rs him : fo

fuch flatterers emp laii’t

er ove r matters t ill the wrath of

(3od fal l . 1 9 15 4 1

So the reproofe is nor to bee kept backe for feareFa re not tbeirfl o


er 1 &s t , 8 .W1 tbm tfiallwho fearé m enmore than

fl ak “.So Pfe l .44, We are0 11 rebuke h im not thou

fuffer ne t hi s finne to be uponhim : wee are commandedNot tat/af ar the Bea/i to {rem

I I I I. Tée”godly or mali tz'

am fmzer .

The lafi for t offinners are r'

gfi'bzg frim heavy}

M al itious dogges are no t toCdfl mtpearl“ before [wine

Wee have anotabl e e x am pie i nEl i a ,who would no t

gqe to

Jebarm to reprove him,but lefra Letter to bee

ent unto hima fter he was dead ;2 Clara.2 1 . 1 2 .1

Th ere 1 s a 1finne, 1 . which 15v i t iamfl m lz, the finne of

2 . There is a i im1 e , w hich i s v i t im a g awk,w hich

w atim k,the finne of the

which is ex i tz'

ump erfine , th of the per.

Viti xm [cm/i , when the whole age is corruptedfinne of Palygm

i c in the

this finne w as general lyd by the Pro

Ina pub l iq uefinne

Page 321: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

finne , ther'

e is a pub lique paf fing‘

over As l afizelfd id,not cut ti iig o h

the Ifrae l its ; who

(ed in‘

t heWildernefl'

e . ‘ So 4 King:”at ‘

tée Prie .t 1 1950ficrz'

ficed to tba

pub li ke de eéi i on , t

ni e s ,m m : decimare ex erci tem,were wont to

1 3' gent); iszwhena Country i s mach givent o-finne

,but noruniverfal ly:

1 1

Au g; (at 141 1 0 fl m m

Tlzw [d i e/i Izke anArabi a}: 5} l b? bégbW 3. z That

is,l ike a t lmfe becaufe theAméim ufitally rob

bd bythe highwayThere/71411 11”came at Cam ni te in tbc émfi afGod

1 4. thar‘ is; awe a rer, b ecaufc they ufually dece ived

H efefl tfir Che/deans zDan. 2 2 .That is for the Saa b.

fitj eres , becaufe the Chaldeans w ere Sooth - fayers com-J

Th ew m‘

riam Hiring inp leafure from the Syriackword pham ck

,as ye would fay e éem r, de/ztat i , - daint i e.

becawfe they ufed to l ive daint ily . So theSaracens ,-from

Sara h -

'ex u rrere, to runhe abroad becauie they

‘ l ivedupon robbery ufual iy .

The finne which is mofi ufuall in the Courtney the

Preacher mufi m arke i t and fet himfelfe again'

fi i t ;Pro. 14. g4. Si fl m 121 the, dygm ce Stifl é fik ed -



ne il e and by pocrifie were the ufual l finnes o i the k nit s;Dad: 9 ;6 . t herefore the Prophets often reprove’ thisfini te. So C hrifi .re proves Coma »1 1 .2. .for contemp t ofthe Go fpel l.

fi t t ium vocati emk, is that finite, which foi lewes on'

f s'

Call ing d

Rd féaéfi' ”Dre a m er l egfi2 1 James 5.callsherabet !

bGCa e ui ual ifiz they who are Tavernoursare fuchkf


Page 323: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

the re had beene a newi ncarnat ion, . z . C hrifis foule and

grace could never b e reparate , one ly Ch t ifis i onic andbody were fepara te by death, therefore gi

race and the

foule can,


l epaiate againe . If t he rfi ‘linkfio faChaih e hold

,then the refi are fure C hrifis


Godheadand hismanhood cam orbe feparategneither canhisfoule

and grace lo ne ithercan the foule of the chi lde oi Godand grace 1

Secondly , that C hri fi wasbath wi etor and eamprebm

for : ifC hri li as o iator n

l pake as though hee were left ofGod his Father



efe words, M y 6314, my God, 9 17; beflthaafor/akenme ? whatmarvei le ifa peore Chri li ian beebrought to this e l

tate .

Th irdly , his'

comfort is, that h e c annot be ]in refp cfi om i theFather forwhom be letter

the end : . 1 . the te is no ihadow ofchange w ith him.

Second ly , in refpeé’cofthe [trait coniunéi ion betwix t

C hrifl and his memb ers, that i t'

canndt be fepatated againe, 1 Car .6at 7.agglntz

m tur Clint/fa, z’

eg lewed toCbrzfl .

From this comesh is daily interce llionfor us,as he fay e shim l


e lfe, 1 bavcf rayedfltr tbee P eter , that téyfi t’

tb/boa ld3z . the third is inre fp e é

’t of the holy Spi

ri t,w ho is cal led Ar rbaéo

,the cam e/317mmefm rfi l twtti

on,Epiae. t 14H e is not called the

p ledge of our falvati on

for a pledge may be taken up againe , but'

h e i s called

earq efl o

pett tty , w hich is a part ofthe bargaine, which cannot be taken up againe .


“But the C hrifiian inhis defertion'

fee les not the com


There is in the Saints eert z'

mdo ev i dentt'

z and eer ti trt

do4dberemie . The Saint s in the i rg reateft e x trem ity ,the y have cert z



zt em adherent i e,although they have

norcert i t tedt'

tt? ev i d ent i ee . 1 05faycs,C/i ep . 1 3. t 5 Altéongb

thau/hm ldfl ki ll”my”I wtfl tmfl i n tbee uP/41. I go. Otet ofthe deep er 1 64W calla


i upon tbee. In this cafe he mufi doe

Page 324: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

tefl‘ dere l ifi ion".

But how{hall we know 1 11 this temptat i on, that ever he

m s é'

r ta ffiom the firfi to the left ; and

t icular, and frond

m g, “f awfi ao if hee have but this

Cd ’t fl fl .

The fccond efiate o i'

aThe(second deg ree ofan e x erctfed C hrtfitan 1s,wheu Chum, “ m hmfigh t

as p ag ewas,when

propounding Chrifi his ex :be twix t Chriahi swet/ma

as t here is i n thy felfe betw iatt ifinne‘


grace .

Theconlb lat ion 1s, {econdly , that inC hri ii there wasi uch a fight , to fané

’t ifie thy combat , and to purchafe the

y to thee .

ri li an th is combat,fi ri’t


Page 325: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

0 4mm !

red M eme ? Killed hee nor theEgypt ian, and faved t hel fraelite s

So,w i lln0 t Chri ll favourgrace, and kill fin?

H ee isW h am ;hee enters into the l ifiswith thee ; heis nor

dnly dy wt oa‘

d fiht : who hath fufi’

ered the like things ;burhe ism u s t; alfo

, who’

hath compail i on w ith theein

the fe lfe- lame combat . 3 H ee i s not onely m u sh ;but alfo M TPt ca

’wafi ti t , who knowes ourweakenes: and howmuch wee



able t o doe inthe light , and then comes

hee in and he lpes as a good fecond Compete?" M 63:Ch i/1 1a ,

rat ione chari tam, (Er ratio»: i re/l i ttl e Ch i}? [4ferr wi t/9314, by red/mos k law , and by reajimof 1713i y fh



aswhenhee law the people hungry inw i ldemefie ,hchad compafl


i on upon themsfo , when ,

wep t over Ierufalem . But ret ina: ire/ti de , whenas he :i s our caut ioner; hee fet isfiesfor us ; and as our (econd,hee is bound by the law ofarmes,to light with us and forus

H ee i s p l x fieayQ , therefore in him wee are more than

e w ill no t fufl'

er Satan Ca

1506134 ToM e tbapalme out of

The confl ifi oftheSaintsofGod isin the right fubie01 ,manner, and to a happy end . t


ight iub ieét grace and Gone are m ing ledthrough o the r, in all the faculties

of the foule ”fort here i sne t a laculty , bur it hath grace in h aswel l asfinne . heea Cake .64é

t upon tbe onefl ab , and mm upon the.

This is northat C hri li ian combat , if i t were C/Jg'


fl i d i774114674,4C lef t/91 11 1! wrdfl l i ftg , then there would be formpart raw

,and fome part bak

t, onevery fide . W hen

laid , V ideonae/ion , (5‘ deteriomfi q ttar : I fit the!f ig/Jr étttfl l/ow thewrottg ; i t was am [11674 .Cf/t rtfit



m,but et izz


m i t wasnorbe tw ix t the w il l, ,and the w i ll 5

but be tw i x t the urwlcrl’canding, and the w i ll . Thew i l l


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Sinne i s not in themjn ex tenfirgm di ém : I,Some (ins

re in the w il l b urnot from the w il l,as orig inall fi nne .

Some finnes are in the w i ll , and from thew i llkas the

tim es of the unregenerate . 3. Some finnes are partly"

from the w il l,and partly agaiafithe w il l, as the ~hunes

ofthexregenerate . The thing wh ich wee doe, is e ither

fix er, 1 m, ve l zi t a

inor: Spon g wtlli flfl y : again/2amwi ll ”infl ame, not wi ll ing ly. fl atwa re-fi re thore mix edee’t ions ofthe childrenof grace, which are part ly w ith


the igw il l, and part ly againfi the irwi l l ;as the M erchantin the fiorme cafis his goods into the Sea, partly w ith ,

hisw i l l,and part ly againfl i t .The confolat ion ofthe ChildeofGod is this that hee

finnes norw ith ful l defire ,b ecaufegrace hinders thewil lnot to g ive ful l confent ; the w ickedhath nothing to t efl t aine his defire , therefore he finnesw ith ful l confentand greed inefie .

Thechilde ofGod and the wicked goe thus farm intim e together. Fl t“there

- i s w ar/in, a turning awayfrom God . 2 . There is imfiatia , a beito, 3. There i sdeleflm


o,a del ight . 4. C onfenr; but here the childe

ofGod and the wicked p art ; for the ch i lde of GOD

g ive s never t he full confent . 5. The w icked goes forward in the fact . 6 . i n the hab ite.7. In the g loriat ion8 . In the de fence . 9 . In the defpaite . 1 0 In the con

demnat ion From confent to condemnat i on they ve

ry much d iffer, ifnot altoge ther. The childe o fGod,

and the w icked commi t the felfe - farne finne but h e r

aft er the fame m anner. A woman who beares her


i lde in thefeaventh m oneth, and {hee who beares her

child e in t he ninth moneth,‘

bOth br ing forth a ch i lde

ye t there i s great d ifi eren’

ee ; the one i s a th ong chi lde,

and gets the full gro wth the Othe r a w eake chrlde,

w ho hath nOt t ten the ful l g row th . 50 the {l anes of

the children ofGod ge t never the ful l growth but the

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and it [0 15645as iJ

Our Lord , when the tentation was offered to him,

was l ike the fifh, which takes no no tice ofthe i t , wheni t i s p refented to her. The childe of God is l ike thefilh w hich is de lightedw ith the bai te , leapes to i t ,nibblesat i t, b ut falls backe again

e : but the w ickedare l ike the ‘

bai t, and are hanged upon the


ooke .

childe of God hathgrace i ncrea

H ee i s norl ike darkenefl‘

ejat m id - night , where is no

fight ; ne ither l ike the evening, where i t growe s me redarke ; hut l ike themorning, that


g rowés more cleareunto the m idfi oftheday . That God who made


l ight

to th ine ourofdarkenefle makes l ight to fhine - peeceand peece out of their darke

» hearts. In this combatal though they fayw ith 5. z a; 23. It [2421523bet ter/orme, t/mt I [andnever concei ved 5 they {h al l ge t anhappy anfwer;Theelder(be llfi r fue tbcyomtger 5Hunt (h al lferve grace .Vndet the Law , Dent. z z ifviolence had h im"

offered toamaid , if(hee cry ed out , (h ee was no t to dye;he ld her peace ,fh e was to dy e . So w hen thefe


anl ts of Satan offer a k inde ofvio lence to the foule,

ifthey cry out with l’anl, Owretchedmm that 1 am

, tab?

Page 329: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

flu fl del iver me, Rom: 7. I t is a farenote , that they (hallnordye but live .

The third efiate o i the C hrifiian i s, whenhee is inputfue ofthe enem ie, then the ficknelfe is in the declinat i on,

H ere C hrifisdeath,and ly ing inthe grave; i s thy com f

fornwho w i l l purine the enem ies, and bring them forth,asYaf ah d id, that the true Ifraelites may (er the ir feereupon the irneckes ; to thewhich Paul al ludes, whenhe(byes, Ram xé f beGod qff ed t e tread Satan finder j mr

In this purfuir, thounsufi take heed that thou benot too rem


e fulpe&this for when hee isfly ing, then he i smolt dangerous, and cand oe hurt eaough ; Thoumull nor doe as l oaf}: the King of l i me]d id

, a 1 0'

n 3. tofinite the ground but three t imes, butfmite i t (evenrinses

,that therem


ay be a ful l vi éiOty got -


ten. 2 Davidwould have had Aé/olm (pared inthe ehafe , but (pare nor finne , purfue it t ill theSunne(et

,as Iefimly d id the CdM fl i tfl ,Iqfix z .


The fourth efiate ofa‘

Qhrifiian is, when he is not inthe hot skirmiflt

againft ffinne, but hath overcome it :Grace i s no t e x cluded nowi

fnor drawno from his Ran

d ing, b‘

ut bath the commandement in the foule , y etl


te e feeles fome wants, and comp laines fiil l of his de


Cmfi lat ion I . W hat canfi thou‘

obieé’t againfi thyfe lfe, whichC hrifi in part ob ieCted n0 t to hisD il cip les?C omp lainefi thou ofhardne lfe o fheart So d id he oh

ieét that to fome ofthem , M ark . Q4. 40 . There is great

hope , hecaufe thou fee left it , tho‘

u (h alt be cured ohit .nH eéi i ue fevers , t

. the d ifeafe at the firfi i s hard lynownejhut foone enred . a It is eafily knowne , but

hard ly cured . 3. h i s cefily knowne; but never cured .

So hardne li'

e of heart at the firli i s hard ly knowne , and

Page 331: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


fitfi Tab leswhichGod w rit upon, were b roeken,the

fecond Tab les were tho le which were relervcd in the,

Af ke .

Secondly,God leaves finnes inthe Saints re humb lethem , and to keepe them from prefump t ion 3; as


dregges are kept w ith theW ine, that it {h ould n0tt u t .th e Saints are iudged , infiro new oéedi etttm

flrifi i iurit .accepts the

the deed . z . H ee accept s the perlon firlt and then his

Sacrifice , for he looked firfi uponAi d , and then uponhisSacrifice . 3. b eforenew obedi enti e

,hee accep ts the

end al though the meanes oftent imes beeremember the p at ience of105.4. 1 efore new

Chrifi is borh theAdvocate and t he l udge.Inforo”W e! aéediex ti e , God abfo lving a finner, (ayes,

See/i thannot the righteogfizefi ofmj firw nt 1 06 f 1 06. I 8.

Defined we: 4man d at ordi z g to the bean c ad, 2 Sam . I5.4,h i t in réemat ter ofVr i eb : Z ea/Mr} and El i z abetb wa lked

eprigbtl} éefare theL ard ,Lake l .6 .


are nor cenfured infan t fi rifi‘i

the worke i s tryed and then the perfon, w here aman

muft anfwer ad a l time ter quadrantem,to tbe w a rm /i

fi ribing , M at . 1 8.34.where God fits as a fevere Iudge ,where C hrifi is not

as med iator where they mufi an:{were for every Id lew ord 5 which David defires to be


free of,when he fayes, Enter net into iydgem mt m i li tia)


ferment , OLord , P/ai .To the Saints Op rah /am Emerg e/ice , Al fi e g lad

Dee flair ead i t lfeujbe l t i iw ,Rom . this is Legal].


The Priviledge . of the Saints is this doe thi s,eitherbythy {elfe orby another, to but torhe wickedi t i s Legal], doe this by thy fe lfe.

Page 332: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books


C hti t’iian is he who hath fal len

i s,

thathe hath

whenhe was g iven over to Sarah and eacommunicat'

e .

Bettye/me, A62: 2 o .

x o;w henh e fe l l dead from an‘


l oft,all who beheld him thought he was dead sp an! im

braccsh im inhis armes , and fayen e £4m t deed,»his s lifz"

is yet inhimfl he Saints o i Go r)wil l ge t great fallsgandin the iudgements ofmen feeme to be d ead ,ye t the



imbraces them int he arm es ofhism ercy ,and faye5, theyare nordead there is ye t life in them ;

are of the .Sp irit,but norw ith the Sp i »

ri t’

as the , gifts of common,

i l lum inati oh. » Secondly,fo rm with the Spirit , But no t ofthe Spirit ; as the fiunesofignoranc e and infirmi t ie inthe Saints , Third ly ,fom e

bot h w it h theSpirit , seaof the Spiri t, as thefaving gra .

ces of the Elea Fourthly fome ne ither ofthe Spiri t,notw ith the Spirit ; as the finnesofm alice , and re igningGenesih the w icked . The foy led C ht ifi ian comes never

to this degree ;.Thc Church of Kerri eare m iferahle comforters to l in

haye the fame p ewer whichbecaufe theym ake the bod ie

Page 333: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

ihe third

cipal ly



wh ich one ex erci les , de legatew ay of

finne third ly , M i azfl trjtwhon in the name and taLtthbri t ie

hex p roclaimes it :pa rdon finnes ;

God pardons igx ha g m‘

e, thGiM inifiGf ‘


ne ly hm «swa t—n

There is forum pfl t fflfl fim m l,and M um

(0mm patdiat iw m, i s the pow e r which is in the King »


,canl réfi um, is the powerwhieh i s


intan infer iotetn‘

M ag ifi rare a tom?”’

potefld t iwdin, i s the pow er (affect ing inthe ionic ; totem contmfi gm,



is t the power“


fee ingrifithe ey e x C hrift hath t the whole


powe r;b urhis M inificrs

have i t noras totem contrafl am ,as inferiourM ag ifirates

have power; but one ly as H eraids or PurfeVants; whomake int imat ionof?the M ag i li rates decrees 5 bur haveno

. pow e r at all inthe ir owne p erfons, but cloathed w iththe authoritie ofthe Superie ur. u

in the manner ofthe confefl ion,they are

ld that ,

~confefii on rts necefl'

aity form;: as under“

the Law , hec w ho held an? uncleane thing in halthosgh he waih ed


him felfe never lo ofteng heuncleane ; fo them ho rep ents ofhi


s , hfanes, and ke epesone fi ill

,is ii tll uncleane . t

“ :. t e rm

for greaterfinhe s gu i tarthrice deny ed C hrifi; hee

got three admoni t ions by the Cocke C hrifiz askedh im”

ree times, Law /9 that; me Pf é vt‘

.M m Se heeni l confer{Te three ti th estbecattfe hi s finne w

as fo great .They hOldfi thfl fin Confesli ion theremuftbe all there


Ci rcum

Page 335: Hiverfe Reading - Forgotten Books

Th is i s P oculumm

neither the potent iall nor the ad nal l gui lt The finne s

of the rw ickedfi re l ike the Se rpent , which hat h powerto fl ing , and doth aékual ly fl ing 5but y et m ight be charmed , arm . 1 The finne

s inthe ch i ldrenofGod thatare pardoned, are l ike the Serpent that hath


no power to{tinga lthough it have a(l ing in i t felfe f, as theViper tipon Paul: hand , The fins of tho l


e who comm itthe l ion: againll the H oly Ghofi, are l ike the Scrpentwhich cannorbe charmed at al, at tha t there

is a Serpent wh ich hath no venome at all in i t, or afl ingto hurt , that we deny;V eni ale ex comm


the mercy oE'

God, wee

grant that (inne ispardonablesb itt not through the ("

mal lnefl


e of the finne i t fe lfeFourth ly, in themed icine they are m iferable comfor

ters : r,They propound onely the outfide ofC hrifis fnfi

fe t ing to finners as his whipp ing, fidutg ing , and theines ofhis body but they never fer before them theward part ofhis(ufiet ing, the torments which he forfe

red in’

his fonle .

Second ly , they m i x e the merites ofthe Saints, w ithhemerits ofC hrill for confolat ion ; l ike the Iewe s atthefirfl when they w ere to ex ecute malefaé

’tors, they

gave them w ine to comfort them, alledging that placeofthe Proverb 31 . wine tobimwba rk afafi d/n'art :hnt afterward they found out this 5 to m ing le M y t rhe ,and to give i t them in their drinlt

e for to make the ir.

heads g iddy , that they m ight fee le no paine but theywere m iferab le comforters in this ; and


Chrill: refnlesth iskinde ofd rinke . Soat the firfi, the Church ofGodprefented to the fad- hearted ; and m iferab le finners, inthe irdeath, only the b lood ofC hrifi but the ChurchofRome

,as m iferable comforrers began to mix e finhe

(l ike éz'

m rM yrrbe)as m ensmiri ts and the m ilkeofthe Virg inM axyfi nd fuch like

trafh wi th the body of

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V I .

he ir hand s .


could nor

d in the holy tongde,voyce .

y the ir hands upon alld ord inaril y,but becanie

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Si x t ly,in the name of*

1 ebrw ab . l fthey had m et a man

ou t ofthe Temple , they w ou ld have faid ,in the fl aw}q drmai , but norofIeéaw .

Lafily ,they th'

rice repeated thisNirmé.6

th e, dy e. to li gnifie that they b le iTed in the

Trini ty , Father, Sonne/ and holy Ghofi. So l ob»,Revel ,

w ifh ethpe acefirm him whichmar,au d it tocom,(that is)G od the Father, and from the (even Spiritswhich are b efore theThrone, (that is) theIa nd

Conclude this/

Bookefl ith that; oftheTalmud,



