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First Presbyterian Church August 23, 2015 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all who rejoice and worship with us. God’s spirit, given by Christ, flows through us as living water to wash, heal, and satisfy. As a congregation we become a fountain, sharing this living water with others.

First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

May 24, 2020



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Page 1: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

First Presbyterian Church

August 23, 2015

10:00 a.m.

Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus

Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all who rejoice and worship with us.

God’s spirit, given by Christ, flows through us as living water to wash, heal, and satisfy.

As a congregation we become a fountain, sharing this living water with others.

Page 2: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

*Please stand, in body or in spirit. Text printed in bold italics to be read in unison.

Prelude Morning Has Broken arr. James Pethel Chiming of the Hour Welcome


I bind unto myself today the power of God to hold and lead, his eye to watch, his might to stay, His ear to hearken to my need; the wisdom of my God to reach, his hand to guide, His shield to ward; the word of God to give me speech, his heavenly host to be my guard.

*Call to Worship (from Psalm 84)

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! A day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise! A day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. We join together in your sanctuary to praise you, O God! A day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. Let us worship the Lord of hosts.

*Hymn 10 Sing Glory to the Name of God

*Call to Confession

*Prayer of Confession

God of our redemption, we confess that we have not been your faithful servants. We have not served you with sincere hearts nor trusted in your salvation. We have armed ourselves against our neighbors, operating out of fear and malice rather than compassion and tenderheartedness. Have mercy on us, O God. Em-power us to tear down all that separates us from you, from others, and from our-selves, so that we might honor you with our lips and serve you with our lives; through Christ we pray.

(time for silent confession) And let God’s people say: Amen.

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Peace of Christ

Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. Let us share the peace of Christ with one another.


FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

August 23, 2015 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Page 3: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

Sung response (hymn 59, refrain)

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning. Great is your faithfulness, O Lord, great is your faithfulness.

Anthem Soft Mist Is Rising Robert Hobby

Time with the Children Ronnie Griffin

Children, second grade and younger, are invited to remain for the rest of the service or go to activity time in the education building.

*Hymn 330 Our Help Is in the Name of God

First Reading Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Psalm 84 Hopson


How lovely, Lord, is your dwelling place; I long to be in your house. My heart and soul sing out for joy, sing out to the living God. Even the sparrow finds a home, the swallow build a nest. Yes, there at the altar they care for their young, O Lord, my King and my God.


O Lord, I long to be in your house, if only for a day, For one day is better than a thousand elsewhere, O Lord, my King and my God. The Lord is a sun, the Lord is a shield, no need the Lord will withhold. O happy are they who trust in the Lord, whose trust is in God alone.


Second Reading Ephesians 6:10-20

Sermon Strategic Defense Initiative Sharon Youngs


Page 4: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

*Affirmation of Faith (adapted by members of FPC)

We believe in God, the Father Almighty, and in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord, and in the Holy Spirit. We seek to know God's will, to walk in God's ways, and to proclaim the Gospel to all people, by our lives as well as by our words. We work and pray for the progress of knowledge, the promotion of justice, the reign of peace, and the realization of human unity in our time. And we look with faith for the triumph of righteousness in our community and in our world. Amen.

Call to Prayer (hymn 824, verse 2)

There is a place of comfort sweet, near to the heart of God, A place where we our Savior meet, near to the heart of God. O Jesus, blest Redeemer, sent from the heart of God, Hold us, who wait before thee, near to the heart of God.

Prayers of the People - with The Lord’s Prayer (ecumenical version)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

Offering of God’s Tithes and Our Gifts

Offertory Sonata from BWV 182 J. S. Bach

*Doxology (hymn 606)

*Prayer of Dedication

*Hymn 702 Christ Be Beside Me

*Charge and Blessing

*Sung Response (see inside back cover of hymnal) Irish Blessing

Postlude The Heavens Declare the Glory of God Benedetto Marcello

+ + + + +

Today’s flowers today are given to the glory of God and in honor of their families by Mike and Peggy Hilliard as they celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary today.


Page 5: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

WELCOME GUESTS! We are glad you are here! You are invited to join us for refreshments in Room 102 of the Activities building

following worship (ask anyone for directions). If you would like to know more about First Presbyterian

Church, we would love to share our story with you. Talk with the pastor or give us a call (483-1318).

Things to know—The nursery is located on the first floor of the Education building.

Hearing assistance units, large print bulletins, and children’s bulletins are available from the ushers.

Sermons available at For recordings of the worship service, please contact the church office.


The introit and second hymn in today's service

are based on a prayer attributed to St. Patrick of

Ireland. The story of this prayer is that Patrick and

his followers used this most beautiful prayer to

protect themselves from the people who wanted

to kill them as they travelled across Ireland. It is

also called the Deer's Cry (Fáed Fíada) because

their enemies saw, not men, but deer. It may not

have been written by Patrick, but is considered to

reflect his theological focus on the Trinity.


Liturgist: Janet Swift

Time with Children: Ronnie Griffin

Activity Time: Anne Backus, Lily Jaques

Sound Guild: Don Spong

Ushers: George Darko, Louise Dunlap,

Fred & Sally Haywood, Carolyn Krause,

Dave Mullins, Walt Porter

Counters: Fred Haywood, Walt Porter

Flowers: Mike & Peggy Hilliard

Fellowship Hosts: Paul & Sandy Rohwer

Opening/Closing: Dan Terpstra, Jim Tonne

Our deepest appreciation to Ric Sidey for serv-

ing as our organist while Jim Allen is away. Jim is

scheduled to return September 13.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL TODAY Everyone is invited to remain after worship for an

ice cream social in room 102. Brad MacLean, a

Nashville attorney and the program director at

Morgan County Residential Recovery Court, will

share a word about the important and dynamic

work being done through the recovery court

process. Folks from FPC have led occasional

worship services at the facility. Beginning next

month, under the leadership of Bob Cantrell, FPC

will provide a six-session course on the Lord’s



+ + + + + + + + + +

We will receive a special PC(USA) World Mis-

sion offering this morning for “Healthy Women

Healthy Families,” supporting a range of pro-

grams aimed at alleviating poverty and suffering

of women and children, directly impacting the

lives of the most vulnerable community members

worldwide. For more information, visit: presbyte-


Page 6: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all


Aug. 23-30, 2015

Sun. 8/23 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00 a.m. Early Birds class (room 6)

9:14 a.m. Choir rehearsal

10:00 a.m. Worship

11:15 a.m. Ice cream social (room 102)

Mon. 8/24 12:00 p.m. Men’s lunch (Shoney’s)

5:15 p.m. ADFAC board meeting (fellowship hall)

6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (room 102)

6:00 p.m. Adult Christian ed team (room 6)

Tues. 8/25 10:00 a.m. Staff meeting (room 6)

12:15 p.m. Centering Prayer (sanctuary)

5:30 p.m. AA (room 100)

6:30 p.m. Guitar workshop (choir room)

Wed. 8/26

11:00 a.m. Al-Anon (room 100)

Thurs. 8/27

11:30 a.m. Alzheimer’s of East TN (room 102)

Fri. 8/28 6:00 p.m. *PYC movie night (room 102)

7:00 p.m. Chinese Bible study (room 6)

Sat. 8/29

8:00 a.m. AYSO referee training (room 6)

9:00 a.m. Uncensored (room 102)

Sun. 8/30 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00 a.m. Early Birds class (room 6)

9:14 a.m. Choir rehearsal

10:00 a.m. Worship

11:15 a.m. Worship volunteer training

(sanctuary & fellowship hall)

*PYC—Presbyterian Youth Connection


Please submit announcements for the Sunday bulletin to the church office by Wednesday afternoon.

Newsletter submissions for The Banner should be made to the church office or Carolyn Krause

([email protected]) by the 15th of each month.

Celebrations this week:


8/24 Candice Strickler

8/25 Boyd Coker

8/27 Jinny Dunlap

8/29 Dale Hadden


8/23 Mike & Peggy Hilliard

8/23 Karl & Mary Keller

8/26 Bob & Sandra Edwards

Remember those who are . . .

in healthcare and

retirement communities:

Oris Bullock, Mary Cathcart, Bob

Clausing, Leslie Cowan, Oakley

Crawford, Anna George Dobbins,

Barbara Dreiss, Lois Lacy, Dick

Lord, Anna & Marvin Randolph,

Ruth Reeve, Gerry Slaughter,

Victoria Wulff


Sandra Edwards, Lillian Lafferty

Renovation of the fellowship hall kitchen is underway!

Please join us after worship for coffee in Room 102 of the Activities building.

Page 7: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all



9:00 a.m. Early Birds Class (room 6, sanctuary

building). A cup of coffee, meaningful discus-

sion, and a study of the book of Isaiah.

Teachers: Bill Childress and Sue Byrne


Interested in becoming a liturgist or

usher? You are invited to remain in the

sanctuary after worship next Sunday, Aug.

30, for a brief 30-minute training. Current

liturgists and ushers are asked to remain, as

well, for some important updates.

“Uncensored” is back! Biscuits and no-

holds-barred conversation for folks 40(ish)

and younger. This coming Saturday, Aug.

29, 9:00 a.m., in room 102. Childcare is



Presbyterian Youth Connection

(PYC) will soon resume regular

meetings on Sunday evenings and

Friday movie nights crank back up this week!

September 12th

All-church retreat

John Knox Center

It’s a day of fun, fellowship,

food, worship, and study for

all ages! Our theme: “Sabbath.” What does

Sabbath mean in our day and time? How might

you find ways to help balance work, rest, and all

things in-between? Come and join in:

• Saturday, Sept. 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

at John Knox Center

• Carpools will leave FPC and the West gate at

8:15 a.m.

• Programming is planned for pre-K to adults;

childcare provided for infants and toddlers

• $20 for adults, $10 for children (maximum of

$50 per family); scholarships available

• Registration deadline is this week (!)

Wednesday, Aug. 26. Forms are

available at the back of the sanctuary.

See you there!

PYC movie night!

This Friday, Aug. 28, is movie night

from 6:00-8:30 p.m. in room 102.

Bring your friends for pizza, drinks,

popcorn & fun!

To donate flowers for worship, please

sign the flower chart on the fellowship

hall bulletin board. Flowers are $35 (checks

payable to First Presbyterian Church).

Children, youth, and adult

11:15 a.m. Sunday school

classes resume Sept. 13

Page 8: First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Blessed with God’s love and grace, we celebrate gifts of diversity. By Jesus Christ’s example, we welcome, in love, all

Sharon Youngs Pastor Anna Thomas Director of Music

Jim Allen Organist Meg Tonne Parish Nurse

Hayley Lynn Director, Children & Youth Adrienne Pyle Office Manager Omer Breeden Sexton Bobbie Peters Nursery

Meghan Cadmus Nursery Brittany King Nursery

P.O. Box 6106 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (865) 483-1318

Located at the corner of Lafayette and Oak Ridge Turnpike Church Office Hours: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.—12:00 - 4:00 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church—A PC(USA) Congregation

Please make note….


Liturgist: Andrew Brittain

Time with Children: Peggy Terpstra

Activity Time: Sue Byrne, TBA

Sound Guild: Sydney Murray

Ushers: Anne Backus, Bill Bostick, Pat Clark, Joe

Grey, Lewis Phillips, Tammy Pietrzak, Paul Rowher

Counters: Trygve Myhre, Paul Rohwer

Flowers: Shirley Sauls

Fellowship Hosts: Gail & Phil King

Opening/Closing: Dan Terpstra, Jim Tonne

This is the last week... Take a moment this month to visit

the parlor to see a display of gifts

the church has received over the

past 70 years. A list on the table

identifies the gifts and their donors.

Please return the list when you are

finished reading it. The exhibit will

remain in the parlor through August.