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Final T206 Project

Jan 30, 2016



Matthew Ahlberg

Movie- Surveillance Group- Matthew Ahlberg, Ally Bono, Sean Barth, Dhruv Jain
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As a group our initial inspiration was from another telecommunications class where we were

constantly talking about surveillance and its prevalence in society today. A preview for the movie

“LOOK” was shown and it got us thinking as to what it was like to be on the other side of the camera.

Rather than being society and constantly looking over your shoulder have it is someone who is operating

that camera and knows exactly how they work. During our movie we did not want the main character to

become too technical so although that is his profession we expose a more criminal side to him.

Surveillance is everywhere and in all types of forms as well. In the beginning it monitored crimes

while now it’s being used for other uses as well. Some employees will have chips injected into them

while they are employed so that the employer may monitor them while they are at work. This is called

radio frequency identification tagging and it’s a tiny chip that is injected into the work. They may also be

placed on products of any type so when they are sold the manufacturer may monitor them. We did not

see this as having much potential in the movie though and it is not very common for an employer to do

that. There are also geolocation devices that work much like a global positioning system and these may

be many different devices including a device that is in cell phones. You may be tracked by your cell

phone, this is especially important though if something were to happen the police could find you but

others feel it’s an invasion of privacy as well. Greg definitely has the characteristics of a data miner or

very technological savvy person and you would find many of these types of people in the surveillance

industry. He uses a different type of counter surveillance in a sense that he is avoiding the footage by

deleting it and controlling what is recorded. With thousands of cameras everywhere avoiding it is next

to impossible so in defense Greg is able to control some of those thousand instead. The movie practices

inverse surveillance meaning the practice of reversing surveillance prevalence considering now there are

so many cameras out there that you cannot keep track all of them and now they are being abused

because the cameras cannot monitor themselves. It’s a major invasion of privacy to society and this

story gives way to the type of people on the other end who are operating the cameras.

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GREG exits the front door of his house following the arrival of

his friend JAKE. The two greet each other in the front yard, exchanging details of their weekends. Jake questions a new rather expensive looking watch that Greg is wearing, to which Greg explains that his mother gave it to him while visiting that weekend. The two get into Jakes car. JAKE pulls up in front of the building in which GREG works. He turns down the music before the two-say goodbye to each other after making plans for Jake to pick Greg up after he gets off of work. GREG walks in the building, looking up at the security cameras and smirking. Unenthused he walks through the office starting

his day. While collecting a few things Greg runs into an annoying coworker, DAVID. David’s annoying personality immediately becomes apparent. GREG thumbs through paper work in his office while turning on his computer. He checks a few files, before opening up documents containing blueprints of a new bank his firm is fitting with surveillance equipment. The phone rings, Greg answers and the two set up a meeting for once Greg is off of work. On a busy street GREG waits on the corner by himself. A STRANGER approaches him and the two talk back and forth for a moment before exchanging a package. It becomes apparent that Greg is somehow involved in a recent string of robberies throughout the

city. Returning home GREG locks the door behind him and immediately closes the windows and blinds before walking into another room. Greg begins counting money before putting it into a safe. JAKE is on a date with JAMIE. They leave the restaurant and cross the street toward where they are parked. Jake decided to withdraw some money from the ATM on the corner quickly. As he is doing so they hear the alarm sound from the inside of the bank. In the confusion that follows TWO MEN run out in masks knocking into Jake. Jake attempts to subdue one of the men; during the struggle the second robber shots him.

GREG is sitting at home staring blankly at the television. His relaxation is interrupted when he hears someone frantically knocking at the door, it is the TWO ROBBERS. They tell him the problem at the bank and that they need to erase the tapes from the bank. Greg explains that it would be to easily traced back to him if he accesses the tapes, together they plan to kidnap DAVID and use him to do it. DAVID is sitting in bed reading. Suddenly his front door is kicked open and he is subdued by the TWO ROBBERS. GREG joins them wearing a ski mask in the car.

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The TWO ROBBERS bring DAVID into the head quarters of his job.

David uses his security clearance to access a computer station as the robbers instruct him. Throughout this GREG remains in the car giving the men instructions over the phone, so that David will not know his involvement. The job is completed and they all regroup in the car. GREG, DAVID, and the TWO ROBBERS are now driving together in a car through back roads in the country. They debate what to do with David as the Robbers suggest simply killing him. They pull into a park and exit the car. GREG and the TWO ROBBERS exit the car first. One of the robbers walks around the back of the car, forcing DAVID to exit it.

David is confused and in a state of panic. They continue to debate what to do with him before taking his blind fold off. David now realizes that Greg has been involved this entire time; he begins pleading with him for his life. During this he tells Greg that the man who was killed was his friend Jake. An argument breaks out between Greg and the robbers as he struggles to get all the details. It is then Greg throws David on his knees and walks behind him. Before he shoots his he raises the gun killing the two robbers. David climbs to his feet thanking Greg. Greg says they should get out of there, as they walk to the car Greg pauses for a moment. With David in front of him he shoots him in the back of the head. Greg leaves the car and takes off on foot.

The next morning GREG is getting ready for work. He watches the news as the story talks about the bodies of 3 men believed to be the robbers in a recent string of robberies being found in a park. He smiles and takes of his watch, thinking it might be too flashy for a sure to be hectic day at work.

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GREG closes and locks his door behind him as he hears JAKE’S approaching footsteps a little ways away. The two greet each other and then get into Jake’s car.

JAKE Another crummy day huh? I can’t take this weather much longer. GREG No kidding, did I miss anything fun this weekend? JAKE

You know, same old, same old at the bars. What were you up to all weekend that you couldn’t even make it to dinner on Saturday? GREG Just family stuff, my mom came into town and- JAKE Where the hell did that watch come from? I have been driving you to that crummy surveillance job forever and you manage to throw that into the budget? GREG

Oh this thing? It was handed down to me. It was my father’s and my mother came to give it to me as a present. JAKE What I don’t understand is why didn’t you invite me this weekend? We have been friends since we were kids, are we getting too old to spend time with your Mom? GREG Oh calling me a momma’s boy? Anyways, how was the bar? You said the normal crowd, not even a single decent new girl?

JAKE I mean there was the occasional girl here and there. I forgot to tell you, I have a date with this girl from a few weeks ago. GREG You’re still messing around with her? You need to get that figured out. We will get after it next weekend and find some new girls to talk to. I’ve had enough of the same crowd.

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GREG narrowly missed some major explaining behind his peculiar absence. He casually turns up the radio to avert any potential question about the previous weekend. Jake in his normal morning slumber took no notice of the casual action and slumped into his seat, focusing his gaze on the road. Greg loosens up a bit and checks his phone despite no messages being received.


The two arrive at GREG’S office. JAKE turns off the radio and says goodbye. He had completely dismissed

the earlier conversation; his attention is distracted by the buzz of the radio and the day of work ahead of him.

GREG Pick me up around 5 as usual? JAKE Yeah that sounds good. Let’s not get weird and reclusive on me this weekend huh? I could go for a good time this week. It’s going to be a long week. GREG

Of course, my weekend is free of work my man. We will get after it don’t worry.


GREG walks in and eyes the surveillance camera as he pulls open the double glass doors, another Monday morning.


GREG runs into DAVID, quite possibly one of the worst people to work with but of course that is not GREG’S choice.

DAVID Hey buddy! How was the weekend? GREG Oh you know the usual, met some girls at the bar, things like that. DAVID When are you going to give me a call so we can go out together? You know I could be your wingman, maybe help me out too?

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Yeah definitely, this weekend for sure. DAVID You ready to rid the world of criminals today? GREG By staring at monitors, patiently waiting for some guy to carelessly rob one of our banks? If that’s what you mean then yes I’m thrilled David. DAVID Man I wish I could be one of those security guards handling a gun…

GREG You would do a real bang up job man

The two went their separate ways as GREG enters his office only to see a new pile of papers to work through that day. Oh well, at least he was away from DAVID.


GREG thumps through paper work while turning on his computer. He checks a few files and then opens up blueprints of a new bank that they will be outfitting with the newest surveillance technology. As he is

assessing the bank construction the phone rings.

GREG Hey what’s up? STRANGER I don’t know you tell me. GREG Well I’m at work till 5. How about we meet up then? STRANGER 5th and Lexington

GREG Sounds good I’ll call you when I get out. DAVID 5 o clock happy hour…you know I’m down. GREG All right yeah, I’ll find you at the end of the day DAVID

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Well all right sounds good.

David turns around from the door while chuckling and grinning to himself. Greg looks annoyed and goes back to work.


The day concluded at work and rather than having JAKE drive GREG home he decides to walk. He was meeting up with a man during his walk home that Jake could not know about. As he approaches 5

th and Lexingtonon he

begins searching for this man and finds him at the corning waiting patiently for his arrival.

GREG Been waiting long? STRANGER No but I wouldn’t test you luck; you know this isn’t safe right now. Look here’s your money, this should be the last time I need you. GREG Last time? Have a pretty good night last night?

STRANGER We did our job and you saw the news, they have no idea. You just have a good night Greg, thanks again.


Have a good night and stay safe.


GREG shuffles into his house, looking over his shoulder as he routinely the door and closes the window blinds

behind him. He walks into his room, turning over the numbers that week and how much he had stored away after the weeks work.


JAKE is just finishing up his dinner with JAMIE as the check comes. Jake needs to head to the ATM once they leave before heading to a movie so they walk in that direction.


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That wasn’t too bad. What movie do you feel like

seeing? JAMIE Oh you know, I’m up for anything. JAKE All right sounds good, just let me run to this ATM real quick.

As JAKE is withdrawing money the alarm in the bank sound and two men come barreling out of the bank, both hooded and in masks. Jake being a more heavily built man attempts to hold up the criminals. During the

scuffle one of the criminals in a panic state pulls out a gun and shoots Jake. The two turn and as sirens far off are heard.

JAMIE JAKE! JAKE! Are you okay?

JAMIE kneels down next to him as she calls an ambulance. Jake had been hit square in the chest and she did not know if he would make it. The criminals were long gone by the time an ambulance would arrive.


GREG is sitting at home staring blankly at the TV. Suddenly he hears frantic knocking on the door. He walks across the room and opens the door.

ROBBER #1 What’s taking you so long? We got a problem. (He pushing his way into the house) GREG What are you talking about? Wait, what are you guys doing here? ROBBER#2

There was an incident. Everything was going according to plan in the bank. We got past the vault security, got the money in the bags and were on our way out. Then this Good Samaritan on the street decides to play cop. ROBBER #1 He tackled me from behind and took off my mask man, he wasn’t letting go, I had no choice we had to shoot him. GREG

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You did what?

ROBBER #2 That fool was trying to be a hero in front of his girlfriend. He got what was coming. GREG What the fuck did you guys do? Tell me this is a bad joke. You were not supposed to kill anyone! ROBBER #1 I know man we fucked up. Now we need your help. GREG

Need my help? Need my help? What the hell. I can’t even be seen with you guys right now. Every cop in the city is probably looking for you. This is bad. This is fucking bad. ROBBER #2 Yo calm down man… GREG No you calm down fucker! You guys have ruined everything. If they trace this back to me, they’ll put me in jail. God, I can’t be seen with you guys. Get the fuck out of my house. Now!

ROBBER #1 My boy said calm down. (Points a gun at GREG). Now listen up, we aren’t going anywhere, and you are going to help willingly or I am going to make you help us. Comprended? GREG Okay okay just put the damn gun down. ROBBER #1 Now listen. This mishap took place right in front of the bank entrance. So we were probably caught on tape by the surveillance camera over the door.

The guy took my mask of so they definitely got a good shot of my face. We need you to go and erase the footage form the camera. GREG (Laughing Sarcastically) Wow this is your master plan huh boys. Just have me go erase the tapes and no one will ever know its you. It’s not that simple. You shot him outside, people must have seen you. ROBBER #2

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No. No one saw us. The street was empty. I

scouted out the area. GREG What about the girl? ROBBER@ Oh never mind her. She was too busy crying over his paper tiger to see us through her tears. GREG You guys are assholes. I can’t believe you killed an innocent man.

ROBBER #1 Don’t sit here and judge us. Get us out of this mess. GREG And what if I refuse. What if I let you two get caught and rot in jail for the rest of your lives. What are you going to do hug? Shoot me? Shoot me like you shot that guy. ROBBER #1 We’ll do something worse. We will take you down with us. Remember you’re involved as much in this heist as we are. You think they’ll just take us

down and let you go? GREG Wow so this is what it comes down to. After all the business we have done with each other, you resort to these blackmailing tactics. ROBBER #2 Amen Brother GREG You don’t understand this isn’t that simple. I can’t just walk into SecureCorp and erase the files. It doesn’t work like that there will be a

paper trail with my identification. ROBBER #2 So what, we’ll find a way to break in. GREG I work for the nations most advanced security firm. You would think they would fortify their HQ with the most advanced security systems. No, the only way to get through undetected is with a keycard.

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So lets get another keycard. GREG I just got an idea. It’s risky, but it’s the only option. There is this guy I work with. I hate him. We can force him to go and erase the logs. That way it would be his keycard on the trail and the files would have been deleted from his computer login account. ROBBER #1

Perfect. Lets go get him. Where is he? GREG He lives not too far form here. Bust listen, I will need one of your masks. He cannot know its me. If he does then he won’t do it and we’ll blow this whole things. ROBBER #1 Whatever you say. Just get us out of this mess.


DAVID is sitting on his bed reading a Playboy magazine.

He hears a shuffling sound and suddenly the two ROBBERS break down his front door. They grab him and pin him to the ground.

DAVID HELP! HELP! HELP! ROBBER #2 One more sound out of you and I will splatter your brains all over this floor do you understand? GREG This is him. Lets go. We have to hurry.

DAVID Wait. What? Which guy? What are you guys talking about? ROBBER #2 (Tying David’s hands behind his back) Quiet down asshole DAVID Wait. Where are you guys taking me? What’s going on? You have the wrong guy.

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The three push DAVID out of the house and make their way down the stairs to the car. They drive to SecureCOrp’s HQ.


ROBBER #1 parks the car at the side near the entrance as the other two untie DAVID’s hands. They push his out of the car as the two ROBBERS lead him inside.

GREG Okay you guys go in. I’ll stay in the car and give you instructions.

ROBBER #1 Lets go David, do whatever my boy here tells you too and we will let you live. DAVID Please don’t hurt me. Please. I’ll do anything. Just let me go. ROBBER #2 Man you are such a pussy.

The three men walk to the main entrance.

GREG Open the door with his keycard. DAVID Ye-yes sir. GREG Now go up to the second floor and take a right. Then walk to the end of the hall. ROBBER #1 Move punk! DAVID

B-B-But this is the surveillance cam archived. ROBBER #2 Wow this kid is smarter than he looks. GREG Now David, open the door using your index finger. DAVID What do you guys want from here.

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ROBBER #2 (Pointing a gun at him) Quiet kid; just do what we tell you to if you want to make it out of here.

David walks over to the finger print scanner and opens the door with his index finger. His ID is confirmed.

GREG Okay now access the surveillance logs with your login password. DAVID

Wait how do you guys know what I have access to these file? ROBBER #2 I didn’t say to talk. Open the damn video logs for tonight at the Chase bank on Park Street. Now! DAVID Ok ok sorry it’s going to take a minute. (David opens the video los of the bank and finds the section in which the robbers kill Jake and run) Wait I know him. Did this happen today? Oh my god

you shot him… Robber #1 Enough! We know what the hell we did. Now delete this entire video before we shoot you!

David deletes the video from the computer memory.

DAVID Done. Now please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone what I saw. I swear to you.

ROBBER #2 Not so fast, your coming with us first. DAVID But you said if I help you then you’ll let me go. ROBBER #2 Shut up and come with us!

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The two ROBBERS drag DAVID back out to the car. GREG

is now sitting at the steering wheel and they drive off into the night.


Greg, David, and the two bank robbers are now driving on back roads through what appears to be a wooded area. David, who is blindfolded, continues to panic not knowing what is happening to him, as do the two bank robbers. Throughout this it is Greg who remains calm and collected as he continues to drive them to an undetermined location.

DAVID Where are you taking me? Please I did what you wanted…where are we… ROBBER#1 (Hitting David with a gun) Shut up just shut up. What the hell are we doing this is taking to long. DAVID Please would someone just… ROBBER#1 I said shut up; I swear I’ll shoot you right now.

The mood tenses as the Robber puts a gun to David’s head. David cannot see it but feels the barrel on the side of his temple. He is emotional but manages to calm down.

ROBBER#2 Seriously where are we going? Lets just dump him off right here and get the hell out of town. ROBBER#1 This is messed up man. We’re screwed; we just need to disappear. (There is a long pause). Why the hell aren’t you saying anything Greg.

Greg looks over his shoulder with a look of disapproval that his name has been used. All the while he remains calm and in control of the situation. He makes a turn into a park on the shore of a lake, putting the vehicle in park before opening his door.

GREG All right everybody out.


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Greg and the 2 Robbers exit the car first. One of the

robbers walks around the back of the car and gets David out of the back drivers side passenger seat. David is confused and in a state of panic, still unsure of what his fate is. They lead him down towards the leg stepping over a fence to get there.

DAVID Please I won’t tell anyone, please just let me go. ROBBER#2 All right lets just take care of him and get the hell out of here. This place is sketchy someone could pull in.

ROBBER#1 Yeah man lets get out of here I have a bad feeling about this. ROBBER#2 Lets just do this, come on

ROBBER#2 walks behind David and pushes him to his knees. Standing behind him he puts his gun to the back of his head.

ROBBER#2 You want me to just do this?

David is now freaking out. Greg walks behind him, putting his hand on the gun.

GREG No I’ll do it. DAVID Greg, Greg is that you. What’s going on? Please help me.

Greg pauses as he realizes that his identity has now been revealed. He looks down at his pausing for some 5 or more seconds, looking overwhelmed. He quickly pulls

himself back together.

GREG Take his blindfold off.

Robber#1 pulls the blindfold off of David. David looks over his shoulder confirming it is indeed Greg. The two robbers now stand 5 feet in front of Greg and David.


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Greg…please I swear I won’t say anything, we’re

friends right. I don’t care if you were involved, please just let me go. GREG I, I… What do you know? DAVID Whatever happened I don’t care, I don’t know anything about it. I’m sorry about your friend though. GREG My friend? What the hell are you talking about?

DAVID The guy who got killed, it was your friend right? The one who drives you to work? GREG What are you talking about? What the hell is he talking about?

Greg begins starring at the 2 Robbers across from him. He takes out his phone and calls Jake, it goes straight to voicemail. He calls again with the same results.


Its late he’s probably asleep. ROBBER#1 Yeah man, just do it and lets get out of here. GREG The guy was he alone? ROBBER#1 What’s the difference? Can we just get out of here?


The robber’s pause and look at each other, Robber#1 looks concerned. David still looks confused although he less emotion as he looks back and forth between the Greg and the 2 robbers.

ROBBER#2 No he was with some girl…she ran away so we just took off.

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Greg looks nervous and concerned about his friend,

remembering that he was going on a date that evening. He looks down at David, then back at the Robbers. A few seconds pass before Greg regains his composure.

GREG One of you get the shuffle out of the truck. DAVID Please no Greg I swear I won’t say anything. Please I’m begging you. It was your friend I’m sorry.

Robber#1 turns around to walk back to the car. Once

his back is turned Greg lifts the gun from behind David shooting Robber#2 twice in the chest. Hearing two shots Robber#1 turns around, at this moment Greg fires on him killing the man. He looks down at David who has dropped to the ground.

GREG I’m sorry I was being forced to cooperate with them they were black mailing me are you ok? DAVID Yeah I’m, I’m…this is messed up what the hell is going on?

Greg helps David off the ground. The two men walk over to the bodies of the Robbers. Robber#2 appears to still be alive. GREG shoots him once more.

GREG I’ll explain it all to you, but this needs to stay with us. Did you erase the tapes? Everything can end if the tapes are gone. DAVID Yeah they’re all erased…but there are security cameras at the office too, they would have seen me there, we need to erase those as well. They show me working with these guys. They didn’t have their guns out inside; people will think I was

working with them if we don’t erase those tapes. GREG Were you using your station when you worked on the other ones? DAVID Yeah but I can erase those time signatures, no one will know that I logged on at night. GREG Perfect, lets get out of here.

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Greg and David turn and start walking to the car. Pausing for a moment Greg ends up a step or so behind David, he raises his gun shooting him in the back of the head, killing him on the spot. He walks up to him and shoots him again to make sure he is dead. Greg then wipes down the gun and puts it in the hand of Robber#1. He takes Robber#2’s gun and fires it twice into Robber#1, so that it looks like an argument broke out and all the involved parties killed each off. Greg collects a large portion of the money from the robbery and runs off down the road on foot.


GREG is getting ready for work the next morning as the news is playing in the background. He looks calm and collected, as he gets dressed.

NEWS STATION Welcome back to channel 6 News. 3 men were found shot dead in the early hours of the morning by a fisherman as Ballard Park today. It is believed these 3 were involved in the recent string of bank robberies today, due to the large volume of cash found inside their vehicle. Police believe that after last night’s robbery, and argument broke out and a shooting between the men was the result.

Furthermore, one of the men found was an employee of the Security Firm that sets up systems for banks, and that is now believed to be the way they managed all of these robberies.

Grinning Greg turns off the television as he puts on the watch that Jake had commented on the morning before. He pauses while looking down at the watch.

GREG Maybe I should leave this at home today…

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This is the costume design for the main character Greg. He is an office worker. So we used the simple shirt and pant look for his character. The black office shoes compliment the attire adding a professional touch.

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This is the costume design for the Robbers. They are dressed in dark colors of black & grey. The mask hides their face during robbery. Also the running shoes are used, as that is what a robber would typically wear during a heist to be quick on his feet.

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Shot List- Group Project

Name: Allison, Dhruv, Matthew, Sean

Date: 4/23/10

Scene Shot Description Elements 1 1 Full shot: Jake

walking towards Greg’s car where Greg is standing.

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Jake Props: Car

1 2 Medium shot: Greg and Jake in Jake’s car

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Jake Props: Car Props: Watch

1 3 Close up shot: Greg turning up the car radio

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Jake Props: Car Props: Car radio

1 4 Close up shot: Jake slouching in the driver’s seat of his car

Char 1: Jake Props: Car Props: Car seat Props: Car steering wheel

1 5 Close up shot: Greg’s hand holding his phone

Char 1: Greg Props: Car Props: Cell


2 6 Full shot: Jake’s car in front of Greg’s workplace

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Jake Prop: Car

2 7 Medium shot: Greg and Jake talking in Jake’s car

Char 1: Greg Props: Car Props: Briefcase

2 8 Full shot: Greg exiting Jake’s car and walking into workplace; Jake drives away

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Jake Props: Car Props: Briefcase

3 9 POV shot: Greg walking into work; see double doors and surveillance camera

Char 1: Greg Props: Surveillance camera Props: Glass double doors

3 10 Medium shot: Greg opening double doors, walking into work

Char 1: Greg Props: Double doors

4 11 POV shot: Greg walking to his

Char 1: Greg Props:

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office Briefcase

4 12 Full shot: Greg walking around the workplace

Char 1: Greg Props: Briefcase Props: Plant

4 13 Medium shot: Greg running into David while walking to his office.

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David

4 14 Full shot: Greg and David talking outside Greg’s office.

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David Props: Briefcase Props: Binder

full of papers

4 15 POV shot: Greg talking to David

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David

4 16 Full shot: Greg enters his personal office.

Char 1: Greg Props: Office chair Props: Office desk Props: Computer Props: Stack of papers

4 17 Full shot: Greg sitting at desk,

staring at the pile of papers on his desk

Char 1: Greg Props: Office

chair Props: Office desk Props: Computer Props: Stack of papers

5 18 Full shot: Greg sitting at desk in office

Char 1: Greg Props: Office chair Props: Office desk Props:

Computer Props: Stack of papers Props: Briefcase

5 19 Medium shot: Greg turns on his computer

Char 1: Greg Props: Office chair Props: Office desk Props: Computer

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5 20 POV shot: Greg

looking at computer

Char 1: Greg

Props: Computer

5 21 Full shot: Greg at desk working

Char 1: Greg Props: Office chair Props: Office desk Props: Computer Props: Phone

5 22 Medium shot: Greg answering his phone while sitting at

his desk

Char 1: Greg Props: Office chair

Props: Office desk Props: Computer Props: Phone

5 23 Close up shot: Greg talking on phone

Char 1: Greg Props: Phone

5 24 Full shot: David and Greg talking in office.

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David Props: Office chair Props: Office desk Props:


6 25 Medium shot: Greg working

Char 1: Greg Props: Office chair Props: Office desk Props: Computer

6 26 Full shot: Greg leaving workplace

Char 1: Greg Props: Briefcase

6 27 POV shot: Greg walking down the


Char 1: Greg Props: Fire

hydrant Props: Stop sign Props: Street sign

6 28 Full shot: Greg pacing at street intersection

Char 1: Greg Props: Briefcase Props: Street sign

6 29 Medium shot: An unidentifiable man

Char 1: Greg Char 2:

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walks up to Greg

and they start talking.


Props: Street sign

6 30 POV shot: Greg talking to the stranger

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Stranger Props: Street sign

6 31 POV shot: The stranger talking to Greg

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Stranger Props: Street sign

6 32 Medium shot: Greg

and the stranger talking, stranger waves good-bye

Char 1: Greg

Char 2: Stranger Props: Street sign

6 33 Full shot: Greg and the stranger part their separate ways.

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Stranger Props: Street sign

7 34 Full shot: Greg walking up the outside stairs to the front door of his house

Char 1: Greg Props: Car Props: Briefcase Props: House

7 35 Medium shot: After hastily entering his apartment, Greg shuts and locks the door and closes all the window blinds

Char 1: Greg Props: Door Props: Locks Props: Windows Props: Window curtains

7 36 POV shot: Greg shuffling around his apartment, walking to his bedroom

Char 1: Greg Props: Dinner table Props: Couch Props: Bedroom door

7 37 Full shot: Greg

sitting in his bedroom

Char 1: Greg

Props: Bed Props: Desk

8 38 Close up shot: Jamie eating desert at the table

Char 1: Jamie Props: Dining table Props: Dining utensils Props: Napkin

8 39 Medium shot: Jake and Jamie finishing up their dinner at the restaurant

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Jamie Props: Dining table

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Props: Dining

utensils Props: Napkins

8 40 Full shot: Jake and Jamie grab their coats and leave the restaurant after paying the check

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Jamie Props: Dining table Props: Coats Props: Napkins

8 41 POV shot: Jake and Jamie walking out of the restaurant double doors

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Jamie Props: Coats Props: Double doors

8 42 Full shot: Jake and Jamie walking down the sidewalk to the ATM

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Jamie Props: Street lights

8 43 POV shot: Jake at ATM withdrawing money

Char 1: Jake Props: ATM Props: Card

8 44 Close up shot: Jake at ATM looking around, scared

Char 1: Jake Props: ATM

8 45 Medium shot: Bank double doors swing open and two men in masks holding bags

of money and guns run through them

Char 1: Robber 1 Char 2: Robber 2

Props: Masks Props: Bags of money Props: Guns

8 46 Full shot: Jake and one of the robbers collide

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Robber 1 Props: Mask Props: Bags of money Props: Gun

8 47 POV shot: The second robber

shoots Jake

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Robber

1 Props: Mask Props: Bags of money Props: Guns

8 48 Close up shot: Jake shouting in pain

Char 1: Jake Props: Blood

8 49 Full shot: The two robbers run away and leave Jake on the ground

Char 1: Jake Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

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Props: Masks

Props: Bags of money Props: Guns

8 50 POV shot: The robbers are running off into the distance with the bags of money they stole from the bank

Char 1: Robber 1 Char 2: Robber 2 Props: Masks Props: Bags of money Props: Guns

8 51 Close up shot: Jamie, panicking,

runs to Jake and drops down next to him

Char 1: Jamie Char 2: Jake

Props: Blood

8 52 Full shot: Jamie sobbing while kneeling next to Jake

Char 1: Jamie Char 2: Jake Props: Blood Props: ATM

8 53 POV shot: Jamie on phone, sitting next to Jake

Char 1: Jamie Char 2: Jake Props: Blood Props: Phone

9 54 Close up shot: Greg staring

Char 1: Greg

9 55 Full shot: Greg

sitting, watching TV and smoking a cigarette

Char 1: Jake

Props: Chair Props: TV Props: Cigarette Props: Table Props: Ash tray

9 56 Close up shot: Greg puts out cigarette and goes to answer the door

Char 1: Greg Props: Cigarette

9 57 POV shot: Robber 1 and Robber 2 are

standing at the door and then walk into Greg’s house

Char 1: Robber 1

Char 2: Robber 2 Props: Front door

9 58 Medium shot: Greg shuts his front door and turns around to talk to the robbers

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Front door Props: Locks

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9 59 Full shot: The

robbers sit themselves down on Greg’s couch in the living room

Char 1: Robber

1 Char 2: Robber 2 Props: Couch Props: TV Props: Table

9 60 Close up shot: Greg pulls a chair over and sits down

Char 1: Greg Props: Chair

9 61 Close up shot: Robber 1 speaking to Greg

Char 1: Robber 1 Props: Couch

9 62 Full Shot: Greg and

robbers in heated argument

Char 1: Greg

Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Couch Props: Table

9 63 Close up: Robber 1 pulls out gun

Char 1: Robber 1 Props: Gun

9 64 Medium Shot: Greg and Robber shouting

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Props: Gun

9 65 Close up: Greg

laughing sarcastically

Char 1: Greg

9 66 Medium Shot: Greg and robbers devising a plan

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Couch Props: Chair

9 67 Close up: Robber 2 talking

Char 1: Robber 2

9 68 Medium Shot: Greg and the Robbers

formulating the plan

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber

1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Couch Props: Chair

9 69 Close up: Robber 1 is angry waving the gun

Char 1: Robber 1 Props: Gun

9 70 Medium Shot: Greg and Robber 1 arguing

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Props: Gun

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9 71 Close up: Robber 2

getting up and talking to them

Char 1: Robber


9 72 Full shot: Greg and the robbers reach a consensus

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Couch

9 73 Close up: Greg shows his keycard

Char 1: Greg Props: Keycard

9 74 Medium Shot: Greg and robbers talking

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber

1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Gun Props: Keycard

9 75 Full Shot: Greg and robbers walk out of apartment

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Front door Props: Table

10 76 Close up: David

reading a playboy magazine

Char 1: David

Props: Playboy Magazine Props: Bed

10 77 Medium shot: front door knob jiggling

Props: Front door

10 78 Close up: David hears noise

Char 1: David Props: Playboy Magazine

10 79 Medium Shot: Robbers break through front door

Char 1: Robber 1 Char 2: Robber 2 Props: Front


10 80 Close up: David screams and drops magazine

Char 1: David Props: Playboy magazine

10 81 Medium Shot: Robbers tackle David to ground

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Carpet

10 82 Medium Shot: Robber 2 holds gun to

Char 1: Robber 2

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David’s head Char 2: David

Props: Gun

10 83 Medium Shot: Robber 2 threatens David and ties his hands with rope

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 2 Props: Rope

10 84 Close up: David screams to let him go

Char 1: David

10 85 Full shot: Robbers drag David out of apartment

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

Props: Rope

11 86 Aerial Shot: car comes to stop outside building

Props: car

11 87 Medium Shot: The 4 characters are in the car talking

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: Greg Props: car

11 88 Full Shot: Robbers and David exit car

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1

Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Car

11 89 Full Shot: Robbers and David approach building front door

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Fingerprint Scanner

11 90 Medium Shot: David uses Fingerprint

scanner to open door

Char 1: David Props: Rope

11 91 Full shot: David ad robbers enter HQ and move quickly

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: tables Props: chairs Props: Flower pots Props:

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Props: computers

11 92 Medium Shot: David sits down on computer station

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: table Props: chair Props: computer

11 93 Close up: David uses keycard to log


Char 1: David Props:

computer Props: keycard Props: table

11 94 Close up: Robber 1 screaming at David

Char 1: Robber 1 Props: gun

11 95 Close up: Computer screen shows the video of robbers

Props: computer monitor

11 96 Medium Shot: David and Robbers talking

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

Props: computer Props: Chair Props: table

11 97 Close up: Computer screen shows file getting deleted

Props: Computer monitor

11 98 Medium Shot: Robbers drag David away from desk

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: table

Props: chair Props: Computer Props: Gun

11 99 Full Shot: Robbers and David exit building

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: tables Props: chairs Props: Flower

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Props: telephones Props: computers

11 100 Medium Shot: Robbers push David back into car

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: car

11 101 Medium Shot: all four characters sitting in car


Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1

Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: Greg Props: car

11 102 Arial Shot: Car drives off screen

Props: car

12 103 Full shot: Back on the car as it drive away from camera

Props: car

12 104 Medium Shot: Robber 1 panicking

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

Char 4: Greg Props: car

12 105 Close up: Robber 1 worried

Char 1: Robber 1 Props: car

12 106 Close up: David screaming

Char 1: David Props: car

12 107 Close up: Robber 1 shouting at David

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Props: car

12 108 Close up: Robber 1 pulls out gun

Char 1: Robber 1

Props: car Props: gun

12 109 Medium shot: Robber 1 puts gun to David’s head

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Props: car Props: gun

12 110 Close up: David almost crying with the gun to his head

Char 1: David Props: car Props: Gun

12 111 Close up: Robber 2 trying to calm

Char 1: Robber 2

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everyone down Props: car

12 112 Medium Shot: Greg looks over his shoulder

Char 1: David Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: Greg Props: car Props: gun

12 113 Close up: Greg looks back and moves steering wheel.

Char 1: Greg Props: car

12 114 Arial Shot: Car

comes to a halt in a dark wooded area

Props: car

Props: trees

12 115 Close up: Greg talks

Char 1: Greg Props: Car

13 116 Full shot: Greg and the robbers exiting Greg’s car

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Car

13 117 Medium shot: Robber 1 grabbing David out of the back driver’s side

passenger seat

Char 1: Robber 1 Char 2: David Props: Car

Props: Blindfold

13 118 Full shot: Greg and the two robbers aggressively pull David

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: David

13 119 Close up shot: David talking to the robbers and Greg

Char 1: Greg

13 120 Close up shot:

Robber 2 talking

Char 1: Robber


13 121 Close up Shot: Robber 1 talking

Char 1: Robber 1

13 122 Close up shot: Robber 2 talking

Char 1: Robber 2

13 123 Full shot: Robber 2 pushes David to his knees

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: David Props:

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13 124 Medium shot: Greg and the Robbers talking

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

13 125 Close up shot: David talking while still blindfolded

Char 1: David Props: Blindfold

13 126 Close up shot: Greg talking

Char 1: Greg

13 127 Full shot: Greg talking to the two robbers while David

is still on his knees, blindfolded on ground

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1

Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: David Props: Blindfold

13 128 Close up shot: Robber 1 aggressively pulls the blindfold off David

Char 1: Robber 1 Char 2: David Props: Blindfold

13 129 Full shot: Greg and David standing five feet across from the robbers

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber

2 Char 4: David

13 130 Medium shot: Greg and David talking

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David

13 131 POV shot: David talking

Char 1: David

13 132 Close up shot: Greg talking

Char 1: Greg

13 133 Full shot: Greg takes out his cell phone and makes a call while David and the two robbers

are standing around

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

Char 4: David Props: Cell phone

13 134 Close up shot: Greg calling on his cell phone

Char 1: Greg Props: Cell phone

13 135 POV shot: The robbers talking

Char 1: Robber 1 Char 2: Robber 2

13 136 Medium shot: The two robbers talking

Char 1: Robber 1

Page 35: Final T206 Project

and looking back

and forth at each other

Char 2: Robber


13 137 Close up shot: David looking around

Char 1: David

13 138 Long shot: The two robbers talking to Greg

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

13 139 Close up shot: Greg looking around, looking concerned

Char 1: Greg

13 140 Full shot: Greg talking to the robbers and David

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Char 4: David

13 141 Close up shot: David begging Greg for forgiveness

Char 1: David

13 142 Full shot: Robber 1 walks to the car and as he turns his back to Greg, robber 2, and

David, Greg shoots robber 2

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2

Char 4: David Props: Gun

13 143 Close up shot: Reacting to the gun shot, robber 1 spins around in shock, looking to see what happened

Char 1: Robber 1

13 144 Medium shot: As robber 1 turns around to see what happened, Greg shoots him and

kills him

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1

13 145 Close up shot: Robber 1 on the ground, dead

Char 1: Robber 1 Props: Blood

13 146 Close up shot: Robber 2 on the ground

Char 1: Robber 2 Props: Blood

13 147 Close up shot: Greg talking

Char 1: Greg

13 148 Medium shot: David on ground, speaking to Greg

Char 1: David

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13 149 Full shot: Greg

helps David off the ground

Char 1: Greg

Char 2: David

13 150 Medium shot: Greg and David walk over to the bodies of the robbers that are on the ground

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David Char 3: Robber 1 Char 4: Robber 2 Props: Blood Props: Gun

13 151 POV shot: Robber 2 squirms on the ground; he is

obviously alive

Char 1: Robber 2 Props: Blood

13 152 Close up shot: Greg raising gun

Char 1: Greg Props: Gun

13 153 Full shot: Greg, with David standing next to him, shoots robber 2 and kills him

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Gun Props: Blood

13 154 Close up shot: Robber 2’s face; blood leaking out of his mouth and his eyes are open

Char 1: Robber 2 Props: Blood

13 155 Close up shot: Greg talking

Char 1: Greg

13 156 POV shot: David talking

Char 1: David

13 157 Full shot: Greg and David walking away from the scene, leaving the two robbers dead on the ground

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David Char 3: Robber 1 Char 4: Robber 2 Props: Blood

13 158 Medium shot: Greg is walking to the

car behind David, and as David’s back is facing him, Greg shoots him in the back of the head

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David

Props: Car Props: Gun

13 159 Close up shot: David dead on the ground

Char 1: David Props: Blood

13 160 Close up shot: Greg’s face

Char 1: Greg

13 161 Medium shot: Greg walking up to

Char 1: Greg Char 2: David

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David’s body and

shoots it again to make sure he’s dead

Props: Gun

Props: Blood

13 162 Close up shot: Greg’s hands, wiping the gun with a cloth

Char 1: Greg Props: Gun Props: Cloth

13 163 Full shot: Greg puts the gun in robber 1’s hands, and then takes robber 2’s gun and fires it twice at robber 1

Char 1: Greg Char 2: Robber 1 Char 3: Robber 2 Props: Gun 1 Props: Gun 2

Props: Cloth

13 164 Medium shot: Greg taking handfuls of money from the bags that the robbers stole from the bank

Char 1: Greg Props: Bag of money Props: Cash

13 165 Full shot: Greg flees from the scene and runs down the road with money from the robbery

Char 1: Greg Props: Cash

13 166 Close up shot: Greg’s face

Char 1: Greg

14 167 Medium shot: Greg

getting ready for work

Char 1: Greg

Props: Suit jacket Props: Neck tie

14 168 Close up shot: Greg’s television-the news is playing

Props: Television stand Props: Television

14 169 Close up shot: Greg’s face

Char 1: Greg Props: Neck tie

14 170 POV shot: Greg

putting on his watch

Char 1: Greg

Props: Watch Props: Cufflink

14 171 Close up shot: Greg’s face

Char 1: Greg

14 172 POV shot: Greg taking off his watch

Char 1: Greg Props: Watch Props: Cufflink

14 173 Medium shot: Greg throws the watch on the kitchen table

Char 1: Greg Props: Watch Props: Table

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Props: Chair

Props: Refrigerator

14 174 Full shot: Greg leaving his apartment

Char 1: Greg Props: Table Props: Chair Props: Refrigerator Props: Front door

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- I would use maybe the first 45 seconds of this song and it would go in during the dialogue

between Jake and Greg when they are in the car. Even though the dialogue gets a little tense

they are both still in the car and it’s early in the morning. They are mostly jus t making small talk

in the beginning too.

- This piece would go in while Greg is leaving the office and he knows what he is about to do. As

he leaves his office the audience knows that things are about to speed up in the story and it

definitely needs some music to go along with it. I would use the first 45 seconds for when Greg

leaves his desk during work.

- This piece would be placed in during the time that Jamie is kneeling next to Jake who just got

shot. The camera would zoom a little on her while tears start to come down her face and people

start to gather around and see what happened. I would use from 2:30-2:55 or so of the song

where the chorus comes in to really capture the motion and contrast it with the intense action

that is about to occur.

- This would go in during the scene where the two robbers have David and I would use the piece

from 3:25-3:50 for the movie. It seems pretty intense, I was looking for something that would

build up and put the audience on their toes.

- This would be during the ending of the movie, when he is a lot more relaxed and understands

that he has nothing to worry about as far as last night’s events. I would only use 30 seconds to a

minute of the beginning while he wakes up and gets ready and watches the news.