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MEN'S AIND DOTS FALL &WINTER HATS, CAPS, &C, C LAYTON & KENNEDY, Agu, 'a., respectfulle invite their country friends and eastomers to eall and examine their I ARGE and WELL SELECTED Stoek of Ready Made Clothing, Furnisbitag Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. Copriing every varietj and style that can be found in the Anigta4 marxet. . They are detr!mined to sell CHEAP, and hope t'furnish gmid :Ind well made articles that will - Mf Their Store is under the Augusta H otel, where persmns wihing to buy will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. . ugusta. Stpt 22 15t 37 BOOTS AND SHOES, 3:rqA-o Mt., A~aS ue '1 -2E MVAes. CLAR * ROYAL, ESPECTFUILLY asnounce to the citizens of Edgefeld and the adjoining Distriets that they have just received their Fall and Winter Stock, - comprising-- 10,000 Pairs Men's Plantation BROGANS, assort- ed qualities; 2.000 pairs Boys " " ass. qualities 3,000 pairs Men's Kip " do. 1,000 " " Calf Pegged " do. 500 "' " Grained and BuT Brogans, as- - sorted qualities; 3,000 pairs Women's Leather Bootees, yegged, as.- sorted qualities; 600 pairs Women's low priced Sewed Bootees* - assorted qualities; 500 pairs Misses' fine Morocco Bootees, assorted qualities;. 500 pairs Misses' ine Calf and Goat Pegged Bootees, assorted qualities ; 500 pairs Boys' Kip Brogans, assorted qualities 500 " " and Youth Calf Brogans, assort- ed qualities; 500 pairs Youth's Kip and grained Brogans, as- sorted qualities. - . -- Also- Gent's, Ladies, Misses, Youth's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, of ALL STYLES AND QUALI- TIES1 received and for sale low by the dosen or aee. CLARKE & ROYAL. Augusta, Sept 22 tf 87 1856-Fall Trade-1856 WE. 0, RRICE & CO., DRAPERS AND TAILORS, Augusta, Georgia, Are now WELL SUPPLIED with a choick stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, And all other Goods for Winter wear, imported by ourselves. Gentklmen leaving orders for any article of Clothing may be assured of getting FINE and GOOD GOODS, and made up in good and Fashionable styles. W1t9. 0. PRICE & CO., Drapers and Tailors. Augusta, Oct 28 tf 42 PIANO FORTES! IPX znC B n1130-:: LIE undersigned having removed Ttheir -tock of Sheet Music and -. r.n-'gnts to Rome, Geo., -.......... to the citizens of South ,Caro- ..r.- thanka o the liberal patronage to, inform those still itn want of Pianos S .: we4ill keep a stock of Pianos in as segusta, which we will sell at unprecedent- Lol low rates. Those wanting Pipubg, will find it greautly to their advantage to write to us, as we war- rant to please in prices, and quality of instruments. iU Orders or inquiries addressed to us at Augus- ta or [Rome, Geo., will meet with prompt attention. - -,.A. A. CLAK &SO. Augusta Geo., or A. A. CLARK &SON, Rome Geo. .June 28, __ tf 23 Furniture! -Pamiiture! B ENJ AMIN & GOODICR, Iraad street, op- ..)pisitet Lanmbaek &. Cooper4h, respectful an- nonnee to their friends and the public, that they are now ree.aiviner daily a choice and well selected assortment o.f all kinids of FURN ITURE, such ats BU~R.AIUs. BOOK-CASES SOP'AS, CHAIRS, TETE-A-TETES, CENTRE TABLES, BED- STE:A DS, WIN DO0W SHADES, &c., of the Ia- t. t. and mo,.st fashionable designs, which they guaran- :.0 o l: ..e low as can be bought in this city, and invite all who wish to purchase, to call and examine their stock. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Mattresses and all kinds of Furniture, manufac- tured and repaired to order, with neatness and dis- patch. flENJ AMIN & GOODRICH. .\ugusta, A pril 23. if I5 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry E. TWEEDY & CO,, NEAR THE LOWER MARKET 110USE, Augusta, Ga., H AVE received their new and beautiful assort- mient of Gold and Silver Hlunting and open face JEWELRY OF THE NEWEST STYLES, Consisting of Coral, Cameo, Lavn, Gold Stone and all Gold Setts; Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Pins, Chains, Fin- ger Rints, Buttons, &c.; Silver and Plated Tea and Table Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Salt Spoonas, Sugar Shovels, &ec; Ivory, Pearl and Tortisise She I Card Cases ; Pocket Books, Portmonaies, Knives, Scissors; Walking and Swerd Canes: s colt's Pistols, Rifle Pistols, &c. A lso- A large asortmnent of CLOCKS, at prices varying from SI and upwards, to which we call the atten- tion of our Carolina friends and the public generally. * Augusta, Nov 5 tf 43 Photographs. T HhlS beautiful style of Picture so popularin both .Lthis country and Europe, can be had at LEIGH & CHAMBERS' GALLERY, Augusta, Ga. Persons having Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends can have them Photographed front life-size to the smallest miniature. - LEIGH & CHALMERS. Augusta, Sept 30, 1856. tt 38 Cocoa Myating. IUITABLE for Court Houses, Offices, Passages. I&c.-noted for its duskbility and freedom of noise from the tread,-1 and it yds wide. STAll orders must be accompanied with dimen- sions of Room. LALLERSTEDT & DEMIING, \Corner under Globe Hotel. Augusta, Oct 22 tf 41 Feet D'uggits. fNE and a half ys wide, more beadtiful in appear- .Ianee and durable than ordinary Carpeting. all swool. Another lot just received, price $1,25 pr. yd. LALLECRSTEDT & DEMING, Corner, under Glob. Hotel. MAugusta, Oct 20 tf 41 Look Out. I am now receiving a large lot of that Superior .LOld Catheruoods Whiskey, in whole and half Barrels, of a line Layeur and quality- Arao-Cartes Superior Irish Potatoes ad Cider, of the very best quality. S. E. BOWERS, Agent. Hamburg, Dee. 2, 1856, LI 47 Convenient and Safe. THAVE just received a fine lot of Mackbell's .1new patent fastenings for Window Shutters and nitinds. They are a eontvenient and secure Faa- tener, and cannot be opened from the outside. W. S. PALMER. Nov 26. tf 46 Wanted. -i0o1 LAND WARRANTS, for which the highiest market price will be paid. Apply o J. C. McDONALD. Hamburg. Naw. 25th, 1856, 4t 48 Hides, Hides, Hides, I 'ny 50~ mood hdes delivered at my St.,r... E )UND ENNAeBN'?. a.g ngVi 42 I WHAT IT WILL. UU, IT WILL PROCURE FOR YoU A WIIOL YEAR BALLOU'S DOLLAR MONTHLY. g|"| There are one hundred pages of reading ma'ter in each number of Ballon's Dollar Monthly. W- Two pages of finely executed, original humor- one illustrations also embellish each number. tV Over twelve hundred pages of reading matter per annum, for the unprecedented price of one dollar! &V' It is just such a work as any father, brother, or friend, would introduce to the family circle. - V' In all respects it is fresh, original, and what it purports to be: the cheapest magazine in the world. t7' It is carefully edited by Mr. Ballon, who has sixteen years experience on the Boston press. g|| Devoted to news, tales, poems, stories of the sea, discoveries, miscellany, wit and humor. Each number contains original articles from more than twenty regular contributors. gg Though published but two years, it has reach- ed the extraordinary circulation of 68.000 copies! g|7 Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro- prietor, as below, shall receive the Magazine for one year; or any person sending us eight subscribers and eight dollars, at one time, shall receive the ninth copy ratis. X. M. BALLOU, Publisher and proprietor. No. 22 Winter Street, Boston, Mass WAVERLY MAGAZINE. FOR FAMILY AMUSEMENT & INSTRUCTION. Edited by Moses A. Dow.' Tnts Paper is the largest Weekly ever published in this country. Its contents are such as will be ap- proved in the most fastidious circles-nothing immor- al being admitted into its pages. It will furnish as much reading matter as almost any one can find time to peruse, consisting of TALEs, HISTORY, B101RAPHY, TOGETHER WITH MUSIC AND POETRY. This paper contains no ultra sentiments, and med- iles neither with politics nor religion, but it is char- aterized by a high moral tone. It circulates all over the country, from Maine to California. The terms by mail are very low,jan will be seen by the following:- Terms. The 1 Waverley Magazne" is published weekly by Moses A. Dow, 12 Water Street, Boston, Mass. Two editions are printed, one on thick paper for Periodical Dealers, at 6 rents a copy, and an edition ror mail subscribers (on a little thinner paper, so as to come within the low postage law) at 02,00 a year, r 61,00 for six months, always in advance. Clubm by mail, six papers six months, $5,00. Paper stopped when the last number paid for is sent. A new volume commences every July and January. But If a person commenoes at any partioular number in this vulume, and paya for six months, he will have volume complete with a titlejage, as every paper Is cmplete in itself. Persons writing for tie paper must write their name, post office, county aqd state very distinctly. Those who wish their papers changed should tell where it has previously been sent. Clubbing. Clubs must always be sent at one time to receive premium. We cannot send them at the club price unless received all together, as it is too much trouble to look over our books, or keep an account with each one getting then up. W Any one sendina us Four Dollar., can have one cnpy of the "WAVERLEY MAGAZINE," and either of the following works for one year by mail:- GRAIIAM's AGAZINE, PUTNAM's 1IAGZINE, Goosv's LADY'S Boox, LtADTEGAZET of FAstoN HAarER'S MAGAZINE, BALLoU's PIcToRIAL. tT' Any one sending $3,25 in adeanc', can have a copy of the "WAVERLEY MAGAZINE," and either of the following papers for one year by mail:- Taua Pr.AG, OrLryE BANCH, UNCLE SAx,. STARR SPANGLED BANNER, AMERICAN UNION, YANKEE PRvaTEER. g7' All letters and cummunications concerning the paper should be addressed to the publisher. ANY one seruling us five subscribers for one year. or ten for six months, with $10 in either case, shall receive a new andsplendid likenessof Daniel Webster, a large and beautiful picture, 30 by 20 inchte., which sells for $3. It represents him as he appeared when delivering his famous speech on March 7th 1850. It gives hIs full form and attitude, and is considered the beat likeness of that great man that ha. ever been pub. lshed. We will send it by mailpostpaid. .6TO LEAVE - CHARLESTON, S. C, EVERYFRIDAY, at 9 o'clock, A. Mv. from DROWN & Co's WHARF. Inland Roate for Pilatka, Florida, Via, Beaufort and Hlilton Head, S. C., Savannah Darien, Brunswick and St. Mary's, Geo . Fer- nandina, Jacksonville and Picolata, Fla., and all intermediate landings. THlE NEW AND SUPERIOR STEAMlER L. M4. COXETrTER, Commander. Late of R. H1. STEWART, Matte. the L. F. ROUX, Purser. )Carolina. WT ILL commence her trips, as above, early in VDecember. The "EVERGLADE" has been built under the special superintendance of her ofiers, expressly for thtis route, having elegant, rotmy and improved passetnger accomtmodations. Liberal deductions from the customalry rates for trasportation of Negroes attd Plantatio.n appurten- anees will be matde to Emigrants. Connections will be nmade at the above places with conveances, thence into the interior. Freightts will be re-shipped frotn this ptlace, as well as from l'iluttkat. to points beyond on the St. John's and Oelaw atha Rivers, without charge. WILLIAM- M. TUNNO. Agent. North Commtercial What Charleston, Nov. 24 1850 5 40. S, E, BOWERS, Agent, Ifamburg, S. C. F'EELS thank'ul for the very liberal patronage 'of' his Friend. and the Public generally, and still solicits a share of their patronage. He is now reei-ing a LARGE SUJPPLY, CONSISTING OF Sugars, Coflees, Cheese, Ooshent Butter, Pickles, Preserves, Spices, Raisins, Crackers, Candhes, Soaps, Mackerell, Family Flour, Bttckwhecat Flour, Brooms, Buckets, Tobaccos, Segaru, Macaroni, Wioes and Brandies of all galiies, Su- perior Wheat W hIskey, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, and all other kinds that are kept in this Market or Augpasta, or any other Market tis side of Jordan, gr All GO0138 put up by himseg are warrant- ed to be of the best of articles. llamnburg,_Nov. 25, 1856, 1,f 40 Finte Biuckwheat Flour, UST received a magnifieent supply of Buck- 0wheat FLOUR. Also, on hand a-.'od article of Mohass. a. Flue times ahead-A hem ',Call sooa or you'll be deprived of a great luxury. G.L PENN, AGENT. Nov1I9 -. tf 45 Notice. A LL~Persona indebted to the estate of .lesse Limbecker, dee'd., are earnestly requested to make immediate poyment, and those haying de- matds agamast the said Estate, will present them properly attested. G. W. LANDRUM, Adm'er. de bonis non. Aug 27 tf 33 Final Notice. ALL Peraoys h~aving any demtands against the AEstate of Lueretia Whittle, dee'd., are hereby notifed tobe and appear at the Ordinary's Office, on Tuesday 10th March next, (1857,) as the A dmtin- istrator intends to make a final settlement cf the Estate on that day. All thoso in anywise indebted, s- requested to settle up forthwith, as longer indul- gene eannaot be given. HARTWELL WHIITT~LE, Adm'r. Dee. 1, 1856, 3;n - 47 Notice.. ALL persons indebted to the Suhscribers by Note Aor Accopnt, are reque~sted to come forward and settle as our business must be elosed as soon as possible.. .CIIRISTIE & MIMS. m.- E anstat 2 JL M. ffE5 WHOLESALE -DEALE HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS J. M. NEWBY & CO., under the receiving and opening the LARIIGEST, BEST MENT of F.ALL AND EVE READY WII EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY OF AU6U' FURNISHIN( For Gentlemen and Youth's Wear, : which for cannot be surpassed in this or any other Marl receive F R E H S 1 From our HOUSE in New York. We also SPLENDID STOCK of YOUTH'S-& CHILD g Country Merchants and ALL PERS to their interest to examine our Stock, as we trading public on the most reasonable terms. gg Thankful for the past kind and libera citizens of Edgefield and the adjoining Distri same. Atigusta, Nov. 11, 1856. ... ..................... HENRY DALY, BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS! AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WORTH of the above Goods, U30,000 carefully selected from the best Manufacturies, and comprising Every Description in the Trade, Will be sold at very small advance on Cost. W The solicits a c:al from hi Soutl Carolina friends be:ore purchasing elsewhere. W TasM.-Retail, Cash. Wholesale, time with approved paper. No second price asked. HENRY DALY, Under IT. S. Ilotel, Aurusta Ga. Augusta. Ga., Sept 22, Gin 37 CABINET WARE. Edgefield C. H., S. C. ' U. undersigned respectfully call the attention F of the public to their new a)d excellent Stock of CABINET FURNITURE, At the stand formerly occupied by 'Mr. i.od 11111, and adjoining Mr. John Colgan's Merchant Tailor Shop, where they are prepared to supply all orders at' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES,. Our Rooms are always fill-... with a great vairiety of the latest azwd must' fashionaable +'l4m~llTU!RE. of our own manufacture. Our prcsent Stock con- sists of a No. 1 lot of-. B ur ea us, W ar dr ob e, SOFAS, LOUNGES, OTIOMANS, Book Cases, Tables, Washastand~s,. A magnilieent .assortment of ROCKING CHAIRS, &c., &c., &c. We will also make COFFINS to order, at the shortest notice, and at reduced rates. gr REPAIRING 01l1 Furniture promptly at- tended to. We are determined to give satisfaetion to all who may favor us with their patronatge, ad hope to merit a-liberal share of encouragzement. MARKERlT & GOTTSCIIALK. Nov 12 7t 44 AT THE SOUTHERN Saddle & Harness Manufactory Augusta, Georgia, C AN be found the best Stock of the following named Goods ever .offered for sale in this market: saddles and Bridles oft nll Kind~ TRUNKS, VALISES and CARPET B.\OS, Every variety and style of .s Coach, Buggy and Wagon Harness ! KEBEL'SPatient Mtaclbine Stretched BELTIN E of all widths, always on hand, and wvarraanled. ggR IPA1RING done at short notice wi th neatness and despatch. If All we ask it trial, and we aire bound to plae in price and qnaihty. HATCH & BEGBIE, Under thet Augusta Ilotel. A ugusta, Nov 12 3 n -44 I want and must have Money ! r[illE Subscriber intending to make a change in Lhis business as soon as posasible, earnestly re- quests all persons indebtedl to haim to paty up forth- with, as lie is wantinig money and :nust hiace it. I hioe all who are interested in this notieu wi!! igive popt ttetiiin to) it. I do niot widh to) be harshi with any of nay creditors. GOODS A TCOST ! Desirous, as above stated, of closing miy, I will 5ell the remainder of my valnable Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c,, AT COST for CASII. l\ersons in want of great bargains should call soon. If not dispiosed of by the 25th Dec. next, tey will thaen be ntuetioned oil to the highest bidder. S. C. STROM. Nov 17 tf 45 Village Property for Sale. TJ H E Subscribers oft'er for. sale thre 110UbE and LOTI known as the *. residence of Capt. John Lipscomub, de- lI* I eiased, in the Village of Edgefield. The House is large -anal commodious, conatain- ing nine or tea roomans, well constructed and in gowl repair ; hiavinag all th~e pecesary outbuildings attached. The Lot contaigts 15 neres. This pilace is, as a residence beaujtifully and conveniently uituatted. The property may lie treated for privately if ap- pliaaip k~e made spop. I$EW. W4LDD, - .JAS. N. LJPSCOMBII, Acting Ex'ors. Nov 4 tf 43 For Sale, Property that will I W ILL sell my STORE HOUSE at present oc- ep edhby R. IH. Sullivan-price low and terms acconmdating. If not sold by the 20th Decemaber, it will be rented for the next year. J. B3. SULLIVAN. Nov 19 6 t 45 Spanish Jack, Don Lopez. A LL persons who htave given their notes to us on account of our JACK, are requested to at- tend to the ame without delay. Thtose who owe acounts will also attend to the same. G. D. & R. T. MlMiS. Nov. 5 tf 43 Fresh Supplies ! JUT received fine and fresh supplies of- No. MACKEREL; Soda and Butter C RACKBRS; YEAST POWDERS; XTRACTS for flavouring Custards, &c.; Fig. Curruapts, Prunes, Northern A ppkes, Mus- tard, English Piekes. ,Superior White Pickling~ Vinegar,Fine Apple Vinegar, Cheese, Maccaroni, &., for sale by G. L. PENN, Agent. NwO9 t 45 AND RET Al nS IN- CARPET BAGS, &, U. S. TTotel. AUGUSTA, GA.. are now and MOST FASHIONABLE ASSORT- WINTER )TA, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY OF IARTIGLES Superior QUA LITY or MANUFACTURE ket. In addition to which, we will weekly JP PL IE S keep constantly on hand a LARGE and RIN'S CLOTHINGs )NS visiting Augusta. will certainly find it are determined to offer our Goods to the I patronage that we have received from the ts, we hope to merit a continuance of the J. M. NEWBY,& CO. tf 44 FALL AND WINTER GRAY BROTHERS, B3r~coact Mt. . &.ugustay GCra&, R SPECTFU I LY announce to their customers and the public at Iirge, that they have re- eived. and are still receiving by every steamer rrom New York, a general assortment or NFALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Which they are certain will be found superior both in Extent, St* and Cheapness, To any assortment ever before offered in Augusta. Amongst our stock can be found the following : Extra Rich Striped MoIre Antique SILKS; " col'd and bl'k Pau de So:e ROJES; " " Gro. de Napp and Pou de Soie; Bayadere SILKS; Bischoff's Plaid and Broonde GROS d ZHIN; " Plaim " " An extensive assortment of low-priced SILK, in colors and black; Fa'iey Striped and Plaid CASHMERESand Satin de SH ENES; Gala PLAIDS; Wool DELAINES; Persian DELAINES, Mohair Mixture; Figured ALPACA; Black ALPACA; Black and Colored English MERINOS; " " French " Lupin's best Black BOMBAZINES and CHAL- LIES; - French GINGHAMS ad CHINTZ; Englsh and Anerican PRINTS, of all the favor- ite brands. Our Hosiery Departmeinit Will be founi to embrace every style of English and German Goods.- Also, Raow Silk and Spun HOSE and ALF HOSE ; Cahmnere, Cloth', Btuck kin and Kid GLOVES, for 'adies and Gentle'men : jaconet and Swiss TRIMMINGS and FLOUNC- Cabrie, Swise arnd Book Muslin COLLARS and SLEEVES ; nfant's Embnroidlered ROBES, Froek WAISTS, and WAISTS; Linen Camnbrie HANDKERCHIIEFS; Morning GOWNS. UNDE R.SHI RTS, Mlourn- ing SE TTS, &c.; Drapery MUSLINS, Colored Worsted DAM- ASKS, for Window Curtains; French Marseillea COUNTERPANES ; Manchester and Lancaster " 1-4. 9-4 and 10-4 White Snow-drop Linen DAM- ASKS ; 94 and 10-4 White Satin and Figured DAMA SK; 8-4. 9-4 and 101-4 l'rown and White Linen and Cotton DAMASK; 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Brown and White Linen Table COV-ERS; NAPKINS, DOYLlES, TOWELS, DIA- PERS, CRA ASII, and an excellent assortment of ine LINENS for Gentlemen's Shirt Bosoms; 1(-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Allendalc, Hlamilton and New York Mills Shteetings; Pillow-ease Cottons; English and American Long Cloths, of all the fa- vorite brands ; Doted and Figured Swiss Muslins; Checked and Striped .Jaconet, Swiss, Mull and Nansook .\luslins, A proni Cheeks; Red and White Flannels; otton" lirown Cottoa Tickings; Suptlerior (Cassimeres, Iear Skins, for over-Coats, Pilot and lHcaver Cluths: ~attinietts, Cabhmner4tts, Tweeds, Cassinetts, Ken- tucky Je ans, &c. Negro Clthuing. B~lankets, Stripes, Osnaburgs, Lingeys, Ke.rseys, &e., in great variety. Cloaks, Talmias amed Shawls. This brane~h of our business will be found to con- tan every variety of material, both Imported and or Aerie'nn manufacture, and will range ini prices 'romt two dollars-up to .the most costly garment. Carpets. To this branch we have this season added a large assotme(nt of' the following beautiful styvlei: Rich Velvet Tapestry, beautiful designs; superior Tlapestry Brussels, "" Extra Sup. Three Ply, and Ingrain Carpets: tair Carpiets ;]Drugg.ets ; and ain exte-nsive assort- ment of Chienile and Velvet Rugs; Adelaid Mvatts, lindings, &c. Sept. 16th 1856. tf 36 Dissolution of' Copartnership, 11U E cIIopartne'rship heretofore existing between Jthe undersigned, under the firm of TnIAYER & Hu-r-r, was, by amutual consent, dissolved the 1st inst. Eiher party will use thme name of the firm in liquidation. IHEN RY B. TIlAYER, JOSHUA W.UBUTT. Augusta, A ugust 25, 1856. COPARTNERSIP. The undersigned have this day formed a partner- ship, for the purpose of continuing the business ol TnA vea & Blu-r-r at their old stanid.282 Broaud street, under the jirm of ur-r, KNIoIwr & Co. The firm to date from 1st inst.; and respectfully solicit a con- tinuance of the patrons of the old funn. JOHN D. BUTT, JAMES L. ItNIGHIT, JOShUA W. BUTT. Augusta, A ugust 25, 1856. The undersigned, in reiring from the GRlOCE- RY lBUSIN ESS, cheerfully recormnmends his succes- sors to thme confidence and patronage of his former customers. H{EN RY 13. THIAYER. Augusta, August 25, 1856. Sept. 30, 1850, 3m 38 For Sate. M Y BRICKYARD COTTA GE, with about 10 acres attached. Any indulgence, with good Notes. Possession given 1st January 1857. A. SIMKINS. Oct.'155 tf 40 Fresh Arrivals. "T'IE Subscriber has just received a choice lot .FamilyI MACKEREL iii Kits; No 1. Goshen CilEESE. Also, 50) Sacks SA LT.r-For sale by W. E. LEGG. Oct 29 tf . 41 Final Notice. LL persons indebted to the Estate of William ..Vance, deed., are earnestly requested to settle by the 15th February next, as longer indulgonee will not be given. Those having demands against said Estate are notified to render in their accounts, properly ,attested, by that time, as I intend nmakitng final settlement in the Ordinary's Office on that day. 8. BROADWATER, Admr. CO1V[WJE~lC~V.EE.T F;t Etii VALL TAWL OPENING OF NEW GOODS AT ' BLAND & BUTLER'S! H are a now recevig and hao Iave .ip-nul, and i ady for inIpetion :m.1 sale,a :rge por- ion tif our N 1'V WV A .L anad WINTE R STOCK. lin a few days inre we 'shall be prepared to how our Irienads ant patrons the ost Extensivesand dried Stock o DRFY '000D1, Iver brought to Edgeflel-l; and those who may my of us, may rely on having good Goods at the ,OWEST PR ICES at which they can be sohl. We desire particularly to call the attention of the adies to our STOCK 0F DRESS GDS, 3omprisitig the most ele-vant SILK ROBES of lie richest designs anl most magniefientMoods ever ,rought to this market. Also, other Dress SILKS, Black and Colored. or every style: Rich Frenoh Prinitel DeLains: Eugenia Robes; Poplins: French and English Marinoes; Solid Colored DeLaines..bright colors; Also, in bright colors and small figures all wool DeLaines, -suitable for Children's wear, together aith a large assortment of FRENCH,'ENGLISH & AMERICAN PRINTS. We have also, Elastie andl Patent Leather Belts, n great variety; Corsets; Elastics; Hea4ad Dresses: [ces, &c. Ladies, come and see them. - To the Planter We can offer a superb assortment of HEAVY 3OODS, such as KERSBYS. BLANKETS, BROGANS, 4-c., with a good assortment of ma- :erials for their own and Boys wear, with Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., ro all of which we tespectfully invite the inspection nd attention of the trading community. BLAND & BUTLER. Edgefield C. 11., Oct 1, t 38 PALL AND WINTER GOODS, SUITABLE FOR GENTLEMEN AND YOUTHS WEAR. T LTST Received and still receiving a well selected tStock of Ready Made Clothing, which I hope from my experience in the trade, will mnable me to give satisfaction to thone who may fa- rour me with their patronage. I also have my usu- 11 Stock of Cloths, Cashmeres and Vestings, which will be made to order in the latest STYLES, and at the short, at notice. Thankful for past favours ta hope for a continuance of the same. JOHN COLGAN. Oct. 1, 1856, tr 38 NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED. 311. 3P-!m %I%, A~goex. IS Just receiving and opening a large and land- some Stock of Embracing a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, SADDLERY, N Anti a great variety of other articles usua'ly kept in this market. Ile has selected his Stock with much care, and Ratters himself that he will be able to give his cus- tomers entire sat'Sraction in style and oriies. le respectfully invites the public, andl especially the Ladies to call :mad examine his Stock. O ci f .___ 38 FALL AND WINTER GOODS! rp'Il S'ubscriber has just receid at his Old IStand-thte Brick Store-a very heavy Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, To which lie invites his friends and! the public at largeto call and examine for themselves. Among which may be found- Fancy Colored SIL.KS, from SI to $3 pr yard ; Flain and Figured Muslin D~eLanes; French and English Melrinosi A fine lot of Earlston Ginghams;- English and A merican Prints; A line lot of Tweeds, Cassimeres~ antd Satinets for Men anid lioys rear ; A large Stiiek of l.adies' Cloaks and Shawls; flats and Caips of every variety; A very heavy Stock of Kerseys, Linseys and Blankets; A large assartmnent of Negro Shoes, ofr every de- scription . Also, Men's, Boys, Ladies, Misses anud Children's Slhoes air every variety andl st'le; Groceries, Hardware and Crockery, W~ith every othter article ustually kept in at Dry Gods Store. B. C. BRY~AN. N. 1.-All those indebted on Notes atnd Ac- couit will please calli:and settle, as prompjt paynment alone etnables me to sell ebecnp. OctS tf 3 AMYERICAN HOTEL, Eamburg, S. 0. TIlE Propritars oif tits we~ll ..ktnown llT EL beg leave~to ~i i~fotrm their friends and thei pniblic- generally, that they aire always ready to receive hem in'the BEST STYLE POSSIBLE. Pe.rsoins arriving at this Ilintel miay rest assuread tiat they and their baggage will be paromplltly sen1t. free of charge. to te Carolina D~epot, or to eithecr of the Georgia Depots. We aliso take this opportunity of retutrning oiur sincere thanks foir past patr. nage, atnd will use every endeavour to tmetit a continuance of the samte.. There will alwaiys be oan hand a aood OS'TLER. ;and luorses left in our cbarge will mecet with every atetin . HI. P. SCOTT & Co. IIlambnrg, .ll 21, tf 29 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRiCE OF BUGGIES, &c IAVING secured the services of Mr. IITURL- IBURT (of the- well-known laluse of .J. [lurlburt & ,Co Augusta.) to suiperintentd the mantuacturing. we are prepiared to afurniish CA R- IIAG E of all descriptiotts at Five pecr cent lcen than they cant be bouliht in Augusta. and we hazard nothing'ini sayinlg that wej have' on hand the B3EST1 ASSORTME&NT Of Sotuthern made Btaggies to be found South o Mason & )ixon's J.ine, whieb cannot fail to suit those in want of substatitial worik.. We atre -1now prepared to tbuihld at short notice Carriages and Plantation Wagons Superior to anything biefore off'ered in this District UTREPAIRING attended to as usual wvith depatch. LEIGH & TUCKER. Edgefield, July 22, tf 28 You have bought my goods- I want my money! 1H ~E Subscriber intending to wind up his busi- iness as soaan as praticable, respectfully informs all'persons in anywise indebted to him that they must make arrangemetnts to settle up without delay. as he is wanting money and must have tt. Hie earnestly htopes all interested in this notice will ie promplt attention to it, as lhe does not wish to keal hairshtly with any, but unless thtey comply with the above request the Lawyers nnd Magistrates will iertainly have the pleasure of settling wvith them. rThis is fair warning. R. 11. SULLiVAN. Nov 5 tf 43 Brushes, Brushes ! N Store a fine variety of Paint, Varnish, Grain- ing Bletnders, Tanners, Whitewash, Crumb, Dusting and Hair Brushtes and Combs-Flesh Brushes.and Hair Gloves-Nail, Tooth and Shaving Brushes, &e. For sale by A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE, Druggists. May 23 tf 19 Salt! Salt! pg SA CKSSAI.T, just arrived and for sale byK W. E. LEGG. Oct. 22 tfr 41 The Great Remedy. 011 PA PERS OF A Q. SIMMONS' LIVER iiMEDlCIN~E, just received and for snie by R. RI. SULLIVAN. J....95. tr 24 CHEAP DRY, GOODS!'f Sal izac13] Auguisata, Ga., IIT.WViMjuist received their NEW STQCK of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and would call the attention of their friends and the public to the assortment. Their Stock is VER Y LARGE and comprises all the best makend styles of Goods. and the latest nove'ties of the sea- son: an.l as they are determined not to be- Undersold by any louse in the State, and will guarantee their prices to be as They feel assured that an examination of their Goods will ensure a continuation of the liberal pa- tronage they have hitherto received. They would invite attention to the following: Ladies' DRESS GOODS; fllack and Fancy Dress SILKS; French and English MERINOS; Scotch, Frenchi and American GINGIIAMS; English, French and Ametican PRINTS; EMBROIDERIES, all kinds; Dress TRIMMINGS, splendid variety; HOSIERY, a very large assartment; GLOVES, of every description; Irish LINENS; Table LINENS and DIAPERS; NAPKINS. 'DOYLIES and TOWELS; SHEETINGS and Pillow LINENS; Bleached and Ilrown SHIRTINGS; PANTS STUFFS, Tweeds, Casslgers and Cloths ;. Ladies' CLOTHS. all colors; Bed BLANKETS; FLANNELS, led, white, Welsh, &c.; CASSIMERES and PLAIDS,'for children; llouse Servants' GOODS; Black Alpacas, Rombazines, Dimities, Quilts; FUR FRINGES; SHAWLS,all kinds,&c. -Also- A large assortment Negiro Blfankets, Kerseys, Ljn- seys, Stripes, Plaids and Osnaburgs. A ugusta, Sept 17 tr 36 MILLER & WARREN, Corner Opposite tle Globe Hotel. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. H AVE just received a large 'stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, of the latest importation and most fashionable styles, consisting of Flounced Embroidered Colored SILKS- Rich Brocade and Plaid Colored SILKS; Figured and Moire Antique Black SILKS; Rich Flounced MUSLIN DE LAINES; CASHMERES and MUSLIN DE LAINE-in great variety; BOMlBAZINES, CHALLIES, ALPACAZ and CORlERGS: French, English and American PRINTS; Ilandsone Scotch and French GINGILA alS; Rich French EMBRO! DE[RED COLLARS and SLEEVES; Rich Black Lace COLLARS and SLEEVES: " Jaconet and Swiss BANDS and FLOUNC- INGS, lufants' Embroidered WAISTS and ROBES; embroidered Merino CLOAKS for Infants: Real Valenciennes, Maltese and Thread LACES; Reveire, Hem-stitched and Embroidered IIDK'S; Alexander's Kid and Silk GLOVES Splendid stock of Gent's ". To;ether with an endiless variety of Goods usually round in a Dry Goods Store. We will say that we lve a large stock, anxious to sell, and will take pleasute in showing then to our friends and custo- tmers. A ugusta, Oct. 8, 156 tf 39 " HUZZA FOR BUCHANAN !" Look Here Ever-ybody.. T Il B Subscrihers arc jest receiving from Phiula- .delphia and New York the MIOST SPLEN- DiD atssortment of' [ATS, CAPS, BOOTS &SHOES, Carpet Bags, Trunks & Umbrellas, Ever olfered in this market. Also, a supetR fine, large and well selected lot of Ready Made Clothing, Of the Latest style and Bvst MaJte- rinl. Gentlemen, call and examinc for yourselves. We will not ebairge for looking. But will be certntin to sell you goods if low prices and superior Goods are are induemtents. SiION & KROUC[T.. Ham'burg, Sept 26, 1856. tf 3S Ladies and misses Cloaks & Talmas. J LUST received by E. PENN, Agent. a large d ussortmtent of Ladies and Alisses Ckoaks and Tamas, of the very latest styles and patterns. Oct1 tf 38 PURIFYTE BOOD: MOFFATT'S LIFE PILLS AND FREE FROM ALL DllNERAL POISO.NS. THIE great populnrity which ?it0FFAT'$ LIFE P'ILL.S and tl LuENIX l ITTElt ave nattnined inm contsequI~encte orthe exstratordinnry cures. etrectedt by their use, renlders it unntteessry thr thte'proplriclir to enter Into a partietar aateis oft thiir muedicinat virtues or properties. Ilaig een itore titan twenty years tbe-ore the putblie. aml thnt mg the* united testimnyi ofr thn T1111EE B tILLit :NS ofr per~ins who' have been, restored to tie enjoJy ment or per- ect health by thgem. it Is helieved thazt thteir repuntationi as the lBest Vegetable Medicine now the paubtir. ndmitits oft no dtispute. Ita alnost every eity and1( viilnge m te Uniteut antes, there' :re man~oy I' ho are- rendy to testify to teir etliener In removting dIsenseL. und giving to the whole systemu retnwedt vigor nd health. In enses oft Stclh.VUL.t, Ui~cl:t:S. StUltVY or EtP TltONS 'rthecskin, the eperatlinof the LtFEM: l lt' INE$ is truly asionisinte, uleni removsinig in a few In' s, every estge oft thtese 'oathsne diseases. by their pr'rying etets on the bland. FEVER atnd AGIUE. 11Y. I'EPStA. )tttrd Y. PILES, nte in shtort most all dhisenses. s'n vielt to their curative proplerties.. Nnotily shnutld be witou'tt themt, as by thteir timely use much sufferig and exense tmty be saved. - Prepared by WILLIAM B. MOFFAtT. M. D., New York, an~d for sale by TUTT & PELLETIER, Sole Agents, l'amburg. S. C. Attgutst , - .t .-.80 Gins for Sale, D R. DURISOE, at Edgefield C. II., is my .anthorized Agent for the sale of my Super- ior G l!RV lI R EAST COTF'ON GINS. Persons wising to, purchase these Gins will please call on him. whlo will turn'sh you witht my prices, exhibit certiientes from reliable gentlemoen, &c. I will repa:ir, witht greatt promiptness and'despatch; Curved lireast Gins, att my Factory, at [;ell-Air,. Ga.. len miles above A n~gusta. All such Gits for- warded to Mir. Chas. hlammt~ond. llamtburg, will be sent to mte immoediattely and forthwith properly re- paired and returned. Freiaht on thte Rail Road for Gins, from Augusta to Bel-A ir, $1.25. TIIOS. WYNN. Bel-A ir, Oct 1. 1856. tf 40 - Nursing Bottles. A N Wand improved Style.-Also, Nipple Glasses, Breast Pipes and Pumps, Nipple Shields, Teething Rings, &e. For sale by A. G. & T. J. TE AGUE, Druggists. May 23 tf 19 Adminuistrator§Notice A LTL persons indebted to the Estate of Levi -i Newby, dee'd., are he'eby particularly reqjues- ted to settle the same as early' tw practicable, as long- er indulgence cannot'he given. Those having claims against said Estate, are notified to render them in properly attested, at an early date. JO~IN F. EDMlONDS, Adm'r. Oat. 8. 1856 3m," 39 - Teacher Wanted, TU 0 take charge of the School at Horn's Creek ..Meeting-House. None need apply but those that can come well recommended. The applicant must, of course, be master of the Ancient and Mlod- erLanguages. To a suitable person, good wages will be given. Apply to WASH. WISE,Trse. J. HI. FA IR, Trse. Nov.5 tf 43 Superfine Ilams and Lard ! NEW FLOUR- Sugar anc3 Coffee. J UST receivd a fine Steckc of the above Goods ~For sale by ' E. PENN. July 23. tf 28 Notice !- R. G. l31. WEVER'S MILL is nowv in first Irate order, and will supply custoiners with the best of Flour snd Meal. ro 11 it 44 ~ Groceries, &c. r IE Un dersigned have formed a Co-partner- ship in business, under thirfirm of SIBLEY USH!ERL -at the oTd and well known-standWf tir.LPV & Sos, Corner of Alarket and Centre Stieets, lnmburg, for the transaction of a general xrocer'y, Provision & Cotion Business, Xhere we intend to keep constantly on hand a full upply of Goods, ,ind will elI as LOW for CA1UI s any othir house. Our Stock consists in part of the following: - Clarified, Crushed, Powdered, SftrCroix, Porto Rico and New Orleans SUGAR; New Orb-ans and West Indi. XIOLASSES;' Java and Rio COFFEE ; Irish POTATOES for plantingt BACON, LARD and BUTTER. Bagging, Rope and Twine, Shoe and Sole Leather, Mackerel, Kitts and Barrels, Blankets, Negro Cloths, Osiaburgs, Saddles and BridIes, Wooden Ware, Pepper and Spice, Fresh Rice, Sack and Table Salt, Tea of vnrious kinds, Indigo, Window Glass. Lamp, Linseed and Ta Oil; Paints. Powder, Rifle and Blasting, Shafand ad, a good assortment of Chairs, Rock- aways. Office, Arm and Children's Bedsteads, Sofas, Feathers. Mexican and Peruvian Guaioo, Kittlewell's Salts, Lime and Plaster, Iron, German and Cast steel Rails, assorted. &e.. &e .JOSIAH SIBLEY @HN USHER SR. Hamburg, Jan 23, 1856. ly 2 Wagons and Iron Plow Stocks. II AVE secured the services of a FIRST RATE WHEELWRIGIIT, and propose to build Large and Small Wagons o order, and to do all kinds of REPAIRING in the Wagon Business at the shortest notice. -ALSO- ./ am.still manufacturing out of the best material, THE IRON PLOW STOCK, Foreman's Patent,) and offer them to the Planters )r Edgefield District at $5,50 per Stock. All orders for Plows will be promptly attended a o. S. F. GOOLE. Edgefield C. IT., Feb 27 tf 7 .DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. DRS. A, G. & T. J. TEA GUE, respect- fully inform their- friends and patrons that hey have just received their FRESH Stock-of Pure and Genuine Drugs, &c. A nd will be pleased to wait upon all who may favor hem with their patronage. Space will not allow us to give a Catalogue in this lace of-our Stock qf Drugs. Medicines, &o. Saf- ice it to say, we have the FUL'LEST and N1OST COMPLETE Stock ever >f&ered in this place. Edgefield C. II., Iay 23 tf 19 Great Inducements., W E have a large Stock of Negro Goods consis- V ting of Kerseys. Georgia Plains and Linseys, together with heavy NEGRO BLANITS, supe- rior to any we have ever had, and we promise to give ny one who may call upon us, every inducementin he way of price and quality to buy of us. MILLER & WAREN. Opposite Globe Hotel, A ugusta Ga. Oct. 8, tf 39 ARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 2 EDGEFIELD C. II., S. C. r j IE Subscribers continue to build to order, and of the BEST MATERIAL that can be procured, Carriages, Buggies, ke., Or EvF~aY STYLE AND DuseaRIPi'oN. They also kee costantly on hand a fine :and varied assortment of New amnd Seconid-Hand Carriages! gREPARING neatly and promptly attend- ed to. Thankful for past patronage, they hope by giving due attention to their business and- the interests of their customers, to continue to receive a liberal share of pubie favor. C. McGREGOR, ,F. L. SMIThl Mar258 'tf \ 11 FOR THE LADIES!. W E have on hand a great variety of Colo'gnes, VIlandkerchief Extracts, Toilet Powders and an assortmaent of Fan~ey and Toilet Soaps; Pomades. Pure Bears Oil, Ihair Tonies, Restora- tive.a :nd Hair Jyec; Pieston, salts and A romatie Vinegar; Cream of licauty, Carnation Rouge, Ihair De- piatory, &c., to all of which the attention of the Ladies is respectfelly invited. For sale'by A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE, Druggists. Mlay 23 tf 19 Notice.- L1L Persons conceined will take notice that I 4have appointed D)r. James A. Devore and Robert Atkins tmy Agents and Attorbeys to repro- setnt mne in the colicetion of the debts due to the Estate of .Johni Dobly, dee'ud.. and in all other duties devolving upoun mec as ad,,ministrator of said deceased. AATILD.\ D)01Y, Adm'or. Feb 11 - tf 6 Not ice. A L L those indebted to thme Estate of J1. E. Free- Smian will please come furward and pamy up. immredately ;and those having denmands against the state will present them properly attested. .. 11. JENNINGS, A's J. W. FREE31AN,~ .r. Feb 4, - Notice, A LL persons indebted to the Estate of William . ..Thurmondl. dee'd., nre requested to make paymnmt to the undersigned. And those having. demnds amgainst the same will present them accord- ing to law. P ILEASANT D. TUJURMOND, Adm'r. .\prii 30 1856. tf 16 Notice. A~ LL Persons indebted to the Estate of Col. R. B. Blou knight, dec'd., are earnestly requested- to make imm~ediate payment. Alil persons having demands against the estate, will present them pro- pery attested. JOHN HUIET, ,dor MARY B3OUKNIGHIT. dor Dec 19 ly 4 Notice, A LL~ persons having any demands agahinst the estate of Nancy Batenman, are hereby noti- lied to present their claims duly attested, on or be- fore the 25th day of December, and all those in- iebted are requested to pay up forthwith. WM aMILLER, Adm'or. July 26, 1856. . if 28 DR. SIMMONS' VEGETABLE LIVER NIfDICIITES, A SAFE AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY For all kinds of Liver diseases, and all dis- eases and indispositions that originate from a diseased .state or inactivity of the Liver--such as chronic .and acute inflammation of .the Liver, dyspepsia, sick head- ache, sourness of stom~ach, loss of appetlte, cholic, costiveness, &c., &c. 100 Packages just reeived apd for sale by, G. L. PENN, Agent. Julyl 4t 25 Final Notice, A LL those indebted tp tlie Estite of John D. 1.Seigler, deceased, are hereby notified to make. immediate payment, and those having demands against the said Estate,are requested to render them in properly attested, by the 1st of. January 1857, as we desire to settle up the Estate as sooq~ as possible. MARTHA D. SEIGLER, Adm'rs. . W. K. SEIGLER. Oct. 8. 1858, 3m 39 A Great Itedicine. B LISS' celebrated DYSPEPTIC REMEDY. Rend that long advertisement on another col- umn. For sale by DRS. A. G. & T. Js TEAGUE. No v 4tf. 43 Cupping Cases and Scarficators, A LL. kinds. Iso. Lancets and a great ivariety ..of Surgical Insti-uments, for sale by - A. G. &Tq. .1. TF.GUE, Drugaists. Shoes and floots~ p JUSTopend byE. PEN.N, Agent, -al JStock of B~oots and Shoes of every styl quality, which will be sold ona accommodating tens

Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, …...or you'll bedeprived of a great luxury. G.L PENN,AGENT. Nov1I9-. tf 45 ALL~ Notice. Persona indebted to the estate of .lesse

Aug 27, 2020



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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, …...or you'll bedeprived of a great luxury. G.L PENN,AGENT. Nov1I9-. tf 45 ALL~ Notice. Persona indebted to the estate of .lesse



CLAYTON & KENNEDY, Agu,'a., respectfulle invite their country friends

and eastomers to eall and examine their IARGEand WELL SELECTED Stoek of

Ready Made Clothing,Furnisbitag Goods, Hats, Caps, &c.Copriing every varietj and style that can befound in the Anigta4 marxet.

. They are detr!mined to sell CHEAP, and hopet'furnish gmid :Ind well made articles that will

- MfTheir Store is under the Augusta H otel,where persmns wihing to buy will do well to callbefore purchasing elsewhere.

.ugusta. Stpt 22 15t 37

BOOTS AND SHOES,3:rqA-o Mt., A~aS ue'1 -2E MVAes.

CLAR * ROYAL,ESPECTFUILLY asnounce to the citizens ofEdgefeld and the adjoining Distriets that they

have just received their Fall and Winter Stock,-comprising--

10,000 Pairs Men's Plantation BROGANS, assort-ed qualities;

2.000 pairs Boys " " ass. qualities3,000 pairs Men's Kip " do.1,000 " " Calf Pegged " do.500 "' " Grained and BuT Brogans, as-

- sorted qualities;3,000 pairs Women's Leather Bootees, yegged, as.-

sorted qualities;600 pairs Women's low priced Sewed Bootees*

- assorted qualities;500 pairs Misses' fine Morocco Bootees, assorted

qualities;.500 pairs Misses' ine Calf and Goat Pegged

Bootees, assorted qualities ;500 pairs Boys' Kip Brogans, assorted qualities500 " " and Youth Calf Brogans, assort-

ed qualities;500 pairs Youth's Kip and grained Brogans, as-

sorted qualities.-


Gent's, Ladies, Misses, Youth's and Children'sBOOTS and SHOES, of ALL STYLES AND QUALI-TIES1 received and for sale low by the dosen or

aee. CLARKE & ROYAL.Augusta, Sept 22 tf 87

1856-Fall Trade-1856WE. 0, RRICE & CO.,


Are now WELL SUPPLIED with a choick stock of

Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,And all other Goods for Winter wear, importedby ourselves. Gentklmen leaving orders for anyarticle of Clothing may be assured of getting FINEand GOOD GOODS, and made up in good andFashionable styles.

W1t9. 0. PRICE & CO.,Drapers and Tailors.

Augusta, Oct 28 tf 42


LIE undersigned having removedTtheir -tock of Sheet Music and-. r.n-'gnts to Rome, Geo.,

-.......... to the citizens of South ,Caro-..r.- thanka o the liberal patronage

to, inform those still itn want of PianosS.:we4ill keep a stock of Pianos

inas segusta, which we will sell at unprecedent-Lol low rates. Those wanting Pipubg, will find itgreautly to their advantage to write to us, as we war-rant to please in prices, and quality of instruments.

iU Orders or inquiries addressed to us at Augus-ta or [Rome, Geo., will meet with prompt attention.

- -,.A. A. CLAK&SO.Augusta Geo.,

or A. A.CLARK&SON,Rome Geo.

.June 28, __ tf 23

Furniture! -Pamiiture!BENJAMIN & GOODICR, Iraad street, op-

..)pisitet Lanmbaek &. Cooper4h, respectful an-nonnee to their friends and the public, that they arenow ree.aiviner daily a choice and well selectedassortment o.f all kinids of FURNITURE, such atsBU~R.AIUs. BOOK-CASES SOP'AS, CHAIRS,TETE-A-TETES, CENTRE TABLES, BED-STE:ADS, WIN DO0W SHADES, &c., of the Ia-t. t. and mo,.st fashionable designs, which they guaran-:.0o l: ..e low as can be bought in this city, and

invite all who wish to purchase, to call and examinetheir stock.

ALL WORK WARRANTED.Mattresses and all kinds of Furniture, manufac-

tured and repaired to order, with neatness and dis-patch. flENJAMIN& GOODRICH.

.\ugusta, April 23. if I5Watches, Clocks and Jewelry


Augusta, Ga.,HAVE received their new and beautiful assort-

mient of Gold and Silver Hlunting and open face

JEWELRY OF THE NEWEST STYLES,Consisting of Coral, Cameo, Lavn, Gold Stone andall Gold Setts;

Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Pins, Chains, Fin-ger Rints, Buttons, &c.;

Silver and Plated Tea and Table Spoons, Forks,Ladles, Salt Spoonas, Sugar Shovels, &ec;

Ivory, Pearl and Tortisise She I Card Cases ;Pocket Books, Portmonaies, Knives, Scissors;Walking and Swerd Canes:

s colt's Pistols, Rifle Pistols, &c.Also-

A large asortmnent of CLOCKS, at prices varyingfrom SI and upwards, to which we call the atten-tion of our Carolina friends and the public generally.

* Augusta, Nov5 tf 43

Photographs.THhlS beautiful style of Picture so popularin both

.Lthis country and Europe, can be had at

LEIGH & CHAMBERS' GALLERY,Augusta, Ga. Persons having Daguerreotypes ofthemselves or friends can have them Photographedfront life-size to the smallest miniature.-

LEIGH & CHALMERS.Augusta, Sept 30, 1856. tt 38

Cocoa Myating.IUITABLE for Court Houses, Offices, Passages.I&c.-noted for its duskbility and freedom of

noise from the tread,-1 and it yds wide.STAll orders must be accompanied with dimen-


\Corner under Globe Hotel.Augusta, Oct 22 tf 41

Feet D'uggits.fNE and a half ys wide, more beadtiful in appear-.Ianee and durable than ordinary Carpeting. all

swool. Another lot just received, price $1,25 pr. yd.LALLECRSTEDT & DEMING,

Corner, under Glob. Hotel.MAugusta, Oct 20 tf 41

Look Out.

I am now receiving a large lot of that Superior.LOld Catheruoods Whiskey, in whole and half

Barrels, of a line Layeur and quality- Arao-CartesSuperior Irish Potatoes ad Cider, of the very bestquality. S. E. BOWERS, Agent.

Hamburg, Dee. 2, 1856, LI 47

Convenient and Safe.THAVE just received a fine lot of Mackbell's.1new patent fastenings for Window Shutters and

nitinds. They are a eontvenient and secure Faa-tener, and cannot be opened from the outside.

W. S. PALMER.Nov 26. tf 46


-i0o1 LAND WARRANTS, for which thehighiest market price will be paid.

Apply o J. C. McDONALD.Hamburg. Naw. 25th, 1856, 4t 48

Hides, Hides, Hides,I 'ny 50~ mood hdes delivered at my

St.,r...E )UND ENNAeBN'?.

a.gngVi 42


BALLOU'S DOLLAR MONTHLY.g|"| There are one hundred pages of reading ma'ter

in each number of Ballon's Dollar Monthly.W- Two pages of finely executed, original humor-

one illustrations also embellish each number.

tV Over twelve hundred pages of reading matter

per annum, for the unprecedented price of one dollar!&V' It is just such a work as any father, brother,

or friend, would introduce to the family circle. -

V' In all respects it is fresh, original, and what it

purports to be: the cheapest magazine in the world.

t7' It is carefully edited by Mr. Ballon, who hassixteen years experience on the Boston press.

g|| Devoted to news, tales, poems, stories of thesea, discoveries, miscellany, wit and humor.

Each number contains original articles frommore than twenty regular Though published but two years, it has reach-

ed the extraordinary circulation of 68.000 copies!g|7 Any person enclosing one dollar to the pro-

prietor, as below, shall receive the Magazine for one

year; or any person sending us eight subscribers andeight dollars, at one time, shall receive the ninth copyratis.

X. M. BALLOU, Publisherand proprietor.No. 22 Winter Street, Boston, Mass


Edited by Moses A. Dow.'

Tnts Paper is the largest Weekly ever published inthis country. Its contents are such as will be ap-proved in the most fastidious circles-nothing immor-

al being admitted into its pages. It will furnish as

much reading matter as almost any one can find timeto peruse, consisting ofTALEs, HISTORY,B101RAPHY,


This paper contains no ultra sentiments, and med-iles neither with politics nor religion, but it is char-aterized by a high moral tone. It circulates all over

the country, from Maine to California. The terms bymail are very low,jan will be seen by the following:-

Terms.The 1 Waverley Magazne" is published weekly byMoses A. Dow, 12 Water Street, Boston, Mass.Two editions are printed, one on thick paper for

Periodical Dealers, at 6 rents a copy, and an editionror mail subscribers (on a little thinner paper, so astocome within the low postage law) at 02,00 a year,r 61,00 for six months, always in advance.Clubm by mail, six papers six months, $5,00. Paperstopped when the last number paid for is sent.A new volume commences every July and January.But If a person commenoes at any partioular numberinthis vulume, and paya for six months, he will havevolume complete with a titlejage, as every paper Iscmplete in itself.Persons writing for tie paper must write their name,

post office, county aqd state very distinctly. Thosewho wish their papers changed should tell where ithas previously been sent.

Clubbing.Clubs must always be sent at one time to receivepremium. We cannot send them at the club priceunless received all together, as it is too much troubletolook over our books, or keep an account with eachone getting then up.W Any one sendina us Four Dollar., can have

one cnpy of the "WAVERLEY MAGAZINE," andeither of the following works for one year by mail:-GRAIIAM's AGAZINE, PUTNAM's 1IAGZINE,Goosv's LADY'S Boox, LtADTEGAZET of FAstoNHAarER'S MAGAZINE, BALLoU's PIcToRIAL.tT' Any one sending $3,25 in adeanc', can have

a copy of the "WAVERLEY MAGAZINE," andeither of the following papers for one year by mail:-Taua Pr.AG, OrLryE BANCH,UNCLE SAx,. STARR SPANGLED BANNER,AMERICAN UNION, YANKEE PRvaTEER.g7' All letters and cummunications concerning

the paper should be addressed to the publisher.ANY one seruling us five subscribers for one year.

or ten for six months, with $10 in either case, shallreceive a new andsplendid likenessof Daniel Webster,a large and beautiful picture, 30 by 20 inchte., whichsells for $3. It represents him as he appeared whendelivering his famous speech on March 7th 1850. Itgives hIs full form and attitude, and is considered thebeat likeness of that great man that ha. ever been pub.lshed. We will send it by mailpostpaid.


EVERYFRIDAY, at 9 o'clock, A. Mv. fromDROWN & Co's WHARF.

Inland Roate for Pilatka, Florida,Via, Beaufort and Hlilton Head, S. C., SavannahDarien, Brunswick and St. Mary's, Geo . Fer-

nandina, Jacksonville and Picolata, Fla.,and all intermediate landings.


L. M4. COXETrTER, Commander. Late ofR. H1. STEWART, Matte. theL. F. ROUX, Purser. )Carolina.

WTILL commence her trips, as above, early inVDecember. The "EVERGLADE" has

been built under the special superintendance of herofiers, expressly for thtis route, having elegant,rotmy and improved passetnger accomtmodations.Liberal deductions from the customalry rates fortrasportation of Negroes attd Plantatio.n appurten-anees will be matde to Emigrants.Connections will be nmade at the above places with

conveances, thence into the interior.Freightts will be re-shipped frotn this ptlace, as

well as from l'iluttkat. to points beyond on the St.John's and Oelaw atha Rivers, without charge.

WILLIAM- M. TUNNO. Agent.North Commtercial What

Charleston, Nov. 24 1850 5 40.

S, E, BOWERS, Agent,Ifamburg, S. C.

F'EELS thank'ul for the very liberal patronage'of' his Friend. and the Public generally, and

still solicits a share of their patronage. He is nowreei-ing a


Sugars, Coflees, Cheese, Ooshent Butter, Pickles,Preserves, Spices, Raisins, Crackers, Candhes,Soaps, Mackerell, Family Flour, Bttckwhecat

Flour, Brooms, Buckets, Tobaccos,Segaru, Macaroni, Wioes and

Brandies of all galiies, Su-perior Wheat WhIskey,Rye and Bourbon

Whiskey,and all other kinds that

are kept in this Market or Augpasta,or any other Market tis side of Jordan,gr All GO0138 put up by himseg are warrant-

ed to be of the best of articles.llamnburg,_Nov. 25, 1856, 1,f40

Finte Biuckwheat Flour,UST received a magnifieent supply of Buck-0wheat FLOUR. Also, on hand a-.'od articleof Mohass. a. Flue times ahead-A hem ',Call sooaor you'll be deprived of a great luxury.

G.L PENN, AGENT.Nov1I9 -. tf 45

Notice.ALL~Persona indebted to the estate of .lesse

Limbecker, dee'd., are earnestly requested tomake immediate poyment, and those haying de-matds agamast the said Estate, will present themproperly attested. G. W. LANDRUM,

Adm'er. de bonis non.

Aug 27 tf 33

Final Notice.

ALL Peraoys h~aving any demtands against theAEstate of Lueretia Whittle, dee'd., are herebynotifed tobe and appear at the Ordinary's Office,on Tuesday 10th March next, (1857,) as the Admtin-istrator intends to make a final settlement cf theEstate on that day. All thoso in anywise indebted,s-requested to settle up forthwith, as longer indul-

gene eannaot be given.HARTWELL WHIITT~LE, Adm'r.

Dee. 1, 1856, 3;n - 47

Notice..ALL persons indebted to the Suhscribers by NoteAor Accopnt, are reque~sted to come forward

andsettle as our business must be elosed as soon aspossible.. .CIIRISTIE & MIMS.

m.- Eanstat 2



HATS, CAPS, TRUNKSJ. M. NEWBY & CO., under thereceiving and opening the LARIIGEST, BESTMENT of F.ALL AND


For Gentlemen and Youth's Wear, :which forcannot be surpassed in this or any other Marl

receive F R E H S 1

From our HOUSE in New York. We alsoSPLENDID STOCK of

YOUTH'S-& CHILDg Country Merchants and ALL PERS

to their interest to examine our Stock, as we

trading public on the most reasonable terms.

gg Thankful for the past kind and liberacitizens of Edgefield and the adjoining Distrisame.

Atigusta, Nov. 11, 1856.... .....................HENRY DALY,


WORTH of the above Goods,U30,000 carefully selected from the bestManufacturies, and comprisingEvery Description in the Trade,

Will be sold at very small advance on Cost.W The solicits a c:al from hi Soutl

Carolina friends be:ore purchasing elsewhere.W TasM.-Retail, Cash. Wholesale, time with

approved paper. No second price asked.HENRY DALY,

Under IT. S. Ilotel, Aurusta Ga.Augusta. Ga., Sept 22, Gin 37

CABINET WARE.Edgefield C. H., S. C.

' U. undersigned respectfully call the attentionFof the public to their new a)d excellent Stock of

CABINET FURNITURE,At the stand formerly occupied by 'Mr. i.od 11111,and adjoining Mr. John Colgan's Merchant TailorShop, where they are prepared to supply all orders at'

GREATLY REDUCED PRICES,.Our Rooms are always fill-... with a great vairiety of

the latest azwd must' fashionaable +'l4m~llTU!RE.of our own manufacture. Our prcsent Stock con-sists of a No. 1 lot of-.


Book Cases, Tables, Washastand~s,.A magnilieent .assortment of

ROCKING CHAIRS,&c., &c., &c.

We will also make COFFINS to order, at theshortest notice, and at reduced rates.

gr REPAIRING 01l1 Furniture promptly at-tended to.We are determined to give satisfaetion to all who

may favor us with their patronatge, ad hope tomerit a-liberal share of encouragzement.


AT THE SOUTHERNSaddle & Harness Manufactory

Augusta, Georgia,CAN be found the best Stock of the following

named Goods ever .offered for sale in thismarket:saddles and Bridles oft nll Kind~TRUNKS, VALISES and CARPET B.\OS,

Every variety and style of .s

Coach, Buggy and Wagon Harness !

KEBEL'SPatient Mtaclbine Stretched BELTIN Eof all widths, always on hand, and wvarraanled.

ggRIPA1RING done at short notice withneatness and despatch.If All we ask it trial, and we aire bound to

plae in price and qnaihty.HATCH & BEGBIE,

Under thet Augusta Ilotel.Augusta, Nov 12 3 n -44

I want and must have Money !r[illE Subscriber intending to make a change in

Lhis business as soon as posasible, earnestly re-

quests all persons indebtedl to haim to paty up forth-with, as lie is wantinig money and :nust hiace it. Ihioe all who are interested in this notieu wi!! igivepopt ttetiiin to) it. I do niot widh to) be harshiwith any of nay creditors.

GOODS ATCOST !Desirous, as above stated, of closing miy, Iwill 5ell the remainder of my valnable Stock of

Dry Goods, Groceries, &c,,AT COST for CASII. l\ersons in want of greatbargains should call soon. If not dispiosed of bythe 25th Dec. next, tey will thaen be ntuetioned oilto the highest bidder. S. C. STROM.Nov 17 tf 45

Village Property for Sale.TJH E Subscribers oft'er for. sale thre110UbE and LOTI known as the *.

residence of Capt. John Lipscomub, de- lI* Ieiased, in the Village of Edgefield.The House is large -anal commodious, conatain-

ing nine or tea roomans, well constructed and ingowl repair ; hiavinag all th~e pecesary outbuildingsattached.The Lot contaigts 15 neres. This pilace is, as a

residence beaujtifully and conveniently uituatted.The property may lie treated for privately if ap-

pliaaip k~e made spop.I$EW. W4LDD,

- .JAS. N. LJPSCOMBII,Acting Ex'ors.

Nov 4 tf 43

For Sale, Property that will

I WILL sell my STORE HOUSE at present oc-ep edhby R. IH. Sullivan-price low and terms

acconmdating. If not sold by the 20th Decemaber,it will be rented for the next year.

J. B3. SULLIVAN.Nov 19 6 t 45

Spanish Jack, Don Lopez.ALL persons who htave given their notes to us

on account of our JACK, are requested to at-tend to the ame without delay. Thtose who owe

acounts will also attend to the same.G. D. & R. T. MlMiS.

Nov. 5 tf 43

Fresh Supplies !

JUT received fine and fresh supplies of-No. MACKEREL;Soda and Butter CRACKBRS;YEAST POWDERS;XTRACTS for flavouring Custards, &c.;

Fig. Curruapts, Prunes, Northern A ppkes, Mus-tard, English Piekes. ,Superior White Pickling~Vinegar,Fine Apple Vinegar, Cheese, Maccaroni,&., for sale by G. L. PENN, Agent.NwO9 t 45


CARPET BAGS, &,U. S. TTotel. AUGUSTA, GA.. are now



IARTIGLESSuperior QUALITY or MANUFACTUREket. In addition to which, we will weeklyJP PL IE Skeep constantly on hand a LARGE and

RIN'S CLOTHINGs)NS visiting Augusta. will certainly find itare determined to offer our Goods to the

I patronage that we have received from thets, we hope to merit a continuance of the

J. M. NEWBY,& 44


GRAY BROTHERS,B3r~coact Mt. .&.ugustay GCra&,

R SPECTFU I LY announce to their customersand the public at Iirge, that they have re-

eived. and are still receiving by every steamerrrom New York, a general assortment or

NFALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS,Which they are certain will be found superior both in

Extent, St* and Cheapness,To any assortment ever before offered in Augusta.Amongst our stock can be found the following :

Extra Rich Striped MoIre Antique SILKS;" col'd and bl'k Pau de So:e ROJES;" " Gro. de Napp and Pou de Soie;

Bayadere SILKS;Bischoff's Plaid and Broonde GROS d ZHIN;

" Plaim " "

An extensive assortment of low-priced SILK, incolors and black;

Fa'iey Striped and Plaid CASHMERESand Satinde SHENES;Gala PLAIDS; Wool DELAINES; PersianDELAINES, Mohair Mixture;

Figured ALPACA; Black ALPACA;Black and Colored English MERINOS;" " French "

Lupin's best Black BOMBAZINES and CHAL-LIES; -

French GINGHAMS ad CHINTZ;Englsh and Anerican PRINTS, of all the favor-ite brands.

Our Hosiery DepartmeinitWill be founi to embrace every style of English andGerman Goods.- Also, Raow Silk and SpunHOSE and ALF HOSE;Cahmnere, Cloth', Btuck kin and Kid GLOVES,for'adies and Gentle'men :

jaconet and Swiss TRIMMINGS and FLOUNC-

Cabrie, Swise arnd Book Muslin COLLARS andSLEEVES ;nfant's Embnroidlered ROBES, Froek WAISTS,and WAISTS;

Linen Camnbrie HANDKERCHIIEFS;Morning GOWNS. UNDER.SHIRTS, Mlourn-ing SETTS, &c.;

Drapery MUSLINS, Colored Worsted DAM-ASKS, for Window Curtains;

French Marseillea COUNTERPANES;Manchester and Lancaster "

1-4. 9-4 and 10-4 White Snow-drop Linen DAM-ASKS ;

94 and 10-4 White Satin and Figured DAMASK;8-4. 9-4 and 101-4 l'rown and White Linen andCotton DAMASK;

8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Brown and WhiteLinen Table COV-ERS;NAPKINS, DOYLlES, TOWELS, DIA-PERS, CRAASII, and an excellent assortment ofine LINENS for Gentlemen's Shirt Bosoms;1(-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Allendalc, Hlamilton and NewYork Mills Shteetings;

Pillow-ease Cottons;English and American Long Cloths, of all the fa-vorite brands ;

Doted and Figured Swiss Muslins;Checked and Striped .Jaconet, Swiss, Mull andNansook .\luslins, Aproni Cheeks;

Red and White Flannels;otton"

lirown Cottoa Tickings;Suptlerior (Cassimeres, Iear Skins, for over-Coats,Pilot and lHcaver Cluths:

~attinietts, Cabhmner4tts, Tweeds, Cassinetts, Ken-tucky Jeans, &c.

Negro Clthuing.B~lankets, Stripes, Osnaburgs, Lingeys, Ke.rseys,&e., in great variety.Cloaks, Talmias amed Shawls.

This brane~h of our business will be found to con-tan every variety of material, both Imported and orAerie'nn manufacture, and will range ini prices'romt two dollars-up to .the most costly garment.

Carpets.To this branch we have this season added a large

assotme(nt of' the following beautiful styvlei:Rich Velvet Tapestry, beautiful designs;superior Tlapestry Brussels, ""Extra Sup. Three Ply, and Ingrain Carpets:tair Carpiets ;]Drugg.ets ; and ain exte-nsive assort-ment of Chienile and Velvet Rugs;Adelaid Mvatts, lindings, &c.Sept. 16th 1856. tf 36

Dissolution of' Copartnership,11U EcIIopartne'rship heretofore existing betweenJthe undersigned, under the firm of TnIAYER

& Hu-r-r, was, by amutual consent, dissolved the 1stinst. Eiher party will use thme name of the firmin liquidation. IHENRY B. TIlAYER,

JOSHUA W.UBUTT.Augusta, August 25, 1856.

COPARTNERSIP.The undersigned have this day formed a partner-

ship, for the purpose of continuing the business olTnAvea & Blu-r-rat theiroldstanid.282 Broaud street,

under the jirm of ur-r, KNIoIwr & Co. The firmto date from 1st inst.; and respectfully solicit a con-tinuance of the patrons of the old funn.


Augusta, August 25, 1856.

The undersigned, in reiring from the GRlOCE-RY lBUSIN ESS, cheerfully recormnmends his succes-sorsto thme confidence and patronage of his formercustomers. H{ENRY 13. THIAYER.Augusta, August 25, 1856.Sept. 30, 1850, 3m 38

For Sate.MY BRICKYARD COTTAGE, with about 10

acres attached. Any indulgence, with goodNotes.Possession given 1st January 1857.

A. SIMKINS.Oct.'155 tf 40

Fresh Arrivals."T'IE Subscriber has just received a choice lot.FamilyIMACKEREL iii Kits;

No 1. Goshen CilEESE.Also, 50) Sacks SALT.r-For sale by

W. E. LEGG.Oct 29 tf .


Final Notice.LL persons indebted to the Estate of William..Vance, deed., are earnestly requested to settlebythe15th February next, as longer indulgonee

will not be given. Those having demands againstsaidEstate are notified to render in their accounts,properly ,attested, by that time, as I intend nmakitngfinalsettlement in the Ordinary's Office on thatday. 8. BROADWATER, Admr.




BLAND & BUTLER'S!H area now recevig andhaoIave .ip-nul, and

i ady for inIpetion :m.1 sale,a:rge por-ion tif our N 1'VWV A .L anad WINTER STOCK.

lin a few days inre we 'shall be prepared tohow our Irienads ant patrons the

ost Extensivesand dried Stock o

DRFY '000D1,Iver brought to Edgeflel-l; and those who maymy of us, may rely on having good Goods at the,OWEST PRICES at which they can be sohl.We desire particularly to call the attention of theadies to our

STOCK 0F DRESS GDS,3omprisitig the most ele-vant SILK ROBES oflie richest designs anl most magniefientMoods ever

,rought to this market. Also, other Dress SILKS,Black and Colored. or every style:Rich Frenoh Prinitel DeLains: Eugenia Robes;Poplins: French and English Marinoes;Solid Colored DeLaines..bright colors;Also, in bright colors and small figures all wool

DeLaines, -suitable for Children's wear, togetheraith a large assortment of

FRENCH,'ENGLISH & AMERICAN PRINTS.We have also, Elastie andl Patent Leather Belts,

n great variety; Corsets; Elastics; Hea4ad Dresses:[ces, &c. Ladies, come and see them.

- To the PlanterWe can offer a superb assortment of HEAVY3OODS, such as KERSBYS. BLANKETS,BROGANS, 4-c., with a good assortment of ma-

:erials for their own and Boys wear, withBoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c.,

ro all of which we tespectfully invite the inspectionnd attention of the trading community.

BLAND & BUTLER.Edgefield C. 11., Oct 1, t 38


GENTLEMEN AND YOUTHS WEAR.T LTST Received and still receiving a well selectedtStock of Ready Made Clothing,

which I hope from my experience in the trade, willmnable me to give satisfaction to thone who may fa-rour me with their patronage. I also have my usu-11 Stock ofCloths, Cashmeres and Vestings,which will be made to order in the latest STYLES,

and at the short, at notice. Thankful for past favoursta hope for a continuance of the same.

JOHN COLGAN.Oct. 1, 1856, tr 38

NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED.311. 3P-!m %I%, A~goex.IS Just receiving and opening a large and land-

some Stock of

Embracing a general assortment of

STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS,Hardware, Groceries, Crockery,


Anti a great variety of other articles usua'ly kept inthis market.Ile has selected his Stock with much care, and

Ratters himself that he will be able to give his cus-tomersentire sat'Sraction in style and oriies.

le respectfully invites the public, andl especiallytheLadies to call :mad examine his Stock.Oci f .___ 38

FALL AND WINTER GOODS!rp'Il S'ubscriber has just receid at his OldIStand-thte Brick Store-a very heavy Stock of

FALL AND WINTER GOODS,Towhich lie invites his friends and! the public at

largeto call and examine for themselves. Amongwhich may be found-Fancy Colored SIL.KS, from SI to $3 pr yard ;Flain and Figured Muslin D~eLanes;French and English MelrinosiA fine lot of Earlston Ginghams;-English and American Prints;A line lot of Tweeds, Cassimeres~ antd Satinets for

Men anid lioys rear ;A large Stiiek of l.adies' Cloaks and Shawls;flats and Caips of every variety;A very heavy Stock of Kerseys, Linseys and

Blankets;A large assartmnent of Negro Shoes, ofr every de-


Also, Men's, Boys, Ladies, Missesanud Children'sSlhoes air every variety andl st'le;

Groceries, Hardware and Crockery,W~ith every othter article ustually kept in at DryGods Store. B. C. BRY~AN.N. 1.-All those indebted on Notes atnd Ac-

couit will please calli:and settle, as prompjt paynmentalone etnables me to sell ebecnp.OctS tf 3


TIlE Propritars oif tits we~ll..ktnown llT EL beg leave~to ~i

i~fotrm their friends and thei pniblic-generally, that they aire always ready to receivehem in'the BEST STYLE POSSIBLE.Pe.rsoins arriving at this Ilintel miay rest assuread

tiat they and their baggage will be paromplltly of charge. to te Carolina D~epot, or to eithecr

oftheGeorgia Depots.We aliso take this opportunity of retutrning oiursincere thanks foir past patr. nage, atnd will use everyendeavour to tmetit a continuance of the samte..There will alwaiys be oan hand a aood OS'TLER.;andluorses left in our cbarge will mecet with every

atetin. HI. P. SCOTT & Co.IIlambnrg, .ll 21, tf 29


IAVING secured the services of Mr. IITURL-IBURT (of the- well-known laluse of .J.[lurlburt & ,Co Augusta.) to suiperintentd themantuacturing. we are prepiared to afurniish CAR-

IIAGE of all descriptiotts atFive pecr cent lcen

thanthey cant be bouliht in Augusta. and we hazardnothing'ini sayinlg that wej have' on hand the

B3EST1 ASSORTME&NTOfSotuthern made Btaggies to be found South o

Mason & )ixon's J.ine, whieb cannot fail to suitthosein want of substatitial worik..We atre -1now prepared to tbuihld at short notice

Carriages and Plantation WagonsSuperior to anything biefore off'ered in this District

UTREPAIRING attended to as usual wvithdepatch. LEIGH & TUCKER.

Edgefield, July 22, tf 28

Youhave bought my goods-I want my money!1H~E Subscriber intending to wind up his busi-

iness as soaan as praticable, respectfully informsall'persons in anywise indebted to him that theymustmake arrangemetnts to settle up without heis wanting money and must have tt. Hieearnestly htopes all interested in this notice williepromplt attention to it, as lhe does not wish tokealhairshtly with any, but unless thtey comply withtheabove request the Lawyers nnd Magistrates williertainlyhave the pleasure of settling wvith them.rThisisfair warning. R. 11. SULLiVAN.

Nov 5 tf 43

Brushes, Brushes !NStore a fine variety of Paint, Varnish, Grain-

ing Bletnders, Tanners, Whitewash, Crumb,Dustingand Hair Brushtes and Combs-FleshBrushes.and Hair Gloves-Nail, Tooth and ShavingBrushes, &e. For sale by

A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE, Druggists.May 23 tf 19

Salt! Salt!pg SA CKSSAI.T, just arrived and for salebyK W. E. LEGG.

Oct. 22 tfr 41

The Great Remedy.

011PAPERS OF A Q. SIMMONS' LIVERiiMEDlCIN~E, just received and for snie by

R. RI. SULLIVAN.J....95. tr 24

CHEAP DRY, GOODS!'fSal izac13]

Auguisata, Ga.,


and would call the attention of their friends and thepublic to the assortment. Their Stock is VERYLARGE and comprises all the best makendstyles of Goods. and the latest nove'ties of the sea-

son: an.l as they are determined not to be-Undersold by any louse in the State, andwill guarantee their prices to be as

They feel assured that an examination of theirGoods will ensure a continuation of the liberal pa-tronage they have hitherto received. They wouldinvite attention to the following:

Ladies' DRESS GOODS;fllack and Fancy Dress SILKS;French and English MERINOS;Scotch, Frenchi and American GINGIIAMS;English, French and Ametican PRINTS;EMBROIDERIES, all kinds;Dress TRIMMINGS, splendid variety;HOSIERY, a very large assartment;GLOVES, of every description;Irish LINENS;Table LINENS and DIAPERS;NAPKINS. 'DOYLIES and TOWELS;SHEETINGS and Pillow LINENS;Bleached and Ilrown SHIRTINGS;PANTS STUFFS, Tweeds, Casslgers and

Cloths ;.Ladies' CLOTHS. all colors;Bed BLANKETS;FLANNELS, led, white, Welsh, &c.;CASSIMERES and PLAIDS,'for children;llouse Servants' GOODS;Black Alpacas, Rombazines, Dimities, Quilts;FUR FRINGES; SHAWLS,all kinds,&c.

-Also-A large assortment Negiro Blfankets, Kerseys, Ljn-

seys, Stripes, Plaids and Osnaburgs.A ugusta, Sept 17 tr 36

MILLER & WARREN,Corner Opposite tle Globe Hotel.


HAVE just received a large 'stock of Fall andWinter Dry Goods, of the latest importation

and most fashionable styles, consisting ofFlounced Embroidered Colored SILKS-Rich Brocade and Plaid Colored SILKS;Figured and Moire Antique Black SILKS;Rich Flounced MUSLIN DELAINES;CASHMERES and MUSLIN DE LAINE-in


French, English and American PRINTS;Ilandsone Scotch and French GINGILA alS;Rich French EMBRO! DE[RED COLLARS andSLEEVES;

Rich Black Lace COLLARS and SLEEVES:" Jaconet and Swiss BANDS and FLOUNC-INGS,

lufants' Embroidered WAISTS and ROBES;embroidered Merino CLOAKS for Infants:Real Valenciennes, Maltese and Thread LACES;Reveire, Hem-stitched and Embroidered IIDK'S;Alexander's Kid and Silk GLOVESSplendid stock of Gent's ".

To;ether with an endiless variety of Goods usuallyround in a Dry Goods Store. We will say that welve a large stock, anxious to sell, and will takepleasute in showing then to our friends and custo-tmers.A ugusta, Oct. 8, 156 tf 39

"HUZZA FOR BUCHANAN !"Look Here Ever-ybody..

T Il B Subscrihers arc jest receiving from Phiula-.delphia and New York the MIOST SPLEN-

DiD atssortment of'

[ATS, CAPS, BOOTS &SHOES,Carpet Bags, Trunks & Umbrellas,

Ever olfered in this market.Also, a supetR fine, large and well selected lot of

Ready Made Clothing,Of the Latest style and Bvst MaJte-rinl.Gentlemen, call and examinc for yourselves. We

will not ebairge for looking. But will be certntin tosell you goods if low prices and superior Goods areare induemtents.

SiION & KROUC[T..Ham'burg, Sept 26, 1856. tf 3S

Ladies and misses Cloaks & Talmas.J LUST received by E. PENN, Agent. a larged ussortmtent of Ladies and Alisses Ckoaks andTamas, of the very latest styles and patterns.Oct1 tf 38




THIE great populnrity which ?it0FFAT'$ LIFE P'ILL.Sand tl LuENIX l ITTElt ave nattnined inm contsequI~encteorthe exstratordinnry cures. etrectedt by their use, renlders itunntteessry thr thte'proplriclir to enter Into a partietaraateis oft thiir muedicinat virtues or properties. Ilaigeen itore titan twenty years tbe-ore the putblie. aml thnt mg

the* united testimnyi ofr thn T1111EE B tILLit :NS ofrper~ins who' have been, restored to tie enjoJy ment or per-

ect health by thgem. it Is helieved thazt thteir repuntationi as

thelBest Vegetable Medicine now the paubtir.ndmitits oft no dtispute. Ita alnost every eity and1( viilnge mte Uniteut antes, there' :re man~oy I' ho are- rendy to testifyto teir etliener In removting dIsenseL. und giving to thewhole systemu retnwedt vigor nd health.In enses oft Stclh.VUL.t, Ui~cl:t:S. StUltVY or EtP

TltONS 'rthecskin, the eperatlinof the LtFEM: l lt' INE$is truly asionisinte, uleni removsinig in a few In' s, everyestge oft thtese 'oathsne diseases. by their pr'ryingetets on the bland. FEVER atnd AGIUE. 11Y. I'EPStA.)tttrd Y. PILES, nte in shtort most all dhisenses. s'n

vielt to their curative proplerties.. Nnotily shnutld bewitou'tt themt, as by thteir timely use much sufferig andexense tmty be saved. -

Prepared by WILLIAM B. MOFFAtT. M. D., NewYork, an~d for sale by TUTT & PELLETIER, Sole Agents,l'amburg. S. C.

Attgutst ,- .t .-.80

Gins for Sale,D R. DURISOE, at Edgefield C. II., is my

.anthorized Agent for the sale of my Super-ior Gl!RV lI REASTCOTF'ON GINS. Personswising to, purchase these Gins will please call onhim. whlo will turn'sh you witht my prices, exhibitcertiientes from reliable gentlemoen, &c.

I will repa:ir, witht greatt promiptness and'despatch;Curved lireast Gins, att my Factory, at [;ell-Air,.Ga.. len miles above A n~gusta. All such Gits for-warded to Mir. Chas. hlammt~ond. llamtburg, will besent to mte immoediattely and forthwith properly re-

paired and returned. Freiaht on thte Rail Road forGins, from Augusta to Bel-A ir, $1.25.

TIIOS. WYNN.Bel-A ir, Oct 1.1856. tf 40

- Nursing Bottles.

A NWand improved Style.-Also, NippleGlasses, Breast Pipes and Pumps, Nipple

Shields, Teething Rings, &e. For sale byA. G. & T. J. TEAGUE, Druggists.

May 23 tf 19

Adminuistrator§NoticeA LTL persons indebted to the Estate of Levi-i Newby, dee'd., are he'eby particularly reqjues-

ted to settle the same as early' tw practicable, as long-er indulgence cannot'he given. Those having claimsagainst said Estate, are notified to render them inproperly attested, at an early date.

JO~IN F. EDMlONDS, Adm'r.Oat. 8. 1856 3m," 39

- Teacher Wanted,

TU 0 take charge of the School at Horn's Creek..Meeting-House. None need apply but those

that can come well recommended. The applicantmust, of course, be master of the Ancient and Mlod-erLanguages. To a suitable person, good wageswill be given. Apply to

WASH. WISE,Trse.J. HI. FAIR, Trse.

Nov.5 tf 43

Superfine Ilams and Lard !NEW FLOUR-

Sugar anc3 Coffee.

J UST receivd a fine Steckc of the above Goods~For sale by ' E. PENN.

July 23. tf 28

Notice!-R. G. l31. WEVER'S MILL is nowv in firstIrate order, and will supply custoiners with the

best of Flour snd 11 it 44

~ Groceries, &c.r IE Un dersigned have formed a Co-partner-

ship in business, under thirfirm of SIBLEYUSH!ERL -at the oTd and well known-standWf

tir.LPV & Sos, Corner of Alarket and Centre Stieets,lnmburg, for the transaction of a generalxrocer'y, Provision & Cotion Business,Xhere we intend to keep constantly on hand a fullupply of Goods, ,ind will elI as LOW for CA1UIs any othir house.Our Stock consists in part of the following: -

Clarified, Crushed, Powdered, SftrCroix, PortoRico and New Orleans SUGAR;

New Orb-ans and West Indi. XIOLASSES;'Java and Rio COFFEE ;Irish POTATOES for plantingtBACON, LARD and BUTTER.

Bagging, Rope and Twine,Shoe and Sole Leather,

Mackerel, Kitts and Barrels,Blankets, Negro Cloths, Osiaburgs,Saddles and BridIes, Wooden Ware,

Pepper and Spice, Fresh Rice, Sack andTable Salt, Tea of vnrious kinds, Indigo,

Window Glass. Lamp, Linseed and Ta Oil;Paints. Powder, Rifle and Blasting, Shafand

ad, a good assortment of Chairs, Rock-aways. Office, Arm and Children's

Bedsteads, Sofas, Feathers.Mexican and Peruvian Guaioo, Kittlewell's Salts,Lime and Plaster, Iron, German and Cast steel

Rails, assorted. &e.. &e.JOSIAH SIBLEY @HN USHER SR.Hamburg, Jan 23, 1856. ly 2

Wagons and Iron Plow Stocks.IIAVE secured the services of a FIRST RATEWHEELWRIGIIT, and propose to buildLarge and Small Wagons

o order, and to do all kinds of REPAIRING in theWagon Business at the shortest notice.

-ALSO- ./am.still manufacturing out of the best material,THE IRON PLOW STOCK,

Foreman's Patent,) and offer them to the Planters)r Edgefield District at $5,50 per Stock.All orders for Plows will be promptly attended a

o. S. F. GOOLE.Edgefield C. IT., Feb 27 tf 7

.DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c.DRS. A, G. & T. J. TEAGUE, respect-

fully inform their- friends and patrons thathey have just received their FRESH Stock-ofPure and GenuineDrugs, &c.And will be pleased to wait upon all who may favorhem with their patronage.Space will not allow us to give a Catalogue in this

lace of-our Stock qf Drugs. Medicines, &o. Saf-ice it to say, we have the FUL'LEST andN1OST COMPLETE Stock ever>f&ered in this place.Edgefield C. II., Iay 23 tf 19

Great Inducements.,W E have a large Stock of Negro Goods consis-V ting of Kerseys. Georgia Plains and Linseys,together with heavy NEGRO BLANITS, supe-rior to any we have ever had, and we promise to giveny one who may call upon us, every inducementinhe way of price and quality to buy of us.

MILLER & WAREN.Opposite Globe Hotel, A ugusta Ga.Oct. 8, tf 39


r j IE Subscriberscontinue to build

to order, and of theBEST MATERIAL that can be procured,

Carriages, Buggies, ke.,Or EvF~aY STYLE AND DuseaRIPi'oN. They also keecostantly on hand a fine :and varied assortment ofNew amnd Seconid-Hand Carriages!gREPARING neatly and promptly attend-

ed to.Thankful for past patronage, they hope by giving

due attention to their business and- the interests oftheir customers, to continue to receive a liberal shareof pubie favor. C. McGREGOR,

,F. L. SMIThlMar258 'tf \ 11


WE have on hand a great variety of Colo'gnes,VIlandkerchief Extracts, Toilet Powders and

anassortmaent of Fan~ey and Toilet Soaps;Pomades. Pure Bears Oil, Ihair Tonies, Restora-

tive.a :nd Hair Jyec;Pieston, salts and Aromatie Vinegar;Cream of licauty, Carnation Rouge, Ihair De-

piatory, &c., to all of which the attention of theLadies is respectfelly invited. Forsale'by

A. G. & T.J. TEAGUE, Druggists.Mlay 23 tf 19

Notice.-L1L Persons conceined will take notice that I

4have appointed D)r. James A. Devore andRobert Atkins tmy Agents and Attorbeys to repro-setnt mne in the colicetion of the debts due to theEstate of .Johni Dobly, dee'ud.. and in all other dutiesdevolving upoun mec as ad,,ministrator of said deceased.

AATILD.\ D)01Y, Adm'or.Feb 11 - tf 6

Notice.ALL those indebted to thme Estate of J1. E. Free-

Smian will please come furward and pamy up.immredately ;and those having denmands against thestate will present them properly attested.

.. 11. JENNINGS, A'sJ. W. FREE31AN,~.r.

Feb 4,- Notice,

ALL persons indebted to the Estate of William .

..Thurmondl. dee'd., nre requested to makepaymnmt to the undersigned. And those having.demnds amgainst the same will present them accord-ing to law.

PILEASANT D. TUJURMOND, Adm'r..\prii 30 1856. tf 16


A~LL Persons indebted to the Estate of Col. R.B. Blou knight, dec'd., are earnestly requested-

tomake imm~ediate payment. Alil persons havingdemands against the estate, will present them pro-pery attested.


Dec 19 ly 4

Notice,ALL~persons having any demands agahinst the

estate of Nancy Batenman, are hereby noti-liedto present their claims duly attested, on or be-forethe 25th day of December, and all those in-iebted are requested to pay up forthwith.

WM aMILLER, Adm'or.July 26, 1856. . if 28


eases and indispositions that originatefrom a diseased .state or inactivityof the Liver--such as chronic.and acute inflammation of .the

Liver, dyspepsia, sick head-ache, sourness of stom~ach,loss of appetlte, cholic,costiveness, &c., &c.

100 Packages just reeived apd for sale by,G. L. PENN, Agent.

Julyl 4t 25

Final Notice,A LL those indebted tp tlie Estite of John D.

1.Seigler, deceased, are hereby notified to make.immediate payment, and those having demandsagainst the said Estate,are requested to render theminproperly attested, by the 1st of. January 1857, aswedesire to settle up the Estate as sooq~as possible.


W. K. SEIGLER.Oct. 8. 1858, 3m 39

A Great Itedicine.BLISS' celebrated DYSPEPTIC REMEDY.Rend that long advertisement on another col-

umn. For sale byDRS. A. G. & T. Js TEAGUE.

No v 4tf. 43

Cupping Cases and Scarficators,A LL. kinds. Iso. Lancets and a great ivariety..of Surgical Insti-uments, for saleby -

A. G. &Tq. .1. TF.GUE, Drugaists.Shoes and floots~ p

JUSTopend byE. PEN.N, Agent, -alJStock of B~oots and Shoes of every styl

quality, which will be sold ona accommodating tens