Top Banner
. - "" . P9T OFFICES IN SOUTH - - CAROLINA. w e; pnlishk -fl f(llowing list ol the Post Offices in this tate, believing 'it will be useful doa u rch- ts and bus- iness men-: Abbeville District.-Abbeville C. H, 3 McClafen, r4BtdhI L Bow- chii ons Calhon-'&il, Phillip L Roy, Cambridg'W Z? afwile; Cher% okee Heights, WmSp e Church Hill A F- WimbusiCokes'burg, S A Rod ges;Dead Full, 0n Cockran;, Due West Corner R C-Shap 'Fmiirville, J Roiff; Gent'ville?'Geo 'Mattison; Har- per's Fer'ry, LidseyHa'rper; Lebanon, N Moose; Lodi, RC Gillam, Lowndes- ville, Samuel Mitchelli Mapleton, S C Edmunds; 'Mount Hill, E Barmore; Mountain View, J H -Baskin; New Market, M W Coleran, Sandover, Wm Truwit ;'Smithville,: Wm Smith; Stoney Point, Jas Bai lj 'Temple of Health, I W Bliak; Terrysville,' J A N6rwoid; Warreuton , A-Gillespie;. -Wideman's H' S C"son; illngton, S W Boag;- Wilson s Creek, J no Speer; Woodville, J. H Giles. -Antderson District.. Anderson C. Hii Edmund Webb; Andersonville, Jas. L Simpson; Brushy Creek, Wm D Sit, pn; Calhoun, Benj iF Mauldin; Cray- tonville, WI' Featherstonrc'; Double Branches, John S-Walker; Douthet, W. Orr; Equality, Thos U1 McCann; Gol- den Springs, David 'Spearman;-Lucust Hill, James'M. Ga.nbrell;' Moffettsviile, Wm Sherard; Pendleion, John B Siiton; Queensborough,.H Acker; Rock Mills, Emily Lewis;'Rbgersville, Martiin 11 Smith; Silver Glade,- WilIiam Anderson; Slabtown, Jas.A inney;. Stantonville, Jab W Lewis;ftele's, Williatm' Steele; Storevilln Mauthew Thompson; Town- ville, SatUet -Broome' streunes, J's- se.W:, Norris. Barnwell C.'H.i Jol-J j Ryan;. Black- Vild, Jacob Meeief? Bridge, Joseph Brabhai Ijj' Mills, Need- hama Davis; Duck Branch. Nathaniel WEllisDuncansville, J H 0. Cain; Erwinton, Jas- D Erwin; Four Mile - :BianchDavid H Dunba;' Graham's' TuiifQutiSamuel B Graham; King Creek, David M-Lafi't.;'Lower Three RMins; WilliamProvost; Midway, Peter Carson; Silverion; Jas J Meyiet; Speed- Aeell'jkdward'Furse; Williston, W B Beaufort-Distrie4-Beach Branch, W- Fdo6restii Beatifor C.4i.Benj Ally lbfifrodn bGeorge: Allen; C H ars liPimyille3 ___ dlidonn e~r~vn eV bareso e .HM ried Hiioe Monk's-Codee, DarnShep" pa if;TPinevdle,' WV R - Tread vel; Roadv.ile, Thomas Bradwell; Summer- vail., H L-Bryan. ,.. .- - Chester-District.-Baton Range,'Jas Darby,. Beckamsville, Wm Anderson; Black'Stockcs,. Ale W' Dei Barlelaben; Carmel Hili, Jno W. Estes; Cedar-Shoal, .as A H -Gaston;'.Chesnut Grove; John Poag; Chester C. H., Hir am C Braw-. sey;'Crosbyvulle, Colemari 'Crosby; Hal. sllville, Mrs Hf Land; Ilazeawood, D -Mfflitt; Landslord, Hlyder A Davis; Lewisville, Jas -B Maaill; Pedansville, Cornelius Caldwell; Rocky Creek, D -R Stephenson; Sandersville, Jas Sanders Tomsville, Win McCreight; Torbit's Store, Thomas 'Torbit. Chesterfield District.-'Cerav, B Bryan; ChLester field C. H.rino C .Ev, ans; Gold Mine, Steven D Mliller;-Mount -Croghan, Jas M4 Taylor.- Colleton Distrier.-Adanos Run,--Jas Legare;- Ashepoo Ferry. John ejark; 'Biackhsad Causeway, Reubetn Stephens; Rantowles, Phillip Messervey ; Red Bank,;George Rasysor; Wahterboro', Jn o A Fraysse. - Darlington District.-Darlington C H. A Woods; Cartersville, CiP Car ter; Effingham, M E Laurence; Gley; L. Laweson; Gum Branch, Burrell Legars; Hartsville, Jos Noiwood; M~erchami' Bluff, Wm H Cannon; Mount Elon, L Skinner; Pleasant View, Jesse Ketih; Society Hill, L M Cuker. Egefield Districl.-Cairo, Char les Freeman;' Cold"Spring, J M Clark; Colman's M Roads, W J Clar3; Cot- lier's, ~S C Scott; Duntonsville, WV B <Grifn;. 'Edgefield C. H.., M4 Frazier; Elton, J -Adams; Fruit fill, C J Allen; 'Germanville, Rt A' Pt ice ; Hlalf-way Swamp, L' M Churlhill; Hambuirg, C -. H Lindvay; 'Higgins' Ferry,. E P Ab- ney ;. Kirksey's 4 Roaids, G. J'Shep pard, Longmire's Store, Robert Andler- son, Lot's, John Lott; Mount Willing,' Lewis Lechmdier; Oiikland,-Jno' Huiet; Parks, Richard Parks; Phenix, WVN Moore; Perry's- M Roads, B Perry; * ~ Poverty Hill, D' Bunch;- Rehobath,.B ~'Howazd;. Richardsonville,.J'l@ Richard- son;. Sleepy Crcek, James Dorn; Win-- fer Sear, Wade S Cothran; Woodlawn,. Thomnas McKee.- Tfiad District.-Bell Store, Ias Lemninor; Brown Wmn ii Trapp; Buck- -head, Edw'd' 'Mras; Cockhiam, Josiah Hirinan; 'Fediter~ille,-J 3 NK Feaster;' * Gladden.roveED' McCullough, Jr ; fckson's: Creek; A'rchibald':Mc~a ; "MeMekin'sTh6marI~k;<Mdyon.. *ticello, John.McCrorey;IMoinu Olivet, E Gayden; Poplar SpzingH -dibson; Ridgeway,. G R.Huner;. Rocky Moon,1 -3. R Gather;- Satafield, N B''Ha1" Thomipso's, C Thompson; Wiinnsbo- vill *it j. ro, John McMastei ; Yongueville Yongue. Georgetozon Disi riet- Gegrgewn W McNulty Greenvile bistric.- Catoureh, J H Cleveland; Cripple Creek J H Harri- sou; Fair Vie.w, R Peden; Fountain I .: W -McNeely; Gilder, W L. M Ausst ; G(owensville, B Wilkinson ; Golden. Grove,*C 0 Garrison-; Greenville, C. H., Susan W Thruston; Highland Grove, L H Fickey; Highway, A W Harris; Lickville, Sami Moore; .MeArrittsville, J W Hodges; Milford, Jas Nolen; MAush Creek, Oliver Barrett; Orleans, J H Goodwin; Plain, Peter Simpson; Pleas- ant: Grove, H P Hamet; Pliny, Thos. P Brociman; Saxly, E Miller; Sterling Crove, H -Sherman; Stonesville, M E Cunningham; Fituroy, Silas Bensoar; Traveller's Rest, H E Lynch; Tally ton, M.Berry. Hurry District-Bucksville, H Buck; Conwayboro, Jas Potter; Floyd's Mills, Jas-Floyd, Lake wamp, G L Johnson; Little River, Jos'Vaught. , Kershaw District.-Camden, J N Gamnewell; Flat Rock, W B Fletcher; Grannies Quarter, Jas Love, sr.; Hang- ing Rbck; J M Ingsem; Liberty Hill, YV Patterson; Lytchwood, S B'Marchi. son; Red [lill,-J R Dye; Russel Place, D J George; Sandion, D G-Fletcher; Tiller's Ferry, Jas Tiller. - Lancaster District.-Bolair, David flagins; Cureton's Store, 1,P C Mas- sey; Dry Creek, R H Cdmunds; Flint Ridge, S T Small; Hickory Head, Jno Pate; Jacksonham, J P Davis; Lancas, ter C fI, J P Klingle; Pleasant Hill, S Beckham; Pleasant Valley, G D Beck- han. Laurens District.-. Brewerton W Muijf; Centreville, Abner Jones; Cross Hill, Jas Barter; Dunlapsvile,. S M Fairbain; Eden,. W lahafly; Green. wood, T A Brownlee; Holland's J T Foster; Lnurens C H., E Anderson; Line Creek, M1 N Gambrell; Milton, J D Williams; Mount Gallagher, Jno Mc- Clintiock; MoAuntville, A Fuller; North Cieek, T J Piltes, Scoffletown; J M Fleming;. Siipson's. Mills, J W Simp- son;,Spring Grove, R J Phinney; TiiMn bling Shoals, Jos Sullivan; Tylersville., J ' : Craig;- Waterloo, G Andcrson Young's Stote,-J Young. !-Lezington Distric,-H1ollow Creek; Uriah- Crout; -Leesville, no:W Log Lrxington C H, R Harnan 0 kvileig J Coogler; Rockville, Jno .Lites; i dy;Run, W Assman. - adrian Distrc7 en s XVf uUer; BrittoiINc ,4--W be . am 1beiBs; ; i J s H 90 il a ilho~~ Begyile imon enui'on g RedBlufAH ro i,~ K Chapman; Parnassus, W H; De eri. , -Newbe iy Distit.-BelmnorgA,Mc Cnnell; Glympbville; John .Glymnph; bi4berty Hal, James Bonds; Maybinton,. Mforris Maybhlm; Mount Bethel, Jas P Caldwell; Newberry Court House, J P Summers; Hagesville, A bel Conner; Po- maire, Wi liam Suner; Poplar Grove; Geo WV Glenn; Seopspring, Carry Mc- Clure; Wellesvtlle, GeoF Wells; Wil- liams, B R Woathtington. Orangebzi-g Bistrict.-rantchville, P.Chartrand; Joidana's Mills, I Jordan, Sr.; Orangeburg Court House, Addison Beach; St Matthews, Daniel F Spige, ner; Vance's Ferry, Wm Avinger.. Pickens District.-Bchelor's Re treat, E P Verner;- Bounty Land, Eli, jah Gillison; Cheohee, Alex Smith; C laremont, T WV Harbin;s~ Dacu~iille, J'Robinson; Faii- Play, J R Cox, Horse Shoe, Ed, Hughes; Mar tin's Creek, T Dasm;- OTornee Station, Jas A Doyle; Pic'ns Cou:t House, P Alexander; Pickensville, Rob't E H olcombe; Pump, kintown,. Maiahew Keith ;, Rice's Mills. Sanr Wilson; Salubrity. Allen Fuller; Snow Creek, Jno- A Moore; Twelve Mile, Jas HI Ambler; W~est Union, Wm S. Grisham; Whetstone, Samuel Mose- l ; Woolf Creek, Jno 0 Hendricks.- Ricklan~d District.-Cedar Creek, Timothty Center; Columbia,J3 B Glass; Gadsden, Wim Shiver. . Spartanburg District--Arrowood, Theo Thorn; Bivingsville, Jno Bomar, r; Buck Creek, P WV Head; Cannon's Store, Anton Cannon; Cashville, John Anderson; Cedar Springs, I Neighb~ors;. Cross An~haor, C Crosby; Crowsville, Jas M Lanham; Damascus, Hazel Hick';. Earlebville, 0 P Esrle; Enoree, N V Van Pattern; Eingersville,.Wm H Coo. per;. Glenn's Springs, R A Cates; Grase sy Pond, B Bonnet; Hurricane, S:Bobo; Limestone Spa ings, A beil Foster; Mille- ville,- Patrick Hoye ; Mountain Shoals1 Jas Nesbitt; Mount;Libanou, Jno Cun- ningham;:Mount Zion, Jno Chaepman, jr; New Hope, Jas A Miller;sNew Pros- pect, Gliver-Clark;: Poolsville, Samuel N Evins; Spartanburg. C. H, G WV H LgWainut Grove, Rt Smith;. Wood-. ruVsa oodruffi umterAB Dsrt. isoile.Clias Spencer; Bradf'ord Springs, W~m'J Rey-, nolds; Brndleyville, - M1 E Mhidrow;. BrewingtonA Wm .T Brogdon; Claren- en, John F June; Friendshio,. R. Riclhburg; Fuouri Wm L.Feldea; Meve hanicsville, Joha Hlarrell; Mill Grove, Wm McCutchin; Monat Clie, Stephen Gacose;-PlowdeaMiliJgagap.Maick- rivateer, J J McKellarj Prdvidence, IV Bown; Salem, M D McIntosh; itateburg C Hr.B Hbod; Sumserville, Eenry Hanysworth; Willow, Grove, B Sanders. - - ILI n nDiR' eter; Bogansville dar Grov R C Jno BMint:; rpss ,ford;.Diaytossil *m,Jno Glenn; Gowd Jo'niesville n BriditerSe4 a(411 b mdu -lsaacJ Faste Madf Tabor i bor, JB ASOak LuslkiP olev MIqA Pinckneyvile Jo dy"Gove, esse B-.gg4 I Goodelack; U-oivalle *Benj H .Bradte; Wilit Wilkins. Willia~msburg'~ W G Cade; Ciina Gr4v 'Q 6 Indian -Town Robt ei. ville, James ProsserKin T Baughano. York District. Anti c naut; Bethel, Jnp B Huane'bo i J R Gillespit, Brattonsi U01. ton; Cherokee ron 0 Swann"Coates' Tave n -Me den, Ebenezerville, i ;F Fe Fort Mill, Wm EW nt friW Francis A 'Erwin; Harmiinv'y o Haynesville, W i'P di I Well, Saml Wrighi;, m Mleeks; Nathan Ford,'Whyi Ford, JnoSmith;5pting Hill, Ruddock; -Spring" Roc1 A Crif Yorkville,, Sa F mlUR AARON A.-CLAIR lately returned-froi-NeW .# a choice asvirtment of it ' .P IIV O 8 U With and without the JBOLIAN TT M ENT. rom the'celebratedi " NUNNS & CLARK.'andr is Mtel. for sale a constant sopply oftho sind od M1uusical IAstnnae At the Ware-House of GEEM2 C LOW, in the Toiwn of HanmWQiij'A bltermsas at any.placei STATES, invites the-atn'dAors sons in wantofsuchenricles i aoi to call and exanine'oi.'lie ceeding further, whers. I Pupply.of now and fashiiona SIC and BOOKS.ofn A. A. CLARK coiuini ments,in -wich busine h e for nini,year. past. April,.:. :. Pancy:A& ft pS e F ANCY'Mus1ins -J,4 Mourns MnW" Changeable D en' Silk,andBar B- Sulk .. .ad ..a nRi BtLam ooe asod~idaeyLinen'DrV raats. - - eA Toeether'llan Cotton'YsrnsShoe&at ppqnets"- gJust received and -- April f Comrprehensive Commentry 6#l' Students Bible Large Octito. Websters . toa Ainsworth' Latin iconavy U. States Exploring Ezidion 6 sl Hooper's AMedical Barnes' Notes onisaiah Jo~~ els,&c Grove's Greek and Elisitinoer, D'Aubteney's [Hist. o te'a.4voli Plutarcis I ites, ,4~ Common Prayer, Cruaden's Concordance, . Siuddard's British Pulpit, ~ Grigg & Elliot's~Readers - Niew York Reader, -~ Arithmetics, various kindn-. K Slates, Pencils, Quills; Paper and tnk.- For sal4 b y R.SPRGbERTS. April 19 % 3 t- Fresk. Grceres, SUGA RS, Cof'ee, Molasses,] ineuar, ~Lmp'Oil, Talw;SperimandAdamnan- tine-Candles. m? 'N Raisins, Soda Biscui'ts .andlmonaila,. Imperial, Hyson and BlackTeas, Rie,&c. Raisins. Figs. Citron, Current~s. Madaroni, Pickles, Brandied Peaches~GagestcVigrs - Just received and for sfe by April' 4 . e1w Meet audShe~i --. MANUFACTGRY. W HERE Gentlemen's 'Boots ayd.Shoes are made ia a mnostaperorgIe of St and workmanship... -~,- - --., Gentleinen wanling cores. e aold, water proof, walking, dres ad, ia leather. and a fmo -p'utmp soled BOO M6ed but leave their ordjers-with-the subreY marcha 1~ LL 6 ER-OF EARLYISI~ YEK RARE-RIPE CO S100 EAES ofethEabn' e ~ .ad large and beautifuib CORN ~ L n Ear. TURNIPi BEETS, -'s ojLandreh'sGen~i~ ~ a~b saeby y~, 'RS -9 ~ LBS of-BA LAD o~r sale cea -,b march ~EKS y n - ~ .ag b --- -TT D "rEB 0 i hefeoWorijvertised, or day-the 7th of February. The ar, r e ire aollows. A 0rimar Depar f ulijor,Middle-and Senlior Cla-sms. he Trima'ryDepartment ,:Writing and Eta- 6 e itfhsiilie f. $504 n Junro Clabs. n A metic Pnmary ;Geography, r-s.isoy vomposition,- 0 in he'Middli Class. e geading. 'Witing,. Arnihme- ;tehidd, Gratnmiar and Pars. General Geograishy, History ite'd Siates and of England, Astronmy, Cliemistry, ~Nati "'lslosophy. Composition" 10 0( lnithe Senior Class. cAenteogisphy, GeneraljHistor4, Critical i1eading, Rhetorrc. Lotic, Botanyi, Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, Algebra. Gemetry, Latin with a*view 'to a more tho. Mob tdh nierstandifig of English, 12 01 rtruefri in Misic . 15 04 do do French 12 0 Theyear will be..divided into four..quarter ofeleven weeksenclh, commencing ats fillows- Rat of January, 15ti of March, let of June, an 1st-of Octobr. nary, &c., will be furnished a pricesto Terexpeinses only. . B: The present quarter (to commence 0i the 7th of.Febiuariy,) will be charged as a hal -eb2 .tf _ ~, REMOVAL. lWI"K ETCHAM1 CO HAIBURG, . C. AVE remove ctheir stock of Dry Good to the Store under the American Hotel (late Hubbard's', jherd itris their purpose t eep a rull assortment of- ' a - Anerican. Frene, and Englisi D R .dd ons. ;r-W6iul take this opportunity to return ou suks tofo sinmerous'-rriends -for.the ver 'befal patronage- bestowed on us fortheilast si. t*ri,.aiid'would solicit a- continuance. of thei Tairrs.a.' -j 5 i4"We. would also invite all persons buying Dr: GodsasrHatbirg,.who are 'not already di ur large list of-sttbscribers to give as a trial. Uur stok' will -odisist of a mnuch larger an noegedrra sslrtttidt thatn we have heret o't4 kpteP 'We shall also sentinde to keep on i'esuu stirtnent o1 Carpeting. Oil Cloth, Floc atiNAI-11nnets, and -Ladies atd Children Sli. f.. .- ustereceived a full assortmient of'a tmbers of genuine. dot" Cl01t i idhitpgether'it 1 articles ia our line wi 4ijis low asrthey can. be proc'red in Riin g Austa, . 8 C0. ik $abRi, I.CERiWg.7-1J'. Eif RPNUVTERS'TWPES - 1LLubessodatB~oaec'N. YorkFonti afoir faJ at theoos Roan. tacSU& 4..i ,ff~~36--:00 60 1~4 0r o8 100 30)- ~4e~ 79? %120 '180 ed~aiities-for ainufacturinzg, are macl: re Adiedfrom former rates., A liberal. discoun for(Cashin band at the date of the invoice. .w-reies, Cliases; Cases, Wood Type. Jink &c. furnished at the lowest manufacturera priceseithir for eash or credit. Out s'geen'nen Book for 1848 is now ready frdiaribution to Printers, who will sendl foi *itand contains ajany new articles that we have never before'ezhtbited, such as Writing Flour ies, 'Omnatrients, Ornamental Fonts, &.c. o which we have an ample stock for the promp ecttion of orders. - Printers of Newsppapers who cboose to pub sh this Advertisement thtree (imnes before thm 1stof June, 1848, and send us one of their'pa 7, pers, will 'be paid flr it in Type when they p'rhase from us, of our own Manufactitre selected from our specimens, five times then amontof their bill. For sale, several good second handell Cylin- der and Platin Power Press, Standing Presses, Hand Printing Presses. &c. GEORGE BRUCE & Co. 13- Chambers-street, N.York. April 12 '3t 12 SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFELD DISTRICT. iN .EQUITY. H. H! Hill, & others ) Anfteirded Bil *s. for yonathan Mi. Hill. & others $ .4coraat. T appearing to my sattsfaction that Jonatheti M Hill, Jamies-E. Goodwin and wife Rhy donia,yaines'Hitl, Amanila Hill and Henriett HiIF'Dfedants,- hn this case, are absent frola and without the'iitis of this State. O'n motion by Mr. Wardlaw Soir., it 'ir ordered that then maid Disfendants, do appear, and plead answers or demeanors tn said bill within three months fromhe publieation' h:'reof, or the said Bill willbeaen' pro confassnr. against them;. S. S. TOM PKINS c. a. a. a. Commissioners Office, Feb. 28, 1848. Marh 1, -'3m 6 State of South Carolina. ABBEvILLE- DISTRICT.- -.I1N BQJJITY.- Mirisab Branch )' -Bilit Forcosarc vs. iortage of'- RobertMa. Mann. 'I and. ITaaigto my satisfaction' that Robel 2 Man thedefendant inthis, case, ii mviihoutelinits ofthis.State, on M.otiont, or- ered,, that'ho do appedr. anid' answer, plead or lening to- the: said' Bill within three nsonthi rromi the date of thepublicatinhereof, or the midbill will-hbe taken proeconfesseagainst him, H. A. JONES, c. E. A D. Abbevie'C.,I ffcha 13, 184. 3m LIE-lios inmdebted tothe'estate of Charity Johnsony dec'd.,- are regnested to make miediaA paytia~nt; and'those havIng- demnds ti reset thema properly attested.- -' "C, B..GOULDEN, '- .SlatEON ATTA WA," AdmnistratorsU. uly7 tf 24. Lil~rinN% n deandsagainst th esat : a~ .op~ 'are ret s ur, intention tepay. thmas fastr our col- etonrum:n'ay esta~ -'mi'WAd'tall persor unl "'Hos. H. POPE, - .H. WILSON, - .Adm'trs. Jan.1 tf 50 ti-c. 71 get -yr.-Ta af.Soth:a. .oGeriiid ointed1 tealh - Deposhiei gentfr th e~ed usfaiiiii; .~ the Compw.v a-Medicines. Every A have a certideate with the meal ofi ny thereuntd, signed by It' Secrei a e-r6igAed by theaforessid Geiei-Ae N one isaiatthorised to.sell the Comipay~iM dines without such certieate.. EDWARD BARTON,- Graefenberg IMedlein q .Thetindersignedis fully preared-oe.ts a GRAEFENBERG DEPOT iirall p1 proper sike in S.. Carolina ad Uor . nieidate applicatien Ehoul4d4i dei pgmeor ly or by letter tW tieorge "rainerd 10. Hag~ne street,. Charleston:.WA? 1Zre probably be but one Depot in -a tot* lage, the agency will be very vial .The celebrated Medicines of ENBERG COlMPANY'areis pletely superceeding all others. trodticed,ano one thitsks of using. Their.character etplained 1y ihat THIRTY THOUSAN. BXES THEIR PILLS ALONE ARE OL. EAC AND EVERY WEEK '4 Certificates upon.certificat ri of the country are constantl recesse lg to tlteir wonderful powere, is almost immediately felt, soibat will show' the invalid. .whthe not doing him good.. Th'e eijul abandon all other medicines a:d a N Pills a fair trial. " The operations'of the'Cp'npany the world are of high and commanding. chriiiterof received the ..oqualified hpprobatioo guished Cleirgymen.1urists,ph an the public generally Thi'PI a business is assuming an 'is through the GraefenA;g 'oin every the rind'hqi u some kinl ofpatent mdci e p tion'like that of thisCoNal public importance.*B! medicines may be hd Yhe'leading ori*' co is invitpd is* TiHE.G RAEFENBURG#sVEGET The followingcUmplaints yje wtlt to thi~oe g. Asthma,.-. , Biliods Coniplniis 'irenBi Biwels-deicient a Gripes,, ti it-n:n> y pzHart Constipation, ier:.~.~, Voo6fPaa asey lncontiune, Corsteness r .ndgst Dyspeps a Dyspeptic Cobip Di Myg M1 e 0s Caayjdes/ie ~olo w pi &c.,dield to their powr4~~" m-edicineshoiid bemi e ery famililruh the world.-,It's soeeg~g j whsielt- chiildfen and youthandubemTv summer complaints; deueiyf-aidatr2 affections of the stomachand bowels, it itii ible. Price 50 cents a~otert ections. TH E GREEN'Mdi NT4115tVEGEA g his Ointmetit-isa epoeitive and unfailin'ei iy. Price-25. and:50 eta box. -.. T HE GRAEFENBERGMpEVER AND~ WE PILLS--The moiist itmplicit'reia'nee misf- ,e .placed on thiesiW''.They -are theondly 1 ositive cnres knower, artd shaould .be tried by ||l who suf'er frotutthis.disordrg ic 1a THlE GRAEFENBERG EYE LOT.ION P'or disordors of thme eyes this L'ition liass mao. * .maL. Itise omponuded uon the. lici en'- ific prmnciples, anid. hisperomed en sriu *y cures. For. violentinfl'mmation ,dimi md failing oft t!ie sightiweakess~.of the sjess- nvoluintamy weeping. (orign nchiitan in ey, &c., it is agpositive and speeidycure.,Price centis a boitle,.wiith fillarections.- TH E GRAEFENBERG:ItEAL l8'~ PERS-Soverein to heild3 up b hie yrtd - . mystem, to restore theraippfatieand dlthes~ kan. -Price25 cerits a package. ~ ~ 30M POUND-Warranted to'maie tw'iium npierior in quality to any in thewo'~. pl a bottle. GEORGE BRAM IA Edefel$ Cur Hn And in Chretn y iLO pposite the CTharleiton Hlotel lAM(T'HEATD pposite the P. O.-and 26;ig.Charletie WM. H AINES.A'uuGh " M,. LEM IOUN, W i. .bo, january 2. 3m 5,2C CAU JE' OF Deki -AND-ITSCUARE. r. IF the body daily receiv6s if uoer'anujt ofV nutrition, and dai'y ezpels.teioi~u arts; by the senui~e and iseuuWyacfijt ealth' is the natural consequenice."-.F ' Medicine can secure tree N )a m xALTA wit PEasP:RaEiwo ouC~asna. In sickness,tepecialitFeverwe scarcely ~ erspira at all. Consderthen ~Zu aln t of - vamrious matter thrown into 'e oo' It may ettle on a vital part, and p ite ldeltt--- lometimes death will take plae. beiee ca biain an operation from, the heorel,. iBe sen ble'then,-and use those remedies.whjpa wil - ike out from th0e bowels and circulation. all iat is retained longerthan. -natiur'e dsiigor calth permits. For this purpose,' , ,- Braudrethi's Vegeta6lpjljjg re aliasuifficient to procure poasgevicua ons, purifythe blood, and~eure disease .. Igc)stt in Edgefleld DstrictforIaliae 'VIM & MEDICINE.. R.'S. ROBERTS, EdeilC.Ron 3J. 83 SYLEY.-Meeting treet, Edg'd is KEN DRICK & THAYER, IambnugS.U April 10,.1848 . t 4 Notice; . 4.I'thoseingebted to2the estate To. - 1'Hibbredeed'dee:required to...mgi e im tediates payment, and those having dEmands- a preseni them properly attested. JOSINH P. PERRIN Mimr -Feb 9 3m 3 NP -.Ss 5% of south Carolina.. HE following PREMIUMS will be awarded to. thesudeearfiI' competi tors, at. the semi-annual meeting, to be held in i6e village of Spartanburg,-on the econd Wednesday in Sept. next : 1.- For the best Stallion,. fer Agricultu- ral purposes-a silver medal. 2.. For the. best Mare, for Agricultural purposes; a Silver Medal. S. For the. best native Bull, over 3 years; a Silvei Medal. For the best native CoW, over years; a Silver Medal. 5. For the best Jack, bred in Sooth Carolina; a Silver 'Medal. 6. For the best Mule, bred in South Carolinas a Silvdr' Medil. 7. For the best Ram, adapted to our climate; a Silver Medal. 8.' For the best Ewe, adopted to our Ilim8te; a Silver Nledal. 9. For tle best Ram, regarding wo6l chiefly; a Silver Medal. 10. To the- nost successful .and- exten sive grower dieloVer f(dr three consecutive years; a Silver Medal. -11. To the successful competitbr in all ploughing matelp,' with double or single - team; a Silver Medal. . 12. For the monst succossfij and exten- sive experiment with lime-for three conse- e cstive years; one complete'set of the Far. mer's Register. r AI3, For the best conducte,' Farm in the District of Spartanburg, a Silver Cup of the value of $10. A full and 'detailed statement-of the value and operalions of the Farm. to be furnished~ by the Agricultural Society of Spartanburg, or a Commiibee of three, disinterested farmer 'of the. District. April 5, :i f '11t DR.-JOFL BRANHAM'S LIVER X DV8PECT1C M'E D [0C 1N E r N offerink this valuable Medicine to the peo ple of S. Carolina fot the relief and care of many diseases incident to a. Sonthern clidirate, r I do nyt claim- for it infallibility; neithlerdo. I say it will cure h9 diseasesi.. Butin . CHRONIC LIVER AFFECTIONS a AND DYSPEPSIA.:-- r 1 can confidently advisedandrecommend-its i tiso, from ry personal-observation add-use of the article in my owvn practice. This article is r favorably receiived wherever it has-beer. used. r- -am allowed to refer to Air. George Heard of a Trodp, it John~Warrendf'Columbus. -Mr. -McAffed orCobb,'Mr. Asbury Helrof Athens, M Mr. William D. Teirell of PutgamntRev'd. John -E. Dawson' of Lagiraager toAwhich a great number of names' might be added, .who bear their testimbny to its value. ' -M --abiitadoostivendss is found very frequently 7 connectEd with feeble 'constitutionsanid.' per- soniof sedeathlry habits, whlch often -xert a 1ery unfavorable influence upon: the tieral hellrdf the ibjet itdispattel ista sted est sind, irAe i'ir t apeb hi i ifedie dpt'ecommcbdiwith te aojwras L~ tat 16tio.movo the bnwels too ace raief le lied on, withoutany even- ie lastlthe pnlileasant consequences, r-sulting fi fh eoted ta, Tii ' rtiwxill efoit Thire are' sonid constitutanuiable to regt- .a iiattackis of Bilidus .fever'almost evety ' fall, to 16nelf I rettommend the::sse of this Medicine. beginning at least by the middula of May;-of frt whose' Digestive organssare feeble, oJien experience a seriso'of fullness.- weight and oppression, 'about the stotnachi af ter eating-in such cases a dose of this medi cine.wtll often afford immediate relief. Pregnant women often suffer from hear burn and costiveness,' they may use the article without the least dinger and with great benefit.: In sick or nervous head-ache, at is a mnost vaIn able medic'ine- I could append a long list of certileaes, but forbear, preferring to rely oft the-virtues of the medicine to sustamn itself. sThe medlicine is a gendle and certain cathartic tonic and siidorific. .JOEL BRANHAM. Eatonton, Georgia. For sale' by Robert Anderson. Liberty Hill, Cheaiem & Settle, Dantonsville, Charles Free- man, Cairo P. 0., and '3. D. TIBBETTS. sept.8 .Edgefield C. H. sept.8 y 33 SOUTH CAROLINA.. -EDGEFIELD DiSTRICT... IN T4 E COMIMON PLE AS. Henry B. Gleason, )Declaration Vs. 'in James H. Jones,& Co. Anachmlvent. THE Plaintiff in the above case, having this day Sled his Declaration' in 'my of- Gece, and the D-efendant having neither wife nor attorney, knowit to reside within the limits ol this State, otn whom' a copy of the said De-' claration, with a rule'to plead, can he served: On motion of Mr.Gray, Attorney for Plaintiff, It is ordered, That the said Defendant appear and plead to the'said'Declaration, wvithin a yedr mid a day fron the date hereof. or final 'and absolute jndgment niill be awarded against him by default- '- TIl'O. G. BACO:N, Clerk. Clerk's Office, May 26, 1847. .qly 19 .NOTICE. HESbscritier having been appointed - byy. D Tibbetts, Assignee of his stock lai trade, and assets, hereby requires payment l'rom all the debtors of the said J. D. Tbbetts, wvho want to avoid costs. Notice is also given to the 'rei~rs of. the. snid 3. D. Tibbetis, to~ meet at Edgefield C. H. en Truesday the 7th of March next.'to appoint an Agelit, to act with the subscriber in the pre- mises, if thcy'think proper.~ - S. CHIRIST[E, Assignee. febTICE 3m - 4- MR. ROFF, who heldconditionally an in- 'terest in the right- of Ed gefield District, e to Hoichkiss' Reaction .M ill 'Wheels, (Patent) , has never complied'~4th said condition, thiero- fore he holds no 'interest, and has n'o right te sell or. ma' e' iny contract 'for sai' Wheels. j We, the tnndersigned are the owners, of said right, and a tight -purchassd from any-.other, * unles's our agent, will not be good. - -t Mr. J. T. w asana, we aut'horise, with full - oe oc-souragnt. &M O E COTHRAN &MOE March 1.1847.. I' 6' AL Pair Notice'.: LI.Persons-indebted to. thea Subscriber by -'Note or Accounti are rieted to- make' paymientby;- Risturn Day' in clober, next, if .they,.4isli tosage all*h'ms19iii6 are within-a utagitrate jtilidiistinfnbfrtpaid by -a that time must also pay cost ; as I., must haye-r s money to keep'up my business.. t M' W. CLA RY. r-.lema' o Ria,Marc,,-h 1. tor9

Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C · P9TOFFICES IN SOUTH-CAROLINA. w e;pnlishk-fl f(llowing

Apr 16, 2018



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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C · P9TOFFICES IN SOUTH-CAROLINA. w e;pnlishk-fl f(llowing

. - "" .


we;pnlishk -fl f(llowing list ol the

Post Offices in this tate, believing 'itwill be useful doau rch- ts and bus-iness men-:

Abbeville District.-Abbeville C. H,3 McClafen, r4BtdhI L Bow-chii ons Calhon-'&il, Phillip LRoy, Cambridg'WZ? afwile; Cher%okee Heights, WmSp e Church HillA F- WimbusiCokes'burg, S A Rodges;Dead Full, 0n Cockran;, Due WestCorner R C-Shap 'Fmiirville, JRoiff; Gent'ville?'Geo 'Mattison; Har-per's Fer'ry, LidseyHa'rper; Lebanon,N Moose; Lodi, RC Gillam, Lowndes-ville, Samuel Mitchelli Mapleton, S CEdmunds; 'Mount Hill, E Barmore;Mountain View, J H -Baskin; NewMarket, M W Coleran, Sandover,Wm Truwit ;'Smithville,: Wm Smith;Stoney Point, Jas Bailj 'Temple ofHealth, I W Bliak; Terrysville,' J AN6rwoid; Warreuton ,A-Gillespie;.-Wideman's H' S C"son; illngton,S W Boag;- Wilson s Creek, J no Speer;Woodville, J. H Giles.

-Antderson District.. Anderson C.Hii Edmund Webb; Andersonville, Jas.L Simpson; Brushy Creek, Wm D Sit,pn; Calhoun, Benj iF Mauldin; Cray-tonville, WI' Featherstonrc'; DoubleBranches, John S-Walker; Douthet, W.Orr; Equality, Thos U1 McCann; Gol-den Springs, David 'Spearman;-LucustHill, James'M. Ga.nbrell;' Moffettsviile,Wm Sherard; Pendleion, John B Siiton;Queensborough,.H Acker; Rock Mills,Emily Lewis;'Rbgersville, Martiin 11Smith; Silver Glade,- WilIiam Anderson;Slabtown, Jas.A inney;. Stantonville,Jab W Lewis;ftele's, Williatm' Steele;Storevilln Mauthew Thompson; Town-ville, SatUet -Broome' streunes, J's-se.W:, Norris.

Barnwell C.'H.i Jol-J j Ryan;. Black-Vild, Jacob Meeief? Bridge,Joseph Brabhai Ijj' Mills, Need-hama Davis; Duck Branch. NathanielWEllisDuncansville, J H 0. Cain;Erwinton, Jas- D Erwin; Four Mile

- :BianchDavid H Dunba;' Graham's'TuiifQutiSamuel B Graham; KingCreek, David M-Lafi't.;'Lower ThreeRMins; WilliamProvost; Midway, PeterCarson; Silverion;Jas J Meyiet; Speed-Aeell'jkdward'Furse; Williston, W B

Beaufort-Distrie4-Beach Branch,W- Fdo6restii Beatifor C.4i.BenjAlly lbfifrodn bGeorge: Allen;C HarsliPimyille3

___ dlidonn

e~r~vn eV baresoe .HMried Hiioe Monk's-Codee, DarnShep"paif;TPinevdle,' WV R- Tread vel;Roadv.ile, Thomas Bradwell; Summer-

vail., H L-Bryan. ,.. .-- Chester-District.-Baton Range,'Jas

Darby,. Beckamsville, Wm Anderson;Black'Stockcs,. Ale W' Dei Barlelaben;Carmel Hili, JnoW. Estes; Cedar-Shoal,.as A H -Gaston;'.Chesnut Grove; JohnPoag; Chester C. H., Hiram C Braw-.sey;'Crosbyvulle, Colemari 'Crosby; Hal.sllville, Mrs Hf Land; Ilazeawood, D

-Mfflitt; Landslord, Hlyder A Davis;Lewisville, Jas -B Maaill; Pedansville,Cornelius Caldwell; Rocky Creek, D

-R Stephenson; Sandersville, Jas SandersTomsville, Win McCreight; Torbit'sStore, Thomas 'Torbit.

Chesterfield District.-'Cerav, BBryan; ChLesterfield C. H.rino C .Ev,ans; Gold Mine, Steven D Mliller;-Mount-Croghan, Jas M4 Taylor.-

Colleton Distrier.-Adanos Run,--JasLegare;- Ashepoo Ferry. John ejark;'Biackhsad Causeway, Reubetn Stephens;Rantowles, Phillip Messervey ; RedBank,;George Rasysor; Wahterboro', Jn oA Fraysse.

- Darlington District.-Darlington CH. A Woods; Cartersville, CiP Car ter;Effingham, M E Laurence; Gley; L.Laweson; Gum Branch, Burrell Legars;Hartsville, Jos Noiwood; M~erchami'Bluff, Wm H Cannon; Mount Elon, LSkinner; Pleasant View, Jesse Ketih;Society Hill, L M Cuker.

Egefield Districl.-Cairo, Char lesFreeman;' Cold"Spring, J M Clark;Colman's M Roads, W J Clar3; Cot-lier's, ~S C Scott; Duntonsville, WV B<Grifn;. 'Edgefield C. H.., M4 Frazier;Elton, J-Adams; Fruit fill, C J Allen;'Germanville, Rt A' Pt ice ; Hlalf-waySwamp, L' M Churlhill; Hambuirg, C

-. H Lindvay; 'Higgins' Ferry,. E P Ab-ney ;. Kirksey's 4 Roaids, G. J'Sheppard, Longmire's Store, Robert Andler-son, Lot's, John Lott; Mount Willing,'Lewis Lechmdier; Oiikland,-Jno' Huiet;Parks, Richard Parks; Phenix, WVNMoore; Perry's- M Roads, B Perry;

* ~ Poverty Hill, D' Bunch;- Rehobath,.B~'Howazd;. Richardsonville,.J'l@ Richard-son;. Sleepy Crcek, James Dorn; Win--fer Sear, Wade S Cothran; Woodlawn,.Thomnas McKee.-

Tfiad District.-Bell Store, IasLemninor; Brown Wmn ii Trapp; Buck--head, Edw'd' 'Mras; Cockhiam, JosiahHirinan; 'Fediter~ille,-J 3 NK Feaster;'* Gladden.roveED' McCullough, Jr ;fckson's: Creek; A'rchibald':Mc~a ;

"MeMekin'sTh6marI~k;<Mdyon..*ticello, John.McCrorey;IMoinu Olivet,E Gayden; Poplar SpzingH -dibson;Ridgeway,. G R.Huner;. RockyMoon,1

-3. R Gather;- Satafield, N B''Ha1"Thomipso's, C Thompson; Wiinnsbo-

vill*it j.

ro, John McMastei ; YonguevilleYongue.

Georgetozon Disiriet- GegrgewnW McNulty

Greenvile bistric.-Catoureh, J HCleveland; Cripple Creek J H Harri-sou; Fair Vie.w, R Peden; Fountain I .:W -McNeely; Gilder, W L. M Ausst;G(owensville, B Wilkinson ; Golden.Grove,*C 0 Garrison-; Greenville, C.H., SusanW Thruston; Highland Grove,L H Fickey; Highway, A W Harris;Lickville, Sami Moore; .MeArrittsville, JW Hodges; Milford, Jas Nolen; MAushCreek, Oliver Barrett; Orleans, J HGoodwin; Plain, Peter Simpson; Pleas-ant: Grove, H P Hamet; Pliny, Thos.P Brociman; Saxly, E Miller; SterlingCrove, H -Sherman; Stonesville, M ECunningham; Fituroy, Silas Bensoar;Traveller's Rest, H E Lynch; Tally ton,M.Berry.Hurry District-Bucksville, H Buck;

Conwayboro, Jas Potter; Floyd's Mills,Jas-Floyd, Lake wamp, G L Johnson;Little River, Jos'Vaught. ,

Kershaw District.-Camden, J NGamnewell; Flat Rock, W B Fletcher;Grannies Quarter, Jas Love, sr.; Hang-ing Rbck; J M Ingsem; Liberty Hill,YV Patterson; Lytchwood, S B'Marchi.son; Red [lill,-J R Dye; Russel Place,D J George; Sandion, D G-Fletcher;Tiller's Ferry, Jas Tiller.- Lancaster District.-Bolair, Davidflagins; Cureton's Store, 1,P C Mas-sey; Dry Creek, R H Cdmunds; FlintRidge, S T Small; Hickory Head, JnoPate; Jacksonham, J P Davis; Lancas,ter C fI, J P Klingle; Pleasant Hill, SBeckham; Pleasant Valley, G D Beck-han.

Laurens District.-. Brewerton WMuijf; Centreville, Abner Jones; CrossHill, Jas Barter; Dunlapsvile,. S MFairbain; Eden,. W lahafly; Green.wood, T A Brownlee; Holland's J TFoster; Lnurens C H., E Anderson;Line Creek, M1 N Gambrell; Milton, JD Williams; Mount Gallagher, Jno Mc-Clintiock; MoAuntville, A Fuller; NorthCieek, T J Piltes, Scoffletown; J MFleming;. Siipson's. Mills, J W Simp-son;,Spring Grove, R J Phinney; TiiMnbling Shoals, Jos Sullivan; Tylersville.,J ': Craig;- Waterloo, G Andcrson

Young's Stote,-J Young.!-Lezington Distric,-H1ollow Creek;Uriah- Crout; -Leesville, no:W LogLrxington C H, R Harnan 0 kvileigJ Coogler; Rockville, Jno .Lites; idy;Run, W Assman. -

adrian Distrc7 en s

XVfuUer; BrittoiINc,4--Wbe . am 1beiBs;

; i J s H90

il a ilho~~Begyile imonenui'on gRedBlufAH ro i,~ K

Chapman; Parnassus, W H; De eri.,-Newbe iy Distit.-BelmnorgA,McCnnell; Glympbville; John .Glymnph;

bi4berty Hal, James Bonds; Maybinton,.Mforris Maybhlm; Mount Bethel, Jas PCaldwell; Newberry Court House, J PSummers; Hagesville, Abel Conner; Po-maire, Wi liam Suner; Poplar Grove;Geo WV Glenn; Seopspring, Carry Mc-Clure; Wellesvtlle, GeoF Wells; Wil-liams, B R Woathtington.Orangebzi-g Bistrict.-rantchville,

P.Chartrand; Joidana's Mills, I Jordan,Sr.; Orangeburg Court House, AddisonBeach; St Matthews, Daniel F Spige,ner; Vance's Ferry, Wm Avinger..

Pickens District.-Bchelor's Retreat, E P Verner;- Bounty Land, Eli,jah Gillison; Cheohee, Alex Smith;C laremont, T WV Harbin;s~ Dacu~iille,J'Robinson; Faii- Play, J R Cox, HorseShoe, Ed, Hughes; Mar tin's Creek, TDasm;- OTornee Station, Jas A Doyle;Pic'ns Cou:t House, P Alexander;Pickensville, Rob't E Holcombe; Pump,kintown,. Maiahew Keith ;, Rice's Mills.Sanr Wilson; Salubrity. Allen Fuller;Snow Creek, Jno- A Moore; TwelveMile, Jas HI Ambler; W~est Union, WmS. Grisham; Whetstone, Samuel Mose-l ; Woolf Creek, Jno 0 Hendricks.-

Ricklan~d District.-Cedar Creek,Timothty Center; Columbia,J3 B Glass;Gadsden, Wim Shiver. .

Spartanburg District--Arrowood,Theo Thorn; Bivingsville, Jno Bomar,r; Buck Creek, P WV Head; Cannon'sStore, Anton Cannon; Cashville, JohnAnderson; Cedar Springs, I Neighb~ors;.Cross An~haor, C Crosby; Crowsville,JasM Lanham; Damascus, Hazel Hick';.Earlebville, 0 P Esrle; Enoree, N VVan Pattern; Eingersville,.Wm H Coo.per;. Glenn's Springs, R A Cates; Grasesy Pond, B Bonnet; Hurricane, S:Bobo;Limestone Spa ings, Abeil Foster; Mille-ville,- Patrick Hoye ; Mountain Shoals1Jas Nesbitt; Mount;Libanou, Jno Cun-ningham;:Mount Zion, Jno Chaepman, jr;New Hope, Jas A Miller;sNew Pros-pect, Gliver-Clark;: Poolsville, SamuelN Evins; Spartanburg. C. H, G WV H

LgWainut Grove, Rt Smith;. Wood-.ruVsaoodruffi

umterABDsrt. isoile.CliasSpencer; Bradf'ord Springs, W~m'J Rey-,nolds; Brndleyville, - M1 E Mhidrow;.BrewingtonAWm .T Brogdon; Claren-en, John F June; Friendshio,. R.Riclhburg; Fuouri Wm L.Feldea; Mevehanicsville, Joha Hlarrell; Mill Grove,Wm McCutchin; Monat Clie, StephenGacose;-PlowdeaMiliJgagap.Maick-rivateer, J J McKellarj Prdvidence,IV Bown; Salem, M D McIntosh;

itateburg C Hr.B Hbod; Sumserville,Eenry Hanysworth; Willow, Grove, BSanders. - -


nnDiR'eter; Bogansville

dar Grov R CJno BMint:; rpss,ford;.Diaytossil*m,JnoGlenn; GowdJo'niesville nBriditerSe4a(411 b mdu-lsaacJ Faste Madf Tabor i

bor, JBASOakLuslkiP olev MIqAPinckneyvile Jody"Gove, esse B-.gg4I Goodelack; U-oivalle*Benj H .Bradte; WilitWilkins.Willia~msburg'~W G Cade; Ciina Gr4v'Q 6Indian -Town Robtei.ville, James ProsserKinT Baughano.

York District. Anti c

naut; Bethel, Jnp B Huane'bo iJ R Gillespit, Brattonsi U01.ton; Cherokee ron 0Swann"Coates' Tave n -Meden, Ebenezerville, i;F FeFort Mill, Wm EWnt friWFrancis A'Erwin; Harmiinv'y o

Haynesville, W i'P di IWell, Saml Wrighi;, mMleeks; Nathan Ford,'WhyiFord, JnoSmith;5pting Hill,Ruddock; -Spring" Roc1 A CrifYorkville,, Sa F

mlUR AARON A.-CLAIRlately returned-froi-NeW.# achoice asvirtment of it '

.PIIV O 8 UWith and without the JBOLIAN TTM ENT. rom the'celebratedi "

NUNNS & CLARK.'andrisMtel.for sale a constant sopply oftho sind od

M1uusical IAstnnaeAt the Ware-House ofGEEM2CLOW, in the Toiwn of HanmWQiij'Abltermsas at any.placeiSTATES, invites the-atn'dAorssons in wantofsuchenricles i aoito call and exanine'oi.'lieceeding further, whers. IPupply.of now and fashiionaSIC and BOOKS.ofnA. A. CLARK coiuini

ments,in -wich busine h efor nini,year. past.April,.:. :.

Pancy:A&ftpS eF ANCY'Mus1ins

-J,4 MournsMnW"Changeable D en'Silk,andBarB-Sulk BtLamooe


raats. - -

eA Toeether'llan

Cotton'YsrnsShoe&at ppqnets"-gJust received and --

April f

Comrprehensive Commentry 6#l'Students Bible Large Octito.Websters. toaAinsworth' Latin iconavyU. States Exploring Ezidion 6 slHooper's AMedicalBarnes' Notesonisaiah Jo~~ els,&cGrove's Greek and Elisitinoer,D'Aubteney's [Hist. o te'a.4voliPlutarcis I ites, ,4~Common Prayer,Cruaden's Concordance, .

Siuddard's British Pulpit,~Grigg & Elliot's~Readers -

Niew York Reader, -~Arithmetics, various kindn-. KSlates, Pencils, Quills; Paper and tnk.-

For sal4 by R.SPRGbERTS.April 19 % 3 t-

Fresk. Grceres,SUGARS, Cof'ee, Molasses,] ineuar,~Lmp'Oil, Talw;SperimandAdamnan-

tine-Candles. m? 'NRaisins, Soda Biscui'ts .andlmonaila,.Imperial, Hyson and BlackTeas, Rie,&c.Raisins. Figs. Citron, Current~s. Madaroni,Pickles, Brandied Peaches~GagestcVigrs -

Just receivedand for sfe byApril'4 .

e1w Meet audShe~i --.

MANUFACTGRY.WHERE Gentlemen's 'Boots ayd.Shoesare made ia a mnostaperorgIe ofStand workmanship... -~,- - --.,

Gentleinen wanling cores. e aold,water proof, walking, dresad, ia leather.and a fmo -p'utmp soled BOO M6ed butleave their ordjers-with-thesubreYmarcha 1~ LL 6


S100 EAES ofethEabn'e ~ .adlarge and beautifuibCORN ~ L nEar. TURNIPi BEETS, -'sojLandreh'sGen~i~ ~ a~bsaebyy~, 'RS

-9~ LBS of-BA LADo~r sale cea -,b

march ~EKS

y n

- ~ .ag


-TT D "rEB

0 i hefeoWorijvertised, orday-the 7th ofFebruary. The ar,

r e ire aollows. A 0rimar Deparfulijor,Middle-and Senlior Cla-sms.

heTrima'ryDepartment,:Writing and Eta-6 e itfhsiilief. $504

n Junro Clabs.

nA metic Pnmary ;Geography,r-s.isoy vomposition,- 0

in he'Middli Class.egeading.'Witing,. Arnihme-

;tehidd, Gratnmiar and Pars.General Geograishy, Historyite'd Siates and of England,

Astronmy, Cliemistry, ~Nati"'lslosophy. Composition" 10 0(

lnithe Senior Class.cAenteogisphy, GeneraljHistor4,

Critical i1eading, Rhetorrc. Lotic,Botanyi, Chemistry and NaturalPhilosophy, Algebra. Gemetry,Latin with a*view 'to a more tho.Mobtdh nierstandifig ofEnglish, 12 01

rtruefri in Misic . 15 04do do French 12 0

Theyear will be..divided into four..quarterofeleven weeksenclh, commencing ats fillows-Rat ofJanuary, 15ti of March, let ofJune, an1st-of Octobr. nary, &c., will be furnished a

pricesto Terexpeinses only.. B: The present quarter (to commence 0i

the 7th of.Febiuariy,) will be charged as a hal

-eb2 .tf _


HAIBURG, . C.AVE remove ctheir stock of Dry Goodto the Store under the American Hotel

(late Hubbard's', jherd itris their purpose t

eep a rull assortment of- '

a -

Anerican. Frene, and EnglisiDR .ddons.

;r-W6iul take this opportunity to return ousuks tofo sinmerous'-rriends -for.the ver

'befal patronage- bestowed on us fortheilast si.t*ri,.aiid'would solicit a- continuance. of thei

Tairrs.a.'-j5i4"We. would also invite all persons buying Dr:

GodsasrHatbirg,.who are 'not already diur large list of-sttbscribers to give as a trial.Uur stok' will -odisist ofa mnuch larger an

noegedrra sslrtttidt thatn we have hereto't4 kpteP 'We shall also sentinde to keep oni'esuu stirtnent o1 Carpeting. Oil Cloth, FlocatiNAI-11nnets, and -Ladies atd ChildrenSli. f...- ustereceived a full assortmient of'a

tmbers of" Cl01t i

idhitpgether'it 1 articles ia our line wi4ijis low asrthey can. be proc'red in Riin

g Austa, .

8 C0.ik$abRi, I.CERiWg.7-1J'. EifRPNUVTERS'TWPES -

1LLubessodatB~oaec'N. YorkFontiafoirfaJ at theoos

Roan. tacSU& 4..i

,ff~~36--:0060 1~40ro8

100 30)-~4e~ 79? %120 '180

ed~aiities-for ainufacturinzg, are macl: reAdiedfrom former rates., A liberal. discounfor(Cashin band at the date of the invoice..w-reies, Cliases; Cases, Wood Type. Jink

&c. furnished at the lowest manufacturerapriceseithirforeash or credit.Out s'geen'nen Book for 1848 is now ready

frdiaribution to Printers, who will sendl foi*itand contains ajany new articles that we havenever before'ezhtbited, such as Writing Flouries, 'Omnatrients, Ornamental Fonts, &.c. owhich we have an ample stock for the prompecttion of orders. -

Printers of Newsppapers who cboose to pubsh this Advertisement thtree (imnes before thm

1stof June, 1848, and send us one of their'pa


pers, will 'be paid flr it in Type when theyp'rhase from us, of our own Manufactitreselected from our specimens, five times thenamontof their bill.For sale, several good second handell Cylin-

der and Platin Power Press, Standing Presses,Hand Printing Presses. &c.

GEORGE BRUCE& Co.13- Chambers-street, N.York.


iN .EQUITY.H. H! Hill, & others ) Anfteirded Bil

*s. foryonathan Mi. Hill. & others $ .4coraat.T appearing to my sattsfaction that JonathetiM Hill, Jamies-E. Goodwin and wife Rhydonia,yaines'Hitl, Amanila Hill and Henriett

HiIF'Dfedants,- hn this case, are absent frolaandwithout the'iitis of this State. O'n motionbyMr.Wardlaw Soir., it 'ir ordered that thenmaidDisfendants, do appear, and plead answersordemeanors tn said bill within three monthsfromhe publieation' h:'reof, or the said Billwillbeaen' pro confassnr. against them;.

S. S. TOMPKINS c. a. a. a.Commissioners Office, Feb. 28, 1848.Marh 1, -'3m 6State of South Carolina.ABBEvILLE- DISTRICT.--.I1N BQJJITY.-

Mirisab Branch )' -Bilit Forcosarcvs. iortage of'-

RobertMa. Mann. 'I and.ITaaigtomy satisfaction' that Robel

2 Man thedefendant inthis, case, iimviihoutelinits ofthis.State, on M.otiont, or-ered,,that'ho do appedr. anid' answer, plead orleningto- the: said' Bill within three nsonthirromithe date of thepublicatinhereof, or themidbill will-hbe taken proeconfesseagainst him,

H.A.JONES, c. E.A D.

Abbevie'C.,I ffcha 13, 184. 3m

LIE-lios inmdebted tothe'estate of CharityJohnsonydec'd.,- are regnested to make

miediaA paytia~nt; and'those havIng- demndstireset thema properly attested.-


AdmnistratorsU.uly7 tf 24.

Lil~rinN% n deandsagainstth esat :a~ .op~ 'are retsur,intention tepay. thmas fastr our col-etonrum:n'ay esta~ -'mi'WAd'tall persor unl

"'Hos. H. POPE,- .H. WILSON,

- .Adm'trs.Jan.1 tf 50




- Deposhieigentfr th

e~ed usfaiiiii; .~

the Compw.v a-Medicines. Every Ahave a certideate with the meal ofiny thereuntd, signed by It' Secrei ae-r6igAed by theaforessid Geiei-Ae None isaiatthorised to.sell the Comipay~iMdines without such certieate..

EDWARD BARTON,-Graefenberg IMedlein q

.Thetindersignedis fully preared-oe.tsa GRAEFENBERG DEPOT iirall p1proper sike in S.. Carolina ad Uor .nieidate applicatien Ehoul4d4i deipgmeorly or by letter tW tieorge "rainerd10. Hag~ne street,. Charleston:.WA? 1Zreprobably be but one Depot in -a tot*lage, the agency will be very vial.The celebrated Medicines ofENBERG COlMPANY'areispletely superceeding all others.trodticed,ano one thitsks of using.Their.character etplained1yihat THIRTY THOUSAN. BXESTHEIR PILLS ALONE ARE OL. EACAND EVERY WEEK '4Certificates upon.certificat riof the country are constantl recesselg to tlteir wonderful powere,is almost immediately felt, soibatwill show' the invalid. .whthenot doing him good.. Th'e eijulabandon all other medicines a:d a NPills a fair trial. "

The operations'of the'Cp'npanythe world are of unprecedented.nahigh and commanding. chriiiterofreceived the..oqualified hpprobatiooguished Cleirgymen.1urists,ph anthe public generally Thi'PI abusiness is assuming an 'isthrough the GraefenA;g 'oinevery the rind'hqi usome kinl ofpatent mdcie ption'like that of thisCoNalpublic importance.*B!medicines may be hdYhe'leading ori*' cois invitpd is*TiHE.GRAEFENBURG#sVEGET

The followingcUmplaints yjewtltto thi~oe g.Asthma,.-. ,

Biliods Coniplniis 'irenBiBiwels-deicient a Gripes,,

tiit-n:n>y pzHartConstipation, ier:.~.~,Voo6fPaa asey lncontiune,

Corsteness r .ndgst

Dyspeps aDyspeptic Cobip

Di Myg M1

e 0s

Caayjdes/ie ~olo w pi&c.,dield to theirpowr4~~"

m-edicineshoiid bemi e ery famililruh

the world.-,It's soeeg~g jwhsielt- chiildfen and youthandubemTvsummer complaints; deueiyf-aidatr2affections of the stomachand bowels, it itiiible. Price 50 cents a~otertections.THE GREEN'Mdi NT4115tVEGEA g

his Ointmetit-isa epoeitive and unfailin'eiiy. Price-25. and:50 eta box. -..THE GRAEFENBERGMpEVER AND~WE PILLS--The moiist itmplicit'reia'nee misf-,e .placed on thiesiW''.They -are theondly 1ositive cnres knower, artd shaould .be tried by||l who suf'er frotutthis.disordrg ic 1aTHlE GRAEFENBERG EYE LOT.IONP'or disordors of thme eyes this L'ition liass mao. *

.maL. Itise omponuded uon the. licien'-ific prmnciples, anid. hisperomed en sriu*y cures. For. violentinfl'mmation ,dimimd failing oft t!ie sightiweakess~.of the sjess-nvoluintamy weeping. (orign nchiitaniney, &c., it is agpositive and speeidycure.,Pricecentis a boitle,.wiith fillarections.-THE GRAEFENBERG:ItEAL l8'~PERS-Soverein to heild3 up bhie yrtd - .

mystem, to restore theraippfatieand dlthes~kan. -Price25 cerits a package. ~ ~

30M POUND-Warranted to'maietw'iium

npierior in quality to any in thewo' a bottle.GEORGE BRAM IA

Edefel$ Cur HnAnd in Chretn y iLOpposite the CTharleiton HlotellAM(T'HEATDpposite the P. O.-and26;ig.CharletieWM. HAINES.A'uuGh "

M,. LEM IOUN, W,january 2. 3m 5,2CCAUJE' OF Deki


IF the body daily receiv6s ifuoer'anujtofV nutrition, and dai'yezpels.teioi~u

arts; by the senui~e and iseuuWyacfijtealth' is the natural consequenice."-.F '

Medicine can secure tree N )am xALTA wit PEasP:RaEiwo ouC~asna.In sickness,tepecialitFeverwe scarcely ~erspira at all. Consderthen ~Zu aln t of -

vamrious matter thrown into 'e oo' It may

ettle on a vital part, and p ite ldeltt---

lometimes death will take plae. beiee ca

biain an operation from, the heorel,. iBe sen

ble'then,-and use those remedies.whjpa wil -ike out from th0e bowels and circulation. alliat is retained longerthan. -natiur'e dsiigor

calth permits. For this purpose,' , ,-

Braudrethi's Vegeta6lpjljjg

re aliasuifficient to procure poasgevicua

ons, purifythe blood, and~euredisease ..

Igc)stt in Edgefleld DstrictforIaliae'VIM&

MEDICINE..R.'S. ROBERTS, EdeilC.Ron3J. 83SYLEY.-Meeting treet, Edg'd isKEN DRICK& THAYER, IambnugS.UApril 10,.1848 .


Notice; .

4.I'thoseingebted to2the estate To. -

1'Hibbredeed'dee:required to...mgi e im

tediates payment, and those having dEmands-

a preseni them properly attested.

JOSINH P. PERRIN Mimr-Feb9 3m 3

NP -.Ss 5%

of south Carolina..HE following PREMIUMS will beawarded to. thesudeearfiI' competi

tors, at. the semi-annual meeting, to beheld in i6e village of Spartanburg,-on theecond Wednesday in Sept. next :

1.- For the best Stallion,. fer Agricultu-ral purposes-a silver medal.

2.. For the. best Mare, for Agriculturalpurposes; a Silver Medal.

S. For the. best native Bull, over 3years; a Silvei Medal.

For the best native CoW, over years;a Silver Medal.

5. For the best Jack, bred in SoothCarolina; a Silver 'Medal.

6. For the best Mule, bred in SouthCarolinas a Silvdr' Medil.

7. For the best Ram, adapted to ourclimate; a Silver Medal.

8.' For the best Ewe, adopted to our

Ilim8te; a Silver Nledal.9. For tle best Ram, regarding wo6l

chiefly; a Silver Medal.10. To the- nost successful .and- exten

sive grower dieloVer f(dr three consecutiveyears; a Silver Medal.

-11. To the successful competitbr in allploughing matelp,' with double or single

-team; a Silver Medal. .

12. For the monst succossfij and exten-sive experiment with lime-for three conse-ecstive years; one complete'set of the Far.mer's Register.

r AI3, For the best conducte,' Farm in theDistrict of Spartanburg, a Silver Cup ofthe value of $10.A full and 'detailed statement-of the

value and operalions of the Farm. to befurnished~ by the Agricultural Society ofSpartanburg, or a Commiibee of three,disinterested farmer 'of the. District.

April 5, :i f '11tDR.-JOFL BRANHAM'S


r N offerink this valuable Medicine to the people of S. Carolina fot the reliefand care of

many diseases incident to a. Sonthern clidirate,r I do nyt claim- for it infallibility; neithlerdo.I

say it will cure h9 diseasesi.. Butin.CHRONIC LIVER AFFECTIONS

a AND DYSPEPSIA.:-- r1 can confidently advisedandrecommend-itsi tiso, from ry personal-observation add-use of

the article in my owvn practice. This article isr favorably receiived wherever it has-beer. used.r- -am allowed to refer to Air. George Heard ofa Trodp, it John~Warrendf'Columbus. -Mr.-McAffed orCobb,'Mr. Asbury Helrof Athens,MMr. William D. Teirell of PutgamntRev'd.John -E. Dawson' of Lagiraager toAwhich a

great number of names' might be added,.whobear their testimbny to its value. ' -M

--abiitadoostivendss is found very frequently7 connectEd with feeble 'constitutionsanid.' per-soniof sedeathlry habits, whlch often -xert a1ery unfavorable influence upon: the tieralhellrdf the ibjet itdispattel istasted estsind, irAe i'ir t apeb

hi i ifediedpt'ecommcbdiwith teaojwrasL~tat

16tio.movo the bnwels too ace raiefle lied on, withoutany even- ie lastlthepnlileasant consequences, r-sulting fi fh

eotedta, Tii ' rtiwxill efoit

Thire are' sonid constitutanuiable to regt-.aiiattackis of Bilidus .fever'almost evety ' fall,to16nelf I rettommend the::sse of this Medicine.beginning at least by the middula ofMay;-offrt

whose' Digestive organssarefeeble, oJien experience a seriso'of fullness.-weight and oppression, 'about the stotnachi after eating-in such cases a dose of this medicine.wtll often afford immediate relief.

Pregnant women often suffer from hearburn and costiveness,' they may use the articlewithout the least dinger and with great benefit.:In sick or nervous head-ache, at is a mnost vaInable medic'ine-

I could append a long list of certileaes, butforbear, preferring to rely oft the-virtues of themedicine to sustamn itself. sThe medlicine is agendle and certain cathartic tonic and siidorific.

.JOEL BRANHAM.Eatonton, Georgia.For sale' by Robert Anderson. Liberty Hill,

Cheaiem & Settle, Dantonsville, Charles Free-man, Cairo P. 0., and'3. D. TIBBETTS.

sept.8 .Edgefield C. H.sept.8 y 33SOUTH CAROLINA..


Henry B. Gleason, )DeclarationVs. 'in

James H. Jones,& Co. Anachmlvent.THE Plaintiff in the above case, havingthis day Sled his Declaration' in 'my of-

Gece, and the D-efendant having neither wifenor attorney, knowit to reside within the limitsol this State, otn whom' a copy of the said De-'claration, with a rule'to plead, can he served:On motion of Mr.Gray, Attorney for Plaintiff,It is ordered, That the said Defendant appearand plead to the'said'Declaration, wvithin a yedrmid a day fron the date hereof. or final 'andabsolute jndgment niill be awarded against himby default- '-

TIl'O. G. BACO:N, Clerk.Clerk's Office, May 26, 1847. .qly 19

.NOTICE.HESbscritier having been appointed- byy. D Tibbetts, Assignee of his stock

lai trade, and assets, hereby requires paymentl'rom all the debtors of the said J. D.Tbbetts,wvho want to avoid costs.Notice is also given to the 'rei~rs of. the.

snid 3. D. Tibbetis, to~ meet at Edgefield C. H.en Truesday the 7th of March next.'to appointan Agelit, to act with the subscriber in the pre-mises, if thcy'think proper.~ -

S. CHIRIST[E, Assignee.

febTICE 3m-


MR. ROFF, who heldconditionally an in-'terest in the right- of Edgefield District, e

to Hoichkiss' Reaction .M ill 'Wheels, (Patent) ,has never complied'~4th said condition, thiero-fore he holds no 'interest, and has n'o right tesell or. ma' e' iny contract 'for sai' Wheels. j

We, the tnndersigned are the owners, of saidright, and a tight -purchassd from any-.other, *unles's our agent, will not be good. - -tMr. J. T. wasana, we aut'horise, with full

- oeoc-souragnt. &M O ECOTHRAN &MOE

March 1.1847.. I' 6'

ALPair Notice'.:LI.Persons-indebted to. thea Subscriber by-'Note or Accounti are rieted to- make'

paymientby;- Risturn Day' in clober, next, if.they,.4isli tosage all*h'ms19iii6 arewithin-a utagitrate jtilidiistinfnbfrtpaid by -athat time must also pay cost ; as I., must haye-r s

money to keep'up my business.. tM' W. CLARY.

r-.lema' o Ria,Marc,,-h 1. tor9