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nod Wnw contrary to the rules ofgentleman- like duelling demands acknowledgenient fret Mr. C. that l'e is a gentleman: . It is said too that some words passed be. rween Cillcyand Wise in the debate on the Corruption case, and that these have ever sinco been tankling in the bosom of the latter. Upon the Whole, from all we can see, Mr. Wise has added to his other honors, tthe honor of having without the least excuse, caused the death of a high, minded, honora. ilo and useful citizen. This must be the verdict of the country. This melancholy alTair illustrates most forcibly the folly and unreasonableness of the whole system, and we trust will go far in establishing a sound and correct public opinion. "Unique" is received but unavoidably postponed until our next. Miscellancons. Froi the Chertstton Courier. SUMTEI(VILLE, Feb. 19. Messrs. Eddiorsi-Yot will confer a fa- vor on the slaveholding States generally, by inserting in your paper the following . advertisement of t wo felons who have fled from this district to escape the penalty of Negro stealing. There is abundant cvi- - d{ence positive and undoubted, that MINA und STEPill N McCOY are guilty of steaing as many as four Negroes, and it is thought more. Mina McCoy is about 36 or 37 years old, about five feet ten inches high, spare made, neighing about one hun- dred and forty pounds. his lell eye out, full white teeth in front, and shows thea mtch wiheni laughing or talking-his voice is stri- kingly nasal, hair dark. His brother Sic- phen is a little lower and thicker than Mina, but hears a family resemblance, dark hair and light eyes. It is thought they will stick together and endeavor to make their way to Texas, by taking shipping at George- town, Charleston, or Savannah, or take at first a Northern course into North Carolina, and then West through Tennessee across the Mississippi. It would be well to insert a reqest for all the papers in the slave- holding States to copy the above. A re- ward of $1000 is offered for their apyrehen. sion, or for the apprehension itof Mina Mc- Cog alone, so that he be brought to justice for negro stealing. The negroes lae all been recovered, and belong to lf. SpanR, and the Estate of T. L. Kennedy, of 'le tipper part of this District. Your's, JOHN WATSON, ELIJAll PRINGLE, JOHN D. IBOWEN, 31. C. SPANN, W. J. SINGIETON. JNO. F. IIAYNESW1OR11I. I certify to the above facts in relation to the stealing of the Negroes. JOHN IIEMPIIILL. The new Eclipse Cotton Gin, for Sea Island Cotton tay he, seen by apphication to l. Brown, at the Plainter's litel. h'Ihe advantages of this Git are in the siu- - 1dpe comutunication of the propelling power the ise oifpernanettt and durable rollers, and the substituttion of iron genring, for ctm- non pullies, and bands for driving the rol- lers, which can lie thrown into or onit of gear instantly, without interliring with the operati oh other gins that mnay he attne-h el to the same frame. It is perfeetly simu ple and durable in the construtction of all iti parts. I Ientitng of the rollers and the poe- sibility of comtmuniettting fire. is emtirelv oblviate.d by the use of steel sprittgd instenal .oh screws, to heat- upon the journals of thie rollers.-Chtarkalon Courier, That emlinenit mn, Dr. John Eberle, <liedl at I.exington, Ky., oni the 21 uit. ice had been a Professtor, oftdiflierent brainches, ini the JetTerson Medical College ini Phib,- declphtin-- in te Ohio Mediet College-~andt int the Trasnsylvanian University. -l Ic was the ntuthior of several valuabhle works, whmeh tare used as text biooks~in moedicinte, antd which have been iranslated andt exteisivt. ly cirenl atdm boith in F'rantc andh Germany., Dr. E~berle wvas horn near Piladel.]phia. it itndigent ciretnimstanices. WVithI the baboier of his hatis lie aeginiretd lie tmennis oh his 'dn cation, 1ie stoodl amonig the miost scitntilie mna in the world-nnd has bequeathedi, in his namte itself, a rich legacy to Ithe amniinle famiily which lie has left behind him,. Tram, the Memphis Gn:ette IM.( . T11s .JONES' ARRESTED. The M esers. Jotnes',( houtr in numbher) who, it wvill be remnembhered by our renders, nret chiargedl with the miurter- of uCol. Ward, were brought to or town as prisoners on Friday eveniing last, attd the next day coom- mnitted tto the jail of this county, th'ere te ntwnit their trial beforo otir next Cireni C outrt. This it will be seen that wha totild not lie cffected by the vigilance uif the oflicers of the law, nor by the mtost nutiriine /Jxertionis of tnumrerous pairties, siimutlaited lby feelinigs of revenige for thet loss of au demt frienid and relative, hats been at last anecom- plished by thtat tmighitiest anid granides.t of scorruptors-Mhone.g. T1hie rewvard of Four Th.'ousandlDollars togzethecr with whla t lhe expected from thlefovernor- of the State, wvas too groat a itemptatin to lie resistet.- A party of taci in Ilemtpsiead Coiunty, Ar. katisas, seeing the ad vetiisemient,antd kntow. itng the Messrs. Jones' were in thai vicinity, armted theinselves and started in pursnit-- came ttp withi, antd cnptuiiretd thiem withi, two niles of the~Texas line. The JTones' olhfered n resistancite-their en p)ors ironed andt broughlt tem safely tot this pihice, Out they are tiow incareerncrted in perhaps thi tmusi lont hso'ne duntgeon itat the State o Teiinessee can honset uf. Th'Ie per~sonis wvb. aretedi thtemt, tire biy this timtte, we sitphpose wend in tiheir way to thiri distant hitme is with ther pock'ets well lined with the frti 'lf lhir ujouney. Whiether le miishirtune ir. unieriniu, tir c'rimeits of ottr fellow cre r aire a legritintiue antd prainworthi Iy sonrtio o we:,hhi, is it ijiistioni for the eastii.t+-w< .ehewv it. W~.e. tieraan itit hatt the purisoners will I. lbrought bh.ind:.1atl Ib:arr v, tinder a wr it lla/u as' (''r1p,. n hie will, If they entn shomv iianieent eronin Is ..r -t ,thoi. ' .. ra. NEW YORK, Feb. 24, 1 P. M. The Northern mail has just arrived, and brings us the followiug important intelli- gence. It seems that Mackenzie was not at Waterton- for nothing., How long will this disturber of the public pence be allow- ed to work his will with impunity? Correspondence of the Albany Argus FROM TILE FRONTIER. A outs, JEFFERSON Co. Feb. 19. The State Arsenal at Waterton was bro- ken open last evening, and Rome five hun- dred muskets taken out. Fairbanks, who is the keeper, has offered a reward of $2500 for the recovery of them. There begins to be some excitement here upon the subject of Canada. Many loads of men and provisions have been and are now passing fiere for the -North. Some of them have called at the dilferent stores for powder, and have bought all that was fur sale by the keg. Whether it will amount to any thing or not, we cannot dc- termiu, (The report is, that there is n considera- ble force on the frontier, in Jeflerson coun- ty, and that a descent upon Canada. at soe point is cotctmplated. Wo doubt it however. A letter from IHamilton, dated 12th Feb. iu the Rochester Doncrat, states that there was a riot at Toronto on the ninth, in which four were killed and several wounded The late Fire at West Point.-The burn- ing of the building at the Military Academy of West Point, whicha we gave an account of the day before yesterday, will prove a seri- ous loss to Government. A friend on the spot writes us that he estimates the dan ago at $50,000. 'T'hus in a few hours, says he "what has been the labor and work- manship of years been destroyed." The fillowing remarks we extract from the letter before us. as applicable to the oc- casion : "Every physical energy was exerted to arrest the progress of the flames. aad if there had been at proper engine on the spiot, (which several Boards of Visitors have hitherto recomtmended,) these efforts aniht have been successful and the damage pre- vented "One thing at least iscertain, that the in- terest exhibited anl the deference paid by every one to the directions of the worthy Superintendent, who was present during the whole tiame of the fire, evinces a due suordination and reciprocal feeling toward the Government, whose indulgence they enjoy."-N. Y. Cour. c EInq. Defstrurtivc Fire, Imceri/Theatre Burned. -(O)i Sunday morning about 2 o'clock,(as we learn from a New-York slip of Suniday,) a fire broke out in the Bowery Theatre, which entirely consumed the whole inte- rior building, togrther n% ith the machinery, d.-esses, &c, leaving noihing but part of the walls standing. The btuilding adjoining, known as the old Bull's Ilead Tavern, was also burned. We understand the theatre was insured for 30,000 dollars. The fare broke out in the paint room over the gallery, in frout. A stable belonging to Air. H'amblin. was burned at the same time, corner of Christie and-Walker-streets, and a colored mitan was burned to death.-Clar. Cour. Nt.w On to:.t x s F eb. 22. 'T' Formosa arrived yesterday evening from Matagordaa, whene- sht Sailed on the 8th inst. As this was only two days after the Mexican fleet left Vera, Cruz, of course nothing had been heured of theut when she sailed. Every thing was quiet in that part of the country. I'rwiam the Augt,'aa Constitutiosudist, lareh 1. .\'UGUST'IA AN) i1AMURItG MArlKET we. hnave. been without h,ler sad vices fi-um Eu- roape, whlich haas ennisedh aur market to rem'aaaina mnuch iaar the samec dull stateo as then noticed. In fact theonaly enqutiry at the present amo- menat is fair strictly fine anda good cotton, anid this descr'iption beitig searce,hbolders t'ow tno dispoasition to torce itoan the market. andl are' hohllintg on lior bet tea' prices. lIn athe ini teriolr and middling there is v'ery lia tie doiiang, .as few~biayers tare antxioaas to operate eveni at preset prIices, All seeaai tohlennitxiotusly wvaniniag lii rher ntavices froma Europe, tanIl attill they are receiveda n e look fior ta dull marka'et. Thel re'ceipts coattianue light for thea seatsont, noit n ithsawaling our' r'oads a t he . aprsent momenent, are ina good tratvel lintg order. Th'ie sales froam wnarehoaues htave saalieena light, amaounttinig in all to nihout 1000 bales. G nocs:atms.--Theare is little or no buasinaess taact~eaing itt onar groce'ry mnarket, iad we have tno chanage to notice. 'fThe supply of al ldescripltionas is fully' eqa t th ale dlemlata. Th'le onaly whlolesnile tratnsuaetioin that haas come to our knaowlh-dge. wasl the sale ofna lot oh'f(00 hbashiels Tu'arks blaud Salt oan the wharf at GO cents. Universal Salvation. T I llE R' E will ba, preachaing oni thtis saub- ject neoxt Sahbbatha at Edg~efichil C'outt Ilionse. Service will commaenee ait two I a'clock, P'. M. Thei Spesakeir will have tao objections to a reply hay any persn that inuy w ish to do so. Excutor*'s Sale. B Y Order of thte Ordiaiary, I will ofier Nlicar satle ait the Oldh Wesls, on Tuaesdlay lie 10th of A pri.1 anext, al11 thet Estate, lleenl andl Persaonial of Mrs. Saraha Wise', deceasedl, aon a credlit tantil thec "5th oif IDecembler nxext. Purchasers to give niotes und twot nIapovcd setura ms. Erecutor witha the Wk ill, Mareha 7, 183 e Noti~e. ALI. personts indebahtedh to thet Estate of A Mlrs. Sarah Wise, adeceatsed, are re- queste'd to manke inttan(eiate paymaem, and a hose htnviaag demnsands to prtesent thenm pro- perly atttested. lreceuieor u'ith the II 'll 'ine red. Last 1%otice. t hae Aiken Ronda leadiing f,-oam Edge-. -I i to ( ambridge is not put itt comat- Iplete orera in eight days fromn this I wiill re- turn Coutaassioaners andl )versee'rs wsitho~tt The Editor acknowledges pay. mont from the folloving persons, Por 1838. Zebulon Rudolph, T L Shaw, Ml Black, E P Ahney, J Gillaw, J W Gould'ng, MI Mays, David Gillam,Hill & Oaitz, Reubee Johnson, James Rainsford, John Rochelle, Thos Bacon, B J Ryan, I C Culbreath, II L Harrington, Nathan Carley, I Waver, J B Hamilton, Roh't McCullough, Thos Thorn, N L Griffin, I H Wardlaw, S i Butler, C Breithaupt, Vin flutler, George Elam, G W Thomas. John Coleman. It Aay., Juo S Jeter, E B Boleier, Al Mims, W F Wells, Jonathan Tillman,1 E Ilobb5, Abram Jones Jas J Shibley, iTCophilis Hill, Wiln Holloway, Wiley Hurrisson, W T Tiannuerman. Per 1837. Edmund Penn, (J 1 Penn, J McNeal, Mrs S Bonham, Thos Scurry sen, ledy Mtays, David Gillum, 1, Ryan. 11 I, iar- rington. R Ml White, R G'Mays, ''hos II Pope, T Paiker, John Lake, S H Butler, Bailey Corley, John Corley, Juo Coleman. ODITUART. (Communiratel,] Departed this life. at the residence of her father in Abbeville District on Sunday 25 February 1838, Airs. Sarah S. Lake con- sort of Capt. Tlomas Lake, of Edgefreid. aid daughter of Maj. John Chiles. of Ab- beville District, in the 27th year of her age. iHer amiable disposition, integrity of heart, and prudent deportment endeared her to all who knew her. For otur years she was a pious member of the Baptist Church; and gave striking evidence of the sincerity of hier profession, and of the genuineness of her religion Her last illness was of a short continuance. Only two days did she sulfer. but her sufferings were severe. These she bore with remarkable fortitude and patience until she quietly fell asleep in Jesus. Of her it may be said she was truly lovely even in death "She died in Jesus, and is bless'd How kind her slumbers are! From suierings and from sin released, And freed from every snare. Far fron this world of toil and strife, She's ;r;.,jt with the Lord; The iabors of her mortal iifc, End in a large reward. C. DI:n, on the 24th ilt. of a pulmonary complaint, in the 32nd year of her uge, Mrs. Sarah Marltin. She has kit a husband and 6 small chil- dren to mourn her loss. She was a r em- her of the Baptist Church-retained lei right mind to her last monents. and de- parted in full confidence of a hapy innamor. tality beyond the prave. As a wife, and snother, she was kind tender and atlection- ate, as a neighbour, sympathetic and oblig. ing. 1ier dear contpanion and sweet little babes (as she termed then in her last tio. inients) her servants and neighbours who have received favours from her, can besi appreciate the value of this excellent wo. nian, in whose death t void is left which time nor circumstance can ever till.- Comu in en icatedl. To Cotractorp. T 1I1E Commissioners of Publie Build. ings for Edgefield District will receive written proposals. until the 16th of Apri next for the erection of a new Biztcx Coua-i Ilosr. in said district. The outlines of mte building are as follows : 6t by 48 ti., 28 ft pitch;-u passuge running leta±2thwise thro the lower story with three ollices on each side, the Court rooms and two jury room: to be in t he~ tupper story, anud ailso two rang es oii seats for specta'ars. A two story pur ien at the end 1'urther infornsation, as to the dletails na be ball,andh a palan of the building see, by apjplying to le tnudersignied. A. II. ADD)iSON, f'huirnman. Eigeflich C. II. Marcha 1st, l838. 5 if T1hae Autgtissa C hironiele and Sent ine will give the above six weekly insertions. A OCA RD. IK L. JEFFERS~')L & Co. acknaowv .. * ,edes renewe'd obiligatins so iliei 6 iends ain enstoiners for the ve'ry l ibera pamtroneage hieretofore bestowedlli n theiii atad beg leave to announnce, that they havy nlow Ion hand, and will conatintne teo receive a ntell selected assortiuent of GO(ODS) conisistinig ofI lron and mtLoal Sugar, Gr'een ad Wht ite Clhlee. N.O0. & Suar I on',e Melasses, Wine ad Spirits of the bier 'selection, Canoal Flor-whbole Iad hatlf lBbts. Unle Rlope andit Bagg~ing, Iron ;sad Steel, Toagethler wyith all other articles in the Gro rera, Line :-whieh they will sell, or send ti oirder, lI'earrcated Goodt, at thle lowest miar Let Prices TIhe'y alsoa cont innle to Itasaet C'ommnis sjin flusiniesis, inctluding receivinig andil fou w% irdinag of Gnood., anl tender to) thii fiiendls assuranace of their' best attention t oirders in thast lie of bustiness. I ltarg, ilarch 1838- 1if5 Thie Pendatletont Mekssenger w,.ill ier: thi sabolve four timeis adnu send their bill f( 1Brig'ade OrdeIr4, F~ebunary 2 irh 183$. ( XIILLIAaf 1. IIIANNON of Edge fi eld has been1 duly appotintedll Brig ado Paymuasstera of the secotnd lrigade with the rankL of Captaina. and will be obev ed'andil resp~ectedl accoardlinugy. 1y ordler of Brig. Ge'n. E. G. 'lT.tSim.:r Mlareib 8 83 d 5 Ili;g. Major. 3 AM I TF 11' S (Granmsar, Gecographuy ean 1J Atlas. onl the Piodntetive Systems. A ISI Smaith's~Practical ansd Menatal Arit hametic wvitha a variety of oilier Scuoot. Boors mayii be founod tat ithe Store of C. A. DOWD. M~arch 7, 1838 tf5 .Yo If e e. TI1" E Subscribers will give a liberi price for BE ESWVAX, TA L~LOWI ad FElA1IIERIS. l'ITCTIEN & RiOBERT'1SON. llarmurgr, Marcht 3, 181'4 f Sheriff's Sale. C. M. Furman, vs, H. Shultz, other plantifil's severally vs. Henry Shiltz. WILL be sold under various Execu tions against the defendant in th above stated cases, and by the written con sent of all the parties indebted either in the Executions or in the property, on the sec ond Monday in March next and the dai following, in the Town of Ilamburg, vari ous lots inmproved and unimproved in tiri said town of Ilantburg-nud owned by thi Defendant--Henry Snultz. The Sheril announces to the public that ie is advise, that the purchasers at this stile will obtail good quiet and indisputable titles-and the, will get all the legal titles, that 1, asan ofli cer of the law, can legally give. Terms of Sale. Cash W HI. MOSS, s.i:. V. Feb. 12.d 2 Valuable Sale of REAL ESTATE. IAVING passed the meridian of huma, life, & heing in n feeble state of health I am desirous to wind up the various at temnpts of my successful enterprises, and set te up myself, finally receive andd pay all tim just denands due by me to mankind, inea of leaving it for others to do for tue after have ceased to be- One iundred amid Sixty Valuable Tow: Lots, improved and uniumproved; also. snme whole square of Lots, will be sold in thi town of Hamburg, according to the above advertisement, by the Sberiff of Edgefiel District, South Carolina. hringing so nsecl property into market, it is evident that gren bargains will be obtained. That the tour of 11atmburg will become a flourishing city is now beyond contradiction. Being fni vored with many great natural benefits, nui merely as a place of comnerce, but also ii heathh, confort and pleasure. First, it ha the imnmediate benefit of the noble stream Savannah. Second, it is one end, and Ih ho'mndary of this State. of the great Charles ton and Western Rail Rtoad. 'T'hirdly. it ha lour or five noble springs of pure and whole somue water, Bome of which can he directei throngh different parts of' the town, ani raised to the second stories; it will not onl serve as a convenience, but also as a safl guardi against fire. The hill side and woodland part, betwee the town and the towering ehminence, ealle the Park, is laid out inl walks, and serving a a proienade for the enjoymnent of pleasure which daily draws the attention of man visitors. The etminence called the Citade is 120 feet above hamburg and Augusta and within one mtile distant of soth towns.- a romantic situation which furihes the ey with a most picturesque view. that an ev umay behold ; amd is imniedintely at ili junction of the great thorongblitre., by tan and by water, between the North, the Soutil and the West. The receipts of Cotton alone, the preset season, has been, fron 1st Sep'ltember. 1s3, ai to the lath February. 1 3d, 39,lt8 hale: Anid, its respects the titles to the iropert the purchaser will get all the title that ii State of South Carolina amid her Courts ca give. HIENRY SHiL'L''Z, Founder anti I'ropritor of the tou of ilumnr Hlanburg. F.eb.2(ith, ii83 a 5 -tite of South ('arolilla. EDGEFIELD DISTirC'. Hienry Moore and Eleanor Mloore, vs. Jno. Itaniskett, Adin'r. Bill for Ac-einnt ant of Jno. Mloore. dceced. &/'licamcnt. Wmn. J. Wightnan and wiit, amid mnother. T1I IF. Coinplaii:Ants having fiaed their bill - U.the Court of Ieptiity fo:r Edgeticlld Distrie - ini thme State aforesamid, claiininig that thev, aml ii Defendtmants Annm WVightmn, aund hmer siste*r - .1 liarkness~., it'niig, tare ettiejd to th,- F-ate thme inatettta Johula m e,, udecease,, in, con Shars, oni totioni of Gridlin, Conmiplainanut's a licitor, it is Ordered, thmat tall paersions intereste ini thte settlement of said estate, don iapear uii iiterpiose tiny objtetionia, which they cein of rigl mam~ke to tihe distribumtionm of thme s'aid estate,. prayed ter in tlee hill, betere ht COuis.--mii of thme said Court, alt lidgetiil Court Ilinse, or befo~re the fourth Mlumlavy in Mlav neat. WILLIlAM1 hl 11 .. Feb. 2:3, 1:ki ne -> rIt is furdier ordered thmat time tiaov he0 pu lislhed for three monim in i omne or miore putl Guxzettes itn this jaute. WMl. 11.11tPLig. BLOCK~TIN AND J IA r W .IRE. I 3 IE Sineeriber hams on hand a very kary .U stupply of ready miade TI'N WVA~i 'of till descriptions, which lie oil'ers :it whiob & sale or retail, at as low prices~ as cani he a r forded int this pmart oIf time country'. le ha also a Iare suplply ofthe newest fasionmi - .J APA N W A R E,t ogether with English nn~ Block Tinm Ware of excellenit <pualitv. Ak Copper andu Sheet Irotn Ware-Setin: and lHrazing Copper,-hllock timn, Stmm -Spelver, amid TPin Plate-all of whieh lie mm -fers for sale low for eash, at No 1(iR-Bron ,streer, A ugnista. B. IF. ClII W. - '1The subscribmer beting truly thnmkfuml f< j the v'ery liberal pntronaige heretoifore h<. stowed uponi lhim by his frienids tand thme pumm lie genearailly, respmectifully solicits a cointi: itnnaee of their faivors-andm oilers his searv ce-s in either of the folloing~ii bramnchcs his bnsiness-Copper Tin, Shmeet Iron, at IitRofing B. F. C. Augusta, Gn., Marcb 5 tf5 Look at This! T lE Subscriber oil'ers for sale his Ira of hjlnd, withini two and1, a hatlf mil of Edge.field Village, anud adjoininig hands. - . M ims amid C. J1. Glover. Thme trach cot tains Two Hfund red Acres. If niot dlisplose I oif at prtivate sale previotus to time first Mon ,lday in ~May, it willI on that (lay be sold to ti highest bi'dder. MOSES SWEARINGEN. Febh 5. 1938 ef if I ...fAljyai".' MaE1ie iiu2 State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQTI'TY. Patrick Dancun, vs. Augustine Arnold, Reubin Robertson, Bill to Rachel Bigham, and the heirs foredose and Adamiistrator of Robert Mortgage. P. Delph. Tappearing to my satisfaction that William ' Lyon and Virginia S. his wife, Judge B. - lelish, Win . Deolph, Robert J. Delpb, Mary a F. 3elimh, Murtin (. LDelph, & Lonsia E. Delph, h eirs ol' Robert P. Delph, some of the defien- y dants in this case, reside beyond tie limits of this State: Ordered that they do severally appear and plead, unswer or demurto the Bill aforesaid within three neonths from the date of the publi. cation hereof, or the said hill will, as to them re- - spectivoly, be taken pro rnfesso. WM. C. BLA CK, C. E. A. D. Conm'r's Office, Feb. 26, 1838 ic 5 State of South Carolina. ABBlEVILLIE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Patrick Duncan, Bill toforeclose t s. Joseph 'Travis, Mortgage. T appearimg to nmmv seatijction that Joseph Travis, the deleidant in this case. resides hevond the liimits of this State: Ordered that he - do appear and plenad. answer or demur toi the bill aftires::id, within three months from the date of the piblicahtion hereof, or the said bill will be taken a'ainst hinmiiproronfrsso. %%..C.13LACK, C. E.A. D. Commm'r's Oflice, Feb. 26, 1838 ic 5 State of South Carolina. ABBEVI[LLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Patrick Dimucan, vs. Margraret I lenlersou, John Itichey. B. hill to t the heirs and Admiiiistrators forclose l of' Williamnige., jun. aind Mertgage. ofVilhain lloidges, son. - I "lapearig to any satisfaciton that of the delimaits in this case James L. IHodges Iticharl hltodne.. John or John W. Ilodges, Walter or V'ar. Ilehiis. James Stone und FLhza. both his wil'e, Jesse Williams and Lucy hi.4 wile, i Jamne. Tonison or Janis 'T'ownes adri Folly his c wil-, Wiley Cumimmniis and F'ranmky his witei, and - Sarah I lodges. heirs of Vifmianm Ilodges, jr. and of William I lodges, sen. reside beyoid the limit, o- this State: Ordered that tley do severally ap p "ar aid plead, answer or dennr to the above muentioned bill. within three mnthis froum thie date of'the piblieatim hereol, or the said bill will, as to them respeitively, he taken pro coifesso. WM1. C. BLACK, C. E. A. D. Ctyonia'r's Olice. Feb. 20, Isk3 lie 5 State of South Carolina. AlBEVILI.E )ISTICT. IN EQUIT''Y. Patrick Dunian, vs Richard Bill tofuoreclose ilgodes & \'alen tine Young. ,AlrTIa'rr. e_ IT uppeairingr to nmv satisthetion that Rtichard -Biodges, Clne ol'the det'endants in this case, re-ides hiwyond the lints cf the State: Ordered e that lie do iippear amid plead, answer or demnir to the hi:ll a'bresaid. within three months from to.:. el date of the publication hereof. or the said bill will, as to himu, hee taken pro conf-sso, W3.C. .LACK,C.E.A.D. Coinmir': Olice, Fe6. ti' :3 ne 5 t - - State of South Carolina. ABIREVILL%.E DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. ' Patrick Dnce, vs. Joilm till toforeclose Wilson &. Margaret Wil.on, Afort "age. 'L apiearing to: i'y iatislietionm that 1,1 Wil son, (.sn ot Charles,) one of the defendant, in this case, reoides beyond the limits of this State Ordered that he do apjetar and plead, answer of demr to the above named bill, within thre mmths 'rom the date of the publication hereof' or the said bill will, a to himi, be taken pro con rsso. WM. C. ILA CK, C. E.A. D. Coumm'r's Office, Feb. '26, S1Md c 5 Tax Collector' Notice, T WILL attend the following places to ni .U coulleet Tamx for time year 1837. t, Onm Mony 5th of March at Pine House, IC Tuiesda iy Gth Ridge, ~ Wednesday. 7th "' Norris', Tf'1huarsdaym3 0th " Mi. Wilting FrI~idamy 0)th " oe' 4 'Saturday 10th " Coemanzu's, iii " Alondaiy 12th "' W N Mloore: mmi " T'uesday 13th " Richamrudson't is " WVednesdamt~y 14th " Alen's, r " Thursday 15th " Smnyhey's, F'rida3 , I(;h " Shepp~erdt's, "Stmurdamy 1 7thm Dunmton's, " Monday 19th " ibcrty huih, TJuuesdany 20th " Pamrk's, " Wednetsdy 21st " Middletonis', 4lThumrsdany 22nad " Collier's, " Friday 23rd " Cherokee Ponid: "Staturdhay 24th " Beach Ilirmd, "' Momnday, T'uesdaey andl WVednesda4Jy of the first week of Court t Edgefield C Ii -Stumrdaiy 31st " lIamburg. FebI 19, t83S e .1 NOTICE. P Y ermisionof 0. Tlow es, Esq B Ordiniary for Ed gefieldl istrict, wiill bei simhl on '1Tuesdamy thet 13mh day ofl Mtreli inext, at thme mesidenmce of lDr. .Tames Spnni i.dScse, aull mthe piersomnal estate oh said1 dIiceased, conisistinig of oel Iorse, Cows, Iling., I lousehold anid Kimchen Futrmiitire, M ediines. 5 Sumrge4on's Ilusrtrmumitents. tadt ai nmb mter omf oilier airticles1 (tot mentionmed T ierms maede knmown ont thme da:v (f sale I ELIAlI'F.Til Si'ANN. Admhutratri.r. mm llatmhurg. Febl. 22 Im 4 (I ILook at TIhin: Y mprtd )ac JDBRLIN, five yoar obl.wil stnd t my stable. unly thure< miies andm hamlf wvest oif Ed efickd "Conur louise, the enmsingm Spmring Seatson, and1 hi (Ilet to mamres at time fomllowinig prices iz~.: 8: lie seaisoni and4 M to inmstmme a immre to hti with fomal. In atll caises wvhere a immare i pu by themsuranmce, the muoney ill bt conidreddo whten it is atscertained thal 'she is inm foal or transferred. All p)ossibkm care wilt he takenm tom preventi accidents hmu I will niot be respoinsibmle l'or any. Thmt Sealson to commenc~e rho tooth of Marci and end theo last of June. W. IL. MOSS. Feb. 28, 1838 if 4 SO fU11 CJROLIN.W. 1 EUGEF'iELD D)ISTRICT. s LED before me ont thme tenth inmst. f by Jremiamh Cook livinig on thme Block i- or Roadl, temi miles abomve Edgelil C. II. d two htorse mutles a damrk bay anmd a birown, i- bay, both jnudgeud to ibe three years old necx, '0 spring, andl apphratised to hie worth sevenmty dlolars each, no0 brands perceivable. AARON hILL, J. P. Feb. 13th 189 1 e; TILE THOROUGH BRED HORSE GU RVfPRS WIILL stand the ensuing Spring Season at my stable at the Ridge, ald other places in the District. [For particulars see and BiU.] And will attend at each place every ninth day afterwards during the Sea- son, & will be let to Mares at tlhe following prices ; 88 the single visit, $12 the Season and $15 to insure a mare with foal. Ins every instance the insarance money will become due as soon as the nmare is known to be with foal or exchanged. A company of seven mares shall be entitled to a deduc- tion of $1 on each Ware by one man's be- coming responsible for the whole. All pox- ibie care taken to prevent accidents, but I will not be responsible for any. PEDIGREE. GUY RIVERS was sired by Randolph's Janus, his dam by Carolinian, granol dam by Bedford g. q. dam by Dionede, g. g. damn by Quicksilver, out of a Shark Mare. Randolph's Janus, and Carolinian w ere both sired by Sir Archy, and the g. h, z. dams, ofboth weresired by imported Jan In purity of blood Guy Rivers is unsoar- passed, in beauty of color and synannetry of furn, will compare with the best hores of the dav. ISAAC JON ES. Ridge,'Feb. 27, t14 Cokesbnry Female Academy. RS. WILSON respectfully annosmces to the public that she has resuied the ditties of her School. Thankful for the atronage sie has heretofore received, she pledges herself too devote her unremitted attention to the inmtelo-e tal inprovement of the young ladies connaiiie.d to her care. She has associated with her, its the duties oflher School, a Gentleman. at gradnte of the South Carolina College, Minister of tzw Methodist Episcopal Church. Good boarding can be furnished at $9 to $10 per month. The Scholastic year will be divided into two Sessions, compijrisag live and a hulf Imiontiis wer Terms Per Session. Orthogr piy. reading, writing, g anmr mand arithimie, $10 (1 The above with itrodnctory geography, modern history, derivatives, use of tihe globes, &c. . . . 15 0 The above with geography. ancient and muoodern, history ancient ud iodern, introductory astronomy and botoy :0 ' 0 The samue with natuiral, moral and in- tellectun philoophy, chemistry, logic, composition, botany, algebra, &c. ? I ii Muisic, :111 fill -rench, : :20)0 Lain and Greek, 2 til Drawing anmid I'aiitiing, : 20:: 0 'Irntss P.un is AovAN e.. Cokesbury, Abbeville, Feh 2.1, 1-:'3 d 1 .Rlgelle .lcatlemy. The exercises of this institution will com- mence on Monday the 5th of the present inst. under the direction of Francis Moodv. a native of Virginia, who has had consider- able experience in his professioi. We in- vile the attention of Parents and Guardians to the locality of the Ridgeville Academy, which, in our opinion, is a place not sur- passed for health, by any in the Up-Countrv mid respectfully solicit a share of their pat- tronage. Board can be procured in respee ta- ble fnmilies and convenient to thlAcadctuy at from 7 to $8 per month. RATES OF TUIro Spelling, Reading, and Wronmg . cr Quarter $3 00 The above with Arithmetic and En- glish Grammar, 5 00 The above with Geography, History, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, &c. 7 00 COL. M. WATSON, 1 A . WA TSON, 1 B.FP. BOAI'T[GilT, MArJT. WATSON. ITrsc. E. W. PER RY, rsee L EWIS IIOMES.EsqJ Feb: 6 18i f 1 TO F~ARIER It. lIE Subscriber oil'ers to lease or sell a val- unbmhle Pl.ANTATION, recently parchas. -d trot,, his fiather, situated in Uniioan fbistrict, 8 miles West oh the Ct. House, halfn mile North of the Stage roncl. anmd 2 miles from Mnarphev's Mills. on Tiger Rweor-E~oamrcing a coonfortaistlo two story dwellhng. with two sheds and piinzno oither ont butildmws, and godSpring waiter cona. vemt-%Also a good new Goi nise, first rate running geer, screw anid all comnplete foar ophera-. tioni, atndo two'n pplle orchiards~of chooice frouit. The soi is fine for cottoni, being inhoost 4.12 neres, of which.2004 are uonder a good fenace nimo tine state oft ealtivation~, prrwhuring last season 31 Ilg of (:ottoni naool abhout fit loads oaf cornl. hbe sides sni grain. TJ.ermas will be made to unit the puorchaiser.nndau by timely applienction, Pro. ViSiins, a good stock oftcattle nal hogs toge'thetr with fanniooig tools et'ti he hado on the prmss Jan. 30th 1sa. h 31 NOTICE. he~' pubie are hereby informed thoat Mr. D~ony ~'%nO Z. WVrighot has coniveyed tOonme ni trutst for his wife andi chiild his, plantiationt it Benech Islando on which his famnily now reside with thirty negroes and his oithcr per sonaml estate, a more particular account of wichel may lie seen ini the Clerk's Ohlice of Edlgefiehld Ditrict aind inl the oflico of the Secretary oif State at Columbia wh'lere then dteed of conieyance bins been recoirded.-- Them deed stipulates that the property there. by 'ontveyedl is liable for the debis ofil Mr. Wright existing previous to its executtion. It wvill not lie liable for any debt ap~;iot himt conitracted subsequently. E. J. W ILLIAMlS, TrUsh-'C. Feb. 17 1838. o.:t EUJGEFlILD DlSTPRlICT ACK( LAMAR of said Dlistritr t'ells befolahire tme tite dark cream I horse, with white main and tail with a streek imn hui' face and a wart ontshis left thigh, atnd someio appearance of being hiipt in thto righit hiips five feet five inches high. Suipposedh tat hie 6 tir 7 years old. A ppraised by Tlhom- * Rowvell and Abram S. Lamar at Seve:m.- ty-five dlollars. D. ATKINSON, J. Q. Jan. 31st 1828. c A NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of Ssoe o Caldwell Esq.late ofAbbeville District do c'd. ae requteted to maoke payment immaediately, and thmose htovintg demands to present thema duly at- tested witin the time prescribed by law, to either of the stubacribers. JOhlN COTilRAlN,) J. L.. PEA RISON, Adn 4, A. G. CALOwi-t. .

Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C · nod Wnwcontraryto therulesofgentleman- like duelling

May 07, 2018



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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C · nod Wnwcontraryto therulesofgentleman- like duelling

nod Wnw contrary to the rules ofgentleman-like duelling demands acknowledgenientfret Mr. C. that l'e is a gentleman: .

It is said too that some words passed be.rween Cillcyand Wise in the debate on theCorruption case, and that these have eversinco been tankling in the bosom of thelatter.Upon the Whole, from all we can see, Mr.

Wise has added to his other honors, tthehonor of having without the least excuse,caused the death of a high, minded, honora.ilo and useful citizen. This must be theverdict of the country. This melancholyalTair illustrates most forcibly the folly andunreasonableness of the whole system, andwe trust will go far in establishing a soundand correct public opinion.

"Unique" is received but unavoidablypostponed until our next.


Froi the Chertstton Courier.SUMTEI(VILLE, Feb. 19.

Messrs. Eddiorsi-Yot will confer a fa-vor on the slaveholding States generally,by inserting in your paper the following.advertisement of two felons who have fledfrom this district to escape the penalty ofNegro stealing. There is abundant cvi-

- d{ence positive and undoubted, that MINAund STEPill N McCOY are guilty ofsteaing as many as four Negroes, and it isthought more. Mina McCoy is about 36or 37 years old, about five feet ten incheshigh, spare made, neighing about one hun-dred and forty pounds. his lell eye out, fullwhite teeth in front, and shows thea mtchwiheni laughing or talking-his voice is stri-kingly nasal, hair dark. His brother Sic-phen is a little lower and thicker than Mina,but hears a family resemblance, dark hairand light eyes. It is thought they will sticktogether and endeavor to make their wayto Texas, by taking shipping at George-town, Charleston, or Savannah, or take atfirst a Northern course into North Carolina,and then West through Tennessee acrossthe Mississippi. It would be well to inserta reqest for all the papers in the slave-holding States to copy the above. A re-ward of $1000 is offered for their apyrehen.sion, or for the apprehensionitof Mina Mc-Cog alone, so that he be brought to justicefor negro stealing. The negroes lae allbeen recovered, and belong to lf. SpanR,and the Estate of T. L. Kennedy, of 'letipper part of this District.Your's, JOHN WATSON,


I certify to the above facts in relation tothe stealing of the Negroes.


The new Eclipse Cotton Gin, for SeaIsland Cotton tay he, seen by apphicationto l. Brown, at the Plainter's litel.

h'Ihe advantages of this Git are in the siu-- 1dpe comutunication of the propelling power

the ise oifpernanettt and durable rollers,and the substituttion of iron genring, for ctm-non pullies, and bands for driving the rol-lers, which can lie thrown into or onit ofgear instantly, without interliring with theoperati oh other gins that mnay he attne-hel to the same frame. It is perfeetly simuple and durable in the construtction of all itiparts. I Ientitng of the rollers and the poe-sibility of comtmuniettting fire. is emtirelvoblviate.d by the use of steel sprittgd instenal.oh screws, to heat- upon the journals of thierollers.-Chtarkalon Courier,

That emlinenit mn, Dr. John Eberle,<liedl at I.exington, Ky., oni the 21 uit. icehad been a Professtor, oftdiflierent brainches,ini the JetTerson Medical College ini Phib,-declphtin-- in te Ohio Mediet College-~andtint the Trasnsylvanian University. -l Ic wasthe ntuthior of several valuabhle works, whmehtare used as text biooks~in moedicinte, antdwhich have been iranslated andt cirenl atdm boith in F'rantc andh Germany.,Dr. E~berle wvas horn near Piladel.]phia. ititndigent ciretnimstanices. WVithI the baboier ofhis hatis lie aeginiretd lie tmennis oh his 'dncation, 1ie stoodl amonig the miost scitntiliemna in the world-nnd has bequeathedi, inhis namte itself, a rich legacy to Ithe amniinlefamiily which lie has left behind him,.

Tram, the Memphis Gn:ette IM.( .

T11s .JONES' ARRESTED.The M esers. Jotnes',( houtr in numbher) who,

it wvill be remnembhered by our renders, nretchiargedl with the miurter- of uCol. Ward,were brought to or town as prisoners onFriday eveniing last, attd the next day coom-mnitted tto the jail of this county, th'ere tentwnit their trial beforo otir next CireniC outrt. This it will be seen that whatotild not lie cffected by the vigilance uif the

oflicers of the law, nor by the mtost nutiriine/Jxertionis of tnumrerous pairties, siimutlaitedlby feelinigs of revenige for thet loss of au demtfrienid and relative, hats been at last anecom-plished by thtat tmighitiest anid granides.t ofscorruptors-Mhone.g. T1hie rewvard of FourTh.'ousandlDollars togzethecr with whla t imig.htlhe expected from thlefovernor- of the State,wvas too groat a itemptatin to lie resistet.-A party of taci in Ilemtpsiead Coiunty, Ar.katisas, seeing the ad vetiisemient,antd kntow.itng the Messrs. Jones' were in thai vicinity,armted theinselves and started in pursnit--came ttp withi, antd cnptuiiretd thiem withi,two niles of the~Texas line. The JTones'olhfered n resistancite-their en p)ors ironedandt broughlt tem safely tot this pihice, Outthey are tiow incareerncrted in perhaps thitmusi lont hso'ne duntgeon itat the State oTeiinessee can honset uf. Th'Ie per~sonis wvb.aretedi thtemt, tire biy this timtte, we sitphposewend intiheir way to thiri distant hitmeiswith ther pock'ets well lined with the frti'lf lhirujouney. Whiether le miishirtuneir.unieriniu, tir c'rimeits of ottr fellow cre raire a legritintiue antd prainworthiIy sonrtio owe:,hhi, is it ijiistioni for the eastii.t+-w<.ehewv it.

W~.e. tieraanitit hatt the purisoners will I.lbrought bh.ind:.1atl Ib:arr v, tinder a wr itlla/u as' (''r1p,. n hie will, If they entn shomviianieent eroninIs ..r -t ,thoi. '.. ra.

NEW YORK, Feb. 24, 1 P. M.The Northern mail has just arrived, andbrings us the followiug important intelli-gence. It seems that Mackenzie was notat Waterton- for nothing., How long willthis disturber of the public pence be allow-ed to work his will with impunity?Correspondence of the Albany ArgusFROM TILE FRONTIER.

A outs, JEFFERSON Co. Feb. 19.The State Arsenal at Waterton was bro-ken open last evening, and Rome five hun-dred muskets taken out. Fairbanks, who isthe keeper, has offered a reward of $2500for the recovery of them.There begins to be some excitement here

upon the subject of Canada. Many loadsof men and provisions have been and arenow passing fiere for the -North.Some of them have called at the dilferent

stores for powder, and have bought all thatwas fur sale by the keg. Whether it willamount to any thing or not, we cannot dc-termiu,(The report is, that there is n considera-

ble force on the frontier, in Jeflerson coun-ty, and that a descent upon Canada. atsoe point is cotctmplated. Wo doubt ithowever.A letter from IHamilton, dated 12th Feb.

iu the RochesterDoncrat, states that therewas a riot at Toronto on the ninth, inwhich four were killed and several wounded

The late Fire at West Point.-The burn-ing of the building at the Military AcademyofWest Point, whicha we gave an account ofthe day before yesterday, will prove a seri-ous loss to Government. A friend on thespot writes us that he estimates the danago at $50,000. 'T'hus in a few hours, sayshe "what has been the labor and work-manship of years been destroyed."The fillowing remarks we extract fromthe letter before us. as applicable to the oc-casion :

"Every physical energy was exerted toarrest the progress of the flames. aad ifthere had been at proper engine on the spiot,(which several Boards of Visitors havehitherto recomtmended,) these efforts anihthave been successful and the damage pre-vented"One thing at least iscertain, that the in-

terest exhibited anl the deference paid byevery one to the directions of the worthySuperintendent, who was present duringthe whole tiame of the fire, evinces a duesuordination and reciprocal feeling towardthe Government, whose indulgence theyenjoy."-N. Y. Cour. c EInq.

Defstrurtivc Fire, Imceri/Theatre Burned.-(O)i Sunday morning about 2 o'clock,(aswe learn from a New-York slip of Suniday,)a fire broke out in the Bowery Theatre,which entirely consumed the whole inte-rior building, togrther n% ith the machinery,d.-esses, &c, leaving noihing but part of thewalls standing. The btuilding adjoining,known as the old Bull's Ilead Tavern, wasalso burned. We understand the theatrewas insured for 30,000 dollars. The farebroke out in the paint room over the gallery,in frout. A stable belonging to Air. H'amblin.was burned at the same time, corner ofChristie and-Walker-streets, and a coloredmitan was burned to death.-Clar. Cour.

Nt.w On to:.t x s F eb. 22.'T' Formosa arrived yesterdayevening from Matagordaa, whene- sht Sailed

on the 8th inst. As this was only two daysafter the Mexican fleet left Vera, Cruz, ofcourse nothing had been heured of theutwhen she sailed. Every thing was quietin that part of the country.I'rwiam the Augt,'aa Constitutiosudist, lareh 1.


we. hnave. been without h,ler sad vices fi-um Eu-roape, whlich haas ennisedh aur market to rem'aaainamnuch iaar the samec dull stateo as then noticed.In fact theonaly enqutiry at the present amo-menat is fair strictly fine anda good cotton, anidthis descr'iption beitig searce,hbolders t'ow tnodispoasition to torce itoan the market. andl are'hohllintg on lior bet tea' prices. lIn athe initeriolr and middling there is v'ery lia tie doiiang,.as few~biayers tare antxioaas to operate eveniat preset prIices, All seeaai tohlennitxiotuslywvaniniag lii rher ntavices froma Europe, tanIlattill they are receiveda n e look fior ta dullmarka'et. Thel re'ceipts coattianue light forthea seatsont, noit n ithsawaling our' r'oads a t he.aprsent momenent, are ina good tratvel lintgorder. Th'ie sales froam wnarehoaues htavesaalieena light, amaounttinig in all to nihout1000 bales.G nocs:atms.--Theare is little or no buasinaess

taact~eaing itt onar groce'ry mnarket, iad wehave tno chanage to notice. 'fThe supply ofal ldescripltionas is fully' eqa t thale dlemlata.Th'le onaly whlolesnile tratnsuaetioin that haascome to our knaowlh-dge. wasl the sale ofnalot oh'f(00 hbashiels Tu'arks blaud Salt oan thewharf at GO cents.

Universal Salvation.T IllE R'E will ba, preachaing oni thtis saub-ject neoxt Sahbbatha at Edg~efichil C'outt

Ilionse. Service will commaenee ait twoIa'clock, P'. M.

Thei Spesakeir will have tao objections toa reply hay any persn that inuy w ish todo so.

Excutor*'s Sale.BY Order of thte Ordiaiary, I will ofierNlicar satle ait the Oldh Wesls, on Tuaesdlaylie 10th of A pri.1 anext, al11 thet Estate, lleenlandl Persaonial of Mrs. Saraha Wise', deceasedl,

aon a credlit tantil thec "5th oif IDecembler nxext.Purchasers to give niotes und twot nIapovcdsetura ms.

Erecutor witha the Wk ill,Mareha 7, 183 e

Noti~e.ALI. personts indebahtedh to thet Estate ofA Mlrs. Sarah Wise, adeceatsed, are re-

queste'd to manke inttan(eiate paymaem, anda hose htnviaag demnsands to prtesent thenm pro-perly atttested.

lreceuieor u'ith the II 'll 'inered.

Last 1%otice.t hae Aiken Ronda leadiing f,-oam Edge-.-I i to ( ambridge is not put itt comat-Iplete orera in eight days fromn this I wiill re-

turn Coutaassioaners andl )versee'rs wsitho~tt

The Editor acknowledges pay.mont from the folloving persons,

Por 1838.Zebulon Rudolph, T L Shaw, Ml Black,

E P Ahney, J Gillaw, J W Gould'ng, MIMays, David Gillam,Hill & Oaitz, ReubeeJohnson, James Rainsford, John Rochelle,Thos Bacon, B J Ryan, I C Culbreath,II L Harrington, Nathan Carley, I Waver,J B Hamilton, Roh't McCullough, ThosThorn, N L Griffin, I H Wardlaw, S iButler, C Breithaupt, Vin flutler, GeorgeElam, G W Thomas. John Coleman. ItAay., Juo S Jeter, E B Boleier, Al Mims,W F Wells, Jonathan Tillman,1 E Ilobb5,Abram Jones Jas J Shibley, iTCophilisHill, Wiln Holloway, Wiley Hurrisson, WT Tiannuerman.

Per 1837.Edmund Penn, (J 1 Penn, J McNeal,

Mrs S Bonham, Thos Scurry sen, ledyMtays, David Gillum, 1, Ryan. 11 I, iar-rington. R Ml White, R G'Mays, ''hos IIPope, T Paiker, John Lake, S H Butler,Bailey Corley, John Corley, Juo Coleman.


(Communiratel,]Departed this life. at the residence of her

father in Abbeville District on Sunday 25February 1838, Airs. Sarah S. Lake con-sort of Capt. Tlomas Lake, of Edgefreid.aid daughter of Maj. John Chiles. of Ab-beville District, in the 27th year of her age.iHer amiable disposition, integrity of heart,and prudent deportment endeared her to allwho knew her. For otur years she wasa pious member ofthe Baptist Church; andgave striking evidence of the sincerity ofhier profession, and of the genuineness ofher religion Her last illness was of a shortcontinuance. Only two days did she sulfer.but her sufferings were severe. These shebore with remarkable fortitude and patienceuntil she quietly fell asleep in Jesus. Ofher it may be said she was truly lovelyeven in death

"She died in Jesus, and is bless'dHow kind her slumbers are!From suierings and from sin released,And freed from every snare.Far fron this world of toil and strife,She's ;r;.,jt with the Lord;The iabors of her mortal iifc,End in a large reward. C.

DI:n, on the 24th ilt. of a pulmonarycomplaint, in the 32nd year of her uge,Mrs. Sarah Marltin.She has kit a husband and 6 small chil-

dren to mourn her loss. She was a r em-her of the Baptist Church-retained leiright mind to her last monents. and de-parted in full confidence of a hapy innamor.tality beyond the prave. As a wife, andsnother, she was kind tender and atlection-ate, as a neighbour, sympathetic and 1ier dear contpanion and sweet littlebabes (as she termed then in her last tio.inients) her servants and neighbours whohave received favours from her, can besiappreciate the value of this excellent wo.nian, in whose death t void is left whichtime nor circumstance can ever till.-Comuinen icatedl.

To Cotractorp.T 1I1E Commissioners of Publie Build.

ings for Edgefield District will receivewritten proposals. until the 16th of Aprinext for the erection of a new Biztcx Coua-iIlosr. in said district. The outlines of mtebuilding are as follows : 6t by 48 ti., 28 ftpitch;-u passuge running leta±2thwise throthe lower story with three ollices on eachside, the Court rooms and two jury room:to be in t he~tupper story, anud ailso two ranges oii seats for specta'ars. A two story purien at the end1'urther infornsation, as to the dletails na

be ball,andh a palan of the building see,by apjplying to le tnudersignied.

A. II. ADD)iSON, f'huirnman.Eigeflich C. II. Marcha 1st, l838. 5 ifT1hae Autgtissa C hironiele and Sent inewill give the above six weekly insertions.

A OCARD.IK L. JEFFERS~')L & Co. acknaowv


* ,edes renewe'd obiligatins so iliei6 iends ain enstoiners for the ve'ry l iberapamtroneage hieretofore bestowedllin theiiiatad beg leave to announnce, that they havynlow Ion hand, and will conatintne teo receivea ntell selected assortiuent of GO(ODS)conisistinig ofI

lronandmtLoal Sugar,Gr'een ad Wht ite Clhlee.N.O0. & Suar I on',e Melasses,Wine ad Spirits of the bier 'selection,Canoal Flor-whbole Iad hatlf lBbts.Unle Rlope andit Bagg~ing,Iron ;sad Steel,

Toagethler wyith all other articles in the Grorera, Line :-whieh they will sell, or send tioirder, lI'earrcated Goodt, at thle lowest miarLet Prices

TIhe'y alsoa cont innle to Itasaet C'ommnissjin flusiniesis, inctluding receivinig andil fouw% irdinag of Gnood., anl tender to) thiifiiendls assuranace of their' best attention toirders in thast lie of bustiness.

I ltarg, ilarch 1838- 1if5Thie Pendatletont Mekssenger w,.ill ier: thi

sabolve four timeis adnu send their bill f(

1Brig'ade OrdeIr4,

F~ebunary 2 irh 183$. (XIILLIAaf 1. IIIANNON of Edgefield has been1 duly appotintedll Brigado Paymuasstera of the secotnd lrigade

with the rankL of Captaina. and will be obeved'andil resp~ectedl accoardlinugy.1y ordler of Brig. Ge'n. E. G. 'lT.tSim.:r

Mlareib 8 83 d 5 Ili;g. Major.

3 AM I TF 11' S (Granmsar, Gecographuy ean1J Atlas. onl the Piodntetive Systems. A ISISmaith's~Practical ansd Menatal Arit hameticwvitha a variety of oilier Scuoot. Boorsmayii be founod tat ithe Store of

C. A. DOWD.M~arch 7, 1838 tf5

.Yo If e e.TI1"E Subscribers will give a liberi

price for BE ESWVAX, TA L~LOWIad FElA1IIERIS.l'ITCTIEN & RiOBERT'1SON.llarmurgr, Marcht 3, 181'4 f

Sheriff's Sale.C. M. Furman, vs, H. Shultz, otherplantifil's severally vs. Henry Shiltz.WILL be sold under various Execu

tions against the defendant in thabove stated cases, and by the written consent of all the parties indebted either in theExecutions or in the property, on the second Monday in March next and the daifollowing, in the Town of Ilamburg, various lots inmproved and unimproved in tirisaid town of Ilantburg-nud owned by thiDefendant--Henry Snultz. The Sherilannounces to the public that ie is advise,that the purchasers at this stile will obtailgood quiet and indisputable titles-and the,will get all the legal titles, that 1, asan oflicer of the law, can legally give.Terms of Sale. Cash

W HI. MOSS, s.i:. V.Feb. 12.d 2

Valuable Sale ofREAL ESTATE.

IAVING passed the meridian of huma,life, & heing in n feeble state of healthI am desirous to wind up the various at

temnpts of my successful enterprises, and sette up myself, finally receive andd pay all timjust denands due by me to mankind, ineaof leaving it for others to do for tue afterhave ceased to be-One iundred amid Sixty Valuable Tow:

Lots, improved and uniumproved; also. snmewhole square of Lots, will be sold in thitown of Hamburg, according to the aboveadvertisement, by the Sberiff of EdgefielDistrict, South Carolina. hringing so nseclproperty into market, it is evident that grenbargains will be obtained. That the tourof 11atmburg will become a flourishing cityis now beyond contradiction. Being fnivored with many great natural benefits, nuimerely as a place of comnerce, but also iiheathh, confort and pleasure. First, it hathe imnmediate benefit of the noble streamSavannah. Second, it is one end, and Ihho'mndary of this State. of the great Charleston and Western Rail Rtoad. 'T'hirdly. it halour or five noble springs of pure and wholesomue water, Bome of which can he directeithrongh different parts of' the town, aniraised to the second stories; it will not onlserve as a convenience, but also as a saflguardi against fire.The hill side and woodland part, betweethe town and the towering ehminence, ealle

the Park, is laid out inl walks, and serving aa proienade for the enjoymnent of pleasurewhich daily draws the attention of manvisitors. The etminence called the Citadeis 120 feet above hamburg and Augustaand within one mtile distant of soth towns.-a romantic situation which furihes the eywith a most picturesque view. that an evumay behold ; amd is imniedintely at ilijunction of the great thorongblitre., by tanand by water, between the North, the Soutiland the West.The receipts of Cotton alone, the preset

season, has been, fron 1st Sep'ltember. 1s3,ai to the lath February. 1 3d, 39,lt8 hale:Anid, its respects the titles to the iropertthe purchaser will get all the title that iiState of South Carolina amid her Courts cagive. HIENRY SHiL'L''Z,

Founder anti I'ropritor of the tou ofilumnrHlanburg. F.eb.2(ith, ii83 a 5

-tite of South ('arolilla.EDGEFIELD DISTirC'.Hienry Moore and

Eleanor Mloore, vs.Jno. Itaniskett, Adin'r. Bill for Ac-einnt antof Jno. Mloore. dceced. &/'licamcnt.Wmn. J. Wightnanand wiit, amid mnother.T1I IF. Coinplaii:Ants having fiaed their bill

- U.the Court of Ieptiity fo:r Edgeticlld Distrie- ini thme State aforesamid, claiininig that thev, aml iiDefendtmants Annm WVightmn, aund hmer siste*r-.1 liarkness~., it'niig, tare ettiejd to th,- F-ate

thme inatettta Johula m e,, udecease,, in, conShars, oni totioni of Gridlin, Conmiplainanut's alicitor, it is Ordered, thmat tall paersions interesteini thte settlement of said estate, don iapear uiiiiterpiose tiny objtetionia, which they cein of riglmam~ke to tihe distribumtionm of thme s'aid estate,.prayed ter in tlee hill, betere ht COuis.--miiof thme said Court, alt lidgetiil Court Ilinse,or befo~re the fourth Mlumlavy in Mlav neat.

WILLIlAM1 hl 11 ..Feb. 2:3, 1:ki ne ->rIt is furdier ordered thmat time tiaov he0 pulislhed for three monim in i omne or miore putlGuxzettes itn this jaute. WMl. 11.11tPLig.BLOCK~TIN AND J IA

rW .IRE.I3 IE Sineeriber hams on hand a very kary

.U stupply of ready miade TI'N WVA~i'of till descriptions, which lie oil'ers :it whiob

& sale or retail, at as low prices~as cani he ar forded int this pmart oIf time country'. le ha

also a Iare suplply ofthe newest fasionmi- .J APAN WA RE,together with English nn~

Block Tinm Ware of excellenit <pualitv. AkCopper andu Sheet Irotn Ware-Setin:and lHrazing Copper,-hllock timn, Stmm

-Spelver, amid TPin Plate-all of whieh lie mm-fers for sale low for eash, at No 1(iR-Bron,streer, Augnista. B. IF. ClII W.

- '1The subscribmer beting truly thnmkfuml f<jthe v'ery liberal pntronaige heretoifore h<.stowed uponi lhim by his frienids tand thme pummlie genearailly, respmectifully solicits a cointi:itnnaee of their faivors-andm oilers his searvce-s in either of the folloing~ii bramnchcshis bnsiness-Copper Tin, Shmeet Iron, at

IitRofing B. F. C.Augusta, Gn., Marcb 5 tf5

Look at This!T lE Subscriber oil'ers for sale his Ira

of hjlnd, withini two and1, a hatlf milof Edge.field Village, anud adjoininig hands.- . Mims amid C. J1. Glover. Thme trach cottains Two Hfundred Acres. If niot dlisploseI oif at prtivate sale previotus to time first Mon

,lday in ~May, it willI on that (lay be sold to tihighest bi'dder.

MOSES SWEARINGEN.Febh 5. 1938 ef if I

...fAljyai".' MaE1ie iiu2

State of South Carolina.ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

IN EQTI'TY.Patrick Dancun, vs. AugustineArnold, Reubin Robertson, Bill toRachel Bigham, and the heirs foredoseand Adamiistrator of Robert Mortgage.P. Delph.Tappearing to my satisfaction that William' Lyon and Virginia S. his wife, Judge B.-lelish, Win . Deolph, Robert J. Delpb, Marya F. 3elimh, Murtin (. LDelph,& Lonsia E. Delph,h eirs ol' Robert P. Delph, some of the defien-y dants in this case, reside beyond tie limits of thisState: Ordered that they do severally appearand plead, unswer or demurto the Bill aforesaidwithin three neonths from the date of the publi.cation hereof, or the said hill will, as to them re-

- spectivoly, be taken pro rnfesso.WM. C. BLACK, C. E. A. D.Conm'r's Office, Feb. 26, 1838 ic 5

State of South Carolina.ABBlEVILLIE DISTRICT.

IN EQUITY.Patrick Duncan, Bill toforecloset s. Joseph 'Travis, Mortgage.T appearimg to nmmv seatijction that JosephTravis, the deleidant in this case. resides

hevond the liimits of this State: Ordered that he-do appear and plenad. answer or demur toi thebill aftires::id, within three months from the dateof the piblicahtion hereof, or the said bill will betaken a'ainst hinmiiproronfrsso.%%..C.13LACK, C. E.A. D.Commm'r's Oflice, Feb. 26, 1838 ic 5

State of South Carolina.ABBEVI[LLE DISTRICT.

IN EQUITY.Patrick Dimucan, vs. MargraretI lenlersou, John Itichey. B.hill tot the heirs and Admiiiistrators forclosel of' Williamnige., jun. aind Mertgage.ofVilhain lloidges, son.- I "lapearig to any satisfaciton that of the

delimaits in this case James L. IHodgesIticharl hltodne.. John or John W. Ilodges,Walter or V'ar. Ilehiis. James Stone und FLhza.both his wil'e, Jesse Williams and Lucy hi.4 wile,i Jamne. Tonison or Janis 'T'ownes adri Folly his

c wil-, Wiley Cumimmniis and F'ranmky his witei, and- Sarah I lodges. heirs of Vifmianm Ilodges, jr. andof William I lodges, sen. reside beyoid the limit,

o- this State: Ordered that tley do severally app"ar aid plead, answer or dennr to the abovemuentioned bill. within three mnthis froum thiedate of'the piblieatim hereol, or the said bill will,as to them respeitively, he taken pro coifesso.WM1. C. BLACK, C. E. A. D.Ctyonia'r's Olice. Feb. 20, Isk3 lie 5

State of South Carolina.AlBEVILI.E )ISTICT.

INEQUIT''Y.Patrick Dunian, vs Richard Bill tofuorecloseilgodes & \'alen tine Young. ,AlrTIa'rr.e_IT uppeairingr to nmv satisthetion that Rtichard-Biodges, Clne ol'the det'endants in this case,re-ides hiwyond the lints cf the State: Orderede that lie do iippear amid plead, answer or demnirto the hi:ll a'bresaid. within three months from to.:.eldate of the publication hereof. or the said billwill, as to himu, hee taken pro conf-sso,

W3.C. .LACK,C.E.A.D.Coinmir': Olice, Fe6.ti' :3 ne 5t -

- State of South Carolina.ABIREVILL%.E DISTRICT.

IN EQUITY.' Patrick Dnce, vs. Joilm till toforecloseWilson &.Margaret Wil.on, Afort"age.

'L apiearing to:i'y iatislietionm that 1,1 Wilson, (.sn ot Charles,) one of the defendant,

in this case, reoides beyond the limits ofthis StateOrdered that he do apjetar and plead, answer ofdemr to the above named bill, within thremmths 'rom the date of the publication hereof'or the said bill will, a to himi, be taken pro conrsso. WM. C. ILACK, C. E.A. D.Coumm'r's Office, Feb. '26, S1Md c 5

Tax Collector' Notice,T WILL attend the following places toni .U coulleet Tamx for time year 1837.t, Onm Mony 5th of March at Pine House,IC Tuiesdaiy Gth Ridge,~ Wednesday. 7th "' Norris',Tf'1huarsdaym3 0th " Mi. WiltingFrI~idamy 0)th "

oe'4'Saturday 10th " Coemanzu's,iii " Alondaiy 12th "' W N Mloore:mmi " T'uesday 13th " Richamrudson'tis " WVednesdamt~y 14th " Alen's,

r" Thursday 15th " Smnyhey's,F'rida3 , I(;h " Shepp~erdt's,"Stmurdamy 1 7thm Dunmton's," Monday 19th " ibcrty huih,TJuuesdany 20th " Pamrk's,

" Wednetsdy 21st " Middletonis',4lThumrsdany 22nad " Collier's," Friday 23rd " Cherokee Ponid:"Staturdhay 24th " Beach Ilirmd,

"' Momnday, T'uesdaey andlWVednesda4Jy of the firstweek of Court t Edgefield C Ii

-Stumrdaiy 31st " lIamburg.FebI 19, t83S e .1

NOTICE.P Yermisionof 0. Tlow es, EsqB Ordiniary for Ed gefieldl istrict, wiill

bei simhl on '1Tuesdamy thet 13mh day ofl Mtreliinext, at thme mesidenmce of lDr. .Tames Spnnii.dScse, aull mthe piersomnal estate oh said1dIiceased, conisistinig of oel Iorse, Cows,Iling., I lousehold anid Kimchen Futrmiitire,M ediines.5 Sumrge4on's Ilusrtrmumitents. tadtai nmbmter omf oilier airticles1 (tot mentionmedTierms maede knmown ont thme da:v (f saleI ELIAlI'F.Til Si'ANN. llatmhurg. Febl. 22 Im 4

(I ILook at TIhin:Y mprtd )acJDBRLIN, five yoarobl.wil stnd t my stable. unly thure<miies andm hamlf wvest oif Ed efickd "Conurlouise, the enmsingm Spmring Seatson, and1 hi(Ilet to mamres at time fomllowinig prices iz~.: 8:lie seaisoni and4 M to inmstmme a immre to htiwith fomal. In atll caises wvhere a immare ipu by themsuranmce, the muoney ill btconidreddo whten it is atscertained thal'she is inm foal or transferred. All p)ossibkmcare wilt he takenm tom preventi accidents hmuI will niot be respoinsibmle l'or any. ThmtSealson to commenc~e rho tooth of Marciand end theo last of June.

W. IL. MOSS.Feb. 28, 1838 if 4


s LED before me ont thme tenth inmst.f by Jremiamh Cook livinig on thme Blocki- or Roadl, temi miles abomve Edgelil C. II.

d two htorse mutles a damrk bay anmd a birown,i- bay, both jnudgeud to ibe three years old necx,'0 spring, andl apphratised to hie worth sevenmtydlolars each, no0 brands perceivable.

AARON hILL, J. P.Feb. 13th 189 1 e;


WIILL stand the ensuing Spring Seasonat my stable at the Ridge, ald other

places in the District. [For particulars seeand BiU.] And will attend at each placeevery ninth day afterwards during the Sea-

son, & will be let to Mares at tlhe followingprices ; 88 the single visit, $12 the Seasonand $15 to insure a mare with foal. Insevery instance the insarance money willbecome due as soon as the nmare is knownto be with foal or exchanged. A companyof seven mares shall be entitled to a deduc-tion of $1 on each Ware by one man's be-coming responsible for the whole. All pox-ibie care taken to prevent accidents, but Iwill not be responsible for any.

PEDIGREE.GUY RIVERS was sired by Randolph'sJanus, his dam by Carolinian, granol damby Bedford g. q. dam by Dionede, g. g.damn by Quicksilver, out of a Shark Mare.Randolph's Janus, and Carolinian w ereboth sired by Sir Archy, and the g. h, z.dams, ofboth weresired by imported JanIn purity of blood Guy Rivers is unsoar-passed, in beauty of color and synannetryof furn, will compare with the best horesof the dav. ISAAC JON ES.Ridge,'Feb. 27, t14

Cokesbnry Female Academy.RS. WILSON respectfully annosmces tothe public that she has resuied the dittiesof her School. Thankful for the atronage siehas heretofore received, she pledges herself toodevote her unremitted attention to the inmtelo-etal inprovement of the young ladies connaiiie.dto her care. She has associated with her, its theduties oflher School, a Gentleman. at gradnte ofthe South Carolina College, Minister of tzwMethodist Episcopal Church.Good boarding can be furnished at $9 to $10per month.The Scholastic year will be divided into twoSessions, compijrisag live and a hulf Imiontiis wer

Terms Per Session.Orthogr piy. reading, writing, g anmrmand arithimie, $10 (1The above with itrodnctory geography,modern history, derivatives, use of tiheglobes, &c. . . . 15 0The above with geography. ancient andmuoodern, history ancient ud iodern,introductory astronomy and botoy :0 ' 0The samue with natuiral, moral and in-tellectun philoophy, chemistry, logic,composition, botany, algebra, &c. ? I iiMuisic, :111 fill-rench, : :20)0Lain and Greek, 2 tilDrawing anmid I'aiitiing, : 20:: 0'Irntss P.un is AovAN e..Cokesbury, Abbeville, Feh 2.1, 1-:'3 d 1

.Rlgelle .lcatlemy.The exercises of this institution will com-mence on Monday the 5th of the presentinst. under the direction of Francis Moodv.a native of Virginia, who has had consider-able experience in his professioi. We in-vile the attention of Parents and Guardiansto the locality of the Ridgeville Academy,which, in our opinion, is a place not sur-passed for health, by any in the Up-Countrvmid respectfully solicit a share of their pat-tronage. Board can be procured in respee ta-ble fnmilies and convenient to thlAcadctuyat from 7 to $8 per month.

RATES OF TUIroSpelling, Reading, and Wronmg

.cr Quarter $3 00The above with Arithmetic and En-glish Grammar, 5 00The above with Geography, History,Natural and Moral Philosophy,Chemistry, Rhetoric, &c. 7 00COL. M. WATSON, 1A . WATSON, 1

B.FP. BOAI'T[GilT,MArJT. WATSON. ITrsc.E. W. PERRY, rseeLEWIS IIOMES.EsqJFeb: 6 18i f 1

TO F~ARIERIt.lIE Subscriber oil'ers to lease or sell a val-unbmhle Pl.ANTATION, recently parchas.-d trot,, his fiather, situated in Uniioan fbistrict, 8miles West oh the Ct. House, halfn mile Northof the Stage roncl. anmd 2 miles from Mnarphev'sMills. on Tiger Rweor-E~oamrcing a coonfortaistlotwo story dwellhng. with two sheds and piinznooither ont butildmws, and godSpring waiter cona.vemt-%Also a good new Goi nise, first raterunning geer, screw anid all comnplete foar ophera-.tioni, atndo two'n pplle orchiards~of chooice frouit.The soi is fine for cottoni, being inhoost 4.12neres, of which.2004 are uonder a good fenace nimotine state oft ealtivation~, prrwhuring last season 31Ilg of (:ottoni naool abhout fit loads oaf cornl. hbesides sni grain. TJ.ermas will be made to unitthe puorchaiser.nndau by timely applienction, Pro.ViSiins, a good stock oftcattle nal hogs toge'thetrwith fanniooig tools et'ti he hado on the prmss

Jan. 30th 1sa. h 31

NOTICE.he~' pubie are hereby informed thoat Mr.D~ony~'%nO Z. WVrighot has coniveyed tOonmeni trutst for his wife andi chiild his, plantiationtit Benech Islando on which his famnily now

reside with thirty negroes and his oithcr personaml estate, a more particular account ofwichel may lie seen ini the Clerk's Ohlice ofEdlgefiehld Ditrict aind inl the oflico of theSecretary oif State at Columbia wh'lere thendteed of conieyance bins been recoirded.--Them deed stipulates that the property 'ontveyedl is liable for the debis ofilMr.Wright existing previous to its executtion.It wvill not lie liable for any debt ap~;iothimt conitracted subsequently.

E. J. WILLIAMlS, TrUsh-'C.Feb. 17 1838. o.:t

EUJGEFlILD DlSTPRlICTACK( LAMAR of said Dlistritr t'ellsbefolahire tme tite dark cream I horse,with white main and tail with a streek imn hui'face and a wart ontshis left thigh, atnd someio

appearance of being hiipt in thto righit hiipsfive feet five inches high. Suipposedh tat hie6 tir 7 years old. Appraised by Tlhom-*Rowvell and Abram S. Lamar at Seve:m.-ty-five dlollars.D. ATKINSON, J. Q.Jan. 31st 1828. c

A NOTICE.LL persons indebted to the estate of Ssoe oCaldwell Esq.lateofAbbeville District do c' requteted to maoke payment immaediately, andthmose htovintg demands to present thema duly at-tested witin the time prescribed by law, to eitherof the stubacribers.JOhlN COTilRAlN,)J. L.. PEA RISON, Adn 4,A. G. CALOwi-t. .