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CSI Quiz Finals

Csi quiz-withanswers

Dec 05, 2014




Small IT quiz @ NMAMIT,Nitte held on March 07,2012

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CSI Quiz Finals

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● 12 Direct Questions.● +10 for correct answer. +5 if its answered when

the question is passed.● No negative marks.

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Question 1

● ”Me at Zoo” was a title of video related to something which went to become a big hit and is wildly popular now-a-days. What organization are we talking about here?

● Answer : YouTube

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Question 2

● If its PageRank for Google, what is called when it comes to that of Facebook?

● Answer: EdgeRank

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Question 3

● Guy Fawkes, a rebel who tried to blow up Palace of Westminster a few centuries earlier, has suddenly become a cult hero for a particular reason among an internet group. He was depicted in Alan Moore's famous comic series, which started in 1982, and in the subsequent movie adaptation. Significant People of which internet group associate with him symbolically?

● Eg: Anonymous

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Question 4

● Analytical Engine and Differential Engine were a contribution to the advancement of Computing in the early 18th century. Which famous person is associated with the above mentioned machines development?

● Answer: Charles Babbage

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Question 5

● Doom series, Wolfenstein 3D, Rage, Quake and a number of other games which were instrumental in the development of gaming,are the games developed by which video development company?

● Id Software

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Question 6

● Connect

Kodiak, Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion

● Answer: Mac OS X versions

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Question 7

● BitTorrent Inc., made an demo about a new concept- which was initially revealed at CES 2011- in Consumer Electronics Show 2012, on which the pundits are betting huge as the next revolutionary idea which will take the world by storm in the next few years. What was the demo about?

● Answer: Bit Torrent TV - TV's with Bit Torrent Protocol Supports

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Question 8

● Tuvalu is a small Pacific country which earns more than 20% of its national income through Internet by selling their Country Level Domain? What is their CLD?

● Answer: .tv

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Question 9

● The invention of Ethernet, the idea of GUI , Laser Printers, WYSIWYG editor, OOP paradigm and a lot others have come out of this institution located in California and was initially a part of Xerox. By what name do we know this place once headed by legends like Alan Kay?

● Answer: Palo Alto Research Centre

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Question 10

● What are the books whose content is originated and developed from web blogs are called?

● Answer : Blook

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Question 11

● C-DAC, one of the very few Govt. Organization involved in IT field, has the release of an Operating System to its credit, which is available in all the official languages if India? What is its name?

● Answer: BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions )

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Question 12

● Which award is referred as the ”Nobel Prize of Computing” and awarded by ACM?

● Answer: Turing Award

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● Identification of Image● No Passing.● +10 for correct answer.● No negative.●

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Question 2.1

● What is the thing the iconic man holding on his lap taken in this classic photograph by Norman Seeff?

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● Answer: original Apple Macintosh

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Question 2.2

● This is a screenshot of taken on January 17,2012 – the day on which something significant happened. What was it?

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● Answer: along with several other websites such as Wikipedia,4chan,Mozilla blacked out the websites as a mark of protest against SOPA/PIPA.

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Question 2.3

● Where would you see this ?

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● Answer: Virwox – the world’s largest virtual currency trading center.

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Question 2.4

● 1 discovered this algorithm first. 2 independently discovered it again 27 years later. 3 discovered it again 2 years later. Which?

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● Answer: 1. Vojtěch Jarník● 2. Robert Prim● 3.Edsger Dijkstra● The DJP algorithm – more famously known

as the Prim’s Algorithm.

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Question 2.5

● What is going on here?

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● Answer: Angry Birds Theme Park in China

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Question 2.6

● Identify the popular comic artist whose work has a wide following.

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● Answer: Randall Munroe of xkcd

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● If all the three variables(X,Y,Z) are identified, then the team gets 20 points.

● If only one of them is answered, the team which gets it right first get 5 points for each of the answered variables.

● Negative Marking of -2.5 points for each wrongly answered variable(X,Y,Z)

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Question 3.1

● X, till a month ago was a tenured professor at Stanford University, resigned to start Z, an online learning university with a mission of teaching hundreds of people online. X is also famous for Y, which he did as a Google Project.

Id X,Y,Z

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● X - Sebastian Thrun Y- Google self driving Car Z - Udacity

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Question 3.2

● X is a partner at Y, a famous VC fund along with Z. X during his college days become notoriously known for releasing the first worm which infected around 1/10th of the systems connected to Internet at that time. Y's name is taken from a popular term in Lambda Calculus, a concept with minor following whereas Z has studied Philosophy and Painting before embarking on a project called Viaweb which was sold to Yahoo in 1998.

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● X- Robert Tappan Morris Y- Y Combinator Z - Paul Graham

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Question 3.3

● X was one of the people who founded a blogging service which was bought by Y way back in 2003. After this, X went on to develop Z, now one among the most widely used service in the Internet.


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● X- Evan Williams● Y – Google● Z – Twitter

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Question 3.4

● A was invented by B at MIT in 1958. One interesting, almost core, feature of A, is its intensely recursive nature. This recursion was to such an extreme that a complete interpreter for A was written in A in “about a page” of code!

● Fast forward to 1972. The setting is, of course, Xerox PARC. C and ‘Dan’ were in discussion about powerful programming languages. C, inspired by the one-page nature of A, claimed that he could define the “most powerful language in the world” in a page of code. ‘Dan’ bet him on it, and C eventually did come up with the language Small Talk.

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● X- Lisp● Y - John McCarthy● Z - Alan Kay and Dan Ingalls (any one)