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With the Support of: @depeteam Antofagasta, Chile, Julio 2011 1 Networking and the pitch deck Class 11
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With  the  Support  of:­‐    @depeteam  

Antofagasta,  Chile,  Julio  2011  


Networking and the pitch deck

Class  11  

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INDEX •  La  gente  nueva  •  Networking  •  The  pitch  deck  •  Consejos  •  Ejemplos      

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28.07.2011 4 Entrepreneurship course De-Pe in Antofagasta

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•  product development •  server software development


•  web technologies •  internet payment solutions

•  business strategy •  raising capital •  networking

We can assist you with following topics:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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•  e-voting •  m-voting •  e-government

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mobile parking

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We bring To the webpages •  Point out important information on long web pages •  Share or Bookmark highlighted version of page

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7/29/11 Footer Text 8

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Business  model

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After 1000000… of highlighted pages: We know what information is relevant on these pages Data is handpicked by users So we know which pages are important and which sections are most important in the web Also in real-time

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Business  model

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After data-mining we can:

o  Help to make search engines better o  Help to make keyword advertising better o  Create some real-time data services o  Provide statistics to website owners

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Cost  structure Revenue  streams

Key  resources

Key  activities

Key  partners

Value  proposition

Costumer  relationships

Costumer  segments


Sharing  in  social  media


Online  newspapers

CMS  providers

Highlighting  for  web

URL  shortener

Domain  name


Efficient  information  sharing

Content  bookmarking

Social  Media


Self  advertising  via  Social  sharing

Partnership  with  website  owners

Web  users

Website  owners


Hosting Data  storage

Premium  Stats  subcription

Real-­‐‑time  API

Advertising  API

Stats  for  website  owners

Other  web  tools



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What  we’ve  learned

•  Dare to share your ideas

•  Dare to start

•  Dare to ask feedback early

•  Dare to try again

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We  believe  in  ...


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Networking Conocer  a  la  gente  indicada  

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Pq es importante?

•  Conocer  gente  genial  •  Contactos  •  Trabajo  •  Aprender  de  otros  •  Venderse  uno  mismo  •  Nuevos  clientes  •  Referidos    •  Mejorar  cualidades  comunicaLvas  

•  Tips  –  Tarjetas  de  presentación  – Mantenerse  en  contacto  –  Agradecer  a  la  gente  –  Ayuden  –  Tomen  la  iniciaLva,  no  se  sientan  inferiores  

–  No  hagan  networking  solo  por  hacer  networking.  

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Pitch Deck Los  slides  que  hay  que  tener  

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Para qué es el Pitch?

¿Porqué  los  emprendedores  lo  hacen  mal?  

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Para qué es el Pitch?

•  El  propósito  del  pitch  es  VENDER  no  ENSEÑAR!  

•  Pitching  es  acerca  de  entender  en  lo  que  nuestro  cliente(el  inversionista)  está  interesado  y  

•  Y  desarrollar  un  diálogo  que  facilite  la  conección  de  la  mente,  el  corazón  y  el  gut  del  inversionista.    

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El Corazón del Pitch

•  Amor en el ascensor(pitch rápido de 30 segundos)

•  Lo que trae la plata (demo del producto, screen shots, video)

•  El tamaño importa(tamaño del mercado) •  El paquete extra (cliente$, métrica$) •  Superhéroes & Rock Stars (El equipo)

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Guy Kawasaki

•  Regla:  10/20/30  •  10  slides  •  20  minutos  •  Letra  tamaño  30  (los  viejos  Lenen  más  plata!)  

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Los 10 slides Que  hay  que  tener  

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El Deck

1. Elevator Pitch 2. El Problema 3. La Solución 4. Tamaño del Mercado 5. Modelo de Negocio 6. Tecnología 7. Competencia 8. Plan de Marketing 9. Equipo/ Contrataciones 10. Dinero / Hitos

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Ejemplos Algunos  buenos  slides  

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Startup Pitch

Example Company:

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“Closing the gap between your mouse

and your tummy ”

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10 points 1.  Mission 2.  Problem 3.  Solution 4.  Market Size 5.  Business Model

6.  Proprietary Tech 7.  Competitors 8.  Marketing Plan 9.  Team 10. Financing

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Company & Mission •  ZapMeals is an online meal order & delivery service

matching hungry consumers with great local food preparers. We’re “eBay for takeout orders”.

•  Our mission: –  help people make, deliver, & eat great fast food.

•  Our promise: –  we don’t make “fast food” great; we make great food


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Problem: Fast Food… Isn’t Either.

Preparers •  Is there a market for my

cooking? •  Restaurants have high

startup costs •  Delivery is tough to do

fast, warm, & well

Consumers •  Tough to find good fast

food •  What’s the best /

cheapest / fastest place to order from?

•  It’s been 30 minutes – where’s my order?

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The ZapMeals Solution •  Help part-time / small-time cooks get started

in the food business; quickly & inexpensively.

•  Help consumers find great fast food; search by cuisine, price, rating, & delivery time.

•  Orders are picked up and delivered by network of independent agents; tracked online real-time via Google or Yahoo Maps.

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Screenshots / Demo

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Size of Market Top Down •  $511 Billion spent dining out annually

–  Restaurant Association of America.

Bottom up: •  100M people eat out every day •  Today ~4% of meals ordered online (=4M orders/day) •  In 5 years 25% of all meals ordered online (=25M orders/day) •  Average takeout order cost is $14 •  Available Total Market Size:

–  $350M daily –  >$125B annually

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Business Model •  Transactional:

–  charge a 15% food prep fee (min $1) –  charge a 15% food delivery fee (min $1)

•  Advertising: –  charge small preparers by click-thru (SEM for food) –  charge larger preparers for premium / sponsored listings

•  Supplies, Equipment, Insurance: –  provide supplies, education for ZapMeals preparers –  free licensing to ZapMeals preparers who buy $250 eqpmt –  insure against food inspection issues via large group

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Technology •  ZapMeals has developed a proprietary least-cost

routing & matching algorithm for ordering & delivery

•  Our Secret Sauce:”Search by Takeout Time” –  estimated food preparation time (historical) –  delivery distance (how far away –  delivery provider (on-time record) –  show delivery stats real-time via Y! or G Maps (+ GPS)

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Competitors •  Online

– – – – .. .. –  all of above source from

restaurants *only*

•  Offline –  McDonald’s –  KFC / TacoBell –  Subway .. .. –  Your Mom J

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Marketing Plan •  Partner with notable foodie bloggers •  Adwords Campaigns to regional metros •  Generate SEO traffic via food listing pages •  Distribution Partnership with

–  700 food preparers in SF –  Q3 Rollout to 3-4 West Coast urban areas

•  Order Discounts for Reviews & Referrals: –  “Get $3 off your order if you write a review” –  “Delivery is free if you refer 3 friends!”

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Team •  Wayne Lambright, CEO & Cofounder

–  10 years community site development / online sales –  5 yrs SW dev Macromedia Dreamweaver / UltraDev

•  Ivan Krasnov, CTO & Cofounder –  BSEE, Taganrog State Univ. of Radio engineering (TSURE) –  7 yrs SW dev in SEI Level 5 organization –  5 yrs exp managing overseas development teams

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Financing •  Raised $250K Seed round in Jan 07

–  Gil Penchina, CEO Wikia (ex-eBay) –  Jeff Clavier, SoftTech VC (Userplane, Truveo, MyBlogLog) –  Dave McClure (ex-PayPal, SimplyHired)

•  Seeking $1.5M Series A round –  $4.5M pre-money valuation –  targeted closing Sept 15

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•  Just Kidding •  SuperNova 2007 J

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Consejos para un buen pitch

•  NO  SEAN  FOMES  –  Las  presentaciones  deben  ser  entretenidas  e  informaLvas  (No  payasos!).  La  gente  espera  que  les  lleguen  emocionalmente  durante  la  presentación.    

•  VAYAN  CON  CALMA  –  Presentadores  nerviosos  y  sin  experiencia  Lenden  a  hablar  rápido  .  Disminuyan  el  ritmo  y  agreguen  pausas.  

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Consejos para un buen pitch

•  CONTACTO  VISUAL  –  Hagan  contacto  visual  con  todos  en  la  sala  (no  sólo  con  el  jefe)  

•  RESUMEN  DE  15  PALABRAS  –   ¿Pueden  resumir  su  idea  en  15  palabras?  Sino,  reescribanla.  

•  NO  LEAN  –  sin  comentarios.  Si  no  pueden  hacer  su  presentación  sin  leer  el  powerpoint,  saca  al  inversionista  del  foco  de  la  presentación.  

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Consejos para un buen pitch

•  DAR  PRESENTACIONES  SON  CONTAR  HISTORIAS  –  expliquen  claramente,  cuenten  una  historia  que  mueva  emocionalmente  al  que  escucha.  

•  PROYECTA  TU  VOZ    –  nada  es  peor  que  un  presentador  al  que  no  se  le  puede  escuchar.  Esto  no  signnifica  GRITAR,  sino  tener  buena  postura  y  hablar  fuerte  y  claro.  

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Consejos para un buen pitch

•  “ESA  ES  UNA  BUENA  PREGUNTA”  –  Pueden  ocupar  frases  cómo:  “¡Qué  buena  

pregunta!”  o  “ese  es  un  comentario  interesante”  para  ganar  un  poco  de  Lempo  y  arLcular  la  respuesta.    

•  INHALA  NO  EXHALES  –  reemplaza  los  opicos  ‘um,’  ‘ah,’  o  

‘eeeehhhhh’  con  una  pausa  y  una  inhalación.    

•  LLEGA  MUY  TEMPRANO  –  llega  temprano  para  preparar  todo.  El  el  

momento  menos  pensado  algo  puede  fallar.  

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Consejos para un buen pitch

•  PRACTICA  –  pracLca,  pracLca,  pracLca  =  Confianza  

•  NO  SE  DISCULPEN  –  No  se  discupen  porque  están  nerviosos  o  no  

han  tenido  mucho  Lempo  para  preparar  la  presentación.  NO  se  disculpen  si  no  se  han  equivocado.  

•  DISCULPENSE  SI  ESTAN  EQUIVOCADOS    –  darse  cuenta  cuando  estan  realmente  

equivocados,  no  sean  tercos.  

•  DIVIERTANSE  –  Imposible?  Con  prácLca  se  puede  inyectar  pasión  

en  las  presentaciones,  el  entusiasmo  es  contagioso.  

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Un buen pitch

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GROUP WORK A  ensuciarse  las  manos  

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•  HOY  –  Comenzar  a  detallar  el  deck  de  su  empresa/idea.  

–  Preparen  cada  uno  de  los  10  slides  (en  palabras,  dibujos,  etc)  

•  PARA  LA  PROX  SEMANA  –  Traer  la  presentación  preparada.  

– Max.  20  minutos  –  10  slides  –  No  mirar  los  slides  –  Inversionistas  locales  estarán  presente.