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NagaRaj Sri Sai Ram .Net -->C# C# Class Note Book (Bangar Raju ) Dt:04-02-2010 COBOL - Business Application Pascal - Scientific Application Fort on - Mathematic Application C Language is a generic language. Drawback:-Reusability (Size of programming will be to be increase), Security(C Not Secured). In Object oriented programming languages will available – Reusability, Security. Ex: - C++ In 90’s New Problem will be acquired, that is flat-form dependency (Developed On one Language), Internet cable Exiting. Windows will not be secured, because it’s a flat-form dependency. Yahoo Messenger is working LINUX Windows. Google also working LINUX Windows. Java is a flat-form independency. Visual Basic Microsoft it’s going to be a user friendly language. There is a use in UPPER Case Key board letters, LOWER Case Key board letters restrictions. Repaid application will be fast. VB - Worked in only windows. SMC – Simple Manage C (Same as JAVA) Introduction:- .NET is a collection of languages Ex: - 20 languages minimum. COBOL is dependent on .Net. COBOL & Java is Complete different. COBOL & .NET Machining too, Style is same. SMC nothing but C#. C# is Case Sensitive. C, C++, Java object oriented programs, Reusability. C, C++, Java Reusable only with in Language. .Net Reusability all 20 Languages. Ex:-C# used In VB, COBOL, and J #. Language intractability. Do you learning .Net your are good application developer. Naresh Tech. Class Notes Hari Page1

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NagaRaj Sri Sai Ram .Net -->C#

NagaRaj Sri Sai Ram .Net -->C#

C# Class Note Book (Bangar Raju)Dt:04-02-2010COBOL-Business ApplicationPascal-Scientific ApplicationFort on-Mathematic Application C Language is a generic language.Drawback:-Reusability (Size of programming will be to be increase), Security(C Not Secured). In Object oriented programming languages will available Reusability, Security.Ex: - C++ In 90s New Problem will be acquired, that is flat-form dependency (Developed On one Language), Internet cable Exiting. Windows will not be secured, because its a flat-form dependency. Yahoo Messenger is working LINUX Windows. Google also working LINUX Windows. Java is a flat-form independency. Visual Basic Microsoft its going to be a user friendly language. There is a use in UPPER Case Key board letters, LOWER Case Key board letters restrictions. Repaid application will be fast. VB - Worked in only windows. SMC Simple Manage C (Same as JAVA) Introduction:- .NET is a collection of languages Ex: - 20 languages minimum. COBOL is dependent on .Net. COBOL & Java is Complete different. COBOL & .NET Machining too, Style is same. SMC nothing but C#. C# is Case Sensitive. C, C++, Java object oriented programs, Reusability. C, C++, Java Reusable only with in Language. .Net Reusability all 20 Languages.Ex:-C# used In VB, COBOL, and J #. Language intractability. Do you learning .Net your are good application developer. But not good programmer. Do you learning Java your are good Programmer. But not good Application developer.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 05-02-2010Flat-form Dependency:- Machine code is prepared to Operating System. Source code Compiled Machine code (or) Native code (exe) Machine code Pro: - compile windows machine code prepaid OS. Windows Machine: - What is meant by flat-form dependency? In this approach the source code when complied generates machine code (or) native code (or) executive code. The problem with machine code is if was generated an Operating System. It can be executed only within the Operating System. Because its get proposed according to the Operating System.

In the above case as the machine code (exe) is generated to execute on windows the other operating system will not be capable to run the code. So it is run on windows but not on UNIX.Flat-form Independency:-Java:- Source CodeCompiled Byte code JVM Machine Code. Byte code: - This cant understand any Operating System. JVM run the code. The JVM is a byte code, its a Target code, JVM is not a Independent, its depended. Window will be use window JVM;UNIX will be use Unix JVM. What is the mean by flat-form independent? In the approach the source code when compiled gets converted into intermediate code (seemly finished). This intermediate code can be carried and executed on. Provided software which is required to convert the intermediate code into machine code was installed. In turns of java byte code was the intermediate code which can be executed on any machine provided JVM was install on it. This will be taken the responsibility of convinced byte code according to the Operating System. In this case JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is converting the byte code in to Machine code specific the Operation System. JVM on dependent on the Operating System.Java:-Source Compiled Byte code Byte code JVM (Win) Windows Machine Code Byte code JVM (UNIX) Unix Machine Code Byte code JVM (MAC) Windows Machine Code.NET Languages:- CIL -- Common Intermediate Language Code. CLR -- Common Language Runtime. VES -- Vertical Execution System. Theflat-form independency provided under .Net language is similar to that of java. Where the byte code knows called as CIL Code. CIL is production name is MSIL Code (Micro Soft Intermediate Language Code). This IL Code can be carry is executed provided the CLR (Same as JVM).

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 06-02-2010

All Compilers will be generating in same CIL code. Compilation and execution process in case of .Net languages take place as follows:

All the .Net languages required a specific languages compiler for complication of the program. But every language after compilation ha to generate the same type of code that is CIL. It is taken by the CIR to convert into machine code. As all language over generating the same IL code. Code generated by one language can be consumed from the other languages providing our intractability language. It is called as language independency..NET:-- It was a system which can be used in the development of various kind of application like,1).Desktop (CUI, GUI)2).Web.3).Mobile CUICharacter user interface. GUIGraphical user interface. LanguagesC#, VB.Net.. TechnologiesASP.Net, ADO.Net.... ServersWeb Server, Data Base Server Under.Net we came a craze overuse thing like Langs, Technologies, Servers, ext Under language we are provided with Number of Languages to program like C#, VB, J#, VC++, ext Under technologies we have be provided ASP.Net(Web Application Development) ADO.Net (Data Base Communication), ext... Server play a key role in develop on any application like data base servers(SQL server) web servers(IIS), site Administration server (SHARE POINT), Integration Server (Biz Talk). COM (Computer Object Model), before .Net Micro Soft ware use COM. Micro Soft Inter chose.Net resolved the problem under its own traditional Technologies COM. Intermediate Code will control on JVM (or) CLR. JVM (or) CLR will be called Frame work.Use of frame work:Operating System Independency, Security, and Memory maintains framework. Managed CodeFlat form Independency. Unmanaged CodeFlat form Dependency.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 08-02-2010Frame work:-It was Software which makes the functionality of a Operating System & makes the code to execute under its control. By default Machine code execute directly under the control of Operating System. Which as intermediate code execute under the control of the frame fork. The Advantage of Executing intermediate code under Frame Work will be,1. Flat form indecency (or) Independency.2. Security.3. Memory Management. Because of the above feature what it provides the code which execute under the frame work environment is known as managed code and the code which execute directly under the Operating system is known as unmanaged code. Frame work is unmanaged code. NGWSNext Generation Windows System. The development of .Net frame work has bean stored in the late 90s originally under the name of NGWS. ISOInternational Standard Organization.Ex: - C, C++ ECMAErosion Computer Manu factional Association.

To develop the.Net Frame work Microsoft has first prepared a set of Specification known as CLI Speciation (Common language infrastructure). Those speciation ware standardized under ISO & ECMA. NOTE: - The CLI specifications were open, which gives a chance for every one to developed .Net Frame work. CLI Specifications:- CLI specification covers the following rules,

CLSCommon language specification. CTSCommon Type Specification. BCLBase Class Library. VESVirtual execution system. CLS: - A set of Base rules all the .Net languages have to adapt to interoperate each other. That is all languages after compilation of the generate the same type of codes known as common language specification. CTS:-A carding to this all the types under .Net languages was to adapt the some data types structure. In the sance sizes of the types should be uniformed between the languages. C# is a case sensitive (lower case). VB.Net Not a case sensitive (Starting latter Upper Case). As every .Net language has been derided from an existing language the name of under the language might be difference, but there sizes will be uniform. Every type used in every language after compilation has to be converted into IL types. Every type used under every language is getting converted to IL. But when it gets consumed from any other language it set declared in the other language understandable format only. NOTE: -CLS, CTS were foundation for the language the inter operability which was made possible under .Net languages.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 09-02-2010

Library:-A set of prepaid functionalities.Base class Library (BCL):- A library is a set of predefined functionalities were every language provides the languages.

Libraries are traditional language were specifies to the language. Were as libraries under .Net languages were common to all languages. Microsoft provided the libraries in the form of base class library for congestion in .Net languages. Most of the base class libraries were implemented in c# language.

NOTE:- Base class libraries were the best example for language intractability provided under .Net languages. BCL is a part frame work class library.Frame work class library (FCL):- It was a contractive set of libraries that was provided by Microsoft for the execution of .Net framework & ASP.Net runtime. Under FCL BCL was only a part what we can consumed. CLR is also a virtual execution System.Virtual execution system (VES):- As we were heavier time all the high level .Net languages get converted to IL code after compilation. This IL code can be carried & executed as any machine provided and Specific virtual system is available. Which takes the responsibility of learning IL code into machine code according to Operating System and Hardware.

Note:- The virtual execution system was the foundation for Operating System independency which was make possible under .Net languages. Following the above CLI specifications Microsoft has implemented party company mono (Subsidiary of novel) has implemented the frame work for few other machines like UNIX, Linux, Sun Solaris, and MAC-OS.Note:- .Net has theoretically flat form independent between there is a chance of implemented the frame work for any Operating System making use of the open CLI specification. But practically implementation was given only for few machines. The .Net framework has launched in the year 2000 as 1.0 Beta 1(trail version) from then number of changes made to it were the current version was 4.0.

Versions release of .Net framework

2000-1.0 Beta 1 2001-1.0 Beta 2 2002-1.0 RTM 2003-1.1 2005-2.0 2006-3.0 2007-3.5 2009-4.0Important Data:-ADO.Net-Communication with database.ASP.Net -For developing to web application.RTM-Realize to Manufacture (its a production version).3.0 Version WPF-Windows Prosecution foundation.WCF-Windows Communication Foundation.WF-Windows workflow function (Its only for administration).Card Space-Its only for administration. 3.5 Version LINQ-Modern TechnologiesADO.NetEntity Framework.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 10-02-2010

.Net Frame Work Architecture:-

Common Language Run Time: -Its the code component under the .Net framework which was Responsible in convention IL code into machine & execute it. Base Class Library (BCL):- It was set of common functionalities the available through out all the .Net languages. Win forms technologies is used in the development of windows application (Graphic user interfaces). ASP.Net Technology is used in the development of web applications using .Net languages. ADO.Net Technology is used for communication with data Sources (Data base file, exe WPF (Window Prosecution foundation) was a technology all so used in the development of GUI only. With a support for Graphics, animations, 2D & 3D Images. Which was not available under traditional win forms. WCF (Windows Communication foundation)is a technology used in the development of distributed application. LinqLanguage integrated query was also used for interaction with data sources, objects and collections. ADO.Net Entity Framework is similar to link but a execution for traditional ADO.Net.Futures of .Net:-- Language Independency: the .Net framework introduces a common type system, or CTS & CLS Specification defines all possible data types and programming constructs supported by the CLR and How they may or may not interact with each other. Because of this feature the .Net framework support the exchanges of instances of types between programs written in any of the .Net languages.

BCL:- The BCL part of Framework Class Library (FCL),is a library of functionality available to all languages using the .Net framework. The BCL provides classes which encapsulate a number of common functions.

Portability:- The design of the .Net framework allows it to theoretically be flat form independent and thus cross flat form compatible, that is a program written to use the framework should run without changes on any type of system for which the framework is implemented. Microsoft implementations of the framework cover windows. In addition Microsoft submits the specifications for CLI (Which includes core class, libraries, CTS, and the CIL)to both ECMA & ISO, Making them available as open standards. This makes it possible for third parties to create compatible implementation of the framework on other flat form.

Simplified deployment: - Installation of computer software must be carefully managed to ensure that it dont interface with prevision ally installed software and it conforms to increasingly stringent security requirement. The .Net framework includes design features and tools like packing and deployment that help address those requirements.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 11-02-2010Common Run Time Engine:-Programming language on the .Net framework compiled into an IL known as CIL. In Microsoft implement the IL is not interpreted but rather compiled in a manner known as JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler into native code. In this from of conversions it adapt few optimization techniques like, 1. Conversion graduals during the program execution. 2. Conversion of only the request code which should be executed.3. Strong of the converted code in volatile memory for next time use.Memory Management: - It is the act of managing computer memory. In its simple form this involves providing ways to allocate pretensions of memory to programs but their request & Freeing it for reuse when no longer needed. The management of main memory is critical to the computer system. In this process it user the Garbo collection which is the automated allocation and de-allocation of computer memory resources for a program. This is generally implemented of the programs language level and is in opposite to named memory management. The explicitly memory allocation and de-allocation of computer memory resources. In computer science, garbage collection is a from of automatic memory management. The garbage collection or just collection attempts to radian garbage or memory used by objects that will never be accessed again by the application.Garbage Collection was invented by Jun Mccarthy around 1959 to solve the problem of manual memory management.Inter-operability :( Technology Inter-Operability):- COM (Computer Object Model) it was a specification which advices not build software as a monolithic unit (single unit).In spite it advises building the software by dividing into smaller components or libraries and then integrates as software, which provides the feature like ease maintenance of software and Reusability.

COM is operation system dependent specially windows.Intractability:- Because introduction between older and newer application is commonly required the .Net framework provides means to access functionality they was implemented in programmer that executes outside the .Net environment in this process access to COM components is provided under the system dot runtime dot intractability services of the frame work.RCM: -Runtime callable wrapper in exposes the unmanaged COM interfaces as Managed .Net interfaces to a .Net application.CCW:-COM Callable wrapper this exposes managed .Net interfaces as unmanaged COM interfaces to a COM application.

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Dt: 12-02-2010Concerns & Criticisms related to .Net:- Applications running in a managed environment such as the Microsoft frameworks CLR or Javas JVM tend to require more system resources than similar applications that access machine resources more directly. Some application, however, have been shown to perform better in .Net than in their native version. This could be due to the runtime optimization made possible in Just-In-Time compilation of managed code, or other aspects of the CLR like Garbage collection. As JIT languages can be more easily reverse engineered than native code to algorithms used by an application there is concern over possible lass of trade secrets and the by passing of license control machines many obfuscation techniques already developed, however, can help to prevent this; indeed Microsoft visual studio 2005(.Net 2.0) includes such a tool. In a managed environment such as the Microsoft frameworks CLR or Javas JVM the regularly occurring Garbage Collection for Declaiming memory suspends execution of the application for an unpredictable lapse of time (Typically not more than few milliseconds). Since the framework is not preinstalled on older versions of windows an application that requires it must verity that it is present and if it is not, guides the user to install it. Newer versions of the framework (3.0 & up) and not pre-installed on any version of the windows Operating System, as some developers have expressed concerns about the large size.C Sharp (Programming Language):- C# is an object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of the .Net initiative and later approved as a standard by ECMA and ISO. Ander Hejlsberg leads development of the C# language, which has a procedural, object oriented syntax based on C++ and influences from as pets of several other programming languages (most notably Delphi & Java) with a particular emphasis on simplification. History:- During the development of .Net, the Class Libraries were originally written in a language called Simple Managed C (SMC). In January 1999, Anders Hejlsberg formed a team to build a new language at that time called Cool, later the language had been renamed C# and the class libraries and ASP.Net runtime had been ported to C#. C#s principal designer and lead architect at Microsoft is Anders Hejlsberg, who was previously involved with the design of Visual, J++, Borland Delphi and Turbo Pascal Languages. In interviews & technical papers he has stated that flaws in most major programming languages (Ex: - C++, Java, Delphi and Smalltalk) drove the fundamentals of CLR, which, in turn drove the design of C# programming language it self.

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Dt: 15-02-2010Design Goals:- The ECMA standard list these design goals for C#. It is intended to be a simple, modern, general purpose and object oriented programming language. The language should include strong type checking, array bounds checking, and detection of attempts to use uninitialized variables, sources code portability and automatic garbage collection. The language is extended for use in developing software components that can take advantages of distributed environments. Programmer portability is very important especially for those programmer already familiar with C and C++. Support for intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and embedded systems.Versions: -1.0, 1.5, 2.0(ECMA), 3.0Note: -C# 3.0 is not currently standardized by any standards organization, but it is expected that it will also become an ECMA & then standard as its early versions. Features of C# 2.0:- Partial classes which allow class implementation across more than one source file. Generics or parameterized types. Static class that cannot be in satiated, and that only allows static members. Anonymous delegates. The accessibility of property assessors can be set independently. Null able value types which provides improved interaction with SQL databases. Coalesce operator (??) returns the first of its operands which not null (or null, if no such operated exists).Features of C# 3.0:- Language integrated query. Object initializes and collection initializes. Anonymous types. Implicitly typed arrays. Lambda expressions. Automatic properties. Partial methods. C is procedural oriented language. Programming structure and various languages.

C Program Collection of functions.

Void main() cd csharp7> dir Csc D:\> csharp7> ExampleMy first program.Note:- we can write code either by using visual studio .Net or under any text editor like note pad. Which required manual compilation and execution.Writing the first program:- Open the notepad and write following code in it.class Example{static void Main()}System.Console.WriteLine(My first program);}}Note:- Save the program we were provided with Csharp compiler which was a command line utility which should be used from Visual studio command prompt as following:csc To open visual studio command prompt go to: Start menu programming MS visual studio visual studio tools visual studio command prompt, click on to open and go into the folder where your program was saved compile the program as following:D :\> csharp7> csc example.cs Once the program compiles successfully, generates example.exe which contains IL code in it.Executing the program: Now from the same location where we compiled the program use the following stmt to execute:D:>\csharp7>example.Csc: c Sharp compiler.Ildasm: (Intermediate Language Dis-Assembler):- It was tool using which we can view the content of IL code. Which has to be use from visual studio command prompt as well as follows: Ildasm Ex:- D:>\csharp7> ildasm example.exe When we execute it opens a window in which we find a node with our class name expand it under that click on the pink button beside the node Main, which displays the code in a new window. System.Console.WriteLine Console is a predefined class. System is called a name space, it is a logical container in a class. File is a physical container, folder is a logical container.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt:17-02-2010System.Console.WriteLine:- Console was a predefined class which provides standard IO functionalities that can be performed on IO devices. It includes few static methods like Write(print), WriteLine(Print and canalize line), ReadLine, exe(ReadLine something like that Scanef). System is a name space where a name space is a logical container of classes. Name spaces for gives under the programming languages for two basis reasons.1. Grouping up Related class.2. To overcome the name cosign, that is defined of multiple classes with the same name can be done by putting them under different Name spaces.

Importing a Namespace:- As every class has to be refund with a name space for consumption these name spaces some time will be very much length. In such case without suing the name space before the class we can import a name space and consumed all the class under them directly to import a name space we use using statement in C# language and import statement in VB language.1. Using ;C#2. Import VB

Ex:- using System;class UsingDemo{static void Main(){Console.WriteLine(importing a namespace);}}

D:\csharp7>notepad UsingSystem.cs It will be directly open to the in notepad under that using file name usingSystem.cs file D:\>csc UsingSystem.csto compile the programming file. D:\> cls UsingSystemTo run the programming file.


Integer Types:-ByteSystem.byte0-255ShortSystem.Int16 -32768+32767IntSystem..Int32 -2^31+2^31-1LongSystem.Int64 -2^63+2^36-1SbyteSystem.SByte -128+127UshortSystem.Ulint160+65535(1)UintSystem.Ulint320+2^32-1(2)UlongSystem.Ulint640+2^64-1(4)

Decimal or Float types:-FloatSystem.Single4 BytesDoubleSystem.Double8 BytesDecimalSystem.Decimal16 Bytes

Boolean Type:BoolSystem.Booleantrue or false

Character type:Char System.Char2 bytesStringSystem.String(Variable in the length)

Root Type:-

Object System.Object

The size of char type is increase to 2 bytes to provide the support for Unicode languages. All the language characters we call it as an as key value, where as for other language characters its known as Unicode values. Where Unicode values required 2 bytes memory location for stored it. String is variable in size which defends upon number of characters we align to it. Object type is a capable to store any type of value under it. It get initialized with 4 bytes but can be changed in runtime. Which is also a variable length type.

Syntax for variable declaration:-

[][Const][readonly][=value][,n]Int x;public int y;const float Pi=3.14freadonly String Str;bool b1, b2;

A constant and read only variable are one and the same which cant be modified outside of the class and which they war declared. Initialized a constant of the time of declaration mediatory. When as in case of read only it was optional. A content cant modified with in class also, but read only can be modified within the class.

Ex:-String Str=100;int x = Str; invalid int x = int.Parse(str);

Program:- VatDemo.cs

usnig System;class VatDemo{static void Main(){int x, y, z;Console.Write(Enter x value:);x= int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());Console.Write(Enetr y Value:);y = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());z= x+y;Console.WriteLine(Sum of {0} &{1} is : {2},x,y,z);(OR)

Console.WriteLine(Sum of +x+&+y+is:+z);}}

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt:18-02-2010Note:-Parse Method:-It was a method under all the data types responsible for converting a string a appropriate type value.Ex:- int x = int.Parse(100)//Converts to intBool b= bool.Parse(true)//Converts to boolFlaotf =float.Parse(3.14f)//Converts to flaotNote:-the given value should be compactable of being converted into the appropriate type value.Ex:- int y =int.Parse(10x);//Invalid Data types ware categorized into 2.1. Value type2. Reference type. Value types store the data on the stack. Stack is a place where data is stored in fixed length, such as int, float, ext Every program has its one stark and no other program shares it allocated on program execution. Stack work on a principle first in last out. Stack will under the control of OS. Stack will dont provide dynamic memory allocation and destruction. Stack is faster in access.References Types:- C# support to pre-defended reference types string and objects. Reference type store reference in a heap. Heap is the second place where reference be stored instead on data. A .Net the heap is now more managed is called managed heap. When application create the first reference type memory is allocated for the type at base address of managed heap. When the application create next object the Garbage collector allocate memory for it in the address base is available the garbage collection continues allocate place new object in this manner. Ex:- int x = 100;String s = Hello;

Null-able Value types (2.0):-In the traditional languages and earlier version a C# we have a program that is we cant store null values in values types. They can only stored in reference types.

Ex:- String s = null;//Validint x =null;//invalidBecause of this which interactive with SQL database we will be facing a program, as a database allows null values both in value types draw back from C# 2.0 we were provided with an option of storing null value under value types also. Which has to done as following:int x = null;Invalidint ?x = null;validdouble ?d= null;validImplicitly typed variables(3.0): -It was an option which allows to declared variable by using the keyword Var. which the data type of a variable is decided depending upon the value we assigned it.Ex:-var x =100;x is intvar s = Hello;s is stringvar f = 3.14f;f is floatNote:- in this case declaring a variable without assigning a value is not possible.Ex:- var y;invalid


using System;class FindType{static void Main(){var x = 100;Console.WriteLine(x.GetType());var f =3.14f;Console.WriteLine(f.GetType());var s=Hello;Console.WriteLine(s.GetType());var b = true;Console.WriteLine(b.GetType());}}Note: - Get Type is a free defined method which returns the type of a given variable.Note: - Object is a heap memory.

*** END OF THE DAY ***

Dt: 19-02-2010Boxing & Un-Boxing:- If a value type was stored on the managed help a reference type. Its known as Boxing.Ex:- int x=100;Object obj=x; Boxing The Reverse of Boxing that is Converting Reference type to value type is Un-Boxing.Ex:- int y =(int) obj; Un-Boxing

Operators:-Arithmetic+,-,*,/,%Assignment=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=.Comparison ==,!=,=,is, as, likeConcatenation+Increment & Decrement++, --Logical&&, !!, ^ Conditional Statement:- A block of code which executes basing on a condition is known as conditional statement. There of 2 types,1. Conditional Branching(if, switch)2. Conditional looping (while, do-while, for-each)Conditional Branching:- these statement allow you to branch your code defending on whether certain conditions were met or not. C# has 2 constructs for branching code, the if statement which allows you to test whether a specific condition is met, and the switch statement, which allows you to compare an expression with a number of different values.

Syntax:- if:- if();else if();----------------else;

Ex:- Ifdemo.csusing system;class Ifdemo{static void Main(){int x, y;Console.Write(Enter X value:);x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());Console.Write(Enter Y value:);y = int.Parse(Console.Readline());if(x>y)Console.WriteLine(x is greater);else if(x