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Package of branding services Kiev 2014
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Package of branding services

Kiev 2014

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What we offer Branding and rebrandingDevelopment of visual line (logo, sign, packaging, etc.) and its updateNaming and renamingManagement of a portfolio of brands

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Branding products

Branding - complex version: - The study of the market environment of the future brand, benchmarking;- Development of the concept of brand positioning and marketing strategies;- Development of brand communications (including naming, imaging, brand-book);- Re-branding;- Testing of the brand;- Assessment and preparation of the brand for sale;- Audit of the brand;- Advertising and PR-support of the brand, etc.

Branding - the lite version:- Names;- Visual line;- Testing among the target audience.

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Management of a portfolio

of brands Objective: To create a system of decision-making about the optimal management

of a portfolio of brands


Maximum reasoned coverage of price categories

Increasing the market share of brands in higher price category

Outbranding (reducing the competition within the category)

Composition of competitors charts(correct positioning of the brand in comparison to competitors)

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Analytics, concept, consulting: Study of the fast food industry, its consumers, testing concepts - 2003- 2006. Research and testing the concepts of cottage townships - 2005, 2010-2011.A comprehensive study and correction of the concept before opening afurniture mall - 2004, 2009. Research and development of positioning the brand of dry building mixes.

Developing creative concepts:

Our Experience

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The market development during 50 years

Branding of Construction Companies



Villa Elena and Hercules: The tongues together

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Case 1: Create a brand on the marketof dry building mixes

ClientManufacturer of building materials of wide range.


To create a platform for positioning the brand of dry building mixes, a special factory for the production of which was built.

Nuances and complexity of the projectThere was a serious number of competitors at the time of the launch on the market, one of whom had a strong leadership position, close to a monopoly .

What has been doneA pool of researches was carried out: desk review, study of large corporate clients, small B2B business and individuals.

The methodology used in creating the positioning

Identifying gaps (empty niches) and imbedding a new brand to the blank places.

Results:As of today the brand is in the TOP10 in terms of brand awereness and consumption. Distribution in B2C segment has expanded. The ground is being prepared for the construction of a new production


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Case 2: Creating the concept ofcottage township

ClientReal estate development company

Nuances and complexity of the projectThe concept was developed during a tough phase of the crisis in real estate market (2009-2010), whenthe market of cottage real estate was somnambular. Therefore, a specific aspect of this project wasthe fact that the concept has been developed for a specific buyers, ie after the formation of a pool ofcustomers, and not vice versa, as it had happened in the period of active growth of the market.

What has been done1.A study of current concepts and the actual state of sales in the market of cottage real estate of Kiev

region was conducted. 2. A pool of buyers with certain socio-demographic characteristics was assembled.3. A series of focus groups and personal interviews with them were carried out.

4. The concept of cottage township was developed.

The methodology used in creating the positioning

Social planning in a club format.

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Case 3. Strategies for business. (marketing communications, loyalty)

Client: real estate development company and its utility service division which maintains company’s facilities

Tasks that needed to be resolved within the development of the strategy:

1. To develop new and to adapt elements of the existing program (at group level) for customer service and client service. 1.2. Information support of a new program for customer service and customer loyalty.

2. Strengthening the image of the company. 2.1. Forming the public image of the company to meet the challenges of information security from the administrative pressure, crisis situations, etc. 2.2. Strengthening the company's image in wide circles as the background for all

business activities.

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2.3. Strengthening the customer loyalty to the company among existing customers with the objectives: 2.3.1. Increasing loyalty to the company, reducing the level of conflict, the higher rating of the quality of its work, loyalty to the company's services’ prices. 2.3.2. Stimulation of the company’s recommendations to third parties in the clients’ social circle. 2.3.3. Targeted work with a narrow range of dissatisfied customers (to reduce the impact of their informational activity to a wide audience of actual and potential customers).

3. Supporting the process of attracting new customers to the company.

Case 3. Strategies for business. (marketing communications, loyalty)

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The structure of the final strategy:Block A. The program of customer service and loyalty program.1. The analysis of the current level of customer satisfaction with company's work (maintenance of existing facilities), the identification of key factors of loyalty.2. Training programs and working with the company’s staff within the framework of increasing the level of service:2.1. The program of launching the call center and "hot line" in social networks.2.1. Updating models and work schedules of service divisions, the creation of the communication cards for contact between clients and staff.3.1. Discount-bonus cross-loyalty program for services of the managing company.4. Technology platform for the organization of on-line ordering and payment for services of the managing company.5. Activities on information support of loyalty programs, their plan and budget.

Case 3. Strategies for business. (marketing communications, loyalty)

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The structure of the final strategy:Block B. Communication part.1. Key characteristics of the company’s brand perception (the current and the desired position).1.1. Brief brand platform.1.2. Positioning. The company's values.1.3. Substantiation of a brand platform’s choice.1.4. Points of differentiation (how the Company and its communication are different from other players in the market).2. Recommendations on updating the brand attributes (corporate identity, etc.).3. Key themes and messages within the information flows, their preliminary dynamics through time.

Case 3. Strategies for business. (marketing communications, loyalty)

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4. Contact point (where and why precisely there consumers will interact with the information from the company).

5. Communication strategy: channels of communication, work tools.6. Possible force majeure and risks. The general scheme of strategy adjustment in the

event of their occurrence.7. Plan and estimated budget of communication activity for half a year.8. Methods of measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of the


Project Features - the optimal solution of performance targets, taking into account the customer's current limitations, namely:

a relatively small budget for the implementation of the strategy, the company’s difficult situation in the market and in consumers' perception,

complicated relationship system within the group of companies, necessity of strategy’s correlation with the overall strategy of the group of

companies, tight work schedule, request to find outstanding creative solution, but without the epatage.

Case 3. Strategies for business. (marketing communications, loyalty)

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Portfolio. Clients

и др.

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КPD 100

Victoria Pasechnik

13, Solomenskaya str., Kiev, 03049, UkraineTel./fax :+ 38 044 520-18-58

+ 38 044 248-07-11

+ 38 044 332-48-44

+ 38 044 561-42-31

+ 38 067 401-42-31

[email protected]

Myata. New communications.

Tatyana Korobova

6-a, Geroev Stalingrada av., Kiev, Ukraine

Tel.: +3067 442 22 77

[email protected]