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ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam


    1/30/2014 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to learn about Islam.


    ALIMKids Playschool is managed by ALIM

    Consultancy & Resources

    Programme PhilosophyALIMKids Playschool is a fun-filled, Is lamic

    and activity-based programm e des igned to

    optimize early childhood development

    targeted for children from 3-5 years old.

    Through the thematic modules andinteractive sess ions, children will have an

    enjoyable learning experience!

    Playschool Programme

    OverviewFind out more about what the playschool is

    all about here:


    ALIMKids Playschool :

    Themes and FocusAt our Playschool w e have four main

    themes. Find out the details here:

    ALIMKids Playschool Them es and Focus

    Get Islamic Books foryour Children here!

    Home About Us Contact FAQ

    Why your child should go to a Playschool?Posted in Labels:Articles, Overview

    Why your child should go to a Playschool?

    Playschools provides the "training" ground for children 3-4 yrs old before

    they embark on a formal learning journey in a kindergarten.

    Playschools are typically shorter time peri ods (3x a week, 2.5 hrs per day at

    ALIMKids) compared to five days a wee k, 4 hrs per day at a k indergarten.

    Children who doesn't go to a playschool may have a bigger challenge to

    focus in kindergarten class as they are not used to sit and focus for a longer


    Playschools also give them the experience of being away from their parents

    or primary care giver for a peri od of time, but not as long as being in a

    kindergarten. This gradual separation helps increase their confidence and

    teaches them to be more independent.

    Playschools are a great transi tion from being i n a toddlers playgroup (where

    mothers usually participate i n as well) to a formal kindergarten.

    We still hv places available at ALIMKids Playschool USJ, Wangsa Maju, Kota



    1, 2012
  • 8/10/2019 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam


    1/30/2014 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to learn about Islam.

    ALIMKids Playgroup (2-4

    yrs old)

    Get info on our ALIMKids Playgroup here

    Follow by Email


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    Why your child should go to a



    Damansara & JB. Pls contact us at [email protected] for details or call

    us at 03 8024 8664.

    at 9:09 PM

    My son won't sit still!Posted in

    at 4:43 AM



    30, 2012

    Posted in Labels: Components

    Click the image for a larger view

    Seorang ibu bertany a: "Anak say a 3 tah un, nak pergi sekolah. Ok ke kalau saya

    hantar dia ke tadika?".

    Kanak-kanak 3 tahun mengenal "sekolah" sebagai tem pat yg b aru yg ada rakan

    sebaya dan suasana y g ceria . Sebenarnya , mereka belum bersedia unt uk

    suasana pembelajaran formal seperti di ta dika yg memerlukan konsentrasi

    dan kemahira n asas seperti menulis.

    Suasan a "Play school" y g lebih sant ai dan berasaskan "belajar sambil berma in" adalah

    lebih sesuai untuk usia ini . Di Playschool juga, m ereka belajar asas menuli s (pre-

    wr it in g sk il ls ) da n ju ga a sa s m at em a t ik (pr e-m a t hs ski ll s).

    Tetapi y g lebih penting , di ALIMKids Play school, mer eka dididik unt uk mengenal &

    mencintai A llah & Rasul.

    Pendaftara n di buka unt uk ALIMKids Play school di USJ Subang Jay a, Wan gsa Maju,

    Kota Daman sara & JB. Untuk u sia 3-4 tahun sahaja.

    Email ke [email protected] utk info lanjut.

    at 10:43 PM



    24, 2012

    Happy faces at ALIMKids Playschool Kota Damansara!Posted in Labels:Activities , PhotosTuesday,


    17, 2012

    Email address... Submit!!!!
  • 8/10/2019 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam


    1/30/2014 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to learn about Islam.

    Photos of the first day of playschool at ALIMKids Bookshop, Kota Damansara.

    The y may be simple task s but children le arn through play and hands-on


    at 1:11 AM

    Parents Preview: 7th & 28th Jan 2012Posted in Labels:Activities



    4, 2012

    Bitdefender Total Security 2013!!!!
  • 8/10/2019 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam


    1/30/2014 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to learn about Islam.

    (Click the image for a larger view)

    For parents who would like to know more about ALIMKids PLAYSCHOOL, you are

    invited to our PARENTS PREVIEW session.

    ForALIMKids USJ,the preview will be on

    Saturday, 7th & 28th Jan 2012 (choose either one)

    11:45am - 12:30pm.


    ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q, Subang Business Centre, 47620 UEP Subang


    Please call 03 8024 8664 or email [email protected] for info or to register.

    at 6:22 AM

    Themes & Components of the PlayschoolPosted in Labels: Components, Themes

    Our Playschool contains four main themes. Each themes has eight topics which will

    be covered every week. Below are the theme and weekly topics covered.

    Thematic Units

    Volume 1 : Little Muslims & Muslimahs

    Week Topics

    1 Assalaamualaikum!

    2 We Go To School

    3 Asma ul Husna

    4 We Know Islam

    5 We Love Al-Quran

    6 We Are Good Khalifahs

    7 Allah Al-Khaliq

    8 Thank You, Allah!

    Volume 2 : People Around UsWeek Topics

    1 First Man on Earth

    2 Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam

    3 Imam

    4 Bilal

    5 Teacher

    6 Doctor

    7 Dentist
  • 8/10/2019 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam


  • 8/10/2019 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to Learn About Islam


    1/30/2014 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to learn about Islam.

    Copyright 2011 ALIMKids Playschool for Muslim Children to learn about Islam.. All rights reserved.

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    In the name of Allah, the Most Caring and the Most Kind. All praises to Him from

    whom we have received clarity to foresee, through His intelligence we are able to

    understand, and through His strength we are able to perform the responsibilities

    endowed upon us.

    We are delighted to welcome you as learning partners as we strive to nurture the

    genius in your child. ALIMkids Playschoolis a one-stop learning destination for

    Islamic and academic early childhood education.

    ALIMkidsPlayschool is committed to work closely with parents to inculcate Islamic

    thoughts, habits and v alues in your childrens minds and behaviour to produce

    successful Khalifah of ALLAH.

    Our unique holistic approach centralizes to Oneness of Allah. The program

    provides children the opportunities to interact positively to instill a deep and firm

    belief in Allah


    ALIMk ids Playschool programme is a holistic and integrated programme promoting

    Islamic living that offers the little ones an insightful and exciting way to learn about

    Islam. They are taught to understand and practice Islamic values and morals in their

    daily routines.Teaching Approach

    A multi-sensory approach inculcates the habits to inquire, try, see, share,

    reflect and act.

    Play is the central approach to learning.

    Thematic learning of Islamic values and practices.

    Developmentally and age-appropriate lessons on Is lam.

    A learning environment that is safe, fun, attractive, and motivating.

    Small teacher to children ratio

    Desired OutcomeTowards the completion of the academic year, your child will:

    Develop the love for Allah and Rasullulah s.a.w

    Refer to the Sahabahs and Prophets as examples

    Develop the habits to perform wudhu and solah

    Be able to recite and understand the general meaning of basic surahs and duas.

    Know what is right (Maruf) and what is wrong (Mungkar)

    Be able to recognize Arabic letters

    Be able to recognize and write a-z

    Be able to count, write and say numbers 1-10

    Love their families, f riends, teachers and school

    at 5:59 AM