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11.22.11 classwork tuesday

Jul 05, 2015



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  • 1. WritingJournal:Writeabouttheperfect ThanksgivingDay. Brianna JohnnyMitzyJoshua Roxana Joey Emma MaxNyashia Eric AlanCincere Ricardo RamonNatalieChristian Jose GiaAdolfoDavid AndresMassire CameronElizabeth CarlosAngel MatthewLinder BrianCrystal Christopher RyanSualee Alan

2. "Wise people learn when they fools learn when they must."Write the Nine Times table ten times.Sample 9x1=99 x 2 = 189 x 3 = 279 x 4 = 369 x 5 = 459 x 6 = 549 x 7 = 639 x 8 = 729 x 9 = 819 x 10 = 90 3. Class JobsTeachers Assistant -$15/pay periodBanker - $20Cell Box Carrier - $4/dayLiner Leader - $4/dayCaboose -$3/daySubstitute - $2/daySnacks Leader -$4/dayHomework - $3/checkReminder - $2/day 4. Reading - A Salute to Service Women (page 200)Test StrategyAuthor and MeThe answer is not directly stated.Think about what you have read tofigure it out. Good test takers know that the answer is not always directly stated in the text. 5. Reading - A Salute to Service Women (page 200) Think about the authors purpose andmessage. Think about the whole passage: Whenthe answer is not directly stated, useinformation from the entire selection todraw conclusions. Pull PullRead"ASalutetoServiceWomenonpage200 6. Reading - A Salute to Service Women (page 200)ClassworkWrite the questions 1-5 on page 201 andanswer them using complete sentences. Useyour notebook to answer the questions. 7. Reading - A Salute to Service Women (page 200) 8. Reading - A Salute to Service Women (page 200) 9. Reading - A Salute to Service Women (page 200)Reading Homework Practice book, page 57 10. Math: Problem Solving: Division Math Words (page 102)Do Now:Write an answer1. What is a base?The number that is raised to a given exponent.2. What is an exponent?The number that tells how many times the base is used asa factor.3. What does the term power mean?A number obtained by raising a base to an exponentSolve4. 24 = 16 5. 33 = 27 11. Math: Problem Solving: Division Math Words (page 102)Dividend: A number to be divided.Divisor: The number by which the dividend is divided.Quotient: The answer to a division problem.Fact Family: A group of related facts using the same numbers. 12. Language - Singular Possessive Nouns (page 100)RulesA possessive noun is a noun that shows who orwhat owns or has something My brothers shirt is red and white.The possessive form of most singular nounsend in an apostrophe and an s (s). Leos hat my guppys food 13. Language - Singular Possessive Nouns (page 100)To form the possessive of a singular noun, adds to the noun. the car that belongs to Ms. HillMs. Hills car the work of the artist the artistsworkNOTE: Although names ending in s or an s sound are notrequired to have the second s added in possessive form, it ispreferred. Mr. Joness golf clubs. Texass weather. Ms. Strauss daughter 14. Language - Singular Possessive Nouns (page 100) 15. Language - Plural Possessive Nouns (page 102) Language Homework Practice book, page 25 16. Religion - On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon the first disciples (page 96)We GatherHas anyone ever helpedyou to change somethingabout yourself, forexample, the things youeat or the way you playsports? If so, who was itand how did you change? 17. Religion - On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon the first disciples (page 96) We Believe Read pages 96-97 and answer the following questions: 1. What happened at Pentecost? The Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. 2. After the Apostles became filled with the Holy Spirit, what did they do? They went out to the crowds and told them about the risen Jesus. 18. Religion - On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon the first disciples (page 96) Religion Homework1. How can the Holy Spirit help youto be a witness to Christ today?Write the question and answerusing complete sentences. Use yournotebook. 19. Social Studies - A Changing World (page 118)Do NowDefine the followingvocabulary words: Isthums: A narrow strip of land that connects two large land areas. Treaty: An agreement between countries. 20. Social Studies - A Changing World (page 118)ClassworkRead pages 118 - 123 and answer thefollowing question:1. What was the aim of King Henry VII whenhe paid for Cabots expedition?2. How did Vespuccis voyage change howthe world was seen?3. What caused Balboa to travel across theIsthmus of Panama? 21. Social Studies - A Changing World (page 118)Summary After Columbuss voyages, rulers wereeager to pay for trips across theAtlantic. Explorers such as Cabot,Vespucci, Balboa, and Magellan exploredmany different areas. Spain and Portugal divided the Americasbetween themselves. 22. Social Studies - A Changing World (page 118) Social Studies HomeworkAnswer the Review questions onpage 123. Answer questions 1 -4,using complete sentences. Useyour notebook 23. Science - What Is the Structure of Matter (page 436)Do NowDefine vocabularywords: Volume Atom Molecule Nucleus Element Periodic Table 24. Science - What Is the Structure of Matter (page 436)ClassworkRead pages 438 - 445 and answer thefollowing questions:1. What are two properties of all matter?2. What is an atom, and what are its parts?3. How are elements arranged in the periodictable?4. How are particles arranged in solids,liquids, and gases? 25. Science - What Is the Structure of Matter (page 436)The force of gravity is different on different planets.If you traveled to another planet, your mass would notchange, but your weight would. This table shows what a34-kilogram person (about 75 pounds) on Earth wouldweigh on some other planets.PlanetWeight(inkilograms)Earth34Mercury13Venus31Jupiter88Pluto2 26. Science - What Is the Structure of Matter (page 436)PlanetWeight(inkilograms)1. On what planet would thisEarth34persons weight be the greatest?Mercury13Where would it be the least?Venus31Jupiter would be the greatest,Jupiter88Pluto2Pluto would be the least.2. How do you know?Weight is mass times gravity, so the smaller the gravity, thelesser the weight of the same mass (in this case, 34 kg onEarth.)3. Of these planets, which has gravity most like Earths?Venus4. How do you know?The weights are nearly the same. 27. Science - What Is the Structure of Matter (page 436) Science Homework1. Whats the difference between an atomand an element?2. Define molecule, and give an example.3. Tell how the periodic table is arrangedand why its useful 28. HomeworkSummaryTuesday,November22,2011Reading1.Practicebook,page57Language1.Practicebook,page25Religion1.HowcantheHolySpirithelpyoutobeawitnesstoChristtoday?Writethequestionandanswerusingcompletesentences.Useyournotebook.Social1.Answerquestions14onpage123.Usecompletesentences.UseyournotebookScience1.Whatsthedifferencebetweenanatomandanelement?2.Definemolecule,andgiveanexample.3.Tellhowtheperiodictableisarrangedandwhyitsuseful.Writethequestionandanswerusingcompletesentences.Useyournotebook. 29. KEYScorePayment03: $10debit745: $5debit6: $07: $2credit8: $3credit9: $4credit 10: $10credit 30. Attachments imgres