UHWO Student Governance - Laulima · 2014-2015 Budget – To submit to Lui to review and comment: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE BOARD BUDGET FY 2015 Total Revenue 86,249.44 FY 2014 Balance

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UHWO Student Governance

In spring of 2013 the UHWO Student Senate was successful in getting the approval of

three additional Chartered Student Organizations (CSO’s) and an increase from $5 to

$120 in student fees by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents. Prior to Fall 2013

there was only the UHWO Student Senate and a $5 fee. The Student Senate has been

active for more than thirty years and has been passionate student advocates.

Representatives from the Student Senate sit on college committees like the Strategic

planning committee and the Student President meets regularly with the VC for Student

Affairs to keep the UHWO administration appraised of student issues.

In Fall 2013 the student government in collaboration with UHWO staff created bylaws

for each new CSO; these bylaws were ratified in the spring 2014 by the UHWO student

body. One of the primary functions of the CSO’s are to administer fees collected by

students to create a vibrant and engaged learning environment. This task is

accomplished by creating student activities like intramural sports, campus concerts, and

support activities like mentors for freshmen students. The current CSO members

assisted with the development of their respective by-laws. Each new CSO will have 5

students and 2 staff. During the summer UHWO staff held two professional

development workshops to help these students hone their leadership skills. The

Student Media board held an additional all day training that included hearing from

current reporters, learning about new publishing design software, and planning for the

new school year.

UHWO students have always had active Registered Independent Student Organizations

(RIO). RIO’s are different from CSO’s in that they do not represent the college and do

not receive any support from the college. However, like the CSO’s they enhance the

learning environment by providing leadership, social, and educational opportunities for

students. The current list of RIO’s are attached.

With the addition of the new Chartered Student Organizations and the strong Student

UHWO student senate and RIO’s, the college has never before had so many leadership

opportunities for students. In addition, the college has never had this many student

leaders informing the UHWO leadership regarding student issues. The UHWO Student

Senate has been an effective student governance structure for the many years and this

structure has been enhanced with the introduction of the additional Chartered Student


Attached are the minutes for the three new CSO’s. Minutes for the UHWO Student

Senate can be found at : http://www.asuhwo.com/documents.html .

Chartered Student Organizations

ASUHWO - Associated Students of University of Hawaii West Oahu

Courtney Ketzenberger – President

Ryan J. Sommers – Vice President

Joyleanne Santos – Secretary

Shane T. Nishimura – Treasurer

Sara Perry – Caucus Delegate

Katrena M. Gunn – Senator

Crizalmer Caraang – Senator

Isaiah C. Baclaan – Senator

Freshmen Senator – Vacant

Junior Senator – Vacant

Senior Senator - Vacant

Student Activity Fee Board

Marousha Moore, student

Rebecca Carino, student

Student Media Board

Bulanbaji ‘Baji’ deCella, student

Sharla Hanaoka, faculty

Mellissa Lochman, student

Jordan Luz, Editor-in-Chief, The Hoot (non-voting)

Campus Center Board

Maika´i Kim, student

Mahealani Kahala, student

Registered Independent Student Organizations as of Spring 2014

• Accounting Club • Anime/Manga and Gamers Club • Anthropology Club • Associated Students of the University of Hawai'i - West O'ahu (ASUHWO) • Business Club • Education Club • Filipino-American Student Association of Hawai'i • Gay Straight Alliance • Glee Club • Hawaiian-Pacific Club • Humanities Club • Investment Club • Justice, Public and Health Administration Club • Marketing Club • Photography Club • Pre-Law Club • Psychology Club • Sociology Club • Student Veterans Association

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Friday, June 20, 2014 @ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Introduction – meet each other and get to know one another

Overview of Student Activity Fee Board

Funded by student fees, SAFB helps to create a vibrant campus life through funding and

planning of activities, all of which benefit the students of UHWO

The funding arm: student clubs and departments and offices may apply for funding that

benefits students, such internship fair, cram jam and graduation

Email SAFB Charter for review and understanding

Overview for upcoming Meetings over the Summer

Brainstorming Activities

Event-planning training

Budget preparation

Fiscal paperwork process training

Initial Brainstorm for Academic Year 2014-2015

Foam party



Carnival themed-halloween event

Movie nights

Drive-thru movie night


Welcome Back Week

Festive decorations


Fall Fest


Dream: Think of more activities

Next Meeting – June 25 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 3:31pm

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 @ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Continuation of Brainstorming – Dreaming of Activities

Club Market Day – fundraising, open to public

Cultural Immersion Week - Food, music, history/culture, artwork display, dances

Luau Night

Global Awareness and Health Day – education, around the world

Club Rush – free food, activities, paint the campus red, maps, scavenger hunt

Halloween – carnival themed, trick or treating, station activities, haunted house, costume contest, pumpkin decorating contest

Holiday Spirit Week – Winter Wonderland – ornaments, snowflakes, snow, decorate with lights

Relay for life – how to get one started on campus or join the Kapolei High School one

Make a Difference Week - October

Meet your Major Night (Concentation) – get alumni to participate

Stress + Anxiety – after finals week – massage, mini-spa, facials

Black History Month

Poetry Slam/Open Mic

Filipino Heritage Month – October

Dances – Foam party, spring dance – masquerade, toga party – greek food

General Discussion

Getting the RISO club leaders involved

Improving student turnout at events

Next Meeting – June 30 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 3:40pm

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 30, 2014 @ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Calendar of Activities for Fall Semester


Punua Concert and Ice Cream Bash

Welcome Back Week Festivities

Movie Night

Block (foam) Party

Constitution Day


Movie Night

Domestic Violence Awareness Event

Filipino Heritage Event

Halloween-type Event

Make A Difference Week event


Fall Fest Week

International Education Week

Finals-type event

Ideas for Welcome Back Week

Use school colors around campus

Something in the roundabout area – large sign? Signage in the staked down wooden

frame area

Garlands or ribbon on the poles/trees

Inflatable streamers

Food for free

Passport for the whole week

Music – DJ, radio station, or live entertainment or on Block Rocker

Power Hour: every day give out something to students, either a promotional item or

consumable item

o Monday: give #hashtag challenge intro, possibly food

o Tuesday:

o Wednesday: Club Rush, give out survey, door prizes, field day

o Thursday:

o Friday: should we do a Friday event? Few classes on Friday, very little students

Individual assignments: further research into the events would like to plan and coordinate

Next Meeting – July 7 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 3:45pm

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 7, 2014 @ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Wellness Model – In all that we do, let’s try to plan events that embraces and support the

wellness model. There are 6 Dimensions to the Wellness Model (hand-out)

Occupational: personal satisfaction and enrichment in one’s life through work (look at

gifts, skills, talents, values as it relates to choice of profession, job satisfaction, career

ambitions, and personal performance

Physical: need for regular physical activity, include diet and nutrition (building physical

strength, flexibility and endurance, and self-care)

Social: contribute to one’s environment and community; interdependence (enhance

personal relationships and build a better community)

Intellectual: one’s creative, stimulating mental activities relating to knowledge and skills

as well as problem-solving, creativity and learning.

Spiritual: search for meaning and purpose in human existence; natural forces that exist

(relating one’s actions to beliefs, values)

Emotional: awareness and acceptance of one’s feeling (manage one’s feelings relating

to realistic assessment of one’s limitations, development of autonomy, and ability to

cope with stress)

GOAL: when planning events to identify which wellness dimension(s) the activity


Continuing discussion on Welcome Back Week

Monday: “First Day Freebies/Giveaways” items: lanyards, pens, etc

Tuesday: “Slushie Power Hour” or “Tasty Tuesday” items: Slushie machine, manapua, malassada

Wednesday: “Club Rush Day” items: food

Thursday: “Thirsty Thursday” items: some type of beverage drink to pass out

HW: Read handouts on event planning and timeline

Next Meeting – July 14 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 3:50pm

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 14, 2014@ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Working Meeting

Assignment Task: Come up with Timeline from Articles and share

SAFB Planning Procedure

1. The Start of the Idea(s): Done at least 1-2 months in advance o Brainstorming

2. Finalizing the Selected Events: Done 1.5 months in advance o What is the purpose of the event? o How does this event reflect our university's mission statement/values? o Who is our target audience?

3. Logistics: Done 1.5 months in advance o What is the event?

A theme, seasonal, annual event, etc. o When is the event?

Check multiple calendars to make sure we are not conflicting with other events, especially if they are geared towards the same target audience

o Where is event going to be? o What will we need?

Supplies, equipment, rentals, etc. o What vendors are we going to have?

Will they accept P-card or purchase orders? Get price quotes

4. Budget: Done 1 month in advance o How much is the event going to cost?

Have a break down of how much each component of the event is going to cost

Include costs for promotional items and advertisement preceding the actual event

5. Financial/Fiscal Portion: Done 1 month in advance o Send budget report to the business office o Send the appropriate forms to the vendors (4-6 weeks before the event is

preferable) Letting them know what we can provide for the event

6. Marketing: Done 2-4 weeks in advance o What types of media are we going to use?

Flyers, banners, creative items, digital signage, PSAs

o Design: color scheme, etc. o Marketing campaign o Send out invites(?)

7. Follow-Up: 4 weeks in advance o Human resources

Using staff to spread the word, vounteers and their role o Following up with vendors

Reconfirming with them Sending them a map Offer them a walkthrough of the site

8. Take Inventory: 1 week in advance o Count the items

9. Day before the event: o Last and final announcement of event o Set up o Brief with volunteers

10. Day of the Event: o Set up o Brief with volunteers o Run the event

11. Post-event: o Clean up o Give "thank yous" to vendors o Evaluations

From us as planners and the audience o Follow up with fiscal paper work o Recheck inventory items and pack up

Continuation of Welcome Back Week planning

Online research, phone calls

Next Meeting – July 21 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 4:15pm

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 21, 2014 @ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Working Meeting

2014-2015 Budget – To submit to Lui to review and comment:


Total Revenue 86,249.44 FY 2014 Balance Carryover 27,449.44 Student Fees 2100 students X $14/sem X 2 58,800.00 Equipment 10,000.00

Equipment Sound system, block rocker-type, tents, movie screen, pocorn machine, 10,000.00

cotton candy machine, walkie talkies, LCD projector, extension cords,

surge protectors, etc Supplies 20,000.00 Consummable Office Supplies, banner paper, construction paper 1,000.00

Program Supplies Swag items, uniforms, decorations, prizes, paint, brushes, etc 7,000.00

Food supplies For any SAFB sponsored-events or funded events 10,000.00 Marketing Banners, brochures, signage, table throw 2,000.00 Other 35,000.00 Student Stipends $100 per month X 12 months X 4 students 6,000.00

Contracts Performers, entertainers, vendors delivering goods or services 25,000.00

security, custodial, photo booth, DJ services

Honorariums Professionals or Certified Volunteers who performs services 4,000.00

for events and activities Total 65,000.00

Continuation of Welcome Back Week planning

Online research, phone calls

Next Meeting – July 31 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 4:00pm

Student Activity Fee Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, July 31, 2014 @ 3:00pm Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Working Meeting

Assignment Task: Draft a survey for students to complete. To receive information from them

on events, music, activities, etc.

Online survey via google forms

Students complete at Punua Days? Everyday during Welcome Back Week? Club Rush


Decided that survey is to be completed on Wednesday at Club Rush Day

Ask Kealaikahiki to borrow their Ipads or laptops for students to complete the survey

Share google doc with Rouel to review the survey questions

Continuation of Welcome Back Week planning

Manic Monday: give out UHWO promo items (9-11am)

Tasty Tuesday: some type of food items (11-1pm)

West O’ahu Wednesday: Club Rush Day, food items (10-2pm)

Thirsty Thursday: some type of beverage drink items (try to work with Da Spot to see if

we can work with them since they would sell smoothies)

Post-up Red Bows

Sunday, August 17 or August 18 or 19

Ideally to get the bows up before Convocation and Punua Days to bring excitement on


Welcoming banners for the staked down wooden frame area at entrance of school

(Welcome, Welina – 2-4 signs depend on size of banners)

Next Meeting – August 4 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 4:05pm

Student Activity Fee Board

Meeting Minutes

Monday, August 4, 2014 @ 2:30pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Rebecca Carino, Marousha Moore, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Working Meeting

Continuation on Welcome Back Week Planning

Decorations: Red plastic table covers into bows for poles around campus

Signage: 2-4 banners, work with Sharla or Josiah to design banners

Updates on Campus Block Party (lead-Rebecca)

RISO clubs area (Plaza area): fundraising opportunity to sell food

Use of Lawn: Foam area, inflatable obstacle course, and DJ music area

Issue: vendor requires day of payment o UH procedures allow for Day-of payments, need to find out the process for

UHWO o Rouel to find out procedures with UHWO Business Office for Day-of Payment

Water issue – find out how much water is needed, we may be charged for the amount used

Foam issue – foam is 99% water and not harmful to the grass

E-mail Lynn and Kimo to get their input especially for use of Lawn

Updates on Halloween (lead-Marousha) – fair-type and the haunted house

Fair area (The Loft, C225 area): RISOs to host station activities and fundraising opportunities

Haunted House: in Student Lounge o Week before: may close half of the lounge to begin constructing the haunted

house o Got staff volunteers to dress up in character and donate costumes o Need to look for a make-up artist o Consult Kalae Lee and Jill Honjo who planned it 2 years ago and to assist with this

year’s Halloween planning o Will need to recruit student and staff volunteers for different areas o Will need to do a dress rehearsal run through o Event is open to community with accepted donations to benefit a local

beneficiary, such the domestic violence shelters

Next Meeting – August 7 @ 2:30pm

Adjourn at 4:20pm

Student Media Board

Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 30, 2014 @ 2:00pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Bulanbaji deCella, Mellissa Lochman, Sharla Hanaoka, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

News and Good Sharing

Overview of Student Media Board

Govern the publications under Student Media Board, oversee and administer the

budget, develop process and procedures, determine the programs under the board,

may expand to include Creative Media type work

Discussion on Student Media Board programs and functions

Email charter to everyone to review

Baji shared last year’s thoughts and plans for the Student Media Board

SMB as a funding board: NO, the SAFB is the funding board, so RISOs would not need to

come to SMB for funding

Agenda for next meeting

Review for understanding of Student Media Charter

Budget to submit to Lui

Next Meeting – July 31 @ 2:00pm

Adjourn at 2:45pm

Student Media Board

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, July 31, 2014 @ 2:00pm

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Bulanbaji deCella, Mellissa Lochman, Sharla Hanaoka, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

Review of Charter

One task for the year is work on By-laws

Request of info for The Hoot Training

Board voted over email to approve The Hoot Training expenditure provided with info

about the speakers and agenda

Speakers’ background: Jay Hartwell, many years of experience in developing a

newspaper program at UH Manoa and has mentored many students into journalism

careers. He was away for 8-month on a Fullbright’s Work in Vietnam further developing

the newspaper there. Jay is leading 2 sessions relating to interviewing and creating

stories. Rob Perez is currently a professional writer with Star Advertiser with many years

of experience. He is leading a session on information gathering and interviewing

Agenda below

UHWO The Hoot Training Retreat Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 9:00am – 9:00pm

9:00am Arrive + morning refreshments

9:30am Welcome: Agenda Overview + Icebreaker

10:30am Workshop 1 (Speaker: Jay Hartwell)

12:00pm Lunch

12:45pm Workshop 2 (Speaker: Jay Hartwell)

2:00pm Mock - Crime Scene Activity (Lead: Kirsten)

3:30pm Break

3:45pm Workshop 3: Indesign Training (Lead: Kat)

4:45pm Workshop 4: Newspaper Critique (Lead: Jordan)

5:45pm Dinner

6:30pm Workshop 5: Information Gathering and Insights (Speaker: Rob Perez)

7:30pm Organizational Considerations - Mission Statement, Newspaper Name, Clarifying roles,

Assignments (Leads: Jordan, Shannon and Rouel)

9:00pm Finish + Depart

2014-2015 Budget – To submit to Lui to review and comment:


Total Revenue 37,800.00 FY 2014 Balance Carryover Student Fees 2100 students X $9/sem X 2 37,800.00

Personnel 8,004.00

Advisor 3 Credits X $1334 X 2 (Fall and Spring) 8,004.00

Fringe 182.50

Advisor $4002 X 2.28% X 2 (Fall Spring) 182.50

Supplies 6,900.00

Consummable Note pads, paper, pens, envelopes 1,000.00

Newspaper Stands 4 stands X 800 3,200.00

Program Supplies promotional items (swag/student incentives) 700.00

Postage 2,000.00

Printing 6,206.72

Print Hoot Print 8 Issues of the Hoot 6,206.72

Retreat Fall and Spring 1,400.00

Supplies Refreshments, office supplies, newspapers 1,000.00

Honorarium Guest Speakers 400.00

Stipends 6,950.00

Editor Stipend 1,200.00

Layout Design Stipend 1,000.00

Managing Editor Stipend 500.00

Staff Writers 7 Staff writers X $350 per writer 2,450.00

Photographers 4 photographers X $200 800.00

Webmaster 1,000.00

Other 14,500.00

Website Server and domain name 500.00

Professional development Airfare, lodging, per diem, registration, 2000 X 7 14,000.00

Total 44,143.22


Stress the importance of sending the paper to Neighbor Island students as a tangible

item to let them know that they are not forgotten.

Need a mechanism for determining the selection for photographers and expectations of


Professional Development refers to the training for Student Media Board members

Next Meeting - TBD

Adjourn at 2:55pm

Campus Center Board

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 @ 10:00am

Student Life Coordinator’s Office

Attendance: Mahealani Kahala, Maika´i Kim, Rouel Velasco (advisor)

News and Goods Sharing

Overview of Campus Center Board

To make campus center the center of campus, the living room, the community center

part of campus, by offering programs and services that benefit students

Reviewed the Charter for questions

Recommendations from previous CCB member

Digital Display wall- Incorporating 2-3 flat screen televisions to showcase various

advertisements,meetings, pictures and videos of different campus events.

Relaxation Room-A space created for students to receive a massage from trained

therapists or student trainees. Students are not allowed food or drink and to remain

quiet at all times. Room can be used for sleeping.

Lactation Room-A space where it provides the necessary equipment to satisfy new

mothers maternal needs.

Movie and film room-A space provided for students to watch movies on a projector and

screen with row seating.

Locating a storage shed to keep all activity equipment out of lounge.

Printing Station- Having a copy machine to send documents for student use; utilizing

existing computers to send documents to as a trial period for a better system.

Solar powered charging stations with seating; for students to take a minute to take

advantage of the renewable resource and charge their USB enabled devices.

Relocating seating behind dining facility to the courtyard area. Trial for other furniture

located on first floor breeze way and upstairs outside lounge. . Upstairs outside the

lounge has several columns that have electrical outlets. Utilizing two person

seating/table on each outlet to give more space.

Tour of Campus Center spaces – brainstorm plans

The Loft area (painting the wall or hanging sometype of thing), furnish area with

furniture and group study areas

Events down at cafeteria down at lanai area and flattening grass for possible evening

receptions and mini concerts

Moving umbrella-table-benches from Lanai area to Plaza area

2014-2015 Budget – To submit to Lui to review and comment:


Total Revenue 92,400.00 FY 2014 Balance Carryover Student Fees 2100 students X $22/sem X 2 92,400.00 Personnel 73,720.00

Student Life Coordinator Salary 55,000.00

Student Employees $9/hr X 20hr/week X 52weeks (9360) X 2 students 18,720.00

Fringe 1,681.00

Student Life Coordinator $55000 X 2.28% 1,254.00

Student Employees 9360 X 2.28% X 2 427.00

Supplies 2,000.00

Program Supplies Swag items, uniforms, decorations 1,000.00

Food supplies 1,000.00

Other 8,000.00

Printer Station Computer, Printer, Table furniture, etc 3,000.00

Lounge/Loft furniture New furniture (tables, chairs, benches) 5,000.00

Charging Station Technology Charging equipment 2,000.00

Total 85,401.00


Total Revenue 25,200.00 FY 2014 Balance Carryover Student Fees 2100 students X $6/sem X 2 25,200.00

Supplies 5,000.00

Consummable Office Supplies, banner paper, construction paper 1,000.00

Program supplies Swag items, uniforms, decorations 1,000.00

Food supplies 1,000.00

Advertising Banner, signage, table throw 2,000.00

Punua Days 5,500.00

Lunches lunches for both days 5,000.00

Afternoon Social Ice cream, ice pops, refreshments 500.00

Open House 1,000.00

Food Supplies Fall event and spring event 1,000.00

Intramurals-Recreational Sports Program 8,900.00

Program supplies Prizes, swag items, uniforms 2,000.00

Equipment supplies Sports, recreational equipment and activity supplies 1,000.00

Food supplies Food and water 2,000.00

Student stipends 1 lead x $200 X 2 | 5 volunters X $100 X 2 1,400.00

Student Referees 500.00

Honorariums Certified/student instructors for fitness classes 1,000.00

Registration Fees Interleague games against other schools - 1,000.00

season games and one-day tournaments

Total 20,400.00

Next Meeting - TBD

Adjourn at 12:00pm

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